.,PS HAE!MTil?T IPS.H,IEUIIIIt =VII?HE=?zEE EVTJIHEEI'EE ol 6 :,2 I] ^dG nmffiilmffi TffiffitrMHE g...Q E' ,XPL l"'slh-.'- oB*o o'ES" I ,H I it$u -"0 ",O ollo e c u _.Q EA EG SI€4 II _"c ^ t, jH*_ OrC i) OYNAMIC FILTER o .) _p ".R. o _p c _..Q _p s .) rrpE, t{AFtutFt?t IEI|H?I{IIIEIIEE A0DEt{t}tfi,{ - Fix: 1.0.2 Osc 1 ring mod - Fix: Yoicc release AD0EH{X.H{ - Fix: - *rs llrcorrcctly egpliod rith tbr hrndllng in Faly nedt tt Orc I ry envclope; it ingrovcd I . 1.0 a velocity curve optionr Lou cerve/Linear (original default)/ltigh curve - Fix: notes are nou released - Fix: The corectly r$en usirE the *&ral Arp' Player in Reason g+ correct font is nov used on the main csatrol penel la$cls - 50 netr patches, inc'luding thc aev Terturcs foldcr, plus a Pulsar-brsed Codinator patches in the ner Codinators/l.1 Prtchcs/ s6-foldcr. - Signature patches have bcaa duped 1. 1. for each of these extra into the rypropriete type folders for easier oby type" brorsing 1 - Fix: lle* velocity vrluc of CY 6atc inputr nory rrsults in corect ADDE},IDU$,I igmres the envelope rate of distortion gain llEl,l FEATURE! Added ADDENDTJI,I nory I .0. 3 Srnoothing ADDEHDIS.I rigrl notc velocity 1.2.0 ITU FEATURE! FFAT Pitch Bend Ranges can nse be autmted via seguencer autsmation, Remote, or Combinator ltod 8us - I{EUI targeting. Tro ex@le Codinators are available rith lhor step seguencing (Combinators/ttative Cmbinators/Seqrcmed Pitch Bend Rangc Co*i scries) Additional Remste ltapping for Fitch Bend Range: Fitch Raagc OSC I Up Itlap _contrsl_ Pttch Rangc OSe I Ooilffi l,tap _contro'l_ Pitch Range OSC 2 UP l{ap _control_ Pitch Reac€ 05C 2 06{ilr tlap _control_ li ii .rPs I : ? -l : lJ 12345673 RLNG 8ffi"! () =+Nr!{E=rrEE OI EITfl t IIflHI]IONIE EENEBflTERE IU: t:fI: tft r rft: ;rll ::lL ::fl : r.ft:: i.[]:,.'r, :-ll.: :..fl.: ,-Jl-: r:.ft:i ,:ft: i::[[:; .:11: ::{J:. .r_i, "+ti +tii.lti. t .: t;:. ,ilt il :lll''ti:'.1': ;il:'l :'liiI il' ::ll:....I,1.1 :IIj'fll I I-!'ll i Il ::ll :ll:, lJ; ll' : ffi ,,11,,, U,r,1J:, ui l-u ilJ,, ll, U,' Ll, l l ; U, ll : [ : [ ]l ,::l]::. I , \ roDo r{aF!M!!ArE o trtrtrtrtr tri@ qtrtrtrtr tr oEtrsltor OSC E ENVELOPE o o () \srl () \srl () \r7 ner .A, o-\\7 Q ,Jf.E. ! Itl 1( )FLrL l{\v/ \v_/ .r- /4, () )) Pal-Y , \ 6(( )) .A. 6()()()() &v 'v15,r, FFEE 6 La(r,F!/'r', ,A' / ' / \ I{ )t / (r IrcsET .4. () . \ () () (-)) . \ () () / \ () \ )) o a@ rDf---\ L-)r_ ) OYNAMIC FILTER o OO A OOO 3:#:Q"'@ .,PS HAEMEFIIE O al\J o =llRllI]E=I==E! 2 S^."p Oec Os( 05c O.. T6 Pi{.t E1'. Er.. Fit' /_\ ,.\ Dq s,q \J \J ,._\ n \J \J oooooooooooooooooo :n@ ffi M Ereope o-m 15 16 SNiPE FILT TI]NE VOI- ooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooo Fi[. F Lo B.nd H' o Trem Pass Pass LFO Se. Nde O*1 os.2 osr G.2 oir G.2 G]r o*2 o*r o-1 o*2 Os2 oscl oe2 Fra Nois. Nd* V'ir lr't IM. Tffi. P4 Ps Pith Pibh Pith Pii:n Poda Poda Ift D.lir Iire Dadt OOOOOOO OOOOOOOfti": snss Hm Em DNG Chn Pube Flde Ho.n Ran DHG PLrs E!r. R€d Cmpll S€te.i PlTCll BENO WIIEEI AAIIGES FD^ * ^EE IBF),oo,",FlE OSCILLATOR I AiAe \r, ',4," \l HAFIMEIFII E > FLLTER FREOUENCY AFTERTCX]CH > VIBRATO DEPTH EXPRESSION > AMPUIUDE .jrPS 'co o OSCILLAIOR 2 EXtEld.lAt CONTROII.EAS MOO WHEEL o STEREO OVENSAMPI.E AIMRYADDER =VFIIHE=I=EEI rrpE, t{AFtutFt?t IEI|H?I{IIIEIIEE A0DEt{t}tfi,{ - Fix: 1.0.2 Osc 1 ring mod - Fix: Yoicc release AD0EH{X.H{ - Fix: - *rs llrcorrcctly egpliod rith tbr hrndllng in Faly nedt tt Orc I ry envclope; it ingrovcd I . 1.0 a velocity curve optionr Lou cerve/Linear (original default)/ltigh curve - Fix: notes are nou released - Fix: The corectly r$en usirE the *&ral Arp' Player in Reason g+ correct font is nov used on the main csatrol penel la$cls - 50 netr patches, inc'luding thc aev Terturcs foldcr, plus a Pulsar-brsed Codinator patches in the ner Codinators/l.1 Prtchcs/ s6-foldcr. - Signature patches have bcaa duped 1. 1. for each of these extra into the rypropriete type folders for easier oby type" brorsing 1 - Fix: lle* velocity vrluc of CY 6atc inputr nory rrsults in corect ADDE},IDU$,I igmres the envelope rate of distortion gain llEl,l FEATURE! Added ADDENDTJI,I nory I .0. 3 Srnoothing ADDEHDIS.I rigrl notc velocity 1.2.0 ITU FEATURE! FFAT Pitch Bend Ranges can nse be autmted via seguencer autsmation, Remote, or Combinator ltod 8us - I{EUI targeting. Tro ex@le Codinators are available rith lhor step seguencing (Combinators/ttative Cmbinators/Seqrcmed Pitch Bend Rangc Co*i scries) Additional Remste ltapping for Fitch Bend Range: Fitch Raagc OSC I Up Itlap _contrsl_ Pttch Rangc OSe I Ooilffi l,tap _contro'l_ Pitch Range OSC 2 UP l{ap _control_ Pitch Reac€ 05C 2 06{ilr tlap _control_ CONGRATULATIONS ! You have acquired the latest advances in synthesjzer technologyl rock-solid stable digjtal oscillators and a low-noise, all-analog audio path comprising voltage-controlled envelopes, low-frequency modulatjon, frequency modulation and a trr'ple-output filter. The JPS Harmonic Synthesizer features oscillators provide a nearly infinjte varjety of permutations through manipulation of up to sixteen jndividual harmonics and shaping controls per oscillator. Each oscillator can also simultaneously produce up to six preset waveforms for a big, rich sound. The ti,vo ITPSI HAEIMEFIiE =+FI?HE=I2EE! SET-UP INFOR14ATION: Connecti ons a. b. c. d. A.C. power cord plugs into any convenjence outlet - it draws very little. Volume and Filter pedals plug into iacks labelled "Pedals" underneath. No mistake can be nade between "Volume" and "Filter" iacks because of different sizes. The synthesizdr can be operated without the pedals being connected - you merely lose the control over the two functi ons. lilono audio outputs for oscjllator l and oscillator 2 voices are labelled "osc 1out" and "osc 2 out". The signals are low-level, high-impedance. Any microphone or guitar-type input will provide sufficient amplification. The audio system should have tweeters to reproduce the high frequencies being generated by the synthesizer. "VCF Filter In" allor,Js external signals to be processed through the Dynamic Filter. 