TABLE OF CONTENTS (Page | INTRODUCTION . 0... ccscceueeseveu seuss escalas 8 SUCRE RTOS aan ) SEMICONDUCTORS, ses 00 nn nen 3 ACCESSORIES eR Pee ek 3 FRONT PANEL CONTROLS AND SWITCHES ........,.... 4 REAR APRON SWITCHES AND JACKS .....,,...,......: 8 SIDE FANELJACES: 0 ee 10 INTERNAL SWITCHES sua coûte 5 a a 11 OPERATION ...... aC A 15 CIRCUIT. DESCRIPTION oscar aii AAA 25 ALIGNMENT ¿ia ii Fe “es 3 PARTS LIST: musee ME Downloaded by RadioAmateur.EU FT-790R MODEL CHART A |439: 999 MHZ | 436.000MH | 100He/1kHe | 25Kk1H2/100KHz | £5MHy (800Hz в 930. ¿99 Mltz | 433.400MHz | 100H2/1KkHz | 25KkH=/100KkHz | Rye’ | 1750Hz с [930 599 MHz | 433.400MHz [100112/1KkHz | 25kH2/100%Hx | ey | 1750Hz F 09999 MH | 433.000MH |100H/ 1k | 1OKH=/100Kz | «МНЕ - 1 = Note: Model F is for use in Japan only, and cannot be readily converted 16 other Models FT-790R 0.7 METER PORTABLE TRANSCEIVER INTRODUCTION The FT-790R is a fully portable, compact multi-mode transceiver for the 70 em amateur band, Featuring PLL synthesis in 100 Hz, | kHz, 25 kHz. or 100 kHz steps, the FT-790R utilizes a Liquid Crystal Display for digital readout of the operating frequency. Ten memories, scann ing of the band or memory channels. two VFOs, and receiver offset tuning make the FT-790R a significant breakthrough in technology. Powered by eight “С” size dry cells or Ni-Cd batteries (nol supplied), the FT-790R is completely self-contained and portable. A high-performance noise blanker is algo included. for minimizing interference caused by impulse noise. Power output is | watt, switchable to 0.2 watt for battery conservation, For memory backup purposes, a lithium cell is included, providing an estimated lifetime of five years because of the extremely low current consumption of the memory circuitry. The light weight, portability, and efficiency of the FT-790R make it suitable for field satellite operation, emergency FM werk, or vacation enjoyment. We recommend that you read this manual in its entirety, $0 as to understand more completely the many features of the exciting new FT-790R. With proper care in operation, this equipment will provide many years of reliable performance, SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Frequency coverage: 430.0 — 440,0 MHz Modes of operation: SSB (USB, LSB), CW and FM Synthesizer steps: SSB/CW: 100 Hz, 1 kHz FM: 25 kHz, 100 kHz Power requirements: 8С- size dry battery cells ог 8 Caire Ni-Cd battery cells External: 8 — 15Y DC Memory backup: built-in lithium bat- tery cell Current consumption: 100 mA on receive; (FM) 750 mA on transmit (1W RF, FM) Antena impedance: Case size: 58(H) x 1500№)х 195(D) mm Weight: 1.3kg. without batteries TRANSMITTER Power output: 1 watt at 12 volts Carrier suppression: Better than 40 dB Spurious tadiation: Better than —50 dB Unwanted sideband suppression: Better than 40 dB Tone burst frequency: 1800 Hz (A model) 1750 Hz (other models) Frequency response: 300 — 2700 Hz (—6 dB) FM deviation: 15 kHz Microphone impedance: 600 ohms RECEIVER Circuit type: sob/CW: Double conversion superheterodyne FM: Triple conversion superheterodyne Intermediate frequencies: lst IF 67.3 MHz ind IF 10.7 MHz 30d IF 455 kHz (FM) Sensitivity: SSB/CW: 0.164V for 10 dB S/N FM: 0.2S5uVW for 12 dB SINAD Selectivity : SoB/CW: 2.4 kHz at 6 dB down; 4.1 kHz at 60 dE down FM: 12 kHz at 6 dB down: 25 kHz at 60 dB down Image rejection: Better than —60 dB Audio output impedance: 8 ohms Audio output: | watt 210% THD RPT SHIFT Model A +5 MHz Model В -7.6 MHz, REV Model С +16 MHz, REV Specifications subject to change without notice or obligation. ICs: 1044520-462 MC3357P MC 14069UB NOS /C2-3R (Ring Module) TP0401 uPCS75C2 uPCS77H EPC LOSTH uPCI1170H uPD2819C TC-5082P FETs: 25K168D ¿5k154Y ¿SKI02GR ISKI93K 25K241GR 38K51-03 35KT3Y SEMICONDUCTORS Transistors: Diodes: ] ¿SATIJAP 7 15188FM (Ge) 4 | 25A1175E 3 151555 (Si) 3 3 25Bä43P } 15553 (Si) 67 | 280535B 6 15597 5 25C945AP 21 (Schottky Barrier) | ¿SCIB1I5GR 1 1T25 (Varactor) 1 1 2502026 | FC33M-4 (Varacior} 6 [ 28C2120% i H#4C3 (Zener) 1 | 2402407 ] HZ6C2L (Zener) 1 | ¿CITA 4 HZYB] (Zener) 1 | 25С2785Е 2 HZOBR2L (Zener) | | 2303019 | MV-11 {Varistor) 2 2803020 1 TLG205 (LED) 1 11.8205 (LED) | 1 UOSB (51) 1 2 WOGC (Si) à | 4 Liquid Crystal Display: 3 H1313A | 3 Downloaded by RadioAmateur.EU ACCESSORIES Whip Antenna (03000031) ] Microphone (M3090033) | Microphone Hanger (B0071360) | shoulder Strap (R7070600) | External DC Plug (1090139) 1 ] External Speaker Plug (20090032) FRONT PANEL CONTROLS AND SWITCHES 2 999 | . ET A acd Set 18) 17 T MODEL B MODELC (1) SQL The squelch control silences the receiver in the FM mode when no stations are being received on the channel in use. The SQL control should only be advanced to the threshold point of background noise silencing; further advancing this control will lead to reduced sensitivity to weak signals, (2) VOL This is the audio gain control for the receiver, as well as the main ON/OFF switch for the transceiver. (3) MODE This selector determines the desired operating mode: LSB, USB, CW or FM, The [-], and positions select FM simplex or transmitter offsets for FM repeater operation. The position is labelled in Model B, indicating that the transmit and receive frequencies are reversed. The [—] position is labelled in Model C for the same reason. (4) MAIN DIAL The main tuning dial is used for selection of operating frequencies using the two main VFOs or the clarifier. In the LSB, USB, and CW modes, synthesizer steps of 100 Hz or | KHz are programmed, while on FM the channel steps are 25 kHz or 100 kHz each. In the clarifier mode, the synthe- sizer moves in 100 Hz steps. (5) MR/PRI This switch selects either the memory recall mode or priority channel operation. If only the MR/PRI switch is pressed, the memory channel selected by the MEMORY rotary switch will be activated. If the yellow F button is first pressed and then the MR/PRI button, priority channel operation will be selected. (6) F The yellow “Е” (Function) button activates either the priority channel mode or the memory split mode. The F button itself does not select a mode, but it programs the microprocessor to select the mode labeled in yellow letters on either of the two switches immediately above the F button: DIAL/S or MR/FRI (7) STEP This switch selects the desired synthesizer steps. In the LSB, USB, or CW mode, the preset mode* is 100 Hz per step. Press the STEP button to switch to | kHz steps. A second press of this switch returns you to 100 Hz steps. In the FM mode, the preset is for 25 kHz steps. Pressing the STEP switch selects 100 kHz steps, while a second press returns you to 25 kHz steps. (8) VEO Switch The VFO button selects one of the two internal VFOs on the FT-790R. Press the WFO switch to select VFO-B, and dial up the new frequency. A second press of the button releases the switch, returning you to VFO-A. * When the lithium memory backup is on, switch-on (preset) conditions will be the same as when the transceiver was last switched off. (9) CLAR This switch activates the receiver offset tuning feature (Clarifier). The clarifier allows 19.9 kHz of offset from the transmit frequency, tuned in 100 Hz steps (all modes), (10) M The M (Memory) button is used to store a frequency in memory. (11) MIC This. seven pin jack accepts microphone audio input, the scanning control lines, and the PTT (Push to Talk) control line. Microphone impedance is 500 ohms. (12) MEMORY The memory channel selector is used to choose any of the 10 memory channels. In the MS (Memory Scan) position, scanning of the memories may be performed. (13) CALL When this button is pressed (FM mode only), an 1800 Hz tone will be superimposed on the microphone line, and the PTT switch line will be grounded, activating the transmitter. This allows manual-length access of repeaters requiring a burst tone. (14) ON AIR This indicator lights up while transmitting. (15) BUSY This indicator lights up when the main squelch is opened up by an incoming signal. (16) DIAL/S When the DIAL/S button alone is pushed, tuning is accomplished by the main dial on either VFO-A or VFO-B. If the F button is pushed and then the DIAL/S button, the memory split mode will be selected: for receiving on the memory while transmitting on the VFO, (17) DIGITAL DISPLAY The digital display uses an LCD for indication of the operating frequency and mode. The frequency readout displays the last five digits of the operat- ing frequency, with resolution to 0.1 kHz. Indicators are also