Cuyuna engine Service Manual
Cuyuna Electric Start is a two-cycle engine that features a magneto ignition system and a magneto alternator system. The electrical current for both systems is produced by the flywheel magneto generator assembly. The ignition system provides the spark necessary to ignite the fuel/air mixture in the combustion chamber, while the magneto alternator system provides current for lights and electrical accessories. The engine also has a capacitor discharge ignition (CDI) system, which provides a stronger ignition at cranking speeds and eliminates the need for breaker point maintenance.
“o CT Ow ETE CE ным WM WE A TRE WER AWM STRSTR TEE ww Ry Cuyuna Service Manual Electric Start Section General - Magneto lgnition Theory ............. 62 Magneto Alternator System... .62-63 Capacitor Discharge Ignition Thecry —. ... ‚. 63-64 Point [gnition - Specifications ... .. 11111200 64 C.0.1. ignition - Specifications .. ...... ... ... 64 Ignition Cail Resistance Test .. .......... .. 65 ignition Generator Coil Resistance Test ... ....66 Condenser Test ... 06 Spark Plug Gap Resistance Test ............ 66 ignition Points Resistance Test... 0. 87 Charge Coil Resistance Test . 111122 210200 67 ignition Points Replacement . .. ....... .67-68 Condenser Replacement ©... 68-69 Point Igniticn Timing Procedure ..... o 69-70 Troubleshocting C.D.I. 2111114 . 70 Igrition Switch Test. TA Ignition Ground Test 11111100 A Spark Plug Gap Test 1 2222040 A External Coil Resistance Test. 1. 21 71-72 Charge Coil Resistance Test 1.211 - T2 Trigger Coil Resistance Test 111 21 111 — 72 Lighting Coll Resistance Test o 72 Checking ignition Timing (C.D.i.) . . ....... 72-73 C.0.!. Diagnostic Test Procedure .. 1 121200 74 Magneto Point Ignition Test Procedure . 75 Wiring Diagram - Single Cylinder Point ignition ‚76 Wiring Diagram - Twin Manual Start Point Ignition 77 Wiring Diagram - Twin € Single C.O.1. with Electric Start =... Co 78 Troubleshooting... - 79 61 General - Magneto Ignition The Cuyuna two-cycle engine electrical system con- sists of two, somewhat separate. systems; the ignition system and the magneto alternator system. Electrical current for both systems is produced by the flywheel magneto generator assembly, The flywheel magneto generator assembly, consists of the components listed below: Flywheel w/imagnets Base plate Lighting coil Generator coil Breaker points Condenser Felt lubricator External coil Spark plug CENA WN Another component that functions in the ignition system is the ignition switch. IGNITION COIL (STATOR) CONDENSER 1H POINTS ENGINE CONNECTOR CUYUNA SERVICE MANUA Magneto Alternator System - Ignition The magneto alternator system produces current that provides the spark necessary to ignite the fuel/air mix- ture in the combustion chamber. and also, current which allows for operation of the lights and electrical accessories. To produce and control the necessary voltage required for ignition, a number of electrical components are used in conjunction with each other. FLYWHEEL-MOUNTED PERMANENT MAGNETS Provide a moving magnetic field when the flywheel is rotating around the generating coil and lighting coils. CONDENSER — dr SPARK PLUGE Blue/Red 15 EXTERNAL IGNITION COILS 15 = SPARK PLUG] IGNITION SCHEMATIC General - Magneto Ignition The Cuyuna two-cycle engine electrical system con- sists of two, somewhat separate. systems; the ignition system and the magneto alternator system. Electrical current for both systems is produced by the flywheel magneto generator assembly. The flywheel magneto generator assembly, consists of the components listed below: Flywheel w/magnets Base plate Lighting coil Generator coil Breaker points Condenser Felt lubricator External coil Spark plug О 99 а О) сл А ео по Another component that functions in the ignition system is the ignition switch. IGNITION COIL (STATOR) CONDENSER 1 POINTS ENGINE CONNECTOR CUYUNA SERVICE MANUA Magneto Alternator System - Ignition The magneto alternator system produces current that provides the spark necessary to ignite the fuel/air mix- ture in the combustion chamber, and also, current which allows for operation of the lights and electrical accessories. To produce and control the necessary voltage required for ignition, a number of electrical components are used in conjunction with each other FLYWHEEL-MOUNTED PERMANENT MAGNETS Provide a moving magnetic field when the flywheel is rotating around the generating coil and lighting coils. CONDENSER нь - = | BluelRed 15 EXTERNAL IGNITION COILS 15 1 = SPARK PLUG] T IGNITION SCHEMATIC SPARK PLUGE oe: НЫЙ сд CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL the SCR switch is closed or triggered by a puise from the pulser coil. The position of this pulser coil, in rela- tion to the magnets and the piston, triggers the SCR at the precise moment to ensure the most efficient com- bustion. When the SCR switch closes, a circuit is com- pleted from the capacitor to the ignition coll primary. As a result, current flows through the external ignition coil primary. “IA | SECONDARY