Pro-Team AviationVac, ProClean, ProVac 100, QuarterVac Brochure
SUPER COACHVAC PARTS PRODUCT PRICE LIST JANUARY • 2008 2 • All prices, specifications and offers effective January 1, 2008 and are subject to change without notice. • Shipping is prepaid on all orders greater than $2,500.00 in the Continental U.S. Warranty Info – All ProTeam vacuums carry an unmatched 3 year parts, labor and motor warranty. Lifetime warranty on molded body parts. Please see owner’s manual for complete warranty details. Trademarks and Patents – ProTeam, TailVac, QuarterVac, Super CoachVac, LineVacer, ProClean, Four Level, JetSweep, Intercept Micro, QuietPro, ProForce, ProDuster and Team Cleaning are trademarks and service marks of ProTeam, Inc. E-Z Glide patent No. 5,659,923 is a trademark of ProTeam,Inc. ManageMen is a registered trademark of ManageMen in the USA. Velcro is a registered trademark of Velcro Industries in the USA. © 2006-2008 ProTeam, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS Vacuums ....................................................................................... 2 Attachment Kits ............................................................................ 3-4 Individual Tools ............................................................................. 5-6 Filters ............................................................................................ 7 Replacement Parts ........................................................................ 8 Accessories.................................................................................... 9 Educational Materials .................................................................... 9 Super CoachVac®, Super CoachVac® HEPA & CoachVac™ Parts ....... 10-11 MegaVac® Parts ............................................................................ 12-13 Super QuarterVac® & Super QuarterVac® HEPA Parts ...................... 14-15 QuietPro® BP Parts ........................................................................ 16-17 QuarterVac® Parts ......................................................................... 18-19 TailVac® Parts ................................................................................ 20-21 ProVac/AviationVac Parts ............................................................... 22-23 QuietPro® CN HEPA Parts .............................................................. 24-25 ProClean® & ProClean HEPA Parts ................................................. 26-27 LineVacer® Parts ............................................................................ 28-29 ProForce® 1500XP Parts................................................................. 30-31 ProForce® 1500 Parts..................................................................... 32-33 GoCartVac™ Parts .......................................................................... 34-35 Index ............................................................................................ 36-40 Sales Representatives .................................................................... inside back cover VACUUMS VACUUMS LARGE CAPACITY BACKPACKS HEPA & CANISTER VACUUMS SUPER COACHVAC (100182) LINEVACER (100667) 100653* Super CoachVac w/Attachment Kit B (101336) $509.00 100710 Super CoachVac w/Attachment Kit C (100077) 519.00 100709 Super CoachVac w/Attachment Kit D (100079) 529.00 105893 Super CoachVac w/Flooring Installation Kit A (105889) 539.00 105895 Super CoachVac w/Flooring Installation Kit B (105890) 519.00 105897 Super CoachVac w/Flooring Installation Kit C (105891) 509.00 101830 Super CoachVac w/Hard Surface Flooring Kit (101829) 509.00 106512 Super CoachVac w/1½'' Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 509.00 106731 Super CoachVac w/1¼'' Tapered Wand Kit (106730) 489.00 SUPER COACHVAC HEPA (106572) 499.00 106573* Super CoachVac HEPA w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 106580 Super CoachVac HEPA w/1½'' Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) COACHVAC (100181) 100643* CoachVac w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 100277* LineVacer HEPA w/High Filtration Vac Kit (100163) 100280 LineVacer ULPA w/High Filtration Vac Kit (100163) 100279 LineVacer HEPA Cart w/High Filtration Vac Kit (100163) 100282 LineVacer ULPA Cart w/High Filtration Vac Kit (100163) 101549 CoachVac w/Attachment Kit A (100078) 499.00 100707 CoachVac w/Attachment Kit C (100077) 509.00 100708 CoachVac w/Attachment Kit D (100079) 519.00 100657* MegaVac w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 529.00 101529 MegaVac w/Attachment Kit C (100077) 539.00 100717 MegaVac w/Attachment Kit D (100079) 549.00 QUIETPRO CN HEPA (106102) 105892 MegaVac w/Flooring Installation Kit A (105889) 539.00 105894 MegaVac w/Flooring Installation Kit B (105890) 549.00 105896 MegaVac w/Flooring Installation Kit C (105891) 510.539.00 106207* QuietPro CN HEPA w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 106208 QuietPro CN HEPA w/High Filtration Vac Kit (100163) 106517 QuietPro CN HEPA w/1½'' Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) MID CAPACITY BACKPACKS SUPER QUARTERVAC (106070) 106205* Super QuarterVac w/Attachment Kit B (101336) $509.00 106206 Super QuarterVac w/Attachment Kit A (100078) 509.00 106513 Super QuarterVac w/1½'' Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 509.00 QUARTERVAC (101163) 101245* QuarterVac w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 499.00 101164 QuarterVac w/Standard 1¼'' Kit (100090) 479.00 101548 QuarterVac w/Attachment Kit A (100078) 499.00 103258* 103259 103260 103220 106516 QuarterVac w/Attachment Kit C (100077) 509.00 GOCARTVAC (106087) 519.00 106209* GoCartVac w/GoCartVac Kit (104885) 101250 QuarterVac w/Turbo Brush 1¼'' Kit (100091) 539.00 106515 QuarterVac w/1½'' Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 499.00 105732* QuietPro BP w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 589.00 QuietPro BP w/Attachment Kit A (100078) 589.00 106518 QuietPro BP w/1½'' Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 589.00 519.00 639.00 639.00 639.00 549.00 549.00 549.00 589.00 549.00 $3,449.00 549.00 509.00 509.00 509.00 AVIATIONVAC (103023) 519.00 101293 499.00 UPRIGHTS 101528 TailVac w/Attachment Kit C, 1½'' hose (100077) 529.00 PROFORCE 1500XP (104301) 105030 TailVac w/Deluxe 1¼'' Kit (103090) 519.00 104301* ProForce 1500XP 106514 TailVac w/1½'' Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 519.00 PROFORCE 1500 (104300) 2 519.00 ProVac w/Restaurant Kit (100727) ProVac w/Attachment Kit A (100078) ProVac w/Attachment Kit B (101336) ProVac w/1½'' Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 101550* TailVac w/Attachment Kit B, 1½'' hose (101336) TailVac w/Standard 1¼'' Kit (101324) 519.00 PROVAC (100617) 100729* 100829 103246 106519 106542* AviationVac w/Aviation 1½" Kit #1 (106502) 103024 AviationVac w/Aviation 1¼'' Kit #2 (103222) TAILVAC (101292) 519.00 SPECIALTY VACUUMS QuarterVac w/Attachment Kit D (100079) 105733 999.00 ProClean w/Attachment Kit B (101336) ProClean w/Attachment Kit C (100077) ProClean w/Attachment Kit D (100079) ProClean w/Restaurant Kit (100727) ProClean w/1½'' Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 101247 (105739) 819.00 PROCLEAN (103131) 101248 QUIETPRO BP 889.00 SUPER QUARTERVAC HEPA (106576) 106577* Super QuarterVac HEPA w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 106579 Super QuarterVac HEPA w/1½'' Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) MEGAVAC (100315) $719.00 104300* ProForce 1500 * Denotes Standard Configuration Kit 599.00 579.00 $539.00 419.00 KITS KITS COMMERCIAL TWO-PIECE 1½" WAND KIT #1 STANDARD 1¼" KIT 1½" Attachments with a Two-Piece Wand Option Each Kit contains: Two-Piece, Two-Bend Aluminum Wand – 56" (101338) Upholstery Tool – 5" (100115) Dust Brush – 3" (100110) Crevice Tool – 17" (100108) And a choice of the following floor tools: Kit A. 100078 14" Floor Tool w/Scallops (100147) $76.86 Kit B. 101336 14" E-Z Glide Floor Tool w/Brush (101446) 88.00 Kit C. 100077 11" Floor Tool w/Adjustable Brush (100083) 87.60 Kit D. 100079 16" Floor Tool w/Adjustable Brush (100092) 96.53 Kit No. 101324 TailVac Standard 1¼" Attachment Kit $65.72 Kit No. 100090 Standard 1¼" Attachment Kit 65.72 Each kit contains: Upholstery Tool – 5½" (103087) w/Removable Brush (103088) Cuff Adapter – 1¼" x 1¼" (103099) Reducer Cuff* (101092) Curved Chrome Wand w/Button Lock – 1¼" x 13" (103505) Chrome Telescoping Wand w/Button Lock – 24" to 40" (106343) Crevice Tool – 13" (103086) Multi-Surface Floor Tool – 10" (106709) Dust Brush, Rectangular 90/180° Swivel – 2½" (103089) *Reducer cuff is not included with the TailVac Standard 1¼" Kit COMMERCIAL ONE-PIECE 1½" WAND KIT #2 1½" Attachments with a One-Piece Wand Option Each Kit contains: One-Piece, Two-Bend Aluminum Wand – 56" (100102) Upholstery Tool – 5" (100115) Dust Brush – 3" (100110) Crevice Tool – 17" (100108) And a choice of the following floor tools: Kit E. 100650 14" Floor Tool w/Scallops (100147) $76.86 Kit F. 101337 14" E-Z Glide Floor Tool w/Brush (101446) 88.00 Kit G. 100711 11" Floor Tool w/Adjustable Brush (100083) 87.60 Kit H. 100712 16" Floor Tool w/Adjustable Brush (100092) 96.53 COMMERCIAL 1½" TELESCOPING WAND KIT #3 Kit No. 106291 1½" Attachments Each kit contains: 1½" 42" to 59" Aluminum Telescoping Wand (106290) Crevice Tool – 17" (100108) Dust Brush – 3" (100110) Upholstery Tool – 5" (100115) 14" E-Z Glide Floor Tool w/Brush (101446) Kit No. 103090 TailVac Deluxe 1¼" Attachment Kit $88.00 Kit No. 103467 Deluxe 1¼" Attachment Kit 88.00 Each kit contains: Crevice Tool – 13" (103086) Cuff Adapter – 1¼" x 1¼" (103099) Reducer Cuff* (101092) Chrome Telescoping Wand w/Button Lock – 24" to 40" (106343) Carpet Tool w/Scallops 12" (103085) Natural Fiber Hard Floor Tool – 12" (103084) Curved Chrome Wand w/Button Lock – 1¼" x 13" (103505) Dust Brush, Rectangular 90/180° Swivel – 2½" (103089) Upholstery Tool – 5½" (103087) w/Removable Brush (103088) *Reducer cuff is not included with the TailVac Deluxe 1¼" Kit $92.70 TURBO BRUSH 1¼" KITS TAPERED 1¼" WAND KIT Kit No. 106730 1½" Attachments Each kit contains: 54" One-Bend Chrome Tapered Wand (100136) Crevice Tool – 17" (100108) Dust Brush – 3" (100110) Upholstery Tool – 5" (100115) 10" Multi-Surface Floor Tool (106709) DELUXE 1¼'' KITS $65.72 A. Kit No. 101346 $133.67 TailVac Standard 1¼" Attachment Kit with Turbo Brush Kit contains: TailVac Standard 1¼" Kit (101324) 11" Turbo Brush Tool – 1¼" (100117) B. Kit No. 100091 133.67 Standard 1¼" Attachment Kit with Turbo Brush Kit contains: Standard 1¼" Kit (100090) 11" Turbo Brush Tool – 1¼" (100117) C. Kit No. 100135 93.99 Turbo Brush with Wand Kit contains: 11" Turbo Brush Tool – 1¼” (100117) 54" One-Bend Chrome Tapered Wand – 1½" to 1¼" (100136) 3 23 KITS KITS RESTAURANT 1½" KIT GOCARTVAC 1¼" KIT Kit No. 100727 $99.62 Each kit contains: Hard Floor Tool w/Nylon Brush – 14" (100623) Dust Brush – 3" (100110) Upholstery Tool – 5" (100115) Two-Piece Aluminum Wand w/Button Lock – 56" (101338) Crevice Tool 11" (100107) Carpet Tool w/Scallops 14" (100147) 1¼" Attachments with a Telescoping Wand Kit No. 104885 $60.00 Kit contains: Chrome Telescoping Wand w/Button Lock – 24" to 40" (106343) 10" Multi-Surface Floor Tool (106709) 13" Crevice Tool (103086) Upholstery Tool – 5½" (103087) w/Removable Brush (103088) Dust