Expanded Functions FR 03.00 6.2.2 Using the PSION File Manager The PSION file manager is installed in the Windows Explorer of your PC. This provides your Explorer with additional drives. The following figure shows a sample configuration. You will find it very easy to copy data and programs the way you always have with Explorer. 28 Desktop =. Arbeitsplatz : y 3 Diskelle (4:) pas Po_6841_1 [С] pes Рс_6841_2 (D:} ey (Es) io Es) Systemsteuerung ~<a} Drucker > To + Netzwerkumgebung tf Papierkorb =] $ son ‚arbeitsplatz № E и: | | &: RAMDRIVE [М:] The PSION desktop is set up in ~ Keine Dateien gesichert Explorer when PsiWin is installed, Dateiarchiy — You will not be able to open the PSION desktop in Explorer until you connect the PSION with the 3link cable and the wall holder, and enable the interface for communication (i.e., port С). How to enable port C: Exit the STG program with EXIT. „The basic PSION menu appears. Menu key: Position the cursor on “System screen,” and acknowledge with “Enter.” A user E ee eran m “= nf interface similar to Windows appears. ‘hale sae : BBL SIEMENS AG FCC ID : KRSMIS-I JOB #: 18300 _ EXHIBIT # : | STG Hand-Held Terminal E-36 (5)J31069-D01 26-U001-A2-7418 R 03.00 Expanded Functions г DE Apps Er TT Spee О « Menu key: Call SPEC/REMOTE LINK. The “Remote link” window appears. + Make the following settings in this window. Remote link = ON, baud rate = 19200, port = C, parameters = (don't specify anything). + Before you acknowledge with “Enter,” establish a connection to the PC with the 3link cable described in chapter 6.2:1. Otherwise you will receive the message “Device does not exist.” lf you made wrong entries during this procedure and are unable to continue, perform a system RESET as described in chapter 6.7. If the message "keine Verbindung” (i.e., no connection) continues to appear in the PSION desktop directory of Explorer, check the 3link cable between the hand-held terminal and the PC, and the REMOTE setting on the hand-held ter- minal. Open the file tree of the hand-held terminal by double-clicking the “RAMDRIVE” drive. There you will find, among others, the “READ_E/F/I.HEX" file and the files which you stored with the extension “.HEX.” Now drag and drop or copy these files from the PSION drive to the PC drive. The length of the READ or WRITE file is the same as that of the MDS which was read, READ_F.HEX: 5 bytes for MOBY F (after reading an Fixx MDS) 192 bytes for MOBY F (after reading an F4xx MDS) 256 bytes for MOBY F (after reading the raw data of an F4xx MDS) READ_E.HEX: 768 bytes for MOBY Е (in normal mode) 1024 bytes for MOBY E (after reading the raw data) 1024 bytes for MOBY E (in SIM mode) READ_|.HEX: Setup Setting No ECC With ECC 62 bytes 62 42 128 bytes 128 112 2 KB 2045 1778 8 KB 8189 7154 32 KB 32765 28658 STG Hand-Held Terminal (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 E-37 Expanded Functions R 03.00 The contents of the file can now be indicated and changed with an appropriate editor on your PC. When ASCII data were read from the MDS: Any editor can be used (e.g., NOTEPAD, WRITE, WORD and so on). When binary data were exchanged with the MDS: Use a HEX editor. HEX editors are available on the shareware market (e.g., Hedit and so on) or on the professional market (e.g., Codewright). After concluding your session with PsiWin, the remote-link connection should be disconnected again. To restart the STG application, see chapter 6.7. Before starting a new session with PsiWin, the STG application should be ex- ited. 6.2.3 Organization of the READ.HEX File The READ_x.HEX file only contains the pure data which also exist on the MDS. The length of the file is the same as that of the MDS, specified in bytes. 6.3 Functions with the PSION Operating System . You can use the FILE/EXIT menu command to access the operating system level of the hard-held terminal. We will now describe some of the functions which are available with the PSION operating system. * Simple writing of a batch file to copy MDS data to a memory card (e.g., on drive B:). * Generation and modification of an AUTOEXEC file to change the time for automatic switch-off or the time for the backlight to save battery power and thus increase operating time for one battery charge. The AUTOEXEC file is located in directory A:\BTF\Autoexec. btf. » Edit the read MOBY data with the PSION editor, Remember that this editor can only be used when the MDS data are in ASCII format. » Spread sheet function » Calculator » Execution of DOS commands See the manual entitled “PSION Workabout USER GUIDE” for a detailed description of operating system functions and standard programs. This manual can be ordered