Cisco Industrial Ethernet 5000 Series Switches Configuration Guide
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 5000 Series Switches enable deterministic, reliable, and secure connectivity for industrial automation applications. These switches offer a range of models to meet the diverse needs of industrial environments, from harsh and hazardous locations to standard factory floors.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
December 10, 2014
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Text Part Number: OL-28027-01
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Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
© 2009-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Restrictions for Smart Install
Adding a Client Switch to the Network
Backing Up the Client Configuration
Configuration Guidelines and Recommendations
Configuring the Director as the DHCP Server
Configuring Another Device as DHCP Server
Establishing a Remote Client Session
Configuring a Network with Single or Mixed Switch Types
Configuring a Network That Includes a Single Switch Type
Using Built-In Groups to Configure a Mixed Network with Two Switch Types
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
Configuring Custom Group Based on Connectivity
Configuring a Custom Group Based on MAC Address
Configuring a Custom Group Based on a Stack Number
Custom Group Based on Product ID
Managing Client Configuration Files
Backing Up Files after Loss of Connection
Extracting and Displaying Tar Files
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Contents iii
Disabling Smart Install on a Device
Managing File Downloads on Clients
Download Management for Non-Smart Install Clients
Download Management for Smart Install Clients
Configuring a Client Hostname Prefix
Configuring Additional Smart Install Management VLANs
Configuring a Group for Standalone Catalyst 4500 Series Switch
On-Demand Upgrade for Catalyst 4500 Series Switch IBC
Support for Post-install Operations
Configure a Script for Default Mode
Configure a Script for the Built-in Group Mode
Configure a Script for Custom Group Mode
Smart Install Configuration Examples
Before Configuring the Director
Third-Party, Non-Cisco IOS Device as the TFTP Server
Before Configuring the Director
How SMI Proxy Interacts with Smart Install Devices and the PnP Agent
How SMI Clients and Directors Communicate
How SMI Proxy and PnP Agent Communicate
SMI Proxy and Tailored Configuration Files
Downloading and Working with MIBs
Guidelines for Working with MIBs
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide iv OL-28027-01
Error Message Traceback Reports
Minimum Cisco IOS Release for Major Features
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide v
Contents vi
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
This guide provides procedures for installing and using Smart Install and using the related commands.
For information about other standard Cisco IOS Release 12.2 commands or Cisco IOS Release 15.0, see the Cisco IOS documentation set available from the home page at Products & Services >
Cisco IOS and NX OS Software> Cisco IOS.
This guide does not describe system messages you might encounter or how to install your device. For more information, see the system message guide and the hardware installation guide for the device.
For documentation updates, and other late information, see the release notes for the specific device for this release.
This publication uses these conventions to convey instructions and information:
Command descriptions use these conventions:
Commands and keywords are in boldface text.
Arguments for which you supply values are in italic .
Square brackets ([ ]) mean optional elements.
Braces ({ }) group required choices, and vertical bars ( | ) separate the alternative elements.
• Braces and vertical bars within square brackets ([{ | }]) mean a required choice within an optional element.
Interactive examples use these conventions:
Terminal sessions and system displays are in screen
Information you enter is in boldface screen
• Nonprinting characters, such as passwords or tabs, are in angle brackets (< >).
Notes and cautions use these conventions and symbols:
Note Means reader take note . Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not contained in this manual.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Caution Means reader be careful . In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data.
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Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Smart Install Overview
Restrictions for Smart Install, page 1-10
DHCP and Smart Install, page 1-12
Adding a Client Switch to the Network, page 1-13
Backing Up the Client Configuration, page 1-14
Updating Client Switches, page 1-18
Connecting to a Client Switch, page 1-19
Smart Install is a plug-and-play configuration and image-management feature that provides zero-touch deployment for new switches. You can ship a switch to a location, place it in the network and power it on with no configuration required on the device.
A network using Smart Install includes a group of networking devices, known as clients, that are served by a common Layer 3 switch or router that acts as a director. In a Smart Install network, you can use the
Zero-Touch Installation process to install new access layer switches into the network without any
assistance from the network administrator. The director provides a single management point for images and configuration of client switches. When a client switch is first installed into the network, the director automatically detects the new switch, and identifies the correct Cisco IOS image and the configuration file for downloading. It can allocate an IP address and host name to a client. If a standalone switch in the network is replaced by another switch of the same SKU (a switch with the same product ID), it automatically gets the same configuration and image as the previous one. The director can also perform on-demand configuration and software image updates of a switch or a group of switches in the network.
Zero-touch updates also take place on preconfigured switches after you have entered the write erase and reload privileged EXEC commands to clear the configuration.
Caution If you touch the console keyboard during a zero-touch update and attempt to enter a command or a return on the switch, the auto install and Smart Install processes stop. To recover and restart the process, at the system prompt, enter the write erase and reload commands on the client and restart the process.
The director can act as a DHCP and TFTP server and can store the configuration and image files. These files can also be stored on a third-party TFTP server for the director to use. The client can download the image and configuration files from the director TFTP server or from a remote server.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Note Switches running releases earlier than 12.2(52)SE are not Smart Install capable, but they can be Smart
Install clients if they support the archive download-sw privileged EXEC command. Smart Install clients can be Layer 2 or Layer 3 switches. Switches running Cisco IOS Releases 3.2(0)SE and later, and 15.0
(2)SE and later, 3.6.(0)E, and 15.2.(2)E support Smart Install.
Appendix A, “Supported Devices for Smart Install”
for a list of supported routers and switches, the roles they can play (client or director), and the required software releases.
In a typical Smart Install network, a client switch uses DHCP to get an IP address and the director snoops
DHCP messages. For a client to participate in Smart Install zero-touch update, it must use DHCP, and all DHCP communication must pass through the director so that it can snoop all DHCP packets from clients. The most automatic operation is when all switches in the Smart Install network use DHCP and are Smart Install capable. However, any client switch that supports the archive download-sw privileged
EXEC command to download a software image can be used in a zero-touch Smart Install network. Cisco
IOS Release 3.2(0)SE and later, support software install.
Note A Smart Install network can have only one director.
A client switch can participate in Smart Install even if it is not directly connected to the director. The
Smart Install network supports up to seven hops. Intermediate switches or clients connected to the director through an intermediate switch in a multihop environment can be, but are not necessarily Smart
Install-capable, provided the management VLAN is set to default VLAN1.
If you use a VLAN other than vlan 1 for management, then the intermediate switch must be Smart Install capable switch.
shows a Smart Install network with external DHCP and TFTP servers. There can be only one director amongst TFTP servers in any Smart Install network. The director can also serve as the DHCP and TFTP server.
Figure 1-1 Typical Smart Install Network Diagram
DHCP server
TFTP server
Aggregation layer
Access layer
Intermediate switch
Client switches
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
A Smart Install network can be:
A network where all client switches are of the same product ID (PID), for example,
WS-2960S-48FPS-L. In this case, you can identify a default image and a seed or basic configuration to use on all client switches.
A network that includes switches with different PIDs. In these networks, you can configure switch groups and specify that the same images and seed configuration files are applied to all switches in the group. A group can be based on a predefined PID, or you can create groups based on product ID,
MAC address, switch stack number, MAC address, or client switch connectivity to a specific upstream neighbor. When switches in a group are replaced by another switch with the same product
ID, the replacement switch receives the same configuration and image.
After a switch has an image and basic configuration, you can configure specific features on individual switches and save the configuration to the startup configuration file.
Switches participating in Smart Install zero-touch updates must use DHCP to obtain their IP addresses.
DHCP options are used to send:
Image filename and location
TFTP server IP address
Configuration filename
• Director IP address to the other switches
When a director is configured and a client joins the Smart Install network, Smart Install is automatically enabled on these devices. Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE, XE 3.4SG, 15.1(2)SG,
15.1(1)SY, 15.0(2)SE, 3.2(0)SE and later, 3.6.(0)E, or 15.2.(2)E, you can disable Smart Install on a device and also shut down its Smart Install TCP ports by entering the no vstack global configuration command on the client or director. When Smart Install is disabled on a device, any Smart Install configuration on it remains in the running configuration but does not take effect while Smart Install is disabled. To reenable Smart Install on the device, enter the vstack global configuration command.
These sections include more detailed information on Smart Install components:
Smart Install Director, page 1-3
Smart Install Clients, page 1-6
Smart Install Groups, page 1-9
Smart Install Director
The director in a Smart Install network must be a Layer 3 switch running Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SE or later, XE 3.4SG, 15.1(2)SG, 15.0(2)SE or later, 15.1(1)SY or later, 3.2(0)SE or later, or a router running Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)T or later. See
Appendix A, “Supported Devices for Smart Install”
for a list of routers and switches that can perform the role of Smart Install director.
Note IE2000 IE3000, and IE3010 support Director with Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)E.
To configure a device as director, enter the IP address of one of its Layer 3 interfaces in the vstack director ip_ address global configuration command and enable it as director by entering the vstack basic command.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Note If you have entered the no vstack global configuration command to disable Smart Install on a device, the vstack director ip_ address and vstack basic global configuration commands are not allowed on the device. To reenable Smart Install on a device, enter the vstack global configuration command.
When a device is configured as director, The VLAN on which the DHCP snooping is automatically enabled becomes VLAN 1 by default. The director begins building the director database in VLAN 1. To specify another VLAN for Smart Install management, you can use the vstack startup-vlan global configuration command. Depending on the VLAN that is specified in the command, DHCP snooping is enabled on that VLAN so that the director can identify new switches that are connected to the network, known as non-VLAN 1 switches.
The database lists the client devices in the Smart Install network and includes this information:
Type of switch (PID) for all switches, including switches in a stack
MAC addresses for all switches, including switches in a stack
IP address of the switch or stack
Network topology including neighbors interfacing with the switch
• Serial number (only Smart Install capable switches)
Note When the director is a switch, DHCP snooping is enabled on VLAN 1 by default. It is also enabled on other Smart Install management VLANs that are configured by entering the vstack vlan vlan-range global configuration command. You can use the vstack startup-vlan global configuration command to specify another VLAN that should be used for Smart Install management. Cisco IOS Releases
15.1(1)SY, 15.0(2)SE or later, 15.1(2)SG, 3.6.(0)E, 15.2.(2)E, and Cisco IOS XE 3.4SG support non-VLAN1 management and provide the ability to discover the client switches available on non-VLAN1.
In a Smart Install network that uses DHCP to assign IP addresses, you only need to configure the director. Client switches do not require any configuration. Although you can enter command-line interface commands on clients, configuration commands do not take effect unless the switch assumes the role of director.
Note You can configure the vstack commands in client mode. but this is effective only when the switch is converted to a director.
There can be only one director for a set of clients and you cannot configure a backup director. If the director fails:
• Director database must be rebuilt.
Any update being performed for a non-Smart Install-capable switch might fail.
The accumulated download status is lost.
• A configuration backup might not occur before the director restarts.
The director can change status and become a client switch if:
The director interface that has the director IP address shuts down.
The director interface that has the director IP address is deleted.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
• The director IP address is changed.
If the director becomes a client, DHCP snooping is disabled, and the director database is no longer used.
If the director IP address is provided by DHCP and you configure a different director IP address on a client switch, the client is longer part of the director’s Smart Install network.
Smart Install relies on a TFTP server to store image and configuration files. The TFTP server can be an external device, or the director can act as a TFTP server. If the director is the TFTP server, the available flash file space on the director must be adequate to accommodate the client Cisco IOS image and configuration files. See the
“Configuring the TFTP Server” section on page 2-8 .
In a Smart Install network using DHCP, the DHCP server can be an external device or the director can
act as the DHCP server. See the “Configuring the DHCP Server” section on page 2-5
. The director snoops all DHCP packets that pass through it on VLANs that are configured as Smart Install management VLANs. All network DHCP packets from intermediate or client switches or from an external DHCP server must pass through the director. The director must be able to snoop all DHCP packets from clients.
Note Smart Install options in the DCHP offer are option 125, suboption 5 (the image list file), option 125 sub-option 16 (the director IP address), and option 67 (the configuration file).
The director builds a topology director database for the network by collecting information from the network Smart Install switches. The director uses the database:
• To assign a configuration file and image to a client.
• As a reference to obtain the PID, the image name, and the configuration file for an on-demand update of network switches.
The director periodically updates the director database based on CDP updates that it receives from neighbor switches and from Smart Install messages sent to the director by Smart Install capable clients.
The updates contain information about the client neighbors.
Image List File
An image list identifies the images to be loaded on the client. The image list file is the file that contains the correct image name for the client. When the director is the TFTP server, this file is stored in flash memory. Otherwise, it is stored in a remote, third-party TFTP server.
When the file is stored in the director, the prefix for the image list is flash: //, usbflash0: //, bootflash :// , bootdisk:// , or disk0:// based on the appropriate file systems available on the switch.
When the file is stored in a remote TFTP server, the prefix is tftp: // ip_address / image .
tar .
Note In Catalyst Switches 3850 and 3650, the image is a bundled with .bin extension.
Images must be stored either on the director or on the third-party TFTP server.
For a standalone switch, the image list file contains a single image. For a stack, the image list contains images for all members of the stack, which could be the same image or different images. For a switch stack, the director creates the image list file after the user specifies the tar file for each switch in the stack.
Starting with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(55)SE or later,15.1(1)SY, 15.0(2)SE and later, 3.2(0)SE and later,
XE 3.4SG, 15.1(2)SG, 3.6.(0)E, and 15.2.(2)E, when the user specifies the tar file for each switch, the director automatically creates the imagelist file.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
When an external TFTP server is used, the director writes the image list file to the TFTP server. It is recommended that the TFTP server permit the director to write the image list files to the TFTP Server.
If the director does not have permission to write to the file system of the TFTP server, the director logs the failure in the system log. You can create the image list files and put them on the TFTP server manually if the director fails to do so automatically; you cannot fix the issue that prevents the director from writing to the TFTP server.
Note The upgrade process is initialized even when the imagelist file is copied manually, but the director tries to copy the image list file to the TFTP server and the failure system log is displayed periodically.
Configuration Files
The director manages these configuration files:
• Startup configuration—The configuration that a client uses when it boots.
Seed configuration—A configuration on the director that is the basis for the client startup configuration.
Backup configuration—An exact copy of a client startup configuration stored in the director.
Smart Install Clients
Client switches have a direct or indirect connection to the director so that they can receive image and configuration downloads from it. A switch becomes a Smart Install client when either director or when the director IP address is configured on the switch manually. Client switches use the director database for image and configuration downloads and receive the image and configuration files from the Smart
Install TFTP server.
A client switch can be an intermediate switch connected to another client switch. A client can be a standalone switch or a switch stack.
Director can download images and configuration of clients that are not Smart Install. However, such clients are entered into the director database only if they are connected to a Smart Install capable switch. The director can telnet to the client switch and use the archive download-sw privileged
EXEC command to download software to the switch. The director must know the client switch password to perform the download.
Smart Install capable switches can communicate directly with the director to update switch information, can have images and configuration downloaded, and can be managed by the director.
A Smart Install capable client with the director IP address and connectivity to the director sends switch and neighbor information to the director by using the Smart Install protocol.
Note Switches running Cisco IOS XE Releases 3.2(0)SE and later, 3.6.(0)E, and 15.2.(2)E support software install.
All switches in the network with “network” connectivity to the director can be clients, whether or not they are Smart Install capable. A client switch needs an IP address for management communication and the director must be able to communicate with that IP address. Client switch IP addresses are assigned by DHCP or statically configured.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Smart Install capable clients send switch and neighbor information to the connected director for the director database. Client switches that are not Smart Install capable or that are not connected to a Smart
Install capable switch are not entered into the director database. In a multihop topology, for the director to get the complete topology overview, any client switch upstream of a group of clients must be Smart
Install capable. Clients not in the director database can get an on-demand update, but they cannot get a zero-touch or group update.
shows some possible ways that clients can be interconnected in a network. Table 1-1 and
Note The topology shown in
Figure 1-2 does not represent a typical Smart Install topology but is used to
demonstrate possible types of client interconnections.
Figure 1-2 Possible Interconnections of Smart Install Clients
Client 1
Client 2
Client 3 Client 5
Client 4 Client 6
Client 7
Client 8
Smart Install capable switch
Switch running an image earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SE
Smart Install capable switch supporting non-VLAN management
Note The Cisco IOS releases12.2(52)SE or later, XE 3.4SG, 15.1(2)SG, 15.1(1)SY and later, 15.0(2)SE and later, and 3.2(0)SE and later, support the director role. The Cisco IOS releases 15.0(2)SE, 15.1(1)SY,
15.1(2)SG, XE 3.4SG, 15.0(2)EX, 15.0(2)EX1, 3.6.(0)E, and 15.2.(2)E are Smart Install capable switches, supporting non-VLAN 1 management and providing the ability to discover the client switches available on non-VLAN 1.
Table 1-1 shows the switches that are in the director database and how the director obtained the
information. When a client is a single hop from the director, the client uses CDP to send the director information about itself. When a client is a Smart Install capable switch, it sends information to the director about itself and its neighbors.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Table 1-1
Client Switch
Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
Client 4
Client 5
Client 6
Client 7
Client 8
Director Database Contents of Client Switches
In Director
Source of Database Information
Learned from CDP and from Smart Install. The client also sends information about its neighbor (Client 2).
Information received from Client 1.
Learned from CDP.
No information available. The client is not an immediate neighbor of the director or another Smart Install switch.
Learned from CDP.
No information available. The client is not an immediate neighbor of the director or another Smart Install switch.
Learned from CDP and from Smart Install. The client also sends information about its neighbor Client 8. Client 7 is a non-VLAN 1 switch.
The information to Client 8 will be sent by Client 7 via non-VLAN1. Client 8 is a non-VLAN 1 switch.
in various software versions. For information about Smart Install supported switches, routers, and minimum software releases for directors and clients, see
Supported Devices for Smart Install .
Table 1-2 Types of Updates Supported by Each Client
Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
Client 4
Client 5
Client 6
Client 7
Client 8
Software Version
12.2(52)SE or later
Earlier than 12.2(52)SE
Earlier than 12.2(52)SE
12.2(52)SE or later
Earlier than 12.2(52)SE
Earlier than 12.2(52)SE
15.0(2)SE, 15.1(1)SY,
15.1(2)SG, XE 3.4SG,
15.0(2)EX, 15.0(2)EX1,
3.6.(0)E, and 15.2.(2)E
15.1(2)SG, XE 3.4SG,
15.0(2)EX, 15.0(2)EX1,
3.6.(0)E, and 15.2.(2)E
Update of Client
On-Demand Update of
No. Switch not in director database.
To see the types of Smart Install clients in a network, enter the show vstack status privileged EXEC command.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Director# show vstack status
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Status: Device_type Health_status Join-window_status Upgrade_status
Device_type: S - Smart install N - Non smart install P - Pending
Health_status: A - Active I - Inactive
Join-window_Status: a - Allowed h - On-hold d - Denied
Image Upgrade: i - in progress I - done X - failed
Config Upgrade: c - in progress C - done x - failed
Director Database:
DevNo MAC Address Product-ID IP_addr Hostname Status
===== ============== ================= =============== ========== =========
0 0018.7363.4200 WS-C3750-24TS IBD-MXD-ST Director
1 0016.4779.b780 WS-C3750G-24TS IBD-MXD-ST Director
2 d0d0.fd37.5a80 WS-C3750X-48P IBD-MXD-ST Director
3 0026.5285.7380 WS-C3750E-24TD IBD-MXD-ST Director
4 0024.13c6.b580 WS-C3750E-24TD DEV-c6.b5c S A a
5 0021.a1ab.9b80 WS-C2960-48TC-S DEV-ab.9bc S A a I C
6 0024.5111.0900 WS-C3750E-24TD DEV-11.094 S A a I C
7 001d.45f3.f600 WS-C3750G-24TS DEV-90.f64 S A a
8 0016.c890.f600 WS-C3750G-24TS DEV-90.f64 S A a
9 001f.2604.8980 WS-C2960-48TC-S DEV-04.89c S A a I C
10 001b.d576.2500 WS-C3750E-24PD DEV-a6.1cc S A a I C
These fields were added in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE or 15.1(1)SY to provide more information about each client:
Device type: S (Smart Install capable, running Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SE or later, 15.1(1)SY,
15.0(2)SE and later, 3.2(0)SE and later), 3.6.(0)E, or 15.2.(2)E, N (not a Smart Install device), or P
(pending, unable to determine).
Device health status: Active (the director is receiving periodic updates from the device) or Inactive
(the device is disconnected or has not provided updates for three consecutive keepalive periods)
Upgrade status: An image update is i (in progress), I (complete), or X (failed). A configuration upgrade is c (in progress), C (complete), or x (failed).
Smart Install Groups
When all switches in a Smart Install network have the same PID, they can run the same image and the same seed (basic) configuration file. In this case, you can assign a default image and configuration file for all clients. However, if there is more than one PID in the network or if you want a different configuration file to run on some switches, depending on their function in the network, you should configure Smart Install groups and assign an image and configuration file for each group.
• Custom groups take precedence over built-in groups and are based on:
Stack group—For switches in a stack, you can configure groups based on their number in the stack. Stack groups are used only for switch stack upgrades, and clients do not need to be in the director database. Starting with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE, 15.1(1)SY, 15.0(2)SE and later,
3.2(0)SE and later, 3.6.(0)E, and 15.2.(2)E if a stack is homogeneous (all one switch type), you do not need to identify each switch type.
MAC address—You can create a custom group of specific switches by using the MAC addresses of the switches to configure the group. You can include switches with the same or different product IDs, as long as they use the same image and configuration file. Enter the show vstack neighbors all privileged EXEC command to see the MAC addresses of switches in the Smart
Install network.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Restrictions for Smart Install
– Connectivity—You can configure a custom group based on network topology; that is, all switches that have the same upstream neighbor. Connectivity groups take precedence over groups with matching product IDs or stack numbers. Connectivity groups include only standalone switches (not switch stacks), and clients must be in the director database.
– Product IDs (PIDs)—These product IDs are all supported models, including newer PIDs that were not shipping when the software was released and therefore are not in the CLI. PID groups include only standalone switches (not switch stacks), and clients do not need to be in the director database.
The priority of custom groups from high to low is stack group, MAC address, connectivity, and product ID.
• Built-in groups are based on PIDs that you can select from the CLI. These represent the fixed
Ethernet switching products that were shipping when the software was released, for example, 3750,
3560, 2975, 2960, 3850, and 3650.
Switches that belong to a group use the image and configuration file assigned to that group. If a client switch does not belong to a group in the director database, it is assigned the default image and configuration file.
Note If there is more than one switch PID in the network, we recommend configuring built-in or custom groups. The default image and configuration is used in networks with only one product ID.
An example of the use of custom groups is a network where all client switches are the same PID, but one requires a different configuration. For example, a retail store might have checkout counters and a pharmacy, and the pharmacy switch requires a different configuration. The checkout counters would use the default configuration, but you would create a custom group for the pharmacy.
Restrictions for Smart Install
The absence of an authorization or authentication mechanism in the Smart Install protocol between the client and the director can allow a client to process crafted Smart Install messages as if these messages were from the Smart Install Director. These include the following:
Change the TFTP server address on Smart Install clients.
Copy the startup configuration of client switches to the previously-changed and attacker-controlled
TFTP server.
Substitute the startup configuration of clients with a configuration created by the attacker, and forcing a reload of the clients after a configured time interval.
Upgrade the IOS image on client switches to an image supplied by the attacker.
• Execute arbitrary commands on client switches (applicable to Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)E and later releases and Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6.0E and later releases.)
While designing a Smart Install architecture, care should be taken such that the infrastructure IP address space is not accessible to untrusted parties. Design considerations are listed in the Security Best
Practices section of this document.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Restrictions for Smart Install
Security Best Practices
Security best practices around the Cisco Smart Install feature depend on how the feature is used in a specific customer environment. We differentiate the following use cases:
• Customers not using the Smart Install feature.
Customers leveraging the Smart Install feature only for zero-touch deployment.
Customers leveraging the Smart Install feature for more than zero-touch deployment (configuration and image-management).
The following sections describe each scenario in detail:
Customers Not Using the Smart Install Feature
Customers who do not use the Cisco Smart Install feature, and are running a release of Cisco IOS and
IOS XE Software where the command is available, should disable the Smart Install feature with the no vstack command.
Note The vstack command was introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(55)SE03.
The following is sample output from the show vstack command on a Cisco Catalyst Switch with the
Smart Install client feature disabled: switch# show vstack config
Role: Client (SmartInstall disabled)
Vstack Director IP address:
Customers Leveraging the Smart Install Feature Only for Zero-Touch Deployment
Disable the Smart Install client functionality after the zero-touch installation is complete or use the no vstack command.
To propagate the no vstack command into the network, use one of the following methods:
Execute the no vstack command on all client switches either manually or using a script.
Add the no vstack command as part of the IOS configuration that is pushed into each Smart Install client as part of the zero-touch installation.
In the releases that do not support the vstack command (Cisco IOS Release 12.2(55)SE02 and prior releases), apply an access control list (ACL) on client switches to block the traffic on TCP port 4786.
To enable the Smart Install client functionality later, execute the vstack command on all client switches either manually or by using a script.
Note If the configuration changes in between the disabling and re-enabling of the Smart Install feature, to preserve these changes, execute the write memory command on client switches after re-enabling the feature. Configuring the command ensures a successful backup of the startup configuration of client switches.
Customers Leveraging the Smart Install Feature for More Than Zero-Touch Deployment
While designing a Smart Install architecture, care should be taken such that the infrastructure IP address space is not accessible to untrusted parties. In releases that do not support the vstack command, ensure that only the Smart Install director has TCP connectivity to all Smart Install clients on port 4786.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
DHCP and Smart Install
Administrators can use the following security best practices for Cisco Smart Install deployments on affected devices:
Interface access control lists (ACLs)
Control Plane Policing (CoPP). This feature is not available in all Cisco IOS Software releases.
The following example shows an interface ACL with the Smart Install director IP address as and the Smart Install client IP address as ip access-list extended SMI_HARDENING_LIST permit tcp host host eq 4786 deny tcp any any eq 4786 permit ip any any
This ACL must be deployed on all IP interfaces on all clients. It can also be pushed via the director when switches are first deployed.
To further restrict access to all the clients within the infrastructure, administrators can use the following security best practices on other devices in the network:
Infrastructure access control lists (iACLs)
VLAN access control lists (VACLs)
Migration Plan
Customers who can not properly protect their Smart Install IP infrastructure address space, or need the added security of authorization and authentication between the director and clients can migrate to Cisco
Plug-N-Play (PnP). For more information, see the PnP Feature Guide .
If your release does not support PnP, migrate to Smart Install Proxy (SMI Proxy). The SMI Proxy feature must be enabled on a network device that is configured as a PnP Agent. This device will bridge the communication between older devices running Smart Install and the PnP Server. The SMI Proxy device will contact the central PnP Server on behalf of the device running older versions, to retrieve the image and configuration information. For more information, see the SMI Proxy chapter.
SMI Proxy is available in Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)E2 and later releases.
Note The security best practices must be followed for all devices on which the SMI Proxy feature is enabled, and also for all devices on which the Smart Install feature is enabled.
DHCP and Smart Install
DHCP is recommended in Smart Install networks and is required for zero-touch updates. On-demand updates do not require DHCP. In a DHCP network, DHCP snooping is automatically enabled on the director. The director snoops DHCP offers and requests to and from the client switches and uses DHCP snooping to insert the DHCP options used in the Smart Install operation.
However, because DHCP snooping is not supported on routed ports, you should not connect routed ports directly to the client or the director.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Adding a Client Switch to the Network
A DHCP server in a Smart Install network can be positioned in one of these ways:
The Smart Install director can act as the DHCP server in the network. When the DHCP offer goes to the client switches, the director allocates the IP addresses and assigns configurations and images and the hostname as DHCP options in the DHCP offer and DHCP acknowledgment. DHCP snooping is automatically turned on for the director.
The DHCP server can be another device (third-party server) in the Smart Install network. In this case, DHCP packets between the clients and DHCP server must pass through the director.
Note You can configure a join-window time period so that the director can only modify the DHCP offer and send the image and configuration files to the client during the configured window. The join window restricts Smart Install for a specified period of time and acts as a security precaution to control when a client can receive these files. See the
“Using a Join Window” section on page 1-15
• A third-party server and the director DHCP server can coexist in a network. In this case, the director is responsible only for the DHCP requests of the switches in the Smart Install network. The director maintains the Smart Install database and pool; other DHCP database functions are maintained by the third-party server.
See the
“Configuring the DHCP Server” section on page 2-5 for configuration instructions.
If the Smart Install DHCP server is the director or another device running Cisco IOS and the network reloads, the server might assign new IP addresses to participating switches. If a switch IP address changes, it might no longer be reachable. If the director IP address changes, it is no longer the Smart
Install director, which could break the director and client switch relationships. This is an unlikely but possible corner-case occurrence. To prevent this occurrence, you should enable DHCP remembering by entering the ip dhcp remember global configuration command or the remember DHCP-pool configuration command on the DHCP server,
Non-Cisco IOS third-party DHCP servers require an IP-address-to-MAC-address binding to ensure that the same IP address is given to a switch on a reload.
Note In Smart Install networks that do not use DHCP, you must manually configure the director IP address on each client switch by entering the vstack director ip-address global configuration command. Client switches require only the director IP address. Smart Install networks that do not use DHCP cannot support zero-touch updates but can support on-demand update.
Adding a Client Switch to the Network
When a switch arrives from the factory, it contains the factory default image. When it is plugged in and connected to the network and boots up, it tries to get its IP address from DHCP. When a device is added to the network, a notification is sent to the director that a new client has joined. If the switch is connected
(directly or indirectly) to the Smart Install director, the director recognizes the new switch through
DHCP offers and acknowledgments. The director searches its database to determine if the switch belongs to a configured group. If not, the director determines if the switch matches the Smart Install network default PID. If the director has a configuration for the type of client that was added and if the join window is open, the new client receives the image and configuration files.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Backing Up the Client Configuration
Note When clients in a Smart Install network consist of more than one PID, you should configure built-in groups or custom groups based on MAC address, connectivity, stack group, or product-ID, and define the image and configuration files for each group.
If the DHCP Server is external or internal (running on the director), the director inserts options into the
DHCP response, informing the client where to download its IOS image and configuration file provided the join window is open.
Note If a join window has been configured, the Smart Install configuration and image files are sent to the client only during the configured time period. A client switch sends an error message if it cannot download an image or configuration file due to misconfiguration, if the image or configuration file is not available, or if a join window is configured and the DHCP acknowledgments occurs beyond the configured time frame. See the
“Using a Join Window” section on page 1-15
for more information.
After a switch has been added to the Smart Install network, you can do an on-demand download of an image or configuration file to the client at any time if the switch meets these criteria:
A switch that is not Smart Install capable must have an enable mode password and a valid IP interface.
A switch running the Smart Install image must have a valid IP interface.
If a client switch in the Smart-Install network is running Cisco IOS Release 12.2(55)SE or later, or
3.2(0)SE and later, 15.0(2)EX, 15.0(2)EX1, 3.6.(0)E, and 15.2.(2)E is replaced with a switch with the same product ID, the new client receives the same image and configuration as the replaced client. Se the
“Replacing a Client Switch” section on page 1-15
Chapter 2, “Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices”
for typical configurations.
Backing Up the Client Configuration
After a client boots up, it sends a copy of its startup configuration to the director. This file is the backup configuration for that client. Any time the user, directly or through the director, saves a client configuration, a backup configuration is created. The configuration is stored on the local repository on the director or on a remote repository on a server. The backup file is used to reconfigure a client during a zero-touch replacement.
Note Client backup is supported only when the director and client are running Cisco IOS Release 12.2(55)SE or later.
