Arneg SANTIAGO MF 105/210 Handbook
Arneg SANTIAGO MF 105/210 is a refrigerated cabinet designed to preserve and display fresh, frozen, deep-frozen, ice creams, cooked and pre-cooked food products. It has a net volume of 1430 liters and is equipped with a range of features to ensure optimal food preservation and presentation. These include adjustable temperature controls, automatic defrost, and energy-efficient LED lighting. The cabinet’s durable construction and stylish design make it ideal for use in a variety of commercial settings, including supermarkets, convenience stores, and restaurants.
Net Capacity :
Operation Power :
Consumption :
Defrost Power :
Consumption :
Net Weight :
Manufacturer :
Serial No :
Rif. 1
Rif. 6
Rif. 3
Rif. 5
Rif. 2
Rif. 7 Rif. 8
Rif. 9
Rif. 14
Rif. 11
130 kg/
Rif. 13
Rif. 15
Rif. 12
25.4mm upright pitch
Rif. 16
Rif. 22
Rif. 23
Rif. 18 Rif. 19
Rif. 25
Rif. 26
Rif. 24
Sdef Sin
Rif. 27
길이 (Length)
높이 (Height)
깊이 (Depth) mm mm mm
1875 2500
핸드레일 (Height handrail) mm 430
개구부면적 (Display opening area) ㎡ 2.91
진열면적 (Horizontal display area)
유효내용적 (Net volume)
중량 (Weight)
소음 (Noise level)
㎡ d ㎥
㎏ dB
≤ 60
사용온도 (Working Temp) ℃
℃ 증발온도 (Average Evap,Temp)
냉동능력 (Ref,power 25 ℃ ,60% )
냉동능력 (Ref,power 27 ℃ ,70% )
㎉ /h
㎉ /h
-2 ~ 2
Installation and Operation Manual
ILLUSTRATIONS................................................................................................................. 1
Technical data...................................................................................................................... 12
1 - Informational icons.......................................................................................................... 27
2 - Prohibitions and provisions............................................................................................. 27
3 - Purpose of the manual/Field of application - Subjects concerned.................................. 28
4 - Presentation - Intended use (Pag. 1).............................................................................. 29
5 - Norms and certifications ................................................................................................. 30
6 - Identification - Rating Plate (Rif. 1) ................................................................................. 30
7 - Transport (Rif. 2) - specialized technician - .................................................................... 31
8 - Storage ........................................................................................................................... 31
9 - Receiving, unpacking, first cleaning - qualified operator - .............................................. 31
10 - Installation and environmental conditions - specialized technician - ............................ 32
11 - Combining cabinets (Rif. 27) ........................................................................................ 32
12 - Electrical connection (Pag. 8) - specialized technician -............................................... 33
13 - Position of the probes (Rif. 24) - specialized technician -............................................. 34
14 - Start, control, and adjustment of the temperature - specialized technician - ................ 34
15 - Loading the cabinet - qualified operator - ..................................................................... 34
16 - Defrosting and water drainage (Rif. 22)........................................................................ 35
16_1 - Water drainage:.................................................................................................... 35
17 - Lighting ......................................................................................................................... 35
18 - Replacing the lamps (Rif. 20) ....................................................................................... 35
19 - Glass-paneled closures ................................................................................................ 36
20 - Anti-condensation and demisting.................................................................................. 36
21 - Maintenance and cleaning - qualified operator -........................................................... 36
21_1 - Cleaning of the outer parts (Daily / Weekly)......................................................... 37
21_2 - Cleaning the internal parts (Monthly) ................................................................... 37
21_3 - Cleaning the honeycomb structure (Rif. 6)........................................................... 37
21_4 - Cleaning the parts in stainless steel..................................................................... 37
21_5 - Inspection of the parts.......................................................................................... 38
22 - Dismantling the cabinet - specialized technician - ........................................................ 38
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1. Informational icons
Become familiar with the symbols before reading the manual:
This symbol signals dangers and behaviors that must absolutely be avoided during use, maintenance, and in any situation that could cause serious injuries or death.
