SYNTHESIZER = sc INSTRUCTIONS The SH-1 incorporates a sub-oscillator which adds a one- or two-octave lower pitch to the note played, thus widely expanding the sound. The newly developed VCO and VCF guarantees stabilized pitch and tone quality. The SH-1 is provided with an envelope follower to make synthesizer-like sounds from any type of sound source. It is also provided with a bender lever which greatly helps solo performance. The SH-1 features versatile functions like those found on larger synthesizers and it is designed to be compact and easily operable even by beginners. Copyright © 1978 by ROLAND CORPORATION AN rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION, PRECAUTIONS AND CONNECTION PRECAUTIONS ® Avoid using the synthesizer in very high or low temperature locations. Also keep it away from heaters and coolers since this type of equipment tends to affect circuit and pitch stability. e Avoid using the synthesizer in very dusty or high-humidity places. elf it is necessary to play the synthesizer in an area with neon or fluorescent lamps, keep the synthesizer as far away from these lamps as possible since they will induce high levels of noise, Sometimes, changing the angle of the synthesizer in relation to the lamps will help reduce noise. ® When connecting the synthesizer, plug the cord into the external amplifier first, then the other end into the SH-1 output. To disconnect, remove the cord from the synthesizer first, then from the amplifier. eTo clean the synthesizer, wipe with a cloth dampened with a neutral cleanser. Do not use solvents such as paint thinner. ® COMBINING WITH ELECTRONIC ORGAN "Tune to unison with middle С on the organ. i i I | | | 1 1 i 1 HME о о bi: HERE KANN E When playing an electronic organ in combination with the SH-1, set the units as illustrated above. ® CONNECTING FO AMP OUTPUT PHONES HML um HML um a ©} Ö a anal INPUT CV GATE O (0) © | EXT SIG | OUTPUT | Connecting the SH-1 to an amplifier. CONTROLS AND BLOCK DIAGRAM --—® CONTROLLER (page 8) @ MODULATOR (page 21) @ SUB-OSC (page 12} @ ENVELOPE GENERATOR ® NOISE (page 13) (page 19) CONNECTION JACKS @VCO (расе 9) @ MIXER (page 13) (page 5) O HPF (page 14) O VCF (page 15) VCA (page 18) ¡Roland . SYETTHESIGEN Epc Ez ЗЕ TE E ИН E ИНН ay JT HE HIHI | ji 7 | ] KEYBOARD {page 7) 1 ner пли Tenet o lira en = SIMPLIFIED BLOCK DIAGRAM PTT m PTT TT a. u ET EE “ дтп ттт A TA ~ f CONTROL \ f SOUND \ 4 \ |! ADSR \ | VOLTAGES | | SOURCES | MIXING | CONTROL AR | | FAX | | ¡voLtaces | ENV-1 ENV-2| | laa DT] VCO RS | E : | Вепа > | | \ fn. 2] } meee ee ee eee on yee mmm ee mn One mue ee ee es | mm | lt BEE EP 3 t ° | | a mes nas me mm mm — = | | SUB | 1 Ш Y Coro: 1 | MOD. ETA | | osc [Tt MIXER | |! if he | la №. , | | "т ar HPF г | УСЕ i” 4 VCA тм Ms # | I 04 | | | | } d N | { | TONE poe eee | | NOISE | |! COLOR à 4 МЕ | { \ | м # A f \ # | i ¡ il EL Mer Mm En ll er er | u Mee me mu mn mme eme = | } 1 | | RE | ЕМУ | I CON- — + [EXTERNAL > > TROLLER SIGNAL | 1 | | | | FOUR { \ } | И _ 1 À A # > - THE ABC’s OF THE SYNTHESIZER sBASIC BLOCKS MAKING UP A SYNTHESIZER PITCH. TONE COLOR VOLUME determined by determined by determined by CONTROLLED o” CONTROLLER a À à À À À à & KYBD-CV A de GATE SNE IL sms) A AN Mm SOUND KEYBOARD ' SIGNAL | — N Auto CONTROL LFO Hb + Env-1| | Env-2 | vorrace | Bend ! 7 ---+ MODULATION т y r GATE SIGNAL PT PULSE OSCILLATOR | "THE THREE QUALITIES OF SOUND The three gualities of sound are: pitch, tone color, and loudness. Sound is the result of physical vibration tn objects. The pitch produced depends on the vibration rate. Fig. 1 shows that the higher the vibration rate, or the higher the frequency. of the vibrations, the higher the pitch is. Frequency is measured in unit called the Hertz {Hz}. На sound source vibrates at a rate of 100 vibrations per second, it is said to have a frequency of 100Hz. The normal human ear can hear sounds with frequencies from about 20Hz to about 16,000Hz. In synthesizers, pitch is controlled by the VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscitiator). An oscillator is an electronic circuit which generates a wave- form, or in this case, sound. Voltage controlled means that a voltage is used to contral the frequency {pitch, in this case) of the osciltator; the higher the voltage, the higher the frequency. This, then, is the first quality of sound: pitch. Fig. 1 shows what are known as sine waves, the simpiest mode of vibration. The sound of a sine wave is very clean and pure. Most sound sources vibrate at many frequencies at the same FIG. 1 — SOUND PITCH = FREQUENCY VU time, however, The lowest of the vibrations, and usually the strongest, is the one which we hear as the musical pitch of the sound source. The presence of these other frequencies is what gives a sound source its second quality: tone color. The frequencies produced by the complex vibrations of a sound Source are called har- monics. Harmonics are usualiy multipies of the pitch frequency. For example, consider a sound source which vibrates so as to produce a pitch with a frequency of 200Hz. The first harmonic would be 200Hz {1 x 200 = 200). The first harmonic js also called the fundamental because this is the frequency which gives the sound its musical pitch. The second harmonic wouid be 2 x 200, or 400Hz. The third harmonie would be 3 x 200, or 600Hz; the fourth harmonic 4 x 200, or ВООН?, etc. Fig. 2 shows a square wave. Square waves produce a tone color much like that ofaclarinet. Square waves contain oniy the odd numbered harmonics, or in other words, those frequencies which are one, three, five, nine, etc. times the frequency of the fundamental, or pitch frequen- cy. The even numbered harmonics are missing. Tone color, then, is determined by the harmonic FIG. 2 — FONE COLOR = HARMONICS CONTENT SQUARE WAVE with three of rts harmonics shown NA SINE WAVE comem of the sound; the more harmonics there are, the brighter the tone color, In the synthesizer, tone color is controlled by the VCF {Voltage Controlled Filter}. The VCO produces a basic sound wave rich in harmonics. The VCF is used to remove (or filter out) some of these harmonics thus controlling the harmonic content of the finished sound. The amount of the harmonics removed is control- lable by a control voltage. The third quality of sound, loudness, is de- termined in a synthesizer by the level or ampli- tude of the waveform, as shown in Fig. 3, and is controlled by the VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier). The loudness of a sound changes during its production. Strike a piane key: and the sound jumps the maximum loudness. Hold the key down and the sound slowly dies away. This pattern of Joudness in a sound is called its envelope. The output of the envelope generator is a control voltage. This control voltage is used to control the УСА, thus shaping the toudness pattern of the output sound of the synthesizer. FIG. 3 — VOLUME = AMPLITUDE BIG SMALL ÓN NY VCA LOUDNESS = AMPLITUDE The contro! of loudness by means of the keyboard is of little practical use; the SH-1 has no provision for this type of control. The toudness pattern (or articulation) of a sound is produced by using the output of the envelope generator to control the VCA. CONTROLLED VCO VCF PITCH = FREQUENCY TONE COLOR = CONTROLLER HARMONIC CONTENT The most common use of the key- The tone color of mos: instruments KEYBOARD board control voltage is for the will vary with pitch; higher pitches control of the pitch of a УСО; the often produce brighter tone colors, pitch produced will correspond to lower pitches darker tone colors. the key pressed, For this purpose, the VCF can be controlled by the keyboard. With some sounds, it is desirable to The tone color of many instruments, ENVELOPE Incorporate pitch changes during the particularily the wind instruments, production of each note. changes during the production of The SH-1 contains a special envelope each note. This effect can be produced generator lautobend) provided exclu- with envelope generator control of sively for this purpose. the VCF. Raising the VCF RESO- NANCE control will produce sounds possible only on the synthesizer. LFO The LEO {Low Frequency Oscilla- With some sounds, the tone color (MODU LATOR) tor) produces low frequency wave will vary at the same rate as vibrato. forms, Using the LFO sine wave out- This can be done with LFO control put to control the pitch of the VCO of the VCF. Raising the VCF RESO- will produce vibrato effects. The LFO NANCE control will produce “growl” square wave output will produce effects. trills. The SH-? does not provide for LFO control of the VCA; however, the square wave output of the LFO can be used for triggering the envelope generators to produce rapidiy repeat- ing notes, “BASIC SYNTHESIZER THEORY In the synthesizer, then, the three qualities of sound are controlled by the VCO (pitch), VCF (tone color), and УСА Üoudness}. The tremendous versatility of the synthesizer is due to the principle of voltage control. The above table shows some of the possibilities. The keyboard has two outputs: a controi voltage and a gate pulse. The level of the control voltage will correspond to the last key pressed. The control voltage output is most often used to control the frequency of the VCO, thus, when a key is pressed, the VCO will produce the pitch which is related to that key. The key- board produces a gate pulse each time a key is pressed. The gate pulse is most often used to trigger the envelope generator into operation, The control voltage output of the envelope generator, then, “opens” the УСА to let the sound wave out, thus the synthesizer produces sound each time a key is depressed. The shape of the envelope is controlled by the envelope generator sliders. When the sliders are set, the envelope generator will generate a con- trol voltage which corresponds to the shape of the desired envelope. When this control voltage controls the УСА, it regulates the loudness level FIG. 4 — VIOLIN-LIKE SOUND N | fr of the sound so that the loudness will rise and fall in the desired pattern. Fig. 4 shows the output sound wave when the envelope generator controls are set to produce a violin-like envelope, and Fig. 5 shows the output sound for a piano- or guitar-like envelope. The tone color of many types of sound will often change during the production of each note. This can be done with the synthesizer by using the output of the envelope generator to control the VCF. There are two other sources of control voltage: the LFO {Low Frequency Oscillator} and the S/H (Sample and Hold}, each of which can be used to control various synthesizer functions. in the following pages, the functions of each of the synthesizer elements is explained in detail. When trying various sounds, try to analyze exactly what is happening; this will give you a better understanding of thesynthesizer. Synthe- sizer sounds are very much enhanced by the use of effects units such as echo chambers, re- verberators, chorus effects, phase shifters, flangers, etc, thus their use is highiy recam- mended. FIG. 5 — PIANO-LIKE SOUND Wa A LUA AA ae FIG. 6 — PARTS OF ENVELOPE A DD» CONNECTION METHODS - BASIC STEREO SYSTEM ELECTRONIC PIANO << ee pr Pr Pr; Е D a sa = HEADPHONES ( \ 0 @ HML (I O) A ни © 1, POWER SWITCH Push the Power switch and the LED {light emitting diode} will light, indicating the SH-1 is on NOTE: It requires about five minutes for the SH-1 circuits to completely stabilize. Keep this point in mind when using the SH-? on stage or in recording sessions. 2, OUTPUT LEVEL Set this switch to L, M, or H according to the input sensitivity of the amplifier used. Set to L or M for an ordinary guitar amplifier and to H for an audio amplifier or mixer, 3. OUTPUT Connect to guitar amplifier, mixer, or audio amplifier. If you use an effects unit like an echo chamber, connect it between the output jack and the amplifier. When using audio amplifiers such as those in home stereo systems, use caution with the volume control because the synthesizer is capabie of generating sound levels high enough to destroy the speakers. 4. PHONES OUTPUT LEVEL This switch changes the output level at the PHONES jack. Set it at the position to suit the sensitivity of the headphones you use. 5, PHONES JACK Connect headphones to this jack. Use headphones designed for normal home stereo systems. Roland RH-1 headphones Е i | Г 3 $ 3 OUTPUT PHONES INPUT HML pam PH ML pee Ö) O A al | | EXT SIG | © о © Oo 0 are suited for this purpose. The output level from this jack 15 constant, inde- pendent of the TOTAL VOLUME setting; therefore, you can turn down the volume from the speaker when adjusting sounds with the headphones. This is very con- venient for setting sounds on stage. 6. EXT SIG INPUT LEVEL This is a level changeover switch for the external input. Set to H for microphone, to M or H for an electric or electronic instru- ment. When connecting a tape recorder ar other audio devices, set to L. lf the output level is low even when the EXT SIG control on the AUDIO MIXER is set to maximum, set the EXT SIG INPUT switch a step higher. If the sound is dis: torted by excessive input, change to a sten lower. 7. EXT SIG INPUT Connect external sources such as a micro- phone, electric guitar, electric piano, or strings to this jack. | As the SH-1 incorporates an envelope follower, the VCF can be controlled by the levei of the signal from the external source to use the SH-1 as a kind of effects unit like automatic wah. When connecting the strings such as the Roland RS-202, connect the gate output also to make it possible to control the envelope generator of the SH-1 from the strings keyboard. With this setting, the VCF can be activated on brass chords producing sounds like a STRINGS © O ОИ VE EEE ER E PS CTRIC GUITAR CTRIC BASS Gate Dut INPUT GATE (e) O OUTPUT СУ GATE | ==. 6 © © ® polyphonic synthesizer. 8. CV OUTPUT This jack outputs the control voltage from the SH-1 keyboard. Connect to the CV input of an external synthesizer or the MC-8 MicroComposer to control such devices with the SH-1 keyboard. 9. GATE OUTPUT The gate output from the SH-1 keyboard can be taken from this jack. Connect to the gate input of an external synthesizer or the MC-8 MicroComposer for control of such devices with the SH-1 keyboard. 10. CV INPUT In the same way as the Gate input, control voltages from external sources can be connected to this jack. When connecting external contro! voltages to control the SH-1, be sure to set the KEY MODE switch to EXT position. (See page 8, No. 2). 11. GATE INPUT This jack receives gate pulses from sources such as the VK-6 or VK-9 Organ, the Model 104 (Systern 100) or Model 717A {System 700) Analog Sequencer, the MC-8 MicraComposer, the RS-202 String Synthe- sizer, etc. 12. TRIG INPUT This jack receives external trigger pulses. When a +15V pulse is fed to this jack, the SH-1 gate is triggered. CONNECTION METHODS - APPLICATION 1. SH-1 + EXTERNAL SYNTHESIZER (SYSTEM 100 — Model 101/102, SYSTEM 700, SH-7) | OUTPUT INPUT When the SH-1 is connected with the EX A ee as System 700, System 100 (Model 101/102), O) © O O SH-7, etc. the external synthesizer can be in A controlled from the SH-1 keyboard. It is also possible to control the SH-1 from the keyboard of the external synthesizer. Combined playing by two SH-1' is also effective. 