Brush, Rectangular 90/180° Swivel – 2½" (103089) Extra 10-pk Intercept Micro Filters, extra cloth filter and 5-year motor warranty included with purchase of ProVac or ProClean with Restaurant Kit. FLOORING INSTALLATION 1½" KIT 1½" Attachments with a Two-Piece Wand Each Hard Surface Flooring Kit contains: AVIATION 1½" KIT #1 Kit No. 106502 Aviation 1½" Attachment Kit Each kit contains: Dust Brush, Horsehair – 3" (100110) Crevice Tool – 17" (100108) Aluminum One-Piece, Two-Bend Wand – 49" (106293) Upholstery Tool – 5" (100115) Aluminum Gulper Floor Tool – 12" (100155) $118.45 Two-Piece, Two-Bend Aluminum Wand – 56" (101338) Dust Brush – 3" (100110) Crevice Tool – 17" (100108) And a choice of the following floor tools: Kit A. 105889 14" Floor Tool w/Scalloped Felt Brush (100144) Kit B. 105890 20" JetSweep® w/Brush (101613) 97.65 Kit C. 105891 14" Hard Floor Tool w/Horse Hair Brush (100614) 89.51 AVIATION 1¼" KIT #2 HARD SURFACE FLOORING 1½" KIT Kit No. 103222 $65.72 Each kit contains: Curved Chrome Wand w/Button Lock – 1¼" x 13" (103505) Crevice Tool – 13" (103086) Kit No. 101829 Two-Piece, Two-Bend Aluminum Wand – 56" (101338) Dust Brush – 3" (100110) Dust Brush, Rectangular 90/180° Swivel – 2½" (103089) Cuff Adapter – 1¼" x 1¼" (103099) Carpet Tool w/Scallops 12" (103085) Chrome Telescoping Wand w/Button Lock – 24" to 40" (106343) Upholstery Tool – 5" (100115) Kit No. 100163 $83.54 Each kit contains: Dust Brush – 3" (100110) Carpet Tool w/Scallops – 14" (100147) Upholstery Tool – 5" (100115) One-Bend Bulk Pick-Up Tool – 36" (100150) Two-Piece Aluminum Wand w/Button Lock – 56" (101338) 3 44 $87.88 Kit contains: Upholstery Tool – 5½" (103087) w/Removable Brush (103088) HIGH FILTRATION VAC 1½" KIT $89.51 Crevice Tool – 28" (100109) 14" Hard Floor Tool w/Felt Brush – Scalloped & Flat (106194) INDIVIDUAL TOOLS CREVICE TOOLS No. Product Name 104832 Replacement Crevice Tool (ProForce 1500XP) INDIVIDUAL TOOLS WANDS Size List Price 1½" No. Product Name Size List Price 103505 13" Curved Chrome Wand 1¼" $13.99 13" Curved Chrome Wand 1¼" 13.99 60" Straight Extension* 1½" 49.77 1½" 39.74 1½" 50.13 $ 2.48 100107 11" Crevice Tool 1½" 6.41 103086 13" Crevice Tool 1¼" 5.52 100108 17" Crevice Tool 1½" 8.63 100109 28" Crevice Tool 1½" 15.59 w/Button Lock 100167 100104 Aluminum Wand 100102 DUST BRUSHES Two-Bend Aluminum Wand* No. Product Name Size List Price 103089 2½" Rectangular 90/180º Swivel 1¼" $ 6.63 100110 3" Dust Brush w/Reducer 1½" 7.75 102659 5" Long Dust Brush 1¼" 11.36 104833 Combo Upholstery/Dust Brush (ProForce 1500XP) 56" One-Piece, 101338 Aluminum Wand w/Button Lock* 100136 1¼" 56" Two-Piece, Two-Bend 18.69 54" One-Bend Chrome 1½" to 1¼" 33.80 Tapered Wand for Turbo Brush 106343 UPHOLSTERY TOOLS 24" to 40" Chrome 1¼" 27.85 1¼" 27.85 1½" 49.98 1½" 42.98 1½" 48.95 Telescoping Wand w/Button Lock No. Product Name Size List Price 103087 5½" Upholstery Tool 1¼" 100115 5" Upholstery Tool 100082 $ 6.63 24" to 40" Chrome Telescoping Wand (Includes Removable Brush No. 103088) 1½" 11.14 105693 59" Two-Piece Friction Fit Aluminum Sidewinder Straight Wand BULK PICK-UP TOOLS No. Product Name Size List Price 100946 27" Straight Bulk Pick-Up Tool 1½" $14.88 100150 36" One-Bend Bulk Pick-Up Tool 1½" 16.07 100151 42" One-Bend Bulk Pick-Up Tool 1½" 29.74 105695 59" One-Piece Friction Fit Aluminum Sidewinder Straight Wand 102266 54" Two-Piece Friction Fit Aluminum PIPE CLEANER TOOLS Button Lock Wand No. Product Name Size List Price 100113 1" to 4" Overhead Pipe Cleaner 1½" $57.93 1½" 66.84 106290 (Includes Reducer Cuff) 100114 4" to 8" Overhead Pipe Cleaner (Includes Reducer Cuff) 42" to 59" Aluminum 1½" Telescoping Wand 106293 49" One-Piece, Two-Bend Aluminum Wand 61.80 1½" 56.65 *Wands come complete with tool couplings. 45 INDIVIDUAL TOOLS INDIVIDUAL TOOLS FLOOR TOOLS FLOOR TOOLS CARPET FLOOR TOOLS HARD FLOOR TOOLS No. Product Name Size List Price No. Product Name Size List Price 100117 11" Turbo Brush Works only with friction fit wand 1¼” $75.75 103084 12" Natural Fiber Hard Floor Tool 1¼” $28.96 100143 14" Hard Floor Tool w/Felt Brush 1½" 44.56 103085 12" Carpet Tool w/Scalloped 1¼” 25.62 100144 44.56 12" Paddle Floor Tool 1½" 26.74 14" Hard Floor Tool w/Felt Brush/Scalloped 1½" 100730 103608 11" Turbo Brush Works only with friction fit wand 1½" 75.75 100623 14" Hard Floor Tool w/Nylon Brush 1½" 44.56 100083 11" Floor Tool w/Adjustable Nylon Brush 1½" 38.99 100614 14" Hard Floor Tool w/Horse Hair Brush 1½" 47.90 100147 14" Floor Tool w/Scalloped 1½" 31.19 106194 14" Hard Floor Tool w/Felt Brush – Scalloped & Flat 1½" 45.36 103032 JetSweep 15, 15" Floor Tool w/Nylon Brush 1½" 46.78 106246 15" Sidewinder Hard Floor Tool w/Nylon Brush 1½" 49.44 106245 15" Sidewinder Carpet Tool 1½" 47.38 101613 65.72 16" Floor Tool w/Adjustable Nylon Brush 1½" 42.33 JetSweep 20, 20" Hard Floor Tool w/Nylon Brush 1½" 100092 105692 51.50 18" Sidewinder Carpet Tool 1½" 47.38 18" Sidewinder Hard Floor Tool w/Nylon Brush 1½" 105691 Note: Additional specialty attachments may be available upon request. Contact Customer Service. All attachments are non-metallic unless otherwise noted. MULTI-SURFACE FLOOR TOOLS No. Product Name Size List Price 106709 10" Multi-Surface Floor Tool 1¼" $28.96 101446 14" E-Z Glide w/Nylon Brush 1½" 46.78 100155 12" Gulper Aluminum Floor Tool 1½" 42.38 46 FILTERS FILTERS INTERCEPT MICRO FILTERS HIGH FILTRATION DISKS No. 100431 No. Product Name / Media / Machine List Price 101220 High Filtration Disks for Dome Filter, $9.99 Product Name /Media/Machine List Price* Intercept Micro Filters, $15.00 One Pack of 10; 496 sq. in. fits Super QuarterVac, Super QuarterVac HEPA, QuarterVac, TailVac, ProVac, QuietPro BP, GoCartVac, AviationVac (Case = 20 packs) 100331 Intercept Micro Filters, 20.00 One Pack of 10; 698 sq. in. fits Super CoachVac, Super CoachVac HEPA, CoachVac, MegaVac (Case = 20 packs) 100291 Intercept Micro Filters, One Pack of 10; 29.95 698 sq. in. fits LineVacer (Case = 20 packs) 104544 Intercept Micro Filters, One Pack of 10; 24.00 698 sq. in. fits QuietPro CN HEPA, ProClean (formerly Running Vac) (Case = 20 packs) 103483 Intercept Micro Filters, One Pack of 10; 9.99 3.25 qt. / 248 sq. in. fits ProForce (Case = 25 packs) *Price is for one pack of 10 filters Product Name / Description Replacement HEPA Media Exhaust Filter Replacement Exhaust Filter Cover Replacement Motor Intake Filter QuarterVac, CoachVac, Super CoachVac, MegaVac, ProVac, QuietPro BP, AviationVac 102761 TailVac, ProClean (formerly RunningVac) DOME FILTER FOAM MEDIA No. Product Name / Machine 100343 Foam Filter Media for Dome Filter, 100565 103115 List Price $1.22 fits Super QuarterVac, QuarterVac, CoachVac, Super CoachVac, MegaVac, LineVacer, ProVac, QuietPro BP, AviationVac 101949 Foam Filter Media for Dome Filter, 1.22 fits QuietPro CN HEPA, TailVac, ProClean (formerly the RunningVac) List Price $6.30 4.73 2.58 No. Product Name / Machine 100698 Sound Muffler fits QuarterVac 105800 Sound Muffler for Super QuarterVac, List Price $ 21.83 21.83 Super QuarterVac HEPA, AviationVac, ProVac MICRO CLOTH FILTERS Product Name /Machine Micro Cloth Filter for Super QuarterVac, Super QuarterVac HEPA, QuarterVac, ProVac, TailVac, QuietPro BP GoCartVac, AviationVac Micro Cloth Filter for CoachVac, Super CoachVac, Super CoachVac HEPA, MegaVac, LineVacer Micro Cloth Filter for QuietPro CN HEPA, ProClean, ProClean HEPA 10.19 One Pack of Two; QuietPro CN HEPA, 100597 No. 100564 High Filtration Disks for Dome Filter, SOUND EXHAUST UPRIGHT REPLACEMENT FILTERS No. 105136 104246 104281 One Pack of Two; fits Super QuarterVac, Sound Muffler fits Super CoachVac, 21.83 Super CoachVac HEPA, CoachVac, MegaVac List Price $22.61 103123 Exhaust/Sound Filter for QuietPro CN HEPA, 14.97 ProClean (formerly the RunningVac) 103638 True HEPA Filter Assembly w/Electrical 114.35 Connector for QuietPro CN HEPA 27.37 28.55 HEPA/ULPA FILTERS No. 104274 104275 103638 106526 Product Name /Machine List Price True HEPA Filter Assembly, Complete $224.36 w/BottomCap for LineVacer (Black) True ULPA Filter Assembly Complete 266.81 w/BottomCap for LineVacer (Black) True HEPA Filter Assembly w/Electrical 114.35 Connector for QuietPro CN HEPA HEPA Dome Filter for Super CoachVac HEPA, 9.99 Super QuarterVac HEPA (Fits all backpack vacuums except TailVac) 7 REPLACEMENT PARTS REPLACEMENT REPLACEMENTPARTS PARTS TURBO BRUSH REPLACEMENT PARTS ATTACHMENT REPLACEMENT PARTS No. Product Name 1 104010 Top Cover List Price 2 104011 104012 3 103974 Bushing w/Holder 4.33 4 104017 Back Wheel, Set of 2 1.97 5 104016 Rear Axle, Set of 2 6 104021 Bottom Cover 7 104018 8 104019 9 10 No. Product Name $22.28 100084 Replacement Brush – 11" Floor Tool (100083) 1¼" Neck Assembly Complete 20.76 100093 Replacement Brush – 16" Floor Tool (100092) 1½" Neck Assembly Complete 20.76 100713 Replacement Nylon Brush – 100714 Replacement Horse Hair Brush – 17.52 100141 Replacement Bumper – 14" Floor Tool (100147) 3.90 Front Axle, Set of 2 1.68 100145 Replacement Felt – 14" Floor Tool (100143) 6.68 Front Wheel, Set of 2 1.68 100146 Replacement Felt, Scalloped – 6.68 104022 Squeegee 2.22 104020 Belt 5.57 100085 Adjustment Lever – 11" Floor Tool (100083) 12.49 12.49 11 104023 Belt Guard 12 103975 Brush Arm, Set of 2 13 104024 Brush Roller Assembly List Price $ 8.36 9.48 14.08 14" Floor Tool (100623) 1.97 18.20 14" Floor Tool (100614) 14" Floor Tool (100144) .80 100094 Adjustment Lever – 16" Floor Tool (100092) 3.46 100097 Screw – 11" – 16" Floor Tools (100083/100092) 19.47 100098 Spring – 11" – 16" Floor Tools (100083/100092) 1.71 100096 Brush Height Adjustment Knob – 100116 Replacement Nylon Brush – 5" Upholstery Tool 100112 Reducer – 3" Dust Nylon Brush (100110) 103088 Removable Brush – 5½" Upholstery Tool (103087) 3.34 100099 Replacement Nut – Aluminum Wands 1.13 3.98 11" – 16" Floor Tools (100083/100092) 6.68 (100115) 3.92 7.25 100100 Replacement Ring – Aluminum Wands 1.68 100101 Replacement Sleeve – Aluminum Wands 4.17 101445 Retro Kit – 14" E-Z Glide Floor Tool 24.50 (fits 100147 Floor Tool) 101155 Replacement Nylon Brush – 3.95 E-Z Glide 14" Floor Tool 101880 Replacement Nylon Brush – JetSweep 20, 13.37 20" Hard Floor Tool, Set of 2 101475 Repair Kit – Felt Floor Tools: Support Bars 10.51 and Screws 101473 Repair Clip with Screws – 14" Hard Floor Tool 2.16 w/Nylon Brush (100623) 101092 Reducer Cuff 6.85 103099 Cuff Adapter 2.48 105694 Replacement Nylon Brush – 18" Sidewinder 15.35 Hard Floor Tool (105792) 101615 Replacement Blue Bumper for JetSweep 20 (101613) 7 68 7.14 ACCESSORIES EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS PRODUSTER AND SLEEVES No. 101788 Product Name P.O.P. Package List Price $ 36.75 No. Product Name 105498 Training/Sales DVD – The ProTeam® Way 104812 One wool duster (extendable to 4 ft.) 106501 point-of-purchase (P.O.P.) package P.O.P. Case $19.95 Pest Control DVD – Introduction to 19.95 Pest Control System and one pack of 10 sleeves in hanging 101808 List Price Vacuums – Set-Up/Training/Operation DVD English/Spanish 345.00 19.95 12 individual point-of-purchase (P.O.P.) packages. Each package contains one wool MANAGEMEN® TEAM CLEANING® PROGRAMS duster with one pack of 10 sleeves. No. Product Name 101533 500 sleeves (10 packs of 50) 100630 How to Coach a Successful Team: 101532 50 sleeves (1 pack of 50) 236.25 List Price $99.95 Audio Tape, VHS, DVD that is menu driven 26.25 and also contains the Spanish version of the THE PROTEAM VAC STATION No. Product Name 102947 Vac Station video, Playbook, ISSA’s 447 Cleaning Times, Wooden’s Pyramid of Success and a Janitor List Price University Philosophy of Cleaning poster. $49.95 101122 MISCELLANEOUS No. 100361 106346 100360 106345 102604 100376 101394 101709 101680 101678 103441 106261 106274 Product Name Waist Belt Extension (18'') Waist Belt Extension (18'') Nifco Waist Belt Extension (10'') Waist Belt Extension (10'') Nifco Schulte Cord Holder Water Lift Gauge Ergonomic Wand Handles, Set 25' 16-Gauge Extension Cord (Blue)* 50' 16-Gauge Extension Cord (Blue)* 50' 16-Gauge Extension Cord (Yellow)* Cord Lock (ProClean) 6' Static Strap Kit (ProForce) 10' Static Strap Kit (ProForce) List Price $18.39 18.39 17.60 17.60 8.11 75.79 22.21 26.57 46.49 27.50 9.87 76.65 89.25 that also contains Spanish, Light Duty Playbook, 1 Scouting Report in English and 1 Scouting Report in Spanish. 