Lode OEM Treadmill ergometer Service manual
The Lode OEM treadmill ergometer is a diagnostic tool intended for use in a medical environment. It can be used to create reproducible stress tests and measure speed, time, distance, and heart rate. The treadmill is designed for both manual operation and control by external equipment, such as ECG or pulmonary function equipment.
Service manual OEM TREADMILL ERGOMETERS 0344 Intended Use A Lode treadmill is a diagnostic tool intended to be used as a stress test device in a medical environment. The main goal of the use of a Lode treadmill is to create reproducible stress tests. The following parameters can be measured: • Speed (km/h or Miles/h) • Time (minutes and seconds) • Distance (km Miles Meters) • Optional: Heart rate (beats per minute) • Grade (%) In combination with other diagnostic tools, like ECG or pulmonary function equipment, other important physiological data can be obtained, allowing a physician to evaluate a test subject’s physical status. A Lode treadmill is designed both for manual operation and control by external ECG-, pulmonary equipment. In combination with optional software, the ergometer can also be controlled by a PC. The Lode treadmill has to be operated under the supervision of well-trained medical specialists, like cardiologists, pulmonologists and physiotherapists. The ultimate judgment whether a test subject should undertake a stress test with an ergometer and which protocols should be used must be made by the responsible medical specialist, based on the limitations of each individual, the medical history and all other applicable circumstances. Neither Lode BV nor her distributors take any responsibility for the final use of its equipment. Contra Indication The Lode treadmills are to be operated by classified personnel only. As stated in the intended use, the Lode treadmills are intended to be used in a medical environment. During the intended use the test subject will deliver energy. Application of the wrong dosis of energy could lead to permanent damage of the test subject’s health. Maintenance The Lode treadmills should be calibrated once a year. In case any damage is observed of the Lode treadmill. Lode B.V. or her representative should be informed in order to execute the necessary repair(s). Service of the Lode treadmills is restricted to factory-trained personnel only. Precautions Caution: This device should only be sold by, or on the order of authorized persons. Caution: Not suitable for use in the presence of flammable anaesthetics. Possible hazards Using the Lode treadmills according to intended use, contra indications, maintenance, precaution and common sense stated above may not eliminate all hazards. Possible residual hazards could be: wrong installation, wrong use, wrong dose, wrong interpretation of readings, mechanical breakdown of parts, software failure. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 List of Symbols used On/Off switch External Input External Output Type B Electrical Safety Separate collection of electric and electronic equipment Copyright Lode BV, February 2012, all rights reserved. Manufacturer information: Lode BV Zernikepark 16 NL-9747 AN Groningen, The Netherlands ℡: +31 50 571 28 11 : +31 50 57167 46 @ : [email protected] : www.lode.nl Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 Warnings Observe the following precautions when servicing the treadmill: • Do not start the walking belt when someone is on the treadmill. The belt could start moving immediately, and sudden start and subsequent loss of balance could cause serious personal injury. • High voltage is present when the treadmill hood is removed and the treadmill is plugged in. • Do not wear loose clothing around the rotating machinery. • Never place your fingers near rotating parts. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 Tabel of contents 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................ 6 1.1 2 ASSEMBLIES ............................................................................................................................................. 9 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OEM TREADMILL 939900 ............................................................................ 7 FINAL ASSEMBLY OEM TREADMILL 939900 ........................................................................................... 10 HANDRAIL ASSY 939020 ......................................................................................................................... 11 UPPER HANDRAIL ASSY 939110 ............................................................................................................... 12 MOTOR COMPARTMENT 9394502 1/8/11 .............................................................................................. 13 BELT & DECK 932950 & 939951 ............................................................................................................. 14 DRIVE AND REVERSE ROLLERS 1/8/11 ................................................................................................. 15 GRADE MOTOR 220017............................................................................................................................ 16 MOTOR COMPARTMENT 9394503 1/8/11 .............................................................................................. 