PRIMARY (NITION | | e i SWITCH ee — | sox J pri | | CAPACITOR | | i | RECTIFIER PULSING COIL | ; A SX EXCITING + COIN y | |. (A meeceeees ce MAGNETO As previous'y stated, the external ignition coil is made of two separate windings; a low voltage “primary” and high voltage “secondary”. As current fiows through the ‘primary’ the magnetic field builds up, resulting in the induction of the “secondary”. Because of the required high voltage current that is needed to jump the air gap between the center and side electrodes of the spark plug, a considerable in- crease in voltage must take place. But how is this increase in voltage generated? The wire turn ratio of the secondary is considerably more thar that of the primary, which accounts for the in- creased secondary output. Because the secondary has a high voltage output, it is wound above the primary, which prevents a short circuit of the coil. Because the secondary is wound above the primary, the magnetic force lines of the primary are broken, resulting in the induction of an eletromotive force (EMF) in the secondary. Therefore, the secondary allows high voltage current to flow to the spark plug and jump the alr gap between the center and side electrode. At the moment of spark, the compressed fuel/air mixture in the combus- tion chamber is ignitied, causing expansion and a single power pulse. The timing of the ignition spark, as previously stated, is accomplished by a trigger impulse to the CDI unit and SCR switch. The trigger impulse is induced in the pulser coil by the flywheel magnets. The SCR requires a certain voltage to actuate it. At cranking speeds and low RPM there is enough voltage to actuate the SCR when the piston is a few degrees before top dead center (BTDC). Advancing the timing by electronic means insures easy starting and maximum efficiency at high BPM. The most important advantages of CDI are: stronger ignition at cranking speeds, no maintenance requirements of breaker points, and simpler adjustment of timing. These result in easier starting, peak performance and low maintenance. Other components that function in the ignition system, but are not mounted on the engine, Include: the ignition switch. The ignition is calleda “closed cir- cuit’ CDI system. This means the circuit must be complete between the yeliow/black ignition wire and ground, using a switch, before the igntion will func- tion. Point Ignition - Specifications Description - Part Number Resistance Test Test Connections Ignition Coil-Primary 000-43-056-060 | 1.9 ohms = 10% (+) Blue term. (—) Ground Ignition Coil-Secondary 000-43-056-060 | 5100 ohms + 15% (+) High Ten Lead ( —) Ground Generating Coll 000-43-211-000 | 3.7 ohms + 7% (+) Black { —) Black Lighting Coil-30 watt 000-43-207-000 | 2.2 ohms € 10% ( +) Green (—) Green/Black Lighting Coll-120 watt 000-43-206-000 | 1.5 ohms + 10% (+) Yellow (— ) Yellow/Black Points 000-43-062-240 1 ohm (+) Blue-Blue/Red ( —) Ground Condenser 000-43-065-160 | Open (+) Terminal ( —) Case Spark Plug Cap 002-44-224-200 1000 ohms + 10% (+) Plug Term. End (—) Wire End Ignition Timing 18° BTDC, 0707-078" BTDC, 1.8mm-2.0mm (Full Advance) C.D.l. Ignition - Specifications Description Part Number Resistance Test Test Connections Ignition Coil-Primary tgnition Coil-Secondary 000-43-209-000 000-43-209-000 Spark Piug Cap 002-44-443-000 33 ohm + 15% 3900 ohms + 20% | Between High Tension Charge Coil 000-43-205-000ASM | 150 ohms + 10% Trigger Coll 000-43-205-000ASM | 2.2 ohms + 10% Lighting Coil 000-43-205-000ASM | 18 ohms + 10% 5000 ohms = 10% (+) Blue/White (— ) Black Leads with caps removed (+) Red/Black (—) Black/Red (+) Black/White ( —) Black/Red (+) Yellow ( —) Yellow (+) Plug. Term. End ( —) Wire End tgnition Timing 28° or .174 at 1800 RPM - 18° or .078 at 6000 RPM 64 ———— rt me еее ee Testing Point Ignition Components Before any disassembly of the ignition components is started, a few simple test procedures should be car- ried out to determine if the ignition system is truely the problem. Many times, time and money are both wasted in replacement of ignition components. when the problem is elsewhere. Below is a test procedure that has proven to cut time in troubleshooting ignition problems. tt will first assist you in pinpointing the problem area and then if elec- trical, finding the problem. ENGINE FAILS TO START 1-42 Remove the spark plug (plugs) from the engine and inspect them to determine if they are fouled. 2-42 Place new spark plugs into the spark plug caps and ground the spark plugs to the cylinder Be sure the plugs are properly gapped. 3-42 Grasp the recoil hanale and crank the engine over briskly. Observe the spark plug firing tip for spark. Be sure the ignition switch is in the “ON position. 4-42 1f no spark is seen, inspect the two black leads to make sure they are in good condition. Inspect the outer rubber coating of these wires, from the engine to the ignition switch to make sure the in- sulation isn't rubbed through anywhere, causing a short circuit. 