2. SH-1 + SEQUENCER (SYSTEM 700 — Model 717A, SYSTEM 100 — MODEL 104) When the SH-1 is connected to an analog sequencer like the System 700 Made! 717 A or System 100 Model 104, automatic performance is possible. When using the System 700, up to 36 notes can be stored, and with the Model 104, up to 24 notes can be stored. СУ GATE СУ GATE © ©: (0) ©) | OUTPUT , | INPUT! _ 3. SH-1 + MICROCOMPOSER (MC-8) When the SH-1 is combined with the MC-8 Fr Microcomposer, performance of more than 5,300 notes can be carried out automati- cally. The note pitch and rhythm can be stored by use of the ten-keys. It is also possible to play the SH-1 to store the pitch я and rhythm directly in the MC-8. When N i eight SH-1's are used with the MC-8, eight voices can be automatically played simul- taneousiy. OUTPUT ! INPUT?! GATE | CY Pane bat QO © ee a Nee da 4. SH-1 + GUITAR SYNTHESIZER GR-500 When the SH-1 and GR-500 Guitar Synthe- sizer are combined, the SH-1 can be played using the GS-500 Guitar Controller. EXT SIG OUTPUT | INPUT! | PHONES INPUT CV GATE Cv ont | H ML [um] O O O © © O © 5, SH-1 + ORGAN VK-9/6 When the SH-1 and Organ VK-9/6 are combined, the SH-1 synthesizer sound can be produced by the upper manual of the organ, together with the organ sound. | 1 GURPUT PHONES INPUT CV GATE CV GATE H ML as, [m O O O (0) © (0) © * When controlling the SH-1 from external instruments like examples 2 thru 5, set the KYBD/ EXT CV GATE selector ta the EXT CV GATE, | EXT SIG OUTPUF <INPUT: KEYBOARD “KEYBOARD The SH-1 keyboard has 32 keys for a range of 2.1/2 octaves, but by use of the VCO RANGE switch and with the CONTROL- LER section TRANSPOSE switch, the SH-1 has a total pitch range of over eight octaves. With the RANGE switch at 8’ and the TRANSPOSE switch at M, the lowest C on the keyboard corresponds to middle C on the piano. "KEYBOARD VOLTAGE The keyboard produces a control voltage which corresponds to the key pressed. This control voltage is most often used to соп- trol a VCO so that it produces the pitch related to the key pressed. The SH-1 uses the relation of 1 volt/1 octave {one volt per octave} which means that a one voit change tn the control voltage will produce a one octave change in pitch. The relation is very common and is used on most synthesizers and related equipment, including professional studio equipment as well as stage type equipment. This means that the SH-1 is compatible with most equipment used in all forms of electronic music. Sva J6var 2. Le. 440Hz 2. = = E _) 1, LT = = "АЕ u ; we | | Е © Ги A | | | M3 td i L + e u | | ; | | | | 6: 5 I A | | т + — qe ur | + i | || | | A = | | | 1 Z IT gg # «4 ! a | A | & |! A 4 À = == % | 08H) 281.6Hz | 53242 104GHz | 20892 M86Hz 8372Hz ZA — Gi г 6542 | A Г | | {2 2'(TRANSPOSE-H) _ ОЗ | | | | | | by | | | Io lem | | |] | | | | | Е | | u | Ä | | в. Г 4 rot 4 | | | i; | a E Е | | | | 8 (ТВАМЗРОЗЕ-М _. | | pl | os TA! | SOUND RANGE | | | т | | AVAILABLE BY SH-1 | 01.016 llo | | | Ä | | | | 32° | | | | | | | | < 32'(TRANSPOSE-L}) | ПО | | y | | | "| | | | | | ] | | | | | | I | po] | | | | | | | | | | | | | À 88 KEY PIANO a KEYBOARD | | | | | | | | | 0 | | | Ä SH-1 KEYBOARD | | | | | | OV IV ¡AY KEYBOARD VOLTAGE { | | | | Е VK-9 ORGAN 2 KEYBOARD CONTROLLER 4, TUNING This controls the overall pitch of the SH-1. The tunable range is +700 cents (700 cents = perfect fifth), thus if C were the center pitch, the range would be from the F below to the G above. With this feature, the SH-1 can play transposing parts such as for trumpet or saxophone without having to rewrite the parts or transpose mentally. When first turning the SH-1 on, be sure to aliow enough time for the circuits to stabilize before trying to tune accurately. 2. CV/GATE SELECTOR SWITCH Set the selector switch to EXT CV/GATE when controling the SH-1 with external signals from ап organ, guitar, second synthesizer, sequencer, computer, string synthesizer {RS-202), etc. in performance, this switch is convenient because it allows instant changes of contro! of the SH-1 between contro! by its own keyboard or from an externa! source. When nothing is connected to the GATE and CV INPUT jacks, contro! will always be from the SH-1 keyboard no matter what the switch position ts. 3. VOLUME This controls the totai volume of the output sound from SH-1. Changing the tone color by means of the VCF sometimes causes a change in the volume of sound. in such cases, the volume should be adjusted with this knob. à, PORTAMENTO Portamento is the sliding of a note from one pitch to another. The svnthesizer is the only keyboard instrument which can produce portamento effects. Through the effective use of the SH-1 portamento feature you can create portamento effects like those sometimes used with trombone and violin playing. The PORTAMENTO knob controls the time required for the change of pitch. As this knob is turned clockwise, the porta- mento time is increased. At the extreme counterclockwise position no portamento is in effect. 5. TRANSPOSE SWITCH The TRANSPOSE switch transposes the keyboard pitches up or down one octave. L = LOW range; M = MIDDLE range, and Н = HIGH range. SENSITIVITY YOO vor | HIT НИНЫ ANDAR E ¡Roland SWITHESICER mone. SH-T PORTAMENTO O u THANSPOSE BENDER 6. BENDER This section functions for changing the pitch, tone color, or volume by means of the BENDER lever (6). The BENDER variation of the pitch is very effective for imitation of guitar choking. The BENDER lever controls the bend effects. М has a click-stop at center with a spring return to center, When using the BENDER for contro! of LFO death, the lever may be moved in either direction, the effect is the same. 7. SENSITIVITY SLIDER (VCO) This slider controls the pitch variation range induced by the bender, At maximum, it is possible to get a tone octave variation. Set at around “2” for normal bending. 8. SENSITIVITY SLIDER (VCF) This slider controls the tone color variation range induced by the bender. At the upper position, wah pedal effects are imitated by moving the bender iever. If the VCF CUTOFF frequency is set high, the tone colar variation may be poor even when the lever is moved with the VCF Sensitivity slider at high position. VCO - VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR mVCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator} The VCO is the primary sound source of the synthesizer and generates the basic waveforms. The frequency or pitch of these waveforms 15 controlied by a contro voltage. EVCO CONTROL VOLTAGE INPUTS The most important control of VCO pitch is by means of the keyboard control voltage and the BENDER contro! voltage. The keyboard control voltage is internally connected to the VCO. The BENDER contro! voltage is connected through the BENDER SENSITIVITY control. Other sources of control voltage for control of the VCO are: MOD {Modulator} and AUTOBEND voltage, and the S/H. Each of these may be fed to the VCO in the amounts needec to produce the desired effects. 1. MOD (Modulator or LFO) With the MOD slider at high position, the VCO is modulated by the output signals of Modulator. The VCO pitch will vary as shown in (1), (2), and (3) at the right, depending on the setting of the Modulator MODE switch. (1) Pitch varies continuously to give vibrato effects. (2) Pitch varies as in a trill. (3) Pitch varies irregularly to give random notes. 2. AUTOBEND DEPTH This control adds a change of pitch at the beginning of each note played. By raising this control, the VCO pitch is controlled by a voltage envelope as shown in (4) so that the sound starts with a lower pitch. The human voice, whistling, and other sound sources which begin on lower pitches will sound more real and natural using this. 3, AUTOBEND TIME This controls the time required for the VCO to return to its normal pitch when using the AUTOBEND. Raising the slider increases the time. Normally, this slider is set between O and 5; special effects are obtained with higher settings. WAVEFORM ATM п o — 6 FREQ WIRTH 00 (7 AUTOBEND — (—PULSE WIDTH MOD — MOD DEPTH TIME PULSE WIDTH | MIN | e © a rn im oso mom - . Ю | IIND a EH МИНИ di I ИН © un © © (1 rs au erro E y AS Cs TIME (2)MOD. (TL) " PITCH 4 >= L TIME (3)MOD.(Random) pitch à | Sy [159 0 om, р TIME (4)AUTOBEND fh — HARÉ | «Г CHANGE OF PITCH b _ +. RANGE SWITCH This switeh changes the VCO range in one octave jumps from 2’ to 32' for a total range of five octaves. The 8’ position of the RANGE switch is used for sounds in the middie sound range; the lowest C on the keyboard will produce the pitch of middie С. The 4” position produces pitches in the range one octave above 8, and the 2’ pasition produces pitches two octaves above 8'. The 16’ and 32' positions produce pitches one and two octaves below 8' respectively. 5, WAVEFORM SWITCH This switch selects the VCO output wave- form. 11) SAWTOOTH WAVEFORM (A) The sawtooth wave is very rich in harmonics and therefore is used very often. It is particularly suitable for brass and string sounds, and for sounds which only the synthesizer can produce. (2) SQUARE WAVE (TIL) The square wave is also rich in harmonics, but it contains only the odd numbered harmonics. The pure square wave has a sound quality very much like a clarinet. The clarinet and xylophone are common sounds synthesized with this waveform, as weil as sounds peculiar to the synthesizer. One effect which is very often used is the continuous sound of the square wave (without envelope control) accompanied by portamento, (3) PULSE WAVE (fi) When the top and bottom portions of the square wave are unequal, the result is what is called a pulse wave. The harmonic content of the pulse wave will depend greatiy on the width of the pulses. М 15 possible to modulate, or change the puise width by means of the LFO or the envelope generator. mm m SOUND RANGES OF VARIOUS INSTRUMENTS Sue 2 — —=- <- _À S + = Fi cy > SM i e) má | a у 1 ; 5 = | — | mm | —— | or | GLOCKENSPIEL XYLOPHONE FLUTE OBOE TRUMPET VIOLIN CLARINET TENOR SAX FRENCH HORN TROMBONE CELLO Se у u HH LE E ane „= CPR A CU RE ESS EN M us Baines rm ‘ee = — — — mt Me fl — Е: Е HA EH BS wa En mm mue el — Eh WAVEFORM DESCRIPTION HARMONIC CONTENT SAWTOOTH The sawtooth wave con- tains a fundamental sine wave and jts integral har- monic sine waves at a fixed ratio. The level of each harmonic 15 as shown on the right. When fundamen- tal content ts 1, the con- tent ofath harmonic is 1/n. F: Fundamental SQUARE The square wave contains a fundamental sine wave and its odd numbered harmon- ics at a fixed ratio. The level of each harmonic is the same as sawtooth wave: the content of mth harmonic is 1/n; except that there are no even numbered harmonics, JU PULSE With pulse wave, the har- monic content greatly Varies depending on the pulse width, М is charac- terized by a lack of the mb harmonic series when the pulse width is 1/n, The exampie on the left lacks 3rd, 6th, and 9th harmon- ies because the pulse width is 1/3 (33%). PULSE WIDTH at 33% (1/3, 10 VCO - VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR 6. PULSE WIDTH AND PULSE WIDTH MODULATION Pulse width refers to the ratio of the widths of the top and bottom portions of the pulse wave. Pulse width is measured in per- centages as shown in the drawing at the right. 10% pulse width produces a sound very rich in harmonics and is often used for synthesizing sounds such as the oboe, bassoon, and human voice. Note that a 50% pulse width is nothing more than a square wave. In addition to using fixed pulse widths, it is possible to modulate the pulse wave so that the width of the pulses varies con- tinually, as shown in the drawing at the right. Using the LFO to modulate the pulse width produces chorus-like sounds. The output of the envelope generator can be used to modulate the pulse width to produce sounds very much like those of pizzicato strings. With the PWM MODE switch at MANUAL, this control allows manual adjustment of the pulse width. Note that the lowest position, 50%, will produce a square wave. At the top is MIN (minimum) which produces a pulse width of about 10%. With the PWM MODE switch set at LFO or ENV-1, this slider controls the depth of the LFO or ENV-1 modulation. 7. PWM MODE SWITCH With this switch at MANUAL, the pulse widths may be set manually by means of the PULSE WIDTH MOD slider. In LFO, the pulse width will be modulated by the LFO output, and in ENV-1, by the output of ENVELOPE GENERATOR 1. OUTPUT WAVEFORM (1) PULSE WIDTH WAVEFORM «LT I — = PULSE WIDTH MOD — „ПЛ о = = 50% (2) PWM BY LFO LFO SIGNAL PULSE WIDTH MIN a an С PAR LFO MANUAL o 9 po PULSE WIDTH MOD y, PULSE WIDTH | MiN ae 10 AIN LFO OTAN ==. 5 MANUAL ENV +1 (3} PWM BY ENV-1 po PULSE WIDTH MOD = ENV-1 PULSE WIDTH SIGNAL 5 MANUAL OUTPUT ENV-1 WAVEFORM в fu в WAVEFORMS AND HARMONICS All waveforms except the sine wave can be generated by a combination of a fundamental sine wave of the pitch frequency and a group of sine waves which are multiples of the fundamental; therefore, any waveform can be synthesized by combining a fundamental sine waveform with a proper ratio of harmonics. The drawing below shows a funda- mental with its harmonics. The white notes are even numbered harmonics and the black notes are odd num- bered harmonics. {True harmonics are actually slightly different from the pitches produced by the equally tempered scale.) All waveforms, except the sine wave, contain harmonics. It is this harmonic content that gives each sound its particular tone color. meme EUR BMA pen MG ME FUNDAMENTAL 2ND 3RD 4TH БЕН 8' 4 2-2/3' 2 1-273 6TH 7TH 8TH STH 10THHARMONIC 1-1/3" = q 8/9" 4/5 И SUB-OSCILLATOR "Sub-oscillator The sub-oscillator is actually a part of the VCO and generates a pitch one- or two- octaves lower than that of the VCO. Three types of waves are availabie: a one- octave lower square wave, 3 two-octave lower square wave and a two-octave lower pulse wave, Mixing the sub-oscillator output with the VCO output will give new dimensions to your sound, as if two VCO's were used, Figure {1} shows the combination of a PWM wave from the VCO and a one- octave lower square wave, which can be used to synthesize accordion or organ sounds. Figure (2) shows the combination of a square wave from the VCO and a two-octave lower square wave, which can be used to synthesize vibraphone sounds. Figure (3) shows the combination of a pulse wave from the VCO and a two-octave lower pulse wave, which produces very heavy sounds suited for rock music and effective for ad-lib performance. The correct adjustment of the AUDIO MIXER controls is very important since the sound will vary greatly with different balances, 1. 1 OCT DOWN (ACCORDION, ETC. See page 34.) VCO PWM WAVE 1 ост pown | LI SUB OSC MIX SUB OSC MODULATOR || MODE MO ru MIXED WAVE J a PITRE ET ER г a NOISE 2, 2 OCT DOWN (VIBRAPHONE, ETC. See page 35.) VCO SUB OSC 2 OCT DOWN! 1] MIX MODULATOR ; [271.12 I ru Par MIXED WAVE u с ПАО Г HET NOISE ba J < AUDIO MIXER © 5%" Simi on e | oo а |—— —j [mm |= —| AE 2 “ar | Poe! eee o | [ern | jr == ыы вы Lier) | миня EST HSE =a — — = — — — — een — a | dus —.| | = een [ol — E] sim 3. 2 OCT DOWN (VERY HEAVY SOUND FOR ROCK. See page 37.) ALL PWM WAVE VCO SUB OSC 2 OCT DOWN [L_! i L' MODULATOR MIXED WAVE ИИ АНИ F he г \ SUB OSC HOSE iget Echar ru WHITE por ост DOWN | 6 Е тост EAP, je #0 03 nt xi AUDIO MIXER © 935% NOISE GENERATOR AND AUDIO MIXER "NOISE GENERATOR The NOISE GENERATOR is used as the sound source for effect sounds like wind, surt, and thunder. в NOISE WAVEFORM Two types of nolse are available: white noise and pink noise. White noise is the random combination of LE AL | all frequencies, This kind of noise is like ‘iy AK me the hissing sound which can be heard when an FM tuner is set at a point where there is no station broadcasting. Pink noise is similar, but has some of the higher frequencies filtered out to produce a sound more like a waterfali, The random notes of the MOD (Modulatar) are due to irreguiarly changing voltages produced by sampling the notse wave. AUDIO MIXER О |. SUB EXT OSC NOISE SIG BAUDIO MIXER This mixer mixes outputs of the VCO, Sub-osciliator, Noise Generator, and the external input signal. The OVERLOAD indicator lights when the external level is excessively high. The indicator is not related to the position of EXT SIG slider. Keep the external signal level so that the overload tndicator goes on at the peak volume. MIXING PRINCIPLE Adding SUB-OSC 1 Oct Down Г], VCO | ¥ to СОГУ SUB [> | Te SUB Z MIXER NOISE 3 GEN |. Ny EXTERNAL INPUT т OVER- | | > 5 LOAD Mono] EXT и SIG ES HIGH PASS FILTER "HIGH PASS FILTER Before entering the VCF, the sign WAVEFORM CHANGES IN THE HPF als mixed in the AUDIO MIXER pass through the HPF (High Pass Filter). The HPF blocks iow frequencies and passes high frequencies. D With the CUTOFF FREQ contro! at its lowest position, all sounds pass th rough the HPF without change; this may be thought of as its normal position. When the CUTOFF C FREQ control is raised, the HPF will remove the lower harmonics fram the sound source, thus brightening the sound. It ts B normal for higher positions of this contro! to produce lower levels of output sound; compensate for this by raising the VOL- UME contro}, A The HPF can be used for synthesizing LLL ++ i HIGH Bernd! ИНИННЕ a a KAP Y NN harpsichord and oboe sounds, for example. им HPF FREQUENCY RESPONSE | / / и. и FREQUENCY — ACTION TO BE TAKEN WHEN DESIRED SOUND CANNOT BE PRODUCED. N Normally set Raising HPF No sound is produced Normally set at Tune with piano, MODE $ N, may reduce when all ENV controis} [KYBD GATE. organ, pitch pipe, (sine wave! volume. are set at "0" tuning fork, etc. : Roland | MoouLaror | veo Viv sunose || rose If nee |} [ 4 ENV-2 | ete LÉ El un of LES 7 nu pera TE =) pz == = = ap = = = ES ЕЕ is — |= ЕН ОЕ Е: DC + =p] m H Se a ln, we ЕН О | ЕСД = an JL Er TY 2] ) A A — РЕ SE eee sa —, muro MIXER Oe curas | УСА YOR Бы: . Mb ЕР ны мА Sd wei ¥EO mec SF FREQ PE Sea . fv teen “SRE | ! ler ns Seed jun Moins A cf a | “SBE et] foe} jm lot ie ips IO ЗЕЕ ЕЕ ЕЕ |: Js: ЕЕ SE SE ‘a = 15] 7 me lee fi fi = | Е mim il pit eS | We SEE | SEE EE EE ЕЕ == | LE EL | | ml ENT УТ етот К E N UT rn pre == un pr == | Ne af hee, IM a ha at Ai | Normally set MOD at “O" — "5", | No sound with VCE will oscillate With HOLD at MIXER sliders with Resonance at high position, | Normally set at "4" — "6", | at low position, high position. sound continues indefinitely. 