I n s t a l l a t I o n G u I d e
for the
SB-F-F150SCR/13TW5 sKu#94460,94461,94462
SB-F-F150SCR/13TW5 INSTR_SKU# 011297
If you choose to perform the installation yourself, it is absolutely vital that the Stealthbox ® be properly mounted to the vehicle according to these instructions. Failure to mount the enclosure properly presents two problems:
1) The sub-bass performance will suffer due to the movement of the enclosure caused by the force exerted by the woofer(s).
2) A loose enclosure presents a serious safety hazard in the event of a collision or sudden deceleration.
InstallatIon d I F F I C u lt Y : 2
5 out oF estImated tIme:
1 HouR s t e P 1
Remove any contents in the backseat area and flip the seat up. Place the Stealthbox® on the floor under the drivers side backseat as shown.
Thank you for choosing a JL Audio Stealthbox ® for your automotive sound system. With proper installation, your new vehicle-specific enclosed subwoofer system will deliver years of listening pleasure.
We strongly recommend that you have your new Stealthbox ® installed by your authorized JL Audio dealer. The installation professionals employed by your dealer have the necessary tools and experience to disassemble and reassemble your vehicle properly. Also, keep in mind that your warranty coverage extends to 2 years if your system is installed or approved by your authorized JL Audio dealer. If you prefer to perform your own installation, please read this installation guide completely before beginning the process.
There are four brackets that need to be installed on the enclosure, two on each end.
Shown is the end of the enclosure that would be mounted near the middle of the cab of the truck, at the other end of the enclosure the brackets are mounted so that the bottom tabs go under the enclosure.
The long end of the bracket attaches to the enclosure using the supplied hardware (see detaIl below). Do not tighten hardware down at this point, just get it in place.
d e t a I l
Continued on Next Page
s t e P 3
Mount the two outside brackets to the enclosure as shown in the picture at left and, the detaIl below. do not tIGHten at tHIs tIme!
FLAT WASHER d e t a I l s t e P 4
Align the enclosure so that the inside edge is directly below the inside seam of the seats as shown and insert the 3” x 3”
Wax Squares under the feet as show.
s t e P 5
Insert two 3” x 3” Wax Squares under the outisde feet as well, make sure not to move the enclosure from the correct position while inserting the 3” x 3” Wax Squares.
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SB-F-F150SCR/13TW5 INSTR_SKU# s t e P 6
Making sure that you don’t re-postion the enclosure, press down on each corner as Bill is shown doing here, creating depressions in each of the 3” x 3” Wax Squares to identify where you will drill the four holes through the floor to secure the enclosure.
s t e P 7
Remove the Mount Brackets from the enclosure and position them accordingly (if needed) and mark the holes to be drilled.
s t e P 8
Drill the four 1/2” holes required to mount the brackets to the floor.
Before drilling, always make sure that you are not going to be drilling into any gas lines, brake lines, tires, transmission lines, electrical wiring, exhaust systems or anything else that might cause a reduction in your weekly pay. always wear eye protection when drilling.
s t e P 9
Install the two outside Mount Brackets to the floor first, using the hardware included as shown.
Continued on Next Page
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Set the enclosure in place and secure the Stealthbox® to the previously installed Mount Brackets. Once all hardware is in location and started, go back through all fasteners and tighten.
s t e P 1 1
It will be easier to go under the vehicle to tighten the four bolts that come through the floor. Make sure to install the
Fender Washers, Split Lock Washers and, Hex Head Nuts as shown in the detaIl
SB-F-F150SCR/13TW5 INSTR_SKU# 011297
I n C l u d e d H a R d W a R e
4) Custom Mount Bracket
4) 1/4-20 x 1” Hex Head Bolt
4) 3” x 3” Wax Square
4) 1/4” Flat Washer
4) 3/8” Flat Washer
4) 1/4” Split Lock Washer
4) 3/8” Split Lock Washer
4) 3/8-16 x 1 3/4” Hex Head Bolt 4) 3/8” x 1-1/4” Fender Washer 4) 3/8-16 Hex Nut s P e C I F I C a t I o n s
Enclosure Type: Acoustic Suspension (sealed)
Driver Type: 13TW5
Nominal Impedance: 3Ohms
Continuous Power Handling: 600Watts
P o W e R R e C o m m e n d a t I o n
JL Audio recommends high quality amplifiers such as the JL Audio HD750/1, 500/1v2 or G1700. The diagram below shows the recommended crossover, infrasonic filter and equalizer settings for the HD750/1. If another amplifier is being used, please reference this illustration and use similar settings on that amplifier.
All JL Audio amplifiers are very versatile audio components. Please consult the owner’s manual for even more detailed information about installing and tuning your amplifier.
C o n n e C t I o n s
Using quality power, signal and speaker wire is essential in ensuring the performance of your Stealthbox®.
JL Audio recommends using a 4 AWG power kit such as the XC-PCS4-1B for your Stealthbox® amplifier, other kits are available should you be using more than one amplifier. Signal wire such as the JL Audio Premium
Audio Interconnect Cables should be used that will provide signal for both channels of the amplifier. JL Audio reccommends using 12AWG speaker wire for subwoofers such as our XC-BCS12-25.
m I d / H I G H F R e q u e n C Y d R I v e R F I t m e n t
A variety of JL Audio coaxial and component systems will fit in the factory speaker locations of you vehicle.
Front Speaker Size / Location: 5”x 7” / 6”x 8”- Front Doors
Fits JL Audio Models: TR570-CXi, C2-570x, C5-570, C5-570x & ZR570-CSi
Rear Speaker Size / Location: 5”x 7” / 6”x 8”- Rear Door
Fits JL Audio Models: TR570-CXi, C2-570x, C5-570, C5-570x & ZR570-CSi s t e P 1 2
Step back and admire your work, flip the rear seat back down,
C o n G R a t u l a t I o n s !
You have completed the installation for this model!
Enjoy your new Stealthbox®!
Please refer to the Power Recommendation section for an amplifier recommendation and basic set-up help.
(954) 443-1100 w w w . j l a u d i o . c o m
All specifications are subject to change without notice. “JL Audio®” and the JL Audio logo, “Stealthbox” and the Stealthbox logo are registered trademarks of JL Audio, Inc. “Ahead of the Curve” and its respective logo is a trademark of JL Audio, Inc.
JLA-SKU# 011297 07-24-2009 • Printed in USA • ©2009 JL Audio, Inc. • U.S. PATENTS: #5,734,734 #5,949,898 #6,118,884 #6,229,902 #6,243,479
#6,294,959 #6,501,844 #6,496,590 #6,441,685 #5,687,247 #6,219,431 #6,625,292 #D472,891 #D480,709 Other U.S. & Foreign patents pending.
For more detailed information please visit us online at
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