Service Schedule Manual
Rolls-Royce and
Bentley motor cars
T.S.D. Publication 4117
Printed and Published
Rolls-Royce Motors Limited
Crewe CW1 3 PL
The information given in this document is based upon the latest knowledge avai I able to Roi ls-Royce
Motors Limited . However, in view of the Company's continuous programme of product improvement and development, the information may have become out of date and reference should always be made to the
Company's service bulletins.
This information must not therefore, be taken as forming part of or establishing any contractual or other commitment by Roi ls-Royce Motors Limited.
Rolls-Royce Motors Limited 1976 u
(J;i f:j;
Service Schedule Manual
Rolls-Royce and
Bentley motor cars
Pre-war cars
Post•war cars up to and including the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud I.
Bentley SI and SI Continental
Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud II and 111,
Bentley S2 and S3 and S2 and S3
Rolls-Royce Phantom Llmousinee
Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow,
Corniche and Camargue, Bentley
T Serie& and Comlche
Chapter A
Pre-war cars
Regular Maintenance
1. Battery: Weekly, check the electrolyte level; top-up with di st i tied water if neces sary.
2. Engine: Weekly , check the oil l evel; top·up if necessary.
3. Engine cooling syste m : Weekly, c h eck the coolant level; top-up if necessary.
4. Lamp bulbs: Weekly, check the lamp bulb s for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
5. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyr e pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
6. Chassis lubrication system (If fitted):
Periodically, operate the foot pump three or four times. This will ensure adequate lubricati on of remote parts of the system.
Check the oi I level in the chassis oi I tank; top-up if necessary.
Every 8 000 kilometres (5
1. Air filter element : Clean the air filter element.
2. Ball joints: Check ad justm ent of steering a ; 1d shock damper b a l I joints.
3. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
Check tightness of battery terminals; tighten if necessary. Clean the termina ls and coat with petroleum jelly.
4. Belt tension : , Chec k tension of fan belt and adjust if necessary.
5. · srakes: Adjust if nece ssar y, the brakes and servo.
Lubricate brake pedal mechanism, pivot pins and bearings and the servo bearing s .
6. Carburetter: Clean air valve damper and top-up with engine oi I (if applicable ) .
Clean filter gauzes in carburetter float chambers.
7. Chassis lubrication system (If fitted): Check for excessive leakage ; rectify as necessary.
Operate the foot pump three or four ti m es. This wi II ensure adequate lubrication of remote parts of the system.
Check the oil level in the chassis oil tank; top-up if necessary.
8, Clutch: Check clutch pedal free movement ; adjust if necessary.
Lubricate clutch pedal mechanism.
9. Dynamo and starter motor: Remove an y deposits of dust and oi I from the dynamo and starter motor brushes.
Lubric a te dynamo bearings, s t art er motor bearings and drive where applic a ble.
10. Electrical system: Check that al I instruments, lamr,s a nd direction indicators are operating satisfactor il y; rectify as n ecessar y.
11. Engine: Change engin e oil and clean/renew al l oil filters
1 2 . Engine cooling system: Check coolant level; top-up if necessary. Al so check specific gravity of coolant, rectify if necessary.
13. Front suspension (Phantom Ill only): Check and if necessary top-up the front sp ring suspe nsi on casings with oi I.
14. Fuel pumps: Test the operation of each fuel pump independently; rectify as necessary.
15. Gearbox: Check oil level; top-up if necessary.
16. Hyd raulic jack reservoir (If fitted): Check oil leve l in hydraulic jack reservoir tank; top-up if necessary.
17. Ignition distributor: Clean contact breaker points, check gaps and reset if necessary.
Lubricate di s trib utor shaft bearings, governor spindle · , contact breaker rocker arm, pivots, felt lubrication pad and cam lubricat io n pad (if fitted ) .
. Check ignition timing and adjust if necessary.
18. Magneto (If fitted): Test operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean contact breaker points, check gaps and reset if necessary.
19. M a in line fuel filter: Clean out main line filter and filter bowl. Clean autovac filter (If fitted).
20. Rear axle: Check oil level; top-up if nece .
21. Shock dampers: Check and if necessary top-up the front and rear shock dampers with oil.
Check and if necessary top-up t h e shock damper manual control tank w i th oil.
22. Sparking plugs: Clean sparking plugs and reset gaps.
23. Starter gear : Check and if necessary top-up the starter motor switch with oil.
Check the starter reduction gear oi I level and top-up if necessary (Si Iver Wraith only).
24. Steering box: Check oil level in steering box ; top-up if n ecess ary •
25. Steering colum n ( 20/25 a nd 25/30 model cars only ): Chec k ste e ring column thrust race, adjust if necessary.
26. Tappet adjustment: Check tappet clearances, re s et if necessary.
2 7 . Tyres: Check and if necessary adjust tyre pressures, Including the spare. Also check tyre tread depth and tyre condition. Report any defects to the Owner.
A1 ci
28. Bonnet and door locks: Lubricate bonnet fasteners and locks, door locks, hinges and luggage compartment locks.
29. Control I inkages: Lubricate all engine controls, steering column controls and radiator shutters.
30. Coolant pump: Lubricate coolant pump and fan bearings.
31. Engine support bracket and dynamo drive coupling (20/ 25 model cars only): Lubricate engine support brackets and dynamo drive coup Ii ng.
32. Front and rear axle (20/25 model cars only):
Lubricate front and rear axle systems and spring gaiters.
33. Propeller shaft: Lubricate propeller sh aft uni versa I joints and sliding joint (if applicable).
34. Road wheel hubs: Lubricate splines on road wheals and hubs.
35. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 32 200 kilometres (20 000 miles)
Carry out the 8 000 kilometres (5 000 miles) service schedule with the exception of the Gearbox, Rear axle and Sparking plugs. The servicing for these items is as fol lows.
1. Gearbox: Change gearbox oil.
2. Rear axle: Change rear axle oi 1.
3. Sparking plugs: Fit new sparking plugs ensuring the gaps are set correctly.
Recommended Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Engine cooling system: Drain and flush the cooHng system. Fi 11 the system with the correct anti-freeze/water mixture or inhibited solution.
Every 2 y.ars
In addition to the 12 monthly schedule carry out the fol lowing.
1. Coolant hOses: Renew all coolant and heater hoses.
Chapter B
Post-war cars up to and including the Silver Cloud I,
S1 and S1 Continenta I
· .......
Chapter B
Post-war cars up to and including the Silver Cloud
S1 and S1 Continental
Service Schedule
(Km) Interval (Miles)
8 000
16 000
32 000
...J 96 000 t'.!
:j Seasonal Schedule
0 a:
12 months
2 years
0 a:
Service Recommendations
5 000
10 000
20 000
60 000
96 000 60 000
Time (Hrs)
See also Service Recommendations
Chapter B
Post-war cars up to and including the Rolls-Royce
Silver Cloud I, Bentley S1 and
Bentley S1 Continental
.! i:
· Regular Maintenance
1. Battery: Weekly, check the electrolyte level, top-up with distilled water if necessary.
2. Engine: Weekly, check the oi I level; top-up if necessary.
3. Engine cooling system: Weekly, check the coolant level; top-up if necessary.
4. Ignition distributor grease cap: Weekly, turn the grease ca p o ne turn. When empty refi 11 with the correct grease.
5. Lamp bulbs: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
6. Tyre pressures: Y/eekly, check the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
7. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly. check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
8. Chassis lubrication system (If fitted):
Periodically, operate the foot pump three or four times. This wi 11 ensure adequate lubrication of remote parts of the system.
Check the oi I level in the chassis oi I tank; top-up if necessary.
9. Oi I bath air cleaner (If fitted): Every 1 600 kilometres (1 000 miles), clean the filter element by washing in petrol and then allowing to dry. Replace the element and refill the oil container to the indicated level.
The cleaner should be serviced at more frequent intervals if the car is being operated in very dusty conditions.
Every 8 000 kilometres {S 000 miles)
1. Air filter element: Clean the air filter element by washing thoroughly in petrol. After washing, soak in oi I and then drain off any excessive oi I.
On cars fitted with an oil bath air cleaner, after cleaning replace the element and then refill the oil container to the indicated level.
2. Battery: Check the electrolyte I eve I; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
Check tightness of battery terminals; tighten necessary. if
Clean the terminals and coat with petroleum jelly.
3. Belt tension: Check tension of the fan belt(s) and adjust if necessary.
4. Brakes: Adjust servo •. if necessary, the brakes and
Lubricate brake pedal mechanism, pivot pins and bearings.
Check fluid level in brake reservoirs and top-up if necessary.
5. Carburetters: Clean air valve dampers and top-up with engine oil.
Check slow running speed and adjust if necessary.
6. Chassis lubrication system (If fitted): Check for excessive leakage; rectify as necessary.
Operate the foot pump three or four times. This wi 11 ensure adequate lubrication of remote parts of the system.
Check the oi I I eve I in the chassis oi I tank; top-up if necessary.
7. Clutch: Check clutch pedal free movement; adjust if necessary (if applicable).
8. Electrical system: Check that al I instruments, lamps and direction indicators are operating sati sfactori ly; rectify as necessary.
9. Engine: Change engine oil and fit a new oil filter element.
10. Engine cooling system: Check coolant level; top-up if necessary.
Also check specific gravity of coolant; rectify if necessary.
11. Fuel pumps: Test the operation of each fuel pump independently; rectify as necessary.
12. Gearbox: Check oi I level; top-up if necessary.
13. Heater controls: Check that heater controls are operating satisfactorily; rectify as necessary.
14. Ignition distributor: Clean contact breaker points, check gaps and reset if necessary.
Lubricate di stri bu tor shaft bearings, governor spindle, contact breaker rocker arm, pivots, felt lubrication pad and cam lubrication pad (if fitted). If a cam lubrication pad is not fitted lightly smear the cam with grease.
Turn the grease cap one turn. When empty ref i 11 with the correct grease.
Check ignition timing and adjust if necessary.
15. Propeller shaft (Cars fitted with an automatic gearbox): Check that the ball and trunnion joint rubber cover is secure and in good condition. Also check that the four bolts securing the propel I er shaft to the gearbox are tight.
16. Rear axle: Check oil level; top-up if necessary.
17. Refrigeration condenser matrix {If fitted):
Remove any foreign matter from the refrigeration condenser matrix.
18. Sparking plugs: Clean the sparkin~ plugs and reset gaps.
19. Steering box or steering pump: Check oi I I eve I in steering box or steering pump reservoirs; top-up if necessary.
20. Tappet adjustment: Check tappet clearances; reset if necessary.
21. Tyres: Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures, including the spare. Al so check tyre tread depth and tyre condition. Report any defects to the Owner.
22. Windscreen washer reservoir: Check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
23. Bonnet and door locks: Lubricate bonnet fasteners and locks, door locks, hinges and luggage compartment locks.
24. Control linkages: Lubricate the gear range selector controls, acceleration linkage and steering column controls.
25. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 16 000 kilometres (10 000 miles)
In addition to the items I isted under the 8 000 ki I ometres (5 000 miles) service schedule carry out the following.
In the case of Brakes, Carburetter, Fuel pumps,
Propeller shaft and Sparking plugs the aervicing necessary is listed in this schedule therefore, the
8 000 kilometres (5 000 miles) service schedule should not be consulted for these items.
1. Brakes: Remove the brake drums and inspect linings for wear; renew linings if necessary.
Adjust if necessary, the brakes and servo.
Lubricate brake pedal mechanism, pivot pins and bearings.
Check fluid level in brake reservoirs and top-up if necessary.
2. Brake master cylinder: Grease the master cylinder balance lever bearing (where applicable).
3. Carburetters: Clean filter gauzes in carburetter float chamber lids.
Clean air valve dampers and top-up with engine oil.
Check slow running speed and adjust if necessary.
4. Fuel pumps: Clean filter gauzes. Test operation of each pump independently; rectify as necessary.
5. Main line fuel filter: Clean out main line filter and filter bowl.
6. Recirculatory heater filter (S1 cars only):
Clean recirculatory heater filter.
7. Refrigeration system (If fitted): Grease the coolant bearing.
8. Shock dampers: Check front and rear shock dampers for oil leakage; top-up if necessary.
9. Sparking plugs: Fit new sparking plugs ensuring the gaps are set correctly.
10. Starter motor: Check starter motor reduction gear oil level; top-up if necessary.
11. Dynamo: Lubricate rear dynamo bearing (if applicable).
12. Propeller shaft: Lubricate the propeller shaft universal joints and sliding joint.
On cars fitted with an automatic gearbox check that the ball and trunnion rubber cover is secure and in good condition.
Also check that the four bolts securing the propeller shaft to the gearbox are tight.
13. Track rods (S1 cars only): Lubricate the track rod grease points.
Every 32 000 kilometres (20 000 miles}
In addition to the 8 000 kilometres (5 000 miles) and 16 000 kilometres (10 000 miles) service schedules carry out the following.
In the case of the Chassis lubrication system,
Gearbox, Propeller shaft and Rear axle the servicing necessary is listed in this schedule therefore, the previous schedules should not be consulted for these items.
1. Chassis lubrication system: Check for excessive leakage; rectify as necessary.
Renew the felt strainer pad located at the base of the chassis oi I pump.
Operate the foot pump three or four times.
This will ensure adequate lubrication of remote parts of the system.
Check the oi I I eve I in the chassis oi I tank; top-up if necessary.
2. Fuel tank: Release the drain plug and allow any accumulated water to drai,:i away.
3. Gearbox: Change gearbox oi I.
Clean the breather in the top of the dipstick
(applicable only to cars fitted with an automatic gearbox).
4. Pro pe 11 er shaft: Lu br i cat e p rope II er sh aft universal joints and sliding joint.
On cars fitted· with an automatic gearbox check that the bal I and trunnion joint rubber cover is secure and in good condition. If the joint shows signs of leakage, dismantle the joint, inspect, rectify as necessary and then refi 11 with grease.
Also check that the four bolts securing the propeller shaft to the gearbox are tight.
5. Rear axle: Change rear axle oil.
6. Steering pump (If fitted): Renew filter element.
7. Vokes air filter element (Continental models only): Renew air filter element.
Every 96 500 kilometres (60 000 miles)
In addition to the 8 000 kilometres (5 000 miles),
16 000 kilometres (10 000 miles) and the 32 000 kilometres (20 000 miles) service schedules carry out the following.
1. Propeller shaft: Examine the propeller shaft centre bearings and re-pack with grease.
Recommended Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Engine cooling system: Drain the coolant from the radiator and engine crankcase. Thoroughly flush out the coolant passages with a continuous flow of water. This should be carried out just prior to the Autumn.
Fi 11 the system with the correct anti-freeze/ water mixture or inhibited solution.
Every 2 years
In addition to the 12 monthly schedule carry out the following.
(/) t-'.
1. Coolant hoses: Renew all coolant and heater hoses.
Service Recommendations
The following operations may be carried out at the brake reline nearest to the distance intervals specified.
It is emphasised that these service recommendations are not normal servicing arrangements and should only be carried out at the request of the
1. Every 96 000 kilometres (60 000 miles):
Renew the brake hoses, wheel cylinder seals and brake master cylinder seals.
If necessary, renew the dust and water seals whilst carrying out the above mentioned procedures.
Completely drain the brake fluid from the hydraulic systems and clean the reservoirs. Fill with approved fluid and bleed the systems.
_) a
Chapter C
Silver Cloud II and Ill,
Continental S2 and S3
Chapter C
Silver Cloud II and
S2 and S3
Continental S2 and S3
Service Schedule
Interval (Miles)
10 000
20 000
40 000
Seasonal Schedule
B l
12 months
Service Recommendations
96 000
6 000
12 000
24 000
60 000
Time (Hrs)
6.0 with refrigeration
8.0 with refrigeration
Chapter C
Rolls- Royce Silver Cloud II and Ill, Bentley S2 and S3 and Bentley Continental S2 and S3
.... a.
Regular Maintenance
1. Battery: Weekly, check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if nf}Cessary.
2. Engine: Weekly, check the oil level; top-up necessary. if
3. Engine cooling system: Weekly, check the coolant level; top·up if necessary.
4. Lamp bulbs: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
5. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
6. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
7. Carburetters: Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoirs of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
8. Headlamp alignment: Periodically, the headlamp beam alignment should be checked using specialised beam setting equipment.
Every 10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles)
1. Air filter element (Wire mesh type only): Clean the air filter element.
2. Battery: Check the electrolyte I eve I; top-up with distilled water if necessarY.,
Check tightness of battery terminals; tighten if necessary. Clean the terminals and coat with petroleum jelly.
3. Belt tension: Check the tension of the belts driving the fan, steering pump, generator and refrigerant compressor (if fitted); adjust if necessary.
4. Brakes: Remove brake drums and inspect
I inings for wear; renew I in ings if necessary.
Check the rear brake adjustment; adjust if necessary.
Check the fluid level in brake reservoir and top-up if necessary.
5. Brake I in kage: Lubricate the brake Ii nkage clevis and fulcrum pins of the pull rods and intermediate levers.
6. Carburetters: Clean air valve dampers and top-up with engine oil.
Check slow running speed and adjust if necessary.
7. Electrical system: Check that al I instruments, lamps and direction indicators are operating satisfactorily; rectify as necessary.
8. Engine: Change engine oil and filter element. fit a new oil
9. Engine cooling system: Check coolant level; top-up if necessary.
Also check the specific gravity of coolant; rectify if necessary.
10. Gearbox: Check oi I level; top-up if necessary.
11. Heater controls: Check that the heater controls are operating satisfactorily; rectify as necessary.
12. Ignition distributor: Clean contact breaker points; check gaps and reset if necessary.
Lubricate distributor shaft bearings, governor, spindle, contact breaker rocker arm, pivots, felt lubrication pad and cam lubrication pad ( if fitted).
If a cam lubrication pad is not fitted lightly smear the cam with grease.
Check the ignition timing and adjust if necessary.
13. Propeller shaft: Check that the bal I and trunnion joint rubber cover is secure and in good condition. Also check that the four bolts securing the propeller shaft to the gearbox are tight.
14. Refrigeration condenser matrix: Remove any foreign matter from the refrigeration condenser matrix.
15. Servo: Check and if necessary adjust the servo.
16. Sparking plugs: Clean the sparking plugs and reset the gaps.
17. Steering pump: Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir and top·up if necessary.
18. Wheels and Tyres: Check and balance the wheels. if necessary
Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures, including the spare. Also check the tyre tread depth and tyre condition. Report any defects to the Ov.ner.
19. Windscreen washer reservoir: Check the fluid
I eve I ; top-up i f necessary.
20. Control linkages: Lubricate the gear range selector controls and accelerator Ii nkage.
21. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance •
Every 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles)
In addition to the i terns I isted under the 10 .000 kilometres (6 000 miles) service schedule carry out the following.
In the case of Carburetters, Propeller shaft and
Sparking plugs the servicing necessary is I isted in this schedule therefore, the 10 ooo kilometres
(6 000 mi Jes) service schedule should not be consulted for these items.
1. Air filter element (Paper element only): Renew the air filter element.
2. Brake master cy Ii nder: Lubricate the grease nipple on the master oyl ind er balance lever pivot.
3. Carburetters: Clean filter gauzes in carburetter f I oat chamber I ids.
Clean air valve dampers and top-up with engine oil.
Check slow running speed and adjust if necessary.
4. Front suspension: Lubricate the eight grease nipples on the front suspension.
5. Fuel pump: Clean the electrical contact points.
Clean filter gauzes. Test operation of each fuel pump independently; rectify as necessary.
6. Main line fuel filter: Clean out main line fuel filter and filter bowl.
7. Propeller shaft: Lubricate the propeller shaft universal joints and sliding joint.
Check that the bal I and trunnion joint rubber cover is secure and in good condition. Also check that the four bolts securing the propel I er shaft to the gearbox are tight.
8. Rear axle: Check oil level; top-up if necessary.
9. Reci rcu latory heater tilter: Clean reci rcu I atory heater filter.
10. Shock dampers: Check front and rear shock dampers for oil leakage; top-up if necessary.
11. Sparking plugs: Fit new sparking plugs ensuring the gaps are set correctly.
12. Steering mechanism: Lubricate the thirteen grease nipples on the steering mechanism.
Every 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles)
In addition to the 10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) and the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 schedule carry out the following. miles) service
In the case of the Gearbox, Rear axle,
Propeller sh aft and the Power assisted steering pump the servicing necessary is listed in this schedule therefore, the previous schedules should not be consulted for these items.
1. Engine breather system (Cars fitted with enclosed crankcase breather system): Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube.
2. Fuel pumps: On fuel pumps fitted with an additional condenser renew the contact points.
3. Fuel tank: Release the drain plug and allow any accumulated water to drain away.
4. Gearbox: Drain the gearbox and fluid coupling; fill with recommended fluid.
Clean the breather in the top of the dipstick.
5. Generator: Inspect the commutator and brushes tor wear, also check the brushes for freedom of movement in their holders.
6. Power assisted steering pump: Renew the filter element in the steering pump reservoir.
7. Propel I er shaft: Lubricate propeller shaft uni versa I joints and sliding joint.
Check that the ball and trunnion joint rubber cover is secure and in good condition. If the joint shows signs of leakage, dismantle the joint, inspect, rectify as necessary and then refi 11 with grease.
Also check that the four bolts securing the propeller shaft to the gearbox are tight.
8. Rear axle: Change rear axle oi I.
9. Steering transfer box: Check oi I level; top•up if necessary.
Recommended Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Engine cooling system: Drain the coolant from the radiator and engine crankcase. Thoroughly flush out the coolant passages with a continuous flow of water. This should be carried out just prior to the Autumn.
Fi 11 the system with the correct anti-freeze/ water mixture or inhibited solution.
2. Refrigeration system (If fitted): T~ese operations should be carried out only by an experienced refrigeration engineer. . .
Check that the refrigeration system 1s functioning correctly. If necessary toP:':up the. system with refrigerant. If loss of refrigerant 1s evident, check the system for leakage.
Visually check the refrigerant compressor for oil leakage, if oil leakage is apparent check the oil level and top-up if necessary. In the event of a major oi I I oss check and rep_air before topping-up.
Clean the filter gauze fitted over the evaporator air intake (luggage compartment units only).
Every 2 years
In addition to the 12 monthly schedule carry out the fol I owing.
1. Coolant hoses: Renew all coolant and heater hoses.
Service Recommendations
The fol lowing operations may be carried out at the brake re Ii ne nearest to the di stance intervals specified.
It is emphasised that these service recommen· dations are not normal servicing arrangements and should only be carried out at the request of the
1. Every 96 000 kilometres (60 000 miles}: Renew the brake hoses, wheel cylinder seals and brake master cylinder seals.
If necessary, renew the dust and water seals whilst carrying out the above mentioned procedures.
Completely drain the bra~e fluid fro~ the. hydrau I ic systems and clean the reservoirs. F 111 with approved fluid and bleed the systems.
0 a:
.,, f
Chapter D ROLLS
Phantom Limousines
01 Phantom IV
D2 Phantom V
D3 Phantom VI cars other than those built to ttte
Japanese specification
To car serial number PRX 4874
D4 Phantom VI cars built to the Japanese specification
To car serial number PAX 4874
D5 Phantom VI cars other than those built to the
Australian and Japanese specifications
From car serial number PGH 101 to vehicle identification number (VIN}
"SCAPM0005AWH03945 * inclusive
D6 Phantom VI
From vehicle identification number (VIN}
*SCAPM0005CWH04497 *
~, I .,•'
Section D1
Phantom IV
Service Schedule
(Km) lntenal
8 000
16 000
32 000
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
5 000
10 000
20 000
Time (Hrs)
Chapter D
Rolls-Royce Phantom
Section 01
Phantom IV
Regular Maintenance
1. Battery: Weekly, check the electrolyte level; top-up with di sti I led water if necessary.
2. Engine: Weekly, check the oil level; top-up if necessary.
3. Engine cooling system: Weekly, check the coolant level; top-up if necessary.
4. Ignition distributor grease cap: Weekly, turn the grease cap one turn. When empty refi 11 with the correct grease.
5. Lamp bulbs: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
6. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
7. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
8. Chassis lubrication system: Periodically, operate the foot pump three or four times. This will ensure adequate lubrication of remote parts of the system.
Check the oi I level in the chassis oi I tank; top-up if necessary.
9. Oil bath air cleaner: Every 1 600 kilometres
(1 000 miles), clean the filter element by washing in petrol and then al lowing to dry. Replace the element and refill the oil container to the indicated level.
The cleaner should be serviced at more frequent intervals if the car is being operated in very dusty conditions. •
Every 8 000 kilometres (S 000 miles)
1. Air filter element: Clean the air filter elements by washing thoroughly in petrol. After washing soak in oil and then drain off any excessive oil.
On cars fitted with an oil bath air cleaner, after cleaning, replace the element and then refill the oi I container to the indicated level.
2. Battery: Check the electro! yte I eve I; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
Check the tightness of battery terminals, tighten if necessary. Clean the terminals and coat with petroleum jelly.
3. Belt tension: Check tension of fan belts and adjust if necessary.
4. Brakes: Check the brake adjustment; rectify if necessary.
Lubricate brake pedal mechanism, and bearings. pivot pins
Check fluid level in brake reservoirs and top·up if necessary.
5. Chassis lubrication system: Check for excessive leakage; rectify as necessary.
Ope rate the foot pump three or four times. This wi 11 ensure adequate I ubri cat ion of remote parts of the system.
Check the oi I I eve I in the chassis oi I tank; top·up if necessary.
6. Electrical system: Check that al I instruments, lamps and direction indicators are operating sati sf actori I y; rectify as necessary.
7. Engine: Change engine o II and fit a new oi I filter element.
8. Engine cooling system: Check coolant level; top-up if necessary.
Also check specific gravity of coolant; rectify if necessary.
9. Fuel pumps: Test the operation of each fuel pump independently; rectify as necessary.
10. Gearbox: Check oi I level; top·up if necessary.
11. Ignition distributor: Clean contact breaker points, check gaps and reset if necessary.
Lubricate distributor shaft bearings, governor spindle, contact breaker rocker arm, pivots and felt lubrication pad.
Turn the grease cap one turn. When empty refill with the correct grease.
Check ignition timing and adjust if necessary.
12. Rear axle: Check oil level; top-up if necessary.
13. Sparking plugs: Clean sparking plugs and reset gaps.
14. Steering box: Check oi I level and top-up if necessary.
15. Tyres: Check and if necessary adjust tyre pressures, including the spare. Also check tyre tread depth and tyre condition. Report any defects to the
16. Windscreen washer reservoir: Check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
17. Bonnet and door locks: Lubricate bonnet fasteners and locks, door locks, hinges and luggage compartment locks.
18. Control linkages: Lubricate the controls on the steering wheel, accelerator pedal mechanism, clutch pedal mechanism, radiator shutter controls and all other control points and bearings.
19. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory pert ormanc e.
D1 - 1
Every 16 000 kilometres (10 000 miles)
In addition to the items listed under the 8 000 kilometres (5 000 miles) service schedule carry out the fo 11 owing except for Sparking plugs where this schedule should be consulted.
1. By-pass oil filter: Fit a new by•pass oil filter element.
2. Propeller shaft: Lubricate propeller shaft universal joints and sliding joint.
3. Shock dampers: Check and if necessary top·up the front and rear shock dampers with oil.
4. Sparking plugs: Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are set correctly.
5. Starter motor: Check starter motor reduction gear oil level; top·up if necessary.
6. Tappet adjustment: Check tappet clearances; reset if necessary.
Every 32 000 kilometres (20 000
In addition to the 8 000 kilometres (5 000 miles) and
16 000 kilometres (10 000 miles) service schedules carry out the fol lowing.
In the case of Chassis lubrication system,
Gearbox and Rear axle the servicing necessary is
Ii sted in this schedule therefore, ttie previous schedules should not be consulted for these items.
1. Chassis I ubrication system: Check for excessive leakage; rectify as necessary.
Renew the felt strainer pad located at the base of the chassis oil pump.
Operate the foot pump three or four times. This wi 11 ensure adequate I ubrication of remote parts of the system.
Check the oil level in the chassis oil tank; top-up if necessary.
2. Dynamo and starter motor: Inspect brushes for signs of wear; renew if necessary.
3. Fuel filters: Clean out the f,ilter gauzes and filter bowl. Also, remove and clean the gauze filter in the carburetter float chamber.
4. Fuel tank: Release the drain plug and al low any accumulated water to drain away.
5. Gearbox: Change gearbox oi I.
6. Rear axle: Change rear axle oil.
Recommended Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Engine cooling system: Drain and flush the cooling system. Fill the system with the correct anti-freeze/water mixture or inhibited solution.
Every 2 years
In addition to the 12 monthly schedule carry out the fol lowing.
1. Coolant hoses: Renew all coolant and heater hoses.
D1 - 2
Section DZ
• . . , ~ >
Phantom V
Servlc;e Schedule
(Km) lnt,rwal
10 000
20 000
40 000
Seasonal Schtdul•
12 month~
6 000
12 000
24 000
Service Recomm4'ftdatlons
96 000 60000
Time (Hrs)
Section 02
Phantom V
Regular Maintenance
1. Battery: Weekly, check the electrolyte level; top-up with disti I led water if necessary.
2. Engine: Weekly, check the oil level; top-up if necessary.
3. Engine cooling system: Weekly, check the coolant l~vel; top-up if necessary.
4. Lamp bulbs: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
5. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
6. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top·up if necessary.
7. Carburetters: Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoirs of the automatic air valve dampers, top·up if necessary.
8. Headlamp alignment: Periodically, the headlamp beam alignment should be checked using specialised beam setting equipment.
Every 10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles)
1. Air filter element (Wire mesh type only): Clean the air filter element.
2. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
Check tightness of battery terminals; tighten if necessary. Clean the terminals and coat with petroleum jelly.
3. Belt tension: Check the tension of the belts driving the fan, steering pump, generator and refrigerant compressor (if fitted); adjust if necessary.
4. Brakes: Remove brake drums and inspect linings for wear; renew linings if necessary.
Check the rear brake adjustment; adjust if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the brake reservoir and top-up if necessary.
5. Brake Ii nkage: Lubricate the brake I inkage clevis and fulcrum pins of the pull rods and inter· mediate levers.
6. Carburetters: Clean air valve dampers and top·up with engine oi I.
Check slow running speed and adjust if necessary.
7. Electrical system: Check that al I instruments, lamps and direction indicators are operating satisfactorily; rectify as necessary.
8. Engine: Change the engine oi I and fit a new oi I tilter element.
9. Engine cooling system: Check coolant level; top·up if necessary. Also check specific gravity of coolant; rectify if necessary.
10. Gearbox: Check oi I level; top-up if necessary.
11. Heater controls: Check that the heater controls are operating satisfactorily; rectify as necessary.
12. Ignition distributor: Clean contact breaker points, check gaps and reset if necessary.
Lubricate distributor shaft bearings, governor spindle, contact breaker rocker arm, pivots, felt lubrication pad and cam lubrication pad {if fitted).
If a cam lubrication pad is not fitted lightly smear the cam with grease.
Check the ignition timing and adjust if necessary.
13. Propeller shaft: Check that the ball and trunnion joint rubber cover is secure and in good condition.
Also check that the four bolts securing the propel !er shaft to the gearbox are tight.
14. Refrigeration condenser matrix: Remove any foreign matter from the refrigeration condenser matrix.
15. Servo: Check and if necessary adjust the servo.
16. Sparking plugs: Clean the sparking plugs and reset the gaps.
17. Steering pump: Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir and top-up if necessary.
18. Wheels and tyres: Check and if necessary re· balance the wheels.
Check and if necessary adjust tyre pressures, including the spare. Also check the tyre tread depth and tyre condition. Report any defects to the Owner.
19. Windscreen washer reservoir: Check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
20. Control I inkages: Lubricate the gear range selector controls and accelerator linkage.
21. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 20 000 kilometres ( 12 000 mi I es)
In addition to the items listed under the kilometres (6 000
10 000 miles) service schedule carry out the following.
In the case of Carburetters, Propeller shaft and Sparking plugs the servicing necessary is listed in this schedule therefore, the kilometres (6 000
10 000 miles) service schedule snould not be consulted for these items.
1. Air fi I ter element (Paper element only): Renew the air filter element.
2. Brake master cylinder: Lubricate the grease nipple on the master cylinder balance lever pivot.
3. Carburetters: Clean tilter gauzes in carburetter float chamber I ids.
Clean air valve dampers and top-up with engine oi I.
Check slow running speed and adjust if necessary •
4. Front suspension: Lubricate the eight grease nipples on the front suspension.
5. Fuel pump: Clean the electrical contact points.
Clean fi I ter gauzes.
Test operation of each fuel pump independently; rectify as necessary.
6. Main line fuel filter: Clean out main line filter and filter bowl.
7. Prope Iler shaft: Lubricate the propeller sh aft universal joints and sliding joint.
D2 - 1
Check that the bal I and trunnion joint rubber cover is secure and in good condition. Also check that the four bolts securing the propeller shaft to the gearbox are tight.
8. Rear axle: Check oi I level; top-up if necessary.
9. Recirculatory heater filter: Clean recirculatory heater filter.
10. Shock dampers: Check front and rear shock dampers for oi I leakage; top-up if necessary.
11. · Sparking plugs: Fit new sparking plugs ensuring the gaps are set correctly.
12. S1eering mechanism: Lubricate the thirteen grease nipples on the steering mechanism.
Every 40 000 kilometres ( 24 000 miles)
In addition to the 10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) and the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedules carry out the following.
In the case of the Gearbox, Rear axle,
Propeller shaft and the Power assisted steering pump the servicing necessary is Ii sted in this schedule therefore, the previous schedules should not be consulted for these items.
1. Dynamo: Inspect the commutator and brushes for wear, also check the brushes for freedom of movement in their holders. .
2. Engine breather system (Cars fitted with enclosed crankcase breather system): Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube.
3. Fuel pumps: On fuel pumps fitted with an additional condenser renew the contact points.
4. Fuel tank: Release the drain plug and allow any accumulated water to drain away.
5. Gearbox: Drain the gearbox and fluid coupling, fill with recommended fluid.
Clean the breather in the top of the dipstick.
6. Power assisted steering pump: Renew the filter element in the steering pump reservoir.
7. Propeller shaft: Lubricate propeller shaft uni versa I joints and sliding joint.
Check that the bal I and trunnion joint rubber cover is secure and in good condition. If the joint shows signs of leakage, dismantle the joint, inspect, rectify as necessary and then refill with grease.
Also check that the four bolts securing the propeller shaft to the gearbox are tight.
8. Rear axle: Change rear axle oil.
9. Steering transfer box: Check oi I level; top-up if necessary. mixture or inhibited solution. Just prior to the Autumn, clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose.
1. Engine cooling system: Carry out the 12 months service procedure and also thoroughly reverse flush the cooling system. Examine coolant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
Service Recommendations
The fol I owing operations may be carried out at the brake reline nearest to the distance intervals specified.
It is emphasised that these service recommendations are not normal servicing arrangements and should only be carried out at the request of the
1. Every 96 000 kilometres (60 000 miles): Renew the brake hoses, wheel cylinder seals and brake master cylinder seals.
If necessary, renew the dust and water seals whi 1st carrying out the above mentioned procedures.
Completely drain the brake fluid from the hydraulic systems and clean the reservoirs. Fi 11 with approved fluid and bleed the systems.
Recommended Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Air conditioning system: Check that the foam filter element in the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction; fit a new element if necessary.
Che~k the refrigeration system for correct operation; rectify as necessary. Any work on the refrigeration system must only be carried out by an experienced refrigeration engineer.
2. Engine cooling system: Drain off the old coolant and fi 11 the system with fresh anti-freeze/water
D2 - 2
Q. c(
D3 Iii
VI -
other than those built
' i:l~V
to the Japanese specifications
Service Schedule
(Km) Interval
5 000
5 000
10 000
20 000
40 000
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
96 000 60 000
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 000
24 000
Time (lira)
2.0 o.s
1 4.5
Section D3
Phantom VI - cars other than those built to Japanese specification
Certain items in these service schedules are marked with an asterisk ("). The servicing for these items should be carried out at the periods specified in order to comply with the Rolls-Royce
Motors Limited Warranty, during the Warranty period.
In order to comply with the relevant Emission
Control Regulations, items marked thus (t) must be carried out during the entire service life ot the vehicle.
Regular Maintenance
1. Battery (Applicable to the Dagenite Easifi I type RO 11 battery only): Weekly, check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
2. Engine: Weekly or every 800 kilometres (500 miles), whichever is the earlier, check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top·up if necessary.
3. Lamp bulbs: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
4. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
5. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
6. Brake fluid reservoirs: Monthly, check the fluid level in the brake fluid reservoirs; top-up if necessary. If frequent topping-up is necessary, check the hydrau I ic systems for leakage.
7. Carburetters: Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoirs of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary. s.
Engine cooling system: Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank; if necessary, top-up with the correct antifreeze/water mixture or inhibited solution.
9. Headlamps alignment: Periodically, the headlamp beam alignment should be checked using specialised beam setting equipment.
Initial Service S 000 kilometres (3 000 or 3 months whichever is the earlier miles)
* 1. Automatic gearbox: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
* 2. Brakes: Check and if necessary, ad just the rear brakes and servo.
*3. Engine: Drain the engine sump and fill with an approved oil •
* 4. Engine cooling system: Tighten the 'NOrm drive clips securing all coolant hoses.
5. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump, · steering pump and refrigeration compressor and th~ alternator; adjust or replace as necessary.
6. ·Steering pump: Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
7. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every S 000 kilometres (3 00.0 miles) or 3 mon1hs whichever is the earlier
• 1. Engine: If the car is used for constant stop/ start operation, change the engine lubricating oi
Every 10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) or 6 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Automatic gearbox: Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
·2. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
*3. Brakes: Remove brake drums and inspect linings for wear; renew linings if necessary.
Check and if necessary adjust the rear brakes.
Check the fluid level in brake reservoir and top·up if necessary.
* 4. Engine: Change the engine oi I and fit a new oi I filter element. ts.
Air s i I enc er and cleaner: Remove and clean the wire mesh filter element.
6. · Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and the alternator, adjust or replace as necessary.
7. · Brake I inkage: Lubricate the brake Ii nkage clevis and fulcrum pins of the pull rods and intermediate levers.
Carburetters: Check the oil level in the air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
Reset engine idling speed.
9. Control I inkages: Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator I inkages and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the gearbox casing.
10. Electrical system: Check that all lamps, instruments and air conditioning controls are operating satisfactorily; rectify as necessary.
+11. Ignition system: Check and if necessary adjust the di stri but or dwel I angle.
C~eck the ignition timing and adju~t if necessary.
12. Propeller shaft: Examine the neoprene seal at the front end of the shaft for serviceability.
13. Servo: Check and if necessary adjust the servo.
14. Wheels and tyres: Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures.
Inspect the tread depth of all tyres; also inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
Check and if necessary balance the wheels.
15. Check the following levels: Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant and correct if necessary.
03 - 1
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
16. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 20 000 kilometres (12 000 mites) or
12 months whichever is the earlier
•t1. Air silencer and cleaner: Remove and clean the wire mesh filter elemeAt.
• 2. · Automatic gearbox: Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
• 3. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
* 4. Brakes: Remove the brake drums and inspect linings for wear; renew lining if necessary.
Check and if necessary adjust the rear brakes.
Check the fluid level in the brake reservoir and top-up if necessary.
* 5. Brake master cylinder: Lubricate the grease nipple on the master cylinder balance lever.
• t6. Carburetters: Check the oi I I eve I in the air valve dampers and level. if necessary top-up to correct
Check float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check the exhaust
emission; if necessary adjust the carburetter mixture strength and idle speed.
Check and if necessary set the cold start fast-idle speed.
Crankcase breather tube: Remove and clean the flame traps in the crankcase breather tube and also clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
* a.
Engine: Change the engine oi I and tit a new oil filter element.
* 9. Final drive unit: Check the oil level and top-up if necessary.
* 10. Front suspension: Lubricate the eight grease nipples on the front suspension.
"t11. Ignition system: Fit new distributor contact breaker points; set dwel I angle. Fit a new distributor cam lubrication pad (if applicable). If a cam lubrication pad is not fitted lightly smear the cam with grease. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with clean engine oil.
Fit new sparking plugs.
Check operation of vacuum retard tap (if
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
• 12. Propeller sh aft: Lubricate the grease n i pp I e in the centre and rear universal joints and the sliding joint.
• 13. •Steering mechanism: Lubricate the thirteen grease nipples with the approved grease.
14. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump, and refrigeration compressor and the alternator, adjust or replace as necessary.
15. Brake 1 in kage: Lubricate the brake Ii nkage clevis and fulcrum pins of the pull rods and intermediate levers.
16. Control I inkages: Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the gearbox casing.
17. Electrical system: Ensure that al I lamps, instruments and air conditioning controls are operating satisfactorily.
18. Handbrake I inkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the handbrake system with the approved grease.
19. Rear fuel filter: Remove the gauzes and clean them. Drain and clean the filter bowl.
20. Servo: Check and if necessary adjust the servo.
21. Shock dampers: Check for signs of fluid leaks.; if apparent inspect the fluid level and if necessary top-up with the approved fluid.
22. Wheels and tyres: Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures.
Inspect the tread depth of al I tyres; al so inspect the tyres for damage.
Check and if necessary balance the wheels.
23. Check the following levels: Check the fluid level in the power steering pump reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant and correct if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir; top-up if necessary.
24. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedule carry out the following.
In the case of the Automatic gearbox,
Carburetters and the Final drive unit the servicing necessary is listed in this schedule therefore the
20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedule should not be consulted for these items.
• +1. Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct functioning.
Rectify if necessary.
* 2. Automatic gearbox: Drain the gearbox and fluid coupling; fill with recommended fluid.
