Pioneer CT-200 HE, HB, HP, D, KU cassette tape deck Service Manual
CT-200 HE, CT-200 HB, CT-200 HP and CT-200 D, CT-200 KU are compact cassette, 2-channel stereo cassette players with built-in Dolby NR system that allows you to record and playback high-fidelity audio. It features a 3-position tape selector, IC full logic control, an air damp eject function, and a full automatic stop mechanism.
A be ¿Manual V PIONEER ORDER NO. ART-559-0 CASSETTE TAPE DECK MODEL CT-200 COMES IN FIVE VERSIONS DISTINGUISHED AS FOLLOWS: Type Voltage Remarks HE 220V and 240V (switchable) Europe model HB 220V and 240V (switchable) U.K. model HP 220V and 240V (switchable) Australia model KU 120V only U.S.A. model D 120V, 220V and 240V (switchable) General export model e This service manual is applicable to the CT-200/HE, HB and HP types. 1. SPECIFICATIONS ........... 0. 4 a a aa à 8. ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS. ............ 16 2. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES. ........ ...... 9. SCHEMATICDIAGRAM ................. 20 3. BLOCK DIAGRAM. .......12 22214 1 4 a ee à 10. P.C. BOARD CONNECTION DIAGRAM. ...... 23 4, LEVEL DIAGRAM..........eo2enodcorerca 11. РАВТ5 ШТ... ........, 2... ......... 26 5. РАВТ5У СОСАТЮМ. ...................,. 12. EXPLODED VIEWS .................... 28 6. CIRCUITDESCRIPTIONS . ................ 13. PACKING . ..... 20011 02 4 4 a 4 0 4 4 0 a ua 0 0 34 7. PIONEER ELECTRONIC CORPORATION 4-1. Meguro 1-Chorne, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153, Japan U.S. PIONEER ELECTRONICS CORPORATION BS Oxford Drive, Moonachie, New Jersey 07074, U.S.A. PIONEER ELECTRONIC (EUROPE) N.V. Luithagen-Haven 9, 2030 Antwerp, Belgium PIONEER ELECTRONICS AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. 178-184 Boundary Road, Braeside, Victoria 3195, Australia Е Z © JUNE 1980 Printed in Japan CT-200 1. SPECIFICATIONS Systems ....... Compact cassette, 2-channel stereo Motor DC servo motor x 1 Heads .... Hard Permailoy” recording/playback head x 1 LL ee 4 a 4 a a a 1 a aaa “Ferrite” erasing head x 1 Fast Winding Time Ce ee ee Approximately 100 seconds (C-60 tape) Wow and Flutter . No more than 0.05% (WRMS) No more than 0.17% (DIN) Frequency Response —20dB recording: Standard, LH tapes ........... 20 to 15,000Hz (30 to 14,000 Hz +3dB) Chromium dioxide tape ........ 20 to 17,000Hz (30 to 16,000Hz +3dB) Metal! tape . ................ 20 to 18,000Hz (30 to 17,000Hz +3dB) OdB recording: Chromium dioxide tape .... 30to 8,000Hz +3dB Metal tape ............. 30 to 12,500Hz +3dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio Dolby NROFF ............ More than 58dB Dolby NR ON ..... More than 68dB (over 5kHz) Harmonic Distortion .... Input (Sensitivity/Maximum allowable input/Impedance) MIC (L, R) Cee eee 0.3mV/57mV/10k£2, 6mm diam. jack (Reference MIC impedance; 25082 to 10k£2) LINE (INPUT) ............ 50mV/25V/75kQ Output (Reference level/Load impedance) LINE (QUTPUT) ............. 450mV/50kQ Headphones ........ 65MV/BL, Emm diam. jack No more than 1.2 % (OdB) Subfunctions Dolby NR system (ON/OFF) 3 position tape selector (NORM/Cr0,/METAL) IC full logic control Air damp eject function Full automatic stop mechanism Miscellaneous Power Requirements D model ..... AC 120V/220V/240V (switchable) 50/60Hz HE, HB, HP models . . AC 220V/240V (switchable) 50/60Hz Power Consumption ................ 19 watts Dimensions D model ........ 420(W) x 99(H) x 333(D)mm 16-9/16(W) x 3-7/8(H) x 13-1/8(D}in HE, HB, HP models Ce ee ee ee eee 420(W) x 99(H) x 327(D)mm 16-9/16(W) x 3-7/8(H) x 12-7/8(D)in Weight (without package) ....... 4.7 kg (10 |b 6 oz) Furnished Parts Operating instructions ..... D, HB and HP models; 1 HE model (English, German/French): 2 NOTE: Specifications and the design subject to possible modifica- tions without notice due to improvements. NOTES: 1. Reference Tapes: Standard & LH: DIN 45513/BLATT6 or equiv, : CrO, : DIN45513/BLATT7 (CrO,) or equiv. 2. Reference Recording Level: Meter OdB indicating level (160 nwb/m magnetic level = Philips cassette reference level} 3. Reference Signal; 333Hz 4. Wow & Flutter: ® JIS [3kHz, with acoustic compensation (weighted), rms value] DIN [3,150Hz, with acoustic com- pensation (weighted) PEAK value] ; DIN45507 5. Frequency Response: ® Measured at —20dB level, DOLBY NR OFF, level deviation is +6dB without indica- tion. 6. Signal to Noise Ratio: ® Measured at the third harmonic distortion 3% level, weighted. 7. Sensitivity: Input level (mV) required for reference recording level with input (REC) controls set to maxi- mum. 8. Maximum Allowable Input: While decreasing settings of input (REC) level controls and increasing level at input jacks, this is the maximum input level (mV) at the point where recording amplifier output waveform becomes clipped. 9. Reference Output Level: Playback output level when meter indicates OdB. 10. This model doesn’t employ a recording/playback connec- tor (DIN-type). 2. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES © © ea ед FULL LOGIC CONTROL SYSTEM (D POWER SWITCH Set this switch to ON to supply power to the tape deck. NOTE: For about 4 seconds after the power has been switched on, the function buttons will not work even when depressed. @ EJECT BUTTON When this switch is depressed, the cassette holder is | jumped out. ® CASSETTE HOLDER @® TAPE COUNTER ® COUNTER RESET BUTTON Use this switch to reset the tape counter to “000”. ® REC (RECORDING) INDICATOR @ LEVEL METERS These indicate the input level during recording and the output level during playback. INPUT (RECORDING LEVEL) CONTROLS Use these to adjust the level of the input signals from the MIC jacks or rear panel INPUT jacks. Turning these controls to the right increases the level. The controls are coupled to the left and right chan- nels, but you can use them to adjust the right channel (back) and the left channel (front) independently by rotating the appropriate control and holding the other in position. a wo cess sac 3 АЙ "E = “cri te = a TAPE SELECTOR - oe REC PAUSE poser о L — я OFF Dr (9 HEADPHONE JACK This is the output jack for stereo headphones. Plug your headphones into this jack when you want to listen to a tape privately. NOTES: e Use low-impedance headphones. If you use a high-impe- dance model, you will not be able to obtain sufficient volume. e Do not connect a microphone to this jack as the micro- phone may be damaged. MIC JACKS These are the input jacks for microphone recording. Plug the left channel microphone into the L jack and the right channel microphone into the R jack. @ TAPE SELECTOR SWITCH This selector allows the bias and equalizer characteris- tics to be selected during recording and the equalizer characteristics during playback in line with the type of tape you are using. METAL position: For using metal tapes NORM position: For using standard or LH tapes CrO» position: For using chrome tapes (2 DOLBY* NR SWITCH Set this switch to ON for recording with the built-in Dolby noise reduction system and for playback of tapes which have been recorded using the Dolby NR system. *Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. *Dolby and DO are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. (9 OPERATING SWITCHES << (REW): Depress this switch to rewind the tape >> (FF): == (Stop): » (Play): at hign speed. (The tape will travel from right to left.) Depress this switch to send the tape forward at high speed. (The tape will travel from left to right.) Depress this switch to stop the tape run and to release the operating mode. Depress this switch when playing back a tape. (The tape will travel from left to right.) REC: PAUSE: NOTE: Depress this switch together with the > (Play) switch for recording. This switch will not work when a cassette is not loaded or when the erasure preven- tion tabs of a loaded cassette have been broken off. Depress this switch to stop the tape temporarily during recording or play- back. Depress № (Play) switch to allow the tape to continue to travel. If the POWER switch is set to the OFF position while the deck is operating (in any mode), all the operating mode will be released (shutdown mode). 3. BLOCK DIAGRAM ”n - \ 7 \ VR: INPUT VR | 7 LINE A INPUT © — ON FLAT AMP INPUT , 53 em 7 CIO! (4/5) ficiotass) | "70 MIC | ! TP1 |” MIC AMP |_o REC | cios р | | | : MPX FILTER DOLÓY NR \ L Jd MIC vo 5 Q1O3 | ICIO1 (2/5) | EQ AMP e PLAY PI IT? | | | | | ! o REC ис! (5/5) _ |_ Q101 _| REC/P.B / N я ЧЕ MUTING | , o Ww HEAD No | | ST | | | [IC304 (1/3) |) В СН =-e e + | 1C301 (2/2) L Z | 2303 J | METAL La ha ra —0 NORM Гр | Pl Ow 0—— BI OSC 52 BLOCK — о Q302 CrOz AAA ERASE | Ti HEAD + Q301 OSC CIRCUIT À À À Y Y Y AW | | - + =~ B2 вз — 2 $ 5 $ Г TIT Q305 < 4 о o Nr 0 o 8 | — + Q306 И © | o 5 PHOTO 0307 + 54 |S5 |S6 S7 158 |S9 [se INTERRUPTER 1 5 & Q308 < Q309 +4 SENSING CIRCUIT TP1 REC_AMP | ©) LINE ? OUTPUT Qi03 [METAL] [Norm |croz | HEADPHONE AMP R CH NORM | | METAL Жо {> N | | HEADPHONES [sor za | ING | | de J LEVEL METER — BI a Dos 314 0313 FUI TI FU3 REC IND. BI 42V) : ® ; y METER LAMP TIT TT B2 42V) B3 (5V) CCS OV Ш - SWITCHES: BR S1: DOLBY NR ON — OFF $ 3 $2 : TAPE SELECTOR METAL - NORM-CrOz2 4 4 S3: MIC/LINE SELECTOR MIC — LINE > : Sa: PLAY ON — OFF = P = — > INCH 2 REW SS. STOP ON - OFF S10 . Py ‹ 9312 ¢ 9311 Se: FF ON - OFF S7: REW ON - OFF 3 $ $8 : PAUSE ON - OFF S9: REC ON - OFF + + S10. ERASE PREVENT DETECTOR NO HOLE - HOLE | S11: POWER ON - OFF SOLENOID CIRCUIT 512: LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR 220V - 240V 513: TIMER PLAY - STOP- REC/P.B 4. LEVEL DIAGRAM Playback Mode e © P.B HEAD LINE — PB AMP |—MPX FILTER DOLBY NR e AMY *—0)GuTPUT 1G: 53.2d8B 16: 20dB : | | | | | | | | HEADPHONE ] | АМР | | 1 | | | G:2.1d8 ©, | | | | © HEADPHONE LEVEL | | | | (dBV) | | | | j | | | i ! | | | -340BV | -5.248v = © | | | (0.55V) O | — (0.44V) | ne © ® — ] | -22d4BV y -23.7d8V -20 +——— (79ту) — -25.24Ву © (55mv) | | (65ту) -30 O © —40 —50 To -70 + -75.2dBV (047 mV) OdBV:1V FREQUENCY, 333Hz - 80 Recording Mode LINE e REC HEAD INPUT (Q WW 7 | So lf FLAT AMP —{MPX FILTER—]DOLBY NR ; REC AMP 4. y MIC AMP | | | 6:17.448 © 20d8 | | MIC | | | | | А LINE | (2) ! G:31.5dB | | | | W— Y ——O) ouTPUT ! | | | | | | | | | (4) | | : | HEADPHONE — AMP | | | | | | | | | | | ® o | | | | |G: 21dB | | | | @ HEADPHONE LEVEL o | | | | | | (98V) В | | | | | | | 1 | | | _ -3.1dBV o o] | I | OB — | t0.7v) @, — 7dBVv -10dBV | | | | - { (0.44V} : | | _ 10 119310 | | © ©: | ‘ | -9.1d8V —21.6 dBV -22 dBV (0.35V) | — -20 (83.2mv3 1 (79 amv) |- -25.2d8V E | © (55mv) | ——][ | (6) —o— ® - 30 -28.5d8v (4) (37.6mV) (5) -40 39 4аВу (10) POINT LEVEL (10.7mV) 50 LEVEL-—POSI| NORM | CrOz | METAL dav -34.8 | -34.0 | -31.4 © mv 18.2 19.9 | 26.9 - 60 —70 —60 dB Y {1mV) Odev:1v FREQ UENCY, 333Hz CT-200 v. PARTS LOCATION Front Panel View « The ! mark found on some component parts indicates of the importance of the safety factor of the part. There- fore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation. Front panel assembly = AXX-289 Knob (EJECT) RAC-132 Lever knob A \POWER—— — RAC-124 Door panel Front View with Front Panel Removed Counter HAW-141 Cassete plate НАН-34 7 MN Power switch RSA-042 EE ( = Knob B [INPUT В) RAA-345 Knob & (INPUT LL) RAA-344 - Lever Knob B {TAPE SELECTOR) RAC-125 Lever knob A (DOLBY NR) RAC-1 24 “ETE Control knob HAC-131 Laval mater assembly RAW-140 (RAW-142) MIC jack SLAVES Headphones jack RKN-060 REC/PB head Erase head APB-085 RPB-084 Top View with Bonnet Removed * Power transformer RTT-213 Motor assembly AXM-076 — Mother assembly RWX-401 Sensor assembly - AWX407 Rear Panel View - Volume assembly RWX-403 Æ Line voltage selector Bonnet АМА-509 Pin cord À (INPUT) RDE-045 Pin cord B (OUTPUT) ROD E-046 AE ETE UNC {switchable 2 positions) RSX-045 Strain relief REC-272 /t Power cord (for HE type) RDG-033 A Power cord (for HB type) RDG-037 ! Power cord (for HP typel RDG-029 CT-200 6. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS 6.1 SIGNAL PATHS Recording Mode The signal from MIC is first amplified to the fixed level by the MIC amplifier (HA12005) and then applied via the MIC position of the S3; MIC/ LINE selector (MIC position switched in auto- matically when microphone plugged into the MIC jack) to the VR1; INPUT level control, flat ampli- fier (HA12005), MPX filter, and DOLBY NR circuit, The signal from the LINE INPUT is passed via 53 to the INPUT level control, flat amplifier, MPX filter, and DOLBY NR circuit. After the frequency response has been equalized by the recording amplifier (Q104) equalizer circuit (according to the type of tape being employed), the output signal is applied to the recording head. TO REC AMP. MUTING 12v TO REC/PB SWITCHING TO RELAY RL3O1 TO AUTO STOP CIRCUIT sv R335 R336 sa 55 C323 |C324 1C325 se Sa: PLAY 55, STOP $6: FF Play Mode The signal from the playback head is first equal- ized in the playback equalizer amplifier (HA12005) according to the type of tape being employed, and then it is amplified to the fixed level. The output of DOLBY NR is then applied to the LINE OUT- PUT via the REC/PB switch (located HA12005) and MUTE switch (located HA12006). SOL1: PINCH SOLENOID SOLZ: FF SOLENGID SOL3: REW SOLENOID 12v R337 D314 R341 Q311 TO OSC CIRCUIT 12V C326 1C327 |C328 |C329 NO HOLE REC IND, 510 S7.REW S8.PAUSE S9:REC SIO: AR (ERASE PREVENT DETECTOR) Fig. 6-1 Control circuit 10 6.2 CONTROL CIRCUIT The control circuit employed in this tape deck IC302(BA843) for use in the electronic control of the switching. See Fig. 6-2 and Fig. 6-3 for the corresponding pin arrangement and input/output truth table. Vee OFF OFAST ORW Orey Ora OREC Fig. 6-2 Pin arangement of BA843 For 1.5 ~ 2.5 seconds after the power has been turned on, Q309 is ON (until charge-amp C322 has completed). Since IC302 (2 pin) is at a LOW level, it is in a STOP status and no key is operable. Play Operation 1. When play switch S4 is pressed ON, IC302 (12 pin) goes to a high level (hereafter called H level). This causes +B to flow through R343, R344, and Q312, turning Q312 ON. 2. The pinch solenoid (P.S.) is activated starting play operation. CT T-200 Record Operation 1. Loading a cassette with an erase prevention detector (AR SW S10 is on no hole side), press play switch S4 and record switch S9 simultaneously. 2. IC302 (12 pin) and (10 pin) go to H level, current flows from R319 to Q303 and Q303 comes ON. IC301 (HA12006) (2 pin) goes to a low level (hereafter called L level). 3. As IC301 (2 pin) goes to L level, IC301 (6 pin) and (16 pin) go to H level and the head goes to a record status. 4. At the same time, as was noted earlier, IC302 (10 pin) goes to H level and the bias oscillator comes ON, 5. When a cassette without an erase prevention detector, AR SW is on the hole side, IC302 (9 pin) is shorted to ground causing IC302 (10 pin) not to go to H level, and preventing recording. FF, REW, Operation 1. Pressing FF switch S6 to ON causes IC302 (15 pin) to go to H level. +B flows through R337, R338, and Q310 and Q310 comes ON. 2. FFS (Fast Forward Solenoid) becomes operat- ive and FF operation begins. 3. Rewind operation is essentially the same as FF. Pause Operation When either in the play or record mode, press- ing the pause switch $8 to ON causes IC302 (12 pin) to go from an H level to an L level. This causes Q312 to go OFF, releasing the pinch sole- noid and temporarily stopping play or record. Input signal Output Qutput mode O>FAST | 0>FF 0>RW 0>REC |0—>PAUSE| 0—PLAY STOP L L L L L L STOP mode FEO H H L L L L FF mode RW H L H L L L REW mode PLAY L L L L L H PLAY mode PAUSE L L L L H L PAUSE mode REC/PLAY L L L H L H REC/PLAY mode REC/PAUSE L L L H H L REC/PAUSE mode Fig. 6-3 Input/output truth table 11 CT T-200 Auto-stop Circuit When the tape has reached the end of its travel, the control IC goes into the STOP mode, stopping the mechanism. A photo-interruptor is used as the tape travel sensor. It is connected by belt to the take-up reel and uses fan blades to intercept the path of light. 1. During tape travel, the turning of the fan causes the photo-interruptor to generate a pulse signal. This causes Q304 to cycle ON- OFF and C321 repeats a charge-discharge cycle. 2. When tape travel stops, the signal from the photo-interruptor is lost, and Q304 stops lts switching operation. +B charges C321 by route of R326 — R327 — C321. Along with the charging of C321, the potential at the base of Q305 rises and Q305 goes OFF. When Q305 goes OFF, Q306 goes ON, IC302 goes to STOP mode and operation ceases. This circuit is only effective during PLAY, FF and REW operations. L R33 Q306 TO CONTROL IC 10302 R358 4 MA 2306 R359 AAN A SR332 Srs: - - + R321 E Fig. 6-4 Auto-stop circuit LINE OUT REC AMP | 6.3 MUTING CIRCUIT This set uses an IC-HA12006 for line output muting. This IC (IC301) is only effective in mut- ing when REC input (2 pin) is at H level at the same time PLAY input (15 pin) is at L level. [IC301 (12 pin) gose L level] FF/REW/STOP At FF, REW, and STOP, IC302 (10 pin) and (12 pin) are both at L level. When IC302 (12 pin) is at L level, IC301 (15 pin) is also at L level, and when IC302 (10 pin) is at L level, Q303 is OFF. This causes 1C302 (2 pin) to go to H level, muting LINE OUT, and current to flow from 1C301 (2 pin) through the route D301 > R154 > Q1083, muting the record amp. Turning the Power Switch ON When the power switch is turned ÓN, as was mentioned previously, the set is in a STOP status for 1.5 ~ 2.5 seconds after the power is turned on, and LINE OUT and the record amp is muted. Also current flows through the route C334 > R360 > R161 > Q106 and Q106 goes to ON. The meter is muted until C334 is charged up and Q106 goes to OFF. Going from STOP Status to PLAY When going from STOP to PLAY, IC302 (12 pin) goes from L level to H level and through C315 — R349 — D304, sends current to IC301 (1 pin), muting LINE OUT. Muting continues unitl C315 is charged up. (approx. 