1j Р or oF an ag = . Normaliy set PORTAMENTO at 0 3 | No sound with Cutoff Freq at very low Ма sound at ‘CO position. | — | position. и When по sound is produced at all check the following items. (1) Are the POWER switches of the SH-1 and amplifier an? (2) Are volume controls of the external amplifier, mixer, etc. raised? (3) Are connections correct? (See page 5.) (4) Are the cords detective? J 4 VCF - VOLTAGE CONTROLLED FILTER VCF | (VOLTAGE CONTROLLED FILTER) The VCF is a low bass filter whose cutoff frequency (or filtering characteristics) can CUTOFF | EXT SIG be controlled by means of a control FREQ RESONANCE 1 MOD KYBD ENV FOLR voltage. The VCF, being a low pass filter, HIGH MAX u 10 acts in a way opposite to that of the HPF, К passes low frequencies and blocks high frequencies. The VCF ts used to alter tone colors by cutting or boasting harmonics in the signals sent from the VCO or noise generator. 1. CUTOFF FREO CONTROL This control determines the frequencies which will be removed by the VCF. At its highest position, ali sound passes through the VCF without change, thus this may be considered its normal position. Н the control is stowly lowered, it will begin to shave off the upper harmonies of the sound passing through the VCF. In its lowest A Horner] ИНННИ в VCF FREQUENCY RESPONSE position, the VCF CUTOFF FREO control will remove all frequencies so that the A VCF blocks all sound. dB NOTE: If the synthesizer produces no sound, this 15 one of the first things you A B С D should check, Tone color is determined by the waveform, or the harmonic content, of the sound; the more harmonics there are, the sharper the waveform and the brighter the tone FREQUENCY —= color. The fewer the harmonics there are, the more rounded the waveform wil! be and the softer the tone color. The polarity of the envelope contro! voltage which reaches the VCF is determined by the ENVELOPE POLARITY switch (7). In the normal f— } position, the VCF cutoff frequency point will rise, following the shape of the envelope, each time the envelope generator is triggered. Since the cutoff point rises, the CUTOFF FREQ control should be kept away from its HIGH position, otherwise the envelope will have no effect. With the ENVELOPE POLARITY switch + ÓN in the inverted{L-"} position, the cutoff Ny, \ point of the VCF will fall, following the envelope pattern, thus, for this position, the CUTOFF FREO control should be IN kept away from its LOW position for the 7 14 7 envelope to affect the VCF. Ny DY J av. J The cutoff frequency is also affected by the KYBD slider. Compensate for this by adjusting the CUTOFF FREQ slider. ET 9 A A 3 й I = 0 5 5 — 5 Us U — eo 9 Y 3 16 2. RESONANCE CONTROL This control accents the frequencies at the cutoff point of the VCF, At *'D”, the RESONANCE control has no effect. The effect will become stronger, the higher the contro! is raised. With the RESONANCE control at a high position, moving the CUTOFF FREQ slider will produce sounds peculiar to the synthe- sizer, At about 8”, the frequencies at the cutoff point are accented so strongly that the VCF starts to oscillate by itself, or in other words, it begins generating a sine wave even with no input to the VCF. The frequency of this sine wave will depend on the position of the VCF CUTOFF FREO control. | When the KYBD slider is raised, the pitch can be controlled with the keyboard to play music. In addition, a variety of effect sounds are also obtained by the oscillating VCF. When the resonance control is set at a high position, total volume may fall. The volume should be compensated for with the volume control. 3. ENV-1 CONTROL With this control raised, the cutoff point of the VCF will change during the production of each note, following the pattern dictated by the setting of ENVELOPE GENERA. TOR 1. This type of VCF modulation is very often used with brass sounds, For example, with the ENV-1 controls at around A=0, D=5, 5=0, R=5, the К type envelope controis the VCF, The VCO waveform, a square wave in this case, is modified from Ato E as shown at the right each time a key is depressed. At the instant a key is depressed, the cutoff frequency is high and the original VCO wave passes unchanged. As time passes, the envelope voltage falls and the cutoff frequency lowers, changing the waveform from В to D, if the cutoff frequency slider is lowered below a certain level, signals are blocked as shown at E. With the ENV-1 polarity in the inverted position (y), the VCO waveform changes in the opposite way. Normally, the Polarity switch is set in the normal position(/~). The inverted (1, )envelope is used for producing special effects. и FUNCTION OF RESONANCE CONTROL À A CUTOFF FREQ RESONANCE FREQUENCY — МАХ _ HIGH | — Г dB FREQUENCY —e _^ \ FREQUENCY me A PD о =. BIER ET = CONTROL OF VCF BY ENVELOPE (№) Af--|--F--}--[ СЕ Ce No signal passes. 16 VCF - VOLTAGE CONTROLLED FILTER 4, MOD (Modulator) Controliing the VCF with the Modulator MODE switch at the (“\) position produces effects like continuous wah pedal move- ment. With the MOD slider at the maxi- mum, grow! or fiutter effects are produced. With the RESONANCE slider at the lower position, tremolo effects are produced, which is a slight varying of the loudness. With the Modulator MODE switch at RANDOM, the VCF response varies stepwise to produce very interesting tone color changes which are useful for proces- sing noise or external signals. 5. KYBD CONTROL This control allows control of the VCF cutoff point by means of the keyboard control voltage. The tone color of many instruments will change with pitch; this effect can be produced by means of keyboard control voltage control of the VCF cutoff point. When the slider is set at maximum, the VCF cutoff frequency will change at the rate of 1 volt/1 octave, and the VCF CUTOFF FREO control will have to be set a little lowe- than it would be without keyboard contro 6. EXT SIG ENV FOL'R {ENVELOPE FOLLOWER} CONTROL This control will allow the VCF cutoft point to follow the level of an external audio signal. To get effective wah effects, keep the external signal level so that the overload indicator goes on at the peak volume. The best wah effects are obtained with instruments whose sounds decay slowly, such as guitars and pianos. И is also inter- esting when used with wind instruments and the human voice. See pages 47 and 48. 17 m CONTROL VOLTAGES ON VCF ENV-1 PAYA, + VD MODULATOR L I yA À я 2 IKYBD-CV ^^ SENSITIVITY o. Resonance ENV FOUR | [BENDER = CONTROL OF VCF BY KYBD-CV | | Filter characteristics changes with pitch. + KYBD-CV Г at maximum _Y | 1 KYBD-CV f Filter characteristics are constant without regard to sound pitch. | at Minimum y "a = CONTROL OF VCF BY ENVELOPE FOLLOWER OVERLOAD EXTERNAL INPUT о y—o-*o— PRE- AMP МХЕВ VCF + O SENSITIVITY A NZ ENVELOPE FOLLOWER OUTPUT EXTERNAL > Епуеюре SIGNAL | Follower m EXAMPLE OF SETTING TO USE ENVELOPE FOLLOWER a a po ”, += Fri =z a = À ye Е: т Ш = $ 5 3 FEEL Ee HN m [HN LE A Choon © 17 Su m1 al AYBO Eb ЕС. A VCA - VOLTAGE CONTROLLED AMPLIFIER и \/СА (VOLTAGE CONTROLLED AMPLIFIER) The VCA is an amplifier whose gain is controlled by a control voltage. in other words, the varying contro! voltage acts much like a volume control to any sound passing through the VCA. If the output of the envelope generator is used to control the VCA, then the sound passing through the УСА will take on a loudness pattern corresponding to the shape of the envelope voltage. 1. ENVELOPE SWITCH (ENV-1/ENV-2) This switch decides which of the two envelope generators will control the УСА. At ENV-1, the envelope used for control af the VCF is aiso used for the control of the VCA, Normally this is set at ENV-1, which has A {attack}, D (decay), S {sustain}, and В {release} controls. The ENV-2 has А tettack) and R (release) controls only and is convenient for synthesizing con- tinuous sounds like the violin and organ. When controlling the VCA by an envelope separately from the VCF (for brass instru- ments, for example}, use ENV-2. 2. HOLD CONTROL When there is no envelope, the VCA is “closed” and will not pass sounds. Raising the HOLD contro! will “open” the УСА to let sounds through. К is most often used when it is desirable to control the sound envelope entirely by means of the VCF, or when tuning the synthesizer, or when processing external sound sources. When controlling the VCA with an envelope, set the HOLD slider at “0”. If the HOLD slider is raised, the volume of sound cannot be controlled by the envelope as shown at the right. With the HOLD slider at “10”, the УСА is completely “open” and sound is produced at a constant volume. tn were 7" set = U 1 —— — e nr ыыы ut a м FUNCTION OF УСА ENV-1 ENV-2 и FUNCTION OF HOLD HOLD = at maximum я wi , = la pn = ог: > HOLD at middle ! М = ме E © > HOLD | at minimum VOLUME 2 18 ENVELOPE GENERATOR MENVELOPE GENERATOR Depressing a key on the keyboard triggers the envelope generator into action. The envelope generator generates a control voltage which varies with time according to the control settings, This control voltage is used to control the VCF cutoff frequency point so as to vary the tone color during the production of a note, and/or it is used to control the VCA to give the output sound its loudness contour. The drawing on the right shows the four parts of an envelope. The SH-1 incorporates two envelope generators. The VCF is controlied by the ENV-1, while the VCA can be controlled by either the ENV-1 or ENV-2, ENV-1 has four controls: A (attack), D {decay}, 5 {sustain}, and А (release). ENV-2 has two controls: À {attack} and R (release) with a sustain level set perma- nently at maximum. =CONTROL BY ENVELOPE When controlling the VCF and VCA with envelopes, four combinations are possibie: 1. Controlling VCA with ENV-2 Oniy the УСА Is controlled by the AR sliders of ENV-2 to synthesize the sound of strings, etc. 2. Controlling VCA with ENV-1 Only the VCA is controlled by ENV-1 to synthesize piano-like sounds. 3. Controlling both VCF and VCA with ENV-1 Both the VCF and VCA are controlled with ENV-1. This mode is most frequently used. 4. Controlling the VCF with ENV-1 and the VCA with ENV-2 The VCF and VCA are controlled by different envelopes to synthesize brass sounds. GATE TRIGGER SELECTOR SWITCH This switch selects the pulse which will activate the envelope generator. 19 ИНН НИИ [И to III ЕН a) hii ИИ = ENV-1 OUTPUT (ADSR) " KYBD GATE ON OFF | | | re A> BR | = ENV-2 OUTPUT (AR) | y | | | | | | Sustain level is | } constantly | ' maximum, | i | | | A (ATTACK TIME) CONTROL This slider controls the amount of time which is required for the voltage to reach its maximum level after a key is depressed. This is called attack time. {DECAY TIME} CONTROL This slider controls the amount of time required for the voltage to fall to the level set by the SUSTAIN control. This time is called decay time. $ (SUSTAIN LEVEL) CONTROL This slider determines the leve! to which the voltage will fall at the end of decay time. Once this level is reached (at the end at decay time) it will be held until the key is released. Note that if the SUSTAEN control is set at maximum, there will be no decay time since the voltage level cannot fall to maximum. With the SUSTAIN control at maximum, then, the DECAY control has no effect. Note that ATTACK, DECAY, and RELEASE control time elements and SUSTAIN: controis level. R (RELEASE TIME} CONTROL Thisslider determines the amount of time required for the voltage to fail to minimum level after the release of the key. This switch is usually set at GATE + TRIG or GATE for triggering the envelope generator each time a key is depressed. The gate portion of the keyboard output actually consists of two simultaneously generated pulses. The gate pulse is merely a constant voltage which appears any time one or more keys are in the depressed position. In other words, it is like the output of a light switch. Depressing one or more keys turns the voltage on; when all keys have been released, the voltage goes off. The trigger pulse is a short pulse which is generated when a new key is depressed. When two or more keys are pressed, a trigger pulse will be produced each time the highest key in the group is depressed or released. The GATE + TRIG position of this switch might be considered its normal position. This position will trigger the envelope generator for each note in a passage played legato as shown at (A). It is also useful for playing fast trills very easily. This is ac- complished by holding down the lower note in the trill while repeatedly tapping on the key for the upper note of the trili. The GATE position of this switch is useful in legato passages where it is desirable to produce only one envelope for the complete phrase. in the LFO position, depressing a key will cause the envelope generator to be triggered by the LFO. This is useful for producing rapidly repeating notes such as those sometimes used in mandolin playing. in addition, this position synchronizes the LFO output to the keyboard so that the pattern of repeated notes will always start the instant a key is depressed. = ENVELOPES FOR VARIOUS INSTRUMENTS и FUNCTION OF GATE AND TRIGGER GATE | TRIGGER | ENV-1 OUTPUT WAVEFORM (GATE + TRIGGER) NL ENV-1 OUTPUT WAVEFORM (GATE) MN m ENVELOPE GENERATOR CONTROLLED BY LFO ON KEY | | ОЕЕ | | ; | 1 1 LFO (MOD) ENV-1 OUTPUT (0) - = FLUTE VIOLIN TRUMPET HARPSICHORD XYLOHPONE ENVELOPE WAVEFORM 2 D 10 2 ADSR == - - SETTING |= i= = = = CONTROLLED FUNCTION VCF/VCA VCA VCF/(VCA] VCA VCF/VCA 20 Se 1 and Tr ED Wer MODULATOR (LFO) "MODULATOR The Modulator includes an LFO and an S/H as shown beiow. The LFO 15 an oscillator which generates wavetorms of a low frequency. The range is from about 0.2Hz to about 25Hz. The output of the LFO can be used for modu- lating the VCO, or VCF, and for triggering the envelope generators. The S/H {Sample and Hold) produces random signals by sampling the output fram the noise generator at arate determined by the LFO (See opposite page). 1. MODE SWITCH This switch determines which waveform will be used for VCO and VCF modulation. The Mois the most commonly used wave- form. Controlling the VCO, it produces vibrato effects, or pitches which sweep up and down. Controlling the VCF, it produces growl effects (with faster LFO rates) or tone color vibrato, which occurs in some instruments in conjunction with pitch vibrato. The other positions are more often used for special effects. For example, using the square wave to modulate the VCO pitch will produce trills. 