5-42 If the ignition switch leads are in good condition, disconnect them from the ignition switch and isolate the wire ends ta prevent them from grounding. Grasp the recoil handle and once again crank the engine over while observing the spark plugs for spark. If spark is now present, the ignition switch is faulty. If there isn't any spark noted. the problem is with one of the igni- tion components. Follow the procedure below, using an onmmeter. Ignition Coil Resistance Test (External) PRIMARY WINDING 1-43 Disconnect both the ground lead (brown wire) and the blue or blue/red lead from the ignition coll CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL 2-43 Set the onmmeter scale selector knob to the X1 scale. 3-43 Touch the meter leads together and zero the need'e. 4-43 Touch the ohmmeter leads to each of the spade connectors of the ignition coil. If the primary win- ding is in good condition the meter should read 1.9 ohms + 10%. SECONDARY WINDING 1-44 Remove the spark plug cap from the spark plug wire by rotating the cap counter-clockwise. 2-44 Disconnect both the blue and brown ground leads from the ignition cot. 3-44 Set the ohmmeter selector knob on the X1K scale. 4-44 Touch the ohmmeter leads together and zero the meter needle. 5-44 Connect the red ohmmeter lead to the spark wire. Touch the remaining black ohmmeter lead to either of the spade connectors of the ignition coil. The ohmmeter should read 5100 ohms + 15%. CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL Ignition Generator 1-45 Remove the recoil starter Remove the starter cup anc belt pulleys from the flywheel 2-45 Insert a small piece of cardboard between the points to prevent them from making contact Do this on both sets if you are working on a twin- cylinder model. 3-46 Touch the red lead of the ohmmeter (set on X1) to the center post of the condenser and ground the black ohmmeter lead to the condenser case. The ohmmeter must read open. !f the ohmmeter shows continuity, the condenser must be replac- ed. 4-46 Set the ohmmeter on X1K and repeat test. With the meter set on X1K, you should note a slight jump In the needle as the condenser takes on a small charge from the ohmmeter. Reverse the tester leads and you will again observe a slight needie movement. This indicates the condenser IS good. 3-45 Remove the blue lead from each ignition coi and mare sure they are isolated from the engine. Note their location so they can be re-installed correctly. Also remove the two black leads from the ignition switch and isolate them, make sure they do not touch the air frame or engine. 4-45 Set the onmmeter selector knob on the X1 posi- tion. Touch the tester leads together and zerc the meter needle. 5-45 Touch the ohmmeter lead to each of the black ig- nition leads. The ohm reading shouid be 3.7 ohms + 10%. - Condenser Test 1-46 Disconnect the blue lead from each ignition coll and isolate them so they do not touch the engine. 2-46 Remove the recoil, starter cup and belt pulleys. Using a couple of small cardboard pieces, block both sets of points open. Е NOTE: On the 215 single cylinder model, you must block the points open and remove the screw securing the remaining generating coil lead to the stator plate. Make sure this ground lead doesn’t touch any part of the engine during the test procedure. 66 Spark Plug Cap 1-47 The Bosch spark plug cap is a 1000 ohm resistor type cap. To test this component, first remove it from the spark plug wire by turning it counter- clockwise. Continue this rotation untit the cap is free of the spark plug wire, Sel the ohmmeter selector knob on X1K scale and zero the needle. Touch the two ohmmeter leads to either end of the spark plug cap, making a good connection at each end. The ohmmeter should register 1000 ohms + 10%, Ignition Points 1-48 The ignition points can also be tested using the ohmmeter to determine their condition. If the points have been blocked open with cardboard during previous test, remove the cardboard allowing the points to make good contact. If the points appear to be dirty pass the cardboard be- tween the contacts severa! times to remove any oil or any traces of dirt. 2.48 Set the ochmmeter selector knob on the X1 scale and zero the needle. 3-48 Touch the two ohmmeter leads to either side of the contact points. If more than 1 ohm resist ance is registered, the points should be replac- ed. Do not try tiling the point contacts to restore them. Always install new points if the present set doesn't meet the above specification or if they are burnt or pitted. Resistance Test e CAUTION Y If the charging system is being used to charge a battery, disconnect the battery to prevent damage to the ohmmeter. 1-49 Disconnect the four charge coil wires from the electrical system. These would be the two (2) green and two (2) yellow wires. The two (2) green wires are from the small 30 watt coll and the two (2) yellow leads are from the 120 watt coll. 2-49 Set the ohmmeter scale selector on the X1 posi- tion. Touch the tester leads together and zero the meter. 3-49 Touch the red onmmeter lead to the areen wire and the black ohmmeter lead to the green/black wire Your tester should read 2.2 ohms + 10%. 