burroughs ReceiptNOW Elite User Manual
The Burroughs ReceiptNOW Elite is a high-performance thermal printer that can be integrated with the Burroughs SmartSource ® Elite check scanner to save desk space. It can be used for a wide range of financial transactions to print receipts, notes, vouchers, financial slips, and transaction list printing.
The ReceiptNOW Elite uses front-end paper exit, drop-in paper replacement, and provides a custom support platform for SmartSource ® Elite scanners. The ReceiptNOW Elite detects print-head-in-place, out of paper, paper low, and low supply voltage conditions. The standard data interface is USB 2.0. It supports Standard Font A (12 × 24), Font B (9 × 17), Kanji Font A (24 × 24), Thai, Simplified Chinese, Korean and other languages, supports multiple code pages to print, one-dimensional barcode: UPC-A, UPC-E, CODE 39, CODE 93, CODE 128, EAN8, EAN13, ITF, CODABAR; two-dimensional barcodes: PDF417, QR-CODE; using ESC / POS command set, automatic state return. With the user Custom Sample function, users can set print format and fix content of printing by firmware settings. Paper width can be set in a row, compatible with EPSON TM-88IV.
Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual ReceiptNOW TM Elite USER MANUAL Ap ri l 2 0 1 3 8 22 7 4 8 1 3- 0 0 0 R e vi s i on A © 2 0 1 3 Bu rr ou g hs , Inc ., Al l ri g h ts r es er v ed Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual NO WARRANTIES OF ANY NATURE ARE EXTENDED BY THIS DOCUMENT. Any product or related information described herein is only furnished pursuant and subject to the terms and conditions of a duly executed agreement to purchase or lease equipment or to license soft ware. The only warranties made by Burroughs, Inc., if any, with respect to the products described in this document are set forth in such agreement. Burroughs cannot accept any financial or other responsibility that may be the result of your use of the information in this document or software material, including direct, special, or consequential damages. You should be very careful to ensure that the use of this information and/or software material complies with the laws, rules, and regulations of the jurisdictions with respect to which it is used. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Revisions may be issued to advice of such changes and/or additions. Notice to U.S. Government End Users: This is commercial computer software o r hardware documentation developed at private expense. Use, reproduction, or disclosure by the Government is subject to the terms of Burroughs standard commercial license for the products, and where applicable, the restricted/limited rights provisions of the contract data rights clauses. FCC Statement The statement below is included in this document to comply with a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulation. The FCC is an agency of the United States government; thus, the statement below applies to computing equipment installed in the United States of America. Burroughs is taking appropriate steps to be in compliance with FCC regulations and similar regulations of other countries . Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the lim its for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency e nergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Caution Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Burroughs could void your authority to operate this equipment. Canadian Regulatory Statement This class B apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference -Causing Equipment Regulations. Cet appareil de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada. Trademarks Burroughs is a registered trademark licensed to Burroughs, Inc. in the United States and other countries. SmartSource is a registered trademark of Burroughs, Inc. ReceiptNOW is a trademark of Burroughs, Inc. All other brands and products referenced in this document are acknowledged to be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders . Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual Contents FCC STATEMENT ............................................ 1 CAUTION ........................................................ 1 CANADIAN REGULATORY STATEMENT ........ 1 TRADEMARKS ................................................ 1 4.5 PAP ER R O LL I N STAL L AT I ON 4.6 P R INT E R AN D P RI NT C HE C K 10 PO W ER O N AND SE L F T E ST .............. 11 5 PRINTER ROUTINE M AINTENANCE ...........11 5.1 C L E ARIN G J AM ME D PAP ER ......................... 11 5.2 C L E AN P RI NT H E AD AN D R OL LE R ................ 13 1 SUMMARY .................................................... 3 5.3 C L E AN PAPE R S E N SOR ............................... 13 1.1 B RI E F I NT RO D UCT I ON ................................. 3 6 INTERFACE SIGNALS ................................ 14 1.2 M AI N F E AT UR E S ......................................... 3 6.1 USB I NT ERFAC E ....................................... 14 2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................... 4 6.2 P O W ER I NT E RFAC E D E FI NIT IO N ................... 14 2.1 P R INT E R T E CHN IC AL S PE CI FI C AT I ON S ............ 4 7 RECOVERING FROM ERRORS ................... 15 2.2 C UT T ER T E CH NIC AL S P ECI F IC AT ION S ............. 5 2.3 P R INT IN G C ON S UM ABL E M AT ER I AL T EC HNI C AL S P EC IF IC AT IO NS .............................................. 5 2.4 P R INT P O S IT ION ......................................... 6 7.1 P R INT E R DO ES N OT W OR K 7.2 E RR OR I N DIC ATO R L IGHT S E E S E CT ION 7.3 F OR 4 PRINTER INSTALLATION ............................ 8 4.1 U N PAC KI NG THE P RI NT ER ............................ 8 AND B UZZ ER A L AR M – D ES CR I PT ION S ................. 15 7.3 I N DIC ATO R L IGHT 3 APPEARANCE AND COMPONENTS .............. 7 .......................... 15 AND 7.4 T RO UB LE S HOOT I NG B UZZ ER I N FO R M AT I ON 15 P RINT I NG P RO BL E M S ...... 16 8 INSTALLATION O F SMARTSOURCE® ELIT E17 9 POWER MANAGEMENT ............................. 17 4.2 P R INT E R I N STALL AT ION ............................... 9 4.3 P R INT E R P O WE R C ON NE CT ION ...................... 9 AT T ENT IO N : .................................................. 9 4.4 C ONN E CT ING I NT ERFAC E C AB LE ................... 9 APPENDIX A: PARAMETER SETTING BY FEED BUTTON ........................................................ 18 Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual Safety Instruction Before op erating the printer, please read following notes carefully. Safety warnings Warning: Do not touch the cutter on the printer Warning: Do not touch the print head and its surrounding p arts during or just after printing as the print head is hot. Attention 1) Printer should be placed on a flat and s table location. 2) Leave enough space for operation and maintenance around the printer. 3) Printer should be kept away from water. Avoid direct sunlight, strong lights and heat. 4) Avoid g etting water or conductive material (such as metal) into the interior of the printer. If this happens, disconnect the printer power supply immediately. 5) Do not allow condensation to form on the surface of the printer. If condensation has formed, the printer should not be powered on until the condensation has been eliminated. 6) Do not use or store printer in conditions of high temperature, high humidity or serious pollution . 7) Avoid placing printer in a location that would subject it to vibration or impact. 8) Connect the printer power cable to a properly ground ed socket. Avoid using the same socket with large motors or other devices which could cause power supply voltage fluctuations . 9) If the printer is not to b e used for an extended period, unplug the power cord. . 