Sportmag SM1222 User Manual
Sportmag SM1222 is an exercise bike designed for home use. It has a sturdy frame and a comfortable seat that can be adjusted to suit different users. The bike also features a tension control knob that allows you to adjust the resistance of the pedals, making it suitable for users of all fitness levels. The bike's console displays time, speed, distance, calories burned, and pulse, helping you to track your progress and stay motivated. The bike is also equipped with a holder for a tablet or smartphone, so you can watch videos or listen to music while you work out.
User manual
SM1222 Exercise bike Xbike Lite Sportmann
Please keep this manual in a safe place for reference.
1. It is important to read this entire manual before assembling and using the equipment. Safe and efficient use can only be achieved if the equipment is assembled, maintained and used properly. It is your responsibility to ensure that all users of the equipment are informed of all warnings and precautions.
2. Before starting any exercise program you should consult your doctor to determine if you have any physical or health conditions that could create a risk to your health and safety, or prevent you from using the equipment properly. Your doctor's advice is essential if you are taking medication that affects your heart rate, blood pressure or cholesterol level.
3. Be aware of your body's signals. Incorrect or excessive exercise can damage your health. Stop exercising if you experience any of the following symptoms: Pain, tightness in your chest, irregular heartbeat, extreme shortness of breath, feeling light headed, dizzy or nauseous. If you do experience any of these conditions you should consult your doctor before continuing with your exercise program.
4. Keep children and pets away from the equipment. The equipment is designed for adult use only.
5. Use the equipment on a solid, flat level surface with a protective cover for your floor or carpet. For safety, the equipment should have at least 0.5 metre of free space all around it.
6. Before using the equipment, check the nuts and bolts are securely tightened. Some parts like pedals, etc., It's easy to be wared away.
7. The safety level of the equipment can only be maintained if it is regularly examined for damage and/or wear and tear.
8. Always use the equipment as indicated. If you find any defective components whilst assembling or checking the equipment, or if you hear any unusual noise coming from the equipment during use, stop. Do not use the equipment until the problem has been rectified.
9. Wear suitable clothing whilst using the equipment. Avoid wearing loose clothing which may get caught in the equipment or that may restrict or prevent movement.
10. The equipment has been tested and certified to EN957 under class H.C. Suitable for domestic, home use only. Maximum weight of user, 120kg. Breaking is speedindependent.
11. The equipment is not suitable for therapeutic use.
12. Care must be taken when lifting or moving the equipment so as not to injure your back. Always use proper lifting techniques and/or use assistance
Step 1
Attach the two stabilizers (2) to the main frame (1) using four sets of nuts (5), washers (4), and M8X50
(3) key head bolts.
Step 2
Assort the seat (6) with the seat post (7). Adjust the angle of the seat. Fix it tightly with two hexagon nuts
Step 3
Insert the seat post (7) into the main frame (1) and line up the holes. Secure the seat in position with the adjusting knob (10). The correct height for the seat can be adjusted after the bike is fully assembled.
Step 4
Tight the handlebar (11) to the main frame (1) with two bolts (12) and two curved washers
Step 5
Fix computer holder (13) on the handle bae (11) with screw (14), insert the computer (15) into computer holder (13) and connect with wire.
Step 6
The pedals (16)&(17) are marked “L” and “R” –Left and Right. Connect them to their appropiate crank arms. The right crank arm is on the right hand side of the cycle as you sit on it. Note that the right pedal should be threaded on clockwise and the left pedal anti-clockwise.
Using your EXERCISE CYCLE will provide you with several benefits, it will improve your physical fitness, tone muscle and in conjunction with calorie controlled diet help you lose weight.
1.The Warm Up Phase
This stage helps get the blood flowing around the body and the muscles working properly. It will also reduce the risk of cramp and muscle injury. It is advisable to do a few stretching exercises as shown below. Each stretch should be held for approximately
30 seconds, do not force or jerk your muscles into a stretch - if it hurts, STOP.
2.The Exercise Phase
This is the stage where you put the effort in. After regular use, the muscles in your legs will become more flexible. Work to your own pace but it is very important to maintain a steady tempo throughout. The rate of work should be sufficient to raise your heart beat into the target zone shown on the graph below.
This stage should last for a minimum of 12 minutes though most people start at about 15-20 minutes.
3.The Cool Down Phase
This stage is to let your Cardio-vascular System and muscles wind down. This is a repeat of the warm up exercise e.g. reduce your tempo, continue for approximately 5 minutes. The stretching exercises should now be repeated, again remembering not to force or jerk your muscles into the stretch. As you get fitter you may need to train longer and harder. It is advisable to train at least three times a week, and if possible space your workouts evenly throughout the week.
4.Fault Finder
If you do not receive numbers appearing on your computer, please ensure all connections are correct.