4-49 Next, locate the solid yellow and yellow/black wires. Touch the red tester lead to the solid yellow wire and the black tester lead to the vellowblack wire. The resistance should be 1.5 ohms + 10%. CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL ignition Points Replacement + 50 Remove lhe recoil starter cup, belt pulley and flywheel from the engine. Refer to the engine disassembly section of this manual for instruc- tions covering removal of these components. To aid in taking better photographs, the stator plate has been removed from the engine However, during ignition point replacement, it can be left in place. 2-50 Using a small ignilion wrench, remove the nut and lockwasher securing the blue and black leads to the point set. Remove the wires. = 3-50 Remove the single screw securing the point set to the stator plate. Lift the point set free of the stator plate. 4-50 Remove the new point set from its package and account for the small tube of grease sent with each set. 5-50 Apply the grease behind the point set rubbing block as shown. Only a small amount Is required. 67 CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL 6-50 Set the points into position on the stator plate and secure with the single attaching screw. Be sure the wires are routed properly under the point plate before tightening the attaching screw. If any of these wires are pinched. a short circuit of the ignition system will result. 7-50 Position the blue and black wires onto the small 8-50 securing screw, next to the white nyion in- sulating washer. Secure with nut and lockwasher. Be sure that neither of the wire brass eyelets touch any metal surfaces or the ig- nition will be grounded. Hold the brass eyalels wilh a needle nose pliers as the securing nut is tightened lo prevent them from turning or twisting. After installing new points, pre-set the point gap to .015. This can be done easiest by removing the cam from the flywheel and installing it on the crankshaft. Rotate the cam until its lobe comes In contact with the point rubbing block. Continue to rotate the cam until the points open tc their widest gap. At this point, adjust the gap to 015. Final point gap adjustment will be done during engine timing. Condenser Replacement 1-51 2-51 3-51 4-51 Remove the recoil, starter cup, belt puiley flywheel and fan housing from the engine. Refer to the engine disassembly section of this manual for instructions covering removal of these components. Scribe a reterence line on the stator plate and fan housing for assembly purposes. Remove the two screws that secure the stator plate to the fan housing and remove the stator plate, Using a soldering gun, remove the black wires from the top of the defective condenser. En . 5-51 From the backside of the stator plate, drive the condenser tree of its mounting position. 5 Using a socket that is the same diameter as the condenser, position socket, condenser and stator plate between the jaws of a small vise. Using the vise as a press, slowly close the vise jaws, pressing the condenser into place. 7-51 Only press the condenser into the stator plate until its tlat bottom surtace is flush with the bot- tom edge of the mounting bore, Be careful not to Kink or bulge the sices of the condenser case, 8-51 Using resin core solder, re-solder the two black leads to the top of the new condenser Make certain that these wires do not come in contact with the condenser case or the ignition will be shorted. 9-51 install the stator back into the fan nousing. meak- Ing sure none of the wires are pinched on the backside. Align the two scribe marks and secure with the two screws and ¡:ockwashers. Engine timing must be checked when engine IS re- assembled Procedure (P 1-52 Remove the reca:!, starter cup. belt pulieys and spark plugs from the engine. NOTE: Inspect the tiywheel to determine if “E the advance arm spring has been removed. If it hasn't, remove it using a needle nose pliers, working through the opening in the flywheel face. Grasp the spring at either end and carefully stretch it out through the opening until it unhooks from the advance arm and the stationary moun- ting post and discard it. In using this method, there is no need to remove the flywheel. Inspect the spring once removed to be sure it hasn’ broken off, leaving part of the spring inside the flywheel. The spring isn’t used with the new tim- ing specification. 2-52 Locate the two screws securing the stator plate to the fan housing Loosen these screws and rotate the stator plate full clockwise (Tull retard- ed) and re-tighten screws, securing the stator plate in the full retardec position EN NOTE: When adjusting the timing to the new specifications (.070 - .078 or 1.8 - 2.0mm), timing on both cylinders is set by adjusting the point gap on each set of points. As pointed out above, the advance spring must be removed to assure easier starting. If the spring isn’t removed, starting becomes very difficult. CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL 3-52 Install a dial indicator assembly into the spark plug hole of the Number two (2) cylinder (fan side). 