0ther audio sources such as organs, guitars, microphones or electric pianos can be passed filter for special effects' If are too low in level to produce effects, a small battery-operated preamp module can be inserted iust before the VCF Input. Several companies manufacture such modules for use with guitars. through the the desired Stereo vs. some sources For the best performance, two separate audio systems should be used for Left and Right audio outputs. However, if two are not available, both Left and Right can be "mixed" into one ampljfier having a two-channel input. For your convenieltce, both oscillators can be independently panned left or rjght from the front of the I'4ono: instrument itself, to a true stereo output. Il'1PoRTANT NoTE: DSP Usage a. The Harmonic Synthesizer can scale to use a great deal of resources in terms of sample rate and polyphony. For best results we recofimend setting the minimum values during song construction, until you need to render your track, when you can turn the values up. b, Polyphony can be extended from 1 up to 64 voices. The more voices you add the more DSP will be required for live playback. Set this figure to the lowest value you need. Remember that polyphony allocation includes voices in release as well as key on. c. Hhen using a system sample rate of 44 1or 4BkHz, adiust the "0versample" to 2x for normal use, or turn it to the "0ff" position if needing to save more system resources. You will notice some aliasing when turned off, but nuch less at 2x i this l,vjll be further reduced jf selecting 4x oversampling, and will not be noticeable when selecting Bx oversampljng' Using Bx oversampling will dramatically increase DSP use, but js the best quality, so select 8x prior to exporting your finished song to gjve you the best quality on your I'export" setting. rendered output. Consider "2x" as the live/draft setting, "8x" as d. lf using high system sample rates, 88.2 or 96kHz, oversampling can still be of benefit. However, we recofimend exporting at 96kHz rate even when using a system sample rate of *.vlav later. 44.1 or 4BkHz to get the highest sound quality, and dolvnsample that exported e. The "0versample" conirol state is not saved with patches, but is saved within song-files. .,PSI HAFIMEIFI?E =VN?HE=I=EE! TUN]NG .TPS PROCEDURD HAEMT I! EIIII?HESIIEE r- ataa o I U O RNc ,ff Il; dF:lli ill ;tt. ;;ii; otrtrtrtrtrtr otrtrtrtrtrtr o -1 /'11 //l h' L/ \,r d(- r\ (./, *ie lr | ..'o...,o.."." O o .l' ,] e \,, Er;r ...o t,r ( .r OEE Your JPS Harmonic Synthesizer features two digital oscillators. To select which oscillator to edit, adjust the "DHG Edit Select" switch on the lefthand side of the panel. An LED will llght next to the 1or 2 labe1 to indicate which oscillator is being edited. Al1 controls in the Digital Harmonic Generators section are available to adjust uniquely for each oscillator, except for the ring modulation control "Ring", which is only available for oscillator 2. the panel beside the tuning slider are a good approximate indication of A440 tuning. Set the 'I\-me for the two Digital Harnonic Generators, then proceed to tune by ear as indicated above, lnteresting "beatlng" effects can be achieved by tuning the 0scillator 2 Voice slightly sharp. The range of the tuning sliders are +/- 12 semitones. Fine tuning control can be achieved by holdi[g the shift key of an attached keyboard, or precise values can be achieved by directly inputting the value into an appropriate MIDI sequencer lane of your usual recording software. N0TE: Markings on .rtst t{AFlMltFllE =vFllIHE=l=EE! WAVEEORM SHAPE _-![]a HAEIMS IE g.r ?HE=trEE a JTS !r%E?(l) I]I EITfl T HEffIIIENII GENEHflTBFS I U c ! RNG ffffiffiiff* ffiffi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 ffiffffffiffiffJ rc fl 12 13 14 l5 16 OSC sNApE 2 ENVELOPE ,-\ u-\ 0 Ll rr 1r Ll " . Lr:i) - a[Ei ,ll - 1l - i! //\ tt "..\V _,tr ;.i 1 i' \!, E- 1 r, O,'pl OYNAMJC EILTER r ) /-! !ood,_l x sr.rc -Ei rl =-/ :- r-l )- --^ a ,\= Itl .u \-/ oFi ,l ( -,. oFF o' the "Shape" slider to adjust the voltage shaping and manipulate the oscillator waveform fron a tone rich in harmorics into a baslc sine. The default position is "6" You can use In addition to the Harmonic cenerator, 0scillator 1 can produce six further voices, using preset buttons "Clarinet", "pu1se,,, ,,F1ute,,, ,,Horn,,, "Reed', and "Strings". These can all be used on their otm or in combination. 0scillator 2 can produce five additional voices: ,,pu1se,,, ,'F1ute,', ,,Horn,,, "Reed" and "Comp1ex". oscillator 2 can also be synced to 0scillator 1by pressing the "Sync" preset button, and Oscillator 1 can ring modulate Oscillator 2 by pressing the "Ring" button below the ',DHG Edit Select,' switch. At least one oscillatoi 1 voice must be engaged for the ring modulation to have any effect, although oscillator l can be set to a zero volume if its audio output is not required. Ring modul-ation and oscilfator sync can be used together. Experiment using different oscillator tunings when using these two features I The high frequencies of all voices can be attenuated with the manual and all voices except for "Pulse" can be adjusted with the ,,Shape,, filter, controller. .rPs; HAElMAiltE =Vil?H==lzEEl \{AVEFORM S HAPE ..'PS HAFIME IE - S I NE BIT-RATE =v lHE=lrEE! coo ooo "-, "'fii1 oo?g?occoooo oocooooo .,,,. coooil,c5o6co ocooocoo .o.(, C cooQoooooo o ooo ooooo "Ji' i,: :i.:ri!; T*"j" "i:'ti QQoooocoo ;#tl" ""," Trei Pth E De' \-, @ !, ,_ ,-_'r tt, (ll ( i 5u SNJPE o 2' ,;"1; "5:" F:* "*" A:g ;a [H i;:J FLI TL]NE V'] o (cr o c) AJOOOO R;""3 oo oooo E;','9il"'it^'E;". kplrTiEoeoj coo o OC *:, P ICH BEND WHEEL RANGES cr-- ^ ", ar-6 -i J'-^'iL ldl oscjLLAToRr ^ TI SYXC C 5EOUENT]AL oscrllr1Cn2 EXIERNAI CONTROLLEFS o'q i^FeEssoN',rtltPLTTLTDE c ,512. The JPS Harmonic Synrhesizer uEiiises the original s-bit circuitry of the orrgtnal RllI when using a shaped sjne value of ,,6', , and the Binary Adder is seL 1o I ls defaul L ,5,, posj c.iun. th9 tone senerators does create some lff"ii:Hi:i'":::"';ii:il'i:::r i,,.ti""^riiy. "'il,:"i:".1;LilT:ff :ili: I};',I:i::,i;,;l r""a""""";r.,t" Should you wish to reduce the, quantisation noise, your synlhebjzer may be tegil imarettlevel.of modifiej. ri,i-""""r,i,iI. oaau,. ,p ll;.J::':-;":l t": tone which. is less prone to quaniisarton nojse. you'";;-;;"; i;;:.";i^] il::;";iii "ro_ri" Lone-ii;;; l:: l:'ro i;;';i,:",1:li,.3illilil: "";i;; iiul",iii l:;l :r'J;;J:" an even Unlike the oversample range, the Binary Adder setting is noisier " "nd,o." saved with patches. .TPS HAEIMIIilIE E!VFI?HE=I=EE! MANUAL JFS I U a LOT/-PASS F]LTERS IJAEMIUI! g\rRtHE=t2EE t--U1Lr FL H frRIIIi]N II nff:t Illill. ILll l" I ll Ftrc i ': !' SEOUFNCEP ": ovuamc prrred After you have arrived at a setting on the Harmonic Generator, shoufd you desire a slight attenuation of highs for a more melIow tone, it is easily accomplished with the manual filter without resetting the harmonics. Raising the slider attenuates the highs. rTPS HAFIMEilIE =VilIHE=I=EE! ENVELOPE GENE RA T O R S -NORMAL JPS UAEIMARI I, rtiEg!