Clean the breather in the top of the dipstick.
•t3. Carburetters: Clean the air valves; top-up the oi I level in the air valve dampers.
If paper filter elements are fitted to the float chamber lids, renew the elements.
Check float chamber depression and rectify necessary. if
Check the exhaust CO emission; if necessary reset carburetter mixture strength and engine idle speed.
Check and if necessary reset the cold start fast-idle speed.
• 4. Engine cooling system: Fit a new engine coolant thermostat.
Examine the condition of al I hoses; flt new hoses as necessary. Fit new heater tap hoses
(irrespective of visual appearance).
• 5. Final dr.ive unit: Drain the final drive unit and fi 11 with recommended oi I.
·t6. Fuel mixture weakening device filter: Fit a new fuel mixture weakening device filter.
7. Fuel pumps: Remove the pumps and test fuel pump efficiency; fit new pumps if necessary.
8. Fuel tank: Release the drain plug and allow any accumulated water to drain away; fit the drain plug and add four S.B.N. inhibitors to the tank.
9. Propeller shaft: Check the torque tightness of the bolts securing the shaft flanges; rectify if necessary.
10. Steering transfer box: Check the oil level; top-up if necessary.
Recommended Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Air conditioning system: Check that the foam filter element in the scuttle intake grille is tree from obstruction; fit a new element if necessary. Check the refrigeration system for correct operation; rectify as necessary. Any work on the refrigeration system must only be carried out by an experienced refrigeration engineer.
2. Engine cooling system: Drain off the old coolant and fill the system with fresh anti-freeze/water mixture or inhibited solution. Just prior to the Autumn, clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose.
Every 2 years
1. Engine cooling system: Carry out the 12 months service procedure and al so thoroughly reverse flush the cooling system. Examine coolant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
The fol lowing operations may be carried out at the brake reline nearest to the distance intervals specified.
It is emphasised that these service recommendations are not normal servicing arrangements and should only be carried out at the request of the
1. Every 96 000 kilometres (60 000 miles): Renew the brake hOses, wheel cylinder seals and brake master cylinder seals.
If necessary renew the dust and water seals whi 1st carrying out the above mentioned procedures.
Completely drain the brake fluid from the hydraulic systems and clean the reservoirs. Fi II with approved fluid and bleed systems.
D3 - 3
.. ~. ,·
Section 04
VI -
built to the
Japanese specifications
Service Schedule
5 000
5 000
10 000
20 000
40 000
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
96 000 60 000
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 000
24 000
Time (Hrs)
Phantom VI - cars built to
Japanese specifications
C: a.
Certain item s in these service schedules are marked with an asterisk ("). The servicing for these items should be carried out at the periods specified in order to comply with t he Rolls-Royce Motors
Limited Warranty, during the Warranty period.
In order to comply with the relevant Emission
Control Regulations, i terns marked thus (t) must be carried out during the entire service life of the vehicle.
Regular Maintenance
1. Battery (Applicable to the Dagenite Easifil type AQ
11 battery only): Weekly, check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water necessary. if
2. Engine: Weekly or every 800 ki 1ometres (500 miles), whichever is the earlier, check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
3. Lamp bulbs: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
4. Tyre pressures: Weekly, chec k the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust If neces sary.
5. Windscr een washer reservoir: Wee k ly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
6. Brake fluid reservoirs: Monthly, check the fluid level in the brake fluid reservoirs; top -up if neces sary. If frequent t opping -up is necess ary, check the hydrau I ic syste ms for lea kage.
7. Carburetters: Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoirs of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
8. Engine cooling system: Every th ree months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank; if necessary top-up with the correct anti-freeze/ water mixture or inhibited solution.
9. Hea dlamp s align ment: Periodica lly, the headlamp beam alignment should be checke d using spec ialis ed beam setting equipment.
Initial Service - 5 000 kilometres
000 mites) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
•t1. Air injection pump: Check the tension of the belt driving the air injection pump; adjust if nece ssary .
•t2. Automatic choke: Chec k the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation.
Recti fy if necessary.
• 3. Automatic gearbox: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
* 4. Brakes: Check and if necessary, adjust the rear brakes and servo.
ts. Carburetters: Check the oil level in air valve dampers and if ne cessa ry top-u p to the correct level.
Ensure tightne ss of float chambe r cove rs is correct.
Check f loat chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check and if necessary reset the idle speed.
Chec k and i f necessary reset the choke fastidle speed.
Engine: Change engine oi I.
•t7. Eng ine cooling system: Tigh ten the worm drive clips of all coolant hoses.
Fuel evaporation emissi on con trol system:
Check the purge rate; this should be between
1,41 cu . m. per hr. and 1 ,9B cu. m. per hr. (50 cu. ft. per hr. and 70 cu. ft. per hr.) at 600 r.p.m. in neutral.
F it a new purge line filter if necessary.
Pressure test the fuel tank and evap oration loss line and if necessary rectify any leaks.
*t9. Ignit ion system: Check and if necess ary adjust ttie distributor dwell angle.
Check the ignition timing using a stroboscope and adjust If necessary.
Check operation of vacuum retard tap and reset i f nece ssary.
W. Belts and belt tensi on: Check the cond ition and te nsion of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration co mpress o r and the alternator; adjust or replace as necessary.
11. Steering pump: Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
12. :rest: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or
months whichever
the earlier
* 1. Engi ne: If t he ca r is used for constant stop/ start operation, change the engine lubricating oil.
Every 10 000 kilometres (6 000 month's whichever
the earlier mi lies) or 6
* 1. Automatic gearbox: Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
• 2. Battery: Che ck the electrolyte I eve I; top-u p with distilled water if necessary.
• 3. Brakes: Remove brake drums and inspect linings for wear; renew lining s if necess ary.
Check and if necessary adjust the rear brakes.
Check the fluid leve l in brake reservoir and top -up if necess a ry.
•t4. Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new oi I filter element. t5. Air silencer and cleaner: Remove and clean the wire mesh filter element.
6. Belts and belt tension : Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the co olant pump, steering pump and refrigeration comp ressor and the alternator; adjust or replace as necessary.
7. Brake linkage: Lubri cate the brak e l ink age clevi s and fulcr um pins of the pull rods and inter~ mediate levers. t B. Carburetters: Check the oi I le vel in the air valve dampers; top-up if. necessary.
D4 - 1
Reset if necessary the engine idling speed.
9. Control linkages: Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkages and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the gearbox casing.
10. Electrical system: Check that all lamps, instruments and air conditioning controls are operating satisfactorily; rectify as necessary. i-11. Ignition system: Check and if necessary adjust the distributor dwel I angle.
Check the ignition timing and adjust if necessary.
12. Propeller shaft: Examine the neoprene seal at the front end of the shaft for serviceability.
13. Servo: .Check and if necessary adjust the servo.
14. Wheels and tyres: Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures.
Inspect the tread depth of all tyres; also inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
Check and if necessary balance the wheels.
15. Check the fol lowing levels: Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant and correct if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
16. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 20 000 kilometres (12 000 milles} or 12 months whichever is the earlier
·t1. Air injection pump (Applicable to cars from
Car Serial number PRH 4613): Check the tension of the belt driving the air injection pump; adjust if necessary.
*+2. Air injection pump intake filter (Applicable to the three vane type only): Remove and clean the intake filter element.
•t3. Air silencer and cleaner: Remove and clean the wire mesh filter element.
• 4. Automatic gearbox: Check the fluid level and top·up if necessary.
•_ 5. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
• 6. Brakes: Remove the brake drums and inspect linings for wear; renew linings if necessary.
Check and if necessary adjust the rear brakes.
Check the fluid I evel in the brake reservoir and top-up if necessary.
• 7. Brake master cylinder: Lubricate the grease nipple on the master cylinder balance lever.
•ta. Carburetter: Top-up oi I level in air valve dampers.
Ensure tightness of float chamber covers is correct.
If wire mesh filters are fitted to the float chambers remove the unions and clean the filters.
Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check engine idle speed and choke fast idle speed; adjust as necessary. ·
*t9. Crankcase emission control system: Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube.
Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new oil filter element.
• 11. Final drive unit: Check the oil level and top-up if necessary.
* 12. Front suspension: Lubricate the eight grease nipples on the front suspension.
* t13.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
(Applicable to cars from Car serial number
PRH 4801): Check the condition of pipes and connections.
*t14. Ignition system: Fit new distributor contact breaker points; set dwell angle. Fit a new distributor cam lubrication pad (if applicable). If a cam lubrication pad is not fitted lightly smear the cam with grease. Lubricate the distributor spindle
{shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with clean engine oil.
Fit new sparking plugs.
Check operation of vacuum retard tap (if fitted).
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
* 15. Propel I er shaft: Lubricate the grease nipple in the centre and rear universal joints and the sliding joint.
• 16. Steering mechanism: Lubricate the thirteen grease nipples with the approved grease.
17. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump, and refrigeration compressor and the alternator, adjust or replace as necessary.
18. Brake linkage: Lubricate the brake I inkage clevis and fulcrum pins of the pull rods and inter· mediate levers.
19. Control linkages: Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the gearbox casing.
20. Electrical system: Ensure that al I I amps, instruments and air conditioning controls are operating satisfactorily.
21. Handbrake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the handbrake system with the approved grease.
22. Rear fuel tilter: Remove the gauzes and clean them. Drain and clean the filter bowl.
23. Servo: Check and if necessary adjust the servo.
24. Shock dampers: Check for signs of fluid leaks; if apparent inspect the fluid level and if necessary top-up with the approved fluid.
25. Wheels and tyres: Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures.
Inspect the tread depth of all tyres; also inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
Check and if necessary balance the wheels.
26. Check the following levels: Check the fluid level in the power steering pump reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant and correct if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir; top-up if necessary.
27. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory pert or man ce.
D4 - 2
Every 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles} or 2 years whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 20 000 kilometres ( 12 000 miles) service schedule carry out the following.
In the case of the Automatic gearbox,
Carburetters, Final drive unit and Fuel evaporation emission control system the servicing necessary is listed in this schedule therefore the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles} service schedule should not be consulted for these items.
• t1. Air injection system ( Applicable to cars from
Car serial number PRH 4613): Check the air injection system for leaks and correct functioning.
defective items.
Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct functioning.
Rectify if necessary.
* 3. Automatic gearbox: Drain the gearbox and fluid coupling, fill with recommended fluid.
Clean the breather in the top of the dipstick.
Carburetters: Clean air valves.
If paper elements are fitted to the float chambers fit new paper elements.
· If wire mesh filters are fitted to the float chambers, remove the unions and clean the ti I ters.
Top-up oil level in air valve dampers.
Check float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check engine idle speed and choke fast-idle speed; adjust as necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device ( If fitted): Fit a new air filter for the carburetter mixture weakening device.
6. Engine cooling system: Fit a new engine coolant thermostat. Examine the condition of al I hoses; fit new hoses as necessary. Fit new heater tap hoses {irrespective of visual appearance).
" 7. Final drive unit: Drain the final drive unit and fi II with recommended oi I.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
(Applicable to cars from Car serial number PRH
4801): Fit a new foam filter element in the evaporation loss control canister. Check the condition of pipes and connections.
Check the purge rate. Fit a new purge line filter if necessary.
9. Fuel pumps: Remove the pumps and test fuel pump efficiency; fit new pumps if necessary.
10. Fuel tank: Release the drain plug and allow any accumulated water to drain away; fit the drain plug and add four S.B.N. inhibitors to the tank.
11. Propeller shaft: Check the torque tightness of the bolts securing the shaft flanges; rectify if necessary.
12. Steering transfer box: Check the oil level; top-up if necessary.
Recommended Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Air conditioning system: Check that the foam tilter .element in the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction; fit a new element if necessary.
Che~k the refri~eration system for correct operation; rectify as necessary. Any work on the refrigeration system must only be carried out by an experienced refrigeration engineer.
2. Engine cooling system: Drain off the old coolant and fi 11 the system with fresh anti-freeze/ water mixture or inhibited solution. Just prior to the
Autumn. clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing ~ith a hose.
Every 2 years
1. Engine cooling system: Carry out the 12 months service procedure and al so thoroughly reverse flush the cooling system. Examine coolant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
Service Recommendations
The following operations
be carried out at the brake reline nearest to the distance intervals specified.
It is emphasised that these service recommendations are not normal servicing arrangements and should only be carried out at the request of the
1. Every 96 000 kilometres (60 000 miles): Renew the brake hoses, wheel cylinder seals and brake master cy I inder seals.
If necessary renew the dust and water seals whilst carrying out the above mentioned procedures.
Completely drain the brake fluid from the hydraulic systems and clean the reservoirs. Fi 11 with approved fluid and bleed the systems.
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Section D5
Phantom VI cars other than those built to the Australian and Japanese specifications
From car serial number PGH 101 to vehicle identification number (VIN)
*SCAPM0005AWH03945* inclusive
Service Schedule
5 000
10 000
6 000
12 000
42 000
48 000
Time (Hrs)
After the 80 000 km. (48 000 miles) service schedule, carry out the respective service at 10 000 km. (6 000 mile} intervals •
Additional Service Items
12 months
12 months
2 years
Hydraulic and Fuel Systems
40000 'HI' 24 000
160 000
'HA' and 'HB'
48 000
If replacing brake shoes, drive belts, ball joints, or other items as a result of a service inspection, add Manhour
Schedule time.
Section D5
Phantom VI cars other than those built to the Australian and Japanese specifications
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Certain items in these service schedules are marked with an asterisk('). The servicing for these items should be carried out at the periods specified in order to comply with the Rolls-Royce Motors New
Car Warranty, during the Warranty period.
In order to comply with the relevant Emission
Control Regulations, items marked thus (t) must be carried out during the entire service Ii fe of the vehicle.
Regular Maintenance
1. Battery (Applicable to the Dagenite Demon type 254 battery only): Weekly, check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
2. Engine: Weekly or every 800 kilometres (500 miles), whichever is the earlier, check the oi I level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
3. Lamp bulbs: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bu I bs.
4. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
5. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
6. Hydraulic reservoirs: Monthly, check the level of fluid in the reservoirs; the engine should be run for four minutes before checking the fluid level.
Top-up if necessary to the indicated level.
7. Carburetters: Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoirs of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
8. Engine cooling system: Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank; if necessary top-up with the correct anti-freeze/ water mixture.
'I' Service Schedule - Initial 5 000 kilometres
(3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
* 1. Brakes: Check and if necessary adjust the rear brakes.
• 2. Engine: Drain the engine sump and fill with an approved oi I.
• 3. Engine cooling system: Tighten the worm drive clips securing all coolant hoses.
" 4. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
5. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the alternator, coolant pump and steering pump/ refrigeration compressor driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
6. Steering pump: Check the fluid level and topup if necessary.
7. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance
Service Recommendation • Every 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier l. Engine: If the car is used for constant stop/ start operation, change the engine lubricating oil.
'A' Service Schedule· Every 10 000 kilometres
(6 000 miles) or 6 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
• 2. Brakes: Remove brake drums and inspect linings for wear; renew linings if necessary.
Check and if necessary adjust the rear brakes.
Inspect pipes and connect ions. Report any defects to the Owner.
• 3. Engine: Change the engine oi I and fit a new oi I filter.
• 4. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary with approved fluid. t 5. Air silencer and filter: Remove and clean the wire mesh filter element.
6. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the alternator, coolant pump and steering pump/ refrigeration compressor driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
7. Brake linkage: Lubricate the brake linkage clevis and fulcrum pins of the pull rods and intermediate levers with the approved grease. t 8. Carburetters: Check the oi I level in the air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
Check engine idle speed and adjust if necessary.
9. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with clean engine oi I.
10. Electrical system: Check al I exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, and instruments for correct operation: rectify as necessary. t11. Ignition system: Check ignition timing with a stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
12. Parking brake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with approved grease.
13. Wheels and tyres: Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures.
Inspect the tread depth of all tyres; also
D5 ~ 1
inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
Check and if necessary balance the wheels.
14. Check the following levels: Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Check the I eve I and specific gravity of the engine coolant and correct if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydraulic braking systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary with the approved fluid.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
15. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
'B' Service Schedule· Every 20 000 kilometres
(12 000 miles) or 12 months whichever is the earlier
•t1 Air silencer and fi lier: Remove and clean the wire mesh filter element.
• 2. Battery: Check the electrolyte level: top-up with distilled water if necessary.
• 3. Brakes: Remove the brake drums and inspect linings for wear; renew lining if necessary.
Check and if necessary adjust the rear brakes.
Inspect pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
"t4. Carburetters: Check the oil level in the air valve dampers and if necessary top-up to correct level.
Check float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check the engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust if necessary.
Ensure exhaust emissions comply with E.C.E.
Regulation 15, if applicable.
• 5. Engine: Change engine oil and fit a new oil filter.
•ts. Engine breather system: Remove and clean the flame traps in the crankcase breather tube and also clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
" 7. Final drive unit: Check the oil level and top-up if necessary.
• 8. Front suspension: Lubricate the eight grease nipples on the front suspension with the approved grease.
•t9. Ignition system: Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with clean engine oil.
Fit new sparking plugs.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
* 10. Propel I er shaft: Lubricate the uni versa Is joints and the sliding joint with approved grease (applicable only to the Hardy Spicer type propeller shaft).
"11. Steering mechanism: Lubricate the thirteen grease nipples with the approved grease. Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints; if the covers are damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
• 12. Torque converter transmission: Change transmission fluid.
13. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the alternator, coolant pump and steering pump/ refrigeration compressor driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
14. Brake linkage: Lubricate the brake linkage clevis and tu lcrum pins of the pu 11 rods and intermediate levers with the approved grease.
15. Control I inkages: Lubricate the accelerator
I inkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with clean engine oil.
16. Electrical system: Check al I exterior lamps. interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, and instruments for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
17. Parking brake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with the approved grease.
18. Shock dampers: Check fluid levels and top-up if necessary with approved fluid. Inspect the dampers for fluid leaks and report any defects to the
19. Wheels and tyres: Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures.
Inspect the tread depth of all tyres; also inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
Check and if necessary balance the wheels.
20. Check the following levels: Check the fluid level in the power steering purr.p reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant and correct if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary with the approved fluid.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir; top-up if necessary.
21. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory pert ormance.
'C' Service Schedule - Every 40 000 kilometres
(24 000 miles) or 2 years whichever is the earlier wire mesh filter element.
Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct functioning; rectify if necessary.
" 3. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
• 4. Brakes: Remove the brake drums and inspect linings for wear; renew linings if necessary.
Check and if necessary adjust the rear brakes.
Inspect pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
* ts. Carburetters: Clean the air valves; top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Fit new paper element filters to the fuel inlet connections.
Check float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
DS - 2
Check engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust as necessary.
Ensure exhaust emissions comply with E.C.E.
Regulation 15, if applicable.
• 6. Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new oil filter.
"t7. Engine breather system: Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube.
Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
• 8. Engine cooling system: Fit a new engine cool ant thermostat.
Examine the condition of all hoses; fit new hoses as necessary. Fit new heater tap hoses
(irrespective of visual appearance).
• 9. t-=inal ctrive unit: Drain the final drive unit and fill with recommended oil.
"10. Front suspension: Lubricate the eight grease nipples on the front suspension with the approved grease.
"i11. Fuel mixture weakening device filter: Fit a new fuel mixture weakening device filter.
"t12. Ignition system: Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with clean engine oi I.
Fit new sparking plugs.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and ad just if necessary.
* 13. Propeller shaft: Lubricate the universal joints and the sliding joint with approved grease
(applicable only to the Hardy·Spicer type propeller shaft).
* 14. Steering mechanism: Lubricate the thirteen grease nipples with the approved grease. Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints; if the covers are damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
* 15. Torque converter transmission: Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
ring on intake pipe and fit a new seal to bore of intake strainer.
16. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the alternator, coolant pump and steering pump/refrigeration compressor driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
17. Brake I inkage: Lubricate the brake I inkage clevis and fulcrum pins of the pu 11 rods and intermediate levers with the approved grease.
18. Control Ii nkages: Lubricate the accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with clean engine oi I.
19. Electrical system: Check al 1 exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, and instruments for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
20. Fuel filter: Clean out the filter bowl and fit a new fitter element.
21. Fuel pumps: Remove pumps and test fuel pump efficiency; fit new pumps if necessary.
22. Fuel tank: Release the fuel tank drain plug and allow any accumulated water to drain away; fit the drain plug and add four S.B.N. inhibitors to the tank.
23. Parking brake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with the approved grease.
24. Propel !er shaft: Check the torque lightness of the bolts securing the shaft flanges; rectify if necessary.
25. Shock dampers: Check the fluid levels and top-up if necessary with the approved f I u id. Inspect the dampers for fluid leaks and report any defects to the Owner.
26. Steering transfer box: Check the oi I level; top..up if necessary.
27. Wheels and tyres: Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures.
Inspect the tread depth of al I tyres; also inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
Check and if necessary balance .the wheels.
28. Check the following levels: Check the fluid level in the power steering pump reservoir and topup if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant and correct if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary with the recommended fluid.
Check the fluid level fn the windscreen washer reservoir; top-up if necessary.
29. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Additional Service Items
Every 12 months - 'SA' (Autumn) Service
Engine cooling system: Drain off the old coolant and fi 11 the system with fresh anti-freeze/water mixture. Just prior to Autumn clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator ma tri c·es by reverse f I ush i ng with a hose.
Every 12 months - 'SB' (Spring) Service
Air conditioning system: Check that the foam filter element in the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction; fit a new element if necessary. On cars fitted with a fresh air intake in the rear decking panel, above the rear refrigeration unit, also _check that the filter element in this intake is free from obstruction; fit a new filter element if necessary.
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation; rectify as necessary. Any work on the refrigeration system must only be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 2 years - 'SC' (Autumn) Service
Engine cooling system: Carry out the 12 months
'SA' (Autumn) Service procedure and al so thoroughly reverse flush the cooling system.
Examine coolant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
05 - 3
Hydraulic and Fuel systems
The following ope rat ions may be carried out at the brake reline nearest to the distance intervals specified.
Every 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years
- 'HI' Service
Hydraulic braking systems: Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic systems, clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean the sight glasses. Fill the systems with fresh Castrol RR 363
Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
Every 80 000 ki lometrea (48 000 miles) or 4 years
- 'HA' Service
Hydraulic braking systems: Fit new accumulator to frame hoses. Examine the condition of the frame to brake wheel cylinder hoses; fit new hoses where necessary. Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean the sight glasses. Fi 11 the systems with fresh.Castro I RR 363
Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles) or 8 years
- 'HB' Service
Hydraulic braking systems: Fit all new flexible hoses to the hydraulic braking systems. Fit new seals to the wheel cylinders, brake master cylinders and the power rams.
Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydrau lie fluid reservoirs and clean sight glasses.
Fill the systems with fresh Castrol RR 363 Brake
Fluid and bleed the systems.
Fuel system: Fit a new hose between the filler head and the fuel tank. Examine all flexible fuel pipes; renew any that show signs of deterioration.
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Section 06
Phantom VI
From vehicle identification number (VIN)
*SCAPM0005CWH04497 *
Service Schedule
(Km) Interval
5 000 Initial
5000 Every
10 000 'A'
20 000 '8'
30000 'A'
40 000 'C'
50 000 'A'
60000 'B'
70 000 'A'
80 000 'C'
12 000
Time (Hrs)
After the 80 000 km. (48 000 miles) service schedule, carry out the respective service at 10 000 km. (6 000 mile) intervals.
Additional Service Items
Every 12 months
12 months
2 years
Hydraulic and Fuel Systems
40000 'HI' 24000
80000 'HA' 48000
160 000 'HA' and 'HB' 96000
If replacing brake shoes, drive belts, ball joints, or other items as a result of a service inspection, add Manhour
Schedule time.
Section D6
Certain items in these service schedules are marked with an asterisk {"}. The servicing for these items should be carried out at the periods specified in order to comply with the Rolls-Royce Motors New Car Warranty, during the Warranty period.
In order to comply with the relevant Emission
Control Regulations, items marked thus (t} must be carried out during the entire service life of the vehicle.
Regular Maintenance
1. Engine: Weekly or every 800 kilometres {500 miles}, whichever is the earlier, check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
2. Lamp bulbs: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
3. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
4. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
5. Hydraulic reservoirs: Monthly, check the level of fluid in the reservoirs; the engine should be run for four minutes before checking the fluid level. Top-up if necessary to the indicated level.
6. Carburetters: Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoirs of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
7. Engine cooling system: Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank; if necessary top-up with the correct anti-freeze/water mixture.
'I' Service Schedule· Initial 5
miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
1. Brakes: Check and if necessary adjust the rear brakes.
• 2. Engine: Drain the engine sump and fill with an approved oil.
3. Engine cooling system: Tighten the worm drive clips securing all coolant hoses.
4. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
• 5. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the alternator, coolant pump and steering pump/refrigeration compressor driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
6. Steering pump: Check the fluid level and top-op if necessary.
7. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Service Recommendation • Every 5
miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
1. Engine: If the car is used for constant stop/start operation, change the engine lubricating oil.
'A' Service Schedule - Every
10 000
miles) or 6 months whichever is 1he earlier
1. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
" 2. Brakes: Remove brake drums and inspect linings for wear; renew linings if necessary.
Check and if necessary adjust the rear brakes.
Inspect pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
" 3. Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new oil filter.
4. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary with approved fluid. t 5. Air silencer and filter: Remove and clean the wire mesh filter element.
6. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the alternator, coolant pump and steering pump/refrigeration compressor driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
7. Brake linkage: Lubricate the brake linkage clevis and fulcrum pins of the pull rods and intermediate levers with the approved grease. t 8. Carburetters: Check the oil level in the air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
Check engine idle speed and adjust if necessary.
9. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls (adjacent to the transmission casing) with clean engine oil.
10. Electrical system: Check all exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, and instruments for correct operation; rectify as necessary. t
11. Ignition system: Check ignition timing with a stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
12. Parking brake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins, pulleys and inner cable with the approved grease.
13. Wheels and tyres: Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures.
Inspect the tread depth of all tyres; also inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
Check and if necessary balance the wheels.
14. Check the following levels: Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir and top-up if necessary.
06 · 1
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant and correct if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydraulic braking systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary with the approved fluid.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
15. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
'B' Service Schedule • Every 20 000 kilometres
(12 000 miles) or 12 months whichever is the
*t1. Air silencer and filter: Remove and clean the wire mesh filter element.
* 2. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
* 3. Brakes: Remove the brake drums and inspect linings for wear; renew linings if necessary.
Check and if necessary adjust the rear brakes.
Inspect pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
*t4. Carburetters: Check the oil level in the air valve dampers and if necessary top-up to correct level.
Check float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check the engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust if necessary.
Ensure exhaust emissions comply with E.C.E.
Regulation 15, if applicable.
5. Engine: Change engine oil and fit a new oil filter.
"t6. Engine breather system: Remove and clean the flame traps in the crankcase breather tube and also clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
* 7. Final drive unit: Check the oil level and top-up jf necessary.
* 8. Front suspension: Lubricate the eight grease nipples on the front suspension with the approved grease.
"t9. Ignition system: Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) with clean engine oil.
Fit new sparking plugs.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
*10. Steering mechanism: Lubricate the thirteen grease nipples with the approved grease. Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints; if the covers are damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
11 . Torque converter transmission: Change transmission fluid.
12. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the alternator, coolant pump and steering pump/refrigeration compressor driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
13. Brake linkage: Lubricate the brake linkage clevis and fulcrum pins of the pull rods and intermediate levers with the approved grease.
14. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls (adjacent to the transmission casing) with clean engine oil.
15. Electrical system: Check all exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, and instruments for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
16. Parking brake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins, pulleys and inner cable with the approved grease.
17. Shock dampers: Check fluid levels and top-up if necessary with approved fluid. Inspect the dampers for fluid leaks and report any defects to the Owner.
18. Wheels and tyres: Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures.
Inspect the tread depth of all tyres; also inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
Check and if necessary balance the wheels.
19. Check the following levels: Check the fluid level in the power steering pump reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant and correct if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top•up if necessary with the approved fluid.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir; top-up if necessary.
20. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
'C' Service Schedule· Every 40 000 kilometres
(24 000 miles) or 2 years whichever is the earlier
*t1. Air silencer and filter: Remove and clean the wire mesh filter element.
*t2. Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct functioning; rectify if necessary.
* 3. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
4. Brakes: Remove the brake drums and inspect linings for wear; renew linings if necessary.
Check and if necessary adjust the rear brakes.
Inspect pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
*t5. Carburetters: Clean the air valves; top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Fit new paper element filters to the fuel inlet connections.
Check float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust as necessary.
Ensure exhaust emissions comply with E.C.E.
Regulation 15, if applicable.
6. Engine: Change th.e engine oil and fit a new oil filter.
*t7. Engine breather system: Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube.
Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
8. Engine cooling system: Fit a new engine coolant thermostat.
Examine the condition of all hoses; fit new hoses as necessary. Fit new heater tap hoses (irrespective of visual appearance).
D6·2 u
"' w
" 9. Final drive unit: Drain the final drive unit and fill with recommended oil.
*10. Front suspension: lubricate the eight grease nipples on the front suspension with the approved grease.
*t11. Fuel mixture weakening device filter: Fit a new fuel mixture weakening device filter.
*tl2. Ignition system: Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) with clean engine oil.
Fit new sparking plugs.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
*13. Steering mechanism: Lubricate the thirteen grease nipples with the approved grease. Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints; if the covers are damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
*14. Torque converter transmission: Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer. Renew
'0' ring on intake pipe and fit a new seal to bore of intake strainer.
15. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the alternator, coolant pump and steering pump/refrigeration compressor driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
16. Brake linkage: Lubricate the brake linkage clevis and fulcrum pins of the pull rods and intermediate levers with the approved grease.
17. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls (adjacent to the transmission casing) with clean engine oil.
18. Electrical system: Check all exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, and instruments for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
19. Fuel filter: Clean out the filter bowl and fit a new filter element.
20. Fuel pumps: Remove pumps and test fuel pump efficiency; fit new pumps if necessary.
21. Fuel tank: Release the fuel tank drain plug and allow any accumulated water to drain away; fit the drain plug.
22. Parking brake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins, pulleys and inner cable with the approved grease.
23. Propeller shaft: Check the torque tightness of the bolts securing the shaft flanges; rectify if necessary.
24. Shock dampers: Check the fluid levels and top-up if necessary with the approved fluid. Inspect the dampers for fluid leaks and report any defects to the Owner.
25. Steering transfer box: Check the oil level; top-up if necessary.
26. Wheels and tyres: Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures.
Inspect the tread depth of all tyres; also inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
Check and if necessary balance the wheels.
27. Check the following levels: Check the fluid level in the power steering pump reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant and correct if necessary.
Aun the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary with the recommended fluid.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir; top-up if necessary.
28. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Additional Service Items
Every 12 months · 'SA' (Autumn) Service
Engine cooling system: Drain off the old coolant and fill the system with fresh anti-freeze/water mixture. Just prior to Autumn clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose.
Every 12 months· 'SB' (Spring) Service
Air conditioning system: Check that the foam filter element in the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction; fit a new element if necessary. On cars fitted with a fresh air intake in the rear decking panel, above the rear refrigeration unit, also check that the filter element in this intake is free from obstruction; fit a new filter element if necessary. Check the refr,igeration system for correct operation; rectify as necessary. Any work on the refrigeration system must only be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 2 years· 'SC' (Autumn) Service
Engine cooling system: Carry out the 12 months 'SA'
(Autumn) Service procedure and also thoroughly reverse flush the cooling system. Examine coolant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
Hydraulic and Fuel systems
The following operations may be carried out at the brake reline nearest to the distance intervals specified.
Every 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years whidtever is earlier· 'HI' Service
Hydraulic braking systems: Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic systems, clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean the sight glasses. Fill the systems with fresh Castro I RR 363 Brake Fluid. Bleed the systems and check piston travel on each master cylinder.
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles) or 4 years whichever is earlier· 'HA' Service
Hydraulic braking systems: Fit all new flexible hoses to the hydraulic braking systems including the accumulator to frame hoses. Fit new seals to the wheel cylinders, hrflkP. m::i!.tP.r cylinri,m; and the power rams.
Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean sight glasses. Fill the
systems with fresh Castrol RR 363 Brake Fluid. Bleed the systems and check piston travel on each master cylinder.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles) or 8 years whichever is earlier· 'HB' Service
Fuel system: Fit a new hose between the filler head and the fuel tank. Examine all flexible fuel pipes; renew any that show signs of deterioration.
Chapter E
Silver Shadow.
Bentley T Series,
Silver Shadow II, Bentley T2,
Silver Wra ith I
Corniche and
Camargue cars
Silver Shadow, T Series and Corniche cars other than those bu i It to Australian,
Japanese and North American specifications
Prior to the following car serial numbers
Silver Shadow and T Series 22118
Long Whee I base 22073
Corniche Saloon RHD 22648
LHD 22919
Corniche Convertible RHD 22583
LHD 22781
Silver Shadow, T Series and Corniche cars bu i It up to and including the 197 4 North
American specification
Silver Shadow, T Series and Corniche cars built up to and including the 1975 Australian specification
Si Iver Shadow, T Series, Corniche and
Camargue cars built up to and including the
1975 Japanese specification
Silver Shadow. T Series, Corniche and
Camargue cars built to the 1975 North
American specification
Camargue cars other than those built to the
Australian, Japanese and North American specifications
From car serial number 14674
To car serial nurnber 21865
Silver Shadow, T Series, Corniche and
Camargue cars other than those built to the
Australian, Japanese and North American specifications
From the following car serial numbers
Silver Shadow T Series 22118
Long Wheelbase
Corniche Saloon RHO
Corn1 che Convertible
LHD 22919
RHO 22583
To car serial number
LHD 22781
Silver Shadow, T Series. Corniche and
Camargue cars bu i It to the 1976 North
American specification
Si Iver Shadow, T Series, Corniche and
Camargue cars built to the 1976 Japanese specification
E10 Silver Shadow. T Series, Corniche and
Camargue cars bui It to the 1976 Australian specification (from July 1976)
E11 Cars built to the 1977 North American specification
E12 Cars built to the 1977 Japanese specification
E13 Cars built to the 1977 Australian specification
E14 Silver Shadow JI, Bentley T2. Silver Wraith II,
Corniche and Camargue cars other than those built to Australian, Japanese and North
American specifications
From car serial number 30001 to 50000 inclusive
E15 Cars built to the 1978 North American specification
E16 Cars built to the 1978 Australian specification
E17 Cars built to the 1978 Japanese specification
E 18 Cars built to the 1979 North American specification
E19 Cars built to the 1979 Australian specification
E20 Cars built to the 1979 Japanese specification
E21 Corniche and Camargue cars other than those built to Australian, Japa nese and North
American specifications
From car serial number 50001 to the introduction of the 17 digit vehicle identification number (VIN}
E22 Cars built to the 1980 Australian specification
E23 Cars built to the 1980 Japanese specification
E24 Cars built to the 1980 Californian specification
E25 Cars built to the 1980 North American specification (except those destined for
Section E1
Silver Shadow, T Series, and Corniche cars other than those built to the
Australian, Japanese and
North American specifications
Prior to the fol lowing car serial numbers.
Silver Shadow and T series 22118
Long Wheelbase
Corniche Saloon
RHD 22648. LHD 22919
Corniche Convertible RHO 22583. LHD 22781 ci:>
.... t
0 z i le
0:: r-...
Service Schedule
5 000
5 000
3 000
3 000
Time (Hrs)
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
50 000
60 000
70 000
80 000
6 000
12 000
18 000
24 000
30 000
36 000
42 000
48 000
0.85 with gearbox cooler fitted beneath sump.
1.75 if the cut-off valve is renewed (SY /KS}
After the 80 000 km. (48 000 miles) service schedule, carry out the respective service at
10 000 km. (6 000 miles) intervals.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Every 2 years
Service Recommendations
80 000
160 000
48 000
96 000
18.2 0.85 if front height control is serviced.
If replacing brake pads, drive belts, ball joints, or other items as a result of a service inspection, add Manhour Schedule time.
Chapter E
Rolls-Rovce Silver Shadow,
Corniche and Camargue
Bentley T Series and Corniche
Ill a)
Certain items in these service schedules are marked with an asterisk(*). The servicing for these items should be carried out at the periods specified in order to comply with the Rolls-Royce New
Car Warranty, during the Warranty period.
In order to comply with the relevant Emission
Control Regulations, items marked thus (t) must be carried out during the entire service Ii fe of the vehicle.
Regular Maintenance
1. Battery (Not applicable to cars fitted with the
Dagenite Autofil or Dagenite Demon battery):
Weekly, check the electrolyte I evel; top-up with disti I led water if necessary.
2. Engine: Weekly or every 800 kilometres
(500 miles), whichever is the earlier check the oil level by means (?f the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
3. Lamp units: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and rep I ace any faulty bu I bs.
4. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
5. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
6. Carburetters: Monthly, check the oi I level in the reservoirs of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
7. Hydraulic reservoirs: Monthly, check the level of fluid in the reservoirs; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level. Top-up if necessary to the indicated level. If frequent topping-up is necessary check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
8. Engine cooling system: Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank; if necessary top-up with the correct antifreeze/water mixture.
lnitiaf Service - 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Engine: Change engine oil.
• 2. Engine cooling system: Tighten the worm drive clips securing all cool ant hoses.
Section E1
Silver Shadow,
T Series and Corniche cars other than those built to
Australian, Japanese and
North American specifications
• 3. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
4. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and the alternator; adjust or rep I ace as necessary.
5. Steering pump: Check the fluid level of the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
6. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
1. Engine: If the car is used for constant stop/ start operation, change the engine lubri~ating oi I.
Every 10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) or 6 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
• 2. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary.
When renewing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excl uders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake or parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect al I pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
3. Engine: Change the engine oi I and fit a new oil filter element.
• 4. Torque converter transmission (If fitted):
Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
5. Automatic gearbox (If fitted): Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
6. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump, generator or the refrigeration compressor and the alternator (if fitted); adjust or replace as necessary •
E1 - 1
t7. Carburetters: Check the oi I level in the air valve dampers; top-up if necessary. Check the idle speed and adjust if necessary.
8. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oil.
9. Electrical system: Check al I exterior lamps, interior I amps, warning lamps and devices, instruments and air conditioning controls for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
10. Handbrake or Parking brake I inkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with the approved grease. t
11. lgni ti on system: Check and if necessary adjust the distributor dwell angle.
Check the ignition timing and adjust if necessary.
12. Propeller shaft (Cars fitted with the four speed automatic gearbox}: Examine the neoprene seal at the front end of the shaft for serviceability; rectify as necessary.
13. Check the following levels and pressures:
Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir and top-up•if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check
'the fluid levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary with recommended fluid.
Check and if necessary adjust tyre pressures.
Inspect the tread depth of al I tyres; al so inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
14 • Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) or 12 months whichever is the earlier
... t
1. Air silencer and cleaner: Clean and oi I the wire mesh filter elements or (dependent upon type of filter fitted), fit new paper element(s).
• 2. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distil led water if necessary.
• 3. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad I inings; fit new pads if necessary.
VI/hen renewing footbrake pads examine condition of
·dust excluders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake or parking t?rake caliper mechanism.
Inspect all pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
• t4. Carburetters: Check the air va Ive damper oi I levels; top-up if necessary.
Check and adjust float chamber depression.
Check engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust if necessary.
Ensure exhaust emissions comply with E.C.E.
Regulation 15, if applicable.
• 5. Engine: Change engine oi I and fit a new oi I filter.
• t
6. Engine breather system: Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube.
Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
• 7. Final drive unit: Check the oil level; top-up if necessary.
• 8. Front suspension: Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are damaged, fit new joints and covers.
•tg. Ignition system: Fit new distributor contact breaker points; set dwell angle. Fit a new distributor cam lubrication pad (if applicable). If a cam lubrication pad is not fitted I ightly smear the cam with grease. Lubricate the di stri but or spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with clean engine oil.
Fit new sparking plugs.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
• 10. Steering mechanism: Lubricate the steering mechanism at the six grease points. Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints; if the covers are damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
• 11. Torque converter transmission (If fitted):
Change transmission fluid.
12. Automatic gearbox (If fitted): Drain the gearbox and fluid coupling; fi II with an approved fluid.
13. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump, generator or the refrigeration compressor and the alternator (if fitted); adjust or replace as necessary.
14. Control I inkages: Lubricate the accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oil.
15. Electrical system: Ch eek al I exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, instruments and air conditioning controls for correct operation; rectify as necessary .
16. Handbrake or Parking brake Ii nkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with approved grease.
17. Propeller shaft (Cars fitted with the four speed automatic gearbox): Examine the neoprene seal at the front end of the shaft for serviceability; rectify as necessary.
18. Spare wheel carrier: Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
19. Check the following I eve Is and pressures:
Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir; top·up if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the steering idler box damper; top-up if necessary.
Check the I evel and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top-up necessary with the recommended fluid. if
Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures.
Inspect the tread depth of al I tyres; also inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
20. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
E1 - 2
Ill co a,
Every 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedule carry out the following.
In the case of the Carburetters, Fi na1 drive unit, Propeller shaft and the Torque converter transmission the servicing necessary is I is1&d in this schedule therefore, the 20 000 kilometres
(12 000 miles) service schedule should not be consulted for these items.
• t1.
Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct function; correct as necessary.
*t2. Carburetters: Clean tne air valve pistons. Topup the air valves with new engine oil.
Fit new paper element filters to the float chamber inlet connections (if applicable).
Check and adjust float chamber depression.
Check engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust as necessary.