provided for indication of clarifier operation (““CLAR"), priority channel operation (“P’’), memory channel operation (“М”), or memory split operation (“—" on transmit). (18) 5/PO METER The meter allows determination of incoming signal strength and relative power output, The meter is also used for checking battery condition. (19) ANTENNA The ANTENNA jack is a BNC type connector for quick connection of the rubber flex antenna or an external antenna. “СТАЕ” Shown during clarifier operation. “P", Appears for 1 second during priority channel operation. ® | Blinks during auto scan halt, Blinks during priority check. Memory. Shown during memory operation. Disappears for about | second after pressing the “М” button. Memory shift operation. Also appears for about 3 seconds alter pressing the “F” (Function) button to indicate function change pending, REAR APRON SWITCHES AND JACKS (1) KEY This jack is used for the keying input line. Use a miniature phone plug for connection to your telegraph Key or keyer, The key-up voltage is TV, and the key-down current is 0.3 mA. (2) LAMP/BATT With this switch in the LAMP position, the front panel meter and display will become illuminated for nighttime operation. If the power switch (on the VOL control) is off, this lamp will stay off, thus preventing inadvertent battery discharge. In the BATT position, the battery voltage is checked. The meter needle should deflect at least fo the dividing line between the green and white zones of the meter scale. If not, the batteries require replacement or recharging. (3) NB This switch activates the built-in noise blanker. This blanker helps in minimizing pulse-type noise such as that caused by automotive ignition systems. (4) HI/LOW This switch selects power outputs of 1.0 watt (HI) or 0.2 watt (LOW), (5) CASE LATCH This mechanism provides easy opening and closing of the cabinet for battery replacement. (6) EXT DC 13.8V Use this jack for connection to an external DC supply. Never exceed 15 volts at this jack, and never apply AC power of any kind at this point. Also, be absolutely certain that DC power of the proper polarity is applied; when replacing DC plugs, check to be sure that the plug is wired correctly, as there is no standardized wiring polarity for the power plug used for the FT-790R. Failure to observe these simple precautions will void any and all warranties on this equipment. (7) CHG The external charge jack accepts charging voltage from the NC-11B/C battery charger (option), When using alkaline or other dry cell batteries, do not attempt to recharge them. Use only C size Ni-Cd cells (available from your Yaesu dealer) if you intend to recharpe the cells. ть... NC-118 == ak NC-11C CHARGER PLUG CONNECTIONS EXT DC PLUG CONNECTIONS SIDE PANEL JACKS (1) STAND BY This jack is wired in parallel with the PTT line of the microphone, allowing | the use of a footswitch to activate the transmitter. (2) EXT SP Use this jack to connect an external speaker. The output impedance is ! & ohms. | STAND BY oo | 4 SP ON AIR Pres D Ti SHOULDER STRAP ATTACHMENT AND REMOVAL ATTACHMENT REMOVAL Press pin into hole, then pull up tab. Press with thumb while lifting tab, swivel- ing back and forth slightly until pin disengages. INTERNAL SWITCHES (1) TONE 50. When the optional tone squelch unit is installed, this switch will place the unit in operation. (2) SCAN This switch selects automatic scan stop on a busy or clear channel, per your requirements. Manual scanning can also be selected, if desired. (3) COMP This switch activates the audio speech compressor for the SSB and FM modes. Average power in the SSB mode will be increased, with some loss of fidelity. (4) BACKUP This switch activates the lithium memory backup feature, and may be turned on and left on indefinitely. See the Operation section for details. ANTENNA CONSIDERATIONS The FT-790R comes equipped with a 1/2 wavelength rubber flexible antenna, Which should be sufficient for local work through repeaters, ete, Different types of antennas may be connected to the top panel BNC connector. An external antenna must have an impedance of 50 ohms, and should be fed with good quality cable. If your current antenna has a connector which differs from the BNC type, consult Your dealer regarding the purchase of a suitable adapter. 5 ad у For base station use, gain antennas such as the yagi, quad, stacked vertical, etc, will enhance long distance communications. These antennas are also available from most Yaesu dealers. BATTERY INFORMATION ta The FT-790R is designed for use with eight size С Ni-Cd rechargeable cells or eight dry cells of the same size. When using alkaline cells or other dry cell types, no “dummy” battery is required, as the FT-790R will tolerate the slightly elevated voltage of these batteries as compared to Ni-Cd cells, To install batteries, set the rear panel lever to OPEN to unlock the case. The bottom cover may then be carefully removed, exposing the Se battery holder. Install the eight new cells, | being absolutely certain to observe the proper polarity. WARNING Serious damage can occur if incorrect battery polarity is used. Our warranty does not cover damage caused by incorrect polarity in the battery compartment. MICROPHONES YM-49 OPTIONAL SPEAKER MICROPHONE MIL ee | UF PTT Viewed from "A" Side YM-47 YM-50 OPTIONAL DIMF MICROPHONE If Ni-Cd cells are used, the optional NC-11B/C battery charger may be used to return the cells to a full charge. Allow the cells to discharge lo the minimum operating voltage before recharging them. If the cells are only partially exhausted, and repeatedly recharged in this condition, they may develop a memory for this level, and not provide full discharge capability. Ni-Cd cells suitable for use in the FT-790R are available from your Yaesu dealer. Ask also for the MMB-11 Mobile Mounting Bracket, FL-7010 Linear Amplifier, YM-49 and YM-50 microphones, and CSC-1A vinyl carrying case for the FT-790R, г ть NC-11B (117V АС) NC-11C (220-234V) FT-790R/MMB-11/YM-47/FL-7010 FT-790R/CSC-1/CSC-1A/YM-47 OPERATION The tuning procedure for this transceiver is not complicated. However, because microcomputer circuitry is used extensively throughout the trans- ceiver, this section should be read thoroughly, so as to understand all of the features thal are made available. Note thal off-frequency operation could occur without proper setting of the controls. INITIAL CHECK Before operating the transceiver, be certain that the necessary batteries are installed in the case, as described previously. If an external voltage source is used instead of batteries, confirm that the proper DC voltage is being applied to the rear panel jack, and that the proper polarity 15 used. FREQUENCY READOUT Frequency display is provided by a five-digit Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) system, Resolution of the last five digits of the operating frequency is provided to 0.1 kHz. When operating on a memory channel, the letter “М” will appear on the left side of the display, The memory channel number is shown on the selector switch labeling, and the actual memorized frequency appears on the digital display. SSB OPERATION Preset the controls and switches as follows: VOL OFF (Fully counterclockwise) SOL Fully counterclockwise MODE Desired mode, USB or LSB MEMORY Channel | LAMP (Rear apron) OFF NB i Or ,) OFF HI/LOW ( ” р me 2] HI Rotate the VOL switch out of the click-stop, and adjust the volume level for comfortable audio output from the speaker. The display will indicate the operating frequency. When the transceiver is switched OFF, the lithium backup feature will ensure that the transceiver retains the frequency, step and mode (dial or memory) last used. The STEP switch is used to select the desired synthesizer step, | kHz or 100 Hz per step (SSB/CW modes). If you rotate the main tuning dial, initially the synthesizer will provide 1 kHz steps. Press the STEP button once, and you will note that the steps are now 100 Hz (0,1 kHz) each. Another pressing of the STEP button will return the selection to | kHz/step. Rotate the main tuning dial until an SSB signal is heard. Using the 100 Hz/ step mode, tune in the signal until a natural reproduction of the voice signal is obtained. To transmit, close the microphone PTT switch, and speak at a normal level into the microphone. Release the PTT switch for receiver recovery, The microphone amplifier gain is preset in this transceiver and requires no adjustment for normal operation. If the