17 GRADE ADJUSTMENT ASSY ...................................................................................................................... 21 PROCEDURES...........................................................................................................................................22 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 FIXATION AND REMOVAL OF THE HANDLEBAR ........................................................................................ 23 REMOVAL OF THE COVER MOTOR COMPARTMENT ................................................................................... 25 REPLACEMENT COMMUNICATION INTERFACE MODULE (CIM) ................................................................ 26 REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTION GRADE MOTOR 220017 .............................................................................. 27 REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTION MAIN BOARD 945701................................................................................. 29 REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTION BELT & DECK ............................................................................................ 32 USB DRIVER INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................... 38 TERMINAL APPLICATION MENU ............................................................................................................... 39 SELECTING COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL ................................................................................................ 41 4 SCHEMATICS AND LAY-OUTS ............................................................................................................46 5 TROUBLE SHOOTING ............................................................................................................................50 5.1 6 MESSAGES ............................................................................................................................................... 51 MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................................................54 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 GENERAL MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................ 55 SPEED CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................................ 56 GRADE CALIBRATION .............................................................................................................................. 57 WALKING BELT TENSION ......................................................................................................................... 58 WALKING BELT ALIGNMENT .................................................................................................................... 59 MOTOR BELT TENSION ............................................................................................................................. 60 INCLINATION SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................. 61 EMBEDDED SOFTWARE CIM AND TCM ................................................................................................... 62 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 1 Technical specifications Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 6 1.1 Technical specifications OEM treadmill 939900 LODE TREADMILL OEM Treadmill 939900 SPEED RANGE - km/h - mph 0,5 – 20 km/h (steps 0,1 km/h) 0.3 – 12 mph HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT FRONT SIDE 0 – 25% WALKING SURFACE 50 x 150 cm MAXIMUM PATIENT WEIGHT 160 kg POWER REQUIREMENTS - Motor 230 VAC, 50-60 Hz 115 VAC, 50-60 Hz. (Between two Phases) 1,8 kW DIMENSIONS (L x B x H), cm 212 x 76 x 110 cm WEIGHT 145 kg ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Operational: - temperature ºC (ºF) - humidity ( non condensing) % - air pressure kPa 14 – 40 ºC (57 – 104 ºF) 30 - 90 70 - 106 Storage: - temperature ºC (ºF) - humidity ( non condensing) % - air pressure kPa -25 - 70ºC (13 – 167 ºF) 10 - 95 50 - 106 STANDARD & SAFETY NORMS SAFETY / EMERGENCY STOP - magnetic lanyard - stop button ISO 9001:2000, ISO 13485:2003, IEC 601-1 FDA 510K standard optional HEARTRATE RS232, USB Bluetooth ® and Wifi optional optional REAR ELEVATION - mechanically: –10% – 0% - electrically: -10% - 0% optional optional INTERFACE Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 7 LODE TREADMILL OEM Treadmill 939900 ENTRANCE PLATE optional ANTI SLIP STRIPS standard SIDE HANDRAILS FIXED (HEIGHT 850 MM) optional SIDE HANDRAILS ADJUSTABLE - height: 791 – 954 mm - width : 440 – 975 mm optional PEDIATRIC FRONT HANDRAIL optional PEDIATRIC SIDE HANDRAIL - height: 600 - 763 mm - width : 440 – 975 mm optional ARM SUPPORT optional WIDER / LONGER RUNNING SURFACE optional SAFETY BELT AND FALLSTOP optional MOBILE FALLSTOP optional BODY WEIGHT UNLOAD SYSTEM optional Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 8 2 Assemblies Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 9 Item no. Quantity per assy 2.1 Final assembly OEM treadmill 939900 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 Part Number 939110 939017 939016 939038 939176 939919 871907 932167 932928 939015 939015 932950 939951 Description EMERGENCY STOP ASSY FRONT HANDRAIL TOP ASSY VERTICAL ARM HANDRAIL WITH CABLE, RIGHT VERTICAL ARM HANDRAIL, RIGHT ANTISLIP STRIP 100 CM COSMETIC COVER HOLE SIDEHANDRAIL COSMETIC COVER