Client configuration backup is enabled by default. You can disable it by entering the no vstack backup global configuration command. You enable the file backup feature on the director by entering the vstack backup and you can configure a repository for the backup files. If you do not specify a repository, the files are stored in the director flash:/vstack directory.
A client configuration backup is triggered:
• When the write memory privileged EXEC command is entered on the client.
• When the director boots up, it requests configuration information from clients and backs up these configurations.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Replacing a Client Switch
Replacing a Client Switch
You can use zero-touch replacement to exchange and install a like-type client in the Smart Install network. When a new switch is added to the network, a CDP database update is sent to the director, which determines if this is a new MAC address and therefore a new client. When a client needs to be replaced and is removed from the network, the CDP database lists the removed client as inactive . If another client MAC address with the same product-ID is detected on the same port, this client is considered a replacement client. The director gives it the same image and configuration that the previous client had.
The director removes the entry for the replaced client from the director database. If the replaced client is put elsewhere in the network, the director creates a new entry for it that includes the client’s new information.
During a zero-touch replacement, the replacement client receives the last backed-up configuration file, which is stored in the director or a remote repository. Client configuration files are backed up by default, unless you disable this functionality on the director.
Only one Smart Install client can be replaced at a time on the same branch and only if there is one path to the director.
Note Zero-touch replacement is supported only when the director and the replaced client are running Cisco
IOS Release 12.2(55)SE or later, 15.1(1)SY, 15.0(2)SE and later, 3.2(0)SE and later, 15.0(2)EX,
15.0(2)EX1, 3.6.(0)E, or 15.2.(2)E. When a client switch running an earlier release is replaced, the new switch receives a seed replacement.
When the replacement client and existing client do not have the same product ID, port connections, or interfaces, the replacement client is considered new to the Smart Install network. For example, a replacement client must be connected to the same ports on the director and on other client switches as was the original client. When a new device is added to the network, a notification is sent to the director that a new client has joined. If the director has a configuration for the type of client that was added and if the join window is open, the new client receives the image and configuration files.
Using a Join Window
A join window is a time window during which the client can update image or configuration files. The director can provide information about the image and configuration to the client only during this window. A client attempting to join the Smart Install network outside the join window is not allowed to do so and cannot update the image and configuration files.
Use the vstack join-window mode auto global configuration command to automatically update clients with the latest image and configuration files when they are added during a join window. Use the no vstack join-window mode global configuration command to put the client in a hold state.
Use the following commands to open or close a join window:
• Enter the vstack join-window start [ date ] hh:mm [ interval ] [ end date ] [ recurring ] global configuration command to configure a time window to control downloads of configuration and image files to client switches.
• Enter the vstack join-window close global configuration command to manually close a join window, enter the no vstack join-window close global configuration command to manually open a join window.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Replacing a Client Switch
Note You cannot combine the vstack join-window start and [no] vstack join-window commands to close and open the join window.
If a join window is configured, a zero touch update is possible only during the configured window. If a switch connects to the director at any time other than during the join window, the Smart Install configuration and image files are not automatically downloaded. Instead, the new switch receives the default files from the DHCP server. This feature provides control of the files and prevents unauthorized switches from receiving the Smart Install configuration.
If a join window is not configured, a zero touch update can happen at any time because that is the default state.
When a join window is configured, and the DHCP acknowledgement occurs outside of the configured window, a client switch sends an error message that it cannot download an image or configuration file.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Replacing a Client Switch
Configuring Join Window Mode
The join window mode includes a hold state that adds an extra level of security for the client. The hold state lets you control whether or not the client can receive a software upgrade, and how the upgrade is performed. The hold-state is either on or off when the join window is active.
You configure automatic join window mode with the vstack join-window mode auto global configuration command. In this mode, when a client joins the network, the director automatically upgrades it when the join window is open.
When you set the mode to manual by entering the no vstack join-window mode global configuration command, when a client joins the network during an open join window, the client is put on the hold list.
You can review clients on the hold list by entering the show vstack status user EXEC command. You can remove a client from the hold list by entering the vstack on-hold-clients remove global configuration command.
Note When a client has been removed from the hold state to allow that client to join the network, you must restart the client to again put it in the hold state (if the mode is manual) or to automatically upgrade if the mode is auto and the join window is open.
When a new client joins the network and the mode is set to auto, the join window state is active, whether or not the join window is open or closed. When the mode is set to manual and the join window is open, the client is put on the hold list. If the join window is closed, the client cannot join the network (denied).
Table 1-3 Join Window States and Functionality
Join Window State
Zero-Touch Updates
Not allowed
Allowed with user intervention
On-Demand Updates
Configuration Backup
Not allowed
Starting with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE,15.1(1)SY, 15.0(2)SE and later, 3.2(0)SE and later,
3.6.(0)E, and 15.2.(2)E, you can manually change the join window state for a client or multiple clients from the denied state to the active or held state by using the vstack join-window-status index client-id
{ allowed | held } privileged EXEC command.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Updating Client Switches
Updating Client Switches
Supported types of image and configuration updates:
• Zero-touch update—For a client with no configuration. This could be for the initial installation of an image and configuration on a new client, for image and configuration installation on a client after a write erase and reload , or, in case of a replacement switch, if vstack backup is enabled. The
Smart Install network must run DHCP to perform zero-touch updates.
On all clients, prior to Cisco IOS Release XE 3.5.0E and Cisco IOS 15.2(1)SG, only image+config zero-touch upgrades were supported. With Cisco IOS Release XE 3.6.0E and Cisco IOS Release
15.2(1)SG, image+config zero-touch upgrade are no longer mandatory; zero-touch config alone and zero-touch image alone upgrades are now supported on all clients.
On-demand update—For clients that are already in the network and connected to the director.
On-demand updates can be performed on single client or on all clients that belong to a built-in group.
DHCP is not required for on-demand updates. The director needs the IP address of a client for a single-client update if the client is not in a built-in group. For an on-demand update of a client running an image earlier than 12.2(52)SE, the client must have an enable password and an IP interface configured.
You can do zero-touch or on-demand updates to any Smart Install client switches. You can also use the vstack download-image and vstack download-config privileged EXEC commands from the director to update the image or configuration of any switch as long as the director has a connection (directly or through another switch) to the switch. You can also telnet to a client switch and use the archive download-sw privileged EXEC command to update switch software. When you telnet to a client switch, you must know the switch enable passwords to do any configuration.
Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE, 15.1(1)SY, 15.0(2)SE, 3.2(0)SE and later, 3.6.(0)E, you can perform a simultaneous update of multiple clients that have the same product ID and password by entering the index numbers from the director database in the vstack download-image privileged EXEC command.
Zero-Touch Installation
A zero-touch installation is an update initiated by the director on a client switch that has no configuration. You can perform a zero-touch installation on Smart Install capable switches and non-Smart Install switches. The zero-touch installation occurs automatically with little or no intervention. A switch with no configuration can be a new, out-of-box switch or one on which you have entered the write erase and reload privileged EXEC commands.
During a zero-touch installation, do not touch the console keyboard or attempt to enter a command or auto return on the switch. Else, the auto install and Smart Install processes stop. To recover and restart the process, you need to return to the system prompt, enter write erase and reload commands, and restart the process.
During a zero-touch installation, the VLAN specified in the seed configuration for a particular client should be the same as the startup VLAN on the director. If it is not, the configuration backup process fails.
If the TFTP server is the director, the file is saved in the director root directory. If the server is another device, it is saved in the tftproot directory . This is the default directory in the TFTP server where the files to be sent using TFTP are stored. The imageclist file, the new configuration file, and the image are also stored in this directory.
See the
“Configuring the TFTP Server” section on page 2-8 .
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Connecting to a Client Switch
Connecting to a Client Switch
To connect to the client switch command-line interface, enter the vstack attach { client-index | client_ip_address } privileged EXEC command. The client-index number represents active clients in the
Smart Install network, displayed in the command-line help by entering a question mark (?) after the vstack attach command. The same client number is valid until the client reboots.
Director# vstack attach ?
1 c3750-2042 @ IP : MAC 0000.0040.4080
2 c3750-2045 @ IP : MAC 0000.000c.0d80
A.B.C.D IP address of remote node to attempt attaching to
To attach to a client, the client switch must be configured for telnet service and have a configured enable password.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Connecting to a Client Switch
Chapter 1 Smart Install Overview
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
This section includes some basic scenarios and tasks that you might configure in a Smart Install network.
Configuration Guidelines and Recommendations, page 2-1
Configuring the DHCP Server, page 2-5
Configuring the TFTP Server, page 2-8
Establishing a Remote Client Session, page 2-9
Configuring a Network with Single or Mixed Switch Types, page 2-9
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration, page 2-16
Managing Client Configuration Files, page 2-28
Other Configuration Options, page 2-29
Smart Install Configuration Examples, page 2-42
Configuration Guidelines and Recommendations
If the startup configuration fails to download, the client can go into an infinite loop because there is no startup configuration to update. The only way to recover from the loop is to press Enter when the client is coming up after a reload so that the update process stops.
When performing a zero-touch update, you should always update both the image and the startup configuration files. To update only the image or only the configuration file, use the vstack download-image or vstack download-config privileged EXEC commands for an on-demand download instead.
To update only the image or only the configuration file, use the vstack download-image or vstack download-config privileged EXEC commands for an on-demand download instead.
On the Catalyst 4500 series switches, after a zero-touch upgrade goes through on a non-VLAN 1 network, the Integrated Branch Client (IBC) IP address is not updated in the director database if the seed (default) configuration does not contain the new VLAN information. In order to ensure persistent communication between the Integrated Branch Director (IBD) and IBC after an upgrade, you must update the seed configuration every time you change the start-up management VLAN.
On the Catalyst 3750 and Catalyst 4500 series switches, beginning with Cisco Release IOS XE
3.6.(0)E, and Cisco Release IOS 15.2(1)SG,15. 0(2)SE, and 15.2.(2)E, the following combinations of zero-touch upgrade are supported
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
OL-28027-01 2-1
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Configuration Guidelines and Recommendations
– Image and configuration zero-touch upgrade—User specifies both image and configuration on the director.
Configuration-only zero-touch upgrade—User specifies configuration alone on the director.
Image-only zero-touch upgrade—User specifies image alone on the director.
Note We recommend you to delete the multiple-fs file from the flash/bootflash after write erase command in the case of a zero-touch upgrade.
On the Catalyst 4500 series switch director and client functionality is supported; beginning with
Cisco IOS Release IOS XE 3.6.(0)E the above mentioned combinations of zero-touch upgrade can be configured on the director or client.
For the above features to work on the client side, the clients must be running the image with Cisco
Release IOS 15.2(1)SG or higher.
Note For an on-demand download, update the image and configuration on the client with the vstack download-image or vstack download-config commands.
If you trigger a zero-touch upgrade with backup enabled and Rev2 (such as, backed-up configuration) accessible on the SMI director, the Rev2 is sent for an upgrade. If you accidentally delete the Rev2 file, the zero-touch upgrade fails because the backup configuration is missing.
However, the client attempts another reload and boots with the seed (default) configuration, ensuring a smoothly functioning zero-touch upgrade irrespective of the missing backup configuration.
If backup is enabled and an image-only upgrade is specified on the director, the client boots up with the backed-up configuration and the image specified when the upgrade launches on the client.
However, if backup is disabled, the client boots with the image [alone] specified on the director for that client.
Switches are updated one hop at a time. The director cannot update switches in hop 2 while it is upgrading switches in hop 1.
Because DHCP snooping is not supported on routed ports, you should not connect routed ports directly to the client or the director. Without DHCP snooping, the director will not detect a DHCP request from the client, which prevents Smart Install from working on that client. Routed ports cannot participate in Smart Install.
For client switches with only 16 Mb of flash memory, before upgrading the Cisco IOS image, ensure that there is enough free flash space available to download a new image and delete unnecessary files.
The configuration file might not be necessary because Smart Install can provide the configuration file when the client boots up.
In Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine 2T switches, flash size supports onboard and external disks to download the image and the configuration file.
The director can act as the TFTP server, eliminating the need for an external TFTP serving device.
Follow these guidelines when configuring the director as TFTP server:
The total flash space (used and free) on the director must be large enough to contain the director image and configuration file and the image and configuration files required for client switches.
There must be enough available flash on the director to hold the client Cisco IOS images and configuration files. The Cisco IOS image files vary in size, depending on the client switch product IDs and whether or not crypto images are being installed.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Configuration Guidelines and Recommendations
When the director is the TFTP server, a copy of the configuration file for each client switch is stored in the root directory of the flash file system on the director. There must be enough space for each planned client group.
Most director switches have enough flash memory to hold one client Cisco IOS image and a small number of client configuration files. For example, the Catalyst 3750 switch can have a maximum flash size of 64 MB, which accommodates only 4 or 5 images, based on the image size.
If the Smart Install network includes client switches with more than one product ID, you should use an external TFTP server.
– When the director is the TFTP server, downloading a TFTP file will be slower than the external
TFTP server. If downloading the TFTP file is a priority, use an external TFTP server, especially if there are multiple clients performing TFTP downloads simultaneously.
If the TFTP server is a third-party (non-Cisco) device, you should disable the server option to change the name of a file if another file is created with the same name. Otherwise, duplicate imagelist files might be created.
Client switches can be on any VLANs other than the default if the director is configured to snoop on that VLAN (enter the vstack vlan vlan-id global configuration command) and if traffic from the
VLAN flows through the director.
– The director can snoop on multiple VLANs extending to clients on different Layer 2 subnets.
Client switches can be on different routed subnets as long as there are routes between the director and the subnet. In these cases, a relay agent between a client and director is required for Smart Install downloads.
Smart Install does not function if the client is connected directly to a routed port on the director.
Stacking considerations:
– If the director is in a switch stack and a master switchover occurs when a non-Smart Install client switch is being updated, the client switch update is not completed.
If the client switch is a stack and not all members are up and operational, downloading of new images to the stack members fails.
Upgrading a stack requires configuring a custom group matching the stack group.
When a stack is upgraded, you should restart all stack members at the same time.
When a stack is deliberately partitioned, the new stacks should have the required configuration for upgrades, that is, the stack group members must be configured correctly.
For Catalyst 3750-X, 3750-E, 3650-X, and 3650-E client switches, install the appropriate license files before updating the image. Smart Install does not apply to image licensing.
To disable Smart Install on a director or client, enter the no vstack global configuration command on the device. Enter the show vstack status privileged EXEC command to see if Smart Install is enabled or disabled on a device.
Client switches with static IP addresses cannot get zero-touch downloads but can receive on-demand downloads.
If the director temporarily loses communication with the client switches, there is no impact to the
Smart Install feature unless the client is in the middle of installing Cisco IOS images or downloading the configuration. If this happens, manual intervention might be required to restart the process.
We recommend that configuration files do not include boot host dhcp. If a configuration file does include this configuration, do not apply the configuration file to switches with interfaces that do not have a configured IP address.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
OL-28027-01 2-3
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Configuration Guidelines and Recommendations
When a director is configured and a client joins the Smart Install network, Smart Install is automatically enabled on these devices. Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE, 15.1(1)SY,
15.0(2)SE and later, and 3.2(0)SE and later, you can disable Smart Install on a device and also shut down its Smart Install TCP ports by entering the no vstack global configuration command on the client or director.
When Smart Install is disabled on a device, any Smart Install configuration on the device remains in the running configuration but does not take effect while Smart Install is disabled.
When Smart Install is disabled on a device, the vstack director ip_ address and vstack basic global configuration commands are not allowed.
If you disable Smart Install on the director and there were Smart Install DHCP IP addresses configured, you need to manually unconfigure them.
To re-enable Smart Install on the device, enter the vstack global configuration command.
Image-only or configuration-only upgrades cannot be performed on IBCs running an image prior to
Cisco IOS Release XE 3.6.0E. If an IBD is configured for an image-only or configuration-only upgrade but the IBC does not support an upgrade, the following cases apply:
– The Director is configured to perform an image-only upgrade for the client.
Prior to Cisco IOS Release XE 3.6.0E, IBC did not receive the configuration path and the configuration-only upgrade failed, but the image upgrade proceeded and IBC reloaded.
Although the image upgrades, Cisco does not claim this process to be “Image-only” because
IBC tries to download the configuration file and fails, displaying error messages.
The Director is configured to perform a configuration-only upgrade for the client.
Prior to Cisco IOS Release XE 3.6.0E, the configuration upgrade proceeded but IBC did not receive the image path, hence the image upgrade failed, and IBC did not reload.
Most configuration commands are visible and can be entered on the director or on a client, but only the ones configured on the director take effect. If you enter commands on a client switch, they do not take effect now, but if the client later becomes the director, the commands are then valid.
DHCP Configuration Guidelines
Although we recommend that the director be configured to act as DHCP server for the clients, Smart
Install can also use an external DHCP server. If you use an external device as DHCP server, you could configure the DHCP server to send option 125/sub-option 16 for the director IP address to avoid the possibility of fake DHCP servers.
We recommend configuring a Cisco IOS DHCP server to remember IP bindings to ensure that devices in the Smart Install network retain the same IP address in the event of a network or device reload.
In networks that do not use DHCP to assign IP addresses to the clients, you must configure the IP address of the director on each client switch.
In a Smart Install network, we recommend not to configure DHCP snooping and DHCP relay on the same interface of the switch.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Configuring the DHCP Server
Configuring the DHCP Server
To perform zero-touch updates, the Smart Install network must be running DHCP. The DHCP server might be the director, another Cisco device running Cisco IOS, or a non-Cisco third-party server. You can also have the director act as the Smart Install DHCP server and have another device perform all other
DHCP server functions.
Use one of the following procedures to set up a Cisco device as DHCP server, or if you choose to configure a non-Cisco third-party device as DHCP server, follow the instructions in the product documentation for configuring a network address and a TFTP server.
Note You should not configure any client switches participating in Smart Install as the DHCP server.
Configuring the Director as the DHCP Server, page 2-5
Configuring Another Device as DHCP Server, page 2-7
Note If the DHCP server is the director or another Cisco IOS device and the network reloads, it is possible that DHCP could assign new IP addresses to the devices. This is an unlikely occurrence, but if it does happen, you might need to reassociate the director and client switches by manually entering the director IP address on the director or the client switches. To prevent this occurrence, configure the DHCP server to remember the IP bindings by entering the ip dhcp remember global configuration command or the remember DHCP pool configuration command.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Configuring the Director as the DHCP Server
You can configure the director as DHCP server and create DHCP server pools directly from the Smart
Install director.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps on the director to configure it as the DHCP server:
Command config terminal vstack director ip_ address vstack basic vstack startup-vlan vlan_value vstack dhcp-localserver poolname
Enters global configuration mode.
Configures the device as the Smart Install director by entering the IP address of an interface on the device.
Enables the device as the Smart Install director.
Specifies the default VLAN that the director should use for
Smart Install management.
Creates a name for the Smart Install DHCP server address pool, and enter vstack DHCP pool configuration mode.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Configuring the DHCP Server
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Command address-pool network-number mask prefix-length default-router file-server exit ip dhcp remember end
ip_address address copy running-config startup config show dhcp server
Specifies the subnet network number and mask of the DHCP address pool.
Note The prefix length specifies the number of bits that comprise the address prefix. The prefix is an alternative way of specifying the network mask of the client. The prefix length must be preceded by a forward slash (/).
Specifies the IP address of the DHCP default router for the pool.
Note You can use the vstack startup-vlan global configuration command to specify another VLAN that should be used for Smart Install management.
Specifies the IP address of the TFTP server.
Note If the director is also the TFTP server, you must enable it. See the
“Configuring the TFTP Server” section on page 2-8 .
Returns to global configuration mode.
(Optional) Configures the DHCP server to remember the IP bindings of a device. If the network or device reloads, the
DHCP server issues the same IP address to a client that it had before the reload. This command is supported in Cisco IOS
Release 12.2(53) or later on switches and in Cisco IOS
Release 15.1(3)T or later on routers.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.
Verifies the configuration by displaying the DHCP servers recognized by the device.
This example shows how to configure the Smart Install director as the DHCP server:
Director# configure terminal
Director(config)# vstack director
Director(config)# vstack basic
Director(config)# vstack dhcp-localserver pool1
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# address-pool
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# default-router
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# file-server
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# exit
Director(config)# ip dhcp remember
Director(config)# end
DHCP snooping is automatically enabled on the director. Therefore, you do not need to enable it when the director is the DHCP server.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Configuring the DHCP Server
Configuring Another Device as DHCP Server
If the Smart Install director is not the DHCP server, you can use the traditional Cisco IOS DHCP commands to configure a server pool outside the Smart Install network. The director must have connectivity to the DHCP server. For procedures to configure other DHCP server options, see the
“Configuring DHCP” section of the “IP Addressing Services” section of the Cisco IOS IP Configuration
Guide, Release 12.2
or the “IP Addressing Services” section of the Cisco IOS IP Configuration Guide,
Release 15.1 from This procedure shows the minimum steps that you need to perform to configure a DHCP server.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Note Do not configure a client switch as DHCP server. If you configure DHCP server commands on a client switch, the switch will assign IP addresses, and will not be able to use Smart Install.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps:
Command config terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
ip dhcp pool poolname Creates a name for the DHCP server address pool, and enters DHCP pool configuration mode.
Specifies the name of the configuration file to be used. bootfile filename network network-number mask prefix-length Specifies the subnet network number and mask of the
DHCP address pool. option 150 remember end address
Note The prefix length specifies the number of bits that comprise the address prefix. The prefix is an alternative way of specifying the network mask of the client. The prefix length must be preceded by a forward slash (/).
Specifies the IP address of the TFTP server.
(Optional) Configures the DHCP pool to remember the IP bindings of a device. If the network or device reloads, the
DHCP server issues the same IP address to a client that it had before the reload.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
This example shows how to configure another device as a DHCP server:
Switch # configure terminal
Switch(config)# ip dhcp pool pool1
Switch(dhcp-config)# network
Switch(dhcp-config)# option 150
Switch(dhcp-config)# remember
Switch(config-if)# end
When the director is a Layer 3 switch, DHCP snooping is automatically enabled on it. When there is a relay agent between the DHCP server and the director, you must enable DHCP snooping on the relay agent.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Configuring the TFTP Server
Note DHCP relay is not supported on interfaces connected to vStack VLAN on which DHCP snooping is enabled.
To enable DHCP snooping on a Cisco DHCP relay device, enter these global configuration commands:
• ip dhcp snooping ip dhcp snooping vlan vlan-id for other configured Smart Install VLANs no ip dhcp snooping information option (if the DHCP server is running Cisco IOS)
You must also enter the ip dhcp snooping trust interface configuration command on the director interface that is connected to the server.
If the director and the DHCP server are on different VLANs, you must enable IP routing on the VLAN interface connected to the client switches, and enter this command:
• ip helper address (IP address of the DHCP server)
Configuring the TFTP Server
Smart Install stores image, configuration files, and post install files on a TFTP server. The director can function as the TFTP server, eliminating the need for an external TFTP-serving device. If the director is the TFTP server, image, configuration files and post install files are stored in the director flash memory.
If the director does not have available memory storage space, you can store the files on a third-party server and point to that location.
If the TFTP server is a third-party (non-Cisco) device, you should disable the server option to change the name of a file if another file is created with the same name. Otherwise, duplicate imagelist files might be created.
In Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine 2T switches, flash size supports onboard and external disks to download the image, the configuration file and post install file.
When selecting the director to be the TFTP server, follow these:
The total flash memory space (used and free) on the director must be large enough to contain the director image, and configuration file and the image, configuration files and the post install files required for client switches.
There must be sufficient available flash memory on the director to hold the client Cisco IOS images and configuration files and post install files. The Cisco IOS image files vary in size, depending on the client product IDs and size of the images being installed.
When the director is the TFTP server, a copy of the configuration file for each client is stored in the root directory of the flash file system on the director. There must be sufficient space for each planned client.
Most director devices have sufficient flash memory to hold one client Cisco IOS image, a small number of client configuration files and post install files. For example, the Catalyst 3750 switch can have a maximum flash size of 64 MB, which accommodates only 4 or 5 images, based on the image size.
If the director is a switch and the Smart Install network includes client switches with more than one product ID, you should use an external TFTP server.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Establishing a Remote Client Session
In more recent IOS releases, you do not need to configure the director as TFTP server. The director automatically gets the required image, configuration files and post install files and acts as the TFTP server when you specify flash : as the location from which to retrieve the files.
For example, for zero-touch updates of a default image and a configuration file, entering these commands on the director automatically configures the director as the TFTP server and enables the director DHCP server to provide these files to the clients.
vstack config flash: new_configuration_file vstack image flash: image_name.tar
vstack script flash: post_install.txt
Establishing a Remote Client Session
You can perform configuration tasks on the client through a remote connection from the director. From the director, enter the vstack attach { client - index } | { client IP address } command in EXEC mode to attach to a client interface and temporarily enable it as director. Select a client by either choosing from a list that shows the active clients that are available within the Smart Install network or by entering the client IP address.
The client index list is dynamically generated in the Cisco IOS help text. If the director device is not rebooted, then the client-index is retained and it can be used in future configurations.
Configuring a Network with Single or Mixed Switch Types
Configuring a Network That Includes a Single Switch Type, page 2-9
Using Built-In Groups to Configure a Mixed Network with Two Switch Types, page 2-12
Configuring a Network That Includes a Single Switch Type
When all client switches in the Smart Install network are the same switch product ID and are performing the same functions, they would use the same image, the same seed (base) configuration file and same post install file. In this case, you can configure a default image, a seed configuration file, and the same post install file for all clients in the network.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps on the director to set the default image and configuration file, and the post install file for all clients in the network:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Command config terminal vstack director ip_ address vstack basic vstack startup-vlan vlan_value
Enters global configuration mode.
Configures the device as Smart Install director by entering the IP address of an interface on the device.
Enables the device as the Smart Install director.
Specifies the default VLAN that the director should use for Smart Install management.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Configuring a Network with Single or Mixed Switch Types
Step 5
Step 6
Command vstack image { flash: image_name.
tar | tftp: // location image_name.
tar } vstack config { flash: config.txt
| tftp: // location config.txt
Enters the location and image.
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
Note flash: image_name.
tar —Enter if the director is the TFTP server and the image is in the director flash memory.
The images for the Catalyst 3850 and 3650 platforms are bundled with a .bin extension; the.tar extension is not available.
Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb:
The images for the Catalyst 3850 and 3650 platforms are bundled with a .bin
extension; the .tar
extension is not available.
• tftp: // location image_name.
tar image_name.
tar —Enter the name of the default image tar file for clients in the network.
Enters the location and the default configuration file name. The configuration file is a text file that contains the configuration file to be downloaded to the client.
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
For location, enter flash: if the TFTP server is the director and the configuration file is in the director flash memory.
Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
For location, enter tftp: if the TFTP server is not the director or if the file is not in the director flash memory. In this case, enter tftp: // director ip_address .
—Enter the filename of the default seed configuration file for clients in the network.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Configuring a Network with Single or Mixed Switch Types
Command Purpose vstack script { flash: post_install.txt
| tftp: // location post_install.txt
Enters the location of the post install script file for the default group. The post install file is a text file that contains the post install CLI commands to be downloaded to the client.
Note Although you must provide the image or the config, or the image and the config, the post install script is optional.
this comment applies to all locations below where post-install configuration is described
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
For location, enter flash : if the TFTP server is the director and the post install file is in the director flash memory.
Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: end copy running-config startup config show vstack config
• For location, enter tftp: if the TFTP server is not the director or if the file is not in the director flash memory. In this case enter tftp: // director ip_address .
• post_install.txt
—Enter the filename of the default post install file for clients in the network.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.
Verifies the configuration.
A client switch sends an error message if it is unable to download an image, a configuration file or post install file due to miscommunication, if either of the following apply:
• An image, configuration file, or post install file is unavailable.
• If a join window is configured and the DHCP acknowledgment occurs outside the configured time frame.
If a Cisco device is being used as the TFTP server, you should configure it as described in the
“Configuring the TFTP Server” section on page 2-8 .
This example shows how to configure a default image and configuration file for a Smart Install network if the director is the TFTP server and the default image, configuration file and post install file are in the director flash memory:
Director# configure terminal
Director(config)# vstack director
Director(config)# vstack basic
Director(config)# vstack image flash:c2960-lanbase-tar.122-52SE.tar
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Configuring a Network with Single or Mixed Switch Types
Director(config)# vstack config flash:2960lanbase_config.txt
Director(config)# vstack script flash:2960lanbase_post_install.txt
Director(config)# end
This example shows how to configure a default image, configuration file, and post install file when the
TFTP server is not the director:
Director# configure terminal
Director(config)# vstack director
Director(config)# vstack basic
Director(config)# vstack image tftp://
Director(config)# vstack config tftp://
Director(config)# vstack script tftp://
Director(config)# end
Using Built-In Groups to Configure a Mixed Network with Two Switch Types
You can use built-in groups in a Smart Install network to configure a group of switches that have one product ID with an image, configuration file, and post install file, and to configure a second group of switches that have another product ID with another image, configuration file, and post install file. You could also have other clients in the network that do not belong to either of these groups and could use the default image, configuration file, and post install file if they match the default product ID.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps on the director to configure the image, configuration file, and post install file for two different product IDs in the Smart Install network:
Note If the device is already configured as an SMI director, Steps 1 thru 5 are optional. If the device is already configured as a director, skip to Step 6 for on-demand updates.
Command config terminal vstack director ip_ address vstack basic vstack startup-vlan vlan_value vstack group built-in product_family1 port_config
Enters global configuration mode.
Configures the device as Smart Install director by entering the IP address of an interface on the device.
Enables the device as the Smart Install director.
Specifies the default VLAN that the director should use for
Smart Install management.
Identifies the first built-in group product ID, and enters
Smart Install group configuration mode for the group.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Step 6
Command image location image_name.
Step 7 config location config_filename
Configuring a Network with Single or Mixed Switch Types
Enters the location and image name for group 1.
• For location, enter flash: (if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory).
Note Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
For location, enter tftp: and the location of the configuration file for group 1 if the file is not stored in the director flash memory.
Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
Note The images for the Catalyst 3850 and 3650 platforms are bundled with a .bin
extension; the .tar
extension is not available.
• image_name.
tar —Enter the name of the image tar file for clients in group 1.
Enters the location and configuration file for group 1.
For location, enter flash: (if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory).
Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
For location, enter tftp: and the location of the configuration file for group 1 if the file is not stored in the director flash memory.
Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
• config_filename —Enter the filename of the configuration file for group 1.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Configuring a Network with Single or Mixed Switch Types
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Command script location post_install_filename exit vstack group built-in product_family2 port_config image location image_name.
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Enters the location and post install file for group 1.
Note Although you must provide the image or the config, or the image and the config, the post install script is optional.
For location, enter flash: (if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory).
Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
For location, enter tftp: and the location of the post install file for group 1 if the file is not stored in the director flash memory.
Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
• post_install_filename —Enter the filename of the post install file for group 1.
Returns to global configuration mode.
Identifies the second built-in group product ID, and enters
Smart Install group configuration mode for the group.
Enters the location and image name for group 2.
• For location, enter flash: (if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory).
Note Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
For location, enter tftp: and the location of the configuration file for group 2 if the file is not stored in the director flash memory.
Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
Note The images for the Catalyst 3850 and 3650 platforms are bundled with a .bin
extension; the .tar
extension is not available.
• image_name.
tar —Enter the name of the image tar file for clients in group 2.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
Step 15
Step 16
Configuring a Network with Single or Mixed Switch Types
Command config script location config_filename location post_install_filename end copy running-config startup config show vstack group built-in detail
Enters the location and configuration file for group 2.
• For location, enter flash: (if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory).
Note Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
For location, enter tftp: and the location of the configuration file for group 2 if the file is not stored in the director flash memory.
Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
• config_filename —Enter the filename of the configuration file for group 2.
Enters the location and post install file for group 2.
Note Although you must provide the image or the config, or the image and the config, the post install script is optional.
For location, enter flash: (if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory).
Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
For location, enter tftp: and the location of the post install file for group 2 if the file is not stored in the director flash memory.
Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
• post_install_filename —Enter the filename of the post install file for group 2.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.
Verifies the configurations.
A client switch sends an error message if it cannot download an image, configuration file, or post install file due to misconfiguration, provided either of the two apply:
• The image, configuration file, or post install file is unavailable.
• If a join window is configured and the DHCP acknowledgment occurs outside of the configured time frame.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
This example uses built-in groups to configure all 3560 24-port switches in the network with one image, configuration file, and post install file, it configures all 2960 24-port switches in the network with another image, configuration file, and post install file.
Director# configure terminal
Director(config)# vstack director
Director(config)# vstack basic
Director(config)# vstack group built-in 3560 24
Director(config-vstack-group)# image tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# config tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# script tftp://
Director(config)# exit
Director(config)# vstack group built-in 2960 24
Director(config-vstack-group)# image tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# config tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# script tftp://
Director(config)# end
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
When a director is established and default or group images and configuration files are defined and there is connectivity between the director and a client switch, you can perform on-demand image and configuration updates. You can use this capability on a new client switch to make it Smart Install capable or on existing clients to update the image or configuration.
The process of triggering an on-demand upgrade for Catalyst 4500 switch IBC differs from other platforms. The difference resides with the ISSU upgrade option. In a typical upgrade of a Catalyst 3500 platform, let’s say, the IBC reloads after the upgrade. In contrast, to prevent the downtime for a Catalyst
4500 IBC, you can complete an On-demand upgrade by selecting the ISSU option of the vstack download-image CLI.
You can initiate an on-demand download if the switch has a valid IP interface. For on-demand download on a switch that is not Smart Install capable, the switch must also have an enable password configured.
Note In Catalyst 3850 and 3650 switches, the client should be in installed mode to update the image.
Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE, 15.1(1)SY, 15.0(2)SE and later, and 3.2(0)SE and later,
3.6.(0)E,and 15.2.(2)E, you can perform on-demand updates to multiple clients simultaneously.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps on the director to perform an on-demand update on a client switch.
Command config terminal vstack director ip_ address vstack basic vstack startup-vlan vlan_value end
Enters global configuration mode.
Configures the device as the Smart Install director by entering the IP address of an interface on the device.
Enables the device as the Smart Install director.
Specifies the default VLAN that the director should use for Smart Install management.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Step 6
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
Command vstack download-image tar image_URL { ip_address | index name } remote_switch_password
[ override ] reload [ in time ] or vstack download-image built-in product_family port_config remote_switch_password
[ override ] reload [ in time ] or
Starts an on-demand tar image download on a Smart Install client switch:
Enter the image_URL and location and the IP address of the client.
Enter the imagelist_ file and location and the IP address of the client
(for releases earlier than 12.2(55)SE).
ip_address —Enter the IP address of the client switch.
index name —Enter the index name from the director database for multiple clients or a range of clients (for example, 1-3, 4). This feature was added in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE, 15.1(1)SY,
15.0(2)SE and later, or 3.2(0)SE and later.
vstack download-image
{ imagelist_file _URL { ip_address | index name } | built-in product_family port_config } remote_switch_password
[ override ] issu [ allow-reload ] [ in time ]
Enter built-in , and select the product family and port configuration from the command-line help.
Use this option if you have identified the image for the specified built-in group by entering the image location image_name.
Smart Install group configuration command.
tar remote_switch_password —Enter the password for the client switch.
Note A password is needed only if the switch is running a Cisco IOS image earlier than 12.2(52)SE. It is not required for switches already in the Smart Install network. If you are upgrading the image for multiple clients, all clients must have the same password or must have no password (None).
(Optional) override —Overrides the existing image on the client switch.
(Optional) issu attempts to upgrade using ISSU.
allow-reload (visible only for an ISSU upgrade) allows SMI to reload the switch to complete the upgrade process if ISSU could not be performed on that particular IBC.
(Optional) in time specifies the time to reload the switch using the format hh:mm. The range is from 00:00 to 23:59. If no time is specified, the reload occurs when you exit the CLI.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
Step 7
Step 8
Command Purpose vstack download-config
{ config_URL ip_address | built-in product_family port_config } remote_switch_password startup
[ reload ] [ in time ]
Starts an on-demand configuration download on a Smart Install client switch:
• Enter the configuration filename and location and the IP address of the client
• Enter built-in and select the product family and port configuration from the command-line help.
Note Use this option if you have identified the configuration for the specified built-in group by entering the config location config_filename Smart Install group configuration command.
The remaining keywords and arguments have these meanings:
Note remote_switch_password —Enters the password for the client switch.
A password is required only for switches that are not Smart Install capable. It is not required for switches already in the Smart Install network.
show vstack download-status
• startup —Applies the configuration to the switch startup configuration.
(Optional) reload —Reloads the switch.
(Optional) in time —Specifies the time to reload the switch using the format hh:mm. The range is from 00:00 to 23:59. If no time is specified, the reload occurs when you exit the CLI.
Checks status of the download.
This example shows how to configure a Smart Install director to schedule an on-demand download of an image and configuration file to the client switch with the IP address and password of mypassword . The download takes place in 6 hours and 30 minutes.
Director# configure terminal
Director(config)# vstack director
Director(config)# vstack basic
Director(config)# end
Director# vstack download-image tar tftp:// mypassword reload in 06:30
Director# vstack download-config tftp:// my password reload in 06:30
This example shows the same configuration for a built-in group.
Director# configure terminal
Director(config)# vstack director
Director(config)# vstack basic
Director(config)# end
Director# vstack download-image built-in 3750 24 mypassword override reload in 6:30
Director# vstack download-config built-in 3750 24 mypassword reload in 06:30
Using Custom Groups to Configure Groups Based on Connectivity, MAC Address, Stack Number, or Product ID
You can configure a custom group to set up the image and configuration file for all client switches that match connectivity, MAC address, stack number, or product IDs for switches in a stack.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
A client switch sends an error message if it cannot download an image or configuration file due to misconfiguration, if the image or configuration file is not available, or if a join window is configured and the DHCP acknowledgment occurs outside of the configured time frame.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Configuring Custom Group Based on Connectivity
You can configure a custom group based on the connectivity or topology of switches in a Smart Install network. For example, you would use a connectivity match to configure a group of switches that are connected to the director through a single interface or switches that are connected to the director through a specific intermediate switch. A connectivity match takes priority over product ID or stack number custom groups and over built-in groups, but not over groups based on MAC addresses. Switches that do not match the connectivity configuration would acquire the configuration file, post install file, and image in either a built-in group or through the default configuration.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps on the director to configure a custom group based on connectivity:
Command config terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
vstack director ip_ address Configures the device as the Smart Install director by entering the IP address of an interface on the device.
Enables the device as the Smart Install director.
vstack basic vstack startup-vlan vlan_value vstack group custom group_name connectivity
Specifies the default VLAN that the director should use for
Smart Install management.
Identifies a custom group based on a connectivity match, and enters Smart Install group configuration mode for the group.
match host ip_address interface interface-id Identifies the client switches for the custom group:
• host ip_address —The IP address of the upstream neighbor of the client (this could be the director or an intermediate device).
interface interface-id —The interface on the upstream neighbor to which the clients is connected. The interface
ID must be the full identifier for the interface, such as
GigabitEthernet 2/0/1.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
Step 7
Command image location image_name .tar
Step 8 config location config_filename.
Step 9 config location post_install_filename
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12 end copy running-config startup config show vstack group custom detail
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Enters the location and image file for the custom group.
• location— Enter flash: if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory, or enter tftp: and the location of the imagefile: Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: flash1: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
Note The images for the Catalyst 3850 and 3650 platforms are bundled with a .bin
extension; the .tar
extension is not available.
• image_name .tar
— The image tar file that you want to download. For a switch stack, there could be multiple images for members of the stack.
Enters the location and configuration file for the custom group.
• location— Enter flash: if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory, or enter tftp: and the location of the configuration file. Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: flash1: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
• config_filename— The filename of the configuration file for the group.
Enters the location and post install file for the custom group.
Note Although you must provide the image or the config, or the image and the config, the post install script is optional.
Note location— Enter flash: if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory, or enter tftp: and the location of the post install file. Rather than flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb:
Although visible in the command-line help, these options are unsupported: flash1: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
• post_install_filename— The filename of the post install file for the group.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.
Verifies the configuration.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
This example creates a custom group named testgroup2 for all switches that are connected to the specified host and interface and configures the group to use the specified image file and configuration.
Director# configure terminal
Director(config)# vstack director
Director(config)# vstack basic
Director(config)# vstack group custom textgroup2 connectivity
Director(config-vstack-group)# match host interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/3
Director(config-vstack-group)# image tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# config tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# script tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# exit
Director(config)# end
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Configuring a Custom Group Based on MAC Address
You can configure a custom group based on the MAC addresses of switches in a Smart Install network.
A MAC address match takes priority over any other matches. The switches that do not match the MAC addresses in the group would get the configuration, post install file, and image for another group or the default configuration.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps on the director to configure a custom group based on connectivity:
Step 6
Command config terminal vstack director ip_ address vstack basic vstack startup-vlan vlan_value vstack group custom group_name mac match mac_address
Enters global configuration mode.
Configures the device as the Smart Install director by entering the IP address of an interface on the device.
Enables the device as the Smart Install director.
Specifies the default VLAN that the director should use for Smart Install management.
Identifies a custom group based on a MAC address match, and enters Smart Install group configuration mode for the group.
Enters the MAC address of the client switch to be added to the custom group. Repeat the command for each
MAC address to be added.
Note To see MAC addresses of switches in the Smart
Install network, enter the show vstack neighbors all privileged EXEC command.
Switches added to the group must be able to use the same image and configuration file.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
Step 7
Command image location image_name .tar
Step 8 config location config_filename
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Enters the location and image file for the custom group.
• location— Enter flash: if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory, or enter tftp: and the location of the image. Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: flash1: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
Note The images for the Catalyst 3850 and 3650 platforms are bundled with a .bin
extension; the
extension is not available.
• image_name .tar
— The image tar file that you want to download. For a switch stack, there could be multiple images for members of the stack.
Enters the location and configuration file for the custom group.
• location— Enter flash: if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory, or enter tftp: and the location of the configuration file. Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: flash1: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
• config_filename— The filename of the configuration file for the group.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
Command script location post_install_filename
Enters the location and post install file for the custom group.
Note Although you must provide the image or the config, or the image and the config, the post install script is optional.
Note location— Enter flash: if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory, or enter tftp: and the location of the post install file. Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb:
Although visible in the command-line help, these options are unsupported: flash1: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
• post_install_filename— The filename of the post install file for the group.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.
Verifies the configuration.
end copy running-config startup config show vstack group custom detail
This example creates a custom group named testgroup3 that includes the three switches identified by
MAC address, and configures the group to use the specified image file and configuration.
Director# configure terminal
Director(config)# vstack director
Director(config)# vstack basic
Director(config)# vstack group custom textgroup3 mac
Director(config-vstack-group)# match mac 0023.34ca.c180
Director(config-vstack-group)# match mac 001a.a1b4.ee00
Director(config-vstack-group)# match mac 00:1B:54:44:C6:00
Director(config-vstack-group)# image tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# config tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# script tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# exit
Director(config)# end
Configuring a Custom Group Based on a Stack Number
You can configure a custom group based on the number of the switch in the stack. Any switch in a stack that matches the stack number and product ID gets the same configuration.
Note A client switch in a stack can be updated only when it belongs to a custom stack group. It cannot belong to the default group.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps on the director to configure a custom group based on the stack number:
Step 6
Step 7
Command config terminal vstack director ip_ address vstack basic vstack startup-vlan vlan_value vstack group custom group_name stack match switch_number stack product_family port_config image location image_name .tar
Enters global configuration mode.
Configures the device as Smart Install director be entering the IP address of an interface on the device.
Enables the device as the Smart -Install director.
Specifies the default VLAN that the director should use for Smart Install management.
Identifies a custom group based on matching the stack number and enter Smart Install group configuration mode for the group.
Identifies the client switches for the custom group:
• switch_number —Number of the switch in the stack. The range is from 1 to 9.
product_family —Select the stack product family from the command-line help.
• port_config —Switch port configuration. To see the available port configurations, enter a ?
after the product family.
Enters the location and image file for the custom group.
Note location— Enter flash: if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory or enter tftp: and the location of the imagefile. Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: flash1: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
Note The images for the Catalyst 3850 and 3650 platforms are bundled with a .bin
extension; the .tar
extension is not available.
• image_name .tar is the image tar file that you want to download.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
Command config script end location config_filename.
location post_install_filename copy running-config startup config show vstack group custom detail
Enters the location and configuration file for the custom group.
• location— Enter flash: if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory or enter tftp: and the location of the configuration file for the group. Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: flash1: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
• config_filename —The filename of the configuration file for the group.
Enters the location and post install file for the custom group.
Note Although you must provide the image or the config, or the image and the config, the post install script is optional.
Note location— Enter flash: if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory or enter tftp: and the location of the post install file. Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: flash1: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:. post_install_filename —The filename of the post install file for the group.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.
Verifies the configuration.
This example creates a custom group named testgroup for all switches that are identified as switch member 2 in a Catalyst 3750 24-port stack to use the specified image, configuration file, and post install file.
Director# configure terminal
Director(config)# vstack director
Director(config)# vstack basic
Director(config)# vstack group custom testgroup stack
Director(config-vstack-group)# image tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# config tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# script tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# match 1 3750 24poe
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
Director(config-vstack-group)# match 2 3750 24poe
Director(config-vstack-group)# match 3 3750 24poe
Director(config-vstack-group)# exit
Director(config)# end
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Custom Group Based on Product ID
You can configure a custom group based on the product ID of switches in a Smart Install network.
Switches that do not match the product ID in the group can be provided the configuration file, post install file and image for another group, or the default configuration.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps on the director to configure a custom group based on connectivity:
Step 6
Step 7
Command config terminal vstack director ip_ address vstack basic vstack startup-vlan vlan_value vstack group custom group_name product-id match product-id image location image_name .tar
Enters global configuration mode.
Configures the device as the Smart Install director by entering the IP address of an interface on the device.
Enables the device as the Smart Install director.
Specifies the default VLAN that the director should use for Smart Install management.
Identifies a custom group based on a product-ID match, and enters Smart Install group configuration mode for the group.
Enters the product ID of the client switches in the custom group.
Note The product ID can be the same as that of a built-in group. If a client matches a built-in group and a custom group, the custom group takes precedence.
Enters the location and image file for the custom group.
Note location— Enter flash: if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory, or enter tftp: and the location of the image. Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: flash1: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
Note The images for the Catalyst 3850 and 3650 platforms are bundled with a .bin
extension; the
extension is not available.
• image_name .tar
— The image tar file that you want to download. For a switch stack, there could be multiple images for members of the stack.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Updating On-Demand to a New Image or Configuration
Command config script location config_filename.
location post_install_filename
Enters the location and configuration file for the custom group.
• location— Enter flash: if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory, or enter tftp: and the location of the configuration file. Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: flash1: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
• config_filename— The filename of the configuration file for the group.
Enters the location and post install file for the custom group.
Note Although you must provide the image or the config, or the image and the config, the post install script is optional.
Note location— Enter flash: if the TFTP server is the director and the file is stored in the director flash memory, or enter tftp: and the location of the post install file. Instead of flash:, you can also enter flash0: , flash1: , or usb: .
Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: flash1: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
• post_install_filename— The filename of the post install file for the group.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.
Verifies the configuration.
end copy running-config startup config show vstack group custom detail
This example creates a custom group named testgroup4 that includes switches that match the product ID
WS-C2960-48TC-L, and configures the group to use the specified image file, configuration file, and the post install file.
Director# configure terminal
Director(config)# vstack director
Director(config)# vstack basic
Director(config)# vstack group custom textgroup4 product-id
Director(config-vstack-group)# match WS-C2960-48TC-L
Director(config-vstack-group)# image tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# config tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# script tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# exit
Director(config)# end
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Managing Client Configuration Files
Managing Client Configuration Files
You can manage the client configuration files through the director that is set up as TFTP server, or through a third-party TFTP server. Only supported devices that are Smart Install capable can perform the role of director and save client configuration files to a repository. See
to see a list of devices that can be a Smart Install network director.
The backup feature does not need to be enabled; it is on by default. However, if you have disabled it and want to save the configuration files to a repository, use the vstack backup global configuration command to enable the feature. After enabling the backup feature, use the vstack backup file-server global configuration command to specify a repository on the TFTP server to save the configurations files. The repository will define where the files are saved.
Every time the write memory privileged EXEC command is issued on the client, its configuration files are saved to the director-TFTP server or third-party TFTP server.
These names are assigned to the client backup files:
Hostname MAC address.rev1
Hostname MAC address.rev2 (most recent version)
When the client undergoes a hostname change, the configuration files are not backed up until you enter the write memory command. When a new mapping is created between the client with a new hostname and the two configuration files, the existing mapping is removed. On a third-party TFTP server, after a new mapping is created between the client with a new hostname and the two configuration files, the files are not removed.
Note Do not remove the backed-up client files from the third-party TFTP server repository. Otherwise, the backup feature does not work properly.
Backing Up Files after Loss of Connection
If the client-to-director connection is lost after issuing the write memory command, the back-up process fails. You must reestablish the connection so that the client file is backed up on the director. If you entered the write memory command more than once, the files associated with the last write memory command event are backed up on the director. If the client reloads or fails before receiving feedback that the backup was successful, any changes made to the client startup do not take effect until you reload the client.
Extracting and Displaying Tar Files
When the client sends a tar file to the director, you can use the vstack untar source-url [ destination-url ] command in EXEC mode to extract and display the files in a specified location. However, when the client sends a tar file to a third-party TFTP server, you cannot use the director to extract and display the files.
The tar files are placed into the preconfigured directory within the repository. If the directory is not configured, the files are extracted and displayed in the director root directory flash memory.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Other Configuration Options
Other Configuration Options
Disabling Smart Install on a Device, page 2-29
Managing File Downloads on Clients, page 2-29
Configuring a Client Hostname Prefix, page 2-30
Configuring Additional Smart Install Management VLANs, page 2-30
Configuring a Group for Standalone Catalyst 4500 Series Switch, page 2-31
Support for Post-install Operations, page 2-38
Disabling Smart Install on a Device
When a director is configured and a client joins the Smart Install network, Smart Install is automatically enabled on these devices. Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE, 15.1(1)SY, 15.0(2)SE and later, or 3.2(0)SE and later, you can disable Smart Install on a device and also shut down its Smart Install
TCP ports by entering the no vstack global configuration command on the client or director. When
Smart Install is disabled on a device, any Smart Install configuration on it remains in the running configuration but does not take effect while Smart Install is disabled.
When Smart Install is disabled on a device, the vstack director ip_ address and vstack basic global configuration commands are not allowed on the device. To reenable Smart Install on a device, enter the vstack global configuration command.
Managing File Downloads on Clients
You can use download management to download image and configuration files to a client. For non-Smart
Install clients, an HTTP emulation process manages file downloads. For Smart Install capable clients, file downloads are performed when a request is received from the director.
Download Management for Non-Smart Install Clients
For non-Smart Install capable clients, you can initiate downloads from the director through HTTP emulation. The client initiates a new connection to the director, and the director initiates a new HTTP connection to the non-Smart Install client on port 80. The image file name and configuration file name from the group database is gathered, and a download is issued on the non-Smart Install client through
HTTP emulation. After the download is complete, a reload is issued on the client.
Note Stackable switches must have the correct configuration present because they do not have a default image and configuration.
Download Management for Smart Install Clients
For Smart Install-capable clients to receive image and configuration files, the client performs a write erase and reload . The client establishes connectivity with the director and gathers information about the image and the configuration files. When this information is gathered, the client begins the update. When the update is complete, the Smart Install-capable client reboots .
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Other Configuration Options
Configuring a Client Hostname Prefix
When configuring switches out of the box, to help identify the switches and their locations in the network, you can enter this global configuration command on the director: vstack hostname-prefix prefix
You can then enter a prefix to the hostname for clients in the Smart Install network. The last part of the switch hostname for a switch that had a DCHP request snooped through the director contains the last
3 bytes of the switch MAC address.
This example shows how to configure the hostname Cisco for a client that has been DHCP-snooped. The second display shows the resulting switch hostname assignment:
Director(config)# vstack hostname-prefix Cisco
Director(config)# exit
If you then telnet to that switch from the director, the hostname is shown:
*Mar 1 17:21:43.281: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
*Mar 1 17:21:52.399: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface Vlan1 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname
Configuring Additional Smart Install Management VLANs
Client switches can be on any VLANs if you configure the director to snoop on the VLAN by entering the vstack vlan vlan-id global configuration command and if traffic from the VLAN flows through the director. The director can snoop on multiple VLANs extending to clients on different Layer 2 subnets.
By default, when the director is an Ethernet switch, VLAN 1 is the Smart Install management VLAN and the only VLAN that DHCP snoops on. You can, however, use the vstack startup-vlan global configuration command to specify another default VLAN.
You can add additional Smart Install management VLANs or a range of VLANs to participate in DHCP snooping. You can configure any number of Smart Install management VLANs.
vstack vlan vlan-id
This command is not supported when the director is a router. On a router, after you enable Smart Install with the vstack basic command, clients connected to any Layer 3 interface on the router will continue to communicate with Smart Install. Clients must have a default route to reach the director as specified in its DHCP pool.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps on the director to configure a startup VLAN:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Command config terminal vstack director ip_ address vstack basic vstack vlan vlan-id
Enters global configuration mode.
Configures the device as the Smart Install director by entering the IP address of an interface on the device.
Enables the device as the Smart Install director.
Specifies the VLAN for Smart Install management.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Other Configuration Options
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Command vstack startup-vlan vlan_value no vstack startup-vlan end no vstack vlan copy running-config startup config show vstack group custom detail
Specifies the startup VLAN that the director should use for Smart Install management.
Note Ensure that this VLAN is already present in the system as a VLAN for Smart Install management.
Removes the VLAN as the startup VLAN so that VLAN
1 now becomes the startup VLAN for Smart Install management.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
(Optional) Removes the earlier vlan-id VLAN from the
Smart Install management VLAN list.
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.
Verifies the configuration.
Configuring a Group for Standalone Catalyst 4500 Series Switch
Beginning with IOS XE 3.6.0 and IOS 15.2(2)E, the procedure to configure a built-in group for Catalyst
4500 series of switches has been updated
Because PoE and port number are capabilities of the line card and not the chassis, you must use the supervisor type to classify a switch rather than PoE or port number.
For details on the compatibility between Catalyst 4500 Switch Supervisor Engine and Chassis as well as compatibility between Catalyst 3560, 3750, 29xx and Chassis, SKU ID, and SKI, see
Supported Models for Smart Install, page B-1
If you want to use custom groups for the Catalyst 4500 series switch as
Integrated Branch Client (IBC), you can use the following custom groups:
• Product ID based—Only the chassis ID can be used.
MAC-based—Chassis MAC for a standalone Catalyst 4500 Series Switch and virtual MAC for VSS
The following is a list of chassis that are supported by SMI as client:
• WS-C4503-E
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Other Configuration Options
Restrictions and Guidelines
A VSS system requires configuration in the startup-config while booting. For a zero-touch upgrade, no startup-config should exist; a zero-touch upgrade cannot be performed on VSS.
ISSU is unsupported for a zero-touch upgrade.
No images prior to IOS XE 3.6.0E can exist on the path between Integrated Branch Director (IBD) and 4k IBC.
To support Catalyst 4500 IBC, the images on both IBD and IBC must be IOS XE 3.6.0E or later.
No [explicit] limit exists for the number of Catalyst 4500 switch IBC that an IBD can support; the maximum number of supported IBCs remains unchanged, independent of the IBC platform.
If a supervisor engine is not in IOS mode on an IBC, it is not upgraded; a supervisor engine must be in IOS mode.
If an IBC, a line card is replaced by another line card, the IBC entry on IBD remains unchanged.
While performing a configuration upgrade on a VSS IBC, notice that the configuration file must be compatible with that VSS IBC.
When upgrading an image for a wireless IBC, we recommend that you use an external TFTP server, irrespective of any supported IBD. This takes lesser time.
The ip tftp source-interface command should not exist in the IBC for normal SMI operations; this
CLI interrupts normal TFTP operations.
If portchannel is used on the IBD side and the IBC has zero configuration, mac flip messages are displayed on the IBC side.
If you perform an image-only upgrade, the running configuration on the switch prior to reload (after the image is downloaded) is saved as the startup configuration. When the switch reboots, this startup config is loaded onto the switch.
The Procedure
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, perform these steps to configure a group for a standalone Catalyst
4500 series switch:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Switch# config terminal
Switch(config)# vstack group built-in 4500 supervisor type { chassis type | all >}
Switch(config-vstack-group)# [ no ] config path_to_config_file
Switch(config-vstack-group)# [ no ] image path_to_image_file
Enters global configuration mode.
Enables group mode.
supervisor_type is just one parameter. You must select from the list as the first example below illustrates.
Use chassis type to configure the configuration (or image) for a particular chassis.
Use all to configure all chassis supporting the supervisor type .
Configures the config file (i.e., path_to_config_file ) for the group. Use the no keyword to unconfigure.
Configures the image file (i.e., path_to_image_file ) for the group. Use the no keyword to unconfigure.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Other Configuration Options
Switch(config-vstack-group)# [ no ] script path_to_post_install_file
Switch(config-vstack-group)# exit
Switch# show vstack group
Switch# write mem
Configures the post install file (i.e., path_to_post_install_file ) for the group. Use the no keyword to unconfigure.
Exits from group mode.
Verifies the group changes.
Saves the configurations.
This example shows how to configure a Catalyst 4500 group and verify with the show vstack group command:
Switch(config)# vstack group built-in ?
1783 1783 product family
1783BMS 1783BMS product family
2918 2918 product family
2960 2960 product family
2960c 2960c product family
2960cg 2960cg product family
2960g 2960g product family
2960plus 2960plus product family
2960s 2960s product family
2960s-fe 2960s-fe product family
2960x 2960x product family
2960xr 2960xr product family
2975 2975 product family
3560 3560 product family
3560c 3560c product family
3560cg 3560cg product family
3560e 3560e product family
3560g 3560g product family
3560x 3560x product family
3650 3650 product family
3750 3750 product family
3750e 3750e product family
3750g 3750g product family
3750x 3750x product family
3850 3850 product family
4500 4500 product family
4500x 4500x product family
4900 4900 product family
IE2000 IE2000 product family
IE3000 IE3000 product family
IE3010 IE3010 product family
nme-es nme-es product family
sm-d-es2 sm-d-es2 product family
sm-d-es3 sm-d-es3 product family
sm-d-es3g sm-d-es3g product family
sm-es2 sm-es2 product family
sm-es3 sm-es3 product family
sm-es3g sm-es3g product family
Switch(config)# vstack group built-in 4500 sup6-e 4507r-e
Switch(config)# vstack group built-in 4500 ?
sup6-e sup6-e supervisor
sup6l-e sup6l-e supervisor
sup7-e sup7-e supervisor
sup7l-e sup7l-e supervisor
sup8-e sup8-e supervisor
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Other Configuration Options
Switch(config)# vstack group built-in 4500 sup8-e ?
4503 4503 chassis type
4506 4506 chassis type
4507r+e 4507r+e chassis type
4510r+e 4510r+e chassis type
all Configure all Chassis for this Sup
Switch(config)# vstack group built-in 4500 sup8-e 4506 ?
Switch(config)# vstack group built-in 4500 sup8-e 4506
Switch(config-vstack-group)# image bootflash:k10.tar
Switch(config-vstack-group)# config bootflash:mayagraw-4k-startup-config.txt
Switch(config-vstack-group)# exit
Switch(config)# exit
Switch# wr
Building configuration...
*Mar 19 23:16:09.869: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consoleCompressed configuration from 8862 bytes to 3643 bytes[OK]
Switch# show vstack group built-in detail configured
*** Only Configured Groups will be shown ***
Group Name: sup8-e 4506
Image Name: bootflash:k10.tar
Config file name: bootflash:mayagraw-4k-startup-config.txt
No Script file specified
Prior to Cisco IOS Release XE 3.6.0E the output of the vstack group built-in command would appears as follows:
Switch(config)# vstack group built-in ?
1783 1783 product family
1783BMS 1783BMS product family
2918 2918 product family
2960 2960 product family
2960c 2960c product family
2960cg 2960cg product family
2960g 2960g product family
2960plus 2960plus product family
2960s 2960s product family
2960s-fe 2960s-fe product family
2960x 2960x product family
2960xr 2960xr product family
2975 2975 product family
3560 3560 product family
3560c 3560c product family
3560cg 3560cg product family
3560e 3560e product family
3560g 3560g product family
3560x 3560x product family
3650 3650 product family
3750 3750 product family
3750e 3750e product family
3750g 3750g product family
3750x 3750x product family
3850 3850 product family
IE2000 IE2000 product family
IE3000 IE3000 product family
IE3010 IE3010 product family
nme-es nme-es product family
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
2-34 OL-28027-01
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Other Configuration Options
sm-d-es2 sm-d-es2 product family
sm-d-es3 sm-d-es3 product family
sm-d-es3g sm-d-es3g product family
sm-es2 sm-es2 product family
sm-es3 sm-es3 product family
sm-es3g sm-es3g product family
Starting with Cisco IOS Release XE 3.6.0E, the output of the vstack group built-in command would appears as follows (Notice lines in bold below):
Switch(config)# vstack group built-in ?
1783 1783 product family
1783BMS 1783BMS product family
2918 2918 product family
2960 2960 product family
2960c 2960c product family
2960cg 2960cg product family
2960g 2960g product family
2960plus 2960plus product family
2960s 2960s product family
2960s-fe 2960s-fe product family
2960x 2960x product family
2960xr 2960xr product family
2975 2975 product family
3560 3560 product family
3560c 3560c product family
3560cg 3560cg product family
3560e 3560e product family
3560g 3560g product family
3560x 3560x product family
3650 3650 product family
3750 3750 product family
3750e 3750e product family
3750g 3750g product family
3750x 3750x product family
3850 3850 product family
4500 4500 product family
4500x 4500x product family
4900 4900 product family
IE2000 IE2000 product family
IE3000 IE3000 product family
IE3010 IE3010 product family
nme-es nme-es product family
sm-d-es2 sm-d-es2 product family
sm-d-es3 sm-d-es3 product family
sm-d-es3g sm-d-es3g product family
sm-es2 sm-es2 product family
sm-es3 sm-es3 product family
sm-es3g sm-es3g product family
This example shows how to configure a “4k” group and verify with the show vstack group command
Switch(config)# vstack group built-in 4500 sup8-e 4506
Switch(config-vstack-group)# image bootflash:k10.tar
Switch(config-vstack-group)# config bootflash:mayagraw-4k-startup-config.txt
Switch(config-vstack-group)# script bootflash:mayagraw-4k-startup-post_install.txt
Switch(config-vstack-group)# exit
Switch(config)# exit
Switch# wr
Building configuration...
