MARTEC Replica Single-Channel Digital Radio Control, Replica 2-Button, 1-Button, 4-Button Transmitter, Replica 4-Button Receiver Installation & Programming Instructions
Step 3A, Installing Receiver Using Optional] Adaptor Transformer Power. When power is not availab Transformer le from the opener it is adaptor transformer, Part# eiver. Connect the receiver Or transformer to the tlet. A wire harness, e for interconnection when пе receiver cannot mount directly to the Opener. step 4. Remote Mounting of he Receiver ° receiver is provided with ended for mounting to Od screw. А dry wall uld be used when mo unting hardware is no a molded eyelet а structural surface with a anchor or toggle bolt unting into sheet ro provided, ck. The nee | This device complies with FCC Rules Part 15 and IC Canada Rules and Regulations. Operation of this device is Subject to the following conditions: (1) This MARTEC ACCESS PRODUCTS limitation of Warranty periods. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and YOU may also have other rights that vary from state to state, Multi-Code™ js q registered trademark of Linear Corporation, Homelink™ js à registered trademark of SA \ Martec Access Products Inc. 240 Sheffield Street, Mountainside, NJ 07092 Johnson Controls, Inc. = — SEA Ll. ЕС | Si LS mul 908 2330691 » FAX 908 233 5766 REPLICA™ Single-Channel Digital Radio Controls 2-Button Transmitter 1-Button Transmitter 4-Button Receiver Transmitter RÁ Part # TK-4010 En, Part Y ТК-400 | | Part # TK-4020 Part # TK: INSTALLATION & PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS The Replica digital universal radio controls are intended for use with garage door and gate Openers, as well as various safety and security systems. The 10-position code switch located Within each device provides 1024 distinct codes. Replica radio contro] transmitters and receivers can be used Interchangeably with Multi-Code™ Model 1090 receivers and Mode! 3089 receivers and are Homelink™ compatible. A WARNING (Replica receivers are shipped nn with the pulsed output mode of operation enabled. To allow Constant contact closure reposition the Jumper located near the 10 Position code Switch of the receiver as illustrated, NS A En VER MARTEC RENE Li = | Martec Access Products Inc, bre = nn. и TUL. (We Est mg 2 А WARNING DO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN TO PLAY WITH OR OPERATE REMOTE CONTROL TRANSMITTERS. The garage door could close and cause serious injury or death. step 1. Locate Code Switches Pull back to access code and pull switches _| back ta access code Pry open with a coin or screwdriver switches :emove Code Switch access hatches on the “ansmitter and receiver. step 2, Set Code Switches for Receiver x One-Button Transmitter 'se a paper clip or small screwdriver to set the code witches in the receiver to the desired ON-OFF 3sitions. Do not use a pen or pencil. CAUTION: ne transmitter and receiver are shipped with ‘re-set factory codes that should be reset to insure ‘our secu.ity. Set the code switches in the ransmitter to the same ON-OFF combination used n the receiver. Transmitter Receiver 12345676910 ON 12345678910 ON AMARA NY YY || ААУ ох The switches are numbered from 1 thru 10. The code switch settings in the receiver must match the code switch setting of each transmitter used in this installation. Step 2A. Setting Code Switches for Two-Button Transmitter The two-button transmitter has two sets of code switches. Each button has its own code switches. The receiver to be controlled by the right button must be coded to match the right code switches, The receiver to be controlled by the left button must be coded to match the left code switches. The two sets of code switches should never be set alike. Step 2B. Setting Code Switches for Four-Button Transmitter Set the first 9 numbered switches on the top switch and a different 9 numbers for the bottom switch. Г NOTE: Make sure you use two different code settings! Switch | for the two sets of switches inside the transmitter to avoid transmitter conflicts. The top set of switches control transmitter buttons 1 & 3 and the bottom set controls buttons 2 & 4. On the receivers you want to control with buttons 1 & 3 set the first 9 switches to match the settings on the top set of transmitter switches but set the 10th switch on one receiver to the “ON” position and the 10th switch on the other to the “OFF” position. This allows the receivers to operate with independent frequencies. NOTE: The 10th switch on the transmitter can be in either position. Repeat the above settings for the receivers you want to be controlled by switches 2 & 4 making sure the first nine switch settings match the settings of the bottom set of switches in the transmitter. Switch 3 | Code Switch Settings on Transmitter 123486789 16 ON Switch 4 | | ААТАУТАУУТ or Code Switch Settings for Receiver 1 12348676910 ON AAVAVYAYVY с Switch 2 Code Switch Settings for Receiver 3 12345878910 ON AAVAVYAYVA ... WARNING Disconnect power from opener before installing receiver Step 3. Installing Receiver Utilizing Opener Power Supply Rear of Opener Vertical Terminal Strip Install the receiver to the opener as shown in the diagram. The power will be supplied by the opener. 3. 24 VAC 2. RELAY 1, COMMON ">