To tone muscle while on your EXERCISE CYCLE you will need to have the resistance set quite high. This will put more strain on your leg muscles and may mean you cannot train for as long as you would like. If you are also trying to improve your fitness you need to alter your training program. You should train as normal during the warm up and cool down phases, but towards the end of the exercise phase you should increase resistance making your legs work harder. You will have to reduce your speed to keep your heart rate in the target zone.
The important factor here is the amount of effort you put in. The harder and longer you work the more calories you will burn. Effectively this is the same as if you were training to improve your fitness, the difference is the goal .
The seat height can be adjusted by removing the adjustment knob and raising or lowering the seat. Once the correct height has been chosen, refit the adjustment knob and tighten. The tension control knob allows you to alter the resistance of the pedals. A high resistance makes it more difficult to pedal, a low resistance makes it easier. For the best results set the tension while the bike is in use.
RESET: Pressing the button over 3 seconds will reset all functional values to zero except Odometer.
Press this button until the monitor display SCAN monitor will automatically cylcle through TIME, SPEED, DIST, CAL, ODO.
Press the button until the monitor display TIME, monitor will count up your riding time .
Press this button until the monitor display SPEED, monitor will display the current speed.
Press this button until the monitor display DIST, monitor will display the trip distance you traveled.
Press this button until the monitor display CAL, monitor will accumulate the calorie consumption .
Press this button until the monitor display ODO, monitor will display the total accumulated distance.
Press the button until the monitor display PULSE.
Users’s current heart rate will be displayed in beats per minute. Place the palms of your hands on both of the contact pads, and wait for 30 seconds for the most accurate reading.
1. The monitor will wake up automatically if the exercise bike is in motion. If stop exercising over 3 minutes, monitor will turn off.
2. If the monitor does not display properly, re-install, or replace the batteries.
3. This monitor uses two pieces of SIZE AA or UM-3 batteries .
Manual de utilizare
SM1222 Bicicleta fitness Xbike Lite Sportmann
Pastrati manualul pentru referinte ulterioare.
1. Este important sa cititi intregul manual de utilizare inainte de a asambla si utiliza produsul. O utilizare sigura si eficienta poate fi stabilita doar daca produsul este asamblat, utilizat si intretinut in mod corespunzator. Este responsabilitatea dvs. sa informati toti utilizatorii cu privire la precautii si riscuri.
2. Inainte de a incepe orice program de exercitii, consultati medicul pentru a determina daca aveti probleme de sanatate care v-ar putea impiedica sa utilizati bicicleta. Sfatul medicului este esential daca luati medicamente care va pot afecta pulsul, tensiunea arteriala sau nivelul colesteroului.
3. Atentie la semnalele corpului dvs. Exercitiul incorect sau intensiv poate duce la accidentari grave. Opriti-va imediat daca aveti urmatoarele simptome: dureri in piept, puls neregulat, respiratie dificila, ameteli, greata. Daca aveti aceste simptome consultati medicul inainte de a continua programul de exercitii.
4. Copiii si animalele nu trebuie sa se apropie de bicicleta. Acest produs trebuie folosit doar de catre adulti.
5. Asezati bicicleta pe o suprafata dreapta si solida, cu un covoras de protectie dedesubt, pentru protejarea podelei. Pentru siguranta dvs. si a celor din jur, lasati un spatiu liber de cel putin 0.5 metri in jurul produsului.
6. Inainte de a utiliza bicicleta, verificati piulitele si suruburile, sa fie bine stranse.
7. Un nivel de siguranta inalt poate fi mentinut doar daca produsul este verificat in mod regulat daca prezinta semne de uzura sau deteriorare.
8. Folositi bicicleta conform indicatiilor din acest manual. Daca depistati componente defecte in timpul asamblarii/verificarii produsului sau daca auziti zgomote neobisnuite in timpul utilizarii bicicletei, opriti-va. Folositi bicicleta doar dupa ce problema a fost rezolvata.
9. Purtati imbracaminte sport in timpul antrenamentului. Evitati hainele largi, care se pot agata de bicicleta.
10. Produsul apartine clasei H.C si este potrivit doar pentru uz casnic.
11. Greutatea maxima a utilizatorului nu trebuie sa depaseasca 120 kg.
12. Produsul nu este recomandat pentru uz terapeutic.
13. Atentie cand deplasati bicicleta, sa nu va accidentati.
Pas 1
Atasati cei doi stabilizatori (2) la cadrul principal
(1) folosind patru seturi de piulite (5), saibe (4), si suruburi de tip M8X50 (3).
Pas 2
Atasati saua (6) la suportul pentru sa (7). Ajustati unghiul acesteia. Fixati ferm cu ajutorul a doua piulite (8,9).
Pas 3
Inserati suportul pentru sa (7) in cadrul principal
(1) si aliniati gaurile. Ajustati inaltimea seii si fixati cu ajutorul rotitei (10). Inaltimea seii poate fi ajustata si dupa finalizarea asamblarii.
