Keysight 8511A/B and Antenna Measurement System Performance Verification Software Quick Start Guide
Agilent 8511A/B and Antenna
Measurement System Performance
Verification Software
Installation and
Getting Started Guide
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Printed in USA
December 1999
Revision 1.1
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Agilent Technologies, Inc.
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© Copyright Agilent Technologies, Inc. 1999 ii Installation and Getting Started Guide
In This Manual…
Performance Verification Package Contents
Software and Hardware Requirements
Using the Help Systems
Installing the Performance Verification Software
Getting Started
Performing Tests
Selecting Individual Tests
Equipment Substitution
Installation and Getting Started Guide iii
Limited Warranty
Notice of Warranty
Limitation of
Exclusive Remedies
Hewlett-Packard warrants that the software will perform substantially in accordance with the written materials for a period of one (1) year from the date of receipt.
Hewlett-Packard does not warrant that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error free. In the event that this software product fails to execute its programming instructions during the warranty period, the customer’s remedy shall be to return the media to Hewlett-Packard for replacement. Should Hewlett-Packard be unable to replace the media within a reasonable amount of time, Customer’s alternate remedy shall be a refund of the purchase price upon return of all copies of the software.
Hewlett-Packard warrants the media upon which this product is recorded to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase. In the event any media prove to be defective during the warranty period, Customer’s remedy shall be to return the media to Hewlett-Packard for replacement. Should
Hewlett-Packard be unable to replace the media within a reasonable amount of time, Customer’s alternate remedy shall be a refund of the purchase price upon return of the product and all copies.
Customer shall notify Hewlett-Packard in writing of any warranty claim not later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the warranty period.
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For assistance, call your local Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office
(refer to “Service and Support” on page v).
iv Installation and Getting Started Guide
Service and Support
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Installation and Getting Started Guide v
vi Installation and Getting Started Guide
Performance Verification Software Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Products Tested by the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Agilent 85301B Antenna Measurement System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Agilent 85301C Antenna Measurement System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Performance Verification Package Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Software and Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Computer Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Connector Torque Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Using the Help Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Test Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Test Interface Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Installing the Performance Verification Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Before Installing the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Installing the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Testing Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Run Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Manual Test Selection Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Equipment Selection Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Test Reports Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Administration Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Add and Define Your Test Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Adding More Test Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Define GPIB and Calibration Information for Each Device . . . . 23
Entering Power Sensor Calibration Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Performing Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Selecting Individual Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Running Individual Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Equipment Substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Viewing Current Test Equipment and Making Temporary Changes . 41
Installation and Getting Started Guide Contents-1
Contents-2 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Performance Verification Software Overview
The performance verification software is used to verify the performance of millimeter and microwave downconverters. These downconverters are used in the Agilent/HP 8511A/B and the Agilent/HP 85301B Systems with
Agilent/HP 85320A/B or Agilent/HP 85325A/B Mixers (Agilent/HP 11970
Series Mixers).
Products Tested by the
Agilent/HP 8510B/C Network Analyzer System
The Agilent/HP 8510B/C Network Measurement System is configured from the following equipment:
Agilent/HP 8510B/C Network Analyzer
Agilent/HP 8360-Series Synthesized Sweeper or HP 8340/41
(two required)
Agilent/HP 8511A or Agilent/HP 8511B Frequency Converter
Agilent/HP 85325A R, Q, U, V, W Millimeter-wave Subsystem
The Agilent/HP 85325A Millimeter-wave Subsystem is configured from the following equipment:
Agilent/HP 8510B/C Network Analyzer
Agilent/HP 8360-Series Synthesized Sweeper or HP 8340/41
(two required)
Agilent/HP 85309A LO/IF Unit
Agilent/HP 8349A Microwave Amplifier
Agilent/HP 8355xA Millimeter-wave Source Module
Agilent/HP 85301B Antenna Measurement System
The Agilent 85301B Antenna Measurement System is configured from the following equipment:
HP 8530A Microwave Receiver or an Agilent/HP 8510B/C Network
Analyzer with Antenna Measurement Firmware.
Agilent/HP 8360-Series Synthesized Sweeper or HP 8340/41
(two required)
Agilent/HP 85309A LO/IF Distribution Unit
Agilent/HP 85320A/B Reference and Test Mixers
Installation and Getting Started Guide 1
Agilent /HP 85301C Antenna Measurement System
The Agilent/HP 85301C Antenna Measurement System is configured from the following equipment:
Agilent/HP 8530A Microwave Receiver or an Agilent/HP 8510B/C
Network Analyzer with Antenna Measurement Firmware.
Agilent/HP 8360-Series Synthesized Sweeper or HP 8340/41.
Agilent/HP 8511A Frequency Converter or Agilent/HP 8511B
Frequency Converter (Agilent/HP 85301C Option 001).
2 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Performance Verification Package Contents
The Agilent/HP 8511A/B and Antenna Measurement System Performance
Verification Software package consists of the items listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Package Contents
Item Name
Agilent/HP 8511A/B and Antenna
Measurement System
Performance Verification Software
Installation and Getting Started
Part Number
Includes the Installation and Getting
Started Guide, the CD-ROM, and the
Software License.