from PSION. See appendix A.1. STG Hand-Held Terminal E-38 (S)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 R 03.00 Expanded Functions 6.4 Parallel Execution of Several Applications several applications can be processed at the same time on the Windows level ofthe PSION hand-held terminal. Proceed as shown below. + Exit the MOBY service and test program. The following basic PSION screen appears, à eri Pre LE № , ns Cosinard peer fae Я ы [MEM Satan тег LL TA Lae Het вин ets gti nM ss (Restart chedl wi er: Fe een ГА ge ee gen ar: oF crear de à Er en eb ye + Menu -> System screen You are in the Windows level of the PSION. Several icons appear on the espa || Demian an Uezefttfil E An o B B * Move the cursor to the right until the IMG application appears on the display. ° The applications which you can start are shown under the IMG icon. - MOBY = MOBY service and test program - FILEHAND = MOBY filehandler programm - MENU = MOBY program selection menu - Other customer applications. These must be stored in the IMG directory. On delivery, no other application is indicated here. » Select the MOBY application with the cursor keys, and press Enter. The fa- miliar MOBY STG application is started. ° Press the key combination “ + TAB.” The basic PSION screen reappears on the display. + Select the next program to be started on the IMG icon or on the total Win- dows screen (e.g., the CALC pocket calculator), and start it by pressing En- ter. This program now appears on the monitor screen. STG Hand-Held Terminal (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 E-39 Expanded Functions A 03.00 This procedure can be used to start applications and PSION operating pro- grams in addition to the normal MOBY application. All programs run simulta- neously on the hand-held terminal. 6.5 Automatic Power Saver Function The PSION hand-held terminal has an automatic power saver function. This is activated after no keys have been pressed on the PSION for approximately 5 minutes. In addition, the STG program has another power saver function. The MDS command being executed is interrupted if no MDS is detected 30 seconds after the start of an MDS command or the MDS being processed is moved out of the field for more than 30 seconds. The following message appears. You can now completely terminate the command with ESC or continue with ENTER. If you decide to continue, the interrupted command is contin- ued at the point at which it was interrupted. | ESC=R 6.6 Connecting SIM Devices (MOBY E/I/V) A MOBY E SIM can be connected to the RS 232 interface of the PSION. The following figure shows the connection diagram. Before commissioning, a switch must be made to MOBY E/SIM or ASM 420/1/V with the “EXTRAS/COM- MUNICATION/PROTOCOL” function. With this configuration, SIM can be used to work with the “MOBY” program and user applications with the MOBY library. Cf. chapter appendix A.2, MOBY E/SIM: Cable (6GT2 391-1DH50) and Power pack (6GT2 090-0HB00) la + 220 V AC = 24 V DC STG Hand-Held Terminal E-40 (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 Н 03.00 Expanded Functions Note Since the standard SIM uses cyclic operation, it takes much, much longer to process a read/write command than with the STG read head. The EXTRAS/MOBY E Setup/MODE command can be used to switch the SIM to the faster read mode. This command must be repeated each time SIM is turned on. ASM 420/1/V: This settings permits an ASM 420/RS 232 to be connected to the hand-held terminal. The connection cable must comply with the specifications in the ASM 420 documentation. In ASM 420 mode, the MOBY V driver is always enabled during the STG program. SLG 65 can be used on the ASM 420 with this. Use of MOBY | SLGs is limited. Assignment of the RS 232 interface on the hand-held terminal: Pin Designation 2 TxD RxD 5 Gnd 6.7 System RESET The hand-held terminal executes a system RESET when the device is turned on for the first time after the batteries have been installed. This RESET is the same as a hardware RESET. A system RESET can also be triggered by hand. To do this, press the Y key + Ctrl + Del (Shift + Esc + Del on the PSION with the numerical keyboard) simul- taneously. During the system RESET: * The MOBY STG application is started again. + Data stored in flash memory are always retained (drive A: or B:). ° The data in RAM memory (drive “RAMDRIVE:”) are retained. However, these data will be lost if all batteries (including lithium cell) of the PSION are removed. STG Hand-Held Terminal (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 | E-41 The “MOBY” Program with the PSION Numeric Model A 03.00 7 The “MOBY” Program with the PSION Numeric Model The