10) Do not attempt to print without paper. This will seriously damage the print rollers and thermal print head. 11) To ensure print quality and product life use the recommended paper or the same quality of paper. 12) Turn off the print er power switch before plugging in or unplugging power or interface cables. Failure to do so may damage the printer. 13) To maximize the life of the printer, i t is suggested that users use the low est level print density that meets print quality requirements . 14) There are no user-serviceable parts inside the printer. Disassembling the printer will void the warranty. 15) Keep this manual for reference. -2- Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual 1 Summary 1.1 Brief Introduction ReceiptNOW Elite is a high-performance thermal printer which can be integrated with the Burroughs SmartSource ® Elite check scanner to save desk space. It can b e used for a w ide range of financial transactions to print receipts, notes, vouchers ,financial slips and transaction list printing. ReceiptNOW Elite uses front-end paper exit, drop-in p aper replacement, and provides a custom support platform for SmartSource ® Elite scanners. The ReceiptNOW Elite detects print-head-in-place, out of paper, p aper low, and low supply voltage conditions . The standard data interface is USB 2.0. It supports Standard Font A (12 × 24), Font B (9 × 17), Kanji Font A (24 × 24), Thai, Simplified Chinese, Korean and other languag es , supports multiple code pag es to print, one-dimensional bar code : UPC-A, UPC-E, CODE 39, CODE 93, CODE 128, EAN8, EAN13, ITF, CODABAR; two-dimensional b ar codes: PDF417, QR-CODE; using ESC / POS command set, automatic state return. W ith the user Custom Sample function, users can set print format and fix content of printing b y firmware settings. Paper width can be set in a row, compatible with EPSON TM-88IV. 1.2 Main Features ◇ Quiet, high-sp eed printing ◇ Supports two-tone printing, watermark and gray level printing ◇ Easy, drop-in pap er loading ◇ Easy to use and maintain ◇ Paper width can be adjusted from 56-82.5mm ◇ Supports full cut and partial cut ◇ USB 2.0 interface/Ethernet interface (optional) ◇ Compatible with ESC / POS commands or W indows Print ◇ Paper-saving ◇ Low power consumption desig n (minimum power consumption less than 1W ) . Automaticall y defaults to ‘sleep’ mode after 5 minutes of inactivity . -3- Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual 2 Technical Specifications 2.1 Printer Technical Specification s Items Parameter Print method Thermal print by line Print resolution Print speed Print Span Paper type Support Bar code type Character support Enlarge character Character rotation Paper detection Front cov er position detection Print head temperature detection Graphics processing Communication interf ace Memory Power Print head lif etime Operating temperature and humidity Storage temperature and humidity Dimensions 203*180DPI Maximum print speed i s 250mm/sec, t wo-color printing speed 100mm/sec, gray print speed 100mm/sec. Depending on print content, the printer will automatically adjust print speed Maximum is 80mm; paper width i s f rom 56-82.5mm. Paper t hickness i s 0.06~0.10mm, Maximum paper roll OD is 83mm Continuous thermal paper or thermal paper tags Barcode 1D: UPC-A, UPC-E, CODE 39, CODE 93, CODE 128, EAN8, EAN13, ITF, CODABAR Barcode 2D symbols: PDF417, QR-CODE U.S.A., France, Germany, U.K., Denmark I, Denmark II, Italy Sweden, Spain I, Spain II, Japan, Norway, Latin America, Korean etc. optional All characters can be enlarged f rom lev el 1-6 both in the horizont al and v ertical direction. Four selectable print orientations(0°, 90°, 180° , 270°) Photoelectric sensors (out of paper, paper low) Micro switch Thermistor Download bitmap Print bitmap directly Download buff er size: Support bitmap mode, f ast graphic RAM:128KB printing FLASH:512KB USB 2.0 interf ace/ Ethernet interface (optional) FLASH Memory Capacity: Maximum 4MB; SDRAM memory total capacity: Maximum 2MB; Data receiv e buff er size: 64K, 4KB, 45 bytes selectable; RAM bit map area: 128KB; Area av ailable to the user FLASH: 512KB; AC 110-240V 50/60 Hz, ~1.5A (Power supply) DC 24V ± 5% av erage current 2.0A Maximum instantaneous current 8A Print head lif etime, thermal single color print : 100 Kilometers Print head lif etime, thermal two color print: 50 Kilometers Print duty `cycle: 12. 