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- Avian Transport Ventilator
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- 127 Pages
Bird Avian Transport Ventilator Service Manual
Below you will find brief information for ventilator Avian Transport Ventilator. The Avian Transport Ventilator is a microprocessor controlled, time or volume cycled ventilator with a variety of ventilation modes for pediatric and adult patients in clinical, field hospital, aeromedical, and transport settings. It's easy to transport and store, with a compact, durable exterior and lightweight design. The Avian Transport Ventilator is self-powered using its own internal, rechargeable battery and includes a 115/230 VAC switch selectable AC power supply and a 12 VDC power cable for connection to external 11-130VDC power sources. This ventilator operates from a variety of gas sources, including compressed gas cylinders (air, oxygen or air/oxygen mixtures), medical grade air compressors, or on-board aircraft gas sources. The gas input of the ventilator can also accept blended gas mixtures from a gas blender.
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Awq ml It .IlilV TRANSPOR VE NTI LATO R TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1.0: PRODUCT INFORMATION m 1.1 1.2 1.3 Warranty ........................................................................................................... Introduction ...................................................................................................... Intended Use .................................................................................................... 1-1 1-2 1-2 1.4 Product 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 Specifications ..................................................................................... Electrical ............................................................................................... Alarms .................................................................................................. Controls ................................................................................................ 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1.4.4 1.4.5 Monitors/Indicators ........................................................................... Pneumatic ............................................................................................ 1-4 1-4 1.4.6 Physical Characteristics ..................................................................... Ordering Information ...................................................................................... 1.5.1 System Components ........................................................................... 1.5.2 Circuit Components ........................................................................... 1.5.3 Accessories ........................................................................................... 1-4 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1.5.4 1-6 1.5 Recommended Spare Parts List ........................................................ SECTION 2.0: WARNINGS, CAUTIONS AND NOTES 2.1 2.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................... Definitions ......................................................................................................... 2-1 2-1 2.3 2.4 Warnings ........................................................................................................... Cautions ............................................................................................................ 2-1 2-3 SECTION 3.0: DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS, ALARMS AND DISPLAYS 3.1 3.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................... Controls ............................................................................................................. 3.2.1 Mode Control ...................................................................................... 3-1 3-1 3-1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 Inspiratory Time/Tidal Volume ....................................................... Breath Rate Control ............................................................................ Flow ............................................. ......................................................... 3-2 3-4 3-4 3.2.5 3.2.6 Assist Sensitivity ................................................................................. Manual PEEP Reference .................................................................... 3-4 3-5 3.2.8 3.2.7 3.2.9 Sigh ON/OFF Pressure Relief ...................................................................................... ..................................................................................... Manual Breath ..................................................................................... 3-5 3-6 3.2.10 Display Controls 3-6 i ................................................................................. TRANSPORTTABLE OF CONTENTS R VE N TI LATO 3.3 3.4 Alarms ............................................................................................................... 3-6 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 High Peak Pressure ............................................................................ Low Peak Pressure ............................................................................. Alarm Silence/Reset .......................................................................... 3-6 3-7 3-7 3.3.4 I:E Ratio Alarm ..................................................................................... 3-8 3.3.5 3.3.6 Apnea Alarm ....................................................................................... Disconnect Alarm ................................................................................ 3-8 3-8 3.3.7 3.3.8 Ventilator Inoperative Alarm ............................................................. External Power Low/Fail ................................................................... 3-9 3-9 3.3.9 3.3.10 Battery Low/Fail ............................................................................... PEEP Not Set ...................................................................................... 3-10 3-10 3.3.11 Transducer Calibration ..................................................................... Monitors ........................................................................................................... 3.4.1 Power ON ........................................................................................... 3-10 3-11 3-11 3.4.2 External Power ................................................................................... 3-11 3.4.3 Airway 3-11 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6 Monitor Display ................................................................................. Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP) ....................................................... Mean Airway Pressure (MAP) ......................................................... 3-11 3-12 3-_!2 3.4.7 3.4.8 Airway Pressure (Paw) ................................................................... Limits ................................................................................................... 3-13 3-13 Pressure ................................................................. { Breath Rate/Inspiratory Time ........................................... 3-13 Tidal Volume/Flow/Breath Rate ...................................... 3-13 Figure 3.1 Table 3.1 Front Panel Illustration Front Panel Illustration Figure 3.2 Table 3.2 Pneumatic and External Power Connection: Illustration .... 3-16 Pneumatic and External Power Connection_ Illustration Reference ............................................................ 3-16 Figure 3.3 Table 3.3 Patient Valve Illustration Patient Valve Illustration SECTION 4.0: OPERATING ii Monitor ............................................................ Reference .......................................... 3-14 3-15 ........................................................ Reference ...................................... 3-17 3-17 INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 4.2 4.3 Assembly Instructions ........................................................................ -............ 4-1 Performance Check .......................................................................................... 4-2 4.3.1 4.3.2 Preparation .......................................................................................... Internal Self Test .............................................................................. 4.3.3 4.3.4 Test Settings ......................................................................................... Testing ................................................................................................ 4-1 4-2 , 4-3 4-4 • " I TRANSPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS VENTILATOR 4.4 Start-up Instructions ........................................................................................4-6 4.4.1 Ventilator 4.4.2 Description of Ventilator Modes ...................................................... Control Mode ........................................................................ 4-6 4-6 Assist/Control ...................................................................... SIMV ....................................................................................... 4-6 4-7 CPAP ...................................................................................... 4-7 CAL Mode ............................................................................. 4-8 OFFSetting ............................................................................ 4-9 4.5 Apnea Backup Ventilation ............................................................................. 4-9 4.6 Clinical Operation of Controls ....................................................................... 4.6.1 Mode ..................................................................................................... 4-9 4-9 4.7 4.9 4-6 4.6.2 4.6.3 Inspiratory Time/Tidal Volume ....................................................... 4-9 Breath Rate ......................................................................................... 4-11 4.6.4 Flow .................................................................................................... 4-11 4.6.5 4.6.6 Sensitivity ........................................................................................... PEEP/CPAP ...................................................................................... 4-11 4-11 4.6.7 Manual PEEP Reference 4-11 4.6.8 4.6.9 Sigh ON/OFF .................................................................................... Manual Breath ................................................................................... 4-12 4-12 4.6.10 Pressure Relief Valve ........................................................................ 4-12 of Alarms ....................................................................... 4-13 High Peak Pressure .......................................................................... Low Peak Pressure ........................................................................... 4-13 4-13 Clinical Operation 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.8 Setup .................................................................................. .................................................................. Clinical Operation of Ventilation Modes ................................................... 4.8.1 Control Mode .................................................................................... 4-14 4-14 4.8.2 4.8.3 Assist/Control .................................................................................. SIMV ................................................................................................... 4-14 4-15 4.8.4 CPAP .................................................................................................. 4-15 High Altitude Operation .............................................................................. Figure 4.1 Volume vs. Pressure SECTION Altitude Chart ....................................... 4-16 4-17 5.0: CLINICAL TROUBLESHOOTING 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Operator ...................................................................................................... Troubleshooting Chart ................................................................... 5-1 5-1 L .,I"IIIW TRANSPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS VE NTI I_ATO R SECTION 6.0: CLEANING AND STERILIZATION 6.1 6.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................... Ventilator .......................................................................................................... 6-1 6-1 6.3 6.4 6.5 Patient Valve Assembly .................................................................................. Breathing Circuit .............................................................................................. PEEP Valve ....................................................................................................... 6-2 6-2 6-2 SECTION 7.0: OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM OPERATION 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Theory 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.2.5 7.3 ....................................................................................................... of Operation ......................................................................................... Gas Inlet and Pressure Conditioning .................... i........................... Main Flow Control System ................................................................. Exhalation Valve and Control System .............................................. Demand System ................................................................................... Pressure Relief Function/Anti-Suffocation Valve ......................... 7.2.6 Airway Pressure Transducer ............................................................ Electronic Circuit Descriptions ...................................................................... 7.3.1 Power Supply Board .......................................................................... Overview ............................................................................... 7.3.2 Input Power Conditioning .................................................. Battery Charger ..................................................................... Charger Bypass Power ......................................................... Main Printed Circuit Board .............................. i................................ Overview ............................................................................... Sheet 1, Figure 9.3.1 .............................................................. Sheet 2, Figure 9.3.2, ............................................................ Sheet 3, Figure 9.3.3 .............................................................. Sheet 4, Figure 9.3.4 .............................................................. Sheet 5, Figure 9.3.5 .............................................................. Sheet 6, Figure 9.3.6 ............................................................... 7.3.3 Display Board ....................................................................................... Figure 7.1 Pneumatic Schematic .................................................................... Figure 7.2 Electrical Block Diagram .............................................................. SECTION 8.0: MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Recommended Tools and Test Equipment 8.2.1 Special Tools and Test Equipment 8.2.2 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-2 7-2 7-2 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-4 7-4 7-4 7-4 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-6 7-6 7-7 7-8 m ...................................................................................................... Common 7-1 .................................................. ................................................... Tools .................................................................................... 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-2 - IP ,fllilV TRANSPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS VE NTI LATO R 8.3 Ventilator Maintenance ................................ ................................................... 8.3.1 Recommended Maintenance Schedule ....i....................................... 8-2 8-3 8.3,2 8.4 Annual Inspection .............................................................................. Battery Inspection ................................................................. Battery Care ........................................................................... Bleed Muffler Replacement ................................................. Gas Inlet Filter Replacement ............................................... 8.3.3 Two (2) Year Maintenance ................................................................. Disassembly ........................................................................... Reassembly ............................................................................ Test Procedures ................................................................................................ 8-3 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-5 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.4.1 Avian Test Settings ............................................................................. Figure 8.1 Standard Test Diagram ................................................................ Figure 8.2 Anti-Suffocation Valve Test Diagram ..................................... 8.4.2 Testing ................................................................................................ Technical Troubleshooting Guide ............................................................... Pressure Transducer Calibration ................................................................. Error Codes ..................................................................................................... 