Onan BFA, BGA BF SPEC A, BFA, BGA, NH SPEC K-P, BF SPEC B, NH SPEC J generator Service manual
The Onan BF Spec A Generator Set is a powerful and reliable generator that provides backup power for a variety of applications. It features a durable construction and a comprehensive wiring diagram for easy troubleshooting and maintenance. The generator's design includes a comprehensive control panel, a relay system, a voltage regulator, and a fuel pump. This generator is built to meet the rigorous demands of industrial and residential applications.
WIRING DIAGRAM SCHEMATIC DELUXE STANDARD AZ. REMOTE CONTROL REF! A} REMOTE CONTROL (REF! | | i o à ea? [= 52 | Т| === | i | Е N | LIFE Fa I Ki EZ + --— E E CA Cl Ш, К E4 Ni yl | - Es - О El E; — si SER FLO | EHUNT rue! Lo a úl RECONMECTION CHART | | | 120V, 2W ROW M— Mal 18 0 18e 611-1123 № * | [izov 24.087 | 1 MI— ad M3 Mai — Ma = — — ES Bi REF. DES. QTY. DESCRIPTION Ai 1 Control Assy Az 1 Deluxe Remote Control (Ref) Ad 1 Standard Remote Cont (Ref) BT! 1 Battery 12 Ci 1 Capacitor CA! 1 Diode Assy (Ref) El 1 Choke = Onan EPA 2 Spark Plug Ed 1 Solencid-Fuel (Ref) ES 1 Fuel- Pump (Ref) F1,2 2 Fuse (9 Amp, 32 Y) (Rel) G1 1 Generator K1 1 Solenoid - Start Ri 1 Resistor Fixed (Ref) 51 1 Swlteh-Start-Stop Se 1 Breaker & Cap Assy 53 1 Switch = Low Dil Press (Raf) T 1 Сай - Ignition Option 1 Wiring Harness (Conn-Remote) (Ref) Option wi 1 Wiring Harness (Cable-Remote Control) (10 Foal Long) (Raf) Option — wz 1 Wiring Harness (Cable-Remote] Control {30 Feet Long} (Ref) FIGURE 36. TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAM - BF SPEC A 33 I ad Has El У Эа iA eh E DELUXE REMOTE CONTROL IMEF: E a “МН ОБЕ БЫ Бы Бы: os Ей — = + WIRING DIAGRAM $ TANDARD A | | _МЕМОТЕ CONTROL (RE FI RECONNEC TION CHART SCHEMATIC ‚ar! 1 < = , $ ee $$$ | y "Ч то» | “тамт 0 Nato ® Non | Ela El: ESTE wwe | ED dilr Gi — | = fl o — в = ES - E =— сн ir FI | ЗАТ РО SER FLD К (6) 20/2404, 3W SF К! 1 | HN | | ов (a E «Q о” ON ZW Bal | | ME E = ВТ! Ms Rov = = ki A REF, DES. QTY. DESCRIPTION Ki A1 | Control Assy - 01 -05 к 1 Control Asay - (2 1 Control Assy - 05 RI 1 Control Assy - 0d AZ 1 Céfixe Hemaote Control S51 ña | Standard Remote Contral 52 BT 1 Battery 12 53 E Capacitar 54 CAT 1 Rectifler Tn E 1 Choka = Oran EZ ES 2 Spark Plug Uption W1 Ed | Fuel Pump Opran we = | Solenoid - Fusl (When Used) F12 2 Fuse (5 Amp, 32 М) Option 43 Gi 1 Generator 6ll-Il2 7 Salenowd - Start Relay - Мрт Resistor - Fixed (BF) Resistor - Fixed (NH & ССК) Switch - Start-Siop Breaker & Cap Assy Switch - Low Cil Press Swlich - High-Air Temp Coil = Ignition Wiring Harness (Conn - Remote) Wining Harness (Gable - Ramate) Contra (30 Feet Long] Wiring Hameass [Cable - Rernôte) Control 30 Fest Long] FIGURE 37. TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAM - BF SPEC B AND NH SPEC J LMC 34 OPERATION DESCRIPTION FOR BFA, BGA, AND NH (SPEC K-p) MC This operation description applies to BFA, BGA, and NH (Spec K-P) series generator sets. The wiring diagrams are included as examples to help trace or Isolate problems. However, always refer to the wiring diagram that corresponds to the model and spec number of the generator set when troubleshooting. Starting When switch 51 is closed to START (Figure 38), battery ground is connected through switch S1 to the start solenoid K1 and the crank ignition relay K2. Start solenoid relay K1 closes its normally open K1 contacts to connect battery positive to the cranking windings of the generator and to choke El. The generator acts as a motor and cranks the engine. Ignition relay K2 closes its normally open K2 contacts to connect battery positive to the