SIDEBAR RIGHT RUBBER FEET COSMETIC COVER SIDEBAR LEFT GRADE ADJUSTMENT ASSY COVER VALIANT VERTICAL ARM HANDRAIL, LEFT VERTICAL ARM HANDRAIL, LEFT BELT, 50 X 150 CM DECK, 50 X 150 CM Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 10 Item Number Quantity per assy 2.2 Handrail assy 939020 Partnumber 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 939015 939016 939017 939110 Description VERTICAL ARM HANDRAIL, LEFT VERTICAL ARM HANDRAIL, RIGHT VERTICAL ARM HANDRAIL WITH CABLE, RIGHT UPPER HANDRAIL ASSY Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 11 Item no. Quantity per assy 2.3 Upper handrail assy 939110 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 Part Number 939032 939033 9397122 939915 939930 939931 9457422 813808 817312 871903 Description FRONT RING MAGNET SWITCH REED CONTACT BRACKET HANDRAIL, CABLE BAR HORINZONTAL HANDRAIL EMERGENCY STOP HOUSING FRONT EMERGENCY STOP HOUSING BACK CABLE ASSY REED SENSOR SCREW 3,5 X 12 MM SCREW M8 X 20 MM COSMETIC COVER Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 12 Item no. Quantity per assy 2.4 Motor compartment 9394502 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 1 4 4 1 6 6 4 4 Part Number 813006 939913 811765 815408 939050 811765 816416 811766 817608 1/8/11 Description WASHER M6 COVER MOTOR COMPARTMENT WASHER, SPRING M5 SCREW M5 X 12 MM SERIALNUMBER SIGN WASHER, SPRING M5 SCREW M6 X 40 MM WASHER, SPRING M6 SCREW M8 X 12 MM Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 13 Item no. Quantity per assy 2.5 Belt & deck 932950 & 939951 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 2 2 1 Part Number 939951 932950 939038 939915 816118 871908 Description DECK, 50 X 150 CM BELT, 50 X 150 CM ANTI SLPI STRIP, 100 CM COSMETIC COVER SCREW, COUNTERSUNK M6 X35 POP-IN SCREW COVER Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 14 Item no. Quantity per assy 2.6 Drive and reverse rollers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 Part Number 939018 939410 827618 932983 816416 932123 9394002 1/8/11 Description SPANNER SUPPORT REVERSE ROLLER SCREW, SOCKET CAP M8 X 50 MM BELT, MULTI-V SCREW, SOCKET CAP M6 X 40 MM CLAMP, AXLE DRIVE ROLLER Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 15 Item no. Quantity per assy 2.7 Grade motor 220017 1 2 3 1 2 2 Part Number 220017 811861 818517 Description GRADE MOTOR NUT, NYLON INSERT SCREW, HEX M10 X 45 MM Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 16 2.8 Motor compartment 9394503 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 1/8/11 17 Item no. Quantity per assy 2.8 Motor compartment 9394502 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 Part Number 212149 212150 212150 217201 220017 241001 250002 928931 928959 932712 932712 939027 939028 9390403 939062 939070 939071 9394403 939705 939705 939708 939714 945003 9457013 945741 981964 811706 811707 811724 811744 811745 811746 811764 811765 811766 811768 811861 811862 Description CABLE TIE CABLE TIE CABLE TIE POWER ENTRY MODULE LINAK LA 31 ACTUATOR 250 MM RJ45 CABLE 1 METER SERVO AMPLIFIER 2,2 kW 230 V LABEL, EARTH POTENTIAL LABEL, PROTECTIVE EARTH EARTH CABLE , CRIMP TERMINALS M5 EARTH CABLE , CRIMP TERMINALS M5 ISOLATED FIXATION BLOCK TENSIONER CHASSIS MOTOR COMPARTMENT COVER PLATE, (TCM) LABEL REMOTE CONTROL LABEL SAFETY SYMBOLS MOTOR ASSY EARTHCABLE POWER ENTRY MODULE EARTHCABLE POWER ENTRY MODULE MOTOR FAN ASSY POWER CABLE SERVO AMPLIFIER BLIND PLATE TCM ASSY CABLE ASSY DISPLAY FB EARTH POTENTIAL SOCKET HEXAGONAL SET SCREW M6 HEXAGONAL SET SCREW M8 EXTERNAL TOOTHED WASHER M4 FLAT WASHER M4 FLAT WASHER M5 FLAT WASHER M6 SPRING WASHER M4 SPRING WASHER M5 SPRING WASHER M6 SPRING WASHER M10 FULL NUT WITH NYLON INSERT M10 FULL NUT WITH NYLON INSERT M8 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 18 Item no. Quantity per assy 2.8 Motor compartment 9394502 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 2 2 4 7 2 4 7 2 1 1 2 1 5 1 Part Number 811874 811875 813006 814007 814011 814017 814813 814822 815008 818517 818613 827741 871820 873058 Description CONTACT LOCKING RING M5 CONTACT LOCKING RING M6 CYLINDRICAL SCREW M3 X 8 CYLINDRICAL SCREW M4 X 10 PAN HEAD SCREW CROSS M4 X 16 PAN HEAD SCREW CROSS M4 X 45 HEXAGONAL THREADED SPACER M4 X 25 HEXAGONAL THREADED SPACER M4 X 70 PAN HEAD SCREW CROSS M5 X 12 PAN HEAD SCREW CROSS M4 X 45 HEXAGONAL SET SCREW M10 X 25 SPHERICAL RING M8 FLAT WASHER NYLON M4 CLEVIS JOINT WITH SPRING LOADED PIN Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 19 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 20 Item no. Quantity per assy 2.9 Grade adjustment assy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 Part Number 818419 932153 932159 811788 817415 817419 9390252 811748 818615 818517 939140 939142 939154 811861 817419 Description ALLEN SCREW M10 X 55 SPACER FOR WHEEL WHEEL FLAT WASHER M10 X 30 ALLEN SCREW M8 X 35 ALLEN SCREW M8 X 55 TORSION PIPE, SQUARE FLAT WASHER M10 HEXAGONAL SET SCREW M10 X 35 HEXAGONAL SET SCREW M10 X 45 FEET GRADE POSITION HINGE AXLE HORIZONTAL AXLE FULL NUT WITH NYLON INSERT M10 ALLEN SCREW M8 X 55 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 21 3 Procedures Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 22 3.1 Fixation and removal of the handlebar Required tools: • Allen key #5 & #6 Instruction 1. Put the connectors together and slide them into the side rail. (figure 1, A) 2. Put this post into the side rail. Make sure the cable is not jammed or damaged. ( figure 1,B) 3. Fix the standard in the side rail with a 6 mm Allen Key. Push the bolt of the standard with help of the Allen Key through the hole through the side of the side rail and turn to the right. Just fix the bolts in order to allow some movement of the posts.