First International Computer notebook User Guide
Below you will find brief information for notebook computer. This guide covers all the necessary information to use your new notebook computer, including setting it up, operating its features, and connecting it to peripherals. The guide also explains how to use the System BIOS setup program and how to care and maintain your notebook. The guide is designed to be easy to follow and informative, giving you the knowledge you need to get the most out of your new notebook computer.
N otebook User Guide
All Rights Reserved - Printed in Taiwan
Notebook Computer User Guide
Original Issue: 2003/10
This manual guides you in setting up and using your new notebook computer.
Information in this manual has been carefully checked for accuracy and is subject to change without notice.
No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission.
Product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be the trademarks of their respective companies.
Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, and Windows Sound System are trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
AMD, Athlon, AthlonXP are a registered trademark of AMD Coporation.
Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro are trademarks of Creative Technology.
All other brands or product names mentioned in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
N otebook User Guide
FCC Information to User
Safety and Care Instructions
No matter what your level of experience with computers, please make sure you read the safety and care instructions. This information can help protect you and your computer from possible harm.
Radio and television interference
Warning: Use the specified shielded power cord and shielded signal cables with this computer, so as not to interfere with radio and television reception. If you use other cables, it may cause interference with radio and television reception.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does not cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encourage to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the device and receiver.
• Connect the device into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
N otebook User Guide
You may find helpful the following booklet, prepared by the Federal
Communications Commission: Interference Handbook (stock number 004-
000-00345-4). This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC20402
Warning: The user must not modify or change this computer without approval. Modification could void authority to this equipment.
FCC RF Exposure
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:
This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body.
15.247 (b)(4), the EUT meets the requirement that it be operated in a manner that ensures the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy levels in excess of the Commission’s guidelines (1.1307, 1.1310, 2.1091 and 2.1093)
Canadian Department of Communications Compliance
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian
Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Shielded Cables Notice
All connections to other computing devices must be made using shielded cables to maintain compliance with FCC regulations.
N otebook User Guide
Peripheral Devices Notice
Only peripherals (input/output devices, terminals, printers, etc) certified to comply with Class B limits may be attached to this equipment. Operation with non-certified peripherals is likely to result in interference to radio and TV reception.
Optical Disk Drive Notice
The optical disk drive is Class 1 Laser Product.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer may void the user’s authority, which is granted by the Federal Communications
Commission, to operate this computer.
Use Conditions
This part complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
European Notice
For the following equipment: Notebook PC is herewith confirmed to comply with the requirements set out in the
Council Directive on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member
States relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility (89/336/EEC), Lowvoltage
Directive (73/23/EEC) and the Amendment Directive
N otebook User Guide
(93/68/EEC), the procedures given in European Council Directive
99/5/EC and 89/3360EEC.
The equipment was passed. The test was performed according to the following European standards:
EN 300 328-2 V.1.2.1 (2001-12)
EN 301 489-1 V.1.3.1 (2001-09) / EN 301 489-17 V.1.1.1 (2000-09)
EN 50371: 2002
EN 60950: 2000
802.11b Restrictions:
- European standards dictate maximum radiated transmit power of 100mW
EIRP and frequency range 2.400-2.4835GHz;
- In France, the equipment must be restricted to the 2.4465-2.4835GHz frequency range and must be restricted to indoor use."
N otebook User Guide
About Your Notebook Computer
C ongratulation for having purchased your new Professional
Multimedia Notebook. This notebook incorporates the strongest features, which integrate the latest technologies available in the notebook industry.
Your new notebook computer not only drives today multimedia applications but also be ready for tomorrow exciting new software.
This Professional Multimedia Notebook is a freedom, flexibility, and functionality notebook that users are demanding for a long time.
N otebook User Guide
About Your User Guide
W elcome to your Professional Multimedia Notebook User
Guide. This manual covers everything you need to know in learning how to use your computer. This manual also assumes that you know the basic concepts of Windows and the PC. You will start doing a lot of great and fun things with your computer.