Contains instructions on how to install the software, start the software, and run a test.
Contains the performance verification software, a web-based help file, and
Carbon Copy 32
The documentaion.htm help file contains the installation and getting started information, as well as information specific to each performance verification test. This help file is intended to be viewed using a browser independent of the performance verification software.
Carbon Copy 32
enables communication with the computer system for purposes of remote service support.
1. Carbon Copy is a registered trademark of Compaq Corporation.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 3
Software and Hardware Requirements
The computer requirements to successfully install and operate the software are as follows:
IBM-PC compatible computer
Intel Pentium 133 MHz or better
Minimum of 32 Mb RAM
Minimum of 65 Mb available space on hard drive
SVGA display with minimum 800x600 screen resolution or better
Windows 95
, Windows 98
or Windows NT
GPIB interface card and cable:
Hewlett-Packard 82341C/D with Agilent I/O library rev F.01.00 or better
CD-ROM reader
Internet Explorer® 4.0 or higher or Netscape® 4.0 or higher
HP BASIC for Windows, version 6.32 or higher
Connector Torque
Table 2 Proper Connector Care
3.5 mm
Torque cm-kg
Torque in-lbs
Part Number
4 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Required Test
The following tables list the required equipment and tools needed to perform
Agilent/HP 8511A/B and Antenna Measurement System Performance
Verification Tests.
Table 3 Equipment, Accessories and Tools for Agilent/HP 8511A or
Agilent/HP 85301C Standard
Network analyzer
Power meter
Power sensor
Power splitter
Female to female adapter
Male to male adapter
50 ohm load (male connector)
Quantity Recommended Equipment
1 HP 8340 series or Agilent/HP 8360 series
1 Agilent/HP 8510B/C or Agilent/HP 8530A microwave receiver
1 Agilent/HP 436 Option 022, Agilent/HP 437,
Agilent/HP 438, Agilent/HP E4418, or
Agilent/HP E4419
1 Agilent/HP 8485A - 2 GHz to 26.5 GHz
(APC 3.5)
Agilent/HP 11667B - dc to 26.5 GHz (APC 3.5)
1250-1749 - dc to 26.5 GHz (APC 3.5)
1250-1748 - dc to 26.5 GHz (APC 3.5)
Agilent/HP 909D #040 - dc to 26.5 GHz
(APC 3.5)
50 ohm load (female connector)
Torque wrench, 8 in-lb, 5/16 in
RF cable, 1 m, RF source to splitter
(26.5 or 50 GHz as needed)
Attenuator, 6 dB
Agilent/HP 909D #011 - dc to 26.5 GHz
(APC 3.5)
Use good quality flex or semirigid cable
Attenuator, 10 dB
RF Cable 1 M
RF Cable 10 in
Agilent/HP 8493C #006 - dc to 26.5 GHz
(APC 3.5)
Agilent/HP 8493C #010 - dc to 26.5 GHz (
APC 3.5)
APC 3.5
APC 3.5
1. The frequency range of the source should exceed the frequency range of the mixers.
2. Part of the Agilent/HP 85301C antenna system.
3. If the Agilent/HP 8511A stop frequency is greater than 26.5 GHz, use the Agilent/HP 8511B equipment list.
4. One output of the splitter must be labeled with a “T” and one output labeled with a “P” (see Figure 18 on page -27).
5. See Table 2 on page 4 for torque wrench information.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 5
Table 4 Equipment, Accessories, and Tools for Agilent/HP 8511B or
Agilent/HP 85301C Opt. 001
Network analyzer
Power meter
Recommended Equipment
HP 8340 series or Agilent/HP 8360 series
Agilent/HP 8510B/C or
HP 8530A microwave receiver
Agilent/HP 436 Option 022, Agilent/HP 437,
Agilent/HP438, Agilent/HPE4418, or
Agilent/HP 8487A - 2 GHz to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
Agilent/HP 11667C - dc to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
Power sensor
Power splitter
Female to female adapter
Male to male adapter
50 ohm load (male connector)
50 ohm load (female connector)
Torque wrench, 8 in-lb, 5/16 in
RF cable, 1 m, RF source to splitter
(26.5 or 50 GHz as needed)
Agilent/HPP 11900B - dc to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
Agilent/HP 11900A - dc to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
Agilent/HP 85138A - dc to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
Agilent/HP 85138B - dc to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
Use good quality flex or semirigid cable
Attenuator, 6 dB
Attenuator, 10 dB
Agilent/HP 8490D #006 - dc to 50 GHz
(APC 2.4)
Agilent/HPHP 8490D #010 - dc to 50 GHz
(APC 2.4)