(figure 1, C) 4. Place the other posts in their position in the side rails and fix them the same way as mentioned at the previous stage.(figure 1, D) 5. Put the connectors together and slide them into the handrail Upper frame.(figure 1,E ;figure 2) 6. Be sure that the cable is moved to the front, towards the lanyard magnetic switchbox. Jamming or damaging of the cable must be avoided! (figure 1,H) 7. Lower the Handrail Upper frame over the 4 standards (figure 1;F) 8. Two pair of hands is needed. Make sure the handrail upper frame firs exactly on the clamps at all 4 posts (figure1, F) 9. Fix the bolts of the posts with Allen key #6 (figure 1, D) 10. Tighten the clamps by using Allen key #5 (figure 1,F) Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 23 figure 1 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 24 3.2 Removal of the cover motor compartment Required tools: • Allen key #3 Instruction 1. Use the Allen key #3 to remove the screws in the housing of the motor compartment of the treadmill (figure 1&2) 2. Lift the housing from the back side and gently pull it up (figure 3& 4) fig.1 fig. 2 fig.3 fig.4 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 25 3.3 Replacement Communication interface module (CIM) Required tools: • Philips screw driver # 1 Instruction 1. Remove the cover of the motor compartment as described in the instruction “removal cover of the motor compartment. 2. Remove the flat cable from the main board (figure 1) 3. Remove the flat cable from the communication interface module ( figure 2) 4. Remove the two screws out of the CIM (figure 3) 5. Hold the board when removing the second screw and take the CIM out. fig.1 fig.2 fig.3 fig.4 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 26 3.4 Replacement instruction grade motor 220017 Required tools: • Wrench 17 mm ( 2X) Instruction 1. Remove the cover of the motor compartment as described in the instruction “removal cover of the motor compartment. 2. Put the treadmill on its side (figure1) 3. Remove the M10 bolt, at the underside of the treadmill, by using two 17 mm wrenches (figure 2&3) 4. Remove the M10 bolt, from the grade motor, in the motor compartment of the treadmill. ( figure 4) 5. Cut the tire wrap that holds the cable of the grade motor (figure 5) 6. Unplug the cable from the mainboard (figure 6) 7. Slide the grade motor backwards (figure7). 8. Pull the motor out of the housing (figure 8) 9. Reassemble the treadmill in the opposite direction 10. Make sure you reconnect the grade motor to the mainboard(figure 6) fig.1 fig.2 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 27 fig.3 fig.4 fig.5 fig.6 fig.7 fig.8 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 28 3.5 Replacement instruction main board 945701 Required tools: • Philips screw driver #2 Instruction 1. Remove the cover of the motor compartment as described in the instruction “removal cover of the motor compartment. 2. Remove the grade motor as described in the replacement instructions of the grade motor. 3. Remove the cables from the main board (figure 1,2,3,4,5,6,7&8) 4. To remove the cables from the power entree/circuit breaker it is easier to take the two screws out. 5. Flip the two Faston connectors of by unlocking them with e.g. a small screwdriver (fig.11) 6. Remove the screws that hold the mainboard and take out the mainboard. Note: Make sure you use the shakeproof washers at the indicated locations when you place a new mainboard into the treadmill. fig.1 fig.2 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 29 fig.3 fig.4 fig.5 fig.6 fig.7 fig.8 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 30 fig.9 fig.10 fig.11 fig.12 fig.13 fig.14 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 31 3.6 Replacement instruction belt & deck Required tools • Allen key #3,#4,#5,#6 • Slotted screw driver #2 • Philips screw driver #2 • Ring spanner #10 Instruction 1. Remove the cover of the motor compartment as described in the instruction “removal cover of the motor compartment. 2. Remove the cosmetic covers at the (figure 2) 3. Remove the pin plug out of the left and right side of the white housing (figure 3) 4. Now remove the white housing, be careful with the earth potential plug (figure 4) 5. In case side rails are mounted on the Valiant it is wise to remove them first you can use Allen key #4 for this (figure 5) 6. Remove the Allen screws #6, on left and right side of the roller, that hold the back roller of the treadmill (figure 6 & 7) 7. Use a Philips screwdriver #2 to remove the two Philips screws in the cosmetic strip (figure 8) 8. Slide out the strip (figure 9) 9. Slide out the roller (figure 10) 10. Remove the cosmetic covers of the Philips screws that hold the deck in place (figure 11) 11. Now untighten and remove the Philips screws by using Philips screw driver #2 and ring spanner #10 (see figure 12) 12. Go to the output shaft, which is the front roller of the treadmill. Use Allen key #5 to remove the two screws left and right that holds the black safety bracket of the this roller (figure 13) 13. Now untighten the two Allen screws #5 for