Nortel 5510, 5520, BayStack 5510-24T, ERS 5530-24TFD Configuration
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration - System
Document status: Standard
Document version: 03.01
Document date: 27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
All Rights Reserved.
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Revision History
Date Revised
July 2005
July 2006
August 2007
Reason for revision
New document for Software Release 4.2.
Document updated for Software Release 5.0.
Document updated for Software Release 5.1.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration - System Monitoring
NN47200-505 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
6 Revision History
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration - System Monitoring
NN47200-505 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series 11
Related publications 12
Finding the latest updates on the Nortel web site 13
How to get help 13
Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
System logging 15
Configuring the system log with the CLI 15
Viewing the system log in the Web-based Management Interface 17
Configuring the system log with the Java Device Manager 18
Remote logging 20
Configuring remote logging with the CLI 20
IGMP and the system event log 23
Port mirroring 25
Port-based mirroring configuration 25
Address-based mirroring configuration 26
Port mirroring limitations 27
Configuring port mirroring with the CLI 27
Showing unit statistics 31
Graphing switch chassis data 32
OSPF tab 42
VRRP tab 44
Graphing switch port data 44
Ethernet Errors tab 47
Rmon tab 52
EAPOL Stats tab 55
EAPOL Diag tab 56
LACP tab 59
Misc tab 61
Graphing multilink trunk statistics 61
Ethernet Errors tab 64
Graphing VLAN DHCP statistics 68
Creating a graph 69
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration - System Monitoring
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Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
8 Contents
Chapter 2 System Diagnostics and Statistics
Diagnostic information in the CLI 71
Port statistics (CLI) 71
Stack loopback tests 73
Stack monitor 75
Diagnostic information in the Web-based Management Interface 77
Viewing port statistics (Web) 77
Viewing all port errors 79
Viewing interface statistics 80
Viewing Ethernet error statistics 82
Viewing transparent bridging statistics 85
Monitoring MLT traffic 87
Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) 89
Configuring RMON with the CLI 89
Configuring RMON with the Web-based Management Interface 94
Configuring RMON fault threshold parameters 94
Deleting an RMON threshold configuration 96
Viewing the RMON fault event log 96
Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager 97
Working with RMON information 97
Alarms 107
How RMON alarms work 107
Creating alarms 109
Alarm Manager 110
Events 114
Log information 118
119 Chapter 4 IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)
IPFIX configuration using the Java Device Manager 120
Global IPFIX configuration 120
Configuring IPFIX flows 120
Configuring IPFIX collectors 122
Configuring IPFIX ports 124
Graphing Exporter Statistics 125
Exporter Stats Clear Time 126
IPFIX Configuration using the Command Line Interface 126 ip ipfix collector command 127 ip ipfix enable command (Global Configuration) 127 ip ipfix slot command 128 ip ipfix enable command (Interface Configuration) 128 ip ipfix port command 128 ip ipfix flush command 129
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration - System Monitoring
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Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
Contents 9 show ip ipfix table command 129
IPFIX configuration using the Web-based Management Interface 130
Global configuration using the Web-based Management Interface 130
Configuring flows using the Web-based Management Interface 131
Viewing IPFIX data 132
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration - System Monitoring
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
10 Contents
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration - System Monitoring
NN47200-505 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
This guide provides information and instructions on the configuration and usage of system monitoring tools on the 5500 Series Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch. Please consult any documentation included with the switch and the product release notes (see " "Related publications" (page 12) ") for any errata before beginning the configuration process.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
" 5500 Series Switch Platforms" (page 11) outlines the switches that are part of the 5500 Series of Nortel Ethernet Routing Switches.
5500 Series Switch Platforms
5500 Series Switch Model
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
Key Features
A 24 port, 10/100/1GBase-T, Layer 4, diffserv-capable, stackable Ethernet switch.
This switch contains two shared SFP ports.
A 48 port, 10/100/1GBase-T, Layer 4, diffserv-capable, stackable Ethernet switch.
This switch contains two shared SFP ports.
A 24 port, 10/100/1GBase-T, Layer 4, diffserv-capable, stackable Ethernet switch with full Power over Ethernet (PoE) capability on all copper ports. This switch contains four shared
SFP ports.
A 48 port, 10/100/1GBase-T, Layer 4, diffserv-capable, stackable Ethernet switch with full Power over Ethernet (PoE) capability on all copper ports. This switch contains four shared
SFP ports.
A 24 port, 10/100/1GBase-T, Layer 4, diffserv-capable, stackable Ethernet switch.
This switch contains twelve shared SFP ports and two XFP ports.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration - System Monitoring
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
12 Preface
Related publications
For more information about the management, configuration, and usage of the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series, refer to the publications listed in " Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series Documentation"
(page 12) .
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series Documentation
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Installation
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Configuration -
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Configuration -
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Configuration
- VLANs, Spanning
Tree, and Link
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Configuration -
IP Routing Protocols
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Configuration -
Quality of Service
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Configuration -
System Monitoriing
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Release Notes
- Software Release 5.1
Instructions for the installation of a switch in the Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500 Series. It also provides an overview of hardware key to the installation, configuration, and maintenance of the switch.
Instructions for the general configuration of switches in the 5500
Series that are not covered by the other documentation.
Instructions for the configuration and management of security for switches in the 5500 Series.
Instructions for the configuration of spanning and trunking protocols on
5500 Series switches
Instructions on the configuration of
IP routing protocols on 5500 Series switches.
Instructions on the configuration and implementation of QoS and filtering on 5500 Series switches.
Instructions on the configuration, implementation, and usage of system monitoring on 5500 Series switches.
Provides an overview of new features, fixes, and limitations of the 5500 Series switches. Also included are any supplementary documentation and document errata.
Part Number
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration - System Monitoring
NN47200-505 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
How to get help 13
Installing the Nortel
Ethernet Redundant
Power Supply 15
DC-DC Converter
Module for the
Baystack 5000 Series
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Installation -
Instructions for the installation and usage of the Nortel Ethernet RPS
Instructions for the installation and usage of the DC-DC power converter.
Instructions for the installation and usage of SFP and XFP transceivers and GBICs.
Part Number
Finding the latest updates on the Nortel web site
The content of this documentation was current at the time of release. To check for updates to the documentation and software for the Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500 Series, use the links provided in the following table.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series Software
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series Documentation
How to get help
If a service contract for the Nortel product has been purchased from a distributor or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.
If a Nortel service program was purchased, contact Nortel Technical
The following information is available online:
• contact information for Nortel Technical Support
• information about the Nortel Technical Solutions Centers
• information about the Express Routing Code (ERC) for your product
An ERC is available for many Nortel products and services. When an ERC is used, the call is routed to technical support personnel who specialize in supporting the service or product. The ERC for a particular product or service is available online.
The main Nortel support portal is available at .
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Configuration - System Monitoring
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Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
14 Preface
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration - System Monitoring
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
Chapter 1
General System Monitoring
System monitoring is an important aspect of switch operation. The Nortel
Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series provides a wide range of system monitoring options that allow the administrator to closely follow the operation of a switch or stack.
This chapter notes two general system monitoring considerations, system logging and port mirroring, that must be taken into account when using the
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series. Subsequent chapters provide information on specific system monitoring tools and their use.
System logging
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series supports system logging
(syslog), a software tool to log system events for debugging and analysis.
To utilize the syslog, the switch applications that run in the Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500 Series, such as IGMP, MLT, STP, should be registered with the syslog tool.
Any events that happen in the above-mentioned applications can be logged with the help of the syslog tool. The logged events are stored in volatile
RAM, non-volatile RAM, or in a remote host. The storage location can be selected using the Command Line Interface (CLI).
Configuring the system log with the CLI
This section outlines the CLI commands used in the configuration and management of the system log.
show logging command
The show logging command displays the configuration, and the current contents, of the system event log.
The syntax for the show logging command is:
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration - System Monitoring
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16 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations show logging [config] [critical] [serious] [informational]
The show logging command is executed in the Privileged EXEC command mode.
" show logging parameters" (page 16) describes the parameters for this command.
show logging parameters
Parameter config critical serious informational sort-reverse
Display configuration of event logging.
Display critical log messages.
Display serious log messages.
Display informational log messages.
Display informational log messages in reverse chronological order (beginning with most recent).
logging command
The logging command configures the system settings for the system event log.
The syntax for the logging command is: logging [enable | disable] [level critical | serious | informational | none] [nv-level critical | serious | none]
The logging command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
" logging parameters" (page 16) describes the parameters for this command.
logging parameters
Parameter enable | disable
Enables or disables the event log (default is
Specifies the level of logging stored in DRAM.
level critical | serious | informational | none nv-level critical | serious | none
Specifies the level of logging stored in NVRAM.
no logging command
The no logging command disables the system event log.
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System logging 17
The syntax for the no logging command is: no logging
The no logging command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
default logging command
The default logging command configures the system settings as the factory default settings for the system event log.
The syntax for the default logging command is: default logging
The default logging command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
clear logging command
The clear logging command clears all log messages in DRAM.
The syntax for the clear logging command is: clear logging [non-volatile] [nv] [volatile]
" clear logging parameters" (page 17) outlines the parameters for this command.
clear logging parameters
Parameter non-volatile nv volatile
Clears log messages from NVRAM.
Clears log messages from NVRAM and DRAM.
Clears log messages from DRAM.
The clear logging command is executed in the Privileged EXEC command mode.
Viewing the system log in the Web-based Management Interface
The Web-based Management Interface can be used to view the System
Log. To perform this action, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the System Log screen by selecting Fault > System Log from the menu. This screen is illustrated in "System Log screen"
(page 18) .
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18 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
System Log screen
In the System Log (View By) section, select the messages to be displayed by selecting a value from the Display Messages From list.
Click Submit.
Messages can also be cleared from the log by selecting a value from the
Clear Messages From list and then clicking Submit. If messages are not to be cleared, ensure that this list has None selected.
Configuring the system log with the Java Device Manager
The Java Device Manager (JDM) also provides functionality for managing the system log. To configure the system log, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the System Log screen by selecting Edit > Diagnostics >
System Log from the menu. Select the System Log Settings tab. This screen is illustrated in "System Log dialog - System Log
Settings tab" (page 19) .
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System Log dialog - System Log Settings tab
System logging 19
In the fields provided, configure the system log settings. The following table outlines the fields on this screen.
System Log Settings fields
Volatile - CurSize
Turns the system log on or off.
Specifies whether the system log overwrites itself or discontinues the storage of messages when the buffer is full.
Shows the current number of messages stored in volatile memory.
Volatile - SaveTargets non-Volatile - CurSize
Selects the severity of system messages to save.
Shows the current number of messages stored in non-volatile memory.
non-Volatile - SaveTargets Selects the severity of system messages to save.
ClearMessageBuffers Selects the sections of the system log to delete.
Click Apply.
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20 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
Remote logging
The remote logging feature in Software Release 5.0 provides an enhanced level of logging by replicating system messages on a syslog server. System log messages from several switches can be collected at a central location, alleviating the network manager from querying each switch individually to interrogate the log files.
The remote syslog server must be configured and set up on the unit to log informational messages to this remote server. The UDP packet is sent to port 514 of the configured remote syslog server.
Once the IP address is in the system, syslog messages can be sent to the remote syslog server. If a syslog message is generated prior to capturing the IP address of the server, the system stores up to 10 messages that are sent once the IP address of the remote server is on the system.
This feature can be configured by enabling remote logging, specifying the
IP address of the remote syslog server, and specifying the severity level of the messages to be sent to the remote server.
Configuring remote logging with the CLI
Use the CLI to configure remote logging. This section discusses the commands that enable remote logging.
show logging command
The show logging command displays the configuration and the current contents of the system event log. Refer to " "show logging command" (page
15) " for an explanation of this command.
logging remote enable command
Note: The default value for remote logging is Disabled
The logging remote enable command enables the use of a remote syslog server. The syntax for the logging remote enable command is: logging remote enable
The logging remote enable command is executed in the Global
Configuration command mode.
no logging remote enable command
The no logging remote enable command disables the use of a remote syslog server. The syntax for the no logging remote enable command is: no logging remote enable
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
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Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
Remote logging 21
The no logging remote enable command is executed in the Global
Configuration command mode.
logging remote address command
The logging remote address command sets the remote server for receiving the syslog messages. The syntax for the logging remote address command is: logging remote address <A.B.C.D>
The logging remote address command is executed in the Global
Configuration command mode.
"logging remote address parameters" (page 21) describes the parameters for the logging remote address command.
logging remote address parameters
Parameters and variables
Specifies the IP address of the remote server in dotted-decimal notation.
The default address is
no logging remote address command
The no logging remote address command clears the IP address of the remote server. The syntax for the no logging remote address command is: no logging remote address
The no logging remote address command is executed in the Global
Configuration command mode.
logging remote level command
The logging remote level command sets the severity level of the logs sent to the remote server. The syntax for the logging remote level command is: logging remote level {critical | informational | serious | none}
The logging remote level command is executed in the Global
Configuration command mode.
" logging remote level parameters" (page 22) describes the parameters for the logging remote level command.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
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Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
22 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations logging remote level parameters
Parameters and variables
{critical | serious | informational | none}
Specifies the severity level of the log messages to be sent to the remote server:
• critical
• informational
• serious
• none
no logging remote level command
The no logging remote level command removes any severity level setting and reverts to None. The syntax for the no logging remote level command is: no logging remote level
The no logging remote level command is executed in the Global
Configuration command mode.
default logging remote level command
The default logging remote level command sets the severity level of the logs sent to the remote server to the default value of None. The syntax for the default logging remote level command is: default logging remote level
The default logging remote level command is executed in the
Global Configuration command mode.
Configuring remote logging with the Java Device Manager
The Java Device Manager (JDM) also provides functionality for managing remote logging. To configure remote logging, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the System Log screen by selecting Edit > Diagnostics >
System Log from the menu. Select the Remote System Log tab.
This tab is illustrated below.
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IGMP and the system event log 23
System Log dialog - Remote System Log tab
In the fields provided, enter the remote logging information. The following table describes the fields on this screen.
Remote System Log tab fields
The IP address of the remote syslog server.
Enables or disables remote logging.
Sets the severity level of messages that are saved to the remote server.
Click Apply.
IGMP and the system event log
IGMP utilizes the components provided by the syslog tool. Functions such as storing messages in the NVRAM or remote host, and displaying these log messages through the CLI, console menu, or Telnet is then carried out by the syslog tool on its own.
The IGMP log events can be classified into the following three categories based on their severity:
• Critical
• Serious
• Informational
IGMP logs in the messages whenever any of the following types of events take place in the system:
• IGMP initialization
• Configuration changes from the user
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
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24 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
• Stack Join events
• IGMP messages -- Report, Leave and Query messages received by the switch
Note: Events such as reception of IGMP messages happen frequently in the switch, whenever a new host joins or leaves a group. Logging such messages consumes a lot of log memory.
Therefore, such messages should not be logged in all the time. By default, logging in of such messages is disabled. This feature must be enabled through the CLI to view such messages.