APC 2.4, P/N 08511-20031
RF Cable 1 M
RF Cable 10 in
2 APC 2.4, P/N 5063-9809
1. The frequency range of the source should exceed the frequency range of the mixers.
2. Part of the Agilent/HP 85301C antenna system.
3. One output of the splitter must be labeled with a “T” and one output labeled with a “P” (see Figure 18 on page -27).
4. Part of the Agilent/HP 8511B verification kit (08511-60016).
5. See Table 2 on page 4 for torque wrench information.
6 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Table 5 Agilent/HP 8511B Verification Kit Contents (Part Number 08511-60016 )
Cable, RF test
Cable, RF source
Power splitter
50 ohm load (male connector)
50 ohm load (female connector)
Attenuator, 6 dB
Attenuator, 10 dB
Part Number
Agilent/HP 11667C - dc to 50 GHz
(APC 2.4)
Agilent/HP 85138A - dc to 50 GHz
(APC 2.4)
Agilent/HP 85138B - dc to 50 GHz
(APC 2.4)
Agilent/HP 8490D #006 - dc to 50 GHz
(APC 2.4)
Agilent/HP 8490D #010 - dc to 50 GHz
(APC 2.4)
Installation and Getting Started Guide 7
Table 6 Equipment, Accessories and Tools for the Agilent/HP 85301B
Network analyzer
Power meter
Power sensor
Power splitter
Female to female adapter
Quantity Recommended Equipment
2 HP 8340 series or Agilent/HP 8360 series
Agilent/HP 8530A microwave receiver
Agilent/HP 436 Option 022, Agilent/HP 437, Agilent/HP 438,
Agilent/HP 4418, or Agilent/HP E4419
Agilent/HP 8482A - 0.1 GHz to 4.2 GHz (Type N)
Agilent/HP 8481A - 0.1 GHz to 18 GHz (Type N)
Agilent/HP 8485A - 0.05 GHz to 26.5 GHz (APC 3.5)
Agilent/HP 8487A - 0.05 GHz to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
Agilent/HP 11667A - dc to 4 GHz (Type N)
Agilent/HP 11667B - dc to 26.5 GHz (APC 3.5)
Agilent/HP 11667C - dc to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
1250-0777 - dc to 4 GHz (Type N)
1250-1749 - dc to 26.5 GHz (APC 3.5)
Agilent/HP 11900B - dc to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
Male to male adapter
50 ohm load (male connector)
50 ohm load (female connector)
1250-0778 - dc to 4 GHz (Type N)
1250-1748 - dc to 26.5 GHz (APC 3.5)
Agilent/HP 11900A - dc to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
Agilent/HP 909A #012 - dc to 4 GHz (Type N)
Agilent/HP 909D #040 - dc to 26.5 GHz (APC 3.5)
Agilent/HP 85138A - dc to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
Agilent/HP 909A #013 - dc to 4 GHz (Type N)
Agilent/HP 909D #011 - dc to 26.5 GHz (APC 3.5)
Agilent/HP 85138B - dc to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
RF cable, 1 m, RF source to splitter (26.5 or 50 GHz as needed)
Attenuator, 6 dB
Use good quality flex or semirigid cable
Agilent/HP 8491A/B #006 - dc to 4 GHz (Type N)
Agilent/HP 8493C #006 - dc to 26.5 GHz (APC 3.5)
Agilent/HP 8490D #006 - dc to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
Attenuator, 20 dB
Cable, Agilent/HP 85309A to test mixer LO/IF
Cable, Agilent/HP 85309A to reference mixer LO IN
Cable, Agilent/HP 85309A to reference mixer detector voltage
Agilent/HP 8491A/B #020 - dc to 4 GHz (Type N)
Agilent/HP 8493C #020 - dc to 26.5 GHz (APC 3.5)
Agilent/HP 8490D #020 - dc to 50 GHz (APC 2.4)
Agilent/HP 85381A
Agilent/HP 85381A
Agilent/HP 85382A
Agilent/HP 85382A
Cable, Agilent/HP 85309A to reference mixer IF OUT 1
1. The frequency range of the source should exceed the frequency range of the mixers.
2. One output of the splitter must be labeled with a “T” and one output labeled with a “P” (see Figure 18 on page -27).
3. Part of the Agilent/HP 8511B verification kit (08511-60016).
4. The cables from the customer’s range may be used if they are within the length limits of a standard Agilent/HP 85301B system. These lengths are documented in the 1999 printing of the Agilent/HP 85301A/B/C Configuration Guide.
8 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Non-Band Dependent
The following table shows equipment that can be used with the Agilent/HP
85301B antenna measurement system combined with any Agilent/HP
85325A millimeter-wave subsystem.