==Et a -I ,g a EITfr L HfrRIIIBI}!II EENEEFTBBE ir ilI r'Iril | llI rI I II It ll ll il|,f It u OI o - ana Ll Ll Ll OFM t Ll t} | riir I '[t [,;,;; | @trtrtrtrtrtr @trtrtrtrtrtr e o .{EjLr) n tl .ri-rffi \:::7 1 s11r. .'\ ,l-., FL^r\:'.,^,, -'l sanc a-1 rDowN Ho o o @ @ "."rJ../ ...):l 2 ENVELOPE OSC / \ \= 00 "..o 1g "..() C,'t t! t'. .l o ..^o."^. .,.o "+i"H. Ei!8 (() hr JPS envelope R,MI envelopc Attack Sustain I Decay I Release The JPS synthesizer features @ o) ,B.#?fi. Attack a fulf analogue ,,AISR,, Decay/Release envelope control. To mimic the original RMI "Norma1" envelope mode, you should only adjust the "Attack" and "Belease" stages, while teaving the .Sustain,, stage set to its maximum Ieve1. Set Attack and Decay curves to linear (see page 22). rTPS HAEIMI'N?E =VFI?H==I2EF! ENVELOPE .rPS GENERATORS -PERCUSSION HAAMAFiI! gvutatEEl2== t - -- 10 alLl u;;tr1L) OIEITflL HFRIYIONI[ EENERF TURE l'illlrtitrll Il lt |JUL]JUl,lltillL t E e rl l 5675 Ll !!c t'" o Ll tl I @ o trtrFl I OsC A ENVELOPE @ =.r'1" g "F,; @@@@ i...o..o.^"" o '-1.1!.l i al )- o .e RMI percus sion Decay/Release To mimic the original RMI "Percussion,' envelope mode, you should just use the "Decay" stages, and leave "Attack,, and ,,Sustain,, stages set to th"err ninimum 1evel. Set the "Release" stage to the same position as the ,Decay,, stage to a1low the sound to decay at the same rate Lven after the note is released early. Set Decay curve to a non-linear value (see page 22). T.,PS HAEIMEIF{IE =VFI?H==I=EE! ENVELOPE JPS HAEIMTTI! i-l,i'l r fl t!. - NII ZtlN EENEB F TBE : ,|l:li: :11." :Il i 1:l l: ll: rll : I i,l !iigfL ll il .l \\l \\,/ "=.o "..|- l- ti II uu I l1 .".";;;,;" OSC sio \\ -, 1a ) 2 ENVELOPE Hoo@@ rc-D \ _rl ,-v-,f,1r' :\ .\.:(" i\ il :ll ll, ill ilI l irl.l:'il1:: ::lI! @8trtrtrtrtr F;]tr tr ii ,'ll 1 o ""c ('. l E fr Iil ir l]I ,f]'n rtl ll rirLl :1 :t ti 1 I 1'I t i' i i: t TR]G1I =VII?H==I=EFI !I I -OSC 2 RELEASE GENERATORS /a .,.,\- :"^," !i srara -,, ...o -) a\\/ r*ii.1", ')-':)) \ .L () ,-\ ll^\\)ll,"r il )) ' .r- -,) ()) ( 00 -r, OYNAMIC FILTER r-)(-)r-, ):=t )::-( The JPS synthesizer features a three-stage release triggering capability on oscillator 2. This provides sone arazing possibilities when used together with oscillator 1. Switch the "Trig" button from "On" to "ReI" and Oscillator 2 will be triggered not srhen the note is pressed, but when that note is released. Note that the functions of the osc 2 envelope controls change. "Attack" is the time from when the note is released to a set 1eve1, determined by the "Level" control. "Hold" wi11 sustain the released note for a specified period of time at that 1evel. "Decay" is the time the note takes to return to silence after the ho1d. For a percussive note-off sound, set "Hold" to zero and use only "Attack" and "Decay", setting the volume with "Leve1". JPS HAFIMENIE =rIFIIHE=I=EF! SEqUENCER JPS CONTROL t2 }]AEM3I]I! EVIIII.]E=I'EE ril ,:ll rfl rll lll i[] : I R OIEITfr t i----_-'-'-'Coo HFRIYIONII EENEH rl Ii ;l i ltll: ll e ' L"i: l[,ir tl a\ \ -/,, t ,s ,6 ;,,";.,";; E" ] c0HtL€x osc 2 ENVELoPE / i1 R \\ ll )r \ L\ /1 ,,1 ,"[?c, iI 'i s it I I (r rL -ei",i?i,* t! .EcwN I 5rorL.1A.\=7.) I l Q 1/,r, o .,t L a.) \! ,i L'i C) is activated by flicking the "Mode" switch up or down from its central "off" position. Modes of operation are "sequential", or "random". Speed is set by turning knob. A pilot light indicates when the sequencer is in operation. If no keys are heId, the light will renain "on". If keys are being held, the light will pulse when the sequence "resets". In the "sequential" node, this pulse of light will serve as a "downbeat" indicator for most rhythnic patterns or bass 1ines. In the "random" mode, it will pulse with each note. Sequencer via "Sequencer Rate" to Sync to host or be free rulnlng. In addition the sequencer can play polyphonically by gating the chords at the set rate. To do this change "Sequencer Type" from "Sequential" to "Gated". Random gated sequencer will add random "rests". The pilot Iight ri11 not light for rests. The speed can be switched SEqUENCER a 0 If your hands are busy with contiols or another instrunent, the sequencer can be "programmed" by selecting "Hold" while the notes are played. You can now release the notes and the sequencer will continue to play that sequence until you play a new set of notes, switch the sequencer back to "Key" mode, or stop playback entirely. rTPS I{AEIMEII?E =+N?H==I=EFI MODULATlON JPS I !r- E . CONTROLS I.]AEM!IN!E =VN?HE=I=EE Dl ElTrt t il inn x t't-r 13 Hfrft IJEI}I E EENE F F TERE t,lilti tt ll ll Ll l]ti n'rnnn, tt,I tr lil lllililll l uil ,,,,-\ , t, .l i RLNG ry4@trEtrtrtr @trtrtrtrtrtr OSC I ENVELOPE .-=r ..:= ,/t/tt \. -/ 'HCB. t- il .,-\Y"^" rQlh ,t[g L] L] 't,) !-,/ '":', "..e \ .=\ /a=- \\ _/ \_/ €F: ."t F^ \.- f, i ] 1r I li )t \-i \r/ TREMVLANT t"es) *e 3:€,* "*e 'FE@LO i \:r/ OEPft 5I .".,Q: ir ;;, I ')r , DYNAMIC FILTER "..^= (rl The Harmonic Synthesizer features a common "LFo Rate" used for modulating the frequency and amplitude of 0scillator 1 and Osclllator 2, and the frequency of the Dynamic Eilter. However, you can use external inputs to over-ride the fixed internal LFo for any or al1 of these in order to run the ) . ", =,:"""_ l.