4-52 Attach a continuity light or ohmmeter with one lead to ground, the other lead io the biue/red coll wire. Disco! mec: the wire from the coil. 5-52 Rotate the tiywheel clockwise and observe the dial indicator needle movement. Continue ta rotate the flywheel clockwise until the indicator needie changes direction. Rotate the indicators outer face until the zero on the dial, coincides exactly at the point of direction change. Where the indicator changes direction 1$ known as (1.D.C) top dead center. 6-52 Hotate the flywheel counler-clockwise from (T.D.C) top dead center, until the indicator nee- dle indicates .070 to .078, or 1.8 to 2.0mm. At this point, make sure the advance arm is pushed fuily open or out against its stop. CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL 7-52 With the advance arm in the full advance posi ton, the continuity light should dim in the range of .070 to .078 or 1.8 to 2.0mm. If you are using a ohmmeter, you should observe a needle deflection if timing is correct. if neither of these are observed, you must adjust the point gap to correct timing. Position the flywheel, so that the indicator nee- dle indicates .078 or 2.0mm. While holding the fywhee! in this position with one hand, insert a screwdriver blade into the adjustment notch of the point plate and between the two aluminum post of the stator plate. NOTE: There is no need to loosen the screw securing the point set to the stator plate. Leave it tight during this procedure and you will save considerable time. 9-52 While holding the flywheei at .078 or 2.0 mm. twist the screwdriver left or right while observ- ing the continuity light or ohmmeter. As soon as you note a light intensity change or needle deflection, remove the screwdriver and recheck timing. Rotate the flywheel counter-clockwise until the needle indicates .100 (B.T.D CJ before top dead center. Next rotate the flywheel clockwise until you see the light change intensi- ty, or the chmmeter needle deflect. S:op at that exact point and note the indicator reading. It must be between .070 10.078 0r 1.8 102.0 mm. If the indicator needle is out of these specification, again repeat all of step 8-52 89-52. After you have the timing set on the #2 cylinder, install the dial indicator into the #1 cylinder spark plug hole (P.T.O. side) and repeat the same procedure. Both cylinders must de timed within .002 or .05 mm of each other. 11-52 When timing the number one cylinder, attach the continuity tester lead to the solid blue wire. It is found attached to the ignition coll nearest the P.T.O, side or number one cylinder. Re- install the blue/red wire on the number two igni- tion coil. 70 ul NOTE: After the timing procedure is com- pleted, rotate the {flywheel counter- clockwise until the points are on the high side of the cam or at their maximum open position, observed through the largest opening in the flywheel. Check gap using a feeler gauge. Point gap must be between .012 to .016 or 0.71 to 0.81 mm. Correct ignition timing will ignite the compressed fuel/air mixture in the combustion chamber, just before the piston reaches the top of its stroke. Timing Is measured in distance from top dead center or in degrees of crankshaft rotation. Correct timing greatly influences performance. Im- proper timing causes a decrease in horsepower, overheating and increased fuel consumption, and can also shorten engine life. In the point ignition system, the breaker points on the magneto stator plate work as a switch that interrupts current flow from the generating coil to the primary winding of the external ignition coil. if the point gap is too small, current flow cannot be interrupted totally because a small amount will jump the close gap. If the gap Is too large, the quantity of current decreases because the breaker points will interrupt the flow to the primary, before the winding of the generating coil are fully saturated. In either case, performance is in- fluenced because high voltage cannot be produced consistently. Troubleshooting CD Ignition Tne troubleshooting procedure for the close circuit 1g- nition system, is much different than what is used for the standard open circuit type systems. In the stan- dard open circuit ignitions, the ignition depends on an open ignition switch to operate. In the “closed” cir- cult ignition system, the ignition lead must be ground- ed before the ignition will operate. To troubleshoot the “closed ignition system. use the following pro- cedure: 1-53 Remove the spark piugs and visually check elec- trod condition. Replace any fouled plug. Attach the spark plugs to the high tension leads and ground them on the cylinder heads. | NOTE: Make sure the ignition switch is in the “ON” position, and both spark plugs are grounded to the cylinder head. 2-53 Crank the engine over quickly and check for spark. If no spark is seen, check to make sure the ignition switch is “ON”, and that the there is a good connection from the yellow/black ignition wire to the switch and a good ground from the switch to the engine. After making these checks, again crank the engine over. If no spark is pre- sent, proceed to step 3. & CAUTION @ Spark plugs must be in- stalled and grounded to engine. Never crank the engine over without having the spark plugs at- tached to the high tension leads and grounded, as damage to the ё. D.I. unit may result. 