5% 5°C-40°C (41°F-113 °F). W hen used with a scanner, specification of scanner may be different. Specification of scanner does not modif y sp ecification of this product and vice-versa. Relativ e humidity 20% -90% (40°C/104 °F ) -40°C - 60°C (-40°F - 140 °F) , 10%~93% (40° C/104 °F ) 241mm × 146mm ×135mm (9.5in ×5.7in × 5.3in)(L×W ×H) -4- Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual 2.2 Cutter Technical Specifications Item Parameter Cutting method Sliding blade Cutting time 500ms Cutting interv al 2s Type of paper 0.06~0.1mm Operating v oltage Maximum operating current 24VDC 1.2A 1.5 million times (0.06mm thick paper) Cutter lif etime Note Cutter cut s f or one time. 30 cut s / min (maximum ) thermal paper or equiv alent thickness paper 24VDC *Includes f ull-cut, partial cut Full cut: Completely severs p aper Partial cut: Partially severs pap er, leaves cut end attached with tear-off tab 2.3 Printing Consumable Material Technical Specifications 2.3.1 Thermal Paper Parameter s Type o f Pap er: Continuous thermal paper Paper Feeding Method: Pa p er Roll Paper W idth: Maximum 80mm, width can be adjusted between 56-82.5mm Paper Thickness: 0.06mm -0.1mm Thermal Layer: External Paper Roll Size: OD (Max) : Inside Diameter (Min) 12.5mm Recommended Paper : 83 mm Part Number Manufacturer 401095994 Burroughs F240AC,F220-VP,FV230A1, PA220AG,HP220A Mitsubi shi Paper Mill CO., LTD FD210,PD150R,PD160R OJI Paper CO., LTD. F70NA FUJI PHOTO FILM CO., LTD Attention: Please use recommended paper or equivalent quality paper. The use of other types of paper may affect print quality and print head life. If the paper is contaminated b y chem icals or oil, the p aper may b ecome discolored or printing result may not be clear. Do not scratch the thermal paper with any sharp or hard object. This may cause the printing to b e obscured or unclear. All thermal printer paper will degrade and produce p oor quality printing if exposed to temperatures greater than 70°C (158°F), high humidity or strong light. Store thermal printer paper in a cool, dry place and in its original wrappin g until ready for use. -5- Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual 2.4 Print Position 2.4.1 Print Location On The Paper L1 Maximum Paper W idth:82.5±0.5mm L2 Maximum Effective Print W idth :80mm L3 Distance from print head to left side of paper pocket (fixed width): 1.75±1mm L4 Distance from print head to right side of p aper pocket (fixed width): 1.75±1mm L5 Left margin: Set b y command (see Programming Manual), the printer default is 8mm L6 W idth of print area: Set by command (see Programming Manual), the printer default is 64mm L7 Right margin: Set b y command (see Programming Manual), the printer default is 8mm -6- Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual 4—Paper Feed Button Paper Feeder : If there are no errors or warnings, pressing this button will feed paper. Print Configuration Function: To review printer configuration settings - Hold down this button at the same time while turning on p ower. Printer will print the configuration settings (such as print length and width, print speed and other settings). 3 Appearance and Components 1— Top Cover 2—Power Indicator 3 — Error Indicator status (such light flashes. remains off. Light - Indicates power status. Lig ht - Reports warning or error as out of pap er, etc.). Indicator Under normal conditions, the light -7- 5—Paper Pocket 6 — Paper pocket width adjustment - Roll thumbwheel to adjust the paper pocket width. The range of adjustment is 56 ~ 82.5mm 7 — Out of paper sensor - continuously detects presence of paper roll. 8—Roller 9—Cutter 10—Handle 11—Paper low sensor (inside the printer) Detects how much paper remains. Error indicator flashing rapidly means paper roll is low and needs to be replaced soon. The printer will continue to work until out of paper. 