smart Watch user Guide
PIoooo rood t"Io mom"oIbJoro"s1"g
oⅡ t,Ilol iⅡ
oⅡ of△ IIF“
ncase collncct伍
c mtCb ω
droiJ 田 support for thc Onmal opmt1ng
system Vorsir,Il44or
Ⅲgher6c。 血
gs-About DcvI◆ c, vlew the anaoold vσ sionl
I scan hvo dImensIOnal codc For Bluuooth ln△
through QQ唧
Ccping nnct】
。 in phone,肛 世 it Is shown bdow aner a successnll
Add dcvicd’ to search For thc parcd x,atch, dlck“ Co口m(xr’ to° onIleCt MtL wmsmatch Bluctooth succcss钆 1aId the B"etooth lcon iⅡ
bar wm b∞
The fo△ ow1ng functiclns oan be pdomcd ancr watch
Bhctooth andthat ofsma“ phoncs aFc∞
m∞ ted suCCcssnllly;
I Tlme aIld datc血 watch Is syncb· on【 lus wlth ulc phoncs curent datc and山 呜 tthc featurc lIl the V喊
曲 menu o opcn by dcfaultJ
2LanglIagc synchronmtI【 ,llIn WatCh menll and tbat ofphoncs llfulerc。 no corespon由 laaguage dlsplaycd ln thc叼
吧 systcm
峦△伍 c unlflOd language o EngIi咖 In lllatchl;rthe featllrc in thC watch menu o opCnⅡ
3Mobllc phoIlcs and watchcs can scarch for cach
4Vlew mcssagcs and rCp圩 h fasttcmp1atc【 OdⅡ mg thc tcxt on one s Own0not auowc↓
5All山 碰 ant nouiicatIOn mcssags ln thc s伍
灬 bar of phonc synchronmtIOn(such as sMs,Wcchat,QQ mcssagc,←
6Make and answcr c钔 、 “
、 w屺 h by∞ ntroⅢ ng yollr phonc;
7s,△ lcL· o血 zc contaCts and CallreCords oFphone
8Cmtrolthc InusIC p1aycr ofphonc1erllwu1
9syncbIOnzc QQ vtltC message/hstaIlt v【 lO Wcc血 messagcs,ˇ olcc IIlCssages;
Ⅱ RmotephotoPphlng;
,⒗ o Cal‘
12Inshu thc wcathcr appucatIOn to伍 em/atCh urough my apphc洫 耐 ’In phone te-m⒒ o qdery for thc global wentuer FoIecast l-cdntcIy;
B Moduythc BIuctooth mlile ofl``ˇ ltCh;
IPHONE:suppon for thc OngInal operati唱 system
Vcrsion70or"ghcr【 products lIpdated ancr IPHONE
诋 for MedhTck srn“ dcvicc througll ApP s幼 G dowIload and instaⅡ
犰 c App,thc u wⅢ dlsphy thG follomⅡ g aitcr sucCCssIul hslalh"oIl∶
Ⅱ opcrauon step⒌
η№ rrst stcp B"钲 ooth s访 tchcs arc set to be opcn in watch and phonc;
The second stcp:cntcr"MedlaTck sma"d钾 lccs"】 n thc mob△ e phone tcrlllllnI,dick+to s钥 u℃ namc of tIle opencd watch Bluctooth dcvicc,cⅡ ck on tlle“ CoIlncCtlor1and thcn Bluclooth lcon in thc slatus bar of v叼 “h bcc【 llnCs grcen ancr slICCCss钆
∞ mcGutln fB"欲 °
Thc thrd st∞ :cntcr"B"etooth conncCli【
,】 l"zncnu ln thc n⒗bile phonc tcˉ naI, scarch for Bluetoo伍 dcv⒗ cs,ulal wm scarch for曲 c Bluctootll devIco name ofInobIlc phone,d沁 k oIl thc℃ omecho汀
mdICllt aacr succesg乩
40have bccn connected, mOmon rBluetooth30nnd
‰ foⅡ
【 bc pcrformcd aner wtch
Bluctooth and that of PHONE arc ∞ nnected sⅡ ∝ $nIlly l Tmc amd date h,atch ls syIlcILOnous wlth曲 c photlc s cwront date nnd山 呜
Che Fcatufe血 thc wBtoh mellu o opcn by dcfault)
2Laoguagc synchroomton Io△ ntch incnu aud that of phones CF tllero o Ⅱ eln
