Meyer Slide Gate Installation and Operation Manual
Meyer Slide Gate
The Meyer Slide Gate is a versatile device that can be used in a variety of applications to isolate a rotary valve, or other piece of equipment, for maintenance. It is available in manual, air cylinder, and electric operator models, and can be sized to meet the specific requirements of your application.
The manual and electric versions can support limited differential pressure, bulk density, and head requirements when compared to the air actuated models. The air and electric models are available with optional limit switches to indicate when the Slide Gate is open and closed. The switches may be added to an air operated gate in the field. Electric actuators must be ordered with integral switches at the time the actuator and gate are ordered.
Slide Gates
Effective 7-1-2013
Your Source for Bulk Handling/Air Process Equipment
Wm. W. Meyer & Sons, Inc.
1700 Franklin Blvd • Libertyville, Illinois 60048-4407 • 800-963-4458 • 847-918-0111 • Fax: 847-918-8183 e-mail: [email protected] · website:
Safety Precautions ......................................................................................
Application of Slide Gate ............................................................................
Installation ..................................................................................................
Start-Up Procedure ..................................................................................... 7
Lubrication .................................................................................................. 8
The safety of the operator and those people that may come into contact with the Slide Gate Valves is of great importance to Wm. W. Meyer & Sons, Inc (“Meyer”). The decals, shields, guards and other protective features designed, furnished or recommended for this machine are there for your protection. BEFORE attempting to install, operate or perform maintenance on this Equipment READ carefully and UNDERSTAND all safety instructions contained in this Installation, Operation, and
Maintenance Instructions in addition to all applicable government safety/health laws and regulations and generally recognized industrial standards. The operation and maintenance of this Slide Gate Valve should be restricted to only those personnel trained in its use. Consult Factory for the availability of manuals in other languages.
Operation, Installation and Maintenance personnel should READ carefully and UNDERSTAND the sections of this Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions relevant to the work they are performing.
The various precautions and recommendations detailed within this manual are not necessarily all inclusive. These instructions are intended to provide general safety and operational guidance relating to typical installations with which Meyer is familiar.
Additional information may be provided that pertains to your specific installation upon request.
Equipment owners are responsible for understanding the contents of this document and compliance with applicable government laws and regulations and appropriate industrial standards. Appropriate plant safety and Equipment training is the responsibility of the plant owner. This Manual is intended to assist the owner in the training process. The operation, installation and maintenance of this Equipment should be restricted to only those personnel properly trained:
• Installation and maintenance of equipment must be performed by qualified mechanics/ millwrights/maintenance personnel.
• Installation of any electrical equipment must be completed by qualified electricians, in compliance with applicable codes and ordinances.
Because Wm. W. Meyer & Sons is not always aware of the application and does not always have access to the installation, your participation in the safe installation, operation and maintenance of your Slide
Gate is critical. If you have any safety or operational questions pertaining to the design or application of the Slide Gate we encourage you to contact the factory at (800) 963-4458.
Always CONTROL / DE-ENERGIZE potentially hazardous energy sources when installing and maintaining the Slide Gate, as follows:
1. The Slide Gate product family uses a common mechanical principle which creates an internal pinch point in order to function properly: a metal slide plate closes on a metal housing.
a. The Slide Gate should never be maintained or operated in a manner which could expose personnel to the internal moving parts; either via the inlet/discharge port, an access door of any kind or via ancillary equipment affixed to the Slide Gate. To do so will expose personnel to the potential risk of serious injury.
b. Avoid serious injury by always keeping hands, fingers, feet or any parts of your body, loose clothing, and foreign objects away from inlet and discharge openings, drive components, auxiliary components, and associated equipment.
2. Always de-energize all electrical equipment by Locking Out/Tagging Out power before working on this Slide Gate, including motors, switches, solenoids and other ancillary electrically powered or controlled Equipment. If the electrical components are not properly de-energized, this will expose personnel to the potential risk of serious injury.
: The Slide Gate may stop and start automatically, and may also operate very quietly.
Equipment in an idle mode does not mean it is off-line.
3. Inlet and Outlet flanges must always be permanently fastened to mating system components.
Such components must be designed so that under normal operation personnel are neither allowed access to the inlet or outlet flange nor able reach the internal moving parts. If requested, Meyer can design, build and supply custom ductwork, transition pieces, piping or special guards to protect against the risk of injury.