This manual is divided into seven chapters.
Chapter 1 gives introduction on your computer features.
Chapter 2 provides step-by-step instructions to help you begin using your notebook as quickly as possible.
Chapter 3 describes how to operate the standard features of your computer.
Chapter 4 illustrates how to integrate video and sound chips into impressive presentation.
Chapter 5 illustrates how to connect external device to your computer.
Chapter 6 explains how to use the System BIOS Setup program.
Chapter 7 explains how to use the internal module options of your computer.
Chapter 8 offers instructions on how to care and maintain your notebook.
Table of Contents
N otebook User Guide
ABOUT YOUR NOTEBOOK COMPUTER..................................................................6
ABOUT YOUR USER GUIDE.........................................................................................7
1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................15
1.1 F EATURE H IGHLIGHT ..............................................................................................16
1.2 U NPACKING THE C OMPUTER ..................................................................................18
1.3 T HE I NSIDE OF THE N OTEBOOK ..............................................................................20
Power/Wireless LAN/Mail Status Icons.................................................................22
Status LED Icons ...................................................................................................23
The Function of Easy Buttons................................................................................25
1.4 T HE F RONT S IDE OF THE N OTEBOOK ......................................................................26
1.5 T HE R EAR S IDE OF THE N OTEBOOK ........................................................................28
1.6 T HE L EFT S IDE OF THE N OTEBOOK .........................................................................30
1.7 T HE R IGHT S IDE OF THE N OTEBOOK .......................................................................32
1.8 T HE U NDERSIDE OF THE N OTEBOOK .......................................................................33
1.9 N OTEBOOK A CCESSORIES .......................................................................................34
1.10 N OTEBOOK O PTIONS ..............................................................................................35
2.1 U SING THE B ATTERY P ACK ....................................................................................38
Extending Battery Life ...........................................................................................41
2.2 C ONNECTING THE AC P OWER S OURCE ...................................................................41
2.3 S TARTING Y OUR C OMPUTER ..................................................................................43
2.4 A DJUSTING THE D ISPLAY C ONTROLS ......................................................................44
2.5 I NSTALLING THE N OTEBOOK D EVICE D RIVERS .......................................................44
Installing Windows XP from Optical Disk Drive...................................................44
Installing the AGP Driver......................................................................................45
Installing the VGA Device Driver..........................................................................45
Installing the IDE Device Driver...........................................................................46
Installing the Audio Device Driver........................................................................46
N otebook User Guide
Installing the Modem Device Driver......................................................................47
Installing the LAN Device Driver ..........................................................................47
Installing the FIR (Fast IR) Device Driver ............................................................48
Installing the PCMCIA Device Driver ...................................................................48
Installing the Keyboard Controller Driver ............................................................49
Installing the Synaptics – Touch Pad Driver .........................................................49
Installing the 4 in 1 CardReader Driver ................................................................50
Installing the Wireless LAN Device Driver............................................................50
Installing the Wireless LAN Device Utility ............................................................51
Installing the Wireless Mouse Device Driver.........................................................51
Installing EzMail Light Driver...............................................................................52
2.6 T URNING OFF Y OUR C OMPUTER .............................................................................52
3 USING YOUR NOTEBOOK ..................................................................................53
3.1 S TARTING Y OUR O PERATING S YSTEM ....................................................................54
3.2 U NDERSTANDING THE K EYBOARD F UNCTIONS .......................................................54
Basic Keyboard Functions.....................................................................................57
Cursor Control Keys ..............................................................................................59
Screen Control Keys...............................................................................................59
Windows Hot Keys .................................................................................................60
Special Function Keys............................................................................................60
3.3 U SING THE G LIDE P AD AND W IRELESS MOUSE .......................................................61
3.4 C ONFIGURING Y OUR S CREEN D ISPLAY ...................................................................63
Possible Display Configurations............................................................................64
Changing the Display Properties under Windows.................................................65
3.5 K NOWING THE P OWER S AVING F EATURES ..............................................................65
3.6 W ORKING WITH THE B UILT IN HDD .......................................................................66
3.7 H OW TO A CCESS THE O PTICAL D ISK D RIVE ............................................................67
3.8 U SING PCMCIA C ARDS .........................................................................................69
What is PCMCIA?..................................................................................................69
What is CardBus? ..................................................................................................71
N otebook User Guide
Inserting and Removing a PCMCIA Card .............................................................71
Making PC Cards Work.........................................................................................73
Notice for Hot Swapping PC Cards.......................................................................74
3.9 U SING F LASH M EMORY C ARDS ..............................................................................74
What is Flash Memory Card?................................................................................74
3.10 U SING U-D ISK ........................................................................................................76
