Cisco Container Platform Installation Guide
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
First Published: 2019-06-11
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C H A P T E R 1
C H A P T E R 2
Cisco Container Platform Architecture Overview 1
Components of Cisco Container Platform 2
Container Network Interface Plugins 4
Resource Management Requirements 8
Enabling DRS and HA on Clusters 8
Provisioning a Port Group for Cisco Container Platform VM Deployment 9
Configuring vSphere Standard Switch 10
Configuring Distributed Virtual Switch 10
Reserving IP Addresses for Static Allocation 11
Static and DHCP IP Address Requirements 11
HyperFlex Integration Requirements 12
Configuring Shared Datastore 12
Configuring Link-local Network for HyperFlex iSCSI Communication 13
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide iii
C H A P T E R 3
C H A P T E R 4
C H A P T E R 5
C H A P T E R 6
C H A P T E R 7
ACI Integration Requirements 14
APIC Controller Requirements 15
Tenant Cluster with ACI Deployment 16
GPU Integration Requirements 17
Getting Cisco Container Platform Software 19
Installing Cisco Container Platform 21
Importing Cisco Container Platform Tenant Base VM 21
Deploying Cisco Container Platform 26
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform 33
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform Tenant Base VM 33
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform Control Plane 34
Uninstalling Cisco Container Platform 37
Uninstalling Cisco Container Platform 37
Backing Up and Restoring Cisco Container Platform 39
Backing Up Cisco Container Platform 39
Backing Up Cisco Container Platform with IP Pool Management v3.0.x+ 39
Restoring Cisco Container Platform 40
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Troubleshooting Cisco Container Platform 43
Installation of Cisco Container Platform Fails 43
Unable to Upgrade Cisco Container Platform due to Network Misconfiguration 44
Unable to Deploy NGINX Ingress Controller Using Helm 44
Unable to Start NGINX Ingress Controller Pod 44
Unable to Power on Worker VMs after a Shutdown 45
Application Pods Crash When Using Contiv CNI in Tenant Clusters 45
Example of Allocating HugePages for Applications 45
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide v
Contents vi
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Cisco Container Platform
Cisco Container Platform is a turnkey, production grade, extensible platform to deploy and manage multiple
Kubernetes clusters. It runs on 100% upstream Kubernetes. Cisco Container Platform offers seamless container networking, enterprise-grade persistent storage, built-in production-grade security, integrated logging, monitoring and load balancing.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Cisco Container Platform Architecture Overview, on page 1
Sample Deployment Topology, on page 2
Container Network Interface Plugins, on page 4
Cisco Container Platform Architecture Overview
The following figure shows the architecture of Cisco Container Platform deployment with HyperFlex and
ACI integration .
Figure 1: Cisco Container Platform Architecture Overview
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Cisco Container Platform
Components of Cisco Container Platform
Note Cisco Container Platform can run on top of an ACI networking fabric as well as on a non-ACI networking fabric that performs standard L3 switching.
At the bottom of the stack, there is an ACI fabric that consists of Nexus switches, Application Policy
Infrastructure Controllers (APICs) and Fabric Interconnects (FIs). The next layer up is the UCS servers running the HyperFlex software. HyperFlex provides virtualized compute resources through VMware, and distributed storage resources through the HyperFlex converged data platform.
The next layer up is the Cisco Container Platform Control Plane and Data Plane. In the preceeding figure,
Cisco Container Platform Control Plane runs on the four VMs on the left.
Kubernetes tenant clusters are preconfigured to support Persistent Volumes using vSphere Cloud Provider and FlexVolumes using HyperFlex volume plugin. Both implementations use the underlying replicated, highly available HyperFlex data platform for storage.
Components of Cisco Container Platform
The following table describes the components of Cisco Container Platform.
Function Component
Container Runtime
Operating System
Container Network Interface (CNI)
Container Storage
Load Balancing
Service Mesh
Docker CE
Kubernetes vSphere
ACI, Contiv, Calico
HyperFlex Flex Driver
NGINX, Envoy
Istio, Envoy
Prometheus, Grafana
Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK) stack
Sample Deployment Topology
This section describes a sample deployment topology of the Cisco Container Platform and illustrates the network topology requirements at a conceptual level. Future sections of the document such as
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Cisco Container Platform
Sample Deployment Topology
Installing Cisco Container Platform, on page 21
provide additional configuration details based on these concepts.
Note In this example, the deployment target is a VMware vSphere virtualization platform, and Cisco Container
Platform is using a non-ACI CNI such as Calico or Contiv. Other deployment environments are conceptually similar but with some slight differences appropriate to those environments.
In this case, it is expected that the vSphere based cluster is set up, provisioned and fully functional for virtualization and Virtual Machine functionality before any installation of Cisco Container Platform. You can refer to the standard VMware documentation for details on vSphere installation.
The following figure illustrates an example vSphere cluster on which Cisco Container Platform is to be deployed.
Figure 2: Example vSphere Cluster
Once the vSphere cluster is ready to provision VMs, the admin then provisions one or more VMWare port groups (for example PG10, PG20 and PG30 in the figure) on which virtual machines will subsequently be provisioned as container cluster nodes. Basic L2 switching using VMWare vswitch functionality can be used to implement these port groups. IP subnets should be set aside for use on these port groups and the VLANs used to implement these port groups should be terminated on an external L3 gateway (such as the ASR1K shown in the figure). The control plane cluster and tenant plane Kubernetes clusters of Cisco Container
Platform can then be provisioned on these port groups.
All provisioned Kubernetes clusters may choose to use a single shared port group or separate port groups may be provisioned (1 per Kubernetes cluster) depending on the isolation needs of the deployment. Layer 3 network isolation may be used between these different port groups as long as the following conditions are met:
• There is L3 IP address connectivity among the port group that is used for the Control Plane cluster and the tenant cluster port groups
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Cisco Container Platform
Container Network Interface Plugins
• The IP address of the vCenter server is accessible from the Control Plane cluster
• A DHCP server is provisioned for assigning IP addresses to the installer and upgrade VMs, and it must be accessible from the Control Plane port group cluster of the cluster
The simplest functional topology would be to use a single shared port group for all clusters with a single IP subnet to be used to assign IP addresses for all container cluster VMs. This IP subnet can be used to assign one IP per cluster VM and up to four virtual IP addresses per Kubernetes cluster, but would not be used to assign individual Kubernetes pod IP addresses. Hence a reasonable capacity planning estimate for the size of this IP subnet is as follows:
(The expected total number of container cluster VMs across all clusters) + 3 x (The total number of expected
Kubernetes clusters)
Container Network Interface Plugins
Cisco Container Platform supports multiple Kubernetes CNI plugins such as:
• ACI is the recommended plugin for use with an ACI fabric. It is optimized for use with an ACI fabric.
ACI is fully supported by Cisco.
• Calico is recommended when an ACI fabric is not used.
• Contiv (Tech Preview) is a user space switch that is optimized for high performance and scale.
Operationally, all the CNI plugins offer the same experience to the customer. The container network connectivity is seamless and network policies are applied using Kubernetes NetworkPolicies . Under-the-hood, both ACI and Contiv offer advanced feature support. ACI allows you to map CNI NetworkPolicies to an ACI fabric and supports richer underlay policies such as common policies for containers/virtual machines/physical servers and inter-Kubernetes cluster policies. Additionally, ACI supports Kubernetes Type LoadBalancer using PBR policies in the ACI fabric.
ACI is tightly integrated with the ACI fabric. It supports underlay integration with the ACI fabric and hardware accelerated load balancing.
The following figure shows the architecture of ACI.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Cisco Container Platform
Figure 3: Architecture of ACI
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Cisco Container Platform
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
System Requirements
This section describes the requirements that are necessary to deploy Cisco Container Platform.
