Windsor Wing Back Armchair
Upon unpacking your chair from it’s delivery box, you should have one single component (the body of the chair). Additional components are packed inside the body, you will learn how to access and utilise these components in the next steps.
Chair body x 1
Turn the chair body so that the underside is facing you. Remove the cover from the base of the chair to reveal a hidden compartment where you’ll find the rest of the parts of the chair. Take these out and leave the cover off as you need access to the underside of the chair to fit the legs.
A x 2 (Front Leg)
B x 2 (Back Leg)
C x 8 (Bolt)
D x 8 (Washer)
E x 8 (Spring Washer)
F x 1 (Allen Key)
Step 1
A x 2 D x 8
B x 2 E x 8
C x 8
F x 1
Starting with the front legs, insert a leg (A) into the corresponding slot. Fit a spring washer (E) to a bolt
(C) followed by a washer (D) and fit it into one of the screw holes. Repeat for the second screw to fit the leg into the frame of the chair. Turn the bolt with the allen key (F) until it is secure but do not tighten yet.
Repeat for all four legs. Please note that the back legs
(B) are both the same and are to only go at the back of the chair.
Step 2
Lift the chair off the ground and turn it right side up while being careful not to put any pressure on the legs while you turn the chair.
Step 3
Place the chair on a flat surface, then sit on the chair and shift your weight around until the legs are level and the chair does not rock. Then use the allen key
(F) to tighten all the bolts and replace the cover on the underside of the chair body to conceal the hidden compartment. Enjoy your new armchair!
F x 1

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