12—Ethernet Interface (optional) 13—USB Interface 14—Power Interface 15—Power Switch - Press “O” to turn off the power, press“-”to turn on the power Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual 4 Printer Installation 4.1 Unpacking the Printer Please check the p ackag e contents when unpacking the printer. If something is missing or damaged, please contact Burroughs at 1-800-BURROUGHS. -8- Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual 4.2 Printer Installation 1) Printer should be installed on a flat surface. 2) Printer should be kept away from water. 3) Avoid placing printer in a location that would subject it to vibration or impact. 4) The printer should only b e plugged into an electrical outlet that has a safety ground . 5) Allow the proper clearance for printer operation and maintenance . Please see picture below showing the printer open, and ensure adequate clearance . 6) Follow the Instructions on the Read Me First! document to complete the installation and to print sample receipts. For more detailed installation instructions and to print a test configuration printout , proceed with the next Installation section. 4.3 Printer Power Connection 1) Make sure that the printer power switch is turned off. 2) Connect power plug into power socket b ehind the printer. Attention: If the printer is not to b e used for an extended period, unplug the power cord. . 4.4 Connecting Interface Cable 1) Make sure printer power switch is turned off. 2) Plug USB cable into the USB socket on the printer . 3) Connect the other end of cable to the computer. -9- Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual 4.5 Paper Ro ll Installation and Print Check 4.5.1 Check Printing Paper Paper may be installed while the power and interface cables are connected. Please check paper type before printing. 4.5.2 Install/Change Paper Roll 1) Pull the handle and op en front cover. 2) Using the paper width adjustment wheel, adjust to fit the width of the p aper being installed, as shown below. Roll the adjustment wheel towards the rear of the unit to adjust for wider rolls. Roll the adjustment wheel towards the front of the unit to adjust for narrower rolls. After the paper roll is installed, it should rotate freely. 3) Put paper roll into printer according to direction s shown on the label. 4) Pull out p aper end and close front cover. - 10 - Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual 4.6 Printer power on and self test 1) Make sure power cable is connected to the printer and the paper roll is loaded. 2) Make sure POW ER INDICATOR LIGHT is off and printer is power ed off. 3) Hold down the paper feed button while turning the printer on . The printer will perform a self-test and then print ‘Press and Release FEED key to print characters ’ and ‘Press and Hold FEED ke y to configure the printer’. The printer will change to holding state and PAPER INDICATOR LIGHT blinks. 4) W hen the self-test pag e is finished, press the paper feed button briefly to print test characters or hold the paper feed button down to configure the printer. For specific function and operational approach for using the paper feed button to configure the printer , please refer to Appendix A “Parameter Setting b y FEED Button”. 5 Printer Routine Maintenance Attention: Use only Thermal Printer Cleaning Swab s (Burroughs part number 757300999 or 751920912), isopropyl alcohol or ethanol for cleaning print head, rollers and sensors . Do not use solvents such as gasoline, acetone, or any abrasive cleanser. When cleaning sensors, do not turn on printer until cleanser has totally evaporated. The printer should be cleaned as needed , indicated by degraded print quality. The cleaning interval depends on the environment in which the printer is operated, print usage, paper quality and other factors. A typical cleaning interval is one month. 