Table 7 Recommended Test Equipment, Accessories and Tools (non-banded)
Agilent/HP 85325A
Item Critical Specification Agilent/HP Recommended Mode
(or Part Number)
The following equipment is part of the antenna measurement system
Network Analyzer
LO Source
No substitute
HP 8350, HP 8340 or HP 8341
LO/IF Unit
RF Source
No substitute
HP 8350, HP 8340 or HP 8341
Frequency band of test
Computer Requirements
IBM-PC compatible computer
Pentium 133 or better
Windows 95
Windows 98
, Windows NT
4.0 installed
GPIB interface card and cable (Hewlett-Packard
or National
HP BASIC for Windows, version 6.32 or later installed
A CD-ROM reader
Internet Explorer
4.0 or higher, or Netscape
4.0 or higher
System performance verification software
No substitute
No substitute
8510B/C or 8530A
8360 series
8360 series
8511A,B and Antenna Measurement
System Performance Verification Software
Additional Equipment Needed
Power Meter
Power Sensor
Connector Adapters
No substitute
No substitute
Type-N and 3.5 mm
436A,437B,438A, E4418, E4419
8485A, 8481A or 8487A
3/32 Hex Ball Driver
Torque Wrench
No substitute
No substitute
8710-1539 (supplied with 85325A)
Refer to Table 2 on page -4 for information
1. Not all antenna test systems will use an amplifier.
2. For traceability verification the Power Meter and Power Sensor should be traceable. No other traceable instruments are required.
3. Type-N(m) to 3.5 (f), type-N (f) to 3.5 (f), 3.5 (f) to 3.5 (f).
Installation and Getting Started Guide 9
Band Dependent
Table 8 shows equipment that is millimeter-wave band dependent. Power sensors, fixed terminations, variable attenuators, and directional couplers are only usable in one band. Therefore, if your system has more than one millimeter-wave subsystem band, you must have a power sensor, termination, variable attenuator, and directional coupler for each subsystem.
U-band: Contact Agilent/HP Service and Support (listed on page “Service and Support” on page -v for U-band verification information.
Table 8 Recommended Test Equipment, Accessories and Tools For the
Agilent/HP 85301B with Agilent/HP 85325A (band dependent)
Power Sensor
Fixed Termination
Variable Vane Attenuator
Critical Specification
No substitute
Return loss >30 dB
0 to 40 dB attenuation
Agilent/HP Recommended Model or
Part Number
R-band: R8486A
Q-band: Q8486A
V-band: V8486A
W-band: W8486A
R-band: R910A
Q-band: Q910A
V-band: V910C
W-band: W910C
R-band: R382A
Q-band: Q382A
V-band: Millitech DRA-15 (v-band)
W-band: Millitech DRA-10 (w-band)
Directional Coupler Coupling factor 10 dB R-band: R752C
Q-band: Q752C
V-band: V752C
W-and: W752C
1. You must have a fixed termination for each test channel of your system
10 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Test Help
Test Interface Help
Using the Help Systems
The Agilent/HP 8511A/B and Antenna Measurement System Software
Performance Verification Software includes these comprehensive on-line help systems:
Test Help (help specific to installing, starting, and test plans)
Test Interface Help (help specific to the user interface)
The Test Help system is located on the CD-ROM and is installed with the software. This help system is intended to be used independent of the performance verification software. This enables the user to access the help system at any time using a web browser.
Test Help includes an overview of the test plan, system-level configuration diagram, equipment and accessories list, tools list, and a list of the performance verification tests that can be run. In addition, specific information about each test is provided, including a test description, whether the test measures a warranted specification or typical performance, test dependencies (if applicable), and an interconnect diagram showing how to connect test equipment.
The Test Interface Help system provides information on the user interface and controls, system configurations, and overall software operation.
This help system is accessed by selecting the Help drop-down menu.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 11
Installing the Performance Verification Software
Before Installing the
HP Basic for Windows, version 6.32 or later, must be installed and operating properly prior to installation. The following are recommended steps:
1. Set up and configure all hardware and equipment, making certain all
GPIB addresses are correct and all interconnections are properly made.
The computer should be connected to GPIB bus (or computer bus) on the back of the network analyzer, not the network analyzer bus.
2. Verify HP Basic for Windows, version 6.32 or later, is functioning properly.
To verify that HP Basic for Windows is functioning properly, type and run the following command:
This will address the network analyzer using the GPIB. In the lower right-hand corner of the HP Basic screen the display changes from IDLE to
COMMAND and back to IDLE when
is executed. If this display sequence does not occur, recheck your system configuration and perform this check again. To obtain HP Basic, version 6.32 or later, or for information on HP Basic for Windows, contact your local Agilent/HP sales and service office.
Installing the Software
The following procedure provides instructions for installing the
Agilent/HP 8511A/B and Antenna System Performance Verification software.
1. Exit all applications before installing the software.
2. Insert the CD-ROM containing the Agilent/HP 8511A/B and Antenna
System Performance Verification software into the CD-ROM drive.
from the File menu.
in the command line, where D: is the CD-ROM drive, or click Browse...
to select the correct path. See Figure 1 on page -13.
12 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Figure 1 Run Dialog Box
to initiate the setup procedure. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the software.
Welcome window is displayed. Read the welcome message then click OK . See Figure 2.
Figure 2 Welcome Message Window
Read Me File window is displayed. This window provides information about test system requirements and types of products verified by this software. Read the system requirement notes then click
Next> to continue. See Figure 3.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 13
Figure 3 Read Me File Window
8. The Agilent/HP Antenna System Verification Software Installation window is displayed. Select the Full or Custom installation radio button ( Full is recommended). Choose the default destination directory or click Browse to locate a different directory for the software installation. See Figure 4.