station you are in contact with begins to drift, you may follow the station by activating the receiver offset tuning control (CLARIFIER). Push the CLAR button, and then rotate the main tuning dial (or push the scanning controls) until the desired frequency is reached. In the CLAR mode, the synthesizer automatically is set to the 100 Hz/step mode, and the STEP button is disabled. The clarifier leaves the transmit frequency unchanged. Push the CLAR button again to return to normal operation with the clarifier off. If you switch the clarifier on again, the receiver will not return to the last offset frequency, but rather will initiate on the current operating frequency. For satellite operation, it is possible for the transmit frequency to be varied while transmitting. If pulse-type noise is encountered, the rear apron NB (Noise Blanker) switch may be activated. The FT-790R noise blanker is helpful in reducing interference caused by pulse noise such as that produced by automobile ignition systems. To reduce power for local communication, place the HI/LOW power switch in the LOW position. In this position, the PEP output power is approximate- ly 200 mW. Battery consumption will be greatly reduced by using the low power position whenever possible. CLARIFIER OPERATION Offset tuning is provided on receive, for tracking of unstable or Doppler- shifted signals. The clarifier may be used either on VFO frequencies or memory frequencies. To activate the clarifier, push the CLAR button once. The letters "CLAR” will appear on the digital display. Now, tune the receiver as needed to follow the unstable signal. The synthesizer automatically programs 100 Hz steps for clarifier operation. A frequency shift of up to 10 kHz can be accomplish- ed by using the clarifier. When you close the PTT switch, the digital display will revert to the frequency programmed before the clarifier was switched on. In other wards, your transmit frequency has remained unchanged, while your receive frequency has been varied. A second press of the CLAR button will cancel clarifier operation. If the CLAR button is then pressed again, switching the clarifier back on, the clarifier is zeroed to the original operating frequency (before any offset), not to the offset frequency tuned previously. THE UP/DWN CONTROLS ON THE MICROPHONE MAY BE USED FOR SCANNING DURING CLARIFIER OPERATION. VFO SELECTION Two VFOs are available on the FT-790R for split frequency operation. The VFO selector button is the lareest of the eight selector buttons on the front panel of the FT-790R. This switch is a push-push type, not the momentary type used for the other selector buttons. For VFO B operation, push the VFO button once; the switch will hold inward, and the desired frequency may then be dialed up. Be certain, of course, that you are in the DIAL mode. To return to VFO A, simply push the VFO button again to release the switch. A It is not possible to receive on one VFO while transmitting on another. For frequency splits of 10 kHz or less, use the clarifier to achieve this function. Otherwise, use the MEMORY SPLIT mode described elsewhere in this manual. NOTE REGARDING BACKUP OPERATION When a backup battery or main batteries are first installed in the FT-790R (after service or replacement), it is necessary to reset the microcomputer properly. Failure to follow a simple sequence of steps may cause erratic operation. (1) Set both the VOL and memory backup switches (memory backup switch is located inside the cabinet, as shown on page 11) to OFF. (2) Replace the memory backup battery and main batteries (if removed). (3) Turn the VOL control out of the click-stop, turning the transceiver ON. (4) Now turn the backup switch to ON. The CPU is now reset, and the backup switch may be left on indefinitely, owing to the very low current drain in the backup mode. Downloaded by RadioAmateur.EU MEMORY OPERATION Ten memory channels are available for storage and recall of favorite operating frequencies. The procedure for entry and recall of memory channels is extremely simple. | Push the DIAL switch for normal tuning, using the-main tuning dial. When you have found a frequency you wish to store in memory (for example 432.525 MHz), rotate the MEMORY switch to 1 (channel 1) and push the M (memory store) button. If you wish to store 438.500 MHz in channel 2, rotate the main | to that frequency, rotate the MEMORY switch to channel 2, push M, and so forth. This procedure may be repeated for all 10 memory channels. To recall these frequencies, push the MR button (memory recall) and rotate the MEMORY switch to select the desired channel. One push of the MR button will keep you on memory recall operation until the DIAL button is pushed again to return you to main dial tuning. Note that there is no formal erasure procedure for memory channels. When you push the M button, the previous frequency stored in that position will be erased. Until a frequency is programmed into a memory channel (from initial switch on of the transceiver), 436.000 MHz (or 433.4 MHz) will be preset in all memory channels. SCANNER OPERATION The UP/DWN scanning controls on the microphone may be used to control the operating frequency. When in the DIAL mode, one push of the UP button will cause the frequency to advance upward by one step of the synthesizer (the step size being programmed by the mode switch and the STEP button). If you hold the UP button down for more than 1/2 second, the scanner will become engaged, and you will begin scanning up the band. Push the UP or DWN button or the PTT switch to halt the scan. ° Scanning toward a lower frequency is achieved by using the same procedure, only using the DWN button on the microphone. To scan only the memory channels, rotate the MEMORY selector to either of the MS (Memory Scan) positions, and press the MR button. Now, when you push and hold the UP or DWN button, the scanner will search the memory channels only. Manual halting of the scan is accomplished by pushing the UP, DWN, or PTT switches as before. Inside the case of the radio, the SCAN switch allows selection of one of three scan halt modes. In the MAN (Manual) position, scanning is halted as discussed above. If the BUSY position is selected (see Page 11), the scanner will search until a busy channel (one occupied by a station strong enough to break the main squelch) is received. The scan will then pause on that frequency for five seconds. If you choose to stay on that frequency, press one of the scan control buttons or the PTT switch. While in the PAUSE mode, the decimal point farthest to the nght will blink; when you push a button to halt the resumption of the scan, the blinking will stop. To scan for a clear channel (one where the squelch does not open), set the SCAN switch to CLEAR. The scan will halt, and the decimal point will blink, as in the previous section. Press the UP, DWN, or PTT switch to cancel the pause/resume feature and hold on the frequency you stopped at. Memory scan halting follows the same format as main dial scanning. PRIORITY CHANNEL OPERATION Priority channel operation uses a combination of the main dial VFO and the memory. It can be used in conjunction with the automatic scan stop feature of the microprocessor, if desired. The steps for priority channel operation are detailed below. (1) Program into memory the desired priority channel, Do not recall the channel at this time. (2) Dial up a basic operating frequency on the main VFO, This will be your main operation channel during priority channel operation. (3) Set the SCAN switch to BUSY or CLEAR, as desired. (4) Now push the yellow F button, followed immediately by a press of the MR/PRI button: The letter “P” will appear on the digital display, signifying priority channel operation. The display will then show the VFO frequency, with a flash every five seconds to the memory channel being checked ¿for activity. When the memory channel is busy or clear (depending on your instructions), the scanner will halt on the memory channel. The pause/restart feature does not function in this mode; to restart, simply press the F and MR/PRI buttons again. (5) If the SCAN switch is set to the MAN position, the CPU will have no instructions for halting the scan. Simply press the DIAL or MR button to select ‘the desired channel under this mode of operation. If you hit the PTT switch during manual priority channel operation, the checking of the priority channel will be delayed by five seconds. MEMORY SPLIT OPERATION The memory split operation mode is useful for covering unusual repeater splits or other occasions where the receive frequency may be fixed, but the transmit frequency is variable. In this mode, you receive on a memory channel, while transmitting on the VFO, (1) Store the desired receive frequency into a memory channel. (2) Dial up the desired transmit frequency on the main dial. (3) Now press the yellow F and DIAL/S buttons. You will be receiving on the memory, while transmitting on the VFO. (4) For transmitting purposes, either VFO A or VFO B may be used. set the VFO selector as needed. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The following circuit description, together with the block diagram (insert), is intended to provide an understanding of the basic circuit functions of this transceiver. Refer to the schematic diagram for more specific circuit and component details. RECEIVER The incoming RF signal from the antenna jack is passed through a lowpass filter, antenna relay RL; and helical resonator СУ, to RF amplifier О: (28C2570A). After amplification the signal is filtered by helical resonator СМ, и. and applied to Ist mixer О: (25C2570A), which also receives the Ist local signal, resulting in a Ist IF signal at 67.3 MHz. The Ist IF signal is passed through the bandpass filter composed of Tyo, through T,993, and then applied to 2nd mixer Q 100 (35K51) along with the 78.025 MHz 2nd local signal, resulting in a 2nd IF signal at 10.7 MHz. This signal is passed through XF ¡96 (10M30B x 2), a matched pair of monolithic crystal filters, between which the partially filtered signal is sampled for the noise blanker, mentioned later. From ХЕ шо, a portion of the signal is fed to FM IF amplifier Оо (2SK241GR), while another portion is fed to IF amplifier Qi6os (SSK73Y) for the other modes. ‚ The noise sample signal from the middle of XF,oo is applied to noise amplifier Qioog (иРС577Н), the output of which is rectified by Dio and Dios (15188ЕМ) to switch О (250945AP), which in turn biases Ооо" and Q:60s Off for the duration of a noise pulse. A portion of the output of Qiooa is also rectified by Do and Door (1S188FM x 2) and then amplified by Qioos (28C945AP) to provide noise blanker AGC back to O 004. During FM operation, the amplified 2nd IF signal from Q,oor is applied to the mixer section of Qioo, (MC3357P), where the signal is mixed with a 10.245 MHz 3rd local signal generated within Qioos from crystal Xi001 - The 455 kHz resulting signal is passed through ceramic filter CF jo ,, and then back into the limiter amplifier section of Оо, which amplifies the signal and removes variations in amplitude. From the limiter amplifier section the signal is fed to the discriminator section, which produces an audio output corresponding to frequency vanations in the 455 kHz IF signal. When no carrier is present in the 455 kHz IF, the high frequency noise at the discriminator output, which is passed through a highpass filter, is amplified by the noise amplifier section of Qiooq and detected by Dios (181555), producing a DC voltage. This voltage is fed to the squelch switch section Of Qjoos, which biases off Q,os (2SC945P) to interrupt the audio signal between the discriminator section of О and the AF amplifier. The squelch switch section of Oo also controls scan switch Олово (25C945P) on SW Unit В, which then informs the microprocessor on the Control Unit of signal conditions on the operating frequency for automatic scanning and tone squelch “BUSY” control functions. When a carrier is present in the 455 kHz 3rd IF, the noise no longer appears at the discriminator and the audio amplifier then receives the voice signal from the discriminator, while the microprocessor is informed that the channel is busy. The SQL control on the front panel sets the threshold level of the noise quieting required to activate squelch switching. SSB and CW signals in the 10.7 MHz 2nd IF are amplified by Оо» and passed through crystal filter ХЕ ¡004 to amplifiers Ооо and Ош: (3SK73Y) before being applied to balanced demodulator Q 017 (uPCI1037H) and AGC detectors Diosa (15188FM) and Dios (15597). Оз is also fed with a carrier signal from carrier oscillator Q 0615 (25C535B), and thus produces an audio output which is passed to the audio amplifiers. The AF amplifier consists of preamplifier Q,03 (2SC945P), lowpass filter Qoza (250945P) and audio power module Osoos (uPC575C-2). The FM audio from squelch switch Оо: or the SSB/CW audio from Ор is amplified by Qioss and then filtered by Qjo24, where the audio above 3 kHz is cut off. The audio is then delivered to О»; on the AF Unit, where it is boosted to approximately | watt to drive the speaker. The portion of the SSB/CW signal from Quoi, rectified by Dias. and Dios is then fed to DC amplifier Оо (2SCI815GR), the output of which is applied to gate 2 of the MOSFETs in the IF amplifier chain. A portion of this AGC signal is buffered by О (2SK184Y) and amplified by Qu, (2SA1175SE) for delivery to the meter for S-unit indication during reception. TRANSMITTER The audio input signal from the microphone is amplified first by Qyo2s (uPC1170H), which also acts as an audio compressor when switched by Osooa (25C945P). The output of Q,o2s is then applied to amplifier Qio2, along with the burst oscillator tone from Qjo97 (TC5082), if activated from the Call switch via Оз (2SA733P). The audio is then further amplified by Quozr (2SC945P) and filtered of components above 3 kHz by Qhozs (2SC945P) before delivery to switch Q,o39 (25C2120Y) for FM, and switch Quos1 (2SC945P) for SSB. Олю, Quoar and Qjozs all are switched off by Ojo29 (2SA733P) during CW operation. SSB When the SSB mode is selected, the amplified audio is passed through switch Qios to balanced modulator module Q 912 (uPC1037H), which also receives ‚the 10.7 MHz signal from carrier oscillator Оо; (2SC535B), whose fre- quency is offset slightly for the selected sideband or mode. The resulting modulated IF output is passed through Qoss (2SC2785E) during SSB transmission, and then the desired sideband is passed through 10.7 MHz crystal filter XF,o9;, where the unwanted sideband is removed. The resulting single sideband signal is then amplified by Ош (35K 73Y), which also receives an ALC control voltage. Output from Qyoyo is delivered to the transmit mixer composed of Qioss and Qjo3; (25K193K x 2), which also receives the 78 MHz local signal from local oscillator Q,932 (25C535B) after buffering by Qioss (25C535B). The resulting 67.3 MHz output from the mixer is passed through a bandpass filter to buffer O,oss (2SK241GR) and then delivered to the TX Unit (PB-2410, PB-2411). On the TX Unit the signal is passed through a lowpass filter to mixer О.о: (ND487C2-3R), which also receives a 362.7 — 372.7 MHz local signal after it has first been buffered by Оз, (28C2570A) and filtered by helical resonator CV 99, (CV370). The output of the mixer at the operating fre- quency is buffered by Оз (2SC2570A), filtered by helical resonator CV 2002 (CV441B), and then buffered again by Qyo94 (2502407) before being fed to driver Ош (28C3019) and then TX RF amplifier О, (25C3020). The one watt output is-then passed through a lowpass filter and delivered to antenna relay RL,» on the Main Unit, followed by another lowpass filter, to the antenna, A sample of the RF output delivered from the TX Unit is fed to the ¿ PO/ALC detector composed of Dioss — Dior, which provide a DC voltage for power output indication on the PO meter, and an ALC voltage for amplification by AGC/ALC amplifier Q,5,, (25C1815GR). The level of this detected ALC voltage applied to Оз is reduced by a variable resistor added to ground when the HI/LOW switch is set to the LOW position, and the amplified output of Qi is applied to IF amplifier Q,s10 to regulate its gain, preventing overdriving of the TX amplifiers. FM Dunng FM transmission the audio from the microphone amplifiers and lowpass filter is passed through switch Q,oa9 to varactor Dos (FC52M) in the oscillator loop of Q,93;. The audio thus modulates the 78 MHz signal produced by this oscillator; the output of which is buffered by O,,3; (25C535B) and then delivered to the transmit mixer composed of Ojoa, and Qjoas mentioned earlier in the SSB transmission description. The remainder of the transmit signal path for FM is the same as that for SSB. When the CALL button is activated from the front panel, switch Os00%, mentioned at the beginning of the Transmit description as activating