100628 104029 Vac Display Mannequin How to Be a Vacuum Specialist™: 99.95 Audio Tape, VHS Tape, menu driven DVD that also contains a Spanish version of the video, Vacuum Playbook, 1 Scouting Report in English and 1 Scouting Report in Spanish, 1 Simplified Simon Vacuum Brochure. 100629 How to Be a Restroom Specialist™: 99.95 Audio Tape, VHS Tape, menu driven DVD that contains a Spanish version of the video, Restroom Playbook, 1 Scouting Report in English and 1 Scouting Report in Spanish. 104152 POINT-OF-PURCHASE ITEMS Product Name 99.95 Audio Tape, VHS Tape, menu driven DVD *Includes a Cord Wrap No. How to Be a Light Duty Specialist™: How to Be a Utility Specialist™ in Carpet Care: 99.95 VHS, DVD, Playbook and 3 Scouting Reports. List Price $183.75 Custom powder-coated metal If you have any questions regarding kit contents contact ManageMen at: 1045 E. 4500 S., Salt Lake City, Utah 84117 backpack display. Holds 1 vacuum or call (801) 263-0861. 104158 (12'') Display Pedestal 31.50 104159 (18'') Display Pedestal 31.50 105537 Set of Pedestals; (1) 12'' Display Pedestal 57.75 and (1) 18'' Display Pedestal 100180 Demo Duffle Bag - holds 100719 Logo Banner - 2' x 3' vinyl ProTeam 42.00 vacuum and complete demo kit. 30.00 logo banner w/metal grommets. 104160 Floor Mat 105031 ALA Price Tags (Set of 25) Displays do not include vacuums 152.25 13.76 7 89 SUPER COACHVAC/SUPER COACHVAC HEPA/ & COACHVAC PARTS 26 5a 24 4 5c 8 23 9 5 1 5c 2 6 3 5b 10 9 7 11 25 27 22 14 20 21 12 19 13 29 18 1 17 28 30 16 15 10 SUPER COACHVAC/SUPER COACHVAC HEPA/ & COACHVAC PARTS 1 2 3 4 5 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 No. 100197 100331 100565 101737 100356 100358 100357 103627 105046 100375 100716 106719 100359 100354 103166 100641 101610 101714 101472 106066 106287 100597 105044 100335 100378 100014 105697 100424 105164 101720 105720 105162 100379 100380 100368 100586 100030 100343 101220 103048 101928 100694 101543 103476 106526 101678 Product Name Twist Cap (Purple) 698 Sq. In. Intercept Micro Filter Micro Cloth Filter Carry Handle w/Rivet and Washer Set Shoulder Strap Assembly (includes: #5a, 5b, 5c) Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment Buckle (Top) Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment Buckle (Bottom) Sternum Strap Buckles (Latch and Keeper) Backplate (includes: #7) Barrel Nut Connection Set for Backplate (Replacement) Backplate (Black) Connection Set: 4 Screws w/Washers Waist Belt Keeper and Latch Waist Belt (includes: #9) Strap Assembly Complete (includes: #5, 9) Backplate (Black) System Complete (includes: #4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) Power Cord (18" 14/3) Assembly Switch Cord Assembly (includes: #12, 13, 14) Switch Cord w/Crimps Switch Box w/Velcro and New Lamb Switch On/Off Switch (must use with #106287) Switch Box w/Velcro and Screws Sound Muffler Motor Shroud Cover w/Screw Set: 2 Screws Motor Compression Ring w/Screws Compression Ring Screw Set: 4 Screws Tetraseal Carbon Brush Set for CoachVac Motor (Domel Motor) Carbon Brush Set for CoachVac Motor (Ametek Motor) Carbon Brush Set for Super CoachVac Motor (Domel Motor) Carbon Brush Set for Super CoachVac Motor (Ametek Motor) Motor/Fan (120 V) w/Crimps for CoachVac Motor/Fan (120V) w/Crimps for Super CoachVac Motor Ground and Wire Clamp Set w/Screws Motor Crimp Set: 5 Female, 3 Male, Ground Crimp Connector Motor Mounting System Set: 3 Well Nuts, 3 Bolts, 3 Washers, 3 Covers Bottom Bumper Dome Filter w/Foam Media Foam Filter Media for Dome Filter High Filtration Disk (optional) Static-Dissipating Hose w/Cuffs (Black) Replacement Double Swivel Elbow Cuff (Black) Replacement Swivel Cuff (Black) 1½" Filter Guard (Optional) Thermal Protector Replacement HEPA Dome Filter 50' Extension Cord (Not Shown) Qty 1 ea. 10/pk 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 2/pk 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. List Price $ 31.53 20.00 27.37 7.89 15.77 .91 .91 1.94 24.26 5.46 12.13 10.99 36.38 48.51 60.64 17.59 33.96 12.13 21.83 6.60 16.28 21.83 20.79 10.31 2.73 10.92 19.40 15.77 19.40 19.40 83.69 109.15 5.46 9.70 12.13 6.68 7.28 1.22 9.99 23.05 8.38 4.98 8.93 13.30 9.99 27.50 1 91 MEGAVAC PARTS 24 5a 4 27 5c 8 23 9 5 1 5c 6 2 3 5b 10 9 7 11 26 28 25 14 22 20 12 13 21 30 19 1 18 29 17 16 15 12 10 MEGAVAC PARTS 1 2 3 4 5 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2 No. 100320 100331 100565 101737 100356 100358 100357 103627 105046 100375 100374 106719 100359 100354 103166 100641 101610 101714 101472 106066 106287 105070 100597 105044 100335 100378 100014 105164 101720 105162 100379 100380 100368 100030 100343 101220 104998 103048 101928 100694 101543 103476 101678 Product Name Twist Cap (Black) 698 Sq. In. Intercept Micro Filter Micro Cloth Filter Carry Handle w/Rivet and Washer Set Shoulder Strap Assembly (includes: #5a, 5b, 5c) Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment Buckle (Top) Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment Buckle (Bottom) Sternum Strap Buckles (Latch and Keeper) Backplate (includes: #7) Barrel Nut Connection Set for Backplate (Replacement) Backplate Connection Set: 4 Screws w/Washers, Stand Offs Waist Belt Keeper and Latch Waist Belt (includes: #9) Strap Assembly Complete (includes: #5, 9) Backplate System Complete (includes: #4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) Power Cord (18" 14/3) Assembly Switch Cord Assembly (includes: #12,13,14) Switch Cord w/Crimps Switch Box w/Velcro and New Lamb Switch On/Off Switch (must use with #106287) Switch Box w/Velcro and Screws Bottom Twist Cap (Black) Sound Muffler Motor Shroud Cover w/Screws Motor Compression Ring w/Screws Compression Ring Screw Set: 4 Screws Tetraseal Carbon Brush Set for MegaVac Motor (Domel Motor) Carbon Brush Set for MegaVac Motor (Ametek Motor) Motor/Fan (120V) w/Crimps for MegaVac Motor Ground and Wire Clamp Set w/Screws Motor Crimp Set: 5 Female, 3 Male, Ground Crimp Connector Motor Mounting System Set: 3 Well Nuts, 3 Bolts, 3 Washers, 3 Covers Dome Filter w/Foam Media Foam Filter Media for Dome Filter High Filtration Disk (optional) Bottom Twist Cap Gasket Static-Dissipating Hose w/Cuffs (Black) Replacement Double Swivel Elbow Cuff (Black) Replacement Swivel Cuff (Black) 1½" Filter Guard (Optional) Thermal Protector 50' Extension Cord (Not Shown) Qty 1 ea. 10/pk 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 2/pk 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. List Price $ 31.53 20.00 27.37 7.89 15.77 .91 .91 1.94 24.26 5.46 12.13 10.99 36.38 48.51 60.64 17.59 33.96 12.13 21.83 6.60 16.28 36.38 21.83 20.79 10.31 2.73 10.92 19.40 19.40 109.15 5.46 9.70 12.13 7.28 1.22 9.99 8.49 23.05 8.38 4.98 8.93 13.30 27.50 13 11 SUPER QUARTERVAC/ SUPER QUARTERVAC HEPA PARTS 1 21 7 22 2 23 8 3 29 24 30 23 28 4 27 25 5 6 26 24 17 18 9 19 10 20 16 11 12 31 13 14 32 15 14 12 SUPER QUARTERVAC/ SUPER QUARTERVAC HEPA PARTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 No. 101928 106073 100431 100564 103048 100694 100030 100343 101220 100586 100014 105162 100379 100380 105164 100335 100378 105044 105800 100368 101714 101610 106066 106287 101472 100641 100358 101737 103627 106719 100359 100375 100357 105046 100354 103166 100716 100356 103476 106526 101678 Product Name Replacement Double Swivel Elbow Cuff (Black) 1½" Twist Cap (Purple) 496 Sq. In. Intercept Micro Filter Micro Cloth Filter Static-Dissipating Hose (Black) w/Cuffs 1½" Replacement Swivel Cuff (Black) 1½" Dome Filter w/Foam Media Foam Filter Media for Dome Filter High Filtration Disk (optional) Bottom Bumper Tetraseal Motor/Fan (120 V) w/Crimps Motor Ground Wire Clamp Set w/Screws Motor Crimp Set: 5 Female, 3 Male, Ground Crimp Connector Carbon Brush Set (Domel Motor) Motor Compression Ring w/Screws Compression Ring Screws: 4 Screws Motor Shroud Cover w/Screws: 2 Screws Sound Muffler Motor Mounting System Set: 3 Well Nuts, 3 Bolts, 3 Washers, 3 Covers Switch Cord w/Crimps Switch Cord Assembly (includes: #18, 19, 20) On/Off Switch (must use with #106287) Switch Box w/Velcro and Screws Switch Box w/Velcro and New Lamb Switch Power Cord (18" 14/3) Assembly Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment Buckle (Top) Carry Handle w/Rivet and Washer Set Sternum Strap Buckles (Latch and Keeper) Waist Belt Keeper and Latch Waist Belt (includes: #24) Barrel Nut Connection Set for Backplate (Replacement) Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment Buckle (Bottom) Backplate Assembly (includes: #26) Strap Assembly Complete (includes: #21, 23, 24, 27, 28) Backplate System Complete (includes: #21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30) Backplate (Black) Connection Set: 4 Screws w/Washers Shoulder Strap Assembly (includes: #21, 23, 28) Thermal Protector Replacement HEPA Dome Filter 50' Extension Cord (Not Shown) Qty 1 ea. 1 ea. 10/pk 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 2/pk 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. List Price $ 8.38 26.68 15.00 22.61 23.05 4.98 7.28 1.22 9.99 6.68 10.92 109.15 5.46 9.70 19.40 10.31 2.73 20.79 21.83 12.13 12.13 33.96 6.60 16.28 21.83 17.59 .91 7.89 1.94 10.99 36.38 5.46 .91 24.26 48.51 60.64 12.13 15.77 13.30 9.99 27.50 15 13 QUIETPRO BP PARTS 1 32 33 8 7 40 2 31 36 34 3 40 37 4 35 39 5 38 36 10 6 9 15 11 12 16 14 20 17 13 18 19 21 22 41 23 24 42 26 27 43 28 25 29 30 16 14 44 QUIETPRO BP PARTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 No. 101928 104273 100431 100564 103048 100694 100343 101220 100030 100586 100641 105748 101472 105438 100368 105643 105722 105697 105605 105149 105763 105619 105653 105150 105767 105422 105419 105337 105342 105343 105341 105613 100716 100358 101737 100356 100357 106719 105046 103166 100354 100375 100359 103627 105620 105621 105622 105623 101678 Product Name Elbow Cuff, Swivel Twist Cap (Black) 496 Sq. In. Intercept Micro Filter Micro Cloth Filter Static-Dissipating Hose (Black) w/Cuffs 1½" Replacement Swivel Cuff (Black) 1½" Foam Filter Media for Dome Filter High Filtration Disk (Optional) Dome Filter w/Foam Media Bottom Bumper Power Cord Assembly Complete w/Strain Relief Switch Cord Assembly Complete F/QuietPro Switch Box w/Velcro and Screws On/Off Switch Motor Mounting System Set: 3 Well Nuts, 3 Bolts, 3 Washers, 3 Covers Tetraseal, Motor Motor, (120V), 2-Stage (includes: #17) Carbon Brush Set for QuietPro Motor Gasket, Motor Cap, Motor Screw, 10-32 x .75, Self Tapping Motor Mount Assembly (includes: #17, 18, 19) Dual Speed Module and Schematic Exhaust Housing, Motor Screw, #8 x ½", Phillips, Hi/Lo Acoustical Insert, Left Acoustical Insert, Right Ring, Motor Housing, Large Foam, Ring, Motor Housing Foam, Cover, Motor Housing Cover, Motor Housing Motor Mount Backplate (Blk) Connection Set: 4 Screws w/Washers Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment (Top) Carry Handle w/Rivet and Washer Set Shoulder Strap Assembly: (includes: #32, 35) Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment (Bottom) Waist Belt Keeper and Latch Backplate Assembly (includes: #38) Backplate System Complete (includes: #31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40) Strap Assembly Complete (includes: #32, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40) Barrel Nut Connection Set for Backplate (Replacement) Waist Belt (includes: #36, 40) Sternum Strap Buckles (Latch and Keeper) Housing, Exhaust, Motor F/QuietPro (includes: #22, 23) Kit, Foam, Laminate Acoustical Panels (includes: #24, 25) Kit, Exhaust, Foam and Ring (includes: #26, 27, 28) Kit, Cover, Exhaust F/QuietPro (includes: #29, 30) 50' Extension Cord (Not Shown) Qty 1 ea. 1 ea. 10/pk 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 2/pk 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 4/pk. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 4/pk. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. List Price $ 8.38 26.68 15.00 22.61 23.05 4.98 1.22 9.99 7.28 6.68 17.59 34.13 21.83 17.98 12.13 10.50 89.25 19.40 5.78 16.28 2.63 29.93 55.65 12.60 2.63 23.10 23.10 12.86 15.75 11.03 10.76 6.30 12.13 .91 7.89 15.77 .91 10.99 24.26 60.64 48.51 5.46 36.38 1.94 29.93 38.33 33.60 15.75 27.50 1715 QUARTERVAC PARTS 5a 4 5c 8 9 5 5c 6 5b 9 18 16 10 7 QUARTERVAC PARTS 1 2 3 4 5 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 No. 104273 100431 100564 101737 100356 100358 100357 103627 105046 100375 100716 106719 100359 100354 103166 100641 101714 101610 101472 106066 106287 100698 100352 100335 100378 100014 105697 101531 105721 100379 100380 100586 100368 100030 100343 101220 103048 101928 100694 103476 101678 Product Name Twist Cap (Black) 496 Sq. In. Intercept Micro Filter Micro Cloth Filter Carry Handle w/Rivet and Washer Set Shoulder Strap Assembly (includes: #5a, 5b, 5c) Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment Buckle (Top) Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment Buckle (Bottom) Sternum Strap Buckles (Latch and Keeper) Backplate (includes: #7) Barrel Nut Connection Set for Backplate (Replacement) Backplate (Black) Connection Set: 4 Screws w/Washers Waist Belt Keeper and Latch Waist Belt (includes: #9) Strap Assembly Complete (includes: #5, 9) Backplate (Black) System Complete (includes: #4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) Power Cord (18" 14/3) Assembly Switch Cord w/Crimps Switch Cord Assembly (includes: #12, 13, 14) Switch Box w/Velcro and New Lamb Switch On/Off Switch (must use with 106287) Switch Box w/Velcro and Screws Sound Muffler Plastic Air Diffuser w/Screw Set: 2 Screws Motor Compression Ring w/Screws Compression Ring Screws: 4 Screws Tetraseal Carbon Brush Set for QuarterVac Motor (Domel Motor) Carbon Brush Set for QuarterVac Motor (Ametek Motor) Motor/Fan (120 V) w/Crimps Motor Ground Wire Clamp Set w/Screws Motor Crimp Set: 5 Female, 3 Male, Ground Crimp Connector Bottom Bumper Motor Mounting System Set: 3 Well Nuts, 3 Bolts, 3 Washers, 3 Covers Dome Filter w/Foam Media Foam Filter Media for Dome Filter High Filtration Disk (optional) Static-Dissipating Hose (Black) w/Cuffs 1½" Replacement Double Swivel Elbow Cuff (Black) 1½" Replacement Swivel Cuff (Black) 1½" Thermal Protector 50' Extension Cord (Not Shown) Qty 1 ea. 10/pk 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 2/pk 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. List Price $26.68 15.00 22.61 7.89 15.77 .91 .91 1.94 24.26 5.46 12.13 10.99 36.38 48.51 60.64 17.59 12.13 33.96 21.83 6.60 16.28 21.83 10.31 10.31 2.73 10.92 19.40 19.40 71.56 5.46 9.70 6.68 12.13 7.28 1.22 9.99 23.05 8.38 4.98 13.30 27.50 19 17 TAILVAC PARTS 9 2 26 8 9 6 7 5 3 11 27 10 13 1 12 4 14 3 15 16 17 25 19 18 24 23 22 24 21 20 20 18 TAILVAC PARTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 No. 101288 101934 102784 101949 102761 100564 100431 101184 101705 102878 103025 101274 102879 102604 101272 101711 103236 101189 102988 103043 101271 100950 101713 21 22 23 24 100743 101228 101229 103262 25 101953 26 101437 101536 101436 100694 101678 27 Product Name Blind Twist Cap Assembly (Grey) Twist Cap for Hose Cuff (Grey) Dome Filter w/Foam Media Foam Filter Media for Dome Filter High Filtration Disc (optional) Micro Cloth Filter 496 sq. in. Reusable Intercept Micro Filter 3’ to 1’ Stretch Hose w/Cuffs 1¼" (Black) 3’ to 1’ Stretch Hose w/Cuffs 1½" (Black) Waist Belt w/Velcro® Retrofit set: Waist Belt and Monostrap Waist Belt Connection Set: 4 Screws, 6 Washers, 2 Stand-offs Monostrap Assembly Shulte Cord Holder Step Cap Screw Kit: 4 Screws Shroud Retro Kit (Grey) w/2 Screws Motor Seal Motor/Fan (120 V) w/Crimps (Ametek) Carbon Brush Set for Motor (Ametek) Fan and Brush Cover Kit Motor Mount Screw Kit: 5 Screws, 4 Washers, 1 Nut Director Plate Power Cord (35” 18/2) Assembly Complete w/Strain Relief with Locknut and Washer Double Pole On/Off Switch Front Sound Foam Baffle Rear Sound Foam Baffle Step Cap (Grey) w/Power Nozzle Receptacle Hole w/Attached Front Sound Foam Receptacle Replacement Kit: 2 Rivets, 2 Washers, 1 Receptacle, 1 Connector and Wire Assembly, 2 Female Crimps Replacement Fixed Hose Cuff (Black) 1½" to 1¼" Replacement Fixed Hose Cuff (Black) 1½" Replacement Swivel Cuff (Black) 1¼" Replacement Swivel Cuff (Black) 1½" 50' Extension Cord (Not Shown) Qty 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 2/pk 1 ea. 10/pk 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. List Price $26.68 26.68 7.28 1.22 10.19 22.61 15.00 21.23 23.05 49.56 57.18 4.05 18.20 8.11 3.03 24.26 6.07 81.78 19.35 17.59 1.83 9.54 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 17.59 6.60 4.25 3.64 1 set 30.32 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 5.28 5.17 3.89 5.17 4.98 27.50 21 19 PROVAC & AVIATIONVAC PARTS 24 26 23 5a 4 5c 1 8 9 5 2 5c 6 5b 3 10 7 9 25 11 21 20 12 13 19 18 22 14 27 17 16 15 22 20 26 PROVAC & AVIATIONVAC PARTS 1 2 3 4 5 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 No. 104273 100431 100564 101737 100356 100358 100357 103627 105046 100375 100716 106719 100359 100354 103166 100641 101610 101714 101715 101717 101472 106066 106287 105800 105044 100335 100378 100014 105697 100424 100173 105720 100171 100174 100379 100380 100586 100368 100030 100343 101220 100505 103237 100694 102715 103279 103476 101678 Product Name Twist Cap (Black) 496 Sq. In. Intercept Micro Filter Micro Cloth Filter Carry Handle w/Rivet and Washer Set Shoulder Strap Assembly (includes: #5a, 5b, 5c) Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment (Top) Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment (Bottom) Sternum Strap Buckles (Latch and Keeper) Backplate (includes: #7) Barrel Nut Connection Set for Backplate (Replacement) Backplate (Black) Connection Set: 4 Screws w/Washers Waist Belt Keeper and Latch Waist Belt (includes: #9) Strap Assembly Complete (includes: #5, 9, 10) Backplate System Complete (includes: #4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) Power Cord (18" 14/3) Assembly Switch Cord Assembly Complete (includes: #12, 13, 14) Switch Cord w/Crimps Switch Cord w/Crimps (AviationVac) Switch Cord Assembly Complete w/Switch and Box (AviationVac) Switch Box w/Velcro and New Lamb Switch On/Off Switch (Must be Used with 106287) Switch Box w/Velcro and Screws Sound Muffler Motor Shroud Cover with Screws (2 Screws) Motor Compression Ring w/Screws Compression Ring Screw Set: 4 Screws Tetraseal Carbon Brush Set for ProVac Motor (Domel Motor) Carbon Brush Set for ProVac Motor (Ametek Motor) Carbon Brush Set for 400 Hz Motor (AviationVac) Motor/Fan (120 V) w/Crimps for ProVac Motor/Fan w/Rectifier and Crimps (400Hz) (ProVac AviationVac) Motor Rectifier (ProVac AviationVac) Motor Ground Connection and Wire Clamp Set w/Screws Motor Crimp Set: 5 Female, 3 Male, Ground Crimp Connector Bottom Bumper Motor Mounting System Set: 3 Well Nuts, 3 Bolts, 3 Washers, 3 Covers Dome Filter w/Foam Media Foam Filter Media for Dome Filter High Filtration Disk (Optional) Static-Dissipating Hose (Black) w/Cuffs 1½" Static-Dissipating Hose (AviationVac) 1¼" (Black) Replacement Swivel Cuff (Black) 1½" Replacement Double Swivel Elbow Cuff 1¼" (Black) (AviationVac) Replacement Swivel Cuff 1¼" (Black) (AviationVac) Thermal Protector 50' Extension Cord (Not Shown) Qty 1 ea. 10/pk 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 2/pk 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. List Price $ 26.68 15.00 22.61 7.89 15.77 .91 .91 1.94 24.26 5.46 12.13 10.99 36.38 48.51 60.64 17.59 33.96 12.13 12.13 33.96 21.83 6.60 16.28 21.83 20.79 10.31 2.73 10.92 19.40 15.77 43.90 83.69 115.22 26.68 5.46 9.70 6.68 12.13 7.28 1.22 9.99 24.20 24.20 4.98 8.43 6.18 13.30 27.50 23 21 QUIETPRO CN HEPA PARTS 30 14 31 15 16 32 17 18 23 10 26 11 12 19 13 20 27 28 21 22 11 24 29 25 24 22 QUIETPRO CN HEPA PARTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 No. 105991 102784 101949 102761 103236 106103 105697 105430 105949 105948 103121 103266 102127 105653 103318 104544 103115 103125 103124 103256 103638 103117 103441 106203 103545 103114 106107 103268 103267 103215 100694 103172 103150 101678 Product Name On/Off Switch (2 Stage) Dome Filter w/Filter Media Replacement Foam Media for Dome Filter High Filtration Disk (Optional) Motor Seal Motor/Fan (120V) for QuietPro CN HEPA w/Crimps Carbon Brush Set for QuietPro CN HEPA Motor (Domel Motor) Upper Foam Compression Ring Noise Supression Filter Assembly Noise Supression Foam Motor Mount Motor Mount and Vented Exhaust Cover Screw Kit Small Strain Relief Dual Speed Module F/Quiet Pro Top Cap, Black 698 Sq. In. Intercept Micro Filter Micro Cloth Filter Foam Inlet Damper B Foam Inlet Damper A Rear Foam Diffuser Replacement HEPA Filter Kit (includes: #11, 20, 29) Tool Dock Cord Lock Wire Harness Assembly: 3 Wires and Strain Relief Conical Washer for Swivel Caster Swivel Caster Ground Jumper Rear Wheel Mounting Screw Kit: 2 Screws Rear Wheel Assembly Kit: 2 Wheels, 2 Spacers, 2 Screws Power Cord (18" 16/3) Assembly w/Locknut and Washer Replacement Swivel Cuff (Black) 1½" 78" Static Dissipating Hose w/Cuffs (Black) 1½" Replacement Long Swivel Cuff (Black) 1½" 50' Extension Cord (Not Shown) Qty 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 2/pk 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 10/pk 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. List Price $ 14.85 7.28 1.22 10.19 6.07 89.25 19.40 13.40 19.43 11.03 14.70 4.60 .26 55.65 31.53 24.00 28.55 8.63 12.95 9.98 114.35 18.20 9.87 21.00 3.99 10.36 8.93 1.83 12.94 17.59 4.98 31.53 10.35 27.50 25 23 PROCLEAN & PROCLEAN HEPA PARTS 25 24 26 28 23 22 19 21 20 27 23 22 26 24 PROCLEAN & PROCLEAN HEPA PARTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 No. 103318 104544 103115 103669 103212 103647 105047 103236 105430 102784 101949 102761 105687 105164 101720 103121 103117 103266 103215 103123 103360 103256 103124 103125 103267 103268 103114 103545 103172 