What is U-Disk?.....................................................................................................76
Inserting U-Disk ....................................................................................................76
Removing U-Disk...................................................................................................77
4 FUN WITH MULTIMEDIA..........................................................................................78
4.1 N OTEBOOK M ULTIMEDIA F EATURES ......................................................................79
4.2 A UDIO S OUND S YSTEM F EATURES .........................................................................79
4.3 S ETTING U P THE A UDIO D RIVER P ROPERTIES .........................................................80
4.4 W INDOWS M ULTIMEDIA P ROGRAMS ......................................................................80
4.5 R ECORDING S OUNDS ..............................................................................................81
Using an External Microphone .............................................................................84
Using the Built-in Optical Disk Drive ...................................................................84
4.6 P LAYING A UDIO AND S OUND ..................................................................................85
Using the Windows Media Player..........................................................................86
4.7 P LAYING V IDEO AND MPEG F ILES .........................................................................86
4.8 U SING DVD............................................................................................................87
5 CONNECTING TO PERIPHERALS ....................................................................89
5.1 U SING THE USB P ORT ............................................................................................90
5.2 U SING AN E XTERNAL K EYBOARD (PS/2)................................................................90
5.3 U SING AN E XTERNAL M ONITOR P ORT ....................................................................91
5.4 U SING THE IR P ORT ................................................................................................93
5.5 U SING THE TV P ORT ..............................................................................................94
5.6 U SING THE IEEE 1394 P ORT ..................................................................................95
5.7 U SING THE E XTERNAL A UDIO S YSTEM ...................................................................96
N otebook User Guide
5.8 U SING THE LAN P ORT ............................................................................................96
5.9 U SING THE W IRELESS LAN (BTO) .........................................................................97
5.10 U SING THE M ODEM P ORT .......................................................................................98
6 CUSTOMIZING YOUR NOTEBOOK .....................................................................99
6.1 R UNNING THE BIOS S ETUP P ROGRAM ..................................................................100
6.2 U SING THE M AIN M ENU S ETUP .............................................................................102
6.2.1 Internal HDD Sub-Menu................................................................................104
6.3 U SING THE A DVANCED CMOS S ETUP ..................................................................104
6.3.1 I/O Advanced Chipset Control Sub-Menu...................................................106
6.3.2 I/O Device Configuration Sub-Menu ..........................................................107
6.4 S ECURITY M ENU S ETUP ........................................................................................108
6.5 U SING THE B OOT S ETUP .......................................................................................110
6.6 H OW TO E XIT THE S ETUP P ROGRAM .....................................................................111
6.7 H OW TO U PGRADE THE BIOS ...............................................................................112
7.1 S YSTEM U PGRADE ................................................................................................116
Memory Upgrade Procedures..............................................................................116
Installing Memory Module...................................................................................117
7.2 W IRELESS M ODULE I NSTALLATION ......................................................................118
8 CARING FOR YOUR NOTEBOOK ...................................................................119
8.1 I MPORTANT S AFETY I NSTRUCTIONS ......................................................................120
8.2 C LEANING Y OUR C OMPUTER ................................................................................123
8.3 M AINTAINING THE LCD Q UALITY .........................................................................123
8.4 M AINTAINING Y OUR H ARD D ISK ..........................................................................124
8.5 B ATTERY C ARE G UIDELINES .................................................................................124
8.6 W HEN Y OU T RAVEL .............................................................................................125
APPENDIX A HARDWARE SYSTEM INFORMATION .......................................127
N otebook User Guide
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................128
Processor Unit.............................................................................................................128
System Memory............................................................................................................128
LCD Display ................................................................................................................128
VGA System .................................................................................................................128
Audio System ...............................................................................................................129
PCMCIA ......................................................................................................................129
Pointing Device ...........................................................................................................130
Keyboard .....................................................................................................................130
Flash BIOS ..................................................................................................................130
I/O Ports ......................................................................................................................130
Infrared Port................................................................................................................131
AC/DC Power Supply Adapter ....................................................................................131
Battery .........................................................................................................................131
Weight and Dimension.................................................................................................131
N otebook User Guide
1 Introduction
Y our Notebook PC is a fully Windows compatible portable personal computer. With the latest features in mobile computing and multimedia technology, this notebook makes an entertainment companion. With leap of technology, your Notebook PC runs on a whole wide range of general business, personal productivity, entertainment, and professional applications.