burst oscillator Озот, also switches Call control Qiosr (2SC945P), which closes the PTT line, activating Qios3 (2SC945P) and relay В оз to switch the 6.8V DC supply from the receiver to the transmitter circuitry. CW The keying signal is applied to CW Keying Control gates in O,oss (1/3 MC- 14669UB), which operate Unlock (UL) switch Qiosr (2SC945P), biasing transmit IF amplifier Qi010 and final exciter buffer Q,o3, on when the key is closed. Carrier oscillator Qc: generates the carrier signal at 10.7 MHz in the same way as for USB, and thus the carrier signal is allowed to pass through the transmit signal path in the same manner as SSB when the key is closed, except that audio is blocked by switch Q,3,- The keying signal is also applied to the Sidetone Control gate of Q 039 (1/6 MC14069UB), and then to the sidetone oscillator formed by two more gates of Осло, Whose output is delivered to audio amplifier module Qc. PLL Circuit The PLL system employs a uPD2819C (Qjo44), which contains a program- mable divider and latch, phase detector, and reference oscillator, The synthesis scheme allows tuning of the 10 MHz operating range of the transceiver in 100 Hz steps. VCO (Voltage-Controlled Oscillator) Оо, (2SK192GR) generates a signal at 120.8916 — 124.2216 MHz, which is buffered by Оз (2SK241GR). A portion of this signal is then multiplied by three at Ооо (2SC2026), and passed through helical resonator CV ¡003 (CV370) for delivery to 151 receive mixer Qioo:, and final transmit mixer Oyoo after buffering by О.о: and filtering by CV559, on the TX Unit. The other portion of the buffered VCO signal is further buffered by Оз, (25K168D) and applied to PLL mixer О, а. (280535B), which also receives - ‘а 119,225 MHz signal from crystal oscillator Q,o47 (25C535B). The resulting 1.666 — 4.997 MHz mixer product is amplified by PLL IF amp Qioas (250535B) and applied to the programmable divider section of Qioas. This section is instructed by frequency dividing signals delivered from the Control Unit via the Latch section of O 0, and the divided output is then applied to the phase detector section of Q 04, where the phase of the divided signal is compared with that of the 4.266 MHz crystal reference oscillator section. Any resulting phase difference causes a DC voltage to be fed through lowpass filters Qioss (25K184Y) and then Qioss (2SC945P), after which the DC voltage is applied to varactor Dios (1T25) in the VCO circuit to shift the VCO frequency slightly, thus correcting the phase difference between the VCO and the crystal reference oscillator. If the phase difference exceeds a correctable value as detected by the phase detector in О’, ода, an Unlock signal triggers Qjo37 (2SC945P), which in turn biases off RX and TX IF amplifier Озою, as well as final exciter buffer Quose, thus preventing transmission from occurring when the PLL is not locked. Control Unit The essence of the control system is 4bit microprocessor Osocı (HD- 44820A62), which processes all data for control of the operating frequency, display and special functions. Hex inverter Qanoz (MC 14069UB) shapes the pulses from the photo-interrupter on the tuning dial before application to Osooı- Hex inverter Quoos (MC14069UB) serves various power, transmit disable and display clock functions. Qgoos, Qa007 and Qaoos (all 25C945AP) are switches for BUSY, minus repeater shift and plus repeater shift, respec- tively. Display data is routed along with front panel switch I/O through the Keyboard Unit to display driver Qs001 (TP0401) on the Display Unit, which then feeds LCD DS; (H1313A). ALIGNMENT This equipment has been carefully aligned and tested at the factory prior to shipment. If the instrument is not abused, it should not require other than the usual attention given to electronic equipment. Service or replacement of a major component may require considerable realignment. Under no circumstances, though, should realignment be attempted unless the operation of the transceiver is fully understood, the malfunction has been carefully analyzed, and the fault has definitely been traced to misalignment rather than part failure. Service work must only be performed by experienced personnel using the proper test equipment. Never align this transceiver without having a 50 ohm dummy load connected to the antenna jack. Troubleshooting using an antenna can result in mis- leading indications on the test equipment. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED |. ВЕ Signal Generator: Hewlett-Packard Model 8640B or equivalent with one volt output at 50 ohms and frequency coverage to 500 MHz 2. Vacuum Tube Voltmeter (VTVM): Hewlett-Packard Model 410B or equivalent with an RF probe good to 500 MHz 3. Dummy Load/Wattmeter: Bird Model 43 with 3W UHF slug + UHF Dummy Load AF Signal Generator: Hewlett-Packard Model 200AB or equivalent IF Seeep Generator: capable of output at 10.7 MHz RF Sweep Generator: capable of output at 420 — 460 MHz Oscilloscope: Hewlett-Packard Model 1 740A or equivalent FM Deviation Meter Precision Frequency Counter: Yaesu Model YC-SODE or equivalent with resolution to 0.01 kHz and frequency coverage to 500 MHz Cena BR TX UNIT & eeu » 6 A! Q3603 | | 2 = |= MAIN UNIT il 7 CONTROL UNIT KEYBOARD UNIT | [= = =) fal La) KEYBOARD UNIT CONTROL UNIT AF UNIT SW UNIT В SW UNIT С = ei) У MAS ИИ або BAT yoo) 4003 Javoz Claoos BZ4001 54001 Gavos avons oo Osos (BACKUP) : F300; @з007 Oscar Oana) О зоо Úx3003 004 Jos 93004 — 423003 43003 43001 PLL CIRCUIT ALIGNMENT The PLL circuit alignment procedure requires an environment in which the ambient temperature is held constant within the range of 15 to 30°C during alignment. The transceiver must also be thermally acclimatized to the ambient temperature of the alignment environment, so it should be allowed to sit at the alignment temperature for several hours before beginning align- ment if it has been located in a very warm or cold environment. VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT 1.5.7 VDC (a) Connect the DC voltmeter between the cathode of D, and ground. (b) Adjust VRjois for a reading of 5.7 VDC on the meter. 2. Battery Check (a) Apply 8.5 VDC from an external source to the EXT DC 13.8V terminal. (b) Set the LAMP/BATT switch to the BATT position and adjust VR;vo: so that the meter deflects exactly to the dividing line between the white and green zones on the meter scale. 1. PLL Local and IF (a) Set the MODE selector to the FM position and tune the transceiver to 439.9999 MHz. (b) Connect the oscilloscope to R,,4, and adjust Toro for maximum ampli- tude on the scope. 2. VCV Line (a) With the transceiver tuned to the same frequency as above, connect the DC voltmeter to the top of R,:» and adjust Los, for a reading of 5.0 volts on the meter. (b) Retune the transceiver to 430.0000 MHz and check the meter for a reading of about | volt. 3. PLL Local Frequency (a) With the MODE selector set to FM, tune the transceiver to 435.0000 MHz. (b) Connect the oscilloscope to Rijs and adjust Tios, for maximum amplitude on the scope. 4. PLL Output BPF (a) Disconnect Pip and connect a 50 ohm resistor across the plug. Connect the RF probe of the VTVM across the resistor. (b) With the transdeiver tuned to 435.0000 MHz, adjust CV оз for maxi- mum reading on the VTVM. (c) Tune the transceiver to 439.9999 MHz and check that the VTVM reading remains approximately the same. 5. PLL Local Frequency With the transceiver set to the FM mode at 435.0000 MHz, connect the frequency counter to Pis and adjust TCyoo, for 367.6750 MHz on the counter. 78 MHZ LOCAL OSCILLATOR ALIGNMENT (a) Set the transceiver for FM operation at 435.0000 MHz, and preset VR 007, VRıoıo and VRioia to their center positions, VR,907 and VRiois are realigned in the Transmitter Section, FM Deviation proce- dure. (b) Connect the RF probe of the VTVM to the cathode of D,,33, and adjust То: — Том for maximum deflection on the meter. : (с) Now adjust T,o0 for minimum deflection on the meter, which should be less than 70 mV rms. (d) Set the MODE selector to CW, transceiver frequency to 435.9993 MHz, and connect the frequency counter to the cathode of Dion. Now adjust L,oos for a reading of 78.0250 MHz on the counter. (e) Set the transceiver to 435.9992 MHz and adjust VR;oıo for'á reading of 78.0349 MHz on the counter. (Г) Now recheck the voltage with the RF probe on the cathode of О. озз, and repeat step (с) in the FM mode at 435.0000 MHz, if necessary. RECEIVER ALIGNMENT 1. FM IF and Detector (a) With the MODE selector set to FM, connect the signal generator to gate | of Qi and set the SSG for 10,7 MHz low-level output with | kHz modulation at 3.5 kHz deviation. (b) Connect an external speaker to the EXT SP jack, and connect the oscilloscope across this speaker. Set the VOL control to its center position, and adjust the SSG output level for a comfortable listening level, (с) Adjust Tioos, Tioog and Тов for the purest possible sine wave of maximum amplitude and minimum noise. (This adjustment may also be made using a SINAD meter in place of the scope.) 