2. RATE CONTROL The RATE slider controls the frequency of the modulator output, Raising the control increases the frequency. The frequency can be visually checked by means of the LED. For vibrato-like effects, this control is normally set at about “5”. MODULATOR MODE FL RANDOM . RATE eh a bn ИИННИ a AY FLA TIME sms ами E a mn a | 4 м CONSTRUCTION AND FUNCTION OF MODULATOR SLL. LFO GATE 222222200 NOISE | “AND” GATE | KYBD GATE \ } | | i | | | KEY BOARD n | weg y ou 1 A PP A e A — — — A — — VCF MOD 21 3. DELAY TIME CONTROL и EXAMPLE OF DELAYED VIBRATO When this control is raised, pressing a key on the keyboard will produce a delayed Cmaj? Am? Dm? Dm7(onG) entry of the sine wave. This is especially A „— moon effective for delayed vibrato effects, such 2 Lu as in the musical example shown at the HH ; +— right. The delayed sine wave is also useful e) o — n for delayed growi or wah wah, and for delaved tremolo. !f delayed entry of the м KEY TRIGGER ACTING ON PHASE OF EACH WAVE sine wave is not desired, then this control must be set at “D”. SINE WAVE MN IN N MN aN “GATE TRIGGER SWITCH LA) Nu NA, Ny, \ When the GATE TRIG switch of the envelope generator is set at the LFO SQUARE WAVE position, the frequency of the LFO is (TL) lacked to the keyboard gate pulse. What — Nan this means is that when a keyboard gate pulse appears, it triggers the LFO to begin KEY ON its wave generating process from the begin- Ke ning, or in other words from the highest level contained in the waveform. With some uses of the LFO, this is a desirabie feature. The drawing at the right shows what happens to the LFO waveforms when a gate pulse occurs. F4 LJ wail Fat on, Po Вы nn =| т | ) т ( + и FUNCTION OF SAMPLE & HOLD MSAMPLE/HOLD NAVÉFORM mn | |] | tin E \ The S/H (Sample and Hold) produces : | | | | random voltage sequences by sampling | input waveforms. Each sample represents the voltage level at the instant the sample was taken. The HOLD portion of the SAMPLING | | | | circuit holds this voltage level until the ru | | next sample is taken. The result of this is a control voltage output which changes stepwise in random patterns. When used to control the VCO, this produces notes with Г] random pitch patterns when the Envelope S/H Generator GATE TRIG switch is set at АЕ _ = uch LFO and a key on the keyboard is pressed, as shown below. M Mit: At OO D A AT REA LE LE AL Lt 7 Ip Erg ws ЧИ £ AL qn Г. N_ A Ll и EXAMPLE OF SETTING FOR RAMDOM NOTE С < E Roland MODULATOR) { . УСО | | sus 086 Vf NOISE HPF | ENY-1 \ ЭЧУТИНЕРАСЕР ме | AAMGE МАМЕ РО ru tr Г Kaküok ru Hr a COWH woe, ЗН-1 > “4 u PU mare = 37 T — т i N Zu TUNG a ru we e = | TED _ 2007 pue — w PRC TA ru on { | | } I Ak ER ty , * ЕТ СУ o Г” = pa GATE CUTORF | AUD XEH oven. | ad Py = por SUT DREN —, rm PULSE ROTA UDO e, oO MIXE O Los TIME MOT DEFTH ТАМ PULSE wiElH CUTOFF FAÉO > e] Lad Zz lu я AA HT TT = JN я TEE ПИ E E JA u — he, A, = N - SYNTHESIZING SOUNDS 1. WAVEFORM AND RANGE и Basic Setting (depressing key produces 8' 1 wave) Roland Я ТИНЕЗИЕР sore, SH-1 MODULATOR | МО DEATH VCO FREG WIOTH TIME — a] — зы AUTOGENG =, PULSE ATA MOG Ss, Pa Sk WIETH ми Г nl < м” an SUB 05% NOISE HPF EHY-1 ENY-2 AE FoR CUTCFF FREQ a E £ A A R Es um „1 ru lim, DOM + ii | | зриринь — a [| mue в пы wert me ii oy is 2ECT LÉ Il И = i I an ziel || em р OCT ри des II 127] 1 Serie AA | jun à TL] hart O JA PL Las L' | ‘ae Let Г a 1 [ AUDIO MIXER OH ZEIT See FREQ RESOHAANCE Env.) MoD ATBO ENV Fo A al E — — — ИН vor clear ——| jr {| dj Herren eee | ol bee | a! ed ae eee | | er — | (mr) je Le — in order to understand synthesis it is usually best to begin by imitating known sounds. Using a guitar amplifier, stereo amplifier, or headphones, read and try the following. 1. The Basic Setting First set the synthesizer as shown in the drawing above. Pressing a key produces the sound of the 8’ Л waveform. Try this sound with the RANGE switch at 32’, 16’, 4° and 2’ also. 2. Differences in Waveforms Since the VCF CUTOFF FREQ control is at HIGH, the VCO waveforms pass through the synthesizer without change. Try the other wavetorms. Changing the WAVEFORM switch to Fiji as shown in (1) produces the square wave. Note the difference between this tone color and that of the sawtooth wave. The WAVEFORM switch setting in (2) produces the pulse wave. Try moving the PULSE WIDTH slider slowly up and down and note the differences in tone color, (3) shows how to obtain LFO modulation of the pulse width. This produces a very electronic type sound. Try different positions of the PULSE WIDTH slider and the MODULATOR section RATE slider. (4) shows how to obtain pulse width modulation by means of ENV-1. Try ENV-1 settings of: A=0, D=5, S=0, and R=5 for an interesting effect. 23 OUTPUT ON KEY OFF 1) Г ¡SQUARE WAVE УСО 16 a FREO WIRTH OO — г ALTOBEND —, m PULSE WIDTH MOD =, DEPTH TIME E IH LA с PULSE WIDTH г a LFO 5 = EH vw -1 mn НИИ E rn LFO MODULATION OF a PULSE WAVE УСО nace PATES O о 17 AUTOBEND — pe PULSE WIDTH MOD =, MOD DEPTH TIME PULSE WiDTH ППП M ic AN il ueno | Im =p LF = Cr rs = = _ 5 Po I | IO ne envi Ze „UT: 504 | | | PULSE WAVE a a Ae VCO 6 e gr SUTOBEND — DEPTH TIME г a” = ИНН HHT ИНИИИ ee o) O 7 PULSE WIDTH MOO —, PULSE WIDTH ЕМУ мы ыыы weet Hf) AA =— ЕС та 4 =. a =’ ENVELOPE MODULATION OF PULSE WAVE 2 | Ln o УСО ¡o FREQ «WIDTH O #7 AUTOREND = MOT РЕРТН TIME Sist: E HEE nl ИНН we o) pr PULSE WIDTH MOD >, PULSE WIDTH Min ue A pe ee | — i "НИИ = 5 a — ERY. — ‘J A » SYNTHESIZING SOUNDS 2. ENVELOPES 1. Envelope Control of the VCA It is the nature of the VCO to produce its ENV-1 ENV-2 waveforms continuously. Using the Basic Setting {opposite page}, try moving the VCA HOLD control up; the sound will be continuous whether a key Is pressed or not. O With the normal Basic Setting, the VCA is controlled by means of an envelope IL frm generator to produce sound only when а key 15 pressed. In the Basic Setting, the ENV-2 “A” and VCO no m VCF a VCA > *R* controls are at 0”, thus the sound is like an electronic organ because it starts and stops instantly. If the ENV-2 controls are set as shown in (1) at the right, the sound will take on the shape of a violin sound. The tone quality will become even more violin-like if you use the sawtooth (1) STRINGS ENVELOPE waveform with the RANGE switch set at 4' or 8’, Check the sound with other settings MTS ЕМУ. Vf ENV»2 of the RANGE switch, too. 2. Controlling the VCA with ENV-1 The sustain level of ENV-2 is permanentiy set at maximum; oniy the attack time A”) and release time (R”) are adjustable. To produce envelopes such as shown in (2) and (3), use ENV-1 to control the VCA. To do this, set the VCA envelope select switch at ENV-1. (2) shows an example of a piano-like envelope setting. Raise the HPF slider and use the Pulse wave output of the VCO with ENV-1 control of pulse width moduta- 12) PIANO ENVELOPE tion for a harpsichord-like sound, Try this envelape setting with different waveforms and RANGE settings. (3) shows a very percussive envelope for pizzicato-like sounds, Try different widths of the puise wave set at 4’ or 8°, Also, try the sawtooth wave set at 32’. ИНН DAT ИХ » rt < BS a НЫ НН НИНЫ (3) PIZZICATO ENVELOPE Г ENV-2 N . | SYNTHESIZING SOUNDS 3. CONTROLLING TONE COLOR WITH THE VCF Controlling Tone Color with the VCF All the settings on the previous page were with the VCF CUTOFF FREO set at HIGH so that the VCF had no effect on the sound. Set this way the VCF becomes a fixed filter. in the drawing below, the CUTOFF FREO and RESONANCE con- trols are set to alter the tone color of the waveforms from the VCO. The KYBD slider is raised so that the filter will follow the pitches played on the keyboard. The loudness contour of the sound is produced by ENV-1 control of the УСА. (1) Controlling the VCA with ENV-1 ENV-1 | (PIANO-LEKE SOUND) N_ (Roland | moouLaron | { Sr THESICER я & O HEH pith a ns | L LA nn г MODE ws SH-1 naman TM ny | E mu di т м г A ui Lr a тет Pi. mad A г Ч > a г" SUB 056 NOISE HPF + owed ge ru тост Deen NE: CUTOFY FREG a +] a a a] — tul iow nn JN ii hn a Fr AUDIO MIXER © 031% pan PULSE OT M MOD =~, 7 SE Er Ц ET Sc РЕК ЖЕ WIGTH woo Os U + 19 2 an mE = o AL pa E =z НИЯ ME Aveo ENV ЕС. 9 Since the KYBD stider is raised causing the VCF to foliow the pitches played, the tone color will be the same for all notes played, thus, using ENV-2 to control the VCA produces organ-like sounds, Moving the VCF CUTOFF FREO or the VCO PULSE WIDTH controls will change the tone color. Try raising the AUDIO MIXER SUB OSC slider to produce a bigger sound. Also try the BENDER far a choking effect. {2) Controlling the VCA with ENV-2 (ORGAN-LIKE SOUND) —— VCF me УСА PTT TT -—[ PEITEEEI HIT = Roland | mopuaton || Sr tincoiceh wa Fu woce. SH-1 mando Pra 7 Г я 1 y ne GATE e mainstay Ay me! TERRES DELAY 5 10) LTTE je A po “ yf NOISE HPF WHITE РНК RL CUTOFF FREG m zx < = Fr с A GATE Г 4 Iraıazaınıl HET ШИННИ ШИНЫ _ ИННЫ SYNTHESIZING SOUNDS 4. ENVELOPE CONTROL OF THE VCF controlling the VCF with the Envelope In the drawing at the right, both the VCF and VCA are controlled by the same envelope. This type of setting is the most common. The drawing below shows an example of a string bass sound. With the VCF ENV-1 contro} at “10” the cutoff ENV-1 point of the VCF is controlled by ENV-1. This can be heard clearly by raising the УСА tn HOLD control. (3) Control of the VCF and VCA with the same envelope г < г г” г “г “г YY Ц fax Roland MODULATOR vco | SUB OSC | NOISE HPF ENV-2 ari HeSsicrh MOE RANGE WAVE FOFal CUTOFF F REC $ в à и Fu ба A ru A тост AA Du " " — Don — — nt "E Bu | 32 > rm wert Gere СР |7 Vf \ тост | N) ===] =. ui Dr - = ни — Tu m. fi m [e] — —. — b я xro Fins. Lio mn | | a. — (©) м Bon ЕЕ, ме ATH nj | hu a Ak pe > 4 Ent Cv о © O a * » GATE AUDIO MIXER С. МСА A ml — PULSE WIDTH MOD +, pue ext VER LME. POWTAMENTO mare Tae E SG — Г вн L i md = | lame! Looe — ews (0) * = — pus 4 = = = a ты. = = —| li ta 1 ‘ ы Bee | Гри. er © La — "ne 1% À |. _ и. A hy 7, This example shows controi of the VCF and VCA by separate envelopes such as might be used for brass instrument sounds. The example below shows a trumpet sound. ENV-1 controls the VCF to change the tone color during the production of ENV-1 each note, while ENV-2 controls the VCA in what is almost only an on/off function. (4) Control of the VCF and VCA with separate envelopes ENV-2 PA IN y < O TI Y < ©) > Y Г “Г 1 f a E +, E Roland MODULATOR VCD SUB OSC NOISE SYITTHESILER = mues roms Ic une SH-1 nawoou IH on, 16 4 A um ru mir az т р . i: I у Гы и + = ara sont Pe a O Bowes К, Ju + — | че o OO Ap | ENTE № AUDKI MIXER oO oth Er, a? ene pm ALT OREN — pom PULSE TH MOC — LT: EIT EXT SC VE LIME PONTMMÆNTE | RA TIME PULSE WIOTH + MOD re н * sal je o ji. u за Мы cta |] aii | —| Ш 176 EI ©) A = а ==, | ыы A a = — = = = Kev-t EMA CI i seat | =" 5 Mm Ana | JA i L + kg fk a A = я. яме er a m SYNTHESIZING SOUNDS 5, ENVELOPE CONTROL OF THE VCF Electronic Sounds 1. Wah-Wah Sounds Electronic sounds particularly associated with the synthesizer are produced by means of the VCF RESONANCE control. Each time a key is depressed, a sound like the word "wow" is produced. This is done by means of envelope control of the VCF with the RESONANCE control raised. Set the VCO RANGE and the VCF CUTOFF FREQ to produce the desired effects. Also, try changing the shape of the envelope to alter the speed and shape of the tone color change. Envelope control of VCF with RESONANCE control raised a u “OD” SH “DH” —> "дне — dB FREQUENCY — > [2 Roland MODULATOR vco ][ sun ose NOISE ENV-2 Sri Iricoiccn noce RANCE waver on 1007 on ru ro Lo mm wore. SH-1 FREE An Le м A Bi Tu emo | or] | ay r WHITE GATE (ul faune) | — or —. un — mes 7 О нЕ |= . = 13 1-14] 2007 ed LEO — — = (| FRE WET Bean irra > |. pes 1 1 ert ty o OÖ O cc > > / < > = ТЕ AUDIO МХЕЯ © as УСА M : pr PULSE WIDTH MOD =, Г VOL UME Ve POR TAMENTO ARATE gr PULSE wei HOLE : [| fi _. |. ot EN ME dE ITU = = =| i ENV = Or Sl, = = Е = [=a р = = Z| b= Pree 1] «a ur NES — —_ — — — ° . — | — L — so oo == 9 — a In a a — 2. The Human Voice The VCF envelope switch allows the VCF to be controlled by means of a norma! enveiope { fc} or inverted envelopel\, N), as desired. The settings below produce a sound very near that of the human voice. Since a small change in the VCF CUTOFF FREQ control can cause a rather large change in the sound quality, you may have to readjust this setting to get a sound you like. The AUTOBEND control of the VCO and the delay vibrato both help the effect and should be adjusted to suit your tastes. Control of VCF with inverted (1) envelope Raro TM | ENV: ENV-2 AUTO rid AA VCO VCF УСА >> Roland Г moputator |( SNNESICER uo PAGE io, SH-1 sue FE Au ах az = al % ‘©! KYBO VCD FRET DTH Liu OO pO ALDEAS — МАЯ MARITA ME — M AR nm DOWN nu WHITE incr we 2 DCT Pa. zum FLLSE WIOTH a | ma ote N} Vf SUB 05€ | NOISE IE E OF 1007 ¡A A A MT ra 1Fo 2] SYNTHESIZING SOUNDS 6, THE OSCILLATING VCF Examples of Using the Oscillating VCF 1. The Oscillating VCF Raising the VCF RESONANCE contro! to Г и | un ENV MAX causes the VCF to oscillate by itself. ENV-2 CUTOFF mo me À в а а The frequency of these oscillations will Pm, eh N ame || en . depend on the VCF CUTOFF FREQ. The VCF is catibrated for 1 volt/octave Hann VEST IEE É ba C7 3 ВИННИ! НИНУ FEET HEE THEI НИИ ИЯ [E which means that if the VCF KYBD Law > E [Jae 5 contro! is raised to 10°’, melodies can be TA F —= — $ = played using the keyboard. ew мою кто ENV FEL The oscillating VCF produces a perfect sine wave. With the settings shown on the VCF > VCA e ia right, melodies can be played on the ews keyboard, and the VCF CUTOFF FREQ | | control acts as a tuning control. Also, try | ,, moving the ENV-2 “A” control a little. KEYBOARD CONTROL VOLTAGE | All AUDIO MIXER sliders at “0”. 2. Whistling The sound of whistling is very near the | suposc || мове sound of a sine wave; adding a little noise oer using the AUDIO MIXER produces the fu ware effect of air passing between the lips. To les add a vibrato effect, the VCF MOD contro! 2007 vu is raised a little. Set the MODULATOR ео J ‘ J section at Ú with a RATE of about | AUDIO MIXER Oo | vor “4.5” and a DELAY TIME of about “3”. «о 66 om BE |) M meer | em ao renee The use of ENV-1 to control the VCF = = produces the effect of ап autobend. à 3. Producing a Sine Wave oo “ + om “ e The settings on the right produce a sound a little like a celesta. The VCH CUTOFF FREQ control acts as a tuning control. Notice the differences in the sound for > different settings of the CUTOFF FREQ control. ENV-1 E A xylophone-like sound can be produced by ¡owering both “D” and “R” of ENV-1 to about “2”. Envelope control of the Low oscillating VCF can be used for synthesizing N_ animal sounds, natural sounds, and sound effects (see pp. 41-44). 4. Pitched Noise Try adding noise to the settings shown in (3) above. This is dane in the same way as | (2) whistling above by setting the VCF АН AUDIO MIXER sliders at “0”. RESONANCE control just below the point | KEYBOARD CONTROL VOLTAGE | where the VCF starts to oscillate, or at about 7,5% Try various settings of x ñ 1 aT Cos ННИНИ| НИНЕ ПТИ TETE Г vr 6] o L A EXT 3G EMV-1 MOD Ye EN FAA VCF + VCA P- ENV-1. You can make the sound of maracas Г eumosc \ nose Jf x this way (see p. 36), A ui Tu WHIE = les м = гы = your oie = jr #001 — fl. Low « AUDIO MXER OX aa ELT eo psc Most 0 SYNTHESIZING SOUNDS 7. VARIATIONS IN TONE COLOR CHANGES - VIOLIN » BASIC SETTING FOR VIOLIN Roland | MODULATOR | f Усс Vf sumosc }{ nos | er If EWY-1 | ENV-2 SU TIHESICEN ' YE FOR + ост 1 5 5 * a A A FU bo _ MEL SH-4 | ' iiss, ru were = = = = = m“ I; N = SPE || = =, ru | | em IH i = A Ш == == = ni m FA a | AUDIO MIKER one CA u]: ONE : When synthesizing sounds with the synthe- 1. Effect of Pitch Variation sizer, it is recommended to start with a 2 Roland o ae Te setting for the sound of a conventional GUTTHESIGER u mute ro acoustical instrument, then proceed to oe, SHA nawoou PU u w 7 AM me make variations on that sound. This method _ y ы x is very effective for becoming familiar with A я © © synthesizer functions as well as with the ©): ® actual synthesis of sounds you like. >, The Sound Examples in this manual include и settings for 18 acoustical instruments. Ву es gradually modifying the sounds into variations, a large number of sounds can be produced, . . | What follows is an example of the method у 7 to use in producing variations. 2. Changing the Range VARIATION OF BASIC SETTING УСС The setting at the top of this page is an RANGE veros example of a setting for a violin sound. e A7 Try to make some variations on this. ©) © First change the depth and speed of vibrato, portamento and autobend effects. The о O resulting sound will be fairly different from nn o that of the basic setting. wo “peor va ^ pus тн Then change the range and waveform, = = =" ir which will greatly vary the sound. = ЕЕ. With the settings shown in (3), the waveform E is set at fi] and modulated by the LEO, | which will cause а largely “electronic” sound. When the range is changed greatly, 4. Changing the VCF Setting the sound will become quite different (for example, bass sound at 32’.) Г sua osc | | NOISE | f НРЕ | u ENV If ENV-2 Now, change the VCF settings as shown in e Eustoer FREG mn A Ah . 