*Mar 19 23:16:09.869: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consoleCompressed configuration from 8862 bytes to 3643 bytes[OK]
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Other Configuration Options
Switch# show vstack group built detail configured
*** Only Configured Groups will be shown ***
Group Name: sup8-e 4506
Image Name: bootflash:k10.tar
Config file name: bootflash:mayagraw-4k-startup-config.txt
Script file name: bootflash:mayagraw-4k-startup-post_install.txt
No Script file specified
On-Demand Upgrade for Catalyst 4500 Series Switch IBC
The means of triggering an on-demand upgrade for Catalyst 4500 switch IBC differs from other platforms. The difference is if user want to use the ISSU upgrade option. In a typical upgrade of a
Catalyst 3500 platform, the IBC reloads after the upgrade. But for Catalyst 4500 IBC, a switch can be upgraded using ISSU to prevent the downtime.
To prevent downtime for an IBC, you can complete an On-demand upgrade with ISSU by selecting the
ISSU option of the vstack download-image CLI.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Other Configuration Options
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to issue an ISSU upgrade:
Step 1
Switch# vstack download-image {imagelist file_URL ip_address | built-in | ip address of the switch | entry index of the switch | product_family port_config } remote_switch_password [override] issu [allow-reload] [in time]
Starts an on-demand image download on a Smart Install client switch: o Enter the imagelist file name (and location) and the IP address of the client, which is one of the options to select the IBC that must be upgraded. imagelist is a text file that contains the name of the image that you want to download.
Note The image file must be a tar and not a bin file.
o The built-in option enables you to select the product family and port configuration from the command-line help.
Note A group can be used to upgrade clients with the on-demand cli, only if that particular group is already configured.
o remote_switch_password defines the password for the client switch.
o (Optional) override overrides the existing image on the client switch.
o issu attempts to upgrade using ISSU.
o allow-reload (visible only for an ISSU upgrade) allows SMI to reload the switch to complete the upgrade process if ISSU could not be performed on that particular IBC.
o (Optional) in time specifies the time to reload the switch using the format hh:mm. The range is from
00:00 to 23:59. If no time is specified, the reload occurs when you exit the CLI.
The following examples show how to trigger an On-demand upgrade for a Catalyst 4500 switch IBC.
The issu option enables the IBC to upgrade an image with ISSU, if possible from the IBC's side, whereas the allow-reload option enables the IBC to upgrade the switch by rebooting if triggering ISSU fails.
"12.21" indicates that an upgrade will happen whether ISSU is possible or not.
Switch# vstack download-image tar bootflash:cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.tar ?
WORD password of remote switch or NONE for switches having no password
Switch# vstack download-image tar bootflash:cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.tar NONE ?
issu Force ISSU Upgrade
override Override the existing image
reload Reload the switch
Switch# $d-image tar bootflash:cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.tar NONE issu ?
allow-reload Allow Reloading the switch if ISSU fails
in Specify time in
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Other Configuration Options
Switch# $d-image tar bootflash:cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.tar NONE issu al
Switch# $r bootflash:cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.tar NONE issu allow-reload ?
in Specify time in
Switch# $r bootflash:cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.tar NONE issu allow-reload in ?
hh:mm Specify time in (hh:mm)
Switch# $h:cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.tar NONE issu allow-reload in 12:21 ?
Switch# $h:: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.tar NONE issu allow-reload in 12:21
Support for Post-install Operations
Smart Install provides a single point of interaction for assigning IOS images and configurations. Prior to Cisco IOS Release XE 3.6.0E and IOS 15.2(2)E, you could not execute IOS commands like sdm , system mtu , vtp , on a switch via SMI; configurations required manual execution.
Prior to Cisco IOS Release XE 3.6.0E and 15.2(2)E, you need to populate a post-install text file with the list of commands you intend to execute as part of post install operation.You associate this file with each platform on the IBD analogous to how you currently associate config and image.
As part of a Zero-touch upgrade, IBD provides the config, image, and post-install file details to a valid
IBC. The IBC downloads the post installation file, reads it, then reloads causing IBC to run with the new config (or image) and the post install configurations.
Note SMI Director can operate with either Cisco IOS Release XE 3.6.0E and 15.2(2)E
Note A post install upgrade is possible only with config upgrade or image upgrade or both. Unlike image-only and config-only upgrades, (A script-only upgrade is not possible). Scripts must be incorporated with either the image, configuration, or both.
You must create the post-install text file (for post-install operation) else the post install operation will fail.
Commas are not required. Each CLI command must be enclosed by double quote("); a single quote(') is invalid. (The parser execute only those CLIs which are enclosed by double quote(") and all other
CLIs/characters are ignored.)
Following is the required format of a post install text file. Notice that each CLI is enclosed by "double quote:".:
" Cisco IOS CLI " "Cisco IOS CLI" … "Cisco IOS CLI"
" Cisco IOS CLI " "Cisco IOS CLI" … "Cisco IOS CLI"
Each line in a text file contains at most 20 CLI commands and all related commands must be written on one line. In the following example, all configuration commands of SDM must be on the same line in the post install text file:
"sdm prefer default"
Two distinct CLI commands must not be in same line. For example:
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Other Configuration Options
"sdm prefer default"
Following is an example of a well-formatted post install config file:
"system mtu 1600"
"sdm prefer default" mtu , sdm and vtp commands are supported. An example of a valid vtp command is given below.
"vtp domain cisco"
Configure a Script for Default Mode
If the network consists of the same type of switches, you must configure the post install in default mode to run post install operations on all switches.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, perform these steps:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Command config terminal
[no] vstack script path_to_script_file end
Enters global configuration mode.
Configures script file path_to_script_file for the default mode.
path_to_script_file represents the path for the post-install file: flash:post_install.txt (similar to the config
The no form of the command unconfigures the script file; the post install file is no longer configured in default configuration mode and client switches (IBCs) will not download the post install file.
Exits from global configuration mode.
This example shows how to configure the post-install script file flash:post_install.txt
for default mode:
Switch# config terminal
Switch(config)# vstack script flash:post_install.txt
Switch(config)# end
Configure a Script for the Built-in Group Mode
You can use built-in groups in a Smart Install network to configure a group of switches that have one product ID with the install file and to configure a second group of switches that have another product ID with another post install file.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, perform these steps:
Step 1
Step 2
Command config terminal
[no] vstack group built-in switch_family port_config
Enters global configuration mode.
Identifies the first built-in group product ID and enters
Smart Install group configuration mode for the group.
The CLI enables you to select family type and port.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Other Configuration Options
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
[ no exit end
] script path_to_script_file
Configures the script file path_to_script_file for the built-in group.
path_to_script_file represents the path for the post-install file: flash:post_install.txt (similar to the config
The no form of the command unconfigures the script file.
Exits from group mode.
Exits from global configuration mode.
This example shows how to configure a post install file for a 2960xr 24-2sfp-il built-in group:
Switch(config)# vstack group built-in 2960xr 24-2sfp-il
Switch(config-vstack-group)# ?
Vstack group configuration commands config The config file for the group exit Exit from group-vstack config mode image The image file for the group no Negate a command or set its defaults script The script file for the group
This example shows how to configure a post install file for any built-in group: switch(config-vstack-group)# script flash:post_install.txt
switch(config-vstack-group)# end
Configure a Script for Custom Group Mode
You can configure the post install file for the custom group (i.e., it can be based on mac/connectivity/stack/product-id). In this instance, only member switches of that custom group download the post install file.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, perform the following steps:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Command config terminal vstack group custom group_name
[ no ] script path_to_script_file
Enters global configuration mode.
Enables group_mode.
Use group_name to configure image, config, or script for a particular custom group.
Configure script_file path_to_script_file for the custom group.
path_to_script_file represents the path for the post-install file: flash:post_install.txt (similar to the config
The no form of the command unconfigures the script file.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Step 4
Step 5
Other Configuration Options
Command exit end
Exits from group mode.
Exits from global configuration mode.
This example shows how to configure post install for a custom group:
Switch# config terminal
Switch(config)# vstack group custom 3k-stack stack
Switch(config-vstack-group)# script flash:post_install.txt
Switch(config-vstack-group)# match 1 3750x 24
Switch(config-vstack-group)# end
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Smart Install Configuration Examples
Smart Install Configuration Examples
These are examples of how to configure a client default configuration on the director. The director should have Layer 3 enabled with multiple Layer 3 interfaces. The director has an IP address on the VLAN that is used for Smart Install management, and configures an IP address on the client VLAN interface. All clients are the same model type and use the default configuration. Clients added to the network are out-of the box switches with no configuration, or switches that have had a write erase and reload .
Note VLANs are not required when the director is a router.
These examples show how to configure a default configuration with the director as TFTP server and with a third-party server.
Director as the TFTP Server, page 2-42
Third-Party, Non-Cisco IOS Device as the TFTP Server, page 2-44
Director as the TFTP Server
In this example, the director is the TFTP server and the image and configuration file are stored in the director flash memory.
Before Configuring the Director
Define the Configuration File and Cisco IOS Image
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
You must transfer files to the director. TFTP is the preferred method of transferring files to and from the director. Locate a TFTP server that is IP-reachable by the director and put all files to be transferred on that server.
Using a text editor, create a file with the configuration commands for your default switch. In this example, the file name is default_configuration.txt
Save the default_configuration.txt
to the TFTP server.
Identify the Cisco IOS image you want loaded as the default image on the switches, for example, c2960-lanbase-tar.122-53.SE.tar
. Put that file in the TFTP server.
You should have two files on the TFTP server: the configuration file and the Cisco IOS image.
Note After the director is enabled and configured with the default image name, it creates a tailored configuration file for boot up and an imagelist file with the default image and puts them in flash memory.
Transfer These Files to the Director
Step 1 Before you start, make sure that you have room in the flash memory for the Cisco IOS image. The output of the dir command shows the available space near the end of the output. If you do not have enough space for the image, do one of these:
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Smart Install Configuration Examples
Step 2
• Remove files to free up some space.
• Consider using an external TFTP server for the Smart Install. (That is a different scenario that is not described here.)
To transfer files to the director, you must copy from the director, not to the director. The director must initiate the transfer. From the Cisco IOS console, enter these commands:
Director# copy tftp: // tftp ip address / default_configuration.txt flash:
Director# copy tftp: // tftp ip address / IOS_image_file.tar
Note This normally takes several minutes.
Configure a Director
By default, new Ethernet switches shipped from Cisco (for example, Catalyst 2960 switches) boot up without a configuration file. These switches issue a DHCP request on the default VLAN that is configured for the Smart Install director. The director recognizes the DHCP request on the VLAN and responds.
In this example, the director is both the TFTP server and the DHCP server, and it serves IP addresses on
Note If the director is a router, all clients connected to Layer 3 interfaces on the router will be recognized.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Assign an IP address to the director on the VLAN 1 interface. If the director is a router, assign an IP address on any Layer 3 interface. You can also use a loopback interface on the director. In this example, the director_ip_address is
Director(config)# interface vlan 1
Director(config)# ip address
Configure the director for the default image and configuration file.
Director(config)# vstack config flash: default_configuration.txt
Director(config)# vstack image flash: IOS_image_file_name.tar
Configure the director to serve as the DHCP server for clients.
Director(config)# vstack dhcp-localserver smart_install_pool
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# address-pool network_ip_address
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# file-server network_ip_address
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# default-router network_ip_address
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# exit
Director(config)# ip dhcp remember
Enable Smart Install on the director.
Director(config)# vstack director director_ip_address
Director(config)# vstack basic
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Smart Install Configuration Examples
Any switch that boots up without a configuration file on the default Smart Install VLAN or on an Layer
3 interface on the router becomes a Smart Install client of the director. As clients are powered up and discovered by the director, they are updated and given the configuration defined in default_configuration.txt
Note If the configuration file is not present when the Smart Install client boots up, the client attempts to retrieve the DHCP address from VLAN 1. If VLAN 1 is not allowed in the network, then the Smart
Install client attempts to identify the startup VLAN from the CDP packets that it receives from the upstream data (that is, data received either from a Smart Install client that is already part of the network, or from the director that the client is connected to).
Use these commands to see the Smart Install network:
To see the update of new clients in progress: Director# show vstack download
To see the clients and information about them:
Director# show vstack status
Third-Party, Non-Cisco IOS Device as the TFTP Server
In this example, the customer stores all client image and configuration files on an external, third-party server reachable by the director and client switches.
Before Configuring the Director
Define the Configuration File and Cisco IOS Image
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
You must transfer files to the director and TFTP is the preferred method. Locate a TFTP server that is
IP-reachable by the director, and put all files to be transferred on the TFTP server.
Using a text editor, create a file with the configuration commands that you want for the default switch.
In this example, the file name is default_configuration.txt
Save the default_configuration.txt
to the TFTP server.
Identify the Cisco IOS image you want loaded as the default image on the switches, for example c2960-lanbase-tar.122-53.SE.tar
. Put that file in the TFTP server.
You should have two files on the TFTP server: the configuration file and the Cisco IOS image.
Note After the director is enabled and configured with the default image name, it automatically creates a tailored configuration file and an image list file for boot up and stores the files in the TFTP server.
Configure the Director
By default, new Ethernet switches shipped from Cisco (for example, Catalyst 2960 switches) boot up without a configuration file. These switches send a DHCP request on the default Smart Install VLAN.
The director recognizes the DHCP request and responds.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Smart Install Configuration Examples
Note If the director is a router, all clients connected to Layer 3 interfaces on the router are recognized.
In this example, the director is not acting as the TFTP server. It is acting as the DHCP server, and it serves IP addresses on VLAN 1.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Assign an IP address to the director on the VLAN 1 interface on a switch or any Layer 3 interface on a router. In this example, the director_ip_address is
Director(config)# interface vlan 1
Director(config)# ip address
Configure the director for the default configuration file and image.
Director(config)# vstack config tftp: //serverip-address / default_configuration.txt
Director(config)# vstack image tftp: //serverip-address / default_image_file.tar
Configure the director as the DHCP server for clients.
Director(config)# vstack dhcp-localserver smart_install_pool
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# address-pool network_ip_address
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# file-server network_ip_address
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# default-router network_ip_address
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# exit
Director(config)# ip dhcp remember
Enable Smart Install on the director.
Director(config)# vstack director d irector_ip_address
Director(config)# vstack basic
Any switch that boots up without a configuration file on the default Smart Install VLAN or on a Layer
3 interface on the router, becomes a Smart Install client of the director. As clients power up and are discovered by the director, they are updated and given the configuration defined in default_configuration.txt
Note If the configuration file is not present when the Smart Install client boots up, the client attempts to retrieve the DHCP address from VLAN 1. If VLAN 1 is not allowed in the network, then the Smart
Install client attempts to identify the startup VLAN from the CDP packets that it receives from the upstream data (that is, data received either from a Smart Install client that is already part of the network, or from the director that the client is connected to).
Use these commands to see the Smart Install network.
To see the update of new clients in progress:
Director# show vstack download status
To see the clients and information about them:
Director# show vstack status
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Smart Install Configuration Examples
Chapter 2 Configuring Cisco Smart Install Devices
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
match (Smart Install group configuration), page 3-7
vstack dhcp-localserver, page 3-31
vstack download-config, page 3-35
vstack download-image, page 3-37
vstack group built-in, page 3-40
vstack group custom, page 3-43
vstack hostname-prefix, page 3-46
vstack join-window close, page 3-50
vstack join-window mode auto, page 3-51
vstack join-window start, page 3-53
vstack join-window-status index, page 3-56
vstack on-hold-clients install, page 3-58
vstack on-hold-clients remove, page 3-60
vstack startup-vlan, page 3-64
vstack untar / table, page 3-69
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands clear vstack
clear vstack
To clear the director database or the download list, use the clear vstack privileged EXEC command on the Smart Install director. clear vstack { director-db [ entry index-number ] | download-list [entry status-number }
Syntax Description director-db download-list
Clears all entries in the Smart Install director database.
entry index-number (Optional) Clears the specified client index from the Smart Install director database. The index number range is from 1 to 255.
Clears the Smart Install download-status list, a table of the Smart Install image and configuration download successes and failures.
entry status-number (Optional) Clears an entry in the Smart Install download-status list. The entry number range is 1 to 255.
Defaults None
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History Release
Cisco IOS XE 3.5.0E and Cisco IOS
This command was introduced.
The entry index-number keywords were added.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
The entry status-number keyword was added on the Catalyst 3750 and
Catalyst 4500 series switches.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines You can enter this command only on a director.
Use the entry index-number keywords to remove inactive clients from the director database. However, take care not to delete valid (active) entries from the director database. If you enter the client index number of a valid client and configuration backup is enabled, a replacement switch does not get the configuration file. The switch sends a message to alert you of this.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
clear vstack
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Prior to Cisco IOS Release XE 3.5.0E and Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)SG, the Catalyst 3750 and Catalyst
4500 series switches provided the clear vstack download-status command, which resulted in deleting all the entries in one-shot. With Release Cisco IOS Release XE 3.5.0E and Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)SG, we provide the clear vstack download-list entry command, which enables you to delete a single entry in the download status table. This table can be viewed with the show vstack download-status command.
Examples This example shows how to clear the director database:
Switch# clear vstack director-db
This example shows the message received if you try to delete a valid client from the director database:
Switch# clear vstack director-db entry 2
Config backup feature is ON. If IBC is replaced by another switch, that wont get backup config file. proceed?[confirm]
This example shows how to delete a single entry in the download status table with an index of 1:
Switch# clear vstack download-list entry 1 status of upgrading client will not have correct status on clearing the download list. proceed?[confirm]
This example shows how to delete a single entry in the download status table with an index 1:
Switch# show vstack do
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Total no of entries : 2
No client-IP client-MAC Method Image-status Config-status Script-status
=== =============== ============== ============== ============ ============= =============
1 0017.9570.c780 zero-touch UPGRADED UPGRADED UPGRADED
2 0026.985b.bc80 zero-touch UPGRADED UPGRADED UPGRADED
3 0030.7870.0c30 zero-touch UPGRADED UPGRADED UPGRADED
Switch# clear vstack download-status entry 2 status of upgrading client will not have correct status on clearing the download entry. proceed?[confirm]
Switch# show vstack download-status
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Total no of entries : 1
No client-IP client-MAC Method Image-status Config-status Script-status
=== =============== ============== ============== ============ ============= =============
1 0017.9570.c780 zero-touch UPGRADED UPGRADED UPGRADED
2 0030.7870.0c30 zero-touch UPGRADED UPGRADED UPGRADED
Related Commands Command
vstack director
Enables the switch or router as the Smart Install director. This command is accepted only if the director IP address is on the switch or router.
Configures a Smart Install director IP address.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands debug vstack
debug vstack
To enable debugging of the Smart Install feature, use the debug vstack privileged EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the no form of this command.
debug vstack { all | backup | cli | director-db | download | emulation | fsm | group | join-window
| protocol no debug vstack { all | backup | cli | director-db | download | emulation | fsm | group | join-window | protocol
Syntax Description all backup cli director-db download emulation fsm group join-window protocol
Displays all Smart Install debug messages.
Displays all Smart Install backup management debug messages.
Displays Smart Install command-line interface (CLI) debug messages.
Displays Smart Install director database messages.
Displays Smart Install download debug messages.
Displays Smart Install emulation debug messages.
Displays Smart Install session-management debug messages.
Displays Smart Install group debug messages.
Displays all Smart Install join window debug messages.
Displays Smart Install protocol debug messages.
Command Default Smart Install debugging is disabled.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines The undebug vstack command is the same as the no debug vstack command.
Examples This is example output from the debug vstack all command on a client: switch # debug vstack all
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
debug vstack
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Vstack debug all debugging is on
*May 15 22:37:56.739: VSTACK_DIR_DB: smi_parse_cdp_cache_entry: Got Neighbor on the port
*May 15 22:37:56.739: VSTACK_DIR_DB: smi_parse_cdp_cache_entry: Mac addr after masking
Neig mac 6073.5cb6.6000, Local Mac 0026.99c9.b000
*May 15 22:37:56.739: VSTACK: smi_parse_cdp_cache_entry:processing the cdp pkt for mgmt vlan
*May 15 22:37:56.739: VSTACK: received vlan_plus_seqno=20370001, seq no for vlan = 8247,prev_seq_no=8247
*May 15 22:37:56.739: VSTACK_DIR_DB: smi_parse_cdp_cache_entry:string in parse
*May 15 22:37:56.739: VSTACK: smi_send_mgmt_vlan_to_cdp: Seq no + Mgmt Vlan = 20370001. After conversion Mgmt vlan withseq no = 540475393,len=9
Related Commands* Command show debugging
Displays information about the types of debugging that are enabled.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands match (Smart Install group configuration)
match (Smart Install group configuration)
To configure the match type for a Smart Install custom group, use the match Smart Install group configuration mode command on the Smart Install director. To return to the default setting, use the no form of this command. The available keyword depends on the type of custom group defined.
match host ip_address interface name no match host ip_address interface name match mac mac_address no match mac mac_address match product-id no match product-id match switch_stack_number product_family port_config no match switch_stack_number product_family port_config
Syntax Description host ip_address interface name mac mac_address product-id
This keyword is visible when the custom group is defined by connectivity.
Configures a client group based on the switch topology, where host ip_address is the IP address of the upstream neighbor of the client. If a client matches more than one group characteristic, a connectivity match takes precedence over product ID or stack number, but not over MAC address matches.
Identifies the interface on the upstream neighbor to which the client is connected. The interface ID must be the full identifier for the interface, such as GigabitEthernet 2/0/1.
This keyword is visible when the custom group is defined by the mac keyword.
Configures a client group to include switches with the specified MAC addresses. Enter a match command for each MAC address to be included. If a client matches more than one group characteristic, a MAC address match takes precedence over any other match.
This argument is visible when the custom group is defined by product-id. A client group based on the model number of the switch associated with the group, where product-id is the product ID for the group starting with
WS-Cnnnn* (for example, WS-C2960-48TC-L).
Note The product ID can be the same as that of a built-in group. If a client matches a built-in group and a custom group, the custom group takes precedence when assigning image and configuration files.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands match (Smart Install group configuration) switch_stack _number product_family port_config
This argument is visible when the custom group is defined by the stack keyword. Configures a client in a group based on custom stack configuration.
• switch_number —Number of the switch in the stack. The range is from 1 to 9.
product_family —Stack product family. To see the available product families, enter a ?
after the switch number.
• port_config —Switch port configuration. The available configurations vary, depending on the product family. To see the available port configurations, enter a ? after the product family.
If a client matches more than one group characteristic, a stack match takes precedence over product ID, but not over MAC address or connectivity matches.
Command Modes Smart Install group configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
The mac_address match option was added.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines Although you can enter this command on a client, the configuration does not take effect. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If a client becomes a director at some point, the configuration file entered on it is then valid.
To define the custom group type and enter Smart Install group configuration mode, enter the vstack group custom group _ name { connectivity | mac | product-id | stack } global configuration command.
Use the match host ip_address interface name command to define connectivity groups based on the network topology; that is, based on the upstream neighbor to which the client is connected. The upstream neighbor could be the director or an intermediate device. If a client matches more than one group characteristic, a connectivity match takes precedence over product ID or a stack match, but not over a
MAC address match.
Use the match mac_address command to define groups based on switch MAC addresses. You can include switches with the same or different product IDs, as long as they use the same image and configuration file. Enter the show vstack neighbors all privileged EXEC command to see the MAC addresses of switches in the Smart Install network.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands match (Smart Install group configuration)
Use the match product-id command to match any product ID, including those not defined in the vstack group built-in command. These could be supported devices that were not shipping when the software version was released.
Use the match switch_stack _number product_family port_config command to identify switches in a stack. For example, match 3 3750e WS-3750E-24PD matches switch 3 in a Catalyst 3750E stack with a port configuration of 24 PoE ports.
Examples This example shows how to identify a custom group named test based on matching connectivity, to enter
Smart Install group configuration mode, to specify that the group includes clients connected to the host with the IP address through interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/1, and to identify the image and configuration files to be obtained through TFTP for the group:
Director(config)# vstack group custom test connectivity
Director(config-vstack-group)# match host interface gigabitethernet0/1
Director(config-vstack-group)# image tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# config tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# script tftp://
This example creates a custom group named testgroup3 that includes the three switches identified by
MAC address and configures the group to use the specified image file and configuration.
Director(config)# vstack group custom textgroup3 mac
Director(config-vstack-group)# match mac 0023.34ca.c180
Director(config-vstack-group)# match mac 001a.a1b4.ee00
Director(config-vstack-group)# match mac 0019.309d.5c80
Director(config-vstack-group)# image tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# config tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# script tftp://
You can verify the group settings by entering the show vstack group custom privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands Command show vstack group built-in vstack group custom
Displays configured Smart Install built-in groups.
Configures Smart Install custom groups.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands show vstack
show vstack
To display Smart Install information, use the show vstack privileged EXEC command on the Smart
Install director or a client.
show vstack { config | host ip_address | join-window configuration | status [ detail ]} show vstack { download-status [ detail ] show vstack client { 1 | client_ ip_address | all | group { built-in product_family port_config chassis_config| custom group_name } client-password { running-config | tech-support | version } show vstack group { built-in product_family chassis_config {[ port_config ] detail} [ configured ]} | custom [ group_name ] detail } show vstack neighbors [ 1 | client_ ip_address | all | group built-in product_family port_config chassis_config
Syntax Description config host ip_address join-window configuration status detail (Optional) download-status client
1 client_ ip_address all group built-in
Displays Smart Install configuration parameters.
Displays information about a client within the Smart Install topology. This command is available only on the director.
The IP address of the director or a client.
Displays the join-window configurations.
Displays the status of the CDP database. This command is available only on the director.
Displays detailed information for the previous keyword. For example, show vstack download-status detail can display a detailed reason for a zero-touch update failure.
Displays a tabulated output of the Smart Install image and configuration download successes and failures.
Note Use this command to determine the status of updates.
Note Beginning with IOS XE 3.6.0E (or 15.2.(2)E), the show download-status command displays the download upgrade of the image upgrade for a Catalyst 4500 platform. Additional fields are introduced in the output of the show download-status details command.
Displays client information through the remote command
Displays information about client 1 in the Smart Install network. Numbers are shown for as many clients as are in the network.
Information about the client with the specified IP address.
Displays information about all clients.
Displays Smart Install group information.
Displays information about preconfigured (built-in) groups.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands product_family port_config chassis_config configured custom group_name client_password running-config tech-support version neighbors show vstack
The built-in product family. To see the available product families, enter ?
after built-in .
If product_family is set to 4500 for Catalyst 4500 series switches.
The switch port configuration. The available configurations vary, depending on the product family. To see the available port configurations, enter ?
after the product_family .
If product_family is set to 4500, port_config means supervisor configuration.
The chassis type to configure.
If product_family is set to 4500, the chassis type selected here is supported by the supervisor engine assigned to port_config .
This keyword displays only the groups that are configured rather than showing all the groups.
Information about user-defined groups.
Th custom group name.
The password that is required to access the client switch to get information on running-config | tech-support | version of the client switch.
Displays the current operating configuration for the selected client.
Displays system information for technical support assistance.
Displays system hardware and software status.
Displays information about the specified neighbors:
1 —Neighbors of client 1 client_ip_address —Neighbors of the specified client all —All neighbors in the Smart Install network group —Neighbors of the specified group or groups
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Note The command with some, but not all, of the keywords are available at the user EXEC level.
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
The client , join-window configuration , neighbors , 1 , running-config , tech-support , and version keywords were added.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release15.0(2)EX1.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
show vstack
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
The option for post install (script) was introduced for show vstack config , show vstack download-status , show vstack download-status detail , show vstack status , and show vstack status detail commands.
The option chassis type for the built-in keyword was introduced.
Usage Guidelines The outputs of the show commands are different when entered on the director or on the client. Not all keywords are available on the client.
In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE and later or Release 15.1(1)SY, the output of the show vstack status command shows whether or not Smart Install is enabled on the director. If enabled, it also includes this additional information about clients:
Device status (Smart Install capable or not)
Health status (active or inactive)
Join-window status (allowed, hold, or denied), and
Upgrade status for image or configuration (in progress, complete, or failed).
Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 3.6.0E (IOS 15.2(2)E), the output of the show vstack status command remains unchanged, but the meaning of the following fields have changed:
Note These changes are for Catalyst 4500 Series Switch only.
Product-ID— chassis-id is used as the client’s product ID and is collected from CDP. For an asymmetric chassis, the product ID may be updated dynamically.
MAC Address — For a Catalyst 4500 standalone IBC, you use the chassis’ MAC address whereas for VSS IBC, you use the virtual MAC selected while configuring VSS.
Note The meaning of the fields Hostname , IP and status are unchanged; they are platform-independent.
If you disable Smart Install on the director by entering the no vstack global configuration command, the output of the show vstack status [ detail ] and show vstack download-status [ detail ] commands shows only Smart Install: DISABLED . The output of the show vstack config command shows the Smart Install configuration even though it is not in effect.
If the director is a Catalyst 4500 series switch, whether it is a single chassis or a VSS setup, only a single entry of the director appears in the output of the show vstack status detail command. The product ID shown is the chassis sku-id.
Beginning with IOS XE 3.6.0E (or 15.2.(2)E), the following apply:
All the director entries (multiple, if the director is a stack) will be assigned the value '0,' and all the
IBC stack members will have different entries (situation prior to IOS XE 3.6.0E (or 15.2.(2)E)) but they will all have the same device number.