2. SSB IF (a) With the MODE selector set to FM, connect the signal generator to gate 1 of Оз. Set the SSG output for 10.7 MHz low-level output with no modulation. (b) Adjust Tyooo, Тлою and Tios, for maximum S-meter deflection, while adjusting the SSG output level to nraintain a useful range on the S-meter. —el 10 — 3, RF Stages wr (a) Connect the sweep generator to the an- tenna jack, and the oscilloscope to the emitter of O.0012- (b) Preset TCjoo, for minimum capacitance, and adjust CV 1001 and CV 1063 to obtain the waveform of Figure 1 at maximum cf amplitude, TCioo is readjusted in the next Are: procedure, a Figure ! . Ist IF (a) Connect the signal generator to the ANT jack, and set the SSG for an unmodulated output at 435 MHz sufficient to produce a deflection of several S-units on the meter with the transceiver tuned to the same frequency. (b) Adjust TCyoo1; Tio — Trova, Trois and Tio for maximum S-meter deflection, reducing the SSG output level when required to keep deflec- tion below 5-9. . §-Meter £ (a) Set the MODE selector to CW and connect the SSG to the ANT jack. Set the SSG for 10 dBu unmodulated output at the same frequency as the transceiver, 435 MHz. Adjust WRyosa, If necessary, to obtain an S-meter reading of exactly 5-9. | (b) Disconnect the SSG from the ANT jack and adjust VRioos to the threshold point just before that at which the S-meter begins to deflect (with no signal input). (c) Repeat steps (a) and (b). . Noise Blanker (a) With the MODE set to CW, connect the 5SG to the ANT jack and set the SSG for 50 dB» unmodulated output at the center frequency of the transcelver, (b) Connect the DC voltmeter to This, and adjust То’ for minimum indication on the voltmeter. . Squelch (a) Set the MODE to FM, and the SQL control to the 12 o'clock position. (b) With no signal input, adjust VR q, so that the squelch just closes off the noise. . Sidetone (a) Set the MODE to CW, and the VOL control fully counterclockwise. Connect a key to the KEY jack. — A (b) Depress the key and adjust VR:o1, for comfortable sidetone volume. At the factory, this control is preset for 150 mV rms at the speaker terminals. RANSMITTER ALIGNMENT ‘The dummy load must be connected to the ANT jack on the transceiver at ‘all times during the following procedures. , Exciter (a) Set the MODE selector to FM and the HI/LOW switch to HI power. Preset VRioo2 fully clockwise, and preset VRyo01, VRyoos and VRioos to their center positions. (b) Disconnect Po» from Гот, and connect the RF probe of the УТУМ to Jioo Now key the transmitter and adjust Tios — Тю for maxi- mum deflection on the VTVM. (<) Set VRioos to its center position, and connect the audio generator to the MIC jack. Set the AG for 20 mV rms output at 1.5 kHz. (4) Set the MODE selector to USB, key the transmitter, and adjust ТС; воз for maximum deflection on the VTVM. (e) Set the MODE selector to LSB, key the transmitter, and adjust TC, 902 for maximum deflection on the VTVM. . Idling Current (a) With Prog, disconnected from Ллоот, preset VRooo and УВ», fully counterclockwise. (b) Remove Pasos from Ти, and connect the ammeter in its place. Key the transmitter and adjust VRaoo, for a reading of 4.5 mA on the meter. (©) Remove Ро from Joo, and connect the ammeter in its place. Key the transmitter and adjust VR.o92 for a reading of 75 mA on the meter, (d) Reconnect Pao to Ллоот, Paoos tO Ia001, and Ponos tO J2002- 3. RF Power Amplifier (a) With the MODE selector set to FM and the HIGH/LOW switch set to the LOW position, tune the transceiver to 435 MHz. Connect a watt meter with the dummy load at the ANT jack. (b) Key the transmitter and adjust СУ, CW2002, TCrooa, ТСоюз and TCro0. for maximum output power on the wattmeter. 2. HI/LOW Power (a) With the wattmeter and dummy load connected to the ANT jack and the transceiver set to the FM mode, set the HI/LOW switch (rear panel) to the LOW position. i (b) Close the PTT line and adjust УВ, оз for 250 mW (or as desired) on the wattmeter. (c) Now set the HI/LOW switch to HI, and adjust УК» for | watt output. 4, SSB Carrier Point (a) With the MODE set to USB, connect the audio generator to the microphone jaék, and set the AG for 1.5 kHz at a level sufficient to 8. PO Meter Alignment produce an output of 500 mW on the wattmeter. | (a) On the rear panel, set the LAMP/BATT switch to the OFF (center) (b) Now tune the AG to 300 Hz and note the power output, Then tune the position. AG to 2700 Hz and again note the output. | | : (b) With the transceiver set for FM, HI power, adjust VRyo9s to obtain (с) Adjust TC,oo3, if necessary, and repeat step В until the output at both PO meter deflection in the center of the green zone on the meter scale. 300 Hz and 2700 Hz is equal (less than 500 mW). (d) Set the MODE selector to LSB and repeat the above steps, adjusting Too; if necessary . 9, FM Deviation | (a) Connect the test equipment to the transceiver as shown in Figure 2. (b) Set the MODE selector to FM, COMP switch OFF, and transceiver frequency to 435.0000 MHz. (c) Set the Audio Generator for a | kHz output at 25 mV rms to the (b) Connect the frequency counter to TP,oos and adjust TCioo4 to obtain MIC jack, and adjust УВ» for maximum deviation. Now adjust a reading of exactly 10,70000 MHz on the counter. ; VRioo7 for +4.5 kHz deviation, 5. FM Frequency (a) Set the MODE selector to FM, and remove all microphone input. 6. CW Frequency ` (d) Now reduce the AG output to 2 mV rms and check to ensure that deviation is +3 — 4 kHz. (a) Perform the following step with the MODE selector set to CW, key И connected to the KEY jack, and PTT switch closed. 10. Carrier Balance (b) With the frequency counter connected to TPjoo3, depress the key and (a) Temporarily short Riu using a jumper wire. Set the MODE to USB. adjust TC ох for a reading of 10.70070 MHz on the counter. (b) Monitor the carrier output at the antenna jack on the spectrum analyzer or monitor receiver, key the transmitter, and adjust VRioo for mini- mum carrier output. (c) Switch the MODE selector to LSB and back to USB, comparing the carrier levels of both modes and adjusting УВ, for equal carrier nulling. Downloaded by RadioAmateur.EU LIST PARTS 11. SSB Microphone Gain A = AN { (a) With the transceiver set to USB mode and the COMP switch OFF, Symbol No. Part No. _ Description : TRANSISTOR connect the audio generator to the MIC jack and set for an output of Oi nes SaRSAEP/O/R (b) Key the transmitter and adjust VR оз for an output power of 800 mW. | ae _ 23 | G2090027 | Si 18853 _ DI | G209004 | * uess D2 | G2090211 A vOsC _ Directional - | Coupler | = £ = FRERE u — | RESISTOR R2 110246680 | Carbon Composition 1/4w GK 680 [Dummy Load) oe La nae = 4 Ri 100215101 | Carbon Film 1/8w УГ 1009 | ps | POTENTIOMETER ter | am bs = PEN rt = к | BES o (> VRI (with Si) | 162800057 | KI2B61004-5N1211-5KB, ТОКА | | CAPACITOR | | Km | C1, 4, 06, 07 K10186102 | Ceramic Disc GIWW в — 0.00luF | — — (RD870-1B102K63V) _ | Audio CS K40129011 | Electrolytic 16WV 1000uF | Oscillator | (16RE1000) _ | switcH | $2 40190111 | SRN 2046N : | 53 09000193 EWT-XDDS2050B EMP [4 №0190084 | SRSIOIC Ss _N6090028 SSHP-23-05 56,7 N6090029 | SSFYP-22-07 "1 il ci |__| MEMORY SWITCH BOARD PB-2240 F0002240 | Printed Circuit Board C3001271 P.C.B. with $4 J SWITCH BOARDC _ | PB-2409 ` 70002409 Printed Circuit Board COZ4090A _ PCB. with 55, 6, 7, Rl, iy C4, 6, 7 BE | ____| CONNECTOR | 11,7 P1090201 UK-0002 = —42 = —43— 12 | 21090197 5G-8021 = 33 | P1090051 $6-8512 4 20090190 | HECO630 15 P0090241 FM214-155(A) _ J6 P1090293 BNC-R(1) | METER Mi M0290023 T-22 | | SPEAKER _ SPI | М№090028А| \5-50% — BATTERY HOLDER Q9000116C | C-12A with Wire Q9000117€ a m o 7 — | RECEPTACLE Pl (with wire) | 79302700 | TMP-15DP Bi" 9) T9204420A | XHPS _ pie" “oy | 79204421 XHP-3 240" "oy | 19204422 ii: psp "py | T9204423 XHP-5 | Pé(" “ ) | T9204424 XHP-7 Pac" ") 192044235 | XHP-2 P9 [ 2. Er ) T9204426 XHP-4 | PIO(" " ) | 19204427 XHP-7 21 (" ” ) | T9204428A| XHP-2 Р12(” " 3 | T9204429 | XHPS Pil3(” " ) | T9204430A| XHP-10 OO —— Р14(“ “ ) | T9204431A| XHP-12 PIS¢" " ) | T9204432 5208-11 Model A | | PIS(" " ) | T9204433 5231-08 Model B, F PLUG o | P2003, 2004 P1090249 EMCM0201 (with short wire) | KNOB | R3068750 | FT-32T Main Tuning _ R3068780 | FT-14K MODE, M.CH R3068790 FT-12K VOL R3068800 FT-16DS — $01. — R3062161 Push Button A FUNCTION R3056500 | Push Button В VFO ~44— Part No. | | Description F0002426A | Printed Circuit Board = | C0242604 | P.C.B. with Components Model А | C024260B _ “ Г Моде! В, С _ [ie Q1008 _G1090145 | MC3357P Q1049 G1090126 | MCI4069UB | 91004 | 61090072 | uPCS577H 01012 | 61090101 | wPC1O37H_ — 01025 | 61090415 | APCIITOH - 01044 G1090237 | uPD2819C | —_ [| ВЕТ — Q1041 | G3801680D | 25K168D 01020, 1045 | G3801840Y | 25K184Y | Q1038 G3801920G | 25K192GR 01034, 1035, | G3801930K/| 2SK193K or For P 1056 EL oe | L 01007, 1036, | G3802410G | 2SK241GR 1039 | o | 91003 G4800510C | 35K51-03 | Q1009-1011 G4800730Y | 3SK73¥ ____.