Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den Anleitungen auf der beiliegenden CD-ROM
For more information see the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM c
1 Top tube
Down tube
3 Seat tube
4 Chainstay
Rear stay
6 Head tube
3 a
1 Saddle
2 Seat post
3 Seat post clamp
4 Pannier rack
5 Rear light
6 Mudguard
7 Lock
8 Rear brake
9 Rotor
10 Kickstand
11 Cassette sprockets
12 Rear derailleur b
II a
Motor b
Rechargeable battery c Display and control element
13 Chain
14 Crank arm
15 Pedal
16 Stem
17 Handlebars
18 Front light
19 Brake lever
20 Shifter
21 Headset
22 Valve
23 Front brake
24 Rotor
Suspension fork:
I Fork crown
Stanchion tube
III Lower leg
25 Quick-release/ thru axle
26 Reflector ring
27 Rim
28 Tyre
29 Spoke
30 Hub
English | S - 1
S - 2 | English
STEVENS Vertriebs GmbH
Asbrookdamm 35
D-22115 Hamburg
Phone: 040-716070-0
Fax: 040-465314 [email protected]
Place of jurisdiction Hamburg
Amtsgericht (District Court) Hamburg HRB52130
Tax ID: 46-760-00351
VAT ID: DE157760068
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE65306856
Registered office: 22115 Hamburg
Edition 5, April 2017
Editor: STEVENS Vertriebs GmbH
© Text, concept, photos and graphic design: Zedler – Institut für Fahrradtechnik und -Sicherheit GmbH
© Technical details in the text and illustrations of these operating instructions are subject to change.
Liability of the editor, the editorial team and other third parties for contributions in this booklet and resulting damage whatsoever shall be excluded, unless in the event of gross negligence. No part of this publication may be reprinted, translated, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, by hand or otherwise for another business purpose without prior written permission of the author and the editor.
English | S - 3
S - 4 | English
Register your
STEVENS bike on
You will be informed about technical upgrades, if necessary.
For your own safety, never do work on your bicycle unless you feel absolutely sure about it.
If you are in doubt or if you have any questions, contact your STEVENS dealer.
General Safety Instructions
Dear Customer,
In purchasing this STEVENS pedelec you have chosen a product of high quality and technology. Each component of your new STEVENS pedelec has been designed, manufactured and assembled with great care and expertise. Your STEVENS dealer gave the pedelec its final assembly and adjustment to guarantee proper operation and many enjoyable riding experiences with complete peace of mind from the very first metres.
This manual contains a wealth of information on the proper use of your STEVENS pedelec, its maintenance and operation as well as interesting information on its design and engineering. Read this manual thoroughly. We are sure that even if you have been cycling (bicycle or pedelec) all your life you will find useful and detailed information. STEVENS pedelecs differ markedly from usual bicycles.
Therefore, before setting off on your new STEVENS pedelec, read at least chapters “Before Your FIRST Ride” and “Riding a STEVENS pedelec – Special Features” in this translation of the original operating instructions. For more information read chapter “Operation” in the BOSCH system instructions or chapter “Method of use” in the SHIMANO STePS system instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
To have as much fun as possible during cycling, be sure to carry out the functional check described in chapte r “Before EVERY Ride” before setting off on the
STEVENS pedelec.
Even a manual as big as an encyclopedia could not describe any possible combination of bicycle models and components or parts on the market. It therefore focuses on your newly purchased STEVENS pedelec and standard components and provides useful information and warnings. When doing any adjusting and servicing, be aware that the detailed instructions provided in your manual only refer to this STEVENS pedelec. The information included here is not applicable to any other bicycle or pedelec type. As bicycles come in a wide variety of designs with frequent model changes, the routines described may require complementary information. Be sure to also observe your general STEVENS user manual as well as the instructions of the component suppliers that you have received from your STEVENS dealer.
Be aware that these instructions may require further explanation, depending on the experience and/or skills of the person doing the work. For some jobs you may require additional (special) tools or supplementary instructions. This manual cannot teach you the skills of a bicycle mechanic.
Before you set off, let us point out a few things that are very important to every cyclist: Never ride without a properly adjusted helmet and without glasses and take care to always wear suitable clothing. As a minimum you should wear straight cut trousers and shoes fitting the pedal system. Always ride carefully on public roads and observe the traffic rules so as not to endanger yourself or others.
English | S - 5
This manual cannot teach you how to ride the pedelec. Be aware that riding a pedelec is an activity that can also be dangerous, in particular on public roads. You should therefore stay always in control of your STEVENS pedelec. Be aware from the moment you set off that you ride at a higher speed. Always keep this fact in mind and ride considerately!
Like any sport, cycling involves the risk of injury and damage. Keep this in mind.
When you decide to ride a STEVENS pedelec you need to accept the risk inherent to cycling. Note that on a STEVENS pedelec you have no protection technique around you (e.g. ABS, bodywork or airbag) like you have in a car. Therefore, always ride carefully and do respect the other traffic participants. Never ride under the influence of prescription drugs, drugs, medication, alcohol or when you are tired. Do not ride with a second person on your STEVENS pedelec and never ride without having both hands on the handlebars.
Observe the legal regulations concerning off-road cycling. These regulations may differ in each country. Respect nature when riding off-road. Only use your pedelec on signposted, well maintained trails and hard-surface roads.
You find the comprehensive STEVENS user manuals, the instructions of the component and motor manufacturers as well as the respective weblinks on the CD-
ROM which is enclosed with the translation of the original operating instructions.
Read in any case the detailed general STEVENS user manual that you have received from your
STEVENS dealer.
Keep the translation of these original operating instructions for future reference and hand it over to the respective user, in case you sell, lend or pass on the pedelec otherwise.
S - 6 | English
STEVENS bikes of the category 1 E are not suitable for off-road use, jumps, slides, stair riding, stoppies, wheelies, tricks etc.!
STEVENS bikes of the category 4 E are not suitable for off-road use, jumps, slides, stair riding, stoppies, wheelies, tricks etc.!
Intended Use
Keep in mind that every bicycle or pedelec type is built for a specific intended use. Be sure to use your STEVENS pedelec only according to its intended use, as the STEVENS pedelec may otherwise not withstand the stress, fail and cause an accident with unforeseeable consequences! Using it for another than the intended use will also void the warranty.
Category 1 E: STEVENS E-city and E-trekking bikes
This category describes STEVENS E-city and E-trekking bikes. STEVENS E-Triton,
E-Lavena, E-Caprile, E-Courier, E-Cito, E-Circle and E-Molveno.
• The permissible overall weight (pedelec incl. luggage and rider) should not exceed 140 kg (308.6 lbs) . Under certain circumstances this permissible overall weight can be further limited by the component manufacturers’ recommendations for use.
• STEVENS E-city and E-trekking bikes are designed for a trailer load of 40 kg
(88.2 lbs) without and 80 kg (176.4 lbs) with trailer brake.
Category 4 E: STEVENS E-cross bikes
This category describes STEVENS E-cross bikes. They have 28-inch wheels with narrow tyres. The tyre width is 28 to max. 42 mm. STEVENS E-8X, E-6X and E-6X Tour.
STEVENS E-cross bikes are intended for hard-surface terrain, i.e. for tarred roads and bicycle lanes or gravel field tracks, where the wheels do not lose ground contact. In addition, they are well suited for well paved gravel paths and forest roads as well as off-road trails with a slight slope where a temporary loss of tyre contact with the ground due to small steps may occur. They are not suitable for off-road use
(mountain bike use), namely for all mountain, enduro, downhill (DH), freeride, dual slalom, downhill/freeride parks, jumps, drops and in bike parks etc.
• Due to their design and fittings, STEVENS E-cross bikes are not always suitable for being used on public roads. If you want to use them on public roads, these bikes must be fitted with the prescribed equipment. Observe the traffic rules when riding on public roads. For more information read chapter “Legal
Requirements for Riding on Public Roads” in your comprehensive STEVENS user manual on the enclosed CD-ROM.
• The permissible overall weight (pedelec incl. luggage and rider) should not exceed 140 kg (308.6 lbs) . Under certain circumstances the permissible maximum weight can be further limited by the component manufacturers’ recommendations for use.
• STEVENS E-cross bikes are designed for a trailer load of 40 kg (88.2 lbs) without and 80 kg (176.4 lbs) with trailer brake.