^ O* O* Osc Osc Trem Mod. ooooo , 2 ldem.l modulations at different rates or for additional tremulant shapes, thus vastly expanding the sonic possibilities of the instnrment. itternal LFO can be set to "Mono", so that it starts from zero {hen the instnrment is first turned on and does not reset. This is preferable for vibrato effects. \{hen moved to "Poly" the LFO wavefolm is restarted uniquely for each note played, which can be particularly interesting when used in conjunction with the tremolo effect. The rate can be synced to a hosL Lempo or be free-running. The Set the Modulation Shape for each Oscillator, then the Frequency Modulation amount ("Vibrato Depth") and Amplitude Modulation amount ("Tremo1o Depth"). If you enable Aftertouch via the MIDI section, set the "Vibrato Depth" to the value you wish to apply to the maximru aftertouch level you send, thus vibrato will be zero until aftertouch is applied, up to that maximum Vibrato Depth 1eve1 set. r.,PS HAEIMI'FIIE =VII?HE=I==E! P T TCH JPS DEVIATION tjAEMa t! =1,Utl]E=tr=E OIGITflt t ,F. 7 CONTROLS H flRI']I[ :t] N il ll itt Jl Jl il trlrrl:1,I IIll'lltililrtl: Ll ' t4 -- a aD! ENER frTOBE Iit lt !| rtIti ,3 r4 '5 rI ;l I 1; ,-";; .=rr\ r'r R /\_\ Lttlli \ ^,\ff.^t ) , (r ./l sB "..o..^@..^.. ir Pitch Deviation Upon Attack: "Depth" control determines the point at which the "s1ide" begins. Setting "Depth" control to "flat" will cause the pitch to start "f1at" and slide up to the correct pitch. "Sharp" works in reverse as you would expect. Setting the "Depth" control at 12:00 in the center of its travel will cause no deviation. "Time" control determines the time it will take to travel from the deviated pitch to the correct pitch. drPS HAFIMIIFIIE =VFI?HE=I=EEI NOISE JFS MODULAT]ON 15 a --- HAEIMEI]I! g\lI]?HEgIzEE Daa ll I lr E l I tq / LLllll _.@ E ( \/--\N ).) (..) Itr 00 ,"Affi*" ED @ ti rfi OYNAMIC FIL'TEF l--r '.)) Noise Modulation; Either i I oscillator can be frequency-modulated by noise in infinitely variable degrees. Noise ',frequency,, or ',color,' can be controlled from "pink" to "white". "Pink" noise can be interesting for creating ,'sample & hold" type effects. Most useful, however, is the ,,white" - turned fu1Iv clockwise. To maintain a sense of pitch, do not adjust the depth beyona ihe 12:00 position. Noise modulation is most conrnonly used in creating drums, traps, and other percussion instruments. It is also effective in producing wind, thunder, and whistles. It is up to you to experiment. TPS; HAEIMIIFIIE VOLTAGE .IFS CONTROLLED FILTER I]AEM!,RIE E1,Ii?I.]E gtr 16 .---aaa E E! I !, (( I f-l )) @trtrtrtrtrtrl l I t' \\ -/j ,*' x ,^Y,-;i la-r_) "8" /r' lj \\--l/ 5i Ll ffiel it tl OOI @ @ o @ a Voltage-Controlled Fi1ter: Mode Switch _ ,'Filter Off ,, position passes 0scillator l voice unaffected by the filter. ,'Static,, position turns on the filter allowing either a fixed frequency and/or modulated a sine tremulant. The rate of the tremulant is set by the masterwith ,,LFO Rate,,. ,,Up, or "Down" positions cause rising or falling ramp envelope from the starting Frequency. Xnvelope ,'Speed,, and ,,iepth,, are modulations you controllable. can connect a monophonic external envelope to the ',Fi1ter Sweep Env.,,, and setting the sweep control to ',CV,'mode. The sine tremulance can be over_ ridden using the "Filter Trero. Mod,' input for using different modulation shapes or rates fron the internal options. ,,Mod Wi,, position activates modulation wheel control of the filter frequency, from the set freque[cy value (wheel down) to fulty closed filter iwheei up). For fult range modulation wheel control, set the Frequency to maximum. TremuLance can also be applied in "Mod W.,, mode. Low, band, and high pass outputs are mixable. Typical "wow" effects are created by modulating the full ,,Low pass, with some ,,Q,, (resonance). " Notch" filter effects are created by mixing 1ow and high pass outputs in varying proportions. oscillator 2 can also be routed through the filter when selecting 'Osc 2 Any stereo separation applied using the oscillator pan-pots is maintained.On, r,PS; HTEIMEIFIIE =VFI?H==I=EE! PORTAMENTO CONTROL S 17 i- -- --- aDr (rPs l]aEM!Rl! gvRrt]EqllEE t]I I {J a O E ITfl I HFR]:IENII EENEFFTIlBE l,rll,rffllllilfl,' , u ll ! []llll FN6 trtrtrtrrc I :H:S=' oscJ$ML.,* 11 ",*" -11 "try" ;;&i.-'"!;.";i '*" "*.".. QriO Or o :H: I ;,*;,";;;. i ,"," ^,-".?*&51"':,'*i^ ,...^.. O ! ]"O.H-.O ;1, !l s,,.;"." lI - :h;'J-h."..., """O ]-a:e OYNAMIC F'LTEP - -'r^ i ln.i I , _ ,=:. Li , ,is ri r Portamento: This very popular synthesizer effect refers to the sliding from one pitch played to the next pitch played. The JpS Harmonic Synthesizlr is unique because of two features of the portamento _ independent controls for each oscillator, and ,, fol low- through,, effect, causing tire final desired pitch to be achieved without having to hold the key down. In most yo, find the g o'c1ock setting the most musically useful. To actlvate "u""", tire *i11 portamento affect, play the first note required, then play the note which you want to s1ide. If you set a fairly long ',Re1ease,, tir", you canto let go of the second note before it has reached tfrat pit"fr, and the portamento will continue to slide up until it reaches the desiied pit"h, o. the release has finished its decay, whichever is reached first. .,PS HAFIMEil?E =VFI?HE=I2EE! .rps CONTROLS ANALOG I T ] CAL CR r -- HAEME IT =vFliuE=rrEE =g,[,i'il.,fi, 18 ----- ooo OIEITBL Hfl RIIIONIE EENERRTT]HE .11 ['[, fl '[.l[,.fi'[.,fi il''''[. fr,'fi'.'H,,t, 6 O s-"s,? 7 3 S lO ll 12 13 14 15 16 sH P! FtrrER o " @ It RNG E@trtrtrtrtrtr1@trtrtrtrtrtr I OSC I ENVELOPE o @@ o@ ,,,if.B. I.4!EC1'" 8"#r' ;<>':x.,,@ n tl ,iE'g. fl tl (e)c) ' F: "g :"EIxEeT" ".fe () OYNAMIC FILTER --oEift TFENU*NT o ", @@o@leo "..o,:F:: o.l,:,:O-H _.o .ffi @ -,8..'6€:. x -K;; ,.," "., "?*nfli"':,"s,i" ".,.^". (O "*' 'i"#J,. f BEts?i" .".o a0 I "..o ,...o _.o..""@".""" ArO .".o,"'"" "r8s 8re8 loL_] ",E" @ -sdEEP @ .B[p__@ ".P ..P ..P E l..p ".P .R. RnMEItsER - EXACT ANAIOG SETTINGS may vary from instrument to instrument, not you should toGtio.r the varying taste of the individual osners Therefore, presets, then possible to the set your panel .oni.o1s to look as closely as the of side it to either fxpnilfmui with each variable control by adjusting sine and vCF outputs initial setting. You will oote that noise modulation, ,,on,' or modu]ation a1'e not include.I as criticat because they are usually full fu11 "off". . A-I'.ET HAEIMENIE EVF{?HEE?