This symbol signals provisions, rules, references, and communications that each person appointed to use the cabinet (each accordingly to his responsibility) must comply with during the entire lifetime of the cabinet (installation, use, maintenance, dismantling, etc.).
2. Prohibitions and provisions
Carefully read the Installation and use Manual so that the operator, in case a fault occurs, can supply precise information over the phone toTechnical assistance. Before contacting Customer Service, check the following points:
X Before performing any maintenance operation on the refrigerated cabinet, make sure that electrical power supply is cut off.
X The cabinets are exclusively designed to be used indoors
X Perform all the work maneuvers with utmost attention (loading, unloading, cleaning, counter service, maintenance, etc.) and when performing the various operations, always apply the maximum diligence and the necessary protection devices.
X The refrigerated cabinet is meant to preserve the temperature of the product exposed and not to lower it, therefore the food produce must be introduced only if already cooled down to their respective temperatures of preservation. Therefore, products that have been heated must not be introduced in the cabinet.
X The cabinets are designed and manufactured to exclusively preserve and display fresh, frozen, deep-frozen, ice creams, cooked and pre-cooked food products (hot cases). It is therefore prohibited to introduce any other type of goods that differs from the ones indicated, such as pharmaceutical products, bait for fishing, etc.
X Check that the room temperatue and humidity values do not exceed those specified. For this reason it is essential to always maintain the air-conditioning, ventilation, and heating systems of the sales area at their maximum efficiency.
X Limit the speed of the room air near the openings of the cabinets to values lower than 0.2 m/s; in particular, avoid that the air currents and the inlet grilles of the air-conditioning system be aimed toward the openings of the cabinets.
X Only introduce goods already cooled down to the temperature that normally characterizes the cold chain inside the cabinet.
X Check that the cabinet is capable of maintaining this temperature at all times.
X Comply with the loading limit, avoiding to overload the cabinet.
X Rotate the food produce, loading the cabinet so that the goods that have been on display longer are sold before the goods newly added.
X With the intervention of a specialized technician, eliminate any inconvenience detected (loosened screws, burnt out lamps, etc.).
X Check the outflow of water that ensues to the defrost (free the drips, clean any filters, check the syphons, etc.).
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X Dispose of the defrosted water or the water used for cleaning purposes through the sewage system or the water purification system compliant to the laws in force, since the water can come into contact with pollutant substances due to the nature of the product, to possible residues, to accidental breakages of the casings that contain liquids, as well as to detergents not allowed.
X Check to see if anomalous condensation occurs; if it does, immediately inform the refrigeration technician.
X Perform all the preventive maintenance operations regularly
X DO NOT remove protections or panels that require the use of tools to be removed. In particular, do not remove the cover of the electrical panel; these operations must always be performed by specialized technicians.
X DO NOT obstruct the air inlet passages.
X DO NOT walk on the roof of the cabinet.
X DO NOT climb for any reason with your feet on the front of the cabinet, if necessary, use a specific ladder. Danger: falls and serious injuries.
X Prevent solar irradiation from hitting directly on the goods displayed. Danger: alteration of the goods.
X Limit the temperature of the irradiating surfaces that are present in the sales area, for example, by insulating the ceilings.
X DO NOT use spotlights with incandescence lamps aimed directly on the cabinet. Danger: overheating of the goods
Do not station with your head in the compartment where the cabinet is positioned if it is not appropriately ventilated. Disconnect the cabinet by acting on the main switch upstream of the device.
SWITCHBOARD +39 0499699333 - FAX +39 9699444 - CALL CENTER 848 800225
3. Purpose of the manual/Field of application - Subjects concerned
This instructions manual contains the description of the line of refrigerated cabinets Santiago manufactured by ARNEG Spa.
The information that follow have the purpose of providing indications with regards to:
X use of the cabinet
X technical characteristics
X installation and assembly
X information for the personnel appointed to its use
X maintenance interventions
X safety indications
The manual must be considered a part of the cabinet and must be stored during its entire lifetime.