5.1 Clearing Jammed Paper Steps for clearing p aper jam are as follow s: 1. Open front cover. - 11 - Burroughs 2. ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual Clear jammed paper and close front cover. - 12 - Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual 5.2 Clean Print Head and Roller The printer should be cleaned as needed , indicated b y degraded print q uality. The cleaning interval depends on the environment in which the printer is op erated, print usage, paper quality and other factors. A typical cleaning interval is one month. Steps for cleaning print head and rubber covered roller are as follow s: 1) Turn off power. Open front cover. 2) Wait approximately 5 minutes until the print head is totally cooled down after printing. 3) Wipe out stains and dust on print head and rubber covered roller with Thermal Printer Cleaning Swab (Burroughs part number 757300999 or 751920912) or a soft cotton cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol or ethanol. 4) Do not close front cover until alcohol evaporates. 5.3 Clean Paper Sensor If ‘out of pap er ’ errors are reported when there is still paper on the roll, the pap er sensors may need to be cleaned. Cleaning steps are as follow s: 1) Turn off power. 2) Open front cover. Remove transparent cover plate over sensors (shown in bright yellow below ). - 13 - Burroughs 3) ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual Use Themal Printer Cleaning Swab (Burroughs part number 757300999 or 751920912) or a soft cotton cloth moistened with isoprop yl alcohol or ethanol to wipe away dust and stains on the sensor surface; 4) Do not install transp arent cover plate until cleanser has evaporated. Close front cover. 6 Interface Signals 6.1 USB Interface 1) Parameter Data transmission: Supports USB2.0 high-speed protocol. Connector (Printer End): USB B serial socket, support USB HUB 2) Interface signal definition and function description Signal Pin No. Description Name 1 VBUS +5V 2 DATAPrinter data transmission negative phase side 3 DATA+ Printer data transmission normal phase side 4 GND Ground 3) Interface Connector 6.2 Power Interface Definition Power interface signal definition Pin Signal Nam e 1 E 2 L 3 N - 14 - Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual 24V power supply interface definition Pin Signal Nam e 1 +24V 2 GND 3 NC Attention: The USB cable should not be plug ged or unplugged with power on. Avoid running the USB cable with other electrical supply wiring . Use only a standard, shielded USB cable. 7 Recovering From Errors If there is a printer error, you can refer to this chapter for appropriate handling. If problems persist, please contact Burroug hs at 1- 800-BURROUGHS. 7.1 Printer does not work Issues POW ER INDICATOR LIGHT is off and printer does not work. (See 7.3 f or description) Reasons Solution Printer has no power. Connect to power supply Power switch is off . Turn printer power switch on. Contact Burroughs at 1-800-BURROUGHS PCBA or power supply is damaged. 7.2 Error Indicator Light and Buzzer Alarm – See Section 7.3 for Descriptions Issues ERROR INDICATOR LIGHT blinks and buzzer beeps ERROR INDICATOR LIGHT blinks and buzzer beeps ERROR INDICATOR LIGHT blinks and buzzer beeps ERROR INDICATOR LIGHT blinks and buzzer beeps ERROR INDICATOR LIGHT blinks and buzzer beeps 7.3 Reasons Solution Reference Paper Out Adjust or replace paper roll Front cov er open Close f ront cov er Paper Low Replace paper roll Cutter Def ault Contact Burroughs at 1-800-BURROUGHS Printer has a serious f ault – 4, 5 or 6 beeps Contact Burroughs at 1-800-BURROUGHS User Manual User Manual User Manual Indicator Light and Buzzer Information Indicator Light