7x3 QuasarBlaze®
Installation & Operation Manual
The 7x3 QuasarBlaze® lights are indicated to be used for perimeter lighting. Their 8 high power LEDs form a high efficiency optical set, suitable for installations on service vehicles like ambulances, fire trucks, rescue and others.
The 7x3 QuasarBlaze® case is injected with high-strength polycarbonate. The hardware assembly is made out of several parts. The electronic circuits and the LEDs are assembled on a single board on the back of an internal transparent lens. This set fits into a polycarbonate bezel and is attached to the vehicle´s surface with a rubber gasket, as on figure 1.
The external lens can be supplied either clear or with the same LED color (red, blue, green, amber and white). The LED assembly can also be either single or dual color. The external lens is always clear if two different LED colors are assembled.
The light activations can be done in some different ways. Figures 2 and 3 show how to use the steady lighted connections and figure 4 through the selection of a flash pattern. See the further explanations on this manual. www.rontan.com
Figure 1: Exploded view
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7x3 QuasarBlaze®
Installation & Operation Manual
1. Specifications
Red – Positive supply +12VDC.
Black – Ground supply (GND).
Green – Connected to +12VDC, activates steady lighting.
White – Changes the flash pattern and also synchronizes with another 7x3
QuasarBlaze ® light.
Blue – Connected to +12VDC, activates the selected flash pattern.
2. Electrical characteristics
Measurement Parameter Condition Min. Typical Max. Unit
Supply voltage
Supply current
13.5 ± 15%
Max. 1.7
Standby current
On/Off input voltage
Sync input voltage
Max. <0.001
13.5 ± 15%
13.5 ± 15%
Storage temperature
Operating temperature
3. Interconnections
Fig. 2: Connection 1 Fig. 3: Connection 2
Connections of the figures 2 and 3 show how to activate the steady lighting.
Fig. 4: Connection 3 Fig. 5: Connection 4
Figure 4 shows how to connect the 7x3 QuasarBlaze® with one selected flash pattern.
To select it, keep the Red and Blue wires connected to +12VDC and the Black to the GND, then connect +12VDC to the White wire for about 1 second and then release it. To select the www.rontan.com
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7x3 QuasarBlaze®
Installation & Operation Manual next one, proceed the same manner, and for the previous pattern, connect +12VDC to the same White wire for 3 seconds, until the LEDs start flashing rapidly, and then release the wire.
To return to the first flash pattern, connect the White wire to +12VDC for 6 seconds.
After this, the LEDs will start flashing rapidly for 3 seconds more. Wait until they turn off, and then, release the White wire.
Note that on the connections of figures 4 and 5, the Green wires are still available for the steady lighting, having always priority over all flash patterns activated by the Blue wires.
4. Synchronization
In order to synchonize two of the 7x3 QuasarBlaze®® lights, firstly select the flash pattern for each of the lights individually, and then connect their White wires together, to activate this function. Figure 5 shows how to connect them in synchronized mode. Note that the Red, Black and Blue wires also have to be connected as shown on the figure.
5. Flash Patterns
The list of the available flash patterns has the time duration of each of the figures right above it, written in milliseconds (mS), denoting each moment it turns on and off, according to the sequence of the selected pattern. The flashing sequence starts at left and goes through to the right, and then, restarts from the leftmost again.
Pattern #1:
40 60 40 60 40 60 40 230 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 230
Pattern #2:
40 60 40 60 40 60 40 230 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 230
Pattern #3:
70 100 70 100 70 110 70 100 70 100 70 110
Pattern #4:
70 100 70 100 70 110 70 100 70 100 70 110
Pattern #5:
40 60 40 330 40 60 40 330
Pattern #6:
40 60 40 330 40 60 40 330
Pattern #7:
40 60 40 60 40 560
Pattern #8:
500 40 60 40 60 40 60
Pattern #9:
40 60 40 660
Pattern #10:
600 40 60 40 60 www.rontan.com
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7x3 QuasarBlaze®
Installation & Operation Manual
Pattern #11:
160 160 160 160 160
Pattern #13:
100 100 100 500
Pattern #15:
100 300 100 300
Pattern #17:
100 700
Pattern #19:
400 100 300
Pattern #21:
10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90
Pattern #22:
90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10
Pattern #23:
100 100 100 100 200 200
Pattern #24:
50 150 50 150 50 150 50 150
Pattern #25:
60 40 60 40 60 40 60 200 200 40
Pattern #12:
160 160 160 160 160
Pattern #14:
400 100 100 100 100
Pattern #16:
200 100 300 100 100
Pattern #18:
200 100 500
Pattern #20:
600 100 100
Pattern #26:
Pattern #27: Alternates through patterns 1, 4 and 8, executing 5 times each one.
Note : Do not sync lights using this pattern. Leave white/white opened.
6. Dimensions (in mm and in) www.rontan.com
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7x3 QuasarBlaze®
Installation & Operation Manual www.rontan.com
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