In " IGMP syslog messages" (page 24) :
• %d represents a decimal value for the parameter preceding it. For example, 5 for VLAN 5
• %x represents a hexadecimal value for the parameter preceding it. For example, 0xe0000a01 for Group
" IGMP syslog messages" (page 24) describes the IGMP syslog messages and their severity.
IGMP syslog messages
Severity Log Messages
Informational IGMP initialization success
Critical IGMP initialization failed: Error code %d
Informational IGMP policy initialized
Informational IGMP configuration loaded successfully
Informational IGMP configuration failed. Loaded to factory default
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Snooping enabled on VLAN %d
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Snooping disabled on VLAN %d
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Proxy enabled on VLAN %d
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Proxy disabled on VLAN %d
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Query time set to %d on VLAN %d
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Robust value set to %d on VLAN
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Version %d router port mask
0x%x set on VLAN %d
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Unknown multicast filter enabled
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Unknown multicast filter enabled
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Trunk %d created for IGMP
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
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Port mirroring 25
Severity Log Messages
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Trunk %d removed for IGMP ports
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Mirror ports set
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Port %d added to VLAN %d
Informational IGMP configuration changed: Port %d removed from VLAN %d
Informational IGMP new Querier IP %x learned on port %d
Informational IGMP exchange database sent by unit %d
Informational IGMP exchange database received on unit %d from %d
Informational IGMP exchange database done
Informational IGMP stack join completed
Serious IGMP not able to join stack: Error code %d
Informational IGMP exchange group database sent by unit %d
Informational IGMP exchange group database received on unit %d from %d
Informational IGMP received report on VLAN %d for Group 0x%x on port %d
Informational IGMP received leave on VLAN %d for Group 0x%x on port %d
Informational IGMP received query on VLAN %d for Group 0x%x on port %d
Informational IGMP dynamic router port %d added
Informational IGMP dynamic router port %d removed
Port mirroring
A switch port can be designated to monitor traffic on any two specified switch ports (port-based) or to monitor traffic to or from any two specified addresses that the switch has learned (address-based).
Note: A probe device, such as the Nortel Networks StackProbe or equivalent, must be connected to the designated monitor port to use this feature. Contact a Nortel Networks sales agent for details about the StackProbe.
Port-based mirroring configuration
"Port-based mirroring example" (page 26) shows an example of a port-based mirroring configuration in which port 20 is designated as the monitor port for ports 21 and 22 of Switch S1. Although this example shows ports 21 and 22 monitored by the monitor port (port 20), any of the trunk members of T1 and T2 can also be monitored.
In this example, "Port-based mirroring example" (page 26) shows port X and port Y as members of Trunk T1 and Trunk T2. Port X and port Y are not required to always be members of Trunk T1 and Trunk T2.
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26 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
Note: Trunks cannot be monitored and trunk members cannot be configured as monitor ports.
Port-based mirroring example
In the configuration example shown in "Port-based mirroring example"
(page 26) , the designated monitor port (port 20) can be set to monitor traffic in any of the following modes:
• Monitor all traffic received by port X.
• Monitor all traffic transmitted by port X.
• Monitor all traffic received and transmitted by port X.
• Monitor all traffic received by port X or transmitted by port Y.
• Monitor all traffic received by port X (destined to port Y) and then transmitted by port Y.
• Monitor all traffic received/transmitted by port X and transmitted/received by port Y (conversations between port X and port Y).
• Monitor all traffic received on many ports.
• Monitor all traffic transmitted on many ports.
• Monitor all traffic received or transmitted on many ports.
Address-based mirroring configuration
"Address-based mirroring example" (page 27) shows an example of an address-based mirroring configuration in which port 20, the designated monitor port for Switch S1, is monitoring traffic occurring between address
A and address B.
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Address-based mirroring example
Port mirroring 27
In this configuration, the designated monitor port (port 20) can be set to monitor traffic in any of the following modes:
• Monitor all traffic transmitted from address A to any address.
• Monitor all traffic received by address A from any address.
• Monitor all traffic received by or transmitted by address A.
• Monitor all traffic transmitted by address A to address B.
• Monitor all traffic between address A and address B (conversation between the two stations).
Port mirroring limitations
Configuring port mirroring with the CLI
Port mirroring can be configured with the CLI commands detailed in this section.
show port-mirroring command
The show port-mirroring command displays the port mirroring configuration.
The syntax for the show port-mirroring command is: show port-mirroring
The show port-mirroring command is executed in the Privileged
EXEC command mode.
port-mirroring command
The port-mirroring command sets the port mirroring configuration.
The syntax for the port-mirroring command is:
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
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28 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations port-mirroring mode {disable | Xrx monitor-port <portlist> mirror-port-X <portlist> | Xtx monitor-port <portlist> mirror-port-X <portlist> | ManytoOneRx monitor-port
<portlist> mirror-port-X <portlist> | ManytoOneTx monitor-port <portlist> mirror-port-X <portlist> |
ManytoOneRxTx monitor-port <portlist> mirror-port-X
<portlist> | XrxOrXtx monitor-port <portlist> mirror-port-X
<portlist> | XrxOrYtx monitor-port <portlist> mirror-port-X
<portlist> mirror-port-Y <portlist> | XrxYtxmonitor-port
<portlist> mirror-port-X <portlist> mirror-port-Y <portlist>
| XrxYtxOrYrxXtx monitor-port <portlist> mirror-port-X
<portlist> mirror-port-Y <portlist> | Asrc monitor-port
<portlist> mirror-MAC-A <macaddr> | Adst monitor-port
<portlist> mirror-MAC-A <macaddr> | AsrcOrAdst monitor-port
<portlist> mirror-MAC-A <macaddr> | AsrcBdst monitor-port
<portlist> mirror-MAC-A <macaddr> mirror-MAC-B <macaddr>
| AsrcBdstOrBsrcAdst monitor-port <portlist> mirror-MAC-A
<macaddr> mirror-MAC-B <macaddr>}
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
port-mirroring parameters
Parameter disable monitor-port mirror-port-X mirror-port-Y mirror-MAC-A mirror-MAC-B portlist
Disables port-mirroring.
Specifies the monitor port.
Specifies the mirroring port X.
Specifies the mirroring port Y.
Specifies the mirroring MAC address A.
Specifies the mirroring MAC address B.
Enter the port numbers.
Many to one port mirroring on ingress packets.
Many to one port mirroring on egress packets.
Many to one port mirroring on ingress and egress traffic.
Mirror packets received on port X.
Mirror packets transmitted on port X.
Mirror packets received or transmitted on port X.
Mirror packets received on port X and transmitted on port Y.
Note: Do not use this mode for mirroring broadcast and multicast traffic.
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Port mirroring 29
XrxOrYtx macaddr
Mirror packets received on port X and transmitted on port Y or packets received on port Y and transmitted on port X. Note: Do not use this mode for mirroring broadcast and multicast traffic.
Mirror packets received on port X or transmitted on port Y.
Enter the MAC address in format H.H.H.
Mirror packets with source MAC address A.
Mirror packets with destination MAC address A.
Mirror packets with source or destination MAC address A.
Mirror packets with source MAC address A and destination MAC address B.
Mirror packets with source MAC address A and destination MAC address B or packets with source MAC address B and destination MAC address A.
The port-mirroring command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
no port-mirroring command
The no port-mirroring command disables port mirroring.
The syntax for the no port-mirroring command is: no port-mirroring
The no port-mirroring command is executed in the Global
Configuration command mode.
Configuring port mirroring with the Web-based Management Interface
Port mirroring can also be configured in the Web-based Management
To configure port mirroring, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the Port Mirroring screen by selecting Applications > Port
Mirroring from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
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30 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
Port Mirroring screen
2 In the Port Mirroring Setting section, enter the new port mirroring settings. The following table outlines the fields in this section.
Port Mirroring Setting fields
Monitoring Mode
Choose any one of the six port-based monitoring modes or any one of the five address-based monitoring modes. The following options are available:
• Disabled
• -> Port X
• Port X ->
• <-> Port X
• -> Port X or Port Y ->
• -> Port X and Port Y ->
• <-> Port X and Port Y <->
• Address A -> any Address
• any Address -> Address A
• <-> Address A
• Address A -> Address B
• Address A <-> Address B
The default value is Disabled.
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Showing unit statistics 31
Monitor Port
Port X
Port Y
Address A
Address B
Select the port that will act as the monitoring port.
In port-based configurations, choose the first switch port to be monitored by the designated monitor port. This port is monitored according to the value "X" in the
Monitoring Mode field.
In port-based configurations, choose the second switch port to be monitored by the designated monitor port. This port is monitored according to the value "Y" in the
Monitoring Mode field.
In address-based configurations, type the
MAC address to monitor by the designated monitor port. This address is monitored according to the value "Address A" in the
Monitoring Mode field.
In address-based configurations, type the
MAC address to monitor by the designated monitor port. This address is monitored according to the value "Address B" in the
Monitoring Mode field.
Click Submit.
The new mirroring configuration is displayed in Port Mirroring
Active section.
Showing unit statistics
The JDM allows you to see the statistics for each unit in a stack.
To see the statistics for a unit, open the Unit Stats tab by selecting Edit >
Unit > Unit Stats.
Unit Stats screen
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32 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
The number of packets dropped on stack up/down ports on this unit due to a lack of resources.
Graphing switch chassis data
The JDM provides the ability to view switch statistical information in a variety of graphs.
To make use of these capabilities, open the Graph Chassis screen by selecting Graph > Chassis from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
Graph Chassis screen
The following sections describe the informational tabs on this screen and the type of data each represents. Refer to "Creating a graph" (page 69) for the procedure to graph this data.
SNMP tab
The SNMP tab provides read-only statistical information about SNMP traffic.
To view the SNMP tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the Graph Chassis screen by selecting Graph > Chassis from the menu. The Graph Chassis screen opens with the SNMP tab selected. This screen is illustrated below.
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Graph Chassis dialog - SNMP tab
Graphing switch chassis data 33
2 The following table describes the fields on this tab.
SNMP tab fields
The total number of messages delivered to the
SNMP from the transport service.
The total number of SNMP messages passed from the SNMP protocol to the transport service.
The total number of MIB objects retrieved successfully by the SNMP protocol as the result of receiving valid SNMP Get-Request and Get-Next PDUs.
The total number of MIB objects altered successfully by the SNMP protocol as the result of receiving valid SNMP Set-Request
The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs that have been accepted and processed by the
SNMP protocol.
The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol.
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34 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
The total number of SNMP Set-Request
PDUs accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol.
The total number of SNMP Get-Response
PDUs accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol.
The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol.
The total number of SNMP PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol for which the value of the error-status field is tooBig.
The total number of SNMP PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol for which the value of the error-status field is noSuchName.
The total number of SNMP PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol for which the value of the error-status field is badValue.
The total number of SNMP PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol for which the value of the error-status field is genErr.
InBadVersions The total number of SNMP messages delivered to the SNMP protocol for an unsupported
SNMP version.
InBadCommunityNames The total number of SNMP messages delivered to the SNMP protocol that used an unknown SNMP community name.
InBadCommunityUses The total number of SNMP messages delivered to the SNMP protocol that represented an
SNMP operation not allowed by the SNMP community named in the message.
InASNParseErrs The total number of ASN.1 or BER errors encountered by the SNMP protocol when decoding received SNMP messages.
The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP protocol for which the value of the error-status field is tooBig.
The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP protocol for which the value of the error-status field is noSuchName.
The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP protocol for which the value of the error-status field is badValue.
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Graphing switch chassis data 35
The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP protocol for which the value of the error-status field is readOnly. It is a protocol error to generate an SNMP PDU containing the value "readOnly" in the error-status field.
This object is provided to detect incorrect implementations of the SNMP.
The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP protocol for which the value of the error-status field is genErr.
IP tab
The IP tab shows read-only information about the IP packets that have interfaced with the switch
To view the IP tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the Graph Chassis screen by selecting Graph > Chassis from the menu. The Graph Chassis screen opens.
Select the IP tab. This tab is demonstrated in the following illustration.
Graph Chassis screen - IP tab
3 The following table outlines the fields on this tab.
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36 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
IP tab fields
The total number of input datagrams received from interfaces, including those received in error.
InHdrErrors The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers, including bad checksums, version number mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IP options.
InAddrErrors The number of input datagrams discarded because the IP address in the IP header destination field was not a valid address. This count includes invalid addresses (for example, and addresses of unsupported Classes (for example, Class E). For addresses that are not IP Gateways and therefore do not forward datagrams, this counter includes datagrams discarded because the destination address was not a local address.
ForwDatagrams The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination, as a result of which an attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final destination. For addresses that do not act as
IP Gateways, this counter includes only those packets that were Source-Routed by way of this address and had successful Source-Route option processing.
InUnknownProtos The number of locally addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
InDiscards The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their continued processing but that were discarded (for example, for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter does not include any datagrams discarded while awaiting reassembly.
InDelivers The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP).
OutRequests The total number of IP datagrams that local IP user-protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission. Note that this counter does not include any datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams.
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Graphing switch chassis data 37
The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their transmission to their destination, but that were discarded (for example, for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter would include datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams if any such packets met this
(discretionary) discard criterion.
The number of IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination. Note that this counter includes any packets counted in ipForwDatagrams that meet this no-route criterion. Note that this includes any datagrams a host cannot route because all of its default gateways are down.
The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully fragmented at this entity.
The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but could not be, for example, because their Don’t
Fragment flag was set.
The number of IP datagram fragments that have been generated as a result of fragmentation at this entity.
The number of IP fragments received that needed to be reassembled at this entity.
The number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled.
The number of failures detected by the IP reassembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, and so on). Note that this is not necessarily a count of discarded IP fragments because some algorithms
(notably the algorithm in RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments by combining them as they are received.
ICMP In tab
The ICMP In tab provides read-only information about inbound ICMP messages.
To view the ICMP In tab, follow this procedure:
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38 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
Step Action
Open the Graph Chassis screen by selecting Graph > Chassis from the menu. The Graph Chassis screen opens.
Select the ICMP In tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Graph Chassis screen - ICMP In tab
3 The following table describes the fields on this tab.
ICMP In tab fields
The number of ICMP Source Quench messages received.
The number of ICMP Redirect messages received.
The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received.
The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received.
Timestamps The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages received.
TimestampReps The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages received.
AddrMasks The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages received.
AddrMaskReps The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages received.
ParmProbs The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received.
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Graphing switch chassis data 39
The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received.
The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received.
ICMP Out tab
The ICMP Out tab provides read-only information about outbound ICMP messages.
To view the ICMP Out tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the Graph Chassis screen by selecting Graph > Chassis from the menu. The Graph Chassis screen will open.
Select the ICMP Out tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Graph Chassis screen - ICMP Out tab
3 The following table describes the fields on this tab.
ICMP Out tab fields
Field Description
SrcQuenchs The number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent.
Redirects The number of ICMP Redirect messages received. For a host, this object will always be zero, because hosts do not send redirects.
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40 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent.
EchoReps The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent.
Timestamps The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages sent.
AddrMasks The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages sent.
AddrMaskRepsThe number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.
ParmProbs The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages sent.
DestUnreachs The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages sent.
TimeExcds The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent.