MOBY service and test program also functions without restrictions on the PSION Workabout with numeric keyboard, This PSION model is useful for ap- plications in which only simple and identical applications are performed by un- trained personnel. This model of the hand-held terminal can be ordered di- rectly from PSION. See appendix A. The functionality of the 4 function keys can also be put to good use. The fol- lowing STG functions can be called directly via function key. Fi = Read MDS F2 = Write MDS F3 = Load data from file F4 = Save data in file Data can only be entered with the numeric keys. м. м, STG Hand-Held Terminal E-42 (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 Я 03.00 Error Messages 8 Error Messages What to do when ... . The PSION display goes blank during MOBY read/write. * The batteries of the PSION are empty. Insert device in the charging shell, or install new batteries. e The battery pack was installed incorrectly in the hand-held terminal. The catch of the battery pack must be on the left side. . The display remains blank after the device is turned on. « The batteries are empty. » The contrast of the display is not adjusted correctly. To adjust, use the 4 key in the top row. .. Error messages appear but they are not defined anywhere. » Remove both batteries from the hand-held terminal. Wait 60 seconds, and replace them again. The device is now in its status on delivery. If the error continues to occur, the device may be defective. 8.1 Error Messages with the “MOBY STG” Program The messages in the following tables can occur during operation. The mes- sages are indicated in a separate window. A message can have the following format. The message is coded in several digits, has the format 15 xx/yy/zz, and is used for precise error analysis. The following tables list the types of errors and the error designations in detail, The information in /zz is included in some messages. "zz" contains additional error information (e.g., the block in which the error occurred). Comm Type of error Exact error designation STG Hand-Held Terminal (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 E-43 Error Messages R 03.00 Type of Error Description 1to2 General errors 3to 8 MOBY E errors 10to 15 MOBY F errors 20 Timer errors 30 to 37 MOBY | errors Error Designation Possible Causes and Their Correction 1,2 « Reader device fails to send start protocol. + |5 read head screwed on? + Does the read head match the protocol setting? (See menu: EXTRAS/COMMUNICATION.) « Batteries in'the reader device are dead. (The batteries may be defective.) * Internal program error 7 Interface defective 10, 11, 12 Reader device doesn't answer at all or sends an incorrect ans- wer (MDS Faxx). 20 e Reader device doesn't answer. + Check parameters in the EXTRAS/COMMUNICATION menu. With SIM mode, “Interface” and “Protocol” must both be set to SIM. > Batteries in the reader device are empty. (The batteries may be defective.) 21 Reader device doesn't answer at all or sends an incorrect answer. 25 e Reader device sends the wrong answer, ~~ ¢ MDS is not personalized with the MOBY key. 32 Illegal request + Check contact to read head. 33, 34, 35, 36 Internal program error + Exit STG program, and start again. 37 ® Read head gives you an error message. e Read head is faulty, ® CRC error of MDS. Communication error to MDS. MDS is located on the boundary. + MDS has a defect. 38 several MDSs are in the field. STG Hand-Held Terminal E-44 (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 Я 03.00 Error Messages Error Designation | Possible Causes and Their Correction 40,41, 42 Reader device doesn’t answer at all or sends an incorrect ans- wer (MDS Fixx). 50 Error while reading or writing the MDS data 52, 53, 54, 55, Internal program error on MOBY read head 56, 57 63 Authentication error. The MDS doesn't have the MOBY key. > Try setting the "В" key under “EXTRAS/MOBY E Setup.” 65 Interface error. Appears when a SIM is connected. * Check parameters in the “EXTRAS/COMMUNICATION" menu. + Check plug and cable to SIM. 66 General read/write error on MOBY read head 67 Internal program error on MOBY read head 80 MDS type on reader device is not supported. 103 Error in the connection to the SLG | + Read head hardware has a defect, 104 Error in MDS memory + Execute INIT command. Before executing this command, make sure that the memory size of the MDS is set correctly under "EXTRAS/MOBY | Setup.” « The MDS is defective, 105 MOBY command cannot be interpreted by the read head. e Check the memory size under “EXTRAS/MOBY | Setup.” 106 Field interference on read head. External interference. 