The manufacturer deems itself absolved of any responsibility in the following cases:
X improper use of the cabinet
X incorrect installation not performed in accordance to the norms indicated
X defects in the electrical power supply
X serious deficiencies in the foreseen maintenance
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X unauthorized modifications and interventions
X use of non-original spare parts
X partial or total inobservance of the instructions.
The manual must be stored by a person chosen for the purpose in a suitable place known to all the operators and to the personnel appointed to maintenance, for it to be consulted at any time.
In case of transfer to third parties, it must be handed over to the new user or owner, providing due and prompt communication thereof to the supplier. In case of damage or loss, request a copy from the supplier.
The present manual addresses the following subjects:
QUALIFIED OPERATOR: qualified person instructed to perform operation, adjustment, cleaning, and maintenance of the cabinet.
SPECIALIZED TECHNICIAN: technician trained and authorized to perform extraordinary maintenance interventions, repairs, replacements, revisions, conscious of the risks he exposes himself to in performing the various interventions and capable of adopting the measures that ensure protection for himself and for other persons, minimizing the damage compared to the risks that the operations entail.
Unless otherwise specified, the paragraph refers to both the subjects described
The contents of the present manual represent the state of the art and technology used to manufacture the cabinet that were valid at the time the cabinet described was placed on the market; it therefore cannot be considered outdated if subsequent updates are made tied to new norms or know-how.
Any person who makes use of this cabinet will have to read this manual.
4. Presentation - Intended use (Pag. 1)
The cabinet is intended to be used by qualified personnel that is therefore instructed and trained by the employer to its use and concerning the risks that it can entail.
The line of horizontal refrigerated cabinets Santiago is suitable for the preservation and self-service sale of Cold cuts, Dairy products, Fruits, Vegetables, and Meats
X The electrical devices may be dangerous to health. The norms and laws in force must be complied with during installation and use.
X DO NOT remove protections or panels that require the use of tools to be removed.
Use of the cabinet IS PROHIBITED to:
X children
X persons who are not capable of using the cabinet safely without supervision or instructions.
X handicapped persons
X unsober personnel or personnel under the influence of drugs
X Carefully read the manual before use and instruct the persons appointed to the various operations (transport, installation, maintenance, etc.), each in accordance to his responsibility based on the indications reported.
X The Client or the employer takes on responsibility concerning the qualification and mental or physical condition of the professional figures it appoints to use and maintenance of the machine.
X The present documentation CANNOT in any way make up for cultural or intellectual deficiencies of the personnel that interacts with the device.
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5. Norms and certifications
All the models of refrigerated cabinets described in this manual for use of the series
Santiago meet the essential safety, hygiene, and protection requisites established by the following European directives and laws:
X Machines Directive 2006/42 CE; harmonized norms applied: EN ISO 14121:2007; EN ISO 12100-1:2005; EN ISO
X Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/CE; harmonized norms applied: EN 61000-3-2:2006; EN 61000-3-12:2005; EN 55014-
1:2006; EN 55014-2:1997;
X Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/CE; harmonized norms applied: EN 60335-1:2008; EN 60335-2-89 :2002/A2:2007
European Regulation EC-1935/2004 on materials intended to come into contact with food products – norm applied: EN 1672-2
They are excluded from the field of application of Directive CEE 97/23 (PED) based on what established by Article 3, paragraph 3 of the same directive.
A copy of the declaration of product conformity can be requested by filling out the form present on the internet website:
The performances of these refrigerated cabinets have been determined by means of a test conducted in compliance to norm UNI EN ISO 23953-2: 2006 in the environmental conditions that correspond to climatic class 3 (25 °C , 60% R.U.)
Environmental climatic classes as per UNI EN ISO 23953 - 2
Climatic Class
Dry bulb temp.
