Hamilton Buhl ALS 700 Assistive Listening System User manual

Below you will find brief information for Assistive Listening System ALS 700. The ALS700 provides quality listening assistance in compliance with the American’s With Disabilities Act (ADA), which requires public facilities with audio systems to make listening assistance available to their audiences. The system operates up to 150 feet line of sight and can be used for a variety of applications, including small classrooms and boardrooms, auditoriums, and sanctuaries. The ALS700 connects to the line out from a tape player or from an existing sound systems and broadcasts the audio as a FM radio signal.

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Assistive Listening System ALS 700 User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Up to 150 feet line of sight
  • One wireless transmitter and 6 receivers
  • Excellent for any application
  • Operates indoor or out without affecting performance
  • Connects to line out from a tape player or existing sound systems
  • Broadcasts audio as an FM radio signal

Frequently asked questions

The ALS700 can transmit up to 150 feet line of sight.

The ALS700 comes with 6 portable wireless belt pack receivers.

The ALS700 is excellent for any application from small classrooms and boardrooms to auditoriums and sanctuaries.

Yes, the ALS700 can be used indoors and outdoors without affecting performance.

The ALS700 connects to the line out from a tape player or from an existing sound systems.
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