Selecting Custom allows you to choose which components of the software to install; TestExec SL v3.1, Test Interface, or the Agilent/HP 8511A/B and
Antenna Measurement System Performance Verification Software.
14 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Figure 4 Choose Installation Destination Window
Next> to continue.
10. The Get Program Manager Group window is displayed. Click Next> to select the default program manager group ( TestInterface ). See Figure 5.
Figure 5 Get Program Manager Group Window
11. The Start Installation window is displayed. Click Next> to continue. See
Figure 6 on page -16.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 15
Figure 6 Start Installation Window
12. During the file transfer several screens are displayed showing the progress of the installation. See Figure 7.
Figure 7 Installation Progress Screen
16 Installation and Getting Started Guide
13. Near the end of the installation procedure, the Interface Selection
Window is displayed. Select the appropriate interface for your system then click OK . See Figure 8.
Figure 8 Interface Selection Window
14. The Installation Complete Window is displayed. Click Finish> to continue. See Figure 9.
Figure 9 Installation Complete Window
Installation and Getting Started Guide 17
15. A window is displayed indicating your computer must be restarted.
Click OK to restart the computer and complete the installation. See
Figure 10.
Figure 10 Restart System Window
18 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Getting Started
Testing Overview
The Agilent/HP 8511A/B and Antenna Measurement System Performance
Verification Software allows you to use test plans included with the software to test and record the performance of Agilent/HP 85301B and Agilent/HP
85301C antenna measurement systems and network analyzers used with the
Agilent/HP 8511A/B frequency converter. Figure 11 shows the primary user interface that is used to organize and configure the equipment needed to perform the automated verification test sequences, and record and print the test results.
Figure 11 Software User Interface
A test station must be configured by your test administrator before a test plan can be executed. A test station can contain not only bench equipment, but also any portable equipment that your test administrator has configured to run test plans.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 19
Run Tab
The Run tab is the main test interface that allows you to choose the type of system, such as an Agilent/HP 8511A, as the unit under test (UUT), select a pre-defined test plan to run, and identify the test station used to run the test plan. You can also edit the device and component characteristics (GPIB addresses and serial numbers) of the system instruments. The Run tab is used to enter the operator name, customer information, environmental conditions, and to start the test plan. The automated test sequences are run in the correct order, and the test results are recorded. You can monitor the results while you run the test plan, or you can review the results later in the form of a printed report. See the Manual Test Selection tab for running individual tests or changing the test sequence.
Operator name, customer order number, and environmental conditions can be entered at any time prior to running the tests.
Manual Test Selection Tab
The Manual Test Selection tab is used to run individual tests for the selected
UUT. Running tests from this menu offer capabilities not available in the Run tab:
You can run one test at a time.
You can loop one or more tests.
You can loop selected test(s) a specified number of times.
The Manual Test Selection tab is also used to perform repeated testing of one or more tests in a test plan. This allows you to configure a test to be looped to help resolve test failures or intermittent problems. The most common reasons for test failures are dirty or damaged connectors and connections that have been made without using proper torque techniques. Ensure all connections are made using the torque wrench specified in Table 3 on page -5 and Table 4 on page -6. Also see Table 2 on page 4 for more information.
Equipment Selection Tab
The Equipment Selection tab is used to view the list of test equipment in use, check the equipment calibration status, and check or change GPIB addresses. You can make temporary changes to the test equipment selections and substitute an instrument or device with another unit that has already been defined in the Administration tab.
20 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Test Reports Tab
The Test Reports tab is used to view or print test reports. You can select simple pass/fail (summary) or full performance test results (detailed). The reports are stored on the hard drive of the computer and are identified by UUT model, serial number, and time and date. The file suffixes are:
.dtr (detailed)
.sum (summary)
.log (log file)
As a test plan is running, individual test results are presented in a graphical format. This information is displayed only during testing and is not saved.
You must print each individual graph to capture the information presented before continuing to the next test.
Administration Tab
The Administration tab is used by the test administrator to add and define (map) each piece of test equipment to a test station, which is a collection of specific instruments that are used to test the UUT. A test administrator is assigned a password to control unauthorized access to this section of the software. The
Administration tab is also used to enter instrument or device serial numbers,
GPIB addresses, calibration factors (where applicable), and instrument calibration dates.
Entries in the Administration tab are automatically saved. You do not have to manually save this information. If you install a new version of the software, the database is preserved. It is not overwritten or deleted. The only time the database is destroyed is if the software is uninstalled. A program to uninstall the software is not provided.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 21
The first task to be performed before you can begin testing is to create test stations by adding and defining the test equipment in your inventory.
You can add all of the test equipment in your office, and later select the specific components, by serial number, you plan to use during testing. This is referred to as mapping the equipment. You can map each specific component to your customer’s system.
NOTE Entries in the Administration window are automatically saved. You do not have to manually save any of this information.
Add and Define Your
Test Equipment
To start the Agilent/HP 8511A/B and Antenna Measurement System
Performance Verification Software and begin configuring test stations, follow the procedure below:
Start in the lower menu bar of Windows 95, Windows 98 or
Windows NT 4.0.
menu go to Test Interface and select either Antenna Verification
Software or Agilent/HP 8511A/B Verification Software .