When you clear a DB entry and that IBC is a stack, the clear vstack dir command will remove all the stack entries from the database.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Examples show vstack
This is example output from the show vstack config command on a client:
Director# show vstack config
Role: Client
Vstack Director IP address:
This is example output from the show vstack config command on a director:
Director# show vstack config
Role: Director
Vstack Director IP address:
Vstack Mode: Basic
Vstack default management vlan: 1
Vstack start-up management vlan:1000
Vstack management Vlans: none
Vstack Config file: tftp://
Vstack Image file: tftp://
Vstack Script file: tftp://
Join Window Details:
Window: Open (default)
Operation Mode: auto (default)
Vstack Backup Details:
Mode: On (default)
Repository: flash:/vstack (default)
These are example outputs from the show vstack download-status command on a director:
Director# show vstack download-status
Total no of entries : 3
No client-IP client-MAC Method Image-status Config-status Script-status
=== =============== ============== ============== ============ ============ =============
1 001e.be67.3000 image-upgrade UPGRADED ** **
2 0022.5699.c800 zero-touch UPGRADING UPGRADED UPGRADED
3 0022.0d26.6300 image-upgrade NOT STARTED ** **
This is example output from the show vstack host command:
Director# show vstack host
Host Info :
Code :
ClNum MAC Address Product-ID IP_addr DevID status
===== ============== ================= =============== ========== =========
1 001d.71ba.f780 WS-C2960PD-8TT-L 2960pd-47
Neighbor Info:
MAC Address Dev ID IP_addr Local Int Out Port
============== =============== =============== ============= =============
0023.5e32.3780 3750e-163-smi Fas 0/7 Gig 1/0/1
This is example output from the show vstack join-window configuration command:
Director# show vstack join-window configuration
Join Window Configuration Details:
Window: Open (default)
Mode: auto (default)
No Join Window start/end dates and times configured
This is example output from the show vstack status command:
Director# show vstack status
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Status: Device_type Health_status Join-window_status Upgrade_status
Device_type: S - Smart install N - Non smart install P - Pending
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
show vstack
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Health_status: A - Active I - Inactive
Join-window_Status: a - Allowed h - On-hold d - Denied
Image Upgrade: i - in progress I - done X - failed
Config Upgrade: c - in progress C - done x - failed
Director Database:
DevNo MAC Address Product-ID IP_addr Hostname Status
===== ============== ================= =============== ========== =========
0 0018.7363.4200 WS-C3750-24TS IBD-MXD-ST Director
1 0016.4779.b780 WS-C3750G-24TS IBD-MXD-ST Director
2 d0d0.fd37.5a80 WS-C3750X-48P IBD-MXD-ST Director
3 0026.5285.7380 WS-C3750E-24TD IBD-MXD-ST Director
4 0024.13c6.b580 WS-C3750E-24TD DEV-c6.b5c S A a
5 0021.a1ab.9b80 WS-C2960-48TC-S DEV-ab.9bc S A a I C
6 0024.5111.0900 WS-C3750E-24TD DEV-11.094 S A a I C
7 001d.45f3.f600 WS-C3750G-24TS DEV-90.f64 S A a
8 0016.c890.f600 WS-C3750G-24TS DEV-90.f64 S A a
9 001f.2604.8980 WS-C2960-48TC-S DEV-04.89c S A a I C
10 001b.d576.2500 WS-C3750E-24PD DEV-a6.1cc S A a I C
12 0cd9.9649.cb80 WS-C2960S-48TD-L Switch S A a
This is example output from the show vstack status command if you have disabled Smart Install on the director by entering the no vstack global configuration command:
Switch# show vstack status
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Status: Device_type Health_status Join-window_status Upgrade_status
Device_type: S - Smart install N - Non smart install P - Pending
Health_status: A - Active I - Inactive
Join-window_Status: a - Allowed h - On-hold d - Denied
Image Upgrade: i - in progress I - done X - failed
Config Upgrade: c - in progress C - done x - failed
Director Database:
DevNo MAC Address Product-ID IP_addr Hostname Status
===== ============== ================= =============== ========== =========
0 0023.04c2.95c0 WS-C4506-E Switch Director
4 68ef.bd08.6000 WS-C4507R-E IBC_WOW-08 S I a C
This is example output from the show vstack status detail command:
Director# show vstack status detail
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Device Num : 0
Device ID : 3750e-163-smi
MAC Address : 0023.5e32.3780
IP Addr :
Hop value : 0
Serial : FDO1239V026
Product-ID : WS-C3750E-24PD
Version : 12.2(0.0.242)DEV
Image : C3750E-UNIVERSALK9-M
Entry Role : Entry
(N-1)HOP Entry : Already Root
Backup done : no
Latest backup file: none
Latest backup client name: none
File checksum : none
Status : Director
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Device Num : 1
Device ID : 3560g-10net-11
MAC Address : 0013.c4b4.bc00
IP Addr :
Hop value : 1
Serial : Not Found
Product-ID : WS-C3560G-24PS
Version : 12.2(50)SE3
Image : C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M
Entry Role : IBC Entry
(N-1)HOP Entry : 0023.5e32.3780
Backup done : no
Latest backup file: none
Latest backup client name: none
File checksum : none
Status : NSI
Device Num : 2
Device ID : 2960pd-47
MAC Address : 001d.71ba.f780
IP Addr :
Hop value : 1
Serial : FOC1138Z6P7
Product-ID : WS-C2960PD-8TT-L
Version : 12.2(0.0.242)DEV
Image : C2960-LANBASEK9-M
Entry Role : IBC Entry
(N-1)HOP Entry : 0023.5e32.3780
Backup done : Yes
Latest backup file: flash:/vstack/2960pd-47-001d.71ba.f780.REV2
Latest backup client name: 2960pd-47
File checksum : 426154BFAFE1425F527621DC8B647C38
Status : ACT
Director# show vstack download-status detail
SmartInstall: ENABLED
No 1: client-ip:
client-hostname: Switch client-mac: 001e.be67.3000
method: image-upgrade config-fail-reason: NA image-fail-reason: NA script-fail-reason: NA config downloaded at: image downloaded at: 02:47:39 UTC Mar 30 2011 script downloaded at: -
No 2: client-ip:
client-hostname: Switch client-mac: 0022.5699.c8000
method: zero-touch config-fail-reason: NA image-fail-reason: NA script-fail-reason: NA config downloaded at: 03:02:23 UTC Mar 30 2011 image downloaded at: script downloaded at: 02:47:39 UTC Mar 30 2011 show vstack
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands show vstack
No 3: client-ip:
client-hostname: Switch client-mac: 0022.0d26.6300 method: image-upgrade config-fail-reason: NA image-fail-reason: NA script-fail-reason: NA config downloaded at: image downloaded at: script downloaded at: -
This is example output from the show vstack host command:
Director# show vstack host
Host Info :
Status: Device_type Health_status Join-window_status Upgrade_status
Device_type: S - Smart install N - Non smart install P - Pending
Health_status: A - Active I - Inactive
Join-window_Status: a - Allowed h - On-hold d - Denied
Image Upgrade: i - in progress I - done X - failed
Config Upgrade: c - in progress C - done x - failed
Script Upgrade: p - in progress P - done F - failed
DevNo MAC Address Product-ID IP_addr Hostname Status
===== ============== ================= =============== ========== =========
1 0023.348e.8e00 WS-C3750E-48TD Switch.dom S A a C P
Neighbor Info:
MAC Address Dev ID IP_addr Local Int Out Port
============== =============== =============== ============= =============
0024.5111.0880 Switch Gig 1/0/19 Gig 1/0/9
This is example output from the show vstack join-window configuration command:
Director# show vstack join-window configuration
Join Window Configuration Details:
Window: Open (default)
Mode: auto (default)
No Join Window start/end dates and times configured
This is example output from the show vstack status command:
Director# show vstack status
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Status: Device_type Health_status Join-window_status Upgrade_status
Device_type: S - Smart install N - Non smart install P - Pending
Health_status: A - Active I - Inactive
Join-window_Status: a - Allowed h - On-hold d - Denied
Image Upgrade: i - in progress I - done X - failed
Config Upgrade: c - in progress C - done x - failed
Script Upgrade: p - in progress P - done F - failed
Director Database:
DevNo MAC Address Product-ID IP_addr Hostname Status
===== ============== ================= =============== ========== =========
0 0018.7363.4200 WS-C3750-24TS IBD-MXD-ST Director
1 0016.4779.b780 WS-C3750G-24TS IBD-MXD-ST Director
2 d0d0.fd37.5a80 WS-C3750X-48P IBD-MXD-ST Director
3 0026.5285.7380 WS-C3750E-24TD IBD-MXD-ST Director
4 0024.13c6.b580 WS-C3750E-24TD DEV-c6.b5c S A a
5 0021.a1ab.9b80 WS-C2960-48TC-S DEV-ab.9bc S A a I C
6 0024.5111.0900 WS-C3750E-24TD DEV-11.094 S A a I C P
7 001d.45f3.f600 WS-C3750G-24TS DEV-90.f64 S A a
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands show vstack
8 0016.c890.f600 WS-C3750G-24TS DEV-90.f64 S A a
9 001f.2604.8980 WS-C2960-48TC-S DEV-04.89c S A a I C P
10 001b.d576.2500 WS-C3750E-24PD DEV-a6.1cc S A a I C
12 0cd9.9649.cb80 WS-C2960S-48TD-L Switch S A a
This is example output from the show vstack status command if you have disabled Smart Install on the director by entering the no vstack global configuration command:
Director # show vstack status
SmartInstall: DISABLED
This is example output from the show vstack status command:
Switch# show vstack status
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Status: Device_type Health_status Join-window_status Upgrade_status
Device_type: S - Smart install N - Non smart install P - Pending
Health_status: A - Active I - Inactive
Join-window_Status: a - Allowed h - On-hold d - Denied
Image Upgrade: i - in progress I - done X - failed
Config Upgrade: c - in progress C - done x - failed
Script Upgrade: p - in progress P - done F - failed
Director Database:
DevNo MAC Address Product-ID IP_addr Hostname Status
===== ============== ================= =============== ========== =========
0 0023.04c2.95c0 WS-C4506-E Switch Director
4 68ef.bd08.6000 WS-C4507R-E IBC_WOW-08 S I a C P
This is an example output from the show vstack status detail command:
Director# show vstack status detail
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Device Num : 0
Device ID : 3750e-163-smi
MAC Address : 0023.5e32.3780
IP Addr :
Hop value : 0
Serial : FDO1239V026
Product-ID : WS-C3750E-24PD
Version : 12.2(0.0.242)DEV
Image : C3750E-UNIVERSALK9-M
Entry Role : Entry
(N-1)HOP Entry : Already Root
Backup done : no
Latest backup file: none
Latest backup client name: none
File checksum : none
Status : Director
Device Num : 1
Device ID : 3560g-10net-11
MAC Address : 0013.c4b4.bc00
IP Addr :
Hop value : 1
Serial : Not Found
Product-ID : WS-C3560G-24PS
Version : 12.2(50)SE3
Image : C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
show vstack
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Entry Role : IBC Entry
(N-1)HOP Entry : 0023.5e32.3780
Backup done : no
Latest backup file: none
Latest backup client name: none
File checksum : none
Status : NSI
Device Num : 2
Device ID : 2960pd-47
MAC Address : 001d.71ba.f780
IP Addr :
Hop value : 1
Serial : FOC1138Z6P7
Product-ID : WS-C2960PD-8TT-L
Version : 12.2(0.0.242)DEV
Image : C2960-LANBASEK9-M
Entry Role : IBC Entry
(N-1)HOP Entry : 0023.5e32.3780
Backup done : Yes
Latest backup file: flash:/vstack/2960pd-47-001d.71ba.f780.REV2
Latest backup client name: 2960pd-47
File checksum : 426154BFAFE1425F527621DC8B647C38
Status : ACT
Beginning with IOS XE 3.6.0E (or 15.2(2)E, Supervisor_ID is provided in the output of the show vstack status detail command, because Chassis_ID is displayed in the output of the show vstack status command and you require supervisor engine information to decide on the image type provided to a switch. Supervisor_ID is received through the new CDP APP TLV sent by IBC. IBD gathers this information and updates the director database. For a dual supervisor chassis or a VSS system, the supervisor type across a switch should match; hence, a single CDP APP TLV will suffice.
Note The Supervisor field will display “not applicable” for platforms that do not have the necessary supervisor engines.
Device ID : IBC_WOW-08.603f
MAC Address : 68ef.bd08.6000
IP Addr :
Hop value : **
Serial : FOX1352H3FK
Product-ID : WS-C4507R-E
Supervisor : WS-X45-SUP7-E
Version : 03.06.00.E
Image : cat4500e-UNIVERSALK9-M
Entry Role : IBC Entry
(N-1)HOP Entry : 0023.04c2.95c0
Backup done : Yes
Latest backup file: bootflash:/vstack/IBC_WOW-08.603f-68ef.bd08.6000.REV2
Latest backup client name:
File checksum : 00000000000000000000000000000000
Switch replace type: Same Switch
SMI Version : 1
Status : S I a C
Capability : Network derived SMI management VLAN supported
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands show vstack
The following example illustrates how to configure a built-in group for the Catalyst 4500 switch by selecting the chassis model:
Switch# show vst group built-in 4500 sup8-e 4503 de
Group Name: sup8-e 4503
No Image name specified
No config file name specified
No Script file specified
In the following example, we select the supervisor type rather than the chassis model. This displays all the groups for the chassis that support that particular supervisor engine.
Switch# show vst group built-in 4500 sup8-e de
Group Name: sup8-e 4503
No Image name specified
No config file name specified
No Script file specified
Group Name: sup8-e 4506
No Image name specified
No config file name specified
No Script file specified
Group Name: sup8-e 4507r+e
No Image name specified
No config file name specified
No Script file specified
Group Name: sup8-e 4510r+e
No Image name specified
No config file name specified
No Script file specified
This is example output from the show vstack client running-config command for client 1:
Director# show vstack client 1 password running-config
----- [show running-config] for 2960pd-47 @ -----
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 2723 bytes
version 12.2
no service pad service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption
hostname 2960pd-47
boot-start-marker boot-end-marker
enable password test
no aaa new-model
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
show vstack
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands system mtu routing 1500 authentication mac-move permit
<output truncated>
This is example output from the show vstack group built-in command:
Director# show vstack group built-in
2918 2918 product family
2960 2960 product family
2960c 2960c product family
2960cg product family
2960g product family
2960s 2960s product family
2960s-fe 2960s-fe product family
2975 product family
3560 product family
3560c product family
3560cg product family
3560e product family
3560g product family
3560x product family
3750 product family
3750e product family
3750g product family
3750x product family
3650 nme-es
3850 product family
3650 product family
NME-ES product family sm-d-es2 SM-D-ES2 product family sm-d-es3 SM-D-ES3 product family
This is example output from the show vstack group custom detail command:
Director # show vstack group custom detail
Group Name: 2960-8
Image: tftp://
Config File: tftp://
Connectivity Details (IP Adress:Interface):
Group Name: WS-C3560E-24TD
Image: tftp://
Config File: tftp://
Product-ID: WS-C3560E-24TD
Group Name: lotr-stack
Image 1: tftp://
Image 2: tftp://
Config File: tftp://
Stack Details (Switch_number:Product-id):
1:3750G 24
3:3750G 24POE
This is example output from the show vstack group custom detail command:
Director # show vstack group custom detail
Group Name: 2960-8
Image: tftp://
Config File: tftp://
Connectivity Details (IP Adress:Interface):
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Group Name: WS-C3560E-24TD
Image: tftp://
Config File: tftp://
Product-ID: WS-C3560E-24TD
Group Name: lotr-stack
Image 1: tftp://
Image 2: tftp://
Config File: tftp://
Stack Details (Switch_number:Product-id):
1:3750G 24
3:3750G 24POE
This is example output from the show vstack neighbors command for client 1:
Director # show vstack neighbors 1
MAC Address Dev ID IP_addr Local Int Out Port
============== =============== =============== ============= ============
001d.71ba.f780 2960pd-47 Gig 1/0/1 Fas 0/7 show vstack
Related Commands Command vstack basic vstack director
Enables the switch or router to be the Smart Install director. This command is accepted only if the director IP address is on the switch or router.
Configures a Smart Install director IP address.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack
To enable the Smart Install feature on a director or client device, use the vstack global configuration command. To disable the Smart Install feature on a director or client device, use the no form of this command.
vstack no vstack
Syntax Description This command has no keywords.
Defaults Smart Install is enabled.
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines Configuring Smart Install on a director or client switch opens TCP port 4786 on the director and on the client. You can use the no vstack global configuration command on a director or client device to disable
Smart Install and shut down the TCP port.
To enable Smart Install after it has been disabled, enter the vstack global configuration command.
When you enter the no vstack command to disable Smart Install on a director or client device, if the
Smart Install configuration is already present, it remains in the running configuration but does not take effect. This includes the Smart Install director IP address and other Smart Install configurations, such as group configurations.
If you disable Smart Install on a director and there were Smart Install DHCP IP addresses configured, you need to manually delete them.
When Smart Install is disabled on a device, the vstack director ip_ address and vstack basic global configuration commands are not allowed on the device.
No warning message is generated when you disable Smart Install.
To reenable Smart Install on a device, enter the vstack global configuration command.
To see if Smart Install is enabled on a device, enter the show vstack status privileged EXEC command.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack
If you disable Smart Install on the director by entering the no vstack global configuration command, the output of the show vstack status [ detail ] and show vstack download-status [ detail ] commands shows only Smart Install: DISABLED . The output of the show vstack config command shows the Smart Install configuration even though it is not in effect.
Examples This example shows how to disable Smart Install on the device:
Director(config)# no vstack
Related Commands Command show vstack status
Displays the Smart Install status.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack attach
vstack attach
To connect to a client from the director, use the vstack attach privileged EXEC command on the director.
vstack attach { client - index | client IP address }
Syntax Description client - index Client index number from the list of active clients within the Smart Install network.
client IP address Client IP address.
Command Default None
Command Modes Privileged EXEC mode
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines Use this command to connect to the client user interface from the director. This command is a wrapper for the telnet command. Select the client either by choosing from a list that shows the active clients that are available within the Smart Install network or by entering the client IP address.
The client-index list is dynamically generated in the Cisco IOS help text. If the director device is not rebooted, then the same client-index numbers can be used in additional configurations.
If you are running Supervisor Engine 7-E, Supervisor Engine 7L-E, or Supervisor Engine 8-E on a
Catalyst 4500 IBC, ensure that HTTP is enabled; by default, it is disabled.
Examples This example shows how to use the client ID with the vstack attach command to connect to a client from the director.
Director# vstack attach ?
1 c3750-2042 @ IP : MAC 0000.0040.4080
2 c3750-2045 @ IP : MAC 0000.000c.0d80
A.B.C.D IP address of remote node to attempt attaching to
Director# vstack attach 2
This example shows how to use the client IP address with the vstack attach command:
Director# vstack attach
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack backup
vstack backup
To enable the backup feature and allow client configurations to be saved in the director’s repository, use the vstack backup global configuration command. Use the no vstack backup command to disable the backup feature.
vstack backup [ file-server url ] no vstack backup
Syntax Description file-server url (Optional) Specifies the registry used for backup:
• flash ftp
• http https rcp scp tftp
1 usb
If no registry is specified, the local repository flash :/vstack is used.
tftp is the only supported network url .
Command Default Backup is enabled. The local repository flash :/vstack is used. It is created if it does not exist. If the directory cannot be created, the flash :/ directory is used.
Command Modes Global configuration mode
Command History Release
This command was introduced to support Smart Install devices.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines From the director, enter this command to enable the backup feature and allow clients’ configurations to be saved in the director repository. You must enable this feature so that zero-touch replacement occurs when a client is replaced by another client with the same product ID.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
vstack backup
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
You can enter the file-server keyword to specify a repository to be used for the backup. Do not include the director IP address as part of the file-server URL. If the director IP address is part of the URL, the command is not rejected, but it does not work as expected.
Note This command works on both the director and the client. However, it is only meaningful when the device is the director.
Examples This example shows how to enable the backup feature:
Director(config)# vstack backup
This example shows where you can specify the repository:
Director(config)# vstack backup file-server ?
flash: Repository using flash:
ftp: Repository using ftp:
http: Repository using http: https: Repository using https:
rcp: Repository using rcp: scp: Repository using scp:
tftp: Repository using tftp:
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack basic
vstack basic
To enable a switch or router as the Smart Install director, use the vstack basic global configuration command. This command is accepted only if the director IP address matches one of the device IP addresses. To disable the Smart Install director function on the switch or router, use the no form of this command.
vstack basic no vstack basic
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Defaults Smart Install director is not enabled.
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines There can be only one director managing a number of clients in a Smart Install network.
The director must be running a Smart Install-capable image.
If you have disabled Smart Install on the device by entering the no vstack global configuration command, this command is not allowed. You can reenable Smart Install by entering the vstack global configuration command.
For zero-touch upgrade, all DHCP transactions in the Smart Install network between the DHCP server and the clients must run through the director.
If you enter the vstack basic command on a device that does not have the director IP address (either assigned by the DHCP server or configured by entering the vstack director ip-address global configuration command), the command is not accepted. If the device is a switch, it must be a client.
If you enter the vstack basic command before a director IP address has been assigned or configured, the command is rejected with a message that the director is not configured.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
vstack basic
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
When you enable the director by entering this command, these operation occur:
DHCP snooping is enabled on the director for VLAN 1 and any other configured Smart Install
VLANs. You can, however, use the vstack startup-vlan global configuration command to specify another default VLAN.
The director starts building a director database of neighboring devices.
If you enter the no vstack basic command to disable director functionality on the device, Smart Install configurations are not deleted but do not take effect until the device is again enabled as a director. When you enter no vstack basic , DHCP snooping is disabled, and the director database is no longer valid.
If the director IP address is configured on an interface, and you shut down or delete the interface or change the interface IP address, the switch becomes a client and must find another director IP address.
Examples This example shows how to enable the switch or router as a director when the director IP address is on the device:
Director(config)# vstack basic
This example shows the error message that appears if you enter the command on a device when no director IP address has been configured or assigned by DHCP:
Director(config)# vstack basic
Command Rejected: Director IP is not configured
This example shows the error message that appears if you enter the command on a device configured with a director IP address that is not owned by the switch or router:
Director(config)# vstack basic
Command Rejected: The Director IP address does not match a switch IP address.
You can verify Smart Install director settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands Command show vstack config vstack director
Displays the Smart Install configuration.
Configures a Smart Install director IP address.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack config
vstack config
To identify the default configuration file for the clients, use the vstack config global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove the configuration file as the default, use the no form of this command.
vstack config location config_filename no vstack config
Syntax Description location config_filename
Enter flash:; flash0:, or flash1: if the director is the TFTP server and the configuration file is in the director flash memory. Enter tftp:// and the location of the default configuration file if the file is not in the director flash memory.
If the director is the TFTP server, the location is the director IP address.
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
The syntax for entering the filename when not in the director flash is tftp: [[// location ]/ directory ]/ config.txt
Defaults None
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines The vstack config configuration command is used to identify the configuration file for application to the smart install client. It is needed for all vstack groups whose clients must have a configuration file automatically applied.
Prior to Release IOS XE 3.6.0E and IOS 15.2(2)E, the vstack config command was mandatory for custom and built-in vstack groups. With Release IOS XE 3.6.0E and IOS 15.2(2)E, configuring the group for configuration is optional.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
vstack config
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Because the default group is optional, all commands to this group are also optional. If you are using the default group, however, you should always configure a default configuration, which is used when the client could not be matched to either a built-in group or custom group (i.e., when the configuration file for a client is outside of a built-in or custom group).
Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take affect if the switch is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on a director are valid. If the client switch becomes the director, the entered configuration is then valid.
A smart install client sends an error message if it cannot download the configuration file This could stem from one of the following:
• a misconfiguration on the director the unavailability of the configuration file a join window is configured and the client attempts to join the group outside the join window
This is an example of Smart Install default configuration when there is only one type of product ID
(24-port Catalyst 2960) in the network, the director is the TFTP server, and the configuration file is in the director flash memory:
Director(config)# vstack config flash:2960-24-lanbase-config.txt
This is an example of Smart Install default configuration when there is only one type of product ID
(24-port Catalyst 2960) in the network and the configuration file is not in the director flash memory:
Director(config)# vstack config tftp://
You can verify Smart Install settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands Command show vstack config vstack image vstack script
Displays the Smart Install configuration.
Configures a Smart Install default image file.
Configures a Smart Install default post install file.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack dhcp-localserver
vstack dhcp-localserver
To configure the Smart Install integrated director as the Smart Install DHCP server, use the vstack dhcp-localserver global configuration command on the director. To delete the Smart Install DHCP pool, use the no form of this command.
vstack dhcp-localserver poolname no vstack dhcp-localserver poolname
Syntax Description poolname The name of the Smart Install DHCP server pool.
Defaults The director is not the Smart Install DHCP server.
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines When the Smart Install DHCP server is the director or another device running Cisco IOS, if the network reloads, the server could assign other IP addresses to participating devices. If the director IP address changes, it is no longer the Smart Install director, which could break the director and client relationships.
You must then reassociate the clients and the director. To ensure that this does not occur, you should enter the ip dhcp remember global configuration command to configure the DHCP pool to remember the IP bindings. If the network or device reloads, the DHCP server issues the same IP address to a client that it had before the reload.
Enter this command only on the director. Do not enter it on a client. The command creates a Smart Install
DHCP pool and enters Smart Install DHCP configuration mode.
These configuration commands are available in Smart Install DHCP configuration mode:
• address-pool ip-address { network_mask | / prefix-length }—Configures the IP address and network mask or prefix-length for the DHCP pool. The prefix length is the number of bits that comprise the address prefix and is another way to specify the network mask. Enter it as a number preceded by a forward slash ( / nn ).
• default-router ip-address —Configures the DHCP default router IP address for the pool.
exit —Exits Smart Install DHCP configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack dhcp-localserver
• file-server ip-address —Configures a default TFTP server IP address. This is the same parameter configured by entering the option 150 ip-address keyword in DHCP pool configuration mode. no —Negates a command or sets its default.
Examples This example shows how to configure a Smart Install DHCP pool named smart_install1 by entering
Smart Install DHCP configuration mode and assigning a network address and default router for the pool and a TFTP server:
Director(config)# vstack dhcp-localserver smart_install1
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# address-pool /22
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# default-router
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# file-server
Director(config-vstack-dhcp)# exit
You can verify Smart Install DHCP server settings by entering the show dhcp server or show ip dhcp pool privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands Command show dhcp server show ip dhcp pool vstack basic
Displays the DHCP servers.
Displays information about configured DHCP pools.
Enables the switch or router to be the Smart Install director. This command is accepted only if the director IP address is on the device.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack director
vstack director
To manually configure the IP address of the director, use the vstack director global configuration command on the Smart Install director or client. To remove the director IP address configuration, use the no form of this command.
vstack director ip-address no vstack director
Syntax Description ip-address The IP address of the switch or an interface on the switch or router intended to be the Smart Install director.
When entered on the director, the IP address should be one of the device interfaces.
When entered on a client, the IP address should be an IP address on the director.
Defaults No director IP address is configured unless it was assigned by the DHCP server.
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines For a switch or router to be the director, the director IP address must be the IP address of a Layer 3 interface on the device. A Layer 2 switch cannot be the director.
If you have disabled Smart Install on the device by entering the no vstack global configuration command, this command is not allowed. You can re-enable Smart Install by entering the vstack global configuration command.
This command is not mandatory if the director IP address is configured by DHCP. For DHCP to assign the director IP address, you must configure the DHCP server with options 125 and 16.
If the director IP address is not assigned by DHCP, you must enter the vstack director ip-address command on the director and on the other Smart Install switches.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
vstack director
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
When the director IP address has been configured by entering this command or it is assigned by a DHCP server, enable the Smart Install director by entering the vstack basic command on the switch or router.
There can be only one director for a set of clients and there is no way to configure a backup director. If the director fails, the switch must restart before you can resume plug and play operation.
The director must be the device in the network through which all DHCP transactions between the client switches and the DHCP server pass. The director must be running a Smart Install capable image.
If you enter the vstack director ip-address command on a client with an IP address that does not match the director IP address assigned by the DHCP server, the client cannot participate in a session with the director listed by the server.
If you enter the v stack director ip-address command on a client and change the IP address from that of the director, the client attempts to contact the new director. If the new IP address is on the client, that device becomes the director.
A director changes roles and becomes a client if you shut down or delete the interface on which the director IP address is configured or if you change the interface IP address.
Examples This example shows how to configure the director IP address on a switch or router and then enable it as the director:
Director(config)# vstack director
Director(config)# vstack basic
You can verify Smart Install settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands Command show vstack config vstack basic
Displays the Smart Install configuration.
Enables the switch or router as the Smart Install director. This command is accepted only if the director IP address is on the device.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack download-config
vstack download-config
To start an on-demand configuration download for clients, use the vstack download-config privileged
EXEC command on the Smart Install director. This command is visible only on the director.
vstack download-config { ip_address | index name| built-in product_family port_config chassis_config } remote_switch_password startup [ reload [ in time ]]
Note A no form for this command does not exist.
Syntax Description ip_address index name built-in startup reload in time product_family port_config chassis_config remote_switch_ password
The IP address of the client.
(Optional) Specifies the index name from the director database for multiple clients or a range of clients.
• name —Enter multiple clients or a range of clients, for example
Specifies the identified (built-in) product family ID. To see the available product families, enter a ?
after built-in .
The switch port configuration. The available IDs depend on the product family. To see the available port configurations, enter a ? after the product family.
If product_family is set to 4500 (that is, Catalyst 4500 standalone IBC), port_config means supervisor configuration.
The chassis type to configure.
If product_family is set to 4500, the chassis type selected here is supported by the supervisor engine assigned to port_config .
The password of the client switch. Enter none (or any word) for switches with no password,
Note The password is required only for switches that are not Smart
Install-capable. It is not required for switches already in the Smart
Install network.
Applies the configuration to the startup configuration.
(Optional) Reloads the switch.
(Optional) Specifies the time to reload the switch in the format hh:mm. The range is from 00:00 to 23:59. If you do not specify a time, the reload occurs when you exit the CLI.
Defaults None.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
vstack download-config
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
The chassis option was introduced.
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Command History Release
Usage Guidelines You can enter this command only on the director.
When you enter the built-in product_family port_config keywords for an on-demand configuration download, you must have first identified the configuration for the specified built-in group. Enter the config location config_filename Smart Install group configuration command.
remote_switch_password is required only for switches that are not Smart Install-capable. It is not required for switches already in the Smart Install network.
Selecting a Catalyst “4k” group is similar to configuring a Catalyst “4k” group.
Note You must select similar parameters (product type, sup type, and chassis type) as you did while configuring the group.
Examples This example shows how to start an on-demand image download of the configuration file for a Catalyst
2960 24-port switch on a client switch with the password mypassword . The download occurs when the switch starts in 10 hours:
Director# vstack download-config built-in 2960 24 mypassword startup reload in 10:00
To see the configuration files for built-in or custom groups, enter the show vstack group { built-in | custom } privileged EXEC command. To verify the download, enter the show vstack download-status privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands Command show vstack download-status
[ detail ] show vstack group
Displays Smart Install download status. The show vstack download-status detail display includes detailed reasons for download failures.
Displays configures Smart Install groups.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack download-image
vstack download-image
To configure an on-demand tar image download for clients, use the vstack download-image privileged
EXEC command on the Smart Install director. This command is visible only on the director.
vstack download-image tar image_URL { ip_address | index name } remote_switch_password
[ override ] reload [ in time ] vstack download-image built-in product_family port_config chassis_config remote_switch_password [override] [ issu [ allow-reload ]] [ reload ] [ in time ]
Note For releases prior to12.2(55)SE, you must create an image list: vstack download-image { imagelist_file
URL ip_address | built-in product_family port_config } remote_switch_password [ override ] reload [ in time ]
Note A no form for this command does not exist.
Syntax Description tar image_URL ip_address index name built-in product_family port_config chassis_config remote_switch_ password override
Enter tar and tftp URL for the tar image file.
For example, tftp://
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: bs: , cns: , flash1: , flash: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tar: , tmpsys: , xmoden: , ymodem.
Specifies the IP address of the remote host.
(Optional) Enter the index name from the director database for multiple clients or a range of clients.
• name —Enter multiple clients or a range of clients, for example
Specifies the identified (built-in) product family ID. To see the available product families, enter a ?
after built-in .
For the Catalyst 4500 series switch, product_family is set to 4500.
The port configuration. The available configurations depend on the product family. To see the available configurations, enter a ? after the product family.
If product_family is set to 4500 (i.e., Catalyst 4500 standalone IBC), port_config means supervisor configuration.
The chassis type to configure.
If product_family is set to 4500, the chassis type selected here is supported by the supervisor engine assigned to port_config .
The password of the client, or enter NONE if there is no password configured.
The password is required only for switches that are not Smart Install-capable.
It is not required for switches already in the Smart Install network.
• When upgrading multiple clients (by entering the index name keyword), all clients must have the same password or they must all have no password.
(Optional) Overrides the existing image.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
vstack download-image issu allow-reload reload in time
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Specifies use of ISSU for on-demand upgrade for Catalyst 4500 IBC.
Allows a reload if triggering ISSU fails,
This option appears only if the ISSU keyword is selected.
Allows a reload of the switch if ISSU fails to trigger.
(Optional) Specifies the time in Specify the time to reload the switch using the format hh:mm. The range is from 00:00 to 23:59. If no time is specified, the reload occurs when you exit the CLI.
Defaults No download image is identified.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
The index name keywords were added.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release XE 3.2(0)SE.
The built-in chassis_config and issu keywords were added.
Usage Guidelines You can enter this command only on the director.
The image file must be a tar and not a bin file.
When you enter the built-in product_family port_config chassis_config keywords for an on-demand image download, you must have first identified the image for the specified built-in group by entering the image location image_name Smart Install group configuration command.
The remote_switch_password is required only for switches that are not Smart Install-capable. It is not required for switches already in the Smart Install network.
When you use the index name keyword to upgrade multiple clients, all clients must have the same password, or must have no password configured.
When you use the index name keyword to upgrade multiple clients, if a client is not compatible with the specified image, the upgrade fails.