Ensure exhaust emissions comply with E..C.E.
Regulation 15, if applicable.
• 3. Engine cooling system: Fit a new thermostat.
Examine the condition of all hoses; fit new hoses as necessary. Fit new heater tap hoses (irrespective of visual appearance).
• 4. Final drive unit: Change the oi I.
Fuel mixture weakening device filter (If fitted):
Fit a new fuel mixture weakening device filter.
• 6. Torque converter transmission (If fitted):
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer. Renew 'O' ring on intake pipe and fit a new seal to bore of intake strainer.
7. Dynamo (If fitted): Check the brushes for wear and freedom in their holders; fit new brushes if necessary.
8. Fuel filter: Clean out the filter bowl and fit a new filter element.
9. Fuel pumps: Renove pumps and test fuel pump efficiency; fit new pumps if necessary.
10. Fuel tank: Rel ease the fuel tank drain plug and al low any accumulated water to drain away; fit the drain plug and add four S.B.N. inhibitors to the tank.
11. Height control mechanism: Disconnect, clean and I ubrj cate the height control valve bal I joints; connect bal I joints. On early cars fitted with adjustable I ink rods, ensure that the length of rod is not altered.
12. Power operated hood (If fitted): Check the level of fluid in the reservoir; top-up if necessarv.
13. Propeller shaft {Cars fittea with the tour speed automatic gearbox): Examine the neoprene seal at the front end of the shaft for serviceability; rectify as necessary.
Examine the rear joint for signs of grease leakage; rectify as necessary.
Check the torque tightness of the bolts securing the front and rear joints; rectify as necessary.
14. Rear wheel drive-shafts: Lubricate the outer universal joints with approved grease.
15. Steering pump (Hobourn Eaton): Renew the filter element in the steering pump reservoir.
Every 60 000 kilometres (36 000 miles) or 3 years whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 20 000 kilo metres ( 12 000 miles) and the 40 000 kilometres (24 000 mi I es) service schedules carry out the following.
1. Wax capsule type fuel mixture weakening device cut-off valve (If fitted): Fit the later type thermal switch assembly.
Recommended Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Air conditioning system: Check that the foam filter element in the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction; fit a new element if necessary. On
Lor.g wheelbase cars fitted with a centre division, ensure that the foam ti I ter element fitted below the rear refrigeration system air intake grille is free from obstruction. Fit a new filter element if nece:.sary.
Ch~ck the refrigeration system for correct operation; rectify as necessary. Any work on the refrigeration system must only be carried out by an experienced refrigeration engineer.
2. Body drain holes: Ensure that the body drain holes are not obstructed.
3. Engine cooling system: Drain off the old coolant and fill the system with fresh anti-freeze/water mixture.
Just prior to the Autumn. clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose.
Every 2 years
1. Engine cooling system: Carry out the 12 months service procedure and also thoroughly reverse flush the cooling system. Examine ~oolant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
Service Recommendations
It is emphasised that these service recommendations are not normal servicing arrangements and should on I y be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Every 80 000 kilo metres ( 48 000 miles)
1. Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses. Examine the condition of the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses; fit new hoses where necessary. Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean the sight glasses. Fill the systems with fresh
Castro1 RR 363 Brake F1 uid and bleed the systems.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles)
1. Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit all new flexible hoses to the brake and hydraulic systems.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers, the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve, and the master cylinder. Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean the sight glasses. Fi 11 the systems with fresh
Castrol RR 363 Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
2, Fuel system: Fit a new convoluted hose between the filler head and the fuel tank. Examine all flexible fuel pipes; renew any that show signs of deterioration.
E1 - 3
Cars bu i It up to and including those manufactured to the 1974 specification. 1974 model year cars carry the suffix letter C in the car serial number
(eg SAC LAC etc).
Section E2
Silver Shadow, T Series and Corniche cars built up
and including the 1974
North American specification
Essential Service
(Km) Interval
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 000
18 000
24 000
30 000
36 000
42 000
48 000
Time (Hrs)
+ 3.0 Preventive.
-f. 2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
4.0 Preventive.
+ 3.0 Preventive.
+ 2.0 Preventive.
+ 3.0 Preventive,
+4.0 Preventive.
After the 80 000 km. (48 000 miles) service schedule, carry out the respective service at
10 000 km. (6 000 mi le) intervals.
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
48 000
96 000
] +
1.0 when fitted with emission control.
If replacing brake pads, drive belts, ball joints, or other items as a result of a service inspection, add Manhour Schedule time.
Section E2
Silver Shadow, T Series and Corniche cars built up
and including the 1974
North American specification
Certain items listed in these service schedules are marked with an asterisk(·) i.e. Essential
Maintenance. The servicing for these items should be carried out at the periods specified in order to comply with the Rolls-Royce Motors New
Car Warranty, during the Warranty period. In the U.S.A. this warranty is given by Roi ls-Royce Motors Inc.
In order to comply with the U.S. Federal and California Emission Regulations certain items are also marked thus (t) and these must be carried out during the entire service I ife of the vehicle.
The Preventive Maintenance Ii sted is aimed at securing the maximum I ife and efficiency for the vehicle and should be carried out on request.
Regular Maintenance
1. Battery {Not applicable to the Lucas
Pacemaker battery): Weekly, check the electrolyte
I eve I; top-up with di sti II ed water if necessary.
2. Engine: Weekly, or every 500 miles whichever is the earlier, check the oi I level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
3. Lamp units: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
4. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
5. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
6. Carburetters: Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoirs of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
7. Hydraulic reservoirs: Monthly, check the level of fluid in the reservoirs; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level. Top-up
If necessary to the indicated I eve Is- If frequent topping~up is necessary check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
8. Engine cooling system: Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank; if necessary, top-up with the correct anti· freeze/water mixture.
Ensure tightness of float chamber covers is correct.
Check float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check and if necessary reset the idle speed.
Check and if necessary reset the choke fast· idle speed.
• +4. Engine: Change engine oil.
• HS. Exhaust gas recirculation system: Check the exhaust gas recirculation valves for correct operation: rectify if necessary.
• tt6. Fuel evaporation emission control system:
Check the purge rate; this should be between
50 cu. ft. per hr. and 70 cu. ft. per hr. at 600 r.p.m. in neutral. Fit a new purge line filter if necessary.
Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporation loss line and if necessary rectify any leaks.
*H7. Ignition system: Check and if necessary adjust the distributor dwell angle.
Check the ignition timing using a strobOscope and adjust If necessary.
Check operation of vacuum retard tap and reset if necessary.
Engine cooling system: Tighten worm drive clips of all coolant hoses.
• 9. Torque converter transmission: Check fluid level and top-up if necessarv.
On 1973 and 1974 model year cars, when checking the fluid level avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve and associated pipes as these contain hot exhaust gases.
Every 3 000 mi I es or 3 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Engine: If the car is used for constant stop/ start operation, change the engine lubricating oi I.
Essential Maintenance
Initial Service - 3 000 miles or 3 months whichever is the earlier
This service should be carried out by the Dealer on completion of the first 3 000 miles or 3 months
IM'lichever is the earlier. Items marked th us ::j: should be carried out free of charge.
•t'f1. Air injection pump: Check the tension of the belt driving the air injection pump; adjust necessary. if
"H2'. Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation.
Rectify if necessary.
•t:J:3. Carburetters: Check the oi I level in air valve dampers and it necessary top·up to the correct I eve I.
Every 6 000 miles or 6 months whichever is· the earlier
~ t 1. Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new tilter element.
• t2. Ignition system (1973 and 1974 mod~I year cars): Check the system. with an ignition analyser.
If necessary, clean the sparking plugs and reset the gaps.
• 3. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
• 4. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings, fit new pads if necessary.
VI/hen renewing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excluders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake or parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect all pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
* 5. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
E2 - 1
When checking the flu id level on 1973 and 197 4 model year cars avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve and associated pipes at these contain hot exhaust gases.
Every .12 000.miles or 12 months whichever is the earlfer
• +1. Air injection pump (If fitted): Check the tension of the belt driving the air injection pump; adjust if necessary.
.. t2.
Air injection pump intake filter (Applicable to cars manufactured during the years 1967 to 1972 inclusive): Remove and clean the intake filter element.
+ filter elements (if fitted) or renew the paper filter elements (if fitted).
• t4. Carburetters: Top·up oil level in air valve dampers.
Ensure tightness of float chamber covers is correct.
If wire mesh filters are fitted to the float chambers, remove the unions and clean the filters.
Check float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust as necessary.
• t 5. Crankcase emission control system: Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
• ts.
Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new oil filler element.
• t7. Exhaust gas recirculation system (1973 and
1974 model year cars): Remove and clean the exhaust gas recirculation vafves and feed pipes. Clean the orifices in the carburetter 'Tee' piece. Check the exhaust gas recirculation valves for correct operation.
• ta.
Fuel evaporation emission control system {If fitted): Fit a new foam filter element in the evaporation loss control canister. Check the condition of the pipes and connections.
• t9.
Ignition system: Fit new distributor contact breaker points; set dwell angle. Fit a new distributor cam lubrication pad (if applicable}. If a cam lubrication pad is not fitted lightly smear the cam with grease. Lubricate the distributor spindle
{shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with clean engine oil.
Fit new sparking plugs.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
• 10. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
.. 11. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings, fit new pads if necessary.
When renewing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excluders on calip81's and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake or parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect all pipes and connections. Repo:-t any defects to the Owner.
• 12. Final drive unit: Check the oil level and top•up if necessary.
13. Front suspension: Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are damaged, fit new joints and covers.
• 14. Steering mechanism: Lubricate the steering mechanism at the six grease poin1s. Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints; if the covers are damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
• 15. Torque converter transmission: Change the transmission fluid.
When checking the fluid level on 1973 and
1974 model year cars avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve and associated pipes as these contain hot exhaust gases.
Every 24 000 miles or 2 years whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 12 ooo miles Essential
Maintenance service schedu.le carry out the fol lowing.
In the case of Carburetters, Fuel evaporation emission control system, Final drive unit and the
Torque converter transmission the servicing necessary is I isled in this schedule therefore, the
12 000 miles service schedule should not be consulted for these items.
• t
1. Air injection system (If fitted): Check the air injection system for leaks and correct functioning.
Renew any defective items.
• t 2. Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and che~k for correct functioning.
Rectify if necessary.
• t
3. Carburetters: Clean air valves.
If paper filter elements are fitted to the float chambers fit new paper elements.
If wire mesh filters are fitted to the float chambers, remove the unions and clean the filters.
Top-up oi I level in air valve dampers.
Check float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check engine idle speed and choke fast-idle speed; adjust as necessary.
• t 4. Carburetter mixture weakening device (If fitted): Fit a new air filter for the carburetter mixture weakening device.
• t
5. Fuel evaporation emission control system (If fitted): Fit a new foam filter element in the evaporation loss control canister. Check the conc;lition of pipes and connections.
Check the purge rate. Fit a new purge I ine filter if necessary.
.. 6. Engine cooling system: Fit a new thermostat.
Examine the condition of all hoses; fit new hoses as necessary. Fit new heater tap hoses {irrespective of visual appearance).
7. Final drive unit: Change the oil.
• 8. Torque converter transmission: Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Renew 'O' ring on intake pipe and fit a new seal to bore of intake strainer.
When checking the fluid level on 1973 and 1974 model year cars avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve and associated pipes as these contain hot exhaust gases.
E2 - 2
Every 36 000 miles or 3 years whichever is the earlier
In addit ion to the 12 000 miles and the 24 000 miles
Essent ial Maintenance service schedu les carry out the fol lowing.
1. Wax capsule type fuel mixture weakening device cut-off valve (If fitted): Fit the later type thermal switch assemb ly •
Preventive Maintenance
Initial Service - 3 000 miles or
months whichever is the earlier
1. Be lts and belt tension: C h eck the condit ion and t ensio n of the belts driving the coolant pump , steering pump and refrigeration compr essor and the alternator; adjust or repl ace as necessary.
2. Steer ing pump: Check the fluld leve l of the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
3. Te st: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 6 000 miles or 6 months whichever is the earlier
1. Air sile ncer and cleaner (Wire mesh type only): Remove and clean t h e · wire mesh filter elements.
2. Belts and belt tension: Ch eck the condition and tensi on of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and the alternator; adjus t or replace as ne cessa ry.
3. Carburetters: Check the oil level in the air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
4. Co ntrol 1 i nkages: Lubricate accelerator
I inkage and the gear range se lector controls
(adj acent to the transmission casing) with engine oil.
5. Electrical system: Check all exterior lamps , interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, instrume nts and air conditioning controls for correct operation; rec tify as necess a ry.
6 . Handbrake or Parking brake I inkage: Lubricate t h e pivot pin s and pulleys with the ap proved grease.
7. Ignition system: C heck the distributor dwell angle and adjust if necessary.
Check the ignition timing using stroboscope and ad Just if necessary.
8. Check the fol lo wing levels and pressures:
Check the fluid leve l in the steering pum p reservoir and top-up i f necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as necessary.
Chec k the fluid level in the wind sc reen washe r reservoir and top-up If necessa ry.
Run the engine for four minutes then check t he fluid levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top-up If necessary with recom mende d fluid.
Check and if neces sary adjust the tyre pressur es. Inspect the tread depth of all tyres; al so inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
9. Test: Road tes t the car for satis factory performance.
Every 12 000 miles or 12 months whichever is the earlier
1. Belts and b elt tens ion: Check t h e co ndition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump ; steering pump a nd refriger ation compressor and the alternato r; adjust or replace as necessary.
2. Cont rol link ages: Lubricate accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls
( adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oil.
3. Electrical system: C heck all exterior lamps, interi or lamps, warn ing lam ps and devices, instruments and air conditioning con tro ls for correct oper ation; rectify as necessary. .
4. Handbrake or Parking brake system: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with t h e approved grease.
5 . Spare wheel carrier: Lubricate the spare Wheel carrier lowering bolt and mech anism.
6. Che ck the following levels a nd pressures:
Check the fluid le vel In the steering pump reservoir and top-up if neces sary . .
Check the fluid level in the steering idler box damper, top-up if nece ssary .
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as nece ssa ry.
Check the fluid lev el in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels o f the hydra ulic systems reservoirs; top-up if neces sary with recommended fluid.
Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures. Inspect the tread depth of all tyres; also i nspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
7. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory perfor mance.
Every 24 000 miles or 2 years whichever is the earlier
. . ..
In addition to the 1 2 000 mile s Preventive Mainte n ance service schedule carry out the following.
1. Dynamo (If fitted ): Check the br~shes for wear and for fr eedo m in the ir holders; fit new brushes if nece ssary.
2, Fuel filter: Clean out the filter bowl and fit a new filter element .
3. Fuel pumps: Remove pumps and test fuel pump efficiency fit new pump s if necessary.
4. Fuel tank: Release the fuel · tapk drain plug, allow any accumulated w ate r to dra i n away and then tighten the plug.
5. Height control mechanism: Disconnect, clean and lubricate the height cont rol valve ball joints; connect ball joint s.
6 . Power operated hood {If fitt ed): Che ck the level of f luid in the reservo ir; top-up if necessary.
7. Rear wheel drive -shaf ts: Lubricate the outer univ ersal joints with ap proved grease. a.
Stee ring pum p ( Hobourn Eaton): Renew the filter element in the pump reservoir.
Recommended Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Air con ditioni ng system: C heck that the foam
E2 3
filter element in the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction; fit a new element if necessary. On
Long wheelbase cars fitted with a centre division, ensure that the foam filter element fitted below the rear refrigeration system air intake grille is free from obstruction. Fit a new filter element if necessary.
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify as necessary. Any work on the refrigeration system must only be carried out by an experienced refrigeration engineer.
2. Body drain holes: Ensure that the body drain holes are not obstructed.
3. Engine cooling system: Drain off the old coolant and fil I the system with fresh anti-freeze/ water mixture. Just prior to the Autumn, clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose.
Every 2 years
1. Engine cooling system.: Carry out the 12 months service procedure and also· thoroughly reverse flush the cooling system. Examine coolant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
Service Recommendations
It is emphasised that these service recommendations are not normal servicing arrangements and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Every 48 000 miles
1. Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses. Examine the condition of the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses; fit new hoses where necessary. Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean the sight glasses. Fill the systems with fresh Castrol RR 363 Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
Every 96 000 miles
1. Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit all new flexible hoses to the brake ·and hydrau I ic systems.
new seals to the disc brake calipers, the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve, and the master cylinder. Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean the sight glasses. 1Fi 11 the systems with fresh
Castro! RR 363 Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
2. Fuel system: Fit a new convoluted hose between the ti Iler head and the fuel tank. Examine all flexible fuel pipes; renew any that show signs of deterioration.
E2 - 4
Section E3
Silver Shadow, T Series
·. -~/-. ··
and Corniche cars built up to and including the 1975
Australian specification
0 a:
~ i
For ease of identification, it should be noted, that cars built up to and including the 1975 Australian specification, manufactured until approximately
June 1976, are fitted with a Lucas eight lobe cam distributor.
Service Schedule
{Km) Interval
5 000 Initial
5 000 Every
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 00()
50 000
60 000
70 000
80 000
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 000
18 000
24 000
30 000
36 000
42 000
48 000
Time (Hrs)
After the 60 000 km. (48 000 miles) service schedule, carry out the respective service at
10 000 km. (6 000 mi le) intervals.
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
80 000
160 000
48 000
96 000
+ 1,2 if fitted with master cylinder.
If replacing brake pads, drive belts, ball joints, or other items as a result of a service inspection, add Manhour Schedule time.
It) a)
Section E3
Silver Shadow, T Series and Corniche cars built up to and including the 1975
Australian specifica1ion
Certain items in these service schedules are marked with an asterisk(*). The servicing for these items should be carried out at the periods specified in order to comply with the Roi ls-Royce Motors New
Car Warranty during the Warranty period.
In order to comply with the relevant Emission
Control Regulations items marked thus (t) must be carried out during the entire service I ife of the vehicle.
Regular Maintenance
1. Battery (Not applicable to cars fitted with the
Dagenite Autofil or Dagenite Demon battery); Weekly, check the electrolyte I evel; top-up with disti I led water if necessary.
2. Engine: Weekly or every 800 kilometres
(500 miles) whichever is the earlier, check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
3. Lamp units: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
4. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
5. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
6. Carburetters: Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoirs of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
7. Hydraulic reservoirs: Monthly, check the level of fluid in the reservoirs; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level.
Top-up if necessary to '.the indicated level. If frequent topping-up is necessary check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
8. Engine cooling system: Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank; if necessary, top-up with the correct antifreeze/water mixture.
Initial Service 5 000 kilometres {3 000 mil'es) or
3 months whichever is the earlier
* 1. Engine: Change engine oil.
• 2. Engine cooling system: Tighten the worm drive clips securing all coolant hoses.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
(1975 model year cars): Check the purge rate, this should be between 1,41 cu. m. per hr. and 1,98 cu. m. per hr. (SD cu. ft. per hr. and 70 cu. ft. per hr.) at
600 r.p.m. in neutral. Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporation loss line and if necessary rectify any leaks.
• 4. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
5. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump, and refrigeration compFessor and the alternator, ad just or rep I ace as necessary.
6. Steering pump: Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
7. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every S 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Engine: If the car is used for constant stop/ start operation, change the engine lubricating oil.
Every 10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) or 6 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. 9attery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with t:listilled water if necessary.
• 2. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if nilcessary.
When renewing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excluders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake or parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect al I pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
• 3. Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new oil filter element.,
• 4. Torque converter transmission (If fitted)':
Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up it necessary.
5. Automatic gearbox (If fitted): Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
6. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump. generator or the refrigeration compressor and the alternator ( if fitted); ad just or rep I ace as necessary. t7. Carburetters: Check the oil level in the air valve dampers; top-up if necessary. Check the idle speed and adjust if necessary.
8. Control I inkages: Lubricate accelerator
Ii nkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oil.
9. Electrical system: Check all exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, instruments and air conditioning controls for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
10. Handbrake or Parking brake I inkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with the approved grease. t
11. Ignition system; Check and if necessary adjust the distributor dwel I angle.
Check the ignition timing and adjust if necessary.
12. Propeller shaft (Cars fitted with the four speed automatic gearbox): Examine the neoprene seal at the front end of the shaft for serviceability; rectify as necessary.
13. Check the tol lowing levels and pressures:
Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as necessary.
E3 - 1
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary with recommended fluid.
Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures. Inspect the treaa oepth of all tyres; al so inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
14. Test; Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles} or 12 months whichever is the earlier
•t1. Air silencer and cleaner: Clean and oil the wire mesh filter elements or (dependent upon type of filter fitted), fit new paper element(s).
• 2. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up wrth distilled water if necessary.
• 3. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad I inings; fit new pads if necessary.
When renewing footbrake pads examine condition of du st excl uders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake or parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect al I pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
· t 4. Carburetters: Check the air valve damper oi I levels; top-up if necessary.
Check float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust if nece~sary.
Check the exhaust CO emission; if necessary adjust the carburetter mixture strength and idle speed.
• 5. Engine: Change engine oi I and fit new oi I filter element.
* ts.
Engine breather system: Remove and clean
1he gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
• 7. Final drive unit: Check the oil level; top-up jf necessary.
• 8. Front suspension: Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are damaged, fit new joints and covers.
·i9. Fuel evaporation emission control system
(1975 model year cars); Check the condition of the pipes and connect ions.
·+10. Ignition system: Fit new distributor contact breaker points; set dwell angle. Fit a new distributor cam lubrication pad (if applicable). If a cam lubrication pad is not fitted lightly smear the cam with grease. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with clean engine oil.
Fit new sparking plugs.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
• 11. Steering mechanism: Lubricate the steering mechanism at the six grease points. Inspect the rubber covers on the ba 11 joints; if the covers are damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
E3 - 2
• 12. Torque converter transmission (If fitted):
Change transmission fluid.
13. Automatic gearbox (If fitted): Drain the gearbox and fluid coup I ing; fi II with an approved fluid.
14. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump, generator or the refrigeration compressor and the alternator ( if fitted); adjust or replace as necessary.
15. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator
I inkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to
transmission casing} with engine oil.
16. Electrical system: Check all exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, instruments and air conditioning controls for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
17. Handbrake or Parking brake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pu I leys with approved grease.
18. Prope 11 er shaft ( Cars fitted with the four speed automatic gearbox): Examine the neoprene seal at the front end of the shaft for serviceability; rectify as necessary. ·
19. Spare 'Ml ee I carrier: Lubricate the spare whee I carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
20. Ch eek the fol lowing levels and pressures:
Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the steering idler box damper; top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the
I eve Is of the hydrau Ii c systems reservoirs; top·up if necessary with the recommended fluid.
Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures. Inspect the tread depth of al I tyres; al so inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
21. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedule carry out the fol I owing.
In the case of Carburetters, Final drive unit,
Propeller shaft and the Torque converter transmission the servicing necessary is listed in this schedule therefore, the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedule should not be consulted for these items.
Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct function; correct as necessary.
Carburetter: Clean the air valve pistons. Top-up the air valve dampers with new engine oil.
Fit new paper element filters to the float chamber inlet connections (if applicable).
Check fl oat ch amber depression and rectify if necessary. Check engine idle speed and choke fast idle speed; adjust as necessary.
Check the exhaust CO emission; if necessary adjust the carburetter mixture strength and idle speed.
* 3. Engine cooling system: Fit a new thermostat.
Examine the condition of all hoses; fit new hoses as necessary. Fit new heater tap hoses (irrespective of visual appearance).
• 4. Final drive unit: Change the oi I.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
(1975 model year cars): Renew the foam filter element in the evaporation loss control canister.
Check the condition of pipes and connections. Check the purge rate; this should be between 1,41 cu. m. per hr. and 1,98 cu. m. per hr. (50 cu. ft. per hr. and 70 cu. ft. per hr.) at 600 r.p.m. in neutral.
Renew the purge line filter if necessary.
Fuel mixture weakening device filter
(If fitted):
Fit a new fuel mixture weakening device filter.
• ?. Torque converter transmission (If fitted):
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer. Renew 'O' ring on intake pipe and fit a new seal to bore of intake strainer.
8. Dynamo (If fitted): Check the brushes for wear and freedom in their holders; fit new brushes if necessary.
9. Fuel filter: Clean out the filter bowl and fit a new filter element.
10. Fuel pumps: Remove pumps and test fuel pump efficiency; fit new pumps if necessary.
11. Fuel tank: Release the fuel tank drain plug and al low any accumulated water to drain away; fit the drain plug and add four S.B.N. inhibitors to the tank.
12. Height control mechanism: Disconnect, clean and lubricate the height control valve ball joints; connect bal I joints.
13. Power operated hood (If fitted): Check the level of fluid in the reservoir; top·up if necessary.
14. Propeller shaft (Cars fitted with the four speed automatic gearbox): Examine the neoprene seal at the front end of the shaft for servi ceab i Ii ty; rectify as necessary.
Examine the rear joint for signs of grease leakage; rectify as necessary.
Check the torque tightness of ttie bolts securing the front and rear joints; rectify as necessary.
15. Rear wheel drive-shafts: Lubricate the outer universal joints with approved grease.
16. Steering pump (Hobourn Eaton): Renew the filter element in the steering pump reservoir. that the foam filter element fitted below the rear refrigeration system air intake grille is free from obstruction. Fit a new filter element if necessary.
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify as necessary. Any work on the refrigeration system must only be carried out by an experienced refrigeration engineer.
2. Body drain holes: Ensure that the body drain holes are not obstructed.
3. Engine cooling system: Drain off the old coolant and fill the system with fresh anti-freeze/water mixture.
Just prior to the Autumn. clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose.
Every 2 years
1. Engine cooling system: Carry out the 12 months service procedure and also thoroughly reverse f I ush the cooling system. Examine cool ant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
Service Recommendations
It is emphasised that these service recommendations are not normal servicing arrangements and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles)
1. Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses. Examine the condition of the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses; fit new hoses where necessary. Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean sight glasses. Fi 11 the systems with fresh Castrol RR 363 Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles)
1, Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit all new flexible hoses to the brake and hydraulic systems.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure I imiting valve
Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean the sight glasses. Fill the systems with fresh Castrol RR 363 Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
2. Fuel system: Fit a new convoluted hose between the fi Iler head and the fuel tank. Examine al I flexible fuel pipes; renew any that show signs of deterioration.
Every 60 000,kilometres (36 000 miles) or 3 years whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 20 000 kilometres ( 12 000 mi I es) and the 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) service schedu I es carry out the following.
1. Wax capsule type fuel mixture weakening device cut·off valve (If fitted): Fit the later type thermal switch assembly.
Recommended Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Air conditioning system: Check that the foam filter element in the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction; fit a new element if necessary. On Long wheelbase cars fitted with a centre division, ensure
E3 - 3 ci
.. a.
@) co l,;
~ t
, ~
. ~-
·1,., .>
Silver Shadow, T Series,
Corniche and Camargue cars built up to and including the 1975 Japanese specification
For ease of identifi cation i t sho uld be noted th at cars b ui lt up to an d inc l udin g the 1975 Japan ese s pecification, ma n uf::l c tu red uni i I a p pr oximat e l y
Fe b 1976 , are not lilted with a cata lytic co nverter .
Servic e Schedule
(Km) Interval
5 0 00 In itial
5 000 E very
10 0 00
20 000
30 000
40 0 0 0
50 000
60 000
70 00 0
80 000
( Miles)
3 000
3 0 00
6 000
12 000
18 000
00 0
Aft er the 80 000 km. {48 000 mil es ) s ervice sc hedule, carry out the r espect i ve serv ice at
10 000 k m . ( 6 00 0 mile ) interva l s.
T i m e (Hrs)
0 .5
1 3 .5
1 0 .0
Seasonal Schedule s
12 mont h s
2 years
Servi c e Recommendations
80 000 48 000
1 60 000 96 00 0
2 .
4 .
If re plac i ng brak e pads, drive belts , ball joi nts, or othe r items as a result of a se r v i ce inspec tion, add Manho u r Schedu l e time.
, , c; v:i
Section E4
Silver Shadow, T Series, Corniche and Camargue cars built up to and including the 1975
Japanese specification
Certain items in these schedules are marked with an asterisk ri.
The servicing for these items should be carried out at the periods specified in order to comply with the Rolls-Royce Motors New
Car Warranty during the Warranty period,
In order to comply with the relevant Emission
Control Regulations items marked thus (t) must be carried out during the entire service life of the vehicle.
Regular Maintenance
1. Battery (Not applicable to cars fitted with the
Dagenite Autofil or Dagenite Demon battery):
Weekly, check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
2. Engine: Weekly or every 800 kilometres
(500 miles}, whichever is the earlier check the oi I level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
3. Lamp units: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
4. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
5. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the f I ui d level; top-up if necessary.
6. Carburetters: Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoir of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
7. Hydraulic reservoirs: Monthly, check the level of fluid in the reservoirs; the engine should be run
for four minutes before checking the fluid level.
Top-up if necessary to the indicated level. If frequent topping-up is necessary check the hydrau Ii c system for leaks and rectify as necessary.
8. Engine cooling system: Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank, if necessary, top-up with the correct antifreeze/ water mixture.
Initial Service 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles)
3 months whichever is the earlier
Air injection pump: Check the tension of the belt driving the air injection pump and adjust if necessary.
•i2. Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation.
Rectify as necessary.
•+3. Carburetters: Check the oi I level in air valve dampers and if necessary top-up to the correct level.
Check tightness of float chamber covers.
Check float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check and if necessary reset the i die speed.
Check and if necessary rese1 the choke fastidle speed.
4. Engine: Change engine oil.
Engine cooling system: Tighten the worm drive clips securing all coolant hoses.
·to. Exhaust gas recirculation system: Check the exhaust gas recirculation valve for correct operation.
• t7. Fuel evaporation emission control system:
Check the purge rate; this should be between
1,41 cu. m. per hr. and 1,98 cu. m. per hr.(50 cu. ft. per hr. and 70 cu. ft. per hr.) at 600 r.p.m. in neutral. Fit a new purge line filter if necessary.
Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporation loss line and if necessary rectify any leaks.
·ts. Ignition system: Check the ignition timing and dwell angle; adjust if necessary.
• 9. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary. When checking the fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve, heat shield and associated pipes as these components wi 11 be hot.
10. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the cool ant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor, and the alternator; adjust or replace as necessary.
11. Steering pump: Check the fluid levei in the steering pump reservoirs: top-up if necessary.
12. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Engine: If the car is used for constant stop/ start operation, change the engine lubricating oil.
Every 10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) or 6 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
• 2. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary.
When renewing footbrake pads examine condition of dust exc luders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake or parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect al I pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
• t3. Engine: Change the engine oi I and fit a new oi I filter element.
*t4. Ignition system (1973 and 1974 model year cars): Check the system with an ignition analyser.
If necessary clean the sparking plugs and reset the gaps.
• 5. Torque converter transmission (If fitted):
Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
On 1973/74 and 1975 model year cars, when checking the fluid level avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve, heat shield and associated pipes as these components wi 11 be hot.
6. Automatic gearbox (If fitted): Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
E4 - 1
7. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the air injection pump (if fitted), coolant pump, steering pump, and refrigeration compressor and the alternator; adjust or replace as necessary. ta.carburetters: Check the oil level in the air valve dampers; top-up if necessary. Check the idle speed and adjust if necessary.
9. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oil.
10. Electrical system: Check al I exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, instruments and air conditioning controls for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
11. Handbrake or Parking brake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the handbrake or parking brake system with the approved grease.
12. Ignition system (Prior to 1973 model year cars): Check and if necessary adjust the distributor dwell angle.
Check the ignition timing and adjust if necessary.
13. Pr ope 11 er shaft ( Cars fitted with the four speed automatic gearbox): Examine the neoprene seal at the front end of the shaft for serviceability; rectify as necessary.
14. Check the following I eve Is and pressures:
Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top·up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary with recommended fluid.
Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures. Inspect the tread depth of all tyres; also inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
15. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 20 000 kilometres ( 12 000 mi I es) or 12 months whichever is the earlier
• t 1. Air injection pump ( From Car serial number
SRH 8055 and onwards i.e. from 1969 model year cars): Check the tension of the belt driving the air injection pump; adjust if necessary.
• t2. Air injection pump intake filter (From 1969 model year cars up to and including 1972 model year cars): Remove and clean the intake filter elements.
Air silencer and cleaner: Clean and oil the wire mesh filter elements or (dependent upon type of filter fitted) fit new paper elements.
• 4. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
• 5. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary.
When renewing footbrake pads, examine condition of dust excluders on calipers and renew if necessarv.
Manually adjust the handbrake or parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect al I pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
• f-6, Carburetters: Check the air valve damper oi I
I eve Is; top-up if necessary.
Check and if necessary adjust float chamber depression.
Check engine idle speed and choke fast-idle speed; adjust if necessary.
*t7. Crankcase emission control system: Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. CI ean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new oil filter element.
•t9, Exhaust gas recirculation system (1973/74 and 1975 model year cars): Remove and clean the exhaust gas recirculation valve and feed pipes.
Clean the exhaust gas recirculation orifices in the carburetter 'Tee' piece. Check exhaust gas reci rculation valve for correct operation.
• 10. Final drive unit: Check the oil level; top-up if necessary.
• 11. Front suspension: Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are damaged, fit new joints and covers.
• t12. Fuel evaporation emission control system
(From Car serial number SRH 14806 and onwards):
Check the condition of the pipes and connections.
•t13. Ignition system (Prior to 1975 model year cars): Fit new di stri bu tor contact breaker points; set dwell angle. Fit a new distributor cam lubrication pad (if applicable). If a cam lubrication pad is not fitted lightly smear the cam with grease.
Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with clean engine oil.
Fit new sparking plugs.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
• t14. Ignition system (1975 model year cars):
Lubricate distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I.
Fit new sparking plugs.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
• 15. Steering mechanism: Lubricate the steering mechanism at the six grease points. Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints; if the covers are damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
• 16. Torque converter transmission (If fitted):
Change transmission fluid.
On 1973/74 and 1975 model year cars, when checking the fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recircu1 at ion valve, heat shield and associated pipes as these components wi 11 be hot.
17. Automatic gearbox (If fitted): Drain the gearbox and fluid coupling; fil I with an approved fluid.
18. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and the
E4 - 2
C: alternator; adjust or replace as necessary.
19. Control Ii nkages: Lubricate the accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oi I.
20. Electrical system: Check al I exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, instruments and air conditioning controls for correct opera ti on; rectify as necessary.
21. Handbrake and Parking brake I inkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with approved grease.
22. Propeller shaft (Cars fitted with the four speed automatic gearbox): Examine the neoprene seal at the front end of the shaft for servi ceabi Ii ty; rectify as necessary.
23. Spare wheel carrier: Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
24. Check the fol lowing I evel s and pressures:
Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the steering idler box damper; top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the I eve Is of the hydrau Ii c systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary with recommended fluid.
Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pres$ures. Inspect the tread depth of all tyres; also inspe'ct the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Ow'ner.
25. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory pen ormance.
Every 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 year& whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 20 000 kilometres ( 12 000 miles) service schedule carry out the fol I owing.
In the case of Carburetters, Final drive unit,
Fuel evaporation emission control system,
Propeller shaft and the Torque converter transmission the servicing necessary is I isted in this schedule therefore, the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedule should not be consulted for these items.
• 1. Air injection system (From Car serial number
SRH 8055 and onwards i.e. from 1969 model year cars): Check the air injection system for leaks and correct functioning; rectify if necessary.
Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct function; correct as necessary.
-t-3, Carburetters: Clean the air valve pistons.
Top-up the air valve dampers with new engine oil.
Fit new paper element filters to the float chamber inlet connections (if applicable).
Check and if necessary adjust float chamber depression.
Check engine idle speed and choke fast-idle speed; adjust as necessary.
• 4. Engine cooling system: Fit a new thermostat.
Examine the con di ti on of a 11 hoses; fit new hose!l if necessary. Fit new heater tap hoses (irrespective of visual appearance).
• 5. Final drive unit: Change the oi I.
Fuel evaporation emission control system ( From
Car serial number SRH 14806 and onwards): Fit a new foam filter element in the evaporation loss control canister. Check the condition of the pipes and connections. Check the purge rate; this should be between 1,41 cu. m. per hr. and 1,98 cu. m. per hr.
(50 cu. ft. per hr. and 70 cu. ft. per hr.) at 600 r.p.m. in neutral. Renew the purge line filter if necessary.
Fuel mixture weakening device filter (From
Car serial number SRH 8055 and onwards i.e. from
1969 model year cars): Fit a new fuel mixture weakening device filter.
• 8. Torque converter transmission (If fitted):
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer. Renew 'O' rings on intake pipe and fit a new seal to bore of intake strainer.
On 1973/7 4 and 1975 model year cars. when checking the fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve, heat shield, and associated pipes as these components wi 11 be hot.
9. Dynamo (If fitted): Check the brushes for wear and for freedom in their ho! ders; fit new brushes if necessary.
10. Fuel filter: Clean out the filter bowl and fit a new filter element.
11. Fuel pumps: Remove pumps and test fuel pump efficiency; fit new pumps if necessary.
12. Fuel tank: Release the fuel tank drain plug and al low any accumulated water to drain away; fit the drain plug and add four S.B.N. inhibitors to the tank.
13. Height control mechanism: Disconnect, clean and 1 ubri cate the height con tro I valve bal 1 joints; connect bal 1 joints.
14. Power operated hood (If fitted): Check the level of fluid in the reservoir; top-up if necessary.
15. Prope lier shaft ( Cars f i tied with four speed automatic gearbox): Examine the neoprene seal at the front end of the shaft for serviceability; rectify as necessary.
Examine the rear joint for signs of grease leakage; rectify as necessary.
Check the torque tightness of the bolts securing the front and rear joints; rectify as necessary.
16. Rear wheel drive-shafts: Lubricate the outer universal joints with approved grease.
17. Steering pump (Hobourn Eaton): Renew the filter element in the steering pump reservoir •
Every 60 000 kilometres (36 000 miles) or 3 years whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 20 000 kilometres ( 12 000 miles) and the 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) service schedules carry out the fol lowing.
1. Wax capsule type fuel mixture weakening device cut-off valve (If fitted): Fit the later type thermal switch assembly.
E4 - 3
Recommended Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Air conditioning system: Check that the foam filter element in the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction; fit a new element if necessary. On Long wheel base cars fitted with a centre division ensure that the foam filter element fitted below the rear refrigeration system air intake grille is free from obstruction. Fit a new filter element if necessary.
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify as necessary. Any work on the refrigeration system must only be carried out by an experienced refrigeration engineer.
2. Body drain holes: Ensure that the body drain holes are not obstructed.
3. Engine cooling system: Drain off the old coolant and fill the system with fresh anti-freeze/water mixture.
Just prior to the Autumn. clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose.
Every 2 years
1. Engine cooling system: Carry out the 12 months service procedure and also thoroughly reverse flush the cooling system. Examine coolant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
Service Recommendations
It is emphasised that these service recommendations are not normal servicing arrangements and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles)
1. Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hOses. Examine the condition of the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses; fit new hoses where necessary. Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid. reservoirs and clean the sight g I asses. Fi 11 the systems with fresh Castrol RR 363 Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles)
1. Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit al I new f lexi bl e hoses to the brake and hydraulic systems.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve.
Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and c I ean the sight glasses. Fi 11 the systems with fresh Castrol RR 363 Brake FI u id and bleed the systems.
2. Fuel system: Fit a new convoluted hose between the filler head and the fuel tank. Examine all flexible fuel pipes; renew any that show signs of deterioration.
E4 - 4
Section E5
Silver Shadow, T Series,
· ~~·· .. ..- Corniche and Camargue cars
··· ··· built to the 1975
North American specification
Cars built to the
North American specification carry the suffix letter
in the car serial number
(eg SAD, LAD
Cl) j
:E u
>, e.
Essential Service
Seasonal Schedul.a
2 years
Service Recommendations
50 000
100 000
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 500
18 500
25 000
31 000
37 500
43 500
50 000
Time (Hrs)
+ 2.0
+ 3.0
+ 3.0
+ 2.0
if fitted with master cyrinder.
Section ES
Silver Shadow, T Series,
Camargue cars bui
to the 1975
North American specification
Certain items listed in these service schedules are marked with an asterisk(•) i.e. Essential
Maintenance. The servicinQ for these items should be carried out at the periods specified in order to comply with the Roi ls-Royce Motors New Car
Warranty, during the Warranty period. In the U.S.A. this warranty is given by Roi ls-Royce Motors Inc.
In order to comply with the U.S. Federal and California Emission Regulations certain items are also marked thus (t) and these must be carried out during the entire service life of the vehicle.
The Preventive Maintenance listed is aimed at securing the maximum I ife and efficiency for the vehicle and should be carried out on request.
Regular Maintenance
1. Engine: Weekly, or every 500 miles whichever is the earlier, check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
2. Lamp units: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
3. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
4. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top·up if necessary.
5. Carburetters: Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoirs of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
6. Hydraulic reservoirs: Monthly, check the level of fluid in the reservoirs: the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level.
Top-up if necessary to the indicated levels. If frequent topping-up is necessary check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
7. Engine cooling system: Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank; if necessary, top-up with the correct antifreeze/water mixture.
Essential Maintenance
Initial Service - 3 000 miles or 3 months whichever is the earlier
This service should be carried out by the Dealer on completion of the first 3 000 miles or 3 months whichever is the earlier. Items marked thus
+ should be carried out free of charge.
Air injection pump: Check the tension of the belt driving the air injection pump; adjust if necessary.
*t t2, Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation.
Rectify if necessary.
Carburetters: Check the oi I level in the air valve dampers and if necessary top-up to the correct level. Ensure tightness of float chamber covers is correct.
