Theben LUXOR 414 Operating Manual
THEBEN LUXOR 414 is a programmable 8-channel timer with an astronomical function. It is well-suited for use in single-family and multiple-family houses, offices, and other similar environments. It can be used to control lighting, heating, and other electrical devices based on time of day or sunrise/sunset.
The LUXOR 414 has a user-friendly interface with a digital display and text guidance. It can be programmed to execute both standard switching commands and astronomical switching times. It also features summer/winter time automatic changeover and a power reserve for up to 4 hours.
With its versatile programming options, the LUXOR 414 can be customized to meet a wide range of needs. For example, it can be used to:
309 183 04 4 . 0 D e s c r i p t i o n o f c o n t ro l l e v e l P i c t o g ra m l i n e with P R O G, and astro times Operating Manual Clock module Te x t l i n e LUXOR 414 LUXOR 414 T i m e and p e rc e n t d i s p l a y LED S E T 1.0 Designated use The L U X O R clock module expands the existing L U X O R series of devices. It is suitable for installation in single-family and multiple family houses, offices, etc. The device is intended for designated installation in control and distribution cabinets. It is suitable for use in dry rooms with a normal amount of dirt. The clock module is an 8-channel timer with an astronomical function. It controls the rest of the devices via the time of day. 2.0 Brief description • The LUXOR clock module functions as an independent unit. It is connected to Days of the week from 1 to 7 (Monday to Sunday) S e l e c t o r s w i t c h e s from 1 to 8 for teaching into the channels and automatic + and – k e y s for setting values, e.g. changing the time S e l e c t i o n m e n u (when entering on the device, always press the Menu key first) PROG, , , Aborting input O Kkey Confirm the selection or programming the LUXOR system via the 2-wire interface. • The module has a digital display. It is programmed with text guidance. • The switching commands (time and percent values) are transferred to the 5.0 Description of the terminals other modules via the COM interface. Operating voltage 230 V ~, +10 %/ -15 % • Both standard switching commands and astronomical switching times can be executed using the clock module. • The device has summer/winter time automatic changeover, 8 channels with free assignment and power reserve (for 4 hours). 6 . 0 C o n n e c t i n g u p g ra d e d e v i c e s 3.0. S a f e t y n o t e s • Use the following lines: EIB/KNX bus line type YCYM or Y(ST)Y or In order to eliminate danger of fire and danger of an electric shock, the device may only be connected and installed by an electrician in accordance with the national regulations and the valid safety provisions. Tampering with or making modifications to the device will invalidate the guarantee. • Connect both sides of the shielding to the minus bus terminal on the • Use only one clock module per system. telecommunication line J-Y(ST)Y. COM bus. • The COM line length may be up to 100 m. • Always route the COM line separately from other lines (separate cable). • Do not route the COM line parallel to 230 V lines. • Upgrades to max. 16 devices inc. basic module. • Do not use LUXOR 414 and LUXOR 426 simultaneously in the LUXOR system. • Ensure correct polarity! • Timer for distributor installation in the 35 mm-rail fixing (DIN EN 50022); wall installation with additional terminal box cover plate also available. -> If the COM connection fails, the SET LED flashes continuously. • Regardless of expensive protective measures, strong electromagnetic fields can interfere with the microprocessor-controlled timer. T h e re f o re , o b s e r v e b e f o re i n s t a l l a t i o n : • Use a separate line for the operating voltage supply. • Do not install device close to sources of interference, e.g. transformers, contactors, PC, television and remote control devices. • Perform a RESET after any type of interruption. N o t e: The programmed switching commands remain stored in the EEPROM. • Devices producing a great deal of heat located near the device will shorten the service life of the battery. Shielding Schirm Shielding Schirm 7.0 Overview of input menu NEW sub-menu Entering SWITCHING TIME PROG R e s e t re s p o n s e Reset by simultaneously pressing the 3 keys –, + and O K. The saved switching commands are retained as well as the language, the country and the city. However, the time of day must be re-entered. A U TO - O F F m o d e Press both the – and + keys for about 2 sec. in Auto mode. The clock switches to so-called A U TO - O F F m o d e. The display shows A U TO O F F. No more switching commands are sent via the COM interface. If you press the + and – keys again, you can restart the device. 1. Use the M e n u key to select the P R O G menu item. 2. Confirm with the O K key. After selecting the channel, the N E W submenu is displayed. Press the O K key again and the number of free memory locations is displayed. 3. Confirm with the O K key. The display shows S W I T C H I N G T I M E. 4. Confirm with the O K key. The display shows T I M E. 5. Use the + or – keys to set the desired time and then the percent value. 