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-11 8-17 8-20 8-21 Figure 8.3 Battery Compartment 8-23 SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS 9.1 Introduction Table 9.1 Figure 9.1 Table 9.2 Figure 9.2 Figure 9.3 .......................................... AND ILLUSTRATED PARTS D ...................................................................................................... Accessories Replacement Parts List ........................................ Accessories Illustration ............................................................. Illustrated Replacement Parts List ........................................... Illustrated Parts Drawing (Exploded View) .......................... Main Printed Circuit Board Illustration (P/N 50370) ............................................................................. Figure 9.3.1 Main Printed Circuit Board Schematic, Sheet I of 6 ....................................................... Figure 9.3.2 Figure 9.3.3 Figure 9.3.4 Figure 9.3.5 Figure 9.3.6 Figure 9.4 Illustration Main Printed Sheet 2 of 6 Main Printed Sheet 3 of 6 Main Printed Sheet 4 of 6 Main Printed Sheet 5 of 6 Circuit Board Schematic, ..................................................... Circuit Board Schematic, ..................................................... Circuit Board Schematic, ..................................................... Circuit Board Schematic, ..................................................... Main Printed Circuit Board Schematic, Sheet 6 of 6 ..................................................... 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-7 9-9 9-11 9-13 9-15 9-17 9-19 Display Printed Circuit Board Illustration (P/N 50380) ............................................................................ 9-21 Figure 9.4.1 Display Printed Circuit Board Schematic ..... 9-23 TRANSPORTTABLE OF CONTENTS L_TOR VENTI Figure 9.5 Figure 9.6 Power Supply Printed Circuit Board IUustration (P/N 50390) ............................................................................ Figure 9.5.1 Power Supply Printed Circuit: Board Schematic ........................................................ Manifold Assembly 9-25 (Sectional View) .................................... 9-27 9-28 GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................ G-1 BULLETINS ................................................................................................................ B-1 ADDENDA ............................................................ A-1 ORDERING INFORMATION Contact your Bird Products Corporation Dealer or Bird Products Corporation Customer Service Department directly: 2.................................................... TECHNICAL INFORMATION Contact Bird Products Corporation Technical ServJices Department directly: 1100 Bird Center Drive 1100 Bird Center Drive Palm Springs, CA 92262 (800) 328-4139 (619) 778-7200 Fax: (619) 778-7274 TLX"9103805605 Palm Springs, CA 92262 (619) 778-7200 or BIRD HELPLINE (800) 934-BIRD [(800) 934-2473] © 1995 Bird Products Corporation (/) 0 Z A!qmmu IP flIIW SECTION 1.0: TnANsvonT PRODUCT INFORMATION VENTILATOR , 1.1 WARRANTY The products of Bird Products Corporation (Herein Bird) are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship and to meet the published specifications for one (1) year. The liability of Bird under this warranty is limited to replacing, repairing or issuing credit, at the discretion of Bird, for the parts that become defective or fail to meet published specifications during the warranty period; Bird will not be liable under this warranty unless (A) Bird is promptly notified in writing by Buyer upon discovery of defects or failure to meet specifications; (B) the defective unit or part is returned to Bird, transportation charges prepaid by Buyer; (C) the defective unit or part is received by Bird for adjustment no later than four weeks following the last day of the warranty period; and (D) Bird's examination of such unit or part shall disclose, to its satisfaction, that such defects or failures have not been caused by misuse, neglect, improper installation, unauthorized repair, alteration or accident. Any authorization to prevent voiding of Bird for repair or alteration warranty. by the Buyer must be in writing Bird warranties as herein above set forth shall not be enlarged, diminished or affected by, and no obligation or liability shall arise or grow out of the rendering of technical advice or service by Bird or its agents in connection with Buyer's order of the products furnished hereunder. • LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITIES In no event shall Bird be liable to Buyer for loss of profits, loss of use, consequential damage or damages of any kind based upon a claim for breach of warranty, other than the purchase price of any defective product covered hereunder. This warranty does not cover normal maintenance such as cleaning, adjustment or lubrication and updating of equipment or parts. This warranty shall be void and shall not apply if the equipment is used with accessories or parts not manufactured by Bird or authorized for use in writing by Bird, or if the equipment is not maintained in accordance with a prescribed schedule of maintenance. The warranty stated above shall extend for a period delivery, with the following exceptions: of one year from date of 1. Electrical components for remote monitoring of physical variables such as temperature, pressure, oxygen saturation or flow are warranted for ninety (90) days from date of receipt. 2. Elastomeric components and other parts or components subject to deterioration over which Bird has no control are warranted for sixty (60) days from date of receipt. The foregoing is in lieu of any other warranty, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability, except as to title, and can be amended only in writing by a duly authorized representative of Bird. "/_'/ _a .wH _ mB J'JlP ,a"tl SECTION 1.0: TRANSPORT PRODUCT INFORMATION VENTILATOR 1.2 INTRODUCTION The Avian Transport Ventilator is a time or volume cycled ventilator, which can support a variety of ventilation modes. The modes are Control, Assist/Control, SIMV and CPAP. The ventilator's compact, simple design is easy to use and extremely durable. The Avian Transport Ventilator is microprocessor controlled. The ventilator provides the operator with a variety of controls and comprehensive alarms that include the following items: • Volume and time cycled ventilation • Automatic apnea backup • Proximal airway pressure • 5-100 LPM peak flow • • 0-20 cm H20 PEEP (with removable Breath rate from 0-150 BPM • Audio/visual alarms for high/low peak pressures, inverse I:E ratio and patient circuit disconnect. ventilation monitoring PEEP valve) apnea, i 1.3 INTENDED USE The Avian Transport Ventilator is suitable for pediatric and adult patients in clinical, field hospital, aeromedical, and transport settings. Its compact, durable exterior and lightweight design make the Avian exceptionally easy to transport and store. This ventilator is a self-powered unit using its own internal, rechargeable battery; additionally, each Avian Transport Ventilator is packaged with a 115/230 VAC switch selectable AC power supply and a 12 VDC power cable to allow for connection to external 11-,"30VDC power sources. The Avian Transport Ventilator operates from gas sources capable of delivering between 40-60 PSIG, including compressed gas cylinders (air, oxygen or air/oxygen mixtures), medical grade air compressors or on-board aircraft gas sources. The gas input of the ventilator can also accept blended gas mixtures from a gas blender. 1-2 5/97 Rev. D Section 1.4: Product 1.4 PRODUCT 1.4.1 Specifications SPECIFICATIONS Electrical External DC Power External Input Voltage 11 to 30 VDC (Positive or Negative Polarity) Internal Battery 6 Volt Rechargeable Sealed Lead Acid (11 Hours rain. operation on full charge) 100 - 125 VAC, 50 - 400 HZ 220 - 250 VAC, 50 - 400 HZ External Power Adapter (Switch selectable input) 1.4.2 Alarms High Peak Pressure I to 100 cmH20 Low Peak Pressure I:E Ratio (inverse) OFF, 2 to 50 cmH20 Audio/Visual Apnea External Power - Low & Fail Disconnect PEEP Not Set Audio/Visual (automatic Audio/Visual Audio / Visual Audio/Visual Battery Low/Fail Alarm Silence/Reset Audio/Visual Variable Duration (depending on the alarm) Single Touch Button 1.4.3 - 20 sec.) Controls Modes OFF, Control, Assist-Control, and CAL Breath Rate Flow Inspiratory Time Tidal Volume 0 to 150 bpm 5 to 100 lpm 0.1 to 3.0 seconds 50 to 2000 ml Assist Sensitivity Manual Breath -2 to -8 cmH20 Touch button activated PEEP/CPAP 0 to 20 cmH20 (with removable Sigh Manual Pressure (PEEP) Reference Relief SIMV, CPAP PEEP valve) On/Off I sigh/100 breaths or 7 minutes; 1.5 X Inspiratory Time (3.0 sec. max.) or Tidal Volume (2,000 ml max.) setting; 1.5 X High Pressure setting (100 cmH20 max) Set 0 to 20 cmH20 10 to 100 cmH20 1-3 AenA l IP,-fllllr SECTION 1.0: TRANSPORT PRODUCT INFORMATION VE NTI LATO R 1.4.4 Monitors/Indicators Green LED Yellow LED Power On External Power Red LED Peep Not Set Apnea Battery (Low/Fail) External Power Failure Vent Inoperative Disconnect 4 Digit 7 Segment LED Display (M.A.P.) Mean Airway Pressure 0 t.o 100 cmH20 (P.I.P.) Peak Inspiratory Pressure 0 to 100 cmH20 (Paw) Airway Pressure 0 to 100 crnH20 Low Peak Pressure, Off, 2 to 50 cmH20 High Peak Pressure I to 100 cmH20 Inspiratory Time 0.1 to 3.0 seconds Tidal Volume 50 to 2000 ml Breath Rate 0 to 150 bpm Flow 5 to 100 LPM LED Bar Graph 1.4.5 Airway NOTE. Internal Physical :iliiii _:_iiJ:i Compressed gas cylinders Medical grade air compressors On-board aircraft gas sources Blended gas mixtures from a gas blender Bleed 2 - 3 LPM. Characteristics PHYSICAL !!___:_!!:i_i_ _ Height Width Depth 10 Inches (254 ram) 12 Inches (305 rnm) 5 Inches (127 mm) Weight 10 Pounds Operating Temperatures Storage Temperatures 1-4 -10 to 100 cmH20 Pneumatic 40 to 60 psig of clean, dry medical grade air, oxygen or air-oxygen mixtures. 100 lpm minimum flow. 1.4.6 Pressure (4.5 Kkg) -4°F to 115°F (-20°C to 46°C) 50°F to 80°F (10°C to 27°C) Section 1.5: Ordering Information 1.5 ORDERING 1.5.1 INFORMATION System Components 15345 Avian Transport Ventilator system includes the following: 15365 Avian Transport Ventilator 10290 Carrying Case 15364 DC Input Cord 68107 09184 Power Supply Power Cord 10293 10333 Hose Assembly, 02 Patient Circuit Kit L1248 Instruction/Service 1.5.2 Manual Circuit Components 10333 Patient Circuit Kit includes the following: 20516 Tubing, Smooth Bor 33687 33686 Peep Valve Exhalation Valve 10294 Tube Assembly, Airway Pressure 10295 Tube Assembly, Exh. Valve Drive (1/8" I.D.) 1.5.3 (3/16" I.D.) Accessories 10317 Blender Mounting 15414 Exhalation 15440 Blender-Ventilator Kit Valve Diaphragm Replacement Kit 0 2 Hose 1-5 II[fllil SECTION 1.0: TRANSPORT PRODUCT INFORMATION VE N1"1 LATO R 1.5.4 "/ - 6 Rev. 5/96 Recommended Spare Parts List 00358D Connector, 1/8" Tube Tee 01741D 01943 02040D 03286 03826 04029X 04381 Tube Connector, 4.5ram X 1/8" (exhalation drive) O-ring, Inlet Filter Assembly Tube Connector, 5.0ram X 1/8" (for 1/8" I.D. proximal pressure tubing) Spring, 110 IDX.2X.3 Screw, 10-32 X 2.24 Hex Cap Tube, 1/8" ID Silicon (solenoid valve bleed) Screw, 6-32 x .250 05307D 05327D 06804 08434 09510 15292 15293 15484 20227 20238 O-Ring, .239 X .070 O-Ring, .739 X .070 Filter Element, Nylon Cone Screw, 6-32 X .50 Fuse, 1 Amp/250V, Timelag Cable Assembly, Power Supply Cable Assembly, Battery Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Connector, Diss 02, 1/4" Control Knobs 20496 20497 20969 20518 20519 Case, Base (bottom) Case, Lid (top) Manifold Panel Plate, Latch Latch 20523 20529 20866D 33685 33688 40082 40084 40085 40088 50370A Cover, Battery Muffler, Bleed Tube Connector, 5.0ram X 3/16" (for 3/16" I.D. proximal pressure tubing), fits Bird reusable circuit Gasket, EMI/O-Strip Bump, .50 diameter Screw, 10-32 X .375 Screw, 6-32 X 2.0 Screw, 6-32 X .25 Screw, 6-32 X 1.312 PCB, Main 50380A 50390A 68106 80'113 80136 80125 PCB, Display PCB, Power Supply Battery, 6V Label, Instruction Front Panel Overlay Switch Panel D flllff SECTION 2.0: TRANSPORTWARNINGS, CAUTIONS AND NOTES VENTILATOR 2.1 INTRODUCTION Before using or servicing the Avian Transport Ventilator, the user should read and understand all warnings and cautions in this manual. When appropriate, warnings and cautions will be repeated at the start of a section or will precede an instructional paragraph. Notes are not included in this section and will immediately precede instructional paragraphs. 2.2 DEFINITIONS These messages advise the operator of conditions that could have an adverse effect on the patient or the operator. These messages will be identified by the warning indicator that is directly to the left. WARNINGS! ...................... _:_-..*:_........................................................... _ .... Caution messages are used to identify conditions that could damage the Avian Transport Ventilator or other equipment. These messages will be identified by the caution indicator that is directly to the left. _i_ BTiDNSi!ii_%iiii __i_;_ _ NOTES: 2.3 Notes are used to draw attention to specific items that will help the operator or technician to better understand the Avian Transport Ventilator. These messages will precede an instructional paragraph. These messages are identified by the note indicator that is directly to the left. WARNINGS i • If the Avian Transport Ventilator fails the Performance Check, do not attempt to operate the ventilator until the performance specifications have been restored and verified. • Technical repairs should be accomplished by qualified personnel, trained either by Bird Products Corporation or its authorized trainers. BIRD PRODUCTS CORPORATION IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR UNAUTHORIZED REPAIRS OR REPAIRS MADE BY UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL. 2-_ AmATAml I), flliW SECTION 2.0: TRANSPORTWARNINGS, CAUTIONS AND NOTES VE NTI LenTO R I [] The Avian Transport Ventilator must pass a full technical performance check following any repair. [] Always replace the fuse in the power supply with a fuse of the same voltage and current rating. Failure to do so could result in injury to personnel or severe damage to the Avian Transport Ventilator. [] Always operate the ventilator with clean, dry medical grade gas. Failure to do so can result in contamination of the unit. The contamination improper of the unit could jeopardize operation and/or premature audible the patient by causing failure of the ventilator. [] The operation of the ventilator verified daily. and visual alarms should be [] The Avian Transport Ventilator is a restricted medical device. It is intended to be operated by qualified medical personnel under the direction of a physician. [] When the ventilator is connected to a patient, it is recommended that a trained clinician be in attendance at all times to take prompt action should an alarm or other indication of a problem occur. [] It is the responsibility of the clinician or user to establish and set the controls and monitor the alarm settings for each patient and mode of operation. 2-2 [] Consult a qualified physician for proper fractional inspired when using an air/oxygen blender oxygen (FIO2) concentrations. [] Monitor patient oxygen concentrations at or near the proximal airway. Use a calibrated oxygen analyzer to verify the oxygen concentrations. [] Do not use the ventilator in the presence as an explosion hazard exists. [] The compressed gas source must be between able to deliver a minimum of 100 LPM flow. of flammable anesthetics 40 and 60 PSI and be Section 2.3: Warnings (continued) Section 2.4: Cautions • WARNINGS! If an external auxiliary filter is unavailable or cannot be used, the •Avian Transport Ventilator inlet filter must be frequently checked for build-up of debris. Filter elements contaminated with moderate amounts of debris should be immediately replaced to avoid the possibility • The Low Peak Pressure appropriate loss. 2.4 of a ventilator malfunction. Alarm should always be set to an level to alert the operator in the event of a pressure CAUTIONS I_ _ ill v' Do not sterilize the Avian Transport Ventilator. The internal _._._._"_ _ ..................................................................... / components are not compatible with sterilization methods. II External cleaning and sterilization of the Avian Transport Ventilator with agents that include phenols, ammonia chloride, chloride compounds and/or those with a greater than 2% concentration of glutaraldehyde are not recommended. These agents may cause damage to plastic components and/or control panel overlays. v' Prolonged storage at high temperatures (above 80°F/27°C) can result in premature battery failure. Failure to recharge the battery while it is in storage will also cause premature failure of the battery. v' Before disassembling the Avian Transport • Place the ventilator ® Disconnect Mode Switch in the OFF position the external power supply • Remove the battery Ventilator: from the unit from the ventilator •,' Always follow proper static grounding procedures when removing and replacing the ventilator's printed circuit boards. _,' The calibration accuracy of all test equipment used to test and calibrate the Avian Transport Ventilator should be verified before recalibrating the ventilator. 2-3 I,-lllr SECTION 2.0: TmAspomT WARNINGS, CAUTIONS AND NOTES VENTILATOR I I _i_++!_+_+_+_+_+_ _ The correct polarity must be observed when the battery is replaced. The RED connector on the battery cable connects to the [+] battery terminal. The BLACK connector on the battery cable connects to the [-] battery terminal. Do not remove the entire inlet filter assembly from the ventilator when replacing the filter element and O-ring. If the entire inlet filter assembly must be removed, use extreme care to prevent debris from entering the manifold. V' Use caution when installing the new EPROM. Pay close attention to pin alignment and pin one (1) location. Be careful[ not to bend the IC pins when inserting the EPROM or PROM. , I," To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove the battery cover. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel. _ An in-line nebulizer should not be used with the Avian Transport Ventilator when operating in the time cycled mode. v' The flow control valve of the Avian Transport Ventilator provides a constant mass flow for each breath, whether at ground level or in an aircraft. The lower ambient pressure at altitudes above ground level will cause the air to assume a larger volum, a. In other words, the actual volume delivered by the ventilator at altitudes above ground level will be greater than the tidal volume displayed on the unit. The actual volume delivered by the Avian Transport Ventilator can be calculated from the displayed tidal volume and pressure altitudes as shown in the Volume vs. Pressure Chart, Figure 4.1 on page 4-17. 2-4 Altitude SECTION 3.0: DESCRIPTION OF TRANSPORT CONTROLS, ALARMS AND DISPLAYS VE NTI LATO R 3.1 INTRODUCTION This section alarms. The 3.1 on page Illustration, 3.2 describes the operation of the display, controls, and explanations refer to the Front Panel Illustration, Figure 3-14 and to the Pneumatic and External Power Panel Figure 3.2 on page 3-16. CONTROLS 3.2.1 Mode Control The Mode Control selects the desired mode of operation. Item #12 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration, designates the location of the control. There are five (5) position settings, which are described in the following chart. OFF CONTROL Assist/Control This setting turns the ventilator "OFF." The Vent Inoperative alarm will sound when the Mode switch is placed in the OFF position. The alarm can be silenced by pressing the Alarm Silence/Reset button. The ventilator inoperative visual alarm will continue to flash for approximately 30 minutes. The internal battery will continue to charge if the External AC Power source is connected to AC power and to the Avian Transport Ventilator. All parameters of the delivered by the ventilator. breath are controlled This mode allows for the delivery of either a Control or an Assist/Control breath. The patient has the ability to augment the breath rate, but not the flow or tidal volume/inspiratory time. The patient may initiate an Assist/Control breath if both the following conditions exist: • The ventilator is not currently in inspiration minimum exhalation phase, and; • The patient inspiratory effort exceeds the Sensitivity trigger setting. or the 3-1 IP,lll SECTION 3.0: DESCRIPTION OF TRANSPORT CONTROLS J ALARMS AND D'SPLAYS VE NTII LATO R iiiii iiiiii! SIMV In the SIMV mode, all control parameters are used with PEEP and Sigh as optional controls. Breaths can be totally patient controlled, or totally machine controlled with varying degrees of ventilator support between spontaneous breaths. 'Pne amount of patient or ventilator control is determined by the ventilator control settings. CPAP In the CPAP mode, the patient is allowed to breath spontaneously over an elevated baseline pressure. Tidal Volume or Inspiratory Time and Flow should be adjusted to appropriate levels for adequate minute ventilation should the patient become apneic and the ventilator reverts to Apnea Back-Up ventilation. CAL CAL mode provides a means for calibrating the airway pressure transducer to correctly read "zero" at ambient pressure. This mode allows the device to compensate for thermal and long term zero drift. Upon entering CAL mode a display test will activate, illuminating specific LED's and allowing the user to verify the operation of membrane switches and associated LED's. A detailed description of the display test is provided in Section 4, Operating Instructions. 3.2.2. !Inspiratory Time/Tidal NOTE: Volume Volume Cycled ventilation is the default form olEventilation. If the ventilator has been turned off, it will always revert to Volume Cycled ventilation when turned on. This control is designated item #19 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. This is a multiplexed control that allows for direct setting of Tidal Volume for volume cycled ventilation or Inspiratory Time for time cycled ventilation. Selection of Volume cycled ventilation or Time cycled ventilation is made by depressing the Tidal Vol., or Insp. Time button. 3-2 Controls Section 3.2: (continued) Once a selection is made (Tidal Vol. or Insp. Time), a transition phase will be initiated, and the setting for the new selection will flash in the monitor window. During this transition phase, the ventilator will continue to ventilate the patient based on the former type of ventilation and at the former setting. The operator can adjust the new setting to the desired level. The new selection must be activated following two actions: A) Pressing the Display button Volume) a second time. by performing one of the for that control (Insp. Time or Tidal In this case, the value displayed in the monitor window cease flashing and will be displayed continuously. will or B) Adjusting the new setting (Insp. Time or Tidal Volume), then adjusting the knob or pressing the Display button for another parameter on the ventilator. (High Pressure Limit, Low Peak Pressure, Breath Rate, Flow, Manual PEEP Ref., MAP, PIP or Paw) In this case, the value for the selected parameter displayed in the monitor window. will be 0.1 to 3.0 Seconds 50 - 2,000 ml NOTE: l To activate the new form of ventilation under Section 3.2.2.B, an adjustment must be made to the new setting (Insp. Time or Tidal Volume) before adjusting the knob or pressing the display button for the listed parameters. operator must perform one of the actions outlined in Section 3.2.2. _ _ V' In order to activate the newly selected form of ventilation, the i_:_::_::_::_::_:_::_::_::_::_:_::_::_::_::_;_ii_ A or B. Failure to do so will result in the ventilator continuing to operate under the previous form and previous settings of the ventilator. 3-3 Awulm_mf I_,_lilr SECTION 3.0: DESCRIPTION OF TRANSPORTCONTROLS, ALARMS AND DISPLAYS VE NTrl LATO R Should the operator wish to revert to the original form of ventilation during the transition phase (flashing value in the monitor window), this can be done by depressing the display button for the original form of ventilation. 3.2.3 Breath Rate Control This control, designated as item #18 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration, is used to set the minimum number of ventilator mandated breaths per minute that can be delivered to the patient in the Control, Assist/Control and SIMV modes of ventilation. ii! 3.2.4 !ijiif! 0to150 BPM Flow This control is designated as Item #22 on Figure 3.1, ]Front Panel Illustration. It is used to set the maximum flow delivered to the patient during a Control, Assist Control or mandatory SIMV breath that is delivered by the ventilator. : i iil :.:_ilil :iii 3.2.5 i_;_ii ] S to 100 LPM Assist Sensitivity Item #16, on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration, identifies the Assist Sensitivity control. The control is used to set the trigger level below baseline pressure for initiation of Spontaneous (CP._Ja), S]MV and Assisted breaths. This function is active in Assist/Control, SIMV and CPAP modes. ]i!ii_ ii!i_ii_ii_ i_i!_!!_!il NOTE: 3-4 -2 to -8 cmH20 The Avian Transport Ventilator is automatically PEEP compensated; therefore, the Assist Sensitivity will automatically adjust to follow the baseline pressure. Section 3.2: Controls 3.2.6 (continued) Manual PEEP Reference The Manual PEEP Reference is located on the front panel and is designated as item #15 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. To activate this function, depress and hold the button for three (3) seconds until the "A" disappears. Continue to hold this button to scroll from 0 to 20. When activated, this control allows the user to manually set the PEEP reference level. To deactivate this function, scroll past "20" until the "A O" reappears and release the button. This function is explained in detail in Section 4.0: Operating Instructions. Ii:_ii 3.2.7 0to 20 cmH20 I Pressure Relief This control is designated as item #24 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. It is used to set the maximum allowable pressure in the patient circuit during a mechanical breath. The desired level is set by adjusting the control while observing the Peak Inspiratory Pressure. It is explained in detail in Section 4.0: Operating Instructions. 10 to 100 cmH20 3.2.8 I Sigh ON/OFF The Sigh switch is identified as item #13 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. It is used to turn the automatic sigh function ON or OFF. The Sigh breath, once activated, is delivered once in every 100 breaths or every 7 minutes, whichever occurs first, regardless of breath, (including Manual breaths), type. The Sigh breath is a Control breath equal to 1.5 times the current Inspiratory Time setting (limited to a 3 second maximum), or 1.5 times the current Tidal Volume setting (limited to a 2000 ml maximum) and delivered according to the current Flow setting. The high pressure limit is automatically increased by 1.5 times, not to exceed maximum available settings. 3-5 A!J]r mE IP,,lll SECTION 3.0: DESCRIPTEON OF TRANSPORT CONTROLS, ALARMS AND DSPLAYS VE NTU LATOR 3.2.9 Manual Breath This control is designated as item #14 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. It is used to deliver a single operator init_iated Control breath in accordance with the current Flow and Inspiratory Time or Tidal Volume settings. A Manual Breath initiated du_¢ing the inspiratory or minimum expiratory phase of all breath type,; is ignored. Additionally, once a Manual Breath is initiated, the Breath Rate timer is reset, ensuring a full exhalation period before the next breath is initiated. 3.2.10 Display Controls Several "push to display" controls are located on the front panel. When depressed, the Display buttons display the selected parameter on the 4-digit, 7-segment, LED display (item #8 on FiLgure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration). The controls with the "push to display" functions are the Breath Rate, Inspiratory Time/Tidal Volume, Flow, and Manual PEEP Reference. The alarm functions which include this feature are the High Pressure 3.3 Alarm and Low Peak Pressure Alarm. ALARMS 3.3.1 NOTE: High Peak Pressure The High Peak Pressure +1 cmH20. alarm cannot be set below PEEP The control for this alarm is designated by item #10 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. This alarm establishes the maximum allowable pressure for all breath types. An alarm violation will occur when airway pressure exceeds the alarm setting. Chlce violated, the following events take place immediately: • The audible alarm will sound illuminated. • The ventilator will revert to an exhalation and the exhalation 3-6 and the visual indicator valve is opened. is state, where flow is zero Alarms Section 3.3: (continued) I • If patient pressure resets below 26 cmH20, normal ventilation will resume. If airway pressure remains above 26 crnH20, ventilation will remain suspended with continuous audible and visual alarms. The patient may breath spontaneously through the anti-suffocation valve at any time. The value of the alarm setting will be automatically increased by 1.5 times upon delivery of a Sigh breath. The increased value cannot exceed the 100 cmH20 limit. I to 100 cmH20 Yes 30 seconds 3.3.2 NOTE" Low Peak Pressure This alarm is active for Control and Assist/Control SIMV breaths only. and mandatory The control for the Low Peak Pressure Alarm is designated as item #7 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. The Low Peak Pressure Alarm is activated when airway pressure fails to exceed the alarm setting during the inspiratory phase of a breath. The alarm initiates audible and visual alarm indications. OFF (Flashing) 2 to 50 cmH20 Yes 30 seconds 3.3.3 Alarm Silence/Reset The Silence/Reset button is located on the front panel, as designated by item #3, Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. This control allows the operator to temporarily disable some audible alarm signals and/or reset any flashing visual alarm indicators. If activated during an alarm condition, the audible portion of the alarm will be silenced and the Silence LED will illuminate throughout the silence interval. The silence interval will be a function of the specific alarm being silenced. Depressing the Alarm Silence/Reset button while the LED is lit will cancel the alarm silence period and reset all alarms. 3-7 IP,;IiW SECTION 3.0: DESCRIPTION OF TRANSPORTCONTROLS J ALARMS AND DISPLAYS VE NTJ LATOR NOTE. If the Alarm Silence/Reset switch is activated when alarm condi- tions are not present but visual indicators from previous alarms are present, the visual indicators will reset and the Silence LED will not light. A silence period cannot be activated unless an audible alarm is present. 3.3.4 I:E Ratio Alarm This alarm notifies the user when settings of Inspiratory Time or Tidal Volume, Flow and Breath Rate cause inspiratory tim.a to exceed 50% of the total breath period as defined by the Breath Rate control. When this condition occurs, the ventilator flashes IE on the monitor display, limits inspiratory time to 50% of the total breath and sounds an audible alarm. The visual and audible alarms cannot be canceled until the alarm condition is corrected. 3.3.5 Apnea Alarm The Apnea Alarm is located on the front panel, as designated by item #1, Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. The alarm activates audible and visual alarms when the period between any two consecutive inspiratory starts exceeds 20 seconds. This also initiates Apnea Backup Ventilation (refer to Section 4.0: Operating Instructions). Pressing the alarm silence/reset button when the alarm is active will reset the system to normal ventilatory 3.3.6 _i_u_:_:__ _i_ii__i!:_ __ _i"_; :_: !11_ • Disconnect mode. Alarm The Low Peak Pressure Alarm should always be :_et to an appropriate level to alert the operator in the event of a pressure loss. I The Disconnect Alarm is located on the front panel, as designated by item #1, Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. This activates audible and visual indicators if a positive pressure rise of at: least 2 cmH_O above initial inspiratory pressure is not detected during an inspiration period. iiliii!!iii!ii_iii!tii!!iiii;i!iiiiiiiiiiii!i_i_@_!_!ii!iiiiii!ii!!!iiiiiiil iiiiiiiiii_iiii!iiiili!!_iii!iiii i _:::_i:_i::ii::_::_::_: _::_:: __:iSIi!_eei_:_::i _i:_:_:_:_::_: ::_::i _:i:: ::_i:_:_!_ ::ii Yes 30 seconds 3-B Alarms 3.3.7 Ventilator Inoperative Section 3.3: (continued) Alarm The Vent Inoperative LED alarm indicator is located on the front panel and is designated as item #1 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. This alarm condition causes the ventilator to cease normal gas delivery and allows a non-apneic patient to breath spontaneously from "room" air. Ventilator Inop alarms fall into two (2) categories: recoverable and non-recoverable. If a recoverable condition exists, the ventilator will return to normal operation once the alarm conditions have been returned to normal. The following are recoverable alarm conditions. • Loss of electrical power caused by interruptions power. • Mode switch is momentarily • Power supply of the external set to the OFF position. voltages out of specified range. A non-recoverable Ventilator Inop condition is characterized by an audible alarm and illumination of all LED segments in the monitor display (item #8 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration) and is generally created by a software detection of an out-of-tolerance condition in the ventilator system. A CPU failure alarm is included which activates whenever the CPU fails to successfully complete a self-check at initial power up or detects an operational fault during operation. The ventilator must be turned OFF and the Alarm Silence/ Reset button depressed to silence the audible alarm. To prevent recurrence of the alarm, the condition must be corrected prior to returning the ventilator to normal operation_ This alarm cannot be silenced until the condition is corrected or the ventilator mode switch is turned 3.3.8 to the "OFF" position and the silence button is depressed. External Power Low/Fail The LED indicator for this alarm is located on the front panel (item #1 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration). This alarm activates when the external power cord is connected to the Avian, and the voltage is out of the specified operating range. The ventilator automatically switches to internal battery power under this condition. This alarm can be silenced and will remain silenced until the internal low battery alarm activates. The Low Battery Alarm will notify the user when the internal battery is near depletion. Yes Permanent 3 - 9 Awwl_ al I),lll SECTION 3.0: DESCRIPTION OF TRANSPORTCONTROLS, ALARMS AND DSPLAYS VE NTI LATOR 3.3.9 Battery Low/Fail The Battery Low/Fail LED alarm indicator is located on the front panel and is designated as item #1 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. The alarm activates when no external power is applied and when battery voltage is below 5.6 _+.2volts. This alarm can be silenced for five (5) minute intervals. The battery life remaining after this alarm is activated is a function of the settings and battery condition. Yes _ :i_j.i;_ i ::;_i_.i!_:i :: Five (5) Minutes 3.3.10 PEEP Not Set The PEEP Not Set LED alarm indicator is located on the front panel and is designated as item #1 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. The alarm activates when the monitored PEEP value deviates more than 5 cmH20 from the manually _:_:_ili !i Sil_::_N ii!iiiiiiiiii!! iiiiil iiiiii_ii!_iiiii_ili !!i!iiiii!ii!iiiiill!ii!ili!!!!!ii_ili!!!i! ii! 3.3.11 Transducer _i'i_il ii set PEEP reference level. 30 seconds Calibration Activates during system self-test if the zero baseline pressure exceeds +_2cmH20. The display will alternately flash CAL and FAIL accompanied by an audible alarm. The audible alarm cannot be silenced until the condition is corrected. If the transducer calibration alarm activates, the unit must be placed in CAL Mode (refer to Section 4.0: Operating Instructions) to recalibrate the transducer. 3- 1[') Section 3.4: Monitors 3.4 MONITORS 3.4.1 Power ON The Power ON LED indicator is located on the front panel and is designated as item #25 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. The indicator is a green LED that illuminates when the mode switch is in any position other than OFF and when sufficient power (internal or external) is present. 