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STEVENS E-mountain bikes
• Due to their design and fittings, STEVENS E-mountain bikes of the categories 5 E and 6 E are not always suitable for being used on public roads. If you want to use them on public roads, these bikes must be fitted with the prescribed equipment.
Observe the traffic rules when riding on public roads. For more information read chapter “Legal Requirements for Riding on Public Roads” in your comprehensive STEVENS user manual on the enclosed CD-ROM.
• The permissible overall weight (pedelec incl. luggage and rider) should not exceed 140 kg (308.6 lbs) . Under certain circumstances the permissible maximum weight can be further limited by the component manufacturers’ recommendations for use.
Category 5 E: STEVENS E-cross-country, E-marathon and E-touring mountain bikes
This category describes STEVENS E-cross-country, E-marathon and E-touring mountain bikes and is typically represented by STEVENS E-mountain bike hardtails and full suspension STEVENS E-bikes with short suspension travel. STEVENS
E-Scope, E-Agnello, E-Juke, E-Cayolle, E-Wave, E-Stoke and E-Pordoi.
STEVENS E-cross-country, E-marathon and E-touring mountain bikes are suitable for off-road use, but not for blocked terrain, tricks, stair riding etc. as well as training and competitive use in the categories freeride, dirt, downhill. STEVENS bikes of this category can be used on surfaces permitted for bikes of the categories 1 and
3 and are in addition suitable for rough and unpaved terrains. Sporadic jumps are also included in the field of use of these STEVENS bikes. But particularly inexperienced riders doing jumps may land inappropriately, thus increasing the acting forces significantly which may result in damage and injuries. We recommend that you train your skills in a riding technique course. If necessary, ask your STEVENS dealer to inspect your STEVENS bike at shorter intervals than according to the service and maintenance schedule.
• For full suspension STEVENS E-mountain bikes and carbon bikes trailers are not permitted.
STEVENS bikes of the category 5 E are not suitable for use on blocked terrain, for high and long jumps, slides, stair riding, stoppies, wheelies, tricks etc.!
Inform yourself at and check the category your STEVENS bike belongs to.
S - 8 | English
Due to the higher stresses, these
STEVENS bikes of category 6 E should be checked for possible damage after every ride. Two inspections per year at least carried out by your STEVENS dealer are obligatory.
Category 6 E: STEVENS E-enduro and E-all mountain bikes
This category describes STEVENS E-enduro and E-all mountain bikes. Full suspension STEVENS E-mountain bikes with medium suspension travel are typical for this category. STEVENS E-Whaka and E-Sledge.
STEVENS E-enduro and E-all mountain bikes are designed for off-road use (Alpcross etc.). STEVENS bikes of this category can be used on surfaces permitted for bikes of the categories 1, 3, 4 and 5. Furthermore, STEVENS bikes of this category are suitable for very rough and partly blocked terrain with steeper slopes and higher speeds as a result thereof. Regular jumps by experienced riders are no problem for these STEVENS bikes. The regular and durable use of these STEVENS bikes in bike parks must however be excluded by STEVENS. In addition, these STEVENS bikes are not suitable for tricks, stair riding etc. as well as training and competitive use in the categories freeride, dirt, downhill.
• For full suspension STEVENS E-mountain bikes trailers are not permitted.
English | S - 9
Note that there are different types of pedelecs and e-bikes which are subject to different legal framework conditions. Check the class of your STEVENS pedelec or e-bike in the bike card. Keep the specific regulations for your pedelec/e-bike class in mind when riding on public roads and through the landscape.
1. Pedelecs ( P edal E lectric C ycles) or EPACs ( E lectrically P ower A ssisted C ycles) are bicycles with auxiliary drive that only switches on when the pedals are moved by the rider. When you stop pedalling, the motor switches off.
In the UK pedelecs are also referred to as EAPCs ( E letrically A ssisted P edal C ycles).
A driving licence is not required for riding a pedelec, if the motor assistance switches off automatically at a speed of 25 kph/15 mph. You do not need registration (MOT certificate and tax disc in the UK) or insurance either. Do not confuse your pedelec with a “speed pedelec” (see item 2.). All regulations that apply to bicycles, also apply to pedelecs. Wearing a helmet is recommended, but not compulsory.
Most pedelecs are designed for cycling exclusively on lanes and roads with a smooth surface. Only use trails that are allowed for bicycles. In general, typical pedelecs are not suitable for off-road use. Using typical STEVENS pedelecs offroad can result in crashes with unforeseeable consequences.
For more information about the intended use of your STEVENS pedelec as well as the permitted overall weight
(rider, STEVENS pedelec and luggage) see the bike card and chapter
“Before your First Ride” .
Do not modify or manipulate (“tune”) your STEVENS pedelec. Risk of accident!
Modifications and manipulations will render the warranty void and result in a loss of the private liability insurance cover. In this case you may possibly no longer use your
STEVENS pedelec on public roads.
Your STEVENS pedelec is approved in principle for mounting a child seat!
Your STEVENS dealer will be pleased to recommend and assemble you suitable models for your STEVENS pedelec.
Keep in mind that both the BOSCH as well as the SHIMANO STePS system will switch off after a certain period of time without power output for reasons of energy saving.
The system is restarted by pressing the
ON/OFF button once.
The weight distribution on STEVENS pedelecs differs markedly from the weight distribution on bicycles without drive assistance. A
STEVENS pedelec is markedly heavier than a bicycle without drive assistance. For this reason pushing, lifting and carrying the STEVENS pedelec is more difficult. Bear this in mind when loading your pedelec into a car and unloading it or when mounting it on a bicycle carrier system.
S - 10 | English
The regulations and rules for pedelecs and speed pedelecs are being revised permanently.
Read the daily press to keep you informed about current legislative changes.
STEVENS Allround pedelecs are designed for cycling exclusively on lanes and roads with a smooth surface. Only use trails that are allowed for bicycles. For offroad use only STEVENS Offroad pedelecs are suitable. Using STEVENS Allround pedelecs off-road can result in crashes with unforeseeable consequences.
The starting or push assistance provides help during pushing the STEVENS pedelec or when doing a hill start, even without pedalling, up to a speed of 6 kph /
3.7 mph. For riding on public roads these STEVENS pedelecs are not required to be insured.
Inform yourself in the country where you intend to use your STEVENS pedelec about the respective legal regulations.
2. Speed pedelecs are considered to be motor vehicles or according to EU law as “light motorcycle with low power” (L1e) with auxiliary motor which provide assistance to the rider even beyond a speed of 25 kph to max. 45 kph / 15 mph to max. 28 mph, as long as you continue pedalling. Without pedalling a speed pedelec provides assistance to a maximum speed of 20 kph / 12 mph.
Speed pedelecs are considered as motor vehicles (class L1e) in accordance with EU Directive 2002/24/EC, require registration or an EU type approval and are therefore subject to strict regulations relating to the replacement of components and changes. In the UK for riding on public roads these STEVENS speed pedelecs are required to have a tax disc, a number plate and a MOT certificate. In addition, you need a driving licence (cat. AM) to ride a STEVENS speed pedelec. In the UK the legal age to ride a speed pedelec is 16 years. For more information contact your local driving licence office.
It is recommendable that you take out a private liability insurance. Make sure your insurance grants coverage for these kinds of damage.
Contact your insurance agency.
STEVENS pedelecs are approved for towing trailers up to 40 kg (88.2 lbs) trailing load (towed load). STEVENS advises you to use only trailers with brakes. In the case of the E-Fully models trailer towing is not permitted. If you are in doubt or if you have any questions, contact your STEVENS dealer.
Read in any case also the BOSCH or
SHIMANO STePS system instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
English | S - 11 addition, you must not use one-way streets in the opposite direction, even when they are allowed to bicycles. You must not use your STEVENS speed pedelec on lanes which are closed to motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds. You must only use your STEVENS speed pedelec on public roads and on private premises, if authorised by the owner.
When riding STEVENS speed pedelecs wearing a suitable cycle helmet (crash helmet in the UK) is compulsory. Be sure to also read chapter “Riding a STEVENS
Speed Pedelec – Special Features” .
STEVENS speed pedelecs are designed for cycling exclusively on lanes and roads with a smooth surface. Only use trails that are allowed for speed pedelecs/ e-bikes. Typical STEVENS speed pedelecs are generally not suitable for off-road use. Using STEVENS speed pedelecs off-road can result in crashes with unforeseeable consequences.