Check float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check and if necessary reset the idle speed.
Check and if necessary reset the choke fast-idle speed.
4. Engine: Change engine oil.
Fuel evaporation emission control system:
Check the purge rate; this should be between
50 cu. ft. per hr. and 70 cu. ft. per hr. at 600 r.p.m. in neutral. Fit a new purge line filter if necessary.
Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporation loss line and if necessary rectify any leaks.
*tf6. Ignition system: Check ignition timing using stroboscope and adjust if necessary; the ignition timing should be 15° B.T.D.C. with the engine running at 1 200 r.p.m.
• 7. Engine cooling system: Tighten worm drive clips of all coolant hoses.
" 8. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
When checking the fluid level avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve and associated pipes as these contain hot exhaust gases.
Every 3 000 miles or 3 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Engine: If the car is used for constant stop/ start operation, change the engine lubricating oil.
6 000 miles or 6 months whichever is the earlier
• t 1. Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new oi I filter element.
• 2. Battery: Check the electrolyte level: top-up with distilled water if necessary.
* 3. Brakes: Inspect footbralc;e and parking brake pad linings, fit new pads if necessary. When renewing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excluders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect al I pipes and connections. Report any defects to the OWner.
• 4. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top·up if necessary.
When checking the fluid level avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve and associated pipes as these contain hot exhaust gases.
12 500 miles or 12 months whichever is the earlier
• t
1. Air injection pump: Check the tension of the belt driving the air injection pump; adjust if necessary.
• t
2. Air silencer: Fit a new paper filter element.
• t
3. Carburetters: Top-up oi I level in air valve dampers.
E5 - 1
Ensure tightness of float chamber covers is correct.
Check float chamber depression and rectify if necessary.
Check engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust as necessary.
• t
4. Crankcase emission control system: Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
• t
5. Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new oi I fi I ter element.
6. Fuel evaporation emission control system:
Check the condition of the pipes and connections.
• t
7. Ignition system: Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are set to 0.035 in.
Lubricate distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil.
Check the ignition timing using stroboscope and adjust if necessary; the ignition ti ming should be 15 B. r.p.m.
T.D.C. with the engine running at 1 200
• 8. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
* 9. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and parking brake pad linings, fit new pads if necessary. When renewing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excluders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect all pipes and connections. ReRort any defects to the Owner.
• 10. Final drive unit: Check the oil level and top-up if necessary.
• 11. Front suspension: Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are damaged. fit new joints and covers.
• 12. Steering mechanism: Lubricate the steering mechanism at the six grease points. Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints; if the covers are damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary •.
• 13. Torque converter transmission: Change the transmission fluid.
When checking the fluid level avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve and associated pipes as these contain hot exhaust gases.
· t1.
Air injection system:· Check the air injection system for leaks and correct functioning. Renew any defective items.
• t
2. Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct functioning.
Rectify if necessary.
• t 3. Carburetters: Clean air valves.
Remove inlet unions from the float chamber covers and fit new paper filter elements:
Top-up oi I level in air valve dampers.
Ensure tightness of float chamber covers is correct.
Check float chamber depression and rectiry if necessary.
Check engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust as necessary.
• t
4. Carburetter mixture weakening device: Fit a new air filter element for the carburetter mixture weakening device.
• t
5. Fuel evappration emission control system:
Fit a new foam filter element in the evaporation loss control canister.
Check the purge rate; this should be between
50 cu. ft. per hr. and 70 cu. ft. per hr. at 600 r.p.m. in neutral. Fit a new purge I ine filter if necessary.
Check the condition of pipes and connections.
• 6. Engine cooling system: Fit a new engine coolant thermostat and heater tap feed hose.
• 7. Final drive unit: Change the oil.
8. Torque converter transmission: Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
ring on intake pipe and fit a new seal to bore of intake strainer.
When checking the fluid level avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve and associated pipes as these contain hot exhaust gases.
31 000 miles
or 2Y1
years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 6 000 miles or 6 months Essential
Maintenance schedule.
500 miles or
years whichever is the
Carry out the 12 500 miles or 12 months Essential
Maintenance schedule.
500 miles or
years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 6 000 miles or 6 months Essential
Maintenance schedule.
18 500 miles or 18 months whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 6 000 miles or 6 months Essential
Maintenance schedule.
25 000 miles or 2 years whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 12 500 miles or 12 months
Essential maintenance schedule, carry out the following.
· In the case of Carburetters, Fuel evaporation emission control system, Final drive unit and the
Torque converter transmission the servicing necessary is listed in this schedule therefore the
12 500 miles service schedule should not be consulted for these items.
50 000
years whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 25 000 miles or 2 years Essential
Maintenance schedule, carry out the following.
• t'1. Exhausl gas recirculation system: Remove and clean the exhaust gas recirculation valves and feed pipes. Clean the orifices in the carburetter
'Tee' piece. Check the exhaust gas recirculation valves for correct operation.
• t2.
Exhaust system: Fit a new catalytic converter assembly.
E5 - 2
C w
: i
Servicing after SO 000 miles or 4 years whichever is the earlier
After 50 000 miles or 4 years, servicing is still due at either 6
mi I es or 6 500 mi I es intervals.
Therefore the respective 6 000 miles, 12 000 miles,
25 000 miles or 50 000 miles Essential Maintenance service schedule should be carried out as described previously.
Preventive Maintenance lniti al Service - 3 000 mi ,es or 3 months whichever is the earlier
1. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the cool ant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and the alternator; adjust or replace as necessary.
2. Steering pump: Check the fluid level of the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
3. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
6 000 miles or 6 months whichever is the earlier
1. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and the alternator; adjust or replace as necessary.
2. Carburetters: Check the oil level in the air valve dampers: top-up if necessary.
3. Control I inkages: Lubricate accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oil.
4. Electrical system: Check al I exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, instruments and air conditioning controls for correct operation, rectify as necessary.
5. Parking brake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with the approved grease.
6. Check the fol I owing I eve Is and pressures:
Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydraulic system reservoirs; top-up if necessary with recommended fluid.
Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures. Inspect the tread depth of al I tyres; also inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
7. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
12 500 miles
12 months whichever is the earlier
1. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the belts driving the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and the alternator; adjust or replace as necessary.
2. Control I inkages: Lubricate accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oil.
3. Electrical system: Check al I exterior I amps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, instruments and air conditioning controls for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
4. Parking brake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with the approved grease •
5. Spare wheel carrier: Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
6. Check the following levels and pressures:
Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the steering idler box damper; top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the f I uid levels of the hydrau Ii c systems reservoirs, top-up if necessary with recommended fluid.
Check and if necessary adjust the tyre pressures. Inspect the tread depth of all tyres; also inspect the tyres for damage. Report any defects to the Owner.
7. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
25 000 miles or 2 years whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 12 500 miles Preventive
Maintenance schedule carry out the fol lowing.
1. Fuel filter: Clean out the filter bowl and fit a new filter element.
2. Fuel pump: Remove pumps and test fuel pump efficiency; fit new pumps if necessary.
3. Fuel tank: Release the fuel tank drain plug, allow any accumulated water to drain away and then tighten the plug.
4. Height control mechanism: Disconnect, clean and lubricate the height control valve bal I joints; connect ball joints.
5. Rear wheel drive shaft: Lubricate the outer universal joints with approved grease.
Servicing after 25 000 miles or 2 years whichever is the earlier
After 25 000 miles or 2 years, servicing is s.ti II due at either 6 000 miles or 6 500 miles intervals.
Therefore, the respective 6 000 miles, 12 500 miles or 25 000 miles Preventive Maintenance service schedule should be carried out as described previously.
Recommended Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Air conditioning system: Check that the foam filter element in the scuttle intake gri I le is free from obstruction; fit a new element if necessary.
On Long wheelbase cars fitted with a centre division, ensure that the foam filter element fitted below the rear refrigeration system air intake grille is free from obstruction. Fit a new filter element if necessary.
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify as necessary. Any work on the refrigeration system must only be carried out by an experienced refrigeratipn engineer.
2. Body drain holes: Ensure that the body drain holes are not obstructed.
3. Engine cooling system: Drain off the old cool ant and fi 11 the system with fresh anti-freeze/ water mixture. Just prior to the Autumn. clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose.
Every 2 years
1. Engine cooling system: Carry out the 12 months service procedure and also thoroughly reverse flush the cooling system. Examine coolant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
Service Recommendations
It is emphasised that these service recommendations are not normal servicing arrangements and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Every 50 000 miles
1. Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses. Examine the condition of the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses; fit new hoses where necessary. Drain off the hydraul le flu id; clean out the hydrau lie fluid reservoirs and clean the sight glasses. Fill the systems with fresh Castrol RR 363 Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
Every 1 oo 000 miles
1. Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit all new flexible hoses to the brake and hydraulic systems.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve.
Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean ou the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean the sight glasses. Fill the systems with fresh Castro! RR '.363 Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
2. Fuel system: Fit a new convoluted hose between the filler head and the fuel tank. Examine all flexible fuel pipes; renew any that show signs of deterioration.
ES <t
:.J l!1
0 i
0 a:
~ a:;
0 z
Section E6
· .. j~{.,;:..J
Camargue cars other than those built to the
Australian, Japanese and
North American specifications
From car serial number
To car serial number
Service Schedule
(km) Interval (Miles} Time (Hrs}
5 000
5 000
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
50 000
60 000
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 000
18 000
24 000
30 000
36 000
After the 60 000 km.(36 000 mile) service schedule, carry out the respective service at 10 000 km.
(6 000 mi le) intervals.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months •sA'
12 months 'SB'
2 years
Service Recommendations
80 000 'HA' 48 000
160 000 'HB' 96 000
If replacing brake pads, drive belts, ball joints, or other items as a result of a service inspection, add Manhour Schedule time.
"' a>
Section E6
Camargue cars other than those built to Australian,
Japanese and
North American specifications
Certain ltems in these service schedules are marked with an asterisk (·). The servicing for these items. should be carried out at the periods specified in order to comply with the Rolls-Royce New
Car Warranty, during the Warranty peri \ld.
In order to comply with the relevant Emission
Control Regulations items marked thus (t) must be carried out during the entire service life of the vehicle.
Regular Maintenance
1. Engine: Weekly or every 800 kilometres
(500 miles) whichever is the earlier, check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
2. Lamp units: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
3. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures, including the spare; adjust if necessary.
4. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
5. Carburetters: SU HOB Monthly, check the oi I
I eve I in the reservoirs of the automatic air valve dampers: top-up if necessary.
6. Hydraulic reservoirs: Monthly, check the level of fluid in the reservoirs; the engine should be run for four minutes before checking the flu id level.
Top-up if necessary to the indicated level.
7. Engine cooling system: Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank; if necessary, top-up with the correct antifreeze /water mixture.
'I' Service Schedule - Initial 5 000 kilometres
(3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Engine: Change engine oi I.
• 2. Engine cooling system: Tighten the worm drive securing clips of al I coolant hoses.
• 3. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
4. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and alternator driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
5. Steering pump: Check the fluid level of the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
6. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
1. Engine: If the car is used for constant stop/ start operation, change the engine I ubricat i ng oil.
'A' Service Schedule - Every 10 000 kilometres
(6 000 miles) or 6 months whichever is the earlier
· 1. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
• 2. Brakes: Inspect the footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary.
When renewing the pads, examine the caliper dust excluders and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake/ parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
• 3. Engine: Change the engine oi I and fit a new oi I filter element.
• 4. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
5. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and alternator driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary. t 6. Carburetters: Check the air valve oil levels; top-up if necessary. Check engine idle speed and adjust if necessary.
7. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oil.
8. Electrical system: Check al I exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, and instruments for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
9. Handbrake or Parking brake I inkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pul 1eys with the approved grease. t10. Ignition system: Check the distributor dwe:1 angle; adjust if necessary.
Check ignition timing with a stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
11. Levels and pressures: Check the fluid level of the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
. Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top~up if necessary with recommended fluid.
Check and adjust al I tyre pressures; al so check tyrE• tread depth and tyre condition. Report any defects to the Owner.
12. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
E6 - 1
'B' Service Schedule - Every 20 000 kilometres
(12 000 miles) or 12 months whichever is the earlier
Air filter/silencer: Clean and oil the wire mesh filter elements or (dependent upon type of filter fitted), fit new paper element(s).
• 2. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
* 3. Brakes: Inspect the footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary.
When renewing brake pads, examine the caliper dust excluders and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake,/parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
• t4.
Carburetters: Check the air valve damper oi I levels; top-up if necessary.
Check and adjust the float chamber depression.
Check the engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust if necessary.
Ensure exhaust emissions comply with E.C. E.
Regu I at ion 15, if applicable.
• 5. Engine: Change engine oi I and fit a new oi I filter.
Engine breather system: Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube.
Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
• 7. Final drive unit: Check the oi I level; top-up if necessary.
• 8. Front suspension: Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are damaged, fit new joints and covers.
·+9. Ignition system: Fit new distributor contact breaker pointsi set dwell angle. Fit a new distributor cam lubrication pad. Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with clean engine oil.
Fit new sparking plugs.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
• 10. Steering mechanism: Lubricate the steering mechanism at the six grease points. Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints; if the covers are damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
• 11. Torque converter transmission: Change transmission fluid.
12. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor, and alternator driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
13. Control I inkages: Lubricate the accelerator
I inkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oil.
14. Electrical system: Check al I exterior I amps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, and instruments for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
15. Handbrake or Parking brake I inkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with approved grease.
16. Spare wheel carrier: Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
17 Levels and pressures: Check the fluid level of th€ steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
Check the fluid level of the steering idler box damper; top·up if necessary.
Check the lev.el and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the I eve Is of the hydrau Ii c systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary.
Check and ad just al I tyre pressures; al so check tyre tread depth and condition of tyres.
Report any defects to the Owner.
18. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
'C' Service Schedule - Every 40 000 kilometres
(24 000 miles) or 2 years whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedule carry out the fol lowing.
In the case of the Carburetter, Final drive unit and the Torque converter transmission the servicin::' necessary is listed in this schedule therefore, the
20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedule shou Id not be consulted for these items.
•t1. Automatic choke: Check flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct function; correct as necessary.
·t2. Carburetters: Clean the air valve pistons.
Top-up the air valves with new engine oil.
Fit new paper element f i I ters to the fl oat chamber inlet connections.
Check and adjust float chamber depression.
Check engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust as necessary.
Ensure exhaust emissions comply with E.C.E.
Regulation 15, if applicable.
• 3. Engine cooling system: Fit a new thermostat.
Examine the condition of all hoses; fit new hoses as necessary. Fit new heater tap hoses (irrespective of visual appearance).
• 4. Final drive unit: Change the oi I.
Fuel mixture weakening device: Fit a new fuel mixture weakening device filter.
• 6. Torque converter transmission: Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
ring on intake pipe and fit a new seal to bore of intake strainer.
7, Fuel filter: Clean out the filter bowl and fit a new filter element.
8. Fuel pumps: Remove pumps and test fuel pump efficiency; fit new pumps if necessary.
9. Fuel tank: Release the fuel tank drain plL1g and al low any accumulated water to drain away; fit the drain plug and add four S.B.N. inhibitors to the tank.
10. Height control mechanism: Disconnect, clean and lubricate the height control valve ball joints; connect ball joints.
11. Rear wheel drive-shafts: Lubricate the outer uniyersal joints with approved grease.
E6 - 2
Recommended Seasonal Service Items
Every 12 months • 'SA' (Autumn) Service
1. Engine cooling system: Drain off the old coolant and fil I the system with fresh anti-freeze/ v,,,ater mixture. Just prior to Autumn clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose.
2. Body drain holes: Ensure that the body drain holes are not obstructed.
Every 12 months · 'SB' (Spring} Service
1. Automatic air conditioning system: Check that the foam filter elements in the scuttle intake gri I le are free from obstruction; fit new elements if necessary. Check the refrigeration system for correct operation; rectify as necessary. Any work on the refrigeration system must only be carried out by an experienced refrigeration engineer.
Every 2 years - 'SC' (Autumn} Service
1. Engine cooling system: Carry out the 12 months
'SA' (Autumn} Service procedure and also thoroughly reverse flush the cooling system. Examine coolant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
Service Recommendations
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles} - 'HA'
1. Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses. Examine the condition of the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses; fit new hoses \Mlere necessary. Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean. the sight glasses. Fil I the systems with fresh Castrol RR 363 Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 mites) • 'HB'
1. Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit all new flexible hoses to the brake and hydraulic systems.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers, the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve, and the master cylinder. Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean sight glasses. Fill the systems with fresh Castrol
RR 363 Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
2. Fuel system: Fit a new convoluted hose between the filler head and the fuel tank. Examine al I flexible fuel pipes; renew any that show signs of deterioration.
E6 - 3
Section E7
Si Iver Shad ow, T Series, other than those built to the
Australian, Japanese and
North American specifications
From the following car serial numbers
Silver Shadow and T Series
Long Wheelbase
Corniche Saloon
RHD 22646 LHD 22919
Corniche Convertible
RHD 22583 LHD 22781
To car serial number 30000
Service Schedule
· 5
10 000
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 000
Time (Hrs)
10.0 20 000 'B'
30 000
40 000
18 000
24 000
50 000 30 000 8.5
60 000
36 000 10.0
70 000
80 000
42 000
48 000
After the 80 000 km. (48 000 miles) service schedule. carry out the respective service at
10 000 km. (6 000 mile) intervals.
Additional Service Items
12 months
12 months.
2 years
80 000 'HA' 46 000 5.5
160 000
96 000 17.0
If replacing brake pads, drive belts, bal I joints, or other items as a result of a service inspection, add Manhour Schedule time.
C: w
Section E7
Silver Shadow, T Series,
Corniche and Camargue cars other than those built
the Australian, Japanese and
North American specifications
Certain items in these service schedules are marked with an asterisk ("). The servicing for these items should be carried out at the periods specified in order to comply with the Rolls-Royce
New Car Warranty, during the Warranty period.
In order to comply with the relevant Emission
Control Regulations items marked thus (t) must be carried out during the entire service life of the vehicle.
Regular Maintenance
1. Engine: Weekly or every 800 kilometres
(500 miles) whichever is the earlier, check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
2. Lamp units: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
3. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures including the spare; adjust if necessary.
4. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
5. SU carburetters: Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoirs of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
6. Hydraulic reservoirs: Monthly, check the level of fluid in the reservoirs; the engine should be run for four minutes before checking the fluid level.
Top-up if necessary to the indicated level.
7. Engine cooling system: Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank; if necessary, top-up with the correct antifreeze/water mixture.
Service Schedule - Initial 5 000 kilometres
(3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Engine: Change engine oi I.
• 2. Engine cooling system: Tighten the worm drive securing clips of all coolant hoses.
• 3. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
4. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and alternator driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
5. Steering pump: Check the fluid level of the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
6. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
1. Engine: If the car is used for constant stop/ start operation, change the engine lubricating oi I.
'A' Service Schedule - Every 10 000 kilometres
(6 000 miles) or 6 months whichever is the earlier
.. 1. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessarv.
• 2. Brakes: Inspect the footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary. When renewing the pads, examine the caliper du~t excluders and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake/parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
• 3. Engine: Change the engine oi I and fit a new oil filter element.
• 4. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
5. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tens ion of the cool ant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and alternator driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary. t 6. Carburetters: Check the air valve oi I levels; top-up if necessary (SU carburetters only).
Check engine idle speed and adjust if necessary.
7. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator
Ii nkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oil. ti. Electrical system: Check al I exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, and instruments for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
9. Handbrake or Parking brake I inkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with the approved grease. t10. Ignition system: Check ignition timing with a stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
11. Levels and pressures: Check the fluid level of the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydrau I ic systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary with recommended fluid.
Check and adjust al I tyre pressures; also check tyre tread depth and tyre condition. Report any defects to the Owner.
12. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
E7 - 1
• s•
Service Schedule - Every 20 000 kilometres
(12 000 miles) or 12 months whichever is the earlier
Air filter/silencer: Fit a new filter element.
• 2. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
• 3. Brakes: Inspect the footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary. When renewing brake pads, e><amine the caliper dust excluders and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake/parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
• t4. Carburetters: Check the air valve damper oi I levels and top-up if necessary also, check and adjust the float chamber depression (SU carburetters only).
Check the engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust if necessary.
Ensure exhaust emissions comply with E.C.E.
Regulation 15, if applicable.
• 5. Engine: Change engine oi 1 and fit a new oi I filter.
't6. Engine breather system: Remove and clean the gauze flame trap in the crankcase breather tube.
Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing
(SU carburetters) or the breather connection in the air filter housing (Sol ex carburetters).
• 7. Final drive unit: Check the oil level; top-up if necessary.
• 8. Front suspension: Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are damaged, fit new joints and covers.
Ignition system: Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with clean engine oil.
Fit new sparking plugs.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
• 10. Steering mechanism: Lubricate the steering mechanism at the six grease points. Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints; if the covers are damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
• 11. Torque converter transmission: Change trans miss ion f I u id.
12. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor, and alternator driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
13. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator
I inkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oil.
14. Electrical system: Check all exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, and instruments for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
15. Handbrake or Parking brake I inkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with approved grease.
16. Spare wheel carrier: Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
17. Levels !:Ind pressures: Check the fluid level of the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
Check the f I u id I eve I of the steering idler bo>< damper; top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary.
Check and adjust all tyre pressures; also check tyre tread depth and condition of tyres. Report any defects to the Owner.
18. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
• C' Service Schedule - Every 40 000 kilometres
(24 000 miles) or 2 years whichever is the earlier
In addition to the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedule carry out the following.
In the case of the Carburetters, Final drive unit,
Torque converter transmission and Levels and pressures, servicing necessary is I isted in this schedule therefore, the 20 000 ki I ometres
{12 000 miles) service schedule should not be consulted for these items.
Automatic choke: Check flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct function; correct as necessary (SU carburetters only).
• t2. Carburetters: Clean the air valve pistons.
Top-up the air valves with new engine oi L Fit new paper element filters to the float chamber inlet connections. Check and adjust float chamber depression (SU carburetters only).
Check engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust as necessary.
Ensure exhaust emissions comply with E.C.E.
Regulation 15, if applicable.
* 3. Engine cooling system: Fit a new thermostat.
Examine the condition of all hoses: fit new hoses as necessary. Fit new heater tap hoses
(irrespective of visual appearance).
• 4. Final drive unit: Change the oil.
Fuel mixture weakening device: Fit a new fuel mixture weakening device filter (SU carburetters only).
* 6. Torque converter transmission: Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Renew· O' ring on intake pipe and fit a new seal to bore of intake strainer. c1
7. Fuel filter: Clean out the filter bowl and fit new ti 1 ter element.
8. Fuel pumps: Remove pumps and test fuel pump efficiency; fit new pumps if necessary.
9. Fuel tank: Release the fuel tank drain plug and allow any accumulated water to drain away; fit the drain plug and add four S.B.N. inhibitors to the tank.
10. Height control mechanism: Disconnect, clean and l:;bricate the height control valve ball joints; connect ball joints.
11. Rear wheel drive-shafts: Lubricate the outer uni versa I joints with approved grease.
E7 - 2
12. Levels and pressures: Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
Check the fluid level of the steering idler box damper; top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the power operated hood reservoir (Convertible cars}. Top-up if necessary in hood down position.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary.
Check and adjust all tyre pressures; also check tyre tread depth and tyre condition. Report any defects to the Owner.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles)
8 years
• 'HB'
Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit all new flexible hoses to the brake and hydraulic systems. Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve.
Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean sight glasses.
Fill the systems with fresh Castrol RR 363 Brake
Fluid and bleed the systems.
Fuel system: Fit a new convoluted hose be.tween the fi lier head and the fuel tank. Examine all flexible fuel pipes; renew any that show signs of deterioration.
Additional Service Items
Every 12 months·• SA' (Autumn) Service
Engine cooling system: Drain off the old coolant and f i II the system with fresh anti-freeze/water mixture. Just prior to Autumn clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose.
Body drain holes: Ensure that the body drain holes are not obstructed.
Every 12 months ••SB' (Spring) Service
Air conditioning system: Check that the loam filter element(s) in the scuttle intake grille, and also the filter element in the rear intake gri lie on Long
Wheelbase cars fitted with a centre division. are free from obstruction; fit new element(s) if necessary. Check the refrigeration system for correct operation: rectify as necessary. Any work on the refrigeration system must only be carried out by an experienced refrigeration engineer.
Every 2 years - • SC' (Autumn) Service
Engine cooling system: Carry out the 12 months
• SA'
{Autumn) Service procedure and also thoroughly reverse flush the cooling system.
Examine coolant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles) or 4 years
- •HA• Service
Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses.
Examine the
condition of the sub.frame to
fit new hoses where necessary. Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean the sight glasses. Fill the systems with fresh Castrol RR 363 Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
E7 - 3
Silver Shadow, T Series,
Corniche and Camargue cars bui ft to
North American specification
Cars built to the 1976 North American specification carry the suffix letter E in the car serial number
(eg SRE, LRE etc).
Cl:) l,;
<( c,p r-
.... i e
:J f
Q) l
0 a:
() .
Essential Service
Seasonal S<:hedu les
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
50 000
100 000
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 500
18 500
25 000
31 000
37 500
43 500
50 000
Time (Hrs)
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
3.5 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
5.0 Preventive.
Section E8
Silver Shadow, T Series,
Corniche and Camargue cars built to the 1976
North American specification
Essen ti al Maintenance
Initial Service
This service wil I be carried out by the Dealer after the first 3 000 miles (5 000 km.) or 3 months whichever is the earlier.
Items marked
will be carried out free of charge.
Every 3 000 miles (5 000 Km.) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
If the car is used for constant stop/ start operation change the engine oi I.
Initial 3 000 miles (5 000 Km.) or 3 months service whichever is the earlier
• Air injection pump
Check belt tension and reset if necessary.
Automatic choke
Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation.
• Carburetters
Check oil level in air valve dampers and if necessary top-up to correct level. Check tightness of float chamber covers. Check float chamber depression. Check and if necessary reset the idle speed. Check and if necessary reset the choke
'fast-idle' speed.
Change engine oil.
* Fuel evaporation emission control system
Check the purge rate; this should be between
50 cu.ft. per hour and 70 cu.ft. per hour (1,41 cu.m. and 1,98 cu.m.) at 600 r.p.m. in neutral. Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporation loss line and if necessary rectify any leaks.
Ignition system
Check ignition timing using stroboscope and adjust if necessary; the ignition timing should be
15 B. T .D. C. with the engine running at 1 200 r.p.m., the vacuum capsule disconnected and the feed blanked off.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; adjust if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Tighten worm-drive clips of all coo I ant hoses.
Torque converter transmission
Check fluid level and top-up if necessary.
When checking the fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valves, heat shield and associated pipes as these components will be hot.
Every 6 000 mHes (10 000 Km.) or 6 months whichever is the earlier
Change engine oil and renew oil filter element.
Check the level of the electrolyte in the battery; if necessary top-up with disti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; adjust if required.
Inspect footbrake and parking brake pad I inings.
When changing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excl uders on calipers. Manual I y adjust the parking brake pads. Inspect pipes and connections, rectify if necessary.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels; top-up if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Check fluid level and top-up if necessary.
When checking the fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valves, heat shield and associated pipes as these components will be hot.
Every 12 SOO miles (20 000 Km.) service whichever is the earlier or 12 months
Air injection pump
Check tension of pump pulley driving belt; adjust if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new paper tilter element.
Top-up oil level in air valve dampers. Check tightness of float chamber covers. Check float chamber depression. Check and if necessary reset the idle speed. Check and if necessary, reset choke 'fast-idle' speed.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in choke butterf I y housing.
EB - 1
Change engine oi I and renew oi I filter element.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are set to 0.035 in. (0.9 rnm.}.
Lubricate distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil.
Check the ignition timing using a stroboscope and adjust if necessary; the ignition timing should be 15 8. T.D.C. with the engine running at
1 200 r.p.m., the vacuum capsule disconnected and the feed hose blanked off.
Check the level of the electrolyte in the battery; if necessary top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts; adjust if required.
Inspect footbrake and parking brake pad linings.
When changing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excluders on calipers. Manually adjust parking brake pads. Inspect pipes and connections, rectify if necessary.
Final drive unit
Check oi I level and top-up if necessary.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels; top-up if required.
Front suspension
The front suspension ball joints are sealed for life and no maintenance is required until renewal is necessary or the ball joint rubber covers are damaged. Inspect the rubber covers on the front suspension bal I joints; if the covers are found to be damaged new joints and covers should be fitted.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the six grease nipples. Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints; if the covers are found to be damaged the joints shoul'd be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Renew transmission fluid.
When checking the fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valves, heat shield and associated pipes as these components will be hot.
Every 18 500 miles (30 000 Km~) or 18 months service whichever is the earlier
Change engine oi I and renew oi I filter element.
Check the level of electrolyte in the battery; if necessary top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check tension of al I driving belts; adjust as required.
Inspect footbrake and parking brake pad linings.
When changing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excl uders on calipers. Manually adjust the parking brake pads. Inspect pipes and connections, rectify if necessary.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels; top-up if necessary.
Torque converter transmi~sion
Check fluid level and top-up if necessary.
When checking the fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valves, heat shield and associated pipes as these components will be hot.
Every 25 000 miles (40 000 Km.) or 2 years service whichever is the
Air injection pump
Check tension of pump pulley driving belt; adjust if required.
Air injection system
Check air injection system for leaks and correct functioning. Renew any detective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new paper filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check the system for correct functioning.
Clean air valves. Remove inlet unions from the float chamber covers and fit new paper filter elements. Top-up oil level in air valve dampers.
Check tightness of float chamber covers. Check float chamber depression. Check and if necessary, reset the idle speed. Check and if necessary, reset choke 'fast-idle' speed.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Renew air f i I ter element for the carburetter mixture weakening device.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean gauze flame traps in crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in choke butterfly housing.
Change engine oi I and renew oi I filter element.
E8 - 2
Engine cooling system
Fit a new engine coolant thermostat and heater tap feed hose. Check the condition of all coolant hoses, fit new hoses as necessary.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Renew the foam filter element in the evaporation loss control canister. Check the purge rate; this should be between 50 cu.ft. per hour and
70 cu. ft. per hour ( 1,41 cu.m. and 1,98 cu.m.) at
600 r.p.m. in neutral. Renew the purge line filter if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are set to 0.035 in. (0,9 mm.).
Lubricate distributor spindle (shaft bearings} and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I.
Check the ignition timing using a stroboscope and adjust if necessary; the ignition timing should be 15 8.T.D.C. with the engine running at
1 200 r.p.m., the vacuum capsule disconnected and the feed hose blanked off. Check the vacuum advance mechanism.
Check the level of the electrolyte in the battery; if necessary top-up with disti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts; adjust if necessary
Inspect foot brake and parking brake pad Ii ni ngs.
When changing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excluders on calipers. Manually adjust parking brake pads. Inspect pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Final drive unit
Change oil.
Fluid level
Check all fluid levels; top-up if required.
Fuel pumps
Remove the fuel pumps and check for pumping efficiency, fit new pumps if necessary.
Hydraulic systems
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits.
Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensure that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fi II the hydraulic systems with new approved fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive~shaft outer universal couplings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the six grease nipples. Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints; if the covers are found to be damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Front suspension
The front suspension bal I joints are sealed for I ife and no maintenance is required until renewal is necessary or the ball joint rubber covers are damaged. Inspect the rubber covers on the front suspension ball joints; if the covers are found to be damaged new joints and covers should be fitted.
Torque converter transmission.
Change transmission fluid.
Fit a new intake strainer.
When checking the fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valves, heat shield and associated pipes as these components will be hot.
Servicing after 25
000 miles (40 000
Km:) or
2 years whichever is the earlier
After 25 000 miles (40 000 km.) or 2 years, servicing is sti 11 due at the following intervals.
31 000 miles (SO 000 Km:) or 21/i years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 6 000 miles (10 000 km.) service.
37 500 miles (60 000 Km:) or 3 years
whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 12 500 miles (20 000 km.) service.
43 500 mites (70 000 Km:) or 31/i years
whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 6 000 miles (10 000 km.) service.
SO 000 miles (80 000 Km;) or 4 years whichever
is the earlier
Carry out the 25 000 miles {40 000 km.) service and in addition the fol lowing operations.
~xhaust gas recirculation system
Remove ·and clean the exhaust gas recirculation valves and feed pipes. Clean the orifices in the carburetter 'Tee' piece. Check the exhaust gas recirculation valves for correct operation.·
Preventative Maintenance
Initial Service
This service should be carried out by the Dealer after the first 3 000 miles {5 000 km.) or 3 months whichever is earlier.
Steering pump
Check the oi I I eve I in the reservoir; top-up necessary. if
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 6 000 miles (10 000 Km:} or 6 months whichever is earlier
Check the oi I level in the air valve dampers and top-up if necessary.
E8 - 3
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
I ink age and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation. Rectify as necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check al I tyre pressures when cold, adjust if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 12 500 miles (20 000 Km.) or 12 months whichever is the earlier
Control linkage
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
E lectri cat system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation. Rectify as necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel
Lubricate the spare wheel lowering bolt and
I'!ech an ism.
Check the tread depth of al I the tyres. Inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check al I tyre pressu.res when cold, adjust if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 18 500 miles {30 whichever is the earlier
000 Km.) or 18 months
Check the oi I I eve I in the air valve dampers and top-up if necessary.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation.
Rectify as necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check al I tyre pressures iMlen cold, adjust if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 25 000 miles ( 40 000 Km~) or 2 years whichever
the earlier
Control linkage
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation. Rectify as necessary.
Fuel filter
Renew the main I ine filter and clean the filter bowl.
Fuel tank
Slacken the drain plug one or two turns and al low any accumulated water to drain away. Tighten the drain plug.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage bal I joints.
Clean, grease and refit the ball joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel
Lubricate the spare wheel lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check al I tyres pressures when cold, adjust if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Servicing after 25 000 miles (40 000 Km~) or
2 years whichever is the earlier
After 25 000 mi I es ( 40 000 km.) or 2 years, servicing is sti II due at the fol lowing intervals.
E8 - 4
!! en
31 000 miles (50 000 Km.) or 21/i years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 6 000 miles (10 000 km.) service.
37 500 miles (60 000 Km) or 3 years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 12 500 miles (20 000 km.) service.
. 500 miles (70 000 Km:) or 3Y2 years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 6 000 mi I es ( 10 000 km.) service.
SO 000 miles (80 000 Km.) or 4 years whichever is the ear Ii er
Carry out the 25 000 miles (40 000 km.) service.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from the radiator and the engine crankcase. Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose. This should be carried out just prior to the Autumn. Fi II the system with the correct anti-freeze mixture (refer to Chapter L • Engine Cooling System of the relevant Workshop Manual and the latest
Service Bui letin).
Air conditioning system
Ensure that the foam filter element fitted to the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction. On
Long Wheelbase cars fitted with a centre division, check that the foam filter element fitted to the intake grille in the rear decking panel is free from obstruction.
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify as necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Check that the body drain holes are free fro~ foreign matter.
Every 2 years
In addition to the 12 monthly schedule, carry out the following.
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from the radiator and engine crankcase. Thoroughly reverse flush the coolant passages with a continuous flow of water. Change the coolant hoses where necessary. Fill the system with the correct anti-freeze mixture.
Service Recommendations
Brake and hydraulic system components
50 000 Miles (80 000 km.)
At this mileage ano unc:rer normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following servicing is carried out.
Renew the accumulator to frame connector block hoses.
Examine the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter is al lowed to enter during the operation •
Fill the hydraulic system with Castrol RR 363
Brake Fluid. This fluid exceeds specification
S.A.E. J1703b in many respects and complies with
D.O.T. 3 grade of FMVSS 116. Bleed the braking systems and automatic height control system.
100 000 Miles (160 000 km.)
At this mileage and under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the fol lowing servicing is carried out.
Renew all the flexible hoses to the braking systems and the automatic height control system.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the decel era ti on conscious pressure Ii mi ting valve.
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter is allowed to enter during the operation.
Fi II the hydraulic system with Castro I RR 363
Brake Fluid. This fluid exceeds specification
S.A.E. J1703b in many respects and complies with
D.O. T. 3 grade of FMVSS 116. Bleed the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit a new convoluted rubber hose between the fuel filler head and fuel tank assembly. Examine all flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
Special Precautions .
Should the car be used in very cold temperatures, drain the engine sump when thoroughly warm and also drain the carburetter air valve dampers. The engine sump and carburetter air valve dampers should then be filled with oil having the following viscosity. ·
For constant temperatures of between O" C.and
- 23 °C.(32° F.. and - 10° F.), use a 10W/30 grade oil.
For constant temperatures of - 23
c. ( ·
10° F.) and below ,use a 5W/20 grade oil.
ES - 5
Section E9
Silver Shadow, T Series,
Corniche and Camargue cars built to the 1976
Japanese specification
For ease of identification it should be noted that cars built to the 1976 Japanese specification, manufactured from approximately Feb 1976, are fitted with a catalytic converter.
Section E9 ROLLS
Silver Shadow, T Series,
Corniche and Camargue cars built to the 1976
Japanese specification
For ease of id'entifi cat ion it shou Id be noted that cars built to the 1976 Japanese specification, manufactured from approximately Feb 1976, are fitted with a catalytic converter.
! al
...J l
0 a:
Essential Service
(Km) Interval
5 000 Initial
5 000 Every
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
50 000
60 000
70 000
80 000
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 000
18 000
24 000
30 000
36 000
42 000
48 000
Time (Hrs)
1,0 Preventive.
1.0 Preventive.
+ 1.0 Preventive.
+ 2.0 Preventive.
+ i .0 Preventive.
1.0 Preventive. t 1.0 Preventive.
+ 2.0 Preventive.
After the 80 000 km. (48 000 miles) service schedule, carry out the respective service at
10 000 km. (6 000 mile) intervals.
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
80 000 48 000
160 000
96 000
If replacing brake pad's, drive belts, ball joints, or othef items as a result of a service inspection, add Manhour Schedule time.
Silver Shadow, T Series,
Corniche and Camargue cars built to the 1976
Japanese specifications
Essential Maintenance
The sch edul es listed under this heading are th e minimu m mai nte nance requi reme nts nec essar y to co mply with the Rol ls -Royce N ew Car Warranty a n d the Jap anese Emission Regu I ations.
Preventive Maintenance
These sc hed ules are aimed at se cu r ing the ma ximum life an d eff icie n cy for the car and s hould only be carried out a t the request of the Owner .
Owne rs ar e advise d to consult a Distributor/
Ret ailer or the Service Voucher Book concerning important additional preventive mai ntena nce.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner shou ld ensu re th at the fo llowing sch edules I isted unde r the hea ding Regula r
M ai ntenan ce are c arried out .
Regular Maintenance
1. Carburette r s : Mon t hly, c heck the oil level in the r ese rvoir of the auto mat i c a ir valv e dam pers ; to p-u p if ne cessary .
2 . Engin e: Wee k l y or e very 800 kilometres
( 500 miles), which ever is the e arlier check the oil level by m ean s of the dipstick; top-u p if necessary.
3. Hyd raulic reservoirs: Mont hly, check the level of fluid in t h e reserv oirs for th e brak ing an d auto m atic lev e l ling systems; the engine should be run for 4 minutes bef ore ch eckin g the fluid l evel.
Top-up if nece ssary to t h e indicated leve l. If frequent topp ing -up is requi red c heck the hyd rauli c systems for leaks and rect ify if n eces sary.
4. Lam p uni ts: Week ly , check t he l a mp bul bs for correc t operation and replac e an y f ault y bulb s .
5 . En gine co oling system : Ev ery three mo nt hs , che ck th e level of coolant i n the radiator h eade r tank, if necessary, top -up wi th th e corr ect anti fre eze / water mi xture.
6. Tyres: W ee kly, check the tyre press ures ; adjus t if necessa ry. Also che ck th e spare wh eel tyre pressur e; adjust i f necessary. Check t he tread depth of a ll tyres and inspect the tyres for s igns of da mage .
7. Wi n dscree n w ash e r reservoir : Weekly , ch eck the flui d level; top-up if nece ssary.
Initial Service - 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) o
3 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Air injection pump: Check the tension of the belt driving the air injecti on pump an d adju st if necessary.
• 2. Automatic cho ke: Check the fl ow throu gh th e choke stove p ip e an d ch eck for correct operation.
Rect i fy if n ecessary .
• 3. Carbure tters : Check the oil l evel in air valve da mper s and if nec essary top-up to t h e co rr ec t l ev el.
Ch eck t i ghtne ss of float c hamber covers.
C heck f loat cham ber depression and rectify if ne cessa ry.
C h eck and if necessar y res et t he i die spe ed .
Che ck an d if n ecessary res et the choke f astidle sp eed.
4. E ngine: Change engin e o i I.
5. Fuel eva poration emi ssion contro l syste m :
Ch eck th e purge rate; this s houl d be bet ween
1,41 cu.m. per h our and 1,98 cu.m. per h our
( 5 0 cu.ft. per hou r and 70 cu.ft
. per ho ur) at
600 r.p.m. in neutral.
Press ure te st t h e fuel tank and eva poration loss line and if necessary r e ctify any l eaks.
6 . Ign ition s ystem: Check the ignitio n timing using a str oboscop e and adjust if n ecessary; the ignition timi ng should be 15° 8 . T.D.C. with t he engine run ning at 1 600 r.p.m. wit h th e va cuum caps ule d is connect ed and the feed h ose b l ank ed o ff.