It contains the following topics:
Supported Version Matrix, on page 7
Software Requirements, on page 7
Hardware Requirements, on page 8
Resource Management Requirements, on page 8
Network Requirements, on page 9
HyperFlex Integration Requirements, on page 12
ACI Integration Requirements, on page 14
GPU Integration Requirements, on page 17
Supported Version Matrix
Cisco Container Platform uses various software and hardware components. The following table provides information on the validated versions of each component.
Component Validated Version
Kubernetes vSphere
HyperFlex software
vSphere 6.0 (u2)+ vSphere 6.5
Software Requirements
Ensure that the following software applications are installed in your deployment environment:
• VMware vCenter server 6.5
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
System Requirements
Hardware Requirements
• VMware client integration plugin
• vSphere Flash client
Hardware Requirements
• If you are enabling VMware EVC Mode, you must use an Ivy Bridge or a later micro-architecture so that the CPU RDRAND instruction set is available.
• In Cisco Container Platform 1.3.0 or later, the hypervisor hosts need to run CPUs with an Ivy Bridge
(UCS C220 M4) or newer micro-architecture so that the CPU RDRAND instruction set is available.
• In the Cisco Container Platform Control Plane VM, each master and worker node requires 2 vCPUs, 8
GB memory, and 40 GB HDD.
• In the Cisco Container Platform Tenant Cluster VM, each master and worker node requires 2 vCPUs,
16 GB memory, and 40 GB HDD. You can modify the vCPU and memory configurations when you deploy a new tenant cluster.
Resource Management Requirements
The following topics provide information on the necessary resource management requirements:
Enabling DRS and HA on Clusters
Note You must use the Enterprise Plus license to set up VMware clusters with HA and DRS enabled. For more information on the supported versions of VMware, see
Supported Version Matrix, on page 7 .
It is required that you enable DRS and HA on vCenter for the following reasons:
• DRS continuously monitors resource utilization across vSphere servers and intelligently balances VMs on the servers.
• HA provides easy to use, cost-effective high availability for applications running on virtual machines.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to the host or cluster on which you want to deploy Cisco Container Platform.
Click the Configure tab.
Under Services , click vSphere DRS , and then click Edit .
In the right pane of the Edit Cluster Settings window, check the Turn ON vSphere DRS check box, and then click
OK .
Under Services , click vSphere Availability , and then click Edit .
In the right pane of the Edit Cluster Settings window, check the Turn ON vSphere HA check box, and then click OK .
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
System Requirements
Enabling NTP Services
Enabling NTP Services
You need to enable the Time Synchronization services on each host within your vSphere environment. If you do not enable this service, errors due to timing differences between hosts may cause installation of the Cisco
Container Platform to fail.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to the host or cluster on which you want to deploy Cisco Container Platform.
Click the Configure tab.
From the left pane, expand System , and then click Time Configuration .
Figure 4: Time Configuration pane
Step 4
Step 5
In the right pane, click Edit .
In the Edit Time Configuration window, check the Turn ON vSphere DRS check box, and then click OK .
Note You must ensure that each host has DNS access to enable NTP services.
Network Requirements
The following topics provide information on the necessary network requirements:
If you have chosen Contiv as the CNI, the pod-to-pod traffic across nodes is tunneled by the VXLAN protocol.
Provisioning a Port Group for Cisco Container Platform VM Deployment
Cisco Container Platform creates VMs that are attached to a Port Group on either a vSphere Standard Switch
(VSS) or a Distributed Virtual Switch (DVS). The HyperFlex installer creates VSS switches in vSphere for the networks that are defined during installation. You need to create either VSS or DVS Switches for managing the VM traffic.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
System Requirements
Configuring vSphere Standard Switch
The following topics provide information on configuring a VSS or a DVS.
Configuring vSphere Standard Switch
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to the host or cluster on which you want to deploy Cisco Container Platform.
Click the Configure tab.
Expand Networking , and then select Virtual switches .
Click Add host networking .
Choose Virtual Machine Port Group for a Standard Switch as the connection type for which you want to use the new standard switch and click Next .
Select New standard switch and click Next .
Add physical network adapters to the new standard switch.
Under Assigned adapters , click Add adapters .
Select one or more physical network adapters from the list.
From the Failover order group drop-down list, choose from the Active or Standby failover lists.
For higher throughput and to provide redundancy, configure at least two physical network adapters in the Active list.
Click OK .
Enter connection settings for the adapter or the port group as follows: a) Enter a network Label or the port group, or accept the generated label.
b) Set the VLAN ID to configure VLAN handling in the port group.
On the Ready to Complete screen, click OK .
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Configuring Distributed Virtual Switch
In the Navigation pane, click the DVS switch.
In the right pane, click the Hosts tab.
Click the Actions icon and click the Add and Manage Hosts radio button.
The Add and Manage Hosts wizard appears.
In the Select tasks screen, click the Add Hosts radio button, and then click Next .
In the Select hosts screen, click the Add Hosts icon.
In the Select new hosts screen, check the check box next to the hosts that you want to add, and then click OK .
Click Next in the Select network adapter tasks screen.
In the Manage physical network adapters screen, click the network switch that you want to configure, and then click the Assign uplink.
Repeat Step 8 for all the networks, and click Next .
In the Manage VMKernel network adapters screen, click Next .
In the Analyze impact screen, click Next .
In the Ready to complete screen, click Finish .
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
System Requirements
Configuring DHCP Server
Configuring DHCP Server
Cisco Container Platform requires a DHCP server to be present. The Cisco Container Platform installer VM and upgrade VM get their primary interface IP addresses from the DHCP server. You must ensure that you have configured a DHCP server.
If the DHCP server does not provide the location of the NTP service, enter the NTP address in the Installer
UI, under Control Plane Settings > Advanced Settings .
Reserving IP Addresses for Static Allocation
Cisco Container Platform uses static IP addresses for all cluster nodes and the CCP Control Plane master node VIP , which provides worker nodes with a consistent IP address. Additionally, a load balancer VIP is used as an external IP address for NGINX Ingress in each Kubernetes cluster. These VIPs are configured using IP pools. The static IP addresses are assigned from the same subnet as the load balancer VIP addresses, and you must ensure that the static IP address pools for the subnet do not overlap with a DHCP pool.
Static and DHCP IP Address Requirements
You must ensure that the following conditions are met:
• The subnet is routable to and from the VMware vCenter server.
• The client install machine is routable to the network during the Cisco Container Platform control plane install.
• The network allows communication between Cisco Container Platform VM instances. You must not use a private LAN.
The following sections summarize the static and DHCP IP address requirements for the Cisco Container
Platform components:
Component Static IP DHCP IP
Installer VM
Tenant clusters
Control Plane and Cisco Container
Platform web interface
Note 1 for the Kubernetes master VIP, 1 for the
Ingress LoadBalancer, and 1 each for the master and worker nodes.
3 + Number of load balancer VIPs desired for applications + Number of workers
By default, the Cisco Container Platform Control Plane pod network uses the subnet for Calico.
If you have routed IP addresses in that space, you must assign another RFC1918 range for your VXLAN
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
System Requirements
Contiv network. It does not need to be a full /16 subnet, a /22 subnet is adequate for the Cisco Container Platform
Control Plane.
Component Static IP DHCP IP
Installer VM
Tenant clusters
Control Plane and Cisco Container
Platform web interface
Note 1 for the Kubernetes master VIP, 1 for the
Ingress LoadBalancer
VIP, 2 IP for the master node, and 6 for the worker nodes.