Inform yourself in the country where you intend to use your STEVENS speed pedelec about the respective legal regulations.
Do not modify or manipulate (“tune”) your STEVENS speed pedelec. Risk of accident!
Modifications and manipulations will render the warranty void and result in a loss of the private liability insurance cover. In this case you may possibly no longer use your
STEVENS speed pedelec on public roads.
If your STEVENS speed pedelec does not look like a typical city or trekking bike (see cover), read the chapters
“Intended Use ” and “Before Your First Ride“.
For more information about the intended use of your pedelec as well as the permitted overall weight (rider, pedelec and luggage) see the
STePS system instructions on the enclosed
CD-ROM and read chapter “Before Your
First Ride” .
Before Your First Ride
1. Your STEVENS pedelec is designed for a maximum overall weight of 140 kg
(308.6 lbs) including rider, luggage and STEVENS pedelec.
2. If you want to use your bicycle on public roads, it has to comply with the respective legal requirements. These requirements may vary in each country. The fittings of your STEVENS pedelec are, therefore, not necessarily complete. Ask your
STEVENS dealer for the laws and regulations applicable in your country or in the country you intend to use the STEVENS pedelec. Have your STEVENS pedelec equipped accordingly, before using it on public roads.
3. The rechargeable battery of your STEVENS pedelec must be charged before you set off for the first time. Are you familiar with the handling and mounting of the rechargeable battery? Before you set off for the first time, check whether the battery is properly mounted, that it has engaged audibly and that it is locked.
S - 12 | English
Do not park your
STEVENS pedelec in the blazing sun.
Make particularly sure there is enough space between your crotch and the top tube so that you do not hurt yourself, if you have to get off your bike quickly.
For more information read chapter “Inserting and removing the battery pack” in the BOSCH system instructions or chapter “Charging the battery” in the SHIMANO
STePS system instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
4. The functions of your STEVENS pedelec are operated with the buttons on the drive HMI or on the command console. Are you familiar with all functions and displays? Check whether you know the functions of all buttons on the drive HMI or on the command console.
For more information read chapter “Product Description and Specifications” in the
BOSCH system instructions or chapter “ Switching between cycle computer operations and modes” in the SHIMANO STePS system instructions on the enclosed
5. Your STEVENS pedelec has a push assistance. The push assistance provides help during pushing your STEVENS pedelec. Are you familiar with the push assistance?
For more information read chapter “Switching the Push-assistance mode On/Off” in the BOSCH system instructions or chapter “Assist mode” in the SHIMANO STePS system instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
6. Are you familiar with the brake system? Have a look at the bike card and check whether the brake lever of the front brake is on the side you are used to (right or left). If it is not, have it modified by your STEVENS dealer before you set off for the first time! Your new STEVENS pedelec is equipped with modern brakes which may be far more powerful than those you were used to so far. Be sure to first practise using the brakes on a level, non-slip surface off public roads. Slowly approach higher brake performances and speeds.
For more information read chapter “The Brake System” of your general STEVENS user manual and the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
Charge your battery only with the supplied charger. Do not use the charger of any other manufacturer, not even when the connector of the charger matches your rechargeable battery. The rechargeable battery can heat up, catch fire or even explode!
We recommend that you charge your battery exclusively during the day and only in dry rooms which have a smoke or a fire detector; but keep it out of your bedroom. Place the battery during the charging process on a big, non-inflammable plate made of ceramics or glass!
English | S - 13
7. Are you familiar with the type and functioning of the gears? Ask your STEVENS dealer to explain you the gear system and make yourself familiar with your new gears in an area free of traffic, if necessary.
For more information read chapter “The Gears” of your general STEVENS user manual and the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
8. Are saddle and handlebar properly adjusted? The saddle should be set to a height from which you can just reach the pedal in its lowest position with your heel. Check whether your toes reach to the floor when you are sitting on the saddle. Your STEVENS dealer will be pleased to help you, if you are not happy with your seating position.
For more information read chapter “Adjusting the Bicycle to the Rider” of your general STEVENS user manual on the enclosed CD-ROM.
9. If your STEVENS pedelec is equipped with clipless or step-in pedals: Have you ever tried the shoes they go with? Do not set off until you have practised engaging and disengaging the shoes from the pedals in standing. Ask your STEVENS dealer to explain you the pedals.
For more information read chapter “The Pedal Systems” of your general STEVENS user manual and the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
Do not attach bags or objects of similar weight and size to the handlebars of your
STEVENS pedelec. Risk of accident and falling!
Note that in wet conditions the brake performance is less effective and the tyre grip reduced. Keep this fact in mind in particular when riding on a wet road and do not ride as fast as you would in dry conditions.
Strictly observe the category to which your STEVENS pedelec belongs. From the category you can conclude which grounds and riding actions are suitable for your
STEVENS pedelec. The categories are specified in chapter ”Intended Use” and in the bike card.
Do not wear long skirts or ponchos and do not attach long strings, bands or the like to your STEVENS pedelec during the ride. There is the risk of getting caught in the wheels or in the drive. Risk of accident and falling!
Be aware that the brakes of your STEVENS pedelec are always more effective than the drive. If you will face any problems with your drive
(e.g. because it pushes you forward in front of a bend), slow down your STEVENS pedelec carefully.
S - 14 | English
10. If you have bought a STEVENS pedelec with suspension fork, you should ask your STEVENS dealer to have it properly adjusted before delivery. Improperly adjusted suspension forks are liable to malfunction or damage to the suspension components. In any case they will impair the performance of your pedelec as well as your safety and joy whilst cycling.
For more information read chapter “Suspension Forks” of your general STEVENS user manual and the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
A lack of practice when using clipless pedals or too much spring tension in the mechanism can lead to a very firm connection, from which you cannot quickly step out. Risk of falling!
Be aware that the distance you need to stop your pedelec may increase, when you are riding with your hands on bar ends. The brake levers are not in all gripping positions within easy reach.
Your STEVENS pedelec is approved in principle for mounting a child seat!
Your STEVENS dealer will be pleased to recommend and assemble you suitable models for your
STEVENS pedelec.
When mounting your STEVENS pedelec, make sure not to step in the pedals until you sit in the saddle and gripping the handlebars tight. The drive assistance might switch on suddenly and result in an uncontrolled start of your STEVENS pedelec. Risk of falling!
The weight distribution on STEVENS pedelecs differs considerably from the weight distribution on bicycles without drive assistance. A STEVENS pedelec is markedly heavier than a bicycle without drive assistance. For this reason pushing, lifting and carrying the STEVENS pedelec is more difficult. Bear this in mind when loading your pedelec into a car and unloading it or when mounting it on a bicycle carrier system.
STEVENS pedelecs are approved for towing trailers up to 40 kg (88.2 lbs) trailing load
(towed load). STEVENS advises you to use only trailers with brakes. In the case of the
E-Fully models trailer towing is not permitted. If you are in doubt or if you have any questions, contact your STEVENS dealer.
Note that not all STEVENS pedelecs are fitted with kickstands. Therefore, when parking your STEVENS pedelec, make sure it stands safe and secure and is not at risk of toppling over or being knocked over. If your STEVENS pedelec topples over, it can suffer from damage.
English | S - 15
Before Every Ride
Your STEVENS pedelec has undergone numerous tests during production and a final check has been carried out by your STEVENS dealer. Nevertheless, be sure to check the following points before every ride to exclude any malfunctioning that may be due to the transport of your STEVENS pedelec or to the work a third person may have performed on your STEVENS pedelec before delivery:
1. Are the quick-release levers or the bolted connections of the front and rear wheel, the seat post and other components properly closed and tightened?
For more information read chapter “Wheel Fastening with Quick-Releases and Thru
Axles” of your general STEVENS user manual and the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
2. Are the connections of the rechargeable battery, the drive HMI, the operating unit and the drive correctly plugged?
For more information read chapter “Operation” in the BOSCH system instructions or chapter “Method of use” in the SHIMANO STePS system instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
3. Is your battery fully charged? Keep in mind to entirely recharge the battery after every ride. You should not wait until the battery is empty!