Relative Humidity
Dew point
6. Identification - Rating Plate (Rif. 1)
The serial plate with all the characteristic data is placed on the back of the cabinet:
1) Name and address of the manufacturer
2) Name and length of the cabinet
3) Code of the cabinet
4) Serial number of the cabinet
5) Power supply voltage
6) Power supply frequency
7) Absorbed operating current
8) Operating electrical power absorbed in the refrigeration phase (fans+hot wires+lighting)
9) Operating electrical power absorbed in the defrosting phase (armored heaters+hot wires+ fans+lighting)
10) Lighting power (where included)
11) Usable display surface
12) Type of refrigerant fluid used by the system to operate
13) Mass of refrigerant gas loaded in every system (only for cabinets that incorporate a motor)
14) Environmental climatic class and temperature of reference
15) Class of protection against humidity
16) Number of the job order based on which the cabinet has been manufactured
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17) Number of purchase order based on which the cabinet has been put in production
18) Year of manufacture of the cabinet
To identify the cabinet in the case technical assistance is requested, communicate:
X the product name (Rif. 1 - 2); the serial number (Rif. 1 - 4); the job order number (Rif.
1 - 16).
7. Transport (Rif. 2) -
specialized technician
The loading-unloading operations must be performed by qualified personnel capable of checking the weights, the exact lifting points, and the means most suitable both in terms of safety and load-bearing capacity. The cabinets come with a frame-platform in wood fixed to the base for their displacement with forklifts. Use a manual or electrical forklift suitable to lift the cabinet in question, with a nominal capacity greater or equal to
1000 kg.
X Always position the loading forks in the points indicated to avoid the risk of tipping over, always insert the forks all the way through.
X NO persons foreign to operations must be present near the lifting area.
X Evenly distribute the cabinet weight so as to keep the center of mass of the load in balance.
DO NOT use lifting means that have:
X lower weight than the cabinet
X unsuitable characteristics or ones altered by use.
X invalid or worn out ropes or wires
Transport procedures different than those pointed out are not allowed
8. Storage
X DO NOT store the cabinets in uncovered areas and therefore subjected to atmospheric agents and to direct sunlight. Exposure to ultraviolet rays causes permanent deformation of the plastic materials and damages cabinet components.
X The cabinets must be stored in indoor environments that are dry and humidity-free and that have a temperature ranging between -25°C and + 55°C and a humidity between 30% and 90% .
X Before storing the cabinets, check that the packing is intact and that it does not display defect that may compromise preservation of the cabinets.
9. Receiving, unpacking, first cleaning
- qualified operator -
Before any unpacking operation, adopt all the precautions possible to avoid injuries to the operator.
The cabinet can be supplied packed as described below:
X With frame in wood fixed to the base and nylon casing blocked by straps (standard)
(Rif. 10).
X With a cardboard casing (on request) (Rif. 8).
X With cage in wood (on request) (Rif. 9).
When receiving the cabinet:
X Make sure the packing is intact and that it does not display readily apparent damages;
X Carefully perform the unpacking operation in order not to damage the cabinet;
X Check the integrity of the cabinet components;
X In case you detect damages, immediately call the supplier;
X Slowly remove the protective films without tearing them, to avoid glue residues; the residues can be removed with appropriate solvents.
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X Proceed with a first cleaning using neutral products and dry with a soft cloth; do not use abrasive substances or metallic sponges;
To correctly dispose of the packing, bear in mind that it is made up of: Woood -
Polystyrene - Polythene - PVC - Cardboard.
X DO NOT use alcohol to clean the parts in methacrylate (plexiglass).
X During the unpacking operations, do not leave elements of the packing unattended such as nails, wood, gripper rods, nylon, etc. and tools used for the operation such as pliers, scissors, pincers, in the work area, which could cause wounds and injuries.
X These objects must be removed with appropriate means and brought to their respective collection places.