4 + Number of load balancer VIPs desired for applications + (2 x
Number of workers)
Contiv requires a /14 or larger subnet for pods. The Cisco Container Platform web interface default of is not large enough for Contiv. You must find an RFC1918 /14 subnet that is not routed within your organization, such as one from or
HyperFlex Integration Requirements
Note This section is applicable only if you want to use HyperFlex environment. It is not required for running
VMware on UCS.
Cisco Container Platform is supported on all hardware configurations that are supported by the required
HyperFlex software versions. For more information on HyperFlex hardware configurations, refer to the UCS
HyperFlex product documentation.
The following topics provide information on the necessary HyperFlex integration requirements:
Configuring Shared Datastore
After HyperFlex is installed, you need to configure a shared datastore. The datastore must be accessible to hosts such as NFS or iSCSI or FC in the cluster.
The datastore is required for the following purposes:
• Provisioning persistent volume storage
• Deploying the Cisco Container Platform tenant base VM
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
System Requirements
Configuring Link-local Network for HyperFlex iSCSI Communication
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Log in to the HX Connect UI using the VMware vCenter SSO administrator credentials.
For more information on installing HyperFlex and accessing the HyperFlex Connect UI, refer to the latest HperFlex documentation .
In the left pane, click Manage > Datastores .
Perform these steps to create a datastore for provisioning the Kubernetes persistent volume storage and deploying the
Cisco Container Platform tenant base VM: a) In the right pane, click Create Datastore .
b) In the Name field, enter ds1 , and then enter a size and block size for the datastore.
Note We recommend that you use 1TB size and 8K block size.
c) Click Create Datastore .
The newly created datastore is available on vCenter.
Configuring Link-local Network for HyperFlex iSCSI Communication
The FlexVolume plug-in requires a host-only link between each VM that runs Kubernetes and the Internet
Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) target on the ESX host.
For HyperFlex 3.5+
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Log in to the HX Connect UI .
Choose Settings > Integrations > Kubernetes .
Click Enable All Node and wait until the KUBERNETES STORAGE PROVISIONING option is enabled.
The HyperFlex infrastructure is configured and ready to use for Cisco Container Platform with Kubernetes persistent volume support.
For HyperFlex 3.0.x
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Open an SSH session to the HyperFlex 3.0 Platform Installer VM or one of the HyperFlex Controller VMs and log in as a root user.
Perform these steps to get the vCenter details that you need to enter when you run the
a) Run the following command to get the vCenter datacenter name and vCenter cluster name.
stcli cluster info | grep -i vcenter b) Run the following command to validate the reachability of vCenter IP address.
ping <vcenter URL>
Navigate to the following location:
Run the
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
System Requirements
ACI Integration Requirements python --vcenter-ip <vCenter IP address>
When prompted, specify the vCenter credentials, datacenter name, and cluster name that you got from the output of Step
The HyperFlex infrastructure is configured and ready to use for Cisco Container Platform with Kubernetes persistent volume support.
ACI Integration Requirements
Cisco ACI enables you to group your application into End Point Groups (EPGs), define policies for the EPGs, and then deploy network policies on the ACI fabric. The policy enforcement is implemented using the spine and leaf architecture of the ACI fabric.
The following figure shows the components of a Cisco Container Platform ACI integrated network topology.
Figure 5: Cisco Container Platform ACI Integrated Network Topology
The main components of the network topology are as follows:
• ACI Fabric includes two spine nodes, two leaf nodes, and three APIC controllers. You can choose the number of the spine and leaf nodes and APIC controllers as per your network requirement.
• HyperFlex Fabric Interconnect (FI) includes two fabric interconnect switches connected between the
ESXi hosts and the ACI leaf switches.
• ESXi Hosts includes a UCS server such as UCS C220 M4.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
System Requirements
APIC Controller Requirements
• ASR router is connected to an ACI border leaf for external internet access.
APIC Controller Requirements
If you are using ACI, ensure that you have configured the following settings on the APIC controller:
• Assign a port number other than 4094 for Infra VLAN as 4094 is reserved for provisioning HyperFlex fabric interconnect
• Create a common tenant
• Create a Virtual Route Forwarder (VRF) in the common tenant
• Create at least one L3OUT
• Create an Access Entity Profile (AEP) for the ACI tenant physical domain
• Create an AEP for L3OUT
• Create a Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) domain which connects to vSphere
For more information on configuring an APIC controller, refer to the latest ACI documentation .
HyperFlex FI Requirements
Ensure that you have configured the following settings on HyperFlex FI:
• Configure QOS
From the left pane, click LAN .
From the right pane, click the QoS tab, and then configure QoS.
Note Using the MTU configuration, you must set the priority that is associated with the QoS policy of the vNIC template.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
System Requirements
Tenant Cluster with ACI Deployment
Figure 6: QoS Tab
• Ensure that the tenant VLAN is allowed
Once Cisco Container Platform Control Plane and management node networking are configured, you can access the HyperFlex cluster on vSphere and install Cisco Container Platform. Each time you create a tenant cluster, the ACI constructs such as L3OUT, VRF, and AEP stored in the common tenant cluster are reused.
Tenant Cluster with ACI Deployment
With an ACI deployment, each tenant cluster is required to have its own routable subnet. The node VLAN, pod subnet, and multicast subnet range should not overlap between clusters. Cisco Container Platform ensures that the VLAN and subnet do not overlap.
Unlike other CNI, an ACI tenant cluster requires two VLAN subinterfaces, one for the Node VLAN, and another for the Infra VLAN. As shown in the following figure, Cisco Container Platform assigns unique Node
VLAN IDs. You need to assign a unique Infra VLAN ID for clusters during cluster creation.
For more information on creating tenant clusters, refer to the Creating Kubernetes Clusters section of the
Cisco Container Platform User Guide .
For more information on the ACI and CNI plugin, refer to the latest documentation on Cisco ACI and
Kubernetes Integration .
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
System Requirements
GPU Integration Requirements
GPU Integration Requirements
Cisco Container Platform supports GPU devices in passthrough mode to enable AI/ML workloads.
This section describes the requirements on the ESXi and vCenter hosts to integrate the GPU devices with
Cisco Container Platform.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Follow these steps to enable GPU Passthrough for the devices that you want to use: a) Access the ESXi host by typing its IP address in a web browser.
b) From the left pane, click Manage .
c) In the right pane, click Hardware > PCI Devices .
The list of available passthrough devices is displayed.
d) Select the device, and then click Toggle Passthrough .
Follow these steps to enable shared direct passthrough for the GPU device: a) Access the vCenter server by typing its IP address in a web browser.
b) From the right pane, click Configure > Graphics > Graphics Devices .
c) Select the device for which you want to enable shared direct passthrough.
d) In the Edit Graphics Device Settings dialog box, click the Shared Direct radio button.
e) Click Ok .
Follow these steps to allow VM access to the GPU device: a) From the right pane, click Configure > PCI Devices .
b) Click the Edit icon.
The Edit PCI Device Availability dialog box appears.
c) Select the device and check the checkbox next to the device.
d) Click OK .
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
GPU Integration Requirements
System Requirements
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Getting Cisco Container Platform Software
This chapter contains the following topics:
Downloading the Software, on page 19
Unpacking the Software, on page 19
Verifying the Software, on page 20
Downloading the Software
Before you begin the installation, you need to download the required software assets.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Go to the Product Support Page of Cisco Container Platform.
Under Support Documentation And Software , click Download Software .
The Software Download page appears displaying the latest release assets.
Log in using your Cisco username and password that is associated with a valid service contract.
Download the Installer and Tenant images.
Unpacking the Software
Step 1
Step 2
Browse to the directory where you have downloaded the software.
Open the Shell command prompt and extract each tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf kcp-vm-$VERSION.tar.gz
kcp-vm-$VERSION/ kcp-vm-$VERSION/ee.pem
kcp-vm-$VERSION/verify kcp-vm-$VERSION/sub_ca.pem
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Getting Cisco Container Platform Software
Verifying the Software
file contains the Cisco Container Platform image.