Ianguagc disphycd血 thc wa∞ △ thc u碰 ncd languagc
1s BngIlsh in watchJ;
3MobⅡ o ploncs and watcheg caIl searoh For each o‘ hcr;
4You can pFⅥ ew tcxt l】 lessagcs血 the notl丘 。时 IOn
0lCllu Intgfa∞ whm Jlc phone tcrInIIlBI rcccIvCs嘟 messages,amd yoll cnt访 cw2∞ bytcs or so,cnterlilg
曲 o sMs menu to访 cw tLc oo"cnt of messages Is not
】 芯【 wh1ch dIr。 wIul AmdrOId smn pboncs)
5 stmon For aIIinstam notiflcanon unc闷 sagcs ln thc status血 ofphone synChronlza“ on(such Bs sMs,
WmbaG QQ m-gc,CI10I1蹦 Mcrob吨 Il-, ctc);
屺 and aIlswcr caⅡ s by watch tc-毗
7s,IcL· ono cootacts aod Cn△ rGoOrds of phonc terimn耐
8Conto1the II us△ phyσ oFphonc ter洫毗
9VlmQQ vOIcC msage`QQ IMntvolcccaus;
!O Rcmoto pItmmphmg Is nota△ oI/cd(Whlch曲 rcrs wIm Andr。 id sIInrt phoncs);
IniodⅡ ¤△ ¤“ c|os
CLck c,Il t△ c Illg】 lu a0dv1cw a△ i△ btlx IllCssagcs spc洫 tothc Anmid ph。 m。 t-Inal and caa rcply to thc sOodc】 ln sMs temlates and llnke phono oall
← lew ulc sMs】 ilcllu血
Ⅱ ,Co0t臼 0tI“
C】 lck on the Illeilu aod呐 cw au。 the Android phonc t~Inal fabout slXl oo△
Wis,aod y∞ nta¢ and mkc phonc caI、
铷岬 l Huctooth s-gs Oou cam actll/ate aad mrn of
Bluctoot△ r thcr。 o any pakcd汹 lc⒍ you can dtscon】 loot thC Bluctooth to olose,you can WIl or tbc
蚰 、 r thcrc Is oty p9red dcvIcG"访 Ⅱ outomtlo shutdown)
2 Clock;Yr,ll can gct d】 itcrOnt9,Cs of dock and sct
thc dme and datG in llatch ancr cI【 synchron⒓ 时 lon functi【 lns lsing
3sound:You cIln customze tllc noh丘 catIoi tonc, rngones and noliflcatlon toncs in watch
⒋ Volume:YOu∞ n adJust曲 c volume of mu⒒ lmcdia,
Fmgtones and notIfIcatlon tone血 watcll
5DIspIa`YOu can custoi1uzc the v△ allpapcr,scrcen b“ ghtness and bnoklIght mm ofFume血 watCh
WhollthIs负 ncIion o s就 to be open and save⒍
Ⅱngng tom lno咂 吨 caII血 g and ahrm cIock cau be∞ nvcrtod to mItc autolIntlCa△ y by tur【 lmg oVσ
由 c watch Im case ofwntch bhck scrOeIl,mril ovcr ule
△ ztch and曲 c scrccll访 Ⅱ
Ⅳ ,Cmr。 。
Chok to go to thc mEIlu aad Can synchon协 au cau rOcords speclfic to y。 ur mmsc△ ck【 9Il my【 ,llc rCCoFd
,o make n oall
V,No山 £
Y【 lll oan synchro沁 thc phonc zc胡 I mtant mcssagcs spc⒋ flc to
Ⅵ . Remote photogrnI,"叱
Chck to8o to由 c Illolu to opCIl thc cam睨 spcclflc to thc ytlur phone(unlock thc phono at fhs9,you cau p⒀ 亻 d△ kr,Il the ohoot,plcMcs oan be
6 storcd血 the pared devlces【 but evory phon。 has a dltcrcnt storc path ptcmrcs my be“ ored血 album and memory嘁 vIewmg p蚰 峭 时 onoe is not
Bllt,wcd tiˉ oJgh sOIne k】 nd of phone,you my vlew p忆 tllrcs a Fcw血 nutcs latcr【 lr by res-g ule phonc
Ths phcIl【
,n bas nothmg⒗ do w△ th the Mtoh⒒ dcpcnds r,n(】
刂 iE犭 rcnt mobllcphono modelsl
Thc MctIOn】 s not auoWCdln IPHoNE
VⅡ ,smrch for唧 eq“ pIl】 e△t