6. Confirm with the O K key. The display shows M O N DAY . 7. Use the + or – key to select the day of the week. 8 . Confirm with the O K key. The display shows C O P Y. 9. Use the + or – keys to select S AV E entries or C O P Y to other days of the week. 1 0 .Confirm with the O K key. The display shows A D D T U E ( A D D W E D, A D D T H U e t c . ). Pressing the O K key allows you to transfer the values to all the days of the week. Use the + or – keys to skip days of the week. The display shows S TO R E. 1 1 .Confirm with the O K key. All the data have now been saved. 1 2 .You can program another switching time or exit the program by pressing the Menu key. Entering ASTRO TIME 8.0 Start-up 1. Use the + or √ keys to set the desired language (e.g. E N G L I S H) and then the country (e.g. U K and the city (e.g. L O N D O N). 2. Confirm with the O K key in each case. 3. Then use the + or √ keys to select the Y E A R , M O N T H , D AY and the T I M E. 4. Confirm with the O K key in each case. The timer is now ready for operation. 9.0 PROGRAM PROG menu If A S T R O is selected, switching times are executed according to calculated times for sunrise and sunset. 1. Use the M e n u key to select the P R O G menu item. 2. Confirm with the O K key. After selecting the channel, the N E W submenu appears. 3. Confirm with the O K key. Use the + or – keys to select A S T R O. 4. Confirm with the O K key. The display shows M O R N I N G. 5. Confirm with the O K key. The display shows P E R C E N T - - . -. 6. The - - . - setting deactivates the astro function. 7. Use the + or – keys to set the desired percent value. 8. Confirm with the O K key. The display shows N OT T I L L (this means that a switching processes cannot take place before this time because of the astro time). 9. The - - . - setting deactivates the NOT BEFORE function. 1 0 .Use the + or – keys to set the desired time. 1 1 .Confirm with the O K key. The display shows M O N DAY . 1 2 .Carry out steps 7 - 1 1 as shown above (enter switching times). The display then shows E V E N I N G. 1 3 .Carry out steps 5 - 1 2 again (enter astro times). Entering BLOCKING TIME (to disable a brightness control or to execute nighttime interruption, for example) In the P R O G main menu, the switching commands are entered and viewed. You can choose between S W I T C H I N G T I M E – A S T R O T I M E – B L O C K I N G TIME Selecting a channel 1. Use the M e n u key to select the P R O G menu item. 2. Confirm with the O K key. The display shows C H A N N E L. 3. Use the + or – keys to set channel C (8 channels possible). 1. Use the M e n u key to select the P R O G menu item. 2. Confirm with the O K key. After selecting the channel, the N E W submenu appears. 3. Confirm with the O K key. Use the + or – keys to select B L O C K I N G T I M E. 4. Confirm with the O K key. The display shows M O R N I N G. 5. Confirm with the O K key. The display shows T I M E. 6. Use the + or – keys to set the desired time and then the percent value. 7. Confirm with the O K key in each case. The display shows M O N DAY . 8. Carry out steps 7 - 1 1 as shown above (enter switching times). 9. The display then shows E V E N I N G. 1 0 .Carry out steps 5 - 8 again (enter blocking times). O n l y o n e a s t ro t i m e o r b l o c k i n g t i m e c a n b e e n t e re d p e r d a y a n d c h a n n e l f o r m o r n i n g a n d e v e n i n g. 1 0 . 0 T I M E / DA T E m e n u CHECK or MODIFY sub-menu Viewing individual switching times The programmed switching times for the selected channel are shown from Monday in ascending order. 1. Use the M e n u key to select the P R O G menu item. 2. Confirm with the O K key. 3. Select the channel with the saved switching times (C1, C2 etc.) 4. Use the + key to select the C H E C K menu item. 5. Confirm with the O K key. The display shows the first programmed switching time. 6. Press the + or – keys. The corresponding percent value is shown. Press these keys again to display the next/previous switching time. Changing or deleting individual switching times Change alters only the switching time currently shown. A group is always completely changed. If you would like to modify or clear a switching time, then 1. Use the M e n u key to select the P R O G menu item. 2. Confirm with the O K key. 3. Select the channel with the saved switching times (C1, C2 etc.). 4. Use the + key to select the M O D I F Y menu item. 5. Use the + or √ keys to select the desired switching times. 6. Use the + or √ keys to select the switching times that you want to change or delete. 7. Confirm with the O K key. 8. Use the + or – keys to select a new value or delete the existing value. 