10.Installation and environmental conditions -
specialized technician
Any modification to the installation described herein must be authorized by
To ensure that the technicians appointed to installation may operate safely, we recommend to use the instruments and protection clothing required by the safety norms or by the laws in force in the country of installation. At any rate, always use adequate equipment and clothing, such as: anti-injury boots, protection gloves, spirit level.
The cabinet has been designed to exclusively operate in indoor environments.
For the installation, adhere to the following:
X carefully examine the installation area, eliminating any danger to the operator;
Do not position the cabinet:
X in environments where explosive gaseous substances are present;
X in open air and therefore subjected to atmospheric agents;
X near heat sources (direct sunlight, heating systems, incadescence lamps, etc.)
X near air currents (near doors, windows, air-conditioning systems, etc.) that exceed a speed of 0.2 m/sec .
Remove the supports in wood at the base (used for transport) and assemble the adjustable feet (Rif. 4) positioning them so as to place the cabinet horizontally, aiding yourself of a level (Rif. 5) to check proper alignment .
Before connecting the cabinet to the electrical line, make sure that the rating plate data matches the characteristics of the electrical system to which the cabinet must be attached.
For a correct operation of the cabinet, the room temperature and relative humidity must not exceed the limits relative to climatic class 3 (+25°C; R.U. 60%) established by the norms EN-ISO 23953 - 2 with which the counter has been tested.
X The cabinet must be assembled in a position tilted toward the wall by at least 10 mm (Rif. 19)
X If the cabinet is displaced, re-check its leveling; an incorrect leveling compromises operation of the cabinet.
X The cabinet must be leveled both at the front and at the back.
X Install a maximum of 3 cabinets in channel on the same electrical and refrigerant power supply line (1 master + 2 slaves)
11.Combining cabinets (Rif. 27)
Before proceeding with the canalization, make sure that the cabinets are level and that the doors and handles are perfectly aligned.
To combine two or more cabinets in channel, proceed as follows:
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X Disassemble the shoulders (if present).
X Position the cabinets side by side
X Remove the backrests to have access to the holes of the risers
X Join the risers and the brackets, using the screws supplied
X Reassemble the backrests.
X Make sure the alignment pins are inserted in their provided seats.
X Sliding doors (Rif. 27): when you've finished combining the frames, apply the stainless steel shet supplied between the frames in the inner part of the cabinet.
Channel combination Kit
Code Description
1 04711065 Screw TCEI M8x120
2 04480112 Washer D8,5x24
3 04230600 Nut M8
4 02940045 Alignment pin D3x40
5 02940652 Alignment pin D4x80
6 02047000 Alignment pin D10
7 04230003 Nut M4 (flanged, knurled stainless steel)
8 04706025 Screw TSP M4 x 8mm cross-head
9 04525108 Lead screw fastpoint
10 04703014 Screw AF TSP 3,5x19
12.Electrical connection (Pag. 8) -
specialized technician
BEFORE ANY OPERATION REMOVE VOLTAGE TO THE SYSTEM! The electrical system must have a grounding connection!
X The systems must be set up in accordance to the norms that regulate manufacture, installation, use, and maintenance foreseen by the norms in force in the country where the cabinet is installed.
X ARNEG Spa rejects any responsibility toward the user and third parties for damages caused by breakdowns or malfunctions of the systems arranged upstream of the cabinet and for damages to the cabinet that stem from causes directly ascribable to an electrical system malfunction.
X The cabinet must be protected upstream with an automatic, omnipolar magneto-thermal switch having adequate characteristics and which will serve as the main line disconnecting switch.
It is the Client's responsibility to arrange the electrical power supply line up to the point of connection to the cabinet. Sizing of the electrical power supply line must be performed in accordance to the power absorbed by the cabinet (see Technical Data).
X Remove all metallic objects worn: rings, watches, bracelets, earrings, etc.
X Consult the wiring diagrams before performing the connection.
X Check that power supply voltage is the one reported on the rating plate.
X Instruct the operator on the position of the switch so that it may be timely reached in case of an EMERGENCY.
X To ensure normal operation, the maximum variation of the voltage must range between +/- 6% of the nominal value.