TCP tab
The TCP tab provides read-only information about TCP activity on the switch.
To view the TCP tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the Graph Chassis screen by selecting Graph > Chassis from the menu. The Graph Chassis screen will open.
Select the TCP tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Graph Chassis screen - TCP tab
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Graphing switch chassis data 41
The following table describes the fields on this tab.
TCP tab fields
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the
CLOSED state.
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the
LISTEN state.
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the
SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state.
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the
ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.
The number of TCP connections for which the current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT.
The total number of segments received, including those received in error. This count includes segments received on currently established connections.
The total number of segments sent, including those on current connections but excluding those containing only retransmitted octets.
The total number of segments retransmitted -- that is, the number of TCP segments transmitted containing one or more previously transmitted octets.
The total number of segments received in error (for example, bad TCP checksums).
The number of TCP segments sent containing the
RST flag.
UDP tab
The UDP tab provides read-only information about UDP activity on the switch.
To view the UDP tab, follow this procedure:
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42 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
Step Action
Open the Graph Chassis screen by selecting Graph > Chassis from the menu. The Graph Chassis screen opens.
Select the UDP tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Graph Chassis screen - UDP tab
3 The following table describes the fields on this tab.
UDP tab fields
The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to
UDP users
The total number of received UDP datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port.
The number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port.
The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this entity.
OSPF tab
The OSPF tab is used to display statistical information about OSPF operation on the switch.
To view the OSPF tab, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the Graph Chassis screen by selecting Graph > Chassis from the menu. The Graph Chassis screen opens.
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Graphing switch chassis data 43
Select the OSPF tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Graph Chassis screen - OSPF tab
3 Use the provided fields to view the OSPF statistics. These fields are outlined in the following table.
OSPF tab fields
Indicates the number of entries in the link state database.
Indicates the number of packets transmitted by
Indicates the number of packets received by
Indicates the number of bad packets received by OSPF.
Indicates the total number of SPF calculations performed by OSPF.
Indicates the total number of buffers allocated by OSPF.
Indicates the total number of buffers freed by
Indicates the number of times that OSPF has failed to allocate buffers.
Indicates the number of times that OSPF has failed to free buffers.
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44 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
VRRP tab
The VRRP tab is used to display statistical information about VRRP operation on the switch.
To view the VRRP tab, use the following procedure:
Step Action
Open the Graph Chassis screen by selecting Graph > Chassis from the menu. The Graph Chassis screen opens.
Select the VRRP tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Graph Chassis screen - VRRP tab
3 Use the provided fields to view the VRRP statistics. These fields are outlined in the following table.
Graph Chassis screen - VRRP tab
Field Description
RouterChecksumErrors The total number of VRRP packets received with an invalid VRRP checksum value.
RouterVersionErrors The total number of VRRP packets received with an unknown or unsupported version number.
RouterVrIdErrors The total number of VRRP packets received with an invalid VRID for this virtual router."
Graphing switch port data
The Java Device Manager (JDM) provides the ability to view port statistical information in a variety of graphs.
To make use of these capabilities, open the Graph Port screen by selecting one or multiple ports on the Device View and then selecting Graph > Port from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
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Graph Port screen
Graphing switch port data 45
The following sections describe the informational tabs on this screen and what type of data each represents. Refer to "Creating a graph" (page 69) for the procedure to graph this data.
Note: Some statistics are only available when a single port is graphed.
Interface tab
The Interface tab displays read-only information about the selected interfaces.
To view the Interface tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the Graph Port screen by selecting one or multiple ports on the Device View and then selecting Graph > Port from the menu.
Select the Interface tab. This tab is illustrated below.
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46 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
Graph Port screen - Interface tab
3 The following table describes the fields on this tab.
Interface tab fields
The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.
The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.
The number of packets delivered by this sublayer to a higher sublayer that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.
The number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted that were not addressed to a multicast address at this sublayer. This total number includes those packets discarded or unsent.
The number of packets delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub)layer, which were addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer, including those that were discarded or not sent.
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Graphing switch port data 47
The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted.
One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.
For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing, the number of transmission units received via the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.
Ethernet Errors tab
The Ethernet Errors tab displays read-only information about port Ethernet error statistics.
To view the Ethernet Errors tab, follow this procedure:
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48 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
Step Action
Open the Graph Port screen by selecting one or multiple ports on the Device View and then selecting Graph > Port from the menu.
The Graph Port screen opens.
Select the Ethernet Errors tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Graph Port screen - Ethernet Errors tab
3 The following table describes the fields on this tab.
Ethernet Errors tab fields
A count of frames received on a particular interface that are not an integral number of octets in length and do not pass the FCS check. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the alignmentError status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other
MAC user). Received frames for which multiple error conditions occur are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC.
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Graphing switch port data 49
A count of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the frameCheckError status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other
MAC user). Received frames for which multiple error conditions occur are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC.
particular interface fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the LateCollisions object, the ExcessiveCollisions object, or the
CarrierSenseErrors object.
particular interface fails due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the
FrameTooLongs object, the AlignmentErrors object, or the FCSErrors object.
The precise meaning of the count represented by an instance of this object is implementation specific. In particular, an instance of this object may represent a count of receive errors on a particular interface that are not otherwise counted.
CarrierSenseErrors The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame on a particular interface. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented at most once per transmission attempt, even if the carrier sense condition fluctuates during a transmission attempt.
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50 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
A count of frames received on a particular interface that exceed the maximum permitted frame size.
The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the frameTooLong status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC
(or other MAC user). Received frames for which multiple error conditions occur are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC.
SQETestErrors A count of times that the SQE TEST ERROR message is generated by the PLS sublayer for a particular interface. The SQE TEST ERROR message is defined in section of
ANSI/IEEE 802.3-1985 and its generation is described in section of the same document.
DeferredTransmissionsA count of frames for which the first transmission attempt on a particular interface is delayed because the medium is busy. The count represented by an instance of this object does not include frames involved in collisions.
SingleCollisionFramesA count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by exactly one collision. A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts, or ifOutBroadcastPkts, and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the
MultipleCollisionFrames object.
a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by more than one collision. A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts, or ifOutBroadcastPkts, and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the
SingleCollisionFrames object.
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Graphing switch port data 51
The number of times that a collision is detected on a particular interface later than 512 bit-times into the transmission of a packet. Five hundred and twelve bit-times corresponds to 51.2 microseconds on a 10 Mb/s system. A (late) collision included in a count represented by an instance of this object is also considered as a (generic) collision for purposes of other collision-related statistics.
ExcessiveCollisions A count of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails due to excessive collisions.
Bridge tab
The Bridge tab displays read-only information about port frame statistics.
To view the Bridge tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the Graph Port screen by selecting one or multiple ports on the Device View and then selecting Graph > Port from the menu.
The Graph Port screen will open.
Select the Bridge tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Graph Port screen - Bridge tab
3 The following table describes the fields on this tab.
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52 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
Bridge tab fields
Number of frames discarded by the port due to excessive transit delays through the bridge. It is incremented by both transparent and source route bridges.
Number of frames discarded by the port due to an excessive size. It is incremented by both transparent and source route bridges.
The number of frames that have been received by this port from its segment.
The number of frames that have been received by this port from its segment.
Count of valid frames received which were discarded (filtered) by the Forwarding
Rmon tab
The Rmon tab displays read-only remote monitoring statistics.
To view the Rmon tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the Graph Port screen by selecting one or multiple ports on the Device View and then selecting Graph > Port from the menu.
The Graph Port screen opens.
Select the Rmon tab. This tab is illustrated below.
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Graph Port screen - Rmon tab
Graphing switch port data 53
3 The following table describes the fields on this tab.
RMON tab fields
The total number of octets of data (including those in bad packets) received on the network (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets). You can use this object as a reasonable estimate of
Ethernet utilization. For greater precision, sample the etherStatsPkts and etherStatsOctets objects before and after a common interval.
The total number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast packets, and multicast packets) received.
The total number of good packets received that were directed to the broadcast address. Note that this does not include multicast packets.
The total number of good packets received that were directed to a multicast address. Note that this number does not include packets directed to the broadcast address.
The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but had either a bad Frame Check Sequence
(FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS
Error) or a bad FCS with a nonintegral number of octets (Alignment Error).
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54 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.
The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.
The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and had either a bad
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a nonintegral number of octets (Alignment Error).
It is entirely normal for etherStatsFragments to increment because it counts both runts (which are normal occurrences due to collisions) and noise hits.
The best estimate of the total number of collisions on this Ethernet segment.
The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets), and had either a bad
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).
Jabber is defined as the condition where any packet exceeds 20 ms. The allowed range to detect jabber is between 20 ms and 150 ms.
The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 1 and
64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 65 and
127 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 128 and
255 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 256 and
511 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
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Graphing switch port data 55
The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 511 and
1023 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 1024 and
1518 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
EAPOL Stats tab
The EAPOL Stats tab displays read-only EAPOL statistics.
To open the EAPOL Stats tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the Graph Port screen by selecting one or multiple ports on the Device View and then selecting Graph > Port from the menu.
The Graph Port screen opens.
Select the EAPOL Stats tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Graph Port screen - EAPOL Stats tab
3 The following table describes the fields on this tab.
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56 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
EAPOL Stats tab fields
The number of valid EAPOL frames of any type that have been received by this authenticator.
The number of EAPOL frame types of any type that have been transmitted by this authenticator.
The number of EAPOL start frames that have been received by this authenticator.
The number of EAPOL Logoff frames that have been received by this authenticator.
The number of EAPOL Resp/Id frames that have been received by this authenticator.
The number of valid EAP Response frames
(other than Resp/Id frames) that have been received by this authenticator.
The number of EAPOL Req/Id frames that have been transmitted by this authenticator.
The number of EAP Req/Id frames
(Other than Rq/Id frames) that have been transmitted by this authenticator.
The number of EAPOL frames that have been received by this authenticator in which the frame type is not recognized.
EapLengthErrorFramesRx The number of EAPOL frames that have been received by this authenticator in which the packet body length field is not valid.
EAPOL Diag tab
The EAPOL Diag tab displays read-only EAPOL diagnostic statistics.
To open the EAPOL Diag tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the Graph Port screen by selecting one or multiple ports on the Device View and then selecting Graph > Port from the menu.
The Graph Port screen opens.
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Graphing switch port data 57
Select the EAPOL Diag tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Graph Port screen - EAPOL Diag tab
3 The following table describes the fields on this tab.
EAPOL Diag tab fields
Counts the number of times that the
Authenticator PAE state machine transitions to the Connecting state from any other state.
EapLogoffsWhileConnecting Counts the number of times that the
Authenticator PAE state machine transitions from Connected to
Disconnected as a result of receiving an
EAPOL-Logoff message.
EntersAuthenticating Counts the number of times that the
Authenticator PAE state machine transitions from Connecting to
Authenticating as a result of receiving an
EAP-Response/Identity message from the supplicant.
Authenticator PAE state machine transitions from Authenticating to
Authenticated as a result of the Backend authentication state machine indicating successful authentication of the supplicant.
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58 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
Counts the number of times that the
Authenticator PAE state machine transitions from Authenticating to Aborting as a result of the Backend authentication state machine indicating authentication timeout.
AuthFailWhileAuthenticating Counts the number of times that the
Authenticator PAE state machine transitions from Authenticating to Held as a result of the Backend authentication state machine indicating authentication failure.
Authenticator PAE state machine transitions from Authenticating to Aborting as a result of a reauthentication request.
Authenticator PAE state machine transitions from Authenticating to Aborting as a result of an EAPOL-Start message being received from the supplicant.
Authenticator PAE state machine transitions from Authenticating to Aborting as a result of an EAPOL-Logoff message being received from the supplicant.
Authenticator PAE state machine transitions from Authenticated to
Connecting as a result of a reauthentication request.
Authenticator PAE state machine transitions from Authenticated to
Connecting as a result of an EAPOL-Start message being received from the supplicant.
Authenticator PAE state machine transitions from Authenticated to Disconnected as a result of an
EAPOL-Logoff message being received from the supplicant.
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Graphing switch port data 59
Counts the number of times that the
Backend Authentication state machine sends an Initial-Access request packet to the Authentication server.
BackendAccessChallenges Counts the number of times that the
Backend Authentication state machine receives an Initial-Access challenge packet from the Authentication server.
Backend Authentication state machine sends an EAP request packet (other than an Identity, Notification, failure, or success message) to the supplicant.
Backend Authentication state machine receives a response from the supplicant to an initial EAP request and the response is something other than EAP-NAK.
Counts the number of times that the
Backend Authentication state machine receives an EAP-success message from the Authentication server.
Counts the number of times that the
Backend Authentication state machine receives an EAP-failure message from the
Authentication server.
LACP tab
The LACP tab displays read-only Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) diagnostic statistics.
To view the LACP tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the Graph Port screen by selecting one or multiple ports on the Device View and then selecting Graph > Port from the menu.
The Graph Port screen opens.
Select the LACP tab. This tab is illustrated below.
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60 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
Graph Port screen - LACP tab
Note: The Marker Protocol Generator/Receiver is currently not a supported feature.
The following table describes the fields on this tab.
LACP tab fields
Denotes the number of valid LACPDUs received on this Aggregation Port. This value is read-only.
Signifies the number of valid Marker PDUs received on this Aggregation Port. This value is read-only.
LACPDUsTX received on this Aggregation Port. This value is read-only.
Indicates the number of frames received that can
• Carry the Slow Protocols Ethernet Type value
(43B.4), but contain an unknown PDU.
• Are addressed to the Slow Protocols group
MAC Address (43B.3), but do not carry the
Slow Protocols Ethernet Type.
This value is read-only.
Denotes the number of frames received that carry the Slow Protocols Ethernet Type value (43B.4), but contain a badly formed PDU or an illegal value of Protocol Subtype (43B.4). This value is read-only.
Signifies the number of LACPDUs that are transmitted on this Aggregation Port. This value is read-only.
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Graphing multilink trunk statistics 61
Displays the number of Marker PDUs transmitted on this Aggregation Port. This value is read-only.
that are transmitted on this Aggregation Port. This value is read-only.
Misc tab
The Misc tab is used to display statistical information that does not belong grouped with the other tabs. To view the Misc tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the Graph Port screen by selecting one or multiple ports on the Device View and then selecting Graph > Port from the menu.
The Graph Port screen opens.
Select the Misc tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Graph Port dialog - Misc tab
3 Using the fields provided, view the statistical information. These fields are outlined in the following table.
Misc tab fields
Field Description
NoResourcesPktsDroppedThe number of packets dropped due to a lack of resources.
Graphing multilink trunk statistics
The Java Device Manager (JDM) provides the ability to view Multilink Trunk
(MLT) statistical information in a variety of graphs.
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62 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
To make use of these capabilities, open the MLT_LACP screen by selecting
VLAN > MLT/LACP from the menu. This screen opens with the Multilink
Trunks tab selected. On this tab, select the row that represents the MLT to graph and click the Graph button. The MLT Statistics screen opens. This screen is illustrated in "MLT Statistics screen" (page 62) .