Your Notebook PC makes an ideal choice for use in the office, the schoolroom, at home, and all other occasions.
N otebook User Guide
Before we go to identify each part of your Notebook PC, we will first introduce you to other notable features of your computer.
Processing Unit
• Your notebook runs on AMD Mobile AthlonXP microprocessor.
There are integrated with 512 KB L2 Cache. Check with your dealer on the CPU type and speed.
• Fully compatible with an entire library of PC software based on operating systems such as Windows XP/Win 2000.
Wide Screen LCD Display
Provides extraordinary 15.4" wide screen LCD display. It is the best choice for you to watch DVD movie.
Wireless LAN
Built-in Mini PCI Wireless LAN module (BTO)
This notebook provides two memory slots for installing DDR SDRAM
200-pin SODIMM modules up to 2048MB using 256MB, 512MB or
1024MB DDR 333/400 SDRAM modules.
Provides one PCMCIA slot that allows you to insert one Type II card.
IEEE 1394
Provides one IEEE 1394 port for fast data transmission by external hard disk or digital video (DV)
USB 2.0
Provides three USB 2.0 ports for fastest I/O data transmission
AGP Local Bus Architecture
Provides blazing graphics controller with ATI chipset Mobility
RADEON 9600 Pro. AGP video local bus and 3D Graphic Engine with maximum 64MB video memory
PCI Local Bus Architecture
• 32-bit PCI Enhanced IDE optimizes the data transfer between the
CPU and hard disk drives. Support ultra DMA100/133 PIO Mode up to PIO Mode 4, bus mastering for LBA Scheme.
• 32-bit PCMCIA CardBus PCI technology that is also backward compatible with 16-bit PC cards.
Audio System
Full-duplex 16-bit two speakers stereo audio system output. Sound
Blaster and Sound Blaster Pro compatible.
Flash BIOS
Flash BIOS allows you to easily upgrade the System BIOS using the
Phoenix Flash utility program.
N otebook User Guide
Power and System Management
• Integrated SMM (System Management Mode) on system chipset that shuts down components not in use to reduce power consumption.
To execute power management, you can set up the parameter in
Power Options properties by pointing your mouse to Control Panel of Windows.
• Suspend hot-key allows you to suspend the system operation instantly and resume at the press of the power button.
• System Password for User and Supervisor included on the BIOS
SETUP Program to protect unauthorized use of your computer.
1.2 Unpacking the Computer
Your computer comes securely packaged in a sturdy cardboard shipping carton. Upon receiving your computer, open the carton and carefully remove the contents. In addition to this User Guide, the shipping carton should also contain the following items:
The Notebook Computer
An AC Adapter and AC Power Cord
Li-Ion Battery Pack
Utility CD
Hardcopy User Guide/E-book
Quick Setup Manual
Carefully inspect each component to make sure that nothing is missing and/or damaged. If any of these items is missing or damaged, notify your dealer immediately. Be sure to save the shipping materials and the carton in case you need to ship the computer or if you plan to store the computer away sometime in the future.