0.6 sec.) C344 R360 Ri61 METER Fig. 6-5 Muting circuit 12 6.4 TIMING CHART NORMAL OPERATION POWER ON SOLENOID TAPE TRANSPORT MECHANICAL SYSTEM LINE OUT MUTING REC AMP MUTING a ul u J a = < POWER SW ON/OFF MUTING BIAS OSCILLATOR POWER SW ON/OFF MUTING DIRECT CHANGE PINCH ON PLAY STOP FF OrRE y STOP FF or REW PLAY RE С / PLAY FF or REW EC / PLAY PINCH SOLENOID TAPE TRANSPORT MECHANICAL SYSTEM LINE OUT MUTING REC AMP MUTING AMPLIFIER | BIAS OSCILLATOR REC / PAUSE REC / PLAY STOP REC / PAUSE REC /PLAY | STOP POWER OFF OFF 13 CT T-200 7. MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS 7.1 PINCH ROLLER PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT 1. Put the tape deck into the playback mode. 2. Gently push against the pinch roller arm with the tension gauge (Part No. GGK-047) and separate the pinch roller slightly from the capstan. 3. Then the pinch roller back onto the capstan, and read the value when the pinch roller starts to rotate. If the reading fails to lie within 350g ~ 550g, replace the pinch roller pressure spring (Part No. RBH-760). Tension gauge (Part No. CGK-047) Capstan EA | AU RS 3 Pinch roller pressure spring (Part No. RBH-760) Fig. 7-1 Pinch roller pressure adjustment Pinch roller Pinch roller arm 7.2 REEL BASE TORQUE ADJUSTMENT Prior to adjustment Clean the both reel base, the capstan and the pinch roller with an alcohol moistened swab. Adjustment Measure the torque with the torque meter during playback, fast forward (FF) and rewind (REW) modes. The measured values should normally lie within the allowable ranges listed in the table 1. If the measured values lie outside the relevant ranges, replace the TU (take-up) reel base assembly and/or supply reel base assembly (Part No. RXB- 377), or driving arm full assembly (Part No. RXB- 376). Torque meter Table 1 TU reel base | Supply reel base Playback mode | |* 2 ~ FF mode| * 2 - REW mode * 72 Part No. Description Remarks STD-605 | Cassette test tape | FF/REW torque adjustment 14 7.3 TAPE SPEED ADJUSTMENT 1. Connect the frequency counter to the OUT- PUT terminals (to pin code). 2. Playback the 3kHz portion of the STD-301 test tape. At the beginning, the frequency should be lie within the 2995Hz ~ 3010Hz range, and may be adjusted by turning the semi-fixed resistor located in the capstan motor adjustment hole as shown in Fig. 7-2. Tape speed is increased by turning the semi-fixed resistor clockwise, and decreased by turning counter-clockwise. Capstan motor Tape speed increased Tape speed decreased (© Screwdriver Fig. 7-2 Tape speed adjustment 74 RECDETECTOR SWITCH ADJUSTMENT Adjust the tang (=>) shown in Fig. 7-3 by the arrow to a position where when a cassette with an erase prevention detector is loaded into the holder, the lever switch is ON, and when a cassette without the detector is loaded, the switch is OFF. Side plate L assembly Chassis REC detector lever Lever switch Fig. 7-3 REC detector switch adjustment 7.5 FF SOLENOID ADJUSTMENT 1. Put the deck into FF mode. 2. Loosen screws @ and adjust the FF solenoid mounting position so that the square hole of the reel base full assembly is flush against the boss of the driving arm full assembly (i.e. O separation) as shown in Fig. 7-4. FF solenoid (solenoid F) REW solenoid (solenoid R) REW position FF position O separation a O separation 7.6 REW SOLENOID ADJUSTMENT 1. Put the deck into REW mode 2. Loosen screws @ and adjust the REW solenoid mounting position so that the square hole of the reel base full assembly is flush against the boss of the driving arm full assembly (i.e. 0 separation) as shown in Fig. 7-4. Idler gear Supply reel - TU reel base base assembly assembly Idler gear Idler gear TU reel base full assembly | Supply reel base full assembly Fig. 74 FF (REW) solenoid adjustment 15 CT-200 CT T-200 8. ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS Precaution 1. 2. Mechanical adjustment should be completed. Clean the following parts with an alcohol moistened swab: Record/Playback head, Pinch roller, Erase head, Rubber belts and Capstan. Demagnetize record/playback head with a head demagnetizer. Do not use magnetized screwdriver for adjust- ments. Adjustments and measurements should be per- formed for both L-ch and R-ch with rated power supply voltage. Adjustments should be performed in the order given in this service manual. Altering the order can hinder proper adjustments, resulting in loss of performance. Level during measurements are based on OdBv= 1V. Connect a 50k 2 dummy resistor across the OUTPUT terminals. Let the CT-200 warm up (aging) for a few minutes before proceeding with the adjust- ment. Set the DOLBY NR switch OFF unless direct- ed otherwise, Test Equipment/ Tools Required; 1. ото 16 Test tape STD-331A ....... for general playback pur- pose STD-341A ....... for playback adjustment STD-601......... NORMAL blank tape STD-603......... CrO, blank tape STD-604......... METAL blank tape Audio cscillator AC millivoltmeter (AC mV) Attenuator Oscilloscope Resistor 50k (AW) LEVEL (dB) о - го 333Hr FIORMZ E | 630m | 100sec 00sec 50sec IOOsec Fig. 8-1 Contents of the test tape STD-341A 8.1 HEAD AZIMUTH ADJUSTMENT Setting: MODE .............. Playback TAPE SELECTOR ..... NORM VR101, VR201........ Max. TEST TAPE .......... STD-341A AC mV meter ......... OUTPUT terminals PB HEAD - OUTPUT — a Ta REC/PB head / À A Screwdriver Fig. 8-2 Head azimuth adjustment и Erase head ” Azimuth adjusting screw Procedure: Adjust the azimuth adjusting screw for max- imum AC mV meter readings for both L and R channels. 8.2 PLAYBACK EQUALIZER CHECK Setting: MODE .............. Playback TAPE SELECTOR ..... NORM, METAL (or CrO,) TEST TAPE .......... STD-341A AC mV meter ......... OUTPUT terminals P.B HEAD OUT PUT Ja T S0k 9? Tr 20 6.3kHz.— 20dB Position A 1 | NORM 333Hz level-6,3kHz level=+0.5dB+1dB 2 | METAL 333Hz level-6.3kHz level=—3.5dB+1d8 Procedure: 8.3 PLAYBACK LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 1. Set the TAPE SELECTOR to the NORM posi- Since this adjustment determines the DOLBY tion. Playback the 333Hz and 6.3kHz portions NR level during playback, it should be performed of the STD-341A test tape, and check that the precisely. difference in output level between two is Setting: +0.5dB + 1dB. MODE .............. Playback 2. Next set the TAPE SELECTOR to the METAL TAPE SELECTOR . .... NORM (or CrO,) position. Playback the 333Hz and TEST TAPE .......... STD-341A 6.3kHz portions of the STD-341A test tape, AC mV meter ......... TP1(Lch) and TP2(Rch) ‚ of the mother assembly and check that the difference in output level between two is —3.5dB + 1dB. VRIOI(Leh) VR201(Ach} P.B HEAD OUTPUT ¢ = — тем TP,(Roh) 333Hz 008 —|.208v(0.87V) Procedure: Adjust the VR101 (Lch) and VR201 (Rch) so that the AC mV meter reads —1.2dBv (0.87V). 1 | Rear pane! 7 _ — ITEM ADJ. POINT ca E 8.5 RECORDING/PLAYBACK VO103 (L ch), VR203(R ch) us ; FREQUENCY RESPONSE | E ADJUSTMENT VR103 VR203 © © 8.3 PLAYBACK LEVEL VR101 (L ch), VR201 (R ch) VR101 VR201 = ADJUSTMENT @ ТР1 TP2 = [8 gry D @ | 3 VR301 TO) vETo2 VE202 8.6 RECORDING LEVEL VR102 (Lech), VR202 (R ch) a ADJUSTMENT 1 | р | Lea KK Front panel ] © 7 НН Fig. 8-3 Adjustment points 17 8.4 LEVEL METER CHECK Setting: MODE .............. Record Input signal (INPUT) ... 333Hz,—10dBv(316mV) AC mV meter ......... TP1(Lch) and TP2(Rch) of the mother assembly REC HEAD INPUT ED 333Hz —!0dBv TP,(Loh) (316m V) TP.(Rch) 0, Procedure: Adjust the INPUT level control so that the AC mV meter reads —5.2dBv (0.54V). Then check the level meter reads 0dB +1dB. 8.5 RECORDING/PLAYBACK FREQUENCY RE- SPONSE ADJUSTMENT Setting: MODE .............. Record TAPE SELECTOR ..... NORM INPUT SIGNAL (INPUT) 333Hz,—30dBv (31mV) TESTTAPE .......... STD-601 AC mV meter ......... OUTPUT terminals INPUT — OUTPUT 333Hz — 30dBv (44. 6mV) INPUT REC HEAD EA SE \ .dkHZ - \ A — о - |6.3kHz level —333hz level =0dB *! as | —05 N OUTPUT E 50kQ VR 103(Lch) VR 203(Rch) Procedure: 1. Set the TAPE SELECTOR to the NORM posi- tion. Apply the 333Hz, —30dBv (31mV) signal to the INPUT terminals, and adjust the INPUT level control so that the AC mV meter reads —27dBv (44.6mV). 2. Record the 333Hz and 6.3kHz signals onto the STD-601 test tape. Playback the tape and adjust the VR103 (Lch) and VR203 (Rch) so that the AC mV meter reads 0dB. Then confirm that the playback output deviation of the 6.3kHz signal is within 0dB + 4}. dB of the 333Hz signal. Frequency Response Using STD-331A and the TAPE SELECTOR NORM position, with DOLBY NR OFF However, the right channel is compensated by —I1dB at 63Hz, and —0.5dB at 125Hz because of the insulation effect. 1 зав Y 2dB & Зав eh 63Hz 125Hz 1 333Hz 2kHz 6.3kHz 40kH; Overall Frequency Response Using STD-601 and TAPE SELECTOR NORM position, with DOLBY NR OFF x 3d8 Ÿ 4dB + PSE 4 4dB 63Hz 125Hz 333Hz 2kHz 6.3kHz 12kHz Using STD-601 and TAPE SELECTOR NORM position, with DOLBY NR ON UL * a y 4.5dB dB t + | 4dB | + 63Hz 125H2 333Hz 2kHz 6.3kHz 4OkHz 18 CT-200 Using STD-603 and TAPE SELECTOR CrO, position, with DOLBY NR OFF + Зав TNE] d INPUT REC HEAD зав 1 i 498 = E 63Hz 125Hz 333Hz ikHz S-3kHz 12kHz Sa By av TP, (Lech) (316mV) TP,({Reh} Using STD-603 and TAPE SELECTOR CrO, position, with DOLBY NR ON VR 102(Lch) + VR 202(Rch) J Зав 4.548 7 + REC HEAD | ; INPUT 1 } 508 | 4 N 63Hz 125Hz 333Hz ikHz 6.3kHz 12kHz da, _— (316mV) mT - Using STD-604 and TAPE SELECTOR METAL position, TT with DOLBY NR OFF q PB HEAD ` QUT PUT — 4dB Pa ! t | 5d8 63Hz 125Hz 333H2 4 63kHz 12kt Using STD-604 and TAPE SELECTOR METAL position, with DOLBY NR ON ` ~ ~ ez LS - — TP,(Lch) TP,(Rch) —5.2dBv(0.54V) | Procedure: oes N ade + 1. Set the TAPE SELECTOR to the NORM and 4 | 598 DOLBY NR switch to the OFF position. Apply J the 333Hz signal to the INPUT terminals, and Sams ЦИ adjust the INPUT level control so that the AC 125Hz 333Mz y 12kHz mV meter reads —5.2dBv (0.54V). Fig. 84 Frequency response 8.6 RECORDING LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Since this adjustment determines the DOLB Y NR level during recording, it should be performed precisely. Next the DOLBY NR switch to the ON posi- tion and record the 333Hz signal onto the STD-601 test tape. Playback the signal and adjust the VR102 (Lch) and VR202 (Rch) so that the AC mV meter reads —5.2dBv (0.54V). Set the TAPE SELECTOR to the CrO, position and record the 333Hz signal onto the STD-603 test tape. Playback signal and check that the AC mV meter reads —5.2dBv (0.54V) +1.5dB. Set the TAPE SELECTOR to the METAL posi- tion and record the 333Hz signal onto the STD-604 test tape. Playback signal and check Setting: that the AC mV meter reads —6.2dBv (0.48V) MODE .............. Record +1.5dB. TAPE SELECTOR ..... NORM, CrO,, METAL INPUT SIGNAL (INPUT) 333Hz,—10dBv(316mV) TEST TAPE .......... STD-601, STD-603, STD-604 AC mV meter ......... TP1(Lch) and TP2(Rch) of the mother assembly DOLBY NR SWITCH... OFF > ON 19 T-200 9. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM | MOTHER Assy RWX-401 1 я: - - - — | ме — R304 Г - - T - = 56 Nw | -d 5 LINE | - - я - «= = INPUT © с: - LINE 53-1 S3MICILINE SELECTOR x Ба - RIO! SEK || — = = — = — = | - = — = — — — = = = — —— bad "Ris 2 R303 24) C106 100k E TRI a 36.64 16 c108 > 12 NY / cio! 10/16 0.001 1 L101 Г / 3.3/25 14 RIO - MPX FILTER À = 6 + r E17 32 7 H 1 100k i 3) | ’ clos — 158, > т Cl / oT 5.3 ' Toon 3 IC1I01 (2/3) hl = : 7 Eerfis 80 3 L CH 20 e c104 9 Ww + J " © is / la pri INPUT LEVEL) giz = = REC 3 сюг J RCV- . $ 0.00! L pods $ aor SR301 R302 ! or RCV-086 | 4 Er Ba, PLAY /16 > R103$ = 3.3k $ 3.3k (8) = 3 MIC \ | 220 ® 52 a ls 7 1 ! Moz R12 100k | = 5 chi FA cio? dr 4.7k 0.001 |4 415 VRIOI © m | c10 un 22k 716 me 51; ON + 22/16 cin RIM C113 10 DOLBY NR + a e = 33 QL 5 716 RSK- 063 51-1 + т or 52 716 (BK 0.033 ene Ri13¢ | 0302 c304 REC/ PB Q101 R119 18k 3 1 100 100 HEAD 1 0.033 2.7k Q102 Bk 3 6 ее | 716 RPB-084 A REC o RIOS RIB = NORM o p > , > A T 220 1.8k 3 Ри 0-7] Ji + + A © + + VR1OI, 201 -(34 < AIZI Q101,102, 201,202 1C101,201 HA12005 PB LEVEL ADJ $2: TAPE SELECTOR $ . RSK-062 | + 22k 2SC174OLN-RorS REC/PB SYSTEM IC CP-150 or а Г? al or 25C2634 -Ror S c92-857 C301 C345 SWITCHING R306 METAL 0.047 I Too 22k NORM AM S2-1 o 195) + СгОг J22 c303 $r305 Ш 10/16 $ 22k o $ $ R221 $R220 J1} | 1 Srar > - c209 R210$Ÿ R218 > A 0202 0201 T [7 716 R213 = À ut 4 + $1-2 T C310 R21 C213 Cos o ВЕС/Р В + VR20! ceor qn HEAD > I R212 c214 @ rae + RPB-084 A > oh R22a Se Wes T MIC 4 5 7 R223% a PLAY = REC 6 ca А A ha ja DN ENERO: RCH 22) À +- \ 21 > R222 i \ c205 IC201 (2/3) 13 12 “ 31 ` +В 39 Y L20! ; c208 e 1 He L MPX FILTER R215 яна вго! | ППП TT TT _ WA D325,326 152473 4 20304 WZ -073 VR103 < 20305 WZ-044 = 150 Ze VRE Q301,302 025 Y - | 25C174OLN-RorS КО bos R361 560 —— A C140 4 osc —— AW 240 METAL HEADPHONE, 0326 | es MUTE 8& SWITCH e ©9314 Г 25304 norm CONTROL mess 2SC1740LN-RorS VR103,203: NORM |0.8V i038) R M5] Tir 716 or 2SC2634-RorS C142 BIAS ADJ o $2-2 EC RE <R254 MUTING 10 I RCP -155 or croz ¡osv q 17 1 | Er] /* +125. UE с92 - 860 METAL |1.av zo30s “TO? Le $47 9 10 13 0SC BLOCK 1C301 (2/2) RTX-007 0302 REC RL301 ERASE 13 RELAY lie 318 HEAD 1.301 RSR-0351 1 4 3 8 15 2 PM a 0314 RP8-085 1mH - RK N 1 PLAY, REC R3203 1C301 (1/2) > + > REC/ + en MO can E PLAY 2309$ — TiCI08É 820 y 0 0.01 ni &R351 gR3S2 7 10 + + < $22k Ч 47k R308 16 Ч смо 2 ca ft y u Ni 0302 | (LB 47 10K 555 3 3.3 C316 |C317 |C318 REC 710 116 0.01 750 |osoa| |22 |220 | 22 A 16 ¡16 |/16 < RIO R349 C315 Q303 2SC174OLN-RorS 0313 315 SR Fo 0505 Ÿ 750 10070 | or 2SC2634-Ror S WO3B or WO3C REC TT AH INV 8 MUTING — 4 AM 0304 0303 R312 k в | с 0301307, 312, R358 100K FF, REW I D318~.320 WW GP411(ON) [0.7V |32mV 152473 AM GP411(OFF) [0.1v |13.9V R359 00K 3-2) REW A. —| R325 2 D306 + RIAIS 18k 5 A ) $R33t c322 R337 0315 R3433 + 33k I 100 c319 | c320 70 0.022 | 47716 01 t Hr FAST,PLAY SR335 p—— PLAY *— R324 0307 $ 10k R338 $r344 O 3 0307 FAST,PLAY 0309 e312 $ 910 a Y —e Nu 0308 10.6) 0.7 0304 *— > оз! 1 > $ < 3 -— — - - = R322 c321 + < X $ R336 > R339 A 3 Ge > 1.2u a7 ШО: R332 < $ 22x + ŸR345 716 33K 22k 22k /10 + SENSOR Ass y 0304,307, 308 || RWX- 402 2SC174OLN-RorS or 25C2634-Ror S Q305,306 2SA1127-RorS or 2SA826LN-Qor R AUTO STOP 2SC1740LN-RorS or 25C2634-Ror S [озо5(5тоР) | [аз06 (stop! | 8 [av | | 8 | 7v POWER ON MUTING [ e |139v | | E [sv | Q310 312 2SC2060-QorR SOL. DRIVE 16 — 12 SOL 2 I FF RXP-093 17 — 13 20 1. RESISTORS: Indicated in ‘>, 'aW, 25% tolerance unless otherwise noted k : k£, M: MO, (F) : 1%, (G) : +2%, (K) : : 10% tolerance IC102 HA11226 VR30!1: 2. CAPACITORS: DOLBY IC A AD Indicated in capacity (F) voltage (V) unless otherwise noted p : pF 1102 (1/2) RCP -149 or Indication without voltage 1s 50V except electrolytic capacitor. C92-049 3 VOLTAGE \ DC voltage (V} at no input signal 4 OTHERS: © : Adjusting point. The A mark found on some component parts indicates the im- portance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of ident cal designation. SWITCHES: REC S1 : DOLBY NR ON — OFF R128 100K $2 : TAPE SELECTOR ME TAL-NORM- Cr 02 Q103,203 S3 : MIC/ LINE SELECTOR MIC — LINE 0101,20! 1K34A 2SC174OLN-Ror S Sa: PLAY ON — OFF D102,202 1S2473 or 25C2634-Ror S S5: STOP ON — OFF MUTING 56 : FF ON — OFF S7: REW ON — OFF se: PAU - | Q104,204 5 BEE on ars REC 2SCIT40LN-RorS SIO: ERASE PREVENT DETECTOR NO HOLE — HOLE REC EQ. AMP 10: Е S11: POWER ON — OFF 1C101 (3/3) >= S12: LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR 220V - 240V The underlined indicates the switch position. This is the basic schematic diagram, but the actual circuit may vary improvements in design. 16201 (3/3) VRIO2, 202: due to imf 9 REC LEVEL ADJ REC RCP -149 or c9? - 049 13 1102 (2/2) D103,104,203,204 1K34A HEADPHONES 1 | | LEVEL METER + RAW-140 or | RAW-142 | | 1 | | I STOP, PAUSE | | РЕ Ем Q313 2SD837-QorP pas /N 7 - REGULATOR Г REK-049 1C302 ВАВ43 D316 SIVBIO CONTROL 30 D317 S2VBIO $12: LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR 4 RSX -045 \ S11: POWER FITT23_, A RSA-042 €323~.329 AC POWER CORD 0.001 RDG-O32(HB) ROG-O33(HE1 RDG-034(HP) Ру! A T315mA A AC 220/240V REK-052 50/60Hz 20301 BZ-050 ZD302 WZ-135 Q313 € FUZ STOP, PLAY TBOOmA REK-064 S4~9: FUNCTIO REC/ [Norm E #56 - 099 PLAY |Croz [METAL S10:ERASE PREVENT DETECTOR Note; 1 RSN-027 or RSN-010 Playback signal route Recording signal route 4 5 7 9 External Appearance of Transistors and ICs 2SA826LN туре № 2SC1740LN Suffix hee Lot No E ° в 2SA1127 2SC2634 Type No hee Lot No E с в 25C2060 25D837 HA12005 HA12019 BA843 HA11226 HA12006 1 2 3 10. P.C. BOARD CONNECTION DIAGRAM LINE INPUT REC/P.B HEAD — REC/P.B HEAD e C LCH LINE INPUT (o EARSE HEAD K у У £ | 2340 D SOL 2 SOL 3 SOL 1 GP411(ON) 10.7 32mv FF REW PINCH GP41 | (OFF) lo.t 13.9 25 mt ye > 4 5 6 } 4. = et 5 > =>-— > > MOTHER Ass'y RWX-401 03 Q203 GRO 9311 Q3i2 am 16102 Q309 G30e 0307 10301 R02 VR202 VR301 ICH IC201 VR203 VRi03 VOLUME Ass 'y RWX-403 303.204 0.307. 