Pressure Transducer Connector Installation Instructions
P/N: 810-CN-TI3P
*******Make sure the module is working properly before attempting to shorten the cable.*********
1) Cut the cable to the desired length.
2) Strip back the cable cover, foil and shield approx. 1.75 inches to expose the red, black and clear wires.
3) Strip the ends of the red, black and clear wires. DO NOT CRIMP THE PINS YET.
4) Slip the supplied heat shrink over the cable.
5) Push the red, black and clear wires through the weather seal first and the connector second. Use the drawing below to insert the wires in the appropriate hole according the pinout.
Rear View
6) Using the proper crimp tool, crimp the supplies pins on all three wires.
Important Note:
Make sure to use the proper tool to crimp the pins. If you do not have the proper tool you can purchase the tool from Racepak P/N: 890-XP-CRIMP01F for $40 each. It is well worth the $40 to ensure a proper crimp and reliable data from the transducer.
7) Pull the wires back into the connector until they snap into place. The pins must be clocked in the proper position. If the pins do not want to pull back into the connector they probably are not clocked properly. Rotate the pins 90º and try again. A drawing of the assembly before pulling the wires back into the connector is shown below.
8) Heat shrink the exposed cable.