N otebook User Guide
1.3 The Inside of the Notebook
The notebook computer is compact with features on every side. First, look at the inside of the system. The following sections describe inside features.
1. Color LCD Display
3. Keyboard
5. Power/Mail/Wireless LED
7. Power On/Resume Button
2. Status LED Indicator
4. 8. Built-in Stereo Speakers
6. Easy Buttons
9. Touchpad Pointing Device
• Color LCD Display
The notebook computer comes with a color LCD that you can adjust for a comfortable viewing position. The LCD can be 15.4" wide screen TFT color LCD with 1280x800 WXGA (Wide
Extended Graphics Array) resolution panels. The features of the
Color LCD Display are summarized as follows:
Wide screen TFT color LVDS with 15.4" 1280x800 WXGA resolution panels.
Capable of displaying 16M colors (32-bit true color) on the panel.
LCD display control hot-keys allows you to adjust the brightness of the LCD.
Simultaneous display capability for LCD and external desktop computer monitor.
• Status LED Indicator
Keeps you informed of your notebook computer’s current operating status. Description of the status icons appears in the latter part of this section.
• Keyboard
Standard QWERTY-key layout and full-sized 88 keys keyboard with Windows system hot-keys, embedded numeric keypad, 5 hot keys, inverted "T" cursor arrow keys, and separate page screen control keys.
Wide extra space below the keyboard panel for your wrist or palm to sit-on comfortably during typing.
• Built-in Stereo Speakers
Integrated left and right mini stereo speakers for sound and audio output for your multimedia presentations or listening pleasure.
• Power/Mail/Wireless LED
Keeps you informed of your notebook computer’s current power status, mail and Wireless LAN status. Descriptions of the status icons appear in the latter part of this section.
N otebook User Guide
• Easy Buttons
There are two easy buttons used for accessing Internet and e-mail functions instantly and easily. Description of the easy buttons appears in the latter part of this section.
• Power On/Resume Button
Switches the computer power on and off, or resumes whenever it is in Suspend mode.
• Touchpad Pointing Device
Microsoft mouse compatible with one Scroll pad and two Touchpad click buttons. These three buttons array below the Glide pad. The right side is located with the Scroll pad that lets you execute the scroll page function. The two click buttons located at each side support tapping selection and dragging functions. These buttons work like a standard computer mouse. Simply move your fingertip over the Glide Pad to control the position of the cursor. Use the selection buttons below the Glide Pad to select menu items.
1. Power Indicator
3. Mail LED
2. Battery Charging LED
4. Wireless LAN Access
• Power Indicator
Lets you know that power to the system is turned on. This LED is positioned so that you can see the power state whether the LCD panel is opened or closed.
Lights green when the system is powered on using the AC adapter or battery.
Lights green blinking when in Suspend to RAM.
Lights orange when the battery power is low.
• Battery Charging LED
Lights to indicate battery in charging status.
Lights orange to indicate that the battery is in charging.
Lights off to indicate the battery is fully charged or no battery installed.
• Mail LED
Lights blinking blue to indicate that a new mail is arrived.
• Wireless LAN access
Lights in blue to indicate that the wireless LAN module is installed.
When lights blinking blue indicate that the system is accessing or retrieving data by wireless device.
The notebook computer uses status lights marked with icons to communicate system status. See the following figure and list for each icon’s meaning.
The Status LED Panel keeps you informed of the notebook’s current operating status. Each LED is marked with an icon to designate the system status.
N otebook User Guide
1. Caps Lock
3. Num Lock
5. 4 in 1 flash Access
2. Scroll Lock
4. Drive Access
Status LED Icons
• Caps Lock
When LED in blue light indicates that the Caps Lock key on the keyboard is activated. When activated, all alphabet keys typed in will be in uppercase or capital letters.