=EE! \{HEEL P I TCH CONTROLS IS HAEMAAilg gURtr.]E=r=EE JPS 1L HF I[ BIIIDN l;ltr - i EENER fiT ORS lflnlr lllltltiltli, I t t rJ il ll ti, r t a ORl* aala ,' l, ,' .l' I t ; @trtr]trtrtrtr1@trtrEtrtrEd OSC 2 ENVELOFE o I !.i ir O (.) '\) L il;"' e-,O O u^, 1L oFF,}!::,1 FLrEF FLAT\.:-SHAqP o#-i6D sr - L) - 0 PITCH BEND WHEET PINGES EI EB c0 EI] I E3 roP2 I oscrll,aroR ). oscrLr earF LxrleNnrcoNrRolrRs i1 i > irl: R R.o rN, EXPRESSiON C .'l > AMPLiL]'E " OVMSAI\IPLE " u; \-] E]MPYADDER In addition to the key triggered pitch Bend envefope, you can also use the integrated Pitch l{heel. Unlike other synthesizers, each oscillator can be both independently set to different ranges (up to 24 semitones), and in either direction for both the up and the down pitch wheel positions, developing some unique opportunities for creative effects using pitch bendl Try setting "osc 1Up" to -3 and "Osc 2 Down" to -7. t,PS; (+)12 and ,0sc 1Down,' HAEIMEFI?E to (+)7, and ,'osc 2 Up,' to =VII?HE=I2=E! POLYPHONY .rPs i u a i I M]DI ANI) CONTROL HAEit!tl]l! =vlltH=gltEa a ---OI EITfl I HflRiJONtI CEN ERRTNRS ,llill[,ff'l',li|il, utrlL]ll U Ull l] R,Nc i,*,i -- lll ll alla \r [lil I] ,1 trtrtr8 tsct I I rl ttt 2A ,.---. (! t ELd':,-7sfAF, o.-,r - ,r=, (( o+/:,-/ SEOUENCEF sFEeo ; mjc aracK l OYNAM'C FILTER The instrument is velocity sensitive. To enable velocity control of notes through performance turn on the ',Vet,, function. you can also control the overall amplitude of the output using an expression pedal connected to the volume pedal jack on the underside of the device, and enable it by turning "nxp" to the on position. Remember to record and store the expreision vaiue, or you may find the output 1evel is lower than expected next time you turn the device on. You can control the final output leve1 using the ,,Master Output " control . Three voice modes are available to the Harmonic Synthesizer using a threeposition switch. In the dom position the instnrment is monophonic (one voice per oscillator) with automatic re-triggering. In the middle position you will find a monophonic legato option. In the up position the instrument is ful1y polyphonic, allowing you to play chords, or bass and lead lines together. Do be aware that the device can get very hot when using too many voices and could start to melt. We strongly recommend setting the potyphony to the lowest value appropriate for the particular performance, l'r"irrg- it" " polyphony "Voice Select " display. rTPS HAEIMEIIIIE EVII?HE=I2EE! TPS AEIEIMAFI Flt AE!F!A+ AF!F!V O ##$f E@EE S u "u,t m s{o}a 1(rt r,E,i- The ACIDI4AN FX FuxcEn {o} e +&# ### {a} I o "9. is a handy all-jn-one-box for all your standard pedal effects needs jn tj dy and easy-to-use package, it makes the perfect companion for any guitar or electronjc ARRAY key_ board, The system comprises 1. a six effects jn series. DISToRTI0N: Apply the d i storti on Lo' Ilid or Hish bands' or Ail frequencies, and adiust ,n" o",r,"tlrliil.'ne 1. Use the Dirty Gain knob to boost or reduce the input level jnto the selected band. 2. The crean knob boosts or reduces the input iever into the non_serectea oands. 3. l,]here,,All,, is selected, Clean Gain will adjust the distortion threshold. 2. A hjgh quality chorus using the latest technology, Select from one of eight djfferent types, four chorus (select ,,CH0,,), four ensemble (select ,ENS,,). Adjust the dry to wet signal levels with dry and wet control: we recomend no more than the lZ o,clock position tvhen requiring Chorus, and set fully to the right rf,"r rring fn.umlle. 3. FLANGER: CH0RUS: taste. A flanger pedal effect. Leave the coror contror : ,"T:i:,::;"'ili,;"ril,lllri;il:i:;r,;l:",. negative, or right for positive coloration (feedback). fne Offset swltctr applles an oftset t0 the right channel for a stereo flanging effect. 4. 5. PHASERT A big 5-stage phaser effect, contrors are the same as the Franger. 8E!4f: A simpte and highly efficie parare, to the input (i.e., ,",, to right delay and vice versa, ,,X_S,,). Channel delay tioe.un 0a.",',0 ,,0ff,, by fully to the left, and no feedback will be applied to that channel; set Dry/l,/et to fully wet and you']r effectiverv have a dry signar on the,,ort,,.turnut, uno a derayed sjgnar on the other. For a pseudo mono delay, set both Left and Right delay times the same. i:J";",:;l"i;,llililil,.li:::::::,:i:::il;|,,,0,, 6. A vintage delay. Add a gen e modulation wjth the llod control, and adjust the length of the Reverb using Decay and Daflp. For Har/prate styre reuerb reave damp at flijnimum. For a shorter, room_style reverb jncrease ttre Damp ana lower the Decay. REVERE: EXTERNAL .rPst CONTROI, r{aE!MlrAlE 21 =rl tHE=r!EE! Fiter V!!ab .,1- 2 swp o.-os Osc Os. VOI,TAGE Trcmoto Fiti.r pona./ or c? Osc oooo oooqQooooooooooooo "* 's E1€op. Ocr des ",E 8" iiil.E*5^*t *,{.8 LFO OvsjidE Chee l 16 SHAPE FILT TLJNE VOL ooooooooooo oooooooooooo ooooooooooo oooo@ooooooo ffi: H'$# ffi; ffi k,,g:il ooooooo ooooooolh"j il^ * ^trlB o o c 'co lBll,oou,*,[lE Jrlr Frh Fih {ir* okr qri. s{. R,l. t.&. k* o*2 Nd* ",fi] ffi,: Pfi1 DHG clol Pllse Fllte Born Re.d strss PITCH AENO WTIEET RANGES OSCILIATOR ] ftIE Ftde tlm ry' rm Der,th ffi", Re.d cnrpri sete.1 SEQUENCER O5CILLATOR 2 ECERMT CONTnOU-EnS > F]LTER FREOUENCY AFIERTOT]CH > VIBRAIO DEPTH EXPRESSION > AMPUTI]DE MOD WHEEL oHG syE ""fit rft (r(t, "r.rAq \7 O\ERSAIIIFIE ",4\" SIEREO \v/ BIMRYADOEP Nearly all the functions of the JpS Harmonic Synthesizer can be controlled via externaf "control voltage,' (,,CV',) inputs, such as those output via sequencers or alternative modulation sources. Envelope or LFo connections to "Internal Over-rides" 1,yi1l automatically disconaect the internal source, except for the "Filter Siyeep", which requires setting the Dynamic Filter,s "Sweep" control to the ,'CV,, setting. Voltage scaling into the synthesizer should be carried out at the modulatiot source. The DHG1 and DHG2 harmonic ,,Cy,, inputs do include a global voltage scaler per oscillator, but individual inputs should be scaled from the source. other_'CY" inputs, including those for controlling pitch and moal wheels, and the Filter pass mixers, do provide local scaling XrroU" fo, the input vaiues. "Filt. Freq." CV sets the physieal knob va1ue, so can be used to adjust the start or centre positions of the modulated frequency types (filter lnvelope or filter tremulant, respectively). If con[ecting an external audio source to the ,,VCF Input',, that audio will be routed through the filter and output through .Osc 1 Out,, in mono, aod through the Stereo out in a position determined by the oscillator 1 pan-pot. rrPS HAEMT!illE =vil?HE=l==E! CONTROL EXTERNAL VOLTAGE 22 cl) HAFIME IE ErIFIIHE=?