100694 103150 101678 103638 103476 Product Name Top Cap, Black 698 Sq. In. Intercept Micro Filter Micro Cloth Filter On/Off Switch w/Splitters (includes: 2 ea. of #6) Wire Harness Assembly: 3 Wires and Strain Relief Split Jumpers Receptacle Assembly for Powerhead Motor Seal Upper Foam Compression Ring Dome Filter w/Filter Media Replacement Foam Media for Dome Filter High Filtration Disk (Optional) Motor/Fan (120V) for ProClean w/Crimps Carbon Brush Set for ProClean Motor (Domel Motor) Carbon Brush Set for ProClean Motor (Ametek Motor) Motor Mount Tool Dock Motor Mount and Vented Exhaust Cover Screw Kit Power Cord (18" 16/3) Assembly w/Locknut and Washer Exhaust Foam Cover Assembly, Vented Exhaust Rear Foam Diffuser Foam Inlet Damper A (not shown) Foam Inlet Damper B (not shown) Rear Wheel Assembly Kit: 2 Wheels, 2 Spacers, 2 Screws Rear Wheel Mounting Screw Kit: 2 Screws Swivel Caster Conical Washer for Swivel Caster 78" Static Dissipating Hose w/Cuffs (Black) 1½" Replacement Swivel Cuff (Black) 1½" Replacement Long Swivel Cuff (Black) 1½" 50' Extension Cord (Not Shown) Replacement HEPA Filter Kit (includes: #15, 16, 27) Thermal Protector Qty 1 ea. 10/pk 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 2/pk 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. List Price $ 31.53 24.00 28.55 16.97 10.12 3.25 6.25 6.07 13.40 7.28 1.22 10.19 109.15 19.40 19.40 14.70 18.20 4.60 17.59 14.97 28.88 9.98 12.95 8.63 12.94 1.83 10.36 3.99 31.53 4.98 10.35 27.50 114.35 13.30 27 25 LINEVACER PARTS 24 26 7a 23 5 5c 1 9 10 6 2 3 7c 7 4 7b 11 12 10 8 25 13 27 15 21 22 14 20 30 19 29 18 28 17 16 28 26 LINEVACER PARTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7a 7b 7c 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 No. 104276 100291 100565 100286 101737 100356 105046 100358 100357 103627 100375 100374 106719 100359 100354 103166 100641 100299 101610 101714 101716 101472 101718 106066 106287 104275 104274 100335 100378 100014 105697 100424 105720 100380 100379 100368 100030 100343 103048 101928 100694 100718 100287 103476 101678 Product Name Latch Cap w/Cuff (Black) 698 Sq. In. Intercept Micro Filter Micro Cloth Filter Top or Bottom Cap Latch Set: 3 Latches, 3 Locks w/6 Fastening Rivets, 6 Washers Carry Handle w/Rivet and Washer Set Shoulder Strap Assembly (includes: #7a, 7b, 7c) Backplate (includes: #8) Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment (Top) Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment (Bottom) Sternum Strap Buckles (Latch and Keeper) Barrel Nut Connection Set for Backplate (Replacement) Backplate Connection Set: 4 Screws w/Washers, Stand Offs Waist Belt Keeper and Latch Waist Belt (includes: #10) Strap Assembly Complete (includes: #6, 7, 10) Backplate System Complete (includes: #5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) Power Cord (18" 14/3) Assembly Complete 15' Cart power Supply Cord Complete w/Crimps (100279, 100282) Switch Cord Assembly 120V (includes: #13, 14, 15) Switch Cord w/Crimps 26" Switch Cord Assembly Complete 120V Switch Box w/Velcro and New Lamb Switch Switch Box w/Belt Clip (for cart) (100279, 100282) On/Off Switch (must use with #106287) Switch Box w/Velcro and Screws ULPA Filter Assembly Complete w/Bottom Cap (100280, 100282) HEPA Filter Assembly Complete w/Bottom Cap (100277, 100279) Motor Compression Ring w/Screws Compression Ring Screw Set: 4 Screws Tetraseal Carbon Brush Set for LineVacer Motor (Domel Motor) Carbon Brush Set for LineVacer Motor (Ametek Motor) Motor/Fan (120 V) w/Crimps Motor Crimp Set: 5 female, 3 Male and a Ground Crimp Connector Motor Ground, Wire Clamp Set w/Screws Motor Mounting System Set: 3 Well Nuts, 3 Bolts, 3 Washers, 3 Covers Dome Filter w/Foam Media Foam Filter Media for Dome Filter Static-Dissipating Hose w/Cuffs (Black) Replacement Double Swivel Elbow Cuff (Black) Replacement Swivel Cuff (Black) 1½" Cart Plate for Cart Assembly LineVacer Cart Assembly Complete Thermal Protector 50' Extension Cord (Not Shown) Qty 1 ea. 10/pk 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. List Price $ 35.78 29.95 27.37 22.24 7.89 15.77 24.26 .91 .91 1.94 5.46 12.13 10.99 36.38 48.51 60.64 17.59 36.38 33.96 12.13 36.38 21.83 24.26 6.60 16.28 266.81 224.36 10.31 2.73 10.92 19.40 15.77 83.69 9.70 5.46 12.13 7.28 1.22 23.05 8.38 4.98 20.01 209.00 13.30 27.50 29 27 PROFORCE 1500XP PARTS 2 3 1 4 5 9 10 13 8 6 11 12 39 41 27 16 40 25 26 33 19 24 18 34 20 30 22 35 32 23 42 21 28 37 36 38 30 28 Qty List Price Cover, Bag Housing, Grey F/XP 1 ea. $15.75 2 104232 Latch, Release, Bag Cover 1 ea. 4.20 3 104233 Spring, Release Button, F/Bag Cover Latch 2/pk 2.10 4 104235 Seal, Transition Duct/Bag Cover, Upper 1 ea. 3.15 5 104236 Duct, Transition, Bag Cover, F/XP 1 ea. 6.30 6 104238 Seal, Transition Duct/Bag Cover Nozzle Plate, Lower 1 ea. 2.10 7 104239 Plate, Bag Cover Nozzle, F/XP 4.91 15 1 ea. 8 104242 Spring, Bag Cover Latch 1 ea. 3.15 9 104243 Plate, Bag Cover Latch 1 ea. 2.31 10 104505 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 9.5mm 2/pk 2.10 11 104241 Gasket, Bag Cover 1 ea. 2.31 4/pk 3.15 1 kit 41.58 37.80 12 104493 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 38mm 13 105486 Filter Cover Kit w/Riveted Hinge and 6 Rivets 14 104490 & Decal Includes Bag Cover Nozzle Plate 1 ea. 15 104491 Rivet F/Bag Housing Assembly 6/pk 3.15 16 104255 Handle w/Over Mold and Decal 1 ea. 21.00 17 104284 Cord, Power, w/Strain Relief, 50' Yellow 1 ea. 32.34 Bag Housing Assembly, Grey w/Riveted Hinge 18 103483 Intercept Micro Filter 10/pk 19 105088 Handle Bezel w/Screws 1 ea. 7.51 20 104738 Seal, Gasket, Bag Housing 1 ea. 2.31 21 104283 Switch, Filter, Lock-Out 1 ea. 9.82 22 104281 Filter, Double Layer Motor Intake 1 ea. 2.58 23 104282 Cover, Switch, Filter Lock-out 1 ea. 2.31 24 104268 Bracket, Cord Wrap 1 ea. 4.20 25 104269 Spring, Compression, Cord Wrap Bracket 1 ea. 2.31 26 104270 Washer, Compression Spring, Cord Wrap Bracket 1 ea. 27 105147 Switch, Rocker, On/Off 9.99 1.05 1 ea. 12.60 28 104264 Bushing, Handle Tube 1 ea. 1.16 29 104259 Plate, Handle Nut 1 ea. 1.16 30 104265 Handle, Carry w/Tool Caddy, F/XP 1 ea. 5.25 31 104294 Wand, F/XP 1 ea. 13.86 32 105091 Clasp, Strain Relief Kit w/Fastner, Yellow 1 ea. 5.78 33 104271 Screw, Cord Wrap, 4mm x 35mm, Phillips Round Head 1 ea. 2.10 34 104509 Screw, Phillips, M4 x 10mm x .07 Pitch, F/Handle Assembly 1 ea. 2.10 35 105075 Screw, Phillips, 2.9mm x 13mm, F/Switch Cover 1 ea. 3.75 36 104266 Screw, Handle Assembly 1 ea. 1.16 31 17 14 Product Name 104234 (includes: #1–12) 7 29 No. 1 37 104493 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 35mm 4/pk 3.15 38 104958 Handle, Tube w/Wire Harness, Rivet Nut and Plug Rivet 1 ea. 25.41 39 104959 Handle, Tube Assembly Complete, F/XP (includes: #16, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 38) 1 ea. 57.17 40 104961 Hose, Assembly w/Cuffs, F/XP (includes: #42) 1 ea. 40.43 41 105502 Handle Kit (includes: #16, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 33, 34) 1 kit 37.80 42 105573 Quick Release Hose Cuff 1 ea. 8.94 PROFORCE 1500XP PARTS 18 D 19 46 B A 47 1 17 20 3 C 2 21 15 16 4 14 5 9 6 7 8 10 11 12 22 23 13 44 24 F 25 43 26 42 27 E 45 40 28 41 29 39 38 37 36 30 35 31 32 33 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 No. 104209 104261 104260 104263 104245 104253 104267 104250 104536 104504 104306 105136 104246 103532 103533 103531 104247 104249 104957 105488 105490 105489 104494 104279 104212 104496 104499 104216 104218 104500 104221 104497 104501 104502 104503 104495 104227 104230 104217 104506 104498 104224 104226 104507 105371 105281 105760 105754 Product Name Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 12mm F/Wand Guide Guide, Wand, Upper Left Guide, Wand, Upper Right Switch, Wand Lockout Bulkhead, Dark Grey Seal, Lower Air Duct , Nitrile Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 19mm F/Lower Air Duct Air Duct Assembly Motor Housing, Charcoal Bearing, Pivot Wheel, Rear Filter, Exhaust, HEPA Media Cover, Filter Cartridge, Charcoal Foam, Sound, Motor Housing, Front Panel Foam, Sound, Motor Housing, Left Panel Foam, Sound, Motor Housing, Rear Panel Motor Mount, Lower Nitrile Motor Mount, Upper Nitrile Motor Assembly w/Jumpers (includes: A, B) Motor Housing Sound Filter (includes: #14,15,16) Wand Kit (includes: #1, 2, 3, 4) Air Duct Kit (includes: #6, 7, 8) Power Nozzle Cover w/Detent Springs & Decal Switch, Safety, Power Nozzle Lockout Circuit Breaker Screw, Phillips, 2.9mm x 35mm, F/Brush Retainer Retainer, Brush Roll Brush Roll, Power Nozzle, 14" Bumper, Power Nozzle, Vinyl Brace, Formed Wire, F/Power Nozzle Base Baseplate, Power Nozzle Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 35mm F/Base Cover Roller, Front Shaft, Front Roller Axle Clamp, Rear Wheel Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 19mm F/Powerhead Sleeve, Hose, Air Duct Hose, Power Nozzle to Air Duct, Lower Belt, Drive, F/Brush Roll Motor, Power Nozzle with Crimps Grommet, Vibration, Power Nozzle Motor, Nitrile Cover, Air Duct, Power Nozzle Board, Vacuum Operation Indicator Spring, Detent, Upright Lock Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 19mm, F/Power Nozzle Motor Carbon Brush Set for ProForce Motor Thermal Protector Wire Harness Kit includes: A. Harness, Jumper, Red B. Harness, Jumper, White C. Sensor, Bag Full Indicator D. Harness, Main Power Supply E. Harness, Wire, Power Nozzle F. Harness, Power Nozzle Switch Qty List Price 2/pk $2.50 1 ea. 3.15 1 ea. 3.15 1 ea. 6.93 1 ea. 7.92 1 ea. 1.16 2/pk 3.50 1 ea. 9.82 1 ea. 25.20 2/pk 3.15 2/pk 11.55 1 ea. 6.30 1 ea. 4.73 1 ea. 4.91 1 ea. 2.89 1 ea. 6.93 1 ea. 5.78 1 ea. 9.82 1 kit 69.30 1 kit 13.86 1 kit 9.24 1 kit 10.40 1 ea. 25.74 1 ea. 7.13 1 ea. 11.66 4/pk 2.50 2/pk 2.31 1 ea. 26.25 1 ea. 6.30 2/pk 2.31 1 ea. 29.40 8/pk 3.15 2/pk 4.20 2/pk 2.31 1 set 4.04 5/pk 3.15 1 ea. 2.31 1 ea. 3.30 1 ea. 5.25 1 ea. 47.25 2/pk 2.31 1 ea. 4.34 1 ea. 8.40 2/pk 3.15 2/pk 2.10 1 set 19.40 1 ea. 8.66 1 set 29.93 31 29 PROFORCE 1500 PARTS 7 10 4 8 1 12 14 3 11 5 6 No. Product Name Qty List Price 1 104569 Cover, Bag Housing, Grey 1 ea. $15.75 2 104570 Plate, Bag Cover Nozzle 1 ea. 5.25 3 104571 Duct, Crossover, Bag Cover 1 ea. 7.51 4 104574 Plug, Access Port 1 ea. 3.14 5 104575 Seal, Crossover Duct/Bag Cover Nozzle Plate, Lower1 ea. 2.10 6 104576 Seal, Crossover Duct, Inlet 1 ea. 2.10 7 104232 Latch, Release, Bag Cover 1 ea. 4.20 8 104243 Flex Plate, Bag Cover Latch 1 ea. 2.31 9 104241 Seal, Gasket, Bag Cover 1 ea. 2.31 10 104233 Spring, Release Button, F/Bag Cover Latch 2/pk 2.10 11 104242 Spring, Bag Cover Latch 1 ea. 3.15 12 104577 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 9.5mm 4/pk 2.10 13 104493 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 38mm 4/pk 3.15 14 105491 1 kit 36.96 1 ea. 37.80 Filter Cover Kit, w/Riveted Hinge and 6 Rivets (includes: #1-13) 15 2 104739 Bag Housing Assembly, Grey, w/Riveted Hinge and Decal Includes Bag Cover Nozzle Plate 9 13 32 40 17 38 26 28 29 16 104491 Rivet F/Bag Housing Assembly 6/pk 3.15 17 104255 Handle w/Over Mold and Decal 1 ea. 21.00 32.34 18 104284 Cord, Power Clasp, 50' Yellow (includes: #34) 1 ea. 19 103483 Intercept Micro Filter 10/pk 9.99 20 104281 Filter, Motor Intake 1 ea. 2.58 21 104738 Seal, Gasket, Bag Housing 1 ea. 2.31 22 104283 Switch, Filter, Lock-Out 1 ea. 9.82 23 104282 Cover, Switch, Filter Lock-out 1 ea. 2.31 1 ea. 3.75 24 105075 