3. Click the Administration Tab .
Administrative Login window, type
in the Password text box.
Then click OK . Note that the name and password are case sensitive. See
Figure 12.
NOTE The login name cannot be changed.
Figure 12 Administrative Login Screen
22 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Test Plan Name drop-down menu, select the appropriate test plan for the system under test. See Figure 13. Table 9 shows available test plans provided with your software.
Table 9 Test Plan Names
Unit Under Test
HP 8511A
HP 8511B
HP 85301B
HP 85301C
HP 85325A
Test Plan
6. After you have selected an appropriate test plan, click Add Station . See
Figure 13.
Figure 13 Administration Tab
Installation and Getting Started Guide 23
7. Enter a name for this test station. After you have named the test station, click OK . See Figure 14.
Figure 14 Naming a Test Station
8. Click the Add/Map Equipment button to begin adding (mapping) equipment to this test station. See Figure 13. The mapping function allows you to add all the equipment in your inventory to the software database, and then map specific instruments (by serial number) to specific test station setups.
9. Select the first item in the Equipment Type drop down list. See Figure 15.
Figure 15 Add/Map Equipment
10. Select the model number from the Model drop down list.
11. Enter the serial number of the instrument or device, or click the Serial # in the drop down list if the instrument or device has previously been entered.
12. Click the Add/Map button.
24 Installation and Getting Started Guide
13. Click OK when the dialog box is displayed. See Figure 16.
Figure 16 Mapping Added/Updated
14. Repeat this procedure for each device, then click Done when finished. See
Figure 15.
Adding More Test Stations
If you want to define more test stations, or redefine an existing test station to use a different test plan, repeat the above process.
Define GPIB and Calibration Information for Each Device
When you have finished defining all of the desired test stations, enter the
GPIB and calibration data for each instrument or device in each of your test stations. See Figure 13. When you enter the date of the most recent calibration, the device icon changes colors as follows:
Green – the device is in calibration.
Yellow – the device is within one month of its required calibration.
Red – the device is out of calibration or not configured properly.
The graphical list of instruments and devices is located in the left side of the window. When you fill out the GPIB and calibration information, it will apply only to the instrument or device that is highlighted. The icon color does not change until you click a different device icon.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 25
Entering Power Sensor Calibration Data
After you have defined all of the equipment for a test station, the calibration data for the power sensor needs to be entered. When the power meter icon in the device list is selected, a list of calibration factor entries is displayed in the lower-right portion of the window. To edit the calibration data for the power sensor, perform the following steps:
1. Click on the power sensor icon in the device list.
2. Click the Edit Cal Data...
button located at the bottom of the window. See
Figure 13 on page -23.
3. Edit the entries in the list as required. See Figure 17.
To enter the first frequency, click inside the frequency box, delete the existing frequency, and type in the first value.
Press the [Tab] key to move to the next column and continue entering the required information.
Press the [Tab] key to go to the next row and repeat the process until all calibration data has been entered. If you need to add a new row, go to the bottom of the list, enter the new row on the last line, then click Sort Records .
d. To delete a row (frequency point) highlight the row you wish to delete by clicking the button to the left of the row, then press [Delete] .
Click OK when done. See Figure 17.
Figure 17 Editing Calibration Data
When you have finished defining test stations, leave the Administration window by clicking one of the other main tabs.
26 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Performing Tests
When assembling your equipment prior to running any performance verification tests, it is necessary to label the outputs of the power splitter as shown in Figure 18. Using whatever means is available, label one output with a “P” and one output with a “T”. The choice of which output is “T” and which output is “P” is arbitrary. Labeling the splitter in this manner will ensure repeatability during testing.
Figure 18 Labeling the Power Splitter
Testing cannot begin until the administrative setup procedure is performed.
Refer to “Setup” on page 22.
After all of your test equipment has been configured and mapped to a test station, you can begin running tests. You can run an entire test plan or you can select and run individual tests from a test plan. Perform the following procedure to begin testing.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 27
1. Click the Run tab. See Figure 19.
Test section of the screen, enter your name, the customer name, order number, and environmental conditions.
Figure 19 Running a Test
The test information is optional and does not affect testing. However, a serial number and UUT configuration are mandatory before testing can begin.
28 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Model of the unit under test (UUT) from the drop-down menu in the Unit Under Test field. UUT refers to the customer’s system. See
Figure 20. Table 10 describes the UUT selections.
Table 10 Unit Under Test Selection
Agilent/HP Model
Downconverter, 0.045 to 26.5 GHz
Downconverter, 0.045 to 50 GHz
Antenna test system
Antenna test system
Millimeter-wave subsystem
Figure 20 Model Drop-Down List
4. Click the Configure UUT button on the right side of the Unit Under Test field.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 29
5. Select the appropriate options for the UUT in the Options field by clicking the UUT properties radio button. The option check boxes do not clear automatically. Be sure to manually remove the check box for any options that do not apply to your UUT. See Figure 21 for configuring a single component UUT and Figure 22 on page -31 for configuring a multi-component UUT.