=EF! .,PS OCOCOOOOOc) o@oo O -OO O **'*"'"' O O OOO O GO{-OO C ry C_oC Frr ruNE rG 14 r5 13 n 12 . *";; " '1" " " o o o o{ oo<l oo Goc o o @ sc'rLeor'crc" o &o ci :. (', it t-: ocooooooocooooQ o ooooooc voL sr'raPE O a,-\ ooooooooooeoooo ;5 'ii ,:* #" ,ll. i;'; ir.l ti;l \l |iT 453 B::3 R:'.3 ?r': ooooo " ocooooo lJ ?# i;"'l oG i' ,"..,' P'j! rt \::,/ \l Inre fe't or? o<, oar 2sr, Deo$ Time Did$ 'o' PITCH BEND WHEELRANGES El^ * ^LE OSCILLATOR i C' !t ELI'*.-'eE OSCILL,\TOR 2 "5JJ" EXIERML CONTROLIERS IL]OF I"VHEEL > F LTER FREOUETiCY OIi > AIiPI]IUDE EXPRIsS is deBired on the e[velopes' the If a slower or faster rise or: fa11 time eas i 1y performed without ua:""t."nt of the attack and decay can befor a linear tise' or turn "ofi.g" "Attack" to 12:oo ;;i;i;; ;;: warranty. set the(Exp), or to the right for.a faster rise (Log) ' i"'irr."r.ii io" u "io*"t rise for a linear fa11' and turn to the F;r-';e;a;i, turn completely to both decay and release voltage ,iglrii"t'"'"i""p". rurr. i'lote this adjusts curves. Likewise the decay curve of th; Filter Sweep and Portanento/Pitch - Bend attack can be adjusted in the RMI "NorBal" enveloDe Decay / Release Attack JlS ,c!Yc,l!pc Sustain Attack # I Decav I same matuIer' RMI " Percus sion" Decay /Release Release "Li near" "Linear" "Li near" Log" .'PS HAEIMEIFII E =VII!|HE=I2EE! 23 you should have a rough idea of &here the control have on lhe sound. B) ^nor\. they should ellects s are and what You are about ready to put all this raw knowledge to practical use bilt before ul;, AcArN READ rrE .AGE .,r--duiin _ruaroddh3l'?i *?y, only So.3llo-{?-.?I9, will take a minute. Those controls ;;; ;;.;itt all about - interfacing the_ human being with the electronic ma" You have an idea of what you would like to hear, but the machine doesn,t. You must telI it through the conlrols. Now. read that page, and let.s ger on with the best part - making the sounds _ Now go through the NoIE i folder Wh_en-referring ,'Set_Up Sheets,, (pages 24_Eb). to the Set-Up Sheets, ANY CONTROLS NOT APPLIED SHbULO SP irV tHS 'OF'I'' OR 'MINIMI,IM' POSITION. DOING YOUR OWN THING: exciting thing about synthesis your own voices. Ha\ ing tried several Set-Ups created o).someoneis,creating else. yorr probably have some ideas_oI your own. 0f course, you can strit creale further va-riat ions on the Ser-Ups by re-combining The most them I But if you just want to enjoy our rovely presets, then feel free to do that! trPS HAEIMIIFIIE =ViIII{E=I=EF! 56 A GENERAI, APPROACH TO TIIE USE OF T}IE INSTRUMENT: Your JPS Harmonic Synthesizer is actually two synthesizers in one unit. \{e feel that more musical excitement is created when two things are happening at once. This is what you paid for when you bought the instrument, and now, you should take fu11 advantage of its potential. Here ' s how: \dhenever possible, use both 0scillators at the same time. \rhen you reach for Osc 1 or osc 2 to set up a souod, think to yourself: "\{hat differences are there between the two voices, and how can 1 use these differences to ny advantage?" Remember, osc 1 can use the Voltage-ControlIed Dynamic Filter with mod wheel pedal control while osc 2 remains static, thus sounds that require filter can go to the osc 1 voice. Osc 2 can be tuned differently. set sounds in both 0sc111ators, their relationships will fa11 into two categories: "Doubling" or "Contrasting". \{hen you have same sound or instrunent in both oscillators. Riclmess of sound is enhanced by subtleties in differences of "attack" and "re1ease" parameters, "beats" or "phasing" caused by slight differences in tuning between oscillators. Doubling - Creating the Contrasting - Creating different instruments in two Oscillators. Interesting music is fulI of contrasts in many forms. The successful synthesist wiIl be fully aware of a1l areas ln which he or she can create contrasts. of course, the trick is to apply these contlasts to the music being performed. JPS; HAEMIFI?I =I|FIIHE=I2EE! 57 There are two types Horizontal Vertical - of contrasts: Horizontal and Vertr'cal Contrasts appearing in sequence of time. example: fl ute/vi ol a/fl ute/vi ol a, etc. - Contrasts appearing between each other at the same tirne. example: fl ute viola A sequence of tine occurs as musjc is performed. 0n paper, as nusjc is performed, it moves frorn left to right - horizontal . When two or more musical lines are played at the same tine, their arrangement on paper is vertical . Therefore, two musical lines (one above the other) can progress from left to right, creating both horizontal and vertical relatjons. example: flute/horn/flute/horn/flute/horn, etc. vi ol a/bass/vi ol a/bass/vi ol a/bass, etc. !0]!_I0_-EEIEBAIE_!0$I845I! : different instruments, to create contrasts: The contrasts shown above were between gjven four areas I,/AVEFORI.I in - lvhich AIIPLITUDE - FREQUENCY - 0n your synthesizer, you are ENVELOPE 1. Haveforin - mellow vs. rich / odd harmonics vs. even harmonics, etc. Horizontal - rapid changes can be made with the Preset Voices or gradual changes can be made with the Harmonic Generator sliders. Vertical - create contrastjng instruments on 0scillator l and 0scillator 2 and set to an opposable pan posjtion 2. Anrplitude - loud vs. soft. Horizontal Vertjcal - - use volume pedal use contrasting 3, Frequency - high vs. low Horizontal Vertjcal 4. Envelope - - - rTPS - dynamic changes intensities on osc l and osc 2 Voices. pitched vs. non-pitched (noise-modulated). Shifters, or add noise modulation, use contrasting octaves between 0scjllator l and 0scillator 2, tune 0scjllator 2 to a different interval , such as a thjrd, fjfth or sixth, or add noise mod-l at i on to one voice. change octaves l,/ith ociave slow and long vs. Horizontal Vertical - / for fast and short. change