3-53 Disconnect the yeliow/black !ead from the igni- tion switch, then using a short piece of wire. ground the yeilow/black wire to the engine (any clean, unpainted metal surface) Crank the engine over. If spark 's now present, the pro- biem is either one or more of the following. A Defective ignition switch. B. Corroded or ioose wire connection at the ignition switch connec- tor. C Poor ground connection. To check these possible causes, proceed to Switch Test” 'gnitio Ignition Switch Test Remove both the ground and ignition leads from the ignition switch. attach the Using an ohmmeter or continuity ight. the two tester leads to either wire termina: o? switch. 3-54 With the switch in the ciosed position. your tester must show full continuity. the tester shows an open circuit, double check your test connections. If the connections are correct. replace the switon. nition 1-55 As stated before, this ignition system wili not function unless it is first properly grounded. To test for this, attach a short jumper lead to the single yellow and black ignition wire. Ground the jumper lead to any clean unpainted surface on the engine, 2-55 With the spark plugs grounded ‘о the cylinder heads, grasp the recoil rope anc crark the engine over sharply. If spark is present at the spark plug electrods, check the wiring harness to and from the ignition switch for both a good ground and tightness. If no spark 15 present. proceed to checking the elec- trical system components. using an onmmeter. When testing the electrical system, always start by testing the easier components tirst. When testing the dif- ferent electrical components, there is one that cannot be tested accurately. itis the C.D.{. box or amplifier. If all the other components test ‘good’. the CD! unit can then be assumed to be the problem. Al resistance specifications and test connections are given in an easy-to-follow test procedure. 71 CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL Spark Plug Cap Res stance T est 1-56 Remove the spark plug caps from the high ten- sion leads by turning them counter-clockwise. 2-56 Set the onmmeter selector on the X1K position, then touch the leads together and zero the meter. 3-56 In turn, on each cap. connect one meter lead to one end of the cap, connect the other meter lead to the other end of the cap. 4-56 Spark plug cap resistance must be 5000 ohms + 10%. External Coil (Primary Winding Resistance) 1-57 Set the ohmmeter scale selector on the X1K scale and zero the meter, 29-57 Test between the white/blue and black leads in the double plug connector. CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL 3-57 The resistance must be 33 ohms + 15% External Coil (Secondary Winding Resistance) 1-58 Set the ohmmeter scale selector on the X1K position and zero the meter. 2-58 Remove the spark plug caps and perform the test between the two high tension leads. Argent me rom À 3-58 The resistance must be 3900 ohms + 20% Charge Coil Resistance Test 1-59 Set the ohmmeter scale selector on the X100 scale. 2-59 Disconnect the triple and the double plug con- nectors from the engine magneto to the CD! unit. Test between the black/red lead in the triple plug and the red/black lead in the double plug connectors from the engine wiring harness és a 3-59 The resistance must read 180 onms + 10%. Resistance Test 1-60 Set the ohmmeter scale selector on the X1 posi- tion and zero the meter. 2-60 Disconnect the triple and double plug connec- tors from the C.D.I. unit. Perform test on wires leading into the engine magneto. 3-60 Test between the black/white and blackired leads in the triple piug. 4-60 The resistance must be 2.2 onms + 10%. Lighting Coil Resistance Test 1-61 Set the onmmeter scale selector on the X1 pasi- tion and zero the meter. 2-61 Testbetween the two solid yellow leads found in the double plug connector from the engine magneto. 3-61 The resistance must be 18 ohms + 10%. я u E Checking Ignition Timing С.Э! ignition timing must be checked with the engine running, using a good automotive timing light The closed circuit C.D. ignition used on the Cuyuna engine has a retarding timing curve. As the engine RPM increases, you will note that timing actually -etards instead of advancing as is so commonly seen. With this type of retarding curve. the engine has Im- oroved torque at lower engine speeds. To check engine timing. follow the procedure below. NOTE: With the C.D.l. ignition, each spark ES plug fires twice per revolution and the igni- tion advance mechanism is controlled electrical- ly. Because both spark plugs fire at the same time, it is only necessary to time one of the two cylinders as the other will also be correct. Engine timing must be checked at the specified RPM, called out in the instructions. 