Verifying the Software
Before you begin
Ensure that your system has python 3.5.2 or later and OpenSSL installed.
Step 1
Step 2
Browse to the directory where you have unpacked the software.
Open the Shell command prompt and run the script to verify the software.
Note You must run the verification steps for each release image.
$ ./verify --type release --signature kcp-vm-$VERSION.ova.signature --image kcp-vm-$VERSION.ova
Verifying sha512 hash of ./root_ca.pem
Successfully verfied sha512 hash of ./root_ca.pem
Verifying sha512 hash of ./sub_ca.pem
Successfully verfied sha512 hash of ./sub_ca.pem
Verifying root(./root_ca.pem) and subca(./sub_ca.pem)
Successfully verified root and subca.
Verifying cert(./ee.pem) against root(./root_ca.pem) and subca(./sub_ca.pem)
Successfully verified end entity cert.
Extracting pubkey(kcp-vm-$VERSION/ee.pubkey) from ./ee.pem
Successfully extrated public key to kcp-vm-$VERSION/ee.pubkey.
Verifying signature(kcp-vm-$VERSION.ova.signature) of kcp-vm-$VERSION.ova using kcp-vm-$VERSION/ee.pubkey
Successfully verified signature.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Installing Cisco Container Platform
Installing Cisco Container Platform is a three-step process:
Importing Cisco Container Platform Tenant Base VM
The Cisco Container Platform tenant base VM contains the container image and the files that are necessary to create the tenant Kubernetes clusters that are used for configuring monitoring, logging, container network interfaces (CNI), and persistent volumes.
Deploying Installer VM, on page 23
The Installer VM contains the VM image and the files for installing other components such as Kubernetes and the Cisco Container Platform application.
Deploying Cisco Container Platform, on page 26
The Cisco Container Platform Control Plane is set up using an installer UI. After the installer VM is switched on, the URL of the installer appears on the vCenter Web console .
Importing Cisco Container Platform Tenant Base VM, on page 21
Deploying Installer VM, on page 23
Deploying Cisco Container Platform, on page 26
Importing Cisco Container Platform Tenant Base VM
Before you begin
• Ensure that you have configured the storage and networking requirements. For more information, see
HyperFlex Integration Requirements, on page 12
Network Requirements, on page 9 .
• Ensure that vSphere has an Enterprise Plus license, which supports DRS and vSphere HA.
• Recommend to use the vSphere Web Client (Flash) version of the vSphere Web Client.
Step 1
Step 2
Log in to the VMware vSphere Web Client as an administrator.
In the Navigation pane, right-click the cluster on which you want to deploy Cisco Container Platform, and then choose
Deploy OVF Template .
The Deploy OVF Template wizard appears.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Installing Cisco Container Platform
Importing Cisco Container Platform Tenant Base VM
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
In the Select template screen, perform these steps: a) Click the URL radio button, and enter the URL of the Cisco Container Platform Tenant OVA.
Alternatively, click the Local file radio button, and browse to the location where the Cisco Container Platform tenant OVA is saved on your computer.
Note The format of the Tenant OVA filename is as follows: ccp-tenant-image-x.y.z-ubuntuXX-a.b.c.ova
Where x.y.z
corresponds to the version of Kubernetes and a.b.c
corresponds to the version of Cisco
Container Platform.
Version Mapping Table, on page 49
provides the Cisco Container Platform version, Kubernetes version and image names mapping for each release.
b) Click Next .
In the Select name and location screen, perform these steps: a) In the Name field, enter a name for the Cisco Container Platform tenant base VM.
Note You need to note down the Cisco Container Platform tenant base VM name as you will need to specify it while creating a cluster.
b) In the Browse tab, choose the data center where you want to deploy Cisco Container Platform.
c) Click Next .
In the Select a resource screen, choose a cluster where you want to run the Cisco Container Platform tenant base VM, and then click Next .
In the Review details screen, verify the Cisco Container Platform tenant base VM details, and then click Next .
The Select storage screen appears.
Figure 7: Select Storage Screen
Step 7 In the Select storage screen, perform these steps: a) From the Select virtual disk format drop-down list, choose Thin Provision to allocate storage on demand.
b) In the Filters tab, choose a destination datastore for the Cisco Container Platform tenant base VM.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Installing Cisco Container Platform c) Click Next .
The Select networks screen appears.
Figure 8: Select Networks Screen
Deploying Installer VM
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
In the Select networks screen, perform these steps: a) From the Destination Network column, choose a network for each source network that is available in the Cisco
Container Platform tenant base VM.
b) Click Next .
In the Customize template screen, click Next .
In the Ready to complete screen, verify the Cisco Container Platform tenant base VM settings, and then click Finish .
The Cisco Container Platform tenant base VM import takes few minutes to complete.
Note You can leave the tenant base VM powered off and continue to
Deploying Installer VM
Before you begin
Note This deployment is for new installations of Cisco Container Platform. For upgrades, see
Container Platform, on page 33 .
Ensure that you have imported the
during the
Importing Cisco Container Platform
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Installing Cisco Container Platform
Deploying Installer VM
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Log in to the VMware vSphere Web Client as an administrator.
In the Navigation pane, right-click the cluster on which you want to deploy Cisco Container Platform, and then choose
Deploy OVF Template .
The Deploy OVF Template wizard appears.
In the Select template screen, perform these steps: a) Click the URL radio button, and enter the URL of the Installer OVA.
Alternatively, click the Local file radio button, and browse to the location where the Installer OVA is saved on your computer.
Note The format of the Installer OVA filename is as follows: kcp-vm-x.y.z.ova
Where x, y, z corresponds to the major, minor, and patch release of Cisco Container Platform.
b) Click Next .
In the Select name and location screen, perform these steps: a) In the Name field, enter a name for the installer VM.
b) In the Browse tab, choose the data center where you want to deploy Cisco Container Platform.
c) Click Next .
In the Select a resource screen, choose the cluster where you want to run the installer VM, and then click Next .
In the Review details screen, verify the template details, and then click Next .
In the Select storage screen, perform these steps: a) From the Select virtual disk format drop-down list, choose Thin Provision to allocate storage on demand.
b) In the Filters tab, choose a destination datastore to store the installer VM.
c) Click Next .
In the Select networks screen, perform these steps: a) From the Destination Network column, choose a network for each source network that is available in the installer
Note The selected network must have access to vCenter and the tenant VM networks.
b) Click Next .
The Customize template screen appears.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Installing Cisco Container Platform
Figure 9: Customize Template Screen
Deploying Installer VM
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
In the Customize template screen, enter the following optional parameters to customize the deployment properties: a) Expand CCP , in the SSH public key for installer node access field, enter an ssh public key.
You can use this key to ssh to the installer VM.
Note • Ensure that you enter the public key in a single line.
• If you do not have an SSH key pair, you can generate it using the ssh-keygen command.
• Ensure that you use the Ed25519 or ECDSA format for the public key.
Note: As RSA and DSA are less secure formats, Cisco prevents the use of these formats.
b) Expand Advance and enter the optional fields as necessary.
In the CIDR for Kubernetes pod network field, is displayed as the default pod network CIDR of the Kubernetes cluster for the installer. If the CIDR IP addresses conflict with the tenant cluster VM network or the vCenter network, you need to set a different value for the CIDR.
This CIDR is the single large CIDR from which smaller CIDRs are automatically allocated to each node for allocating
IP addresses to the pods in the Kubernetes cluster. For more information, refer to scratch/#network-connectivity .
c) Click Next .
In the Ready to complete screen, verify the installer VM deployment settings, and then click Finish .