Name Power Indicator Light: Green Error Indicat or Red Status Explanation Bright Printer is powered on Out Printer is powered off Out Normal Status Blink Error Status or paper low st atus - 15 - Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual 1)Error Indicator Light and Information Error Type Paper Low Error Indicator Light Flash slowly Flash 2 times then repeat Flash 3 times then repeat Flash 4 times then repeat Flash 5 times then repeat Flash 6 times then repeat Out of Paper Front cov er open Cutter Error Input Voltage Abnormal Ov erheated Print Head Buzzer No beep Beep 2 times Beep 3 times Beep 4 times Beep 5 times Beep 6 times Attention: The ReceiptNOW printer detects print head temperature. If the print head is overheated, a protection circuit will cut off print head power and stop printing. T he print head will stop printing at 65° C (149°F). Normal operation will resume when the print head cools down. 7.4 Troubleshooting printing problems Issues Reasons Paper output is crumpled or bent Paper Jam Stops printing Paper Jam Paper i s not cut Paper Jam Incorrect installation of paper roll No printing, l ight printing or smeared print Wrong paper type Dirty print head or rubber cov ered roller Low print density - 16 - Solution Ref erenc e Open f ront cov er. Check paper track and cutter. Clear jammed paper. Open f ront cov er. Check cutter. Clear jammed paper. Open f ront cov er. Check cutter. Clear jammed paper. Check if paper i s installed properly and that thermal coated side of paper is ‘up’. Use recommended thermal paper. Clean print head or rubber cov ered roller. Increase print density to meet requirement s Appendix A: Paramete r Setting by Feed Button Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual Lengthwi se printing missing or streaks Dirty print head or rubber cov ered roller. Clean print head or rubber cov ered roller Print head f ailure Contact Burroughs at 1-800-BURROUGH S User Manual 8 Installation of SmartSource® Elite 9 Power Management Power management for ReceiptNOW Elite has four work modes: off, ready, active, and suspend. When power is turned on, or directly after a p rint task, the printer will be in ready mode. After 5 minutes in ready mode without a print task, the printer will change to suspend mode. When there is a print task, the printer will automatically wake up and change to active mode. After completion of print task, the printer will change to ready mode. - 17 - Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual Appendix A: Parameter Setting by Feed Button P ar am e t er se t t ing by Fe ed b ut t on MA I N ME N U E xit -> 1 P ri nt S el f Test -> 2 C on fi g ur at i on -> 3 CO N FI G U RATI O N E xit S av e W it hout -> 1 E xit W it h S av e -> 2 C om m un ic at i on -> 3 B ac k M en u To L ast U sb I nt er f ac e -> 1 -> 2 US B M O DE M OD E : A P I B ac k To L ast M en u W i nDri v er M od e A P I M od e E t h er n et I nt er f ac e -> 3 R x B u ff S i z e M ec h ani sm H ar dw ar e & -> 4 -> 4 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 N o p ar am et er s t o b e s et f or E t h er n et RX B UF FE R S I ZE : 4K B yt es B ac k To L ast -> 1 M en u 4 k B yt es -> 2 4 5 B yt es -> 3 6 4K B yt es -> 4 HA R DW A RE S E TTI NGS B ac k M en u To L ast M ar k S en s or -> 1 -> 2 MA RK Di s abl e S E NS O R: B ac k To L ast M en u C ut t er -> 3 E n ab l e -> 2 Di s ab l e -> 3 C UTTE R: E n abl e B ac k To L ast M en u E n ab l e B u z z er -> 4 Di s ab l e B UZ ZE R: Vol um e L ow Vol um e N orm al Vol um e Hi gh Vol um e Hi gh er Vol um e Hi gh es t Vol um e Di s ab l ed -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 N orm al B ac k To L ast M en u - 18 - -> 1 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual P ow er S u ppl y P ri nt S et t in g s -> 5 -> 5 P OW E R S UP P LY: N orm al B ac k To L ast -> 1 M en u N orm al -> 2 L ow P ow er -> 3 M od e P RI NT S E TTI N GS B ac k M en u To L ast D ar k n es s S et t i n g s -> 1 -> 2 DA RK NE S S S E TTI NG: N orm al B ac k To L ast M en u P ap er W i dt h R ol l -> 3 L ow -> 2 N orm al -> 3 Hi g h -> 4 E xt r a H i g h -> 5 PA P E R R OL L W I DTH: 8 0. 