4. Slide Gates, their actuation components, accessory components, and any auxiliary or companion equipment, should be installed and operated only with protective guarding correctly and securely fastened in place.
5. Never open access covers/doors to inspect the Equipment when the overall plant system is under process pressure. Wait for process pressures to be relieved (i.e. ambient pressure is confirmed).
6. If working on the Slide Gate when the surface is hot, always wear appropriate protective clothing (e.g. gloves and other protective outer clothing), or if hot surfaces could burn skin, wait for surfaces to cool before performing work which could put someone in a hazardous situation.
7. The weight of a Slide Gate or its components parts can cause serious injury or damage if accidentally dropped or mishandled during installation. Use safe and acceptable methods when handling this equipment. Contact the factory for recommended safe handling and rigging techniques.
8. Refer also to appropriate supporting vendor safety information, MSDS sheets or any other applicable safety information in addition to these Instructions.
DO NOT operate equipment with unguarded inlet or outlet. The safety labels shown are affixed to your
Equipment. A Safety Supplement Data sheet is packed with your equipment at the time of shipment.
Additional Safety Supplement label packs are available at no additional charge for the system installer’s or plant owner’s discretionary use/placement to ensure this Equipment is installed, operated and maintained in the safest possible manner.
CAUTION: If you have received a unit without affixed labels or if labels fall off or are damaged, contact Wm. W. Meyer & Sons immediately (800-963-4458) to obtain replacements at no charge prior to installation, use or maintenance.
Meyer ships the equipment with affixed safety labels which are located on the Slide Gate housing and other surfaces. However, as the orientation of the Equipment varies, the OWNER is responsible for requesting, at no charge, any supplementary labels to allow safety label visibility to be maximized. The following recommendations are offered to assist placement of safety labels:
• Place labels in locations that all personnel operating and maintaining the Slide Gate or any other people that may have access to the Equipment will readily see as they are either working on the Equipment and/or as they approach the Equipment. The safety objective is for anyone who could come in contact with a hazard sees the label alerting him or her to such a hazard and the means to avoid the hazard.
• In some cases, labels may be located near the Slide Gate (e.g. on nearby structural steel, adjacent equipment), if this is the point of access where it can be easily seen and the hazard is clearly associated with the label’s location and how it relates to the Slide Gate.
• Consult Factory when the equipment is operated at temperatures over 350°F.
A description of every Meyer Slide Gate is kept on file with the factory. These specifications can be referenced by supplying the serial number to your local Meyer Representative. If you have any safety or Equipment-related questions we encourage you to contact the Meyer factory based on the cover contact information.
NOTE: The serial number is located on a metal identification label permanently affixed to every Slide
Gate before it leaves the factory. To aid us in providing you with a special service, application assistance and help with spare part requirements, please record the following:
Type/Size _________________________________
Serial Number _____________________________
Date of Installation__________________________
A Slide Gate is used to isolate a rotary valve, or other piece of equipment, for maintenance. Sizing of the Slide Gate Actuator depends on whether the gate will need to open or close against a head of material, the bulk density of the material, the differential pressure across the gate, and the head height.
Meyer slide gates are available with manual operators, air cylinders, and electric operators. The manual and electric versions can support limited differential pressure, bulk density, and head requirements when compared to the air actuated models.
The air and electric models are available with optional limit switches to indicate when the Slide Gate is open and closed. The switches may be added to an air operated gate in the field. Electric actuators must be ordered with integral switches at the time the actuator and gate are ordered.
Manual (T-Bar) Slide Gates can operate up to 450°F. The gaskets are made of silicone rubber and the shaft seal is viton.
Air Operated Slide Gates are rated for 250°F. As an option, they can be built for 450°F service with a special viton rod seal on the air cylinder and silicone gaskets.
Electric Slide Gates are limited to 200°F operation (The actuator is limited to 150°F).
Materials of Construction
Slide Gates are available in Mild Steel and Stainless Steel Construction.
Air Operated Slide Gates require regulated, clean, dry, lubricated air for operation. An air set including a filter, regulator, and lubricator is normally provided for this purpose. Typically, a solenoid valve is used to control the air to the cylinder and open and shut the gate. The solenoid valve may be of various NEMA ratings and air return, spring return, or dual coil (fail last state) depending on the particular requirements of the application.