For more information read chapter “Operation” in the BOSCH system instructions or chapter “Charging the battery” in the SHIMANO STePS system instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
4. Does the drive HMI show all values? Is there any error message or warning on the display? Check the values are correct on your drive HMI before every ride.
Do not set off on your STEVENS pedelec when the drive HMI shows a warning.
5. Are you familiar with the operating unit? By using the buttons of the operating unit you can increase or decrease the assistance level, activate or switch-off the push-assistance function and switch between the indication functions.
For more information read chapters “Operation” and “Error Code Indication” in the
BOSCH system instructions or chapter “Switching between cycle computer operations and modes” in the SHIMANO STePS system instructions on the enclosed
6. Is the battery tight in its holder and the lock properly locked up? Never set off with a loose and unlocked battery.
For more information read chapter “Assembly” in the BOSCH system instructions or chapter “Installing / removing the battery” in the SHIMANO STePS system instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
Remove the rechargeable battery or the display before doing any work on your STEVENS pedelec (e.g. servicing, repairs, assembly, maintenance, work on your drive etc.). Activating the drive system unintentionally bears the risk of injury!
S - 16 | English
When you park your
STEVENS pedelec, remove the display if possible. This is to protect your STEVENS pedelec against theft; in addition, it cannot be used directly with drive assistance.
7. Are the tyres in good condition and do they have sufficient pressure? Note that a pedelec weighs heavier and that your usual tyre pressure may be insufficient. A higher pressure gives a better riding stability and reduces the risk of a puncture.
The minimum and maximum pressure (in bar or psi) is indicated on the tyre side.
For more information read chapter “The Wheels” of your general STEVENS user manual and the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
8. Spin the wheels to check whether the rims are true. If you have disc brakes, watch the gap between frame and rim or tyre and, if you have rim brakes, between brake pad and rim. Untrue rims can be an indication of tyres with ruptured sides or broken axles or spokes.
For more information read chapter “The Wheels” of your general STEVENS user manual and the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
9. Test the brakes in standing by firmly pulling the brake levers towards the handlebars. Make sure you cannot pull the brake levers all the way to the handlebar and check the hydraulic brake cables for leaks. Check the thickness of the brake pads, as well.
With disc brakes you should directly get a positive braking response. If you have to actuate the brake lever more than once to get a positive braking response, have the STEVENS pedelec checked by your STEVENS dealer.
The brake pads of rim brakes must hit the rim evenly with their entire surface without touching the tyre during braking or in open condition or in between.
For more information read chapter “The Brake System” of your general STEVENS user manual and the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
The drive is free of vibrations. During use your STEVENS pedelec is undergoing stress resulting from the surface of the road and through the rider’s action. Due to these dynamic loads, the different parts of your bicycle react with wear and fatigue. Check your STEVENS pedelec regularly for wear marks, scratches, deformations, colour changes and any indication of cracking. Components which have reached the end of their service life may break without previous warning. Let your STEVENS dealer maintain and service your STEVENS pedelec regularly and in cases of doubt it is always best to replace components.
English | S - 17
10. Let your STEVENS pedelec bounce on the ground from a small height.
Improperly closed quick-releases and other fastenings can cause components of the STEVENS pedelec to come loose and result in serious accidents!
If there is any rattling, see where it comes from. Check the bearings, the bolts and the proper seat of the battery, if necessary.
11. If you want to ride on public roads, make sure your STEVENS pedelec is equipped according to the regulations of your country. Riding without lights and reflectors in dark or dim conditions is very dangerous
because you will be seen too late or not at all by other road users. A lighting set that corresponds to the regulations is a must on public roads. Turn on the lights as soon as dusk sets in.
For more information read chapter “Legal Requirements for Riding on Public Roads” of your general STEVENS user manual on the enclosed CD-ROM.
12. If your STEVENS pedelec has suspension, check it as follows: Press down on your STEVENS pedelec and see whether the spring elements retract and extend as usual.
For more information read chapter “Suspension Forks” of your general STEVENS user manual and the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
13. If your pedelec has a kickstand, make sure it is fully raised before you set off.
Risk of falling!
14. Do not forget to take a high quality folding, D- or chain lock with you on your ride. The only way to effectively protect your STEVENS pedelec against theft is to lock it to an immovable object. It is also recommended to always remove the rechargeable battery from the pedelec.
Do not use your
STEVENS pedelec, if it fails on one of these points! Riding a defective STEVENS pedelec can result in serious accidents! If you are in doubt or if you have any questions, contact your
STEVENS dealer.
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After an Accident
1. Check whether the wheels are still firmly fixed in the drop-outs and whether the rims are still centred with regard to the frame or fork. Spin the wheels and observe the gap either between frame and tyre or between brake pads and rim sides.
If the width of the gap changes markedly and you have no way to true the rim where you are, you will need to release the rim brake a little so that the rim can run between the brake pads without touching them. Note that in this case the brakes may not act as powerfully as you are used to.
For more information read chapters “Wheel Fastening with Quick-Releases and
Thru Axles” , “The Brake System” and “The Wheels” of your general STEVENS user manual and the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
2. Check that handlebars and stem are neither bent nor broken and that they are level and upright. Make sure the stem is firmly fixed on the fork by trying to turn the handlebars relative to the front wheel. Briefly lean on the brake levers to make sure the handlebars are firmly fixed in the stem.
Realign the components, if necessary, and carefully tighten the bolts to ensure a reliable clamping of the components. The maximum torque values are printed directly on the components or specified in the enclosed operating instructions.
For more information read chapters “Adjusting the Bicycle to the Rider” and “The
Headset” of your general STEVENS user manual and in the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
3. Check whether the chain still runs on the chainrings and the sprockets. If your
STEVENS pedelec fell over to the chain side, verify the proper functioning of the gears. Ask somebody to lift the STEVENS pedelec by the saddle and carefully shift through all the gears. Pay particular attention when shifting to the small gears and make sure the rear derailleur does not get too close to the spokes as the chain climbs onto the larger sprockets.
If the rear derailleur or the drop-outs/derailleur hanger is bent, the rear derailleur may collide with the spokes. This can result in damage to the rear derailleur, the rear wheel and the frame. Check the function of the front derailleur, as a displaced front derailleur can throw off the chain, thus interrupting the drive of the STEVENS pedelec.
For more information read chapter “The Gears” of your general STEVENS user manual and the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
4. Make sure the saddle is not out of alignment using the top tube or the bottom bracket shell as a reference. If necessary, open the clamp, realign the saddle and retighten the clamp.
For more information read chapters “Wheel Fastening with Quick-Releases and
Thru Axles” and “Adjusting the Bicycle to the Rider” of your general STEVENS user manual and the operating instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
5. Let your STEVENS pedelec bounce on the ground from a small height. If there is any rattling, see where it comes from. Check the bearings, the bolts and the proper seat of the battery and the plug, if necessary.
6. Check the rechargeable battery. If the rechargeable battery is no longer properly in its holder or shows any damage, do not use your STEVENS pedelec. A damaged rechargeable battery can result in the STEVENS pedelec being suddenly without drive. Risk of falling!
Damage to the outer housing of the rechargeable battery can result in water or moisture entry which can lead to short circuits or electric shocks. The rechargeable battery may catch fire or even explode! Highly toxic liquids may leak out which is harmful to health. In such a case, contact your STEVENS dealer immediately.
For more information read chapter “Operation” in the BOSCH system instructions or chapter “Installing / removing the battery” in the SHIMANO STePS system instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
7. Check that all values are displayed properly and fully on the drive HMI. Do not use your STEVENS pedelec, if the drive HMI shows an error message or a warning. In the case of critical errors the system switches off automatically. In the case of non-critical errors the system may be still operable. Do not set off on your STEVENS pedelec when the drive HMI shows a warning. In such a case, contact your STEVENS dealer immediately.
For more information read chapter “Operation” in the BOSCH system instructions or chapter “ Switching between cycle computer operations and modes” in the SHIMANO
STePS system instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
After a fall or if your
STEVENS pedelec has toppled over, you have to check the function and in particular the limit stop of the rear derailleur.
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Deformed components, especially components made of aluminium, can break without previous warning. They must not be repaired, i.e. straightened, as the imminent risk of breakage will remain. This applies in particular to the fork, the handlebars, the stem, the cranks, the seat post and the pedals. When in doubt, it is always recommendable to have these components replaced, as your safety comes first. Ask your
STEVENS dealer for help.