1 т мибы ТЕ il my (4). The result will be a completely dif- Tu warte le m eff | ow =" ferent, new sound unique to the synthesizer. ls N Zn, || == = HE. =, Use 8° or 16° PWM wave (setting of (3)) to int Pa == SB DSSS мо > E r " Bo Lo roe E ad TO omen pr — я produce interesting tone color. | E a Jk - IL | AUDIO MXER oz) | VCF \f yen | ert ExT OG $ | EMW- WOO KYEJ EM FOL'A HOLD — — LE = HHI H El || qi Ta НН Eb! Fen. L 29 SYNTHESIZING SOUNDS 8. VARIATIONS IN TONE COLOR CHANGES - TRUMPET „и BASIC SETTING FOR TRUMPET 2 Roland | MODULATOR ] Г ЭУИТНЕЗИСЕА uno Un wwe. SH-1 ue | a I KyED À À “E 3 à 3 | À ПН! НУ — L — 5 г yoo me ms o — 5 FELT ELVEN ИННИВ г” ™ om SUB OSC The basic setting on the top of this page praduces a trumpet sound. Try small changes in the VCF ENV-1 slider. The sound will vary from a bright trumpet sound to a soft sound. Now, let's experi- ment with the influence of pitch variation as in the case of violin sound. Change the setting as shown in (1) at the right. Autobend or vibrato will be in effect. Try a little portamento. Next, change the RANGE and WAVEFORM switches. Try the settings in (2), and a tuba- like sound will result. Try the settings in (3) for a synthesizer-like trumpet. With the VCO setting of (3) try the VCF setting in (4). Wah effects wil! be added to the trumpet-Jike sound, which is one of the sounds peculiar to the synthesizer. By adding the Sub-oscillator output, the sound will become heavier. Use the above methods to try variations of other settings shown in this book. In the above variations, there were no changes made in the envelope setting. Changes in the envelope will grealty change the tone color. The setting of A” (attack time} is very especially important. Vary “A” slightly depending on the phrasing effects desired during playing. 1. Effect of Pitch Variation E= Roland STIESSEN voce, ЭТ 2. Changing the Range a ДАМЕ e EF kr po MITOBESS — A PSE WIDTH DO, PULSE МАО УСС Акс 3 wHTH ¡CHO A nas velo E FO A Fu o 4. Changing the VCF Setting УСО | , . п Г в SUR DSC NOISE . ni HPF CUTOFF FREG $ LEELIEL RoE | ТЕН Im! 114151111] | | 30 WOODWIND INSTRUMENTS SAMPLE SOUNDS 1 FLUTE The flute sound is made from a filtered sawtooth wave. Try playing the following passage using an organ or string synthesizer for the chords. (Slow! F GianF; Em? Am? 1 | Emi Roland | monucaron |! усо | {sus asc | nase |\{ mer |! té ENV-2 | SU TTHESICES MODE RANGS MAVEË CU ост CUTOFF FRED | SH-1 RANDOM па "a 1er e - wl Tu Di cv MEE" qa Tr EZ TE * у 2 OCT ee rusa ty b = reo amer = LFC e FREU wrote a Low ° at |, a 1, a m a eres о OO — 1 GATE AUDIO MIXER ous] | a ici PLE e НИЯ Let НИ ий a 1h À Fu == pe RITOREND = ar PARSE WIDTH MOD >, Su Ext PULSE WIOTH wo DSL WEISE SG я ^^ ИТР. Гы } ¡TER ИНННВ (Fast) Р = 7 =] E "Roland SY RHESICER oo | = PR x woe. 5H-1 ) m E = 4 m E = | га = —— F pr O} wre EITEY GATE ed № Tr OBOE The most difficult part of synthesizing the playing notes. Also, the moduiator section 3 oboe sound is the setting of the VCF RATE and DELAY TIME controls and the CUTOFF FREO and RESONANCE con- VCO MOD control can be varied slightly trols: this should be done while actually depending on the feeling desired. (Slow) 55 С (отв Amz Ama Gm Gmz7iont} F I ool Ш. — | М... i | a D — в Tl ill EE ne ali | H L I ВА. Г H L ый Lawl 1 | Ll | H —4 Е. ari Li | i \ ! Fi in Fi ¡tilda 1 LE 1 FA | _— 2 ы у r nr Roland [ MODULATOR | vco | {sue osc | noise | HPF | ENV-1 SYITHESICER En nos rom 100 crore FeO | | eo оао E РОМ HG a ie GATE N a po ni E TU A + wore. SH-i now wen $. 4 un ru WHITE [I= TAG Jr ra + | — — — alle ru = i= GATE a = — b E EYBO OCT Pur ЕЕ 1FO e 55 > ln © = IN — > \ EX GATE. AUDIO MIXER © eu ver Ay — TEN = PLE WAT MO: “=, EXT EXT SG | ЕМУ. ЕН FOL FR LH IM DA Cc pp ee ST ... oe RATE pil LOG DEPTH TIME PULSE WITH a A MH ЕЕ $ 21 SAMPLE SOUNDS BRASS INSTRUMENTS TRUMPET There are various trumpet sounds, de- trumpet in a march. The settings of ENV-1 A pending on the playing style. This setting is and the VCF CUTOFF FREQ are im- a little different from the setting shown on portant, page 30 in order to produce the sound of a (Fast) С — Dm? G? Pa m _ (= Roland Г wonuLaror |! ale \f suaosc || noise Г ure) f If ENV-2 \ ST HESICER MODE RANGE WAVEFORM beet CUTOFF FRED E wen. SH-1 nun Sun w I 8 at on си mf» a y WHITE _ 2OCT i г sr Pm, — TUNG | on N un GATE " b = RYED тост PINK = LEO oO haa FA Fr ‘eu ATC po = , ire f AUDIO MIXER © 73 > a куй GATE 1111014 ~ + 1 | > AS ; Au ;TAUTORENO = PULSE WIDTH MOD —, sue En PULSE WIDTH veo CSC monde Bm a 3 LFo eae Env! Ehw-2 juin THEE 5 a “ TILA € НН г г r The horn sound is very similar to the is bastc and will depend on the style of the trumpet sound and will depend a great music being played. deal on the ENV-1 settings, particularly the “A” setting. The setting shown below (Medium) С 3 А? Dim? 4 Gr i i Roland wonuLaton || vco lf susosc If noise | SYITTHESIBER vo nues ata m we. SH-1 nance u ы я A hi cri WHITE mr az 7 = r sr " 2095: = > = y тост Prim = FREQ WIOTH iad o O CS EN J ] ; : EXT CY st <; < J y AUDIO MIXER O9 > DELAY FT AUTOSEND — PACE WIOTH DO —, sus ENT Г WEL LME y POATAMENTO RATE MO DEPTH TIME PASE WIETH wo DSC MX 6 x Е CES u ms «0 ann ih, — | Jour — LFO =i I= = Er | = — + =? iE E = = — = = tuvo _ 4 ak a ~ AA ~ и % ~ © A À 6 TUBA As with the other brass sounds, the VCF CUTOFF FREQ and ENV-1 settings are important. ra 132%: Actual pitch 2 octaves lower) age candied $ i Pe 7 + м SEA G + т O A О SEHE rj N TE t 1 a ER E = + 1 y - ыы i i i i a à a { q Е Dm? G? Am? AS dim G7 fon 1 у oy ! L 1 | b- > = # ] +} + # — en р | H 1 ] 1 1 р | === Е ЕЕТЕЕ ЕЕ ЕЕ + t т nn | f= Roland Г moouLazon |! veo \f suposc || nose If \ ENV.2 } SYITTHESIBER “on nce ms ens et we Tu E' 1007 A] TE a FU RANDOM . « en sone, SH-1 "un Fu L #1 ft ow _ ay > Write CATE — с Vf сы = HE — Tum Fu T + b = Keo woes Pax — hers = r e FAC "bm ah Low —| jr — à ‘ O O O К. } Le JU FA J 1 ' erry o E ETIL } Г Г 1 AUDIO MIXER © Tara УСА ae u PO MOTORS — PULSE WIDTH MD =, on gst WO. UME, PORTAMENTO ot LEFTH TIME PULSE ТОТ woo ox HIDE su A E ry HIEH » — 50 al +45 = — — БЕС _— mt je = — ЕЕ ЕН. 1 O sn 4 TAN = a ll © = mo Be z — [= Ena É = | | u ma E tow a UN a a „ Me fw À Ju A _i STRING INSTRUMENTS SAMPLE SOUNDS VIOLIN The modulator RATE and DELAY TIME being played. controls and the VCO MOD control are important to producing a violin-like sound and will often depend on the style of music fMedum} Em port. F #7 By by; Em ae 77 $9 ball #- = » m fia | | I "Tr | | ] 1 rr I | 1 I | | | 1 | | | | 11 [4 } nt - 1 Di | |1 r — 1 _ | RE am a (= Roland MODULATOR veo VO sue ose | NOISE | ENY-1 ENV-2 \ SYITHESIBER vs mice o m ве: ur wot, SH-1 nannies Me a >] “4 um т WHITE mé III ET м A ===] JM] = ca . 7001 | SI EEE о м | Is N JÉEEEE 5 E or 2001 pane LEO ==] im = FREQ WIDTH ar ip | Ku joe I A J Le FRS , ‘ EXT CV a O г р г BATE AUDIO MIXER С ever. УСЕ УСА ee ' Pu — p— AUTOREND zum PULSE WIDTH MOD +, Be ext eat oc WE, LIME TAMENTO RATE bei at MOD DEPTH THE PULSE WTÈTH WE [eu HONZE SG + woo SYED ENV FLA HOLO 3 mon , una MA wu | foe à met = E | po = ERY. -, мани — = = г = = Inw-1 = = == ENW-3 ? . — ’ Tan | ee | =! 7 ra a Ш LLO Try adding a little portamento effect. (Slow) С Dm? inf G7 Cc Giond!i Emsland) Ar Ш 11 в. Yar | | rra |» г PU NA 1 ть SUN PTA ; AD N 1 l | | Е Ter LE À | ER | I | Ld Li ] LE nu À "a i 1 a Den? G7suss Gr | j a | PT Е : Н Ев H Roland MODULATOR vco Il sua osc | NOISE i! ENV-1 St TTHESIZER pa mcs mr sc же, nee SHS PRO er ÆX | г: u = SYS == E р Ц ст TT TT КЕ: та | ll | ml) =| S/S) Ee. » ы pa Ta pine tro Zee] |= PRES + 104 ra — =— 9 he À = > uate ° AUDIO mixen ose) | УСЕ | | A À Au F7 AUTOBEND — 7 PULSE WIDTH MOD =, ae ext Dub УСА ‘ vom || рамен nate Tike. WOO DEPTH THE PURSE WIDTH veo DSC ме SG HOLE L tty = = Ziz we = iz — HET me === ЕЕ, | jo ===: = =| (=: | = = m = qu = — I — = — ЕМУ. в “ = — an mm À + «> ak ee Le LE — 137°: Actual pitch 2 octaves lower) E. (Fast Cr F7 А , TAE RITA - 4 + 4 ) ; т - 4 | E PE] — À Fe ar EE Der С EPdim : may en E | — oo + TER | + | | + | + | ; HE —> — 9 + E Roland MODULATOR || vco | SUB OSC NOISE SYinneaickr wove une TE N _. ших: SH-1 носы ÓN ru WHITE — i | = EC — ru = 1001 pine = Bert rn г. fi o a =, | г % AUDIO MIXER C9 Lea EA] ExT PLATE THe - ED osc MSE Lane “ = = = =" Tan] === = a. ~ A, it on, A 33 SAMPLE SOUNDS KEYBOARD INSTRUMENTS music being played. И ts або possibie to PULSE WIDTH or using LFO or ENV-1 pe use the sawtooth wave. The setting below modulation. #1: РЫСЬ 10” HARPSICHORD The VCO RANGE will depend on the uses the pulse wave: try changing the Ha (Medium) Gr 6 с Bm?" Er Am Fu Gr Г. Г] г | J = г i | EN ata и т г — Н | : nee et ] ¥ ТЕ SR integre) | 1 г мм > e a f sn г г“ < f=Rola nd MODUL 4TOR veo SUB CSC НОЕ НРЕ ЕМУ ENV-7 SYTTHESIEEN von RANCE waves D Loc CUTOFF FREG so a Q 5 k à R . r Dart Hull . г ne ne о Tee _. вос 5Н-1 манеры Ри = tE a Pi ui —, ru ware | in rid. ри — — — nn — N 32 ES Lacer = = M = — Ze mm II = Г TRING 158 1 a | оон j tim ane | — == = =. =. ы > pe Y 3007 PINs = i= ^ iro = AX TI I i= J me me LE cox ui = | a = Im: Le 2 a= A — . EsTEw o O О о jr | , . GATE | AUDIO MIXER oven a : Ah ; Pu — A em PUR БЕ WIDTH MOD +, Ar EFT f WO UE PORTAMENTO } RATE Ям PLA SE WIDTH | p mn Г мы ee Sci — — u ali ic lim AS ns = 1—7 аа Mu м F ae WE aja LJ Г 4 р Des I ii em ми: IL ] pe er 1 Г — — с ¡e I. À, Ji JA ZA J 4 called electric piano. Set the VCF CUTOFF as) ae, НЕ FREQ control for the sound you like. Also AS Ne. < (Sew) Cmair Orns Emmand! > > rer Ca — na = ie Bi a Ez “ 5 Jr i . À À 11 ELECTRIC PIANO There are many sounds which couid be try raising the VCF ENV-1 control. AT ИЕ. ии ме RES Pr EE ‘ Re E on = Roland MODULATOR || vine Y susose If мове | ) SWITTHESIBER с wee o u MEL SH-1 Rane к | > 16° a . at IL ai van =. ) | | | I: N = СЕРА =, bows mm = ÉREË WTr “a | И JL AUDIO MXER O ayer. | A AT ORE +, 77 PULSE METHOD =, LEAD wo DEPTH TIME PLLSE MITA } — mn — — — — = — — честны — ss ыыы — end A AE: HER] 6 5 = F | / A The accordion sound uses the 4” LFO depend on the balance of the two AUDIO modulated pulse wave mixed with the SUB MIXER controls. Also, try varying the OSC square wave, The tone color wii VCF CUTOFF FREQ. Fs iter Pe ate ьй т... 94 (Medium) PAGE ai CEE a DES N G Eriond®!} Am Dr ya 0-8 а» — À" , + > 1 т E Pa A | | I | iS, р, A | : | = wal {| | ыы | | H | | I | IA sure EE т tt 111 г] | | 1 + | из | RTS CL == _ f г f г y Roland MODULATOR | VCO | SUB OSC NOISE ENV-2 SYNTHESIZER ve mes ron в я Tu E A — ‚ SH-1 Rane nm, ¡E a #1 Ft}, сим mu eno — | =a 32 y wrere se. Gate ji. | [= р sr . ME i _ м I ZI =. TUNG pr — — Pu . = — i joan ] Be 5 — — — — iO} | & =) ЕЕ || * LE Рас мун Eon = u] [ыыы | выше > e E] Vo a tf A fo. Wr » 1 ENT EW o O © г ff y e = GATE ny D a AUDIO MIXER С УСА A FL „ cer ar PAU OBENME „7m PULSE WI MOD =, sue Ext O тс Г си LME montante | TIME MODO DEPTH TE PULSE WIDTH чес DECO NOSE $55 ERES AY Fa? FO HOLD MH M ME € o] ¡ars =" = = WE = =) il env rf =, u : Anuar = s ll: 4 4 = = = ERW. = - = = ENV-1 ft = 9 we io. El << eg, er, „Г la hy AN en a 34 PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS (1) SAMPLE SOUNDS the VCF CUTOFF FREO and VCF RESO- control. NANCE. If the ENV-1 switch is set to LFO, the sound will be repeated at a rate (Fast) С fn Am 13 XYLOPHONE The most critical points in this setting are determined by the modulator RATE xe ang ane SE . E] = = Roland ‘ \f АГ Y / . an MODULATOR VCO SUB OSC NOISE Sri | HESICER MODE RANGE WAVE FORM tect EUTORF FRED L SH-1 Ma Гм fu — 1E' в" «q Pa Tu FL, ru HIGH mn © 3 7 WHITE — г 1007 = wee | | | =, я — в = и: = 2007 Pink = > FREC witty u Low =. === Im ==! ‘tape. я 1 EXT Cv о O O — F y of ante AUDIO MIXER Or PARA nu — AUTORE PUR SE WOTH CO мк o LOAD Oe, т, DEL po р + — sue EIT WEN Unt FORTAMENTO FATE TIME PULSE WIDTH чо 052 MEE Е | L nae _N_. мм (Laue « a mece wre] ыы i= mee] pa UFO EHY-1 5. = 1 ur um + = = + ыы в я =| SS i= DIET выл EMT E = ie ces us y — we à Ha = Loe eer, a e . A Fi A — combined with the SUB OSC square VCF MOD slider controls the depth of the 14 VIBRAPHONE This sound uses the VCO square wave controls to produce the desired sound. The wave two octaves lower. Adjust the VCF vibraphone tremolo effect. er ER ~~ S CUTOFF FREQ and the VCF ENV: AN — Y (Siow) Сипай (8) с 8 Ma PRE у PE Gm ten a a A G7 l*5; A #1. ZZ 18 ol hte e EL ee OS a Sudan VOD | | supose || some |f Her Г - H ENV-2 | SYITTHESIBER us mues cr Le o. woos. SH-1 reno y on aaa 44 Tu mate sed Ol bem ла fl foes ac ero | II" as: ra GATE el I | r + >, дост 1 N =| Zilz bete ru Li e * pá 2001 ri = — = ZZ wo ЕНЕЕИ FREQ wine rn e = Je he, } Ths, m 4 — | че o 90 | == == | Gare ny AUDIO MIXER С ЕЕ УСА . > . DELAY pr HUTDBEND — г FAN SE MIDI BOD un £ı7 Suter EXT Г VOLUME МЕ POMTAMENTO | PATE TIME MOOG DEPTH Tye FIL SE witty woo) DIC MOISE 35 FREG AE “rat BAY Fav hare й HIGH = = = we = = ENV. = = =. mar = — = = = Fhe. 4 и Em so Did IN о FA FA a The critical points in this setting, like the xylophone, are the VCF CUTOFF FREQ and RESONANCE, = | aus | [ JE IE IB f= Roland { MODULATOR | [ VCD WM sus 05€ | u NGISE f HPF | ЕМУ. 2 | Sil | IHEICcER MERE “ee ост СТЕН Е FRED à A EFT „u pú , HG Muela moce, SH-1 an he гы WHITE = = GATE = = m | Тыс il | is | = = = = =, b As KE ¥aD OCT Pra = — LEO = = = ` a 3 ral м a mi Je F in г Ne Le _— 4 = exit cy o O nn м y f г * GATE no AUDIO MIXER © ara УСА LL Hh DELAS e MORENO — ee PUL SE writ MOD +, SUE Ext cutorr Г WEIL Ам ТЕ POATAMENTO | RATE TIME bon DEPTH TIME PULSE WIDTH WEG OBC MORE 56 PREG RESUHEMCE Ar . | A tune _ e. un an | geass — Mo uk ns + Ip pl Hm © АН ГЕ, pia eo ЕЕ ERY 1 Y Ian fea ea == Jazz: ии == фл ‘St sit > Gem SIT Im I if ie |: a : pet en, I ZI |= LIT TITI == Е Fe n PA L = — — — mu — Tar 1 = u ee — E — — =. |= . * YAA A oe D un U an с toe UT um a, À и Me N fw A ¡$ _ SAMPLE SOUNDS PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS (2) | Pr 3 $ The snare drum sound is a combination of the drum tone with the rattling of the snares. The drum tone is produced with the VCO 16’ square wave and the sound of the snares with white noise: be careful of the van fom м, near the center of the keyboard would be best. With the ENV-1 gate trigger selector switch at LFO as shown, a snare drum roll is produced. we oe ee os . . И. Г. 2 mixing levels. The drum pitch will depend o: : . . м on which key is used; probably somewhere a Ц г “г yf Roland MODULATOR | УСО JE sus asc NOISE pre |! ЕМУ ENV-2 YT HESICER ME HAMGE WAVE FO PL tot CUTOFF FREO Por A 5 5 A A A ‚к . Mu MIG GATE - , . массы A, ts a A flies, DO ws me ever on Em | Pre | Ve {Ye a ne Sam wore. SH-4 = м u ru нить ЕЕ me oem ни |] | ae Spo Е р . 7007 =p |= = i SI I bris O ls um ie: se] = Emp Jung I ~ = = bog | «+ / is rm = || # = = we ==> o mo wav ban | it | lem o о an À Ve } he À L E : : EXT CV po г “г + » Gave AUDIO MIXER OP УСА a m PT WITDBEND — m PULSE WIDTH MOD — sun ent curore Г wt вле РРЕТЕМЕНТО RATE Tht woo DEPTE TIME PLLSE WIHTH EG FREE RE SOMME Е. TES sone FOR A h m woh ry ry GH | "== =. ¡ja lis Timm ous sou D em [e == — mu — — — Her Irre | mm PS — mo =— ЕН 1 C (0) Me ile cil Г] el = Zu м ho === pic À 4 — urn den == | iM abi cd | ыы 1 | =! — I= =p put nl ge m | = ¿ : E = = — = — I een FAW mile dam] fan Fa = PMY? £ CU = — a : b sour Lis —~ i : tow 2 AA __ ZA fw fw JU „7 Like most percussion instruments, this sound has a very short decay/reiease time. The quality of the sound will depend on which key is used; in this case use C2 (the C just to the right of the center of the keyboard). Various percussion sounds can be produced by varying the VCF CUTOFF FREQ setting. For example, with the CUTOFF FREQ at about “3” and the ENV-1 “О” and “R” controls at “4”, the sound of a steel drum is produced. 