envelope generator settings while playing, use contrastjng envelope generator settings for 0scillator 0sci I I ator 2 voices HAEIMIINI E l =VFI?HE=I and zEE! 58 A NOTE OF IMPORTANCE: Most synthesizer performers make few changes while playing, therefore their music becomes uninteresting. To make your muslc inieresting, you should constantly be thinking about your next change while you arplaying. Get in the habit of practicing your changes as an integral part of your music. Adding vibrato, tremolo, or dynamic changes are as critical as playing the correct notell! SOME HELPFUL HINTS: (which may be obvious Afways have as many controls as possible set up in to you already) advance. example if you are using one of the Preset Waveforms, have the Harmonic Generator sliders set-up in advance of their next usage, exanple if you are not using the Sequencer, for the next usage. etample if you are not using Vibrato or Tremolo, have the LFO Rate set in advance at the proper speed and pre-select the sine wave on the Tremulant Shape controls. Since Vibrato is often used, it is helpful to leave the Vibrato Depth controls in the ,minimum,, position, but not "off". The pilot light wi]l remain,'on,,but the have its speed set in advance function not in effect examPle if noise modulation is not being used, the most comon use will be "white" noise, therefore have the Noise Frequency control set fully clockwise in advance. exanple if the Dynamic Filter is not being used, it should be set up for all the paraneters of its next usage. Comlon usage would call for Speed and Depth to be set at 12:00, q at 10:00, and Low pass full. Filter modulation wheel should be closed. example if only one voice is being used, at1 of the controls for the other voice should be set in advance of their next usage. \{hen using the JPS Harmonic Synthesizer for elaborate sequences with other instruments, keep in mind that the Volume pedal completeiy stops the sound when in the fu1ly-closed position. Therefore, complete set-ups can be arranged in advance without being heard, then, merely open the Volume Peda] to start the sequence. Tn the ',sequential,' mode, the Sequencer pilot Lamp serves as a "down-beat" indicator, assuming the lowest note is on the down-beat, giving you a chance to synchronize yourself with the beat before listening to it. Remember, you can add accents on various beats with the Expression or Mod Wheel. TPS HAE'MIIFI?E =VFI?H==I=EE! 59 .....soIry, we've run out of ideas. You are on your own from now on. to prove our faith to you, we have included a blank Set-Up sheet on the next page you can photocopy to jot down your ideas so that they won't be And forgotten. If fact, if you come up with some winners, don't keep them a secret. Instead, send them to JPS and we may add them in a future update, and we'd like to include some new ideasl Don't forget to fill Now go out your \{ARRANTY CARD so that we have a record of you. enjoy the world of harmonic synthesisl Should we have somehow inspired you to such heights of creativity that you can't help but share your success, drop us a line! Here's where we are: Jiggery-Pokery Sound https : / /www. facebook. com/JiggeryPokerysound JPS; HAEIMEIIIIE EIIIIIIHE=IzEFI SET-UP SHEET .rPs HAFlMg EITfl t rooo HflffIlIENIE EENERfrTOBE ffiffi 6 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ..I ,f il o ffi ffiffiffi :lii ';- NAME l! grt ?uEglrEF! rDI tif,jj !l+i !'ft l PATCH 5 t-t]ii:: ifli z ffi ';- rJ,l,'i O ffi ffi r .fl1$.,.[ i.|.,fl,,fl .fi,.[.][,.'fl,.,fl 12 13 14 15 16 suPE I lrrick | \--l_/ -/ n ,fl,'€g, ,A () "..v I \) NoTES o-\v \-/ ;; () ..^,\/.,"., Hr":Q"@ @ r .,PS I]AEMT k o . \v/ ' o '\-4r' / () ' oo F8E /\w-)/7--.\-\N .L(( )) 1/'t o {( '-\\ )l r) l l( )) ...o SPEED .A, /A' o(()) ()()() v ner A. PoLY //--\ (( )] "..o 1l L] ;;; OsC 2 ENVELOPE 6E.rv Bffi' ,P.?, n i.H i i.l.t.: FtrrER 4trtrtrtr tr@ 4trtrtrtrtr ,llln o /n n n Pd i:Ili i:tl.ji:tt: i1l.: RNG fry ::ii:: ++. rl.l.: ,.r.O OYNAMIC FILTER O A O 'T , () ' lr,4. t) / ' []) ""..\:/ =,.,\/."^"" 8 O 88 ,rA" *, EDI s.I*" "..=. -p ..p sl".p E+N?HEEI2EE o* tu, !t41e lqiCo rie toii./ o* @ o& \J L/ \J \J oooooooooooooooooo , {ffillF(FOOrcOO@G{Q*,*.,* , @CrcrcF€rcrcFTFOsdEMG'il ooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooo itr"j OOOOOO 10 qmt Pds tu Bm M shs $kloBc ^.I_O ':'-':' F{ [ i6/-! I'oow{r ]i.u O O O OO O O gi: 086 syE o o *nn ^x.- "4, () \7 "(\\7), rfPS; Pe Hh O,OO "*Y HAEIM EIII t E E!+II?H E= I 2 E F! REMOTE MAPPING 61 instrunents Jiggery-Pokery Sound //Rernote ap teriplate for Scope Jiggery Pokery con.jiggerypokery.JPSHamonicSynthesjzer //Conhol Surface ltem Key Remotable Item Scale JPS Harmonic Synthesjzer ode ap 14ap r4ap Velocity 14ap Expression Enable Enable Hap ilap udp flap I'lap I'1ap DHG Edit Select DHG I I DHG 1 Harmonic Hannonic 1 Harmonic 2 DHG 1 Harmonic 3 DHG I Harmonic 4 DHG I DHG I DHG I Harmonic Barmonic Barmonic DHG 1 Harmonic DHG I Harmonic DHG I'tap Map l'4ap Map |lap 5 6 7 8 9 10 I Harmonic 1t DHG 1 Harmonic 12 DHG 1 Harmonic 13 DHG I Harmonic 14 DHG llap DHG ap DHG 1 Hdrmonic 1 Hdrmonic DHG 2 Harmonic 1 2 l,4ap 2 Narmonic oHG 2 llarmonic oHG 2 Narmonic ilap oHG ap DHG flap DHG l4dp DHG Hap DHG Map DHG l,lap DHG 14ap DHG ap DllG DHG DHG l,lap DllG 14ap DHG ap ap Map Map 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 15 16 3 4 Narinonic 5 harmonic 6 Narmonic 7 Harnonic 8 Hamonic 9 Haff'onic 10 Harnonic 1l Harmonic 12 Hamonic Hanionic 13 Hdrmonic 15 Harnonlc 16 14 0s. loctave 0sc l 0sc 1 0sc l Shape Filter Tune Map ap osc t ap 0s. 1HG ap 0sc 1 Clarinet 0sc 1 Pulse 0sc I Flute ap Map Pan .TPS HAEIMEIIIIE EVil?H==I2EFI (... c 0 N T ' 62 D) 0sc l Norn llap 0sc l Strjngs Hap Rjng Map flap l,lod osc 2 octave osc 2 Shape osc 2 Fil ter osc 2 Tune |1ap 14dp osc 2 Iap osc 2 HG osc 2 Slnc Map osc 2 Pulse Pan ap l,1ap osc 2 Horn uap osc 2 Reed ap osc 2 Complex Map osc osc Hap llap t l Decay Sustdin ap osc 2 Trigger l,lode Iap l,lap osc 2 Hap 0sc 2 Sustain Decay ap l,lap l,lap r{ap r!ap off off osc 2 Note off osc 2 Note off osc 2 Note osc 2 flote Attack Hold Level Decay r,!ap 0sc l Pitchbend Time 0sc 1 Pitchbend Depth osc 1 Portamento Speed 14aP 0sc 2 Pitchbend 14dp osc 2 Pitchbend Depth Hap osc 2 Portamento Map 14ap Time Speed