Rechargeable batteries have a limited service life. The battery deteriorates with every use and with every charging.
Avoid any deep discharge of the rechargeable battery. The batteries of STEVENS pedelecs have no memory effect.
It is recommended that you charge the battery after every ride.
8. Finally, take a good look at the whole STEVENS pedelec to detect any deformations, colour changes or cracks.
Ride back very carefully by taking the shortest route possible, only if your
STEVENS pedelec went through this check without any problems. Do not accelerate or brake hard and do not ride your pedelec out of the saddle. If you are in doubt about the performance of your STEVENS pedelec, have yourself picked up by car, instead of taking any risk.
Back home you have to check your STEVENS pedelec thoroughly. The damaged parts must be repaired. Ask your STEVENS dealer for help.
Riding a STEVENS Pedelec – Special Features
Your STEVENS pedelec is designed to be used like a conventional bicycle. The unique riding experience, however, starts when you actuate the drive system. At that moment the assistance generated by the 250 W motor increases with its high torque the stronger you pedal.
Riding with Drive Assistance
The system can be switched on and off at the rechargeable battery. Furthermore, it shows the remaining capacity of the battery. When switched on the system activates during pedalling and the drive assistance is available. Sensors measure your pedalling movements and control the fully automated drive assistance according to the selected assistance mode. The level of the additional propulsion depends on the assistance mode. The assistance switches off when you reach a speed of more than 25 kph / 15 mph.
Range – Useful Information for a Long Ride
How long and how far you can benefit from the auxiliary drive depends on several factors, i.e. the road conditions, the weight of rider and additional load, the rider’s pedal force, the degree or mode of assistance, (head)winds, frequent stops, the temperature, weather conditions etc. The charge state of your rechargeable battery can be read from the drive HMI. The range indicator on the drive HMI provides additional information about the estimated range during the ride.
For more information read chapter “Battery Charge-Control Indicator” in the BOSCH system instructions or chapter “About the battery LED lamp” in the SHIMANO STePS system instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
To extend the range it is recommended that you ride with low or no assistance at all on level or downhill trails and only select maximum drive assistance with headwinds, heavy additional loads and/or when climbing hills.
Visit to find the BOSCH eBike range assistant which helps you calculate the range for your next eBike tour.
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Furthermore, you can extend the range by
- switching into a lower gear prior to stopping in front of traffic lights
- changing gears regularly, as you are used to on a bicycle without drive
- not only riding in high gears
- reducing your additional load (luggage) as far as possible
- storing your battery in your home when it is cold outside and installing it only shortly before you set off on your STEVENS pedelec
If your battery has not enough capacity to reach your destination, benefit from the decisive advantage of the STEVENS pedelec: Without drive assistance you can ride your STEVENS pedelec like a usual bicycle with an unlimited range and nearly without compromising on riding characteristics.
Riding without Drive Assistance
Your STEVENS pedelec is designed to be used even without drive assistance, i.e. like a conventional bicycle.
Observe the following points when riding with an empty or without rechargeable battery:
• Even when you have removed the battery from your pedelec, the drive HMI and the operating unit can be switched on, as they are powered by an own battery.
If you want to ride without drive assistance with mounted battery, you can switch on the drive HMI of your STEVENS pedelec to benefit from the functions of your cycle computer.
• If the lighting system of your STEVENS pedelec is powered by the rechargeable battery, it can even be used when the battery is empty. It is, however, recommended that you recharge the battery immediately after you have returned.
• After you have removed the battery of your STEVENS pedelec: Keep the connections of the rechargeable battery free of dirt and moisture. Protect the connections of your rechargeable battery with the protective covers, if supplied. With the battery removed the display may be switched off.
Do a test ride to make yourself familiar with the riding characteristics of your STEVENS pedelec and the possibly higher speed and acceleration, before riding on public roads. Risk of accident!
Never ride without a helmet!
Do not step on the pedals before sitting in the saddle, select the lowest drive assistance and be ready to brake when you set off. Risk of falling!
Note that car drivers and other road users may underestimate your speed. Therefore, always ride on public roads with this fact in mind and anticipate the actions of other road users. Risk of accident!
Keep in mind that pedestrians do not hear you when you approach at high speed.
Therefore, ride particularly defensive and anticipating when using cycle lanes and cycle/footpaths to avoid accidents. If necessary, ring the bell to warn others.
Keep in mind that due to the higher driving power at the rear wheel the risk of an accident increases with slippery roads (due to wetness, snow, gravel etc.). This applies all the more when riding bends. Risk of falling!
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Keep your battery away from fire and heat. Risk of explosion!
Remove the rechargeable battery from your pedelec or e-bike, if you do not use your pedelec for a longer period of time.
Useful Information for Proper Handling of the Battery
Remove the rechargeable battery, if you do not use your STEVENS pedelec for a longer period of time (e.g. during the winter season). Store the rechargeable battery in a dry room at temperatures between 5 and 20 degrees Celsius (41 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit). The state of charge should be 50 to 60 % of the charging capacity. Check the state of charge, if the rechargeable battery is left unused for more than two months, and recharge it in between, if necessary.
Clean the battery housing with a dry or, if at all, a slightly moist rag. Do not direct the water jet of a high-pressure cleaner at the rechargeable battery, as there is a risk of water entry and/or short-circuit.
For more information read chapter “Operation” in the BOSCH system instructions or chapter “Method of use” in the SHIMANO STePS system instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
Make sure your rechargeable battery is in sound condition. Do not open, disassemble or crush the battery. Risk of explosion!
Do not use a rechargeable battery or a charger that is defective. If you are in doubt or if you have any questions, contact your STEVENS dealer.
Charge your battery only with the supplied charger. Do not use the charger of any other manufacturer, not even when the connector of the charger matches your rechargeable battery. The rechargeable battery can heat up, catch fire or even explode!
Keep the rechargeable battery and the charger during the charging process away from moisture and water to exclude electric shocks and short circuits.
We recommend that you charge your battery during the day and only in dry rooms which have a smoke or a fire detector; but keep it off your bedroom. Place the battery during the charging process on a big, non-inflammable plate made of ceramics or glass!
Do not charge any other electrical devices with the supplied charger of your STEVENS pedelec!
The drive is not approved for steam cleaning, high-pressure cleaning or cleaning with a water hose. The contact of water with the electrics or the drive can destroy the units. The individual drive components can be cleaned with a soft rag and neutral detergents. You may use a moist rag, but not excessive water. Keep the rechargeable battery dry and do not submerge it! Risk of explosion.
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Batteries must not be short-circuited. Store them therefore in a safe storage area and make sure the battery is not short-circuited accidentally (e.g. with another battery).
In addition, the rechargeable battery must not be stored inappropriately, e.g. in a box or in a drawer where they can be short-circuited by other conductive materials or where they can short-circuit each other. Do not deposit any objects in the storage area (e.g. clothes).
Do not dispose of your rechargeable battery with standard household waste! It must be disposed of according to battery disposal regulations. Therefore, sellers of new rechargeable batteries must provide collection of old batteries and appropriate disposal. If you are in doubt or if you have any questions, contact your STEVENS dealer.
When you remove your battery from the holder for charging it with your pedelec left in the open during the charging process, you should protect the connections, e.g. with a plastic bag against rain, water, moisture and dirt. If the connections of your rechargeable STEVENS battery are soiled, clean them with a dry rag.
Make sure not to discharge your rechargeable battery completely (also referred to as depth discharge). Depth discharge will affect the rechargeable battery of your pedelec permanently. A deep-discharged battery can only be recharged in exceptional cases and with special chargers. Contact your STEVENS dealer.
Charge the battery with an ambient temperature of 15 to 25 degree Celsius (59 to
77 degrees Fahrenheit).. Let hot batteries cool down beforehand. You should also let the battery warm up to room temperature before connecting it to the charger in winter or after a ride in cold weather.
If the rechargeable battery or the charger (or parts of it) must be replaced, only use original spare parts. Contact in this case your STEVENS dealer.
Make sure your rechargeable battery
(g) is not exposed to mechanical impacts.
Do not expose your battery or the charger to the blazing sun.
Keep the rechargeable battery and the charger out of the reach of children!
Lithium-ion batteries have no memory effect; they can therefore be charged at any time without affecting battery life. Avoid any deep discharge of the rechargeable battery.