ignition coil T1, and fuel pump E4. This provides the ignition spark and pumps fuel to the carburetor, Start Disconnect-Run When the engine starts, oil pressure closes switch 53 which connects battery ground to the K3 run ignition relay. Generator voltage energizes the K3 relay which has two sets of contacts, one set normally open and the other set normaly closed. The normally open set of K3 contacts close to connect battery positive to the ignition coil and fuel pump. The normally closed K3 contacts open to disconnect battery positive from the K1 start solenoid. De-energizing the K1 start solenoid opens the K1 contacts to disconnect battery positive from the cranking windings of the generator. The operator releases the start-stop switch which de-energizes the K2 crank ignition relay and opens the K2 contacts. The engine continues to run because battery positive is supplied to the fuel pump and ignition coil through the closed K3 contacts. Generator voltage is supplied to the electric choke heater E1 to open the choke. Generator voltage is also supplied through diode CR1 to charge the battery. Stopping Moving start-stop switch 51 to STOP grounds the K3 ignition relay causing it to de-energize and open the K3 contacts. Opening the K3 contacts disconnects battery positive from the ignition coil and fuel pump. When the engine stops, blocking diode CR1 prevenis battery discharge through the generator. É | ъ F-—- 5s TIA ge 85 = Eure 161 a 69 Falda sas Deluxe Remote Control ari -. Battery EPs mensa ona Electric Chokes ERED suena Spark Plug Ed......c.cv...Fusl Pumg BY eeu sie Generator K1 _..... Start Solanold Relay KZ _...........Crank Ignition Ratay ME ia Run Ignition Relay RARE cessera Hasrstor RAN atm pr HACK Start-Stop Switch > CEE Breaker Points Sessa DA Di Pressure Switch 1 aan Ignition Coil CB1,CB2 ......Circuil Breakers FIGURE 38. TYFICAL SCHEMATIC AND PARTS IDENTIFICATION TROUBLESHOOTING THE BFA, BGA, AND NH (SPEC K-P) CONTROL To correct a problem, answer the question in the appropriate troubleshooting chart on the following pages either YES or NO. Refer to the number in that column and proceed to that step. Use the wiring diagram (see Figure 40) for location of terminals, relays, elc. Figure 39 shows some of the control components for the generator sets. TERMINAL BLOCK, TES (WHEN LISED) —| CEL PRESSURE SWITCH LEAD — WIRE CONNECTOR REVERSE CURRENT | X DIODE CRY ` CRANK IGNITION RELAY K2 NOTE: CONTROL PANEL SHOWN ROTATED DOWN 90° TO ENABLE ILLUSTRATION OF CONTROL COMPONENTS. The troubleshooting chart is divided into seven sec- lions. Determine the problem and then refer tothe char (А, В, С, В, Е, ВБ, or G) for the troubleshooting procedures. À. B. С. D. = F. G Engine does not crank. Engine cranks but does not start. Engine starts but stops when start switch is released. Generator set is running — then stops. Low battery — no charge rate. Running Time Meter Inoperative. . Battery Condition Meter Inoperative. REMOTE CONNECTOR PLUG 04 40 051000 Dé 10 ES 1376 FIGURE 39. BGA, BFA, AND NH (SPEC K-P) CONTROL | / M 36 A. | ENGINE DOES NOT CRANK YES | NO 1 Does engine crank at set but not at remote start panel? 2 4 2. Check remote start control wires for continuity betwean the generator set and the remote start panel. Are control wires sized large enough to avoid excessive voltage drop? 4 3 4, Replace control wires with correct wire gauge. — — 4, Check condition of battery and terminal connections. Is battery fully charged and are all terminal connections clean and tight? 