2 Roland MODULATOR À! УСО 1 Г sun ose NOISE E Hero | ENV-2 | SYITTHESIZER ts mer vero soc: cuore ent Sr Tu . # . Ч ибн Г - . Am ro 16 a #1 N Them mom oma in | 1 = woe. SH-1 7 р . ru watt == A —| —||= , y 207 me D pu =] => rae ru = i= N pasa he) à fan ©): 5 1321 ve =| E = ЕЕ FREQ wifth = ме г. | | — fd | J Low ыы J has! Thay, a Tee A : N Ext cy e O O pan = уг г <. TATE AUDIO MIXER gun УСА L р Pu — PULSE «АОН MOD LO“D Jeanne rien DELAY p МОЕ, г A sut EXT SG Г шо RTE RATE woo KEP TN TIME BULSE WOTH veo AST NOSE RVD EMV FOUR rs 4 A, With : ul ju E one = == LFS wo sate | Fans sacs na a fc Е NZ Zi LIT НЕ RSR = => heat zilz, c=} isco [7 se} mn] I it == iz PA, : к р и IT SRI ees = = Ene —||- env? у “ | tie en Co —U- sow Ue Ps, : — : a I zoo, a u "EEE, BER This sound is made with noise. Again, the VCF settings are critical. Also, try variations of the ENV-1 controls. The tone quality wHl depend on which key is depressed. Roland MopuLaTon | f vco Vf susosc |{ nose }f wer If ) ENV-2 ) ha ПНЕЗЕСР ODE RANGE Wave® CM per CUTOFF FREG 5 к 1 E woo. SH-4 nenpow Г he eps At us DO a Kamm en === we > } Pu wert == are iii Tuna 3 O O Es | = iz. | _ I = Fe == === b = e 2008 sis m re Im nn ‘eue ° ОГ Y > « GATE no AUDIO MIXER © 25 УСА УИ A pun AUTORA ve, ae DUR SE DT AO =, curore , WEIL UM POA Tame НТС | Rare (TUE acc | DEPTH гаи PUL БЕ WIDTH ven US wou . m № = m . ve | ie) | a tevin A al Jom — i AT iter | i SX = = = Haben clio М = “ em ml rn | — —| —i ti ==] === — — | Lew a UT, SRE Td kl sm 4 AA = j= It jj lm =| |= = = u : ‘ =I = we frp fbi TÍ tr = im = mes : + mae О ma — sie san — PA ы oa nd — \= J ly, IA JA 36 ‘ SYNTHESIZER SOUNDS (1) SAMPLE SOUNDS 19 FUNNY CAT The VCF with the RESONANCE control raised is controlled by ENV-1 to produce tone color changes each time a key is depressed. Set the ENV-1 “D” control (Fast} at ''3” and the “5% control produce “wah” sounds. at “2” to Ma Ena) a pr. e Roland mosuLaron || vco VÍ sup ose NOISE НРЕ ‘ 1 ENV-2 eh | IHESICEN MODE RANGE wav FORM ост CUTOFF FRED A A гы F Fu me - Krull Ay te ru #1 Ti —, on m] Fam u mane | Tee | lame vor SHA в 5 ñ AU mare = = ef НЕЕ | Tran If à | | So | I=. I =] =) IE. [ |= i = *YBo a Fur = = In = = = e PREG Witte oe oe E ==>: Ah IN te FU + 4 4 EXT ty о © © г. a L г“ ы Gare _i AUDIO MER О VE A JA a ces MORE PASE WIOTN MOT —, ae ext curoer | POL LME \f воятаменте | RATE Ты rn | REST TIME PULSE WIDTH чо DECO MESE 56 EE milo mi "Fer —> = Е ИЕР ЕН EW. | i ) SS E StS IE: O: A # = I = = E = I= = = мт eM? | а к ‚== men à > DÁ rd 5 has iow. г a hk, > e. un su „ —=“ PULSAR This is a very electronic sound. Adjust ENV-1 “В” to match the music being played. Lower ‘’R” for long phrases. (Faste om Br AD Gr N EN En AS LI De NX CES CTA A Pe? | : nl | 2] a a Y A , Roland MODULATOR VEO Vf sus ose | NOISE. HPE ENV-1 ENV-2 Sy | THESIiCEAn Qué FAME May FORM: ser CUTOFF FREC — Fy | 5 a A A ru E , ru a me, SH-1 KAMM A 16 a “1 4 i me | |; 1” 12. > WHITE gare | 1 jo = m , 20CT =] ZZ] j= vane m == b = mre Det Pia ıro we] [| bee a FRE © mT — | A ponton or ed un — x , EST CY o a sf < г < GATE AUDIO MIXER © Patt УСА a A ; PT RABE WIDTH AMÓ —, Ent с f P —_ Fe | on PULEE WIDTH veo DSC MOSE Sa FREG PESOMANCE WALD A = — 15 ми TO зы = 1 “= zijn ‚ra = == eva +e , Haas = = [e 1 E [3 a LI le Eh = — ll Eb | E A h e ween Pa tow . щи. = „7 um RL FL A — This is a large sound combining the VCO output with the SUB OSC, Many variations can be produced by changing the ENV-1 settings. Aiso try VCO RANGE settings of (Medium) Em 8’ or 16’ for heavy sounds. (Bend! E, F | F 3 L Lo XL = “ a * “ “ | Roland MODULATOR | ete) SUB OSC | NOISE HPF ENV-2 | ый | | rTESicen MODE RAGE WAVE FORM CUTOFF FREQ x в WAND гы 1E Toa „1 ru IL bowen host wore, SH-1 <) | ru waere ==” г 4 tie ya y \ тост — — DA Ll a À rue FU ln b Е RABO PINE. | |— 1DC07 liz м ‘REQ wills oe ¿oo a © : o 4 и A FA ft lw te Ext СУ ] Г Г yf и + + Gate AUCIO MEER © yen | WCF УСА A TOREO — p PULSE WET MOD —, Su EX EXT TIA (aetna RATE Tie iat Osc HEX SE Ho КУРЫ EW FOL E HOLE ; 4 ome ln i м et a =» EN ZZ = = =! ale СЕ О BE) = SE = || BIE = E om | ; im Ao ls 7 ae" | Jk, \. — un À ь — SAMPLE SOUNDS SYNTHESIZER SOUNDS (2) 22 POPCORN f= Roland SYITTHESICEN voce. SH-1 This is a very percussive sound. if the ENV-1 gate trigger selector switch is set at control. Try different VCO WAVEFORM and RANGE settings. Also try raising the eYED LFO, the sound will repeat at a rate VCF RESONANCE control. determined by the modulator RATE (Fast) Dm; = G7 с os fy ^^ #Рр Pa «e 2 „tn Le * pe ee WC DIR ot co eee M SS — |] : | 17 CT y = Г LL I | “ail 1 al e ' ' Tr MODULATOR | | vec А SUB OS¢ u NOISE EMY-7 ALE Wall EF OH oct A x ri 1 AAA ru te * #1 TIL} BC ane | jae В 47 » pu WHITE aliment poe) PEE FS Til E == — |= el 0 SEI: =| ie ™ ==. FREQ MNT nh! o O TA 7 q n AUDIO MIXER O ess | CA = a RÉEL A MATE LE. + yr ВОВЕ, PA BE DTH MOD e, MOT ODEPTH OTE ON НН 3 FALSE WIDTH = 33 AA, EXT БЕ Bü Lie“) osc | ВУИ SNE: = а + ML, „= he e 93 COOL WATER [Roland Sy iT HESICER mx. SH-1 This sound uses a square wave with auto- bend to produce a quick rise in pitch at waveforms. Also try LFO modulation of the pulse wave. Set the AUTOBEND TIME a . the start of each note. Staccato works slider as desired, well with this sound. Try different VCO (Medium) С? “ = —, + Ру * Li ” “ a * 2. E * £ a > ALAS a e. + ET, Jr A. fr T 2 р — AS ¿ А: T ; E ee © м Е u’ го № | a ” MODULATOR vco SUR OSC NOISE НРЕ | ENV-1 ENV.2 aoe МАНЕ WAVE Е СА CUTOFF FREG AD A [+] £ я à HB nancam ГЫ д, 18 E a ai nu PL, or mn y OO y ON mem — 7 “СУ O ver = === 1 007 lil niit été À Lan БЛАН ЕН Léon) fee | [nm : . | N u Im Fl oe te sn = == JS == PREG WLOTH “or |. u o 4 o FAX Fr, J O | AUDIO MIXER O SHEE vor | ] Pe D AUTOREND PULSE WITH OS Te £11 56 RATE TIME PULSE Отн ТВС EN Eck A E a e F | ННЯ “ 8 3 — | | | BEI. SER 2 FES 3 A Ah A _! ZA FANTASY Try variations of the VCO MOD slides and the modulator RATE and DELAY TIME. om ons Abmaj7 Emai7 Roland Si TRHESICER, wove. SH-14 (Medaum) к г À г” q A “г `` MODULATOR | ы Sua OSC | NOISE HPF EMY-1 [ ENV-2 MOE RANGE WAVEF OFA 1067 a A >, nacos TE nn it An cis ee Е 37 7 nr и fa IST | |— | |= Ow mn A — dr 1 I: otal poral fu Es ws IP мы жить nl nh — UO À pa Te =! (— | AUDIO MIXER УСА ? ИНН TRUE | ExT 96 NYEC EM FoR 38 SYNTHESIZER SOUNDS (3) SAMPLE SOUNDS == - i E _ nt AL] A ——— e JE 2 Er i D Td Tr er | L | A pr # =} fit ” ai T = Em? A RSS Pn! Ami ти Ad . ur . ur PAR, | 4 | ua i m i | И г - — er . L Г. PP = fe | po i” E г a — г м - — =, = Roland MODULATOR | veo SUB OSC NOISE HPF ENV! ENV-2 he | | HESHCER ODE RAGE aE Е СИЛЫ Lot ‚ EUTOFF FREG “vec a E 5 A a А моск SH-1 nano т 2 © a ot vs Me Ni eno == ar г WHITE [= QE — = ¡= . 3er pus =] II: a ee all D |: === b > pres ок рем = wo IT ® sr Wiptn ra koe mr | | e . LS JF en ==! ei 4 N EXTOCW o O © С _ per Fr GATE no ' AUCIO MIXER © San Vor р Sr DELAY PT AUTOREME 7 PULSE WIDTH MOD — sut Ext : [ VOLUME УГ pontwento 1 MATE Te POD DEPTH Tk PULSE WIRTH о 0% мо HG FRED = RESOMANCE ENYA ! un Г MG Mur 4 Le dai a] ee © ot rua — js — — + AA = — — Wi] wear er 0 tm] noon’ LT | fT I II | MM Zelt | = Im pz HI ENv-1 wi, al jot im pre Du ALIAS = — ES == =. a = | feu pu It I I =) j= | 1] j= | 1] I — — ay, E “ 1 =i Jit |b ZEIT tras Zeit iz T - | | | VUE: . so UT It um oe — Tran — м A a AA } AA FAN o DGSYNTHESIZER VOICE À warm, human voice-like, synthesizer sound. (Fast) Am D Am Am Вт: £7 ie vn, х с: are И 3 M Pa [Roland | monuLaror || уса \f susose }{ NOISE Sif THESIZER =. mt en u . voor, SH-1 "ou LA че GAS cn mn =" ss : ll | = Au =! ES u =. IL! a a, FE a À < AUDIO MIXER © PEER a ЕМУ a НИНЕ, — — — == pa ENV? t q \ } J Zaye a . ac = Fr 1 q Loi 1 | : E я | | ! L 4 г и г” y po sf г y pe “ f= Roland MODUL ATOR veo VÍ sunosc “NOISE HPF ENV-2 Sri HESICccR WEIDE RANGE МАМЕ РОМ CUTOFF FREQ a A FÜ E ru $ DT wre SH-1 re Pal u “ A u ru eo TO} =| LT ar г ware oe р a - Mis [| u qe , THEN , БИН Lim) jo TU — — a : ! ПШ 1 [= b = “TE yes HN Leo fi] | se net wire TT nd OS heel Os бы he FA = hy q р ‚ ENT CY o O О > e N = GATE AUDIO MIXER С С" УСА A AAA net as PT AUTOREND = PULSE WIDTH MO o>, me EXT VOLUME VO PORTA MENTE RATE TIME wen DEATH TIME ALLSE wıbtm wo О м 6 ; E Cm) [m | = ZT] = = Ena 3 = — _ L - , A = | I = Emi, - a |} = | A LE wt y ; en, AL OV À 1, — SAMPLE SOUNDS SYNTHESIZER SOUNDS (4) 28 PHASE GUITAR All the sounds on this page are good for ad lib. Use pitch bend with this sound. . Bend Bend Bend 1 Г | Г. | | er | i "O ee ll Roland Г MObuLATOR |! УСО Vf susose ){ nos | ENV-2 | БУПТНЕБЮЕА son CR sec oo MODEL SH-1 “ey Ya 37 à | 7 5 un Tut WH TE = TT an = cate 1 ` I; i ESE Г b : = crac 7007 Pix, Lic FRE MIT DOHA м O A no AN A hen J O eH | AUDIO MIXER oxen | 1040 Sue ExT EAT SG a WO UME FALSE WIDTH yoo 05 ЗЕ $6 TEC EA FIX Е EkW-1 Eb -7 JL _ FUNKY Use BENDER contro! of the VCF with this sound. Am? Bend Dr Am? Bend A A te E ASA E BE m Е: Sa a an A A E : es AUS are a .— . Е = 7 # F ый © + | y - = Amon LL ro i ui | ай 1 1 г Ц "y * (Roland MODULATOR SUB 055 NOISE ENV-2 StRTRESICERA uo oo. nawcow ГЫ Fu bow worn SH-1 u Mu WERTE р y ll N =] tment foc] ll танке owe a у Fu |= = RT BC 2001 Fr — | || tree | PA Dehn e o o Le PA A 1 3 HiT Ev +» e = GATE AUDIO MIXER O SEE УСА A N an“ EXT Ext 55 VOLUME PORTA O vio oO DS ASE és 1 WE Kran ENV FOL RR: HH. im ENS : “ —|i— envi |] “a ee __ ii J 30 JAZZ ORGAN Raising the VCF ENV-1 control with ali ENV-1 sliders at “O" produces organ key click noise. (Fast) Fre ED Frey E719) Fo) ECTS Frey: > EP Hg} Ber Ss al mm un al - ar Pa oa matey h E u I я Fi : Lt ГУ + 7 я de Friäg) Е) ра EE Fam р 3: AE - Е: 1 i 1 TI [ : F | | ! ee m Berd P af г Af A a r= Roland MODULATOR vco \f sua ose NOISE ENV-2 УИТНЕЫСЕА En Leer Ш _ CALE ARS — load ae th woo, SH-1 Au were GE Tf НЕ Tr aks | | ==>: É 1 — ur — P = pi 300 Pa wo IT e O, J alin a — en — № why he _ , x ExT ey г \" A GATE AUDIO MIXER © 925 УСА m + , DEL Ar Ok LAME POR TAMENTS RATE HOLD ı FH ke = ‘ CE — — Pfr wee 4 1 = mo if == — = = EM. O: = lotr i—| |= im ’ = — um 1 À mure ` ‘ = pa: t 4 = — = — 17 — == ree E wa я 4 iow ee + png A и. AA 1 e ZA _} 40 PEOPLE AND ANIMALS SAMPLE SOUNDS 31 HUMAN VOICE!FEMALE) When synthesizing the human voice, the most difficult settings are the VCF CUTOFF mg FREO and RESONANCE; set these while RER | listening to the sound. Try adding a little portamento. To produce a “wah” sound, set the ENV-1 controls at: A=0; D=2; S=0; В=2; апд the VCF ENV-1 control at “3”. Pa. ER Tey a a‘ * a ™ a <, =, f= Roland mooutaTon || VCD [ sus osc | NOISE HPF | ENV: f ENV-2 Si] | pmcsiccr MACHO RANCE MAES OM CUTE FRED a р 5 в a я mos EY ел rm MEN moe en MODE L SH-1 Put sy, — ru was Pi" rae = — = 7” dés ni 32 7 E — LI TL ми р y , ; poor = ell A Ti: = = =p pz ed =] [SES II Y ju 8 1007 pr | | ce Te ре | р № FREQ | WIDTH ru ia = — a — a с O O a À ee Lung fe } A A : : EXT cy Г _ г г и > GATE | фики, A AUDIO MIXER © Гозо vor 1, af À ore ay и ОНО —, FT PU EE OTH WON —, sua Err CUTOrE ERT gic f WERKE [ Fin. GE ADT woo OSC MONSF 50 FREQ RÉSOMAMCE Eel ooo) OBO ENv FOL : [о в ater рии 10 = | Erw. E mal dr y, TAN » = - ТРЕ a = EMV? ? E - | 32 DOG BARK The dog bark is made with an oscillating sound. To produce a howling dag, set VCF. With the VCF ENV-1 control raised, the ENV-1 “5” control at 7", press a key, the frequency of the oscillating VER ts then move the “S” control up and down. controlled by the shape of the envelope. Pressing different keys will produce dif- ferent dogs. Changing the VCF CUTOFF FREQ will also cause large changes in the = Roland [| mobuLaror \f усо Vf зив 056 \f noise HE Her о || ENV: ine 1 Se TIrcoicen MODE RANGE VE REM CUTOFF FAEG even A г ; р А к = MODEL SH-1 dano ¡qu ra > te a at ye Ai — Born Bi ai rs WHTE = zoct 1H A da ares 1001 Pike, a a ПЕНИЕ ИНН НЯ [У БЕС , EXT СУ ie DB o cy | E Г Comm Hi] . Ar L im “ . nu PT AUTOBEND =, pi PULSE ITA MOD —, e MIXER О | Г VOLUME PR TAMENTE pure Re MORO DEFTA TIME PUL SÉ MOTH wo DE MEER 36 “ | SEE EEE _ ns AA (O; =] {=} fm |i 1 [= 2 58 para И бо IE Em = | SBE ЕЕЕЕ der == В | El < Ger RS ыы 2 A A | | мании | | и „== A ‘mg Im A dd a‘ atl _ 3 CHIRPING BIRDS Pressing a key produces bird chirps. Various | birds can be produced by pressing different keys. This sound also depends on ENV-1 control of the oscillating VCF. The ENV-1 gate trigger selector switch is at LFO so that the sound repeats at the rate deter- mined by the modulator RATE setting. = Roland ‘ MOGUL ATOR Ve yoo 1 sua ost | | NOISE a HPF ae ЕМУ. yf ENV-2 | АЙ | THESICER HH RANGE ‘vet 4 CNEA oct ELTCHF FRED reo A | 5 я A A ru „re r TU ; ы Gate - m wore. SH-1 Mn A o 4 mn u marc TT" EN Sim fanal Sh || ee = = zen 2 ; fi Lot a 2 ЕЕ m = |= | | | C) i I a jé =| [==] (= |, НЕЕ b = IED Pikes — — a wae LFD = ¡— D TXT A ff ee re | fe ee — — — ©): u FRET WIDTH ru — er U | = =p: ja too + ne | , 4 EZTCY о ® О 7 pa \ — — . GATT AUDIO MIXER © 27 УСА A J ye Fr ALITORENG y, 27 PULSE MAD TA MO e, ark ext a VOR Liste Y POR TALENTO Y BATE aut wae DEPIM TIME PL te WTA woe 05 м #6 ых AY BD Rav FOL A HK = ! A E IE [EE & = ni St и ho OID OS et (et ZEIT ews Zi = = | 12 j= == == ЕЕ Е u Y ЗЕЕ ЦЕНЕ SE ===. 2E № er li |= = 1117 Zi te SES ITS pa al RS | RU || UU UN Zr || 99 À 4, PRES e Ve À um —/ 41 SAMPLE SOUNDS SOUND EFFECTS (1) 34 WIND Wind is produced with pink noise passed as shown below. The VCA HOLD slider ts through the VCF with the RESONANCE up so that pressing a key is not necessary control raised. To produce the changes to produce sound, as the wind blows, it is necessary to move the VCF CUTOFF FREQ: this can be done by hand, or it can be done by means of the modulator {VCF MOD control raised) FR | Cal * Can a г wy rl a г “h ГЫ uy Call `` = Roland MODULATOR veo SUB OSC NOISE HPE ERV-1 ENV:2 Gil | НЕЗИЕА MODE RANGE WAVEFORM sect a © 5 5 A A ni ВА rs вост ^ . wane. 5H-1 mann Pa, 16 A “ Fun ri =| |_| =| (rr evan = mu. 35 > WHITE ZE I Gate ZI | . 2001 ZI ac) fee en 1 TITI IE : Hi — m] IE i = r к == a — — = rd Es | b Yan 1001 ih мы | — | vo Zi wa i O 0 FRAIS ES Lt = eeu г == | joo | EXT EN o O O po > I 2 J‘ y | Gar AUDIO MIXER oc | | ) L A р Du = pr AUTOREND —, 97 PULSE WIDTH MOD —, BD Г * mare Е вые DEPTH TM PULSE WIDTH veo sc must 0 as [ VOLUME If POATAMENTO ATÉ TIE E : ATEO EMV FOLR г 4 Le eve — = | a hee — a — — — _— — =" — — — 1] | | =| = = mie zz == EN TI |2 = | I I | \| y ml jee! js o ii — {= ih маны — ln: SIS TIE, L zZ == БИ OL === A — = ot, == =i] = ZZ m iz Sl | : = + ® to | | mr —) (mm IR LJ dr + а pá \ IN " fo fu _# 35 SURF The setting for surf is very much like the contrel, you wil bring the wind sound setting for the wind; by changing only back, the VCF setting, wave-like sounds are produced. The setting below uses white noise, but pink noise works well, too. Try differen. VCF settings for different types of waves. If you raise the RESONANCE Roland yoo SUB 056 NOISE HPF ENY-1 ENV-2 Sri | | HESICER MODE Rane AVE $ DM CUTOFF FRE A a 5 E a в nu Ro ru DC GATE Tun EN SH-1 RARO Pa, ter d' #1 Lt — и — ms — re fen чт aro me ant ed 27 > WHITE —| (=) 1] | cate mul in| i TUM nd | jm) Je ee me = | Fire] [mm > м ru I=] 177] |=] |= an | | РЕ = О fiber — — — b “ о ron SSS SE || ® = SIE O $ FREZ WIDTH mae — pp Chee we À mL" a 00,4 | \ } \ J E z НЫ г < AUDIG MIXER пика. In Ah } we por AUTOBEND — PULSE WIDTH MOD an О ес УСЕ УСА f VOLUME u РОЛТАМЕНТО | MATE TIME won БЕРТЫ TIME PLR SE WROTE ve E: + E nan REA HOLD 3 a : elms} A a E lier it > — — — — ee — —- == == — — E br rl Fr 4 pu pre _ 4 L = ave | | ara = = — 2 wre + + ni _— | | el eer — a — — — — — e = Se |= mi ja] 1 TZ]; ties | f= Env-> | E LS > E + a — Herreria a = Mm = — uae п. FES AA N oe In e 36 RAINDROPS Pressing a key produces raindrops. This selector switch. The ENV-1 “D” and “ER” setting uses the oscillating VCF and like controls shouid be set very near “1”, 4 6 à 6 the (33) Chirping Birds setting, uses ENV-1 ’ to control the VCF frequency. The main difference is that the raindrops uses an inverted {\, |" Jenvelope. This setting also uses the RANDOM setting of the modulator Roland Г MODULATOR À yoo if sumosc || noise |! P ) GET AESICER MDE RANGE EVE FORM 100? CUT F FHEO Ful r A Гы DC M ate т 4 —2 Е one. SH-1 “avo an м. ы “4 li ru aj = 37 + WHITE — = = — 1001 1 — Е ve ‘, mu lan = TURC. Tab u li =. 