Dear Customers,
The Pla-ylist Mode of USA SPEC iPod interfaces has been replaced by Hybrid Mod.
Hybrid Mode combines the advantages ofbo'th PlayJist Mode and Direct
Mod~; therefore USA SPEC iPod interface delivers a new level of convenience to use your iPod in car.
attention to driving. Do not operate iPod in such a way that will distract you while you are driving.
• In Hybrid Mode, the songs on iPodare accessed exactly in the same way as in the
Playlist Mode been explained in the owner's manual. But, iPod screen is NOT locked to "ok to disconnect" and iPod control keys are also fully functional.
Therefore, while playing your iPod at any DISC location of radio, you can manually change song, change artist, change album, fast forward, fast reverse, etc.
through the keys on iPod.
• If the playback of a Playlist is manually I'interrupted" through iPod' s key pad' and a song or music in a "new category" is played, the interface module memorizes
. the last played track number of the "new category". I'New category" means folders; or Playlsit, or artist, etc. which is different from the Playlist being played·,
When you return to the Same DISCon radio later, the interface module will use the "memQriz~d" track number (note: just the track number, not the last played song in the new category) to playback the Playlist related to this DISC.
• Hybrid Mode is selected by setting the DIP switch #2 on interface module to position.
• When iPod is connected to interface module, the iPod will take appto)timately 30 seconds to complete its external control mode configuration. During this period of time, the'iPod screen's.display will continue change until the configuration is completed.
• The numberof Playlist being supported and all other functions, including the naming of Playlsits for Hybrid Mode are the same as in Playlist Mode.
• In Hybrid Mode, you can fast forward and fast reverse the music with the fast forward and fast reverse buttons on your radio.
• For those USA SPEC iPod interface products which support radio, the TEXT display feature is continue supported.
TEXT display on
• 03
iPod is not compatible with Hybrid Mode. 03 iPods will be in Play/ist mode when DIP switch
is at ON position.
• The operation of Direct Mode remains unchanged.
Thank you for purchasing a USkSPEC product. This manual describes the functions and operation of PA11-VETTE iPod interface for Corvette and some of the Cadillac radios.
Please read this manual before installing the product in your vehicle.
1-1 This interface connects an iPod directly to your GM audio system. Its on-board software translates commands from GM XM band controls into commands that the iPod understands. This interface enables the iPod to co-exist with the GM CD changer,
Navigation system, XM radio receiver, DVD system, and
ON-Star, and provides the following benefits:
• Directs the iPod's audio output to GM vehicle audio system for optimal sound quality playback.
• Controls the iPod via vehicle's radio and steering wheel controls.
• Charges the iPod's internal battery, and charging stops automatically at approximately one hour after the iPod is paused. iPod will go to sleep mode when charging stops.
1-2 This interface adapter is designed to use the XM band control of your GM factory radio for controlling iPod and AUX. Your GM radio has to be a XM-Ready radio for this adaptor to work properly. Setting and using these controls for your auxiliary inputs as follows:
1-2-1. Usina the XM band control in parallel with a GM satellite receiver:
• If your vehicle has a factory installed XM receiver, set both DIP switch #3 and DIP switch #4 to the "OFF" position. The XM1 will become iPod and AUX control and
XM2 band remains for XM radio reception.
• Access and control your iPod and AUX with the "BAND" button on radio.
Press "BAND" button until "XM1" is displayed on radio. Press "Preset 5" key for
Playlist (or, disc number) change and AUX access.
1-2-2. Usina the XM band control without a GM satellite receiver:
• Setting the DIP switch #3 to "OFF" and the DIP switch #4 to "ON" position, both
XM1 and XM2 bands will allow you to control iPod and AUX input port.
• Access and control your iPod and AUX with the "BAND" button on radio. Press
"BAND" button until "XM1" is displayed. Press "Preset 5" key for Playlist (or, disc number) change and AUX access.