Click the Power on button to switch on the VM.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Installing Cisco Container Platform
Deploying Cisco Container Platform
Figure 10: Switching on Installer VM
Once the installer VM is switched on, the installer UI takes a few minutes to become ready. You can view the status of the Installer UI using the Web console of vCenter. When the installer UI is ready, you can access it using the URL from the Web console .
Note: You can use the ssh private key to access the Installer, control plane VMs, or the tenant cluster VMs. However, logging into these VMs using a username and password is not supported.
Deploying Cisco Container Platform
The Cisco Container Platform Control Plane is set up using an installer UI. After the installer VM is switched on, the URL of the installer appears on the vCenter Web console .
Step 1 Obtain the URL from the vCenter Web console and use a browser to open the installer UI.
The Welcome screen appears.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Installing Cisco Container Platform
Figure 11: Welcome Screen
Step 2 Click Install .
The Connect your Cloud screen appears.
Figure 12: Connect your Cloud Screen
Deploying Cisco Container Platform
Step 3 In the Connect your Cloud screen, enter the following information: a) In the VCENTER HOSTNAME OR IP ADDRESS field, enter the IP address of the vCenter instance that you want to use.
b) In the PORT field, enter the port number that your vCenter server uses.
Note The default port for vCenter is
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Installing Cisco Container Platform
Deploying Cisco Container Platform c) In the VCENTER USERNAME field, enter the username of the user with administrator access to the vCenter instance.
d) In the VCENTER PASSPHRASE field, enter the passphrase of the vCenter user.
e) Click CONNECT .
The Placement Properties screen appears.
Figure 13: Placement Properties Screen
Step 4 In the Placement Properties screen, enter the following information: a) From the VSPHERE DATACENTER drop-down list, choose the datacenter.
b) From the VSPHERE CLUSTER drop-down list, choose the cluster.
c) From the VSPHERE DATASTORE drop-down list, choose the datastore.
d) From the VSPHERE NETWORK drop-down list, choose the network.
e) In the BASE VM IMAGE field, enter the Cisco Container Platform tenant base VM name from Step 5 of the
Cisco Container Platform Tenant Base VM
f) Click NEXT .
The Cluster Configuration screen appears.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Installing Cisco Container Platform
Figure 14: Cluster Configuration Screen
Deploying Cisco Container Platform
Step 5 In the Cluster Configuration screen, enter the following information: a) From the NETWORK PLUGIN FOR TENANT KUBERNETES CLUSTERS drop-down list, choose one of the following options for network connectivity:
• Calico
• Contiv (Tech Preview)
Note For more information on the network plugins, see
Container Network Interface Plugins, on page 4
b) In the CIDR FOR CONTROLLER KUBERNETES POD NETWORK field, is displayed as the default pod network CIDR of the Kubernetes cluster for the installer. If the CIDR IP addresses conflict with the tenant cluster VM network or the vCenter network, you need to set a different value for the CIDR.
Note This CIDR is the single large CIDR from which smaller CIDRs are automatically allocated to each node for allocating IP addresses to the pods in the Kubernetes cluster. For more information, refer to .
c) In the USERNAME FOR NODE ACCESS field, enter the username of the user who can ssh into the Cisco Container
Platform Control Plane nodes.
d) In the SSH PUBLIC KEY FOR NODE ACCESS field, enter an ssh public key.
You can use this key to ssh to the Control Plane nodes.
• Ensure that you enter the public key in a single line.
• If you do not have an SSH key pair, you can generate it using the ssh-keygen command.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Installing Cisco Container Platform
Deploying Cisco Container Platform
• Ensure that you use the Ed25519 or ECDSA format for the public key.
Note: As RSA and DSA are less secure formats, Cisco prevents the use of these formats.
e) Click NEXT .
The Network Settings screen appears.
Figure 15: Network Settings Screen
Step 6 In the Network Settings screen, enter the following information:
These network settings will be used to configure the Cisco Container Platform web interface.
a) In the NETWORK NAME field, enter the name of the network that you want to use.
b) In the SUBNET CIDR field, enter a CIDR for your subnet.
c) In the GATEWAY IP field, enter the gateway IP address that you want to use.
d) Under NAMESERVER , enter the IP address of the necessary DNS nameserver.
You can click +NAMESERVER to enter IP addresses of additional nameservers.
e) Under POOLS , enter a range for the VIP network pool by specifying the First IP and Last IP that are within the
Subnet CIDR specified above. The VIP network pool range enables us to prevent provisioning of tenant clusters with
IP address ranges from overlapping subnets.
The IP address for the Control Plane is also allocated from this network pool range.
You can click +POOL to enter multiple pools in the subnet.
You must ensure that these IP addresses are not part of a DHCP pool.
f) Click SAVE .
The Authentication screen appears.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Installing Cisco Container Platform
Figure 16: Authentication Screen
Deploying Cisco Container Platform
Step 7 In the Authentication screen, choose an appropriate authentication method:
Caution Use of local authentication is not recommended and is considered less secure for production data.
a) From the AUTHENTICATION SCHEME drop-down list, if you choose Active Directory , enter the following information:
In the SERVER IP ADDRESS field, enter the IP address of the AD server.
In the PORT field, enter the port number for the AD server.
To establish a secure connection using SSL/TLS, enable STARTTLS .
To ensure security of your data, disable INSECURE SKIP VERIFY .
If you enable INSECURE SKIP VERIFY , TLS will accept any certificate presented by the AD server. In this mode, TLS is susceptible to data loss.
In the BASE DN field, specify the domain name of the AD server.
Note Base DN is the Distinguished Name for the base entity. All searches for users and groups will be scoped to this distinguished name.
In the ADMIN GROUP QUERY field, enter the AD group that is associated with the Administrator role.
In the SERVICE ACCOUNT DN field, enter the service account domain name that is used for accessing the
LDAP server.
In the SERVICE ACCOUNT PASSPHRASE field, enter the passphrase of the AD account.
b) From the AUTHENTICATION SCHEME drop-down list, if you have chosen Local (not recommended), enter the admin username and passphrase.
c) Click NEXT .
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Deploying Cisco Container Platform
The Control Plane Settings screen appears.
Figure 17: Control Plane Settings Screen
Installing Cisco Container Platform
Step 8 In the Control Plane Settings screen, enter the following information: a) In the CONTROL PLANE NAME field, enter the name of the Cisco Container Platform cluster.
Note • The cluster name must start with an alphanumeric character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). It can contain a combination of hyphen (-) symbols and alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). The maximum length of the cluster name is 46 characters.
• Deployment of the installer VM fails if another Control Plane cluster with the same name already exists on the same datastore. You must ensure that you specify a unique name for the Control Plane cluster.
b) In the CCP VERSION field, enter the version of the Cisco Container Platform cluster.
c) From the CCP LICENSE ENTITLEMENT drop-down list, choose an entitlement option that indicates the type of
Smart Licensing that you want to use.
Note The Partner option will only be used in conjunction with a Not for Retail (NFR) or Trial license.
d) Expand Advanced Settings , in the NTP SERVERS field, enter the list of any NTP servers in your environment.
This field is optional.
e) Click DEPLOY and then monitor the installation progress through the vCenter Web console .
Note You can use the ssh private key to access the Installer, control plane VMs, or the tenant cluster VMs. However, logging into these VMs using a username and password is not supported.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform and upgrading tenant clusters are independent operations. You must upgrade the Cisco Container Platform to allow tenant clusters to upgrade. Specifically, tenant clusters cannot be upgraded to a higher version than the Control Plane. For example, if the Control Plane is at version 1.10, the tenant cluster cannot be upgraded to the 1.11 version.
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform is a three-step process:
Note Taking a snapshot of the VMs managed by Cisco Container Platform is currently unsupported and results in failures during upgrades.