3.4.2 External Power The External Power LED indicator is located on the front panel and is designated as item #26 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. The indicator is a yellow LED that illuminates when the power supply cord is connected to an active external power source. 3.4.3 Airway Pressure Monitor The Airway Pressure Monitor is an LED bar graph indicator. It is located on the front panel and is designated item #11 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. It provides a visual display of real time airway pressure by means of a bar graph. -10 to 100 cmH20 3.4.4 [ Monitor Display The Monitor Display is a 4 digit, 7 segment LED display. It is located on the front panel and is designated as item #8 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. The display.is used to display monitored pressures, precise values of control and alarm settings and calibration information. When the unit is turned ON, the unit monitor will sequentially scroll through current settings for Breath Rate, Tidal Volume, Flow, and High and Low Pressure Alarms. The LED monitor will display the current numeric following Controls and Alarms: setting for the 3-11 I,;lml SECTION 3.0: DESCRIPTION 0F TRANSPORT CONTROLS, ALARMS AND DISPLAYS VE NT/J LATOR • Breath Rate • Flow • High Pressure • Manual Alarm (PEEP) Reference • Low Pressure • Inspiratory Alarm Time • Tidal Volume The monitor will display the current value for the above functions when the associated Display button is depressed or when the setting is changed. An LED associated with each parameter will illuminate, indicating which parameter is currently being displayed. The monitor will also display the current data for the pressure monitoring functions. An associated LED will light to show the current parameter being displayed. 3.4.5 Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP) The PIP button is located on the front panel and is designated as item #4 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. When the PIP button is depressed, it displays the Peak Inspiratory Pressure for the last breath as monitored by the airway pressure line. This applies to all breath types except Spontaneous. !i !i !;iiiii_ ii!i_ii :_i:i_;_:ii!ii_; _i_ _':'::: i_i_: i ]_i_: i 3.4.6 Mean Airway Pressure _i_:_ ; _ii _;!{ i_l 0 to 100 c_tH20 (MAP) The MAP button is located on the front panel and is designated as item #2 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. When the MAP button is depressed, the monitor displays the Mean Airway Pressure over the entire ventilation cycle based on a 40 second average. The display is updated every 8 seconds. 3 - "/;-_ Table 3.1: Front Panel Illustration PANEL ILLUSTRATION Reference REFERENCE 1 Alarm Displays, LED (Various) 2 Mean Airway Pressure 3 Alarm Silence/Reset 4 Peak Inspiratory Pressure 5 Airway Pressure (Paw) Display Button 6 Low Pressure Alarm Display Button 7 Low Pressure Alarm Control Knob 8 Monitor Display 9 High Pressure Alarm Display Button 10 High Pressure Alarm Control Knob 11 Airway 12 Mode Selection Control 13 Sigh Control Button 14 Manual Breath Control Button 15 Manual PEEP Reference Button 16 Assist Sensitivity 17 Breath Rate Display Button 18 Breath Rate Control Knob 19 Tidal Volume/Inspiratory 20 Inspiratory 21 Tidal Volume Display Button 22 Flow Control Knob 23 Flow Display Button 24 Pressure 25 Power "ON" Indicator 26 External Power Indicator Pressure (MAP) Display Button Button (PIP) Display Button Monitor Knob Control Knob Time Control Knob Time Display Button Relief Control Knob LED LED 3-15 Aw_@Aml I_,_IIW SECTION 3.0: DESCRIPTION OF TRANSPORT CONTROLS, ALARMS D_SPLAYS VE NTI _TOR I I AND FIGURE 3.2 TABLE 3.2 PNEUMATIC 16 ILLUSTRATION PNEUMATIC AND EXTERNAL POWER CONNECTIONS ILLUSTRATION REFERENCE iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii ii Iii! 3- AND EXTERNAL POWER CONNECTION 1 11-30 VAC/DC External Power Input Jack 2 40-60 PSI Gas Supply Inlet 3 Exhalation 4 Patient Gas Outlet Port 5 Proximal Valve Drive Line Corrn.ection Pressure Line Port Figure 3.3: Patient Valve Illustration - I FIGURE 3.3 PATIENT VALVE ILLUSTRATION TABLE 3.3 PATIENT VALVE ILLUSTRATION REFERENCE 1 Exhalation Drive Port (1/8") 2 30mm Exhalation 3 Gas Inlet Port 4 22ram Patient Connection 5 Proximal Pressure Outlet Port Line Port (3/16") 3-17 ITI 5 :p _s TRANSPORTOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS VE NTI LATO R 4.1 WARNING INTRODUCTION • ! Before using the Avian Transport Ventilator, the user should read and understand all warnings and cautions in Section 2.0 of this manual. i 4.2 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Remove the unit from the shipping container there is no visible damage to the unit. and check to ensure that Connect the gas supply to the GAS INLET port (item #2 on Figure 3.2, Pneumatic and External Power Panel Illustration) with the appropriate high pressure hose. If using a Bird blender, attach the air and oxygen hose assemblies to the appropriate gas sources, and connect a high pressure supply hose from the blender outlet to the GAS INLET port on the ventilator. WARNING ! • The compressed gas source must be between able to deliver a minimum of 100 lpm flow. 40 and 60 PSI and be The GAS INLET port contains an integral filter which is designed to stop occasional particals present in a clean medical grade gas supply. If operating the ventilator from any gas supply other than clean "medical grade", Bird Products recommends using an external auxiliary filter. • If an external auxiliary filter is unavailable or cannot be used, the Avian Transport Ventilator inlet filter must be frequently checked for build-up of debris. Filter elements contaminated with moderate amounts of debris should be immediately replaced to avoid the possibility of a ventilator malfunction. Connect the patient tubing to the ventilator outlet port marked TO PATIENT (item #4 on Figure 3.2, Pneumatic and External Power Panel Illustration), and connect the opposite end to the gas inlet port (item #3 on Figure 3.3. Patient Valve Illustration) on the patient valve. 4-7 AwH ml It,,flll SECTION 4.0: TRANSPORTOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS VENTILATOR , I Connect the smaller 1/8" CLEAR tube between , the EXHALATION DRIVE (item #3 on Figure 3.2, Pneumatic and External Power Panel Illustration) on the ventilator and the exhalation port (item #1 on Figure 3.3, Patient Valve Illustration) on the patient valve. Connect the larger 3/16" CLEAR tube between the AIRWAY PRESSURE line port (item #5 on Figure 3.2, Pneumatic and External Power Panel Illustration) on the ventilator and the pressure line port (item #5 on Figure 3.3, Patient Valve Illustration) on the patient valve. If a humidifier instructions is used, follow the manufacturer's for use. If the ventilator is to be powered from an external power source, connect the AC power supply adapter or the 12 VDC power cable from the external power source to the ventilator EXTERNAL POWER input jack, (item #1 on Figure 3.2, Pneumatic and External Power Panel Illustration). NOTE: The AC power supply adapter is preset for 115 VAC/50-400 Hz operation. If 230VAC/50-400 Hz use is required, the switch located on the AC adapter must be repositioned to the correct setting in order for the unit to function properly. If the ventilator is to be operated from the internal battery, no power connections are necessary; however, please refer to Section 8.0: Maintenance and Service for proper battery care instructions. ii 4.3 i PERFORMANCE | CHECK I [] If the Avian Transport Ventilator fails the Performance Check, do not attempt to operate the ventilator until the performance specifications have been restored and verified. I 4.3.1 Preparation Assemble described NOTE: the breathing circuit and attach it to the ventilator in Section 4.2, page 4-1 of this manual. Remove the PEEP valve from the exhalation as valve. If the removable PEEP valve is attached prior to this point and has a setting greater than 2 cmH20, the system will fail the start-up self-test. 4-2 ] Section 4.3: Performance Check (continued) Attach a high pressure supply hose from the external gas source to the ventilator gas inlet port as described in Section 4.2, page 4-1 of this manual. If an external power source is available, connect the external AC power supply to an AC power outlet and to the external electrical receptacle on the Avian Transport Ventilator. 4.3.2 Internal Self Test Place the MODE SWITCH to Control. At this point, the ventilator will begin a self-test. The power up self-test is performed before power is supplied to the ventilator control systems. During the self-test, the following • Audible Alarm Sounds • All LED indicators • Memory test sequence • Pressure ON Test occurs: Transducer • All LED Indicators • Displays current Verification OFF settings for Breath • EPROM Check Sum Test Rate, Flow, Tidal Volume, • External Power Low Pressure • Battery Status • Audible High and Alarms Alarm Ceases If the self-test detects a failure in any one of the above sequences, a CPU failure alarm will activate. This alarm cannot be silenced or canceled unless the unit is turned OFF. If the test detects no failures, the system will become operational. Once the self-test is completed, attach a test lung (P/N 04845 or equivalent) to the patient connection (item #4 on Figure 3.3, Patient Valve Illustration) on the patient valve. Connect the removable PEEP valve to the 30mm exhalation (item #2 on Figure 3.3, Patient Valve Illustration) 4.3.3 outlet port on the patient valve. Test Settings NOTES: • The operational parameter settings only for the Performance Check. • Press the Paw button to monitor called out in this section are the PEEP level. 4-3 IIt.,lll SECTION 4.0: TRANSPORTOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS VE N Tfl LATO R Breath Rate Inspiratory 12 bprn Time 1.0 Second Flow Pressure 30 lpm Relief Valve Maximum PEEP Valve 4.3.4 4-4 I (full clockwise) 10 crnH20 High Peak Pressure alarm Press the the peak 5 cmH20 up to the PIP butto_ to obtain pressure. Set the alarm above the peak pressure maximum of 100 cmH20. Low Peak Pressure alarm Set the alarm 10 cmH20 below the peak pressure up to the maximum of 50 crnH20. Testing Set Breath Rate to 0 Display Paw The airway pressure should drop more than 4 cmH20 over a 15 second period. not Set the Breath Rate to 12 bpm Return to a 12 bprn Breath Rate External Power: If an The External Power Failure external power supply is being used, disconnect the power cord from the electrical outlet. audible/visual alarm will activate, and the ventilator will continue to operate via the internal battery. Reconnect the power supply cord to the electrical outlet. Press the Silence/Reset button. The audible alarm will cancel. The visual indicator will cancel. Section 4.3: Performance Check (continued) High Pressure: Lower the High Peak Pressure alarm setting to 5 crnH20 below the PIP reading, Reset the High Peak Pressure alarm to its previous setting. The High Peak Pressure audible/visual alarm will activate. Inspiration will terminate and the ventilator will cycle into exhalation when the patient airway pressure reaches the High Peak Pressure alarm setting. The audible alarm will cancel. Press the Silence/Reset button. The visual indicator will cancel. Low Pressure/Disconnect: Disconnect the test lung from the patient valve. The Disconnect and Low Peak Pressure audible/visual alarms will activate. Reconnect the test lung to the patient valve, The audible alarm will cancel when the ventilator cycles. Press the Silence/Reset button. The visual indicators will cancel. I:E Ratio Marm: Adjust the Inspiratory Time control knob to a full clockwise position. The I:E Ratio audible/visual alarm will activate immediately. (The High Peak Pressure alarm may also activate.) Reset the Inspiratory Time control to 1.0 second, The I:ERatio alarm condition will cancel. Press the Silence/Reset button. Any active visual alarm indicators will cancel. Apnea Backup Alarm: Set Breath Rate to 0. After a 20 second interval has elapsed, the Apnea audible/visual alarm will activate. The ventilator will begin delivering controlled breaths. Return the breath rate control to 12 bpm. Press the Silence/Reset button. The audible/visual PEEP Not Set: Press the Manual PEEP Reference button and hold this control until the value scrolls to 16 crnH20. The PEEP Not Set audible/visual will activate. Adjust the Manual PEEP Reference back to automatic by depressing and holding the button until "A XX"appears in the monitor window ("XX" represents the value of PEEP measured by the ventilator). The audible alarm will cancel. Press the Silence/Reset button. The visual indicator will cancel. alarm will cancel. alarm 4-5 &H47'm AW 141,Ei SECTION 4.0: TRANSPORTOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS VENTILATOR 4.4 START-UP INSTRUCTIONS • The Avian Transport Ventilator is a restricted medical device. It is intended to be operated by qualified medical personnel under the direction of a physician. • When the ventilator is connected to a patient, it is recommended that a trained clinician be in attendance at all times to take prompt action should an alarm or other indication of a problem occur. I 4.4.1 Ventilator Setup Assemble the ventilator system as described in Section 4.2, page 4-1. If using a Bird blender, attach the air and oxygen hose assemblies to the appropriate gas sources. If required, turn supply sou_rce valves open and check supply pressure. If using a humidificatio_L device to humidify the inspired gas, follow the manufacturer's operating instructions. If using an external power supply, connect the electrical AC power adapter to a properly grounded electrical outlet. Turn unit ON by switching the Mode control from the OFF po:sition to the applicable ventilation mode. 4.4.2 Description of Ventilator Modes Control Mode All parameters of the delivered breath are controlled by the ventilator. The breath is initiated according to the Breath Rate control. Gas is then delivered to satisfy the :requirements of the Flow and Inspiratory Time or Tidal Volume settings. The sensitivity control is non-operational in the Control mode. Assist/Control This mode allows the delivery of either a Controlled or an Assist/Controlled breath type. In effect, the patient is allowed to augment breath rate, but not flow or tidal volume/ inspiratory time. When this mode is selected, a visual indicator will light notifying the user that the patient trigger function is active. In the Assist/Control mode, the patient is able to initiate an Assist/Controlled breath if both of the following conditions exist: • The ventilator is not currently in inspiration minimum exhalation phase, and; 4-6 or the Section 4.4: Start-Up Instructions (continued) • The patient inspiratory effort exceeds the Sensitivity trigger setting. After the initiation of a breath, gas is delivered to the patient in accordance with the Control settings. The patient is not permitted to augment the flow in this mode. SIMV In the SIMV (Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation) mode, all control parameters are used, with PEEP and Sigh as optional controls. Depending on the control settings, ventilation can be totally patient controlled, or totally machine controlled with varying degrees of ventilator support between spontaneous breaths. There are two (2) types of breath periods in SIMV, both defined by the Breath Rate control. They are Spontaneous Breathing present, and Spontaneous Breathing not present. • Spontaneous Breathing is present: An "assist window" is opened at the beginning of a breath period. If a patient effort is detected (defined by the Sensitivity control), an Assist/Controlled breath is delivered in accordance with the ventilator settings. The patient is then allowed to breath spontaneously for the remainder of the breath period. At the beginning of the next breath period, the assist window is reopened. If patient effort is detected, an Assist/Controlled breath is delivered and the cycle repeats. • Spontaneous Breathing is not present: Following a complete breath period wherein spontaneous breathing is not present, at the beginning of the next breath period the ventilator will deliver a mandatory Controlled breath as determined by the ventilator settings. The assist window will then be immediately opened. If a patient effort is detected, an Assist/Controlled breath will be delivered. The patient is allowed to breath spontaneous for the remainder of the breath period. The next breath period will be as described in the "Spontaneous Breathing is present" paragraph. CPAP Mode In CPAP mode, the patient is allowed to breath spontaneously over an elevated baseline pressure. All breaths are completely patient controlled. This mode is accessed by turning the Breath Rate control to "0" and adjusting the external PEEP valve to a level appropriate for the clinical situation. 4-7 nJfAml IIl,, flllllr SECTION 4.0: TRANSPORTOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS VENTII LATOR Tidal Volume or Inspiratory Time and Flow should be adjusted to appropriate levels for adequate minute ventilation should the patient become apneic and the ventilator reverts to Apena Back-Up ventilation. CAL Mode NOTE: Prior to entering CAL Mode, the patient should be disconnected from the ventilator and the patient port should be open. Upon entering CAL mode a display test will activate, illuminating specific LEDs. This function allows the user to verify the operation of membrane switches and associated LEDs. These LEDs will be Illuminated: ®PEEP Not Set • Apnea • Battery Low/Fail • External • Disconnect • Power • External Power (If Present) • All segments of the Airway Pressure Bar Graph Power Fail Membrane switches, when pressed, will cause the associated LED to illuminate. Switches that have associated variable controls or alarms Display when the of the control can through its range will display the value on the Monitor switch is pressed. The range and operation be checked by rotating the associated control after the switch is pressed. In CAL Mode, the ventilator will monitor the airway pressure transducer output for a maximum of 3 seconds. If the measured reading is within +4 cmH20 of 0, the unit will store this offset and will add or subtract it from the pressure reading during normal operation to obtain corrected pressure. The unit will display PASS to indicate that the calibration has been successfully completed, and the unit can be returned to normal operation. If the measured reading is greater than +4 cmH20, the unit will sound an audible alarm and flash FAIL in the LED display. The unit will not store this vallue, and if returned to normal operation the unit will not apply an offset to the pressure transducer signal. Causes for CAL. failure are excessive transducer drift and/or patient port not open. 4-B Section 4.4: Start-Up Instructions (continued) OFF Setting When the Mode Control is in the OFF position, all controls, settings and alarms, except the Ventilator Inop Alarm, are deactivated and are rendered non-operational. To stop operations of the Avian Transport Ventilator, turn the Mode Control to the OFF position and press the Alarm Silence/Reset button. The visual inoperative light will continue to flash for approximately 30 minutes. 