Upon receipt of equipment and material from Wm. W. Meyer & Sons, Inc., the following basic steps should be taken:
1. Use the packing list to determine that all the items shipped have been received. Your equipment was carefully crated for safe shipment when given to the carrier. Check for damage.
2. Damage in transit is the responsibility of the carrier. Be sure to have the driver sign a copy of the freight bill with a notation about any damage.
3. If a shipment was sent to you by parcel post, have the postmaster complete a damage claim report.
4. Concealed Damage: If equipment or goods are discovered to be damaged in shipment at a later date, contact the carrier and Wm. W. Meyer & Sons, Inc., immediately.
5. In all cases of damage in transit, contact Wm. W. Meyer & Sons, Inc., for assistance in determining whether or not this damage may in any way affect safety or proper valve operation.
1. If moved to storage, the equipment should be located in a dry area, preferably inside. Outside storage will require adequate protection from the weather.
2. The inlet and outlet of this equipment should be securely covered to protect the interior while in storage. For prolonged storage, an anti-rust compound should be applied to all interior surfaces. See actuator and electrical components data for storage recommendations for these items.
3. After prolonged storage and prior to start-up, the Slide Gate and its actuator should be inspected by qualified personnel. Contact Wm. W. Meyer & Sons, Inc. if any assistance is required.
4. Long Term Storage procedures are available by contacting the factory.
1. Prior to installing this equipment and with the power LOCKED OUT, check to assure no foreign objects have been left inside or have accidentally fallen into the equipment. All mating equipment (hopper, screw, dryer, etc.) must be thoroughly cleaned to assure any welding splatter, weld rod, fasteners or other debris does not enter this equipment upon start-up and cause serious damage.
2. We recommend that inlet and outlet flanges remain covered until this equipment is ready to be hard piped to the mating equipment.
3. This equipment must be installed with the inlet and outlet flanges parallel to the mating system flanges and adequately supported to prevent distortion. This equipment is not designed to serve as structural support for companion system components.
4. Be sure the valve is mounted upright. The slide plate should be on top of the guides.
5. Be sure the valve is installed to allow access to the inspection covers.
6. The inside measurement of the mating flange above the valve should be the same size as the valve flange. If the mating flange is larger, material can quickly wear out the inlet flange of the valve during normal operation.
7. The air filter (air actuated models) must be mounted vertically so that it can be drained of moisture when necessary. It should be installed ahead of the regulator and lubricator.
8. The air supply to the regulator (air actuated models) should be minimum 80 psig and maximum
120 psig.
CAUTION - Never operate the Slide Gate with unguarded inlet/outlet. Contact Wm. W. Meyer
& Sons, Inc. for flange guards at no additional charge.
On air actuated models, the solenoid valve (if applicable) will need to be wired to the electrical control source (a SPST switch, pushbutton equivalent, PLC, etc.) and the optional limit switches (if applicable) will be wired to an electrical indicator (light, PLC, etc.). Note: If a dual coil (fail last state) solenoid is used a SPDT switch or pushbutton equivalent will be required. Refer to the Manufacturer’s instructions for the electrical wiring schematics for these devices.
On 1-Phase 120 VAC electric actuated models, a SPDT switch or pushbutton equivalent must be used to control forward and reverse. On 3-Phase electric actuated models, a reversing starter is required to isolate the 3-phase power from the operator in addition to the switch. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the electrical wiring schematics for these devices.
DANGER - Disconnect power before servicing Slide Gate or actuation components to prevent serious personal injury.
1. Prior to actual operation, the operator must familiarize himself with the method of operating the Slide Gate, and the status of supporting utilities.
2. The general appearance of the Slide Gate and surrounding area should be visually inspected to determine that the Slide Gate can be operated safely and without causing any type of damage.
3. Always assure the unit is properly grounded in accordance with OSHA, the NEC and local codes.
4. Open air supply valve and set regulator on air actuated models. Set at 80 psi.
5. Actuate the gate, noting any unusual noise or vibration. On air actuated models cycle the solenoid valve. If noise is evident it is recommended that the equipment be shut down and reinspected for foreign materials. If no obstruction appears you should contact Meyer and Sons before any further operation. For air actuated models you should adjust the flow controls to control gate speed at this time (see Gate Speed Adjustment Procedure).