107 Too many sending errors. The MDS wasn't able to correctly receive the data from the read head. * The MDS is located in the boundary area of the read head. 109 CRC error due to field interference while initializing the MDS 110 MDS cannot be initialized and is defective, | 111 Timeout during initialization * The MDS is located in the boundary area of the read head. » An MDS 507 is initialized but MDS 507 mode has not been enabled under “EXTRAS/MOBY | Setup.” 112 The MDS memory cannot be written and is defective. STG Hand-Held Terminal (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 E-45 Error Messages Я 03.00 Error Designation | Possible Causes and Their Correction 113 The address area of the MDS was exceeded. ® Check the memory size under “EXTRAS/MOBY | Setup.” 114 ECC error or MDS not initialized in ECC mode + Enable ECC mode under “EXTRAS/MOBY | Setup,” and then execute the INIT command. 115 Reset message atter return of power + The hand-held terminal has a defect in the power supply to the read head. (Try charging/replacing the batteries.) - The hardware of the read head has a defect. 125 Internal program error. Previous command is active. 130 Internal program error. The telegram layout of the command to the read head is wrong. 8.2 Error Messages with the “FILEHANDLER” Program | The following table lists the messages which can occur with the filehandier. A filehandler error message looks like this. TAS EE Lee e PES a 4 The filehandler error is shown in the same way - as the filehandler on the SIMATIC. The error # message has one alpha character followed by a 3-position number, Most of the error codes are identical with the error numbers of all MOBY file- handler interfaces. <FHError 26 Type oferrór | (see chap. 8.2) Exact filehandler error Filehandler Description of Error, lts Cause and Correction Type of Error Error A006 Unknown command. Command identifier KK is illegal. A011 With 1st command block: DBN not 1 With next block: KK or DBN incorrect Protocol А015 Checkbyte error while receiving from $35 errors A016 Command from other sender is being processed. A020 Wrong number of characters in the telegram B001 Error in the connection to the SLG SLG errors Read head defective STG Hand-Held Terminal E-46 (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 LEI rh A 03.00 Error Messages Filehandler Description of Error, Its Cause and Correction Type of Error Error C002 Error on RAM ofthe MDS. Replace MDS and perform FORMAT, C006 Presence error. MDS in boundary area. C007 Parameterization error during FORMAT. Command cannot be interpreted. C008 Too many sync attempts. Field interference on read head. C009 Too many sending errors C010 CRC sending error MDS errors C011 FORMAT. CRC error while receiving. co12 FORMAT. MDS cannot be initialized. C013 FORMAT, timeout. MDS in boundary area. C014 FORMAT, not initialized. Check Extras/Parameter. C015 CMD address error. Check Extras/Parameter. C016 ECC error. Format MDS again. Disable ECC mode. C017 General driver error 0001 Only RESET command permitted 0005 legal parameters for FORMAT, CREATE, WRITE, UP- DATE or ATTRIB DOOS RESET command parameter wrong DO14 CREATE and WRITE: The user data area of the MDS is completely full. Job-related 0015 Only FORMAT command possible. MDS not identified. | errors DO18 Start address in the command is outside the data area (.e., start address > file length). 0022 Directory and/or FAT. Modifying an MDS protected with COVER is illegal. 0023 COVER: MDS name wrong E001 MDS type is wrong or doesn't match the set mode (ECC). | E002 CREATE command: No more directory entries free lor у- relate E003 CREATE command: File already exists in the directory, errors E005 READ or WRITE: A FAT block sequence error was de- termined. The FAT is defective. 'FOO1 The addressed file does not exist. | —— File-related F005 WRITE/UPDATE/DELETE command for a file which is errors protected with the appropriate attribute STG Hand-Held Terminal ° (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 E-47 Я 03.00 Technical Data 9 Technical Data Hardware Processor NEC V30mx, 27.68 MHz, 80C86-compatible RAM memory 2 Mbytes of which Approx. 