4.5 APNEA BACKUP VENTILATION This is an automatic function of the Avian Transport Ventilator. If the time between patient initiated breaths exceeds the 20 second Apnea Interval, the ventilator will automatically revert to the Assist/ Control mode of ventilation. An audible alarm will sound, and the visual Apnea Alarm indicator will flash. The breath rate will be 12 BPM. Apnea Backup Ventilation can be terminated by clearing the Apnea Alarm with the Alarm Silence/Reset button. The Apnea Backup Alarm is not mutable. 4.6 CLINICAL OPERATION 4.6.1 OF CONTROLS Mode Adjust the Mode selection control to the appropriate Control, Assist/Control, SIMV, or CPAP. 4.6.2 Inspiratory NOTE: Time/Tidal position for Volume Volume Cycled ventilation is the default form of ventilation. If the ventilator has been turned off, it will always revert to Volume Cycled ventilation when turned on. This is a multiplexed control that allows for direct setting of Tidal Volume for volume cycled ventilation or Inspiratory Time for time cycled ventilation. Selection of Volume cycled ventilation or Time cycled ventilation is made by depressing the Tidal Vol., or Insp. Time button. 4-9 A!J, iA al k,aliW SECTION 4.0: TRANSPORT OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS VENTI LATOR Once a selection is made (Tidal Vol. or Insp. Time), a transition phase is initiated, and the setting for the new type of ventilation will flash in the monitor window. During this transition phase, the ventilator will continue to ventilate the patient based on the former type of ventilation and at the former setting. The operator can adjust the new setting to the desired level. The new type of ventilation the following two actions: A) must be activated Pressing the Display button Volume) a second time. by performing one of for that control (Insp. Time or Tidal In this case, the value displayed in the monitor window cease flashing and will be displayed continuously. will or B) Adjusting the new setting for the new type of ventilation (Insp. Time or Tidal Volume), then adjusting the setting of, or pressing the Display button for another parameter on the ventilator (High Pressure Limit, Low Peak Pressure, Breath Rate, Flow, Manual PEEP Ref., MAP, PIP or Paw) In this case, the value for the selected parameter (High Pressure Limit, Low Peak Pressure, Breath Rate, Flow, Manual PEEP Ref., MAP, PIP or Paw) will be displayed in the monitor window. NOTE: • 4- 10 To activate the new form of ventilation under Section 4.6.2.B, an adjustment must be made to the new type of ventilation (Insp. Time or Tidal Volume) before adjusting the setting of, or pressing the display button of the listed parameters. In order to activate the newly selected form of ventilation, the operator must perform one of the actions outlined in Section 4.6.2. A or B. Failure to do so will result in the ventilator continuing to operate under the previous settings and previous type of ventilation. If, during the transition phase, the new setting will cause an inverse I:E ratio state, the ventilator will alternately flash "XXX" and "-IE" with "XXX" representing the Tidal Volume or Inspi_ratory Time setting. An audible alarm will be sounded if the new form of ventilation is activated in this condition. Section 4.6: Clinical Operation of Controls (continued) Should the operator wish to revert to the original form of ventilation during the transition phase, this can be done by depressing the display button for the original form of ventilation and following the same procedure outlined in Section 4.6.2. A or B. NOTE: 4.6.3 The Tidal Volume and Inspiratory Time controls are completely independent and do not correspond to each other. Breath Rate Adjust to the appropriate setting to establish the minimum machine breaths per minute. 4.6.4 number of Flow Adjust to the appropriate setting to establish the peak level of gas flow during a machine controlled and/or assisted breath and for Apnea Backup Ventilation. 4.6.5 Sensitivity Adjust to the appropriate level to determine the threshold level at which an assisted or a spontaneous breath will be initiated. 4.6.6 PEEP/CPAP PEEP is provided by a removable PEEP valve located at the patient valve. Adjust the PEEP valve to establish the baseline pressure for all breath types. 4.6.7 Manual PEEP Reference An external PEEP valve is used to establish elevated baseline pressures on the Avian Transport Ventilator. As stated in Section 3.2.5 on page 3-4, the ventilator is PEEP compensated. The level of PEEP set at the external PEEP valve is automatically recognized by the ventilator through the monitoring of the airway pressure. This information, used in conjunction with the Sensitivity setting, determines the level at which an assisted or spontaneous breath is triggered. The level of PEEP read by the ventilator for triggering assisted and spontaneous breaths can also be set manually via the Manual PEEP Reference function. 4-11 _j ArB _ _W 4f,,llliv-,,mllV SECTION 4.0: TRANSPORT OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS VENTILATOR i By depressing the Manual PEEP Reference button, an LED indicator is illuminated and the current level of PEEP measured by the ventilator is displayed in the monitor window. The display will read "A XX" where "A" indicates that the unit is automatically measuring the PEEP level set at the external PEEP valve, and "XX" is the value of PEEP the ventilator is measuring. Holding the button depressed for longer than 3 seconds will cancel this automatic function and initiate scrolling of the display from 0 to 20 cmH20. Releasing the button will freeze the display at the current setting, and the ventilator will use this value as its reference level of baseline pressure for triggering assisted and spontaneous breaths. The LED indicator will remain lit for as long as the Manual PEEP Reference function is active. To deactivate the Manual PEEP Reference and return to the automatic measurement of PEEP, depress the button and keep it depressed until the LED displays an "A O'. Releasing the button at this point reactivates the automatic PEEP reference function. 4.6.8 Sigh ON/OFF Depress the Sigh button to deliver a Sigh breath in the next breath cycle. An LED will light indicating that Sigh has been activated. A sigh breath will continue to be delivered once every 100 breaths or 7 minutes, whichever comes first, regardless of breath type. Sigh can be deactivated by depressing the Sigh button again, at which point the LED indicator will extinguish. 4.6.9 Manual Breath Depress this button to deliver one machine controlled breath in accordance with the current Flow and Inspiratory Time or Tidal Volume settings. A manual breath will not be delivered if activated during an inspiratory or minimum exhalation phase of a breath cycle of any breath type. 4.6.10 Pressure Relief Valve Turn the control knob clockwise (increase) or counterclockwise (decrease) to set the appropriate maximum allowable pressure in the patient circuit. This function can be used as an added safety feature to the High Peak Pressure Alarm. 4-12 5/97 Rev. D Section 4.6: Clinical Operation of Controls (continued) To use the Pressure Relief Valve as an added safety feature set the control 5 - 15 cmH20 (or according to hospital protocol) above the High Peak Pressure Alarm. This can be accomplished by attaching a Bird test lung (P/N 04845 or equivalent) to the patient circuit and turning the High Peak Pressure alarm to MAXIMUM (100 cmH20). Set the Pressure Relief Valve by depressing the Peak Inspiratory Pressure monitor button (PIP) and viewing the peak inspiratory pressure in the monitor window. Once the desired pressure level is achieved, adjust the High Peak Pressure Alarm 5 - 15 cmH20 (or to hospital protocol) below the pressure level of the Pressure Relief Valve. 4.7 WARNING CLINICAL OPERATION • ! 4.7.1 OF ALARMS It is the responsibility of the clinician or user to establish and monitor the appropriate alarm settings for each patient and mode of ventilation. High Peak Pressure Adjust to an appropriate setting higher than the peak pressure reading on the Monitor display to establish the High Pressure limit, above which an audible alarm will sound, inspiration will be terminated and exhalation will begin. This alarm is active for all breath types. NOTE: 4.7.2 The alarm limit is automatically increased by 1.5 times the display setting (up to 100 cmH20 ) during the delivery of a Sigh breath. Low Peak Pressure Adjust to an appropriate setting lower than the peak pressure reading on the Monitor display. This alarm is active for Control and Assist/ Control breaths. 4-13 IP,aflllPSECTION 4 0: TRANSPORTOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS VIE NTI _1"O R 4.8 CLINICAL 4.8.1 OPERATION OF VENTILATION MODES • Consult a qualified physician for proper fractional inspired when using an air/oxygen blender oxygen (FIO2) concentrations. • Monitor patient oxygen concentrations at or near the proximal airway. Use a calibrated oxygen analyzer to verify the oxygen concentrations. Control Mode Place the Mode Control switch in the Control Position. Adjust the following controls to the appropriate settings as outlined in Section 4.6 on page 4-9. Adjust alarms to the appropriate settings as outlined in Section 4.7 on page 4-13. Verify that the ventilator is functioning properly. Inspiratory 4.8.2 Time/Tidal Volume PEEP/Manual PEEP Reference Flow Sigh ON/OFF Breath Rate Pressure Relief "Valve Assist/Control Place the Mode Control switch in the Assist/Control Position. Adjust the following controls to the appropriate settings as outlined in Section 4.6 on page 4-9. Adjust alarms to the appropriate settings as outlined in Section 4.7 on page 4-13. Verify that the ventilator is functioning properly. Inspiratory Volume PEEP/Manual PEEP Reference Flow Sigh ON/OFF Breath Rate Pressure Relief Valve Sensitivity 4 - 14 Time/Tidal Monitors 3.4.7 Section 3.4: (continued) Airway Pressure (Paw) The Paw button is located on the front panel and is designated as item #5 on Figure 3.1, Front Panel Illustration. When the Paw button is depressed, the monitor displays current airway pressure. 0 to 100 crnH20 3.4.8 Limits Limits are used to ensure that ventilation controls cannot be set to values that would exceed the physical capabilities of the ventilator. This is an automatic function of the ventilator, and cannot be controlled by the user. A control that is being limited shall have its indicator LED flash on for approximately 500 milliseconds. The following controls and combinations of controls can result in one or more controls being limited: Breath Rate/Inspiratory Time During all modes of ventilation, a minimum exhalation time of 300 milliseconds is required. If the Breath Rate and Inspiratory Time controls are set to a combination of values that mathematically provide an exhalation time shorter than the required minimum, the Inspiratory Time shall be LIMITED to provide a minimum 300 millisecond exhalation time. Tidal Volume/Flow/Breath Rate During volume modes of ventilation, a minimum exhalation time of 300 milliseconds is maintained. If the Tidal Volume, Flow and Breath Rate controls are set to any combination of values which cause an exhalation time shorter than 300 milliseconds, the Tidal Volume will be LIMITED so that a minimum 300 millisecond exhalation time is provided. 3- 13 IP,_flIW SECTION 3.0: DESCRIPTION OF TRANSPORT CONTROLS I ALARMS AND DISPLAYS VENTIlaTOR FIGURE 3.1 3 - 14 FRONT PANEL ILLUSTRATION Section 4.8: Clinical Operation of Ventilation Modes (continued) 4.8.3 SIMV Place the Mode Control switch in the SIMV/CPAP position. Adjust the following controls to the appropriate settings as outlined in Section 4.6 on page 4-9. Adjust alarms to the appropriate settings as outlined in Section 4.7 on page 4-13. Verify that the ventilator is functioning properly. Inspiratory Time/Tidal Volume PEEP/Manual Flow Sigh ON/OFF Breath Rate Pressure PEEP Reference Relief Valve Sensitivity 4.8.4 CPAP Place the Mode Control switch in the SIMV/CPAP position. Adjust the Breath Rate control to "0" and adjust the external PEEP valve to an appropriate level. Adjust the Tidal Volume or Inspiratory Time and Flow controls to levels which will allow for adequate minute ventilation should the patient become apneic and the ventilator revert to Apnea Back-Up ventilation. Adjust alarms to the appropriate settings as outlined in Section 4.7 on page 4-13. Verify that the ventilator is functioning properly. Sensitivity Manual PEEP Reference Breath Rate Sigh ON/OFF PEEP 1) Inspiratory Time/Tidal Volume 2) Flow 4-15 b,liff SECTION 4.0: TRANSPORT OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS VE NTII LATO R 4.9 __ J__"__ _ HIGH ALTITUDE v' OPERATION The flow control valve of the Avian Transport Ventilator provides a constant mass flow for each breath, whether at ground level or in an aircraft. The lower ambient pressure at altitudes above ground level will cause the air to assume a larger volume. In other words, the actual volume delivered by the ventilator at altitudes above ground level will be greater than the tidal volume displayed on the unit. The actual volume delivered by the Avian Transport Ventilator can be calculated from the displayed tidal volume and pressure altitudes as shown in the Volume vs. Pressure Altitude Chart, Figure 4.1 on page 4-17. The Volume vs. Pressure Altitude Chart, Figure 4.1 on page 4-17 can be used to determine the tidal volume corrected for altitude. For example, if the Avian Transport Ventilator tidal volume is set for a 600 ml breath, at 6000 feet pressure altitude (1), the actual tidal .volume is determined by following the volume-pressure line. In this case, the 600 ml setting will deliver tidal breaths of 702 ml (2). If a 500 ml (3) tidal volume breath is desired at 8000 feet pressure altitude, then the ventilator should be set to deliver 404 ml (4). Care must be taken in determining the altitude in a pressurized aircraft since the cabin altitude is usually significantly lower than the flight altitude. The correction should be for the ambient altitude (pressure) where the Avian Transport Ventilator is used. 4 - 1F; Figure 4.1: Volume vs. Pressure Altitude Chart Figure 4.1 VOLUME NOTE: VS PRESSURE The Volume estimation altitudes. verified ALTITUDE vs. Pressure of various CHART Altitude changes Chart is provided in volume This chart is an approximation through a volume monitoring at various and volume as an levels of should be device. 2000 1900 .............................................................................. 00 1 1500 1200 _ = 1100 1000 900 800 -_ 700 6oo 50O 400 300 200 _ -._-'''_"-=" ,.,..--..- --=--. ---'_'-- "'--"-'-"'=""- 100 ""--'_"_ ,_ .=.._ -,,_= .-=-, .=..,._, -__..J_ _ _ ..,,.,-=- ........................................................ 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 1000011000 12000 13000 14000 15000 Pressure Altitude (feet) 4-q7 A!al !l I. flllW SECTION 5.0: TRANSPORTCLINICAL TROUBLESHOOTING VENTILATOR ! 5.1 INTRODUCTION This section consists of the Operator • WARNING. 5.2 Troubleshooting Chart. Technical repairs should be accomplished by qualified personnel, trained either by Bird Products Corporation or their authorized trainers. BIRD PRODUCTS CORPORATION IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR UNAUTHORIZED REPAIRS, OR REPAIRS MADE BY UNAUTHORIZED PROCEDURES. OPERATOR TROUBLESHOOTING CHART Battery Low/Fail audible and visual alarm present. Battery Low/Fail visual alarm present, The battery discharged, The battery is below acceptable charging level or the battery has a shorted cell. Replace the Battery. CAL visual is flashing on the display with an audible alarm present, The airway pressure transducer is out of calibration, Calibrate the airway pressure transducer in the CAL mode. Patient circuit is not open to ambient, Leaks or disconnect in the patient circuit and/ or humidifier. Open patient circuit to ambient. Check for leaks and/or disconnects. Loss of gas supply. This indicates there is a problem with the Main Printed Circuit Board. No power to the external power adapter, Re-establish gas supply. Return the ventilator to an authorized technical service facility. Restore the external power. External power adapter's line selector switch set to the wrong voltage. set the line selector switch to the proper line voltage. (115 or 230 VAC). External power adapter is not connected to the ventilator, Connect the external power adapter to the ventilator. Disconnect audible and visual alarm present, Error Code is displayed on the display monitor, External Power Fail audible and/or visual alarm present, is Recharge or replace battery. the 5-1 b,lll SECTION 5.0: TRANSPORTCLINICAL TROUBLESHOOTING VENTII LATOR ii!iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii_:::_:_ iiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i!!_iii iiiii_;_'ii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii iiii_:_: _iiiiiiiiliiii!