7. Belt tension: Chec k the tension of all driv ing belts .
8. Engin e coo l ing system: T ighten 'WOr m-dr i ve c li ps of all co ola nt hoses .
9, Torque conv e rt er t ransmission : Check the f l uid l evel with the engine runn ing and top-u p if necessa ry. When ch eckin g t h e fl uid l evel , avo·i d con t act with the ex h aust gas recircu l a tion valve, heatshield an d associ ate d pipe s as these co mpo nents wi ll be hot.
Every 5 000 ki1omet
es (3 000
mi !
es) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
1 . Engine: If the car is u sed _ f o r con .sta~t s to_P/ start opera tion , chang e the engine lubric a tin g oil.
Initial Serv
This se rvice will b e carr ied o u t by the Distri butor/
Retai l er after the first 5 000 km. (3 0 00 miles ) or
3 mont h s whicheve r i s the earl ier.
Items marked
* wi 11 be carried out free of c harge.
Every 10 000 kilometres
6 000 miles) or 6 months whichever is the earlier
1. A i r con diti oning system: Check th e refrigerati on syste m for correc t ope ration, rectify as nec ess ary. An y work o n t h e refr igeration system must only be carr i ed ou t by an expe rienc ed refrigeration engi n eer .
2. E ng ine: Ch ange the eng ine o il and flt a new
oi I filt e r element.
E9 1
3. Exhaust system: Check grass-fire heat shields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm (0.2 m.) is maintained between the heatsh ields and the exhaust pipes.
4. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
5. Belt tension: Check the tension of all driving belts.
6. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary. When renewing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excluders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake or parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect all pipes and connections. Rectify if necessary.
7. Fluid levels: Check all fluid levels.
B. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
When checking the fluid I evel avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve, heatshield and associated pipes as these components will be hot.
Every 20 000 kilometres ( 12 000 miles) or 12 months whichever is the earlier
1. Air conditioning system: Check the refrigeration system for correct operation. rectify as necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
2. Air injection pump: Check the tension of the pump pulley driving belt.
3. Air silencer: Fit a new paper filter element.
4. Carburetters: Top-up the air valve dampers with new engine oil.
Check and if necessary adjust float chamber depression. Check tightness of float chamber covers.
Check engine idle speed and choke fast-idle speed; adjust as necessary.
5. Crankcase emission control system: Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
6. Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new oil filter element.
7. Exhaust system: Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm (0.2 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and the exhaust pipes.
8. Fuel evaporation emission control system:
Check the condition of the pipes and connect ions.
9. Ignition system: Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are set to 0,9 mm (0.035 in.).
Lubricate distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary: The ignition timing should be
15° 8. T.D.C. with the engine running at 1 600 r.p.m., the vacuum capsu I e disconnected and the feed hose blanked off.
10. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
11. Belt tension: Check the tension of all driving belts.
12. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary.
When renewing footbrake pads, examine condition of dust excluders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake or parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect all pipes and connections, rectify if necessary.
13. Final drive unit: Check the oil level; top-up if necessary.
14. Fluid levels: Check all fluid levels.
15. Front suspension: The front suspension ball joints are sealed for Ii fe and no maintenance is required until renewal is necessary or the ball joint rubber covers are damaged. Inspect the rubber covers on the front suspension bal I joints; if the covers are damaged, fit new joints and covers.
16. Steering ball joints: Lubricate the six grease nipples. Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints; if the covers are found to be damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
17. Torque converter transmission: Renew transmission fluid. When checking fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve, heatsh ield and associated pipes as these components will be hot.
Every 30 000 kilometres (18 000 miles) or 18 months whichever is the earlier
1. Air conditioning system: Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify as necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
2. Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new oil filter element.
3. Exhaust system: Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm ( 0.2 in'.> is maintained between the heatshields and the exhaust pipes.
4. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
5. Belt tension: Check the tension of all driving belts.
6. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary. When renewing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excl uders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake or parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect al I pipes and connections. Rectify if necessary.
7. Fluid levels: Check al I fluid levels.
B. Torque converter transmission: Check fluid level and top-up if necessary.
When checking the fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas reci rcu I ati on valve, heatshield and associated pipes as these components wil I be hot.
E9 - 2
. 5 l)
Every 40 000 kilometres {24 000 miles) or 2 years whichever is
1. Air conditioning system: Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify as necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
2. Air injection pump: Check tension of pump pulley driving belt •
3. Air injection system: Check the air injection system for leaks and correct functioning. Renew any defective items.
4. Air silencer: Fit a new paper filter element.
5. Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check the system for correct functioning.
6. Carburetters: Clean air valves. Remove inlet unions from the float chamber covers and fit new paper filter elements. Top-up oil level in air valve dampers. Check tightness of float chamber covers.
Check float chamber depression. Check and if necessary reset the idle speed. Check and if necessary reset the choke 'fasHdle' speed.
7. Carburetter mixture weakening device: Renew air filter element for the carburetter mixture weakening device.
8. Crankcase emission control system: Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
9. Engine: Change the engine oi I and fit a new oil filter element.
10. Engine cooling system: Fit a new engine coolant thermostat and heater tap feed hose.
Examine the condition of al I coolant hoses. Fit new hoses if necessary.
11. Exhaust system: Check grass~fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm (0.2 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and the exhaust pipes.:
12. Fuel evaporation emission control system:
Fit a new foam filter element in the evaporation loss control canister. Check the purge rate; this should be between
cu.m. per hour and
1,~8 cu.m. per hour {50 cu.ft. per hour and
70 cu.ft. per hour} at 600 r.p.m. in neutral. Renew the purge I ine f ii ter if necessary.
13. Ignition system: Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are set to 0,9 mm (0.035 in.).
Lubricate distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary. The ignition timing should be
15°B.T.O.C. with the engine running at 1 600 r.p.m., the vacuum capsule disconnected and the feed hose blanked off.
Check the vacuum advance mechanism.
14. Battery: Check the level of the electro·lyte in the battery; if necessary top-up with distilled water.
15. Belt tension: Check the tension of all driving belts.
16. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake or parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary.
When renewing footbrake pads, examine condition of dust excluders on calip~rs and renew:if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake or parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect all pipes and connections, rectify if necessary.
17. Final drive unit: Change oil.
18. Fluid levels: Check all fluid levels.
19. Front suspension: The front suspension bal I joints are sealed for life and no maintenance is required unti I renewal is necessary or the ball joint rubber covers are damaged. Inspect the rubber covers on the front suspension ball joints; if the covers are damaged, fit new joints and covers.
20. Fuel pumps: Remove the fuel pumps and check for pumping efficiency. Fit new pumps if necessary.
21. Hydraulic systems: Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses.
Ensure no foreign matter enters the systems. Fi 11 the hydraulic systems with new approved fluid.
Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
22. Rear wheel drive-shafts: Lubricate the outer universal joints with approved grease.
23. Steering bal I joints: Lubricate the six grease nipples. Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints; if the covers are found to be damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary. .
24. Torque converter transmission: Renew transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer. When checking fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve, heatshield and associated pipes as these components wi 11 be hot.
Servicing after 40 000 kilometres {24 000 miles)
2 years whichever is the earlier
After 40 ooo kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years, servicing is sti II due at the fol I owing intervals.
50 000 kilometres (30 000 miles) or 2 1 h years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 10 000 km (6 000 miles) service.
60 000 kilometres (36 000 mites) or 3 years whichever is the Hrlier
Carry out the 20 000 km (12 000 miles) service.
70 000 kilom""9S (42 000 miles) or 31/i years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 10 000 km {6 000 miles) service.
80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles) or 4 years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 40 000 km (24 000 mi I es) service and in addition, the fo 11 owing operati ens.
1. Exhaust gas recirculation system: Remove and clean the exhaust gas recirculation valve and feed pipes. Clean the orifices in the carburetter 'Tee' piece. Check the exhaust gas recirculation valve for correct operation.
2. Exhaust system: Fit a new catalytic converter assembly. Inspect the condition of the catalytic converter thermocouple and wiring; renew if there is visual evidence of damage.
E9 - 3
Preventive Maintenance
Initial Service
This service should be carried out by the Dealer after the first 5 000 km (3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier.
1. Steering pump: Check the oi I level in the reservoir, top-up if necessary.
2. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
3. Electrical system: Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation. Rectify as necessary.
4. Handbrake and Parking brake 1
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with approved grease.
5. Tyres: Check the tread depth of al I tyres, including the spare. Inspect for signs of damage and check al I five tyre pressures when cold. Adjust if necessary.
6. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) or
6 months whichever is the earlier
1. Carburetters: Check the air valve damper oi I levels; top-up if necessary.
2. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing), with engine oil.
3. Electrical system: Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation: rectify as necessary.
4. Handbrake or parking brake I inkage:
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the handbrake or parking brake system with the approved grease.
5. Tyres: Check the tread depth of al I tyres, including the spare. Inspect for signs of damage and check all five tyre pressures when cold. Adjust if necessary.
6. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory per1ormance.
Every 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) or
12 months whichever is the earlier
1. Control I ink ages: Lubricate the accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing), with engine oil.
2. Handbrake or Parking brake linkage:
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the handbrake or parking brake system with approved grease.
3. Spare wheel carrier: Lubricate the spare wheel carrier I owerin g bolt and mechanism.
4. Electrical system: Check all exterior lamps, interior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
5. Tyres: Check the tread depth of al I tyres, including the spare. Inspect for signs of damage and check al I five tyre pressures when cold. Adjust if necessary.
6. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory perf or man c e.
Every 30 000 kilometres (18 000 miles) or
18 months whichever is the earlier
1. Carburetters: Check the oil level in the air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
2. Control linkages: Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator Ii n kage and gec>r range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Every 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or
2 years whichever is the earlier
1. Control linkages~ Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the acc::ilerator linkage and gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
2. Electrical system: Check all exterior lamps, interior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices, for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
3. Fuel filter: Clean out the filter bowl and fit a new filter element.
4. Fuel tank. Slacken the drain plug one or two turns and allow any accumulated water to drain away. Tighten the drain plug.
5. Height control mechanism. Disconnect the control valve I inkage bal I joints. Clean, grease and refit.
6. Handbrake or Parking brake linkage.:
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the handbrake or parking brake system with approved grease.
7. Spare wheel carrier: Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
6. Tyres Check the tread depth of al I tyres, including the spare. Inspect for signs of damage and check all five tyre pressures when cold.
Adjust if necessary.
9. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Servicing :tfter 40 000 i<ilometres (24 000 mi le$) or 2 years whichever is the earlier
After 40 000 kilometres (24 000 milt:s) or 2 years, servicing is still due at the following intervals.
50 000 kilometres (30 000 miles) or 211? years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 10 000 km (6 000 miles) service.
50 000 kilometres (36 000 miles) or 3 years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 20 000 km { 12 000 miles) service.
70 000 kilometres (42 000 miles) or 3 1 /i years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 10 000 km (6 000 mi I es) service.
80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles) or 4 years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 40 000 km (24 000 miles) service.
E9 - 4
Seasona l Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Engine c oo li ng system: Dra in off the old coolant and fill the sy stem with fresh anti freeze/wat er mixture.
Just pri or to the Au tumn, clean a ny deb ri s from the s u rf ace s of the r e fr ig eration conde nser and radi ator matr i ce s by rev erse flushing with a hose.
2. Air con dition ing sys tem: Check that th e foam filter element in the scuttl e intake gr ill e is free from obstruction ; fit a new e l eme nt if necessary.
On Long whee lbase cars fitted with a centre div ision ensur e that the foam filter e lement fitted b e low t h e r ea r refrige ration syst em air intake grille is free from ob structi on. Fit a n e w filter element if necessary.
3 . Bo dy dra i n hole s: En s u re t ha t the body drain ho I es are not obstructed.
Every 2 years
I n addition to the 12 m onthly sch e dule, carry out th e following.
1. Engi ne cool ing sy stem : Drain the coolant from t he radiator and engine crankcase. Thoroughly rev e rse flu sh the coola nt pass ages w i th a conti nuous flow o f wat e r. C h ange the coolant hoses where necessary. Fi 11 the sys tem with th e co rrect anti-f reeze mixtur e.
Spec i al [>rec au ti ons
Sho uld the c a r be used i n very cold temp erature s , drain the engine sump w hen thoroughly warm an d also drain the carburetter air val ve damper s. The eng ine sum p and ca rb ur etter air valve d a mper s should then be fill ed with oil having the followi n g vi scosit y.
For constant temperatures of bet ween
23° C . (32° F. and - 10° F.), use a IOW/30 grade oil. For con stant temperatures of · 23° C.
( 10° F.
) and b e l o w , u se a S W/2 0 grade oi I.
Service Recommendations
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles)
At thi s mileage and un der no r ma l mot ori n g conditio ns it is recommended t h at the following servicing is carried out.
Hydraulic systems
Renew the fro nt an d rear accumul ator to frame con necto r block hoses . Exa mine t h e s ub-fra me to brake calipe r hos es f or chafing or surface cra cking ; r ene w if ne cessa r y.
Every 160 000 kilometr es (96 000 miles)
At this mileage and und e r nor mal motoring c ondi tion s it i s r ecommende d t hat the fo l lowing ser vicin g i s carried ou t.
Hydraul i c systems
Renew all the f l exible ho s es lo the braking syste ms and auto m atic height contro l syste m . Fi t new seals to the disc bra ke ca lipers and the decel e ra tion cons c i ous p ressur e li m iting v a l 1,r.
Fuel system
Fit a n ew c onv o l u t ed rub ber hos e b e twee n the f ue l fil l er head and fue l tank ass e mbly. E xamin e all flexib l e fue l pipes a n d ren ew any which sh o w s i gns o f deter iorntion .
E9 5
Section E10
Silver Shadow, T Serie$,
Corniche and Camargue cars built to the 1976
Australian specification
~ g, w
C: d:
B i ti f
0 q;:
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Essential Service
5 000
5 000
10 000
20 000
40 000
50 000
60 000
70 000
80 000
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 000
18 000
24 000
30 000
36 000
42 000
48 000
After the 60 000 Km. (48 000 miles) service schedule, carry out the respective service at
10 000 km. (6 000 mile) intervals.
Time (Hrs)
1.0 Preventive.
+ 1.0 Preventive. t 1.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive •
+ 1.0 Preventive.
1.0 Preventive.
1.0 Preventive.
+ 2.0 Preventive.
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
50 000
100 000
For the additional work on the exhaust gas recirculation system and the exhaust system at
80 000 km. (48 000 miles) or 4 years, add 3.0 hrs.
If replacing brake pads, drive belts, ball joints,
or other items as a result of a service inspection, add Manhour Schedule time.
Section E10
Silver Shadow, T Series,
Corniche and Camargue cars built to the 1976
Australian specification
Essential Maintenance
The schedules listed under this heading are the minimum maintenance requirements necessary to comply with the Rolls-Royce New Car Warranty and the Australian Emission Regulations.
Preventive Maintenance
These schedules are aimed at securing the maximum life and efficiency for the car and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Owners are advised to consult a Distributor/
Retailer or the Service Voucher Book concerning important additional preventive maintenance.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner should ensure that the following schedules I is ted under the heading Regu I ar
Maintenance are carried out.
Regular Maintenance
1. Engine: Weekly or every 800 kilometres
{500 miles), whichever is the earlier check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
2. Lamp units: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
3. Tyres: Weekly, check the tyre pressures; adjust if necessary. Also check the spare wheel tyre pressure; adjust if necessary. Check the tread depth of all tyres and inspect the tyres for signs of damage.
4. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
5. Carburetters: Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoir of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
6. Hydraulic reservoirs: Monthly, check the level of fluid in the reservoirs for the braking and automatic level ling systems; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level.
Top-up if necessary to the indicated level. If frequent topping-up is required check the hydrau Ii c systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
7. Engine cooling system: Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank, if necessary, top-up with the correct antifreeze/water mixture.
Initial Service 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Air injection pump: Check the tension of the belt driving the air injection pump and adjust if necessary.
• 2. Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation.
Rectify if necessary.
• 3. Carburetters: Check the oil level in air valve dampers and if necessary top-up to the correct level.
Check tightness of float chamber covers.
Check float chamber depression and rectify if neces:;ary.
Check and if necessary reset the idle speed.
Check and if necessary reset the choke fastidle speed.
4. Engine: Change engine oi I.
5. Fuel evaporation emission control system:
Check the purge rate; this should be between
1,41 cum. per hour and 1, 98 cu.m. per hour
(50 cu.ft. per hour and 70 cu.ft. per hour) at
600 r.p.m. in neutral.
Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporation loss
I ine and if necessary rectify any leaks.
· 6. Ignition system: Check the ignition timing using a stroboscope and adjust if necessary; the ignition timing should be 15° B.T.D.C. with the engine running at 1 200 r.p.m. with the vacuum capsule disconnected and the feed hose blanked off.
7. Belt tension: Check the tension of all driving belts.
8. Engine cooling system: Tighten worm-drive clips of all coolant hoses.
9. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary. When checking the fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve, heatshield and associated pipes as these components wi 11 be hot.
Every 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
1. Engine: If the car is used for constant stop/ start operation, change the engine lubricating oi I.
Essential Maintenance
Initial Service
This service will be carried out by the Distributor/
Retailer after the first 5 000 km. (3 000 miles) or
3 months whichever is the earlier.
Items marked
* will be carried out free of charge.
Every 10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) or 6 months whichever is the earlier
1. Engine: Change the engine oi I and fit a new oi I filter element.
2. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
3. Belt tension: Check the tension of all driving belts.
4. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary. When renewing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excluders on calipers and renew if necessary.
E10 - 1
Manually adjust the handbrake caliper mechanism.
Inspect all pipes and connections. Rectify if necessary.
5. Fluid levels: Check all fluid levels.
6. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level and top·up if necessary.
When checking the fluid level avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve, heatshield and associated pipes as these components will be hot.
Every 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) or 12 months whichever is the earlier
1. Air injection pump: Check the tension of the pump pulley driving belt.
2. Air silencer: Fit a new paper filter element.
3. Carburetters: Top-up the air valve dampers with new engine oil.
Check and if necessary adjust float chamber depression. Check tightness of float chamber covers.
Check engine i die speed and choke fast-idle speed; adjust as necessary.
4. Crankcase emission control system: Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
5. Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new oil filter element.
6. Fuel evaporation emission control system:
Check the condition of the pipes and connections.
7. Ignition system: Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are set to 0,9 mm. (0.035 in.).
Lubricate distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary. The ignition timing should be
15° B.T.D.C. with the engine running at 1 200 r.p.m., the vacuum capsule disconnected and the feed hose blanked off.
8. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
9. Belt tension: Check the tension of all driving belts.
10. Brakes: Inspect foot brake and handbrake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary. When renewing footbrake pads, examine condition of dust excluders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake ca 1 mechanism.
Inspect all pipes and connections, rectify if necessary.
11. Final drive unit: Check the oil level; top-up if necessary.
12. Fluid levels: Check all fluid levels.
13. Front suspension: Tne front suspension bal I joints are sealed for lite and no maintenance is required until renewal is necessary or the ball joint rubber covers are damaged. Inspect the rubber covers on the front suspension bal I joints; if the covers are damaged, fit new joints and covers.
14. Steering ball joints: Lubricate the six grease nipples. Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints; if the covers are found to be damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
15. Torque converter transmission: Renew transmission fluid. When checking fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve, heatshield and associated pipes as these components wi I I be hot.
Every 30 000 kilometres (18 000 miles) or
18 months whichever is the earlier
1. Engine: Change the engine oi I and fit a new oi I filter element.
2. B3ttery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
3. Belt tension: Check the tension of all driving belts.
4. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary. When renewing footbrake pads examine condition of dust excluders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake caliper mechanism.
Inspect all pipes and connections. Rectify if necessary.
5. Fluid levels: Check al I fluid levels.
6. Torque converter transmission: Check fluid level and top·up if necessary.
When checking the fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve. heatshield and associated pipes as these components will be hot.
Every 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years whichever is the earlier
1. Air injection pump: Check tension of pump pulley driving belt.
2. Air injection system: Check the air injection system for leaks and correct functioning. Renew any defective items.
3. Air silencer: Fit a new paper filter element.
4. Automatic choke: Check the flow through the choke stove pipe and check the system for correct functioning.
5. Carburetters: Clean air valves. Remove inlet unions from the float chamber covers and fit new paper filter elements. Top-up oil level in air valve dampers. Check tightness of float chamber covers.
Check float chamber depression. Check and if necessary reset the idle speed. Check and if necessary reset the choke 'fast-idle' speed.
6. Carburetter mixture weakening device: Renew air filter element for the carburetter mixture weakening device.
7. Crankcase emission control system: Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
8. Engine: Change the engine oi I and fit a new oi I fi I ter element.
9. Engine cooling system: Fit a new engine coolant thermostat and heater tap feed hose.
Examine the condition of all coolant hoses. Fit new hoses if necessary. u
E10 - 2
10. Fuel evaporation emission control system:
Fit a new foam filter element in the evaporation loss control canister. Check the purge rate; this should be between 1,41 cu.m. per hour and
1,98 cu.m. per hour (50 cu.ft. per hour and
70 cu.ft. per hour) at 600 r.p.m. in neutral. Renew the purge Ii ne fi I ter if necessary.
11. Ignition system: Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are set to 0,9 mm.(0.035 in.)
Lubricate distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I.
Check ignition timing with stroboscope and adjust if necessary. The ignition timing should be
15"8.T.D.C. with the engine running at 1 200 r.p.m., the vacuum capsule disconnected and the feed hose blanked off.
Check the vacuum advance mechanism.
12. Battery: Check the level of the electrolyte in the battery; if necessary top-up with distilled water.
13. Belt tension: Check the tension of all driving belts.
14. Brakes: Inspect footbrake and handbrake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary. When renewing footbrake pads, examine condition of dust excluders on calipers and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the handbrake caliper mechanism.
Inspect all pipes and connections, rectify if necessary.
15. Final drive unit: Change oil.
16. Fluid levels: Check all fluid levels.
17. Front suspension: The frc.nt suspension bal I joints are sealed for life and no maintenance is required until renewal is necessary or the ball joint rubber covers are damaged. Inspect the rubber covers on the front suspension ball joints; if the covers are damaged, fit new joints and covers.
18. Fuel pumps: Remove the fuel pumps and check for pumping efficiency. Fit new pumps if necessary.
19. Hydraulic systems: Completely drain the fluid from the hydrau Ii c circuits. Thorough I y clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses.
Ensure no foreign matter enters the systems. Fi 11 the hydraulic systems with new approved fluid.
Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
20. Rear wheel drive-shafts: Lubricate the outer universal joints with approved grease.
21. Steering ball joints: Lubricate the six grease nipples. Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints; if the covers are found to be damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
22. Torque converter transmission: Renew transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer. When checking fluid level, avoid contact with the exhaust gas recirculation valve, heatshield and associated pipes as these components wi II be hot.
Servicing after 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years whichever is the earlier
After 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years, servicing is still due at the following intervals.
50 000 kilometres (30 000 miles) or 2Y1 years whichever is the earlier
O 000 km.( 6 000 miles} service.
60 000 kilometres (36 000 miles) or 3 years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 20 000 km.(12 000 miles) service.
70 000 kilometres (42 000 miles) or whichever is the earlier
3''2 years
Carry out the 10 000 km.(6 000 miles) service.
80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles) or 4 years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 40 000 km.(24 000 miles) service and in addition, the following operations.
1. Exhaust gas recirculation system: Remove and clean the exhaust gas recirculation valve and feed pipes. Clean the orifices in the carburetter 'Tee' piece. Check the exhaust gas recirculation valve for correct operation.
Preventive Maintenance
Initial Service
This service should be carried out by the
Distributor/Retailer after the first 5 000 km.
(3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier.
1. Steering pump: Check the oil level in the reservoir; top-up if necessary.
2. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) or
6 months whichever is the earlier
1. Carburetters: Check the air valve damper oil levels; top-up if necessary.
2. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator linkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing), with engine oil.
3. Electrical system: Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
4. Handbrake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the handbrake system with the approved grease.
5. Tyres: Check the tread depth of all tyres, including the spare. Inspect for signs of damage and check all five tyre pressures when cold.
Adjust if necessary.
6. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory pert orrnance.
Every 20 000 kilometres (12 000 mites) or
12 months whichever is the earlier
1. Control Ii nkages: Lubricate the accelerator
Ii nkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing), with engine oil.
2. Handbrake Ii nkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the handbrake system with approved grease.
3. Spare wheel carrier: Lubricate the spare whee I carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
4. Electrical system: Check al I exterior lamps, interior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
E10 - 3
5. Tyres: Check the tread depth of all tyres, including the spare. Inspect for signs of damage and check al I five tyre pressures when cold. Adjust if necessary.
6. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 30 000 kilometres (18 000 miles) or
18 months whichever is the earlier
1. Carburetters: Check the oil level i;i the ai~ valve dampers; top~up if necessary.
2. Control linkages: Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the acce I era tor Ii nkage and gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
3. Electrical system: Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation. Rectify as necessary.
4. Handbrake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with approved grease.
5. Tyres: Check the tread depth of all tyres, including the spare. Inspect for signs of damage and check all five tyre pressures when cold. Adjust if necessary.
6. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or
2 years whichever is the earlier
1. Control linkages: Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
2. Electrical system: Check al I exterior lamps, interior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
3. Fuel filter: Clean out the f i I ter bowl and tit a new filter element.
4. Fuel tank: Slacken the drain plug one or two turns and allow any accumulated water to drain away. Tighten the drain plug.
5. Height control mechanism: Disconnect the control valve linkage ball joints. Clean, grease and refit.
6. Handbrake Ii nkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the handbrake system with approved grease.
7. Spare wheel carrier: Lubricate the spare whee r carrier lowering bo It and mechanism.
8. Tyres: Check the tread depth of all tyres, including the spare. Inspect for signs of damage and check al I five tyre pressures when cold.
Adjust if necessary.
9. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
50 000 kilometres (30 000 miles) or 2'h years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 10 000 km.(6 000 miles) service.
60 000 kilometres (36 000 miles) or 3 years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 20 000 km.(12 000 miles) service.
70 000 kilometres {42 000 miles) or 31/2 years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 10 000 km.(6 000 miles) service.
80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles) or 4 years whichever is the earlier
Carry out the 40 000 km.(24 000 miles) service.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
1. Engine cooling system: Drain off the old coolant and fill the system with fresh anti-freeze,/ water mixture or inhibited solution. Just prior to the
Autumn, clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condensers and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose.
2. Air con di ti oni ng system: Check that the foam filter element in the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction; fit a new element if necessary.
On Long wheelbase cars fitted with a centre division ensure that the foam filter element fitted below the rear refrigeration system air intake gri I le is free from obstruction. Fit a new filter element if necessary.
3. Body drain holes: Ensure that the body drain holes are not obstructed.
Every 2 years
In addition to the 12 monthly schedule, carry out the fol lowing.
1. Engine cooling system: Drain the coolant from the radiator and engine crankcase. Thoroughly reverse flush the coolant passages with a continuous flow of water. Change the coolant hoses where necessary. Fi II the system with the correct anti •freeze mixture.
Service Recommendations
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles)
At this mi I eage and under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following servicing is carried out.
Servicing after 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years whichever is the earlier
After 40 000 kilometres (24 000 mi I es) or 2 years, servicing is still due at the following intervals.
Hydraulic systems
Renew the front and rear accumulator to frame connector block hoses. Examine the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles)
At this mileage and under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following servicing is carried out.
E10 ~ 4
Hydraulic systems
Renew all the flexible hoses to the braking systems and automatic height control system. Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve.
Fuel system
Fit a new convoluted rubber hose between the fuel filler head and fuel tank assembly. Examine all flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
Special precautions
Should the car be used in very cold temperatures, drain the engine sump when thoroughly warm and also drain the carburetter air valve dampers. The engine sump and carburetter air valve dampers should then be filled with oil having the following viscosity.
For constant temperatures of between O °C. and
-23°C. (32"F. and -10°F.) use a IOW/30 grade oil. For constant temperatures of ·23°C. (·10°F.) and below, use a 5W /20 grade oi I.
E10 - 5
C w
Section E11
Cars built to the specification
Cars built to the 1977 North American specification carry the suffix letter F in the car serial number
(eg $RF. LRF etc).
0 z
0 a:
B i
Essential Service
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 500
18 500
25 000
31 000
37 500
43 500
50 000
50 000
100 000
(km.) Time (Hrs)
5 000 2.0
5 000 0~5
10 000 1.5
20 000
30 000
40 000 8.0
50 000 1.5
eo ooo
70 000
80 000 9.0
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
3.5 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
5.0 Preventive.
80 000 5.5
160 000 16.5
Section E11
Cars built to the
1977 North American specification
0 )
Essential Maintenance
The schedu I es Ii sted under this heading are the minimum maintenance requirements necessary to comply with the Rolls-Royce New Car Warranty and the relevant emission control regulations.
Initial 3 000 miles (5 000 km.) or 3 months service whichever is the earlier
Items marked* will be carried out free of charge.
Preventive Maintenance
These schedules are aimed al securing the max:mum life and efficiency for the car and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Owners are advised to con su It a Dealer or the
Service Voucher Book concerning important additional preventive maintenance.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner should ensure that the following schedules listed under the heading Regular
Maintenance are carried out.
Regular Maintenance
Monthly, check the oi I I evel in the reservoir of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
Weekly or every 500 miles (800 km.), whichever is the earlier, check the oi I I eve I by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank, if necessary, top-up with the correct anti-freeze/water mixture.
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check belt tension and reset if necessary.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Change the engine oil.
F ue I evaporation emission control system
Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge I ine filter if necessary. Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporation loss control line; rectify any leaks.
*Ignition system
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Tighten the worm-<lrive clips of all coolant hoses.
Torque converter transmission
Check the fluid level and top-op if necessary.
Hydraulic reservoirs
Monthly, check the level of fluid in the reservoirs for the braking and automatic levelling systems; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level. Top-up if necessary to the indicated level. If frequent topping-up is required check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
Lamp units
Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
Weekly, check the tyre pressures; adjust if necessary. Also check the spare wheel tyre pressure; adjust if necessary. Check the tread depth of al I tyres and inspect the tyres for signs of damage.
Windscreen washer reservoir
Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Steering pump
Check the oil I eve I in the reserve i r and top-up if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
6 000 miles (10 000 km.) or 6 months service whichever is earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
CJ) t-
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distil led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad Ii ni ngs; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to ttie Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify as necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spind1 e
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with disti I led water.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
I inkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior I amps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset necessary.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary. if
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad Ii n i ngs; fit new Ii n i ngs if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pa~s.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
12 500 miles (20 000 km.) or 12 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the f !oat chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease n i pp I es.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
El 1-2
0 z
Preventive Maintenance
Control I inkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the t ransm i ss ion casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I the tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with c1pproved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al 1 tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
18 500 miles (30 000 km.) or 18 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-.up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manuc1l ly adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-.up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
I inkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
25 000 miles (40 000 km.) or 2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air fi I ter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast·idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose. Check the condition of al I coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporation loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check for correct operation of the vacuum advance mechanism (other than cars destined for California).
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fi 11 the hydrau I ic systems with new approved fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer uni versa I coup Ii ngs with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve I inkage bal I joints.
Clean, grease and refit the bal I joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
31 000 miles (50 000 km.) or 21/i years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with distilled water.
E11 -4
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts, reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new Ii n i ngs if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pu I leys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
37 500 miles (60 000 km.} whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit~ new air filter element.
Carburetters or 3 yea rs service
Top~p the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast·idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with disti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the foot brake and parking brake pad I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I join ts, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
El 1-5
Preventive Maintenance
Control Ii nkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning I amps, and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
43 500
ii es (70 000 km.) or 3% years service whichever is the earlier
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
50 000 miles (80 000 km.) whichever is the earlier or 4 years service
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary top~p with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tens ion of al 1 d riving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I inings, fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers, renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective i terns.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top~p the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose. Check the condition of all coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust gas recirculation system
Remove and clean the E.G.R. valve(s) and feed pipes. Clean the E.G.R. orifices in the carburetter
• tee' piece. Check the E.G.R. valve(s) for correct operation.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
0 a:
0 z
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporation loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check for correct operation of the vacuum advance mechanism (other than cars destined for California).
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excl uders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Fluid levels
Check a 11 f I u id I eve Is and correct as necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
1 i nkage and to the gear range se I ector con tro Is adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; reel i fy if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve I inkage bal I joints.
Clean, grease and refit the bal I joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Inc I ude the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Front suspension
Inspect tho front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fi 11 the hydrau I ic systems with new approved fluid.
Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer uni versa I couplings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from radiator and engine crankcase. Fi 11 with the correct anti-freeze mixture.
Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose. This should be carried out just prior to the autumn.
Body drain holes
Check that the body drain holes are unobstructed.
Air conditioning system
Check that the foam filter element(s) fitted to the scuttle intake gri I le is free from obstruction.
Refrigeration system
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify if necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 2
In addition to 12 monthly seasonal schedule, carry out the following operation.
Engine cooling system
When the coolant has been drained thoroughly reverse flush the coolant passages with a con· tinuous flow of water. Fit new hoses where necessary.
Service Recommendations
For convenience this service work may be carried out at the brake pad renewal nearest to the specified mileage.
Every 50 000 miles (80 000 km.)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the fol lowing additional service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Examine the sub~rame to brake caliper hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses.
Every 100 000 miles (160 000 km.)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following additional service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Fit al I new flexible hoses to the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure Ii m iti ng valve.
Fuel system
Examine al I flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
·;:; a..
Section E12
Cars built to the
1977 Japanese specification
(except Phantom VI)
~ a";
> z i
:::; t?
Essential Service
5 000
5 000
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
50 000
60 000
70 000
80 000
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
80 000
160 000
(Miles) Time (Hrs)
3 000 2.0
3 000 0.5
6 000 1.5
12 000 6.5
18 000 1.5
24 000 8.0
30 000 1.5
36 000 6.5
42 000 1.5
48 000 11.5
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3,0 Preventive.
3.5 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
5.0 Preventive.
46 000 5.5
96 000 17.0
Section E12
Cars built to the 1977
Japanese specification
(except Phantom VI)
Essential Maintenance
The schedules listed under this heading are the minimum maintenance requiren:ents necessary to comply with the Rolls-Royce New Car Warranty and the Japanese Emission Regulations.
Preventive Maintenance
These schedules are aimed at securing the maximum life and efficiency for the car and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Owners are advised to consult a Distributor/
Retailer or the Service Voucher Book concerning important additional preventive maintenance.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner should ensure that the following schedu I es Ii sted under the heading Regular
Maintenance are carried out.
Regular Maintenance
Monthly, check the oil lever in the reservoir of the automatic air valve dampers: top-up if necessary.
Weekly or every 800 kilometres (500 miles}, whichever is the earlier check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top'i.lp if necessary.
Engine cooling
Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank, if necessary, top-up with the correct anti-freeze/water mixture.
Hydraulic reservoirs
Monthly, check the level of the fluid in the reservoirs for the braking and automatic level I ing systems; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level. Top.a..ip if necessary to the indicated level. If frequent topping-up is required check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
Lamp units
Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
Weekly, check the tyre pressures; adjust if necessary. Also check the spare wheel tyre pressure; adjust if necessary. Check the tread depth of all tyres and inspect the tyres for signs of damage.
Windscreen washer reservoir
Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
Initial 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles)
3 months service whichever is the earlier
Items marked * will be carried out free of charge.
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
• Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation: rectify if necessary.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-Mle speed and rectify if necessary.
Change the engine oil.
evaporation emission control
Check the purge flow rate; fit system a new purge Ii ne filter if necessary. Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporation loss control line; rectify any leaks.
"'Ignition system
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts; reset if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Tighten the worm-drive clips of all coolant hoses.
Torque converter transmission
Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Steering pump
Check the oil level in the reservoir and tOP"tlP if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
000 kilometres (6 000 miles) or 6 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi 1. Fit a new oil filter.
E12 - 1
E~haust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct ope rat ion; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) or 12 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air fi I ter element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatsh.ields and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify as necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check al I fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged, new joints and covers. fit
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the ~I ips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
E12 - 2
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
0, c:: w c::
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare whee I carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I the tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
30 000 kilometres (18 000 miles) or 18 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Di stri but or/ Retai I er shou Id report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the o i I I eve I in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast4dle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather ti.Iba. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
E12 - 3
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose. Check the condition of al I coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the extiaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporation loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correct I y set.
Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil.
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal couplings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, the covers are found to be damaged, the joints if should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with distil led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts; reset if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior I amps, exterior I amps, instruments, warning lamps and devices operation: rectify if necessary. for correct
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excl uders on the ca Ii pers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al 1 brake pipes and connect ions; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Fluid levels
Check all_ fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matters enters the systems. Fi 11 the hydraulic systems with new approved fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Fuel tank
Slacken the drain plug one or two turns and allow any accummulated water to drain away.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control va Ive Ii nka9e ball joints.
Clean, grease and refit the bal I joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
E12 - 4
000 kilometres (30 000 miles)
2Yi years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I filter.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts, reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I inings, fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manual I y adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top~p the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake I inkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check and tread depth of all tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust
Note if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
60 000 kilometres (36 000 miles) service whichever is the earlier
3 years
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings} and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset necessary. if
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
E12 - 5
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage. fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Di stri bu tor I Retai I er should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Controt linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
I inkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation: rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Inc I ude the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres. inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
70 000 kilometres (42 000 miles) or 3% years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. {0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distil led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad Ii ni ngs, fit new linings if necessary. When changing foot· brake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers, renew if necessary.
80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles)
4 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew
defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air tilter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top'"Up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed end rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
E12 • 6
-g m o>
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose. Check the condition of al I coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust gas recirculation system
Remove and clean the E.G.R. valves and feed pipes.
CI ean the E.G. R. orifices in the carburetter • tee· piece. Check the E.G.R. valves for correct operation.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Fit new catalytic converter assemblies. Inspect the condition of the thermocouple and wiring in each catalytic converter, renew if there is visual evidence of damage.
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporation loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set.
Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I.
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fill the hydraulic systems with new approved fluid.
Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer uni versa I couplings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmi99ion
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts and reset if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior I amps. exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary. Brakes
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Fuel tank
Slacken the drain plug one or two turns and al low any accummulated water to drain away.
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage ball joints.
Clean, grease and refit the bal I joints.
E12 - 7
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Inc I ude the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the fol lowing service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Fit all new flexible hoses to the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve.
Fuel system
Fit a new convoluted rubber hose between the fuel filler head and fuel tank assembly.
Examine all flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from radiator and engine crankcase. Fi 11 with the correct anti ·freeze mixture.
Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose. This should be carried out just prior to the autumn.
Body drain holes
Check that the body drain ho! es are unobstructed.
Air conditioning system
Check that the foam filter element(s) fitted to the scuttle intake gri 1 le is free from obstruction.
Refrigeration system
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify if necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 2 years
In addition to 12 monthly seasonal schedule, carry out the following operation.
Engine cooling system
When the coo I ant has been drained, thorough I y reverse flush the coolant passages with a continuous flow of water. Fit new hoses where necessary.
Service Recommendations
For convenience these services may be carried out at the brake pad renewal nearest to the specified mileage.
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following servicing is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Examine the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses.
1::12 • 8
Section E13
Cars built
1977 Australian specification
(except Phantom VI)
C: jj
0 z
,-. a,
:J i
0 a:
0 a:
Essential Service
5 000
5 000
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
50 000
60 000
70 000 eo ooo
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
80 000
160 000
(Mile9) Time (Hrs)
3 000 2.0
3 000 0.5
6 000 1.5
12 000 6.5
18 000 1.5
24 000 9.25
30 000 1.5
36 000 6.5
42 000 1.5
48 000 9.0
+ 3.0 Preventive.
+ 2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
3.5 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
5.0 Preventive.
48 000 5.S
96 000 17.0
Section E13
Cars built to the 1977
Australian specification
(except Phantom VI)
Essential Maintenance
The schedules listed under this heading are the minimum maintenance requirements necessary to comply with the Roi ls-Royce New Car Warranty and the Australian Emission Regulations.
Initial 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months service whichever is the earlier
Items marked
will be carried out free of charge.
Preventive Maintenance
These schedules are aimed at securing the maximum life and efficiency for the car and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Owners are advised to consult a Distributor/
Retailer or the Service Voucher Book concerning important addltional preventive maintenance.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner should ensure that the following schedu I es I isted under the heading Regu I ar
Maintenance are carried out.
Regular Maintenance
Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoir of the automatic air valve dampers; top-tJp if necessary.
Weekly or every 800 kilometres (500 miles), whichever is the earlier check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank, if necessary, top-up with the correct anti -freeze/ water mixture.
H. y drau Ii c reservoirs
Monthly, check the level of the fluid iri the reservoirs for the braking and automatic levelling systems; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level. Top-up if necessary to the indicated level. If frequent topping~p is required check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
Lamp units
Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
Weekly, check the tyre pressures; adjust if necessary. Also check the spare wheel tyre pressure; adjust if necessary. Check the tread depth of all tyres and inspect the tyres for signs of damage.
Windscreen washer reservoir
Weekly, check the fluid level; top-t1p if necessary.
Essential Maintenance
*Air injection pump
Check the be! t tension and reset if necessary.
• Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Check the float chamber depression and rectify necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary. if
Change the engine oi I.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line f i 1 ter if necessary. Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporation loss control line; rectify any leaks.
*Ignition system
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Tighten the worm-drive clips of all coolant hoses.