0m m B ac k To L ast M en u L ef t M ar gi n -> 4 -> 5 -> 2 6 9. 5m m -> 3 7 6. 5m m -> 4 8 0. 0m m -> 5 8 2. 5m m -> 6 LE F T MA R GI N: 7m m -> 6 -> 2 1m m -> 3 3m m -> 4 5m m -> 5 7m m -> 6 9m m RI G H T MA R GI N: 9m m -> 2 -> 3 3m m -> 4 5m m -> 5 7m m -> 6 9m m -> 7 CR CO M M A N D: Di s abl e Di s ab l e CO DE S E TTI NG B ac k To L ast M en u - 19 - -> 1 1m m E n ab l e -> 7 -> 7 0m m B ac k To L ast M en u C od e P ag e -> 1 0m m B ac k To L ast M en u C R C om m an d -> 1 5 7. 5m m B ac k To L ast M en u Ri g ht M ar gi n -> 1 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 PA GE -> 1 Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual S av e L ev el P ap er -> 8 P ri nt al l c od ep ag es -> 2 S el ec t c od ep ag e -> 3 a S AV E LE V E L PA P E R B ac k To L ast M en u Di s ab l e Tw o-c ol or M od e -> 9 -> 1 -> 2 25% -> 3 50% -> 4 75% -> 5 10 0% TW O-C OL O R S E TTI NGS B ac k To L ast M en u Max Tw o-c ol or P ow er -> 6 -> 1 -> 2 Tw o-c ol or P ow er: N orm al B ac k L ast M en u Hi gh P ow er P r op ort i on -> 3 Gr ay S c al e M od e P ap er S et t in g s S en s or -> 6 PA P E R NEA R S E TTI NGS B ac k M en u To P ap er A l arm L ast L ow -> 10 B ac k To L ast M en u -> 1 M od e 0 -> 2 M od e 1 -> 3 M od e 2 -> 4 M od e 3 -> 5 M od e 4 -> 6 M od e 5 -> 7 M od e 6 -> 8 M od e 7 -> 9 END -> 1 -> 2 PA P E R L OW A LA R M: E n abl e B ac k To L ast M en u - 20 - S c al e -> 1 -> 1 -> 2 N orm al -> 3 L ow -> 4 Di s abl e -> 5 P ow er P r op ort i on :5 0% B ac k L ast M en u 60% Gr ay M od e: M od e3 To To -> 1 -> 2 55% -> 3 50% -> 4 45% -> 5 40% -> 6 35% -> 7 30% -> 8 Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual S t op P ri nt W hen PA P E R L ow -> 3 E n ab l e -> 2 Di s ab l e -> 3 S TO P P RI NT W HE N PA P E R L OW : Di s abl e B ac k To L ast M en u E n ab l e Di s ab l e P ap er N e ar E n d S en s or -> 4 D ef au lt -> 7 To L ast S et P ri nt er To D ef au l t C on fi g ur at i on -> 8 -> 9 To E n ab l e -> 2 Di s ab l e -> 3 -> 1 -> 2 L ast -> 1 S el ec t FO NTA -> 2 S el ec t FO NT B -> 3 S el ec t U DF O NTA -> 4 S el ec t U DF O NTB -> 5 B eep s et t i n g s: D i s ab l ed B ac k M en u To L ast -> 1 E n ab l e E xt er n al H er al d -> 2 E n ab l e bu z z er -> 3 I nt er n al B E E P M OD E B ac k To L ast M en u All di s abl ed S et P r int er M od e -> 10 -> 1 Cu r r ent F on t : FO NTA B ac k M en u B eep s et t i ng s -> 3 SET DE FA ULT CO N FI G U RATI O N B ac k M en u FO NTA / FO NTB S et t in g s -> 2 PA P E R NE A R E N D S E NS E R: E n abl ed B ac k To L ast M en u S et C on fi g -> 1 P ri nt er M od e B ac k M en u B eep M od e: To L ast D ef au l t M od e - 21 - -> 4 D ef au l t -> 1 -> 2 -> 1 M od e 1 -> 2 M od e 2 -> 3 M od e 3 -> 4 M od e 4 -> 5 M od e 5 -> 6 Burroughs ReceiptNOW TM Elite User Manual B TP - 20 0 2 NP M od e E nt er c od e, t h en h ol d B ut t on D ow n at l eas t 1 s ec on d t o v ali d at e C ut t er Tes t -> 4 S en s or Tes t -> 5 S en s or Test M od e: E R RO R LE D st at e w ill c h ang e ac c ord in g t o s en s or st at e To E X I T, h old b ut t on d ow n at l e ast 1 s ec on d P ri nt S t at i st ic s -> 6 S R N 2P T R S TATI S TI CS C ali br at i on TC UT :0 TLFS :0 ON TI ME :0 -> 7 - 22 - -> 3 ">

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Key features
- Quiet, high-speed printing
- Supports two-tone printing, watermark and gray level printing
- Easy, drop-in paper loading
- Easy to use and maintain
- Paper width can be adjusted from 56-82.5mm
- Supports full cut and partial cut
- USB 2.0 interface/Ethernet interface (optional)
- Compatible with ESC / POS commands or Windows Print
- Paper-saving
- Low power consumption design (minimum power consumption less than 1W).