6 5 6; Recharge battery and clean and tighten all terminal connections. = — 6. Is battery voltage present between remote connector plug terminals 3 and 5 (between terminals TB1-3 and TB1-5 where applicable) when switch 51 is pushed to START? When the remote start switch is pushed to START? (Make certain fuse F1 is not open.) 8 7 re Replace start-stop switch S1 or remote start switch as required. — — В. Is battery voltage present between ground and K3 relay terminal 874? 12 9 9, Is fuse F2 open? 11 10 10. Replace run ignition relay K3. {Contacts 87A-30 not closed.) — — 11. Replace fuse F2, rm = 12. ls battery voltage present between K1 start solenoid terminal St and | ground when start-stop switch 51 is pushed to START? 14 13 13. Replace K1 start solenoid. — = 14, Check generator brushes, commutator, DC armature windings, and DC field windings. See Generator Service Procedures section. — — B. | ENGINE CRANKS BUT DOES NOT START _ YES NO E ls battery voltage present between remote connector plug terminal 6 and ground when start-stop switch is pushed to START? 3 2 2. Check all terminal connections on K2 crank ignition relay. If OK, replace K2 relay, — — 3. Does the fuel pump operate during cranking? 6 4 4, Check the fuel pump lead wire connections and repair or replace as necessary. Will pump operate? — 5 Refer to the Fuel System section for testing and service procedures. — — 6. ls the choke closed? A small pointer on the choke shaft indicates if the choke is open or closed. 7 5 7. | Refer to the Ignition System section for testing and service procedures. — — 37 ENGINE STARTS BUT STOPS WHEN START SWITCH IS RELEASED 10. 11. Does engine have correct oil level? Add oil as required, If oil level is OK, disconnect the low oil pressure switch lead wire. An insulated connector is spliced into this wire and is located within the control, After disconnecting the oil switch lead wire, ground the end that is connected to the control. Push the start-stop switch to START, Does the engine start and run? To prevent engine damage from low oil pressure, make sure the engine builds up oli pressure to 30 ps! (207 kPa) after starting. See Lubrication System section. Check low oil pressure switch operation. Switch should close when oil pressure builds up and open when oil pressure drops. Replace if necessary, Check low oil pressure lead wire for an open circuit and repair or replace as necessary. Reconnect oil pressure lead wire and push start-stop switch to START. Does engine start and run? Check wire connections between R1 resistor and K3 run ignition relay and between R1 resistor and K1 start solenoid. Check resistance of R1 resistor (see Parts Catalog for resistance value). Is R1 OK? Replace R1 resistor. Connect a jumper wire between remote connector plug terminals 5 and 6 (or TB1-5 and TB1-6 where applicable) and push start-stop switch S1 to START. (Make certain fuse F1 is not open.) Does engine start and run? Connect a voltmeter between remote connector plug terminal 6 and ground (or between TB1-6 and ground where applicable) and push start-stop switch 51 to START. Does voltmeter read 12 volts? Replace K3 run relay, Check generator brushes, commutator, DC armature, and field windings. Refer to Generator Service Procedures section. 10 11 11 ENGINE IS RUNNING - THEN STOPS | YES NO Check the set for low fuel level or low oil level and refill as necessary. Will set start and run without stopping? Check for low oil pressure or low oil pressure switch malfunction. See sections C3, C4, and C5 for troubleshooting procedures. Does this locate problem? Connect a voltmeter between remote connector plug terminal 6 and ground (or TB1-6 and ground if applicable) and push start-stop switch S1 to START. Is battery voltage present? Is fuse F2 open? Heplace fuse F2. 