• Scroll Lock
When LED in blue indicates that the Scroll Lock key on the keyboard is activated. The Scroll Lock key has different functions depending on the software you are using.
• Num Lock
When LED in blue light indicates that the Num Lock key on the keyboard is activated. When activated, the embedded numeric keypad will be enabled.
• Drive Access
When LED in blue light indicates that the system is accessing either the Hard Disk or optical disk drive.
• 4 in 1 flash Access
When LED in blue light indicates that one of the flash card (SD,
MMC, Memory Stick, or SmartMedia card) is inserted into this slot and recognized by this NB.
1. Internet Button 2. E-Mail Button
• Internet Button
This technology is designed specifically for providing a very convenient way in connecting Internet only by pressing Internet button as shown in the graphics. For more understanding and interesting, you can refer Section 2.5 to recognize the driver installation procedures in activating Internet button.
N otebook User Guide
• E-mail Button
This is the most convenient way to access the outlook
98/2000/2002... utility just by pressing this button. You can simplify several procedures in entering into Outlook 98/2000/2002... environment.
1.4 The Front Side of the Notebook
1. IR Port
3. Stop Button
5. Forward Button
7. Audio DJ Display
2. Lock Switch
4. Rewind Button
6. Play/Pause Button
8. Cover Switch
• IR Port
Wireless data/files transferring between your notebook computer and an IR-equipped device or notebook computer. You can also print to an IR-equipped printer without using cables.
• Lock Switch
This Lock Switch executes two functions as to power on/off the
Audio DJ CD player and to lock or unlock the Audio DJ status.
To power on or off the Audio DJ CD player, slide the switch left aside and hold it for a moment.
To lock or unlock the status of your Audio DJ, slide the switch right aside. When your Audio DJ is in locking status while the music is playing, no matter what button is pressed, the music still continues to play. The function of this switch is to prevent you from touching any button accidentally.
• Stop Button
Press the button to stop the music.
• Rewind Button
Press the button for reverting to previous music. Press and hold this button to fast rewind the audio CD.
• Forward Button
Press the button for playing the next music. Press and hold this button to fast forward the audio CD.
• Play/Pause Button
Press the button to play or pause music.
• Audio DJ Display
The display shows the number of the music currently playing.
• Cover Switch
The cover (LCD panel) is locked when it is closed. Slide the button right aside to release the latch for opening the cover of the computer.
N otebook User Guide
☞ The function of Audio DJ is workable without power on the
Notebook. However, if you had started the Windows system, the
Audio DJ function is disabled. You need to operate the Windows system for music listening.
1.5 The Rear Side of the Notebook
The system ports at the back of your notebook computer can connect various devices (like a printer or external monitor). Each port is described as followings.
1. PS/2 Port
3. USB Port
5. Air-Outlet Vent
7. TV Port
9. Print Port
2. USB Port
4. Modem Port
6. Locking Device Keyhole
8. Monitor Port
10. Air Inhalant
• PS/2 Port
Lets you connect an external PS/2-style mouse, PS/2-style keyboard, or PS/2-style numeric keypad to the system. With an optional Y-cable adapter, you also can connect any combination on two of these
• USB Port
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) port allows you to connect up to 127
USB-equipped peripheral devices (for example, printers, scanners and so on) to your notebook computer.
• Modem Port
A 56K internal fax/data modem is installed. It keeps you connected to the outside world through networks.
• Air-Outlet Vent
Emits the heat out of your computer and keeps it within operating temperature.
• Locking Device Keyhole
Lets you attach a Kensington security system or a compatible lock to secure your notebook computer.
• TV Port
Lets you connect to the S-Video TV connector for presentation or
VCD, DVD watching.
• Monitor Port
Lets you attach an external monitor or projector for wider display.
You can run the LCD display and the external monitor simultaneously or switch it to monitor only using the display hot-key.
• Print Port
Use this port to connect a parallel printer or other parallel device.
The parallel port supports EPP standard. The standard provides you with a greater processing speed than the conventional parallel port.