_:_ i_iiii_iii_iiiiiii!iiii ii iiiililililiiiiiiiili il FAIL visual is flashing on the display with an audible alarm present, The patient circuit was not disconnected during the initial power on self test. Endotracheal occlusion. High Peak Pressure audible and/or visual alarm present, tube Alarm set below actual peak pressure. Readjust Change in patient compliance, Check patient and readjust alarm. Change in ventilation parameters. I:E Ratio audible and/ or visual alarm present, Low Peak Pressure audible and/or visual alarm present. Disconnect the patient circuit and momentarily turn the Mode Control switch to the Off position. Check patient status. Obstructed or kinked exhalation drive line. Inspiratory time is set to greater than 50% of breath period. Breath Rate is set too high to allow 50% of period for the exhalation phase. Change in patient compliance. Leaks or disconnect in the patient circuit and/ or humidifier. Readjust setting. the alarm limit.! the alarm Check and clear the exhalation line. Readjust the Inspiratory time or the breath rate. Evaluate patient status. Check for leaks and/or discora_ects. Readjust setting. the alarm Alarm set too high. Flow or Volume delivery is low. 5-2 Loss of gas supply. The input gas pressure is not within the specified operating range of 40 to 60 psig. Re-establish gas supply. Connect the ventilator tc an inlet gas source that i: in the 40 to 60 psig range The flow control system is out of calibration, Return the ventilator to an authorized technical service facility for calibration. Section 5.2: Operator Troubleshooting Chart (continued) No power to the external power adapter, Restore the external power. External power adapter is not connected to the ventilator, Connect the external power adapter to the ventilator. Internal battery discharged. Recharge Vent Inop audible and/ or visual alarm present. is System or CPU failure. Ventilator will not power up. No lights visible or audible alarms present. the battery. Return the ventilator to lan authorized technical 'No power to the external power adapter, service facility. Restore the external power. External power adapter is not connected to the ventilator, Connect the external power adapter to the ventilator. Internal battery is discharged. Recharge the battery. 5-3 AWn ae SECTION 6.0: TRANSPORTCLEANING AND STERILIZATION VE NTI LATO R 6.1 INTRODUCTION _' CAUTIONS Do not sterilize the Avian Transport Ventilator. The internal components are not compatible with sterilization methods. External cleaning and sterilization of the Bird Avian with agents that include phenols, ammonium chloride, chloride compounds and/or those with a greater than 2% concentration of glutaraldehyde are not recommended. These agents may cause damage to plastic components and/or control panel overlays. 6.2 VENTILATOR The Avian Transport Ventilator should be kept clean and free of dirt at all times. Exposed parts and surfaces should be dried and cleaned if used in wet environments. Grease, dirt and oil should be prevented from entering the system or its components. The exterior of the ventilator may be wiped clean with an appropriate bacterial or germicidal agent. If cleaning the front panel of the ventilator (underneath the protective clear cover), care should be taken not to allow liquid cleaning agents to pool in or around the controls. This will help minimize the potential for the liquid to penetrate the inside of the ventilator. • DO NOT use harsh abrasives • DO NOT immerse agents. on the ventilator. the ventilator in liquid decontamination • DO NOT sterilize the ventilator. • DO NOT allow bacterial or germicidal the front panel of the ventilator. • DO NOT spray cleaning openings. cleaning agents to pool on solution into any of the ventilator 6-1 IP,-flllll' SECTION 6.0: TRANSPORT CLEANING AND STERILIZATION VENTILATOR i i ii 6.3 PATIENT VALVE ASSEMBLY Care should be exercised in cleaning the exhalation valve assembly. The exhalation valve is compatible with liquid agents, ethylene oxide (ETO) sterilization, or steam autoclave. If using a liquid agent to clean the patient valve, visually inspect all surfaces to ensure that all cleaning solution has been removed prior to placing the valve back into service. i 6.4 ii BREATHING i CIRCUIT The ventilator breathing circuit, not including any accessories (such as a humidifier), may be sterilized with liquid agents, ETO sterilization or steam autoclave. The reusable 1/8" and 3/16" tubing can be sterilized by being submersed autoclave. 6.5 in liquid agents, ETO sterilization PEEP VALVE The PEEP valve may be sterilized or steam autoclave. 6-2 or steam with liquid agents, ETO sterilization AZN T, oN,.o: TRANSPORT OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM VE NTI LATO R 7.1 OPERATION INTRODUCTION The Avian Transport Ventilator is an electronically controlled, pneumatically actuated ventilator, which can support many of the current modes of ventilation used for adult and pediatric patients. The unit can operate from a wide range of DC and AC power sources, and requires a gas source at 40 to 60 PSI. The electronic control system is microprocessor based, and interfaces to the pneumatic ventilation system through a series of solenoid valves and a pressure transducer. The ventilator uses an exhalation valve and PEEP valve to complete the ventilation system and can also be equipped with an external air/ oxygen blender to provide variable oxygen concentrations. The following theory of operation described in Section 7.2 refers to the Pneumatic Schematic, Figure 7.1 on page 7-7. 7.2 THEORY OF OPERATION 7.2.1 Gas Inlet and Pressure Conditioning Air, oxygen, or blended gas from an external blender at 40 to 60 psig is connected to the ventilator 02 DISS gas inlet port. The gas flows to the PRESSURE REGULATOR where it is regulated clown to 30 psig. This provides a stable pressure supply to the remaining flow control system and insures that the delivery of tidal volumes and demand "flow is unaffected by inlet pressure variations. 7.2.2 Main Flow Control System Gas then flows to the MAIN SOLENOID VALVE, which controls the flow of gas for controlled and assist controlled breaths. At the start of inspiration, the valve opens and gas flows through the FLOW CONTROL VALVE which throttles the flow to the desired level. The FLOW CONTROL POTENTIOMETER is attached to the FLOW CONTROL VALVE poppet and senses the valve position. This information is used by the microprocessor to calculate tidal volume. Flow continues through the CHECK VALVE and out the inspiratory leg of the patient circuit to the patient. At the end of inspiration, the MAIN SOLENOID VALVE closes and stops the gas flow. 7-I A!HA D=flIEIF SECTION 7.0: TRASPORT OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM OPERATION VE NTI LATO R 7.2.3 Exhalation Valve and Control System When inspiratory flow is present as described in the previous section, a slight pressure drop exists across the CHECK VALVE. The upstream elevated pressure is fed to the EXHALATION VALVE balloon through the exhalation valve drive line that closes the EXHALATION VALVE at the beginning of inspiration. The balloon ihas an advantageous area ratio with the seat that, coupled with the elevated pressure, holds the EXHALATION VALVE closed during the inspiratory phase. When inspiratory flow is stopped, the exhalation balloon pilot pressure is bled off through the ORIFICE. A removable spring loaded PEEP valve can be attached port of the EXHALATION VALVE if PEEP is needed. 7.2.4 to the outlet Demand System When a spontaneous breath is triggered, the DEMAND SOLENOID VALVE opens and gas flows through the valve and the DEMAND ORIFICE where it is throttled to 60 LPM. Gas then flows out through the inspiratory leg of the patient circuit to the patient. Since the flow bypasses the CHECK VALVE, the exhalation balloon drive pressure does not rise, leaving the exhalation valve open. Excess flow not demanded by the patient flows out of the EXHALATION VALVE. Demand flow stops when airway pressure rises above the reference baseline. 7.2.5 Pressure Relief Function/Anti-suffocation Valve The pressure relief valve acts as a redundant safety feature or can be used to deliver pressure limiting breaths by establishing the maximum pressure in the patient circuit. If airway pressure exceeds the PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE setting, gas is vented to the room and the pressure is held constant at this level. When the inspiratory phase is complete or in case of a malfunction, the ventilator flow is shut off. In case of a ventilator failure or insufficient ventilatory support, patient can breathe directly from room air through the ANTI SUFFOCATION VALVE. 7-2 the Section 7.2: Theory of Operation (continued) 7.2.6 Airway Pressure Transducer Pressure at the patient airway is measured and converted to an electrical analog signal by the AIRWAY PRESSURE TRANSDUCER. This pressure is used for the bar graph display, breath triggering, and the pressure alarms. 7.3 ELECTRONIC 7.3.1 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS Power Supply Board Overview The power supply has four basic functional sections: Input power conditioning, battery charger, charger bypass power, and output voltage regulation. The schematic of this circuit board is found in Section 9.0, Figure 9.5.1 on page 9-27. Input Power Conditioning External input power is applied through a bridge rectifier that allows application of a DC voltage without regard to polarity. AC voltage is also acceptable because a rectifier rectifies the AC. A capacitor provides the necessary filtering. The input can be DC voltage, (11 to 30 VDC), or an AC Voltage, (11 to 24 VAC, peak to peak). Fuse F700 protects against catastrophic failures such as shorted diodes. Battery Charger The battery charger is a temperature compensated, current limited, dual-level float charger with a dead cell lockout. The charge cycle normally takes less than 24 hours. Input power from the external power source turns on the charger. The battery is charged at the trickle current rate until the battery terminal voltage exceeds the charge enable threshold of 3.96 volts. This protects the system against high charging current applied to a battery with a shorted cell, or a battery that is installed backwards. 7-3 AwE$ It, fllill f SECTION 7.0: TRANSPORTOVERVIEW OF SYSTEM VE NTI LATOR II NOTE: OPERATION Batteries that do not meet the charge enable criteria (3.96 volts) within 24 hours are probably defective and should be replaced. This condition will be indicated by the front panel Battery Low/ Fail Indicator being lighted while external power is present (even if the front panel Mode switch is in the OFF position). Once the battery voltage exceeds the charge enable threshold, the battery is placed in the bulk charge state. During the initial stages of charging a discharged battery, the ,charger may reduce the charge voltage to prevent the charge current from exceeding the 500 mA charge current limit. The charger will provide currents of zero to 500 mA as required and maintain the regulated standby float voltage. If the battery terminal voltage drops to 90% of the standby float level, the charger will switch back to the bulk charge mode. Charger Bypass Power The Charger Bypass Power circuit provides power to the ventilator electronics without passing that energy through the battery charger control circuit. This helps improve accuracy of the battery charging process, which helps maximize the battery service life. 7.3.2 Main Printed Circuit Board Overview The Main Printed Circuit Board contains the circuits used to operate and control the Avian Transport Ventilator. Each of the six (6) sheets contains different elements of the circuit board. Each sheet of the schematic is discu,;sed separately. The schematics are located in Section 9.0 and are numbered Figures 9.3.1 through 9.3.6 on pages 9-9 through Sheet 1, Figure 9.3.1 This sheet contains the schematic intercomlects main board schematic sheets and other system boards, switches, and valves. 7-4 9-19. between the printed circuit Section 7.3: Electronic Circuit Descriptions (continued) iiiiiii iii i ii!i!iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii i!i!ii Jii ! iiiii iiiii iiiiiii i! iiiiiiiii !i!i!iJiiiiiiiii ii!iii!i! I J-1 Display Board J-2 Power Supply Board J-3 Membrane Switches J-400 Demand and Flow Valves J-246 Flow Valve Potentiometer Sheet 2, Figure 9.3.2 Sheet 2 contains the analog-to-digital converter, the front panel control potentiometers, reference voltage multiplier string, potentiometer reference voltage generators, open potentiometer detector circuits, proximal pressure transducer, and the proximal pressure transducer amplifier. Since the gain and zero offset are fixed in this circuit and the transducer characteristics vary, the calibration is performed in software by the master calibrate function. This operation is not intended for user access, but may be performed by a trained technician using tools and appropriate test equipment. Sheet 3, Figure 9.3.3 Sheet 3 contains circuits that are not available in the DEPMED version of the Avian Transport are not discussed in this manual. Ventilator and Sheet 4, Figure 9.3.4 Sheet 4 contains the power supply fault monitor circuit, and the valve solenoid drivers. Sheet 5, Figure 9.3.5 The CPU, the Watchdog Timer and PAL, and the crystal clock generator are on this sheet. The CPU, U500, is an 8-bit 80C31. Program Memory is in U504, a 64k-byte 27C512 EPROM. 7-5 IP,,fllllr SECTION 7.0: TRANSPORT OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM OPERATION VENTILATOR Sheet 6, Figure 9.3.6 Sheet 6 contains the V-BAK supercap backup supply, the alarm driver, the Vent Inop LED driver, and the push-button switch read circu its. The V-BAK supply is based around a super capacitor. This device is used to store energy that is used after a power failure to drive the audible alarm and the Vent Inop LED indicator. 7.3.3 Display Board Figure 9.4.1 on page 9-23 is the schematic diagram for the Display Printed Circuit Board. This board contains four basic: sections: The 4-digit 7-segment numeric display, the twenty-six (26) software controlled alarm LED indicators, a 20-segment bar graph display, and three (3) discrete LED indicators. The 4-digit 7-segment numeric display is shared by the monitor and display functions to display pressure, volume and flow information. The 20-segment bar graph is dedicated to display patient airway pressure: The software controlled LED indicators di;splay alarm in dicators. The three (3) discrete LED indicators are u,;ed to display Power, External Power, and Ventilator Inoperative conditions and are not under software control. 7-6 Figure 7.1: Pneumatic Schematic Figure 7.1 PNEUMATIC SCHEMATIC 7-7 Awn_l b_flllW SECTION 7.0: TRANSPORT OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM OPERATION VENTILATOR Figure 7.2 ELECTRICAL BLOCK DIAGRAM MA/N PCBA glSPLAY PCBA PRE8$URE PROXIMAL PRESSURE LINE !! POWER SUPPLY PCBA ASSY DEMAND SOLENOIC) VALVE 15301 PNEUMATIC MANIFOLD SOLE_OR) VALVE 7-B MEMBRANE RIBBON SWITCH OVERLAY CABLE j FLOW VALVE POTENT. IOMETER llP rllllr SECTION 8.0: TRANSPORT MAINTENANCE VE NTI LATO R AND SERVICE ii 8.1 INTRODUCTION This section includes recommended preventive maintenance procedures, battery care and replacement procedures, a technical troubleshooting chart, and repair and calibration procedures. WARNINGS ! • Technical repairs should be accomplished by qualified personnel, trained either by Bird Products Corporation or its authorized trainers. BIRD PRODUCTS CORPORATION IS NOT RESPON•SIBLE FOR UNAUTHORIZED REPAIRS, OR REPAIRS MADE BY UNAUTHORIZED PROCEDURES. • 8.2 The Avian Transport Ventilator must pass a full technical performance check following any repair. RECOMMENDED 8.2.1 TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT Special Tools and Test Equipment The items listed in this table are available from Bird Products Corporation. 04845 10333 Test Lung Patient Circuit Kit These special items are not available from Bird Products Anti-Static Cable Anti-Static cable Anti-Static Mat Workbench Anti-Static Strap Wrist strap mat ground Corporation. connector cover Digital Voltmeter Model 83, Fluke or equivalent Pneumatic Model RT-200, Timeter or equivalent Stopwatch Test Set Digital or analog B-1 Rawg _aj XilHt,,a,,lllaf SECTION 8.0: TRANSPORT MAINTENANCE VE N'r'l LATO R , AND SERVICF I II i iiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiii iiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiii ii i i Syringe I liter capacity, with tracheal adapter, Hamilton P/N 86302 or equivalent Syringe 50cc Torque Screwdriver 0 - 100 inch/ounce with 5/64" Allen Driver DC Power Supply 0 - 6 VDC, Variable Power Supply Variable AC Power Transformer Variac, 0 - 140 VAC, 0 - 240 VAC 4-Way Valve Standard I.V. 1/8" ll.D. Valve 4-Way Stop Cock 8.2.2 Common Tools Allen Hex Drivers 3/16", 3/32", 7/64", 9/64", 5/32" (Xcelite or equivalent) Diagonal Cutter Hemostat Four (4) inch or equivalent Needle Nose Pliers Long thin nose pliers Screwdriver, #2 Phillips, 6" shaft Wrenches, Phillips Open End (2) 5/8" i 8.3 VENTILATOR MAINTENANCE The Avian Transport Ventilator is designed to provide the maximum amount of utilization with a minimum amount of maintenance. When determining the frequency factors must be considered, • Frequency • Quality preventive maintenance, many and length of use of the compressed • Environmental 8-2 of required including: air source(s) conditions The Avian Transport Ventilator, like other pieces of healthcare equipment, will require routine maintenance over t:ime. Refer to the following for recommended maintenance intervals. Section 8.3: Ventilator Maintenance 8.3.1 Recommended Maintenance Once Every Month (continued) Schedule Verification of Performance: Perform a Ventilator Performance Check as outlined in Section 4.3 on page 4-2. If the ventilator does not perform to stated specifications, remove the unit from service and refer the ventilator to technical service. 8.3.2 Annual Inspection Complete the annual inspection and replacement procedures outlined below in Section 8.3.2 and the test procedure outlined in Section 4.3 on page 4-2. Every two (2) years A complete ventilator maintenance will be required at a minimum of every two (2) years. Complete the ventilator maintenance procedures as outlined in Section 8.3.3. on page 8-5. A complete test of the Avian as outlined in Section 8.4 on page 8-8 must be performed following any maintenance procedure that requires the case to be opened. The Avian Transport Ventilator should be repaired and/or calibrated only by an authorized Bird trained service technician or Bird Products Corporation. Annual Inspection Visually inspect the Avian Transport covers, knobs and controls. Ventilator for damage to the Battery Inspection NOTES: • Refer to Figure 8.3, Battery Compartment following instructions. on page 8-23 for the • Always complete a Performance Check upon completion battery installation (refer to Section 4.3 on page 4-2). of the Remove the battery (P/N 68106) and inspect for cracks in the battery case and for leakage of the electrolyte by following the procedures listed below. 