Pas 5
Fixati suportul pentru calculator (13) pe ghidon
(11) folosind suruburi (14), atasati calculatorul
(15) la suportul pentru calculator (13) si conectati cablurile.
Pas 6
Pedalele (16) si (17) sunt marcate cu "L" si "R"
– Stanga si dreapta.
Conectati-le la bratele pedaliere corespunzatoare. Bratul pedalier drept se afla pe partea dreapta a bicicletei, asa cum stati pe ea.
Nota: Pedala dreapta trebuie infiletata in sens orar, iar pedala stanga in sens anti-orar.
Utilizarea bicicletei fitness are numeroase beneficii: imbunatatirea conditiei fizice, tonifierea musculaturii, slabire.
1. Faza de incalzire
Acest stadiu ajuta la incalzirea musculaturii, pentru a evita accidentarile.
Se recomanda sa executati cateva exericitii de stretching conform imaginilor de mai jos. Fiecare pozitie trebuie mentinuta timp de 30 secunde. Nu fortati, daca simtiti durere, opriti-va.
2. Faza de exercitiu
Acesta este stadiul in care depuneti efort. Dupa o utilizare frecventa a bicicletei, muschii picioarelor vor deveni mai flexibili. Lucrati in ritmul dvs. dar tineti cont ca este important sa mentineti un ritm constant. Efortul depus trebuie sa va mareasca ritmul cardiac, astfel incat acesta sa se incadreze in zona tinta, conform graficului de mai jos.
3.Faza de relaxare
Acest stadiu ajuta la relaxarea musculaturii. In acest stadiu veti repeta exercitiile de la faza de incalzire, dar veti reduce ritmul. Executati exercitiile timp de 5 minute. Exercitiile de stretching trebuie repetate fara a forta muschii.
Pe masura ce conditia fizica se va imbunatati, va trebui sa va antrenati mai greu si pentru perioade mai lungi. Se recomanda sa va antrenati de cel putin 3 ori pe saptamana.
Daca consola nu afiseaza valorile pe ecran, asigurati-va ca toate firele sunt corect conectate.
Pentru tonifierea musculaturii trebuie sa setati rezistenta pe nivelurile cu dificultate mare.
Acest lucru va pune mai multa presiune pe muschi si e posibil sa nu reusiti sa va antrenati pentru o durata de timp mai lunga. In faza de incalzire si relaxare, antrenati-va normal, iar spre finalul exercitiului, mariti rezistenta pentru a lucra picioarele mai puternic. Va trebui sa reduceti viteza pentru a pastra ritmul cardiac in zona tinta.
Daca doriti sa slabiti, un factor esential il constituie efortul depus. Cu cat veti lucra la o rezistenta mai mare si pentru un timp mai indelungat, cu atat veti pierde mai multe calorii.
Inaltimea seii poate fi reglata prin desfacerea rotitei si ridicarea sau coborarea suportului seii. Dupa ce ati ales inaltimea potrivita, strangeti rotita de ajustare. Rotita de reglare a rezistentei are rolul de a slabi sau ingreuna rezistenta la pedalare. O rezistenta ridicata va ingreuna pedalarea, pe cand o rezistenta scazuta va usura rezistenta la pedalare. Este indicat sa setati rezistenta in timpul utilizarii bicicletei.
RESET: Apasati butonul aproximativ 3 secunde pentru a reseta toate valorile functiilor cu exceptia odometrului.
Apasati butonul pana ce apare afisat pe ecran SCAN. Toate functiile vor fi afisate pe rand in ordinea urmatoare:TIME, SPEED, DIST, CAL, ODO.
Apasati butonul pana ce apare afisat pe ecran parametrul TIME. Calculatorul afiseaza durata exercitiului.
Apasati butonul pana ce apare afisat pe ecran parametrul SPEED. Calculatorul afiseaza viteza curenta.
Apasati butonul pana ce apare afisat pe ecran parametrul DIST. Calculatorul afiseaza distanta parcursa.
Apasati butonul pana ce apare afisat pe ecran parametrul CAL. Calculatorul afiseaza
consumul de calorii.
Apasati butonul pana ce apare afisat pe ecran parametrul ODO. Calculatorul afiseaza distanta totala acumulata.
Apasati butonul pana ce apare afisat pe ecran parametrul PULSE.
Pulsul va fi redat pe ecranul calculatorului in batai pe minut. Asezati palmele pe senzorii de puls si asteptati 30 de secunde pentru o citire mai precisa.
1. Ecranul porneste automat cand incepeti sa pedalati. Daca va opriti, dupa 3 minute, ecranul se stinge.
2. Daca ecranul calculatorului nu afiseaza corespunzator, inlocuiti bateriile sau scoateti-le si introduceti-le din nou.
3. Calculatorul utilizeaza doua baterii de tip AA sau UM-3 baterii .