X Check that the power supply line has wires with an appropriate diameter, that it is protected against overcurrents, and that the leakages to ground are in compliance to the norms in force.
X If the electrical power supply is interrupted, check that all the electrical devices of the store can restart without triggering the intervention of the overload protections; if
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English otherwise, modify the system so as to differentiate activation of the various devices.
The installer must provide the anchoring devices for all the wires in input and outpout to/from the cabinet.
X Prevent the casing from making contact with the electrical panel to avoid electrical shocks that can cause injuries or death.
X Check that the connections of the various lighting devices (floors, roof, superstructure) are properly inserted and locked into their respective sockets, so as to prevent disconnections during cleaning and maintenance operations that may cause electrical shocks harmful to the operator.
The automatic magneto-thermal switch must be such that it does not open the circuit on the neutral, without simultaneously opening on the phases and, at any rate, the distance between the opening of the contacts must be at leat 3 mm.
13.Position of the probes (Rif. 24) -
specialized technician
The probes are already assembled in the cabinet and are:
Sout Air inlet control probe
Sdef Defrost end thermal switch control probe
Sin Suction air control probe
X Temperature probe: NTC IP67 L=4000 code 04510153.
X The Sout - Sin probes must be blocked with terminals and must not be insulated.
X The Sdef probe must be fixed in contact with the evaporator fins between the 3rd and 4th pipe (never close to the fan) using the stainless steel bulb stop spring code
14. Start, control, and adjustment of the temperature
specialized technician
Control of the refrigeration temperature is performed via the mechanical thermometer
(Rif. 21) and on the display of the electronic controller (Rif. 20) at the base of the cabinet. Normally, the controller is programmed in the factory during the testing phase; in case the programmed setting is changed, refer to the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the controller.
15.Loading the cabinet -
qualified operator
To stock up the cabinet, certain important rules must be followed:
X load the cabinet one door at a time;
X block the door in open position until you've finished loading, thus avoiding the hastle of having to open and close it continuously;
X uniformly and orderly arrange the goods, avoiding to overolad the decks (max. load:
160 kg/m
) (Rif. 13).
X Arrangement of the goods without empty spots ensure better operation of the cabinet.
X leave approx. 30 mm of air space between the goods and the upper deck (Rif. 15).
X The decks can be tilted in 2 positions 0°; -10° (Rif. 13).
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X distribute the goods so as not to disturb flow of the refrigerated air (Rif. 21)
The refrigerated cabinet is meant to preserve the temperature of the product displayed and not to lower it. The food products must be introduced into the cabinet only if already cooled down to their respective preservation temperatures.
X DO NOT introduce products that have been heated.
X Do not load the roof of the cabinet with boxes, packages, or other (Rif. 16)
X DO NOT climb for any reason on the front of the cabinet to facilitate loading operations (Rif. 12). Use a suitable ladder up to norm to reach the loading points. It is the Client's responsibility to check that all the operations be performed safely and in accordance to the norms in force.
X The maximum admissible load on the decks is approximately 160 kg/m
350 kg/m
in the tank.
X A third tilted option of -20° can be added on request
X DO NOT load the cabinet while keeping all the doors simultaneously open (Rif.
X When loading the goods, do not keep the doors open too long.
X It is the client's responsibility to use the communication instruments most appropriate to warn consumers during purchases that they must not climb on the front to reach the products.
X To avoid that goods slide off the tilted decks, always use the containment side panels.
X We recommend to first deplete the goods that have been in the cabinet longer compared to newly added ones (rotation of the food produce);
16.Defrosting and water drainage (Rif. 22)
The line of Panama 2 refrigerated cabinets comes with a standard feature of a defrosting system with simple stop (by stopping the refrigeration cycle).
It is possible to request the optional featue of an electrical defrosting system (the defrosting takes place via stop of the refrigeration cycle and the use of an armored electrical heater in the evaporator).