Also observe possible instructions on the respective labels on the rechargeable battery or on the charger.
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In the UK, speed pedelecs must be ridden on the road. Do not cycle on cycle paths.
Pulling the brake lever of the rear brake stops the motor – emergency stop!
Riding a STEVENS Speed Pedelec – Special Features
Basically, a speed pedelec is a pedelec, which is only clearly faster. Be sure to read chapter “Riding a STEVENS Pedelec – Special Features” completely prior to reading this chapter. Keep in mind that all tips and warnings given in the mentioned chapter apply all the more and with still greater importance to speed pedelecs.
Practise the handling of the still more powerful and faster speed pedelec and always ride with foresight.
In contrast to pedelecs speed pedelecs are classified as e-bikes and thus as motor vehicles (class L1e). For the UK that means that speed pedelecs must be equipped as follows:
- Besides the typical bicycle components they must be fitted with a rear view mirror.
- The speed pedelecs need to be registered, licensed, taxed and insured and require an MOT certificate or an EU type approval.
- The tyres must have a minimum tread depth of 1.0 mm, just like motor vehicle tyres. Every tyre worn down to this minimum depth must be replaced by an identical one; otherwise this will void the operating licence.
Inform yourself in the country where you intend to use your speed pedelec about the regulations of
- using cycle lanes and paths within built-up areas
- using lanes that are marked with a road sign allowing access for mopeds
- using one-way streets in the opposite direction, even when they are allowed to bicycles
- cycling through pedestrian zones, even when they are allowed to bicycles
- using bicycle parking facilities
- using forest trails
- using your STEVENS speed pedelec on lanes which are closed to motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds
- using your STEVENS speed pedelec on public roads and on private premises, if authorised by the owner
Be aware that the brakes of your STEVENS pedelec are always more effective than the drive. If you will face any problems with your drive
(e.g. because it pushes you forward in front of a bend), slow down your
STEVENS speed pedelec carefully.
If a component needs to be replaced, make it a rule to only use original spare parts. Wearing parts of other manufacturers, e.g. brake pads or tyres that are not of identical size, may cause harm to the safety of your pedelec. Risk of accident! In the case of speed pedelecs be sure to only assemble original spare parts, otherwise the registration (MOT certificate in the UK) and as a consequence the insurance cover will expire. Read the respective instructions in the BOSCH or SHIMANO system instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
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Towing child trailers is not permitted. In the UK, mounting and using child seats is also forbidden. Check in the bike card and in the country where you use your
STEVENS speed pedelec, whether it may be fitted with a child seat and have yourself informed by your STEVENS dealer.
When riding STEVENS speed pedelecs wearing a suitable cycle helmet (crash helmet in the UK) is compulsory.
Transport of the STEVENS Pedelec
By Car
STEVENS pedelecs can be transported like conventional bicycles outside or inside the car. Always make sure the pedelec is securely fastened outside or inside the car and check the fastenings regularly. In addition, you should always remove the battery from the pedelec prior to fastening it on the car roof. Stow the battery in its original cardboard box (from your STEVENS dealer) and the possibly removable display unit inside the car and secure it appropriately to avoid any damage during transport.
For more information read chapter “Bicycle Transport by Car” of your general
STEVENS user manual on the enclosed CD-ROM.
For your own safety, always ride your STEVENS speed pedelec with the light switched on, wear bright clothing as well as a suitable helmet (crash helmet in the UK) and glasses.
The regulations and rules for pedelecs and speed pedelecs are being revised permanently.
Read the daily press to keep you informed about current legislative changes.
Make sure to remove all movable and loose parts and above all the rechargeable battery and the drive HMI from your STEVENS pedelec before transporting it inside or outside the car. If you transport your STEVENS pedelec without battery on a bicycle rack, protect the connections against water, moisture and dirt.
Before transporting several STEVENS pedelecs with a bicycle rack on the car roof, inform you about the maximum load capacity of the bicycle rack. Keep in mind that the weight of a pedelec is higher than the weight of a bicycle without drive. Maybe you can only transport one or two STEVENS pedelecs instead of three bicycles without drive.
The weight distribution on STEVENS pedelecs differs markedly from the weight distribution on bicycles without drive assistance. A STEVENS pedelec is markedly heavier than a bicycle without drive assistance.
For this reason pushing, lifting and carrying the
STEVENS pedelec is more difficult. Bear this in mind when loading your pedelec into a car and unloading it or when mounting it on a bicycle carrier system.
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By Train / By Public Transport
STEVENS pedelecs can be transported like conventional bicycles by public transport.
Taking bicycles or pedelecs with you by public transport is permitted in general, the regulations applicable in the cities differ, however. In some regions e.g. you are only allowed to travel with your STEVENS pedelec during off-peak hours and with an additional bicycle ticket. Inform yourself in time about the regulations of carrying the bicycle before you start the trip!
If necessary, inform yourself about the laws and regulations concerning bicycle/ pedelec transport in the countries that you intend to transit during your journey. The laws and regulations differ, e.g. with regard to the marking.
If the rechargeable battery of your STEVENS pedelec is mounted to the down tube or to the pannier rack, you can remove the battery before boarding and disembarking.
Before you start your trip inform yourself in time about the conditions of carriage and also observe the regulations and rules about bicycle transport in the countries through which you intend to travel.
Some regional trains have special spaces for the storage of bicycles and other things. This is an option to take your STEVENS pedelec with you. They are often at the front or end of a train and marked with a bicycle sign.
In Germany e.g. you always need to pre-book a bicycle space on the IC/EC-trains of Deutsche Bahn. This reservation must be made one day prior to your journey at the latest.
When taking a high-speed train check whether you can take your pedelec or bicycle with you.
By Plane
If you intend to take your STEVENS pedelec by plane or to dispatch it with a forwarding agent, you have to observe particular packing and labelling requirements for rechargeable batteries. Contact an expert for hazardous material or a forwarding agent in time.
Contact the airline you intend to travel with in time and inform yourself about the conditions and the possibilities of taking your STEVENS pedelec with you.
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Servicing and Maintenance
Your STEVENS dealer will have assembled and adjusted your STEVENS pedelec ready for use when you come to collect it. Nevertheless, your STEVENS pedelec needs regular servicing. Have your local STEVENS dealer do the scheduled maintenance work. This is the only way to ensure that all components function safely and reliably for many miles.
In addition, the dealer can install updates for the systems by means of which new energy saving riding programs can be loaded allowing longer ranges.
The bicycle will be due for its first service after 100 to 300 kilometres (60 to 180 miles), three to six weeks or 5 to 15 hours of initial use. The bedding in phase typically involves safety-relevant bolted connections and spokes slightly losing tension or gears becoming out of adjustment, so there is every reason to have your dealer service the STEVENS pedelec at this stage. This bedding and settling in process is unavoidable. Therefore, remember to make an appointment with your STEVENS dealer for the first service of your new STEVENS pedelec. The first service is very important for both functioning and durability of your STEVENS pedelec.
Keep in mind that the drive assistance can increase the wearing. This applies to the rear wheel and in the case of middle motors to the chain.
The intended use of the STEVENS pedelec includes regular servicing and the replacement of worn out parts in time, e.g. chains, brake pads or Bowden and brake cables, and therefore has an influence on the warranty and the guarantee, as well.
It is advisable to have your STEVENS pedelec serviced regularly by your STEVENS dealer after the bedding in phase. If your bicycle does harder service, because you ride a great deal on poor road surfaces, it will require correspondingly shorter service periods. The off-season during the winter months is a very good time to take your STEVENS pedelec to your STEVENS dealer for the annual inspection, as they will have plenty of time for you and for servicing.
Servicing and repairs are jobs best left to your STEVENS dealer. If you have your bicycle serviced by anyone else than an expert, you run the risk that parts of your STEVENS pedelec will fail. Risk of accident!
When working on your
STEVENS pedelec restrict yourself to jobs for which you are equipped e.g. with a torque wrench including bits and have the necessary knowledge.
Keep in mind that the auxiliary drive may lead to partly higher wear than you are used to. This applies in particular to the brakes and the tyres and in the case of bottom bracket drives to the chain and the sprockets.