5 | гы | wur] Far PR Er] = Гао, =) Pak = = = TOCT ant le - O) O FARO wii ru ie rt = = o O O > JL Ji J 1 a ны cr y yf 4 AUDIO MIXER beta mm D # ond pr TORBEN = OT PULSE WIDTH MOD — O (oan f VOLUME Г ont | RATE TIME “on DEPTH TIME PA SE wilt = my мы z я — =e me 7] Gr Lun mel [er im —П-—. dl — — — — — — | — + L ll — | jui ol RÁ —1 1— Enr se TK =! am ji i= = j= 4 — — — — ed — wu = — re O) an O ile rea | \— erie urn. = — — + Bl e 77 a 5 = Ze hen | = 11] | —|; ZZ tm: Ему = ] [U 0} ns = À 7? mr SP A — Pr | * on a, FRS nr, | JA so № Th A ee | SOUND EFFECTS (2) SAMPLE SOUNDS 3 / STEAM LOCOMOTIVE The steam locomotive uses pink noise, controls. The feeling of the sound will Small changes in the VCF CUTOFF FREO change depending on which keys are and ENV-1 controls will produce different pressed. types of sounds. With the ENV-1 gate trigger switch at LFO, the modulator RATE slider controls the speed of the locomotive. Experiment with the ENV-1 * Roland Г wapucator || vco \f susosc || Noise | ENV-2 | ariTINESIGER TL A tag 1 ост | м woo. SH-1 жанром Me — ы y “i hi = : aren —[ = m 32: qe MATE GATE = i— — ме || O ls = | 1 ЕЕ в = TBD 2007 Pra — ! во — — — O) J FREG щиты ae we] pe SK ee o OO |? = > = J = . ALE AUDIO MIXER OT CA L FES e 77 SUTOBEND —, PULSE MOTA MOD =, curoes + Е VOL UAE Ve PORTAMENTO | ты MOO БЕРТИ TIME PULSE wiOTH FREG RESONANCE - УГ gv vorn 7 | gez le "= en r (0) = , = — = | = = +f ами = E = wie 2 || ree ume Le A mu | „— Les — ‘up À №, À Vu Fe 1 | MACHINE GUN This sound is made with noise. Pressing a settings are very critical. key produces machine gun shots. When the ga le pane “te e Р-Я | ut OE . RES SE ¿e ns key is released, the last shot will be a eas he: e ricochet. The moduiator RATE controls the speed of the shots. As above, the envelope is triggered by the modulator. The VCF CUTOFF FREQ and RESONANCE 2 Roland Г monuLaron \f vco If susosc |[ noise |f er || té ENV-2 | ri НЕЕ MODE FE art oct CEUTOFF FRED A A | гы ‚ В . Ц Hu _ MA MDCHA Au 16 Е: #1 lt, Era mnt lu =. mace, 5Н-1 u 17 > Fu weil TE =| j— GATE = г ru — — {С 6 ra “| vs = PAE WITH Ben ] Low = 1 УТ CY о © О mr = № 2 = > — 1 GATE AUDIO MIXER © over | VCA = FRS F Mur A AUTDBEND —, 2 PULSE WIDTH MET sue EXT г С LME À POHTTAMENTO a RATE Era MOD DEPTH TIME PLLSE STH BSC MOISE 56 r В “= — nt Tamm — — — — AM ma + mor == = ise i=) I = i= 2 mi ZZ IT pe | (0) vl E — = à a = ЕЕ = = = » m Si ЕЕ = | i A r © = = = = |= = = == LL man eg = = = ENW.I | | | a ЛОВИ В En Zune И 9 Bun E EEE Del UT Wa" ¿lo \. , \ IN im FA JU _— «30 EUROPEAN POLICE in this setting, the VCO MOD control to 10’. In this setting, pressing a key à should be set so that the VCO pitches are causes the sound to approach from a a major third apart (if the lower pitch is C, distance; releasing the key causes the sound the upper should be Е). A siren can be to fade away. produced by changing the modulator selector to), moving the RATE contro! to *0”, and moving the VCO MOD control E Roland Г mooutaton À VCO \f sumosc || nose | mer hf ENV: if ENV.2 1 Syn ES CCR MORK FAHÈE WAVE FOR CUTCHF FREG КВ A р 5 A a R wann ГЫ _ e A Pu Li a HIGH SA O or y woe, ЭН-1 <” > “ > ru me TL = ren] laut foe р Ve , 1961 Ritz ana | ar == me b = MTEC mn I ml | I ©) o . veto warn dose ¡=== m mt Mar Lar Lar EXT CV o O О ree > — < — pe 4 | . Gare AUDIO MIXER O DFE" УСА ed PO AUT OBE MES PULSE WIDTH MO —, (ae!!! onen | HATE СЫ CEETH TIME PLE SE WIDTH van fav koe A POLO ы , cul Li _ — —_ min sewn ne fhe swe — Y Si Ju | Z pr 4 iz Env | Qu © | == 2:5 Е и | | у _—=-. Lo ° + SAMPLE SOUNDS SOUND EFFECTS (3) Set the TRANSPOSE switch at L. Pressing into the distance. the lowest key starts the engine. Next, pressing the highest key will cause the motorcycle to move. While holding this key down, the VCO MOD control causes the motorcycle speed to vary, Releasing the key will cause the motorcycle to fade E Roland Г MopuLatoR | | vco Vf susosce |[ noise |[ wpe lf ENV-1 Vf ENV-2 | SYITHESIEER vc mace crm № а С”, ML Shirt manvou Г Fu — 16 Hl a #1 ru + Dow ane hm (| cs | [m К o 2 : tu ware = =(E = 7007 SE IT II rate — weinen Aether Mirad on à ru й — Hr ren Ale PP or 1001 pire = em] en | 1 FREQ Wißik Rn === —| 1m: O 4 FA — À | AUDIO MIXER © If VEA PASE WIDTH MOD —, +948 PULSE чить veo DEL MOISE so Env? ИНН TEEN Set the TRANSPOSE switch at L. Press the boat to fade into the distance. the lowest key. While listening to the sound, adjust all the VCH sliders and the modulator RATE control to get a sound which sounds good. Try lowering the TUNING controi. Also try adding a little noise. As above, releasing the key causes Roland monunarorn || | sumosc |{ noise |[ Her |f ENY-1 if ENV-2 | SrRtHESIccA ai 1067 CUTOFE FREC “vec a 2 5 h a я wove. SH-1 Kanon us sar Г = сте oe ii ИНИНИ ЦИН] ОО { £ L [ г he a L. a - р. м AUDIO MIXER ©. EA, Ert CUTorF EXT SG vo DE MONEE SG МЕ AO E En MÓOC KYED EM FOL A En? ИННА L FL À I PA I ous À u A J TEMPLE GONG Set the TRANSPOSE switch at L. The setting combines three sounds: the VCO, SUB OSC, and oscillating VCF to produce gong sounds, Set the VCF CUTOFF FREQ while listening to the output sound. Once adjusted, the tone of the gong will depend on which key is pressed. i Roland Г monuLaror || мсо Vf susosc |! nose ) ENV SHITTHESIBER ue me rm Ml o. moot SH-1 here ue 4 | < m Ar na | —/fi-- 37 >: WHITE gate ||! |— Г \f > Ban ZZ, Г. ОО |= 1 Е JE Y Ea EXT Cv о O © ‘a я — < = = -. CO Ot, We pr ALDEA y, m PULSE WIOTH DO —, AUDIO MIXER © Tea VCA (mune TT wate “ee MOD DEMI TIME PULSE WIDTH veo DE Nos Se ara ERY EDR MOLE wu Joan ane er lore AS | lim» a (0) == Е = Е ЕЕ | MEL =| =]||= «ЕЕ НЕ 55 Е ha u ==. eo —- и = N | À = A PA Ma e on pe SPACE SOUNDS SAMPLE SOUNDS Tapping a key will cause a fiying saucer to VCF CUTOFF FREQ or ENV-1 slider, approach. This sound is produced by an and also the modulator RATE. oscillating VCF controlled by ENV-1 and the Г} output of the modulator. ENV-1 causes the overall pitch range of the sound to fali, the modulator Li wave breaks the sound up. Try different settings of the (f= Roland f \¢ Y =, y y y MODULATOR VCC SUA 05€ HOSE HEF ENVW.Z IMITHESICER MOLE RANGE WAVEFORM CUTOFF FRED ` R MAMECHA Mu : dl ' Tu 1 bet вен мое: SH-1 Pe — " A “ IL ri ef À are 1 wee] me | ents " 37 y WHITE =) = mp pa] Sam г YE h 100T a — = — = TIMING en — m 1 — — вы: E E pu re — PA — Le = RYBD mx =I = = тост —| !— =} [==] 97 м ЕАО bte un wee | | me > ExT cv o — di 4 — Г mar | | AUDIO MIXER о] | у AA e open or mia” PT AUTOBEND =, 7 PULSE WIDTH MOD —, sue at УСА мые POR TALENTO mon DEPTH TIME PULSE DT veo GS MONEE BG F RESONANCE ENVI мос AYE ENT FOUR “zz (| io] |= —|\— bro u ad — ыы PAP — — — — ЕК -1 ya + — here sert — _ — + Pal ih Fo |, = A P “ A Y A 1 71 I TITI TT = У. a = | al —- — — mo ns I] — Near Bt a A ¡A Aw ~' A FA =! This sound is very much like the above sound except that it uses inverted (Ц) ENV-1 control of the VCF so that the VCF pitch rises instead of falling. Since ENV-1 also controls the VCA, the sound becomes softer as it rises. г =" A nn a a =“ f= Roland MOOULATOR | vco sua 055 || Noise ENV-2 StHTHESicrA were asas parer os … FU В ru 1007 oc. SH-1 RANDOM Thy my ых + 7 D A re u ii Вы 37 y Wa tE gate —||[—]liw Г Y ME N N == |!= tuno AT =} =| 1 ü ps — — b = т: nt ie) ри я сет Pura, LEG = | rr = ® FAO nn cui | ei: In A , , EXT cv o O O > a ” + > ad Gare w AUDIO MIXER © Tin УСА > + < eran ST BMTOBEND —, PASE WHO TIC N, ze vorm Г some 7 RATE = THE MOG DEPTH TIME PULSE WI0TH DEC мм HOLD m u nm | — = Ii ee “= =P ka " и = =il=fiil=z ЕН me м = \ + — — = = = u » | Imamım : =, N . ю = SEP | I= = — и. = Emv-2 E K a se j— не — an I eh o B pa N a J Me À Le = Ma un This sound uses the osciilating VCF. The modulator is set at RANDOM and controls the VCF frequency to produce random sounds. Try various positions of the con- trols. This sound works weil with a rever- beration unit or echo chamber. г. y A г м E sf po y e 4 f= Roland MODULATOR veo SUB OSC NOISE НРЕ | ЕМУ. ENV-2 SHTIRESIOER MAGICA: MANE AVE CAFE toc? CUTOFF FREO «yep à o 5 it А A MODEL SH-1 Нанооы ru Ma + = a a4 ni Fi ae Han — u GATE — 7 —,—— a — con Ih — — N er ЧЕ m} [ei — — | lu “Teo oO — = \ az ? MATE il De zz of [Io] A Ga | ZEIT Y . 1007 iz a) Aziz = ЕН TUNG otis = == Gare - he CE DUR _ + = — — h E Arab | lS : | iii] |— —=|¡—|i= бет mw =| la wo Ш LITE II WO TT + Feta witht» rit wee = |, | — | — $ — — mer п er U haus | = E aa A Lu =’ оч — 1 1 Ent cy o © O oo > р N - | Gare AUDIO MIXER © Sur СА А НН (TH AUTOREND ==, pr PULSE WIDTH MOD +, | | e, wa LME oe НТО RATE MOO DEPTH Tike MALE wiDT= HOLE + мы Г + — — rs IIA = — — Le Lil ~~ = = fuma] Y jad E fu I = E * = 3 — te rm — _ = 1 A » = = 4 : = TI II IS =] [= =| [= a ® = — AN di AO Ems =| f= Ew? a “ CR... 1 Tr ны as. an 1! — à A tra mu. y м A en р Le PA Ju A FA >, SAMPLE SOUNDS RANDOM SOUNDS AG RANDOM NOTES With this setting, when a Key is pressed, random motes are produced. Pressing different keys produces different tone colors. The VCO RANGE and WAVEFORM selectors, all the VCF sitders, and the ENV-1 sliders may be set anywhere. The rate at which the notes are produced is set by the modulator RATE control: the pitch range of the notes by the VCO MOD controi. =>, “ “и ” “г f= Roland MODULATOR vco | sus osc NOISE MPF ENV-2 ] YY ATHESICER MODE PLANTE WAVEFORM , CUTOFF FRÈQ A a MODEL SH-1 MAD в mu Poor, 1€ a a a PU II Ba в ~ — о 32 г Zu ware =e cae |i i= f = \ EN = D Du и | poe ам, PU Fer Jo {ili = — mt — — u > PS 2007 Fa ZIERT vo — = - Ir e TAED Witt en Low “ le Y hand Aw JS м À 3 : fit cv 2 © O = e - — = DIR pu AUTORENG <p PULSE WIOTH MOD —, AUDIO MIXER © tata УСА VEN MC PORTANTE MODO DEPTH tint PULSE WIDTH HOLD q | р . u LFD _ Le A = — ENT a | | ) f , y MRA . — и 5 * = COTES = ENV. 5 e 2 ml [-] a mr a m, À LA FO J 47 RANDOM FILTERED NOISE quality; tt is not particularly needed for random noise sounds. This setting uses noise with the random note setting. Since noise is a combination of ali pitches, it is possible to filter it to produce specific pitches using the VCF. With the VCF MOD slider raised, these pitches form random patterns. The use of the VCO in this setting gives the sound a metallic 2 Roland MODULATOR уса Vf susosc }{ noise fo pr if ENV.2 SI TIHESIEEN boo nance чего cutors EREO я woe. ЗН-1 mun FE ny an ва 1 li own - Nu 22 ? hed WHITE un ii р 7 OCT ||] | LIT IT DEF ll ll bop © weap LE az 2001 Pibes eo =| = ‘ м FEED мы “we | ; cm | fort ps © e ° oo = men ou he Ih rt PO ALTOHENG pe BULÉÉ WIDTH MC — AUDIO MIXER © Less УСА г VOLUME E MOD DEPTH TIM PULSE Wioth MAT кро EM FOL A ЕК ^ EMV-: — + _} This sound uses two random sound sources: on which key is depressed. one is the VCO, the other is the oscillating VCF. Try different MOD settings for the VCO and VCF, Changing the VCF CUTOFF FREQ will produce large changes between metallic random notes to jarge sounding random notes. The sound will also depend (= Roland MODULATOR veo Vf susose If nase |f Her | f ЕМУ-1 \f ENV-2 | Sy HESICER en RAPE etes у ост CUTOFF FREQ L a £ a a A VTi м ‚ _ Ka wo Aus 15° FL wi Tt ==, Dery _ a D N. NZ. — | a ? m mort == == = ar == тост ye [ff] | mi im N i == = == IEEE вост Pan zz zei iz ro = | II wie re (jp j— ad | fame a só | | aman ee a PA, J ÍA р [ | aven | Ve à p= PULSE WIDTH MOD =, a MIXER о ‘oan VCF УСА PLL БЕ WIDTH NEC onc MORE Li Ent MOT 4760 PP HOLD e we mara ^^ ra — rra m - чз ZE 8 a jw) I 1 II _ Ex. | EL Be Es JE | JL - | 46 GUITAR SYNTHESIZER SAMPLE SOUNDS AO FUNKY GUITAR (ENVELOPE FOLLOWER) it is possible to create interesting changes in the tone color of electric guitars. Below is an example of an envelope follower setting for producing an automatic wah effect. For bass guitar, move the VCF CUTOFF FREQ control a little lower. E Roland MODULATOR | | vco \Г susosc }f Noise HPF ENV-1 ENV-2 SyUnNTHESICERA MODE Rane wave gen | CUTDEE FRED VE a в а sanoca FH а Fu ahd к; GATE - EE S SH-1 no YE * at Ft В . ss — one N— m 1 — — aus > nu WHITE tat ii nm | 11 1 KYB ff) 17 7 — ae ms À | A CATE — — — — , 201 es; | Az ie == vee y ЕП GATE mie: IT |7 = =p pp b = RYBE mf jo} poof inet ie Lili eet Pine irn | ЕР: = = eo = = C) > FREQ Mora ae ii = ; A == ı o 56 J A J\ : . i a pa . AUDIG MIXER Cr DER | WOE УСА Mn Load Ye y MÍTDGEMO =, PULSE WIDTH MOD —, sue Ex curer Ir sc PULTE TIRE woo DEPTH НЫ PULSE MOT “oc osc MOLE LI FREQ RE SO CE Env. tudo FRE ERY РСА А fl =” | Inn — — ji. a +) an E me vr 0 u. wa wen — af ZI fa ZI Im | pT I “UE € m Tee) 1 =| foe} po Eno! = мы = = asus — — = = 1 IS > = —— = 3 — т И = ЕЕ = Zr i = = iz ENV 1 — In = == = vr exw. —_— — e = — wo we Of, + = — con CE — = + Le in this setting, the VCF is controlled by the modulator to produce '"'wah” sounds in the guitar. Experiment with the modu- lator RATE and VCF MOD controls. Electric pianos and string synthesizers can be used with this setting, too. г ”, — e р х ei a r= Roland i MODULATOR | iets) VO susosc | NOISE HPF ENV. ENV-2 | Sri | ТНЕЗСЕЙ more FANE AEF DL ; Butorf FAEG KYED a a 5 a à к ь SH-1 ANDO nu "o Mr si + Tt TU fie bow “cr weep GATE | mr f mass — me 17 nn Lo Г] ass Hi mon u 32 > a mete =| |= mo Z = SI BE || . 3001 п] = [= Ty | I) IE LI ли a Mi Fr | : ыы. | — — irren nas u e — | FUN | | C) | TL ji “iin вай l= =} |= | Zi b = РТ nl jee I pp | yo ya 2711 Oct Pura DUT ue LED ley luc I I | tee CT je ® I Fagg wtDIm ae on E — pee in Ja — = LU — I 1, FA AN A I 7 + . ENT Cv o О © pa — YY - < — ” | GATT AUDIO MIXER © VCF СА pr d po AIDA en PASE ADA MOIS mm SUB ExT cuTore Ext AG f MICH. IAE \ OAT ae TO A MOD DEPT TIME FLE SE worte DSC NOSE SG FRED = RE SON ENVI MOD TEO ЕМУ FOLA d . a —_ < o ra м mil ЕО = Ent =} i \ zZ _ Ему. ph — With the setting below, the RANDOM output of the medulater controls the VCF to produce random changes in the guitar tone color. Electric pianos and string synthesizers work well with this; set the VCF CUTOFF FREQ to match the instrument being used, F г” “г ‘, “ pp ы = Roland f MODUL ATOR | vco \{ sue ose NOISE ur ENV: | Gil | bHESICER MODE RAGE WAVE F DRA CUTOFF FREG a Pa] $ En ru = п EA) we care = ry MODEL SH-1 паносы бе dE" a wr li, ve me pe I=" ” — nn hum {ee os —” ar 2 WHITE =. eee ди пр] IE | = р | , ac: == «spo = 11 TE 1 = ue un je) Tel im = » * ree 2001 bras = I= wo “(| TT I = = O) | 0 FRIC CT a ru o |. e io ШВ a I u — — “ a? + . Ertcy © © O rm — F— of < Gale AUDIO MIXER С VCE Ae mr PT AUTOBEND = tt PUK SE WIDTH MOD — —rn al u | _ ет т wet ot MONS. pl CUIDEF SCHUH”. АА WER UM POR tame nro RATE TIME wem DEPTH Tee PLL SE WIDTH FREQ ME I ENV NOR КУН ЕМУ FDR A . Г fl wih HIGH Mi wad A Г * HA imi — +) wa Pe vr |= — 1 — nia sum ht = i rc | | mama IT: A = — = “er | 1 13 ` “ ETE ! ] E ИНН dus fon il m ИН A 4] SAMPLE SOUNDS ALTERING EXTERNAL SIGNALS Connecting a microphone to the SH-1 allows processing of any external sound source. With the level switch at “Н”, adjust the distance between the microphone and sound source so that the AUDIO MIXER OVERLOAD iamp lights only occasionally. 52 VOICE SYNTHESIZER | (ENVELOPE FOLLOWER) ET МРОТ мт ls © a A E г <“ Г “, Roland MODULATOR VOD VÍ supose NOISE ENV-1 ENV.2 OTT THESICER wore ares waver on cect me ot 2 5 0 à MODE SH-1 nod at, wr ы #1 Li, Dow + ms | [mami] pit | Emo] Lee ut RES LT - ae 7 na were wi | li = gare | |: Г TUNING Vf | | Dow Г KYBD 2 === =. > ru TE NI | ES ZI Em TT r E | m poe | [| 177 | j——!t j— y тост рык um limitent = wo ib ¡il C) O FREQ 0 WIDTH oan _ Le = | ml jos | jo N : ert Cv © O O ‘a = ms : F = a 4 Gare D 2 AUDIO MIXER © 25% УСА > = < DELAY pa ALTOGENG y A PUL BE ADT MOD en, cu VOLUME | PORTAMENTO | RATE TIME Mac BEPTH THÉ PULSE WITH Е x + i — — bil CE — — ПП — a PO — es, der = Ol ||; = mii wo = uns pe C) pl ore | moe =|) | |] «= == Aaa a E E = u = = = = = = = av = EM. E " | dumme | À == a u PER ны urn — u“ FF Du SEE } ss a _* Connecting the RS-202 String Synthesizer GATE OUTPUT to the SH-1 GATE INPUT allows the RS-202 to trigger the SH-1 envelope generator. Set the CV/GATE selector switch at EXT CV/GATE. This setting allows the SH-1 to control the tone POLYPHONIC 23 SYNTHESIZER А, НЕ OUTPUT LITE. | 4 cu sa RE | color of chords played on the RS-202. =000'00 ¡[2 Roland MODULATOR |! уса | susosc || noise or HESICER none лы waver Ont tort woe. SH-+ samo un A “ 7] ha rate ax 2 vera TE ur =, ACT [+ 01701 Tue ru N {OF e _ Ö E PREC weite hd Lan 1 1 EIT cy O O O rn = an = Г GATE ry a! AUDIO MIXER © 2817 Pre nn en purer bELir po ASTDBENO ==, m PASE WIDTH MOD —, as EIT CUTOFF Eat SG VOL UM POMTAMEHTE RATE TIME Mer: DEFTH TIME PULSE MADTH YEO oO DEE MAS 56 FRED fil MOD Te BA FOL HOLE : = г u m AA mon _ “ar Zoe m mm ZE ge = El Е” em C) | ewe] jur à a | мм | evens | fra = Е. | в ni eee ея | рамы | | + ‚>. НЕЕ НЕЕ ЕН в = SHS = en E La — nl ns pas al — al ie ai © Fi ia a = к sum LL Lo run, À EEE A } a ] un 3 This setting allows automatic fades to be added when dubbing tapes. Hold a key down while dubbing; releasing the key will produce a fade-out, the rate of which depends on the ENV-2 “В” setting. The “A” control can be used for a fade-in. Monitor with headphones. AUTOMATIC 94 FADE F — E F г” nf y u = 47 “=. = Roland MODULATOR veo lf sumosc | NOISE HPF ENV-1 ENV-2 GYITHESIZER uc mes sero o a . SH-4 AMD Гы en it # a a! ru ue Bown derer Am N ar y u WE TT ee 1 ¡| II р OCT =] ET I= “Е oo =! | I nl TUNG | ru | — — me —ыы — b se I EI EC ya HTA 10€1 TAS iz = — = FREGO WETH DEM a | ju pes y о OO ————— À ) : : Ext Cv Г _ = \r - GATE AUDIO MIXER O9 kn Al j pets pH AUTOBEND PT PULSE MOTH MOD —, su Ext ext ue OA LIME i Pomramento | RATE TI MO ея THE PULSE WIDTH A KOO BAY ЕЕ. Ю y ns m mu Г = el m or fl) = ait’ — - ! ' pd mi II m 1 zZ |} = F ЕР Е, |. НЯ Е oa] f+ j ме m. ' mnt rer] f= mit} i i= = Y = w — — ur. — eA — e =—. — ну 1 — в m u. Le В nul Le — aw LT" rn | vote eg, ий À 4 a A SOUND SYNTHESIS MEMO pr — и " f= Roland MODULATOR | veo | 5ЫН 055 р NOSE HF ENV: 1 ENY-2 SYTTTRESIEER Tu Mat зав OA to CUFOFF fini arto N o 5 n a м + - Fu Pa n ware SH-1 A on wy GA En ler" mo lem ww il ar r ieh | io | fur e til 1 — Beet ES ПЕ, Tu ae ” = Li = м i Ic? mo = II в — = j o Zi) = EM mirlo ими LA — — = ew | ==» — * u. I. m—— D © = “Г A Y A AUDIO MIXER Co WOE УСА DeLay Fous BUT CREE] = TE wrt et +, on ret Euros ro MATE THE MO DEFTR ты Pu SF лат we 655 MOE he FC IDA | EWVT CE ТЫ Г РС 9 мин Ц qq a] us =} CE —— ыыы re we m má E] mn | =e ma ih re" ir _— ih un pit — wer Ц. dom = ri. Li | SYS ЕЕ Е © SSE BE jo à pus m TE pm [2 Е Е выч | НЕЕ м НЕ СИЕ =} фей pe SS FS Zi pa = zei IE mi ; = me PR A .