only one turn counter clock wise. These are located at the bottom side of the treadmill (figure 14) 14. Now you are able to remove the safety bracket (figure 15) 15. You can access the two aluminium fixation blocks that hold the front roller in position (figure 16) 16. Remove the belt from the motor to the front roller. (see figure 17 & 18) 17. Slide out the front roller (figure 19 & 20) 18. You are able to lift the deck and remove the belt (figure 21) 19. After you have removed the belt remove the deck as well (figure 22 & 23) 20. Only the chassis of the treadmill will be left (figure 24) 21. Place the new belt and deck in position and reassemble the treadmill in the opposite direction as described above. Important steps are the fixation of the safety bracket of the front roller. The two Allen screws at the bottom side of the treadmill can easily be forgotten (see figure 14 ). Make sure you align the belt and adjust the tension of the belt according the specifications in this service manual. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 32 fig.1 fig.2 fig. 3 fig.4 fig.5 fig.6 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 33 fig.7 fig.8 fig.9 fig.10 fig.11 fig.12 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 34 fig.13 fig.14 fig.15 fig.16 fig.17 fig.18 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 35 fig.19 fig.20 fig.21 fig.22 fig.23 fig.24 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 36 fig.25 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 37 3.7 USB driver installation When using the USB communication port on the treadmill the FTDI driver needs to be installed. This driver will install a virtual COM port on your PC which emulates a standard PC serial port such that the USB device may be communicated with as a standard RS2332 device. On the CD that comes with the device the driver needed is located. The drivers can also be downloaded from the website http://www.ftdichip.com/FTDrivers.htm Installing the FTDI driver The installation of the FTDI driver goes as follows. Make sure the treadmill has not been connected to the computer. Explore the CD and go to the driver directory. Execute the CDM20600.exe file (CDMXXXX.exe in which the XXXX is the driver version) the file can be recognised by the following icon: A command window will be opened shortly The driver has been installed. Plug in the USB cable between the computer and the treadmill and the following message will appear, in which the COM port might be different depending on the first available port. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 38 3.8 Terminal application menu Terminal Application The protocol description, which follows, provides you with the information you need to connect to the Communication Interface Module (CIM) figure 1 to an external computer with suitable software and run commands from the terminal prompt. The default RS232 communication port settings as used in the CIM are: RS232 default communication port settings Name Baudrate Data bits Stop bits Parity Setting 57K6 8 1 None Cable specifications Controller 9p SUB-D 2 3 5 - PC 9p Sub-D 2 3 5 Figure 1, Communication Interface Module To enter the Terminal Application on the CIM the following procedure must be carried out: 1. 2. 3. 4. Connect the CIM to either the USB interface or the RS232 interface. Start a Terminal program, (typically TeraTerm or HyperTerminal) on the PC. Set the Terminal program to 56k6, no parity, 1 stopbit. Switch on the mains of the apparatus and press ‘Alt+b’ if using TeraTerm or ‘ctrl+break’ if using HyperTerminal. 5. The menu of the Terminal Application is shown on the terminal program. Changing RS232 protocol Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 39 After entering the Terminal Application on the CIM, a menu appears on-screen. For selecting the default communication protocol used with a PC, press “1”. To return to the first selections screen, press “backspace”. There are four protocols that can be used to communicate with the Treadmill; • • • • Lode Treadmill Trackmaster Woodway Coscom ( HP Cosmos) After selecting the desired protocol, the interface to which the Treadmill is connected can be set. There are two options, USB or RS232 (10101). Do not use the 10101(-) port on the CIM. This port is for future use. Once the interface is chosen, the baudrate for the selected protocol can be specified. If no alternate baudrate is to be used, the “default” option sets the specified baudrate for the protocol. After setting the baudrate it is possible to change the units used in transmitting/receiving, i.e. miles/hour in, kilometres/hour out. Only the Trackmaster protocol is modified to use these settings. If no change is required, the default option (“0”) suffices. After setting the desired parameters the CIM Terminal Application asks if the settings need to be saved. Select “Y” and power off the mains of the apparatus. After powering up the apparatus, the selected protocol is ready to be used on the selected interface. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 40 3.9 Selecting communication protocol To enter the terminal application of the communication interface module the following procedure must be carried out: 1. Connect a USB- or straight serial cable to connect to the communication interface module. 