Screw, Phillips, 2.9mm x 13mm, F/Switch Cover 25 104509 Screw, Phillips, F/Handle Assembly 26 104268 30 27 25 21 37 33 24 23 22 39 35 36 15 32 30 16 18 2.10 1 ea. 4.20 104269 Spring, Compression, Cord Wrap Bracket 1 ea. 2.31 28 104270 Washer, Compression Spring, Cord Wrap Bracket 1 ea. 1.05 29 104271 Screw, Cord Wrap, 4mm x 35mm Phillips Round Head 1 ea. 2.10 30 105090 Handle Bezel w/Screws 1 ea. 7.51 31 104741 Handle, Carry 1 ea. 4.62 32 105114 (includes: #17, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 38, 39) 1 kit 57.17 31 20 1 ea. Bracket, Cord Wrap 27 19 34 M4 x 10mm x .07 Pitch Handle, Tube Assembly Complete 33 104259 Plate, Handle Nut 1 ea. 1.16 34 105091 Clasp, Strain Relief, Yellow 1 ea. 5.78 35 104493 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 35mm 4/pk 3.15 36 104958 Handle, Tube w/Wire Harness, Rivet Nut and Plug Rivet 1 ea. 25.41 37 104266 Screw, Handle Assembly 1 ea. 1.16 38 105147 Switch, Rocker, On/Off 1 ea. 12.60 39 104264 Bushing, Handle Tube 1 ea. 1.16 40 105501 Handle Kit 1 kit 37.80 (includes: #17, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 38) PROFORCE 1500 PARTS 11 B 3 16 43 C 44 15 A D 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 7 8 5 10 17 18 2 6 13 4 14 1 20 41 21 F 22 40 23 39 24 E 42 37 25 38 26 36 35 34 11 12 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 No. 104306 104250 104957 104504 103532 104536 103533 103531 104245 104253 104249 104247 105136 104246 104578 104209 104267 105488 105489 104494 104279 104212 104496 104499 104216 104218 104500 104221 104497 104501 104502 104503 104495 104227 104230 104217 104506 104498 104224 104226 104507 105371 33 43 44 27 32 28 29 30 31 105281 105760 105755 Product Name Qty List Price Wheel, Rear 2/pk $11.55 Air Duct Assembly 1 ea. 9.82 Motor Assembly Kit w/Jumpers (includes: C, D) 1 ea. 69.30 Bearing, Pivot 2/pk 3.15 Foam, Sound, Motor Housing Front Panel 1 ea. 4.91 Motor Housing, Charcoal 1 ea. 25.20 Foam, Sound, Motor Housing Left Panel 1 ea. 2.89 Foam, Sound, Motor Housing Rear Panel 1 ea. 6.93 Bulkhead, Dark Grey 1 ea. 7.92 Seal, Lower Air Duct , Nitrile 1 ea. 1.16 Motor Mount, Upper Nitrile 1 ea. 9.82 Motor Mount, Lower Nitrile 1 ea. 5.78 Filter, Exhaust, HEPA Media 1 ea. 6.30 Cover, Filter Cartridge, Charcoal 1 ea. 4.73 Air Duct, Upper ProForce 1500 1 ea. 6.30 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 12mm, F/Upper Air Duct 2/pk 2.50 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 19mm F/Lower Air Duct 2/pk 3.50 Motor Housing Sound Filter Kit (includes: #5, 7, 8) 1 kit 13.86 Air Duct Kit (includes: #2, 10, 17) 1 kit 10.40 Power Nozzle Cover w/Detent Springs & Decal 1 ea. 25.74 Switch, Safety, Power Nozzle Lockout 1 ea. 7.13 Circuit Breaker 1 ea. 11.66 Screw, Phillips, 2.9mm x 13mm, F/Brush Retainer 4/pk 2.50 Retainer, Brush Roll 2/pk 2.31 Brush Roll, Power Nozzle, 14" 1 ea. 26.25 Bumper, Power Nozzle, Vinyl 1 ea. 6.30 Brace, Formed Wire, F/Power Nozzle Base 2/pk 2.31 Baseplate, Power Nozzle 1 ea. 29.40 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 35mm F/Base Cover 8/pk 3.15 Roller, Front 2/pk 4.20 Shaft, Front Roller Axle 2/pk 2.31 Clamp, Rear Wheel 1 set 4.04 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 19mm, F/Powerhead 5/pk 3.15 Sleeve, Hose, Air Duct 1 ea. 2.31 Hose, Power Nozzle to Air Duct, Lower 1 ea. 3.30 Belt, Drive, F/Brush Roll 1 ea. 5.25 Motor, Power Nozzle with Crimps 1 ea. 47.25 Grommet, Vibration, Power Nozzle Motor, Nitrile 2/pk 2.31 Cover, Air Duct, Power Nozzle 1 ea. 4.34 Board, Vacuum Operation Indicator 1 ea. 8.40 Spring, Detent, Upright Lock 2/pk 3.15 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 19mm, F/Power Nozzle Motor 2/pk 2.10 Carbon Brush Set for ProForce Motor 1 set 19.40 Thermal Protector 1 ea. 8.66 Wire Harness Kit includes: 1 set 29.93 A. Sensor, Bag, Full Indicator B. Harness, Wire, Main Power Supply C. Harness, Jumper, White D. Harness, Jumper, Red E. Harness, Wire, Power Nozzle F. Harness, Power Nozzle Switch 33 31 GOCARTVAC PARTS 16 13 14 1 18 2 3 12 10 15 11 17 10 8 4 10 7 22 23 6 20 9 19 5 34 35 37 33 21 25 30 38 32 24 34 32 26 29 28 31 27 GOCARTVAC PARTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 No. 104273 100431 100564 106282 100352 100335 100378 100014 103731 103732 103617 105496 100368 103916 104272 100030 100343 101220 103623 102715 106550 106284 106219 106211 106213 106214 103718 106241 106215 106277 106216 106280 106279 106278 106217 106281 106218 106276 106283 103476 106297 106298 101678 Product Name Twist Cap (Black) 496 Sq. In. Intercept Micro Filter Micro Cloth Filter Power Cord Replacement, Complete Plastic Diffuser w/Connection Screw Set (2 screws) Compression Ring w/Connection Screws Compression Ring Connection Screws Tetraseal Carbon Brush Set for 36V motor 36V Motor w/Crimps, Replacement Complete 36V Motor Assembly w/Seal, Compression Ring and Relay (includes: #6, 7, 8, 9) Battery Control Module Motor Mounting System Set Receptacle, 2-Wire w/Crimps Receptacle Screw Set Dome Filter w/Foam Media Foam Filter Media for Dome Filter High Filtration Disk (Optional) (2 pack) Electrified Hose, 1¼" x 20' Long, 2-Wire Replacement Swivel Elbow Cuff, Black Switch Replacement Kit, Vacuum Attachment Hardware for Cart Kit, Power Receptacle Cord Box, Sound w/Corner Rails Cart Assembly Kit, Mounting Hardware Hose Wrap, Blk Kit, Receptacle for Box Assembly Kit, Box Assembly Harness, Charging w/Connectors Kit, Battery Wiring Harness Lead, Wire, Battery, Fusible Link, Replacement #8AWG, w/Terminals Lead, Wire, Battery, Red, #8AWG, w/Terminals Harness, Battery Kit, Receptacle Switch Assembly w/Crimps Kit, Charger, 36V, 18.5A, w/Terminals Battery, Lead Acid, 12V, 37AH Kit, Attachment Hardware for Charger and Box Assembly Thermal Protector Wheel Set, Rear Wheel Set, Front 50' Extension Cord (Not Shown) Qty 1 ea. 10/pk 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 2/pk 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 set 1 ea. 1 ea. List Price $26.68 15.00 22.61 60.90 10.31 10.31 2.73 10.92 17.22 189.00 230.42 73.50 12.13 6.51 2.10 7.28 1.22 9.99 197.61 8.43 8.40 2.63 13.91 362.25 399.98 16.01 21.00 8.93 117.60 78.75 84.80 31.50 23.10 50.40 55.65 36.75 682.50 252.00 2.63 13.30 99.75 23.10 27.50 35 33 INDEX INDEX Part No. Product Name Page No(s). Part No. Product Name 100014 Tetraseal 11, 13, 15, 19, 23, 29 100280 LineVacer ULPA w/High Filtration Vac Kit (100163) 2, 29 100030 Dome Filter w/Foam Media 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 100282 LineVacer ULPA Cart w/High Filtration Vac Kit (100163) 2, 29 100077 Kit C. with 11" Floor Tool w/Adjustable Brush (100083) 2, 3 100286 Top or Bottom Cap Latch Set 29 100078 Kit A. with 14" Floor Tool w/Scallops (100147) 2, 3 100287 LineVacer Cart Assembly Complete 29 100079 Kit D. 16" Floor Tool w/Adjustable Brush (100092) 2, 3 100291 Intercept Micro Filters 100082 Chrome Telescoping Wand – 24" to 40" 3, 4, 5 100299 15' Cart power Supply Cord Complete w/Crimps 100083 Kit C. with 11" Floor Tool w/Adjustable Brush 3, 6, 8 100315 MegaVac 100084 Replacement Brush – 11" Floor Tool (100083) 8 100320 Twist Cap (Black) 100085 Adjustment Lever – 11" Floor Tool (100083) 100090 Standard 1.25" Attachment Kit 100091 Standard 1.25" Attachment Kit with Turbo Brush 100092 Kit D. 16" Floor Tool w/Adjustable Brush 100093 Page No(s). 7, 29 29 2 13 8 100331 698 Sq. In. I Intercept Micro Filters 2, 3 100335 Motor Compression Ring w/Screws 11, 13, 15, 19, 23, 28, 35 7, 11, 13 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 2, 3 100343 Foam Filter Media for Dome Filter 3, 6, 8 100352 Plastic Air Diffuser w/Screw Set Replacement Brush – 16" Floor Tool (100092) 8 100354 Strap Assembly Complete 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 100094 Adjustment Lever – 16" Floor Tool (100092) 8 100356 Shoulder Strap Assembly 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 100096 Brush Height Adjustment Knob – 11" – 16" Floor Tools (100083/100092) 100357 Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjust. Buckle (Bottom) 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 8 100358 Shoulder Strap Plastic Adjustment Buckle (Top) 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 100097 Screw – 11" – 16" Floor Tools (100083/100092) 8 100359 Waist Belt 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 100098 Spring – 11" – 16" Floor Tools (100083/100092) 8 100360 Waist Belt Extension (10") 100099 Replacement Nut – Aluminum Wands 8 100361 Waist Belt Extension (18") 100100 Replacement Ring – Aluminum Wands 8 100368 Motor Mounting System Set 100101 Replacement Sleeve – Aluminum Wands 8 100374 Backplate Connection Set 100102 One-Piece, Two-Bend Aluminum Wand – 56" 3, 5 100375 Barrel Nut Connection Set for Backplate (Replacement) 5 19, 35 9 9 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29, 35 13, 29 100104 60" Straight Extension Aluminum Wand 100107 Crevice Tool – 11" 4, 5 100376 Water Lift Gauge 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 100108 Crevice Tool – 17" 3, 4, 5 100378 Compression Ring Screw Set 100109 28" Crevice Tool 4, 5 100379 Motor Ground and Wire Clamp Set w/Screws 11, 13, 15, 19, 23, 29 100110 Dust Brush – 3" 3, 4, 5, 8 100380 100112 Reducer – 3" Dust Nylon Brush (100110) 8 Motor Crimp Set: 5 Female, 3 Male, Ground Crimp Connector 11, 13, 15, 19, 23, 29 100113 1" to 4" Overhead Pipe Cleaner (Includes Reducer Cuff) 5 100424 Carbon Brush Set for Coach Vac Motor (Ametek Motor) 100114 4" to 8" Overhead Pipe Cleaner (Includes Reducer Cuff) 5 100431 Reusable Intercept Micro Filters 100115 Upholstery Tool – 5" 3, 4, 5, 8 100505 Static-Dissipating Hose (Black) w/Cuffs 1½" 100116 Replacement Nylon Brush – 5" Upholstery Tool 8 100564 Micro Cloth Filter 100117 11" Turbo Brush Tool – 1.25" 3, 6 100565 Micro Cloth Filter 100135 Turbo Brush with Wand 3 100586 Bottom Bumper 100136 54" One-Bend Chrome Tapered Wand – 1.5" to 1.25" 3, 5 100597 Sound Muffler 100141 Replacement Bumper – 14" Floor Tool (100147) 8 100614 14" Hard Floor Tool w/Horse Hair Brush 100143 14" Hard Floor Tool w/Felt Brush 6, 8 100617 ProVac 100144 14" Floor Tool w/Felt Brush/Scalloped 4, 6, 8 100623 14" Hard Floor Tool w/Nylon Brush 100145 Replacement Felt – 14" Floor Tool (100143) 8 100628 How to Be a Vacuum Specialist 100146 Replacement Felt, Scalloped – 14" Floor Tool (100614) 8 100629 How to Be a Restroom Specialist 9 100147 14" Floor Tool w/Scallops 3, 4, 6, 8 100630 How to Coach a Successful Team 9 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 9 11, 13, 15, 19, 23, 29, 35 11, 23, 29 7, 15, 17, 19, 1, 23, 35 23 7, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 35 7, 11, 13, 29 11, 15,17, 19, 23 7, 11, 13 4, 6, 8 2 4, 6, 8 9 100150 36" One-Bend Bulk Pick-Up Tool 4, 5 100641 Power Cord (18" 14/3) Assembly 100151 42" One-Bend Bulk Pick-Up Tool 5 100643 CoachVac w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 2 100155 12" Gulper Aluminum Floor Tool 6 100650 Kit E. with 14" Floor Tool w/Scallops (100147) 3 100163 High Filtration Vac 1.5" Kit 100167 Curved Chrome Wand – 1.25" x 13" 100171 2, 4 100653 SuperCoach w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 2 3, 4, 5 100657 MegaVac w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 2 Motor/Fan w/Rectifier and Crimps (400Hz) (ProVac AviationVac) 23 100667 Linevacer 100173 Carbon Brush Set for 400 Hz Motor (AviationVac) 23 100694 Replacement Swivel Cuff (Blk) 1½" 100174 Motor Rectifier (ProVac AviationVac) 23 100698 Sound Muffler 100180 Demo Duffle Bag 9 100707 CoachVac w/Attachment Kit C (100077) 2 100181 CoachVac 2 100708 CoachVac w/Attachment Kit D (100079) 2 2 2 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 7, 19 100197 Twist Cap (Purple) 11 100709 SuperCoach w/Attachment Kit D (100079) 100277 LineVacer HEPA w/High Filtration Vac Kit (100163) 2, 29 100710 Super CoachVac w/Attachment Kit C (100077) 2 100279 LineVacer HEPA Cart w/High Filtration Vac Kit (100163) 2, 29 100711 Kit G. with 11" Floor Tool w/Adjustable Brush (100083) 3 100712 Kit H. with 16" Floor Tool w/Adjustable Brush (100092) 3 100713 Replacement Nylon Brush 8 100714 Replacement Horse Hair Brush 8 36 INDEX Part No. Product Name 100716 Backplate (Blk) Connection Set 100717 MegaVac w/Attachment Kit D (100079) 100718 Cart Plate for Cart Assembly 100719 Logo Banner 100727 Restaurant 1½" Kit 100729 ProVac w/Restaurant Kit (100727) 100730 12" Paddle Floor Tool 100743 On/Off Switch 100829 100946 100950 101092 101122 101155 101163 INDEX Page No(s). Part No. Product Name Page No(s). 