______| TRANSISTOR | 01014, 1016, | G3107331F/| 25A733A PorQ 1017, 1029, Q 1050, 1051, | _ 01019, 1021, G3111750E | 2$А1175Е 1054 ВИ ШИ ~ 01015, 1032, | 633053508 | 25C535B 1033, 1042, 1043, 1047 | __| Q1005, 1006, G330M51P/| 28C945A P or О 1022-1024, Q | 1026-1028, 1031, 1037, 1046, 1052, 1053, 1058 105TA,B,C) | o o] — 91018 633181506 | 25181508 091040 _ (3320260 | 25C2026 | — 91030 “G3321200Y | _25C2120Y — Ab — R1105, 1187 100215220 Carbon Film 220 R1009, 1012, 1218 3100215560 360 RII, 1144 | 100215680 685 R1007, 1015, 1042, 1043, 1052, 1053, 1057, 1058, 1101, 1108, 1120, 1125, 1134, 1142, 1145, 1150, 1152, 1174, 1181, 1208, 1217 100213101 1005 R1006, 1113 100215221 R1149 100215271 FE FE | R1046, 1096, 1114, 1216 100215331 R1039, 1169, 1206 300215391 R1001, 1026, 1139, 1154, 1170, 1219, 1220 mn] ré sr R1005 110246471 R1034 300215561 R1003, 1025, 1048 ‚100215681 R1017, 1157 100215821 | R1037, 1051, 1056, 1062, 1123, 1136, 1147, 1160, 1172, 1207 100215102 R1119 110246102 = Composition 1/4 W GK R1171 100215122 ur Film LAW R1028, 1029, 1112, 1161 300215152 me ER —RILGS 100215182 R1047, 1063, 1075, 1100, 1102, 1118 1133, 1155 300215222 FF Q1001,1002 | 63325701 | 2$C2570A Q1013, 1055 G3327850E | 2SC778SE DIODE = 01001, 1002, G2001880F | Ge 15188FM 1004, 1024 | 01005. _G2015550 Si _ 131555 D1003, G2090027 4 15553 1006-1023, 1026-1030, 1033, 1034, 1036-1039, 1042-1059, |1 1063, 1064, 1066, 1067, 1071 01025, = 62090118 Schottky 15597 1068-1070 D1035 G2090107 | Varactor 1125 D1031 G2090179 м FCS3M-4 | G2090180 Е FC53M-5 D1062 G2090227 | Zener HZ9B2L D1061 G2090226 | " HZ4C3 D1065 | G2090225 " HZ6C2L D1032, 1072 69090017 Varistor МУП 01060 62090211 м VO6C | _ | CRYSTAL _X1006 H0102372 | HCIS/T 4.266MHz — X100! H0100720A | HCI8/U 10.245 MHz X1002 H0102466 | HC18/T3P 10.6985 MHz X1004 H0102465 HC18/T3P 10.7007 MHz __X1003 | H0102467 RW18/ ТЗР 10.7015 MHz X1005 | H0102463A | HC18/T3P 78.025 MHz X1007(A,B,C} | H0102483 | HCIS/T3P 119.225 MHz __ | | m CRYSTAL FILTER —XF1001 H1102027 | 10M30B — -XF1002 | H1102064 XF-10.7LS | и | ‘CERAMIC FILTER CF1001 H3900204 LF-H158 R1088, 1115 1137, 1138, 300215272 2.Tkfl aie — iT — R1221 mm mm | 310216332 Carbon Composition EKTTE R1185 100215392 FF Film 3.Ikf R1016, 1036, 1074, 1086, 1211 100215472 FE AO | R1059, 1069, 1071, 1089, 1097, 1203, 1204 100215562 т VI 5.6kn R1008, 1014, _ R1021, 1067, 1110 100215822 FF 1033, 1040, 1044, 1060, 1061, 1073, 1084, 1087, 1091, 1104, 1109, 1121, 1126-1128, 1131, 1140, 1141, 1146, 1191, 1212, (A,B,C) _ 1214, 1215 100215103 < 100215513 100215123 R1173 110246123 R1065, 1079 ~ R1083, 1098, _ 1099, 1116, 1117, 1129 300215153 pe = R1032, 1093 1103, (A,B,0) 1210 100215273 R1013, 1179 400215273 R1194 RIO, 1019, 1020, 1027, 1031, 1049, 1054, 1064, 1066, 1068, 1070, 1072, 1076, 1077, 1090, 1124, 1143, 1192 1201, 1202, 1209, 1213 (A,B,C) 300215333 | 100215473 R1030 Carbon Film ew WI sikn R1198 100215563 mm " “ s6kn R1092, 1132 J00215683 | " * м HE 68k | R178 100215823 | Bo " = 82kn —R1002, 1004, | 100215104 |" " ae м 100k 1010, 1038, | 1080, 1094, 1130, 1148, L151, 1156, 1165-1167, 1180, 1193, 1196 | ОНИ R1199,1200 | 100215154 нм Ш [50k | RIIS3,1159 | 200215184 | * a A E R1162 _ | 710246184 “Composition 1/4W GE 180kn R1023, 1081, 100215224 “ Film jaw Y) 220kN 1082, 1095, 1135, 1184, EB 1197 4 = — sr | 81035 | 100215274 ион " .. 270k2 | 81050, 1055 100215334 | o " " = " 330kn | 21122 _ 300215394 A " 2 390k2 R1024, 1106, 300215474 ES " " 470k2 1188, 1189 Oo у R1205 700215684 | SEL ñ = IT | RIO18, 1041, | 700215105 | ze " " iMn 1164, 1190 | . R1078 102245225 | "= 1/4W 5 2.2Mn R1022, 1085 302245335 | CEE " . 3.3Mn — | POTENTIOMETER _ | WRIOOI 151752105 | RGS6-FAN-IM IMR | VRI002,1005, | 151752503 | RGS6-FAN-50k SOKN 1011 | _ VR1003, 1009 | 351752203 | RGS6-FAN-20K an __ VR1004 | 151752104 | RGS6-FAN-100k 100kn | VR1006 | 151745222 | H06514009-2.2KB 2.2krıB VR1012 151745472 | HO6S1A011-4.7KB 4.7k01B | | VR1007, 1013 | 251745103 | HOGS1AO13-10KB 10ksıB ~ WRIOLO 351745223 | HO651A015-22KB 22kNB | | . | THERMISTOR __TH106! | 69090013 | 25529. = = TH1002_ _G9090008 | 31D26 zu CAPACITOR C1135, 1143, K00179001 | Ceramic Dise SOWWV SL O.5pF 1236 (DD104SLORSCSOVO2) C1011, 1017, K00172010 i 8 5 "” Е 1168, 1172, (DD1045L010C50W02) _ 1237 = = C1164 K02179003 нон L CH 2pF | (DDI04CK020C50W02) K00172030 E > ". * 3pF | _ | (DDI04SLO3OC50V02) C1081, 1146, K02179004 a or u и 3pF _ 1160 | (DD104CHO30C50V02) o c1002 | 02172040 7 > " 4рЕ | (DD104CH040C50VO2) C1027, 1030, K02172050 | " " " ” SpF 1156 (DDI04CHOS0C50V02) 01171 K00172050 pe " SL SpF (DD104SLOS0C50V02) o C1003 K00173060 a A |. " 6pF (DDIOASLOGODSOVOZ) — | C1152 K02173060 + A в CH брЕ (DD104CH060D50V02) C1153, 1154 K06173060 Er a 0] 6pF (DD104UJOG60J150V02) C1001 —K02173070 e ” CH ТРЕ (DD104CH070D50V02) C1162 K07183080 vw М PH ВЕ (RDS70-1N 150-8R0D63V) C1194 K06173080 A SOWV UJ 8pF (DD104UJ080D50V02) C1133 K00173080 A ry à SL 8pF (DDIG4SLOZODSOVO2) — C1155 K06173090 | “ = Ñ U F ly _ (DD104UJO9NISOVO2) y C1018, 1020, K00173100 т “ SL 10pF 1040, 1142, (DD1045L100D50W02) 1144 A = C1137, 1138 K02173100 a A" nn CH 10pF (DDI04CHLO0DSOVO2) CI20 K05173100 ‘ у " RH 10pF (DD104RH100D50V02) LR C1157 K02175120 a al CH 12pF (DD1045L120J50V02) C1013 K00175150 Pr — 7 SL 15pF (DD1045L150J50V02) is — K07185150 я ENV PH 15pF (RD870-1N150-150163V) 1158, 1161, C1004, 1016 K00175220 | Ceramic Disc- SOWWV SL 22pF (DD1045L220150V02) C1005 | K00175270 a 2 " 21pF (DD1045L270/50V02) L C1070, 1072, K06175330 ов se 0] 33pF 1076, 1195 (2104733015002) Вы | 181. 1182 | Ko0175330/ “ ” " SL 33pF (DD1045L330150W02) o C1036 | K06175390 | |" " z UJ 39pF (DD104UJ390150V02) u 2 Г ©1007, 1032, K00175470 | + * I SL 47pF 1057, 1083, (DD1048L470150V02) | 1249, 1251, C1074 K06179009 "т № " UJ 56pF | | |__ 02010501560150%02} =) Cli77,1178 | K00175560 = " SL S6pF (DD1045L560150V02) | C1196 —"KO06185680 |" “ 63WV Ш 68pF (RD871-1N750-680J63V) ___ Г ©1037, 1079, K06185101 "он бЗМУ " Ш 1129, 1130 (RD871-1N750-101163V) _ | Г ©1044, 1082 KO0175101 | A SOWW SL 100pF (DD1055L101150V02) C1053, 1058 | KI0186221 BY Ae 63WV В 220pF (RD870-1B221K63V) | C1078 ~ K06185221 nr m я 0] 220рЕ | (RD873-2N750-221363V) C1222 K10186471 Y Mm e B 470pF (RD870-1B471K63V) =] C1014,1015, | K10186102 Para 7 "~~ §.001uF 1033, 1043, (RD870-1B102K63V) 1052, 1054, 1062, 1068, 1069, 1071, | 1073, 1075 | 1077, 1087-1092, 1100, 1101, 1103, 1104, 1106, (A,B,C) 1109, 1111, 1112, 1123-1125, | 1127, 1128, 1148-1151, C1165, 1169, 1170, 1173 1183, 1192, 1201, 1211- 1215, 1217, 1220, 1225, 1226, 1228, 1229, 1230 (A,B,C) 1231-1235, 1238-1240, 1252 | С1008, 1009. | 1021, 1034, 1035, 1042, 1080, 1132, 1134, 1136, 1139-1141, 1145, 1147, 1167, 1174, 1175, 1179, 1180, 1185, 1188 K10186102 Ceramic Disc (RD870-1R102K63V) IWW B K14180103 (RD873-1FZ-103263V) C1097, 1118 K19149003 0,0014F FZ 0.0luF | Semiconductor Ceramic ({UATO4% 152K-LOS AE) 0.001 SuF C1096, 1117 | K19149007 (UATOSX332K-LOSAE) — 0.0033uF C1028 К 19149009 BE BF nr 0.0047 uF C1122" Г K19149011 (UATOSX472K-LOSAE) (UATOSX682K-LOSAE) 21047, 1095, 1205, 1208- 1210, 1221, 519149013 0.00684F (UATOSX103K-LOSAE) 0.01 uF C1085 | K19149017 C1105, 1190 | K19149019 | ra ne _ AU ATO6X22 SK-LOS AE) 0.0224 | (UATOSX333K-L45AE) = C1010, 1019, 1022—1026, 1031, 1041, 1048, 1049, 1051, 1055, 1056, 1059- 1061, 1063- _ 1066, 1094 К 19149021 ER LL FE (UATOBX4A7IK-LASAE) 0.0334F | 0.04 TuF C1006, 1166, K23140005 | Ceramic Chip SOWV 0.0014F 1250, 1253, (GRAOWSRLO2MSOV) 7 Ci241-1243, | K21170002 | Feed through SOWV 0,0014 