1.62 Remove the spark plugs ‘rom the engine. 2-52 Install a dial indicator into the number two cylinder (Magneto side). Locate top dead cenier (T.D.C) and rotate the flywheel counter- clockwise from top dead center 174 or 4.4mm before top dead center (B.T.D.C.). While holding the flywheel at .174 or 4.4mm, place a mark on the flywheel that aligns with the long stationary “run” indicator line of the fan housing. 3-62 Remove the dial indicator and install spark plugs. torauing them to 20 ft. ibs. Secure spark plug wires to the spark plugs 44. WARNING 4&8 To avoid injury, stake air- craft stationary while checking engine timing. Be extremely careful around the propeller area. 4-62 Connect positive and negative ieads from timing ight to power source and clamp the remaining lead to either spark plug wire. Start engine and run at 1800 RPM. Direct the timing light towards the timing mark on the fan housing. At 1800 RPM, the scribed mark on the flywheel must align with the stationary mark on the fan hous- Ing. 5-62 If timing needs to be adjusted, remove the recol! starter, starter cup and belt pulleys. CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL 6-62 Working through the openings provided in the flywheel face, loosen the two stator plate fasten- ing screws. Rotate the stator plate clockwise 10 retard the timing and counter-clockwise to ad- vance liming. Re-tighten the two stator plate screws and assemble starter assembly 10 engine. Bun the engine and re-check timing. CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL CDI Diagnostic Test Sequence Ignition Switches Check for good ground from yellow/ black to engine Spark Plug Cap Resistance 5000 ohm Stator Plate Resistance Test — Exciter Coil | — Pulser Coil }+— CONDITION 1. Weak (yellow or no spark at spark plugs 2. Failure to arc 3/8" needle gap 3. Hard starting 4. Plug fouling 5. Mistire 6. Loss of power INSPECT Wire Harness Connector Junction Blocks Corroded Terminals Stator to CDI Box CD! Box to Sec. Coil Secondary Coll Test Secondary Primary Resistance Resistance High Tension Cable Leakage 74 CDI Control Box | Replace | CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL Magneto Point Ignition Diagnostic Test Sequence CONDITION Loss of power 1. Weak (yellow) or no spark plugs 2. Failure to arc 3/8" needle gap 3. Hard starting 4. Plug fouling 5. Misfire 6. Ignition Switches INSPECT Wire Harness Terminal Connections Connector Junction Blocks Disconnect - Test Spark Plug Cap Res. Test 1000 ohm Stator to Secondary Coil Stator Plate Secondary Coil Resistance Test Breaker Points Condition - Adjust Engine Timing Generator Coil 3.7 ohm LC Condenser Test | Test ] 1 | Secondary Primary Coil Power Resistance Resistance Test High Tension Cable Leakage 75 CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL 76 (OLINDYW HOSOa) 19\У 15 ЛУПМУИ 319NIS SNIYIM - NYHOYIG | (4315 D 'LHOIT JD NOILYJ34H0C 4324044 ISASNI OL JIYINSIY <1 INIDNT Od AIL TH/ HOLY TINOTH HO AHOL:7119 3H NIIMLID ANNCY9 ILYNDIAYÁ -SAILON — - I О | | = | = Г HA) IMS a NADO ЭМ! ха ! do a \ 05 7 J thr! | TYNOTL 40 | г pis O NAAA | oa Y Ad 1] DAT | IT IA | o HILIMS] | | | | INIWIAO LG HOLIINNOI | | 193/9230 | HIYL | — — ; _ | SIYIM | - a de | | | | | | | | F1HWI47 3718W nv (cc | | — from à À HOLITNNOI | m / | ЦР | | HOVTE > 306625600 | NUYOVIA ONIMIM HOLY-NOIS 39817101 | | | ADVE / TOI NAS " NOL о INC LN / A INS (103735 не + / — bo — 3 TT DNS 3104 $ LIHMOS! = ! : | | ! C) FE T до Hildii93a | +МЗАЗЛО М o MOTA | NO ANTROS dO yoliyinoay — HIYL Eo STOUT TOSCO 9 == TT AINI3TS JANLIILOSI-> | | | 1 | | | AO Fo Saa Ш SISSHHIT | г ! с Le a : [5 LHI НОО А | | No OL. INTO | MOTTIA | EE in Ш = | | o | 7 do HI 19 /MOTIJA À + +, 1 | | IT INTE IM 931411 934/ 01 47N93y oro JONG a O 900 -% 5 -200] = A CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL (OLANDVW HOSO09) LHVLS TVANVIN NIML ONIHIM - NVHOVIG SISSYHI a © o PO HOLIMS | la | OL ANINCHO HOLEINO3IY O | | PI 71M 149-NO 2 27 + © Ai | | TNO AG = | x À ` 1 ‘ | NOS | | OL N3a5 — NZLSAS ONILHO!1 40 NCILWSIdO 839084 3/0SN3 Os CO3vin030 SI ZNIONG Ci наи 039/801 N93 во YHOLSTNOZE NTJIML IT ONNOMO ZLYNOIIUC SALÓN ANIONI | ie o MYBB a — | [HOV18/NI 3459 | 100006 N3289 COLONACEGNOCDO! dan] моля 9 y 910 ОБИ 93141193 5/ 60197003 | yr ps NMyed3u 7 dasIA38 et] 77 | ево! | 7 Г G33v5134 DE сы ОЗ ONO Eo 29531 , Ady | Fiv ¡HI! ET] ATA. 710 ONlaim LIE 3991704 | 100 №35 NOILdO $ 3NO 193736 hg - mm EEE в — | Lo = TA | 1 EA II I~ T ЗО | | CMOTIZA | < < DE Non À, 314110038 AHOLYIND3Yy CHIEN 1 1 OF NILHO! EN otage e > ET LL MOV TT == [= + | | en | GLIDUdHT | В as NCHE | 8 | во 28977 | SN | | 303315 3A1L93L0Hd — / me o MOTA MOTA г o EM US ai NOU | | — | A od Nona | MOY IE /MOTT3A _———— ен оо 77 CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL | УСН — HILUYLS T aTEY7 HOLON Lo 77 YHILHOLS BACH dD RE AZ — TN (OLINDVIN H9SO8) A¥3L LYE Yaldil 73% + | uQi9 093M ABIL LYRE LYVI1S 21419313 - IE mz, zo Y NIML ONIBIM - WWU9VId || + aA Нику | ST xl | @oLvinD3d 17907 | — +. m monanos-/ 18 vm [5 Holm Mm O г И a O | 6 5 Z 2. $ £ = — | 1XVIS 7417313 YO POLY ADDY 3OVLIDA NoE с |! > — SISSY © - Lo .. da / 30481 4 208 Y y ; La : и PES RS Mm LH “ m 330. У = m МСОТ — 7 ЭМЗ — YY Neue / TT LG 4 Zz мехов) + nN < | © E A ACA CIN:, z | о = | E ¢ ell - 3 я & | я NTR? | : © 2 eme a BL | Do > ñ LI | 5 4 7 / 0 ño IND! 1 ! de NY 1 , / "Wve — . | _ | SA AYILLVS 8, HO 74 350 7 Sa YE 2 NL SALON у L.] Lo a | ha + * Ad i В ar SPAS PR E 2 e o / и O YY TT RY TE RNR — inanzcon A A e O ONILADA X 7 VE / MOTA HOWL INES и) Y IDONYED ay MOSI Na Tamm Med a Wve 1 . o 79 wood TT ANY MB 1 | CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL 53719997 C35V3 116 tivg HI ON 233 JONVHD 10 NC: 1 «1455 30 MOSI 310d* O | Y | 50675067 Ad с т- 200 MOTA | | | | | ! | | ve, ONUHAIT ———— | INIONT (0990200028 | (09) LUVIS OIM19313 - S19NIS HO NIML ONIBIM - WVHOVIO | | | to | т ~ | m D Fr 7 a SISSYHI OL ANNOH9: О a С ООО = = D 1 7 = смен? H3l8yls 8314119935 HOLY TIND3Y HILLS 1 = 10m 5 Ne af < 11987 >. m г -- po sg = $ D | / X 7919 | © > HOLOW — | Pd A DOTA 7 - > NOH JW Za At —— | Е (NS | 20° m O HILLS > AMIL LIEGE TE | ВЕ Y | | | x . | | | | o RL POT | 31952 | o _ o Lo о | 3 | = 1 | ve | LL АОН | | I 371969 | | | HILIMS| = e ; LL 5 DO SC Linde = VA 2 2 | 2 : ION 3908 Ci 1072819 - MOLINA 1234409 NO-110\ > A |5! a | Ос ET E | SE 3 a Ea | N3349 mi © © Do 4 : | — но те СОН of 2 X © SEAT | В POTTE SRT р el аа EL ие Та 0114 o | SIJIM TA EM ПОЛО о В | _ Зо ina” hs a “dy — — | LL 000 — PONIA А Lo — LHON „О — 4 a OT Cm ot —_- LA Na ———————_————————— -— — | = 7 MO173A ip < N A a D ATTY HON N3349 | — = HILIMS “* —— "a 6. о 1107 NILUYLS | Ga UT a 2 | lg | монымо! . pa <<) ; HOY 1g HM TONE |Z) = 288 3 id LNILIZAON HOBL — E a a. ARO NOE 8 + HO 9, 350 U A + бор { m > > * + LN TINY HO lo хо EI 3 | ES TOY LNO? ———— | . ImMa/3LIHM| ——— Ll rf aa MID NE REE i pT ren PE AY aT Ed 79 CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL (ra'9) 14Y1S 1YANYIN - 319NIS HO NIML DNIHIM * NVHOVIG | D 13N19N3 | r i > z _- _ SISSYHI OL ANNOY9 i. | — 55V 104 | SONO “+ [TI / t i = < o > — 1 — © 1.07 | 7105 i т лоу dl | = N 39 nr 4199141] > | A | > T | ~ MOTTA | | E \ HOL2INNDD 7 | A) POT Ri | MOTA = | ——— __ x | ALi, B | | MOT EN | / 73 zn [Z] Í —— | - _ | LNIWIAOUW 5 и + L-—_ SI4IM yÿ2 9! | | HIVLB a | IT TT и Fo JOLDINNGD OA y И o! | | WHO IG INIYIM HOLYIN9IN 3991707 | | =» NO Lu —— НАНА ОННННИ me — 2 Le i с L „3! NOILdO $ ANO 193137 bo | = INIWIAOW HIVI-f- UA | | NOILAO ep | o ; o AFILLGE — TT = | | | | a | -— | Fe |; NAS Oi 12359797 UL | | MOTIJA — | = — | SiH TT — | 10 NOLS! УМО! Ld | AZ /AO TÍA oT | Sob - ds ERE — | ay AOLIINNDII LL -; y a A Lee | NEI Nid IM 4314/193H/40 ©) SOLANO? \ 7 9 1H „= o 7 Lg | | — - - Hr CAF LSAS OMILIHON 49 T09-LNO9 NOT 41d0 AHid0Hd 3IHANSNT OL Чан базы TR Fl 1801 NMYHd Id J diSTAJY q Si INIINÍ OL MALALLIIS 40:99 3d 39, ST —| 2014709384 NIINLIF ONN099 31900304 (0 3070 [43 99 PON 223 JONVHD 50 NO:LIMISIO 0 AT 260-200-4520) 5 JL ON — = 80 y j Zi В Но À4 LA ho i A В 4 4 - E a 3 CUYUNA SERVICE MANUAL Troubleshooting Engine Performance. shooting Section. (ELECTRICAL) TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY No lights. 1. Open Circuit: 1. Repair or replace faulty or damaged element. Faulty Switch Separated Connector Cut Wiring. 2. Wiring shorted to ground: 2. Repair or replace damaged or faulty element. Damaged Insulation. = 3. Faulty Regulator 3. Replace regulator. (Shorted SCH). Dim lights. 1 Shorted lighting coil. 1 Replace armature piate or coil. 2. Faulty regulator - Incorrect | 2. Replace regulator. regulator set point (too low). Burned out lights 1. Faulty regulator - Incorrect { 1. Replace regulator and failed bulbs. (all). set point (too high). Burned out lights 2. Failed bulb. 2. Replace bulb. (individual). Burned out lights. 3. Intermittent short in wire 3. Repair or replace wire harness harness. Engine won't run. 1 Open or shorted windings | 1. Replace armature plate. in ignition coils (stator). weak or no spark. 2 Open or shorted windings | 2. Replace external coti in external ignition cor. 3. Shorted condanser - dirty | 3. Replace condenser. or worn -4. Damaged (burned) points. 14 Replace ports. Engine won't run - 1. Burned or fouled plugs. 1, Replace plugs. Determine that correct plugs are Adequate spark. being used. CHECK ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING. 2. See Engine Trouble- shooting Section. Unacceptable 3. See Engine Trouble- 81 ">
Key Features
- Magneto ignition
- Magneto alternator
- CDI system
- Electric Start
- Two-cycle engine
Frequently asked questions
What is the purpose of the magneto ignition system?
The magneto ignition system provides the spark necessary to ignite the fuel/air mixture in the combustion chamber.
What is the purpose of the magneto alternator system?
The magneto alternator system provides current for lights and electrical accessories.
What are the benefits of the CDI system?
The CDI system provides a stronger ignition at cranking speeds and eliminates the need for breaker point maintenance.