You can update the size of a single IP address pool during an upgrade. However, we recommend that you plan ahead for the free IP address requirement by ensuring that the free IP addresses are available in the
Control Plane cluster prior to the upgrade.
If you are upgrading from a Cisco Container Platform version:
• 3.1.x or earlier, you must ensure that at least five IP addresses are available.
• 3.2 or later, you must ensure that at least three IP addresses are available.
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform Tenant Base VM, on page 33
Deploying Upgrade VM, on page 34
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform Control Plane, on page 34
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform Tenant Base VM
You can follow the instructions in the
Installing Cisco Container Platform, on page 21
Container Platform Tenant Base VM
Note The older tenant images are no longer required, you can delete them from your vCenter instance.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform
Deploying Upgrade VM
Deploying Upgrade VM
Follow the instructions in the
Installing Cisco Container Platform, on page 21
section to deploy the latest VM.
It may take a few minutes for the deployment of the VM to complete. You can view the status of the upgrade task using the Web console of vCenter.
Note Depending on CNI usage, the port used to access Cisco Container Platform may change as part of the upgrade.
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform Control Plane
The Cisco Container Platform Control Plane is upgraded using an installer UI. After the installer VM is switched on, the URL of the installer appears on the vCenter Web console .
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Obtain the URL from the vCenter Web console and use a browser to open the installer UI.
Click Upgrade .
In the Connect your Cloud screen, enter the following information: a) In the VCENTER HOSTNAME OR IP ADDRESS field, enter the IP address of the vCenter instance that you want to use.
b) In the PORT field, enter the port of the vCenter instance that you want to use.
c) In the VCENTER USERNAME field, enter the username of the user with administrator access to the vCenter instance.
d) In the VCENTER PASSPHRASE field, enter the passphrase of the vCenter user.
e) Click CONNECT .
In the Authenticate CCP screen, enter the following information: a) In the EXISTING CISCO CONTAINER PLATFORM (CCP) URL field, for accessing Cisco Container Platform in the following format: https:// <CCP_IP_Address>:<Port> b) To establish a secure connection, enable VERIFY SSL .
c) In the ADMIN USERNAME field, enter the username for the Administrator user of the Cisco Container Platform
Control Plane.
d) In the ADMIN PASSPHRASE field, enter the current passphrase for an Administrator user of the Cisco Container
Platform Control Plane.
e) Click CONNECT .
In the Cluster Configuration screen, enter the following information: a) In the USERNAME FOR NODE ACCESS field, enter the username of the user who can ssh into the Cisco Container
Platform Control Plane nodes.
b) In the SSH PUBLIC KEY FOR INSTALLER NODE ACCESS field, enter an ssh public key.
You can use this key to ssh to the Control Plane nodes.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform Control Plane
Step 6
Step 7
Note • Ensure that you enter the public key in a single line.
• You can use the private key to securely connect to the Cisco Container Platform Control Plane VMs through SSH, after installation.
• If you do not have an SSH key pair, you can generate it using the ssh-keygen command.
• Ensure that you use the Ed25519 or ECDSA format for the public key.
Note As RSA and DSA are less secure formats, Cisco prevents the use of these formats.
c) Click NEXT .
In the Verify Network screen, enter the following information: a) In the SUBNET CIDR field, enter the actual CIDR of the VM network.
Note • This network will be used for VM network configuration. You must ensure that the CIDR matches
VM network configured on the vsphere.
• When the SUBNET CIDR is updated, the GATEWAY IP and IP ADDRESS RANGE are also updated accordingly.
b) In the GATEWAY IP field, enter the gateway IP address of the VM network.
Note Ensure that you enter the correct gateway IP address for the VM network. An incorrect gateway IP address causes failures during Control Plane upgrading.
c) Under Nameservers enter at atleast on DNS server addresss.
Note This nameserver(s) will be used in the DNS configuration of the Control Plane. You must ensure that Cisco
Container Platform has access to this DNS server.
d) Under POOLS , enter the available IP address ranges that can be used for the Control Panel..
Note Do not adjust the address range if there are enough free IP addresses across the pools in the Control Plane's subnet to support the Control Plane upgrade.
You can extend the pool range as long as it does not overlap with any other pools in the subnet.
e) Click NEXT .
In the Control Plane Settings screen, enter the following information: a) In the CONTROL PLANE NAME field, enter the name of the Cisco Container Platform cluster.
Note You need to enter the same cluster name that you used during installation.
b) From the VSPHERE DATACENTER drop-down list, choose the datacenter.
c) From the BASE VM IMAGE drop-down list, choose the Cisco Container Platform tenant base VM name.
d) In the CCP VERSION field, enter the version of the Cisco Container Platform cluster.
e) From the CCP LICENSE ENTITLEMENT drop-down list, choose an entitlement option that indicates the type of
Smart Licensing that you want to use.
Note The Partner option will only be used in conjunction with a Not for Retail (NFR) or Trial license.
f) Click UPGRADE .
The Upgrade Status screen appears.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform Control Plane
After the upgrade is complete, click LAUNCH to access the upgraded Cisco Container Platform web interface.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Uninstalling Cisco Container Platform
This chapter contains the following sections:
Uninstalling Cisco Container Platform, on page 37
Uninstalling Cisco Container Platform
Uninstalling Cisco Container Platform removes all containers and services associated with it. You will no longer be able to create or manage tenant clusters on this Cisco Container Platform instance.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Open the Cisco Container Platform web interface, log in to the Control Plane cluster using its VIP address, and then delete all the Kubernetes tenant clusters that belong to the Cisco Container Platform instance.
For more information on deleting Kubernetes clusters, refer to the Cisco Container Platform User Guide .
Follow these steps to delete the Control Plane and installer node VMs: a) In the vSphere web client, right-click the VM, choose Power > Power off , and then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
b) Right-click each VM and choose Delete from Disk .
Follow these steps to delete the Control Plane cluster data disks: a) In the vSphere web client, choose Home > Storage .
b) From the left pane, choose the datastore that is used to install the Control Plane VMs. This is the same as the datastore to which the installer VM is imported to unless you have changed it in the installer UI.
c) If you have installed the Control Plane using the default name, right-click the folder name with the prefix ccpcontrol or if you have provided a different name to the Control Plane in the installer UI, right-click the folder with that name.
d) Choose Delete File .
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Uninstalling Cisco Container Platform
Uninstalling Cisco Container Platform
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Backing Up and Restoring Cisco Container
This chapter contains the following topics:
Backing Up Cisco Container Platform, on page 39
Restoring Cisco Container Platform, on page 40
Backing Up Harbor Database, on page 41
Restoring Harbor Database, on page 42
Backing Up Cisco Container Platform
You can back up the Cisco Container Platform application data that pertains to the following components:
• Application users
• Virtualization providers
• Tenant clusters
Note The logging or monitoring data from Prometheus, Grafana, and the EFK stack is not included in the backup archive.
You must ensure that you use an up-to-date backup archive for a restore operation. Tasks such as creating, deleting, upgrading, or scaling tenant clusters or altering the number of Load Balancer Virtual IP addresses will create changes in the data that will not be present in the backup. If you perform such tasks after a backup and use an outdated backup archive to restore your Cisco Container Platform environment, unexpected IP address conflicts, unmanageable tenant clusters, or an unsuccessful restore may occur.
Backing Up Cisco Container Platform with IP Pool Management v3.0.x+
Before you begin
Ensure that at least 6 consecutive IP addresses are available in the same pool where the Cisco Container
Platform Control Plane is deployed.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Backing Up and Restoring Cisco Container Platform
Restoring Cisco Container Platform
When the target for a restore is a new cluster, you must ensure that additional free IP addresses are available to avoid conflicts with the IP addresses that are currently in use.