9. Confirm with the O K key in each case. In the menu, you can set or change the time, the date and summer/ winter time. 1. Use the M e n u key to select the menu item. 2. Confirm with the O K key. The display shows T I M E. 3. Confirm with the O K key. 4. Use the + or – keys to select the current time. 5. Confirm with the O K key. S e t t i n g t h e DA T E Y E A R , M O N T H and D AY ) , carry out the steps shown To enter the D AT E (Y above. Summer/winter time automatic changeover (SU/WI) You can choose between W I T H S / W and W I T H O U T S / W. If you want to set summer/winter time automatic changeover, select it from the table. Setting / scope Start of summer time Start of winter time Changeover hour 2:00 a.m. E u ro p e last week in March last week in October GB/P last week in March last week in October 1:00 a.m. SF/GR/TR last week in March last week in October 3:00 a.m. USA/CAN first week in April last week in October 2:00 a.m. f re e r u l e selectable selectable selectable CLEAR sub-menu 1. Use the M e n u key to select the P R O G menu item. 2. Confirm with the O K key. 3. Use the + key to select the C L E A R menu item. 4. Confirm with the O K key. You have a choice of 3 different sub-menus: I N D I V I D UA L: delete individual switching times C H A N N E L: delete a channel’s switching times A L L: delete all switching times (memory empty). 5. Confirm I N D I V I D UA L, for example, with the O K key. See 6. i n t h e C H E C K / M O D I F Y sub-menu. 6. Confirm with the O K key. The display shows C L E A R and the switching time can be deleted. 7. Confirm with the O K key. The switching time is deleted. 8. If you would like to delete more switching times, carry out steps 1 - 7. 1. Use the M e n u key to select the menu item. 2. Confirm with the O K key. 3. Use the + key to select the S U / W I sub-menu item. 4. Confirm with the O K key. 5. Use the + or – keys to select W I T H S / W. 6. Confirm with the O K key. 7. Use the + or – keys to select a changeover rule from the table (e.g. E U R O P E). 8. Confirm with the O K key (this rule is now activated). The display shows E N D. 9. Pressing the O K key takes you back to Auto mode. Deactivating automatic summer/winter time changeover 1. Carry out steps 1 t o 4 as shown above. 2. Use the + or – keys to select N O S / W. 3. Confirm with the O K key. The display shows E N D. 4. Pressing the O K key takes you back to Auto mode. 11.0 OPTION menu 1 3 . 0 S e l e c t i o n p ro g ra m s 1 - 8 You would like to adjust/change the assignment of the participating switch outputs to the programmed switching times: • Use the selector switch to select a channel (11 - 8) (see Fig. 1). The S E T LED and the control LEDs of the switch outputs currently participating light up. A s w i t c h o u t p u t s h o u l d n o t p a r t i c i p a t e i n m o re t h a n o n e p ro g ra m m e d s w i t c h i n g t i m e : • Briefly press the appropriate key for the switch output to be changed until the control LED has gone out. A s w i t c h o u t p u t s h o u l d n o t p a r t i c i p a t e i n a p ro g ra m m e d s w i t c h i n g t i m e f ro m n o w o n : • Briefly press the appropriate key for the switch output to be changed until the control LED lights up. In the menu you can change basic settings such as language, country, city, astro shift, version and factory settings. S e t t i n g t h e L A N G UA G E , C O U N T RY a n d C I T Y E n d i n g p ro g ra m m i n g : • Put the selector switch back in A u t o p o s i t i o n . F i g. 1 1. Use the M e n u key to select the O P T I O N menu item. 2. Confirm with the O K key. 3. Use the + or – keys to select the L A N G UA G E , C O U N T RY or C I T Y sub-menu. 4. Confirm with the O K key in each case. 5. Then use the + or – keys to select the desired setting and confirm with O K. Setting the ASTRO SHIFT LUXOR 408 LUXOR 414 1. Use the M e n u key to select the O P T I O N menu item. 2. Confirm with the O K key. 3. Use the + or – keys to select the A S T R O S H I F T sub-menu. The display shows M O R N I N G or E V E N I N G. 4. Use the + or – keys to select the desired value in each case and confirm with O K. R e s e t t i n g t h e FA C TO RY S E T T I N G 1 4 . 0 Te c h n i c a l d a t a 1. Use the M e n u key to select the O P T I O N menu item. 2. Confirm with the O K key. 3. Use the + or – keys to select the FA C TO RY S E T T I N G sub-menu. The display shows C O N F I R M. 4. Confirm with the O K key. Operating voltage: Frequency: Power consumption: Permitted ambient temperature: Protection class: Once you confirm with the O K key, the following values are set (in accordance with the delivered status): L a n g u a g e = German C o u n t r y = Germany C i t y = Berlin A s t ro s h i f t = 0 min. for both S U / W I r u l e = Europe, activated Degree of protection: Time accuracy: Power reserve: Switching accuracy: Mode of operation: 230 V~ 50 Hz 4 VA –10 °C ... +50 °C II in accordance with EN 60730-1 for designated installation IP 20 in accordance with EN 60529 +/– 1 sec./day (at 20 °C) 5 hours (after 3 hours of loading time) To the second Type 1 in accordance with EN 60730-2-7 and/or EN 60730-1 All other channels are deleted. 1 2 . 0 V i e w i n g a s t ro t i m e s Service Phone +49 (0) 90 01 84 32 36 Fax: +49 (0) 74 74/6 92-207 [email protected] A s t ro t i m e s : Press the + key Press the – key T h e b e n AG Hohenbergstr. 32 72401 Haigerloch Phone +49 (0) 74 74/6 92-0 Fax +49 (0) 74 74/6 92-150 sunrise (Astro - morning) sunset (Astro - evening) A d d re s s e s , t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r s e t c . a t w w w. t h e b e n . d e ">

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