For your own safety, bring your STEVENS pedelec to your STEVENS dealer for its first service after 100 to 300 kilometres (60 to 180 miles), 5 to 15 hours of initial use or three to six weeks, at the very latest, however, after three months.
Be sure to only use original spare parts for servicing and repair. In the case of non-observance the CE marking expires and the warranty is rendered void. Ask your STEVENS dealer for advice.
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Do not position your pedelec upside down in general. When turning your STEVENS pedelec upside down the add-on parts, in particular those of the handlebar, may sustain damage.
Do neither touch rotating wheels on surface or spokes nor disc brakes during the ride or servicing of your STEVENS pedelec. Risk of injury!
Do not reach between chain and cassette sprockets during servicing and repair of the chain and the sprockets with the chainguard removed.
Risk of injury!
STEVENS Speed Pedelecs – Special Features
Note that to maintain insurance cover components of your STEVENS speed pedelec must only be replaced by original components. Only use spare parts confirmed by experts reports on the approval for your STEVENS speed pedelec. As an alternative you may also go through an individual approval process by the German inspection authority TÜV or by the respective authorities in the country where you use your speed pedelec.
Components which must not be replaced or only after a type test, e.g. carried out by a technical inspection agency: Frame, fork, drive unit, rechargeable battery, tyres, rims, brake system, front and rear light, kickstand, handlebars, stem, seat post, mirror, control element/display, pannier rack and licence plate frame.
The following components can be replaced, even without any further test: Pedals
(pedal reflectors are compulsory), mudguards (with rounded edge at the front mudguard), saddle and rubber grips on the handlebars, gear components (provided the highest transmission remains identical), chain, headset, inner tube and hub as well as bell.
Drive Maintenance and Care
For more information read chapter “Maintenance and Service” in the BOSCH system instructions or chapter “Method of use” in the SHIMANO STePS system instructions on the enclosed CD-ROM.
The drive is not approved for steam cleaning, high-pressure cleaning or cleaning with a water hose. The contact of water with the electronics or the drive can destroy the units. The individual drive components can be cleaned with a soft rag and neutral detergents. You may use a moist rag, but not excessive water. Do not submerge the rechargeable battery!
If in case of a repair no original spare parts are available, observe the replacement parts guidelines issued by the German service and bicycle association (VSF), the
German Bicycle Association (ZIV) and the Federal Guild Association (BIV). In case of inquiries contact your STEVENS dealer.
If a component needs to be replaced, make it a rule to only use original spare parts. Wearing parts of other manufacturers, e.g. brake pads or tyres that are not of identical size, may cause harm to the safety of your STEVENS pedelec. Risk of accident! In the case of speed pedelecs be sure to only assemble original spare parts, otherwise the operating licence expires.
If the rechargeable batteries of your pedelec/speed pedelec, the Di2, the odometer, the cycle computer or the GPS device have reached the end of their service life, they must not be disposed of with standard household waste. Bring the rechargeable battery instead to the dealer, where you buy your new one. Ask your STEVENS dealer for advice.
Warranty and Guarantee for STEVENS Bikes
Your STEVENS pedelec was manufactured with care. Normally it is delivered to you by your STEVENS dealer fully mounted. As direct purchaser you have full warranty rights within the first two years after purchase. Contact your STEVENS dealer in the event of defects. To ensure a smooth handling of your claim, it is necessary to present your receipt, your bike card, the handover report and the stamped service reports. Therefore, keep these documents in a safe place.
To ensure a long service life and good durability of your STEVENS pedelec, use it only for its intended purpose (see chapter “Before your First Ride“) . Also observe the permissible load specifications as specified there and in the bike card. Be sure to strictly follow the mounting instructions of the manufacturers (above all the tightening torques of the bolts) as well as the prescribed maintenance schedule. Observe the checks and routines that are listed in the present user manual and the manuals supplied or the replacement of safety-relevant components, such as handlebars, brakes etc, if necessary.
A Note on Wear
Some components of your bike are subject to wear due to their function. The rate of wear will depend on care and maintenance and the way you use your pedelec
(mileage, riding in the rain, dirt, salt etc.). Bicycles that are often left standing in the open may also be subject to increased wear through weathering.
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The coating/paint of frames and forks is subject to particular consideration, i.e. the coating is, by nature, exposed to stress during use and can wear down or be affected by minor damage. This type of wear or damage as a result of mechanical stress (e.g. scratches due to rough contact with other objects) is not covered by the terms of warranty.
The law referring to full warranty rights is only valid in the countries where the law has been ratified according to the renewed European regulations. Inform yourself about the situation in your country.
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Rechargeable batteries have a limited service life. The battery deteriorates with every use and with every charging.
Avoid any deep discharge of the rechargeable battery. The batteries of STEVENS pedelecs have no memory effect.
It is recommended that you charge the battery after every ride.
These components require regular care and maintenance. Nevertheless, sooner or later they will reach the end of their service life, depending on condition and intensity of use. These components must be replaced once they have reached their limit of wear: a. Rechargeable battery b. Chain c. Brake pads d. Brake fluid (DOT) e. Rotors
F. Brake cables and housings g. Seals of suspension elements h. Grips or the bar tape i. Gear cables and housings j. Chainrings k. Tyres l. Sprockets m. Saddle covering n. Bowden cables o. Pulley wheels p. Gear housings q. Lubricants
The pads of rim brakes are subject to wear due to their function. If you use your bike for competitive cycling or in hilly terrain, the brake pads may have to be replaced quite frequently. Check your brake pads regularly and have them replaced by your STEVENS dealer, if necessary.
r. Rims of rim brakes
Braking causes wear not only to the brake pads, but also to the rims. Therefore, check your rims regularly, e.g. when inflating the tyres. Some rims have wear indicators, such as rings or grooves that become visible when the rim has reached its limit of wear. There are some models where the wear indicators disappear, when the rim thickness has reached a critical point. Observe the specifications marked on the rim. Ask your STEVENS dealer to examine the remaining thickness of the rims at the latest when you are through your second set of brake pads. Rim walls that become deformed or show hair cracks when the tyre pressure is increased have reached the end of their service life. The rim must be repaired.
s. Lighting and reflectors
The lighting is essential for your safety on the road, especially at night. Check the function and condition of the reflectors before every ride. Light bulbs are subject to wear due to their function. Always have a set of spare bulbs with you so that you can replace them, if necessary.
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Terms of Guarantee of STEVENS Vertriebs GmbH
STEVENS Vertriebs GmbH, Asbrookdamm 35, 22115 Hamburg, Germany, ensures quality and durability of the STEVENS bikes. We ensure to final customers
(hereinafter referred to as “customer”) who have bought the bicycle in the Federal
Republic of Germany, in accordance with the present directive on guarantee that the bicycle supplied to them will be free from defects in material and workmanship during the period of guarantee. This guarantee is subject to the law of the Federal
Republic of Germany. The contractual or legal rights of the customer defined under the product liability law or against the respective seller on the basis of warranty due to a material defect acc. to §§ 434, 437 ff. of the German Civil Code (BGB)
(supplementary performance, rescission, reduction, damages) are not affected by these directives on guarantee.
Which parts and damages are protected under the guarantee and how long is the period of guarantee?
A STEVENS bike is a bicycle which was assembled by us by using various components and branded accessories (hereinafter referred to as components) of renowned manufacturers. The guarantee includes the following components of the
STEVENS bike with the following periods of guarantee from the date of sale to the first buyer:
• STEVENS bike frames and STEVENS bike forks (objects of guarantee): 5 years.
• The performance of services under this guarantee leads neither to an extension nor to a recommencement of the period of guarantee.
Excluded from the guarantee are normal wear and tear and damage to the objects of guarantee caused by a use deviating from normal provisions / stipulations (see handbook / user manual - chapter “General Safety Instructions” and
“Intended Use”). The guarantee does not cover damage due to insufficient care, maintenance, fall, overloading as a result of too heavy loads, inappropriate assembly
(non-observance of the manufacturers’ assembly instructions) as well as mounting or retrofitting additional components to the bicycle which are not approved by the manufacturer and / or jumps with the bicycle. The coating and / or paint of the objects of guarantee is naturally subject to stress during use and can wear down or be affected by minor damage; this kind of wear or such damage due to mechanical stress (e.g. scratches caused by rough contact with other objects) are excluded from the guarantee.
The rights of the end-user/customer from the warranty remain unaffected by the present guarantee.