MLT Statistics screen
The following sections will describe the informational tabs on this screen and the type of data each represents. Refer to "Creating a graph" (page
69) for the procedure to graph this data.
Interface tab
The Interface tab provides read-only statistical information about the selected Multilink Trunk.
To view the Interface tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the MLT_LACP screen by selecting VLAN > MLT/LACP from the menu. This screen opens with the Multilink Trunks tab selected.
On this tab, select the row that represents the MLT to graph and click the Graph button. The MLT Statistics screen opens with the
Interface tab selected. This screen and tab are illustrated below.
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Graphing multilink trunk statistics 63
MLT Statistics screen - Interface tab
The following table describes the fields on this tab.
Interface tab fields
The number of packets delivered to this MLT that were addressed to a multicast address at this sublayer. For a MAC layer protocol, this number includes both Group and Functional addresses.
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and that were addressed to a multicast address at this MLT, including those that were discarded or not sent.
For a MAC layer protocol, this number includes both Group and Functional addresses.
The number of packets delivered to this MLT that were addressed to a broadcast address at this sublayer.
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and that were addressed to a broadcast address at this MLT, including those that were discarded or not sent.
The total number of octets received on the MLT interface, including framing characters.
The total number of octets transmitted out of the
MLT interface, including framing characters.
The number of packets delivered by this MLT to higher level protocols that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.
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64 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
The number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted that were not addressed to a multicast address at this MLT. This total number includes those packets discarded or unsent.
The number of packets delivered to this MLT that were addressed to a multicast address at this sublayer. For a MAC layer protocol, this number includes both Group and Functional addresses.
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and that were addressed to a multicast address at this MLT, including those that were discarded or not sent.
For a MAC layer protocol, this number includes both Group and Functional addresses.
HCInBroadcastPkt The number of packets delivered to this MLT that were addressed to a broadcast address at this sublayer.
HCOutBroadcast The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and that were addressed to a broadcast address at this MLT, including those that were discarded or not sent.
Ethernet Errors tab
The Ethernet Errors tab provides read-only statistical information about
Ethernet errors that have occurred on the selected Multilink Trunk.
To view the Ethernet Errors tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the MLT_LACP screen by selecting VLAN > MLT/LACP from the menu. This screen will open with the Multilink Trunks tab selected.
On this tab, select the row that represents the MLT to graph and click the Graph button. The MLT Statistics screen will open.
Select the Ethernet Errors tab. This tab is illustrated below.
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Graphing multilink trunk statistics 65
MLT Statistics screen - Ethernet Errors tab
The following table describes the fields on this tab.
Ethernet Errors tab fields
A count of frames received on a particular
MLT that are not an integral number of octets in length and do not pass the FCS check. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the alignmentError status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for which multiple error conditions occur are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC.
A count of frames received on an MLT that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the frameCheckError status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for which multiple error conditions occur are, according to the conventions of
IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC.
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66 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
A count of frames for which transmission on a particular MLT fails due to an internal
MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the LateCollisions object, the ExcessiveCollisions object, or the
CarrierSenseErrors object.
A count of frames for which reception on a particular MLT fails due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the FrameTooLongs object, the
AlignmentErrors object, or the FCSErrors object.
The precise meaning of the count represented by an instance of this object is implementation specific. In particular, an instance of this object may represent a count of receive errors on a particular interface that are not otherwise counted.
The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame on a particular MLT. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented at most once per transmission attempt, even if the carrier sense condition fluctuates during a transmission attempt.
A count of frames received on a particular
MLT that exceed the maximum permitted frame size. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the frameTooLong status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for which multiple error conditions occur are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC.
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Graphing multilink trunk statistics 67
A count of times that the SQE TEST
ERROR message is generated by the
PLS sublayer for a particular MLT. The
SQE TEST ERROR message is defined in section of ANSI/IEEE 802.3-1985 and its generation is described in section of the same document.
A count of frames for which the first transmission attempt on a particular MLT is delayed because the medium is busy. The count represented by an instance of this object does not include frames involved in collisions.
A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular MLT for which transmission is inhibited by exactly one collision. A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts, or ifOutBroadcastPkts, and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the MultipleCollisionFrames object.
A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular MLT for which transmission is inhibited by more than one collision. A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts, or ifOutBroadcastPkts, and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the SingleCollisionFrames object.
The number of times that a collision is detected on a particular MLT later than
512 bit-times into the transmission of a packet. Five hundred and twelve bit-times corresponds to 51.2 microseconds on a 10
Mb/s system. A (late) collision included in a count represented by an instance of this object is also considered as a
(generic) collision for purposes of other collision-related statistics.
A count of frames for which transmission on a particular MLT fails due to excessive collisions.
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68 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
Graphing VLAN DHCP statistics
To create a graph of VLAN DHCP configuration, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the VLANs screen by selecting VLAN > VLANs from the menu.
Select the desired VLAN.
Click IP. The IP VLAN screen opens with the IP Address tab selected.
Click the DHCP tab.
Click Graph. The DHCP Stats screen opens. This screen is illustrated in below.
DHCP Stats screen
6 Highlight the required data and click on the type of graph to produce.
For a detailed explanation of graph creation, refer to "Creating a graph" (page 69) .
The following table explains the fields found on this screen.
DHCP Stats screen fields
The number of DHCP requests handled.
The number of DHCP replies handled.
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Creating a graph 69
Creating a graph
Several screens in the Java Device Manager (JDM) provide a means to view and make use of statistical information gathered by the switch. To turn this statistical information in either a bar, line, area, or pie graph, follow this procedure:
Step Action
After opening a screen that provides graphing capabilities and selecting the desired tab, select the information to graph in one of the following ways: a. Click and drag the mouse across the rows and columns of data to graph.
b. Hold the Control (CTRL) key and click on the cells of data to graph.
c. Hold the Shift key and click a range of data to graph.
Press the graph button that corresponds to the type of graph to be created. These graph buttons are illustrated below.
Graph buttons
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Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
70 Chapter 1 General System Monitoring Considerations
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Chapter 2
System Diagnostics and Statistics
This chapter outlines the system diagnostic and statistical information and tools available in the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series.
Use commands in this chapter to get statistics and diagnose problems.
Some are available in both the CLI and in the Web-based Management interface.
• "Port statistics (CLI)" (page 71)
• "Stack loopback tests" (page 73)
• "Viewing port statistics (Web)" (page 77)
• "Viewing all port errors" (page 79)
• "Viewing interface statistics" (page 80)
• "Viewing Ethernet error statistics" (page 82)
• "Viewing transparent bridging statistics" (page 85)
• "Monitoring MLT traffic" (page 87)
Diagnostic information in the CLI
The CLI commands detailed in this section are used to display diagnostic and statistical information from the switch.
Port statistics (CLI)
Use the CLI commands in this section to gather port statistics from the switch.
• "show port-statistics command" (page 72)
• "clear-stats command" (page 72)
• "show stack port-statistics command" (page 72)
• "clear stack port-statistics command" (page 73)
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72 Chapter 2 System Diagnostics and Statistics
show port-statistics command
The show port-statistics command displays the statistics for the port on both received and transmitted traffic, including the 10 GByte ports
(ports 25 and 26) on the 5530.
The syntax for the show port-statistics command is: show port-statistics [port <portlist>]
The show port-statistics command is executed in the Privileged
EXEC command mode.
"show port-statistics parameters" (page 72) outlines the parameters for this command.
show port-statistics parameters
Parameter port <portlist>
The ports to display statistics for. When no port list is specified, all ports are shown.
show port-statistics examples show port-statistics 12
clear-stats command
The clear-stats command clears all statistical information for the specified port. All counters are set to zero (0).
The syntax for the clear-stats command is: clear-stats [port <portlist>]
"clear-stats parameters" (page 72) outlines the parameters for this command.
clear-stats parameters
Parameter port <portlist>
The port(s) to clear statistics for. If no port is specified, the system defaults to the port entered when entering the Interface
Configuration command mode.
show stack port-statistics command
The show stack port-statistics command displays port counters including congestion and dropped packets on stacks of ERS 5500 series switches.
The syntax for the show stack port-statistics command is:
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Diagnostic information in the CLI 73 show stack port-statistics {down-stack|up-stack} [unit<1-8>] where down-stack displays the statistics from the down stack port from the requested unit, and up-stack displays the statistics from the up stack port from the requested unit.
This show stack port-statistics command is available in the
PrivExec mode.
clear stack port-statistics command
The clear stack port-statistics command clears the statistics counters.
The syntax for the clear stack port-statistics command is: clear stack port-statistics {down-stack|up-stack} [unit
<1-8>] where down-stack clears the statistics from the down stack port from the requested unit, and up-stack clears the statistics from the up stack port from the requested unit.
The clear stack port-statistics command is available in the
PrivExec mode.
Stack loopback tests
You can quickly test your stack ports and stack cable using the stack loopback test. This is very useful when you need to determine whether the source of the problem is a bad stack cable or a damaged stack port, and can help prevent unnecessarily sending switches for service.
There are two types of loopback tests. The internal loopback test verifies that the stack ports are functional.
The external loopback test checks the stack cable to find out if it is the source of the problem. The external loopback test is done by connecting the stack uplink port with the stack downlink port, sending a packet from the uplink port and verifying that the packet is received on the downlink port.
The internal test should always be run first, because the cable tests won’t be conclusive until the stack ports are proven to be working correctly.
Testing the stack ports
Verify the operation of the stack ports using the internal loopback test.
Prerequisites for testing the stack ports
• Any previous tests have finished running.
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74 Chapter 2 System Diagnostics and Statistics
Step Action
Remove the unit you want to test from the stack.
Disconnect the stacking cables and any active cables connected to the ports on the unit.
Go to NNCLI via serial interface.
Enable action mode.
Run the internal loopback test.
stack loopback-test internal
Check the results of the command. The "stack loopback-test internal output" (page 74) table shows the output from a pass and from a failure.
stack loopback-test internal output
Testing uplink port
… ok
Testing downlink port
… ok
Internal loopback test PASSED
Testing uplink port
Testing downlink port
… ok
Internal loopback test FAILED
Testing the stack cables
Verify the integrity of the stack cables using the external loopback test.
Prerequisites for testing stack cables
• The internal loopback test passed. See "Testing the stack ports" (page
73) .
• Any previous tests have finished running.
Step Action
Remove the suspect unit from the stack.
Power up the suspect unit.
Connect a stacking cable from the stack uplink port to the stack downlink port.
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Diagnostic information in the CLI 75
Go to NNCLI via serial interface.
Enable action mode.
Run the external loopback test.
stack loopback-test external
Check the results of the command.
"stack loopback-test external output" (page 75) shows the output from a pass and from a failure.
stack loopback-test external output
External loopback test PASSED.
External loopback test FAILED. Your stack cable might be damaged.
Stack monitor
The Stack Monitor uses a set of control values to enable its operation, to set the expected stack size, and to control the frequency of trap sending.
The stack monitor, if enabled, detects problems with the units in the stack and sends a trap.
The stack monitor sends a trap for the following events.
• The number of units in stack changes.
• The trap sending timer expires.
Each time the number of units in a stack changes, the trap sending timer resets and the stack monitor compares the current number of stack units with the configured number of stack units. If it is not equal, the switch sends a trap and logs a message to syslog. The stack monitor sends traps from a standalone unit or the base unit of the stack.
When the trap sending timer reaches the configured number of seconds at which traps are sent, the switch sends a trap and logs a message to syslog and restarts the trap sending timer. The syslog message is not repeated unless the stack configuration changes. This prevents the log being filled with stack configuration messages.
When you enable the stack monitor on a stack, the stack monitor captures current stack size and uses it as the expected stack size. You can choose a different value and set it after enabling the feature.
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76 Chapter 2 System Diagnostics and Statistics
Stack size
Trap interval
Displaying stack monitor configuration parameters values
Use the show stack-monitor command to display the current configuration values for the stack monitor.
Enabled or disabled.
Number of units in the stack <2-8>. Default value is 2.
Number of seconds between traps <3-300>. Default value is 60 seconds if there are 2 units in the stack.
Configuring stack monitor parameters
Use the config stack-monitor command to configure the stack monitor.
Configuring stack monitor parameters
Parameter enable/disable stack-size trap-interval
Enable or disable stack monitoring
Set stack size to be monitored <2-8>
Set interval between traps (seconds) <3-300>
Configuring stack monitor parameters with the JDM
To configure stack monitor parameters with the JDM, click Edit > Chassis >
Stack Monitor.
Configuring the stack monitor with the JDM
Configuring stack monitor parameters
Enable or disable stack monitoring
Set stack size to be monitored <2-8>
Set interval between traps (seconds) <3-300>
Click Apply to apply new settings.
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Diagnostic information in the Web-based Management Interface 77
Diagnostic information in the Web-based Management Interface
The procedures detailed in this section enable the viewing of diagnostic and statistical information through the Web-based Management Interface.
Viewing port statistics (Web)
To view statistical data about a selected port, perform the following task:
Step Action
1 Open the Port Statistics screen by selecting Statistics > Port from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
Port Statistics screen
Select a port from the Port list in the Port Statistics (View By) section.
Click Submit.
Port statistics are displayed in the Port Statistics Table section. The following table describes the fields in this section.
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78 Chapter 2 System Diagnostics and Statistics
Port Statistics Table fields
Total Octets
Pause Frames
FCS-Frame Errors
Undersized Packets
Oversized Packets
Filtered Packets
Single Collisions
The number of packets received/transmitted on this port, including bad packets, broadcast packets, and multicast packets.
The number of good multicast packets received/transmitted on this port, excluding broadcast packets.
The number of good broadcast packets received/transmitted on this port.
The number of octets of data received/transmitted on this port, including data in bad packets and FCS octets, and framing bits.
The number of pause frames received/transmitted on this port.
The number of valid-size packets received on this port with proper framing but discarded because of FCS or frame errors.
The number of packets received on this port with fewer than 64 bytes and with proper CRC and framing (also known as short frames or runts).
The number of packets that were received on this port with proper CRC and framing that meet the following requirements:
1518 bytes if no VLAN tag exists
1522 bytes if a VLAN tag exists
The number of packets that were received on this port and discarded because of the specific configuration.This counter does not count the
FCS/Frames error packets; they are counted in that counter. This counter counts packets discarded because STP is not set to forwarding, the frame setting in VLAN directs discarding, or a mismatch in ingress/egress port speeds.
The number of collisions detected on this port.
The number of packets that were transmitted successfully on this port after a single collision.
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Diagnostic information in the Web-based Management Interface 79
Multiple Collisions
Excessive Collisions
Late Collisions
Deferred Packets
The number of packets that were transmitted successfully on this port after more than one collision.
The number of packets lost on this port due to excessive collisions.
The number of packets collisions that occurred after a total length of time that exceeded 512 bit-times of packet transmission.
The number of packets that were received on this port that were delayed on the first transmission attempt, but never incurred a collision.
The number of packets received/transmitted on the port.
64 bytes
65-127 bytes
128-255 bytes
256-511 bytes
512-1023 bytes
1024-1518 bytes
1522-9216 bytes
Three further options are available on this screen:
1. Click Update to refresh the statistical information.
2. Click Zero Port to reset the counters for the selected port.
3. Click Zero All Ports to reset the counters for all ports.
Viewing all port errors
To view a summary of the port errors, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the Port Error Summary screen by selecting Statistics > Port
Error Summary from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
Port Error Summary screen
The following table describes the fields on this screen.