8-3 -illP,,fllllW SECTION 8.0: TRANSPORTMAINTENANCE VE NTI LATO R • Disconnect AND SERVICEthe External AC Power Source :from the wall and from the Avian Transport Ventilator. • Locate and remove the five (5) screws (item #2 on Figure 8.3) that hold the Battery Compartment Cover (item #1 on Figure 8.3) to the bottom case half. • Carefully remove the battery from the corrtpartment and disconnect the battery electrical connector. Inspect for damage. If any damage is noted, install a new battery. • Reconnect the battery electrical connector. Make certain that the BLACK battery cable connector is connected to the negative [-] battery terminal and that the f_D battery cable connector is connected to the [+] battery terminal. • Replace the Battery Compartment • Complete the Performance page 4-2. Cover. Check specified in Section 4.3 on Battery Care I [ __:;_::i_i_:_ _;_:;_.-;,-_._,_,_,_ _' Prolonged storage at high temperatures (above 80°F - 27°C) can result in premature battery failure. Failure to recharge the battery while it is in storage will cause premature failure of the battery. The internal battery of the Avian Transport Ventilator offers a wide operating range, simple recharge procedures and uncomplicated battery replacement. Battery life will depend on its 'ase and maintenance. NOTE: Batteries that do not meet the charge within 24 hours should be replaced. indicated by the front panel Battery illuminated while external power is Mode switch is in the OFF position). enable criteria (3.96 volts) This condi_:ion will be Low/Fail Indicator being present (ew_n if the front panel Bird Products Corporation recommends that in periods of disuse, the batteries should be charged once every two months. To recharge the battery, simply connect the AC power supply adapter or the 12 VDC power cable to the POWER INPUT jack on the venl:ilator and connect the AC power supply adapter or the 12 VDC power cable to the proper power source. Recharge time will typically be between 14 - 16 hours. 8-4 Section 8.3: Ventilator Maintenance (continued) IIIII I ii:%_:_ii_::_:;i_:,_:!_:_';_%_%_%ii_iiiiiii::_ l,:_ __:_ __:'_:';_ v' The polarity on must observed battery when the is replaced. i;_`_:_`_``_`_:_::_:::_``_`_```_ The correct RED connector thebeventilator cablebattery connects to the [+] battery terminal. The BLACK connector on the ventilator battery cable connects to the [-] battery terminal. NOTE: The Avian Transport Ventilator uses a sealed lead acid battery which, in certain states and countries, must be disposed of through an authorized recycling center or disposed as hazardous material. Bleed Muffler Replacement Remove and replace the muffler retainer (P/N 47011) and bleed muffler (P/N 20529) [items #4 and #5 in Figure 8.3] from the bottom case. I Gas Inlet Filter Replacement l _:_*-:':_,'_:_*_:_:_ .................................. _,_' v' Do not remove the entire inlet filter assembly from the ventilator ;_;_`_::_::_::_::_::_::_::_::_::;::_::_::_ when replacing the filter element and O-ring. If the entire inlet filter assembly must be removed, use extreme care to prevent debris from entering the manifold. Using two (2) 5/8" open end the inlet filter assembly. Use from turning in the manifold. assembly by turning counter the nylon cone filter element 8.3.3 NOTE: wrenches, separate the two (2) halves of one (1) wrench to prevent the assembly Remove the outer portion of the clockwise (CCW). Remove and replace (P/N 06804) and the O-ring (P/N 01943). Two (2) Year Maintenance v' Before opening the case of the Avian Transport Ventilator, place the ventilator Mode Switch in the OFF position, remove the battery, and disconnect all external power and pneumatic connections from the unit. v' Always follow proper static grounding procedures and replacing the printed circuit boards. Refer to Figure 9.2 on page 9-5 for the following reassembly instructions. when removing disassembly/ 8-5 It,,flllW SECTION 8.0: TRANSPORTMAINTENANCE VENTILATOR AND SERVICE" Disassembly ® Avian Case Place the ventilator on a suitable work surface with the bottom of the case facing upward. Disconnect all external power and pneumatic connections to the ventilator. Remove the battery (refer to Section Remove and replace the Bleed Muffler and Retainer Ring (refer to Section Locate and remove the five (5) screws (item #3 in Figure 8.3) that hold the case halves together. Carefully separate the top and bottom case halves. Disconnect the bleed tubes from the solenoid valves and the main Solenoid valve exhaust line from the bottom case. Disconnect P-8 Battery Cable from J-8 of the Power Supply Printed Circuit Board. The bottom case is now free to be removed. • Power Printed Circuit Board Locate and disconnect P-2 at J-2 of the Power Supply Printed Circuit Board. Rem__ve one (1) screw securing the black grounding cable to the case. Remove the one screw securing the brace to the Main Printed Circuit Board. Remove the three (3) mounting assembly. screws that secure the board to the manifold • Pneumatic Manifold Replacement Locate and disconnect the demand solenoid (item #30) and the Main Solenoid (item #29) cables at J400 and J401 of the Main Printed Circuit Board. Locate and disconnect potentiometer cable at 1246 of the Main Printed Circuit Board. Locate and disconnect the proximal pressure line (item #40) from the manifold panel (item #22). Remove the hex head screw (item #31) that secures the manifold to the case and remove the pneumatic manifold assembly from the case. • Main Printed Circuit Board To remove the Main PCBA, remove the membrane switch ribbon cable from J-3 of the Main Printed Circuit Board. Turn the unit over so the front panel faces upward. Remove the control panel cover by unlatching the cover and pulling it straight forward from the hinges. Remove _thecontrol knobs (6 pcs., item #20 on Figure 9.3.1). Continue by removing all of the control knobs except the Pressure Relief and Flow Control knobs. Again, turn the unit over so the front panel is facing downward. Locate and remove the screws that secure the circuit board assembly to the case. Carefully lift the circuit boards (Main and Display PCB assemblies) from the case. 8-6 Section 8.3: Ventilator Maintenance (continued) • Front Panel Overlay and Switch Panel Replacement Remove the old overlay and switch panel (item #18 on Figure 9.3.1) by lifting one of its corners with a small, thin-bladed common screwdriver and pulling it away from the case. When the overlay and switch panel have been peeled away from the case, remove them by pulling the ribbon cable and connector out of the case. NOTE: Use care to properly align the new overlay assembly during the installation process. Once the overlay is applied to the cover, it cannot be removed without damaging the overlay assembly. With the new overlay/switch panel assembly (item #18 on Figure 9.3.1), insert the ribbon cable and connector into the slot in the case. Peel the protective cover from the back of the new overlay assembly. Align the new overlay assembly and apply it to the case. Reassembly • Main and Display PCB Position the boards in the case and secure the assembly with the mounting screws. Reinstall the knobs and control panel cover. • Manifold Assembly Replace the previously removed pneumatic manifold assembly with a new manifold assembly P/N 15484. To reassemble, position the pneumatic manifold assembly the case and install the hex head screw to secure the in pneumatic manifold to the case. Locate and reconnect the demand solenoid (item #30) and the Main Solenoid (item #29) cables at J400 and J401 of the Main Printed Circuit Board. Locate and reconnect potentiometer cable at J246 of the Main Printed Circuit Board. Locate and reconnect the proximal pressure line (item #40) from the manifold panel (item #22). • Power Printed Circuit Board To reinstall, attach the Power Supply Printed Circuit Board to the manifold assembly with the three (3) mounting screws. Reconnect cable P-2 to J-2 of the Power Supply Printed Circuit Board. Reinstall the one (1) screw that secures the black grounding cable to the case and the one screw securing the brace to the Main Printed Circuit Board. B-7 i IP, flIlW SECTION 8.0: TRANSPORT MAINTENANCE VENTILATOR AND SERVICF Reconnect P-8 Battery Cable to J-8 of the Power Supply Printed Circuit Board. Reconnect the bleed tube(s) from the solenoid valves to the outlet port on the inside of the bottom case. Reconnect the tube from the main solenoid valve exhaust line to the outlet port on the inside of the bottom case. The bottom case is now ready to be reattached. Carefully align and reattach the bottom case to the top case. Secure the two halves together with the five (5) screws (item #3 in Figure 8.3) that hold the case halves together. Complete the performance check outlined below in Section 8.4: Test Procedures. Units that fail to pass the performance check should be repaired and/or calibrated as needed to pass the test. Refer to the Section 8.5: Technical Troubleshooting Chart on page 8-17 or Section 8.6: Pressure Transducer Calibration procedure on page 8-20 to make the necessary repairs. i 8.4 TEST PROCEDURES _,_i_i_;_i_ i_;_i_-;_::_::_:_ _::_;_2_i_i_i_ _:_;;_;_] v' calibrate The calibration the Avian accuracy Transport of all Ventialtor test equipment shouldused be verified to test and before recalibrating the ventilator. I NOTE- The assumption is made that all service technicians are familiar with the operation of the test equipment that is specified in this section. References will be made to the test equipment but test equipment operating instructions are not included in the test procedures. Please refer to the individual test equipment manufacturer's operating manuals for specific instructions. The calibration procedures for the Avian Transport Ventilator are software driven. There are no calibration curves; to plot or potentiometers 8.4.1 NOTE: to adjust. The calibration data is stored in the EPROM. Avian Test Settings These are the control and alarm settings to be used for the test and calibration procedures, unless there are specific instructions to change the settings. Figure 8.1: Standard Test Diagram Figure 8.1 STANDARD TEST DIAGRAM AVIAN ELECTRICAL/PNEUMATIC POWER INPUT / __ 11- 30 VlDC _i _ AVIAN CONNECTIONS EXHALATION INLET VALVE 40- 60 PSIG ,_R,O, ( ) PRI PRO)OMAL TO !m / i TEE i _PPL_;\ supPLY d 1 ! ! i / REMOVE BATTERY ........ CONNECT TO THE BATTERY CABLE ( + ) TO RED ( - ) TO BLACK TRANSFORMER I I EXHALATION I I HIGH FLOW \ ', \ r 50 CC i j SYRINGE : WITH i STOPCOCK ] ! : i, i ;............... :" IVALVE "'e IVALVI _ IWITHAIRWAY _ IADAPTER Assist Sensitivity -4 cmH20 Breath Rate Over Pressure 12 bpm Maximum Inspiratory Time Flow High Pressure 0.5 Second 60 lpm Alarm Low Pressure Alarm Mode 5 cmH20 Above PIP 10 cmH20 Below PIP SIMV 8-9 IP,_-flIIW SECTION 8.0: TRANSPORTMAINTENANCE VENTILATOR Figure 8.2 ANTI-SUFFOCATION AVIAN AND SERVICE-" VALVE CONNECTIONS EXHALATION OWER ; INPUT - VDC INLET AIR/O2 VALVE O @ 40 - 60 PSlG PROXIMAL_ PATIENT PRESS_ TO LINE I J ADAPTER AIRWAY P+ HIGH FLOW 1 LITER SYRINGE B- '/0 DIAGRAM ELECTRICAL/PNEUMATIC yp _11 TEST Section 8.4: Test Procedures (continued) 8.4.2 NOTE: Testing Whenever the (*) appears in the Figure Number column of the following table, the technician will be required to change the standard test configuration. Please read the test procedure before performing the test. Internal Self Test 8.1(*) With the MODE switch in the OFF position, disconnect the tube that is connected to the PROXIMAL PRESSURE LINE port on the Avian. Turn the MODE switch to the SIMV position and the ventilator will automatically perform a series of internal checks. Verify the following: • Audible Alarm Sounds • All LED Indicators ON • All LED Indicators OFF • Current Settings (displayed on monitor) for: Rate, Tidal Volume, High and Low Pressure Alarms and Flow • Audible Alarm Ceases Reconnect proximal pressure line audible alarm ceases. Alarm Silence/Reset 8.1 This function is tested several times as part of the test in this performance check. Verify that the alarm does silence or reset as stated in the test procedures. Apnea Alarm 8.1 Set BREATH RATE control to I bpm. After a 20-second interval the Apnea Alarm will activate the audible and visual alarms and the ventilator will deliver controlled breaths at a rate of 12 bpm. Press the ALARM/ RESET button to clear the alarm. Reset the BREATH RATE control to 12 bpm and resume testing. Breath Rate 8.1 Select the breath rate mode on the pneumatic test set. Depress the Breath Rate Display switch on the ventilator to display the breath rate on the monitor display and compare it to the pneumatic test set breath rate. Verify that the breath rates match to +1 bpm. 8-11 wjj'A a; b,.rllEW SECTION 8.0: TRANSPORT MAINTENANCE VE NTI LATOR i ! AND SERVICE" iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii i!i!i!ii!ii!iiiii Disconnect and Low Peak Pressure Alarms 8.1 Disconnect the Test Lung from the exhalation valve. Verify that the Disconnect and Low Pressure audible and visual alarm(s) activate. Reconnect the test lung to the exhalation valve to cancel the alarms. Self CAL/Display Test Mode 8.1 (*) Place the MODE SWITCH in the OFF position. Disconnect the Proximal Pressure line at the Exhalation Valve. Place the mode switch in the CAL position. The ventilator will monitor the airway pressure transducer output for a maximum of 3 seconds. If the measured reading is within +4 cmH20 of zero, the unit will display PASS on the monitor display. Verify the following Indicators illuminated: are • PEEP Not Set • • • • • Apnea Battery Low/Fail External Power Fail Disconnect Power • External Power (if connected) • All Airway Pressure Bar Graph Segments Verify that all LED indicators that are associated with switches illuminate when the switch is pressed. Verify that control values are displayed on the monitor display when the function switch associated with the control is pressed and that all control potentiometers will rotate through their full range. Place the MODE SWITCH in the OFF position. Clamp off the end of the Proximal Pressure line that was di',3connected at the Exhalation Valve with hemostats. 8- 12 ._ Section 8.4: Test Procedures (continued) Self CAUDisplay Test Mode (cont.) 8.1 (*) Open Stopcock and apply a pressure to the line (as read on the pneumatic test set) with the 50cc syringe that is greater than +4 cmH20. Place the MODE SWITCH in the CAL position. The ventilator will sound an audible alarm and flash FAIL in the monitor display. (The unit will not store this value). Place the MODE SWITCH in the OFF position and turn the Stopcock to the OFF position. Reconnect the Proximal Pressure Line to the Exhalation Valve. Flow 8.1 Disconnect the Test Lung and set the Mode selection switch to SIMV and the Inspiratory Time to 1.0 second. Verify that a flow of 60 lpm +6 lpm is displayed on the pneumatic test set. Repeat the test for flows of 10 lpm +_2lpm and 100 lpm +10 lpm. Return Flow to 60 lpm. High Peak Pressure Alarm 8.1 Lower the High Pressure Alarm setting to 5 cmH20 below the PIP reading. Verify that the High Peak Pressure audible/visual alarms activate. Inspiration will be terminated and the ventilator will cycle to exhalation. Reset the High Peak Pressure Alarm and depress the Alarm Silence/Reset button and verify the alarm indications are cleared. Continue with the test procedure. hE Ratio Alarm 8.1 Adjust the Inspiratory Time control to the maximum setting of 3.0 seconds. Verify that the audible and visual I:E Ratio alarms activate immediately. Reset the Inspiratory Time control to 0.5 seconds to cancel the alarm condition. 8- 13 It, flliW SECTION 8.0: TRANSPORT MAINTENANCE VENTnLATOR Demand Flow/ Assist Sensitivity 8.1 AND SERVICE" Remove the PEEP valve m_d open the Stopcock on the 50cc syringe. Disconnect the Proximal Pressure line at the Exhalation Valve and clamp off the end of the line. • Set Mode to SIMV. • Set Breath Rate Control to minimum (fullccw). • PressPAW and display airway pressure. • Set the pneumatic test set to read flow. Pull (retract) the plunger on the 50cc syringe to generate a pressure of -5 cmH20 as read on the Avian Transport Ventilator display. Verify a flow of 60 lpm +6,lpm is displayed on the pneumatic test set. Flow time is at 3 seconds. Reconfigure to the Standard Test Configuration in Figure 8,1 on page 8-9. Inspiratory Time Leak Check 8.1 8.1 (*) Set the pneumatic test set to display inspiratory time. Press the INSP. TIME display button on the Avian Transport Ventilator and verify the setting that is displayed on the ventilator compares to that of the pneumatic test set display. NOTE: Make sure the bl:eathing circuit is tight before starting this test. Small leaks in the circuit will cause the test to fail. Set the display on the Awian Transport Ventilator to read PAW and the Breath Rate to minimum (full CCW). Remove the PEEP valve and install a plug in the outlet port of the Exhalation Valve. Press the Manual Breath switch to deliver a manual breath. Wait 3-5 seconds and record the airway pressure. Wait an additional 15 seconds and record the airway pressure again. Subtract this reading from the previous reading. The difference should be < 5 cmH20. Reconnect to the Standard Test Configuration in Figure 8.1 on page 8-9. B-14 Section 8.4: Test Procedures (continued) Power Indicator 8.1 This is a green LED that will light whenever the MODE switch is any position other than OFF. Sigh Breath 8.1 Set the Tidal Volume to 500 ml and activate the Sigh function. Verify the next breath tidal volume is 750 ml +75 ml as measured on the pneumatic test set. Restore to the Standard Test Configuration in Figure 8.1 on page 8-9. Over Pressure Relief 8.1 Set the display to Paw and the following controls: • Pressure Relief - Full CCW (Minimum) • Breath Rate - Minimum (full CCW) • Tidal Volume - 2000 • Flow - 60 lpm Press the Manual Breath button and verify the airway pressure is limited to <10 cmH20. Set the Pressure Relief to maximum (full clockwise). Press the Manual Breath button and verify the airway pressure is limited to 100 cmH20 +15 cmH20. PEEP Not Set Alarm 8.1 Set the ventilator to display PAW and the following controls: • Man. PEEP Ref. - Zero (0) • Assist/Sensitivity-8 cmH20 Adjust the PEEP Valve at the Exhalation Valve to 5 cmH20 as observed on the Avian Transport Ventilator display. Verify that the PEEP Not Set audible and visual alarms activate. Adjust the Man. PEEP Ref. control to 5 cmH20 and verify that the audible alarm resets. Press the Alarm Silence/Reset to reset the visual indicator. Restore the test setup to the Standard Test Configuration Figure 8.1 on page 8-9. 