Map l,!ap uap osc I Noise Depth osc 2 Noise Depth Map Map LFo Sync l,lap LFO ap Rate H2 LFo Raie Sync 1 Tremulant ap 0sc 0sc osc osc 0sc ap osc 2 Iremolo Depth Map Map r,lap Map .,PS Shape 1 Vjbrato DePth 1 Trernolo Depth 2 Tremulant Shape 2 vibrato Depth I{AEIMEIFIIE =VFIiH==I=EEI CON T' D) 63 xap liap udp Filter Filter Speed Depth ap Hap Filter Q Hap l,lap Map Map l,4ap Nigh Pass Hjx osc 2 Fil ter Sequencer Hold l,{dp Hap Hap ap Sequencer Speed Hz Sequencer Speed Sync Distortion Enable ap liap Clean Gain liap Dirty Hap 0rive 14ap Chorus Enable Gain Map l,lap Chorus Hode l'4ap I'tap Hap Hdp Flanger Enable Flanger Sync Flanger Rate Hz lrap ap Irtap Flanger Color fldp Fldnger Hix ap Hap tlap ap |]ap I!dp tlap l,iap ap oelay Enable l,lap Delay Type Delay Sync Delay Left Time H2 Delay Left Time Sync l'1ap Del llap Del ay Ri9ht Time ay Right Time Del ay I'lap ap Map Hz Sync irap flap rtri x 14ap |1ap t'1ap ap rTPS Reverb Mix HAEIMEIFIIT! ; ICffiTB :shopl .rPS HAEMEIIiE =+R"I{ESI2EF! vr.o.o JPS Hahonic Svnlheez€r Rack Exrensi.n: us6r duide tovingty recreated and adapted trom ihe origtnat RlVt Harmonio Synthesizer manual. They donl wrile'em like thal anymore. .Roason", 'Rack Extension" and associaled togos are trademarks oi propelerhead Software AB. All @mmercial svmbols are protocted tlade names ol th6ir horder and iheir inctusion wiihin ihis guide and lhe Reason Rack Extension product are merety indicarive and do nol constitute endorsement otrtrispJult Oy any [any. Produced and Designed by Mait Black. Coded by ScuzyEye. Speciat thanks to th6 JpS Beta and Demo leam. O 2015 Jiggory-Pokery Sound. Attrights resetued. tma l: support@jl99ery Web: lwittr JiGGERY'POTERY @1i99€ryPokerymb Faebook li9geryPokerySound associaled TEIIE 1\lf-6.I<EE!, (c)F... -aEfrollf Rack Extensions ' ' .' ' Ammo 10OLA Modulation os.illator Portable sing e-channelos.lllatorlor audio and cvrate synrhesisand LFo,leaturng l28waveforms channel LFo geneGtor with aud o ouiput, rearuring t3; waveforms and advanced modu ation mx nq amno i200BR Modulation synthesizer advanced 4 channe LFo generarorand audlo synthsizer adds ssH, comparatorand Eedro switc; AnansiMidside Route. - MdAdeaudio rolterwtlh mono comparibi iry .heca 3 in mergeraid 3-outsptftte. charlotte E velope Generator g-staqe EG with time,level, curyeand velocity.onr.o pernage, anja priorityreledable MtDt ro .v-p tch sptitrer amoo 400R Modulation oscillators _ 4 'chenilleBBDchorusEnsemble-ReaisrcBBDcho.urdevice,basedontheTorsrringsynrhe;sembEs;ndrhectasscRoandDimensionDrackunit ' combo 310 unique organ lhe leqe.dary Dutch eectonc homd.hurch organ, besrknown asthe.Jarc orqan otoxrgeneand ' Equinoxe combo B3Torgan rhe famousamerican tonewheelorgan and Lesie combo in hiqhtyrweak abteaod add ctive Rack Extension {ormat 'combocohPactorqan_Theclassctalankansistororgannowinabrilianr,easyto;seandequatycomp:.1RackExtensiontormatBagso,Jun! 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' ' ' ' '. . combo continentar organ The cr.ssic Brtish rra.sisro. organ nafantasricRackExteisioirorrhat;sta.i6osreer! combo x-705 Space organ An nspirauonalFGnkensynth mo.stei an al-ln one Hammo.d cofe, synthes2erand Rhapsody 610 nrinq ensembe ltsy Stereo/Phase lnvener L/R.hanne flp,dcontrolabelSo stereo rnverti.g wdth adlusr, srereo phase nveden a.d ph*e corctai;n meterng iPS Harmoni( Synthesizer vintaqeadditivesynthesizeremuation,basedontheurrarareRMtk€vboard Lolth cv Delay SPlitter _ 4x4 channel.v spltter wrh ind€pendent y adtustable qa n and nve6ion rcnrro s, chaffe detay, and m rror n9 Mnanda cv Delay Merger 4x4 channelcv merger wrh independenry adjust ble gaii and nve6ion conrro s, channe detay, and mir.; nq Mordrcd audio Bypats Merger _4 x5.hannelnereo aldio mergerwilh independenlly swit.h-abte olrputsa.dauro iad€ conrroi Shelob audio avpass splitter - 4x 5 channel stereo aud o 5pitterwirh independenty eitch abte outputs, mtrronng, andalro-fade contro Superspider aundle _ Anans, tsv Lolth M randa, Mordr€d and shelob: buy au six and get one and a coup e of knobs on another absolLrey lreel steerpike aBD Detay Ensembte . V nrage sty e 6-rap BBD device, wilh muttipe detay modes ndudifg p:€ht, seriat, and reve.e Iitus BBD Delay Line A tiqhrweight tU detaydevicefeaturfga singh neerpik€ deiaytin", *i$,u,",i" ReFills ' Guita. vor.1+2:Stratoaster 6 Tete(aster Muhisamped gurarswirh sides, mur€s, sgnarure L6 efiec. and keyswrch nq '. Elements': ve<tor synthsjs workstation ' Massive patch colle.tion iearu ng Ko.q wavestation/M52ooo, wa dort Btoletd and Additions: Vintage Additive Synthesize6 OK 5yf erqy + K.wai K5m + fi o. FM. ' ' '. r '. " 83Ionewhels v1.5 rheo.iginai24-bitfofLertiesampiesReFitwirhadvancedroraryspeakeremutarion rarfisa combo compa.r Deruxe vi 5 _ rhe.omplere ser of orq nar2a-b t Fadsa em;res cover n9, both nandard and Deruxe mode s voxcontinentalvl.5_acomplete*toforlginalenpeslromthecassi(clooo.gan,aearurifgo;iginaandextendedconrnentalfoorages Hammond Novachord" -rhe nearanlique pre-!1^!2 monsts potyphonicvave svnrherizer RetrosPective:40 years ofsylrthesizer Historyr ovq IGbolvintaqesmph;frohsynrhsafd ete.tronrc keyboardstrom th€ Hotow5unarchve PUF cha tenge#2 caf be found a r hnp://soundcto u d,ro m/groupradditives 3-BlT Magic The ZX Spectrum Refill Classic Drum Madine Cottection v1.i Eminenr t10 Strinqsr, v3 are1otdsero."n,".o,n.Leta.FoJ.q.a,r).roro"oon.,e"orhr,dljmo,e.orveoolr.(to/e/aotroo3.O . . . . . ., q p o'ga' 'o. ioL, cd!r o*.are,etnoeip,oo"o,zrrira.g.rxzlsort:mucrr;;;",--"'Laser'. rhefamous Laser Harpsound, rhe Etka 5yrthex pres€r 46 "Ring Mod" Harpe Moog Taurus Bass synthesi2erra For vl.r more fformalon on these products and for d rec. downioads olthese a w de range ofqrcat Combiiaror skrns, please vis t ia&n ve.s ons, plus ' sc B85o Blue Meanie: Mrrualty an ARp26oo - Thorand Ko.q-based a.aloglesynth machne Kings of Kong classic Drum Ma.hinesr _the prehis ReFillfor Reason 5+, with over50 ctatstc beat boxeslor Konq orum Desgner Retro orqans v1.5 _ Hammo.d 83 + Farfsa aombo compact + vox conr nenral nonebrIafrneFt.aisoava]abtelorReasonE$enliah FreeFills ' Additives detoo veBion ofAddkions:the fantasti. addilives tracksirom " Rotand ncludei samoles icens€d from demo ReF is iornerospecrive Hotowsun..m ">