38 Replace defective zener diode, Replace defective battery condition meter. ENGINE IS RUNNING - THEN STOPS (Continued) | YES | NO Check for an open R1 resistor, an open connection between K3 run ignition relay and R1 resistor, or defective K3 run ignition relay. See sections C6 through C11 for troubleshooting procedures. — = — LOW BATTERY | _YES NO Does battery charger show a normal charge rate of 1 to 1-1/2 amps? 2 3 Check condition of battery. Generator set charger will not recharge a battery that is in a very low state of charge, Use a separate battery charger to bring battery up to full charge. == — Check wire connection between CR1 diode, K1 start solenoid, R2 resistor, and battery. Does this cause battery charger to show normal charge rate? — 4 Is CR1 diode shorted or open? 5 6 Replace defective CR1 diode. at = Replace R2 resistor. pe RUNNING TIME METER INOPERATIVE YES NO Check wires between control terminal 6 and battery positive terminal for running time meter, and ground wire and connection to meter. Does this correct problem? i 9 Replace defective running time meter. — — BATTERY CONDITION METER INOPERATIVE YES NO _ Is fuse F1 open? 2 3 Replace fuse F1. — — Check wire connections between remote connector plug terminal 5 (or TB1-5 where applicable) and the battery condition meter and between the battery condition meter and ground. Does this correct the problem? —- 4 Use voltmeter to measure voltage between battery charge meter positive terminal and ground. Does voltmeter read battery voltage minus 10 volts? 6 5 39 WIRING DIAGRAM DELURE =TanbaWn —— MEMOTE COLTACE (REF) АЗ REMOTE CONTROL (REF) |6 EEE A т E |= = SCHEMATIC = | Hi | SER TLE i A zz — hea y EA J | + | À Ё + Ady 5.0964. 675 NH AA 6-46 RECONNECTIÓN CHART EA yA 6 ROW, ZW 120/240, 3w ROM ZW al Wi Mi & | M3 Ma Wr Те нана Wa | ro TERY Me E А Control Assy (01) 30 Amp- A1 Reuisgtor - 150 ohm SW Control Assy (-02} (1) 20 & (1) 40 Amp Hz Resistor Control Assy (03) (21 50 Amp J1 Socket Plug - Remote Control Asay (04) 30 Amp Control Assy -06) {2) 30 Amp 51 Switch - Start Stop АЗ Deluxe Aemote-Control 52 Switch - Breaker & Cap Assy A3 Standard Remote Control 53 Switch - Low Oil Pressure BT Battery = 12 \/ T1 Coil = Ignition сл Capacitor CA Rectifier (Ban, Charging) THE Terminal Board Silksoreens El Choke - Onan (Not Used wWLPG} E23 Spark - Plug CH1.CB2 Circult Breaker 30 Amp Ed Fuel Pump or ShutéfM/Filter - LPG ca Circult Breaker 30 Amp (1-02) F1,2 Fuse Hésder wi wiring Harness Coon Remote Fuse «5 Amp 32 V wz Wiring Harness - Cable Remote a Generator Control 110 Feet Long Ki Start Solenold МЗ Wiring Harenss - Cebés Remote Ка Relay - Crank-gnition Control - 130 Feet Long Ha Нем = Аш Мате Wid Lead Assy {Shutatf/Fltr Only] FIGURE 40. TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAM - BFA, BGA, AND NH (SPEC K-P) 40 ">
Key features
- Durable construction
- Comprehensive wiring diagram
- Control panel
- Relay system
- Voltage regulator
- Fuel pump
- Backup power
Frequently asked questions
The document provides detailed troubleshooting charts for different scenarios, including if the engine does not crank, cranks but does not start, starts but stops when the start switch is released, or stops suddenly while running. Refer to the troubleshooting charts for specific instructions.
There are different types of wiring harnesses available depending on the length of the remote control cable - 10 feet long, 30 feet long, and a connection harness for the remote control.
The generator set uses a 12V battery, as indicated in the reconnection chart section of the wiring diagram.