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80 Chapter 2 System Diagnostics and Statistics
Port Error Summary fields
Displays the unit number in the stack.
Displays the port number of the unit.
Displays the status of the port (Enabled/Disabled).
FCS/Frame Errors
Single Collisions
Displays the link status of the port (Up/Down).
Displays the speed at which the port is operating, as well as whether it is in half- or full-duplex mode.
Displays the number of frame check sequence
(FCS) and frame errors received on this port.
Displays the number of collisions errors received on this port.
Displays the number of single collisions errors received on this port.
Multiple Collisions Displays the number of multiple collisions errors received on this port.
Excessive Collisions Displays the number of excessive collisions errors received on this port.
Late Collisions Displays the number of late collisions errors received on this port.
Click Update to refresh the statistical information.
Viewing interface statistics
To view statistical information for an interface, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the Interface Statistics screen by selecting Statistics >
Interface from the menu. This screen is illustrated in the following table.
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Diagnostic information in the Web-based Management Interface 81
Interface Statistics screen
The following table describes the fields on this screen.
Interface Statistics screen
In Octets
Out Octets
In Unicast
Out Unicast
The port number corresponding to the selected switch.
The number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.
The number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.
The number of subnetwork-unicast packets delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
The number of packets that higher-layer protocols requested be transmitted to a subnetwork-unicast address, including those that were discarded or not sent.
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82 Chapter 2 System Diagnostics and Statistics
In Non-Unicast
Out Non-Unicast
In Discards
Out Discards
In Errors
Out Errors
In Unknown Protos
The number of non-unicast packets, for example, subnetwork-broadcast or subnetwork-multicast packets, delivered to a higher protocol.
The number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted to a non-unicast address. For example, a subnetwork-broadcast or a subnetwork multicast address, including those that were discarded or not sent.
The number of inbound packets which were selected to be discarded even though no errors were detected to prevent their being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
Packet discarding is not arbitrary. One reason for discarding packets is to free buffer space.
The number of outbound packets which were selected to be discarded even though no errors were detected to prevent their being transmitted. Packet discarding is not arbitrary. One reason for discarding packets is to free buffer space.
The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
The number of packets received through the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
Click Update to refresh the statistical information.
Viewing Ethernet error statistics
To view Ethernet error statistics, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the Ethernet Errors screen by selecting Statistics > Ethernet
Errors from the menu. This screen is illustrated in the following table.
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Diagnostic information in the Web-based Management Interface 83
Ethernet Errors screen
The following table outlines the fields on this screen.
Ethernet Error fields
FCS/Frame Errors
The port number corresponding to the selected switch.
The number of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in length, but do not pass the FCS check or have frame errors.
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84 Chapter 2 System Diagnostics and Statistics
Internal MAC Transmit
Internal MAC Receive
Carrier Sense Errors
SQE Test Errors
Deferred Transmissions
Single Collision Frames
Multiple Collision Frames
The number of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails because of an internal MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame only is counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, or the dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors object.
The number of frames for which reception on a particular interface fails because of an internal MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame only is counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, or the dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors object.
The number of times that the carrier sense conditions was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame on a particular interface.
The number of times that the SQE TEST
ERROR message is generated by the PLS sublayer for a particular interface. The
SQE TEST ERROR is defined in section of ANSI/IEEE 802.3-1985, and its generation is described in section
of the same document.
The number of frames for which the first transmission attempt on a particular interface is delayed because the medium is busy.
The number of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by more than one collision.
The number of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by a single collision.
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Diagnostic information in the Web-based Management Interface 85
Late Collisions
Excessive Collisions
The number of times a collision is detected on a particular interface later than 512 bit-times into the transmission of a packet.
The number of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails due to excessive collisions.
Click Update to refresh the statistical information.
Viewing transparent bridging statistics
To view transparent bridging statistics, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the Transparent Bridging screen by selecting Statistics >
Transparent Bridging from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
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86 Chapter 2 System Diagnostics and Statistics
Transparent Bridging screen
The following table describes the fields on this screen.
Transparent Bridging screen
In Frames
The port number that corresponds to the selected switch.
The number of frames that have been received by this port from its segment.
A frame received on the interface corresponding to this port is counted only if it is for a protocol being processed by the local bridging function, including bridge management errors.
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Diagnostic information in the Web-based Management Interface 87
Out Frames
In Discards
The number of frames that have been transmitted by this port from its segment.
A frame received on the interface corresponding to this port is counted only if it is for a protocol being processed by the local bridging function, including bridge management errors.
The number of valid frames received which were discarded by the forwarding process.
Click Update to refresh the statistical information.
Monitoring MLT traffic
Bandwidth usage can be monitored for the Multilink Trunk (MLT) member ports within each trunk in a configuration by selecting the traffic type to monitor.
To monitor MultiLink Trunk traffic, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the MLT Utilization screen by selecting Application >
MultiLink Trunk > Utilization from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
MLT Utilization screen
In the MultiLink Trunk Utilization Selection (View By) section, select a trunk to monitor in the Trunk list and a type of traffic in the
Traffic Type list.
Click Submit.
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88 Chapter 2 System Diagnostics and Statistics
The MultiLink Trunk Utilization Table section will be populated with information. The following table describes the fields in this table.
MultiLink Trunk Utilization Table fields
Last 5 Minutes
Last 30 Minutes
Last Hour
A list of the trunk member switch ports that correspond to the trunk specified in the Trunk column.
The percentage of packets (of the type specified in the Traffic Type field) used by the port in the last five minutes. This field provides a running average of network activity, and is updated every 15 seconds.
The percentage of packets (of the type specified in the Traffic Type field) used by the port in the last 30 minutes. This field provides a running average of network activity, and is updated every 15 seconds.
The percentage of packets (of the type specified in the Traffic Type field) used by the port in the last 60 minutes. This field provides a running average of network activity, and is updated every 15 seconds.
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Chapter 3
Configuring Remote Network
Monitoring (RMON)
The Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) Management Information Base
(MIB) is an interface between the RMON agent on the Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500 Series and an RMON management application, such as the Java Device Manager.
It defines objects that are suitable for the management of any type of network, but some groups are targeted for Ethernet networks in particular.
The RMON agent continuously collects statistics and monitors switch performance.
RMON has three major functions:
• Creating and displaying alarms for user-defined events
• Gathering cumulative statistics for Ethernet interfaces
• Tracking a history of statistics for Ethernet interfaces
Configuring RMON with the CLI
This section describes the CLI commands used to configure and manage
show rmon alarm
The show rmon alarm command displays information on RMON alarms.
The syntax for the show rmon alarm command is: show rmon alarm
The show rmon alarm command is executed in the Privileged EXEC mode.
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90 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
show rmon event
The show rmon event command displays information regarding RMON events.
The syntax for the show rmon event command is: show rmon event
The show rmon event command is executed in the Privileged EXEC command mode.
show rmon history
The show rmon history command displays information regarding the configuration of RMON history.
The syntax for the show rmon history command is: show rmon history
The show rmon history command is executed in the Privileged EXEC command mode.
show rmon stats
The show rmon stats command displays information regarding the configuration of RMON statistics.
The syntax for the show rmon stats command is: show rmon stats
The show rmon stats command is executed in the Privileged EXEC command mode.
rmon alarm
The rmon alarm command allows you to set RMON alarms and thresholds.
The syntax for the rmon alarm command is: rmon alarm <1-65535> <WORD> <1-2147483647> {absolute | delta} rising-threshold <-2147483648-2147483647> [<1-65535>] falling-threshold <-2147483648-2147483647> [<1-65535>]
[owner <LINE>]
"rmon alarm parameters" (page 91) outlines the parameters for this command.
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Configuring RMON with the CLI 91 rmon alarm parameters
<1-2147483647> absolute delta rising-threshold
2147483647 >
[<1-65535>] falling-threshold
2147483647 >
[owner <LINE>]
Unique index for the alarm entry.
The MIB object to be monitored. This is an object identifier, and for most available objects, an English name may be used.
The sampling interval, in seconds.
Use absolute values (value of the MIB object is compared directly with thresholds).
Use delta values (change in the value of the MIB object between samples is compared with thresholds).
The first integer value is the rising threshold value. The optional second integer specifies the event entry to be triggered when the rising threshold is crossed. If omitted, or if an invalid event entry is referenced, no event will be triggered.
The first integer value is the falling threshold value.
The optional second integer specifies the event entry to be triggered when the falling threshold is crossed.
If omitted, or if an invalid event entry is referenced, no event will be triggered.
Specify an owner string to identify the alarm entry.
The rmon alarm command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
no rmon alarm
The no rmon alarm command deletes RMON alarm table entries. When the variable is omitted, all entries in the table are cleared.
The syntax for the no rmon alarm command is: no rmon alarm [<1-65535>]
Substitute <1-65535> above with the unique ID of the alarm entry.
The no rmon alarm command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
rmon event
The rmon event configures RMON event log and trap settings.
The syntax for the rmon event command is:
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
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92 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) rmon event <1-65535> [log] [trap] [description <LINE>] [owner
"rmon event parameters" (page 92) outlines the parameters for this command.
rmon event parameters
[description <LINE>]
[owner <LINE>]
Unique index for the event entry.
Record events in the log table.
Generate SNMP trap messages for events.
Specify a textual description for the event.
Specify an owner string to identify the event entry.
The rmon event command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
no rmon event
The no rmon event deletes RMON event table entries. When the variable is omitted, all entries in the table are cleared.
The syntax for the no rmon event command is: no rmon event [<1-65535>]
Substitute <1-65535> above with the unique ID of the event to be deleted.
The no rmon event command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
rmon history
The rmon history configures RMON history settings.
The syntax for the rmon history command is: rmon history <1-65535> <LINE> <1-65535> <1-3600> [owner
"rmon history parameters" (page 92) outlines the parameters for this command.
rmon history parameters
Unique index for the history entry.
Specify the port number to be monitored.
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Configuring RMON with the CLI 93
[owner <LINE>]
The number of history buckets (records) to keep.
The sampling rate (how often a history sample is collected).
Specify an owner string to identify the history entry.
The rmon history command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
no rmon history
The no rmon history deletes RMON history table entries. When the variable is omitted, all entries in the table are cleared.
The syntax for the no rmon history command is: no rmon history [<1-65535>]
Substitute <1-65535> above with the unique ID of the history entry.
The no rmon history command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
rmon stats
The rmon stats command configures RMON statistics settings.
The syntax for the rmon stats command is: rmon stats <1-65535> <LINE> [owner <LINE>]
"rmon stats parameters" (page 93) outlines the parameters for this command.
rmon stats parameters
[owner <LINE>]
Unique index for the stats entry.
Specify an owner string to identify the stats entry.
The rmon stats command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
no rmon stats
The no rmon stats turns off RMON statistics. When the variable is omitted, all entries in the table are cleared.
The syntax for the no rmon stats command is:
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94 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) no rmon stats [<1-65535>]
Substitute <1-65535> above with the unique ID of the stats entry.
The no rmon stats command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
Configuring RMON with the Web-based Management Interface
This section discusses the configuration and management of RMON using the Web-based Management Interface.
Configuring RMON fault threshold parameters
Alarms are used to alert a system administrator when the value of a variable goes out of range. RMON alarms can be defined on any MIB variable that resolves to an integer value. String variables (such as system description) cannot be used as alarm variables.
Creating an RMON fault threshold
To configure an RMON fault threshold, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the RMON Threshold screen by selecting Fault > RMON
Threshold from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
RMON Threshold screen
2 In the fields provided in the RMON Threshold Creation section, enter the information for the new threshold. The following tables outlines the fields in this section.
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Configuring RMON with the Web-based Management Interface 95
RMON Threshold Creation fields
Alarm Index
Rising Level
Falling Level
Rising Action
Alarm Sample
Type the unique number to identify the alarm entry.
Choose the port on which to set an alarm.
Choose the sampled statistic.
Type the event entry to be used when a rising threshold is crossed.
Type the event entry to be used when a falling threshold is crossed.
Choose the type of notification for the event. Selecting
Log generates an entry in the RMON Event Log table for each event. Selecting SNMP Trap sends an SNMP trap to one or more management stations.
Type the time period (in seconds) to sample data and compare the data to the rising and falling thresholds.
Choose the sampling method:
Absolute: Absolute alarms are defined on the current value of the alarm variable. An example of an alarm defined with absolute value is card operating status.
Because this value is not cumulative, but instead represents states, such as card up (value 1) and card down (value 2), you set it for absolute value. Therefore, an alarm could be created with a rising value of 2 and a falling value of 1 to alert a user to whether the card is up or down.
Delta: Most alarm variables related to Ethernet traffic are set to delta value. Delta alarms are defined based on the difference in the value of the alarm variable between the start of the polling period and the end of the polling period. Delta alarms are sampled twice per polling period. For each sample, the last two values are added together and compared to the threshold values. This process increases precision and allows for the detection of threshold crossings that span the sampling boundary. Therefore, if you keep track of the current values of a given delta-valued alarm and add them together, the result is twice the actual value.
(This result is not an error in the software.)
Click Submit.
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96 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
The new RMON threshold is displayed in the RMON Threshold Table section.
Deleting an RMON threshold configuration
To delete an existing RMON threshold configuration, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the RMON Threshold screen by selecting Fault > RMON
Threshold from the menu. This screen is illustrated above.
In the RMON Threshold Table, click the Delete icon in the row of the entry to be deleted.
A message prompts for confirmation of the request. Click Yes.
Viewing the RMON fault event log
RMON events and alarms work together to produce notification when values in the network go out of a specified range. When values pass the specified ranges, the alarm is triggered. The event specifies how the activity is recorded.
An event specifies whether a trap, a log, or a trap and a log are generated to view alarm activity. When RMON is globally enabled, two default events are generated:
• Rising Event
• Falling Event
Default events specify that when an alarm goes out of range, the firing of the alarm is tracked in both a trap and a log. For example, when an alarm fires at the rising threshold, the rising event specifies that this information be sent to both a trap and a log. The RMON Event Log screen works in conjunction with the RMON Threshold screen to enable viewing the history of RMON fault events.
To view a history of RMON fault events, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the RMON Event Log screen by selecting Fault > RMON
Event Log from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
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Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager 97
RMON Event Log screen
The RMON event log is displayed.
Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager
This section will discuss the configuration and management of RMON using the Java Device Manager (JDM).
See also
• "Working with RMON information" (page 97)
• "Alarms" (page 107)
• "Events" (page 114)
• "Log information" (page 118)
Working with RMON information
RMON information is viewed by looking at the graphing information associated with the port or chassis.
See also
• "Viewing statistics" (page 97)
• "Viewing history" (page 101)
• "Enabling ethernet statistics gathering" (page 105)
• "Disabling Ethernet statistics gathering" (page 107)
Viewing statistics
The JDM gathers Ethernet statistics that can be graphed in a variety of formats or saved to a file that can be exported to an outside presentation or graphing application.