11, 15, 17, 19, 23 101615 Replacement Blue Bumper for JetSweep 20 2 101678 50' Extension Cord (Yellow) 29 101680 50' Extension Cord (Blue) 9 101705 3-1 Stretch Hose w/Cuffs 1½" 2, 4 101709 25' Extension Cord (Blue) 2 101711 Shroud Retro Kit (Grey) w/Screws 8 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 35 9 21 9 21 6 101713 Power Cord (18” 16/3) Assembly 21 101714 Switch Cord w/Crimps ProVac w/Attachment Kit A (100078) 2 101715 Switch Cord w/Crimps (AviationVac) 23 27" Straight Bulk Pick-Up Tool 5 101716 26" Switch Cord Assembly Complete 120V 29 Director Plate 21 101718 Switch Box w/Belt Clip (for cart) Reducer Cuff 3, 8 101720 Carbon Brush Set for Ametek Motor How to Be a Light Duty Specialist 9 101737 Carry Handle w/Rivet and Washer Set Replacement Nylon Brush 8 101788 Produster P.O.P. Package 9 QuarterVac 2 101808 Produster P.O.P. Case 9 21 11, 13, 15, 19, 23, 29 29 11, 13, 27 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 101164 QuarterVac w/Standard 1¼" Kit (100090) 2 101829 Hard Surface Flooring 1½" Kit 101184 3-1 Stretch Hose w/Cuffs 1¼" 21 101830 Super CoachVac w/Hard Surface Flooring Kit (101829) 2, 4 2 101189 Motor/Fan (120V) with Crimps/Thermal Protector 21 101880 Replacement Nylon Brush – JetSweep 20, 8 101220 High Filtration Disk (Optional) 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 35 101928 Replacement Double Swivel Elbow Cuff (Black) 101228 Front Sound Foam Baffle 21 101934 Twist Cap for 1½" Cuff (Grey) 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 29 101229 Rear Sound Foam Baffle 21 101949 Foam Filter Media for Dome Filter 101245 QuarterVac w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 2 101953 Receptacle Replacement Kit 21 101247 QuarterVac w/Attachment Kit C (100077) 2 102127 Small Strain Relief 25 101248 QuarterVac w/Attachment Kit D (100079) 2 102266 54" Two-Piece 1½" Friction Fit Aluminum Button Lock Wand 101250 QuarterVac w/Turbo Brush 1¼” Kit (100091) 2 102604 Schulte Cord Holder 21 7, 21, 25, 27 5 9, 21 101271 Motor Mount Screw Kit: 6 Screws, 4 Washers 21 102659 5" Long Dust Brush 101272 Step Cap Screw Kit: 4 Screws 21 102715 Replacement Swivel Elbow Cuff 1¼" (Black) 101274 Waist Belt Connection Set 21 102761 High Filtration Disk (optional) 101288 Blind Twist Cap Assembly (Grey) 21 102784 Dome Filter w/Foam Media 101292 TailVac 2 102878 Waist Belt w/Velcro 21 101293 TailVac w/Standard 1¼" Kit 2 102879 Monostrap 21 101324 TailVac Standard 1¼" Kit 2, 3 102947 Vac Station 101336 Kit B. with 14" E-Z Glide Floor Tool w/Brush (101446) 2, 3 102988 Carbon Brush Set for TailVac Motor 101337 Kit F. with 14" E-Z Glide Floor Tool w/Brush (101446) 101338 Two-Piece, Two-Bend Aluminum Wand – 56" 3 103024 AviationVac w/Aviation 1¼" Kit #2 3, 4, 5 103025 Retrofit Set: Waist Belt and Monostrap 5 23, 35 7, 21, 25, 27 21, 25, 27 9 21 2 21 101346 TailVac Standard 1¼" Attachment Kit with Turbo Brush 3 103032 JetSweep 15, 15" Floor Tool w/Nylon Brush 101394 Ergonomic Wand Handles 9 103043 Fan and Brush Cover Kit 6 101436 Replacement Swivel Cuff (Black) 1¼" 21 103048 Static-Dissipating Hose w/Cuffs (Black) 1½" 101437 Replacement Fixed Hose Cuff (Black) 1½" x 1¼" 21 103083 10½" Multi-Surface Floor Tool 101445 Retro Kit – 14" E-Z Glide® Floor Tool 8 103084 12" Natural Fiber Hard Floor Tool 3, 4, 6 3, 4, 6 21 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 29 3, 6 3, 6 103085 12" Carpet Tool w/Scallops 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 103086 Crevice Tool – 13" Repair Clip with Screws – 14" Hard Floor Tool 8 103087 5½" Upholstery Tool w/Removable Brush (103088) 3, 4, 5, 8 101475 Repair Kit – Felt Floor Tools: Support Bars 8 103088 Removable Brush – 5½” Upholstery Tool (103087) 3, 4, 5, 8 101528 TailVac w/Attachment Kit C, 1½" Hose (100077) 2 103089 Dust Brush, Rectangular 90/180° Swivel – 2½" 101529 MegaVac w/Attachment Kit C (100077) 2 103090 TailVac Deluxe 1¼" Attachment Kit 101531 Carbon Brush Set for QuarterVac Motor (Ametek Motor) 19 103099 Cuff Adapter – 1¼" x 1¼" 101532 ProDuster 50 sleeves 9 103114 Swivel Caster 101533 ProDuster 500 sleeves 9 103115 Micro Cloth Filter 101446 14" E-Z Glide w/Nylon Brush 101472 Switch Box w/Velcro and New Lamb Switch 101473 3, 4, 5 3, 4, 5 2, 3 3, 4, 8 25, 27 7, 25, 27 21 103117 Tool Dock 25, 27 11, 13 103121 Motor Mount 25, 27 QuarterVac w/Attachment Kit A 2 103123 Exhaust Foam 101549 CoachVac w/Attachment Kit A 2 103124 Foam Inlet Damper A 25, 27 101550 TailVac w/Attachment Kit B, 1½" hose 2 103125 Foam Inlet Damper B 25, 27 101610 Switch Cord Assembly 101613 JetSweep 20, 20” Hard Floor Tool w/Nylon Brush 101536 Replacement Fixed Hose Cuff (Black) 1½" 101543 Filter Guard 101548 7, 27 11, 13, 15, 19, 23, 29 4, 6 37 INDEX Part No. Product Name 103131 ProClean 103150 Replacement Long Swivel Cuff (Black) 1½" 103166 Backplate System Complete 103172 78” Static Dissipating Hose w/Cuffs (Black) 1½" 103212 Wire Harness Assembly INDEX Page No(s). Part No. Product Name 2 104022 Squeegee 8 25, 27 104023 Belt Guard 8 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 104024 Brush Roller Assembly 8 25, 27 104029 Vac Display Mannequin 9 27 104152 How to Be a Utility Specialist in Carpet Care 9 25, 27 104158 (12") Display Pedestal 9 2 104159 (18") Display Pedestal 9 103215 Power Cord (18" 16/3) Assembly w/Locknut and Washer 103220 ProClean w/Restaurant Kit (100727) 103222 Aviation 1¼" Attachment Kit #2 103236 Motor Seal 103237 Static-Dissipating Hose (AviationVac) 1¼" (Black) 103246 ProVac w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 103256 Rear Foam Diffuser 103258 ProClean w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 103259 ProClean w/Attachment Kit C (100077) 103260 ProClean w/Attachment Kit D (100079) 103262 Step Cap (Grey) 103266 Motor Mount and Vented Exhaust Cover Screw Kit Page No(s). 2, 4 104160 Floor Mat 21, 25, 27 104209 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 12mm F/Wand Guide 23 104212 Circuit Breaker 31, 33 2 104216 Brush Roll, Power Nozzle, 14" 31, 33 25, 27 104217 Belt, Drive, F/Brush Roll 31, 33 2 104218 Bumper, Power Nozzle, Vinyl 31, 33 2 104221 Baseplate, Power Nozzle 31, 33 31, 33 9 31, 33 2 104224 Cover, Air Duct, Power Nozzle 21 104226 Board, Vacuum Operation Indicator 31, 33 25, 27 104227 Sleeve, Hose, Air Duct 31, 33 103267 Rear Wheel Assembly Kit 25, 27 104230 Hose, Power Nozzle to Air Duct, Lower 31, 33 103268 Rear Wheel Mounting Screw Kit 25, 27 104232 Latch, Release, Bag Cover 30, 32 103279 Replacement Swivel Cuff 1¼" (Black) (AviationVac) 30, 32 103318 Top Cap, Black 103360 Cover Assembly, Vented Exhaust 103441 Cord Lock 103467 Deluxe 1¼" Attachment Kit 103476 Thermal Protector 103483 Intercept Micro Filters 103505 13" – 1¼" Curved Chrome Wand w/Button Lock 103531 23 104233 Spring, Release Button, F/Bag Cover Latch 25, 27 104234 Cover, Bag Housing, Grey F/XP 27 104235 Seal, Transition Duct/Bag Cover, Upper 30 9, 25 104236 Duct, Transition, Bag Cover, F/XP 30 30 3 104238 Seal, Transition Duct/Bag Cover Nozzle Plate, Lower 30 11, 13, 19, 23, 27,29, 35 104239 Plate, Bag Cover Nozzle, F/XP 30 7, 30, 32 104241 Seal, Gasket, Bag Cover 3, 4, 5 104242 Spring, Bag Cover Latch 30, 32 Foam, Sound, Motor Housing, Rear Panel 31, 33 104243 Flex Plate, Bag Cover Latch 30, 32 103532 Foam, Sound, Motor Housing, Front Panel 31, 33 104245 Bulkhead, Black 103533 Foam, Sound, Motor Housing, Left Panel 31, 33 104246 Replacement Exhaust Filter Cover, Charcoal 103545 Conical Washer for Swivel Caster 25, 27 104247 Motor Mount, Lower Nitrile 103608 11" Turbo Brush 6 104249 Motor Mount, Upper Nitrile 31, 33 103617 Complete 36V Motor Assembly w/Seal, Compression Ring and Relay 35 104250 Air Duct Assembly 31, 33 103623 Electrified Hose, 1¼" x 20' Long, 2-Wire 103627 Sternum Strap Buckles (Latch and Keeper) 30, 32 31, 33 7, 31, 33 31, 33 35 104253 Seal, Lower Air Duct , Nitrile 31, 33 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 104255 Handle w/Over Mold and Decal 30, 32 30, 32 103638 Replacement HEPA Filter Kit 7, 25, 27 104259 Plate, Handle Nut 103647 Split Jumpers 27 104260 Guide, Wand, Upper Right 103669 On/Off Switch w/Splitters 27 104261 Guide, Wand, Upper Left 31 103718 Hose Wrap, Black 35 104263 Switch, Wand Lockout 31 103731 Carbon Brush Set for 36V motor 35 104264 Bushing, Handle Tube 30, 32 103732 36V Motor w/Crimps, Replacement 35 104265 Handle, Carry w/Tool Caddy, F/XP 103909 Momentary Switch 35 104266 Screw, Handle Assembly 103916 Receptacle, 2-Wire w/Crimps 35 104267 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 19mm F/Lower Air Duct 31, 33 103974 Bushing w/Holder 8 104268 Bracket, Cord Wrap 30, 32 30, 32 31 30 30, 32 103975 Brush Arm, Set of 2 8 104269 Spring, Compression, Cord Wrap Bracket 104010 Top Cover 8 104270 Washer, Compression Spring, Cord Wrap Bracket 30, 32 104011 1¼" Neck Assembly Complete 8 104271 Screw, Cord Wrap, 4mm x 38mm, Phillips Round Head 30, 32 104012 1½" Neck Assembly Complete 8 104272 Receptacle Screw Set 104016 Rear Axle 8 104273 Twist Cap (Black) 104017 Back Wheel 8 104274 HEPA Filter Assembly w/Bottom Cap 7, 29 104018 Front Axle 8 104275 ULPA Filter Assembly Complete w/Bottom Cap 7, 29 104019 Front Wheel 8 104276 Latch Cap w/Cuff (Black) 104020 Belt 8 104279 Switch, Safety, Power Nozzle Lockout 104021 Bottom Cover 8 104281 Replacement Motor Intake Filter 104282 Cover, Switch, Filter Lock-out 30, 32 104283 Switch, Filter, Lock-Out 30, 32 38 35 17, 19, 23, 35 29 31, 33 7, 30, 32 INDEX Part No. Product Name 104284 Cord, Power, w/Strain Relief, 50’ Yellow 104294 Wand, F/XP 104300 INDEX Page No(s). Part No. Product Name Page No(s). 