Examples This example shows how to start an on-demand image download of the configured image file for a
Catalyst 2960 24-port client switch with the password mypassword . The switch is set to reload in 10 hours:
Director# vstack download-image built-in 2960 24 mypassword reload in 10:00
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack download-image
This example shows how to reload the IBCs that fall under the built-in group of 4500:
Switch# vstack download-image built-in 4500
Switch# vstack download-image built-in 4500 sup8
Switch# vstack download-image built-in 4500 sup8-e
Switch# vstack download-image built-in 4500 sup8-e 45
Switch# vstack download-image built-in 4500 sup8-e 4507
Switch# vstack download-image built-in 4500 sup8-e 4507r+e NONE ?
issu Force ISSU Upgrade
override Override the existing image
reload Reload the switch
Switch# vstack download-image built-in 4500 sup8-e 4507r+e NONE issu
Switch# vstack download-image built-in 4500 sup8-e 4507r+e NONE issu ?
allow-reload Allow Reloading the switch if ISSU fails to trigger
in Specify time in
Switch# vstack download-image built-in 4500 sup8-e 4507r+e NONE issu alo
Switch# vstack download-image built-in 4500 sup8-e 4507r+e NONE issu all
Switch# $load-image built-in 4500 sup8-e 4507r+e NONE issu allow-reload ?
in Specify time in
Switch# $load-image built-in 4500 sup8-e 4507r+e NONE issu allow-reload
This command reloads the IBCs that fall under this group.
The following example shows how to start an on-demand image download of the configured image file for clients 1 through 3 and 4 in the director database and to reload in 10 hours:
Director# vstack download-image tar tftp:// index 1-3, 4 mypassword reload in 10:00
To see the images in the director database, enter the show vstack status detail privileged EXEC command. To see images configured for built-in or custom groups, enter the show vstack group
{ built-in | custom } privileged EXEC command. To verify the download, enter the show vstack download-status privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands Command show vstack download-status
[ detail ] show vstack group show vstack status detail
Displays Smart Install download status. Entering show vstack download-status detail includes detailed reasons for download failures.
Displays configures Smart Install groups.
Displays Smart Install images in the director database.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack group built-in
vstack group built-in
To identify a built-in Smart Install group and to enter Smart Install group configuration mode for the group, use the vstack group built-in global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove the configuration for the built-in group, use the no form of this command.
vstack group built-in product_family port_config chassis_config no vstack group built-in product_family port_config chassis_config
Syntax Description product_family port_config chassis_config
The identified (built-in) product family ID. To see the available product families, enter a ?
after built-in .
If product_family is set to 4500 for Catalyst 4500 series switches.
The switch port configuration. The available choices depend on the product family. To see the available port configurations, enter a ?
after the product family.
If product_family is set to 4500 (that is, Catalyst 4500 standalone IBC), port_config means supervisor configuration.
The chassis type to configure.
If product_family is set to 4500, the chassis type selected here is supported by the supervisor engine assigned to port_config .
Defaults None
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
The script keyword was introduced.
The chassis config keyword was introduced.
Usage Guidelines Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take effect if the device is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If the client becomes the director, the entered configurations are then valid.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack group built-in
Use this command to define the configuration file (or post install file) for a group when multiple product
IDs (PIDs) exist in the network. If all switches in the network have the same PID, you would use the vstack config location config_filename (or vstack script location post_install_filename) global configuration command to configure a default configuration file for all switches.
The built-in groups are shipping products that are present in the CLI.
You can use the vstack group built-in ?
command to display a list of the product IDs built into the configuration. You can use the vstack group built-in product_family ?
command to display a list of the port configurations for a product family.
Note To configure Catalyst 4500 “modular” series switches, set product_family to 4500.
If a client does not match any custom group, the switch is configured with a built-in group configuration and image. If a switch does not match any group, the default image and configuration are used.
Note Image files are specific to a product family. Configuration files are specific to a port configuration.
A client sends an error message if it cannot download an image or configuration file due to misconfiguration, if the image or configuration file is not available, or if a join window is configured and the DHCP acknowledgment occurs outside the configured time frame.
These configuration commands are available in Smart Install group configuration mode for built-in groups:
• config —Identifies the configuration file for the group. exit —Exits Smart Install group configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.
image —Identifies the image for the group, for example, c3560-ipservices-mz.122-52.SE.tar
. This image must be a tar and not a bin file. script —Identifies the post install file for the group.
• no —Negates a command or sets its default.
To identify the group post install file name (script), configuration file name (config), and the group image file name, enter tftp : followed by the filename.
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these keywords are not supported: flash1: , flash: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:
Examples This example shows how to identify a group as Catalyst 3560 8-port Power over Ethernet (PoE) switches and to enter Smart Install group configuration mode. It identifies the image to be obtained through TFTP for the group as c3560-ipbase-mz.122-52.SE.tar, which contains the 3560 IP base image for
Release12.2(52)SE, identifies the post install file as the 3560 IP Base image, and identifies the configuration file as the 3560 IP Base image.
Director(config)# vstack group built-in 3560 8poe
Director(config-vstack-group)# image tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# config tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# script tftp://
You can verify group settings by entering the show vstack group built-in privileged EXEC command.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
vstack group built-in
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
The following example uses the chassis type to display the configurations for a built-in group of “4k” with “sup8-e” in a 4503 chassis:
Switch# show vst group built-in 4500 sup8-e 4503 de
Group Name: sup8-e 4503
No Image name specified
No config file name specified
No Script file specified
In the following example, we select the supervisor type rather than the chassis type. This displays all the groups for the chassis that support that particular supervisor engine.
Switch# show vst group built-in 4500 sup8-e de
Group Name: sup8-e 4503
No Image name specified
No config file name specified
No Script file specified
Group Name: sup8-e 4506
No Image name specified
No config file name specified
No Script file specified
Group Name: sup8-e 4507r+e
No Image name specified
No config file name specified
No Script file specified
Group Name: sup8-e 4510r+e
No Image name specified
No config file name specified
No Script file specified
Related Commands Command show vstack group built-in vstack group custom
Displays the configured Smart Install built-in groups.
Configures Smart Install custom groups.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack group custom
vstack group custom
To configure a user-defined Smart Install group and to enter Smart Install group configuration mode for the group, use the vstack group custom global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To return to the default setting or to remove the group, use the no form of this command.
vstack group custom group_name { connectivity | mac | product-id | stack } no vstack group custom group _ name
Syntax Description group_name connectivity mac product-id stack
A name for the custom group.
Matches a custom group based on connectivity or network topology. All clients that have the same upstream neighbor. If a client matches more than one group characteristic, a connectivity match takes precedence over a stack match or product-id match, but not over a MAC address match.
Matches a custom group consisting of switch MAC addresses. If a client matches more than one group characteristic, a MAC address match takes precedence.
Matches a custom group based on the product ID.
Matches a custom group based on switch stack membership. If a switch matches more than one group characteristic, a stack match takes precedence over product-id.
Defaults None
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
The script keyword was introduced.
Usage Guidelines Although you can enter this command on any switch or router running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take effect if the device is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If the client switch becomes the director, the entered configurations are then valid.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
vstack group custom
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
When you enter Smart Install group configuration mode, use the match command to identify the group characteristics.
All members of a custom group must be able to run the same image, post install file, and configuration file. For example, only Catalyst 3560 switches can run the image c3560-ipbase-tar.122-52.SE.tar, and each 3560 port configuration would run a different configuration and post install file.
A custom group takes precedence over a built-in group. If a switch does not match any custom group, the switch is configured with the built-in group configuration. If a switch does not match any group, the default configuration, post install file and image are used.
Among custom groups, a group matched by MAC address takes precedence over other matches. A connectivity match takes precedence over one matched by product ID or stack, and a stack match takes precedence over product ID.
A client sends an error message if it cannot download an image or configuration file or post install file due to misconfiguration, if the image, configuration or post install file is unavailable, or if a join window is configured and the DHCP acknowledgment occurs outside the configured time frame.
These configuration commands are available in Smart Install group configuration mode for custom groups:
• config —Identifies the configuration file for the group.
• exit —Exits Smart Install group configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.
image —Identifies the image for the group, for example c3750-ipservices-mz.122-52.SE.tar
. This image must be a tar and not a bin file.
• match —Configures the match type for the group. See the
match (Smart Install group configuration)
command for more information about defining criteria for the custom group.
script —Identifies the post install file for the group.
• no : Negates a command or sets its default.
To identify the group configuration file name ( config ) and the group image file name, enter tftp: config followed by the filename.
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these keywords are not supported: flash1: , flash: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:
Examples This example shows how to identify a custom group named test based on matching connectivity and to enter Smart Install group configuration mode. It specifies that the group includes clients connected to the host with the IP address with an interface name of finance, and identifies the image, post install file and configuration to be obtained through TFTP for the group:
Director(config)# vstack group custom test connectivity
Director(config-vstack-group)# match host interface finance
Director(config-vstack-group)# image tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# config tftp://
Director(config-vstack-group)# script tftp://
You can verify the group settings by entering the show vstack group custom privileged EXEC command.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Related Commands Command vstack hostname-prefix show vstack group custom vstack group built-in vstack group custom
Configures group parameters to match for a custom group.
Displays the configured Smart Install custom groups.
Configures Smart Install built-in groups.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack hostname-prefix
vstack hostname-prefix
To specify a prefix for the hostname for a client, use the vstack hostname-prefix global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove the prefix name setting, use the no form of this command.
vstack hostname-prefix prefix no vstack hostname-prefix
Syntax Description prefix A prefix to the hostname for clients in the Smart Install network. The last part of the switch hostname for a switch that had a DCHP request snooped through the director would be the last 3 bytes of the switch MAC address.
Defaults None
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take effect if the device is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If the nondirector becomes the director, the entered configurations are then valid.
When a DHCP request is snooped through the director and this command is entered, the switch hostname includes the configured hostname followed by the last 3 bytes of the switch MAC address.
Examples This example shows how to configure the hostname Cisco for a client that has been DHCP-snooped:
Director(config)# vstack hostname-prefix Cisco
Director(config)# exit
If you then telnet to that switch from the director, the display shows the resulting switch hostname assignment:
*Mar 1 17:21:43.281: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack hostname-prefix
*Mar 1 17:21:52.399: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface Vlan1 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname
You can verify the hostname prefix by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command on the director.
Related Commands Command show vstack config
Displays the Smart Install configuration.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack image
vstack image
To configure the default image filename for all clients in a Smart Install topology, use the vstack image global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove the default image, use the no form of this command.
vstack image location image_name.
tar no vstack image
Syntax Description location image_name.
Enter flash: if the director is the TFTP server and the default image is in the director flash memory. Enter tftp:// and the location of the default image file if the image is not in the director flash memory. If the director is the TFTP server, the location is the director IP address.
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: flash1: , ftp: , http: , https: , null: , nvram: , rcp: , scp: , system: , tmpsys:.
The image name, for example, c2960-lanbase-tar.122-53.SE.tar.
The image must be a tar and not a bin file.
Defaults None
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines The vstack image configuration command is used to identify the ios image that applies to the smart install client. It is needed for all vstack groups whose clients need to have the correct ios image automatically applied.
Prior to Release IOS XE 3.6.0E and IOS 15.2(2)E, the vstack image command was mandatory for custom and built-in vstack groups. With Release IOS XE 3.6.0E and IOS 15.2(2)E, configuring the group for image is optional.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack image
Because the default group is optional, all commands to this group are also optional. If you are using the default group, however, you should always configure a default image, which is used when the client could not be matched to either a built-in group or custom group (i.e., when the image for a client is outside of a built-in or custom group).
Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take effect if the device is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If the client becomes the director, the entered commands are then valid.
The image name is the image that you want to download, for example, c3750-ipservices-mz.122-52.SE.tar
. This image must be a tar and not a bin file.
Because the default group is optional, all commands to this group are also optional. If you are using the default image, however, you should always configure a default image, which is used when the client could not be matched to either a built-in group or custom group (i.e., when the configuration file for a client is outside of a built-in or custom group).
A smart install client sends an error message if it cannot download the image. This could stem from one of the following:
• a misconfiguration on the director the unavailability of the image a join window is configured and the client attempts to join the group outside the join window
Examples This is an example of Smart Install default configuration when there is only one type of product ID
(24-port Catalyst 2960) in the network, the director is the TFTP server, and the image file is stored in the director flash memory:
Director(config)# vstack image flash:c2960-lanbase-tar.122-53.SE.tar.
You can verify group settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands Command show vstack config vstack config vstack script
Displays the Smart Install configuration.
Configures a Smart Install default configuration file.
Configures a Smart Install default post install file.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack join-window close
vstack join-window close
To completely close the join window, use the vstack join-window close global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To open the join window, use the no vstack join-window close command.
vstack join-window close no vstack join-window close
Syntax Description This command has not arguments or keywords.
Command Modes Global configuration mode
Command History
The join window is open.
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines From the director, use the vstack join-window close command in global configuration mode to close the join window. The join window is a time frame during which a client that is coming up and joining the Smart Install network can be upgraded with a new image and configuration.
Note This command works on both the director and the client. However, it is only meaningful when the device is the director.
Examples This example shows how to close the join window.
Director(config)# vstack join-window close
Related Commands Command Description vstack join-window mode auto Configures the join window mode on the director.
vstack join-window start Configures the time interval during which the director sends configuration and image files to clients.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack join-window mode auto
vstack join-window mode auto
To configure the join window mode, use the vstack join-window mode auto global configuration command on the Smart Install director. vstack join-window mode auto no vstack join-window mode auto
Defaults Clients are automatically upgraded when the join window is open.
Command Modes Global configuration mode
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines Entering the vstack join-window mode auto global configuration command automatically allows clients to be upgraded to the latest image and configuration after they join the Smart Install network as long as the join window is open. This is the default.
Entering the no vstack join-window mode global configuration command puts clients in a hold state when they join the network. You must enter the vstack on-hold-clients install privileged EXEC command for the immediate upgrade of clients in the hold state.
Note You can enter this command on both the director and the client, but it is only meaningful when the device is the director.
Related Commands
This example shows how to configure the join-window manual mode on the director.
Director(config)# vstack join-window mode auto
Command vstack join-window close
Closes the join window completely.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack join-window mode auto
Command vstack join-window start
Configures the time interval during which the director sends configuration and image files to clients.
vstack on-hold-clients install Installs configuration and images files on a specified client.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack join-window start
vstack join-window start
To configure the time interval during which the director sends configuration and image files to clients, use the vstack join-window start global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove the join-window configuration, use the no form of this command.
vstack join-window start [ date ] hh:mm [ interval ] [ end date ] [ recurring ]} no vstack join-window start
Syntax Description date hh:mm interval (Optional) end date recurring
(Optional) A start date for the director to send configuration and image files to the client in the format day month year :
• day is 1 to 31.
month is the 3-letter abbreviation for the month (for example, Jun for
• year is 1993 to 2035.
The time to start sending the files in the format hh:mm , using a 24-hour clock,
00:00 to 23:59.
The number of hours for which the join window remains active. The range is from 0 to 23, in the format hh:mm , for example, 01:30 is 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Note The maximum duration that you can configure is 24 hours.
(Optional) Specifies the end date for the director to stop sending configuration and image files in the format day month year :
• day is 1 to 31.
month is the 3-letter abbreviation for the month (for example, Jun for
• year is 1993 to 2035.
(Optional) Specifies that the time to send configuration and image files to the client occurs every day at the configured start time.
Defaults No director time interval is configured. When configured, if no dates or intervals are set, the start time is recurring.
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
vstack join-window start
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take effect if the device is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If the client becomes the director, the entered configurations are then valid.
Note Before configuring a join window, you should verify that the director time is correct.
When a join window is configured and clients are detected outside the join window, the director does not send files to the client until the next configured join window. The auto-install process occurs on the client as if it were not a Smart Install client.
During the join window, clients cannot upgrade the image or configuration files except with files received from the director. Within the join window, the director passes the names and locations of the image and configuration files to the client, which then upgrades these files.
When a join window is configured, if the DHCP acknowledgment occurs outside the configured time frame, a client sends an error message that it cannot download an image or configuration file due to misconfiguration.
Examples This example shows how to configure the director to insert DHCP options, starting at 10 a.m. and recurring every day at this time.
Director(config)# vstack join-window start 10:00 recurring
This example shows how to configure the join window to start on July 4, 2009, and remain on (no end date).
Director(config)# vstack join-window start 04 july 2009 09:00
This example shows how to configure the join window to start on July 4, 2009, and end on July 5, 2009.
Director(config)# vstack join-window start 04 july 2009 10:00 end 05 july 2009
This example shows how to configure the join window to start on July 4, 2009, at 10 a.m. and to continue for 4 hours:.
Director(config)# vstack join-window start 04 july 2009 10:00 04:00
This example shows how to configure the join window to start on July 7, 2009 at 10 a.m., operate for 4 hours, recur daily at that time until July 10, when the join window ends and remains shut.
Director(config)# vstack join-window start 07 july 2009 10:00 04:00 end 10 july 2009 recur
You can verify join-window settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command on the director.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Related Commands Command show vstack config
Displays the Smart Install configuration.
vstack join-window start
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack join-window-status index
vstack join-window-status index
To move a client from the join-window deny state to the held or active state, use the vstack join-window-status index privileged EXEC command on the Smart Install director. vstack join-window-status index client-id { allowed | held }
Syntax Description client-id allowed held
The client ID from the director database. The client ID can be a single client, multiple clients, or a range of clients, for example 1,3-5,7,9-11.
Changes the join window state for the client or clients from deny or held to active. A client in the active state is allowed zero-touch updates, on-demand updates, or configuration backups when the join window is open.
Changes the join window state for the client or clients from deny to held. A client in the held state is allowed zero-touch updates and on-demand updates, but not configuration backups when the join window is open.
Defaults The join window state for all clients is determined by the vstack join-window mode global configuration command.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines Use this command to move a client or multiple clients out of the join-window deny state.
After you enter the command, you are asked to confirm the client state change.
You can see the current client states by entering the show vstack status privileged EXEC command.
Examples This example shows how to manually change the join window state of clients 1 to 4 to active.
Director # vstack join-window-status index 1-4 allowed
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Related Commands Command show vstack status vstack join-window-status index
Displays Smart Install status, including the join window state for clients.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack on-hold-clients install
vstack on-hold-clients install
To authorize an immediate image and configuration upgrade to an on-hold client or to all on-hold clients, use the vstack on-hold-clients install privileged EXEC command on the Smart Install director.
vstack on-hold-clients install { all | client-id client index | ipaddr ip-address | mac mac address }
[ override ]
Syntax Description all client-id client index ipaddr ip-address mac mac address override
Installs the image and configuration update on all on-hold clients.
Installs the image and configuration update on clients with the specified client ID. The client ID range is 0 to 255.
Installs the image and configuration update on the client with the specified
IP address.
Installs the image and configuration update on the client with the specified
MAC address.
(Optional) Overrides the existing image.
Command Default None
Command Modes Privileged EXEC mode
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines This command is required only when you configure no vstack join-window mode . When the mode is auto (the default), clients joining the Smart Install network are automatically updated when the join window is open.
When you set the join window mode to manual by entering the no vstack join-window mode command, clients joining the Smart Install network are put in a hold state. Entering the vstack on-hold-clients install privileged EXEC command authorizes the director to immediately upgrade an on-hold client.
Specify a client for upgrade by entering one of the keywords, or enter all to select all client devices for upgrade.
Examples This example shows how to select all on-hold client devices for upgrade:
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack on-hold-clients install
Director# vstack on-hold-clients install all
This example shows how to specify the on-hold client for upgrade by IP address:
Director# vstack on-hold-clients install ipaddr
Related Commands Command Description vstack join-window mode auto Configures the join window mode on the director.
vstack on-hold-clients remove Removes a specified client from the on-hold client allowed list.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack on-hold-clients remove
vstack on-hold-clients remove
To remove a specified client or all clients from the hold state, use the vstack on-hold-clients remove privileged EXEC command on the director.
vstack on-hold-clients remove { all | client-id client index | ipaddr ip-address | mac mac address }
Syntax Description all client-id client index ipaddr ip-address mac mac address
Removes on all on-hold clients from the allowed list.
Removes the client with the specified client ID. The client ID range is 0 to 255.
Removes the client with the specified IP address.
Removes the client with the specified MAC address.
Command Default None
Command Modes Privileged EXEC mode
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines When you set the join window mode to manual by entering the no vstack join-window mode command, new clients joining the Smart Install network are put in a hold state. They remain in this state until you enter the vstack on-hold clients install privileged EXEC command to start an upgrade on the client or until you remove them from the on-hold state.
Enter the vstack on-hold-clients remove privileged EXEC command on the director to remove a specified client or all clients from the list of clients in the hold state. When a client has been removed from the on-hold list and you enter the vstack on-hold clients install privileged EXEC command for the client, the request is denied.
When you remove a client from the on-hold list, you must restart the client for an upgrade to occur.
When the mode is auto (the default), clients joining the Smart Install network are automatically upgraded when the join window is open.
Examples This example shows how to remove all on-hold client devices from the hold list:
Director# vstack on-hold-clients remove all
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack on-hold-clients remove
This example shows how to specify the on-hold client for removal by IP address:
Director# vstack on-hold-clients remove ipaddr
Related Commands Command Description vstack join-window mode auto Configures the join window mode on the director.
vstack on-hold-clients install Authorizes the director to grant an immediate upgrade to an on-hold client.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack script
vstack script
To identify the default post install file for the clients, use the vstack script global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove the configuration file as the default, use the no form of this command.
Note This command is available only on switches. This command is not available when a router is the Smart
Install Director.
vstack script location post_install_filename no vstack script
Syntax Description location post_install_filename
Enter flash :; flash0 :, or flash1 : if the director is the TFTP server and the post install file is in the director flash memory. Enter tftp :// and the location of the default post install file if the file is not in the director flash memory. If the director is the TFTP server, the location is the director IP address.
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these options are not supported: ftp :, http :, https :, null :, nvram :, rcp :, scp :, system :, tmpsys :
The syntax for entering the filename when not in the director flash is tftp :[[// location ]/ directory ]/ post_install .txt.
Command Default None
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines Prior to Release IOS XE 3.6.0E and IOS 15.2(2)E, the vstack script command was mandatory for custom and built-in vstack groups. With Release IOS XE 3.6.0E and IOS 15.2(2)E, configuring the group for script is optional.
Because the default group is optional, all commands to this group are also optional. If you are using the default group, however, you should always configure a default script, which is used when the client could not be matched to either a built-in group or custom group (i.e., when the script for a client is outside of a built-in or custom group).You can decide not to configure post install in conjunction with image, configuration, or both.
When you configure the default configuration, that default post install file is used by the client when the client’s post install file is not configured in any group (built-in or custom).
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack script
Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take affect if the switch is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on a director are valid. If the client switch becomes the director, the entered configuration becomes valid.
Use this command to define the post install script when all switches in the network have the same product
ID (PID). The post install file is a text file that contains the post install command to be downloaded to the client.
A smart install client sends an error message if it cannot download the script. This could stem from one of the following:
• a misconfiguration on the director the unavailability of the script a join window is configured and the client attempts to join the group outside the join window
Note This statement is relevant only for default mode. SMI offers two types of customization: group
(MAC, stack, and connectivity; and product-id based) and built-in. Post install is configurable in three modes: default, custom group, and built-in.
Examples This is an example of Smart Install default configuration when only one type of product ID (24-port
Catalyst 2960) exists in the network, the director is the TFTP server, and the post install file is in the director flash memory:
Director(config)# vstack script flash:2960-24-lanbase-post_install.txt
This is an example of Smart Install default configuration when only one type of product ID (24-port
Catalyst 2960) exists in the network and the post install file is not in the director flash memory:
Director(config)# vstack script tftp://
You can verify Smart Install settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands Command show vstack config vstack image vstack config
Displays the Smart Install configuration.
Configures a Smart Install default image file.
Configures a Smart Install default configuration file.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack startup-vlan
vstack startup-vlan
To specify the default VLAN that the director should use for Smart Install management, use the vstack startup-vlan global configuration command.
vstack startup-vlan vlan_value
Syntax Description vlan_value The VLAN to use for Smart Install management.
Command Default None
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines Use this command to specify the default VLAN that the director should use for Smart Install operations.
Depending on the VLAN that is specified in the command, DHCP snooping is enabled on that VLAN so that the director can identify new switches that are connected to the network. If this command is not entered, however, VLAN 1 is used as default.
Examples This example shows how to specify VLAN 7 as the default VLAN for Smart Install:
Director# vstack startup-vlan ?
<1-4094> Startup Management Vlan
Director# vstack startup-vlan 10
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
vstack tar
To archive files into a tar file, use the vstack tar privileged EXEC command on the director.
vstack tar destination-url [ source-url ] vstack tar
Syntax Description destination-url source-url
The source URL alias for the local or network file system in which to archive files.
The following options are supported:
• flash: tar file name
• ftp: t ar file name http: tar file name https: tar file name rcp: tar file name
• scp: tar file name
• tftp: tar file name
(Optional) The source URL.
Note When a source URL is not specified, the entire local repository is archived.
Specify the local repository with the vstack backup file-server command in global configuration mode.
Command Default None
Command Modes Privileged EXEC mode
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines Use the vstack tar command in privileged EXEC mode on the director to create a tar file into which to write files. Specify the destination URL for the local or network file system and the name of the tar file to be created. Specify the source URL (optional).
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
vstack tar
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Note If you do not specify a source URL, the local repository is archived. Specify the local repository with the vstack backup file-server global configuration command.
Examples This example shows how to create an archive tar file ( archive.tar
) in flash memory and archive files from the repository into mytar directory in flash.
Director# vstack tar flash: archive.tar flash mytar
Related Commands Command vstack untar
Extracts and archives a tar file.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack untar
vstack untar
To extract archived tar files into a directory, use the vstack untar privileged EXEC command on the director.
vstack untar source-url [ destination-url ]
Syntax Description source-url destination-url
The source URL alias for the local or network file system and the name of the tar file. The following options are supported:
• flash : tar file name
• ftp : tar file name http : tar file name https : tar file name rcp : tar file name
• scp : tar file name
• tftp : tar file name
(Optional) The destination URL.
Note When you do not specify a destination URL, the local repository is used.
Specify the local repository with the vstack backup file-server command in global configuration mode.
Command Default None
Command Modes Privileged EXEC mode
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines Use the vstack untar command in privileged EXEC mode on the director to extract files from a tar file.
Specify the source URL for the local or network file system and the name of the tar file. Specify the destination URL (optional).
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack untar
Note When you do not specify a destination URL, the local repository is used. Specify the local repository with the vstack backup file-server command in global configuration mode.
Examples This example shows how to extract the tar file archive.tar
from flash memory into the local repository.
Director# vstack untar flash: archive.tar
Related Commands Command vstack tar vstack untar / table
Creates a tar file and writes files into it.
Archives tar files in a table.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack untar / table
vstack untar / table
To list the contents of a tar file, use the vstack untar/ table privileged EXEC command on the director.
vstack untar/table source-url
Syntax Description source-url The source URL alias for the local or network file system and the name of the tar file. These options are supported:
• flash: tar file name
• ftp: tar file name http : tar file name https: tar file name rcp: tar file name scp: tar file name tftp: tar file name
Command Default None
Command Modes Privileged EXEC mode
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines Use the vstack untar/table command in privileged EXEC mode on the director to archive tar files.
Specify the source URL for the local or network file system and the name of the tar file.
Examples This example shows how to display the contents of the tar file myconfig.tar
that is in flash memory.
Director# vstack untar/table flash:myconfig.tar c3750-1-0000.0040.4080.REV2 (1785 bytes) c3750-1-0000.0040.4080.REV1 (91 bytes) c3750-0000.0040.4080.REV2 (1795 bytes) c3750-0000.0040.4080.REV1 (1674 bytes) c3750-ibc-0000.0040.4080.REV2 (1823 bytes)
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
vstack untar / table
Related CommandsI Command vstack tar vstack untar
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
Creates a tar file and writes files into it.
Extracts and archives tar files.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands vstack vlan
vstack vlan
To configure Smart Install VLANs for DHCP snooping, use the vstack vlan global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove a Smart Install management VLAN, use the no form of this command.
vstack vlan vlan-range no vstack vlan vlan-range
Note This command is not valid when the director is a router.
Syntax Description vlan-range The VLAN ID or IDs for Smart Install management VLANs. You can specify a single VLAN identified by VLAN ID number, a range of VLANs separated by a hyphen, or a series of VLANs separated by a comma. The range is 1 to
Defaults The default Smart Install management VLAN is VLAN 1.
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take effect if the device is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If the client becomes the director, the entered configurations are then valid.
When Smart Install is enabled on the director, DHCP snooping is automatically enabled on VLAN 1.
You can, however, use the vstack startup-vlan global configuration command to specify another default
VLAN instead of VLAN 1.
There is no limit to the number of Smart Install VLANs that you can configure.
This command does not apply to routers.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
vstack vlan
Chapter 3 Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
This example shows how to configure VLAN 10 as a Smart Install VLAN:
Director(config)# vstack vlan 10
This example shows how to configure multiple Smart Install VLANs:
Director(config)# vstack vlan 10-12,100,200
You can verify Smart Install settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands Command show vstack config
Displays the Smart Install configuration.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Configuring SMI Proxy
Information about SMI Proxy, page 4-2
Enabling Proxy on the Device, page 4-5
Enabling Proxy on the Device, page 4-5
Guidelines and Restrictions, page 4-7
SMI Proxy CLI Commands, page 4-8
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy
Information about SMI Proxy
Information about SMI Proxy
Prior to Cisco IOS XE 3.6.0E releases, Smart Install was the routine way to manage zero-touch deployments (ZTD) for Catalyst devices. Cisco's solution toward ZTD, Plug and Play (PnP) provides an agent that runs on each networking device and a server that manages your network devices with respect to configuration, image, and more.
Table 4-1 Feature History Information for SMI Proxy
Cisco IOS Release
Cisco IOS XE 3.6.0E and
IOS 15.2(2)E
Cisco IOS XE 3.6.3E and
Cisco IOS 15.2(2)E3 and
Cisco IOS XE 3.7.3E and
Cisco IOS 15.2(3)E3
Cisco IOS XE 3.6.3E and
Cisco IOS 15.2(3)E3
Change Description
The PnP Agent is available on Catalyst 4500 series, Catalyst 3850, Catalyst 3650, IE 2000, IE
3000, IE 3010, Catalyst 2K and Catalyst 3K switches.
Devices running older releases (prior to Cisco IOS-XE 3.6.0E, and IOS 15.2(2)E) rely on existing ZTD solutions such as SmartInstall to enable IOS version updates. Devices running the older release cannot communicate with the central PNP Server. These devices require a migration path to reach the PNP Server.
Beginning with the specified releases, the Catalyst 4500, Catalyst 3850, Catalyst 3750, Catalyst
3650, and Catalyst 3560 switches support SMI PnP Proxy. This feature leverages SMI functionality in an existing network device and allows for image and configuration upgrade of devices running older versions. SMI Proxy is applicable only to platforms that support SMI
The SMI Proxy feature will run on a network device that is running the required Cisco IOS release and is configured for PNP Agent and SMI Proxy. This device will bridge the communication from older devices running SmartInstall to the PNP Server. It will "proxy" as the
PNP Agent for devices running older versions, enabling these devices to behave as if the SMI
Proxy device is the SMI Director. The SMI Proxy device will contact the central PnP Server on behalf of the device running older versions to retrieve image and configuration information.
Beginning with this release, the Catalyst 4500, Catalyst 3850, Catalyst 3750, Catalyst 3650, and
Catalyst 3560 support PnP discovery process via various discovery mechanisms and security methods.