1-3 Compatibility
This PA11-VETTE interface is compatible with iPod (G3, G4 and Photo), iPod mini, iPod nano and iPod video models featuring a dock connector. The functionality and features of the iPod interface described in this owner's manual are confirmed with firmware version 1.4.1 for iPod mini, firmware version 2.3 and 3.1.1 for iPod , firmware version 1.2.1 for iPod photo, firmware version 1.1.1 for iPod video, and firmware version 1.1.1 for iPod nano.
Future firmware updates for your iPod may affect the features and functions described in this owner's manual..
Display of artist name and song title information is supported ONLY in Playlist Mode use. To display text on a radio does not have navigation capability, press "DISP" or
"INFO" button while iPod is playing.
1-4 Package Contents
PA11-VETTE contains one each of PA11-VETTE interface adapter, CB-VET, CB-F12,
CB-PA14 and CDL-EXT cables.
1-5 Applications
PA11-VETTE is applicable to the following vehicles:
Corvette wI XM Receiver
CTS (by Cadillac)
2005-2006 CB-VET, CB-F12, CB-PA14
Corvette wlo XM Receiver
SRX (by Cadillac)
2005-2006 *CAS-G7i, CB-F12, CB-PA14 wI XM Receiver 2005-2006 CB-VET, CB-F12, CB-PA14 wI XM Receiver 2005-2006 CB-VET, CB-F12, CDL-EXT, CB-PA14
EQUINAX wI XM Receiver
2005-2006 CB-VET, CB-F12, CDL-EXT, CB-PA14
2005-2006 CB-VET, CB-F12, CDL-EXT, CB-PA14
*Note: Cable CAS-G7i is sold separately. Please contact USkSPEC Tel: 626 336 3836
PA11-VETTE provides two ways to control your iPod through car radio, namely P'ay'ist
Mode and Direct Mode.
2-1 Direct Mode: Search and select music on iPod directly just as you would in portable use. The music will play back through your car stereo. Use the track up/down, fast forward, and reverse buttons on your radio to control music playback. All control functions on iPod are available for use as well. Please see section 4 in this manual for additional information
2-2 P'ay'ist Mode: Operate and control the iPod like it is a CD changer. This mode allows you to access up to five Playlists on the iPod. This is also referenced as the External
Control Mode of the iPod. Display of artist and song title on radio is supported by
PA11-VETTE only in this mode of operation. The detail of Playlist creation and playback controls are in section 5 of this manual.
DIP switch #2 is for mode selection use. "ON" position is for P'ay'ist Mode and the "OFF" position is for Direct Mode.
Note: Disconnect iPod from PA11-VETTE before switching DIP switch #2 for mode alteration.
2-3 Additional AUX INPUT Option Selection
PA11-VETTE interface adaptor is capable of connecting two audio sources to your
GM radio, including the iPod. The additional audio source connects to the RCA input jack labeled as AUX INPUT. If you choose to use AUX INPUT, the DIP switch #1 at the side of adaptor box must be set to the "OFF" position (factory presets it at "ON" position).
The audio source at AUX INPUT can be accessed at CD 6 Track 1. CD1 to CD 4 are for accessing Playlists, and CD 5 is for accessing all songs on iPod.
Operation of AUX
If the "AUX INPUT" option is selected, "CD 6 Track 1" gives access to the audio source connected to AUX INPUT port. Adjust VOLUME, BASS, TREBLE and etc.
As you would normally do for the other program sources on the radio.
(Professional installation is strongly suggested. Installation in the CTS and SRX are skill demanding works.)
Step 1-a- Set the 01 P switch #2 to "OFF" position only if the Direct Mode is preferred.
Step 1-b- If your vehicle is neither equipped with a GM XM satellite radio receiver nor pre-wired for GM XM receiver, got to step 3 directly.