Figure 21 Configuring a Single Component UUT
30 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Figure 22 Configuring a Multi-Component UUT
6. Click the Sub Component Properties radio button in the upper-right portion of the window. This screen allows you to define properties of the multi- component UUT. See Figure 23 on page -33. Table 11 through Table 13 describe the component options information.
Table 11 Selecting Component Options for the Agilent/HP 85325A
LO/IF Unit
Test and Reference Mixers
RF and LO Sources
MW Network Analyzer a Select no options a Select no options
Options are not applicable. HP 8340 or Agilent/HP 8360 series may be used.
Options are not applicable. Agilent/HP 8530A or
Agilent/HP 8510B/C series may be used.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 31
Table 12 Selecting Component Options for the Agilent/HP 85301B and
Agilent/HP 85325A
LO/IF Unit
Test and Reference Mixers
RF and LO Sources
MW Network Analyzer
• Select no options for standard unit.
• Select H20, H21, or H25 if so equipped.
• If testing an H2X option, complete all tests in low band then select High Band and repeat all tests.
• Select no options for standard unit.
• Select H20 or H50 if so equipped.
• If testing an H2X option, complete all tests in low band then select High Band and repeat all tests.
• Standard instrument testing is done using the 1st and
3rd harmonics across the specified frequency range.
In addition, if required, you can scroll down and select the 5th and 7th Harmonic. This selection is applicable to standard mixers up to 26.5 GHz. When you choose the H50 mixer options, the test system will automatically test in 5th and 7th harmonics up to
50 GHz
Options are not applicable. HP 8340 or Agilent/HP 8360 series may be used.
Options are not applicable. Agilent/HP 8530A or
Agilent/HP 8510B/C series may be used.
Table 13 Selecting Component Options for the Agilent/HP 85301C
RF Source
Network Analuzer
Select options if appropriate.
Options are not applicable. HP 8340 or
Agilent/HP 8360 series may be used.
Options are not applicable. Agilent/HP 8530A or
Agilent/HP 8510B/C series may be used.
32 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Figure 23 Selecting Subcomponent Options of a Multi-component UUT
7. Enter serial numbers and, if required, change GPIB addresses from the default in the Communication Information field, then select GPIB for the
Communications Type .
8. Enter the date of the most recent instrument calibration in the Calibration
Information field. The device icons change color depending on the calibration date:
Green – the device is in calibration.
Yellow – the device is within one month of its required calibration.
Red – the device is out of calibration or not configured properly.
9. Select each of the displayed instruments and perform each of the above steps until all instruments have been entered. Change GPIB addresses if required.
10. Click Done . You will be returned to the Run tab.
11. In the Test Setup section of the Run tab, select the desired Test Station from the drop-down menu.
12. Under the File drop-down menu is a Save Test Information File selection that saves the information in the Test area of the Run tab window. This saves the operator name, customer name, order number, and so on, so you can quickly recall this information at a later time.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 33
NOTE Before proceeding to the next step, it is recommended you click the Equipment
Selection tab to verify all of the equipment configured in your selected test station is OK (green icons). If any icons are yellow, the device is within one month of required calibration. If any icons are red, and equipment substitutions need to be made, refer to “Equipment Substitution” on page 43 for more information.
13. Select the desired variation of the test plan from the Variant drop-down menu. See Figure 24 on page -35. Table 14 describes the test plan variations.
Table 14 Variant Selections
System Type
Subcomponent Tests
System Level Tests
Performs all tests. Use this for customer systems.
Runs only those tests required to verify published specifications for the downconvertor.
Runs only those tests required for system level dynamic range performance
Reference and 1 Test Mixer
Reference and 2 Test Mixers
Reference and 3 Test Mixers
Reference and 1 Test Mixer
Reference and 2 Test Mixers
Reference and 3 Test Mixers
These selections provide flexibility to test any desired subset of test mixers configured for your
Agilent/HP 85301B test system
Used to add a millimeter sub-system to an existing
Agilent/HP 85301B system
34 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Performing Tests
Figure 24 Test Plan Variants
14. To run the selected test plan, click Start Test Plan . You can monitor the progress of the tests by observing the Test Run Information area at the bottom of the window.
If a message is displayed indicating some required devices are not assigned
(Figure 25) refer to “Equipment Substitution” on page 43.
Figure 25 Required Devices Not Assigned
Installation and Getting Started Guide 35
Performing Tests
15. For antenna tests only: You may be prompted to set the LO power level. See Figure 26. Table 15 describes typical LO source power settings. To determine the correct LO source power setting, follow the steps below: a.
Disconnect the LO cable from the Agilent/HP 85309A LO input.
Connect the cable to the power sensor.
Set the LO source to the highest system LO frequency.
d. Use the power meter to measure the LO cable output power. e.
Set the LO source power to indicate 0 dB on the power meter.
Reconnect the cable to the Agilent/HP 85309A.
g. Enter the LO source power obtained in step e.
h. Click OK to accept the LO power setting and continue with the test plan.