The coating/paint of frames and forks is subject to particular consideration, i.e. the coating is, by nature, exposed to stress during use and can wear down or be affected by minor damage. This type of wear or damage as a result of mechanical stress (e.g. scratches due to rough contact with other objects) is not covered by the terms of warranty.
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If you use your STEVENS bike for riding on public roads, it has to be equipped according to the regulations of your country. Pay particular attention to your bike being equipped with the prescribed lighting set and reflectors. Not all
STEVENS bikes are supplied together with all necessary attachment parts.
Ask your STEVENS dealer to check your
STEVENS bike after a fall. If you are in doubt, replace at least handlebars and stem to be on the safe side.
What are our services under this guarantee?
If an object of guarantee shows a damage or defects in material and / or workmanship, we will replace this object by a new one (delivery of a replacement object) at our own descretion or repair the object of guarantee by ourselves or have it repaired by a STEVENS dealer of our choice. A delivery of a replacement object may deviate from the original bicycle in terms of model, dimensions and colour. The same applies in case of the repair with regard to the components used. In the case of a guarantee, we bear the material costs. The costs for shipping and assembly shall be borne by the customer himself and settled directly with the STEVENS dealer. If we carry out the repair by order of the STEVENS dealer, we will invoice the repair costs to the STEVENS dealer and they will invoice them to the customer.
Further terms of condition to be considered
The STEVENS guarantee is not transferable and is only valid for the customer who purchased the bicycle at first hand from a retailer (first buyer).
Guarantee claims can only be made if the original sales receipt with sales date and a copy of the completely filled-in bike card and handover report (see forms in the user manual accompanying the bicycle) can be presented by the customer.
Claims under this guarantee shall only be valid, if the customer gives report of the case of guarantee to a STEVENS dealer within a fortnight after it was detected, giving the dealer the opportunity to make a failure analysis by handing over or sending in the product. Both the costs and the risk or remittance are borne by the customer unless otherwise agreed with the STEVENS dealer.
STEVENS “Crash Replacement” Program
Replacement of your STEVENS carbon frame by your STEVENS dealer at favourable conditions in the event of damage.
We support you with regard to the “value guarantee” of your STEVENS carbon frame. This will help you make the decision for a high-value carbon bike or carbon frame easier for you.
Did you fall? Did you have an accident? Your STEVENS carbon frame suffered irreparable damage? Then the STEVENS “CRASH REPLACEMENT” program becomes effective. In the "case of accident” our STEVENS dealers offer you a comparable replacement frame at a special discount of 50% of the SRP*.
* suggested retail price.
Your rights defined under the product liability law, claims resulting from the guarantee against the seller as well as claims arising from a possible guarantee are not affected by this additional voluntary offer.
The conditions of the “CRASH REPLACEMENT” program in detail:
Conditions for the program:
• The offer is only valid within the first 2 years after the purchase of the bike and/ or frame made of carbon
• The offer is only valid for first buyers who bought the product from a STEVENS dealer
• In case of negligent or deliberate damage to / destruction of the frame
• Frames replaced under guarantee services or already replaced under this program are excluded from a new replacement under this program.
The defective frame must be handed out free of charge to the STEVENS dealer together with the proof of purchase and a copy of the completely filled-in bike card and handover report (see forms in the user manual) as well as with a loss report. The loss report must include the course of accident as well as information on the place, time and reason of the accident. Following a positive pre-check as to the question whether the preconditions for participating in this program are fulfilled, the STEVENS dealer sends the defective frame and the above-mentioned documents to STEVENS.
The purchase of a replacement frame in the same price range is offered by the STEVENS dealer by indicating the purchase price as well as possible shipping and assembly costs. The sales contract takes effect with the STEVENS dealer. Due to model changes it cannot be ensured in every case that the identical model or a replacement frame in the same colour as the defective frame is available. Upon acceptance of the offer by the customer the defective frame becomes the property of STEVENS Vertriebs GmbH.
Within the framework of this program neither STEVENS nor the STEVENS dealer shall bear any shipping and / or assembly costs. These costs are to be paid by the customer himself and are settled directly with the STEVENS dealer. If STEVENS carry out the repair by order of the STEVENS dealer, STEVENS will invoice the repair costs to the STEVENS dealer and they will invoice them to the customer.
In the case of road racing frames this program also includes the replacement of the fork, in the case of full-suspensions frames it includes the replacement without damper and without fork and in the case of mountain bike frames it includes the replacement without fork.
This program is a voluntary action and can be finished by STEVENS at any time.
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Checking the Motor Number/Motor Type Identification
To check whether the built-in motor complies with the correct model, the motor number/motor type identification on the motor can be compared to the number on the anti-manipulation plate. Follow the steps below to do the check:
1. Remove the left crank of your speed pedelec by using an 8 mm Allen key and a crank extractor.
2. Undo the three marked bolts of the motor cover by using a Torx T20.
3. Remove the motor cover. The number marked on the photo is the motor number.
4. Re-mount the motor cover by using the three Torx bolts at a torque value of 1 Nm.
5. Tighten the crank at a torque value of 45-50 Nm.
STEVENS Vertriebs GmbH • Asbrookdamm 35 • D-22115 Hamburg
Bike Card
Frame no.:
.............................................................. / .............................................................
Suspension fork/Rear shock:
Manufacturer: .............................................................../ .............................................................
Model: .............................................................../ .............................................................
Serial no.:
Rechargeable battery:
Key number:
.............................................................../ .............................................................
Voltage (Volt):
Ampere-hour (AH):
Capacity (watt hours): ..............................................................................................................................
Intended Use
Use according to £ Category 1 E £ Category 4 E £ Category 5 E £ Category 6 E
Permitted overall load of the STEVENS pedelec:
Permitted load of pannier rack:
Trailer permitted
................. kg (lbs)
25 kg (55.1 lbs)
If yes – permitted trailer load:
£ yes £ no (lbs)
Child seat permitted
Wheel / Tyre size:
£ yes £ no
Extras: ................................................................
Brake levers Right lever
Brake lever assignment: Front wheel brake £
Rear wheel brake £
Left lever
Front wheel brake
Rear wheel brake
Read at least chapters “Before Your First Ride” and
“Before Every Ride” in your comprehensive STEVENS user manual on the enclosed CD-ROM.
Register your STEVENS bike on
You will be informed about technical upgrades, if necessary.
Hint to the STEVENS dealer: Copy this bike card and keep one copy in your customer file. Send another copy to Stevens Vertriebs GmbH directly after the sale of the STEVENS pedelec.
Stamp and signature of the STEVENS dealer
© The reproduction or reprint is not permitted
STEVENS Vertriebs GmbH • Asbrookdamm 35 • D-22115 Hamburg
Handover Report
The above-described STEVENS pedelec was delivered to the customer ready for use, i.e. after its final assembly, inspection and functional check as described below (additionally required routines in parentheses):
Brakes front and rear
Suspension fork (adjusted to suit customer)
Rear shock (adjusted to suit customer)
Chain riveting checked
Wheels (true running/spoke tension/air pressure)
Handlebars/stem (position/screws checked with torque wrench)
Pedals (release force adjusted)
Saddle/seat post (saddle height and position adjusted to suit customer) £
Gears (limit stops) £
Bolted connections of add-on parts (checked) £
Other routines performed: ............................................
Test ride done: £
Dealer name ..........................................................
Phone .....................................................................
City ..........................................................
Fax .....................................................................
Street ..........................................................
E-mail .....................................................................
Handover date, stamp, signature
The customer confirms with his signature that he has received the STEVENS pedelec in proper condition together with the accompanying documents specified below and that he has been instructed on the proper use of the
STEVENS pedelec.
£ STEVENS user manual received on CD-ROM incl. operating instructions of the component manufacturers
Customer name ..........................................................
First name .........................................................
Phone ....................................................................
City .........................................................
Fax ....................................................................
Street .........................................................
E-mail ....................................................................
Location, date, signature
© The reproduction or reprint is not permitted
Serial number STEVENS Pedelec
Your STEVENS dealer
STEVENS Vertriebs GmbH
Asbrookdamm 35
D-22115 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 71 60 70-0
Fax: +49 40 46 53 14
Mail: [email protected]
TEL.: +49 40 71 60 70-0 I FAX: +49 40 46 53 14 I MAIL: [email protected]

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