16_1.Water drainage:
To evacuate the defrost water you must:
X provide a drain to ground with a slight slope (Rif. 23);
X install the syphon supplied between the drain pipe of the cabinet and the connection to ground.
X hermetically seal the area of drainage to ground.
In this way, it is possible to avoid: bad odors inside the cabinet, dispersion of refrigerated air, and the possible malfunction of the cabinet due to humidity.
Periodically check that hydraulic connections are perfectly efficient, contacting a qualified installer.
The internal lighting of the cabinet is provided by fluorescence lamps type OSRAM
830. The lights switch is on the side of the overhead light.
18.Replacing the lamps (Rif. 20)
To replace the lamps, proceed as follows:
X Remove power supply from the cabinet.
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X Disconnect the overhead light ensemble from the counter.
X Remove the protection in methacrylate (1), remove the lamp (2) from its seat, and replace it with the new one.
X Reinsert the lamp, checking that the contacts are housed correctly in their specific holes.
X Reassemble the protection in methacrylate.
X Refasten the overhead light ensemble on the deck.
X Restore electrical power supply.
19.Glass-paneled closures
The cabinet has front closures with low-emission, swing glass doors Sliding doors are available on request.
The closures with low-emission glass panels allow to reduct the refrigeration energy by
43%, ensuring a better temperature level to the food products and guaranteeing preservation quality.
20.Anti-condensation and demisting
To prevent misting due to condensation, low power electrical heaters are foreseen on the parts most subjected to this phenomenon, such as: heat insulating glass panels of the doors, frames and framings, side glass panels, etc.
21.Maintenance and cleaning - qualified operator -
X DO NOT use hot water on cold glass surfaces; the glass could crack and injure the operator.
X DO NOT use abrasive products and solvents that may alter the surfaces of the cabinets
X DO NOT spray water or detergent directly on the electrical parts of the cabinet.
X DO NOT touch the cabinet with wet or damp hands and feet.
X DO NOT use the cabinet barefoot
X DO NOT use alcohol or similar products to clean the parts in methacyrlate
X DO NOT exert too much strength during the cleaning operations
X DO NOT use chlorine-based detergent products such as bleach, that may corrode the surfaces
X avoid contact with or the steams released from acidic products, alkalines, or ammonia contained in the pavement detergents that can rust or corrode the stainless steel.
X if you perform internal cleaning with pressurized water jet cleaners (Rif. 10), use LOW PRESSURE systems (max. 30 bar) with a capacity suitable to remove any present residue; too high pressures may damage the surfaces.
X DO NOT aim the jet directly on the varnished or plastified surfaces
X keep at a minimum distance of 30 cm from the surfaces to be cleaned (Rif. 10).
X aiming the jet too near to the dirt can cause damage to the operator and contaminate parts that are already clean and the environment (Rif. 11).
X avoid that fans, overhead lights, electrical wires, and all the electrical devices in general get wet during the cleaning operations.
The food products can rotten due to microbes and bacteria. Compliance to the hygiene norms is essential to safeguard the health of the consumer, in addition to compliance to the cold chain, of which the sales area represents the last ring that can be monitored.
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The cleaning operations must include:
1 - WASH (roughing, removal of approximately 97% of the dirt)
2 - DISINFECTION (deterge the surfaces to eliminate pathogenic micro-organisms that have remained after the wash).
Cleaning of the refrigerated cabinets is divided as follows:
21_1.Cleaning of the outer parts (Daily / Weekly)
X Weekly clean all the outer parts of the cabinet by using neutral detergents for domestic use compatible with the surfaces to be cleaned or lukewarm water and soap, eliminating any detergent residue.
X Rinse with clean water and dry with a soft rag.
21_2.Cleaning the internal parts (Monthly)
The purpose of cleaning the internal parts of the cabinet is to destroy the pathogenic micro-organisms so as to ensure protection of the goods.
Before proceeding with the internal cleaning of a cabinet, you must:
X Completely empty it out of any goods it contains;
X Remove all the removable parts, such as display dishes, grid trays, etc.
