Cyclomedica TechnegasPlus Technegas Generator USER MANUAL

Below you will find brief information for Technegas Generator TechnegasPlus Technegas Generator. This device is a highly specialized medical equipment designed for generating Technegas, an ultra-fine suspension of carbon nano-particles labelled with technetium. Technegas is used in lung imaging and the TechnegasPlus Generator is fully automated, self-contained, and equipped with multiple safety features.

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Technegas Generator TechnegasPlus User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Automated Technegas generation
  • Self-contained operation
  • Multiple safety features
  • Argon gas control system
  • Internal battery for portable operation
  • Easy Breather attachment for non-cooperative patients
  • Pulmotec CrucibleTM oven accessory for internal use
  • LCD display with various messages and prompts
  • User maintenance and servicing procedures
  • Comprehensive specifications and dosimetry information

Frequently asked questions

Technegas is an ultra-fine suspension of carbon nano-particles labelled with technetium (Tc-99m). It is used in lung imaging to map the functioning airways distribution.

The TechnegasPlus Generator uses a combination of graphite and an Argon atmosphere to reduce and then vaporise Technetium Generator eluant (sodium pertechnetate) in a chamber. It does this by first drying the eluant to remove the water from the saline carrier solution, then raising the graphite Pulmotec CrucibleTM to an ideal temperature of 2750 °C for a period between 3 and 15 seconds to produce the Technegas particles.

The recommended dose to the patient must be set by your Nuclear Medicine Department. Please consult your Department Director and/or Radiation Safety Officer.
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