2. Start the HyperTerminal program (standard provided with MS Windows ® up to OS Vista) 3. Give the connection a name and press OK 4. Select the (virtual) COM port on which the treadmill is connected 5. Select the bautrate 57600 Bits per seconds, Data bits 8, Parity None, Stop bits 1 and Flow control None. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 41 6. Go to File and select Properties in the pull down menu, select the file tab Settings. 7. Choose ASCII Setup and select the tag boxes as shown below. Press OK to save changes. 8. Switch on the treadmill and immediately press Ctrl + Break on the key board of the computer. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 42 9. The information on shown in Hyperterminal should be as above 10. When SPACE is pressed the menu to select the communication protocol will appear Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 43 11. When a communication protocol has been selected you can choose the baud rate 12. After the baud rate has been selected the correct units can be chosen Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 44 13. After that you will be asked to save the settings 14. Save or discard the changes and restart the treadmill for the changes to take effect Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 45 4 Schematics and lay-outs Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 46 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 47 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 48 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 49 5 Trouble shooting Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 50 5.1 Messages During operation of the treadmill a full diagnostic analysis is running continuously, in case an error occurs the user needs to be warned and an audio signals will sound. LED’s on the Treadmill Control Module will blink to indicated what might be the cause of the problem. The order in which they blink can be compared with table 1 in this chapter. This chapter describes the explanation of the error codes. When the emergency circuit is activated you will hear 5 short beeps followed by a pause of 10 seconds. This error will repeat till the cause has been taken. For safety reasons the diagnostic of the treadmill can give an error during the self-test or during use. This error will sound 5 long beeps followed by a pause of 10 seconds. This error will make the treadmill stop. You could switch off the treadmill wait till the van has stopped turning and restart the treadmill. If the problem still occurs you could remove the cover of the treadmill and watch for the code that has been showed by the blinking LED’s D10,D11 and D12. ( figure 2) During the 5 long beeps the three LED’s D10,D11 and D12 will light up for one second. This must been seen as CODE I. After that, still within the 5 long beeps there will be a pause from 1 second and then the LED’s D10, D11 and D12 will light up again. This must be seen as CODE II. (figure 1) Write down the code and compare them with the table in this document. In case the angle measurement is malfunctioning the treadmill will warn with a beeb: long-silenceshort-silence-short, after this only the speed control is available. Figure 1 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 51 CODE TCM_ERRORS NO_TIMER_AVAILABLE ELEV_TIMEOUT WATCHDOG_EXPIRED GENERAL_STATUS_ERROR RAM_ERROR COM_GUARD_TIMER_FAILURE FREQUENTIE REGELAAR AC_DRIVE_ERROR AC_DRIVE_COM_ERROR AC_DRIVE_CONFIG_ERROR COMMUNICATIE NO_MODULE COM_GUARD_ERROR GUARDING ERRORS SPEED_GUARD_ERROR SPEED_GUARD_ERROR2 TEST-ERRORS MAN_ERROR_TRIGGER DESCRIPTION D12 CODE 1 D11 D10 D12 CODE 2 D11 D10 No software timers available Exchange TCM Time out on elevation, no change seen in elevation for the last 2 seconds, when expected. Check wiring to grade motor or replace grade motor. Watchdog timer expired by critical error in embedded software. Restart treadmill or replace TCM General errors that may occur under normal conditions: • WATCHDOG ERROR • EXTERNE WATCHDOG ERROR • RAM ERROR • MODULE ERROR During selftest the RAM will be tested. If a problem occurs this code will be shown. Error on data exchange on internal bus. Check wiring 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 Motor controller error Check motor controller or replace motor controller Communication loss between motor controller and TCM. Check motor controller, service required During selftest the motor controller has to be initialized, if fails this code will be shown. Check motor controller power. Service required 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 During selftest the treadmill checks for communication modules, if fails this error will be shown. Check wiring replace communication module Time out on internal bus, restart treadmill service required when problem occurs. 