CLck r,Il thc Illenu,the mobIlc phone t-m∶ alnma△ d啷 r Jle Bluet。 om s】 pqIs oF△
咖Ⅱ atoh amd phme am ummbIc tr山清
咖 咖⒒ dMoccIstm口 灿凼 【 alIIOm。 CaIIy scnd aIl ahm r而 mdo mII.B△
C△ oth岫 ck∞ cmtσ thc11I。 tlu aod ca1l synC咖 钔 lt△
,ngs血 thc playcr oF thc parcd phone,dlck on any e s【 onc song to play,adJust vFl痂 6pauss gkIp the song flnd s【 l on
〗 Pedometer rnoFrnl aml sMnB Ⅵ ll stai step
ComtlIg dr,ng waⅡ hg血 c fIr“ ten gtops咖 ost洫 tOd孙 oIlc step,whoch dcteots whcthor yl,u arc wauqng σ
n。 t) l YOu can sctthc targct stcp mmbσ in dally oxcrclsc
2 PmOIlnlI【 Fmmmm scoligs Oc1g⒒ wcIghtJ
3 H曰
吐 ntc sm d,nnInc hca0rate momilmIng
巛唧 mCIlsur,ng hca“ mte in the proccss of waⅢ and thcrc、 mI11Jo° 刂
I呐 dofhGDrtntcl ng
4IⅡ 碱 rOcord:a凼 癫 oal rccord abIrdt ttc stCp nmbcr of daIly α cfclse咖 Ⅱ mom△ g
5Rcs“ the numbor of stcps∶ thc exttlng numcr。
“∞ s call bG cIcIlred
X,sIec。 m"ω n吧
Ent钌 the龃 Ocp monltonng mm岛 m酞
、伍 r,,lnd伍 en wcnr“ 血 haid a△ d go to诀 吐 u,E sk却 qla△ 0cn。 be momtorcd⒛ 四泅 ng to v1bmtIOn nmllmde of the watch and duraton oF d叼 ,谰 a histononl record about sIm dum。 autonnticaIIy血 on aud mh9wJI be Benmted thc momlng evq山 y up to"咖 ordscan bc gmmtcd
"storIcal r∞
X△ Remhder forIo叱 侦 Ⅱ glm吧
Chck into伍 or-nder IlleIlu for long△ ime si锚 ng,you can sct your t,ml tIˉ
Incrmmtl,g。 d thC△
冖 od a肟
臼 h。 r hgJ atch wm血 g atld vi△ ntc⒗ rmInd” 泗α crcls。 ancrIOn:tlm。 s血
Two· dIlIomloo ct1de
E血 er thc dlspI呷 i皿 ge oftwoˉ dImcnsioml codO,you can sweep"In me A【 drold pⅡ omes tlr swm“ 血QQ, click r,n thc domIoad and cα 叩
I“ c:nsta"atitlIl
XⅡ L Ahrm ClocL
1upto Evc a:aIlns can be addcd
2You。 m sd thc rcmndcI9,⒍ nbmtIOn and Hng,
VIbraoon毗 only Fmg,ones
3 YOd necd to switch to thc oN statc to rmm the olann cl∞ki"erfacc after scttmg the胡 am
Bnter thc calendar mtcrface and slidc up and doM as wcII ag lefl amd nBhtto ox" xv.cmcuInω r
Ym cno钿
,out data∞ lmtIOn
XVl CnIller臼
B盹 sCCIlC m【
-k。 y nmd QuOI key YOu cnIlentcrthc caIllcra smEgs,photo sett血 gs,w洫 e№
眦 ld%orects l。catlon,storagc loca0on,and rcstmo tLe defnult vahlcs;
Xˇ η
.FⅡ e mnⅡ ngemeot
Chck to go to Vlew the photos,砬 wthln thc llntch
汛 ,audlo“ lcs
⒒ TopIc
YOu onIlGhmgo mIlu top1o
Y【 ,ll can讧 cw local photog wlthln the△ lItc△ aud long plcsg the plcirc mamc to v】 ew tLc p】
mIrc and∞ am dc1。
to nmd B田 “ 吨 Bluotooth aod oDn aIso view storagc locnmon and im,Bgc1nfo-tlon
珉 咖
You can record nnd play l【 Ioal audto mes
1 You nccd to ellsurc to wcar thc mtcL su】
bcfmo incasun△ g hcart rate and thc△
mbIy mld bc
thc shn oloscly
2CLck smo to mMsum the浊 “
3^hMOncDl nofd访
ll bo gmmtod氏 r onch ihm mcaswment nutopnt1o81Iy,up to⒛ ⅡstonGBl蹈
ords can
Ⅱ 鲫 咖
TI,血 哂
mc hc。
i mtc whc
Ilyou Bm mcrc】 BmspIs stat1c mcagurGIllcnt