The port also supports bi-directional and ECP protocols.
N otebook User Guide
☞ The default setting for the parallel port on your notebook computer is set to EPP. Some older parallel devices may not function with the
ECP default setting. You may need to adjust the setting to accommodate your parallel device by changing the BIOS setting.
• Air Inhalant
Inhale the air into your computer to keep it within operating temperature.
1.6 The Left Side of the Notebook
The left side of your notebook computer provides the features shown in the following figure.
1. DC Power Port
3. USB Port
5. IEEE 1394
7. Headphone Jack
9. Stereo Line-In Jack
2. LAN Port
4. SPDIF Port
6. PC Card Slot
8. Microphone Jack
10. Volume Control
Left Side Features
• DC Power Port
Lets you connect the AC power adapter in supplying continuous power to your notebook and recharging the battery.
• LAN Port
An internal 10Base-T/100Base-TX LAN module connects your computer to other computers/networks through a local area network
• USB Port
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) port allows you to connect up to 127
USB-equipped peripheral devices (for example, printers, scanners and so on) to your notebook computer.
• SPDIF Port
The SPDIF port allows you to connect external audio device with
SPDIF port support. The SPDIF port transmits digitized audio signal by optical fiber. The external audio amplifier can get the best audio quality without loss. SPDIF cord can be available on local electronic store.
• IEEE 1394
IEEE 1394 port is a high speed I/O port that can transfer high levels of data in real-time, such as external hard disk, Digital Video
• PC Card Slot
Lets you connect various PC cards such as memory card
Supports both 3V, 5V 32-bit CardBus and 16-bit PC cards.
• Headphone Jack
Lets you plug in a stereo headphone, powered speakers, or earphone set with 1/8 inch phono plug for personal listening.
N otebook User Guide
• Microphone Jack
Allows you to connect an external microphone for monophonic sound recording directly into your notebook computer.
• Stereo Line-In Jack
Lets you connect an external audio device such as CD player, a tape deck, or a synthesizer as an input source. Use a cable to connect to the Line-Out port on the other audio system to record or play on this N/B.
• Volume Control
Allows you to control the speaker volume.
1.7 The Right Side of the Notebook
The right side of the notebook computer offers the features shown in the following figure.
1. Optical Disk Drive
3. U-Disk
2. 4 in 1 card slot
Right Side Features
• Optical Disk Drive
Allows you to load and start programs from a compact disc (CD) or a digital video disc (DVD) and play conventional audio CDs. It also can make CD by using CD-R or CD-RW.
• 4 in 1 card slot
The card slot supports MMC, SD, SmartMedia and Memory Stick flash memory card format. You can use either of the 4 types flash memory cards for extra storage media. Please pay attention to correct direction when you insert the flash memory card. For more detail of flash card, you can refer to Chapter 3.9
• U-Disk
Allows you to insert a U-Disk into this slot. U-Disk is a storage media that is made from flash memory. U-Disk can save digital data and the data is accessed through the USB port.
1.8 The Underside of the Notebook
The bottom of the notebook computer offers the following features.
1. Wireless LAN Compartment
2. Battery Release Latch
3. Battery Bay
4. Memory and Modem Compartment
5. Woofer
Bottom of the System
N otebook User Guide
• Wireless LAN Compartment
This compartment is for installing Wireless LAN module to enable the Wireless LAN function. It is BTO option and can be installed only by certified dealer.
• Battery Release Latch
Push the latch to the left end to remove the battery pack.
• Battery Bay
Equipped with a choice of Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery pack.
• Memory and Modem Compartment
Remove the screw to find two SO-DIMM memory slots and one modem module. One memory slot is empty for upgrade usage.
• Woofer
This speaker produces heavy bass voice output for music listening.
AC Adapter
The AC Adapter supplies external power to your notebook computer and charges the internal battery pack simultaneously. The AC adapter has an auto-switching design that can connect to any 100VAC ~ 240VAC power outlets. You just change the power cord if you are going to use your notebook in other countries with different connector outlets.