Torque converter transmission
Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Steering pump
Check the o i I I eve I in the reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) or 6 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
E13 - 1
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top"(Jp with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad
I inings; fit new I inings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
! in kage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning I amps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake I inkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) or 12 months service whichever is the eal'lier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top"(Jp the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in thet crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify as necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top"(Jp with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing rootbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Di stri but or/ Retail er shou Id report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
1 nspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged, new joints and covers. fit
Steerjng ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the bat I joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
E13 - 2
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake I inkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all the tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Inc I ude the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of a II tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust it necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
30 000 kilometres (18 000 miles) or 18 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and· if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the foot brake and parking brake pad Ii nings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
40 000 kilometres (24 000 mi I es) or 2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast~idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air fi I ter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
E13 - 3
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filler.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose. Check the condition of all coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporation loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set.
Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil.
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top"1p with distilled water.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer uni versa I coup Ii ngs with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector contro Is adjacent to the transmission casing.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Inspect the foot brake and parking brake pad I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excl uders on the ca Ii pers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the
Final drive unit
Chcmge the oil.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged new joints and covers. fit
Hydraulic systems
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matters enters the systems. Fi II the hydraul le systems with new approved flu id. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Fuel tank
Slacken the drain plug one or two turns and allow any accummu I ated water to drain away.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve Ii nkage bal I joints.
Clean, grease and refit the ball joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt mechanism.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory perlorm~ncti.
E13 • 4
50 000 kilometres (30 000 miles) or service whichever is the earlier
21/2 years
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts, reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I inings, fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excl uders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check al I fluid levels and correct if necessary.
60 000 kilometres (36 000 miles) service whichever is the earlier
3 years
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the be! t tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I ti I ter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporation emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the di stri bu tor spindle
{shaft bearings) and automat.ic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with distilled water.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake I inkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check and tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Be It tens ion
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excl uders on the ca Ii pers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Di stri but or/ Retai I er should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
E13 - 5
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
Preventive Maintenance
Control I inkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adj a cent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Top~p the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control Ii nkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the acce1 erator
I inkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pu1 leys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Inc I u de the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
70 000 kilometres (42 000 miles) or 3Y? years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the I eve I of the e I ectrol yte and if necessary. top-t1p with distil led water.
Belt tension
Check the tens ion of a 11 driving belts anti reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I inings, fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excl uders on the ca Ii pers, renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles) or 4 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for I eaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow lhrol.!gh the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast·idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube, Clean the adapter in the choke butterlly housing.
E13 - 6
"C i
C: w
Ch ange t h e engine o il. F i t a new o il f i l te r.
Engine cooling system
Fit a n ew th e r mos t a t. Fit a ne w hea ter ta p fe ed hose. Check the c ondit i on of al l coo lant h oses an d f i t new hos es i f ne cessar y.
Exhaust gas r e c i rculation system
R emov e and clean th e E.G.
R . v alv es a nd f e ed pi p es.
C lean the E .
G .R. o rif i ces in the carb urette r ' tee ' pi ece. Chec k the E.
G .
R. valve s f o r c orrect o p e r ation.
Exhaust manifolds
Ch e ck th e t or que t i g h t ness of t he e xh a ust mani f o ld b o lts.
Fuel evaporat i on emission control system .
Fit a n ew air filt er element t o t h e eva po r at i on lo ss c o ntro l can i s ter. C h e c k th e purg e f l o w rate; f i t a ne w pur g e line filte r if nec essary.
Ignition system
Fit n e w s parkin g plu gs en suring that th e gap s are corre c t ly set. L u b rica te th e d is t ri but o r s pi n d le
(s h a ft bea rings ) and a u t oma tic ad vance mec ha n ism w i th eng ine oil . Chec k t h e i gniti o n t im i ng an d r es e t if n e cessa ry.
Propeller shaft
L ubr i ca t e the gr eas e nipp le f itte d to th e uni versal joint a t e i ther end of t h e p r opell er sh a f t .
Rear wheel dri ve•shafta
L u bri cat e t he r e a r wh e el d r i v e -s h a ft o u ter universa l co upli n gs with ap p r o ved gr e a se .
Steering ba l l joints
L ub ricate the fo ur gre ase n i pples.
In spec t t he ru bber c o v e r s o n th e b all jo int s , if the covers are fo u nd to be da mag ed, th e join ts sho u l d be disman tl e d and new p arts fitt e d i i ne cessary .
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Ch e c k th e c l i ps fi tt ed to the co nv o luted ne oprene sea ls f or tightne ss.
In sp e c t t h e conv ol u t ed n e opre n e sea l s for dama ge, f i t ne w s eals i f n ec essar y .
Tort1ue converter transmission
C ha n g e t h e trans m issio n flu id a n d fit a ne w i ntake strain er .
Che ck the le v el of the elec trolyte a n d i f nec essa r y , t o p"p wit h d i sti lied w ate r.
Belt tension
Che ck the tensio n o f all driv ing be l ts and r eset if ne cessa ry.
I nsp ect th e footbr ake a n d p a r k i ng brake pad l i nings ; fit ne w l i n ings if nece ssary. When chang i n g the footbr a k e p ads ex amin e the c on d it i o n of t h e d u st e x c lud e rs o n th e ca l ipe rs: re new if neces sary.
Manual l y a dju st the p ark i ng brak e pad s.
In spect al l br ake p i pes a n d con nect io n s; t he
Distr i b u t o r / Reta ile r sh ould r epo rt any def ects to the O wner .
Final drive unit
Chan ge the oi l.
Fluid levels
Check a l l fl ui d lev e l s an d c or rec t if n e cessary .
Front suspens i on
In s p ec t the fr o nt s u sp en s io n ba ll j o int ru b b er c overs ; i f the cov ers ar e found t o be dama ge d fi t new joi nts an d cov ers .
Fuel pumps .
R emov e the fuel p u mps a n d te st for pump in g effic i e ncy , flt new pumps if ne cessa ry.
Hydraulic systems
Com pl e tely d rai n t he flu id fro m the hydra u l ic c i r cui t s . Tho rou g h ly clean t he brake f l u id r eserv o i rs an d si g h t gla sses e ns uri n g t h a t no f o reig n matte r e nters t he s y s tems. Fill the hyd ra u lic syst ems with n ew appr oved fluid.
Bl ee d t h e br ak es and h e i ght contr o l sys tems.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
A a few d r ops of en gin e o il to th e acc elerat o r li nk a g e and t o th e g ea r range s e le c tor co nt r ols a djac en t to the tra nsmis sion c asin g.
Electrical system
Chec k all in te r ior lamps, e xt e rior lam ps, i nstr u m ents, w arn i n g lamps an d devi ces fo r co rr ec t o p e ra tion; rec tify i f nece ssar y .
Fuel filter
C l e an the f i lt er bo wl. F i t a n ew filt e r el ement.
Fuel tank
Sl acke n t he d rain p l ug on e or tw o tu rn s and al l o w a ny ac cum mu l at e d w a te r to d r a in awa y .
Height control mechanism .
D iscon n ect the con trol valve Ii n k ag e bal I j oin t s .
C lean, g r ease a;id r efi t t he ball joint s.
Park i ng brake l i nkage .
Lu b r ica te the p iv ot p ins an d pull ey s in t h e pa rking br a ke s ys t em with appro ved greas e.
Spare wheel carrier
L ub r i cat e the spa r e wheel ca rr ie r low e r i ng bolt an d me cha n i s m.
Ch eck th e tread depth o f all tyr es , in s pe c t a ll ty res f o r signs of da mage. C h ec k the tyr e p ressure s wh e n t h ey are cold an d adj us t i f n eces sary .
Incl ude the spa re ty re.
Roa d t est the c a r for satisf acto ry perf o r m a nc e.
E13 - 7
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from radiator and engine crankcase. Fi 11 with the correct anti -freeze mixture.
Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose. This should be carried out just prior lo the autumn.
Body drain holes
Check that the body drain holes are unobstructed.
Air conditioning system
Check that the foam filter element(s) fitted to the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction.
Refrigeration system
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify if necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Fuel system
Fi I a new convo I uted rubber hose between the fuel filler head and fuel tank assembly.
Examine all flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
Every 2 years
In addition to 12 monthly seasonal schedule, carry out the fol lowing operation.
Engine cooling system
When the coolant has been drained, thoroughly reverse flush the coolant passages with a con~ tinuous flow of water. Fit new hoses where necessary.
Service Recommendations
For convenience these services may be carried out at the brake pad renewal nearest to the specified mileage.
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following servicing is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Examine the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Fil new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles)
At th is mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the fol I owing service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Fil all new flexible hoses to the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve.
E13 · 8
0 a: cl,
0 a:
C: w
Section E14
Silver Shadow II, Bentley T2,
Cam argue cars other than those built to the Australian,
Japanese and North American specifications
From car serial number
Service Schedule
5 000
5 000
10 000
20 000
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 000
Timt (Hrs)
30 000 18 000 8.5
40 000
50 000
60 000
70 000
80 000
24 000
30 000
36 000
42 000
48 000
After the
80 000
(48 000
miles) service schedule, carry out the respective service at
10 000
km. (6
mile) intervals.
Additional Service Items
2 years
40 000 'H1'
80 000
160 000
24 000
48 000
96 000
If replacing brake pads, drive belts, bal I joints, or other items as a result of a service inspection, add Manhour Schedule time.
--~ c::
0) c:: w c::
Certain items in these service schedules are marked with an asterisk ( ·). The servicing for these items should be carried out at the periods specified in order to comply with the Rolls-Royce New Car
Warranty, during the Warranty perioc:!.
In order to comply with the relevant Emission
Control Regulations items marked thus (t) must be carried out during the entire service life of the vehicle.
Regular Maintenance
1. Engine: Weekly or every 800 kilometres (500 mi Jes) whichever is the earlier, check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
2. Lamp units: Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any fc,ulty bulbs.
3. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures including the spare; adjust if necessary.
4. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
5. SU carburetters: Monthly, check the oi I level in the reservoirs of the automatic air valve dampers top-up if necessary.
6. Hydraulic reservoirs: Monthly, check the level of fluid in the reservoirs; the engine should be run for four minutes before checking the fluid level.
Top-up if necessary to the indicated level.
7. Engine cooling system: Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank; if necessary, top-up with the correct antifreeze/water mixture or inhibited solution.
Service Schedule - Initial 5 000 kilometres
(3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Engine: Change engine oil.
• 2. Engine cooling system: Tighten the worm drive securing clips of all coolant hoses.
• 3. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine runnirig and top-up if necessary.
4. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and alternator d riving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
5. Steering pump: Check the fluid level of the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
6. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
1. Engine: lf the car is used for constant stop/ start operation, change the engine lubricating oil.
Section E14
Silver Shadow II, Bentley T2,
Silver Wraith II, Corniche and
Cam argue cars other than those built to the Australian,
Japanese and North American specifications
'A' Service Schedule - Every 10 000 kilometres
(6 000 miles) or 6 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
• 2. Brakes: Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary. When renewing the pads, examine the caliper dust excluders and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake caliper mechc:rnism.
Inspect pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
• 3. Engine: Chan~e the engine oi I and fit a new oil filter element.
• 4. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
5. Bel ts and belt tension: Check the con di ti on and tension of the coolant pump, steeri1g pump and refrigeration compressor and alternator driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary. t 6. Carturetters: SU carburetters. Check the air valve oil levels; top-up if necessary
Check engine idle speed and adjust if necessary.
7. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator
I inkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oil.
8. Electrical system: Check all exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices, and instruments for correct operation; rectify as necessary. t9. Ignition system: Check ignition timing with a stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
10. Parking brake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pu I I eys with the approved grease.
11. Levels and· p'ressures: Check the 'fluid level of the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary with recommended fluid.
Check and adjust al I tyre pressures; al so check tyre tread depth and tyre condition. Report any defects to the Owner.
12. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
'B' Service Schedule - Every 20 000 kilometres
(12 000 miles) or 12 months whichever is the earlier.
·t1. Air filter/silencer: Fit a new filter element.
• 2. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled· water if necessary.
E14 1
• 3. Brakes: Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary. When renewing brake pads, examine the caliper dust excluders and renew if necessary,
Manually adjust the parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
• t 4. Carburetters: SU carburetters. Check the air valve damper oi I levels and top-up if necessary also, check and adjust the float chamber depression.
Regulation 15, if applicable.
• 5. Engine: Change engine oi I and fit a new oil
Ii lter.
•t6. Engine breather system: Remove and clean the gauze flame trap in the crank-case breather tube, also- clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing on SU carburetters or the breather connection in the air filter housing on the Solex carburetter.
• 7. Final drive unit: Check the oil level; top-up if necessary.
• 8. Front suspension: Inspect the front suspension ba II joint rubber covers; if the covers are damaged, fit new joints and covers.
·t9. Ignition system: Lubricc1te the distributor spindle (shaft bec1rings) and automatic advance mechanism with clean engine oil.
Fit new sparking plugs. t10. Ignition timing and idle speeds: Check the ignition timing with a stroboscope and adjust ii necessary.
Check engine idle speed and chOke idle speed; adjust if necessary. Ensure exhaust emissions comply with E.C.E. Regulation 15 if applicable.
• 11. Steering ball joints: Lubricate the steering bal I joints at the four grease points. Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints; if the covers are damaged the joints shou Id be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
• 12. Steering rack and pinion assembly: Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals on the raci< and pinion unit and check the seal clips for tightness; if the seals are damaged new seals should be fitted.
• 13. Torque converter transmission: Change transmission fluid.
14. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the coolant pump. steering pump and refrigeration compressor and alternator driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
15. Control I inkages: Lubricate the accelerator
I inkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing} with engine oil.
16. Electrical system: Check all exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices and instrument.s for correct operation; rectify as necessary
17. Parking brake I inkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with approved grease.
18. Spare wheel carrier: Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
19. Levels and pressures: Check the fluid level of the steering pump reservoir; top·up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct if necessary.
Check the fluid I evel in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four munutes then check the levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top·up if necessary.
Check and adjust all tyre pressures; also check tyre tread depth and condition of tyres. Report any defects to the Owner.
20. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
'C' Service Schedule· Every 40 000 kilometres
(24 000 miles) or 2 years whichever is the earlier.
In addition to the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedule carry out the fol lowing.
In the case of the Carburetters, Final drive unit,
Torque converter transmission and Levels and pressures, servicing necessary is listed in this schedule therefore, the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedule should not be consulted for these i terns.
·t1. Automatic choke: SU carburetters. Check flow through the choke stove pipes and check for correct function; correct as necessary.
··t2. Carburetters: SU carburetters. Clean the air valve pistons. Top-up the air valves with new engine oil. Fit new paper element filters to the fuel inlet connections. Check c1nd adjust float chamber depression.
Solex Carburetters - Remove and clean the filter in the fuel inlet connection.
Check engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust as necessary.
Ensure exhaust emissions comply with E.C.E.
Regulation 15, if applicable.
• 3. Engine cooling system: Fit a new thermostat.
Examine the condition of all hoses; fit new hoses as necessary. Fit new heater tap feed hose
(irrespective of visual c!Ppearance).
• 4. Final drive unit: Change the oil.
Fuel mixture weakening device:SU carburetters.
Fit a new fuel mixture weakening device filter.
• 6. Torque converter transmission: Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Renew' o· ring on intake pipe and fit a new seal to bore of intake strainer.
7. Fuel filter: Clean out the filter. bowl and fit a new filter element.
8. Fuel pumps: Remove pumps and test fuel pump efficiency; fit new pumps if necessary.
9. Fuel tank: Release the fuel tank drain plug and allow any accumulated water to drain away; fit the drain plug.
10. Height control mechanism: Disconnect, clean and lubricate the height control valve ball joints; connect ball joints.
11. Propeller shaft: Lubricate the uni versa I joints at ec1ch end of the shaft with approved grease.
12. Rear wheel drive-shafts: Lubricate the outer universal joints with approved grease.
13. Levels and press..ires: Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary·.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the fluid levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary.
Check and adjust all tyre pressures; also check
E14 - 2
© tyre tread depth and tyre condition. Report any defects to the Owner..
On Convertible cars, check the fluid level in the power operated hood mechanism reservoir with the hood in the fully down (open) position; top up if necessary with approved fluid.
Additional Service Items
Seasonal hoses to the brake and hydraulic systems. Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure Ii mi ting valve.
Drain off the hydrau Ii c flu id; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean sight glasses.
Fill the systems with fresh Castrol RR 363 Brake
Fluid and bleed the systems.
Fuel system: Fit a new convoluted hose between the filler head and the fuel tank. Examine all flexible fuel pipes renew any that show signs of deterioration.
Every 12 months - 'SA' (Autumn) Service
Engine cooling system: Drain off the old coolant and fi 11 the system with fresh anti-freeze/water mixture.
Just prior to Autumn clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose.
Body drain holes: Ensure that the body drain holes are not obstructed.
Every 12 months - 'SB' (Spring) Service
Air conditioning system: Check that the foam filter element(s) in the scuttle intake grille, and cilso the filter element in the rear intake grille on Silver
Wraith II cars fitted with a centre division, are free from obstruction; fit new element(s) if necessary.
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation; rectify as necessary. Any work on the refrigeration system must only be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 2 years · 'SC' (Autumn) Service
Engine cooling system: Carry out the 12 months
• SA' (Autumn) Service procedure and also thoroughly reverse flush the cooling system. Examine coolant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
Every 40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years
• 'H1 • Service
Brake and hydraulic systems: Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean the sight glasses. Fi 11 the system with fresh Castrol RR 363 Brake Flu id and bleed the systems.
Every 80 000 kilometres ( 48 000 miles) or 4 years
- 'HA• Service
Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit new accumulator to frame hoses. Examine the condition of the sub frame to brake caliper hoses; fit new hoses where nece·ssary. Drain off the hydraulic fluid; clean out the hydraulic fluid reservoirs and clean the sight glasses . Fil I the systems with fresh Castro I RR 363
Brake Fluid and bleed the systems.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles) or 8 years
- • HS' Service
Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit all new flexible
E14 - 3
Section E15
Cars built to the
1978 North American specification
C w
Cars built to the 1978 North American specification carry the suffix letter G in the car serial number
(eg SRG, LRG etc).
0 a:
Essential Service
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 500
18 500
25 000
31 000
37 500
43 500
50 000
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
50 000
100 000
(km.) Time (Hrs)
5 000 2.0
5 000 0.5
10 000 1.5
20 000 6.5
30 000 1.5
40 000 8.0
50 000 1.5
60 000 6.5
70 000 1.5
80 000 9.0
80 000 5.5
160 000 16.5
3.0 Preventive.
+ 2.0 Preventive.
+3.0 Preventive.
+ 3.5 Preventive.
+3.0 Preventive.
+ 2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
5.0 Preventive.
Section E15
Cars built to the
1978 North American specification
Essential Maintenance
The schedules listed under this heading are the mini mum maintenance requirements necessary to comp I y with the Roi Is-Royce New Car Warranty and the relevant emission control regulations.
Initial 3 000 miles (5 000 km.) or 3 months service whichever is the earlier
Items marked
will be carried out free of charge.
Preventive Maintenance
These schedules are aimed at securing the maximum life and efficiency for the car and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Owners are advised to consult a Dealer or the
Service Voucher Book concerning important addition al preventive maintenance.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner should ensure that the following schedules Ii sted under the heading Regu I ar
Maintenance are carried out.
Regular Maintenance
Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoir cf the automatic air valve dampers; top'1.lp if necessary.
Weekly or every 500 mi I es (800 km.), whichever is the earlier, check the oi I level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Every three months, check the level of coo!ant in the radiator header tank, if necessary, top-up with the correct anti -freeze/water mixture.
Essential Maintenance
*Air injection pump
Check be It tension and reset if necessary.
*Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Top-up the oi I I evel in the air valve dampers.
Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Change the engine oi I.
*Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge I ine filter if necessary. Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporative loss control line; rectify any leaks.
*Ignition system
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts; reset if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Tighten the worm-drive clips of a·II coolant hoses.
Torque converter transmission
Check the fluid level and top-t1p if necessary.
H ydrau I i c reservoirs
Monthly, check the level of fluid in lhe reservoirs for the braking and automatic level I ing systems; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level. Top~p if necessary to the indicated
I eve I. If frequent topping -up is required check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
Lamp units
Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation
and replace any faulty bulbs.
Weekly, check the tyre pressures; adjust if necessary. Also check the spare wheel tyre pressure; adjust if necessary. Check the tread depth of al I tyres and inspect the tyres for signs of damage.
Windscreen washer reservoir
Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Steering pump
Check the o i I I eve I in the reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
6 000 miles {10 000 km.) or 6 n,onths service whichever is earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Chj:)ck the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts and reset necessary. if
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust exc I uders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer shou Id report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior I amps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. C::heck the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify as necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distil led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manua 11 y adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, lit new joints and covers.
12 500 miles (20 000 km.) or 12 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Steeri!'lg rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
C w
C: ct
Preventive Maintenance
Contro I t inkages
Apply a few drops of en g i ne o il to the ac celerat o r
Ii nka ge and t o t h e gear ran ge select o r co ntrols a d jac e n t to the t ra n smi ss io n c a si n g .
Electrical system
Ch eck a l l i n ter io r lamps , ext e rior la mp s, instr uments, warn ing lam ps a nd devi c e s fo r corre c t o pera t i on; r ec tli y if ne cess a ry .
Parking brake linkage
L u bric a t e th e pi vot pi n s a n d p ulleys i n t h e park i n g b r a ke s ystem w ith approved g r e ase.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricat e the spare w h e el carri e r l o wering bo lt and mec ha n is m.
Ch eck th e t r e a d d ep th of a ll tyre s , i n s pect a ll th e ty res for s i gn s of da m a g e. Check the tyre pr ess ures wh en they ar e cold a n d a d j u st II nece s s<1ry,
I n c lude th e spa re tyre.
R oa d test t he c ar for sat i s factory p e r fo rman ce .
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up t h e oi I leve l in t h e air v alv e damper s .
Control linkages
Ap ply a few dr ops o f engi ne oi l to the a cce lerator linkage a nd to the gear r a nge se l ecto r cont rols a djacent t o t he trans m i ssi on casi ng .
Electrical system
Chec k all in t er i or l a mps, ex te r i or lam ps , in s t r u m ents, w a rni n g lamp s a n d devi ces fo r corre ct op e r a t io n ; rectify if nec e s sary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubr i ca te the p i v o t pins a n d pu lleys in t h e parking bra ke s ystem w i th a pproved g r e ase.
Ch eck th e tr e a d depth o f a l I tyre s , i ns pect all t y res for sign s of dam a ge . Chec k t h e tyre pr essu r e s when the y are cold an d a d j ust if nece ssary.
Incl u d e t h e spar e tyre .
Roa d tes t the ca r f or satisf ac t o ry perform anc e.
18 500 miles (30 000 km.) or 18 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Chan ge t h e engi ne o i l. Fit a new oi l filter.
C h ec k the l eve l of th e elec trol yt e a nd if n e ce ssary, top ~ p w i th dist illed water.
Belt tension
C h ec k the tension of a l l d r i v ing be l t s an d res e t i f n ece ssary.
I n spe c t t h e f o otbr a ke a n d p:i rki ng b r ak e p ad I i n i n gs; f i t ne w lini n g s i f necess ar~. When c hangi ng foot b r ake pa ds e xamin e t 11e con dition o f t he d us t e xcl ud e rs o n the ca l iper s; re new i f neces s a r y .
Ma nual l y adius t t h e p arkin tJ b rake pad s .
Ins pect a l l br a k e p i p es < d con n ec t i o ns: the
D e ale r shou l d r e p ort any defe cts to t he O wner.
Fluid levels
Check al l fluid lev e l s a nd corr ect a s nece ssary .
25 000 miles (40 000 km.) or 2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Chec k the bel t te nsion and r eset if n ece ssary.
Air injection system
Check th e a ir inj ec t io n system fo r leaks a n d c orrect operati o n ; renew a ny de fectiv e ite m s.
Air silencer
F it a n e w a ir f i l t er e l e ment.
Automatic choke
Ch e c k the a i r fl o w thro ug h t h e chok e s t o ve pipe and ch e ck for corr ec t o perati o n ; r e ctify if ne c essary.
C lean t he a i r valve s . Re m ove th e fi l t er co ver fr o m ea c h ca rbure tter fuel filte r ho using an d f it a new p aper f i lter e l emen t. Top1.J
p th e oil l e vel i n the a ir v a lv e d a n1 per s . C h e ck th e floa t c h a mber de pre s s ion and rec tif y if neces s a ry . Check th e i dle sp ee d a n d r ectify if nec essary. C h eck th e c h ok e fast-idle speed a nd re c tif y if nece ssar y.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
F it a ne w a i r filter el eme nt.
Crankca s e emission control system
Re mo v e and cl ean t il e gat1z e fl a me tra ps in the cr a n
se bre a ther t ube. Cle an t h e a d a pter i n th e c1 1 oke bu tt erf l y housin g .
Chan g e the en g i n e o il. Fit a ne w oil fi l t e r.
Engine_ cooling system
F i t a new tn er m ostat. Fi t a new h e ater tap fee d h os e. Che c k t h e condit i on o f a l I coola nt h o s es and fit n e w ho ses if n ece ssary.
Exhaust manifolds
C h e ck the t orq ue tightn ess of the e x ha ust mani fo l d b o l t s.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge Ii ne fi I ter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections: rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs en su ring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and
·reset if necessary. Check for correct operation of the vacuum advance mechanism (other than cars destined for California).
Check the l eve I of the e I ectrot yte and it necessary, top~p with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts; reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thorough I y c I ean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fi 11 the hydraulic systems with new approved fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal couplings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage ball joints.
Clean, grease and refit the ball joints.
Parking brake Ii nkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al 1 tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
31 000 miles (50 000 km.) or 2Yi years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with distilled water.
C it
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts, reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer shOuld report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top,up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, i nstrurnents, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
37 500 miles (60 000 km.) whichever is the earlier or 3 years service
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air fi Iler element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correct I y set. Lubricate the di stri bu tor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and top-up with distilled water. if necessary,
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrnke pads examin9 the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I ioint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease n i pp I es.
Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints, the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary. if
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene sea Is for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission f I u id.
Preventive Maintenance
Control Ii nkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii n kage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps, and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Parking brake I inkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
50 000 miles (80 000 km.) or 4 years service whichever is the earlier
43 500 miles (70 000 km.) or 31/1 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary top-up with distil led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings, fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excl uders on the calipers, renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check a 11 flu id I eve Is and correct as necessary.
P rev en ti ve Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range se I ector contra Is adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter hOusing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose. Check the condition of all coolant hoses and fit new hoses if riecessary.
Exhaust gas recirculation system
Remove and clean the E.G.R. valve(s) and feed pipes. Clean the E.G. R. orifices in the carburetter
• tee· piece. Check the E.G.R. valve(s) for correct operation.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
·Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary.
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check for correct operation of the vacuum advance mechanism (other than cars destined for California).
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads. lnspecl all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to lhe Owner.
Final drive unit
Change lhe oil.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct asnecessary.
Steering rack and pinion eHembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness. ..
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seais for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter tran5mission
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil lo the accelerator linkage and lo the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al 1 interior I amps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning I amps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage ball joints.
Clean, grease and refit the bal I joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate lhe spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fill the hydraulic systems with new approved fluid.
Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propel I er shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive--shatt outer universal couplings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ba 11 joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from radiator and engine crank· case. Fill with the correct anti-freeze mixture.
Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose. This should be carried out just prior to the autumn.
Body drain holes
Check that the body drain holes are unobstructed.
Air conditioning system
Check that the foam filter element(s) fitted to the scuttle intake gri I le is free from obstruction.
Refrigeration system
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify if necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 2 years
In addition to 12 monthly seasonal schedule, carry out the fol lowing operation.
Engine cooling system
When the coolant has been drained thoroughly reverse flush the coolant passages with a con~ tinuous flow of water. Fit new hoses where necessary.
Service Recommendations
For convenience this service work may be carried out at the brake pad renewal nearest to the specified mileage.
Every SO 000 miles (80 000 km.)
At this mi I eage under normal motoring con di ti ons it is recommended that the fol lowing addition al service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Examine the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses.
Every 100 000 miles (160 000 km.)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the fol lowing additional service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Fit all new flexible hoses to the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure Ii mi ting valve.
Fuel system
Examine al I flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
Section E16
· .·2::g?:.· ·
Ca rs built to the
1978 Australian specification
(except Phantom VI)
C: w
00 t;; i:!'
C: .., t'.!
~ j
S; -
0 a:
Essential Service
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
5 000
5 000
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000 so
60 000
70 000
80 000
(Miles) Time (Hrs)
3 000
3 000
2.0 o.s
6 000 1.5
12 000 6.5
18 000
24 000
30 000
36 000
42 000
48 000
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
3.5 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
5.0 Preventive.
80 000
160 000
48 000 5.5
96 000 17 .0
Section E16
Cars bui It to the 1978
Australian specification
(except Phantom VI)
Essential Maintenance
The schedules listed under this heading are the minimum maintenance requirements necessary to comply with the Rolls-Royce New Car Warranty and the Australian Emission Regulations.
Preventive Maintenance
These schedules are aimed at securing the maximum Ii le and efficiency for the car and shou Id only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Owners are advised to consu It a Di stri bu tor/
Retailer or the Service Voucher Book concerning important additional preventive maintenance.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner should ensure that the fol lowing schedules listed under the heading Regular
Maintenance are carried out.
Regular Maintenance
Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoir of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
Weekly or every 800 kilometres (500 miles), whichever is the earlier check the oil level by means of the dipstick: top-up if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Every thr~e months, check the level of coolant in lhe radiator header tank, if necessary, top-up with the correct anti-freeze/water mixture.
Initial 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months service whichever is the earlier
Items marked
will be carried out free of charge.
Essential Maintenance
*Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
* Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Change the engine oi I.
*Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporative loss control line; rectify any leaks.
*Ignition system
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Tighten the worm-drive clips of al I coolant hoses.
Torque converter transmission
Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
Hydraulic reservoirs
Monthly, check the level of the fluid in the reservoirs for the braking and automatic level ling systems; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level. Top-up if necessary to the indicated level. If frequent topping-up is required check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
Lamp units
Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
Weekly, check the tyre pressures; adjust if necessary. Also check the spare wheel tyre pressure; adjust if necessary. Check the tread depth of all tyres and inspect the tyres for signs of damage.
Windscreen washer reservoir
Week I y, check the fluid I eve I; top-up if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Steering pump
Check the o i I I eve I in the reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) or 6 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi 1. Fit a new oi I fi lier.
E16 - 1
Check the I eve I of the electro I yte and if necessary, top~p with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad
I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excl uders on the ca Ii pers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads. lnpsect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector con tro Is adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps. instrument, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al 1 tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) or 12 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top·up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify as necessary. l9nition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary top-up with dis ti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Di stri bu tor/ Reta i I er shou Id report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check al I f I u id I eve Is and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ba 11 joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
E16 - 2
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the .tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I the tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressure when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine o i I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
30 000 kilometres (18 000 mi I es) or 18 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. CI ean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
E16 - 3
C h a n ge the e ngine o i I. Fit a new oi I f i lte r.
Engine cool ing system
Fit a new t h ermosta t. Fit a new heater tap f ee d hos e. C heck the cond iti o n of all cool an t hos es and f i t n ew hoses if necessary .
Exhaust man ifold s
C heck th e torq ue tight ness of the ex haust ma ni fold bol · ts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air fil ter ele men t to the evapor a tive loss control c a nister. Check th e purge flow rat e; fit a new pu rg e li ne filt er if necessary . Check t he con dition of the pipes and connect i ons ; rectify if necess ary.
Inspect the foot b ra k e and park ing bra ke pad Ii n ing s ; fit new lin ings i f necessary. W h e n cha nging the footbrake pads examin e t he condition of the d ust ex c l1.,de r s on the cali pers ; r en ew if necessary .
Manual ly ad j ust t he p a rki ng brake pads .
In s pect al l brake pipes an d connectio ns: the
Distributor / Reta ile r should report any d e f ec ts to the
Final drive unit
Cha nge the o il .
Fluid levels
Che c k a ll fluid l e v e ls and correct as necess ary.
Front suspens io n
Insp ect th e front suspension ba l l join t rub ber covers; if the co vers are found to b e da m aged fit new j oint s and co ver s.
Hydraulic systems
Complete l y drain the fluid f ro m t h e hydr au lic circuit s . T ho roughly c l ean th e bra ke flui d re ser vo i rs a nd sig ht glas ses , ensur i ng t h at no f or eign matter enters th e s ystem s. Fill the hydrau lic sy s t ems with new ap pro ved fluid. Bl eed the brakes and heig ht contr ol sy stems.
Propeller shaft
Lu bricate the g rease nipp le fitt ed to the universa l join t at eith er e n d of the prope l ler s haft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubri cat e the rear wh e e l drive-s ha ft outer universal cou p ling s wit h approved g rease.
Steering ball joints
L ub r i cat e the fou r g r ease nipples.
Inspect the ru b ber cover s on t h e ball Joints , i f the cov er s a re found to be damaged, the join ts should be d i sm antle d and n ew p a rts fitted if n e cessary .
St e ering rack and pinion assembly
Che c k the cl ips fit ted to the convoluted neo pr e ne seal s fo r tightnes s .
In spec t the co n volu t ed neoprene sea ls for da m age, fit new sea ls if nece ssary .
Torque converter transmi ssi on
Ch an ge th e transmiss i on fl ui d . Fit a new i n take str a iner .
Ignition system
Fi t new s parking p lu gs ensuring that the ga ps are corr ectly s et.
Lubri c at e t h e distributor sp i nd l e (shaft beari ngs} and auto m at i c adv anc e mech a nism with eng i ne oil .
C h ec k th e ignition t imin g and re set if n ec essa ry.
Check the leve l of the elec troly t e and if necessa ry, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the ten sion of all dri vin g bel ts; reset if necessa ry.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkage s
Ap ply c1 f e w dro p s of e ngine oi I to th e acc eler ator linkage an d to the gear r ange selec tor con trol s adjace n t t o th e transmi ssion casing.
Electrical system
Check a ll inte ri or lamps, ext er i o r lamps, in stru me nts, warning lam ps a n d dev ices for c o r r ect operat i o n; recti fy if n e cessary .
Fue l filter
C l ea n the fi l t er b owl . Fit a new f il t e r e lement.
Fuel tank
Slacke n the drain p l u g o ne or two turn s an d a llow an y accumulated wat e r to drai n a way.
Height contr ol mechanism
D iscon n ect th e control va l ve linkag e b all j oint ,
C le an , gre ase a nd r e fit the ba ll joint s.
Parking brake l i nk age
Lubricat e th e pivot pins and p u lleys in the p arking brake sys t e m with ap pr oved gre ase.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate th e spa re whe el c a rrier l ower ing bo lt mech anis m .
C h eck th e tread depth of all tyr es, in spect a ll tyres for signs o f d a mage. Ch e ck the tyre pressure s wh e n they are co ld and ad ju s t if nec e ssary.
Inclu de th e sp are tyre .
Road t es t th e car fo r sat i sfac tory perfor manc e .
E16 4
0 a:
50 000 kilometres (30 000 miles) or 2Y2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and ii necessary, top-up with dis ti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts, reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings, fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually' adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
60 000 kilometres (36 000 mi I es) or 3 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the fl oat ch amber depression and rectify it necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oi I level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior I amps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new I inings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake PiP-es and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
E16 - 5
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints. if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation: rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control I inkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to tt1e gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake Ii nkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
In cl ude the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
70 000 kilometres (42 000 miles) or 3% years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Brakes .
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings, fit new I inings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excl uders on the calipers, renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Di stri butor/Retai ler should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
E16 - 6
80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles)
4 years service whichever
the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube, Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oil filter.
"O c::
~ a> c::
0 er
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose. Check the condition of c1II coolant hoses c1nd fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust gas recirculation system
Remove and clean the E.G.R. valves and feed pipes.
Clean the E.G.R. orifices in the carburetter 'tee' piece. Check the E.G.R. valves for correct operation.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge Ii ne fi I ter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and· reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with dis ti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of atl driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the foot brake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the Owner.
Final drive unit
Change the oi I.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Fuel pumps
Remove the fuel pumps and test for pumping efficiency, fit new pumps if necessary.
Hydraulic systems
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thorough I y c I ean the brake f I u id reservoirs and sight glasses ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fill the hydraulic systems with new approved flu id.
Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal couplings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lu bri ca te the four grease n i pp I es.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior I amps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Fuel tank
Slacken the drain plug one or two turns and al low any accumulated water to drain away.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage ball joints.
Clean, grease and refit the bal I joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
E16 - 7
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from radiator and engine crankcase. Fi II with the correct anti-freeze mixture.
Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose. This should be carried out just prior to the autumn.
Body drain holes
Check that the body drain holes are unobstructed.
Air conditioning system
Check that the foam filter element(s) fitted to the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction.
Refrigeration system
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify if necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 2 years
In addition to 12 monthly seasonal schedule, carry out the fol lowing operation.
Engine cooling system
When the coolant has been drained, thoroughly reverse flush the coolant passages with a con· tinuous flow of water. Fit new hoses where necessary.
Fuel system
Fit a new convoluted rubber hose between the fuel fi 11 er head and fuel tank assembly.
Examine alt flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
Service Recommendations
For convenience these services may be carried out at the brake pad renewal nearest to the specified mileage.
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following servicing is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Examine the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Fit all new flexible hoses to the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure Ii mi ting valve.
E16 • 6
Section E17
- ~ · . i . --~-·
Cars built to the
1978 Japanese specification
(except Phantom VI)
Cl) ti;
C: ..,
:J r!
_g j
"" ai
Essential Service lr;iterval
5 000
5 000
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
50 000
60 000
70 000
80 000
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
80 000
160 000
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 000
18 000
24 000
30 000
36 000
42 000
48 000
Time (Hrs)
48 000
96 000
+ 3.0 Preventive
+2.0 Preventive.
+3.0 Preventive.
+3.5 Preventive.
+3.0 Preventive.
+2.0 Preventive.
+3.0 Preventive.
+5.0 Preventive.
Section E17
Cars built to the 1978
Japanese specification
(except Phantom VI)
C/) t-
Essential Maintenance
The schedules listed under this heading are the minimum maintenance requirements necessary to comply with the Rolls-Royce New Car Warranty and the Japanese Emission Regulations.
Preventive Maintenance
These schedules are aimed at securing the maximum life c1nd efficiency for the car and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Owners are advised to consult a Distributor/
Retai I er or the Service Voucher Book concerning important additional preventive maintenance.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner should ensure that the following schedules I isted under the hec1di ng Regular
Maintenance are carried out.
Regular Maintenance
Monthly, check the oi I level in the reservoir of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessc1ry.
Weekly or every 800 kilometres (500 miles), whichever is the earlier check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Every three months, check the I evel of coot ant in the radiator header tank, if necessary, top-up with the correct anti·freezeiwater mixture.
Hydraulic reservoirs
Monthly, check the level of the fluid in the reservoirs for the braking and automatic levelling systems; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level. Top-up if necessary to the indicated level. If frequent topping-up is required check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
Lamp units
Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
Week I y, check the tyre pressures; c1d ju st if necessary. Also check the spare wheel tyre pressure; adjust if necessary. Check the tread depth of al I tyres and inspect the tyres for signs of damage.
Windscreen washer reservoir
Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
Initial 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months service whichever is the earlier
Items marked * will be carried out free of charge.
Essential Maintenance
* Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
*Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve d'ampers.
Check the fl oat chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Change the engine oi I.
* Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line fi I ter if necessary. Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporative loss control line; rectify any leaks.
* Ignition system
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Tighten the worm-<lrive clips of al I coolant hoses.
Torque converter transmission
Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Steering pump
Check the oil level in the reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
10 000 kilometres {6 000 miles) or 6 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
E17 - 1
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad
I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake sys tern with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
20 000 kilometres {12 000 miles) or 12 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; reel i fy as necessary.
Ignition system
Fit ~ew sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Ch~ck the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged, new joints and covers. fit
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect tile rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
E17 - 2
(f) t-
C: w
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
Preventive Maintenance
Cont ro I I i nka ges
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range se I ector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; recti iy if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
0 er
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I the tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Test i
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
30 000 kilometres (18 000 miles) or 18 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatsh i el ds and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with distil Jed water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset ii necessary.
Inspect the foolbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connecti.ons; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control I inkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
I inkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves_ Remove the tilter cover from each cc1rburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top~p lhe oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke speed and reel i fy if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
E17 - 3
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose. Check the condition of all coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatsh i elds and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set.
Lubricate the di stri but or sp ind I e ( shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I.
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propel I er shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer uni versa I coup Ii ngs with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts; reset if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Control Ii nkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii n kage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the tran sm i ss ion casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior I amps, exterior I amps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; flt new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Ma;1ua.lly aoj.,st the ~arking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pi;>es and connections; the
Distrib-itor ·Retailer should report any defects to the
Final drive unit
Change the o ii.
Fluid levels
Check al I fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Fuel tank
SI acken the drain plug one or two turns and al low any accumu I ated water to drain away.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve I inkage bal I joints.
Clean, grease and refit the ball joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt mechanism.
Hydraulic systems
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fi II the liydraulic systems with new approved fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control syster1~s.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance:.
E17 - 4
0 c::
50 000 kilometres (30 000 miles) or 2% years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust system
Check grass-Ii re heatshields for damc1ge. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance
5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heat shields and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and it necessary, top-up with distil led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts, reset if necessary.