For more information on the requirement for additional free IP addresses, refer to the Managing Networks section of the Cisco Container Platform User Guide .
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Log in to the console of the master node of the Cisco Container Platform Control Plane.
Run the following command.
/ccp_related_files/ ./backup.tar
The backup script displays the following information on the console:
• The valid IP pool ranges with enough free IP addresses to create a replacement Cisco Container Platform Control
You must save the IP ranges for future use while specifying the IP Address Range on the Network Settings screen during an install, see
Deploying Cisco Container Platform, on page 26
• The encryption key that is needed to decrypt the backup data encryption key that is stored on your disk.
You must save the encryption key for future use while restoring the database to a new Cisco Container Platform
Control Plane. For more information, see
Restoring Cisco Container Platform, on page 40 .
Caution Losing the encryption key will prevent restoration of the Cisco Container Platform Control Plane cluster.
Copy the backup.tar
backup archive to a secure location.
Note You must ensure that the backup archive is maintained securely as anyone with access to it has administrative capabilities on all tenant clusters.
Restoring Cisco Container Platform
You can restore a valid backup in one of the following ways:
• To the same cluster, in case of database corruption.
• To a new Cisco Container Platform Control Plane instance of the same version that has control over all the existing Cisco Container Platform settings and tenant clusters.
When restoring a backup archive to a new Control Plane, the Ingress, kube-apiserver, and node IP addresses will not be restored, they will remain the same as when the new Control Plane was created.
Before you begin
For versions 3.2 and later, you must have the Encryption key provided during the
Platform with IP Pool Management v3.0.x+
Step 1
Step 2
Power off the VMs that belong to the previous Control Plane instance.
Install a new Cisco Container Platform Control Plane with the same version as the previous Control Plane with the same subnet configuration used for the previous Control Plane instance, but the IP pool range needs to be one of the smaller
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Backing Up and Restoring Cisco Container Platform
Backing Up Harbor Database
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6 ranges specified during the backup output. All tenant network settings and IP pool ranges from the previous Control
Plane instance will be restored as part of the restoration process.
For the 3.1 version, the IP addresses required for the new Control Plane must be from the original IP address pool range of the Control Plane that was created during installation. If this is not possible, you must open a support case for assistance in creating a complete backup. You are allowed to expand the original IP address pool range by modifying the start and end of the range if required.
Copy the backup from the secure location to Control Plane master.
scp ./backup.tar <control_plane_master>:/tmp/backup.tar
Log in to the console of the master node of Cisco Container Platform Control Plane.
Follow these steps for Cisco Container Platform version 3.1 only : a) Update the CCP_BACKUP environment variable to match the filename of the backup file that was created during the
Backing Up Cisco Container Platform with IP Pool Management v3.0.x+ :
CCP_BACKUP="backup.tar" b) Decrypt the database encryption key and store it in an environment variable. When prompted, enter the decryption key from the
Backing Up Cisco Container Platform with IP Pool Management v3.0.x+
AES_KEY="$(read -s -p "Encryption Key: " && echo -n $REPLY | openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc \ -in
<(tar -f "$CCP_BACKUP" -O -x tmp/backup/aes_key.enc) \ -pass file:/dev/stdin)" c) Update the database decryption key in the new Control Plane: kubectl get secret cx-aes-key --export -o json \| jq ".data[\"aes-key\"] |= \"$(echo -n "$AES_KEY"
| base64 | tr -d '\n')\"" | kubectl apply -f -
Run the following command.
/ccp_related_files/ /tmp/backup.tar
If prompted to continue the backup, enter the encryption Key from the
Backing Up Cisco Container Platform with IP
Backing Up Harbor Database
The database on Harbor tenant contains information such as user data and audit logs. This information can be backed up as a safety precaution before attempting a tenant upgrade on a Harbor tenant as the upgrade process may perform a database migration.
Note This backup process does not include docker images hosted on the Harbor registry.
Step 1
Step 2
Log in to the console of the master node of Harbor tenant.
Run the following command.
/opt/ccp/charts/ ./harbor_db_backup.sql default ccp-harbor
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Backing Up and Restoring Cisco Container Platform
Restoring Harbor Database
Step 3 Copy the harbor_db_backup.sql
backup file to a secure location.
Restoring Harbor Database
You can restore a valid Harbor database on a new or an existing Harbor tenant.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Copy the backup from the secure location to Harbor tenant master.
scp ./harbor_db_backup.sql <harbor_tenant_master>:/tmp/harbor_db_backup.sql
Log in to the console of the master node of Harbor tenant.
Run the following command.
/opt/ccp/charts/ /tmp/harbor_db_backup.sql default ccp-harbor
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Troubleshooting Cisco Container Platform
This appendix describes the problems that may occur during the installation and operation of Cisco Container
Platform and the possible ways of resolving these problems.
It contains the following topics:
Installation of Cisco Container Platform Fails , on page 43
Unable to Upgrade Cisco Container Platform due to Network Misconfiguration , on page 44
Unable to Deploy NGINX Ingress Controller Using Helm, on page 44
Unable to Start NGINX Ingress Controller Pod, on page 44
Unable to Power on Worker VMs after a Shutdown, on page 45
Application Pods Crash When Using Contiv CNI in Tenant Clusters, on page 45
How to Create Sosreports, on page 47
Installation of Cisco Container Platform Fails
If installation of Cisco Container Platform fails, you can reattempt the installation.
Recommended Solution
Reboot the installer VM and then access the installer UI again.
In case you want to update an OVA parameter on the installer node, for example, update the CIDR for
Kubernetes pod network parameter, you can follow these steps:
From the right pane of the vSphere Web Client, navigate to the installer VM.
Right-click the installer VM and choose Power off .
The installer VM is turned off.
Right-click the installer VM and choose Edit Settings .
The Edit Settings dialog box appears.
Click the vApp Options tab, and then open and update the required property value.
Click OK .
From the right pane, right-click the installer VM and choose Power on .
The installer VM is turned on. After the installer VM is turned on, the URL of the installer appears on the vCenter Web console .
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Troubleshooting Cisco Container Platform
Unable to Upgrade Cisco Container Platform due to Network Misconfiguration
Obtain the URL from the vCenter Web console and use a browser to access the installer UI to continue with the installation.
Unable to Upgrade Cisco Container Platform due to Network
When you enter a wrong IP address range for the Control Plane in the Verify Network screen of the Upgrade wizard, the following error message is appears:
Cannot patch address pool <uuid> with data: <some-data>
Recommended Solution
You must go back to the Verify Network screen of the Upgrade wizard and configure the IP address range for the Control Plane again.
For more information, see
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform Control Plane, on page 34 .
Unable to Deploy NGINX Ingress Controller Using Helm
When deploying the NGINX Ingress controller using Helm fails as RBAC is not configured in Helm, the following error message appears:
It seems the cluster it is running with Authorization enabled (like RBAC) and there is no permissions for the ingress controller. Please check the configuration
Recommended Solution
As Cisco Container Platform uses RBAC for authentication, Helm also needs to be configured to use RBAC.
Enable the RBAC parameter in Helm using the following command:
--set rbac.create=true
Unable to Start NGINX Ingress Controller Pod
When kube-proxy is used, setting both the controller.service.externalIPs
and controller.hostNetwork
variables to true for the NGINX-Ingress chart results in an invalid configuration.
Both kube-proxy and NGINX uses port 80 for communication, causing a port conflict, and the NGINX Ingress controller pod is set to the
CrashLoopBackOff state.
The following error message appears:
Port 80 is already in use. Please check the flag --http-port
Recommended Solution
Ensure that both the controller.service.externalIPs
and controller.hostNetwork
variables are not set to true at the same time.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Troubleshooting Cisco Container Platform
Unable to Power on Worker VMs after a Shutdown
Unable to Power on Worker VMs after a Shutdown
Worker VMs may fail to power on after a shutdown and the following error message appears:
File system specific implementation of LookupAndOpen[file] failed.