When you connect the AC adapter, it charges the battery whether or not the notebook computer is powered on.
Battery Pack
Aside from the AC adapter, your computer can also be powered through the internal battery pack. The battery pack uses rechargeable Lithium-Ion
(Li-Ion) battery cells that provide long computing hours when fully charged and power management enabled. You should always leave the battery inside your computer even when using the AC adapter as it also acts as a back-up power supply in case power from the AC adapter is cut off. It is also very important to have the battery pack always charged to prevent battery cell degradation.
1.10 Notebook Options
CD-RW/DVD Combo Device Pack
This device pack can write data to CD-R or CD-RW CD for you to backup the data and also can read DVD/CD title.
DVD+RW Device Pack
This device pack can write data to CD-R or CD-RW and DVD+R or
DVD+RW media for you to backup the data and also can read
DVD/CD title.
N otebook User Guide
Getting Started
Y our Notebook is designed and pre-configured for easy setup and use. This chapter describes the installation steps you should follow to get the notebook up and running as quickly as possible.
Contact your dealer if they have pre-installed all the needed drivers to fully operate your computer or if there is an update on the driver installation of the notebook.
N otebook User Guide
2.1 Using the Battery Pack
The notebook is designed to operate with one of the following power sources:
• With AC power using the AC adapter connected to an electrical outlet.
• With a Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery pack.
You should use the AC adapter whenever it is possible, relying on the battery pack only when AC power is unavailable.
Before you use your notebook computer, install and recharge the battery pack first. The rechargeable Li-Ion battery pack allows you to operate the notebook without an external power source. When you connect the AC power adapter, the battery immediately starts to recharge.
For maximum battery performance, fully discharge the battery first before recharging it when you start to use it first time. To do so, unplug the AC adapter, turn off power management features (through Setup and Windows), and turn on the system. Once the battery is fully discharged, plug in the AC adapter and recharge the battery. You can also do it by using the Battery
Refresh function in BIOS setup manual that is described on chapter 6.6
If you do not discharge the battery completely, it fails to accept a full recharge.
☞ Li-Ion battery is vulnerable, do not charge it with other power adapter, or it may cause fire or explosion.
☞ Please be sure to use the M4 series Li-Ion battery pack for this notebook computer.
Getting Started
Installing the Battery Pack
This notebook provides the most convenient way to install the battery pack into your computer. To install the battery, first orient the extended nose directed toward the compartment, then following the sequence as shown in the figure below.
Removing the Battery Pack
To remove the battery pack, slide the related latch and then take out the battery pack with your finger as the sequence shown in the figure below.
N otebook User Guide
Replacing the Battery Pack
When your notebook estimates that the battery only has enough charge to continue for a few minutes, it will alert you with a battery low warning beep. If you are consuming a lot of power by using the audio system, the PCMCIA slots, the hard drives, and optical disk drive, your notebook might run out of charge much sooner than you expect. You should always respond to the battery low indication by connecting to AC power or turning off your notebook, or suspending your notebook to disk. If you do not do so, the notebook will automatically suspend to disk and turn off. The contents of the memory will store in the hard disk drive. You will be unable to restart the notebook until you have connected to the AC adapter or installed a charged battery. To replace the battery pack, refer to the previous sections on "Installing the Battery
Pack" and "Removing the Battery Pack."
☞ Be sure to save your data before replacing the battery pack or connecting the AC adapter. Failure to do so can result in data loss.

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Key features
- AMD Mobile AthlonXP microprocessor
- 15.4" TFT color LCD display
- Wireless LAN
- PCMCIA slot for 32-bit CardBus and 16-bit PC cards
- IEEE 1394 port for fast data transmission
- Three USB 2.0 ports for fastest I/O data transmission
- ATI chipset Mobility RADEON 9600 Pro
- Full-duplex 16-bit two speakers stereo audio system output
- Flash BIOS for easy upgrade
- System Management Mode (SMM) for reduced power consumption