Step 2-a- Unplug the 16-pin connector from GM XM receiver and connect it to the
"FEMAL" 16-pin connector on USkSPEC cable CB-VET (Note: Pull-out the BLUE color lock at the top side of the 16-pin connector before unplug it from the receiver.)
Step 2-b- Plug USkSPEC CB-VET cable's "MALE" 16-pin connector to XM receiver.
Step 2-c- Set both DIP switch #3 and #4 at side panel of PA11-VETTE to "OFF" position.
Be sure the ACC power is OFF before go to next step.
Step 2-d- Connect USkSPEC cable CB-F12 to the 12-pin "MALE" connector CB-VET. Plug the round DIN connector on CB-F12 to PA11-VETTE adopter where labeled "RADIO".
Step 2-e- Plug the blue wire on USkSPEC CB-VET cable to PA11-VETTE adaptor where
(Note: If XM labeled "XM". Go to step 4 directly.
service is not activated, the tree-at-charge XM preview and alert channels can be disables by setting DIP switch #3 to OFF position and DIP switch #4 to ON position.)
Step 3-a- Remove radio from dash. Unplug the 24 pin and 12 pin connectors from the radio and connect them to USkSPEC CAS-G7i cable.
Step 3-b- Plug USkSPEC CAS-G7i cable's 24 pin and 12 pin connectors to the radio.
Step 3-c- Set the DIP switch #3 to "ON" position and #4 to "OFF" position
Step 3-d- Connect CAS-F12 cable to G7i cable. Plug the round 01 N connector on CAS-F12 to adapter where labeled "RADIO". Go to Step 4.
Step 4 - Connect the audio output of your auxiliary sources to AUX input jack on PA11-
VETTE adapter box if the additional AUX option is selected by setting the DIP switch #1 to "OFF" position.
INSTALLATION for Vehicle equipped with a GM XM receiver
ON: when switch is at bottom position
(to 16pin connected on factory XM receiver cable)
INSTALLATION for Corvettes which is neither equipped with a GM XM receiver nor Pre-wired for GM XM receiver
ON: when switch is at bottom position
~==== .....
TO car
[]i] t t
;;;2 ,
(To the harness
/;,f);X that was connected to Radio):""=====r===r=""
Use only the iPod connection cable which comes with PA11-VETTE interface adaptor.
iPod Connection cables from other sources may look similar, but they may damage your iPod.
Please refer to the following photos about where to locate and how to connect the XM receiver in Corvette.
(A) Installation in Corvette Coupe and T-TQ.Q
XM receiver is located at driver side quote panel in the hatch.
Remove the panel pull out the carpet.
Lift the XM Receiver bracket and unplug the 16pin connector. Plug it into the CAS-VET
(female side) cable. Plug the male side of CAS-VET into XM Receiver.
is) Installation in Corvette convertible
XM Receiver is located behind the panel between the back of two seats
Reference to the instruction in (A) to finish the rest of connections.
When the iPod is connected to the adapter, the iPod 's screen will go blank for few seconds before the normal screen returns. The audio of iPod music will be played back at DISC 5 and Track 1. Adjust VOLUME, BASS, TREBLE and etc. as you would normally do for the other program sources on the radio.
5-1 Connecting iPod to the interface
After connect iPod to PA11-VETTE adaptor, the iPod will take a few moments to change to its external control mode. The screen of iPod will then show iPod
OK to disconnect and you are now able to select iPod mode on radio.
5-2 Select iPod mode on GM radio
Press "BAND" button, depending on the setting of the DIP switches made at Step 10f installation, until "XM1" and "P6 T-xxxx" appears on the radio display (x is the track number of "Now Playing" song on iPod). This display confirms that iPod mode has been completely synchronized and activated. Synchronization timing varies according to the number of Playlists on your iPod.
If iPod was playing previously before radio or ACC power was OFF, and the iPod was not disconnected, playback resumes from where it was stopped.