To view RMON ethernet statistics:
Step Action
Select a port.
Do one of the following:
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98 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
3 a. From the shortcut menu, choose Graph.
b. Select Graph > Port from the menu.
c. On the toolbar, click the Graph button.
The Graph Port screen opens. Click the RMON tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Graph Port screen - RMON tab
The following table describes the fields on the RMON tab.
Graph Port screen - RMON tab
The total number of octets of data (including those in bad packets) received on the network (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets). You can use this object as a reasonable estimate of Ethernet utilization.
For greater precision, sample the etherStatsPkts and etherStatsOctets objects before and after a common interval.
The total number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast packets, and multicast packets) received.
The total number of good packets received that were directed to the broadcast address. Note that this does not include multicast packets.
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Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager 99
The total number of good packets received that were directed to a multicast address. Note that this number does not include packets directed to the broadcast address.
The total number of packets received that had a length
(excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a nonintegral number of octets (Alignment Error).
The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits but including
FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.
The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but including
FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.
The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but including
FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.
The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and had either a bad Frame
Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a nonintegral number of octets (Alignment Error). It is entirely normal for etherStatsFragments to increment because it counts both runts (which are normal occurrences due to collisions) and noise hits.
The best estimate of the total number of collisions on this Ethernet segment.
The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits, but including
FCS octets), and had either a bad Frame Check
Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS
Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets
(Alignment Error). Jabber is defined as the condition where any packet exceeds 20 ms. The allowed range to detect jabber is between 20 ms and 150 ms.
The total number of packets (including bad packets) that were transmitted and received on this port between
1 and 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
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100 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
The total number of packets (including bad packets) that were transmitted and received on this port between
65 and 127 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
The total number of packets (including bad packets) that were transmitted and received on this port between
128 and 255 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
The total number of packets (including bad packets) that were transmitted and received on this port between
256 and 511 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
The total number of packets (including bad packets) that were transmitted and received on this port between 512 and 1023 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
The total number of packets (including bad packets) that were transmitted and received on this port between
1024 and 1518 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
Types of statistics
Poll Interval
Statistics are updated based on the poll interval.
Default: 10s
Range: None, 2s, 5s, 10s, 30s, 1m, 5m, 30m 1h
The total count since the last time counters were reset. A system reboot resets all counters.
The total count since the statistics tab was first opened. The elapsed time for the cumulative counter is shown at the bottom of the graph window.
The cumulative count divided by the cumulative elapsed time.
The minimum average for the counter for a given polling interval over the cumulative elapsed time.
The maximum average for the counter for a given polling interval over the cumulative elapsed time.
The average for the counter over the last polling interval.
See also
• "Working with RMON information" (page 97)
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Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager 101
• "Viewing history" (page 101)
• "Enabling ethernet statistics gathering" (page 105)
• "Disabling Ethernet statistics gathering" (page 107)
Viewing history
Ethernet history records periodic statistical samples from a network. A sample is called a history and is gathered in time intervals referred to as
Histories establish a time-dependent method for gathering RMON statistics on a port. The default values for history are:
• Buckets are gathered at 30-minute intervals.
• Number of buckets gathered is 50.
Both the time interval and the number of buckets is configurable. However, when the last bucket is reached, bucket 1 is dumped and "recycled" to hold a new bucket of statistics. Then bucket 2 is dumped, and so forth.
To view RMON history:
Step Action
1 Open the RmonControl screen by selecting Serviceability >
RMON > Control from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
RmonControl screen - History tab
"History tab fields" (page 102) describes the fields on the History tab.
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102 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
Creating a history
RMON can be used to collect statistics at intervals. For example, if switch performance will be monitored over a weekend, enough buckets to cover two days must be set aside. To do this, set the history to gather one bucket each hour, thus covering a 48-hour period. After history characteristics are set, they cannot be modified; the history must be deleted and another created.
To establish a history for a port and set the bucket interval:
Step Action
Open the RmonControl screen by selecting Serviceability >
RMON > Control from the menu.
Click Insert.
The Insert History screen opens. This screen is illustrated below.
Insert History screen
In the fields provided, enter the information for the new RMON history. The fields on this screen are described in the table below.
Click Insert.
The following table describes the History tab of the RmonControl dialog box.
History tab fields
A unique value assigned to each interface. An index identifies an entry in a table.
Any Ethernet interface on the device.
is to be saved in the part of the media-specific table associated with this entry.
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Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager 103
Field Description
BucketsGranted The number of discrete sampling intervals over which data is saved in the part of the media-specific table associated with this entry. There are instances when the actual number of buckets associated with this entry is less than the value of this object. In this case, at the end of each sampling interval, a new bucket is added to the media-specific table.
The interval in seconds over which the data is sampled for each bucket in the part of the media-specific table associated with this entry. You can set this interval to any number of seconds between 1 and 3600 (1 hour). Because the counters in a bucket may overflow at their maximum value with no indication, note the possibility of overflow in any of the associated counters.
It is important to consider the minimum time in which any counter could overflow on a particular media type and set the historyControlInterval object to a value less than this interval.
This is typically most important for the octets counter in any media-specific table. For example, on an Ethernet network, the etherHistoryOctets counter could overflow in about one hour at the Ethernet’s maximum utilization.
The network management system that created this entry.
See also
• "Working with RMON information" (page 97)
• "Viewing statistics" (page 97)
• "Disabling history" (page 103)
• "Disabling Ethernet statistics gathering" (page 107)
Disabling history
To disable RMON history on a port:
Step Action
1 Open the RmonControl screen by selecting Serviceability >
RMON > Control from the menu.
Highlight the row that contains the record to delete.
Click Delete.
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104 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
See also
• "Working with RMON information" (page 97)
• "Viewing statistics" (page 97)
• "Creating a history" (page 102)
• "Enabling ethernet statistics gathering" (page 105)
• "Disabling Ethernet statistics gathering" (page 107)
Viewing RMON history statistics
To display Rmon History statistics:
Step Action
1 Open the RmonControl screen by selecting Serviceability >
RMON > Control from the menu.
Select a port in the RMON History tab.
Click Graph.
The RMON History screen opens for the selected port. This screen is illustrated below.
Rmon History statistics
The following table describes the RMON History screen fields.
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Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager 105
RMON History screen fields
Field Description
SampleIndex Indicates the sample number. As history samples are taken, they are assigned greater sample numbers.
Estimates the percentage of a link’s capacity that was used during the sampling interval.
The number of octets received on the link during the sampling period.
Pkts The number of packets received on the link during the sampling period.
BroadcastPkts The number of packets received on the link during the sampling interval that destined for the packet address.
MulticastPkts The number of packets received on the link during the sampling interval that are destined for the multicast address. This does not include the broadcast packets.
DropEvents The number of received packets that were dropped because of system resource constraints.
CRCAlignErrors The number of packets received during a sampling interval that were between 64 and 1518 octets long. This length included
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) octets but not framing bits. The packets had a bad FCS with either an integral number of octets
(FCS Error), or a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).
UndersizePkts The number of packets received during the sampling interval were less than 64 octets long (including FCS octets, but not framing bits.
OversizePkts The number of packets received during the sampling interval were longer than 1518 octets (including FCS octets, but not framing bits, and were otherwise well formed.
Fragments The number of packets received during the sampling interval were less than 64 octets long (including FCS octets, but not framing bits. The packets had a bad FCS with either an integral number of octects (FCS Error), or a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).
Collisions The best estimate of the number of collisions on an Ethernet segment during a sampling interval.
Enabling ethernet statistics gathering
To gather ethernet statistics:
Step Action
1 Open the RmonControl screen by selecting Serviceability >
RMON > Control from the menu.
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106 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
2 Select the Ether Stats tab. This tab is illustrated below.
RmonControl screen - Ether Stats tab
3 Select an Index and click Insert.
The Insert Ether Stats screen opens.
Insert Ether Stats screen
4 Enter the ports to be used. Port numbers can be manually entered into the Port field or selected by clicking the ellipsis (...) and using the Port List screen to make the selections.
Insert Ether Stats Port List screen
Enter the owner of this RMON entry in the Owner field.
Click Insert.
The following table describes the Ether Stats tab fields.
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Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager 107
Ether Stats tab fields
A unique value assigned to each interface. An index identifies an entry in a table.
Any port on the device.
The network management system that created this entry.
Disabling Ethernet statistics gathering
To disable Ethernet statistics, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the RmonControl screen by selecting Serviceability >
RMON > Control from the menu.
Select the Ether Stats tab.
Highlight the row that contains the record to delete.
Click Delete.
Alarms are useful when you need to know when the values of a variable go out of range. Define an RMON alarm for any MIB variable that resolves to an integer value. String variables cannot be used. All alarms share the following characteristics:
• An upper and lower threshold value is defined.
• A corresponding rising and falling event occurs.
• An alarm interval or polling period is reached.
When alarms are activated, view the activity in a log or a trap log, or a script can be created to provide notification by beeping a console, sending e-mail messages, or calling a pager.
How RMON alarms work
The alarm variable is polled and the result is compared against upper and lower limit values you select when you create the alarm. If either limit is reached or crossed during the polling period, then the alarm fires and generates an event that you can view in the event log or the trap log.
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108 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
The upper limit of the alarm is called the rising value, and its lower limit is called the falling value. RMON periodically samples the data based upon the alarm interval. During the first interval that the data passes above the rising value, the alarm fires as a rising event. During the first interval that the data drops below the falling value, the alarm fires as a falling event
( "How alarms fire" (page 108) ).
How alarms fire
It is important to note that the alarm fires during the first interval that the sample goes out of range. No additional events are generated for that threshold until the opposite threshold is crossed. Therefore, it is important to carefully define the rising and falling threshold values for alarms to work as expected. Otherwise, incorrect thresholds cause an alarm to fire at every alarm interval.
A general guideline is to define one of the threshold values to an expected baseline value, and then define the opposite threshold as the out-of-bounds limit. Because of sample averaging, the value may be equal to ±1 of the baseline units. For example, assume an alarm is defined on octets going out of a port as the variable. The intent of the alarm is to provide notification to the system administrator when excessive traffic occurs on that port. If spanning tree is enabled, then 52 octets are transmitted out of the port every
2 seconds, which is equivalent to baseline traffic of 260 octets every 10 seconds. This alarm should provide the notification the system administrator needs if the lower limit of octets going out is defined at 260 and the upper limit is defined at 320 (or at any value greater than 260 + 52 = 312).
The first time outbound traffic other than spanning tree Bridge Protocol Data
Units (BPDU) occurs, the rising alarm fires. When outbound traffic other than spanning tree ceases, the falling alarm fires. This process provides the system administrator with time intervals of any non-baseline outbound traffic.
If the alarm is defined with a falling threshold less than 260 (assuming the alarm polling interval is 10 seconds), say 250, then the rising alarm can fire only once ( "Alarm example - threshold less than 260" (page 109) ). The reason is that for the rising alarm to fire a second time, the falling alarm (the opposite threshold) must fire. Unless the port becomes inactive or spanning tree is disabled (which would cause the value for outbound octets to drop
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Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager 109 to zero), the falling alarm cannot fire because the baseline traffic is always greater than the value of the falling threshold. By definition, the failure of the falling alarm to fire prevents the rising alarm from firing a second time.
Alarm example - threshold less than 260
See also
• "Alarms" (page 107)
• "Creating alarms" (page 109)
• "Alarm Manager" (page 110)
Creating alarms
When creating an alarm, select a variable from the variable list and a port, or other switch component, to which it is connected. Some variables require port IDs, card IDs, or other indices (for example, spanning tree group IDs).
Then select a rising and a falling threshold value. The rising and falling values are compared against the actual value of the variable that you choose. If the variable falls outside of the rising or falling value range, an alarm is triggered and an event is logged or trapped.
When an alarm is created a sample type is also selected, which can be either absolute or delta. Absolute alarms are defined on the cumulative value of the alarm variable. An example of an alarm defined with absolute value is card operating status. Because this value is not cumulative, but instead represents states, such as card up (value 1) and card down (value
2), you set it for absolute value. Therefore, an alarm could be created with a rising value of 2 and a falling value of 1 to alert a user to whether the card is up or down.
Most alarm variables related to Ethernet traffic are set to delta value. Delta alarms are defined based on the difference in the value of the alarm variable between the start of the polling period and the end of the polling period.
Delta alarms are sampled twice per polling period. For each sample, the last two values are added together and compared to the threshold values.
This process increases precision and allows for the detection of threshold crossings that span the sampling boundary. If you track the current values of a given delta-valued alarm and add them together, therefore, the result is twice the actual value. (This result is not an error in the software.)
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110 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
Alarm Manager
Note: The example alarm described in the following procedure generates at least one alarm every five minutes. The example is intended only to demonstrate how alarms fire; it is not a useful alarm.
Creating an Alarm
To create an alarm to receive statistics and history using default values:
Step Action
1 Open the Alarm Manager screen by selecting Serviceability >
RMON > Alarm Manager from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
Alarm Manager screen
2 In the Variable field, select a variable and a port (or other ID) from the list to set the alarm on below.
Alarm Manager Variable List
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Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager 111
Alarm variables are in three formats, depending on the type:
• A chassis alarm ends in .x where the x index is hard-coded. No further information is required.
• A card, spanning tree group (STG) or EtherStat alarm ends with a dot (.). A card number, STG ID, IP address, or EtherStat information must be entered.
• A port alarm ends with no dot or index and requires using the port shortcut menu. An example of a port alarm is ifInOctets
(interface incoming octet count).
In the remaining fields, enter the information for the alarm. The fields for this screen are described in table below.
Click Insert.
The following table describes the RMON Insert Alarm dialog box fields.
RMON Insert Alarm dialog box fields
Name and type of alarm--indicated by the format:
alarmname.x where x=0 indicates a chassis alarm.
alarmname. where the user must specify the index. This will be a card number for module-related alarms, an STG ID for spanning tree group alarms (the default STG is 1, other STG
IDs are user-configured), or the Ether Statistics Control Index for RMON Stats alarms
alarmname with no dot or index is a port-related alarm and results in display of the port selection tool.
Sample Type Can be either absolute or delta.
For more information about sample types, refer to "Creating alarms" (page 109) .
Time period (in seconds) over which the data is sampled and compared with the rising and falling thresholds.
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112 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
Event Index
Uniquely identifies an entry in the alarm table. Each such entry defines a diagnostic sample at a particular interval for an object on the device.
Rising Value Falling Value
When the current sampled value is greater than or equal to this threshold, and the value at the last sampling interval was less than this threshold, generates a single event.
Index of the event entry that is used when a rising threshold is crossed. The event entry identified by a particular value of this index is the same as identified by the same value of the event index object.
(Generally, accept the default that is already filled in.)
When the current sampled value is less than or equal to this threshold, and the value at the last sampling interval was greater than this threshold, generates a single event.
Index of the event entry that is used when a falling threshold is crossed. The event entry identified by a particular value of this index is the same as identified by the same value of the event index object.
(Generally, accept the default that is already filled in.)
Deleting an alarm
To delete an alarm:
Step Action
1 Open the Alarms screen by selecting Serviceability > RMON >
Alarms from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
RmonAlarms screen - Alarms tab
Select the alarm to be deleted.