This section contains:
How SMI Proxy Interacts with Smart Install Devices and the PnP Agent, page 4-2
SMI Proxy and Tailored Configuration Files, page 4-3
How SMI Proxy Interacts with Smart Install Devices and the PnP Agent
After accepting different requests from various smart install clients, SMI Proxy provides all the mandatory information to the PnP Agent for each request. PnP Agent then forwards these requests to the
PnP Server on behalf of the smart install client. The PnP Agent forwards the corresponding response from the PnP server to the SMI Proxy for further processing.
SMI Proxy allows a central PnP Server administrator to possess a single view of the network with respect to the image and configuration, even when some of the switches in the network are only SMI-capable.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy
PnP Agent
S MI PnP Proxy
S erver
S erver
S erver
Information about SMI Proxy
S m a rtin s t a ll Client s witche s
How SMI Clients and Directors Communicate
Smart Install clients can communicate with a director only within the network. SMI Proxy leverages existing client communication with the director, extracting relevant data from a networking device.
SMI Proxy mediates between Smart Install clients and the PnP Server, maintaining a database similar or equivalent to the data gleaned by the director.
How SMI Proxy and PnP Agent Communicate
SMI Proxy can trigger the PnP server to send service requests in the following ways:
• When a new SMI client device boots, it sends the "device came up notification" request to SMI
Proxy, which sends the information request to the PnP Server through the PnP Agent.
If SMI Proxy receives a backoff request for any SMI client, it starts the backoff timer. After the timer expires, SMI Proxy sends the work information request to PnP Server through PnP Agent.
When the SMI Proxy receives the work information "bye" request from PnP Server, it immediately sends the work request to the PnP Server.
When SMI Proxy receives the client request, PnP Agent sends that request to PnP Server and awaits a response. PnP Agent then evaluates whether the response is intended for the local device or the proxied client. If the former, the PnP Agent consumes the message; else, it is communicated to SMI
SMI Proxy and Tailored Configuration Files
The director (IBD) controls which image or configuration is forwarded to the client switches (for example, SMI IBC). It is essential to upgrade older switches that do not run an SMI-capable image. To enable IBD to communicate with such switches and suitably upgrade them, a tailored configuration file was introduced.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy
Information about SMI Proxy
In SMI proxy mode, to acquire the PID, VID, and SN of each client, SMI Proxy follows the "reverse telnet" mechanism supported by SMI on older devices.
Starting with Cisco IOS XE 3.6.3E/ Cisco IOS 15.2(2)E3 and Cisco IOS XE 3.7.3E/ Cisco IOS
15.2(3)E3 a director device supports and treats all clients as older devices. The proxy device uses the tailored configuration file to telnet [to] clients and acquire the output data for the show version command. When the proxy device reloads, a new tailored configuration file, client_cfg_pnp.txt, is generated.
This is an example of a newly-created tailored configuration file:
version 12.2
enable password cisco
username cisco
ip http authentication enable <ckadapa>:this config is required
do telnet 19140
vstack director
SMI Proxy Database
SMI functionality works off the MAC address whereas the PnP solution, the UDI. SMI Proxy creates the
UDI and adds the entry in SMI Proxy database for further communications (e.g., when SMI Proxy wants to send information from the SMI Client to the PnP Server). With the client's MAC address, SMI Proxy searches the database to acquire the SMI Client's UDI. When SMI Proxy wants to send the message received from PnP server to the SMI Client, it uses UDI to acquire the MAC address of the SMI Client.
SMI Proxy uses this MAC address to send that message to respective SMI Clients.
This file is created locally under "flash:/vstack" or "bootflash:/vstack" based on the platform with the name smi_pnp_proxy_db.txt. Before creating the entry, SMI Proxy searches for the entry in the database.
If the entry is missing, SMI Proxy adds it to the database, which is stored in the file and contains the entries for stale devices that were in the network previously. If the entry exists, SMI Proxy takes no action. Whenever the device on which SMI Proxy is running reboots, while that device is booting, the device retrieves the database from the file. Clearing this database is disallowed. The show command alone can display the entries.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy
Enabling Proxy on the Device
Enabling Proxy on the Device
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to enable SMI Proxy:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Command config terminal
[no] vstack proxy {ip-address smi-ip | interface interface name } [startup-vlan vlan_value ] [ pnp-profile profile-name ] end copy running-config startup config
Enters global configuration mode.
Enables SMI SMI Proxy mode.
The [no] form of the vstack proxy command turns off support for SMI clients.
• a.
Enter ip-address and the IP address. Launches
SMI and enables director functionality on a device. This is a two-step "internal" process:
SMI Proxy calls functions related to the vstack director director_IP command. where director_IP must match with at least one of the switch IP. In a scenario where an external DHCP server provides the addresses and the director IP to switches, the switch with matching director and switch IP addresses is eligible for only vstack basic configurations.
Executes the vstack , vstack director , vstack basic , and vstack startup-vlan commands to enable ‘Director’ functionality on the switch.
Enter interface and the interface name.
Given the interface name, the SMI Proxy uses the associated IP address to enable director functionality.
Enter startup-vlan and the VLAN value.
Defined to support a non-Vlan1 scenario.
Specifies the default VLAN that the director should use for Smart Install operations.
Depending on the VLAN that is specified in the command, DHCP snooping is enabled on that
VLAN so that the director can identify new switches that are connected to the network. If this command is not entered, however, VLAN 1 is used as default.
• (Optional) Enter pnp-profile and profile name.
SMI Proxy is associated with the profile name.
If the profile name is not specified, SMI Proxy is associated with default profile name pnp-zero-touch.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy
Unsupported Services
Step 5
Step 6
Command show vstack config show vstack proxy-db
Verifies the configuration.
Displays the SMI clients that are present in the SMI proxy database.
Once SMI Proxy is enabled, the following commands are not accessible:
• vstack director vstack basic ip
• vstack join-window vstack backup
When SMI Proxy is enabled the output of the configuration vstack command is as follows:
IBD(config)# vst ?
dhcp-localserver Configure vstack dhcp parameters
proxy Configure smi pnp proxy feature
startup-vlan Configure vstack startup management vlan
vlan Configure vstack management vlan
This example shows how to configure SMI Proxy on interface vlan 1:
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# vstack proxy interface vlan 1 startup-vlan 1
Switch(config)# end
This example shows how to configure SMI Proxy at ip-address
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# vstack proxy ip-address startup-vlan 1
Switch(config)# end
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# vstack proxy ip-address startup-vlan 1 pnp-profile pnp-zero-touch
Switch(config)# end
Unsupported Services
More than 20 services are supported by the PnP Solution, out of which only seven are supported by SMI
If the PnP Server requests a service not in this list, SMI Proxy sends an error message:
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy
Guidelines and Restrictions
Error string: "SMI PROXY:Not supported service request"
When a configuration upgrade request is sent from a PnP service, by default, the PnP server sends a request to the SMI Proxy, to copy the configuration upgrade to the running configuration. As SMI supports only copying the configuration upgrade to the startup configuration on proxied SMI clients, the
SMI Proxy sends an error message. Once the PnP server receives this error message, it sends a request to copy the configuration upgrade to the startup configuration to SMI Proxy, which is then forwarded to the SMI client.
The following enum and error strings are sent:
Error string: "SMI PROXY: Config upgrade apply to Running Config is not supported"
SMI proxy does not support device hardware information requests and device file information requests and the PnP service sends the following enum and error strings:
For device hardware information requests:
Error string: "SMI PROXY:Client device hardware info not supported"
For device file information requests:
Error string: "SMI PROXY:Client device filesystem info not supported"
Guidelines and Restrictions
The SMI Proxy requires SMI Director and PnP Agent on a device.
When SMI Proxy is enabled, features like join-window and scenarios such as switch replacement are not supported. The latter is handled as a new client addition.
Central PnP Server supports only homogeneous stack upgrades.
After SMI Proxy is enabled, SMI Director is disabled.
SMI Director and SMI Proxy are mutually exclusive.
In SMI Proxy mode, once a device has completed a configuration or image upgrade successfully, you should not clear the entry of that device in the vstack download-status list. If an SMI client requires a write erase and reload, ensure that the entry is not present in the vstack download-status list.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy
SMI Proxy CLI Commands
SMI Proxy CLI Commands vstack proxy
To enable the PnP proxy, use the vstack proxy privileged EXEC command. To disable the PnP proxy, use the no form of the command.
[no] vstack proxy {ip_address smi-ip | interface interface_name } [startup-vlan vlan_value ] pnp-profile profile-name ]
Syntax Description ip_address smi-ip interface interface_name
Launches the SmartInstall feature and enables director functionality on the device with the specified IP address.
Launches the SmartInstall feature and enables director functionality on the device with the IP address of the interface.
Internally, the stack proxy command executes vstack , vstack director , vstack basic , and vstack startup-vlan commands to enable Director functionality on the switch.
startup-vlan vlan_value Specifies the default VLAN that the director should use for Smart Install operations.
pnp-profile profile-name
(Optional) Specifies the profile name to associate with SMI Proxy.
Command Default None
Command Modes Configuration mode
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was introduced.
This command was introduced.
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines You can specify either the IP address or the interface name. If you specify the interface name, SMI Proxy uses the IP address of the interface.Depending on the specified VLAN, DHCP snooping is enabled on that VLAN so that the director can identify new switches that are connected to the network.
Note SMI Director and Proxy are mutually exclusive with respect to configuration commands. SMI Director configuration commands are not visible after a device is configured in proxy mode. However, Proxy reuses SMI Director functionality internally
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy vstack proxy
Depending on the specified VLAN, DHCP snooping is enabled on that VLAN so that the director can identify new switches that are connected to the network. If this command is not entered, VLAN 1 is used as default.
After Proxy is enabled, the vstack director and vstack basic commands are inaccessible.
Optionally, SMI Proxy will be associated with the profile name entered. If no profile name is specified then SMI Proxy will be associated with default profile name pnp-zero-touch.
After SMI Proxy is enabled, the following configuration commands are not accessible:
• vstack director ip
• vstack basic vstack join-window vstack backup
Examples This example shows how to configure SMI Proxy at ip-address
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# vstack proxy ip-address startup-vlan 1
Switch(config)# end
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)#vstack proxy ip-address startup-vlan 1 pnp-profile pnp-zero-touch
Switch(config)# end
Related Commands Command Description show vstack proxy-db [detail] Displays the status of the SMI Proxy database.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy debug vstack
debug vstack
To enable debugging of the Smart Install feature, use the debug vstack privileged EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the no form of this command.
debug vstack { all | backup | cli | director-db | download | emulation | fsm | group | join-window
| protocol | smi-proxy } no debug vstack { all | backup | cli | director-db | download | emulation | fsm | group | join-window | protocol | smi-proxy }
Syntax Description all backup cli director-db download emulation fsm group join-window protocol smi-proxy
Displays all Smart Install debug messages.
Displays all Smart Install backup management debug messages.
Displays Smart Install command-line interface (CLI) debug messages.
Displays Smart Install director database messages.
Displays Smart Install download debug messages.
Displays Smart Install emulation debug messages.
Displays Smart Install session-management debug messages.
Displays Smart Install group debug messages.
Displays all Smart Install join window debug messages.
Displays Smart Install protocol debug messages.
Displays Smart Install SMI PnP proxy operations.
Command Default Smart Install debugging is disabled.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Usage Guidelines The undebug vstack command is the same as the no debug vstack command.
Examples This is example output from the debug vstack all command on a client:
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
4-10 OL-28027-01
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy debug vstack switch# debug vstack all
Vstack debug all debugging is on
*May 15 22:37:56.739: VSTACK_DIR_DB: smi_parse_cdp_cache_entry: Got Neighbor on the port
*May 15 22:37:56.739: VSTACK_DIR_DB: smi_parse_cdp_cache_entry: Mac addr after masking
Neig mac 6073.5cb6.6000, Local Mac 0026.99c9.b000
*May 15 22:37:56.739: VSTACK: smi_parse_cdp_cache_entry:processing the cdp pkt for mgmt vlan
*May 15 22:37:56.739: VSTACK: received vlan_plus_seqno=20370001, seq no for vlan = 8247,prev_seq_no=8247
*May 15 22:37:56.739: VSTACK_DIR_DB: smi_parse_cdp_cache_entry:string in parse
*May 15 22:37:56.739: VSTACK: smi_send_mgmt_vlan_to_cdp: Seq no + Mgmt Vlan = 20370001. After conversion Mgmt vlan withseq no = 540475393,len=9
The following example shows output of the debug vst smi-proxy command
IBD# debug vst smi-proxy
SMI PNP PROXY:EXEC cli vstack execution successful
Following are more example of error logs:
Mar 30 02:27:51.149: VSTACK_SMI_PROXY: smi_proxy_recv_msg_from_pnp_proxy: Received the PnP service request service type:21
Mar 30 02:27:51.149: VSTACK_SMI_PROXY: smi_proxy_backoff_request_handler:Received the backoff request from pnp agent
Mar 30 02:27:51.149: VSTACK_SMI_PROXY: smi_proxy_backoff_request_handler: Enqueuing backoff response for the device id:PID:WS-C3750X-24,VID:V02,SN:FDO1613R2TA
Mar 30 02:27:51.183: VSTACK_SMI_PROXY: smi_pnp_proxy_send_work_req: Sending work request for the device id:PID:WS-C3750X-24,VID:V02,SN:FDO1613R2TA
Mar 30 02:27:51.183: VSTACK_SMI_PROXY: smi_pnp_proxy_malloc_proxy_data: Malloc Success
Mar 30 02:27:51.183: VSTACK_SMI_PROXY: smi_pnp_proxy_malloc_svc_data: Malloc done
Mar 30 02:27:51.183: VSTACK_SMI_PROXY: smi_pnp_proxy_send_work_req: Enqueuing the work request for
Related Commands* Command show debugging
Displays information about the types of debugging that are enabled.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy show vstack
show vstack
To display Smart Install information, use the show vstack privileged EXEC command on the Smart
Install director or a client.
show vstack { download-status [ detail ] show vstack proxy-db[detail]
Syntax Description config host ip_address join-window configuration status detail (Optional) download-status client
1 client_ ip_address all group built-in product_family port_config
Displays Smart Install configuration parameters.
Displays information about a client within the Smart Install topology. This command is available only on the director.
The IP address of the director or a client.
Displays the join-window configurations.
Displays the status of the CDP database. This command is available only on the director.
Displays detailed information for the previous keyword. For example, show vstack download-status detail can display a detailed reason for a zero-touch update failure.
Displays a tabulated output of the Smart Install image and configuration download successes and failures.
Note Use this command to determine the status of updates.
Note Beginning with IOS XE 3.6.0E (or 15.2.(2)E), the show download-status command displays the download upgrade of the image upgrade for a Catalyst 4500 platform. Additional fields are introduced in the output of the show download-status details command.
Displays client information through the remote command
Displays information about client 1 in the Smart Install network. Numbers are shown for as many clients as are in the network.
Information about the client with the specified IP address.
Displays information about all clients.
Displays Smart Install group information.
Displays information about preconfigured (built-in) groups.
The identified (built-in) product family ID. To see the available product families, enter a ?
after built-in .
If product_family is set to 4500 for Catalyst 4500 series switches.
The switch port configuration. The available choices depend on the product family. To see the available port configurations, enter a ?
after the product family.
If product_family is set to 4500, port_config means supervisor configuration.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy chassis_config configured custom group_name client_password running-config tech-support version neighbors proxy-db show vstack
The chassis type to configure.
If product_family is set to 4500, the chassis type selected here is supported by the supervisor engine assigned to port_config .
This keyword displays only the groups that are configured rather than showing all the groups.
Information about user-defined groups.
Th custom group name.
The password that is required to access the client switch to get information on running-config | tech-support | version of the client switch.
Displays the current operating configuration for the selected client.
Displays system information for technical support assistance.
Displays system hardware and software status.
Displays information about the specified neighbors:
• 1 —Neighbors of client 1
• client_ip_address —Neighbors of the specified client all —All neighbors in the Smart Install network
• group —Neighbors of the specified group or groups
Displays the status of the Proxy database.
Note This command is available only on the SMI Director.
Displays all the SMI client entries that are present in the Proxy database.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Note The command with some, but not all, of the keywords are available at the user EXEC level.
Command History Release
This command was introduced.
The client , join-window configuration , neighbors , 1 , running-config , tech-support , and version keywords were added.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release15.0(2)EX1.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
show vstack
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy
The option for post install (script) was introduced for show vstack config , show vstack download-status , show vstack download-status detail , show vstack status , and show vstack status detail commands
The option chassis type for the built-in keyword was introduced.
The option proxy-db was introduced.
Usage Guidelines The outputs of the show commands are different when entered on the director or on the client. Not all keywords are available on the client.
In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE and later or Release 15.1(1)SY, the output of the show vstack status command shows whether or not Smart Install is enabled on the director. If enabled, it also includes this additional information about clients:
• Device status (Smart Install capable or not)
Health status (active or inactive)
Join-window status (allowed, hold, or denied), and
• Upgrade status for image or configuration (in progress, complete, or failed).
Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 3.6.0E (IOS 15.2(2)E), the output of the show vstack status command remains unchanged, but the meaning of the following fields have changed:
Note These changes are for Catalyst 4500 Series Switch only.
Product-ID— chassis-id is used as the client’s product ID and is collected from CDP. For an asymmetric chassis, the product ID may be updated dynamically.
MAC Address — For a Catalyst 4500 standalone IBC, you use the chassis’ MAC address whereas for VSS IBC, you use the virtual MAC selected while configuring VSS.
Note The meaning of the fields Hostname , IP and status are unchanged; they are platform-independent.
If you disable Smart Install on the director by entering the no vstack global configuration command, the output of the show vstack status [ detail ] and show vstack download-status [ detail ] commands shows only Smart Install: DISABLED . The output of the show vstack config command shows the Smart Install configuration even though it is not in effect.
If the director is a Catalyst 4500 series switch, whether it is a single chassis or a VSS setup, only a single entry of the director appears in the output of the show vstack status detail command. The product ID shown is the chassis sku-id.
Beginning with IOS XE 3.6.0E (or 15.2.(2)E), the following apply:
• All the director entries (multiple, if the director is a stack) will be assigned the value '0,' and all the
IBC stack members will have different entries (situation prior to IOS XE 3.6.0E (or 15.2.(2)E)) but they will all have the same device number.
• When you clear a DB entry and that IBC is a stack, the clear vstack dir command will remove all the stack entries from the database.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy show vstack show vstack proxy-db indicates whether proxy mode is enabled. Proxy database contains the SMI client information about MAC address, UDI, and entry state. This command displays all SMI client entries that are present in proxy database.
After proxy mode is enabled, only four commands are available to the user:
IBD# show vst ?
config View configuration parameters under Vstack mode
download-status show the status of config or image download
proxy-db show the proxy database
status show the status of CDP database
Proxy database will contain information about the SMI client's MAC address, IP address. switch health status, UDI, and entry state.
Examples This is example output from the show vstack config command on a client:
Director# show vstack config
Role: Client
Vstack Director IP address:
This is example output from the show vstack config command on a director:
Director# show vstack config
Role: Director
Vstack Director IP address:
Vstack Mode: Basic
Vstack default management vlan: 1
Vstack start-up management vlan:1000
Vstack management Vlans: none
Vstack Config file: tftp://
Vstack Image file: tftp://
Vstack Script file: tftp://
Join Window Details:
Window: Open (default)
Operation Mode: auto (default)
Vstack Backup Details:
Mode: On (default)
Repository: flash:/vstack (default)
This is example output from the show vstack config command in SMI Proxy mode:
Switch# show vst config
Role: Smi PnP Proxy
Vstack Smi PnP Proxy IP address:
Vstack default management vlan: 1
Vstack start-up management vlan: 1
Vstack management Vlans: 1
This is example output from the show vstack download-status command on a director:
Director# show vstack download-status
Total no of entries : 3
No client-IP client-MAC Method Image-status Config-status Script-status
=== =============== ============== ============== ============ ============ =============
1 001e.be67.3000 image-upgrade UPGRADED ** **
2 0022.5699.c800 zero-touch UPGRADING UPGRADED UPGRADED
3 0022.0d26.6300 image-upgrade NOT STARTED ** **
This is example output from the show vstack status command:
Director# show vstack status
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
show vstack
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Status: Device_type Health_status Join-window_status Upgrade_status
Device_type: S - Smart install N - Non smart install P - Pending
Health_status: A - Active I - Inactive
Join-window_Status: a - Allowed h - On-hold d - Denied
Image Upgrade: i - in progress I - done X - failed
Config Upgrade: c - in progress C - done x - failed
Director Database:
DevNo MAC Address Product-ID IP_addr Hostname Status
===== ============== ================= =============== ========== =========
0 0018.7363.4200 WS-C3750-24TS IBD-MXD-ST Director
1 0016.4779.b780 WS-C3750G-24TS IBD-MXD-ST Director
2 d0d0.fd37.5a80 WS-C3750X-48P IBD-MXD-ST Director
3 0026.5285.7380 WS-C3750E-24TD IBD-MXD-ST Director
4 0024.13c6.b580 WS-C3750E-24TD DEV-c6.b5c S A a
5 0021.a1ab.9b80 WS-C2960-48TC-S DEV-ab.9bc S A a I C
6 0024.5111.0900 WS-C3750E-24TD DEV-11.094 S A a I C
7 001d.45f3.f600 WS-C3750G-24TS DEV-90.f64 S A a
8 0016.c890.f600 WS-C3750G-24TS DEV-90.f64 S A a
9 001f.2604.8980 WS-C2960-48TC-S DEV-04.89c S A a I C
10 001b.d576.2500 WS-C3750E-24PD DEV-a6.1cc S A a I C
12 0cd9.9649.cb80 WS-C2960S-48TD-L Switch S A a
This is an example output from the show vstack status command if you have disabled Smart Install on the director by entering the no vstack global configuration command:
Switch# show vstack status
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Status: Device_type Health_status Join-window_status Upgrade_status
Device_type: S - Smart install N - Non smart install P - Pending
Health_status: A - Active I - Inactive
Join-window_Status: a - Allowed h - On-hold d - Denied
Image Upgrade: i - in progress I - done X - failed
Config Upgrade: c - in progress C - done x - failed
Director Database:
DevNo MAC Address Product-ID IP_addr Hostname Status
===== ============== ================= =============== ========== =========
0 0023.04c2.95c0 WS-C4506-E Switch Director
4 68ef.bd08.6000 WS-C4507R-E IBC_WOW-08 S I a C
This is an example output from the show vstack status detail command:
Director# show vstack status detail
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Device Num : 0
Device ID : 3750e-163-smi
MAC Address : 0023.5e32.3780
IP Addr :
Hop value : 0
Serial : FDO1239V026
Product-ID : WS-C3750E-24PD
Version : 12.2(0.0.242)DEV
Image : C3750E-UNIVERSALK9-M
Entry Role : Entry
(N-1)HOP Entry : Already Root
Backup done : no
Latest backup file: none
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy
Latest backup client name: none
File checksum : none
Status : Director
Device Num : 1
Device ID : 3560g-10net-11
MAC Address : 0013.c4b4.bc00
IP Addr :
Hop value : 1
Serial : Not Found
Product-ID : WS-C3560G-24PS
Version : 12.2(50)SE3
Image : C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M
Entry Role : IBC Entry
(N-1)HOP Entry : 0023.5e32.3780
Backup done : no
Latest backup file: none
Latest backup client name: none
File checksum : none
Status : NSI
Device Num : 2
Device ID : 2960pd-47
MAC Address : 001d.71ba.f780
IP Addr :
Hop value : 1
Serial : FOC1138Z6P7
Product-ID : WS-C2960PD-8TT-L
Version : 12.2(0.0.242)DEV
Image : C2960-LANBASEK9-M
Entry Role : IBC Entry
(N-1)HOP Entry : 0023.5e32.3780
Backup done : Yes
Latest backup file: flash:/vstack/2960pd-47-001d.71ba.f780.REV2
Latest backup client name: 2960pd-47
File checksum : 426154BFAFE1425F527621DC8B647C38
Status : ACT
Director# show vstack download-status detail
SmartInstall: ENABLED
No 1: client-ip:
client-hostname: Switch client-mac: 001e.be67.3000
method: image-upgrade config-fail-reason: NA image-fail-reason: NA script-fail-reason: NA config downloaded at: image downloaded at: 02:47:39 UTC Mar 30 2011 script downloaded at: -
No 2: client-ip:
client-hostname: Switch client-mac: 0022.5699.c8000
method: zero-touch config-fail-reason: NA image-fail-reason: NA script-fail-reason: NA
OL-28027-01 show vstack
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
show vstack
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy config downloaded at: 03:02:23 UTC Mar 30 2011 image downloaded at: script downloaded at: 02:47:39 UTC Mar 30 2011
No 3: client-ip:
client-hostname: Switch client-mac: 0022.0d26.6300 method: image-upgrade config-fail-reason: NA image-fail-reason: NA script-fail-reason: NA config downloaded at: image downloaded at: script downloaded at: -
This is example output from the show vstack status command:
Director# show vstack status
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Status: Device_type Health_status Join-window_status Upgrade_status
Device_type: S - Smart install N - Non smart install P - Pending
Health_status: A - Active I - Inactive
Join-window_Status: a - Allowed h - On-hold d - Denied
Image Upgrade: i - in progress I - done X - failed
Config Upgrade: c - in progress C - done x - failed
Script Upgrade: p - in progress P - done F - failed
Director Database:
DevNo MAC Address Product-ID IP_addr Hostname Status
===== ============== ================= =============== ========== =========
0 0018.7363.4200 WS-C3750-24TS IBD-MXD-ST Director
1 0016.4779.b780 WS-C3750G-24TS IBD-MXD-ST Director
2 d0d0.fd37.5a80 WS-C3750X-48P IBD-MXD-ST Director
3 0026.5285.7380 WS-C3750E-24TD IBD-MXD-ST Director
4 0024.13c6.b580 WS-C3750E-24TD DEV-c6.b5c S A a
5 0021.a1ab.9b80 WS-C2960-48TC-S DEV-ab.9bc S A a I C
6 0024.5111.0900 WS-C3750E-24TD DEV-11.094 S A a I C P
7 001d.45f3.f600 WS-C3750G-24TS DEV-90.f64 S A a
8 0016.c890.f600 WS-C3750G-24TS DEV-90.f64 S A a
9 001f.2604.8980 WS-C2960-48TC-S DEV-04.89c S A a I C P
10 001b.d576.2500 WS-C3750E-24PD DEV-a6.1cc S A a I C
12 0cd9.9649.cb80 WS-C2960S-48TD-L Switch S A a
This is an example output from the show vstack status command if you have disabled Smart Install on the director by entering the no vstack global configuration command:
Director # show vstack status
SmartInstall: DISABLED
This is example output from the show vstack status command:
Switch# show vstack status
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Status: Device_type Health_status Join-window_status Upgrade_status
Device_type: S - Smart install N - Non smart install P - Pending
Health_status: A - Active I - Inactive
Join-window_Status: a - Allowed h - On-hold d - Denied
Image Upgrade: i - in progress I - done X - failed
Config Upgrade: c - in progress C - done x - failed
Script Upgrade: p - in progress P - done F - failed
Director Database:
DevNo MAC Address Product-ID IP_addr Hostname Status
===== ============== ================= =============== ========== =========
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy show vstack
0 0023.04c2.95c0 WS-C4506-E Switch Director
4 68ef.bd08.6000 WS-C4507R-E IBC_WOW-08 S I a C P
This is an example output from the show vstack status detail command:
Director# show vstack status detail
SmartInstall: ENABLED
Device Num : 0
Device ID : 3750e-163-smi
MAC Address : 0023.5e32.3780
IP Addr :
Hop value : 0
Serial : FDO1239V026
Product-ID : WS-C3750E-24PD
Version : 12.2(0.0.242)DEV
Image : C3750E-UNIVERSALK9-M
Entry Role : Entry
(N-1)HOP Entry : Already Root
Backup done : no
Latest backup file: none
Latest backup client name: none
File checksum : none
Status : Director
Device Num : 1
Device ID : 3560g-10net-11
MAC Address : 0013.c4b4.bc00
IP Addr :
Hop value : 1
Serial : Not Found
Product-ID : WS-C3560G-24PS
Version : 12.2(50)SE3
Image : C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M
Entry Role : IBC Entry
(N-1)HOP Entry : 0023.5e32.3780
Backup done : no
Latest backup file: none
Latest backup client name: none
File checksum : none
Status : NSI
Device Num : 2
Device ID : 2960pd-47
MAC Address : 001d.71ba.f780
IP Addr :
Hop value : 1
Serial : FOC1138Z6P7
Product-ID : WS-C2960PD-8TT-L
Version : 12.2(0.0.242)DEV
Image : C2960-LANBASEK9-M
Entry Role : IBC Entry
(N-1)HOP Entry : 0023.5e32.3780
Backup done : Yes
Latest backup file: flash:/vstack/2960pd-47-001d.71ba.f780.REV2
Latest backup client name: 2960pd-47
File checksum : 426154BFAFE1425F527621DC8B647C38
Status : ACT
This example shows the output of the show vstack proxy-db command:
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
OL-28027-01 4-19
show vstack
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy
IBD# show vstack proxy-db
Smi PnP Proxy: ENABLED
Proxy Database:
========= ======================================== ======
001e.f76d.af80 PID:WS-C3750E-48TD,VID:V01,SN:FDO1152V10R NO STATE
After proxy mode is enabled, only three commands are available to the user:
Status: Health_status
Health_status: A - Active I - Inactive
Proxy Database:
MAC ADDR IP_addr Hostname Status
========= ============ ============ ======
001e.f76d.af80 Switch A
IBD# show vstack proxy-db detail
Smi PnP Proxy: ENABLED
Device ID : Switch
MAC Address : 001e.f76d.af80
IP Addr :
UDI : PID:WS-C3750E-48TD,VID:V01,SN:FDO1152V10R state : HELLO status : A
After proxy mode is enabled, only the following commands are accessible:
Switch# show vstack ?
config View configuration parameters under Vstack mode
download-status show the status of config or image download
proxy-db show the proxy database
status show the status of CDP database
After proxy mode is enabled, only three commands are accessible:
IBD# show vst ?
config View configuration parameters under Vstack mode
proxy-db show the proxy database
status show the status of CDP database
Related Commands Command vstack basic vstack director
Enables the switch or router to be the Smart Install director. This command is accepted only if the director IP address is on the switch or router.
Configures a Smart Install director IP address.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy
Security Methods
Security Methods
The following security methods are supported, to secure PnP client and server communication. For detailed information, see the Security Methods for the PnP Discovery Process and Security Methods for
Post-PnP Discovery Process in the Cisco Open Plug-n-Play Agent Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE
Release 3E on
Security Methods for the PnP Discovery Process
Self-Signed Certificate based Authentication
Mobile Device based Secured Installation
CA-Signed Certificate based Authentication
– DHCP Option-based Discovery
– DNS-based Discovery
Security Methods for Post-PnP Discovery Process
Certificate Install Service
SUDI-based PnP Application Level Authentication
SUDI-based Client Certificate Validation
SUDI-based Serial Number
SUDI-Based Device Authentication
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Security Methods
Chapter 4 Configuring SMI Proxy
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Smart Install MIBs and System Messages
Simple Management Network Protocol (SNMP) development and use is centered around the
Management Information Base (MIB). An SNMP MIB is an abstract database, which is a conceptual specification for information that a management application may read and modify in a certain form. This does not imply that the information is kept in the managed system in that same form. The SNMP agent translates between the internal data structures and formats of the managed system and the external data structures and formats defined for the MIB.