Recommended Solution
Follow these steps to resolve the problem:
From the left pane, click the VM that you want to power on.
From the right pane, from the Actions drop-down list, choose Edit Settings .
The Edit Settings window displays the multiple hard disks of the VM.
Except for the primary hard disk (Hard disk 1), click each hard disk, and then click the Remove icon.
Ensure that the Delete files from datastore check box is not checked.
Click OK .
Application Pods Crash When Using Contiv CNI in Tenant
When you use Contiv as the CNI for a tenant cluster, you need to ensure that the application pods that need
HugePages must have the following section in the pod manifest. Otherwise, the pods may crash.
resources: limits: hugepages-2Mi: 512Mi memory: 512Mi
The preceeding section in the pod manifest limits 512 MB in memory for HugePages for the pod. It allocates
256 HugePages, with each HugePage having 2MB size.
HugePages are allocated to the pods only if you have enabled HugePages on the host. Otherwise, the HugePage allocation in the pod manifest is ignored by Kubernetes. The following table shows the Cisco Container
Platform CNIs that use HugePages.
Cisco Container Platform CNI
Use HugePages
Calico No
Example of Allocating HugePages for Applications
Step 1 Check the total and free HugePages on the worker nodes. Each HugePage is 2048 KB in size.
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Troubleshooting Cisco Container Platform
Troubleshooting Cisco Container Platform
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
$ grep -i huge /proc/meminfo
AnonHugePages: 0 kB
ShmemHugePages: 0 kB
HugePages_Total: 1024
HugePages_Free: 972
HugePages_Rsvd: 0
HugePages_Surp: 0
Hugepagesize: 2048 kB
$ sudo sysctl -a | grep -i huge vm.hugepages_treat_as_movable = 0 vm.hugetlb_shm_group = 0 vm.nr_hugepages = 1024 vm.nr_hugepages_mempolicy = 1024 vm.nr_overcommit_hugepages = 0
If the host has less HugePages, increase the HugePages allocation.
sudo su echo 2048 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
# Check the increased number of HugePages cat /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages grep -i huge /proc/meminfo sudo sysctl -a | grep -i huge
Note You need to perform these steps on all the hosts.
Create the bookinfo.yaml
file that allocates HugePages to the reviews-v1 pod.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: reviews-v1 spec: template: metadata: labels: app: reviews version: v1 spec: containers:
- name: reviews image: istio/examples-bookinfo-reviews-v1:1.5.0
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent resources: limits: hugepages-2Mi: 512Mi memory: 512Mi ports:
- containerPort: 9080
Deploy bookinfo.yaml
and check usage of HugePages.
$ kubectl create -f istio-$ISTIO_VERSION/samples/bookinfo/kube/bookinfo.yaml
deployment.extensions "reviews-v1" created
$ kubectl get pods | grep reviews reviews-v1-6f56455f68-t6phs 1/1 Running 0
# Check usage of HugePages by the pods
$ kubectl describe pod reviews-v1-6f56455f68-t6phs | grep -i '^Name:\|Image:\|huge\|mem'
Name: reviews-v1-6f56455f68-t6phs
Image: istio/examples-bookinfo-reviews-v1:1.5.0
hugepages-2Mi: 512Mi
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Troubleshooting Cisco Container Platform
How to Create Sosreports
Step 5 memory: 512Mi hugepages-2Mi: 512Mi memory: 512Mi
# Check usage of HugePages on each host
$ grep -i huge /proc/meminfo
AnonHugePages: 0 kB
0 kB
2048 kB
$ sudo sysctl -a | grep -i huge vm.hugepages_treat_as_movable = 0 vm.hugetlb_shm_group = 0 vm.nr_hugepages = 1024 vm.nr_hugepages_mempolicy = 1024 vm.nr_overcommit_hugepages = 0
Check the decrease of the
HugePages_Free field in the output when the reviews-v1 pod is using HugePages.
grep -i huge /proc/meminfo
How to Create Sosreports
Sosreports are used by support engineers for troubleshooting customer support issues. They contain system log files, configuration details, and system information from your Cisco Container Platform environment.
Note • For Control Plane issues, you need to run the sosreport from the Control Plane master VM, if available.
• For tenant cluster issues, you need to run the sosreport from the Control Plane master VM and the tenant plane master VM.
• For network issues impacting pods on a particular worker, you need to run the sosreport from the impacted tenant worker node.
Follow these steps to create an sosreport:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3 ssh to the VM.
Run sosreport on the node of your choice.
sudo sosreport
The sosreport is created and saved in the following location:
Validate the sosreport file using the following checksum: xxxxxxxxx
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Troubleshooting Cisco Container Platform
Troubleshooting Cisco Container Platform
Step 4 Securely transfer the sosreport file to your customer representative.
The file transfer method can vary depending on your deployment environment. For example, you can use Secure Copy
(SCP) for Portable Operating System Interface systems (POSIX) and Windows Secure Copy (WinSCP) for windows clients. For more information, refer to Uploading Files to Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) .
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Version Mapping Table
This chapter contains the following topic:
Version Mapping Table, on page 49
Version Mapping Table
Cisco Container Platform
Kubernetes Version
Image Names
Control Plane Installer – kcp-vm-1.0.0.ova
Tenant Image – ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-1.0.0.ova
Control Plane Installer – kcp-vm-1.0.1.ova
Tenant Image – ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-1.0.1.ova
Control Plane Installer – kcp-vm-1.1.0.ova
Tenant Image – ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-1.1.0.ova
Control Plane Installer – kcp-vm-1.4.0.ova
Tenant Image – ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-1.4.0.ova
Control Plane Installer – kcp-vm-1.5.0.ova
Tenant Image – ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-ubuntu16-1.5.0.ova
Control Plane Installer – kcp-vm-2.0.1.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.10) – ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-ubuntu16-2.0.0.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.11) – ccp-tenant-image-1.11.3-ubuntu18-2.0.0.ova
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide
Version Mapping Table
Version Mapping Table
Cisco Container Platform
Kubernetes Version
Image Names
Control Plane Installer – kcp-vm-2.1.0.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.10) – ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-ubuntu16-2.1.0.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.11) – ccp-tenant-image-1.11.3-ubuntu18-2.1.0.ova
Control Plane Installer – kcp-vm-2.2.2.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.10) – ccp-tenant-image-1.10.11-ubuntu16-2.2.2.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.11) – ccp-tenant-image-1.11.5-ubuntu18-2.2.2.ova
Control Plane Installer – kcp-vm-3.0.0.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.11) – ccp-tenant-image-1.11.5-ubuntu18-3.0.0.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.12) – ccp-tenant-image-1.12.3-ubuntu18-3.0.0.ova
Control Plane Installer – kcp-vm-3.1.0.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.11) – ccp-tenant-image-1.11.5-ubuntu18-3.1.0.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.12) – ccp-tenant-image-1.12.3-ubuntu18-3.1.0.ova
Control Plane Installer – kcp-vm-3.2.0.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.11) – ccp-tenant-image-1.11.5-ubuntu18-3.2.0.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.12) – ccp-tenant-image-1.12.3-ubuntu18-3.2.0.ova
Control Plane Installer – kcp-vm-4.0.0.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.12) – ccp-tenant-image-1.12.7-ubuntu18-4.0.0.ova
Tenant Image (Kubernetes 1.13) – ccp-tenant-image-1.13.5-ubuntu18-4.0.0.ova
Note It is required that you use the latest Kubernetes version OVA for the
Installing Cisco Container Platform
Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 Installation Guide

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