Click Delete.
The following table describes the fields on the Alarms tab.
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Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager 113
Alarms tab fields
Uniquely identifies an entry in the alarm table. Each such entry defines a diagnostic sample at a particular interval for an object on the device.
The interval in seconds over which data is sampled and compared with the rising and falling thresholds. When setting this variable, note that in the case of deltaValue sampling, you should set the interval short enough that the sampled variable is very unlikely to increase or decrease by a delta of more than
2^31 - 1 during a single sampling interval.
The object identifier of the particular variable to be sampled. Only variables that resolve to an ASN.1 primitive type of INTEGER
(INTEGER, Counter, Gauge, or TimeTicks) may be sampled.
Sample Type The method of sampling the selected variable and calculating the value to be compared against the thresholds. If the value of this object is absoluteValue(1), the value of the selected variable will be compared directly with the thresholds at the end of the sampling interval. If the value of this object is deltaValue(2), the value of the selected variable at the last sample will be subtracted from the current value, and the difference compared with the thresholds.
Value The value of the statistic during the last sampling period. For example, if the sample type is deltaValue, this value is the difference between the samples at the beginning and end of the period. If the sample type is absoluteValue, this value is the sampled value at the end of the period. This is the value that is compared with the rising and falling thresholds. The value during the current sampling period is not made available until the period is completed and remains available until the next period is completed.
StartupAlarm The alarm that may be sent when this entry is first set to Valid.
If the first sample after this entry becomes valid is greater than or equal to the risingThreshold and alarmStartupAlarm is equal to risingAlarm(1) or risingOrFallingAlarm(3), then a single rising alarm is generated. If the first sample after this entry becomes valid is less than or equal to the fallingThreshold and alarmStartupAlarm is equal to fallingAlarm(2) or risingOrFallingAlarm(3), then a single falling alarm is generated.
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114 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
Field Description
RisingThreshold A threshold for the sampled statistic. When the current sampled value is greater than or equal to this threshold, and the value at the last sampling interval was less than this threshold, a single event is generated. A single event is also generated if the first sample after this entry becomes valid is greater than or equal to this threshold and the associated alarmStartupAlarm is equal to risingAlarm(1) or risingOrFallingAlarm(3). After a rising event is generated, another such event is not generated until the sampled value falls below this threshold and reaches the alarmFallingThreshold.
RisingEventIndexThe index of the eventEntry that is used when a rising threshold is crossed. The eventEntry identified by a particular value of this index is the same as identified by the same value of the eventIndex object. If there is no corresponding entry in the eventTable, then no association exists. In particular, if this value is zero, no associated event is generated, because zero is not a valid event index.
FallingThresholdA threshold for the sampled statistic. When the current sampled value is less than or equal to this threshold, and the value at the last sampling interval was greater than this threshold, a single event is generated. A single event is also generated if the first sample after this entry becomes valid is less than or equal to this threshold and the associated alarmStartupAlarm is equal to fallingAlarm(2) or risingOrFallingAlarm(3). After a falling event is generated, another such event is not generated until the sampled value rises above this threshold and reaches the alarmRisingThreshold.
Status is crossed. The eventEntry identified by a particular value of this index is the same as identified by the same value of the eventIndex object. If there is no corresponding entry in the eventTable, then no association exists. In particular, if this value is zero, no associated event is generated, because zero is not a valid event index.
The network management system that created this entry.
The status of this alarm entry.
RMON events and alarms work together to provide notification when values in the network are outside of a specified range. When values pass the specified ranges, the alarm is triggered. The event specifies how the activity is recorded.
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Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager 115
How events work
An event specifies whether a trap, a log, or a trap and a log are generated to view alarm activity. When RMON is globally enabled, two default events are generated:
• RisingEvent
• FallingEvent
The default events specify that when an alarm goes out of range, the
"firing" of the alarm will be tracked in both a trap and a log. For example, when an alarm fires at the rising threshold, the rising event specifies that this information be sent to both a trap and a log. Likewise, when an alarm passes the falling threshold, the falling event specifies that this information be sent to a trap and a log.
See also
• "Alarms" (page 107)
• "How RMON alarms work" (page 107)
• "Creating alarms" (page 109)
• "Viewing an event" (page 115)
• "Log information" (page 118)
Viewing an event
To view a table of events:
Step Action
Open the Alarms screen by selecting Serviceability > RMON >
Alarms from the menu.
Select the Events tab. This tab is illustrated below.
RmonAlarms screen - Events tab
The following table describes the Events tab fields.
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116 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
Events tab fields
This index uniquely identifies an entry in the event table.
Each entry defines one event that is to be generated when the appropriate conditions occur.
Description Specifies whether the event is a rising or falling event.
Type The type of notification that the Device Manager provides about this event. In the case of log, an entry is made in the log table for each event. In the case of trap, an
SNMP trap is sent to one or more management stations.
Possible notifications follow:
• none
• log
• trap
• log-and-trap
Community The SNMP community string acts as a password. Only those management applications with this community string can view the alarms.
LastTimeSent The value of sysUpTime at the time this event entry last generated an event. If this entry has not generated any events, this value is zero.
Owner If traps are specified to be sent to the owner, then this is the name of the machine that will receive alarm traps.
Status Normally valid. A not-valid field indicates that an SNMP agent other than the Device Manager has tried to modify an RMON parameter or that network conditions have corrupted an SNMP packet sent by the Device Manager.
The status would temporarily appear as "under creation" and then the status would become either "valid" or the field would be deleted.
See also
• "Alarms" (page 107)
• "How RMON alarms work" (page 107)
• "Creating alarms" (page 109)
• "Viewing an event" (page 115)
• "Log information" (page 118)
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Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager 117
Creating an event
To create an event:
Step Action
1 Open the Alarms screen by selecting Serviceability > RMON >
Alarms from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
Select the Events tab.
Click Insert. The Insert Events screen opens. This screen is illustrated below.
Insert Events dialog box
In the Description field, type a name for the event.
Select the type of event in the Type field.
Enter the community information in the Community field.
Enter the owner information in the Owner field.
Click Insert.
Deleting an event
To delete an event:
Step Action
1 Open the Alarms screen by selecting Serviceability > RMON >
Alarms from the menu.
Select the Events tab.
Select an event from the list.
Click Delete.
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118 Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
Log information
The Log tab chronicles and describes the alarm activity.
To view the Log tab follow this procedure:
Step Action
Open the Alarms screen by selecting Serviceability > RMON >
Alarms from the menu.
Select the Log tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Log tab
The following table describes the Log tab fields.
Log tab fields
Item Description
Time Specifies when an event occurred that activated the log entry.
Description Specifies whether the event is a rising or falling event.
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Chapter 4
IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)
IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) is a protocol used for the export of flow information from traffic observed on a switch. Since IPFIX is still in development with the IETF, the current implementation is based on Netflow
IP traffic is sampled and classified into different flows based the following parameters:
• protocol type
• destination IP address
• source IP address.
• ingress port
Note: You can’t use IPFIX on secondary interfaces.
If the protocol type is TCP or UDP, a flow is defined by two additional parameters:
• source port
• destination port
Software Release 5.0 and up supports IPFIX through the creation and display of sampled information as well as the ability to export this sampled information. IPFIX functionality can be accessed through the Java Device
Manager or Web-based Management Interface.
Note: The IPFIX feature shares resources with QoS. If the IPFIX feature is enabled, a QoS policy precedence will be used. For further information about QoS policies, refer to the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500
Series Configuration - Quality of Service (Part Number NN47200-504).
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120 Chapter 4 IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)
IPFIX configuration using the Java Device Manager
This section describes the configuration and management of IPFIX functionality using the Java Device Manager.
Global IPFIX configuration
IPFIX functionality can be globally enabled or disabled from the Java Device
Manager. By default, IPFIX is disabled and must be enabled before it will start to collect flow information. This section contains the procedures for enabling and disabling IPFIX on a switch.
Global configuration using the JDM
To enable or disable IPFIX using the JDM, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Select Serviceability > IPFIX from the Device Manager menu.
The IPFIX dialog opens with the Global tab selected. This screen is illustrated below.
IPFIX dialog - Global tab
On the Global tab, select the operational state of IPFIX functionality from the State area.
Click Apply.
Configuring IPFIX flows
Once IPFIX has been enabled on a switch, the ports IPFIX will monitor must be configured. Configuration of flow information sources can be performed in the Java Device Manager.
Configuring flows using the JDM
Flow configuration using the JDM is performed on the Exporters and Ports tab of the IPFIX dialog.
To configure IPFIX flows in the JDM, perform the following procedure:
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IPFIX configuration using the Java Device Manager 121
Step Action
Select Serviceability > IPFIX from the Device Manager menu. The
IPFIX dialog will open with the Global tab selected.
Select the Exporters tab. This tab is illustrated below.
IPFIX dialog - Exporters tab
3 The Exporters tab lists the IPFIX exporters that are currently available. If connected to a standalone unit, the export properties of that unit are listed. If connected to a stack, the export properties of all units in the stack are listed. Using the fields provided, set up the IPFIX export properties. These fields are explained in the table below.
Exporters tab fields
The switch that is exporting IPFIX flows. This number corresponds to the unit number in a stack or is 1 for a standalone unit.
The aging interval of the flow record in seconds. This is an integer value between 0 and 2147400.
The frequency of data exports to the collector in seconds. This is an integer value between 10 and 3600.
The current state of the exporter.
TempRefIntvSecThe template refresh time out in seconds. The template is sent out to the collector either at the interval specified in this value or after the number of packets specified in the TempRefIntvPkts value, whichever occurs first.
This is an integer value between 300 and 3600.
TempRefIntvPktsThe template refresh time out in numbers of packets.
The template is sent out to the collector either at the interval specified in this value or after the number of seconds specified in the TempRefIntvSec value, whichever occurs first. This is an integer value between
10000 and 100000.
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122 Chapter 4 IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)
Click Apply.
To continue with the export configuration process, continue with the port configuration procedure outlined below.
Configuring IPFIX collectors
IPFIX collectors are used to collect and analyze data exported from an
IPFIX-compliant switch. At this time, up to two collectors can be supported.
IPFIX data is exported from the switch in Netflow version 9 format. Data is exported using UDP port 9995.
Note: IPFIX data is not load balanced when two collectors are in use.
Identical information is sent to both collectors.
To configure an IPFIX collector, perform this procedure:
Step Action
Select Serviceability > IPFIX from the Device Manager menu. The
IPFIX dialog will open with the Global tab selected.
Select the Collectors tab. This tab is illustrated below.
IPFIX dialog - Collectors tab
3 To modify the configuration of a collector, use the fields provided on the tab. These fields are described in the table below.
Collectors tab fields
The unit number of the collector. Currently up to two collectors are supported.
The address type of the IP address of the collector. Currently only IPv4 addresses are supported.
The IP address of the collector.
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IPFIX configuration using the Java Device Manager 123
The protocol used to transport the IPFIX data to the collector. Currently only the UDP protocol is supported for this task.
The port on which the collector will be listening for IPFIX data. Currently only port 9995 is supported for this task.
The address type of the IP address of the IPFIX exporter. Currently only IPv4 addresses are supported.
The IP address of the IPFIX exporter.
The format in which IPFIX data is provided to the collector. Currently only Netflow version 9 formatting is supported for this task.
The operational state of this collector.
To create a new collector, click Insert.
The Insert Collectors dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
Insert Collectors dialog
6 Using the fields provided on the Insert Collectors dialog, configure the new collector. These fields are described in the table below.
Insert Collectors fields
The unit number of the collector. Currently up to two collectors are supported so the values 1 or 2 are valid.
The address type of the IP address of the collector.
Currently only IPv4 addresses are supported.
The IP address of the collector.
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124 Chapter 4 IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)
The protocol used to transport the IPFIX data to the collector. Currently only the UDP protocol is supported for this task.
The port on which the collector will be listening for
IPFIX data. Currently only port 9995 is supported for this task.
The format in which IPFIX data is provided to the collector. Currently only Netflow version 9 formatting is supported for this task.
The operational state of this collector.
Configuring IPFIX ports
Use the Ports tab to configure port settings for IPFIX data export. To configure IPFIX ports, use the following procedure:
Step Action
Select Serviceability > IPFIX from the Device Manager menu. The
IPFIX dialog will open with the Global tab selected.
Select the Ports tab. This tab is used to configure the individual ports on the exporting units. This tab is illustrated below.
IPFIX dialog - Ports tab
3 Using the fields provided, configure the IPFIX parameters for the individual ports. The fields on this tab are outlined in the table below.
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IPFIX configuration using the Java Device Manager 125
Ports tab fields
The individual port on which the IPFIX parameters are being configured. Ports are itemized in the format Unit
/ Port.
Note: Although this field is displayed on a per port basis, flushing is only supported on a per unit basis in Software
Release 5.0.
Determines the flushing action to take on the port.
Flushing the port of data involves deleting all previously gathered information on that port. This field provides three options:
• none - The port data is not flushed.
• flush - The port data is flushed; deleting it from switch memory.
• exportAndFlush - The port data is exported to a configured collector and the data is then flushed.
Determines whether IPFIX data is collected on this port.
This field provides two options:
• enable - IPFIX data is collected.
• disable - IPFIX data is not collected.
If a single port is selected, packets are sampled every second. If multiple ports are selected, sampling is performed on every port that has a link in succession. Sampling rotates between the selected ports with each port having a sampling window of 1 second. For example, if 10 ports were selected on a switch, each port would be sampled every 10 seconds.
Click Apply.
Graphing Exporter Statistics
To view IPFIX exporter statistics, use the following procedure:
Step Action
Select Serviceability > IPFIX from the Device Manager menu. The
IPFIX dialog will open with the Global tab selected.
Select the Collectors tab.
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126 Chapter 4 IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)
3 On the Collectors tab, select an entry and click Graph. The IPFIX
Exporter Stats screen opens with the Exporter tab selected. This tab is illustrated below.
IPFIX Exporter Stats screen - Exporter tab
4 The following table outlines the fields on this tab.
Exporter tab fields
Indicates the total number of packets sent.
Indicates the total number of bytes sent.
Indicates the total number of records lost.
Exporter Stats Clear Time
In conjunction with the Exporters tab, the Clear Time tab indicates the system time when exporter statistics were last cleared (none if this has never occurred). This tab is illustrated below.
IPFIX Exporter Stats screen - Clear Time tab
IPFIX Configuration using the Command Line Interface
This section describes the commands used in the configuration and management of IPFIX using the CLI.
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IPFIX Configuration using the Command Line Interface 127
ip ipfix collector command
The ip ipfix collector command is used to configure IPFIX collectors. IPFIX collectors are used to collect and analyze data exported from an IPFIX compliant switch. In Software Release 5.0, the only external collector supported is NetQOS. At this time, up to two collectors can be supported.
IPFIX data is exported from the switch in Netflow version 9 format. Data is exported using UDP port 9995.
Note: IPFIX data is not load balanced when two collectors are in use.
Identical information is sent to both collectors.