The SNMP MIB is conceptually a tree structure with conceptual tables. Relative to this tree structure, the term MIB has two functions:
• It is actually a MIB branch, usually containing information for a single aspect of technology, such as a transmission medium or a routing protocol. A MIB used this way is more accurately called a
MIB module, and is usually defined in a single document.
• A MIB is a collection of such branches. This collection might comprise, for example, all the MIB modules implemented by a given agent or the entire collection of MIB modules defined for SNMP.
A MIB is a tree where the leaves are individual items of data called objects. An object may be a counter or a protocol status. MIB objects are also sometimes called variables.
Cisco Smart Install MIB, page 5-1
Downloading and Working with MIBs, page 5-2
Cisco Smart Install MIB
The MIB module defines managed objects that facilitate the management of the Smart Install feature. Smart Install is a plug-and-play image and configuration management feature that enables zero-touch deployment of Cisco network devices in an enterprise branch network.
This MIB module is supported only on the director and is designed for the following:
Checks most of the Smart Install configurations on the director.
Supports monitoring of client devices discovered by the director.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Smart Install MIBs and System Messages
Provides status of the deployed client image and configuration as a result of operator-defined profiles.
Provides notifications for these events:
– New client joined
Client removed
Upgrade failure
– Director functionality enabled or disabled
Note SNMP set is not supported in this release.
Downloading and Working with MIBs
These sections provide information about how to download the for the Smart Install feature.
Guidelines for Working with MIBs
Guidelines for Working with MIBs
While working with MIBs, consider the following guidelines:
• Mismatches on datatype definitions might cause compiler errors or warning messages. Although
Cisco MIB datatype definitions are not mismatched, some standard RFC MIBs do mismatch. For example:
MIB A defines: SomeDatatype ::= INTEGER(0..100)
MIB B defines: SomeDatatype ::= INTEGER(1..50)
This example is considered to be a trivial error and the MIB loads successfully with a warning message.
The next example is considered as a nontrivial error (even though the two definitions are essentially equivalent), and the MIB is not successfully parsed.
MIB A defines: SomeDatatype ::= DisplayString
MIB B defines: SomeDatatype ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
If your MIB compiler treats these as errors, or you want to delete the warning messages, edit one of the MIBs that define this same datatype so that the definitions match.
Many MIBs import definitions from other MIBs. If your management application requires MIBs to be loaded, and you experience problems with undefined objects, you might want to load the following MIBs in this order:
For information about how to download and compile Cisco MIBs, go to the following URL:
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
5-2 OL-28027-01
Chapter 5 Smart Install MIBs and System Messages
System Messages
Downloading MIBs
To download the MIBs onto your system if they are not already there, follow these steps:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Review the guidelines in the previous section (
“Guidelines for Working with MIBs”
Search for the If the MIB you want to download is not there, try the other URL and search again.
Go to one of the following Cisco URLs:
Click the link for a MIB to download to your system.
Select File > Save or File > Save As to save the MIB on your system.
System Messages
How to Read System Messages, page 5-3
Error Message Traceback Reports, page 5-4
Smart Install System Messages, page 5-5
How to Read System Messages
System log messages can contain up to 80 characters and a percent sign (%), which follows the optional sequence number or time-stamp information, if configured. Messages appear in this format: seq no:timestamp: %facility-severity-MNEMONIC:description (hostname-n) seq no:timestamp: %facility-severity-MNEMONIC:description
By default, a switch sends the output from system messages to a logging process. In a switch stack, stack members append their hostnames to the output from system messages and redirect the output to the logging process on the stack master.
Each system message begins with a percent sign (%) and is structured as follows:
• FACILITY is two or more uppercase letters that show the facility to which the message refers. A facility can be a hardware device, a protocol, or a module of the system software. The facility for
Smart Install messages is SMI .
• SEVERITY is a single-digit code from 0 to 7 that reflects the severity of the condition. The lower the number, the more serious the situation.
Table 5-1
Severity Level
0 – emergency
1 – alert
Message Severity Levels
System is unusable.
Immediate action required.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
OL-28027-01 5-3
System Messages
Chapter 5 Smart Install MIBs and System Messages
Table 5-1 Message Severity Levels (continued)
Severity Level
2 – critical
3 – error
4 – warning
5 – notification
6 – informational
7 – debugging
Critical condition.
Error condition.
Warning condition.
Normal but significant condition.
Informational message only.
Message that appears during debugging only.
MNEMONIC is a code that uniquely identifies the message.
Message-text is a text string describing the condition. This portion of the message sometimes contains detailed information about the event, including terminal port numbers, network addresses, or addresses that correspond to locations in the system memory address space. Because the information in these variable fields changes from message to message, it is represented here by short strings enclosed in square brackets ([ ]). A decimal number, for example, is represented as [dec].
Table 5-2
Variable Fields
Type of Information
Decimal integer
Single character
Character string
Ethernet address (for example, 0000.FEED.00C0)
Hexadecimal integer
Internet address
Error Message Traceback Reports
Some messages describe internal errors and contain traceback information. Include this information when you report a problem to your technical support representative.
This message example includes traceback information:
-Process= "Exec", level= 0, pid= 17
-Traceback= 1A82 1AB4 6378 A072 1054 1860
Some system messages ask you to copy the error messages and take further action.
Output Interpreter
The Output Interpreter provides additional information and suggested resolutions based on the output of many CLI commands, such as the show tech-support privileged EXEC command.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Smart Install MIBs and System Messages
System Messages
Bug Toolkit
The Bug Toolkit provides information on open and closed caveats. You can search for all known bugs in a specific Cisco IOS Release.
Smart Install System Messages
Error Message SMI-3-IMAGELIST_FAILED: Default imagelist creation failed.
Explanation The creation of the default image list file failed in flash memory. Possible reasons for this failure are that there is insufficient space in the flash memory of the Smart Install director, an error occurred while the default image list file was created, or there is no default image configured.
Recommended Action Verify that the director flash memory has sufficient space. If necessary, free some flash memory space (a default image list file would need about 100 bytes of space). If necessary, reconfigure the director.
Error Message SMI-3-IMG_CFG_NOT_CONFIGURED: [chars] (IP Address :[inet]) : The
Director does not have a image list file or a configuration file configured for this Product-ID
Explanation The Smart Install director does not have an image list file or configuration file for the device, preventing a successful upgrade. [chars] is the Smart Install device on which the message is displayed, which can be either the client or director, and [inet] it the IP address of that device.
Note When the message appears on the director, [chars] provides redundant information.
Recommended Action Make sure that the device is added to a built-in group or user-defined group.
Configure an image list file or configuration file for the group by using the vstack group built-in global configuration command for the built-in group or vstack group custom global configuration command for the user-defined group.
Error Message SMI-3-INTERNAL_ERROR: [chars] - [dec]
Explanation An internal software error occurred on the Smart Install director switch. [chars] describes the error, and [dec] is the error return code.
Recommended Action Copy the message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log.
Research and attempt to resolve the error by using the Output Interpreter. Use the Bug Toolkit to look for similar reported problems. If you still require assistance, open a case with the TAC, or contact your Cisco technical support representative, and provide the representative with the gathered information.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
System Messages
Chapter 5 Smart Install MIBs and System Messages
Error Message SMI-3-NOMEMORY: Smart Install memory allocation failure; could not allocate [chars]
Explanation The Smart Install client switch has failed to allocate memory. [chars] is the data table that is allocated during initialization for MIB objects.
Recommended Action Copy the message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log.
Research and attempt to resolve the error by using the Output Interpreter. Use the Bug Toolkit to look for similar reported problems. If you still require assistance, open a case with the TAC, or contact your Cisco technical support representative, and provide the representative with the gathered information.
Error Message SMI-3-SMI_CLIENT_BACKUP_FAILURE: Client Device startup configuration backup fail on repository
Explanation The Smart Install client switch has failed to back up its startup configuration to the repository. (This message appears only on the client switch.)
Recommended Action Verify that you can ping the director switch from the client switch. Verify that the client switch can reach the repository. On the director, look at the output of the show vstack config privileged EXEC command to verify that the configuration parameters are correct and that the backup mode is on. Verify that the directory setting on the repository is correct, especially if the repository is an external TFTP server.
Error Message SMI-3-SMI_DIRECTOR_BACKUP_FAILURE: Client Device ([inet]) startup configuration backup fail on repository: [chars] - reason: [chars]
Explanation The Smart Install client switch has failed to back up its startup configuration to the repository. [inet] is the IP address of the client switch. The first [chars] is the repository path, and the seconds [chars] is the reason for the failure. (This message appears only on the director switch.)
Recommended Action Verify that you can ping the director switch from the client switch. Verify that the client switch can reach the repository. On the director, look at the output of the show vstack config privileged EXEC command to verify that the configuration parameters are correct and that the backup mode is on. Verify that the directory setting on the repository is correct, especially if the repository is an external TFTP server.
Error Message SMI-3-TAILOR_FAILED: Legacy switches will not be upgraded
Explanation The creation of a tailored Smart Install configuration file failed. Possible reasons for this failure are that there is insufficient space in the director flash memory or an error occurred while the new configuration file was created.
Recommended Action Verify that the director flash memory has sufficient space. If necessary, free some flash memory space (a tailored configuration would need about 100 bytes of space). If necessary, reconfigure the director.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Smart Install MIBs and System Messages
System Messages
Error Message SMI-3-UPGRD_FAILED: Device (IP address: [inet]) [chars] upgrade failed
Explanation The Smart Install client switch could not upgrade. [inet] is the IP address of the client switch. [chars] is the image or the configuration.
Recommended Action Verify that the configuration on the director switch is correct. Verify that the client switch can reach the TFTP server. Verify that the image or configuration file exists on the TFTP server and is specified correctly.
Error Message SMI-5-CLIENT: Smart Install Client feature is enabled. It is recommended to disable the Smart Install feature when it is not actively used. To disable feature execute 'no vstack' in configuration mode
Explanation If the Smart Install client feature is enabled, this message is displayed on the device console, on an hourly basis.
Recommended Action If you are not using the Smart Install feature, disable it by entering the no vstack command in global configuration mode.
Error Message SMI-5-DIRECTOR: Director is [chars]
Disabled ).
The status of the Smart Install director changed. [chars] is the status ( Enabled or
Recommended Action No action is required.
Explanation The auto install and Smart Install processes stopped or continued. [chars] is the status of the processes, which can be either aborted or continued .
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SMI-6-CLIENT_CONN_FAILED: Device (IP address: [inet]) failed to connect to Director (IP address : [inet])
Explanation A Smart Install client did not connect to the director because it did not have the IP address of the director or could not reach the director for other reasons. The first [inet] is the IP address of the client, and the second [inet] is the IP address of the director.
Recommended Action Verify that the IP address of the director is correctly configured on the client.
Error Message SMI-6-INCORRECT_CFG: No image and config configured for this [chars]
Explanation The Smart Install director does not have a configuration for the device. The first [chars] is the type of device ( switch , switch-stack , or sku type ). If the type of device is sku type , the second
[chars] is the model number.
Recommended Action Configure a group with a configuration for the device.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
System Messages
Chapter 5 Smart Install MIBs and System Messages
Error Message SMI-6-SMI_CLIENT_BACKUP_SUCCESS: Client Device startup configuration backup successful on repository
Explanation The Smart Install client switch has successfully backed up its startup configuration to the repository. (This message appears only on the client switch.)
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SMI-6-SMI_DHCP_ERR: Device failed to [chars] DHCP [chars]
Explanation The Smart Install director did not configure or remove a DHCP parameter, such as a
DHCP pool, subnet, or DHCP pool option. The first [chars] is the status, which can be configure or remove , and the second [chars] is the DHCP parameter.
Recommended Action Verify that the DHCP parameter is a permitted value.
Error Message SMI-6-SMI_DIRECTOR_BACKUP_SUCCESS: Client Device ([inet]) startup configuration backup successful on repository: [chars]
Explanation The Smart Install client switch has successfully backed up its startup configuration to the repository. [inet] is the IP address of the client switch. [chars] is the repository path. (This message appears only on the director switch.)
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SMI-6-SMI_INVALID_MESSAGE: Received invalid message from [chars] (IP
Address : [inet]), SMI Version : [dec] Message Type : [dec]
Explanation The Smart Install client or director received an invalid message type. This occurs when a newer version of the Smart Install Protocol interoperates with an older version of the protocol that does not support the new message. [chars] is the Smart Install device, which can be either the client or the director, and [inet] it the IP address of that device. The first [dec] is the Smart Install Protocol version on the device that sent the invalid message, and the second [dec] is the type of invalid message.
Recommended Action Make sure that the director switch runs the latest version of the Smart Install
Protocol. A director switch that runs the latest version of the protocol can interoperate with a client switch that runs an older version, but not the other way around.
Error Message SMI-6-SMI_JOIN_WINDOW_MESSAGE: SMI Join window [chars] on IBD(IP address: [inet]
Explanation A Smart Install join window was opened or closed. [chars] is the status of the window, which can be either Start or End , and [inet] is the IP address of the device on which the join window was opened or closed.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Smart Install MIBs and System Messages
System Messages
Error Message SMI-6-SWITCH_ADD: New Device detected by Director with mac address:
Explanation The Smart Install director detected a new device and added it to the database. [enet] is the Ethernet address of the new device.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SMI-6-SWITCH_REMOVE: Device [enet] removed from the Director Database
Explanation A device stopped communicating and was removed from the Smart Install director database. The device might have also been removed from the Smart Install network.
[enet] is the Ethernet address of the device.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SMI-6-SWITCH_REPLACE: Device [enet] is being replaced by [enet] Device
Explanation A device was replaced by another device in a Smart Install network. The first [enet] is the Ethernet address of the device that was replaced, and the second [enet] is the Ethernet address of the replacement device.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SMI-6-UPGRD_STARTED: Device (IP address: [inet]) [chars] upgrade has started
Explanation An image or configuration file upgrade started on the Smart Install client. [inet] is the IP address of the client, and [chars] is the name of the image or configuration file.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message SMI-6-UPGRD_SUCCESS: Device (IP address: [inet]) [chars] has upgraded successfully
Explanation The Smart Install client was upgraded with a new image or configuration file. [inet] is the IP address of the client, and [chars] is the name of the new image or configuration file.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
System Messages
Chapter 5 Smart Install MIBs and System Messages
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Supported Devices for Smart Install
Table A-1 Supported Switches, page A-1
Table A-2 Supported Routers, page A-2
Table A-3 Supported Service/Network Modules, page A-3
Table A-4 Minimum Software Releases for Directors and Clients, page A-3
Table A-5 Minimum Software Releases for Directors, page A-4
Table A-6 Minimum Software Releases for Clients, page A-5
Table A-7 Minimum Software Releases to Disable Smart Install, page A-6
Table A-1 Supported Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-C Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-CX Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-L Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-P Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-S Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-SF Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2975 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3560 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3560-C Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3560-CX Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3560-E Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3560-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3650 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3750-E Series Switches
Can be
Can be
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Appendix A Supported Devices for Smart Install
Supported Switches Table A-1
Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 6E,
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 6LE,
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 7E,
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 7LE,
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 8E,
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 8LE
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 9E
Cisco Catalyst 4500-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4900-M Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4948 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4948-E Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine 2T-10GE
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine 6T
Cisco Catalyst 6840-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 6880-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst Digital Building Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3000 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3010 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 4000 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 4010 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 5000 Series Switches
Can be
Can be
Table A-2 Supported Routers
Cisco 880 Series Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 880G Series Integrated Services Router with Embedded 3.7G
Cisco 880G and 890G Series 4G LTE 2.0 Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 881 Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 881W Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 886VA Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 886VA-W Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 887VAM Integrated Series Routers
Cisco 888EA Integrated Services Routers
Can be
Can be
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Appendix A Supported Devices for Smart Install
Supported Routers (continued) Table A-2
Cisco 890 Series Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 890G Series 4G LTE 2.5 Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 891-24X Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 891F Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 891FW Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 892FSP Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 896VA Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 897VA-M Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 897VAM-W Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 897VAW Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 898EA Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 1800 Series Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers G2
Cisco 2800 Series Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 2900 Series Integrated Services Routers G2
Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 3900 Series Integrated Services Routers G2
Can be
Can be
-For list of supported models, refer
Compatibility between Routers and Model on
Supported Models for Smart Install
Table A-3 Supported Service/Network Modules
Can be
Can be
Table A-4 Minimum Software Releases for Directors and Clients
Cisco Catalyst 3650 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3750-E, 3750, 3560-E, and 3560 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3750-X, and 3560-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 6K and 6LE
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 7E and 7LE
Minimum Software Release
Cisco IOS Release 3.3(0)SE
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(55)SE
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(55)SE
Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE
Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG
Cisco IOS Release XE 3.4SG
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
OL-28027-01 A-3
Appendix A Supported Devices for Smart Install
Table A-4 Minimum Software Releases for Directors and Clients
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 8E
Cisco Catalyst 4500-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4900-M Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4948-E Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst Digital Building Series Switches
Cisco IOS Release XE 3.3.1XO
Minimum Software Release
Cisco IOS Release XE 3.3.1XO
Cisco IOS Release XE 3.4SG
Cisco IOS Release15.1(2)SG
Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SG
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(5)E2
Cisco IOS Release XE 3.8.3E
Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EJ
Table A-5 Minimum Software Releases for Directors
Smart-Install Capable Directors
Cisco 880 Series Integrated Services Routers
Minimum Software Release
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco 880G Series Integrated Services Router with Embedded 3.7G Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco 880G and 890G Series 4G LTE 2.0 Integrated Services
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco 881 Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 881W Integrated Services Routers
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco 886VA Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 886VA-W Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 887VAM Integrated Series Routers
Cisco C888EA Integrated Services Routers
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco 890 Series Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 890G Series 4G LTE 2.5 Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 891-24X Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 891F Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 891FW Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 892FSP Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 896VA Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 897VA-M Integrated Services Routers
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco 897VAM-W Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 897VAW Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 898EA Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 3800, 2800, and 1800 Series Integrated Services Routers
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M
Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)T
Cisco 3900, 2900, and 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers G2 Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)T
Cisco Catalyst 4948 Series Switches Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)SG11
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine 2T-10GE
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine 6T
Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SY
Cisco IOS Release 15.3(1)SY
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Appendix A Supported Devices for Smart Install
Table A-5
Smart-Install Capable Directors
Cisco Catalyst 6840-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 6880-X Series Switches
Minimum Software Releases for Directors
Minimum Software Release
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)SY
Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)SY1
Table A-6 Minimum Software Releases for Clients
Smart-Install Capable Clients 2 Minimum Software Release
Cisco Catalyst 2960- P Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-C Compact Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-L Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-S Series Switchess
Cisco Catalyst 2960-SF Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3560-C Compact Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3560-CX, and 2960-CX Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3750-E, 3750, 3560-E, and 3560 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 6E, 6LE, 7E, 7LE, 8E
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 8LE
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 9E
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3000 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3010 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 4000 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 4010 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 5000 Series Switches
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)SE
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(55)EX1
Cisco IOS Release 15.2.5E
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(53)SE1
Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)SE
Cisco IOS Release 15.0.2-EX
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(55)EX
Cisco IOS Release 15.2.3E
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SE
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(53)SE2
Cisco IOS Release XE 3.6.0E
Cisco IOS Release XE 3.8.3E
Cisco IOS Release XE 3.10.0E
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)SE
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)SE
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)SE
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)EA5
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)EC
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)EA5
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(53)SE1
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SE
Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EJ
-Listed switches running earlier Cisco IOS releases are not Smart Install capable, but can be clients in Smart Install networks as long as they support the archive download-sw privileged EXEC command.
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Appendix A Supported Devices for Smart Install
Table A-7 Minimum Software Releases to Disable Smart Install
Cisco Catalyst 2960 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-C Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-CX Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-L Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-P Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-S Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 2960-XR Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3560 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3560-C Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3560-CX Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3560-E Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3560-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3650 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3750-E Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 6E, and
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 6LE
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 7E, and
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 7LE
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 8E
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 8LE
Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine 9E
Cisco Catalyst 4500-X Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4900-M Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4948 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 4948-E Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst Digital Building Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3000 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3010 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 4000 Series Switches
Minimum Software
Release to Disable Smart
Install Manually
(no vstack command)
Minimum Software
Release that Disables
Smart Install
NA (End-Of-Life)
12.2(55)SE03 NA (End-Of-Life)
15.0.2-EX 15.2(02)E07
NA (End-Of-Life)
12.2(55)SE / 12.2(58)SE
3.2.0SE ED
NA (End-Of-Life)
NA (End-Of-Life)
NA (End-Of-Life)
NA (End-Of-Life)
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Appendix A Supported Devices for Smart Install
Table A-7 Minimum Software Releases to Disable Smart Install
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 4010 Series Switches
Cisco Industrial Ethernet 5000 Series Switches
Minimum Software
Release to Disable Smart
Install Manually
(no vstack command)
Minimum Software
Release that Disables
Smart Install
-Auto-disable feature for Smart Install is supported on devices that can be configured as Client only.
-Includes Cisco Catalyst 2960CG Switches and Cisco Catalyst 2960CPD Switches
-Includes Cisco Catalyst 3560CG Switches and Cisco Catalyst 3560CPD Switches
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Appendix A Supported Devices for Smart Install
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Supported Models for Smart Install
Table B-1Compatibility between Catalyst 4500 Switch Supervisor Engine and Chassis, page B-1
Table B-2Compatibility between Catalyst 2k and 3k Chassis, Model, and Description, page B-2
Table B-3Compatibility between Routers and Model, page B-7
Table B-1 Compatibility between Catalyst 4500 Switch Supervisor Engine and Chassis
Supervisor Engine
Supervisor Engine 6-E
Chassis Type
Supervisor Engine 6L-E
Supervisor Engine 7-E
Supervisor Engine 7L-E
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Appendix B Supported Models for Smart Install
Table B-1 Compatibility between Catalyst 4500 Switch Supervisor Engine and Chassis
Supervisor Engine Chassis Type
Supervisor Engine 8-E
Supervisor Engine 8L-E
Table B-2
Compatibility between Catalyst 2k and 3k Chassis, Model, and Description
Model Description
3560 48 port POE
3560 24 port POE
3560 48 port non POE
3560 24 port non POE
3560 12 port non POE
3560 8 port POE
3560 48 port POE
3560 24 port POE
3560 48 port non POE
3560 24 port non POE
12 port 10 gig
3750 48 port POE
3750 24 port POE
3750 48 port non POE
3750 24 port non POE
3750 48 port POE
3750 24 port POE
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Appendix B Supported Models for Smart Install
Table B-2
Compatibility between Catalyst 2k and 3k Chassis, Model, and Description
3750 48 port non POE
3750 24 port non POE
2960 LAN Base
2960 LAN Lite
2975 2K Stackable
2960-X LAN Base
2918 24 port
2918 48 port
2 dual purpose or TT uplinks
2 dual purpose or TT uplinks
48 port POE
24 port POE
24 port with 8 POE port
8 port POE switch
8 port + 1 dual
7 ports + 1 dual
4 dual purpose or TT uplinks
4 dual purpose or TT uplinks
8 port lan lite
24 port with no uplinks
24 port lan lite
48 port lan lite
24 port 2K stackable
24 ports, 2 SFP+, PoE
24 ports, 4 SFP, PoE
24 ports, 2 SFP, 8PoE
24 ports, 2 SFP+
24 ports, 4 SFP
48 ports, 2 SFP+, PoE
48 ports, 4 SFP, PoE
48 ports, 2 SFP+, PoE
48 ports, 4 SFP, PoE
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Table B-2
Appendix B Supported Models for Smart Install
Compatibility between Catalyst 2k and 3k Chassis, Model, and Description
48 ports, 2 SFP+,
48 ports, 2 SFP
2960-X LAN Lite
2960-XR- IP Lite
2960-L LAN Lite
2960-CX LAN Base
3560-CX IP Base
24 ports, 2 SFP
48 ports, 2 SFP
48 ports, 2 SFP+, PoE
48 ports, 2 SFP+, PoE
24 ports, 2 SFP+, PoE
48 ports, 2 SFP+, PoE
24 ports, 2 SFP+
48 ports, 4 SFP, PoE
48 ports, 4 SFP, PoE
24 ports, 4 SFP, PoE
48 ports, 4 SFP
24 ports, 4 SFP
8 ports, 2 1GE SFP
8 PoE+, 2 1GE SFP
16 ports, 2 1GE SFP
16 PoE+, 2 1GE SFP
24 ports, 4 1GE SFP
24 PoE+, 4 1GE SFP
48 ports, 4 1GE SFP
48 PoE+, 4 1GE SFP
8 PoE+, 2 SFP
8 ports, 2 SFP
8 PoE+, 2 SFP
8 ports, 2 SFP
12 PoE+, 2 SFP
12 ports, 2 SFP
12 PoE+, 2 SFP+
8 ports
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Appendix B Supported Models for Smart Install
Table B-2
Compatibility between Catalyst 2k and 3k Chassis, Model, and Description
2 multi-gigabit PoE+, 6
PoE+, 2 SFP+
8 GE PoE+, 2 SFP
6 GE, 2 multi-gigabit
PoE+, 2 SFP+
3850 WS-C3850-24T
24 ports
48 ports
24 PoE+
48 PoE+
48 PoE+
12 SFP
24 SFP
IE2000 LAN Lite
24 ports
48 ports
24 ports, PoE+
48 ports, PoE+
48 ports, PoE+
24 ports
48 ports
24 ports, PoE+
48 ports, PoE+
48 ports, PoE+
48 ports
48 ports PoE+
48 ports PoE+
6 ports, 2FE SFP ports
6 ports, 6FE RJ45 ports
6 ports, 2GE SFP ports
6 ports, 4 FE, 2GE RJ45 ports
6 ports, 4 FE, 2GE SFP ports
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Table B-2
Appendix B Supported Models for Smart Install
Compatibility between Catalyst 2k and 3k Chassis, Model, and Description
10 ports, 2FE SFP ports
10 ports, 2GE Combo ports
20 ports, 2FE SFP ports
20 ports, 2 FE SFP ports
18 ports, 2GE Combo ports
IE2000 LAN Base
IE2000 Enhanced LAN Base
IE-3000 LAN Base
6 ports, 2FE SFP ports
6 ports, 6FE RJ45 ports
6 ports, 2GE Combo ports
6 ports, 4FE, 2GE
Combo ports
6 ports, 4FE, 2GE
Combo ports
10 ports, 2FE SFP ports
10 ports, 2FE SFP ports
10 ports, 2GE Combo ports
20 ports, 2FE SFP ports
20 ports, 2FE SFP ports
20 ports, 2FE SFP ports
18 ports, 2GE Combo ports
10 ports, 2GE Combo ports
20 ports, 2FE SFP ports
18 ports, 2GE Combo ports
4 ports, 2 dual-purpose uplinks
8 ports, 2 dual-purpose uplinks
16 ports, 8 PoE ports
24 ports, 2 SFP ports
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Appendix B Supported Models for Smart Install
Table B-3 Compatibility between Routers and Model
Routers Model
880 Series Integrated Services Routers C887VAM-W-E-K9
880G Series Integrated Services Router with Embedded 3.7G C881WD-A-K9
880G and 890G Series 4G LTE 2.0 Integrated Services
881 Integrated Services Router
881W Integrated Services Router
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Appendix B Supported Models for Smart Install
Table B-3 Compatibility between Routers and Model
886VA Integrated Services Routers
886VA-W Integrated Services Router
888EA Integrated Services Router
890 Series Integrated Services Routers
890G Series 4G LTE 2.5 Integrated Services Routers
891-24X Integrated Services Router
891F Integrated Services Routers
891FW Integrated Services Router
892FSP Integrated Services Router
896VA Integrated Services Router
897VA-M Integrated Services Router
897VAM-W Integrated Services Router
897VAW Integrated Services Router
898EA Integrated Services Router
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Features by Release
The Smart Install is introduced in Cisco IOS Releases 12.2(52)SE, 15.0(2)SE and later, 15.1(2)SG, XE
3.4SG, 15.1(1)SY, 3.2(0)SE and later,15.3(3)M, 15.2.(2)E, 15.2.(3)E and later.
Minimum Cisco IOS Release for Major Features
lists the minimum software release (after the first release) required to support the major features. Features not listed are supported in all releases.
Table C-1 Features Introduced After the First Release and the Minimum Cisco IOS Release Required
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(53)SE
Tailored configuration file automatically created by director.
Image list file automatically created by the director when the default image is stored in the director flash memory.
Support for the flash: keyword instead of tftp:// when the director is the TFTP server for storing the default image and a seed configuration file.
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(55)SE
Support for routers as Smart Install directors. See Appendix A.
New or Revised Commands for the Release
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Appendix C Features by Release
Minimum Cisco IOS Release for Major Features
Table C-1 Features Introduced After the First Release and the Minimum Cisco IOS Release Required (continued)
Feature New or Revised Commands for the Release
You can configure the Smart Install network for clients to join only if they are on the on-hold list and it is during the configured join window.
vstack attach vstack backup
Support for two backup files per client. vstack backup file-server
When backup is enabled, zero-touch replacement is supported for Smart Install clients (with some restrictions for stack replacement). The replacement configuration file is a seed configuration file with only the basic features.
vstack join-window close vstack join-window mode
All image list file generation automatically done by the director.
Configuration synchronization and directory structure for the director.
vstack on-hold clients install vstack on-hold clients remove
Configurable file repository for images and configuration in the Smart Install network.
Support for hostname changes on Smart Install clients if none is configured.
Ability of the director to transparently connect to any Smart Install client.
You no longer need to specify the director port for zero-touch upgrades of non-Smart Install switches as 4787.
vstack tar vstack untar vstack untar/table
No need to specify the imaglist name for on-demand downloads. You can use the image name instead, for example, flash://image.tar
In addition to tftp / flash / flash1 for image and seed configuration file storage, the usb keyword is supported.
Changes in the output of the show vstack config and show vstack status privileged EXEC commands.
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE , 15.1(1)SY, 15.0(2)SE, 15.1(2)SG, 3.2(0)SE and later, 15.3(3)M, and 15.2(2)E
Change the client health state from denied to the allowed or held state for the join window
Simultaneous on-demand upgrades of multiple clients.
vstack join-window-status index
{ allowed | held } client-id
Option to remove selected clients from director database.
Better monitoring with more information in show vstack status command output to show client device status, health statue, and upgrade status. vstack download-image tar image_URL
{ ip_address | index name } remote_switch_password [ override ] reload [ in time ] (index name keywords) clear vstack { director-db [ entry index-number ]
New predefined homogeneous stack group.
Command to disable and re-enable Smart Install on client or director devices.
[ no ] vstack (global configuration)
Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)SE and later, 15.1(2)SG, XE 3.4SG, 15.1(1)SY, and
15.3(3)M, and 15.2(2)E
You can use the vstack startup-vlan global configuration command to specify another VLAN that should be used for Smart Install management. Supports non-VLAN1 management and provides the ability to discover the client switches available on non-VLAN1.
vstack startup-vlan
Cisco IOS Release 3.6.(0)E and 15.2.(2)E vstack script command to identify the default post install file for the clients.
vstack script
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Appendix C Features by Release
Minimum Cisco IOS Release for Major Features
Table C-1 Features Introduced After the First Release and the Minimum Cisco IOS Release Required (continued)
Option for post install (script) for show vstack config , show vstack download-status , show vstack download-status detail , show vstack status , and show vstack status detail commands.
chassis type option for the built-in keyword.
Added chassis type to configure a chassis.
Added the built-in chassis_config and issu keywords.
Added the chassis config keyword.
New or Revised Commands for the Release show vstack vstack download-config vstack download-image vstack group built-in
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide
Minimum Cisco IOS Release for Major Features
Appendix C Features by Release
Cisco Smart Install Configuration Guide

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Key features
- Ruggedized design for harsh industrial environments
- Support for real-time industrial protocols
- High availability and reliability features
- Advanced security features to protect against cyber threats
- Flexible management options for easy deployment and monitoring