Table 15 Typical LO Source Power Settings
LO Cable Length
< 4 m
4 to 8 m
Recommended LO Power
0 dBm
5 dBm (default)
> 8 m 10 dBm
1. From the LO source to the Agilent/HP 85309.
2. 10 dBm for an Agilent/HP 85325A Sub-System.
Figure 26 Setting LO Source Power
36 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Performing Tests i.
When prompted, perform the Agilent/HP 85309A Detector Voltage Adjustment and click OK to continue. See Figure 27.
Figure 27 Agilent/HP 85309A Detector Voltage Adjustment
16. You are prompted to make equipment connections and perform various user interactions as the test plan proceeds. See Figure 28 for an example of the prompt window.
Figure 28 User Interaction Prompt
Installation and Getting Started Guide 37
Performing Tests
17. Individual test results are presented graphically. These graphs are displayed to indicate the progress of specific tests.To see the frequency and amplitude of any specific data point, place the cursor on the data point, and when the cursor changes to a hand, click the left mouse button. See Figure 29.
It is recommended that you print a copy of each graph for your records as each test is completed. This information is not saved, so this is the only time you can print this information. A detailed test report of all other test data can be generated after the test plan is completed by clicking the Test Reports tab.
Figure 29 Graphical Information Window
18. Click Print to print the current graph. Click Continue in the menu bar of each graph to continue the test plan as the individual tests are completed.
Click Re-start to run current test again. You can select Abort to abort all testing or restart the current test.
38 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Performing Tests
19. After all tests in the selected test plan are done, click the Test Reports tab to select and print the recorded test data. You can select summary or detailed reports identified by UUT model, serial number, and time and date. See Figure 30.
Figure 30 Test Reports Tab
20. If any individual test(s) fails, refer to “Selecting Individual Tests” on page 40 for more information.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 39
Selecting Individual Tests
Selecting Individual Tests
You can select and run individual tests for the selected UUT from the
Manual Test Selection tab. The performance verification software ensures that dependent test data is available before a selected test can be run. A message will appear on the computer screen indicating that test data is required when running certain tests. The data file presented is for a specific UUT’s serial number sorted by date measured. You may select any measured data on file by date for the purposes of troubleshooting or ascertaining trends.
Running tests from this menu offers capabilities not available in the Run tab:
You can run one test at a time.
You can loop one or more tests.
You can loop selected test(s) a specified number of times.
Some of the individual tests are dependent on data from other tests. Test dependencies (if applicable) are outlined in the Test Help system. See
“Using the Help Systems” on page -11 for more information
40 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Running Individual
To run individual tests:
1. Click the Manual Test Selection tab. See Figure 31.
Selecting Individual Tests
Figure 31 Manual Test Selection Tab
2. Select a test in the Available Tests field that you want to run, then click [>] to move the test into the Selected Tests field.
3. Repeat as required until all desired tests are selected. You can move all tests at once by clicking the [>>] button.
4. If desired, select Loop Test to loop selected tests and enter the number of times the loop is to be repeated.
Start Sequence to begin testing.
6. A message is displayed if data from a dependent test is not available and testing will not continue. The file manager dialog box lists valid data for that UUT’s serial number, sorted by date. Select any appropriate date, then click Open . See Figure 32.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 41
Selecting Individual Tests
Figure 32 Select Test Data Window
The test report generated will be for the selected tests only. For more information on printing test reports, refer to “Test Reports Tab” on page 39.
42 Installation and Getting Started Guide
Equipment Substitution
Equipment Substitution
Viewing Current Test
Equipment and
Making Temporary
The Equipment Selection tab is used to view the list of test equipment in use, check the equipment calibration status, and check GPIB addresses, change
GPIB addresses, or both. You can make temporary changes to the test equipment selections and substitute an instrument or device with another unit that has already been defined in the Administration tab.
Calibration status is determined by the color of the device icon, or by looking at the Calibration Information field. The following icon colors indicate calibration status:
Green – the device is in calibration.
Yellow – the device is within one month of its required calibration.
Red – the device is out of calibration or has not been configured properly.
To check if a device has been set up in the database, click the Administration tab. If you do not have password permission to access the Administration tab, contact your test administrator.
The Equipment Selection tab is different from the Administration tab in the following ways:
The Equipment Selection tab allows equipment substitution within the selected test station.
The Administration tab is used to define test stations and all equipment available for use in testing.
To substitute equipment perform the following steps:
1. Highlight the device to be substituted.
2. Select the model number and serial number of the new device from the drop-down menus on the right side of the Equipment Selection window. See
Figure 33.
If the serial number is missing when a model number is selected, the device is not available. Change the model number to a device that has a serial number or contact your test administrator. For more information on defining test equipment, refer to “Setup” on page 22.
Installation and Getting Started Guide 43
Equipment Substitution
Figure 33 Equipment Selection Tab
3. If necessary, change the GPIB address in the Communication Information field.
4. Click the Run tab or the Manual Test Selection tab to continue running tests.
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