308.309, 314 2SC1740LN PRG Pannes” RCH LINE OUTPUT LCH S10: ERASE | PREVENT RSN-027 or MOTOR . , mV r 0.6 FAST.PLAY Sant AY Ass'y RXM-076 Q305(STOP) Q306(STOP) B [132 8 [7 c [139 EX сс oy (> <a> ‹о >” VOLUME Ass" y i RWX-403 a313 € STOPPLAY — | 178 REC/ | NORM 17.6 PLAY | cro, 17.4 | METAL | 16.8 | RCH LINE OUTPUT LCH $10: ERASE PREVENT DETECTOR RSN-027 or RSN-010 MOTOR Ass'y RXM-076 # ` rd = `. # *, — 3 3 <o <o SENSOR Ass'y RWX-402 ron cran LEVEL METER PO — 7 | | | + — | ——a> | | —r > | | | Ст > | © | | | + — | | | | | С 5 > | | Le ООО ОАО ООО ОО И Lu T1 POWER TRANSFORMER | TT T > BLU | | GRY s12 sm | | 240V Oo | | BLU | | RED T ис РУ o 220\ RED | | <D> | | | {Е AC POWER CORD RED | | AC 220/240V | ~(C?> | 50/60 Hz GRN | pe <A> $ | | LB) GRN ‘ QT oo Lo _ S11: POWER S12: LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR 9 25 11. PARTS LIST NOTE: e When ordering resistors, first convert resistance values into code form as shown in the following examples. Ex. 1 When there are 2 effective digits (any digit apart from 0), such as 560 ohm and 47k ohm (tolerance is shown by J = 5%, and K = 10%). 5600 56 x10! 561 ......... RDY% PS B61 J 47kQ— 47 x10° 473 ......... RDY PS 423 J 0.82—— ORS ................. RN2H ORE K 19 010 ................. RS 1 P (OUI) K Ex. 2 When there are 3 effective digits (such as in high precision metal film resistors). | 562k 562x 10' 5621......... ВЕ Ми 5 В [161200 Е Miscellaneous Parts List P.C. BOARD ASSEMBLIES OTHERS Part No. Symbol & Description Part No. Symbol & Description RWX-401 Mother assembiy A RTT-213 T1 Power transformer RWX-402 Sensor assembly À RDG-033 Power cord (for HE type) RWX-403 Volume assembly À RDG-032 Power cord (for HB type) — ARDG-029 Power cord (for HP type) A REC-272 Strain relief SWITCHES RXX-289 Front panel assembly Part No. Symbol & Description RAW-140 Level assembly (RAW-142) ARSA-042 $11 Power switch ARSX-045 $12 Line voltage selector (switchable 2 positions) MOTHER Assembly (RWX-401) SWITCHES | CAPACITORS Part No. Symbol 8: Description Part No. Symbol 8: Description RSK-063 51 Lever switch B {DOLBY NR) CEANL3R3M 25 C101,0201 RSK-062 s2 Lever switch A (TAPE SELE- CEANL 220M 16 C110,0210 CTOR) | CEA OR10M 50 C127,C129,C227,C229 RKN-059 $3 Mic jack CEA OR33M 50 C123,C130,C223,C230 RSG-099 s4-S9 Push switch CEA OR47M 50 C131,C231 RKN-060 Headphones jack CEA 3R3M 50 C314 CEA 010M 50 C313 CEA 471M 25 C335 OILS AND TRANSFORMER CEA 101M 25 C334 CEA 332M 16 C336 Part No. Symbol & Description CEA 102M 16 C346 RSR-035 RL301 Lead relay СЕА 221М 16 C317,C332,C333 CEA 101M 16 C302,C304,C309,C310 RTF-084 L102,L202 Trap coil RTF-085 L103,L203 Peaking coil (3.9mH) CEA 330M 16 C104,C111,C204,C211 RTF-086 L104,L204 Peaking coil (1.5mH) CEA 4R7M 35 C144 C244 RT F-057 L301 Line coil 26 Part No. Symbol & Description CEA 220M 16 C316,C318 CEA 100M 16 C105—C107, C115, C117—C121, C126, C128, C132—C134, C142—C145, C205— C207, C215, C217—C221, C226, C228, C232—C234, C242,C243,C245,C303,C306, C308 CEA 470M 10 C330, C337 CEA 101M 10 C315, C343 COMA 563J 50 C138, C238 СОМА 473.) 50 C137,C139,C237,C239 COMA 333J 50 C135,C235 CQMA 273J 50 C136,C236 COMA 153K 50 C122,C125,C222,C225 COMA 472K 50 C124,C224 CQMA 102K 50 COMA 333K 50 COMA 223K 50 CKDYF 4732 50 CKDYF 103Z 50 CKDYF 102Z 50 CCDSL 101 L 500 CQSA 471K 50 C102, C103, C108, C112, C114, C202, C203, C208, C212, C214 C113,C116,C213,C216 C319 C301,C345 C311,C312,C331 C323—C329 C140,C240 C109,C209 Note: When ordering resistors, convert the resistance value into code form, and RESISTORS then rewrite the part no. as before. Part No. Symbol & Description RCP-150 VR101,VR201 (C92-857) Semi-fixed 22k-B RCP-149 VR102,VR202,VR301 (C92-049) Semi-fixed 10k-B RCP-155 VR103,VR203 (C92-860) Semi-fixed 150k-B ARS1PFDOOJ R304,R346 RD4PSFOOOJ R348 RDAPMOODJ R101—R155, R201—R255, R301—R303, R305—R312, R315—R320, R322—R333, R335—R345, R347, R349—R352, R358, R359,R361 SEMICONDUCTORS Part No. Symbol & Description HA12005 1C101,1C201 HA11226 IC102 HA12006 1C301 BA843 | C302 2SC1740LN Q101—Q103, Q201-Q203, Q303, Q304, (25C2634) 0307-0309, 0314 2SC1740LN Q104,0204,0301,Q302 28A1127 Q305,Q306 (2SA826LN) 27 - —_— — Part No. Symbol 8: Description A 2sc2060 ©0310-0312 A 28D837 0313 BZ-050 ZD301 AWZ-135 ZD302 1K34A D101, D103, D104, D201, D203, D204 1S2473 D102, D202, D301—D307, D312, D318, D325,D326 Wo3B D313—D315 (Wo3c) AsivB10 D316 AS2VB10F D317 WZ-073 20304 WZ-044 ZD305 OTHERS Part No. Symbol & Description À REK-052 FU1 Fuse T315mA À REK-064 FU2 Fuse T800mA À REK-049 FU3 Fuse T500mA RBF-041 Tube Sensor Assembly (RWX-402) Part No. Symbol 8: Description RDZPM102J R501 Resistor GP-411B Photointerruptor SLB15UR8 D501 LED Volume Assembly (RWX-403) Part No. Symbol & Description RCV-085 VR1 Variable (INPUT) ( RCV-086) 12. EXPLODED VIEWS NOTES: e Parts without part number cannot be supplied. e The A mark found on some component parts indicates the importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation, Parts List Key No. Part No. Description 1. RNA-509 Bonnet 2. Mechanism assembly 3. Sub panel stay 4, RAC-124 Lever knob A (POWER) A 5, RSA-042 Power switch 6. RAW-141 Counter 7. REB-417 Counter