Inspect the foot brake and parking brake pad I inings, fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excl uders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any detects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake I inkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pu I leys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are co Id and ad just if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
60 000 kilometres (36 000 miles) or 3 years service whichever
the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
E17 - 5
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Ct1eck all interior lamps, exterior I amps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control Ii nkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior tamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operntion; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
70 000 kilometres {42 000 miles) or 31/2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top1.1p with distil led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I inings, fit new Ii n i ngs if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condi lion of the dust excluders on the calipers, renew if necessary.
80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles) or 4 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operntion; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new c1ir filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
E17 - 6
C: w
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase e.mission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose. Check the condition of all coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust gas recirculation system
Remove and clean the E.G.R. valves and feed pipes.
Clean the E.G.R. orifices in the carburetter • tee' piece. Check the E.G.R. valves for correct operation.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Fit new catalytic converter assemblies. Inspect the condition of the thermocouple and wiring in each catalytic converter, renew if there is visual evidence of damage.
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatsh ields and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air Ii I ter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge Ii ne f i I ter if necessary. Ch eek the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraul 1c systems
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thorough I y c I ean the brake flu id reservoirs and sight glasses ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fi 11 the hydraulic systems with new approved fluid.
Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at eilher end of the propel I er shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal coup Ii n gs with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease n i pp I es.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pin ion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set.
Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings} and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I.
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Control I inkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
I ink age and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
E lectrica I system
Check HII interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning I ;i111ps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel tilter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Inspect the foot brake and parking brake pad Ii nings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Distributor/Retailer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fuel tank
Slacken the drain plug one or two turns and allow any accumulated water to drain away.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage ball joints.
Clean, grease and refit the ball joints.
E17 - 7
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier I oweri ng bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Inc I ude the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles)
At this mileage under normal motoring condi lions it is recommended that the following service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Fit all new flexible hoses to the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve.
Fuel system
Fit a new convoluted rubber hose between the fuel filler head and fuel tank assembly.
Examine al I flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from radiator and engine crankcase. Fi 11 with the correct anti ·freeze mixture.
Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose. This should be carried out just prior to the autumn.
Body drain holes
Check that the body drain holes are unobstructed.
Air conditior:iing system
Check that the foam filter element(s) fitted to the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction.
Refrigeration system
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify if necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 2 years
In addition to 12 monthly seasonal schedule, carry out the fol lowing operation.
Engine cooling system
When the coolant has been drained, thoroughly reverse flush the cool ant passages with a con· ti nuous flow of water. Fit new hoses where necessary.
Service Recommendations
For convenience these services may be carried out at the brake pad renewal nearest to the specified mileage.
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following servicing is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Examine the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses.
E17 - 8
'O j r:,,
C: w
Cars built to the 1979 North American specification carry the suffix letter K in the car serial number
(e.g. SAK, LRK etc).
Section E18
Cars built to the specification
0 a:
2 n
<I) u.
Essential Service
Cars prior to 50001
50001 and onwards
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 500
18 500
25 000
25 000
31 000
37 500
43 500
50 000
50 000
100 000
{km.) Time {Hrs)
5 000 2.0
5 000 0.5
10 0.00 1.5
20 000 6.5
30 000 1.5
40 000 7.0
40 000 5.25
50 000 1.5
60 000 6.5
70 000 1.5
80 000 9.0
80 000 5.5
160 000 16.5
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
+ 3.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
+ 3.0 Preventive.
5.0 Preventive.
The hydraulic systems are filled with either brake fluid or hydraulic system mineral oi
These fluids are not mi sci bl e and must on I y be used in their respective systems. Therefore,
extreme care when carrying out any work on hydraulic systems especially when adjusting the levels in the reservoirs.
C w
C ct
... ..
Cars prior to car serial number 50001
The hydraulic systems of these cars are filled with Castrol RR363 brake fluid. The brake fluid is amber in colour.
.. ..
,> y ..
~ >
0 a:
0 a:
@ ···
Hydr ... ulic system mineral oi I
Ca .
r s~rici'I number 5 · 0001 and onwards
t systems 0f these cars are f i 11 ed
. castro · I
hyc/raul'ic system mi
oi I The mine r, ~I fi!l
gree .
n ' in .
this sys .
tern t,hat are suscep f ible
contamination by convention a l brake rlu l d are colo!J.r
C ..,
not interchange components
Before fitting any seals, hoses, pipes, etc., always ensure that they are suitable for the type of hydraulic system fitted to the car.
E18 -1
Section E18
Cars built to the
1979 North American specification
Essential Maintenance
The schedules listed under this heading are the minimum maintenance requirements necessary to comply with the Roi ls-Royce New Car Warranty and the relevant emission control regulations.
Initial 3 000 miles (5 000 km.) or 3 months service whichever is the earlier ·
Items marked
wil I be carried out free of charge.
It) co
(1) ....
Preventive Maintenance
These schedules are aimed at securing the maximum life and efficiency for the car and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Owners are advised to consult a Dealer or the
Service Voucher Book concerning important additional preventive maintenance.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner should ensure that the following schedules listed under the heading Regular
Maintenance are carried out.
Regular Maintenance
Monthly, check the oi I level in the reservoir of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
Weekly or every 500 miles (800 km.}, whichever is the earlier, check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Every three months, check the level of cool ant in the radiator header tank, if necessary, top-up with the correct anti-freeze/water mixture.
Essential Maintenance
* Air i nje~tion pump
Check belt tension and reset if necessary.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation: rectify if necessary.
Top"Up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Change the engine oi I.
*Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge I ine
Ii Iler if necessary. Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporative loss control line; rectify any leaks.
*Ignition system
Check the i gn i ti on timing and reset if necessary.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Tighten the worm-drive clips of all coolant hoses.
Torque converter transmission
Check the fluid level and top'i.lp ii necessary.
Hydraulic reservoirs (see Page E18 -1)
Monthly, check the level in the reservoirs for the brakinq and a1,1tomatic level Ii ng systems; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level. Top-up if necessary to the indicated level. If frequent topping-up is required check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
Lamp units
Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
Weekly, check the tyre pressures; adjust if necessary. Also check the spare wheel tyre pressure; adjust if necessary. Check the tread depth of all tyres and inspect the tyres for signs of damage.
Windscreen washer reservoir
Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Steering pump
Check the o i I I eve I in the reserve i r and top-up if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory perform;:ince.
6 000 miles (10 000 km.) or 6 months service whichever is earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter •
E18 -3
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new Ii n i ngs if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dusJ excl uders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check al I fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Contro I Ii nkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold c1nd adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I fi I ter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify as necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts c1nd reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Mc1nually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct c1s necessc1ry.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
12 500 miles (20 000 km.) or 12 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke last-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the r;;bber covers on the bal I joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips filled to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
E18 -4
© co
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with c1pproved grec1se.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect all the tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
18 500 miles (30 000 km.) or 18 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fil a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with disti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of thB dust excl uders on the ca Ii pers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer shou Id report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top~p the oil level in the air valve dc1mpers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are co Id and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
25 000 miles (40 000 km.) or 2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top'1..lp the oi I level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat.
Fit a new heater tap feed hose, ensuring that the flow of cool ant through the hose wi I I not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment. Check the condition of all coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
E18 ·5
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; lit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condition ol the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring thc1t the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check for correct operation of the vacuum advance mechanism (other than cars destined for California).
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Prope Iler shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal couplings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessmy.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene sea 1 s for damc1ge, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the pc1rking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Deal er should report any defects to the Owner.
Preventive Maintenance
Control Ii nkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve Ii nkage bal I joints.
Clean, grec1se and refit the ball joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease. Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints
"nd covers.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bo It mechanism.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E18 - 1)
Cars prior to car serial number 50001.
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fill the hydraulic systems with new approved brake fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
E18 -6
31 000 miles (50 service whichever
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Chack the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top"1p with disti lied water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts, reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections: the
Dealer should report any defects to the O~ner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct asnecessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-<..1p the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
E lectri ca I system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
37 500
000 km.) or 2% years is the earlier
(60 000 km.) or 3 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air fi I ter element.
Top"1p the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the f I oat chamber depress ion and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rec! i fy if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the p.ipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fil new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricale the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with disti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect a 11 brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
S'teering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples. lnspecl lhe rubber covers on the ball joints, if tt1e covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
E18 -7
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene sea Is for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a tew drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range se I ector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps, and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-1Jp the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear.range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior I amps, exterior I amps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
43 500 miles (70 000 km.) or 3112 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary top-1Jp with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of a 11 driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the foot brake and parking brake pad Ii n i ngs, fit new I inings if necessary. When changing footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers, renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
50 000 miles (80 000 km.) or 4 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and res~t if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixtu,e weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
E18 ·8
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat.
Fit a new heater tap feed hose, ensuring that the flow of cool ant through the hose wi II not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment. Check the condition of all coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust gas recirculation system
Remove and clean the E.G.R. valve(s) and feed pipes. Clean the E.G.R. orifices in the carburetter
• tee' piece. Check the E.G.R. valve(s) for correct operation.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check for correct operation of the vacuum advance mechanism (other than cars destined for California).
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distil led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E18 - 1)
Cars prior to car serial number 50001
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fill the hydraulic systems with new approved brake fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Car serial number 50001 and onwards
Completely drain the oi I from the hydraulic circuits. Thorough I y clean the mi nera I oi I reservoirs ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems.
Fi 11 the systems with new approved hydraulic system mineral oi I. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease n i pp I e f i l ted to the uni versa I joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer uni versa I couplings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness. lnspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii n kage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage ball joints.
Clean, grease and refit the ball joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease •
E18 -9
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of a 11 tyres, inspect a 11 tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from radiator and engine crankcase. Fill with the correct anti-freeze mixture.
Ensure that the flow of coolant through the heater tap feed hose wi 11 not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment.
Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose. This should be carried out just prior to the autumn.
Body drain holes
Check that the body drain holes are unobstructed.
Air conditioning system
Check that the foam filter element(s} fitted to the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction.
Refrigeration system
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify if necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 50 000 miles (80 000 km.)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following additional service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Examine the sub.frame to brake caliper hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Fit new accumulator to frame hOses.
Every 100 000 miles (160 000 km.)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following additional service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Fit all new flexible hoses to the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve.
Fuel system
Examine all flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
Every 2 years
In addition to 12 monthly seasonal schedule, carry out the following operation.
Engine cooling system
When the coolant has been drained thoroughly reverse flush the coolant passages with a continuous flow of water. Fit new hoses where necessary.
Service Recommendations
For convenience this service work may be carried out at the brake pad renewa I nearest to the specified mileage.
E18 • 10
Section E19 rri1
1979 Australian specification
(except Phantom VI)
.0 a,
~ a,
0 a:
0 a:
Essential Service
Cars prior to 50001
50001 and onwards
Cars prior to 50001
50001 and onwards
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
60 000
70 000
80 000
80 000
80 000
160 000
5 000
5 000
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
40 000
50 000
3 000
Time (Hrs)
3 000
6 000
12 000
18 000
24 000
24 000
30 000
36 000
42 000
48 000 10.5
48 000 9.25
48 000 5.5
96 000 17.0
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
3.5 Preventive.
+ 3.25 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
5.0 Preventive.
4.75 Preventive.
<O a,
,: w
The hydraulic systems are
IJed with either brake fluid or hydraulic system minera I oi
These fluids are not miscible and must only be used
their respective systems. Therefore. use extreme care when carrying out any work on hydraulic systems especially when adjusting the levels in the reservoirs.
Brake fluid
Cars prior to car serial number 50001
The hydraulic systems of these cars are filled with Castro! RR363 brake fluid. The brake fluid is amber in colour. i
0 a:
:· H y,d _ system mln~ra .
1 oil
: ~ : ii .
se;;al · n:Umber : 50001 and onwards
... :
·, The hydrau _ o.r these cars are fil.led'
with Cas:tr ti i hydriulic sys teiTnnineml oil. The
·· mi _ oil i'~
: .
~qmp~;n ' ents
wi thln thi , s $YSt:em · that are
su-sc~phti "
te to contaminatiQfi by conv.eptional br-a~e flu ' id are colo .
ur · codetl gr.een.
not interchange components
Before fitting any seals,
pipes, etc .. always
that they are suitable for the type of
system fitted to the
E19 - 1
Section E19
Cars built to the 1979
Austra I ian specification
(except Phantom VI)
Essential Maintenance
The schedules listed under this heading are the minimum maintenance requirements necessary to comply with the Rolls-Royce New Car Warranty and the Australian Emission Regulations.
Preventive Maintenance
These schedules are aimed at securing the maximum Ii fe and efficiency for the car ana should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Owners are advised to consult a Franchise holder or the Service Voucher Book concerning important additional preventive maintenance.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner shou Id er.sure that the following schedules listed under the heading Regular
Maintenance are carried out.
Regular Maintenance
Monthly, check the oi I level in the reservoir of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up ii necessary.
Weeki y or every 800 kilometres ( 500 mi I es). whichever is the earlier check the oi I level by means of the diP,stick; top-up if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank. if necessary, top-up with the correct anti -freeze/water mixture.
Hydraulic reservoirs (see Page E19 - 1)
Month I y, check the level in the reservoirs for the braking and automatic levelling systems; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level. Top-up if necessary to the indicated level. If frequent topping-up is required check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
Lamp units
Weekly. check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
Weekly, check the tyre pressures; adjust if necessary. Also check the spare wheel tyre pressure; adjust 1f necessary. Check the tread depth of al I tyres and inspect the tyres for signs of damage.
Windscreen washer reservoir
Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
Initial 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months service whichever is the earlier
Items marked* will be carried out free of charge.
Essential Maintenance
* Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Change the engine oi I.
Fue I evaporative emission control system
Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line tilter if necessc1ry. Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporative loss control I ine; rectify any leaks.
*Ignition system
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Tighten the worm-drive clips of all coolant hoses.
Torque converter transmission
Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Steering pump
Check the oil level in lhe reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) or 6 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I filter.
E19 • 3
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with disti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check c?.11 fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control Ii nkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al 1 tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and c1djust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles} service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element. or 12 months
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Che~k the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary. ·
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify as necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring thc1t the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the I evel of the electro I yte and if necessary top-up with disti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad Ii n ings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found lo be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
E19 4
C ti!
C w
Preventive Maintenance
Control Ii nkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
I inkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all the tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures, when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
E lectrica I system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake I inkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
30 000 kilometres (18 000 miles) or 18 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I ini ngs; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excl uders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check al I fluid levels and correct as necessary.
40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air fi Iler element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow th rough the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel fi Iler housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
E19 • 5
Change the engine oi I. Fi I a new oi I fi I ter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose, ensuring that the flow of coolant through the hose wi 11 not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment. Check the condition of al I coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set.
Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I.
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the I eve I of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report any defects to the
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bait joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E19 -1)
Cars prior to Car Serial Number 50001
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fi 11 the hydraulic systems with new approved brake fluid.
Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the uni versa I joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal couplings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rac:k and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior I amps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Fuel tank
On Silver Shadow II, Silver Wraith II and Bentley T2 cars, slacken the drain plug one or two turns and al low any accumulated water to drain away.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage ball joint.
Clean, grease and refit the bal I joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt mechanism.
E19 - 6
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
60 000 kilometres (36 000 miles) or 3 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump .
Check the belt tension and reset If necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
50 000 kilometres (30 000 miles) or 2% years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Engine . . .
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Top-up the oi I I eve I in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the id I
speed and reel i fy if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts, reset if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the chOke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I filter.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings, fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system .
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle.
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Control I inkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage . .
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys 1n the parking brake system with approved grease.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake ~ad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report any defects to the
Check the tread depth or al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
E19 - 7
Steering ba 11 joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the ru9ber covers on the ball ioints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
70 000 kilometres (42 000 miles) or 3% years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad Ii ni ngs, fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers, renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check al I fluid levels and correct as necessary.
E19 8
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspeq all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
In cl ude the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles) or 4 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary. injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items. silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine o i I. Fit a new oi I fi I ter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose, ensuring that the flow of coolant through the hose will not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment. Check the condition of all coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust gas recirculation system
Remove and clean the E.G.R. valves and feed pipes.
Clean the E.G.R. orifices in the carburetter 'tee· piece. Check the E.G.R. valves for correct operation.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air fi I ter element to the evaporative I oss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking p I ugs ensuring th at the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism wHh engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E19 • 1)
Cars prior to car serial number 50001.
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fi 11 the hydraulic systems with new approved brake fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Car serial number 50001 and onwards
Completely drain the oi I from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the mineral oi I reservoirs ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems.
Fi 11 the systems with new approved hydraulic system mineral oil. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal coup Ii ngs with approved grease.
Steering ba 11 joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Inspect the foot brake and parking brake pad Ii n i ngs; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report
defects to the
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Fuel pumps
On Silver Shadow II, Silver Wraith II and Bentley T2 cars, remove the fuel pumps and test for pumping efficiency, fit new pumps if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector contro Is adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Fuel tank
On Silver Shadow II, Silver Wraith II and Bentley T2 cars, slack en the drain p I ug one or two turns and allow any accumulated water to drain
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage ball joints.
Clean, grease and refit the ball joints.
E19 • 9
Farking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier I oweri ng bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Service Recommendations
For convenience these services may be carried out at the brake pad renewal nearest to the specified mileage.
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles}
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the fol lowing servicing is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Examine the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from radiator and engine crankcase. Fi II with the correct anti-freeze mixture.
Ensure that the flow of coolant through the heater tap feed hose wi 11 not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment.
Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose. This should be carried out just prior to the autumn.
Body drain holes
Check that the body drain holes are unobstructed.
Air conditioning system
Check that the foam filter element(s) fitted to the scuttle intake gri I le is free from obstruction.
Refrigeration system
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify if necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 2 years
In addition to 12 monthly seasonal schedule, carry out the following operation.
Engine cooling system
When the cool ant has been drained, thorough I y reverse flush the coolant passages with a continuous flow of water. Fit new hoses where necessary.
E19 - 10
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles}
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Fit all new flexible hOses to the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve.
Fuel system
Fit a new convoluted rubber hose between the fuel filler head and fuel tank assembly.
Examine all flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
Section E20
Cars built to the
1979 Japanese specification
(except Phantom VI)
C, t--
Q) u.
Essential Service
5 000
5 000
10 000
<fj t--
~ a,
0 a:
0 cc
Cars prior to 50001
50001 and onwards
Cars prior to 50001
50001 and onwards
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
80 000
80 000
80 000
160 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
40 000
50 000
60 000
70 000
(Miles) Time (Hrs)
3 000 2.0
3 000
6 000
12 000
18 000
24 000
24 000
30 000
36 000
42 000
7 .00
48 000 11.5
48 000 10.25
3.0 Preventive.
+2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
+3.5 Preventive.
+3.25 Preventive.
+3.0 Preventive.
+2.0 Preventive.
+3.0 Preventive.
+ 5.0 Preventive.
+ 4.75 Preventive.
48 000 5.5
96 000 17.0
The hydraulic systems are filled with either brake fluid or hydraulic system mineral oi
These fluids are not miscible and must only be used in their respective systems. Therefore, use extreme care when carrying out any work on hydraulic systems especially when adjusting the levels in the reservoirs.
Cars prior to car serial number 50001
The hydraulic systems of these cars are filled with Castrol RR363 brake fluid. The brake fluid is amber in colour .
@.I . Hydrat.ilfo
~ystem miner-~!
oi I
., Ca.t
seJia I -
. and onwards
,·, .
· :··
hyclrau]Jc :
· sy-st~~is ·
of these cars
fi 11 ed
ta · i,trot: hy .
drau I l c sys .
leri1 mi nera I oi I. The min~ra( pll ls g~een in colour. Hydraulic
~iiimpq _ ·
this system that are
to contamination .
conventional bi'a _ fhiid
0 · col0ur coded green · .
not interchange components
Before fitting
any seals, hoses, pipes, etc .•
that they are
suitable for
the type of hydraulic system fitted to
the car.
E20 1
Cars built to the 1979
Japanese specification
(except Phantom VI)
C: w
Essential Ma i ntenance
Th e sc hedules li ste d und er t h i s heading are the min i mu m maint enanc e require me n ts n ec essary t o co mply wil h the l=lol l s-Roy c e N ew C nr Warr an t y a n d the Japa ne s P Em iss ion Regu lati< HIS .
Initial 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months service whichever is the earlier
Items marked
w i II be carried out free of charge. in tO
· ~
0 ct
1/1 i
These ma onl hol m s y be der por ce V ditional p
Regular Maintenanc
The sch
Ma xi e in i ve Maintenance chedu mum ca
O ta w o nt n r e rs dules tenan l l a es rried the Serv ad r l ife are shou adv isted ce a nd re ou i are effi t i a s a r i me cienc t the ed ouch ev e ld ensu c un d arr e r en re ied
Regular Maintenance to d y e at req co th s for u ns r Bo tive at e st ult th the headi o u t. ec th o k mai e uring e car of f n th a Fr con te anc cern na ollow ng Reg e the and
O shoul wner. h nce. ing ular i is n e g d
M o n t hly, ch ec k th e oil l e v el in the r eser voir o f the au tomatic a i r v alv e d a mpers; t op-up if ne cessa ry.
Week ly or e ve r y 800 kil ome tr es (50 0 m i les ), w h i ch e ver is t h e ea rlie r c h eck the oil level by m eans of th e dips t i ck; t op-up if ne cessary .
Engine cooling syst em
Every t h ree mon th s , c h eck th e level of coo l ant i n the rad iator h eade r tank , it ne c ess ar y, top -up wi t h t he co rr ect a nt i free ze/ w a t er m ixtur e.
Hydrauli c reservoirs (see Page E20 · 1)
Month ly, che c k th e leve l in the rese rv o ir s fo r th e br a ki ng and auto m a tic l eve lli n g syst e ms : t1 1e eng i ne shou ld be run for 4 min utes be fore checki ng the flui d level. Top up if nece s sary t o the i nd i ca t ed l e vel. If freq u ent t opp in g u p i s r equ i r ed ch eck the hydr a u li c sys t e ms for lea ks an d rec ti fy i f ne ces s ary .
Es s entia l Maintenance
*A i r injection pu mp
Ch e c k the belt ten sion and re se t if nece ssary .
*Automat ic choke
Chec k the a i r flo w thro ugh the choke s t o ve pip e a n d ch eck for co rrect o perat i o n; rec tify i f n ecess ary.
T op-u p t he o i l iev e l i n the air v a lv e dampers .
C heck t he f l o a t cha mber d ep r es sion and rectify i f ne ces sa ry. Check the id le s pee d an d re c t i fy if n ecess a r y. Ch eek th e c ho ke f a st-id l e speed a nd re ctify i f nec es sar y.
Eng i ne
C hang e the e ngine oil.
* Fuel e v ap o r a tive em iss ion contr o l s ystem
C he ck t he p urg e flo w r at e; fit a new pu rge li ne f i I ter i I necessa ry. P ressure t es t t h e f u e I t a nk and e vaporat ive l os s con trol l i ne; rec tify an y l ea ks.
*Ignition system
C heck t he i gn ition ti m in g a nd r ese t if nece ss a ry .
Be l t tension
C heck t he ten si on o f all dr iv i ng belt s; rese t if n e cess a r y .
Engine cooling system
T ighte n the w orm -drive c lips o f al I co olant hoses.
Torque c onverter transmission
C h e ck t h e fluid leve l an d to p-up if nec essary.
Prevent! ve Ma i ntenance
Steer i ng pump
Ch e ck the o il l e vel i n t h e res er v oir a nd top-u p if nec es sary.
Ro ad t es t the c a r f or satis f a ctory perfor mance .
Lamp units
W e eki y, check the I am p bu I bs to r c o rr ec t op e r a tio n and repl ace an y fau l ty b ulb s .
W e e kly , c h eck the t yr e pres sures : ,1d1 us t ,I nece ssa ry. A l s o che c k the spare w h ee l :i,re p re ssure ; a d jus t it n ecess ary. C ll ec !s th e tren d dep th o r a ll tyr es a nd insp ec t tt'le tyre s f c, r sr gns of da m age .
Windscreen washer reserv oi r
Weekl y, ch eck the flu id level ; top-up i f n ec ess ary .
1 O 000 kilometres (6 000 m i tes) or 6 months servic e whichev e r is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Eng i ne
Ch ange the engin e o i l. Fit a n ew oi l filt er.
E20 - 3
e·xhaust system
Check 9rass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad
I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top~p the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Pari<ing brake I inkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) or 12 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and reel i fy if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 m,1. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshiel ds and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify as necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of a 11 driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
E20 - 4
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
C w
C ct
~ u
0 cc
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake I inkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I the tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
I nc1 ude the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
30 000 kilometres (18 000 miles) or 18 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust system
Check grass-ti re heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatsh ields and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manual 1y adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control Ii nkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii nkage c1nd to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior I amps, instruments. warning I amps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake I inkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the fi lier cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top~p the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
E20 - 5
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose, ensuring that the flow of coolant through the hOse will not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment. Check the condition of all coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Check grass-ti re heatshiel ds for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure lhat a mini mum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.} is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate: fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Final drive unit
Change the oi 1.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E20 - 1)
Cars prior to car serial number 50001.
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter enters the syslems. Fill the hydraulic systems with new approved brake fluid. 8leed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joinl at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear whee I dri ve·shaft outer universal couplings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set.
Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings} and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil.
Check the ignition liming and reset if necessary.
Check the I eve I of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad Ii ni ngs; fit new linings if necessary. When changing lhe footbrake pads examine the condilion of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections: the
Franchise holder should report c:my defects to the
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Fuel tank
On Silver Shadow II, Silver Wraith II and Bentley T2 cars, slacken the drain plug one or two turns and allow any accumulated water to drain away.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve I inkage bal I joints.
Clean, grease and refit the bal I joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivol pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt mechanism.
E20 • 6
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Inc I ude the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
50 000 kilometres (30 000 miles) or 2% years service whichever is the earlier
60 000 kilometres (36 000 miles) or 3 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained betw~en the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of a 11 driving belts, reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings, fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder shou Id report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a mi nirnum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained oetween the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oi I level in the air valve dampers.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubri ca le the di stri bu tor sp ind I e
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
E20 - 7
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new Unings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect alt brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check al I fluid levels cind correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to. be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease n i pp I es.
Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter trans miss ion
Change the transmission fluid.
70 000 kilometres (42 000 miles) or 3Y2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Check the I eve I of the electro I yte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
1 n spect the foot brake and parking brake pad Ii n ings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers, renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report any defects to the
Flu id levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning I amps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector contra Is adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
E20 - 6
a, -
OI) ....
80 000 kilometres ( 48 000 miles) or 4 years service whichever
the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through· the choke stove pipe and check for correct opera Ii on; rectify if necessary.
Clean lhe air valves. Remove the fi Iler cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oi I IP.vel in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose, ensuring that the flow of coolant through the hose wil I not be reslricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment. Check the condition of al I coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust gas recirculation system
Remove and clean the E.G.R. valves and feed pipes.
Clean the E.G.R. orifices in the carburetter 'tee' piece. Check the E.G.R. valves for correct operation.
Exhaust manifolds
Check lhe torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Fit new catalytic converter assemblies. Inspect the condition of the thermocouple and wiring in each catalylic converter, renew if there is visual evidence of damage.
Check grass-ti re heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporalive loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line tilter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; reclify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set.
Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil.
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check th'e level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise holder should report any defects to the
Final drive unit
Change the oi I.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damage fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E20 - 1)
Cars prior to car serial number 50001.
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fi 11 the hydraulic systems with new approved brake fluid. Bleed the brakes and height conlrol systems.
Car serial number 50001 and onwards.
Completely drai.n the oil from the hydraulic ci rcu i Is. Thoroughly clean the mi nera I oi I reservoirs ensuring that r.o foreign matter enters the systems.
Fi 11 the sys I ems with new approved hydraulic system mineral oi I. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal couplings with approved grease.
E20 - 9
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector contro Is adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Fuel tank
On Silver Shadow II, Silver Wraith II and 9entley T2 cars slacken the drain plug one or two turns and allow any accumulated water to drain away.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage ball ioints.
Clean, grease and refit the ball joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from radiator and engine crankcase. Fi 11 with the correct anti-freeze mixture.
Ensure that the flow of coolant through the heater tap feed hose wi 11 not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment.
Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose. This should be carried out just prior to the autumn.
Body drain holes
Check that the body drain holes are unobstructed.
Air conditioning system
Check that the foam fi I ter element(s) fitted to the scuttle intake g·ri I le is free from obstruction.
Refrigeration system
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify if necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 2 years ln addition to 12 monthly seasonal schedule, carry out the fol lowing operation.
Engine cooling system
When the coolant has been drained, thoroughly reverse flush the coolant passages with a continuous flow of water. Fit new hoses where necessary.
Service Recommendations
For convenience these services may be carried out at the brake pad renewal nearest to the specified mileage.
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the fol lowing servicing is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Examine the sub-frame to brake ca Ii per hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary. accumulator to frame hoses.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Fit all new flexible hoses to the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve.
Fuel system
Fit a new convoluted rubber hose between the fuel fi 11 er head and fuel tank assembly.
Examine all flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
E20 - 10
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Section E21
Corniche and Camargue cars other than those built to the
Australian, Japanese and
North American specifications
From car serial number 50001 to the introduction of the
17 digit vehicle identification number
Service Schedule
Interval (l<m)
5 000 Initial
3 000
Time (Hrs}
5 000 Every 3 000 0.5
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
·c· so
000 'A'
6 000
12 000
18 000
24 000
30 000
60 000 '8' 36 000 10.0
70 000
80 000
42 000
48 000
After the 60 000 km. ( 48 000 mi I es) service schedule, carry out the respective service at
10 000 km. (6 000 mi I e) intervals.
Additional Service Items
12 months 'SA' 1.0
12 months 'SB'
2 years 2.0
80 000 'HA' 48 000 5.5
160 000 'HB' 96 000 17.0
If replacing brake pads. drl ve belts, bal I Joints, or other items as a result of a service inspection, add Manhour Schedule time.
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Section E21
Corniche and Camargue cars other than those built to the
Australian, Japanese and
North American specifications
system mineral oil
Car se,ial number 50001 and onwards
The hydrau Ii c systems of these cars are filled with Castrol hydraulic system mineral oil. The mineral oil is green in colour. Hydraulic components within this system ar~ susceptible to contamination by conventional brake fluid.
Before fitting any seals. hoses, pipes , etc. always ensure that they are suitable for this type of hydraulic system
Certain items in these service schedules are marked with an asterisk (''). The servicing for these items should be carried out at the periods specified in order to comply with the Rolls-Royce New Car
Warranty. during the Warranty period.
In order . to comply with the relevant Emission
Control Regulations items marked thus {t) must be carried out during the entire service life of the vehicle.
Regular Maintenance
1. Engine: Weeki y or every 800 kilometres (500 miles) whichever is the earlier, check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
2. Lamp units: Wee .
kly, check the lamp bulbs
correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
3. Tyre pressures: Weekly, check the tyre pressures including the spare; adjust if necessary.
4. Windscreen washer reservoir: Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
5. Hydraulic reservoirs: Monthly, check the level of hydrau Ii c system mineral o i I in the reservoirs; the engine should be run for four minutes before checking the level. Top-up if necessary to the indicated level.
6. Engine cooling system: Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank; if necessary, top-up with the correct antifreeze/water mixture.
'I' Service Schedule· Initial 5
miles) or 3 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Engine: Change engine oil.
• 2. Engine cooling system: Tighten the worm drive securing clips of all coolant hoses.
~ 3. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up if necessary.
4. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and alternator driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
5. Steering pump: Check the fluid level of the steering pump reservoir; top·up if necessary.
6. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
kilometres (3
miles) or 3 months whichever
the earlier
1. Engine: If the car is used for constant stop/ start operation, change the engine lubricating oi 1.
E21 • 1
'A' Service Schedule - Every 10 000 kilometres
(6 000 miles) or 6 months whichever is the earlier
• 1. Battery: Check the electrolyte I eve I; top•up with distilled water if necessary.
• 2. Brakes: Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary. When renewing the pads, examine the caliper dust excluders and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
* 3. Engine: Change the engine oil and fit a new oil filter element.
• 4. Torque converter transmission: Check the fluid level with the engine running and top-up necessary. if
5. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the coolant pump, steering pump and ref_ri gerati on compressor and al tern a tor d riving belts; adJust or replace as necessary.
6. Control linkages: Lubricate the accelerator
I in kage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oi I.
. 7._ Electrical sy~tem: Check all exterior lamps,
1ntenor lamps, warnmg lamps and devices and instruments for correct operation; rectify as necessary. t 8. Ignition timing and idle speeds: Check the ignition timing with a stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
Check the engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust if necessary.
9. Parking brake I inkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with the approved grease.
10. Levels and pressures: Check the fluid level of the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct as necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the levels of the hydraulic system reservoirs; top-up if necessary using recommended hydrau I ic system mineral oil.
Check and adjust all tyre pressures; also check tyre tread depth and tyre condition. Report any defects to the Owner.
11. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
'8' Service Schedule - Every 20 000 kilometres
(12 000 miles)
12 months whichever is the earlier
• t 1. Air filter/silencer: Fit a new filter element.
• 2. Battery: Check the electrolyte level; top-up with distilled water if necessary.
• 3. Brakes: Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new pads if necessary. When renewing brake pads, examine the caliper dust excl uders and renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake caliper mechanism.
Inspect pipes and connections. Report any defects to the Owner.
• 4. Engine: Change engine oil and fit a new oil filter.
• t 5. Engine breather system: Remove and clean the gauze flame trap in the crankcase breather tube, also clean the breather connection in the air filter housing on the carburetter.
• 6. Final drive unit: Check the oil level; top-up if necessary.
* 7. Front suspension: Inspect the front suspension ba 11 joint rubber covers; if the covers are damaged. fit new joints and covers.
• 8. Ignition system: Lubricate the distributor spindle {shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with clean engine oi I.
Fit new sparking plugs.
*t'9. Ignition timing and idle speeds: Check the ignition timing with a stroboscope and adjust if necessary.
Check the engine idle speed and choke idle speed; adjust if necessary.
Ensure exhaust emissions comply with E.C.E.
Regulation 15, if applicable.
• 10. Steering ball joints: Lubricate the steering ball joints at the four grease points. Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints; if the covers are damaged the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
• 11. Steering rack and pin ion assembly: Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals on the rack and pinion unit and check the seal clips for tightness; if the seals are damaged new seals should be fitted.
• 12. Torque converter transmission: Change transmission fluid.
13. Belts and belt tension: Check the condition and tension of the coolant pump, steering pump and refrigeration compressor and alternator driving belts; adjust or replace as necessary.
14. Control I inkages: Lubricate the accelerator
I inkage and the gear range selector controls
(adjacent to the transmission casing) with engine oil.
15. Electrical system: Check al I exterior lamps, interior lamps, warning lamps and devices and instruments for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
16. Parking brake linkage: Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys with approved grease.
17. Spare wheel carrier: Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
18. Levels and pressures: Check the fluid level of the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coo I ant; correct if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
E21 ·· 2
"' m
Run the engine for four minutes then check the levels of the hydraulic systems reservoirs; top-up if necessary using recommended hydraulic system mineral oil.
Check and adjust al I tyre pressures; also check tyre tread depth and condition of tyres. Report any defects to the Owner.
19. Test: Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
'C' Service Schedule - Every 40 000 kilometres
(24 000 miles) or 2 years whichever is the
In addition to the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedule carry out the following.
In the case of the Carburetters, Final drive unit, Torque converter transmission and Levels and pressures, servicing necessary is listed in this schedule therefore, the 20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) service schedule should not be consulted for these items,
• t 1. Carburetter: Remove and clean the f i I ter in the fuel inlet connection.
" 2. Engine cooling system: Fit a new thermostat.
Examine the condition of all hoses; fit new hoses as necessary. Fit new heater tap feed hose
(irrespective of visual appearance).
• 3. Final drive unit: Change the oil.
• 4. Torque converter transmission: Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Renew 'O' ring on intake pipe and fit a new seal to bore of intake strainer.
5. Fuel filter: Clean out the filter bowl and fit a new filter element.
6. Fuel pumps: Remove pumps and test fuel pump efficiency; fit new pumps if necessary.
7. Fuel tank: Release the fuel tank drain plug and allow any accumulated water to drain away; fit the drain plug.
8. Height control mechanism: Disconnect, clean and lubricate the height control valve ball joints; connect the ball joints.
9. Propeller shaft: Lubricate the universal joints at each end of the shaft with approved grease.
10. Rear wheel drive-shafts: Lubricate the outer universal joints with approved grease •
11. Levels and pressures: Check the fluid level in the steering pump reservoir; top-up if necessary.
Check the level and specific gravity of the engine coolant; correct if necessary.
Check the fluid level in the windscreen washer reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Run the engine for four minutes then check the levels of the hydraulic system reservoirs;top-up if necessary using recommended hydraulic system mineral oil.
Check and adjust al I tyre pressures; also check tyre tread depth and tyre con di ti on. Report any defects to the Owner.
On Convertible cars, check the fluid level in the power operated hood mechanism reservoir with the hood in the fully down (open) position; top-up if necessary with approved fluid.
Additional Service Items
Every 12 months - 'SA' (Autumn) Service
Engine coo Ii ng system: Drain off the old coolant and fi 11 the system with fresh anti-freeze/water mixture.
Just prior to Autumn clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose.
Body drain holes: Ensure that the body drain holes are not obstructed.
Every 12 months •
(Spring) Service
Air conditioning system: Check that the foam filter element in the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction; fit new element(s) if necessary.
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation; rectify as necessary. Any work on the refridgeration system must only be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 2 years - 'SC' (Autumn) Service
Engine cooling system: Carry out the 12 months
'SA' (Autumn) Service procedure and also thoroughly reverse flush the cooling system. Examine coolant hoses and fit new hoses as necessary.
Only use hydraulic system mineral oi I components.
Under no circumstances should components for use with conventional brake fluid (RR363) be used for replacements.
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 mites) or 4 years
- 'HA' Service
Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit new accumulator to frame hoses. Examine the condition of the subframe to brake caliper hoses; fit new hoses where necessary. Drain off the hydraulic system mineral oil; clean out the hydraulic reservoirs. Fill the systems with fresh hydraulic system mineral oil and bleed the systems.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 mile.s) or 8 years
• 'HB' Service ·
Brake and hydraulic systems: Fit all new flexible hoses to the brake and hydrau! ic systems. Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure I imiting valve.
Drain off the hydraulic system mineral oil; clean out the reservoirs. Fi II the systems with fresh hydraulic system mineral oi ! and bleed the systems.
E21 - 3
Fuel system: Fit a new convoluted hose between the fi Iler head and the fuel tank. Examine all flexible fuel pipes, renew any that show signs of deterioration.
E21 - 4
Section E22
Ca rs built to the
(except Phantom VI)
$! j
0 a: i2
0 a:
0 co ...
Essential Service
Cars prior to 50001
50001 and onwards
Cars prior to 50001
50001 and onwards
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
60 000
70 000
80 000
80 000
80 000
160 000
5 000
5 000
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
40 000
50 000
(Miles) Time (Hrs)
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 000
18 000
24 000
24 000
30 000
36 000
42 000
48 000
48 000
48 000 5.5
96 000 17.0
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
3.5 Preventive.
3.25 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
5.0 Preventive.
4.75 Preventive.
The hydraulic systems are filled with either brake fluid or hydraulic system mineral oil. These fluids are not miscible and must only be used in their respective systems. Therefore, use extreme care when carrying out any work on hydraulic systems especially when adjusting the levels in the
Cars prior to car serial number 50001
The hydraulic systems of these cars are filled with Castrol RR363 brake fluid. The brake fluid is amber in colour.
Hydraulic system mineral oil
Car serial number 50001 and onwards
The hydraulic systems of these cars are filled with Castrol hydraulic system mineral oil. The mineral oil is green in colour. Hydraulic components within this system that are susceptible to contamination by conventional brake fluid are colour coded green.
Do not interchange components
fitting any
hoses, pipes, etc.,
that they
for the type of
hydraulic system
fitted to the
E22 - 2
Section E22
Cars bu i It to the 1980
Australian specification
(except Phantom VI)
Essential Maintenance
The schedules listed under this heading are the mini mum maintenance requ i rem en ts necessary to comply with the Rolls-Royce New Car Warranty and the Australian Emission Regulations.
Preventive Maintenance
These schedules are aimed at securing the maximum life and efficiency for the car and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Owners are advised to consult a Franchise
Holder or the Service Voucher Book concerning important addition al preventive maintenance.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner should ensure that the following schedules I isled under the heading Regular
Maintenance are carried out.
Regular Maintenance
Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoir of the automatic air vc1lve dampers; top-up if necessary.
Weekly or every 800 kilometres (500 miles), which ever is the earlier check the o i I I eve I by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Every three months, check the I eve I of coolant in the radiator header tank, if necessary, top-up with the correct anti-freeze/water mixture or inhibited solution.
Hydraulic reservoirs (see Page E22 - 2)
Monthly, check the level in. the reservoirs for the braking and automatic levelling systems; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level. Top-up if necessary to the indicated lever. If frequent topping-up is required check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
Lamp units
Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
Weekly, check the tyre pressures; adjust if necessary. Also check the spare wheel tyre pressure; adjust if necessary. Check the tread depth of al I tyres and inspect the tyres for signs of damage.
Windscreen washer reservoir
Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
Initial 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or 3 months service whichever is the earlier
Items marked* will be carried out free of charge.