X Wash with lukewarm water (>40°C)
X Disinfect with a detergent that contains an antibacterial;
X Accurately dry with a soft cloth;
X Carefully clean the bottom tank, the drip, and the grid that protects the water drain, eliminating all foreign bodies that have fallen through the suction grid lifting, if necessary, the sheet of the fans.
X If there are ice formations, request the intervention of a Qualified Refrigeration
21_3.Cleaning the honeycomb structure (Rif. 6)
X The honeycomb must be cleaned every 6-8 months, depending on the conditions of sale.
X It can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or removed to be washed with water and soap.
X It must be thoroughly dried before it is reassembled.
X The honeycomb must be reassembled at the same angle.
21_4.Cleaning the parts in stainless steel
Certain situations can cause the formation of rust on the surfaces in steel:
X iron remains left on damp surfaces, limestone, chlorine or ammonia based detergents not rinsed properly, food incrustations or residues, salt-saline solutions, dry residues of evaporated liquids.
Recent stains and rust:
X clean with shampoo or neutral detergents, using a sponge or a rag. When finished, eliminate any detergent residue, rinsing abundantly and thoroughly drying the surfaces.
Old stains and rust:
X use chemical substances on the stianless steel that contain 25% of nitric acid or similar substances.
Die-hard stains and rust:
X sandpaper or polish with a stainless steel brush. After this operation, wash with detergents and carefully dry. This intervention may however cause scratches to the
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English surfaces due to the abrasive cleaning method.
X All the cleaning operations, including the disinfection, the rinse and the drying must be performed diligently, eliminating any water or detergent residue so as to avoid the spread of bacteria harmful to health.
X Parts left to dry with detergent or disinfectant residues may get damaged.
Remove any element from the pavement such as: sponges, rags, detergent or water residues that may cause accidental slipping and falls.
21_5.Inspection of the parts
Once you've finished the cleaning, disinfection, rinse, and drying operations, accurately check that all the parts arew perfectly clean and dry and that they are not damaged or excessively worn out and, if need be, replace them.
Reassemble the completely dry elements and restore electrical power supply. Once the internal operating temperature has been reached, it is possible to load the products to be displayed in the cabinet.
22.Dismantling the cabinet - specialized technician -
The cabinet must be dismantled in compliance to the norms that concern the handling of wastes foreseen in the individual countries, and in respect of the environment in which we live in. This product is considered by the Legislature in force to be a dangerous waste and therefore its separate waste collection is obligatory and it cannot be treated as domestic waste nor assigned to a waste dump. Before dismantling the cabinet, it is necessary to provide for the recovery of the refrigerant and to remove the lubricant oil. This product is made up by 75% of recyclable materials. Materials used in the manufacture:
- Varnished steel:
- Copper, Aluminum: risers, shelves, feet refrigeration circuit, electrical system and upper overhead lights
- Galvanized steel sheet: lower panels, varnished panels, base structure, decks, trays
- Expaned polyurethane (H
O): heat insulation
- Tempered glass:
- Wood:
- Polystyrene
- Polycarbonate crystal sides foamed tank side frames
Bumper pads and hand rails
Thermally molded shoulders fluorescent lamps protection
X It is the user's responsibility to deliver the product intended to be dismantled to the collection center specified by the local Authority or indicated by the
Manufacturer for the materials to be recovered and recylced.
X All these operations as also transport and waste treatment must be exclusively performed by specialized and authorized personnel.
38 05060120 00 11/05/2011
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Arneg SpA - Via Venezia, 58 - 35010 Campo San Martino - (PD) Italia - Tel. +39 049 9699333 - Fax +39 049 9699444 - - Cap. Soc. € 43.000.000 i.v.
Certified ISO 9001:2008 e ISO 14001:2004 - C.F./P.IVA/Reg.Imprese Pd IT 00220200281 - R.E.A. Padova n. 94246 - Meccanograf. PD009504 - RAEE IT8010000000139

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