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 Difference between target speed in firmware and target speed in motor controller exceeds limits Difference between target speed in firmware and target speed in motor controller within limits out of range too long. Check belt tension and motor controller 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 For factory purpose only 1 1 1 0 0 1 Tabel 1 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 52 Figure 2 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 53 6 Maintenance Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 54 6.1 General Maintenance Visual inspection: • Housing • Display • Cables, sockets e.g.line voltage entrance • User Interface, e.g. a keyboard Mechanical check-up • Technical cleaning of mechanical parts • Freewheel assembly • Braking assembly, bearings • Saddle assembly/handle bar assembly Inspection electronics • Primary and secundary electronic circuits • Options. Software/Firmware • Software/Firmware revision and/or update Calibration • Checking calibration dynamic Safety test • We advise to do a safety test after repair and maintenance according to the IEC601-1-1, in some countries it is presubscribed by the government to do so. Maintenance Sticker • Place a visible sticker on the housing with recommended date for maintenance. ATTENTION The walking belt and deck are self-lubricating. Never use any additional lubrication!\ The check up and/or technical maintenance must be carried out conform the procedure described in this service manual. This may be done by your local dealer or another (by the manufacturer) certified body. It is also recommended that a record of the service history is kept for all activities relating to service and maintenance. In some countries this is even obliged. Maintenance and all repairs should only be carried out by an authorized agency. The manufacturer will not be held responsible for the results of maintenance or repairs by unauthorized persons. Opening of the equipment by unauthorized agencies is not allowed and will terminate any claim to warranty. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 55 6.2 Speed calibration Km/hour Meters/sec Miles/hour Counts pro 2 minutes For Calibration of the Speed from the treadmill you can use a Tachometer which can directly measure the speed at the walking belt. A cheaper and even accurate method for calibration of the speed of the treadmill is counting the revolutions of the belt. The belt length of the standard belt is 350 cm (137,8 ”) Place a marker on the walking belt and count for two minutes how many times the marker passes a certain point at several different belt speeds. In the table you will find how many counts pro 2 minutes you should measure. 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 0,14 0,28 0,56 0,83 1,11 1,39 1,67 1,94 2,22 2,50 2,78 3,33 3,89 4,44 5,00 5,56 0,31 0,62 1,24 1,86 2,49 3,11 3,73 4,35 4,97 5,59 6,21 7,46 8,70 9,94 11,18 12,43 4,8 9,5 19,0 28,6 38,1 47,6 57,1 66,7 76,2 85,7 95,2 114,3 133,3 152,4 171,4 190,5 Table 1 The values should be within 5%. The motor speed is absolute the motor is frequency controlled and a difference in speed could only be caused by sliding of one of the belts. E.g. the belt from drive motor to drive roller or the walking belt itself. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 56 6.3 Grade calibration Calibration procedure grade Measure the inclination of the treadmill by using a angle measurement tool. The accuracy of the inclination should be within 3% The grade of the treadmill is absolute the inclination sensor is calibrated in the factory and cannot be readjusted. In case during calibrations of the grade the grade would not within specifications this could have the following causes. 1. An offset in the grade could be caused by a floor that is not level. 2. The sensor does not respond at all because of a broken sensor Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 57 6.4 Walking belt tension In case the belt tension needs to be readjusted, e.g. after replacement of the belt you must follow the procedure below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Figure 1 Remove the caps (figure 3, A) Make sure there is no tension on the belt, you should be able to lift the belt at least 2 cm without feeling tension. Place two markers on the belt exactly 1000 mm from each other (figure 1) Now start tightening the belt till the distance between the two markers is 1003 mm (figure 2) To prevent from unnecessary disturbance of the run belt alignment the number of turns should be kept equal on both screws (figure 3,B) To align the belt, follow the procedure in the next chapter. Figure 2 Figure 3 Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 58 6.5 Walking belt alignment When the treadmill is placed on a floor that is not flat, it is possible that the belt needs to be aligned. This may only be done by an authorized user. The following procedure must be followed: 7. Remove the caps (figure 1, A) 8. Adjust the speed of the treadmill to 5 km/h. 9. If the belt runs towards the left side, as viewed from the rear of the treadmill, adjust the left bolt, (figure 1, B), viewed from the rear end of the belt (using a size 10 socket head screw wrench) a quarter turn clockwise. The belt will now move slowly right. See Figure 5. If the belt runs towards the right side, as viewed from the rear of the treadmill, adjust the left bolt (figure 1,B), viewed from the rear end of the belt (using a size 10 socket head screw wrench) a quarter turn anti-clockwise. The belt will now slowly move to the left. See Figure 5. Figure. 1 See (figure 1,C). The left edge of the belt of the treadmill should run 62±3mm from the side measured at left side of the treadmill. This is indicated by (figure 1, C) in Figure 5. ATTENTION! The belt reacts very slowly to the turning of the tension bolt. Therefore let the treadmill run for 2 minutes. If this adjustment is not enough, repeat the action. ATTENTION! ONLY use the left adjustment bolts since the other bolts will influence the belt tension. This could degrade the performance of the treadmill. Do not tighten the belt to much. This will shorten the service life of the walking belt and it will make the drive motor run unnecessary heavy. ATTENTION Never use oil or a silicon spray as lubricant for the belt! The belt is self lubricating. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 59 6.6 Motor belt tension The tension of the motor belt can be checked by pulling the belt up and down in the middle between both pulleys. The full stroke must be about 10 mm. To change the tension of the belt remove the locking nut on the spanner socket screw of the motor belt. Turning the adjustment nut on the spanner socket screw will tilt the motor upwards (increase tension), or downwards (decrease tension). Caution: Do not over tighten the belt. This will shorten the service life of the motor belt and it will make the drive motor run unnecessary heavy. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 60 6.7 Inclination system The shaft of the inclination system should be kept clean and do not have to be lubricated as the motor is closed. By opening the motor housing the warranty will decline. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 61 6.8 Embedded software CIM and TCM In this chapter we would like to point out how to flash new firmware into the CIM (Communication Interface Module) and the TCM (Treadmill Control Module) starting from treadmill 929900 with serial number 20110120 If you are using OS, Windows 7 you can download a terminal program such as Tera Term. 1. Start Tera Term and setup a serial connection. 2. Choose the serial port on which the treadmill is connected 3. The following screen will appear Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 62 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Choose SETUP and select SERIAL PORT Set baud rate to 57600 Data Bit to 8 Parity None Stopbit 1 Flow control None Press OK when done 11. Start the treadmill and press ALT-B within 5 seconds after powering up. 12. The following screen should appear 13. Enter the service mode by selecting option “2” Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 63 14. To access the service menu enter the code “945900” 15. The following options can be selected, with the module overview the actual software can be shown. 16. Select update module software Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 64 17. Select the module number that you would like to flash the software from 18. Select Transfer in the terminal program 19. Choose XMODEM and Send 20. Select the XXXXX.CDE file that you would like to send Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 65 21. The complete upload will take a few minutes depending on the size of the file 22. When done, the message Module Flash successful, restart device will be shown. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 66 As soon as a OEM treadmill has been equipped with a control unit the RS232 port and USB port will be disabled. To activated the communication ports you have to put the control unit in terminal mode. The following description informs you how this can be done. Figure 1 1. Press and hold the two keys as shown on “figure 1” for 10 seconds. 2. Press the enter key till the display shows terminal 0 3. By using the “+” and “-“ keys for the grade adjustment you can change the “0” behind terminal to “1” to activate the Terminal mode. 4. Press enter and “prot id” will be shown on the display, for Lode protocol this should be set to “1” The following protocols can be selected 1 = Lode protocol 2 = Trackmaster communication protocol 3 = Woodway communication protocol 4 = HP Cosmos communication protocol 5 = GE Protocol Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 67 5. Press enter and baudrate will be displayed to set the correct baudrate, select “0” for auto select. The following baudrates can be set: Baudrate = 0 (Autoselect dependent on protocol-id) 2400; 4800; 9600; 19200; 38400; 57600 6. Press enter and “interface” will be displayed, you can choose communication port you would like to select. Interface = CIM interface choice 0 = RS232 1 = RS232-AUX 2 = USB 7. Press enter, the next step “Neg Elev” is read only and is “1” when a negative elevation option has been added to the treadmill, without a negative elevation option this value shows “0”. Neg Elev = Negatieve elevatie (read-only). 0 = not present 1 = present Press the stop button on the control unit or wait 10 second to leave the settings menu and let your changes take effect. Service manual OEM treadmill V2.03 68 ">

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Key features
- Reproducible stress tests
- Measures speed, time, distance, heart rate
- Manual and external control
- Designed for medical environment
- Optional software for PC control
Frequently asked questions
The Lode OEM treadmill ergometer is a diagnostic tool intended for use in a medical environment to create reproducible stress tests.
The Lode OEM treadmill ergometer can measure speed, time, distance, and heart rate.
The Lode OEM treadmill ergometer can be controlled manually or by external equipment, such as ECG or pulmonary function equipment. Optional software is also available for PC control.
The Lode OEM treadmill ergometer should be operated by well-trained medical specialists, such as cardiologists, pulmonologists, and physiotherapists.