F 1246, 1247 (ECKLIH-102PE) — nf C1093, 1114, | K40179001 Electrolytic SOWY luF 1115, 1120 | (S0RC2-1) o u | C1050, 1086, K40129012 " 1EWV 1 0uF 1098, 1099, (16RC2-10) 1102, 1115, 1119, 1131, 1184, 1216, 1218, 1219, 1223, 1227 . — C1107 K4008900$ | 5 6.3WV 224F (ECE-A1CK10016V 10) _ C1116 K40109009 _ Lowy 33uF | (ECE-ALAK33010V33) C1113, 1248 K40109002 | nr " 47 uF (10RE47) o C1224 K40129002 er LEWYV 47uF | (I6RE47) C1159, 1176, K40109001 " " 100uF 1139 _| (LORELOO) | C1038, 1039, K70167104 | Tantalum ISWV 0.luF 1045 (CS1SE1VORIM) | C1207 | K70167474 | L " 0.47 uF | (С$15Е1УК47) | C1084, 1121, K70147105 y 25WV LF 1206 (CS15E1E010E) o C1126 | K70127225 | " L6WW 2.24 F (CSISEICZR2M) по C1046, 1191 K70120001 | ™ м 4.7uF E _ (489D475X0016B81) C1110 ' K7008000! |. a 6.3WV 6.BuF (489D685X0006A 1) CL186 T K70100003 uy Lowy 1ОыЕ (489D106X0010B1) | co K70080004 | u 6.3WV IE | | | (489D226X0006C1) | | ©1108 K70080006 в “ 47uF | (489D476X0006D1) = | —_| TRIMMER CAPACITOR = == TCIO001 K91000059 | ECVIZWO4 x 53 4pF TC1002-1006 — К91000029 | ECVIZW20 x 53 20pF a tifa dat un) Er 31009 P0090196 BIB-XH-A 721001 | 19204342 o JP1002 T9204343 м. 121003 19204344 = JP1004 _T9204345 | JP1005 19204346 JP1006 | T9204347 | _ JP1007 T9204348 г 71008 | 19204349 So JP1009 T9204350A JP1010 T9204351 | [то 19204352_ 721012 T9204353A TP TERMINAL TP1001-1003 | 05000036 | TP-G MK1095 _ Symbol No. Part No. _ Description PB-2410 F0002410 Printed Circuit Board A Board F0002411 Printed Circuit Board B Board C0241004 P.C.B. with Components 200241104 | nu TRANSISTOR 92004 03324070 | 2862407. 02001, 2003 (3325700 25C2570A 02005 G3330190 | 2563019 02006 G3330200 2503020 hm. DIODE ARRAY 02002 | (62090135 ND487C2-3R | biopE _ D2007, 2003 G2015550 | Si u 151555 02001 22090027 | = 15553 , CAVITY CV1003 09000214 | CV370_ CV1001, 1002 | Q9000114 CV441B | — == | —— = | INDUCTOR L1012 11190004 | FL4HR68M 0.68ыН __L1010, 1013 | 11190005 FIAHIROM LH 1.1016, 1018 Ll 190014 FL4H LOOK I Out L1006 ___ 11190023 | FLSH220K Zieh L1017 [1190017 | FLSH102K ImH L1020 | Ll 190090 LALO4102K-NA 1mH 11001 | 10020767 mu L1002 | 18020743 | | 11004 [0021259 | 7 L1007, 1008 | 10021261 | 11009 | L0021257 Lion _ | LO190015 | L1013 10020725 | | ом | 11020690 | 1.1019 10020978 | [1021 | 100207458 | _ TRANSFORMER __T1005-1007 | LOO21161 | _T1O10, 1015 LOO21163 | _ T1009, 1011 | 10021164 |_ SS T1001-1003, 10021165 1016-1019 | T1008 L0020887 5MMC-044X T1004,1012— | 10021256 1014 | on 2 ner _ | 11020, 1021 | 10020345 | 113SN6146F I. | RELAY RL1001 M1190042 | G4Y-152P — DC6.8V —RL1002 M1190035 | BR211CD006M CONNECTOR _ 11001, 1002, P1090255 TMP-JA 1007 1 —__ | 1008 21090210 TMP-JV J1004, 1005 P0090192 B3B-XH-A _ 41003, 1006 P0090194 BSB-XH-A _ 1010 20090195 B6B-XH-A EE 2 | RESISTOR Fe R2019 100215100 Carbon Film — jew WI я | R2005 J00215270 Biel ae mS " 27а R2002, 2008 100215560 и м) " ” 560 | 82015 ` 300215820 ом = “82m R2018 100215101 Carbon Composition re GK 1007 | R2012 100215121 “ Film . \ 1200 R2014 — J00215391 | " " : м " 3900 R2004, 2006 100215471 Su м " 4701 | R2001, 2011 100215102 ae E "EN [82021 110216221 “Composition A GK 2200 £ - _ № = | POTENTIOMETER oo | VR2001 | 151752102 | RGS6-FAN-Ik кп | 82002 | 151752202 RGS6-FAN-2k es CAPACITOR C2012 K02179003 | Ceramic Disc sowv CH Е | (DD104CK020C50V02) C2032 K02179004 a " "” ЗЕ 7 (DD104CH030C50V02) u | C2010, 2011, K02172040 ES ie “ 4pF 2014 A (DD104CHO40C50V02) | C2030 K02173060 ин 2 "> 6pF | (DD104CH060D50V02) = C2017 K02173070 nz fr " ТРЕ (DD104CH070D50V02) C2004, 2031 K02175120 Re. A > " 12pF (DD104CH120J50V02) | C2027 K02179008 | JN ss " 20pF (DD104CH200150W02) _ _ Г ©2001 K02175270 1 = 27pF | . (DD104CH270150V02) C2005, 2006 | K00175390 it " SL 39pF on (DD1045L390150V02) C2007 | K02175390 I + CH 39pF (DD105-257CH390J50V02) C2021 K02185390 nm GIWV " ЗЕ (RD871-1NPO-390163 V) C2003, 2008, K10186102 М " В O.00luF 2009, 2013, (RDE70-1B102K63V) 2015, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024, 2026, 2029 — 56 — 2033-2037 K21170002 | Ceramic Disc SOWV 0.001uF | | (ECK-Y1H-102WE) Т ©2002 K23140005 | Ceramic Chip 50% 0.001 Е a = (GRAUWSR102M) | ©2016, 2019, K40129012 | Electrolytic 16WV 104 F 2 2023, 2025, (ЕСЕА!СК100} | 2028 o | TRIMMER CAPACITOR | [102001 91000059 | ECVIZW 04x53 apr | TC2004 K91000028 | ECVIZW 10x53 10pF TC2002, 2003 K91000029 | ECVIZW 20x53 —20pF | E = | INDUCTOR 1.2001 | 10020876 1.2002 10020824 1.2003 11020677 м u L2004, 2005, 10021263 | 2009,2012 | _ | 12006, 2013 L1020677 L2007, 2014 L1020671 1.2008, 2011 | 10021262 L2010 L1020677 |. L2015 L0021260 J L2016, 2017 110020767 Е I ac и | | _ | TRANSFORMER | жа 2002 10190007 FKMAO70PB01-BR ii | CAVITY Г cv2001 09000214 CV-370 CV2002 _ 09000114 CV-441B o | _| FERRITE BEADS FB2001-2004 | L9190001 | Ri 3x3-1 E Zi il | CONNECTOR | 32001,2002 | P0090248 EMCS0252M | Г 1203 21090255 T™PJA _ I | | | Il _ ТР TERMINAL “TP2001, 2002 05000036 TP-G MK1095 $7 — Got EDOT 4 SLNIOd STOUT y teo Ета — 20015) 1 LNAWNOTTY NOLLIAS HALLINSN Vel £00 1 HA, Отт д EIOIyA SHOE yy BTEC py POUT | — 5001 2001 | TOG | 100tp COOL | Foot a PURE 4 COOL p Zi | d AT EQUE p as Poors | — — КЫА ar ¿Oi HA и у ера -- > | 8 apo — ier | ty a 5l il 54 ВПО 209 Topas вов | |}: the er hou SLNIOd LNAWNDITY тя$яча HOTANOS ОЧНО AYILLVH) da HA Ta. dl ToL НА SLNIOd LNIWNDITY NOLLIAS “Tld SLNIOd LNAWNDITY NOLLOAS YIAIHIHA Downloaded by RadioAmateur.EU ir - Тоту Lis г) OTOI | 1 at "TA u Fe р. 7 = ! |: a № ЕТОТ |] ENG! 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When the channel is clear, adjust the SQL control so the background noise just disappears. This threshold point is the point of maximum sensitivity, and the squelch control should not be advanced beyond this point too far, or the squelch will not respond to weak signals. In the FM mode, the synthesizer steps provided are 25 kHz and 100 kHz per step (the clarifier steps are still 100 Hz/step). When you are changing modes from SSB to FM, and were last operating on other than a 25 kHz or 100 kHz step, the microprocessor will automatically move you to the next higher or lower 25 kHz or 100 kHz step upon the first click of the main tuning dial (or first stepping of the scanner). Rotate the main tuning dial (or operate the scanning controls) until the desired frequency is reached. To transmit, close the PTT switch, and speak into the microphone in a normal voice. Release the PTT switch for receiver recovery. For repeater operation, selection of the standard splits* is provided on the front panel. For —shift, set the MODE switch to FM/—, and for +shift, select FM/+. This selection can be made either during main dial or memory operation. For operation on odd splits, use a combination of the memory system and the main tuning dial. First, store the desired receive frequency in any * Standard splits for various models are shown in the Model Chart on the inside front cover of this manual, and additional details are given on page 4, item 3. memory channel. Now use the main dial to select the desired transmit frequency. Next push the yellow Fand 5 buttons. You will now be receiving on the memory channel just programmed. When you close the PTT switch, you will be transmitting on the main dial frequency. If you desire to listen on several memory channels, the memory channel selector may be rotated as desired. The front panel CALL switch activates a manual-length 1750- or 1800 Hz tone for repeater access. When this button is pushed, the transmitter is activated and the access tone is superimposed on the transmit signal. CW OPERATION (1) The synthesizer steps selected in the CW mode are identical to those used for SSB operation, (2) Connect a key to the rear panel KEY jack, using a miniature phone plug. The key-up voltage is 7V, while the key-down current is 0.3mA, so most electronic keyers that close completely to ground will work well with the FT-790R. (3) Set the MODE switch to CW. (4) Close the PTT switch on the microphone to switch to the transmit mode. If desired, a footswitch may be used with the FT-790kK. The STAND BY jack, located on the side of the transceiver, is wired in parallel with the PTT line on the microphone. This may be used in situations where the microphone is not the most efficient means of activating the transmitter. (5) The clarifier may be used for following unstable signals. The clarifier allows olfset tuning in 100 Hz steps away from the transmit frequency. see the section on clarifier operation for details. ">

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