6. When shutting down the Slide Gate, shut off supporting utilities in accordance with plant operating procedures.
7. When cleaning or servicing is required of the Slide Gate, proper lock out of electrical, compressed air and any auxiliary equipment should be completed before the work is started.
Gate Speed Adjustment Procedure - Air Actuator Models Only
The speed of the opening and closing of the gate is regulated by the flow control valve mounted on the solenoid valve. The valve restricts the flow of air out of the cylinder thus controlling the speed that the gate opens and closes. Opening the valve (Turn knob CCW) allows the gate to open and close faster.
Closing the flow control valves (Turn knob CW) slows the gate down. Cycle the gate open and closed
with the solenoid valve to determine if the gate lands hard or soft. Adjust the flow control valve until the gate lands softly.
The gate should never be operated with the top or bottom open and accessible to the operator or other personnel. The gate should not be operated while the inspection covers are open.
Closing the Gate
1. The correct operating conditions should be present prior to closing the slide gate. If the application does not allow for a head of material, then flow through the gate must be stopped and the material allowed to clear. If a differential pressure is present, then the blower, fan, or pump must be shut down or isolated until after the gate is closed.
2. The gate can now be closed by operating the electrical switch or controls that close the gate.
Opening the Gate
1. The correct operating conditions should be present prior to opening the slide gate. If a differential pressure is present, then the blower, fan, or pump must be shut down or isolated until after the gate is open.
2. The gate can now be opened by operating the electrical switch or controls that open the gate.
1. Observe equipment for any unusual vibration, noise or operating temperatures in excess of the maximum specified for your installation.
2. Check flanges and air connections, and all nuts/bolts for tightness.
3. Inspect inlet and outlet fittings, flanges and piping for leaks. Check utility service piping and associated valves and gauges attached to the Slide Gate.
4. Check all accessories for proper operation.
DANGER – Depressurize or shut off compressed air line valves before servicing SLIDE GATE actuation components to prevent serious personal injury.
On air operated models, the solenoid valve and air cylinder are lubricated by a lubricator installed in the compressed air line upstream of these devices. It must be kept filled with adequate lubricant. The air supply should be shut off to fill the lubricator. An adjustment dial allows the lubricant flow rate to be controlled. An air filter at this location protects the solenoid and actuator from contamination with water. Discharge of water from this device should be monitored to insure proper operation. The discharge of water can be controlled with the adjustment knob at the bottom of the bowl. Water can be manually discharged if necessary from this point as well.
For electric operated models, consult the actuator manufacturer’s instructions for lubrication requirements.
The bronze roller bushings are impregnated with oil at the factory and should not require further lubrication. In extremely dusty environments, the roller assemblies should be disassembled at regular intervals and the bushings and rollers wiped clean.
1. Read and understand the Operating Manual accompanying this equipment before performing any work.
2. Additional safety label kits available from Meyer upon request at no charge. This is part of our effort to ensure this equipment is installed, operated and maintained in the safest possible manner. Affix these labels in locations to achieve maximum visibility and thereby alert any personnel that may be on-site that a potential for injury could occur.
3. Under no circumstances should this equipment be installed or operated in a manner that permits access to the interior of the valve.
4. Inlet and Outlet Flanges must always be permanently fastened to mating system components.
5. In the event that the inlet or outlet is ever exposed, proper guarding to prevent access to the valve interior must be installed immediately and prior to start-up.
Always follow LOCKOUT-TAGOUT procedure
before performing any work.
7. Always keep loose clothing, hands, feet or any parts of your body, tools and/or any foreign objects away from all moving equipment and away from any potential pinch point.
8. Never remove any access doors (inspection port covers) above, below, or on the valve itself without first locking out power.
9. Consult your plant safety director, system designer, installation manager or the Meyer factory if you have any questions regarding the proper installation, operation and maintenance of this equipment.
Wm. W. Meyer & Sons, Inc.
1700 Franklin Blvd • Libertyville, IL 60048 • Phone: 847-918-0111• Fax: 847-918-8183
File # 296-E-001
Locate all of the safety labels on your equipment and know their meaning before operating your Slide Gate.
Wm. W. Meyer & Sons, Inc.
1700 Franklin Blvd • Libertyville, IL 60048 • Phone: 847-918-0111• Fax: 847-918-8183
File # 296-E-001

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