5-3 Disconnecting iPod from the interface
The radio will stay at XM band and displays" iPod " when iPod is disconnected from adapter.
5-4 Playback of songs on iPod
All audio tracks on your iPod will be played (All SONG) at P6. Track order is determined by the default order on your iPod. Selecting P1 to P5 on radio will allow playback of 5
Playlists on iPod .
Every time when iPod is connected to the interface adaptor, the playback starts from "Now
Playing" song at DISC 6 by default.
If iPod was playing any of its Playlist right before the connection, the same Playlist will continue to play and repeated at disc 6 but iPod will switch to "All" as soon as fast forward button is pressed.
5-5 Selecting a Playlist
Press "Preset 5" button to select a Playlist. The selected Playlist will begin playing and the Playlist number and track number will be displayed. In rare cases, this may take up to few seconds for the completion of synchronization.
After playing the last song in the current Playlist, playback will start again from the first track of this Playlist.
Playlist naming
• When iPod is connected to your radio via PA11-VETTE interface adaptor, the adaptor scans all available Playlists on iPod and looks for designated GM Playlists are created for direct access with PRESET buttons on GM radio. The designated GM Playlists on iPod are related to "P" numbers on radio display as follow:
P1:GM1 .
P 2: GM2 .
P 3: GM3 .
P 4: GM4 .
P 5: GM5 .
P 6: ALL SONGS on iPod
The naming of designated GM Playlists in iTune for PA11-VETTE interface must be exactly as shown. GM must be in capital letters and there can be no spaces between GM text and number.
However, you may add any text after the correct naming of a Playlist. (i.e. GM1-Jazz,
GM3_Favorite3 are acceptable Playlist names for PA11-VETTE iPod interface.)
• If no designated GM Playlists are created, PA11-VETTE adaptor automatically relates the first five available Playlists on iPod to PRESET number 1 to 5 regardless Playlist's naming.
• If less than five designated GM Playlists are created, PA11-VETTE adaptor automatically fills up the rest of PRESET numbers beginning with the first available Playlist on iPod.
Example: if only three designated GM1, GM3 and GM5 Playlists are created, the disc number on radio will be:
P1:GM1 ...
P 2: (first available Playlsit on iPod)
P 3: GM3...
P 4: (2 nd available Playlist on iPod)
P 5: GM5...
The iPod interface does not recognize Playlists that contain no audio tracks regardless of
Playlist naming. The iPod interface also does not recognize the "On-The-Go" Playlist on your iPod.
5-6 Playback function controls
You can control playback with several functions. These functions are generally cancelled when you press select radio buttons; disconnect the iPod, or POWER OFF the radio or ACC.
Random (Shuffle)
Press the "Preset 6" songs within a Playlist will play back in random order. The display of track number will change to start from 1 as it does on the iPod.
Repeat of a song being played is not supported.
Track Up/Down
Press the "Preset 2" (track up) button to advance to the next track in the Playlist.
Press the "Preset 1" (track down) button to go to the beginning of the track that's being played. Press the "Preset 1" button twice to go to the previous track.
If the track up or track down button is pressed quickly in repetition, the track numbers displayed may change unevenly. You may also hear short bits of audio during repeated presses of track up and track down buttons.
Fast Track Search (x10)
Pressing the "Preset 4" (fast forward) or "Preset 3" (fast reverse) buttons will advance or retreat through the tracks in the Playlist in increment of 10 (Le. 04, 14, 24...). When the end of the Playlist is reached, the search will stop at track 1, and then continue by increments of 10 (Le. 19, 29, 1, 11 ...).
Press and hold the fast forward or fast reverse buttons for more then 4 seconds, and the search will jump to the last track or the first track of the Playlist.
If you are in scan mode, it will be cancelled.
Fast Forward/Fast Reverse Play
This function applies only in random mode. Since engaging or disengaging the random mode does not stop playback of the current song, you can change into or out of random mode to do the fast track search (x10) function, or the fast forward/fast backward play function.