The syntax of the ip ipfix collector command is: ip ipfix collector <unit_number> <collector_ip_address>
[dest-port <destination_port>] [enable] [exporter-ip
The following table describes the parameters for this command.
ip ipfix collector Parameters
The unit number of the collector. Currently up to two collectors are supported so the values 1 or 2 are valid.
<destination_port> The port on which the collector will be listening for IPFIX data. Currently only port 9995 is supported for this task.
The ip ipfix collector command is executed in the Global
Configuration mode.
ip ipfix enable command (Global Configuration)
The ip ipfix enable command is used to globally enable IPFIX on the switch.
The syntax of the ip ipfix enable command is: ip ipfix enable
The ip ipfix enable command is executed in the Global Configuration mode.
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128 Chapter 4 IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)
ip ipfix slot command
The ip ipfix slot command is used to configure unit specific IPFIX parameters.
The syntax of the ip ipfix slot command is: ip ipfix slot <unit_number> [aging-interval <aging_interval>]
[export-interval <export_interval>] [exporter-enable]
[template-refresh-interval <template_refresh_interval>]
[template-refresh-packets <template_refresh_packets>]
The parameters of this command are described in the following table.
ip ipfix slot Parameters
The unit number of the collector. Currently up to two collectors are supported so the values 1 or 2 are valid.
The IPFIX aging interval. This is a value in seconds from 0 to 2147400.
The IPFIX export interval. This is the interval at which
IPFIX data is exported. This is a value in seconds from
10 to 3600.
seconds from 300 to 3600.
in number of packets from 10000 - 100000.
The ip ipfix slot command is executed in the Global Configuration mode.
ip ipfix enable command (Interface Configuration)
The ip ipfix enable command is used to enable IPFIX on the interface.
The syntax of the ip ipfix enable command is: ip ipfix enable
The ip ipfix enable command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip ipfix port command
The ip ipfix port command is used to enable the ports exporting data through IPFIX.
The syntax of the ip ipfix port command is:
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IPFIX Configuration using the Command Line Interface 129 ip ipfix port <port_list>
The <port_list> parameter represents a single or comma-separated list of ports.
The ip ipfix port command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
ip ipfix flush command
The ip ipfix flush command is used to delete the collected IPFIX information for a port.
The syntax of the ip ipfix flush command is: ip ipfix flush port <port_list> [export-and-flush]
The <port_list> parameter represents a single or comma-separated list of ports. The export-and-flush parameter is optional and is used to export data to a collector before it is deleted.
The ip ipfix flush command is executed in the Privileged EXEC mode.
show ip ipfix table command
The show ip ipfix table command is used to display IPFIX data collected from the switch.
The syntax of the show ip ipfix table command is: show ip ipfix table <unit_number> sort-by <sort_by> sort-order <sort_order> display <num_entries>
The following table outlines the parameters of this command: show ip ipfix command parameters
The unit number of the collector. Currently up to two collectors are supported so the values 1 or 2 are valid.
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130 Chapter 4 IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) sort-by
<sort_by> sort-order
<sort_order> display
The value on which the data is sorted. Valid options are:
• byte-count
• dest-addr
• first-pkt-time
• last-pkt-time
• pkt-count
• port
• protocol
• source-addr
• TCP-UDP-dest-port
• TCP-UDP-src-port
The order in which the data is sorted. Valid options are ascending and descending.
The number of data rows to display. Valid options are:
• all
• top-10
• top-25
• top-50
• top-100
• top-200
The show ip ipfix table command is executed in the Privileged
EXEC mode.
IPFIX configuration using the Web-based Management Interface
This section outlines the configuration and management of IPFIX functionality in the Web-based Management Interface.
Global configuration using the Web-based Management Interface
IPFIX functionality can be globally enabled or disabled from the Web-based
Management Interface. By default, IPFIX is disabled and must be enabled before it will start to collect flow information. This section contains the procedures for enabling and disabling IPFIX on a switch.
To enable or disable IPFIX using the Web-based Management Interface, follow this procedure:
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IPFIX configuration using the Web-based Management Interface 131
Step Action
1 Select Applications > IP Fix > IP Fix Configuration from the
Web-based Management Interface navigation pane. The IP Fix
Configuration page opens. This page is illustrated below.
IP Fix Configuration Page
Select the operational state of the IPFIX functionality from the IP Fix drop down list located in the IP Fix Global Setting area.
Click Submit.
Configuring flows using the Web-based Management Interface
Once IPFIX has been enabled on a switch, the ports IPFIX will monitor must be configured. Configuration of flow information sources can be performed in the Web-based Management Interface.
Flow configuration in the Web-based Management Interface is performed on the IP Fix Configuration page.
To configure IPFIX flows using the Web-based Management Interface, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select Applications > IP Fix Configuration from the Web-based
Management Interface navigation pane. The IP Fix Configuration page opens. This page is illustrated below.
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132 Chapter 4 IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)
IP Fix Configuration Page
Using the fields provided in the IP Fix Port Setting area, configure the IPFIX flow for individual ports. The fields in this area are described in the table below.
IP Fix Port Setting fields
Aging Time
The aging interval of the flow record in seconds.
Each port is represented by a check box. Select or de-select the appropriate check boxes to enable or disable IPFIX data collection on that port. Select or de-select all ports using the All check box.
Click Submit.
Viewing IPFIX data
IPFIX data can be viewed using the Web-based Management Interface.
This viewing mechanism is provided for administrators who do not, or do not wish to have, IPFIX collectors configured on the network. Using this interface, data can be sorted, filtered, and cleared entirely.
To view IPFIX data, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Choose Applications > IP Fix > IP Fix Information from the
Web-based Management Interface navigation pane. The IP Fix
Information page opens. This page is illustrated below.
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IPFIX configuration using the Web-based Management Interface 133
IP Fix Information Page
Using the fields provided in the IP Fix Information (View By) area, configure the viewing or clearing of the IPFIX data. These fields are described in the table below.
IP Fix Information (View By) fields
Sort On
Sort Order
Entries To
The item of data to sort the IPFIX data on. IPFIX data can be sorted on any item that is gathered.
The order to apply to the sorted data.
The number of entries to display.
Whether or not to clear the current statistics from memory.
Click Submit.
The IPFIX data with be filtered and sorted based on the selections.
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1..64 field 54
1024..1518 field 55
128..255 field 54
256..511 field 54
511..1023 field 55
65..127 field 54
Absolute statistic 100
Accessing technical assistance 13
ActiveOpen 41
AddrMaskReps field 38, 40
AddrMasks field 38, 40 alarms, RMON characteristics of 107 creating 109
AlignmentErrors field 48, 65
AttemptFails 41
AuthEapLogoffWhileAuthenticated field 58
AuthEapLogoffWhileAuthenticating field 58
AuthEapStartsWhileAuthenticated field 58
AuthEapStartsWhileAuthenticating field 58
AuthFailWhileAuthenticating field 58
AuthReauthsWhileAuthenticated field 58
AuthReauthsWhileAuthenticating field 58
AuthSuccessWhileAuthenticating field 57
AuthTimeoutsWhile Authenticating field 58
Average per sec statistic 100
BackendAccessChallenges field 59
BackendAuthFails field 59
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BackendAuthSuccesses field 59
BackendNonNakResponsesFromSupplicant field 59
BackendOtherRequestsToSupplicant field 59
BackendResponses field 59
Bridge tab 51
Broadcast field 78
BroadcastPkts field 53, 98, 105 buckets 101
BucketsGranted field 103
BucketsRequested field 102
Carrier Sense Errors field 84
CarrierSenseErrors field 49, 66
Chassis ICMP In statistics window 37
Chassis ICMP Out statistics tab 39 clear stack port-statistics command 73
Collisions field 54, 78, 80, 99, 105
Community field 116 config field 16 config stack-monitor command 76 configure stack monitor with JDM 76
Configuring RMON 89
Configuring RMON with the CLI 89
Configuring RMON with the JDM 97
Configuring RMON with the WMI 94
CRCAlignErrors field 53, 99, 105
Creating a graph 69 critical field 16
Cumulative statistics 100
CurrEstab 41
D default logging remote level command 22
Deferred Packets field 79
Deferred Transmissions field 84
DeferredTransmissions field 50, 67
DelayExceededDiscards field 52
Description field 116
DestUnreachs field 39, 40
Diagnostic information in the CLI 71
Diagnostic information in the WMI 77
Documentation updates 13
DropEvents field 105
FCS-Frame Errors field 78, 80, 83
FCSErrors field 49, 65
Filtered Packets field 78
ForwDatagrams field 36
FragCreates field 37
FragFails field 37
Fragments field 99, 105
FragOKs field 37
FrameTooLongs field 50, 66
General System Monitoring
Considerations 15
Graphing multilink trunk statistics 61
Graphing switch chassis data 32
Graphing switch port data 44
Graphing VLAN DHCP statistics 68
EapLengthErrorFramesRx field 56
EapLogoffsWhileConnecting field 57
EAPOL 55, 56
EAPOL Diag tab 56
EAPOL Stats tab 55
EapolFramesRx field 56
EapolFramesTx Field 56
EapolLogoffFramesRx field 56
EapolReqFramesTx field 56
EapolReqIdFramesTx field 56
EapolRespFramesRx field 56
EapolRespldFramesRx 56
EapolStartFramesRx field 56
EchoReps field 38, 40
Echos field 38, 40
EntersAuthenticating field 57
EntersConnecting field 57
EstabResets 41
Ether Stats Control tab 106
Ether Stats tab 106
Ethernet statistics, disabling 107
Event Index field 112 events, RMON 114
Excessive Collisions field 79, 80, 85
ExcessiveCollisions field 51, 67
F falling event 115 falling value, RMON alarms 108
FallingEventIndex field 114
FallingThreshold field 114
HCInBroadcastPkt field 64
HCInMulticastPkt field 64
HCInOctets field 63
HCInUcastPkts field 63
HCOutBroadcast field 64
HCOutMulticast field 64
HCOutUcastPkts field 64
HDOutOctets field 63
ICMP Out statistics 39 ifOutOctets field 46
IGMP and the system event log 23
In Discards field 82, 87
In Errors field 82
In Frames field 86
In Non-Unicast field 82
In Octets field 81
In Unicast field 81
In Unknown Protos field 82
InAddrErrors field 36
InASNParseErrs field 34
InBadCommunityNames field 34
InBadCommunityUses field 34
InBadValues field 34
InBadVersions field 34
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Index 135
136 Index
InBroadcastPkt field 63
InDatagrams 42
InDelivers field 36
Index field 112
InDiscards field 36, 47, 52
InErrors 42
InErrors field 47 inErrs 41
InErrs 41
InFrames field 52
InGenErrs field 35
InGetNexts field 33
InGetRequests field 33
InGetResponses field 34
InHdrErrors field 36
InMulticastPkts field 63
InNoSuchNames field 34
InNUcastPkts field 46
InOctets field 46
Inpkts field 33
InReadOnlys field 35
InReceives field 36
InSegs 41
Insert Alarm dialog box 110
Insert Control dialog box 102
Insert Ether Stats dialog box 106
Insert Events dialog box 117
Insert History dialog box 102
InSetRequests field 34
Internal MAC Receive Errors field 84
Internal MAC Transmit Errors field 84
InternalMacReceiveErrors field 49, 66
InternalMacTransmitErrors field 49, 66
Interval field 103, 113
InTooBigs field 34
InTotalReqVars field 33
InTotalSetVars field 33
InUcastPkts field 46
InUnknownProtos field 36, 47
InvalidEapolFramesRx field 56
IPFIX configuration using the CLI 126
IPFIX configuration using the JDM 120
IPFIX configuration using the WMI 130
Jabbers field 54, 99
Last sec statistic 100
LastTimeSent field 116
Late Collisions field 79, 80, 85
LateCollisions field 51, 67
Link field 80
Log tab 118 logging remote address command 21 logging remote enable command 20 logging remote level command 21 logs 118
Max per sec statistic 100
Min per sec statistic 100
MtuExceededDiscards field 52
Multicast field 78
MulticastPkts field 53, 99, 105
Multiple Collision Frames field 84
Multiple Collisions field 79, 80
MultipleCollisionFrames field 50, 67
N no logging remote address command 21 no logging remote enable command 20 no logging remote level command 22
NoPorts 42
Octets field 53, 98, 105
Out Discards field 82
Out Errors field 82
Out Frames field 87
Out Non-Unicast field 82
Out Octets field 81
Out Unicast field 81
OutBadValues field 34
OutBroadcast field 63
OutDatagrams 42
OutDiscards field 37, 47
OutErrors field 47
OutFrames field 52
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OutGenErrs field 34
OutMulticast field 63
OutNoRoutes field 37
OutNoSuchNames field 34
OutNUcastPkts field 46
Outpkts field 33
OutRequests field 36
OutRsts 41
OutSegs 41
OutTooBigs field 34
OutTraps field 34
OutUcastPkts field 46
Oversized Packets field 78
OversizePkts field 54, 99, 99, 105
Owner field 103, 107, 114, 116
Packets field 78
Packets length field 79
ParmProbs field 38, 40
PassiveOpens 41
Pause Frames field 78
Pkts field 53, 98, 105 port Ethernet Error Statistics tab 47
Port field 86, 107
Port mirroring 25 ports graphing 45
Preface 11
ReasmFails field 37
ReasmOKs field 37
ReasmReqds field 37
Redirects field 38, 39
Related publications 12
Remote logging 20
Remote Monitoring,See RMON 89
RetransSegs 41 rising event 115 rising value, RMON alarms 108
RisingEventIndex field 114
RisingThreshold field 114
RMON alarms 109, 111
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Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks characteristics 107 creating 109 deleting 112 inserting 110 events definition 115 graphing 98 history creating 102 definition 101 disabling 103 statistics 97, 102
RMON EtherStat tab 98
RMON Event tab 115
RmonControl screen 102
Sample Interval field 111
Sample Type field 111, 113
SampleIndex field 105 serious field 16 show logging command 15, 20 show stack port-statistics command 72 show stack-monitor command 76
Single Collision Frame field 84
Single Collisions field 78, 80
SingleCollisionFrames field 50, 67
Software updates 13
Speed-Duplex field 80
SQE Test Errors field 84
SQETestErrors field 50, 67
SrcQuenchs field 38, 39 stack loopback test 73 stack monitor 75 stack statistics clear stack port-statistics command 73 show stack port-statistics command 72
StartupAlarm field 113 statistics
ICMP Out 39
RMON 97, 102
Status field 80, 114, 116
Switch platforms
System Diagnostics and Statistics 71
System logging 15
Index 137
138 Index
T test stack loopback 73
Threshold Type field 112
TimeExcds field 39, 40
TimestampReps field 38, 40
Timestamps field 38, 40
Total Octets field 78
Type field 116
Undersized Packets field 78
UndersizePkts field 54, 99, 105 unit stats 31
Utilization field 105
Value field 112, 113
Variable field 111, 113
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Configuration - System Monitoring
NN47200-505 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration - System Monitoring
Copyright © 2005 - 2007 , Nortel Networks
All Rights Reserved.
Publication: NN47200-505
Document status: Standard
Document version: 03.01
Document date: 27 August 2007
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Nortel Networks reserves the right to make changes in design or components as progress in engineering and manufacturing may warrant.
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