1.8 Mbytes can be used as de- sired ROM memory 2 Mbytes for operating system User program 256 Kbytes with MOBY service and test program Monitor screen Graphic LCD monitor screen with 240 x 100 pixels, gray- stage scale, backlighting can be turned on ‘Keyboard Alphanumeric with 57 keys Error Messages R 03.00 Filehandier Description of Error, Its Cause and Correction Type of Error Error H140 serial interface error H141 Wrong interface H142 Faulty timer | H143 Interface error H144 Start-protocol error H145 Reset error, WRITE Error H146 Reset error, READ, no STX messages H147 Reset error, READ, timeout ne ler H148 Reset error, READ, wrong response application H149 Start error, WRITE H150 Start error, READ, no STX H151 start error, READ, timeout H152 Start error, READ, wrong response H153 Start error, WRITE, length too long STG Hand-Held Terminal E-48 (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 Sound Piezo signal encoder Power supply NiCd battery pack with 2 type-AA cells (850 mAh) High-speed chargeable, automatic switch-off Operation time: 20 hours (Read head inactive, display not lighted) 4.5 hours (Read head active, display not lighted) 10 hours (Read head inactive, display lighted) Backup battery: 3 V lithium cell (CR 1620) Interfaces LIF interface (LIF = Low Insertion Force) for battery charging and communication with PC and printer (3link cable not included) RS 232 and TTL interface for connection of a MOBY read head Security Locking mechanism for battery and program memory Software Operating system EPOC/16 multitasking, graphics support, GUI interface, Interpreter similar to MS-DOS File management MS-DOS-compatible Integrated software MOBY service and test program, spread sheet calcula- tion, data base, pocket calculator, communication ' STG Hand-Held Terminal (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 E-49 Technical Data A 03.00 R 03.00 Appendix Technical Data Complete Device Read Head A Appendix (incl. Batteries) Dimensions 260 x 90 x 35 [mm] 90 x 64 x 35 [mm] Weight Approx. 440 g Approx. 110 9 A.1 Ordering Components for Expanded Temperature Operation: -20 °C to +60 °C Functions Storage: -25 °C to +80 °C (without batteries) | Relative humidity |0% to 90%, no condensation The expanded functions ofthe MOBY STG hand-held terminal require compo- Protection rating |IP 54 (protected against splashed water) nents which are not available from Siemens A&D SE. Shock resistance | Max. falling height on concrete: 1 m If you need these components for your MOBY application, please contact EMG EN 55022 PSION directly or its representative in your country. You will find addresses and order lists from PSION on the Internet under Electrostatic, RF, |IEC 801-2; IEC 801-3; IEC 801-4 The PSION representative in your country is also located under this Internet EFT address. RF read/write head The following components are required for the STG application as options. MOBYE 13.56 MHz (MIFARE) Max. read distance: 30 mm with MDS E611 Ordering Designation Remarks 18 mm with MDS E600 link interface for wall and vehicle holde 8 mm with MDS E624 shin wall and ve r 4 mm with MDS E623 Dual AT/XT connection cable for the PC 3 mm with MDS E623, PsiWin software (for Win 95/NT) Also available free of charge under mounted in metal : the PSION Internet address Certifications: ETS 300 330 reg. no. G100213L A User's guide for PSION Workabout Ask your PSION representative. FCC ID: KR5MIS Additional Components required for writing your own applications MOBY F 125 KHz (HITAG) С development package for Workabout Standard or professional available, Max. read distance: 80 mm with MDS F125 р р 9 р | 50 mm with MDS F415 : (SIBO C SDK) incl. Top Speed C compiler 60 mm with MDS F124 E Manual for C development package Certifications: ETS 300 330 reg. no. G100294L IF Е Ask PSION or its representative directly for information on the following PSION MOBY | 1.81 MHz (data); 134 kHz (power) ES components, MDS Type Max. Read Distance : e OVAL programming environment (in mm) 3 + Memory expansion 302/402/401 6 a e High-speed charging devices eee D e PSION Workabout with numeric keyboard 506 12 These components are not required for the STG application. They are only of 438E/439E 12 importance if you want to program your own identification application on the 507 with battery 35 hand-held terminal. 507 without battery 4 STG Hand-Held Terminal E-50 (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 STG Hand-Held Terminal (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 E-51 Appendix R 03.00 A.2 Developing User Applications What Do | Need? The C development package from PSION (SIBO C SDK incl. Top Speed Com- piler) is required for user applications. For the communication connection, you will also need a 3link interface and the PC cable with a 9-pin sub D and mini DIN plug connector. Although, in principle, applications can also be developed with the Basic programming language OVAL, the MOBY library cannot be used. The MOBY Library A library for MOBY E, MOBY F and MOBY | is available. The library (MOBY E, MOBY F and MOBY I) must be ordered under order number 6GT2 381-1AB00. The C library also includes a description of the interface commands. STG Hand-Held Terminal