=—|| => | Jr ml > id A, 1) [mer] ar — = ET =: uf eee) er == fi: i 11717 inl Ja pert to Е LT I ie =] bel I Thin li tient ШИ! ЕН =| |] EU [Е И в. et (E slot him Oey SIE F3 = — ыы. à [ ыы rm u — we ie 2 | CE N ri nr polis == 4 NP rer — — eo, Fe — m + lo = дамы д o — Tey att — Rat NME м a ae — и TAAMÉRCEE sm + E 1] С) H „11 — |: IT m sont Ш fo t BERDER | | | - инь + 1, at a — “| A E Rola nd MODULATOR |! ¥co Е sus osc NOISE HPF ENY-1 ЕНУ. 2 БУПТНЕРЕЯ = wu mero a O || ggg tk Ls Tu # Fu wee DATE = ita Pur LE Ci #1 fu Lt salad mr! jee м . шее A [| | жет. ee хи, SH-1 >. ym rt wed FE = Ш m Ci = = = >, у C1 ZE [= “TRS al [=] I I | fo runs | e HE pl | SEES E + Е LIT = у =~ Ts Pm... АЕ oro PET ИЕ ® | чи ine rae La = | mini et ii — po - G DO Me ZA — e = ` a dit Cr С м ma an J [ AUDIO MIXER © ver СА rar pm MITER +, AULA rt MOD —, E mm gut СЕТИ Е pti uc ver LES RATÉ LL à Me A M БЕ Werl wh 05 м 5 ANS a | Emo MG AYET dam FOUR ic и vn son м4: «ml Dit Ti ne | bee à arte m I = =". SS Se is =" "= = En: La ati in EN IT Ff =| SS) [= =) 722171 a] |= =; |= \ — En nl — — an — ce — trs — — a — 5 — — — e — — — CE ЕЕ = | =I Fest IE E I 1 Zi | im ft SIT ELLE TE п | ===- FEL | HEISE | FE aaa aa 7 | z < m SE ww =. u me] AA e ee | fe oe — 1 — — wre | раны | jura Pe jus; Ц JA ЗЕ ата тт wee и HL amar = — TRANCE — Im _: Lf } = loue = | “ a must fore | jour u BENDER Ge ne — - г np u - % ™, Roland MOGLILATOR | YOO sue OSC NOISE HPF | ENV-? ENV-2 SYNTHESIZER vo mes war № en ma || gy + + à + . cu SH-1 nano FS à, eo, nm ru | je u ji lei or ua Tot oe] i | a+ y weit == = = pr } [I E CAM 2. = = зат =I [= = I jE Е = [oy i= O ls = = | D icc | miele sees po =I = reine в 2 booed Ö le] rich a =- at Y ны jar - — <A o i. ee \ eet! hy e от и if 4 — MXER ove УСЕ УСА Dr po TO =, — DLL —, | AUDIO O vin с > am EFT curr t matt TE MON UREA TH Ты PAL EE Te MCD EM MEA ETS VC di Eee E Mt MHD KA Fü № ALLO PA ыы =e ыы | CE == mn Tre on m п | mn rere = —— = ul nn reale u F a —- el pret u = № = ыы < =} = THES = Sit = И ГЕ ЕР m РТН = tre |= =) ИЖЕ Po] fj 1 =| IS] je] il iz =| ЕЕ ed ca Set Er = ile Роба jam] [oe um lim lim. CCE D nu) mere) mur jm je © ИЕН ПЕ =| im i m tema] =: ZZ I „I m m iis =} [= ГЕ =) m |] pee [= =ji= mi, 1 li = = т 1: ı bien} m [ZI =] U haare Еф „ СР 1 ES Dre ={j= EI LE >. Fe foi à = = — — e = m mm were — il we wa ur a — — À | 0 — — e Fern г "a os = a —— = er 2 u | einen — = se — м mt ls sm |] = т LOT Dr ml — — — — — ы — — — — — | |= залы | orme = BENDER f= Roland | MODULATOR IT ate ЛЕ susosc |[ wore IT wee 11 ENV-1 if ENV.2 АТИНЕОЕВ une vor mw EC Curie ВЕС ши, SH-1 ant Pe, + 3 Er 2} Е Е IT wealth y ann. + Fun =p] = . ch [| zit CATE Jde, ww > Г 1 lil ! À O (O) A ‚©: AP я ай una! E semi Нин [HE NIUE ИНН DT ¿O E: LITE 1! LE м AUDIO MIXER Qi: СЕ СА Be ext Lori O , E i & z A a 1 E pl 3 7 $ J É ‘| ~ § E : |, pe LE |, 4 iy 5 1 4 Le A E i LE M $ Е A Го À в ° — — um | ere | | — ren | ыы À ans nt [mass ur à — — ie — — — | wef ] ac wie) Pewee fd м ff ee [meer ir |-- mn - — | ||. tu Е ctra dd] | — ml im = — 1 fen} [mu ml |= + arte | re ht mi ln ne A RE tr EE ment [mn fl = mm, mme] [rr > ыы] [mr =. ern re et | | a] Jene — re ur = => — ame = — toe — =, — — = = —— = ns LE mu Pur 13 er — ms — — rm — . — —— — — — F aa E juan ee set m it Pont jet и rra В bed pros joo} [= = em mit == = Pee A Ln a. — — — mr — — —o —r- ir - — — + ren bebe ir er = — rt tr — — — — + inter = — —- — _ =. — = Lor ur Artt = = ir lo с fone 2 h mm — rie mar in | — | — = = — an + — — — — er no” —x — e — — — — = E 4 AS PP | AA À oy | rm) we mu A ee ed | msn 4 wo. ыыы —.. — wee | jee | (ern ur; jr at N, le pr = he LÀ \ rr N 3 4 i E mm! Lori О — | im! pet Zi fone] LT = [1 [= ыы Lu ll mi: Lye | e] | = ы = ii 17 = ee] | CE = Wh nn À Sy, BENDER a i f= Roland | woouraton || vco VÍ sunose !f noise If wer | ЕМУ. ВУПНЕЗОЕА “rt Para mtv Cm cet cutcer emo mn 4 Doo A " FÜ co. Tu rn 1m г a a} STL AAA : 4 thers “ue E e ur n won. 5H-1 LS 1 ru Fu —| = me во — = — It + HITE | |. GE mel foe I ma ЕЕ =| lee = ur », LIT Ta =. TURN re mm. [me AT =; i= er hei i 20? zZ LFE ; MS RIT tit N ag OT | rie eed Dd | | = im || o eo о A . Ju 4 , ' ny EN ER ou y A vor ei un AUDIO MI One A A, — u e Oe PLAY wrt ea sue Et Sutter m (uns ar A ы 1 ar hr = Line PORTA RTE RATE A TR PL DTN wo сы Mar 55 "EL m мех Cn, 1 CT] =. у woop ен О О очных ль оли оби А || ee) фо foe ys Tire! j= = = pervert I bearer EL A Ale le — — | el u rn de ur — al — — тет er an un a ud — = nr titi Miri arar “+ “E =i] |= =] =p | ij ico ja LT |= CHER EEE == = vl in [rn I y ems js mil ML == — à Juan = =) В =. Mr [herve [dann | mann | ler mile: À =НЕЕНЕ == pz 5 Е ЕЕ Ami |= paa] PE SS iz = I= = wore mire} ieee i] |= we) |= fal fr fa $ банный вы zz -—— r ry lm |= eT mI à Е ЕЕ ser li ==! |= 21 11 fuma wr Г К pe pi == devi à = CRE PA AP a fe fe pee m Jun: г. PIE ыы == =_= und оны E bn EE ES ee e PS TER a La À Le H \ Jk A, 3 “ Sn TT Y GE WCF wine | ры} AA TARMARCEE al Lam] lue | Im t= LEE oo: =] 122 [= — a He ы РЕ TT =r ee 7 “hae, BENDER f= Roland | MODULATOR || voo — г Pr Г ¿ud DSL MOISE MPF ENY.1 EMW-? SYNTHESIZER u me on =. ето ро cos ru " FL ; mor Г zart 2, . - other - . МИН SH-1 DADA Mu, я a wt Fl rags | —- mo = et fee — un belle x r wt TE = jm a 1— =} — = Gate = —i Y 100 == № =; |=] [= Zi HN + 7 Le mi OT mu pannes =; ni | | ais | sii E ji] [en - un Fu _,!— Gerd | i ры] ыы — | m min PRE D wer h F = | Li oe] | {| ee era rr | mr N 2001 — ЕН wo ИРИ live СИР OC sueo eae iv 4981 == zn ur = a i m u = + A o OO > fi N i РИ ` . HS aus al WEF = ee 1 = —__. Hh eal Aer a Sete ых —, AUDIO MIXER о han autewt rat gc УСА re PP PP mm, TEL Ar En uta . vin nad с bane WTC MATE Tw a? Ch о пы MA SE vaut "er _ MO or VMS MEME | | Чт A ЕМУ Ни д “ar - ml , . = — [== + TE Mer end — wen ans — MN = ыы a — Led a ea] — 1 ыы a] a] al ta - A — — — — — — —1 Teer rE | jam) ee | _ = — — ++] mm] pr] lr = < = Riz mm E р =] (SS fi] |5 Sim A TEE EE = me _ _ | == ii] I ыы [o _ _— j jan [an I IN ST ZTI= 21127] 17 =] [= = IE [EZ ZI EN pe LE = a PA ey 1 | мышь 1 tn) jam — are — == . be bea - = rien PREPARAR pe mk =r — —_— ¡"ur + ur. vun [7 | cme dr tr u) jen mme te rn = : = 1—1 | = — — “im = == iz — — = — 3 | [m | 1e. mr more —— г. = — : _ — [m — — ee —. || — — — x — sil И Е ii il | rem fe we = SS iii = Lewd 2 4 —_ pe me ee — = — i= Pan =. — — ll | eS = = — — — — — En PA TA = : De — — — A lada — ir —_| | = nm Зы _ — mora — + — ‚ = » pr A Jı FR FA |. veel Jar = a “HE rd Tee Te woo Wer 1 |1] ИТ Roland É а я Of 4 eC ©; ИН [3 |. m o À ln Fr | | => — — | ge ur] mg | mm | | m | dm —] ee eier] seinen | Eure ыы fus + ==] mt jm | mm pe | | mai [amet [idee || AT Y Le wu | mem Le EL y NE um | femme ee [mul Fun LT Ë Е ‘ i DEIA HLTH ЕВЕ НИ il AE: CL HAITI IAS: BLUR FINOS] " - $ г FETE] cos "FTE HEIN ra Ed = 8 E o Eine H RENE = a 1 = li =] |= =p i=1i=] [= = il, Zi; = Е, ЕН. 2 4 A grep Di [If ae“ dt Lj] fools lin, we = a=} pure) joe VEA НЕА Г E = à =i f= Ore. 4 mi la: mi 1 LE sant jus К, „1 + BENDER == Roland SYITTRFHESICER wae 5H-1 + DERE TA ТТ MS WE rel od En do THARP lp | | — mid | | I | Jo SEC = 117 ы Жень | win QQ | SUB O5C amt BE rn MONSE Lal р. a ENE — ОЕ 5 * ns, = i pa * a ul Ki a ur cl ыы | | mie Ef mm lo | | ии. | | ees [me ры Er DE ЗО fl fae ee — Em] ee ны flop [Pere erre] | ие | [чаше + Dr) ber it lo femme] Lu — fu md fm) Leer SS ры | [mm | | men | Jo | (mm + o 2 1 ATM ee ET O —, E 5 AUDIO MIXER © PEE En” e wcó DR MH [ ring a 5 4 mE á j Es | A A gran Tp te SIZ} (= рай рии Зи [} SEE. TI |= ll do | fm! |= | = o de ej MATE wi: Fre; EDEL won HOLD a WH wa ee wen | | eee | | ees mae RE woe! m ml (om 4 rt | ee A APS ES PA ES | mn м u [2 ZZ |= = E == im UNE mo SET EI =| |= Ин-т 1 mm — vum ad — pe = ры eed | [ инь _— im. = — I [] = el od pz =, um =, =] I и = /= =|—= u Re ln el Pace bane | pe fd ii . == SSSE FE JESSE | SSE USS SE | SE EL at Ve [ нее | | res ль — | eee | jeu CT ES u mn | lames | miens weitere Lure Ever) jweru ay, ¿bw mu La A, r LE aA ik In Г Mutha tr Y у WG WER i + TALE kam [ree] bom a сн — — ba + srl ¡mm [oe CO BENDER | + — ZA + Roland SUB OSC NOISE ENY-} ENV-2 SA TESICER сз я a SH bese Er MAL * — — — | | ur == + ru mars THE hi] Even [men ja pet ma = r un tect =i een ja J] [= = im Е 1 ened er, = li TUM. + mi ns |}. =. ¡Al 1 I nu | sa = i = | = = b # MED mn | |— zZ em 1x7 mu. E li; I} | | a ie een Ja Cl lol el LL nl at] al — ur. ir Van. a - À AUDIO MIXER ot! u [LA Xx п rt нь + 51 Te Ve VOLUME Tante wor ee TE мо О мы E A A A Av A “ut ' mail tir : 1 ee ee AA PA A ee mr dol | ee | ¡rel fe | [mm ий ms) ler) (er miete | ed ET | SE CT sm | | жи ш amic | мии | | ti | he сш has ll] ee jon we) [eee | | cs ee ee | mm ar] loci D'un rel li la] | шк a nt À lim] [rl dk] О жи. ASAS ¡| eee |— men | Ei. 1 — em a Del in == = | louer! rm) RÁ] 1 wer femme] [us | ры — ||}. "ll le moro E fewer teed Va = sel femmes | [ewe ] fee | | | peers Lun — [lo mil CS LEA | PS Lo [mm | | лжи. | | = 11 q mi | [ena] Fun | ren Mt or min] [oe am | (mm ff | [oma Y à ыы 2 — [mm] 1 — es jm | ie — rer | rare Or dem mk u pe ee et р ee lp E Pen rl ti) | — — | [| | = |) I Tu dm a je] Drei À Penn j— {li mel oe И | — — [| — | be lues) lens] de | — AR RÁ eee р to EL ив Mo я * mm Le CR CS ES RSS — || ie pm] RÁ oe |— nn [pon sra Fh ce “ = Dor | om) ler] [reo] fées мини Mn | [mm | | ни] | паче | deren a Ja fm | | um jun) mu 1 beh ae aa À ou JF A a FA wen | | wo CF tr ler] | à THAR me [| | lu u E cit] is ll [— ar lun) | = st | жи mt LOA u [a] | !— 1 ы у = ие ee ee E 1 z a La] = Roland | MODULATOR von \[ susosc || noise | нтк | ЕМУ. Vf ENY-2 1 Si TDHESIEER wor мама ment ote + WEL az pr Fu Pa a Lat wee. EH-1 a Phe a, LN = at fu ru ua | jus 9 Fat, hg | me Homann | Free in Era =" [Er Fat 4 pl le a III [IT paid D en > > wee ТЕ — = — (e AE ham GATt = — — = J _ —f ij] [at mir nn 2007 —| |= | =) i= == Г. THE Г depen | Im HE eb jee) [omer] Im =. at fal fom, 5 Fu =} [= =f 7: = м = b = AT =! [= im pere] ie | 1] ln = тест ыы ml = bro met lol 14 II I eo i O РЕ mie ia wei | so ed ng en рана [| wen fen] [eek | с C) O I FA A A i | у ane Г AUDIO MIXER © TEES } Vor ) _— Log УСА НР РН, Mu ALTE FUEL BOTH MCD SSS AA, TELAT wT a ри Eat Eurer ue von me PORTAMENTO MATE MO RT TU ML mom ме БЕ MA ft FRCS) MSCHANCE y AOC PR thy FL A Mb wa 1 eee) jee |] ee y CES EPR EPA PRA =~ CE TS LE чу a dl Ms? mr fer nus { human = ml mató || вым =. == —! Il orme UNIT I f= —| j—-| i— nn pp | (SY ee] LE = 1 I IT 20 Ee = =| force Lien D De D pus Е, A LE) ii we] fe Tea 4 + =| dae] jan iii | f= _ u le | =i ;— | i— = | —— ji me! fae } pr Г La pr =, 1 = — pa = Ah, ho] ee => ъ ны | ee + APA APPS ee r Z =: ee | IT jie! I Е I = = |= m m ini ie my |= ps =| [meet pr linia 2 = nt pony I emi | =| 1; |Z ZZ HT |= == | it dur be] 1 жечь | eme | ' ши = sel RS | Peas | | ищи = mnt Dm | ee ur жж Y a | milo. ume] , = =| rn 1 —11] III: = met ne | lee] J] IE = 1) |= —] 1] jf ae =: ы я и ига | | ыыы! | es hi 1 ms ns | Fest — owen fee | (ern | es me y zum | (mm) (em 3 Sete te = — 5 : a Г Г г f Г foe E ti Nu = BEAT Te rt WEF A [it RA тада Е = |— el 1: |= =) II: I Е a) lement lun 1 = mer (mn le u lun) |= Pr ZI [ZI = i [I II ee mms | [шит 1 ty prets Lu ¡Roland \f vi vr - va —,, 7 саг} MODUL ATI Yoo Sua OSC NOISE HPF ЕНУ-1 Ем .2 SYNTHESIZER u ще mure № cor oe un a Tu E Tu mis att dan . . Con = CT mu . us SH-1 de má у “ tu Fu = Im my ep jr oe [eh Ir ur TOE Soy ben se г | WHITE —| f= zz |=] I= Eater iin р 2x pd] Bus Iii ZI ZZ ils TUNES | C) = lie a mu i= = mm => wre | mms ae : = fui) i= zZ (=) = р = RTE = |= =p фо | loin il} 2007 + ZZ wo ia РЕ wo Zi) FHO LL ыы | In u | rn —,— — — | | ee end = | a C) O . LL J ot Hi ' . car cy , = nr a } ALTHO MIXER OPE: МЕР УСА Ay war j PK Ed nn MAA ми — unk {rt ‘Cure rer Е vaut FOR aah RATÉ Ты CE E TE FULL FE Wr мер 25 + Mi Fo IOMA MEE Det + TE EM FR M wot + h man L A art Lames I u | À A — — a an ^^ mi mu | | шине. Te в LD PA A EP | PP mul lon =f ix НЕН D = ! SSS Ss = LIT rm OP) Rimes Е вн, , Sj фри = Tod | Sent lee II 17 TR II EZ mE II = fol ZEIT Е OS = ia rl i= a 1 —- — — L == + LC = Ah u ul nl pa 1 = _ i = nl Im ARE L < - = —_ - A =p iz =p tem ler Е la mi | [Е aad à jarro] D pres = 12] RI IT => i e « EI 1= I) II ii emma ZZ J) |] [= zei M ZI el [REE] j= == Dana E He i rn 7 7 your urn ee — a es „u > = — | ja ie he] we + en — amas | papes —-— eo ч-—- mn Im Fa À a JA 2 № PA MC _ Змеи ts Ve 5 wo = wee | | = ТЯАНЕРСНЫ + mm] la = rn — ы ы BENDER f= Roland MONULATOR À! мисс lí sunosc I! mouse | Her If ENYA Ff " > SYN HESICER wot ur ve РОМЫ + пост Cutorr =] arn A р m + E = ml nm . . ru ug GATE à SH-1 hewn Fa as, | a 1 A vi = i= mc ur) jun | Paume E puma ja an un: | js ar F lp TE pr Jr rer] | mini a o] EME] || 1 = » jor lm ej] PT) I ZI Ej * il C) E | = = a | = = = = = т = = = » a ve = ZH] po =p pte FACE rm li ED in u ee = wa ZS T= e 5 = AE.) * ISERE ЕЕ a о ть A wt he, =! 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LA NMOG 4.90 1 1 } «= | LANA 037] м ONINNL | | ng sno", N ye \Улэ-ааля MOGNVE H/ S | N > i AY: o < o TN L-ANa р ms | N > | | HOLVINGOW | ||| — 2 O > A E TT | Y ODA г зи амзаолйу С AN L ANA HLd30 o o | anaa oinv | амза ES :@ ‚СЕ Diti хо on | O1NV O о + ‚a | 041 31ÿ9 041 4L¥5 ‚Я OH : na ЗУМУН ASOdSNVHL | < SIHI+ALVD INT < "= 31V9 II < 5 osu Y 53 SPECIFICATIONS SKEYBOARD ... 32 keys, 2-1/2 octaves =\/CO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator} Modulator Autobend Depth Autobend Time (8msec-360msec) VCO Range (32', 16° 8’, 4’, 2°) Waveform (41 MU.) Pulsewidth Modulation {Min-50%) PWM Mode Switch {Env-1/Manual/LFO) "SUB OSC (Sub-oscillator) 1 OCT DOWNTL/2 OCT DOWNFU /2 OCT DOWN IJ "NOISE GENERATOR White/Pink Selector BAUDIO MIXER VCO/SUB OSC/NOISE/EXT SIG Overload indicator MHPF {High Pass Filter) Cutoff Frequency Control (25Hz-5KHz) aVCF (Voltage Controlled Filter) Cutoff Frequency Contro! (5Hz-20KHz) Resonance (Min-Self Oscillation} ENV-1 Polarity Switch (¿1 } ENV-1 Control MOB Control KYBD Control EXT SIG ENV FOL’R Control # CA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier} Hold Control Envelope Switch (ENV-1/ENV-2) MENVELOPE GENERATOR ENV-] | Attack Time (1.5msec-2.5sec]) Decay Time (1.5msec-8sec) "MODULATOR Modulation Mode Switch [Random/P 11/7.) Rate (0.2H52-25Hz) Delay Time (O-3sec) Rate Indicator MKYBD/EXT CV GATE SWITCH BTUNING (+700 cents) MPORTAMENTO (0-2.5sec) „VOLUME a TRANSPOSE SWITCH (L/M/H] "BENDER Bender Lever Bender Sensitivity (VCO, VCF} "POWER SWITCH Power Indicator "CONNECTION JACKS Output Jack Output Level Switch (L/M/H) (standard --20dBm/—8d8m/+4dBm} Phones Jack (892, stereo) Phones Output Level Switch (L/M/H} External Signal Jack External Signal Level Switch (L/M/H) {standard OdBm/~2GdBm/—4GdBm) External Control Voltage Input Jack (1V foct) External Gate Voltage input Jack (ON with +7,5V or over) Keyboard Control Voltage Dutput Jack (1V foct) Keyboard Gate Output Jack (OFF — OV, ON — +14V) Sustain Level (0-100) Release Time (1.5msec-8sec) Gate Trigger Selector Switch (Gate+Trig/Gate/LFO} ENV-2 Attack Time (1.5msec-3sec} Release Time (1.5msec-8sec) Gate Selector Switch (Gate/LFO) "GENERAL Power Consumption .......... TOW Dimensions ...... 610{W) x 3701D) x 135(H)mm 24(W) x 14.6{D} x 5.3(H)in Weight ............ 6.4kg, 14.1 Ibs Accessory ..... 2.5m connection cord “Specifications are subject to change without notice. 54 SH-1 INSTRUCTIONS Printed in Japan MAY '78-АЕ-2 Y Roland 10244 UPC 10244 Ui Roland Corporation ">