30, 32 105136 Replacement HEPA Media Exhaust Filter 30 105147 Switch, Rocker, On/Off ProForce 1500 2 105149 Cap, Motor 104301 ProForce 1500XP 2 105150 Exhaust Housing, Motor 104306 Wheel, Rear 31, 33 105162 Motor/Fan (120V) w/Crimps for Domel Motor 104490 Bag Housing Assembly, Grey w/Riveted Hinge 30 105164 Carbon Brush Set for Domel Motor 104491 Rivet F/Bag Housing Assembly 30, 32 105281 Carbon Brush Set for ProForce Motor 104493 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 38mm 30, 32 105337 Ring, Motor Housing, Large 17 104494 Power Nozzle Cover w/Detent Springs & Decal 31, 33 105341 Cover, Motor Housing 17 104495 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 19mm F/Powerhead 31, 33 105342 Foam, Ring, Motor Housing 17 104496 Screw, Phillips, 2.9mm x 35mm, F/Brush Retainer 31, 33 105343 Foam, Cover, Motor Housing 104497 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 35mm F/Base Cover 31, 33 105371 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 19mm, F/Power Nozzle Motor 104498 Grommet, Vibration, Power Nozzle Motor, Nitrile 31, 33 105419 Acoustical Insert, Right 17 104499 Retainer, Brush Roll 31, 33 105422 Acoustical Insert, Left 17 104500 Brace, Formed Wire, F/Power Nozzle Base 31, 33 105430 Upper Foam Compression Ring 104501 Roller, Front 31, 33 105438 On/Off Switch 17 104502 Shaft, Front Roller Axle 31, 33 105486 Filter Cover Kit w/Riveted Hinge and 6 Rivets 30 104503 Clamp, Rear Wheel 31, 33 105488 Motor Housing Sound Filter 104504 Bearing, Pivot 31, 33 105489 Air Duct Kit 104505 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 9.5mm 30 105490 Wand Kit 31 104506 Motor, Power Nozzle with Crimps 31, 33 105491 Filter Cover Kit, w/Riveted Hinge and 32 35 7, 31, 33 30, 32 17 17 11, 13, 15 11, 13, 15, 27 31, 33 17 31, 33 25, 27 31, 33 31 104507 Spring, Detent, Upright Lock 31, 33 105496 Battery Control Module 104509 Screw, Phillips, M4 x 10mm x .07 Pitch, 30, 32 105498 Training/Sales DVD – The ProTeam® Way 104536 Motor Housing, Charcoal 31, 33 105501 Handle Kit 32 104544 Intercept Micro Filters, One Pack of 10 7, 25, 27 105502 Handle Kit 30 104569 Cover, Bag Housing, Grey 32 105537 Set of Pedestals 104570 Plate, Bag Cover Nozzle 32 105573 Quick Release Hose Cuff 30 17 9 9 104571 Duct, Crossover, Bag Cover 32 105605 Gasket, Motor 104574 Plug, Access Port 32 105613 Motor Mount 17 104575 Seal, Crossover Duct/Bag Cover Nozzle Plate, Lower 32 105619 Motor Mount Assembly 17 104576 Seal, Crossover Duct, Inlet 32 105620 Housing, Exhaust, Motor F/QuietPro 17 104577 Screw, Phillips, 4.2mm x 9.5mm 32 105621 Kit, Foam, Laminate Acoustical Panels 17 104578 Air Duct, Upper ProForce 1500 33 105622 Kit, Exhaust, Foam and Ring 17 104738 Seal, Gasket, Bag Housing 30, 32 105623 Kit, Cover, Exhaust F/QuietPro 17 104739 Bag Housing Assembly, Grey 32 105643 Tetraseal, Motor 104741 Handle, Carry 32 105653 Dual Speed Module and Schematic 17 17, 25 104812 Pest Control DVD – Introduction to Pest Control System 9 105687 Motor/Fan (120V) for ProClean w/Crimps (Domel Motor) 104832 Replacement Crevice Tool (ProForce 1500XP) 5 105691 18" Sidewinder Carpet Tool 6 104833 Combo Upholstery/Dust Brush 5 105692 18" Sidewinder Hard Floor Tool w/Nylon Brush 6 104885 GoCartVac 1¼" Kit 5 105693 59" Two-Piece Friction Fit Aluminum Sidewinder Straight Wand 5 104957 Motor Assembly Kit w/Jumpers 31, 33 105694 Replacement Nylon Brush 18" Sidewinder 8 104958 Handle, Tube w/Wire Harness, Rivet Nut and Plug Rivet 30, 32 105695 59" One-Piece Friction Fit Aluminum Sidewinder Straight Wand 5 27 104959 Handle, Tube Assembly Complete, F/XP 30 105697 Carbon Brush Set for CoachVac Motor (Domel Motor) 104961 Hose, Assembly w/Cuffs, F/XP 30 105720 Motor/Fan (120 V) w/Crimps for Domel Motor 104998 Bottom Twist Cap Gasket 13 105721 Motor/Fan (120 V) w/Crimps (Domel) 19 105030 TailVac w/Deluxe 1¼" Kit (103090) 2 105722 Motor, (120V), 2-Stage 17 105031 ALA Price Tags 9 105732 QuietPro w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 2 105044 Motor Shroud Cover w/Screws 11, 13, 15, 23 105733 QuietPro w/Attachment Kit A (100078) 2 105046 Backplate 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29 105748 Switch Cord Assembly Complete F/QuietPro 17 105047 Receptacle Assembly for Powerhead 27 105754 Wire Harness Kit 31 105070 Bottom Twist Cap (Black) 105075 Screw, Phillips, 2.9mm x 13mm, F/Switch Cover 105088 105090 105091 Clasp, Strain Relief, Yellow 105114 Handle, Tube Assembly Complete 11, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29 11, 23, 29 13 105755 Wire Harness Kit 30, 32 105760 Thermal Protector Handle Bezel w/Screws 30 105763 Screw, 10-32 x .75, Self Tapping 17 Handle Bezel w/Screws 32 105767 Screw, #8 x 1/2", Phillips, Hi/Lo 17 33 31, 33 30, 32 32 39 INDEX Part No. Product Name 105800 Sound Muffler 105889 Flooring Installation 1.5" Kit A INDEX Page No(s). Part No. Product Name Page No(s). 15 106274 10' Static Strap Kit (ProForce) 9 2, 4 106276 Battery, Lead Acid, 12V, 37AH 35 105890 Flooring Installation 1.5" Kit B 2, 4 106277 Harness, Charging w/Connectors 35 105891 Flooring Installation 1.5" Kit C 2, 4 106278 Harness, Battery 35 105892 MegaVac w/Flooring Installation Kit A (105889) 2 106279 Lead, Wire, Battery, Red, #8AWG, w/Terminals 35 105893 Super CoachVac w/ Flooring Installation Kit A (105889) 2 106280 Lead, Wire, Battery, Fusible Link, Replacement #8AWG, w/Terminals 35 105894 MegaVac w/ Flooring Installation Kit B 105890 2 106281 Switch Assembly w/Crimps 35 105895 Super CoachVac w/Flooring Installation Kit B (105890) 105896 MegaVac w/Flooring Installation Kit C (105891) 105897 Super CoachVac w/ Flooring Installation Kit C (105891) 105948 Noise Supression Foam 2 106282 Power Cord Replacement, Complete 35 51011 2 106283 Kit, Attachment Hardware for Charger and Box Assembly 35 2 106284 Kit, Vacuum Attachment Hardware for Cart 25 106287 Switch Box w/Velcro and Screws 105949 Noise Supression Filter Assembly 25 106290 1½" Aluminum Telescoping Wand 42" to 59" 105991 On/Off Switch (2 Stage) 25 106291 Commercial 1½" Telescoping Wand Kit 106066 On/Off Switch 11, 13, 15, 19, 23, 29 106293 49" One-Piece, Two-Bend Aluminum Wand 35 11, 13, 15, 19, 23, 29 6 3 4, 5 106070 Super QuarterVac 2 106297 Wheel Set, Rear 35 106073 Twist Cap (Purple) 15 106298 Wheel Set, Front 35 106087 GoCartVac 2 106343 24" to 40" – 1¼" Telescoping Wand w/Button Lock 106102 QuietPro CN 2 106501 Vacuums – Set-Up/Training/Operation DVD 106103 Motor/Fan (120V) for ProClean w/Crimps (Domel Motor) 25 106502 Aviation 1½" Kit #1 106107 Ground Jumper 25 106512 Super CoachVac w/1½" Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 106194 14" Hard Floor Tool w/Felt Brush – Scalloped & Flat 6 106513 Super QuarterVac w/1½" Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 3 106203 Wire Harness Assembly: 3 Wires and Strain Relief 25 106514 TailVac w/1½" Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 3 3, 4, 5 9 2, 4 3 106205 Super QuarterVac w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 2 106515 QuarterVac w/1½" Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 3 106206 Super QuarterVac w/Attachment Kit A (100078) 2 106516 ProClean w/1½" Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 3 106207 QuietProCN HEPA w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 2 106517 QuietPro CN HEPA w/1½" Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 3 106208 QuietProCN HEPA w/High Filtration Vac Kit (100163) 2 106518 QuietPro BP w/1½" Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 3 3 106209 GoCartVac w/GoCart Kit (104885) 2 106519 ProVac w/1½" Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 106211 Box, Sound w/Corner Rails 35 106526 106213 Cart Assembly 35 HEPA Dome Filter for Super CoachVac HEPA, Super QuarterVac HEPA 35 106542 AviationVac w/Aviation 1½" Kit #1 Switch Replacement 106214 Kit, Mounting Hardware 7, 11,15 2 106215 Kit, Box Assembly 35 106550 35 106216 Kit, Battery Wiring Harness 35 106573 Super CoachVac HEPA w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 2 Super QuarterVac HEPA w/Attachment Kit B (101336) 2 106217 Kit, Receptacle 35 106577 106218 Kit, Charger, 36V, 18.5A, w/Terminals 35 106579 Super CoachVac HEPA w/1½'' Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 2 35 106580 Super CoachVac HEPA w/1½'' Telescoping Wand Kit (106291) 2 35 106709 10" Multi-Surface Floor Tool 4 5 106730 Tapered 1¼" Wand Kit 3 106731 Super CoachVac w/1¼" Tapered Wand Kit (106730) 2 106219 106241 106245 Kit, Power Receptacle Cord Kit, Receptacle for Box Assembly 15" Sidewinder Carpet Tool 106246 15" Sidewinder Hard Floor Tool 6, 35 106261 6' Static Strap Kit (ProForce) 9 40 SALES REPRESENTATIVES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ryan, Saffel & Associates AK, WA, OR, HI 2731 152nd Avenue, NE Redmond, WA 98052-5544 (425) 885-7090 FAX (425) 881-8733 [email protected] Access Group N. CA Northern CA, Northern NV 14470 Doolittle Drive San Leandro, CA 94577 (510) 567-1000 (800) 482-6088 FAX (510) 567-1005 [email protected] Access Group S. CA Southern CA, Southern NV 912 W. Tenth Street Azusa, CA 91702 (626) 815-4200 (800) 540-9001 FAX (626) 815-4300 [email protected] TRC Marketing, Inc. MT, ID, WY, UT, CO, AZ, NM, El Paso, TX 4665 Joliet Street Denver, CO 80239 (303) 373-1940 (800) 748-2290 FAX (303) 371-1557 [email protected] D.C. Brown, Inc. ND, SD, MN, Northwest WI 7104 Ohms Lane, Ste. 214 Minneapolis, MN 55439-2129 (952) 896-1890 FAX (952) 896-1970 [email protected] K.J.A., Inc. NE, IA, KS, MO 9000 Fernald Drive St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 842-6222 (800) 892-1733 FAX (314) 842-4128 [email protected] Demlow Marketing OK, AR, TX, LA P.O. Box 7945 (77270) 4910 Darling St. Houston, TX 77007 (713) 864-2947 (800) 334-4923 FAX (713) 864-7054 [email protected] Osborne Sales Group IN, OH, Western PA, KY, WV 4010 North Bend Road, Suite 101 Cincinnati, OH 45211 (513) 481-6200 FAX (513) 389-3992 [email protected] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Hinton Sales, Inc. TN, MS, AL, GA 6659-D Peachtree Industrial Blvd. Norcross, GA 30092 (770) 326-6455 (800) 344-2638 FAX (770) 326-6189 [email protected] Norsen Sales & Marketing, Inc. NY State 157 West Main Street Victor, NY 14564 (585) 924-9180 (800) 866-7736 FAX (585) 924-9230 [email protected] Market Advantage Plus VT, NH, ME, MA, CT, RI 56 Leonard St., Unit 4 Foxboro, MA 02035 (508) 543-3605 (800) 564-6320 (New England only) FAX (508) 543-7147 [email protected] Bull’sEye NJ, Metro NY, Long Island, NY 73 Cedar Avenue Hershey, PA 17033 (888) 381-8892 (717) 533-3601 FAX (717) 533-4671 [email protected] Buckley & Associates Eastern PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, NC, SC 5707 Centre Square Dr. Centreville, VA 20120 (703) 631-8138 FAX (703) 631-7841 [email protected] The DeBolt Company, Inc. FL 3650 Coral Ridge Dr., Suite 112 Coral Springs, FL 33065 (954) 255-5061 (800) 866-0618 FAX (954) 255-5062 [email protected] The RTF Group, Inc. IL, WI 49 Sherwood Terrace, #49C Lake Bluff, IL 60044 (847) 234-7300 (800) 860-6162 FAX (847) 234-7301 [email protected] 16 Maintenance Kleaning Technologies MI 120 Bay Circle Drive Holland, MI 49424 (616) 886-2206 FAX (616) 546-2815 [email protected] CANADA 1 17 18 ProTeam, Inc. 5118 N. Sawyer Ave Boise, Idaho 83714 ph 866.888.2168 British Columbia Ryan, Saffel & Associates 2731 152nd Avenue, NE Redmond, WA 98052-5544 (425) 885-7090 FAX (425) 881-8733 [email protected] Western Canada (except BC) Rev Sales & Marketing, Inc. AB, SK, MB, YT, NWT, NU 505-8840, 210 St. Langley, BC Canada (604) 338-1849 FAX (604) 513-1811 [email protected] Eastern Canada McConnell-Spadafora ON, PQ, NB, NS, PEI, NL 850 Legion Road, Unit 4 Burlington, Ontario L7S 1T5 (905) 681-9563 (866) 700-8889 FAX (905) 681-1727 [email protected] Headquarters 5118 N Sawyer Ave Boise, Idaho 83714 Mailing Address PO Box 7385 Boise, Idaho 83707 FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LINE OF VACUUMS CALL 800.541.1456 OR VISIT 101771 / Printed 4-08 ">

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