Pressing and holding the forward or backward button will cause only the current track to skip through at a rapid speed.
During fast forward, when the end of the current track is reached, the iPod will start playing the next random track at normal speed. During fast backward, when the start of the current track is reached, the track will start playing again at normal speed. To continue fast forward or fast reverse play, release the button and press it again.
Changing source to AM/FM, CD, Cassette
When a source other then the iPod is selected on the radio, the iPod will pause play and battery will continue be charge approximately one hour before iPod goes to sleep mode.
In general, iPod has not been designed to withstand temperature extremes in automobiles.
Please consult your iPod Owner's Manual regarding acceptable operation and storage temperatures.
Do not disassemble or alter the cable and interface box.
Make the connections correctly.
Do not cut away the wire sheath or use the power for other equipments.
Do not install in locations which might hinder vehicle operation or create hazards for vehicle occupants.
Having the wiring and installation done by professionals.
Arrange wiring so it is not crimped or pinched.
Do not use this product for purposes other than stated for the vehicle
Note: iPod, iPod rnini, iPod nano, iPod photo, iPod video and iTune are registered trade marks of Apple Computer, Inc.
XM is a trade mark of XM Satellite Radio Inc.
GM and CORVETTE are registered trade marks of General Motors Corporation.
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Model No': Serial No :
1 11='=
N a m e - - - - - -
A d d r e s s - - - - - -
C i t y - - - - - - - - - - S t a t e Z i p - - - -
Date of P u r c h a s e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dealer N a m e / A d d r e s s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vehicle Make: - - - - - - Y r M o d e l - - - - -
LTI Enterprises Inc.
167 Mason Way, Unit A2
City of Industry, CA 91746
Phone (626)336-3836
Fax (626)336-0115
LTI Enterprises Inc.
167 Mason Way, Unit A2
City of Industry, CA 91746
Phone (626)336-3836
Fax (626)336-0115
(Y') to en o to
Extension cable available for CB-P14
(ipod cable).
To order please call 626 336
38 h
Thank you for choosing a USkSPEC product. LTI Enterprises Inc., is committed to providing high quality defect free products. All USAcSPEC products are tested before leaving the factory and are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of three year to the original owner. The three-year warranty period begins at the date of manufacture or the date of original installation.
Please see installation registration below.
Products and related accessories supplied by LTI Enterprises Inc. with the brand name of
USA>SPEC are covered by this warranty. Only products purchased in the U.S.A. is covered.
1. Damage due to improper installation, operation, accident, negligence, abuse, or not following instructions, warnings, and acceptable industry procedures.
2. Damage caused during the shipment or transportation of the product. All claims of this nature must be presented to the carrier.
3. Damage caused by acts of God, War, or civil disturbance, including without limitation, flood, fire, storms, earthquake or other acts of nature.
4. Any expenses or cost to remove or reinstall products.
5. Any product without the original serial number and factory seal, or has been serviced or modified without the authorization of LTI Enterprises Inc.
6. Any product not distributed by an authorized LTI Enterprises Inc. dealer.
To provide warranty coverage from the date of installation the limited warranty registration card with this information must be completed and returned to LTI Enterprises Inc. within thirty(30) days of the installation.
Contact the Customer Service center printed on the back of this warranty for assistance. A detailed description of the problem(s) is required for service. Proof of purchase is also required when sending a product for warrant service. If the problem cannot be resolved and the product must be returned for service you will receive an authorization from the service center. The product must be delivered pre-paid to the service center. LTI Enterprises Inc.
. will, at our option, repair the product or replace it with new or reconditioned product, and if it was shipped to the service center, the return shipping will be pre-paid free of charge provided the repairs are covered by the warranty. The product must be packed securely for shipment to the service center in order to preserve the warranty and prevent damage.
' " i
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary, from state to state and province to province. Some of the limitations or exclusions may not apply tp you.

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