E-52 - (5)431069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 Я 03.00 Appendix The tables below provide a summary of implemented commands. The MOBY E library Function Call Short Description Type of Command CCT_READ_N_BLOCK | Read card data (1 to п data | Standard blocks, max. of 96 bytes) CCT_WRITE_N_BLOCK | Write card data (1 to п data | Standard blocks, max. of 96 bytes) CCT_WRITE_SIGNAL Address digital output, re- | Standard served for switching the antenna CCT_OFF Turn off antenna field Standard CCT MODE Set field mode of the Standard antenna field ССТ_ОРЕМ Open logical device Only for SIM operation via RS 232 CCT_CLOSE Close logical device Only for SIM operation via RS 232 CCT_SETKEY Parameterize read-card/ Optional write-card interface CCT_SET_KEY TEMP Change temporary key Optional CCT_GET_FIELD_STATE | Scan current card indices | Optional CCT_RESET Reset read head Optional - general command Although the commands of the MOBY E library are the same as those of the standard MOBY E library "CCTWAPI,” not all commands of “CCTWAPI" are available on the hand-held terminal. STG Hand-Held Terminal (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 E-53 Appendix R 03.00 The MOBY F library R 03.00 Appendix Function Call Short Description MOBY I Library (filehandler addressing) proloc_ReadBlock | Reads a block from the MDS (16 bytes) proloc_ReadPage | Reads a page from the MDS (4 bytes) proloc_WriteBlock | Writes a block to the MDS (16 bytes) proloc_WritePage | Writes a page to the MDS (4 bytes) proloc_GetSnr Reads the TaglD from the MDS nGetTagType Determines the type of MDS in the antenna field nMobyFOpen Opens a serial interface in PSION ¡vMobyFClose Closes the opened interface The MOBY | library (normal addressing of MDS) Function Call Short Description moby_init Initializes an MDS with a filler character from ad: dress O to the end address moby_read Reads a data block from the MDS moby_write Writes a data block to the MDS moby_reset Sends a reset command with parameterization to the read head moby_status Sends a status command to the read head nMobylOpen Opens the interface and turns on the read head vMobylClose Closes the interface and turns off the read head | nMobylReadStartProtocol Function Call Short Description wFhRead Reads a complete file from the MDS wFhWrite Writes a file or appends data to a file wFhMdsStatus Sends a status command to the MDS wFhAttrib Sets a file attribute wFhDelete Deletes a file from the MDS wFhCreate Sets up a new file on the MDS wFhFormat Formats an MDS | wFhDir Reads a directory from the MDS wFhCover Protects the MDS file structure wFhDirlnfo Writes information from the “DIR” structure to the “Dirinfo" structure nTagTypeFromTable Returns the MDS type from a table ITagLenFromTable Returns the MDS size from a table Fhreset Resets the filehandler nFhOpenCom Opens the interface and turns on the read head vFhCloseCom Closes the interface and turns off the read head Reads the startup telegram from the read head E-54 STG Hand-Held Terminal (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 STG Hand-Held Terminal (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 E-55 Appendix Я 03.00 A.3 ASCII Table LL. _ +9 a A OT Я | le |+ = 113 | ТО: + Я [CR a] EE ise] | Siemens AG mia A A ES A&D SE ES43 ee PO Box 2355 an | BT D-90713 Fuerth | Fe ere fs ERES El IE | et | +9 + (SOT | as] Г |= Lio s min , HOR pe eT ea feet | te | Е] |] on fo . HE + DIR ICT au ET lé) ET jo hole FROM: HR ||“ [MOIS SO AAA Yourname: = © ities oy AD AE eens FS] e les co |2 |e o 0 fm) ar fam |+ | ol ШЕЕ = = Yourcompany: LL Ba ed DL Li Bu [Li SAT eS ML +e] a 27 | “th Street: еее +9 011 (+ lem | le I | аш |0 |5 GE = = Telephone: 2222222222 HE IT AI I Earl NA. _ . ; +9) 41 Li ed) OO | Ce Lao ail ; = Please tick your branch. “al :| £ | | : |» i у + za m TE a | + (Y Automotive industry С] Pharmaceutics industry F5 q alma le lola lalala ml a С} Chemical industry QU Plastics processing ES rea ea Breen) Em La pe Stole sets Q Electrical industry [J Paper industry нае + ir ele С Foodstuffs Q Textiles indus ооо jojojoja|o|¡olaojoloólolololo | extiles industry F |589 = E 3 a = 5 = N 3 O Process control technology Q Transportation industry С Mechanical engineering Q Other 222 Qi Petrochemistry STG Hand-Held Termina Pre E A Oa ec le Siemens AG Automation and Drives Systems Engineering РО Box 2355, D-30713 Fuerth Е Siemens AG. 2000 ae o . : Subject to change without prior notice à Excellence in =, > Siemens Aktiengesellschatt | S'emens Fu Cider no. (5) 431069-00126-U001.42-74 18 ae Printed in the Federal Repubte of Germany Automation & Drives: à : г fi Tee ed eee Spar it e E ТЫ eae cp rath dr + ">