belt 8. RWX-402 Sensor assembly 9. Counter holder 10, SLB15URS8 LED 11. Sensor p.c.b 12. GP411B Photo interruptor 13. RNL-073 Escutcheon 14. RBH-750 Eject spring 15. Eject plate 16, RAC-132 Knob (EJECT) 17. RXX-289 Front panel assembly 18. RNL-078 Knob guide 19. Front panel 20. RNL-076 Escutcheon S 21. RNL-082 Knob holder 22, RAC-131 Control knob 23. RNL-077 Escutcheon W 24. RBH-751 Earth spring 25. RAA-344 Knob A (INPUT L) 26. RAA-345 Knob B (INPUT R) A27. RTT-213 Power transformer 28. UL cord clamper 29. Chassis 30. REC-356 Foot A31. RSX-045 Line voltage selector Á 32, REC-272 Strain relief A 33. RDG-033 Power cord (for HE type) A RDG-032 Power cord (for HB type) A RDG-029 Power cord (for HP type) 34. Terminal (GND) 3D. Bottom cover 36. RAW-140 Level meter assembly (RAW-142) 37, REL-086 Meter lamp 28 Key No. Part No. Description 38. RWX-403 Volume assembly 39. Panel stay 40. RAC-124 Lever knob A (DOLBY NR) 41. RAC-125 Lever knob B (TAPE SELECTOR) 42, Rear panel 43. RWX-401 Mother assembly A 44, ВЕК-064 Fuse (T 800mA) A 45. REK-049 Fuse (T 550mA) Á 46. REK-052 Fuse (T 315mA) 47. Switch holder 48. RSG-099 Push switch 49. RSK-063 Lever switch B (DOLBY NR) 50. RSK-062 Lever switch A(TAPE SELECTOR) 51. RKN-059 MIC jack 52. RKN-060 Headphones jack 53. Mother p.c.b. 54. P.C.B. holder 55. RDE-046 Pin cord B (OUTPUT) 56. RDE-045 Pin cord A {INPUT) 57. Side frame 58. Bottom plate 59. REC-355 Sliding stopper 60. Caution label 61. ATZ40P080FZK Screw 62. VCZ30PO60FMC Screw 63. VCZ30P100FMC Screw 64. PMA3O0PO60FMC Screw 65. CMZ30PO6OFMC Screw 66. PBZ30P120FMC Screw 67. PBZ26PO60FMC Screw 68. CBZ26P060FMC Screw 69. VCT30P960FZK Screw 70. АТ24ОРОВОРМС Screw 71. wvB30POSOFMC Screw 72. VCZ30OPO6GOFZK Screw Exterior р 8 > § Accessory part | 40 „1 with No.38 y 62 O О A ) = 0 Mechanism Assembly Parts List Key No. Part No, Description 1. Eject lever 2. RBH-743 Eject lever spring 3, Side arm L assembly 4, RSN-027 Lever switch 5, Side plate L assembly 6. RNK-995 Cylinder 7. PREB-323 O ring 8. RNL-063 Piston 9. RBH-726 Connection rod 10. REC prevent lever 11. RXB-405 Pocket L assembly 12. Bush 13. Pocket L 14. RNL-057 Pocket spring L 15. RNK-994 Guide roller 16. RAH-347 Cassette plate 17. Pocket frame 18. Door 19, Door panel 20. RXP-092 Solenoid P 21. Chassis assembiy 22. RNL-042 Half receptacie 23. RNF-895 Half spring 24. Head base 25. RXB-359 Bearing holder assembly 26. REB-417 Counter belt 27, RBH-741 HB return spring 28. RNL-050 Sub head base 29. RBH-723 Head adjust spring 30. RPB-085 Erase head 31. RPB-084 REC/PB head 32, RBH-761 Earth spring 33. RBH-758 FF spring 34. RBH-759 HB drive spring 35. RXB414 Pinch arm assembly 36. RBH-742 Pinch pressure spring 37. Solenoid bracket L A 38. RXP-094 Solenoid R 39. RNL-051 Gear lever 40. RBH-727 Brake spring 41, Solenoid bracket R AÀ42. RXP-093 Solenoid F | 43. REB-187 Brake shoe 44, Brake plate 45, RXB-377 Supply reel base assembly 46. RNK-999 TU idler 47. RNK.998 Idler gear 48. RXB-360 TU reel base assembly 49. RNL-059 Cam gear 50. RXB-387 Lever assembly Key No. Part No. Description 51. RXB-378 Reel base assembly 52. WA21D040D025 Washer 53. RBH-725 FR spring 54. RXB-374 Idler arm assembly 55. RBH-724 Idler pressure spring 56. RXB-376 Driving arm full assembly 57. REB413 Drive belt 58. RXM-076 Motor assembly 59. Motor 60. Motor pulley 61. Flywheel holder 62. Thrust receptacle 63. RXB-358 Flywheel assembly 64. REB-411 Capstan belt 65. RBF-051 Washer 66. RBH-721 Flywheel spring 67. Side plate R assembly 68. Mounting plate 69. Side arm R-assembly 70. Connection plate 71. RNL-049 Pocket R 72. RNL-058 Pocket spring R 73. PMZ20PO80FMC Screw 74. VCZ26P090FMC Screw 75. ATZ260060FZK Screw 76. PMZ20P130FMC Screw 77. PMZ20P120FCM Screw 78. ñPMZ26P03OFMC Screw 79. VCZ26P060MFC Screw 80. VYE30FUC Washer 81. WA21D040D25 Washer 82. PMA26P040FMC Screw 83. YE20FUC Washer 84, WA17D032D025 Washer 85. 1MZ20Y120FMC Screw 86. Stopper 87. Plate stopper 88. YE40FUC Washer 89. YS20FBT Washer 90. RNL-047 Solenoid arm 91. RBH-744 Lever spring 92. RBH-722 Gear lever spring 93. RXX-290 Door assembly 94, RBF-050 Oil stop washer 33 13. PACKING Parts List Key No. Part No. Description 1. RHA-220 Pad 2. RHX-031 Sheet C 3. RHG-359 Packing case 4. RRB-135 Operating instructions (English) (5). RRD-045 * Operating instructions (German/ French) *The operating instructions (German/French) is provided with HE type only. 34 ">
Key Features
- Compact cassette, 2-channel stereo
- Dolby noise reduction
- 3-position tape selector
- Full automatic stop mechanism
- Air damp eject function
- IC full logic control
- Full automatic stop mechanism
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the difference between the CT-200 HE, HB, HP models and CT-200 D model?
The CT-200 HE, HB, HP models are designed for Europe, U.K., and Australia respectively, while the CT-200 D model is a general export model. The main difference lies in the power requirements. The HE, HB, HP models are switchable between 220V and 240V, while the D model is switchable between 120V, 220V, and 240V.
What is the difference between the CT-200 KU model and other models?
The CT-200 KU model is designed for the U.S.A. market and only supports 120V.
What is the fast winding time for the CT-200?
The fast winding time is approximately 100 seconds for a C-60 tape.
What is the frequency response of the CT-200?
The frequency response depends on the type of tape used. For standard and LH tapes, it's 20 to 15,000Hz. For Chromium dioxide tape, it's 20 to 17,000Hz. And for Metal tape, it's 20 to 18,000Hz.
What is the signal-to-noise ratio of the CT-200?
The signal-to-noise ratio is more than 58dB with Dolby NR OFF and more than 68dB (over 5kHz) with Dolby NR ON.