Omega DW101WA Benchtop Dishwasher Installation Guide
Below you will find brief information for Dishwasher DW101WA Benchtop. The DW101WA Benchtop dishwasher is a compact and efficient appliance that can be installed in a variety of locations, including on a countertop or under a cabinet. The DW101WA Benchtop features a number of helpful features that make it easy to use, including a variety of wash cycles, an adjustable water temperature, and a delayed start timer.
№ you need place spare parts order, A set of "Quick connection % % D O1 & © > + an re o ae o 673005400044 QUICK CONNECTION 673005800033 QUICK CONNECTION 673005800044 QUICK CONNECTION 673005600003 QUICK CONNECTION 673005400040 QUICK CONNECTION 673005800045 QUICK CONNECTION then pls Just order "Quick Connection". including the following spare parts, | --Inlet hose Qty: 1 --Tie-in cover gasket Qty: 1 | —gasket for inlet hose Qty: 1 --Tie-in assembly Qty: 1 --Drain hose Qty: 1 --Tie-in gasket for drain hose Qty:1 ">

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