Essential Maintenance
*Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
* Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
* Carburetters
Top-up the oil level in the air vc1lve dampers.
Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Change the engine oi I.
*Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporntive loss control line; rectify any leaks.
*Ignition system
Check the ignition timing c1nd reset if necessary.
Check the enQine idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Tighten the worm-drive clips of all coolant hoses.
Torque converter transmission
Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Steering pump
Check the oi I I eve I in the reservoir and top·up if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) or 6 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I filter.
E22 - 3
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the foot brake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise Holder shOuld report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning I amps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) or 12 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the be It tension and reset i I necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-up the oi I level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-i die speed and rectify if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butter! I y housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify as necessary. l!)nition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check the engine idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessc1ry top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise Holder should report any defects to the the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check al I fluid I eve Is and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints shOuld be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission flu id.
E22 - 4
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator
I ink age and to the gear ran9e selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricc1te the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al 1 the tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures, when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car tor satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air vc1lve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricc1te the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spc1re tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
30 000 kilometres (18 000 miles) or 18 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I fi 1 ter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the foot brake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manual I y adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and conneclions; the
Franchise Holder should reporl any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air fi Iler element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel fi lier housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fil a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
E22 - 5
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose, ensuring that the flow of coolant through the hose wi 11 not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment. Check the condition of al I coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust manifolds
Check torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit cl new air filler element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check tho purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condi1ion of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check the engine i die speed and rectify if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer uni versa I coup 1 i ngs with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pir,ion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convo I u ted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the con vo I uted neoprene seals for damage, fit new sea Is if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrnke and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise Holder should report any defects to the
Final drive unit
Change the a i I.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I join I rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E22 - 2)
Cars prior to Car Serial Number 50001
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fill the hydraulic systems with new approved brake fluid.
Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior I amps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Fuel tank
On Silver Shadow II, Silver Wraith 11 and Bentley T2 cars, slacken the drain plug one or two turns and allow any accumulated water to drain away.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve I inkage ba1 I joint.
Clean, grease and refit the ball joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pul I eys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt mechanism.
E22 - 6
0 co
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjJst if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
60 000 kilometres (36 000 miles) or 3 years service whichever is the earlier
Essen ti a I Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessc1ry.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
50 O~O kilo.metres (30 000 miles) or service whichever 1s the earlier
21/i years
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Top-up the oi I level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts, reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad 1 i nings, fit new linings if necessary. When cha.iging the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise Holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oi I filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) c1nd automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check the engine idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control Ii nkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior I amps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricc1te the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Seit tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Brakes l~spect ~h: foot_brake and parking brake pad linings: fit new linings 1f necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise Holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
E22 - 7
Steering ba 11 joints
Lubricate t:1e four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transml ssion flu id.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the c1ccelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps. exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Car bu n~tters
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control I inkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission cc1sing.
Electrical system
Check al1 interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake I inkage
Lubricale the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake systeni with approved grease.
Check the tread dep\h of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
In cl ude the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
70 000 kilometres (42 000 miles) or 31/i years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings, fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the du st excluders on the calipers, renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect at I brake pipes and connecli ons; lhe
Franchise Holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
E22 - 8
80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles) or 4 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean lhe gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fil a new oil filter.
C g en
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose, ensuring that the flow of coolant through the hose wil I not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment. Check the condition of all coolant hOses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust gas recirculation system
Remove and clean the E.G.R. valves and feed pipes.
Clean the E.G.R. orifices in the carburetter 'tee' piece. Check the E.G.R. valves for correct operation.
Exhaust manifolds
Check torque tightness of the exhaust man if old bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bec1rings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check the engine idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessmy, top-up with disti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E22 - 2)
Cars prior to car serial number 50001.
Completely drain the fluid from the hydrau I ic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sl ght glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fi II the hydraulic systems with new approved brake fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Car seria I number 50001 and onwards
Completely drain the oil from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the mineral oil reservoirs ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems.
Fill the systems with new approved hydraulic system mineral oil. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate thEl grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer uni versa I coup I ings with approved grease.
Steering ba 11 joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly .
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise Holder should report any defects to the
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Fuel pumps
On Silver Shadow II, Silver Wraith II and Bentley T2 cars, remove the fuel pumps and test for pumping efficiency, fit new pumps if necessary.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Fuel tank
On Silver Shadow II, Silver Wraith II and Bentley T2 cars, slacken the drain plug one or two turns and allow any accumulated water to drain away.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve I inkage bal I joints.
Clean, grease and refit the ball joints.
E22 - 9
Farking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Service Recommendations
For convenience these services may be carried out at the brake pad renewal nearest to the specified mileage.
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following servicing is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Examine the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Fit new front and rear accumulator to frame hoses.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from radiator and engine crankcase. Fi 11 with the correct anti-freeze mixture.
Ensure that the flow of coolant through the heater tap feed hose wi 11 not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment.
Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose. This should be carried out just prior to the autumn.
Body drain holes
Check that the body drain holes are unobstructed.
Air conditioning system
Check that the foam filler element(s) fitted to the scuttle intake gri I le is free from obstruction.
Refrigeration system
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify if necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 2 years
In addition to 12 monthly seasonal schedule, carry out the fol lowing operation.
Engine cooling system
When the coolant has been drained, thoroughly reverse flush the coolant passages with a continuous flow of water. Fit new hoses where necessary.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles)
At this mileage under normal motoring condi lions it is recommended that the following service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Fit all new flexible hoses to the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure I imiting valve.
Fuel system
Fit a new convoluted rubber hose between the fuel fi Iler head and fuel tank assembly.
Examine al I flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
E22 • 10
Section E23
Cars built to the
1980 Japanese specification
(except Phantom VI)
Essential Service
0 a:,
0 cc:
Cars prior to 50001
50001 and onwards
Cars prior to 50001
50001 and onwards
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
5 000
5 000
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
40 000
50 000
60 000
70 000
80 000
80 000
80 000
160 000
0 a,
... a.
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 000
18 000
24 000
24 000
30 000
36 000
42 000
48 000
48 000
Time (Hrs)
48 000
96 000
+ 3.0 Preventive.
+2.0 Preventive.
+3.0 Preventive.
3.5 Preventive.
3.25 Preventive.
+3.0 Preventive.
+2.0 Preventive.
+3.0 Preventive.
+ 5.0 Preventive.
+4.75 Preventive.
The hydraulic systems are filled with either brake fluid or hydraulic system mineral oi
These fluids are not miscible and must only be used in their respective systems. Therefore, use extreme care when carrying out any work
hydraulic systems especially when adjusting the levels in the reservoirs.
Brake fluid
Cars prior to car serial number 50001
The hydraulic systems of these cars are fi 11
with Castro I RR363 brake fluid. The brake flu id is amber in colour .
. Hydraulic
sys~em · mineral oi I
Car ,
i number 50001 and onwards
. T~~ tiyd'(~ul i c ~Y.$ .
tems qf these c;a~$ ar-e fi 11 ed -
Castrot hy.d
raul ic syst.em mineral oi
: mirier:il
is :
green in
colour • . Hydrau.l
· :.
¢Ort1P.O'!'ler.i{s with .
in tliis system ttiat are
· ~u's_cepti,~
l .
e .ro t;:~n~c\i:ni r:iat .
i .
Gn . by ·, ej)n)ienffon .
a I
·: ~ ~~ k.e ~.!:~)f~r~ · co .
leur .. cl;lde~ .
Do not interchange components
Before fitting any
seals, hoses,
pipes, etc., always ensure
that they are suitable for the
type of hydraulic system fitted
the car.
E23- 2
Section E23
Cars built to the 1980
Japanese specification
(except Phantom VI)
0 ) i: w
0 r./) t-
Essential Maintenance
The schedules listed under this heading are the minimum maintenance requirements necessary to comply with the Rolls-Royce New Car Warranty and the Japariese Emission Regulations.
Initial 5 000 kilometres (3 000 miles) or months service whichever is the earlier
Items marked
* will be carried out free of charge.
Preventive Maintenance
These schedules are aimed at securing the maximum life and efficiency for the car and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Owners are advised to consu It a Franchise
Holder or the Service Voucher Book concerning important additional preventive maintenance.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner should ensure that the fol lowing schedules listed under the heading Regular
Maintenance are carried out.
Regular Maintenance
Monthly, check the oil level in the reservoir of the automatic air valve dampers; top-up if necessary.
Weekly or every 800 kilometres (500 miles), whichever is the earlier check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank, if necessary, top-up with the correct anti-freeze/water mixture.
Essential Maintenance
*Air injection pump
Check the belt tens ion and reset if necessary.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Top~p the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Change the engine oil.
*Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line ti I ter if necessary. Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporative loss control line; rectify any leaks.
*Ignition system
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the engine idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Tighten the worm-(jrive clips of all coolant hoses.
Torque converter transmission
Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
Hydraulic reservoirs (see Page E23 · 2)
Monthly, check the level in the reservoirs for the braking and automatic level Ii ng systems; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid I e vel. Top-up if necessary to the indicated level. If frequent topping-up is required check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
Lamp units
Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
Weekly, check the tyre pressures; adjust if necessary. Also check the spare wheel tyre pressure; adjust it necessary. Check the tread depth of al I tyres and inspect the tyres for signs of damage.
Windscreen washer reservoir
Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Steering pump
Check the oil level in the reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
10 000 kilometres (6 000 miles) or service whichever is the earlier
6 months
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
E23 - 3
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshiel ds and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top"{Jp with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of al I driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad
I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise Holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
C~eck all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top"{Jp the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning I amps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres. inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
20 000 kilometres (12 000 miles) or 12 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and reel i fy if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I Ii I ter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque lightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections; reel i fy as necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engir.e oi I. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check the engine idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Ch eek the tension of a 11 d riving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad Ii nings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise Holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct ii necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
Steering bait joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints shou Id be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
E23 - 4
"' w
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior I amps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake Ii nkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the sp·are wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I the tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Top~p the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control I inkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
I inkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior I amps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning I amps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
30 000 kilometres (18 000 miles) or 18 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with distil led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise Holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check al I 11 u id I eve Is and correct i 1 necessary.
40 000 kilometres (24 000 miles) or 2 years service whichever
the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and re~et if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top~p the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butter! I y housing.
E23 - 5
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fi I a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose, ensuring that the flow of coolant through the hose wi l I not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment. Check lhe condition of al I coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge Ii ne f i I ter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E23 - 2)
Cars prior to car serial number 50001.
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake f I u id reservoirs and sight glasses. ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fill the hydraulic systems with new approved brake fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal coup I ings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set.
Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil.
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the engine idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with dis ti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise Holder should report any defects to the
Final drive unit
Change the oi I.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubter covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Fuel tank
On Si Iver Shadow 11, Si Iver Wraith 11 and Bentley T2 cars, slacken the drain plug one or two turns and allow any accumulated water to drain away.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage ball joints.
Clean, grease and refit the ball joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt mechanism.
E23 - 6
't) .,
0 )
C: w
<( ci ui
C h eck the tread d ep t h of al I tyres , i nspec t al I ty re s fo r sign s of dam a ge, Ch e c k the tyre p ress ur es wh en they are co ld and adjus t i f nec essary .
In clud e t h e sp are tyre .
Roa d test th e car f o r sat i s f a c t or y perfo rm anc e.
Check the tre ad d e p th of a l l t yre s, insp ec t all tyr es for s ig ns of da ma ge. Check the tyr e pre s s ures w hen they ar e cold a nd ad ju st if necess ary .
N o te
Inc l ud e t he spare ty re .
Roa d tes t the c ar fo r satis f acto ry pe rfo r m an ce.
SO 000 kilometres (30 000 miles) or 2 % years service wh ic hever is the ear lier
60 000 kilomet re s (36 000 miles) or 3 years service whichever is the earlier
Essent ia l Maintenance
C h a nge th e e n gi ne oil. Fit a new oi I filter.
Essentia l Maintenance
ir injection pump
Check th e bel t tens i on and reset ii nec ess ary.
Air silencer
F it a new ai r fil ter e l e me n t.
Exhaust system
Check grass -fire h e ats h i elds f or dama ge . Re c tify or renew sh i e l d s to e n s ure t hat a m inimum c l earan ce of 5 mm . (0.2
0 i n.) is mai nt a i ned betw een the h eats hields an d exha ust pip es .
T op -up th e oil l evel in t h e a ir valve da mper s. Ch ec k the fl oat c h ambe r depres sion an d re ctify i f n eces sary. Ch eck th e idl e s peed and rectify if n ece ss ary. C heck t he cho ke fast -id l e sp eed and rec tif y if necessary.
Check th e l evel of th e el ec t ro l yte a nd if nec essarr y, to p -up wit h d is ti I led water.
Belt tension
Ch e ck t he tens ion of a ll dr iv in g belt s , rese t i f nec e ss ary.
Crank case emission control system
Clean the g auze fl a me trap s in th e crank case b re athe r tube, Cle a n the ad ap ter in th8 C hoke butt er f l y housing.
Insp ect t he footbra ka and par kin g brake pad linings, fit ne w l in i ngs if n ecess a ry . Wh e n chang i n g t h e foo tbr a k e pads exam ine th e condi tion of the dus t e xclude rs on t h e c ali pers; renew i f neces sary.
M an ually a dj us t t he pa rking br ake pa ds .
Inspect a ll brake pipes an d conn ection s ; t he
Franchise Hold er sh ould r eport any defec ts to t he
O wner.
Ch an ge th e eng i ne o i I. Fit a new o i I filter.
Exhau st manifolds
Ch eck t he torque tightness of th e exh a u st ma nifo ld b o l ts .
Exha ust system
Check g r ass fire he atsh i e l ds for damage. Rec tify or renew s hi e l ds to en su re th at a m inimum cle a ra nce of 5 m m. (0.
2 0 i n.
} is main tained between the heatshie lds a nd exha ust pip es .
F lui d levels
Ch eck all fluid l e ve l s an d cor rect if n ec essa ry.
Fuel evaporative emiss i on c ontrol
C heck t he c on dit ion of the p i pes a nd con ne c t i ons; r ec tify if necessa ry. Preventive Maintenance
Topup the oil lev e l in t h e a i r val ve da mpers .
Control linkages
A pp ly a few dr ops o f e n gine oil to the a c celerator
Ii nkage a n d t o t he ge ar r an g e se I ector contro I s a djacent to t he transm iss i on cas i ng .
Ign iti on system
Fit ne w sp arking p lugs e n su r ing that t h e ga ps are corr ec t ly set. Lubri cate t he dis tribut o r spi nd l e
( s ha f t bear in gs) an d auto matic adv a nce mecha n i sm wi t h engine oil. C h e ck the ign itio n ti mi ng and r eset if ne ce ss ary . C h ec k the en g in e idle sp e e d a nd re c t i f y if neces sa ry .
E l ectrical system
C heck al I interi o r lam ps , ext e rior lamp s , ins trumen ts, wa rning l amp s a nd devi ces fo r correct operation; rectify if n ec essa ry.
C h eck the lev el of th e e l ec trolyte a n d ii necess a ry , t opup with di s tilled wa t er.
Parking brake linkage
L ubrica te the pivot pi ns an d pull e :is in th e par king brake sy st em with approv e d gre a se .
Belt tens io n
C heck the tens io n o f a ll drivi ng be lt s and r es et if nece ssary .
E23 7
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise Holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check al I fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
Steering ba 11 joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
70 000 kilometres (42 000 miles) or 3% years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I filter.
Exhaust system
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect lhe footbrake and parking brake pad I inings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers, renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise Holder should report any defects to the
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pu 11 eys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation: rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
E23 - 8
80 000 kilometres ( 48 000 miles) or 4 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel Ii lter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission contrpf system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat. Fit a new heater tap feed hose, ensuring that the flow of coolant through the hose wi 11 not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment. Check the condition of all coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust gas recirculation system
Remove and clean the E.G.R. valves and feed pipes.
Clean the E.G.R. orifices in the carburetter 'tee' piece. Check the E.G.R. valves for correct operation.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Exhaust system
Fit new catalytic converter assemblies. Inspect the condition of the thermocouple and wiring in each catalytic converter, renew if there is visual evidence of damage.
Check grass-fire heatshields for damage. Rectify or renew shields to ensure that a minimum clearance of 5 mm. (0.20 in.) is maintained between the heatshields and exhaust pipes.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set.
Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and c1utomatic advance mechanism with engine oil.
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the engine id I e speed and rectify i I necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte c1nd if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the foot brake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Franchise Holder should report any defects to the
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Fluid levels
Check al I fluid levels and correct if necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damage fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E23 2)
Cars prior to car serial number 50001.
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fill the hydraulic systems with new approved brake fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Car serial number 50001 and onwards.
Completely drain the oil from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the mineral oil reservoirs ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems.
Fi 11 the system's with new approved hydraulic system mineral oi I. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease n i pp I e fitted to the uni versa I joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal coup Ii ngs with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Fuel tank
On Si Iver Shadow II, Si Iver Wraith 11 and 9entley T2 cars slacken the drain plug one or two turns and allow any accumulated water to drain away.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage ball joints.
Clean, grease and refit the ball joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel Carri er lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from radiator and engine crankcase. Fil I with the correct anti-freeze mixture.
Ensure that the flow of coolant through the heater tap feed hose wi I I not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment.
Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose. This should be carried out just prior to the autumn.
Body drain holes
Check that the body drain holes are unobstructed.
Air conditioning system
Check that the foam filter element(s) fitted to the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction.
Refrigeration system
Check the refrigeration system for correct operation, rectify if necessary. Any work must be carried out by an experienced engineer.
Every 2 years
In addition to 12 monthly seasonal schedule, carry out the following operation.
Engine cooling system
When the coolant has been drained, thoroughly reverse flush the coolant passages with a continuous flow of water. Fit new hoses where necessary.
Service Recommendations
For convenience these services may be carried out at the brake pad renewal nearest to the specified mileage.
Every 80 000 kilometres (48 000 miles)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following servicing is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Examine the sub-frame to brake caliper hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Fit new accumulator to frame hoses.
Every 160 000 kilometres (96 000 miles)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Fit all new flexible hoses to the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve.
Fuel system
Fit a new convoluted rubber hose between the fuel filler head and fuel tank assembly.
Examine al I flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
E23 - 10
Section E24
Cars built to the
1980 Californian specification
'i i: it
Cars built to the 1980 Californian specification are fitted with a fuel injection system. These cars have the prefix letter L as the third letter of the car serial number and the suffix letter.C after the car serial number (e.g. SRL 39979C}.
0 a: i!
0 a:
Essential Service
Cars prior to 50001
50001 and onwards
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
4 years
Service Recommendations
50 000
100 000
3 000
6 000
12 500
18 500
25 00()
25 000
31 000
37 500
43 500
50 000
5 000
Time (Hrs)
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
40 000
50 000
60 000
70 000 2.0
80 000 12.0
80 000 5.5
160 000 15.5
0.5 Preventive. t
1.5 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive. t 1.5 Preventive. t 5.0 Preventive.
1.5 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
1.5 Preventive. t 2.5 Preventive.
The hydraulic systems are filled with either brake fluid or hydraulic system mineral oil. These fluids are not miscible and must only be used in their respective systems. Therefore, use extreme crirn when carrying out any wo,k on hydraulic systems especially when adjusting the levels in the reservoirs.
f lu
Th~ hydrr<11/I i9 $y , st13m$ 0f these car~ are with Castro! F\R363 brake fluid. The
II ed
flu id i · s . ambe r in co l our.
Do not interchange components
Before fitting any seals, hoses, pipes, etc., always ensure that they are suitable for the type of hydraulic system fitted to the car.
E24 • 2
Section E24
Cars built to the
1980 Californian specification
C: w
C: er,
Essential Maintenance
The schedules I isted under this heading are the minimum maintenance required to comply with the
Ro I ls-Royce Motors New Car Warranty and the
Californian emission control regulations.
Preventive Maintenance
These schedules are recommended to secure the maximum life and efficiency for the car and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Owners are advised to consult a Dealer or the
Service Voucher Book concerning important additional preventive maintenance.
Initial 3 000 miles (5 000 km.) or 3 months service whichever is the earlier
Items marked " will be carried out free of charge.
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. *Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Tighten the worm-drive clips of al 1 coolant hoses.
Driving belts
Check the condition and tension of all driving belts; replace damaged or worn belts and adjust the tension as necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner should ensure that the following schedu I es I is ted u oder the heading Regu 1 a r
Maintenance are carried out.
Regular Maintenance
Weekly or every 500 miles (800 km.), whichever is the earlier, check the oi I level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank, if necessary. top-up with the correct anti-freeze/water mixture.
Preventive Maintenance
Steering pump
Check the oil level in the reservoir and top-up if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Hydraulic reservoirs (see Page E24 - 2)
Monthly, check the level in the reservoirs for the braking and automatic level Ii ng systems; the engine should be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level. Top-up if necessary to the indicated level. If frequent topping-up is required check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
Lamp units
Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any tau lty bulbs.
Weekly, check the tyre pressures; adjust if necessary. Also check the spare wheel tyre pressure; adjust if necessary. Check the tread depth of all tyres and inspect the tyres for signs of dam:1ge.
washer reservoir
Weekly, check the fluid level; top·up if necessary.
6 000 miles (10 000 km.) or 6 months service whichever is the earlier
Essentiaf Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer shou Id report any defects to the Owner.
Driving belts
Check the condition and tension of a 11 driving belts; replace damaged or worn belts and adjust the tension as necessary.
E24 3
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few .:lrops of engine oil to the accelerator
I inkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Preventive M~intenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation: rectify if necessary.
12 500
miles (20 000
km.) or 12 months service whichever is the earlier
Ignition system
Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil.
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check for correct operation of the vacuum advance/ retard mechanism.
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I filter.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect a I l brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all the tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Driving belts
Check the condition and tension of all driving belts; replace damaged or worn belts and adjust the tension as necessc1ry.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
18 500 mires (30 000
or 18 months service whichever
the earlier
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
E24 - 4
Check the I eve I of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Driving belts
Check the condition and tension of all driving belts; replace damaged or worn belts and adjust the tension as necessary.
Fluid levels
Check a 11 flu id levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check a 11 interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pu I leys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance. footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Driving belts
Check the condition and tension of all driving belts; replace damaged or worn belts and adjust the tension as necessary.
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Fluid levels
Check a II fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ba II joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E24 - 2)
Cars prior to car seria I number 50001.
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fi II the hydrau I ic systems with new approved brake fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the uni versa I joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal couplings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers _on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
25 000 miles (40 000
whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance or 2 years service
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new sea Is if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
E24 5
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauz e flame traps in the crankca se brea th e r system.
Electrical system
Chec k all interio r lamp s, exter ior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devi c es for corr e ct op eration; rectify if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermo stat.
Fit a new h eate r tap f e e d hos e, ensu ring that the flow of cool ant through the hose wi 11 not be restricted by a sharp radiu s or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pip e work or by poor a I ignment. C h eck the condition of al I coolant hoses and fit n e w hoses i f neces sary.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check th e condition of the pip e s and conn e ct ions ; rectify if necessary.
Check the purge flow rate ; rectify if neces s ary
Height control mechanism
Disconn e ct the control valve linkag e ball joints.
Clean, grease and refit the bal I joints .
Ignition system
Lubricate the distributor spind le (shaft bearings) and automatic adv a nce mechanism with engine o i I.
Check th e ignition timing and r e set if ne cessary.
Check for correct operation of the vacuum adva nce/ retard me chanism.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricat e the pivot pins and pulleys in th e parking brake system with approved grease .
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lo w er ing bolt and mechan ism.
Ch e ck the tread depth of a ll tyres; inspe ct all tyres for signs of dam a ge . Check the tyre pr e ssures wh e n they are cold and adjus t if necessary.
Includ e the spare tyre.
Road te st the car for satisfactory perf ormanc e.
31 000 miles (50 000 km.) or 2~ years service whichever is the earlier
Exhaust system
Fit a new oxygen sensor assembly. Reset the oxygen sensor ela psed mileage indicator.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plug s ensuring that the gaps are corr e ctly set.
Ch eck the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with disti I led water.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brak e pad linings; fit new linings if n e cessary . When changing the footbrake pads exam in e th e condition of th e dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
In s pect a l l brake pipes and conn ections; the
Deal er shou Id report any defects to the Owner.
Driving belts
Ch e c k the conditio n and t ension of all driving belts; replace damaged or worn belts and adjust the tens ion as necessary.
Fluid levels
Chec k all fluid levels and co rrect as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
App ly a few drop s of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range sel ector co ntrol s adjacent to the transmission cas i ng.
Check all interi or lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warni ng lamps and d e vices for correct operation ;re ctify if necessary.
Parking brake I inkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys · in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread d e pth of all tyres, insp e ct all tyres for signs of damage. Chec k the ty re pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
In clude the spa re tyr e .
Road test the car for satisfacto ry performance.
Essential Maintenance
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Chan ge the engin e oil. Fit a new o i l filt e r.
37 500 miles (60 000 km.) or 3 years service whichever is the earHer
Essential Maintenance
Eng i ne
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
E24 6
,, c::
"' w c::
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with di sti I led water.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections, the
Dea I er shou Id report any defects to the Owner.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Oriving belts
Check the condition and tension of al 1 driving belts; replace damaged or worn belts and adjust th~ tension as necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance
Fluid levels
Check a II fluid levels and correct as necessary.
43 500 mites (70 000 km.) or 3~ years service whichever is the earlier
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electroyte and if necessary top-up with disti I led water.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the c I ips fitted to the convoluted neoprene sea Is for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage;-fit new seals if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust exc luders on the ca I ipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer shou Id report any defects to the Owner.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
Driving belts
Check the condition and tension of al I driving belts; replace damaged or worn belts and adjust the tension as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
I inkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check a 11 interior lamos, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Ignition system
Lubricate the distributor spindle {shaft bearings} and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil.
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check for correct operation of the vacuum advance/ retard mechanism.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
E24 - 7
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
50 000 miles (80 000
or 4 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather system.
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I filter. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat.
Fit a new heater tap feed hose, ensuring that the flow of coolant through the hose will not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor aligment. Check the condition of all coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary. excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect a 11 brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Driving belts
Check the condition and tension of all driving belts: replace damaged or worn belts and adjust the tension as necessary.
Final drive unit
Change the oi I.
Fluid levels
Check al I fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E24 - 2)
Cars prior to car serial number 50001.
Completely drain the fluid from the hydrau lie circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses ensuring that no foreign matter enters the system. Fi II the hydraulic systems with new approved brake fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Car serial number 50001 and onwards
Completely drain the oi I from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the mineral oil reservoirs ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems.
Fi 11 the systems with new approved hydraulic system mineral oil. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Exhaust gas recirculation system
Remove and clean the E.G.R. valve and feed pipes.
Clean the E.G.R. orifice in the plenum chamber.
Check the E.G.R. valve for correct operation.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new evaporative loss control canister. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Check the purge flow rate; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filters
Fit new fuel filters.
Ignition system
Lubricate the distributor spindle (shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I.
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check for correct operation of the vacuum advance/ retard mechanism.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distilled water.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad Ii n i ngs; fit new Ii nings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal coup I ings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to b~ damaged, the joints shou Id be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene sea Is for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene sea Is for damage. fit new seals it necessary.
Torque converter transmission.
Chan!}e the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
E24 - 8
0 co
0 j
0 a:
-t f..'.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check a 11 interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage ball joints.
Clean, grease and refit the bal I joints.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pu I leys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel catTier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Seasonal Schedufes
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the,coolant from the radiator and engine crankcase. Fi 11 with the correct anti-freeze mixture.
Ensure that the flow of coolant through the heater tap feed hose wi 11 not be restricted by a sharp radius or. bend in the hose, by the·hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment.
Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose. This should be carried out just prior to the autumn.
Body drain holes
Check that the body drain holes are unobstructed .
. Air conditioning system
Check that the foam filter element(s) fitted to the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction.
Engine cooling system
When the coo I ant has been drained thoroughly reverse flush the coolant passages with a continuous flow of water. Fit new hoses where necessary.
Every 4 years
In addition to the 12 monthly and 2 years seasona I schedules, carry out the following operation.
Fuel system
Examine all flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
Service Recommendations
For convenience this service work may be carried out at the brake pad renewal nearest to the specified mileage.
Every 50 000 miles (80 000 km.)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the fol lowing additional service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Examine the sub-frame to brake ca Ii per hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Fit new accumulator to frame hoses.
Every 100 000 miles (160 000 km.)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the fol lowing additional service is carried out .
Automatic height control and braking systems
Fit all new flexible hoses to the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit new sea Is to the disc brake ca Ii pers and the deceleration conscious pressure 1 imiting valve.
Adverse condition maintenace
When the car is operating continuously under adverse conditions, such as are experienced in cities and towns where constant stopping and starting is normally the rule, the engine oi I should be changed every 3 000 miles (5 000 km.) or 3 months whichever
the earlier.
Every 2 years
In addition to the 12 monthly seasonal schedule, carry out the fol lowing operation.
E24 - 9
Section E25
Cars built to the
1980 North American specification (except those destined for California)
Cars bui It to the 1980 North American specification are fitted with twin S.U. HIF 7 carburetters and carry the letter L as the third letter of the car serial number (e.g. SAL, LRl etc.).
... as
C ..,
::E u
0 cc
Essential Service
Cars prior to 50001
50001 and onwards
3 000
3 000
6 000
12 500
18 500
25 000
25 000
31 000
37 500
43 500
50 000
Seasonal Schedules
12 months
2 years
Service Recommendations
50 000
100 000
(km.) Time (Hrs)
5 000 2.0
5 000 0.5
10 0.00 1.5
20 000 6.5
30 000 1.5
40 000 7.0
40 000 5.25
50 000 1.5
60 000 6.5
70 000 1.5
80 000 9.0
80 000 5.5
160 000 16.5
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive
3.0 Preventive.
2.0 Preventive.
3.0 Preventive.
+5.0 Preventive.
The hydraulic systems are filled with either brake fluid or hydraulic system mineral oif. These fluids are not miscibfe and must only be used in their respective systems. Therefore. use extreme care when carrying out any work on hydraulic systems especially when adjusting the levels in the reservoirs.
Brc1ke f l uid
Cars prior to car ser i al num~ f 50001
The · hydrau l ic sysferns o f these cars are fil led with Cast'ro l Rf\363 b r al<e f l uid. T he erake . fluid
1 s .
amber in colour.
Do not interchange components
Before fitting any seals, hoses, pipes, etc., always ensure that they are suitable for the type of hydraulic system fitted to the car.
E25 • 2
Section E25
Cars built to the
1980 North American specification (except those destined for California)
C ro
C w
Essential Maintenance
The schedules Ii sted under this heading are the minimum maintenance requirements necessary to comply with the Rolls-Royce Motors New Car
Warranty and the relevant emission control regulations.
Initial 3 000 miles (5 000 km.) or 3 months service whichever is the earlier
Items marked * will be carried out free of charge.
Essentia I Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check belt tension and reset if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
These schedules are aimed at securing the maximum life and efficiency for the car and should only be carried out at the request of the Owner.
Owners are advised to consult a Dealer or the
Service Voucher Book concerning important addi tionat preventive maintenance.
Regular Maintenance
The Owner should ensure that the fol lowing schedules listed under the heading Regular
Maintenance are carried out.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
* Carburetters
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Check the float ct1amber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Change the engine oi I.
Regular Maintenance
Monthly, check the oi I I evel in the reservoir of the automatic air valve dampers; top -up if necessary.
*Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge I ine filter if necessary. Pressure test the fuel tank and evaporative loss control line; rectify any leaks.
Weekly or every 500 miles (800 km.), whichever is the earlier, check the oil level by means of the dipstick; top-up if necessary.
*Ignition system
Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary.
Check the engine idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Every three months, check the level of coolant in the radiator header tank, if necessary, top-up with the correct anti -freeze/water mixture.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts; reset if necessary.
Engine cooling system
Tighten the worm-drive clips of all coolant hoses.
Torque converter transmission
Check the fluid level and top-up if necessary.
Hydraulic reservoirs (see Page E25 • 2)
Monthly, check the level in the reservoirs for the brak i nq and automatic level Ii ng systems; the engine shoull be run for 4 minutes before checking the fluid level. Top-up if necessary to the indicated level. If frequent topping-up is required check the hydraulic systems for leaks and rectify if necessary.
Lamp units
Weekly, check the lamp bulbs for correct operation and replace any faulty bulbs.
Weekly, check the tyre pressures; adiust if necessary. Al so check the spare wheel tyre pressure; adjust if necessary. Check the tread depth of all tyres and inspect the tyres for signs of damage.
Windscreen washer reservoir
Weekly, check the fluid level; top-up if necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Steering pump
Check the o i I I evel in the reserve i r and top -t1p if necessary.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
6 000 miles (10 000 km.) or 6 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I fi I ter.
E25 -3
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-<.Jp with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad Ii nings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dus.t excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check al I fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top"llp the oi I level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify as necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condition of the pipes and connections: rectify as necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check the engine id le speed and rectify if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with disti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the foot brake and parki n~ brake pad I ini ngs; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Deal er should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check a 11 f I u id I eve Is and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension bal I joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new join ts and covers.
12 500 miles (20 000 km.) or 12 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-<.Jp the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted as necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips titted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
E25 - 4
C co a,
C w
C it
Preventive Maintenance
Cont ro I I i nkage s
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake Ii nkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare whee I carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of c1I I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
18 500 miles (30 000 km.) or 16 months service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and top-1.Jp with distilled water. if necessary,
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct c1s necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
25 000 miles (40 000 km.) or 2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for I eaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fasHdle speed and reel i fy if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat.
Fit a new heater tap feed hose, ensuring that the flow of coolant through the hose wi II not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment. Check the condition of al I coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
E25 - 5
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air fi I ter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking p I ugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
( shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check for correct operation of the vacuum advance mechanism. Check the engine idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Check the I eve I of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with distil led water.
Propeller shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate the rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal couplings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ba 11 joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
To111ue converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid. Fit a new intake strainer.
Belt tension
Check the tension of a 11 driving be I ts; reset if necessary.
Inspect the foot brake and parking brake pad Ii nings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excl uders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Preventive Maintenance
Control Ii nkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve linkage ball joints.
Clean, grease and refit the bal I joints.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt mechanism.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E25 - 2)
Cars prior to car serial number 50001.
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses, ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fill the hydraulic systems with new approved brake fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Check the tread depth of a 11 tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
E25 - 6
31 000 miles (50 000 km.) or 21/2 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with dis ti 11ed water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts, reset necessary. if
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad Ii nings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control I inkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check al I interior lamps, exterior I amps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfc1ctory performance.
37 500 miles (60 000 km.) or 3 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Top-up the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Crankcase emission control system
Clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube, Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Check the condi lion of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oi I. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check the engine idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top-up with disti I led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings; fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the conditi~n of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manual I y adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al 1 brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers, if the covers are found to be damaged, fit new joints and covers.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the bal I joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
E25 • 7
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator linkage and to the gear range selector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pu 11 ey s in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of all tyres, inspect all tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
43 500 miles (70 000 km.) or whichever is the earlier
31/, years service
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance
Top'1..lp the oil level in the air valve dampers.
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oi I to the accelerator
Ii nkage and to the gear range se I ector controls adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check c111 interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Parking brake linkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
Check the tread depth of al I tyres, inspect al I tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Essential Maintenance
Change the engine oi I. Fit a new oi I filter.
Check the I eve I of the e I ectrol yte and if necessary top'1..IP with distilled water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and reset if necessary.
Inspect the footbrake and parking brake pad linings, fit new linings if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers, renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect al I brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
SO 000 miles (80 000 km.) or 4 years service whichever is the earlier
Essential Maintenance
Air injection pump
Check the belt tension and reset if necessary.
Air injection system
Check the air injection system for leaks and correct operation; renew any defective items.
Air silencer
Fit a new air filter element.
Automatic choke
Check the air flow through the choke stove pipe and check for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Clean the air valves. Remove the filter cover from each carburetter fuel filter housing and fit a new paper filter element. Top'1..lp the oil level in the air valve dampers. Check the float chamber depression and rectify if necessary. Check the idle speed and rectify if necessary. Check the choke fast-idle speed and rectify if necessary.
Carburetter mixture weakening device
Fit a new air filter element.
Crankcase emission control system
Remove and clean the gauze flame traps in the crankcase breather tube. Clean the adapter in the choke butterfly housing.
E25 • 8
C w
0 a:
Change the engine oil. Fit a new oil filter.
Engine cooling system
Fit a new thermostat.
Fit a new heater tap feed hose, ensuring that the flow of coolant through the hose will not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment. Check the condition of all coolant hoses and fit new hoses if necessary.
Exhaust gas recirculation system
Remove and clean the E.G.R. valve and feed pipes. Clean the E.G.R. orifices in the carburetter
'tee' piece. Check the E.G.R. valve for correct operation.
Exhaust manifolds
Check the torque tightness of the exhaust manifold bolts.
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Fit a new air filter element to the evaporative loss control canister. Check the purge flow rate; fit a new purge line filter if necessary. Check the condition of the pipes and connections; rectify if necessary.
Ignition system
Fit new sparking plugs ensuring that the gaps are correctly set. Lubricate the distributor spindle
(shaft bearings) and automatic advance mechanism with engine oil. Check the ignition timing and reset if necessary. Check for correct oper'a ti on of the vacuum advance mei::hanism. Check the engine idle speed and rectify ii necessary.
Check the level of the electrolyte and if necessary, top~p with distil led water.
Belt tension
Check the tension of all driving belts and rese.t if necessary.
Ii n i ngs; fit new Ii n i ngs if necessary. When changing the footbrake pads examine the condition of the dust excluders on the calipers; renew if necessary.
Manually adjust the parking brake pads.
Inspect all brake pipes and connections; the
Dealer should report any defects to the Owner.
Final drive unit
Change the oil.
Fluid levels
Check all fluid levels and correct as necessary.
Front suspension
Inspect the front suspension ball joint rubber covers; if the covers are found to be damaged fit new joints and covers.
Hydraulic systems (see Page E2S • 2)
Cars prior to car serial number 50001
Completely drain the fluid from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the brake fluid reservoirs and sight glasses ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems. Fill the hydraulic systems with new approved brake fluid. Bleed the brakes and height control systems •
Car serial number 50001 and onwards
Completely drain the oi I from the hydraulic circuits. Thoroughly clean the mineral oi I reservoirs ensuring that no foreign matter enters the systems.
Fill the systems with new approved hydraulic system mineral oil. Bleed the brakes and height control systems.
Prope Iler shaft
Lubricate the grease nipple fitted to the universal joint at either end of the propeller shaft.
Rear wheel drive-shafts
Lubricate tt1e rear wheel drive-shaft outer universal coup I ings with approved grease.
Steering ball joints
Lubricate the four grease nipples.
Inspect the rubber covers on the ball joints, if the covers are found to be damaged, the joints should be dismantled and new parts fitted if necessary.
Steering rack and pinion assembly
Check the clips fitted to the convoluted neoprene seals for tightness.
Inspect the convoluted neoprene seals for damage, fit new seals if necessary.
Torque converter transmission
Change the transmission fluid and fit a new intake strainer.
Preventive Maintenance
Control linkages
Apply a few drops of engine oil to the accelerator adjacent to the transmission casing.
Electrical system
Check all interior lamps, exterior lamps, instruments, warning lamps and devices for correct operation; rectify if necessary.
Fuel filter
Clean the filter bowl. Fit a new filter element.
Height control mechanism
Disconnect the control valve I inkage bal 1 joints.
Clean, grease and refit the bal I joints.
Parking brake I inkage
Lubricate the pivot pins and pulleys in the parking brake system with approved grease.
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Spare wheel carrier
Lubricate the spare wheel carrier lowering bolt and mechanism.
Check the tread depth of a 11 tyres, inspect a 11 tyres for signs of damage. Check the tyre pressures when they are cold and adjust if necessary.
Include the spare tyre.
Road test the car for satisfactory performance.
Every 50 000 miles (80 000 km.)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the following additional service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Examine the sub ~rame to brake caliper hoses for chafing or surface cracking; renew if necessary.
Fit new accumulator to frame hoses.
Every 100 000 miles (160 000 km.)
At this mileage under normal motoring conditions it is recommended that the fol lowing additional service is carried out.
Automatic height control and braking systems
Fit al I new flexible hoses to the braking systems and automatic height control system.
Fit new seals to the disc brake calipers and the deceleration conscious pressure limiting valve.
Fuel system
Examine all flexible fuel pipes and renew any which show signs of deterioration.
Seasonal Schedules
Every 12 months
Engine cooling system
Drain the coolant from radiator and engine crankcase. Fill with the correct anti-freeze mixture.
Ensure that the flow of coolant through the heater tap feed hose wi 11 not be restricted by a sharp radius or bend in the hose, by the hose contacting other adjacent pipework or by poor alignment.
Clean any debris from the surfaces of the refrigeration condenser and radiator matrices by reverse flushing with a hose (this should be carried out just prior to the autumn).
Body drain holes
Check that the body drain holes are unobstructed.
Air conditioning system
Check that the foam filter element(s) fitted to the scuttle intake grille is free from obstruction.
Every 2 years
In addition to 12 monthly seasonal schedule, carry out the following operation.
Engine cooling system
When the coolant has been drained thoroughly reverse flush the coolant passages with a con· tinuous flow of water. Fit new hoses where necessary.
Service Recommendations
For convenience this service work may be carried out at the brake pad renewal nearest to the specified mileage.
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