8- in 15 TRAIMSPORT MAINTENANCE R VE N'I"'I LATO AND SERVICE iiiii ii iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii i i iii!iiii!iiili ilii Pressure Transducer 8.1 ! iiiii iiiiiii Set the Avian Transport Ventilator to display Paw and disconnect the 3/16" Proximal Pressure Line at the Exhalation Valve. Verify the display reads 0 +1 cmH20. Clamp off the disconnected end of the proximal pressure line. Open the stopcock on the 50cc syringe to the proximal pressure line and press in the plunger to apply 100 cmH20 on the ventilator display. Verify the pneumatic test set reads 100 cmH20 +5 cmH20. Restore to the Standard Test Configuration in Figure 8.1 on Page 8-9. Battery Low/Fail Manual Breath 8.1 Disconnect the Avian Transport Ventilator External Power Supply from the ventilator. Reduce the voltage on the 0 - 6 VDC Power Supply to 5.6 VDC. The Battery Low/Fail will flash and an audible alarm will sound. Press the Silence/Reset switch and the audible alarm will silence. The Battery Low/ Fail light will continue to flash. Press the Manual Breath ,and verify that the ventilator will deliver a manual breath. Reduce the voltage to 5.1 VDC. The audible alarm sounds and the Vent Inoperative visual indicator illuminates. Press the Silence/Reset switch and[ verify that the audible and visual alarms remain on. Increase the voltage to 6.0 VDC. The audible alarm will silence. The Vent Inoperative visual indicator will remain on until the Silence/Reset 8- 1_ switch is pressed. i Section 8.4: Test Procedures (continued) I External Power Low/Fail Alarm 8.1 Connect the Avian Transport Ventilator External Power Supply and disconnect the battery test connector. Set the External Power Supply voltage to 11 VDC and verify that the External Power indicator is illuminated. Gradually reduce the External Power Supply voltage to 10 VDC and verify that the External Power Fail indicator illuminates. Return the voltage to 11 volts. Anti-Suffocation Valve 8.2 Turn the Avian Transport Ventilator OFF. Connect the 1 L. syringe (with the plunger pressed all the way in) as illustrated in Figure 8.2 on page 8-10. Pull on the syringe plunger to withdraw I liter of air in approximately 2 seconds. Verify that the pressure displayed on the pneumatic test set does not go below -4 cmH20. i 8.5 TECHNICAL NOTES: TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE • The Technical Troubleshooting Guide is available for trained service personnel. Untrained personnel should limit their repairs to the steps outlined in the Clinical Troubleshooting Chart in Section 5.2 on page 5-1. • A performance test should be completed before proceeding with repairs. The technical performance test in Section 8.4 will enable the technician to validate the complaint and to observe the symptoms. • Good troubleshooting protocol is to always check all connectors and cabling before making any tests and/or adjustments. 8-17 Am _m l IP,IilI' SECTION 8.0: TRANSPORT MAINTENANCE VENTILATOR ii! ii!iiiii iiiiii i i iiiiiiiiiii! !i i !iii i iiiiii i ! !iii!iii!i Airway Pressure Monitor Inoperative Display PCBA Main PCBA Replace the defective sub-assembly. APNEA Alarm Main PCBA Replac.e the defective sub-as,;embly. Auto Cycling of the Ventilator Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Main PCBA Leak in Circuit Manual PEEP Reference set inappropriately Replace the defective sub-assembly. Battery Power Supply PCBA Main PCBA Replace the defective sub-assembly. Battery is below acceptable charging voltage or the battery has a shorted cell. Replace the battery. CAL visual is flashing on the display and an audible alarm is present, The airway pressure transducer is out of calibration. Calibrate the airway pressure transducer in the CAL raode. Disconnect Alarm Exhalation Valve Flow Solenoid Valve Demand Solenoid Valve Pressure Regulator Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Main PCBA Replace the defective sub-assembly. Error Code is displayed on the monitor display, Main PCBA Re_pJlacethe defective sub-assembly. FAIL visual is flashing on the display with an audible alarm present, The patient circuit was not disconnected during the initial power on self test. Disconnect the patient circuit and momentarily turn the Mode Control switch to the OFF position.! External Power Fail Alarm No power to the external power adapter. , External power adapter s line selector switch set to the wrong voltage. Restore the external power. Set the line selector switch to the proper line voltage. (115 or 230 VAC). External AC Power Source External Power Connector sensor on the Avian Blown Fuse on Power Supply Power Supply PCBA Main PCBA Replace the defective sub-assembly. Battery Low/Fail Alarm Audible and visual alarm !Battery Low/Fail Alarm Visual alarm 8-'18 AND SERVIC! = Check for leaks. Set control at an appropriate level. i ii ii Section 8.5: Technical I Troubleshooting Guide (continued) High Peak Pressure Alarm I:E Ratio Alarm Change in ventilation parameters. Obstructed or kinked exhalation drive line. Readjust the alarm setting. Check and clear the exhalation line. Exhalation Valve PEEP Valve Flow Solenoid Valve Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Main PCBA Replace the defective sub-assembly. Inspiratory time is set to greater than 50% of breath period. Readjust the Inspiratory Time or the Breath Rate. Breath Rate is set too high to allow 50% of period for the exhalation phase Replace the Main PCBA. Main PCBA LED(s) Inoperative Display PCBA Main PCBA Replace the defective sub-assembly. Low Flow - Low Volume External Air/O2 Supply Increase the external Air/ 02 Supply pressure. The flow control system is out of calibration, Recalibrate flow control system. Low Peak Pressure Alarm Alarm set too high. Readjust the alarm setting. Leaks or disconnect in the patient circuit and/or humidifier. Check for leaks and/or disconnects. Exhalation Valve :Flow Solenoid Valve Replace the defective sub-assembly. iPressure _PneumaticRegulator Manifold Assembly Main PCBA iMembrane Switch(s) i Inoperative Membrane Switch Assembly Replace the defective Main PCBA sub-assembly. Mode Switch Inoperative Main PCBA Replace the defective sub-assembly. 8- 19 mulJu_a_f /NIW, flNIW SECTION 8,0: TRANSPORTMAINTENANCE AND SERVICE-" VENTnLATOR i i!ii ili Monitor LED Display Segment(s) Inoperative Display PCBA Main PCBA Replace the defective sub-assembly. PEEP Not Set Alarm Main PCBA Demand Solenoid Valve Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Replace the defective sub-assembly. Pressure Relief Valve Inoperative Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Replace the defective isub-assembly. Transducer Calibration Failure Main PCBA Replace the defective sub-assembly. Vent Inoperative Alarm Main PCBA Power Supply PCBA IReplace the defective sub-assembly. Ventilator will not power The battery is discharged up from the internal below the acceptable level, battery. No lights visible or audible alarms present. 8.6 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER :Recharge or replace the battery. CALIBRATION calibrate the Avian Transport shouldused be verified before The calibration accuracy of all Ventilator test equipment to test and recalibrating the ventilator. Disassemble the case as described in Section Locate the DIP switches SW503-2 (shown as SW503 in Figure 9.3, Main Printed Circuit Board Illustration) and place them in the ON position. Reconnect external or battery power to the ventilator. Connect a 40-60 psig medical grade air/O 2 source to the ventilator and turn the Mode switch to the Control setting. At this point, the mor_itor will display "E_xx" and the Paw indicator will begin flashing. The "E" indicates the last error code that may have caused a Vent Inop ("0" indicates none), and "xx" indicates the actual error code. Depress the Paw switch. The monitor display will blank and the Paw and Flow indicators will flash. The operator now has the option of calibrating either the Flow control valve or the pressure transducer. 8 - 2G' Section 8.6: Pressure Transducer Calibration I I To calibrate the Flow control valve, depress the Flow switch once and adjust the Flow control to full counterclockwise position. The monitor display will alternately flash "FCAL" and "5". Depressing the Flow switch a second time calibrates the Flow control valve. To calibrate the pressure transducer, depress the Flow switch a third time, then depress the Paw switch twice. The monitor will display "PCAL" and "0". Disconnect the airway pressure line and depress the Paw switch a third time. The monitor display will alternately flash "PCAL" and "50". With a calibrated pressure source, apply 50 cmH20 of pressure to the airway pressure input (item #5 in Figure 3.2 on page 3-16). Depress the Paw switch again to set the pressure transducer span. The monitor display will then show the acutal pressure input, and the transducer is now calibrated. Turn the Mode switch to OFF and press the Alarm Silence/Reset button. Locate the SW503-1 and SW503-2 DIP switches and return them to the OFF position. Complete a performance check of the ventilator (refer to Section 4.3 on page 4-2) before reassembling the unit. Perform calibration procedures again if the Avian Transport Ventilator does not pass the performance check. Disconnect reassemble 8.7 the pneumatic and power sources from the ventilator the unit following instructions in Section and ERROR CODES The Avian Transport Ventilator will display error codes when certain failures occur. While these codes are intended to facilitate board level repairs, the codes are provided as reference information. 3 The PAL is in reset. 4 The PAL has detected a single error. 5 The PAL has detected a double error. 10 Pass 1, Bit B of Byte SP is set when it should not be. 11 Pass 1, the read/verify 12 Pass 1, Byte B of Byte @SP is at 0 when it should failed at Byte R0 not be. 8-21 I,IIE SECTION 8.0: TRANSPORTMAINTENANCE VE NTI _TO R i!i 8 - 22 )ili)if! i iii _! AND SERVICE-" ::iiil i::_:_::_::::_: iii_ii::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i i __ ii=::::::::::':_:::::::::::'_::::"::::::: ii i_il !i : :_:iii !!i ..................... !iiiiilii !_!i:" ii !!)ii i_!!ii_!:! !::::..................... iliiii i i_Ii_ .... 13 Pass 1, read/verify failed at Byte R0. 20 The Mode Switch has more than one switch closed. 21 The Assist Switch has more than on switch closed. 30 The A to D count is 255 indicating overrange. 31 The 2.5 volt system reference is out of range. 32 The internal is out of range. 40 EPROM checksum failed at power 41 EPROM checksum failed during run time. 50 The 4ms software 51 There is a software branch to address 60 An error occurred at power Cal Zero from the EPROM. up when reading 61 An error occurred at power Cal Span from the EPROM. up when reading the Factory 62 An error occurred at power Cal Zero from the EPROM. up when reading 63 An error occurred at power up when reading CaI Flow from the EPROM. 70 An error occurred RAM. A to D reference watchdog in writing a potentiometer up. failed. 0202H the Factory the User the Factory the EPROIvl non-volatile Figure 8.3: Battery Compartment Illustration Figure 8.3 BATTERY COMPARTMENT ILLUSTRATION 1 Battery Compartment 2 Battery Cover Screw (6-32 X .250, 4 locations) 3 Avian Case Screw (10-32 X .375, 5 locations) 4 Bleed Muffler Retainer 5 Bleed Muffler 8 - 23 0 2 CO II',,IllY SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPORT AND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VENTILATOR 9.1 INTRODUCTION Included in this section are the following illustrations and lists: • Figure 9.1 - Accessories Illustration • Table 9.1 - Accessories Replacement schematics, Parts List • Figure 9.2 - Illustrated Parts Drawing • Table 9.2 - Illustrated Replacement drawings, (Exploded View) Parts List • Figure 9.3 - Main Printed Circuit Board Illustration • Figures 9.3.1 - 9.3.6 - Main Printed Circuit Board Schematics • Figure 9.4 - Display Printed Circuit Board Illustration • Figure 9.4.1 - Display Printed Circuit Board Schematic • Figure 9.5 - Power Supply Printed Circuit Board Illustration • Figure 9.5.1 - Power Supply Printed Circuit Board Schematic • Figure 9.6 - Manifold Assembly (Sectional View) For ordering information on parts and accessories, please contact Bird Products Corporation Customer Service Department, 1100 Bird Center Drive, Palm Springs, CA 92262, (800) 328-4139 or (619) 778-7200, Fax (619) 778-7274. 9-1 A_a._A_ SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPORT AND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VE NTI LATO R , I i Table 9.1 ACCESSORIES PARTS LIST 1 Case, Carrying 10290 2 Avian Transport Ventilator 15365 3 Manual, Instruction/Service L1248 4 Power Supply, Avian Transport Ventilator 68107 5 Kit, Patient Circuit 10333 6 Hose Assembly 10293 7 Cord, DC Input, 6 Ft. Long 15364 Power Cord, P7, 115V 9184 Not Shown 9-2 REPLACEMENT 02 Figure 9.1: Accessories Illustration Figure 9.1 ACCESSORIES ILLUSTRATION 9-3 m...= q..i _ _im/V Akill ,IIW SECTION9.0: SCHEMATICSAND TRANSPORT ILLUSTRATEDPARTS VENTILATOR ii Table 9.2 ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 "13 14 15 16 17 18 "19 20 21 22 23 24 24A 24B 24C 24D 26 27 28 Screw, 6-32 X .250 (4 ea.) Label_Instruction Covert Battery Gasket r EMI/O-Strip Battery,Recha_eable, 6V, 4.0 Ampere Hour Bumper, .50 Diameter x .14 High Case, Base (bottom half of case) Label, Battery Instructions Screwr 6-32 X 1.312 (1 ea.) Printed Circuit Board, Main Screw, 6-32 X .50 (4 ea.) Printed Circuit Board, Display Case, Lid (top half of case) Screw, Machine r 6-32 X .25 (7 ea.) Plate, I._tch Spring, .1101D X .20 X .30L Latch Overlay, Avian Evzli_h Switch Panel, Avian Knob, Control (s) Case, Cover (control panel cover) Panel, Manifold, Avian Printed Circuit Boardr Power Supply Gas Inlet Filter Assembly (includes items #24Ar24Br 24Cr & 24D) Base, Inlet Filter Filter, Nylon Cone O-Ring, .426 X .070 Bodyr Inlet Filter O-Rin[[, .239 X .070 O-Ring_ .739 X .070 Pneumatic Manifold Assembly (indudes items # 14 (3 ea.), 22, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33 r & 34 Solenoid Assembly, Flow Valve Solenoid Assembly, Demand Valve Screwr 10-32 X 2.25 Hex Cap (1 ea.) Screw, 6-32 X 2.0 (4 ea.) Regulator, Pressure Screwr Machine, 10-32 X .375 (5 ea.) Muffler, Bleed Ring, Retaining Cable Assembly, Power Supply Connector_ 1/8' Tube Tee Tube. 1/8 ID Silicon (Proximal Pressure Line_ Tube, t/8 ID Silicon (Solenoid Valve Bleed Lines_ Cable Assembly, Battery 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 * 04381 80113 20526 33685 68106 33688 20496 80109 40088 50370A 08434 50380A 20497 40085 2051_t,, 03286 20519 80136 80125 20238 20498 20499 50390A 10369 20790 06804 01943 20791 05307D 05327D 15301 15303 15309 03826 40084 33682 40082. 20529 47011 15292 00358D 04029X 04029X 15293 When you order an Upper Case Replacement Kit, use P/N 10463. This includes item 13 & 19. You will also need to order the overlay for the appropriate language. @ 9-4 5/97 Rev D Figure 9.2 ILLUSTRATED PARTS DRAWING (EXPLODED VIEW) -7 / / 7 _/ / __/ o \ 0 ' o 0 0 --" 0 D o 0 / / \ \\\ \ \ A!nh ml Ir _flllW SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPORTAND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VE NTI LATO R 9-6 Figure 9.3: Main Printed Circuit Board Illustration (P/N 50370) Figure 9.3 MAIN PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ILLUSTRATION (P/N 50370) l'ill,_'lll'_ SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPORTAND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VE NTI ILATO R 9-8 j,_aagm_l It _flliW SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPORTAND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VE NTI LATO R 9- 10 I Figure 9.3.2 MAIN PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SCHEMATIC, SHEET 2 OF 6 .............. 8 7 --6 I 5 _I 4 I 3 2 1 It,_fllilr SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPORTAND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VENTI LATOR 9- 12 • Figure 9.3.3 MAIN PRINTED CIRCUI1 I_OAKU _l-ll_lvlA lit,, _.r. l o ur o D Vl LEEVALVE 00000 • V _::! .... " AUTOZERO • ,,o. _ 6.EET, _ C SOLENOID VALVES _ V2 LEEVALVE OOOOO I I t _S_ FROt_ SHEET _ O,FFERENT,AL ,63Pco,o_6 PRESSURE TRANSFUCER o 68006 ,[, fly _- " 0V 2 - _ c3o_ _3o6 Or IX I/OW IOOuF I00K 6_o,7 R309 IOK "' ' O.tuF C30 -_ 6oo,6 _ TP30 HON0 CKR05 0376_ 08026 $,,ov R;3T I TR | HPOT 20- TUR_ _,,,,o,_ 00000 C302 O. luF 50V MONO SPARE R301 R302 ,,su IX ,/SW IX IK _ ZER ADJ _o...... | ILCZ7,a|" I4-DIP _ 1/0_ I_ I( I 03763CKR05 0303 O.luF 00000' i ' R303 R]07 2OK u 06WR20K I 00000 • .3os 1/OU tX I i::o.o ooooo $3o6 q S PAN " _ FLOWP - 5X Bg _ TO SHEET 2 o.7_3_ 0.ooO..ooo ...Zo''H20 4.690V " B 6. IV 66004 [ $.... ........ I/SW I_ R304 I ' 2nd ORDER Av = 1 .58 Fo = 50Hz 6 U3OlC B_. LOW PASS 47._K ,x oo,, _l_ I/SW 0073 ........ " • -I - A PROOUCTSCORPORATIONAND MAY NOT BE _D V_qTHOUTWRITTEN PER_@Sr_(_4OR tJSEO _OA OTHER ..... t _ I _.. I I L_ap.r#® D I°w°"° 50572 ....... _'_'"'-- ISCALE NONEI '_'_'_ I lSHEET 30_ 9- I_ " 6 13 - b,_flliW SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPORTAND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VENTILATOR 9- 14 8Figure 9.3.4 MAIN PRINTED7 CIRCUIT BOARD SCHEMATIC,6 SHEET 4 OF 6 5 + 4 3 _ Z 1 i D Aen_ W_fllll SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPORTAND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VE NTI LATO R 9-16 i Figure 9.3.5 MAIN PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SCHEMATIC, SHEET 5 OF 6 - j,_mulmml I_flliW SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPO.T AND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VENTILATOR 9-18 / 9 _109 .I.A_IHS'DIIVI_HHDS:OHVOfl III'IDHID CI_tlNIHd NIVI_ 9"£'6 a.m_H I_,_fllilV SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPORTAND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VE NTI LATO R 9 - 20 Figure 9.4: Display Printed Circuit Board Illustration (P/N 50380) Figure 9.4 DISPLAY PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ILLUSTRATION (P/N 50380) 9-21 I_ _flll SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPORT AND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VE NTI LATO R 9 - 22 Figure 9.4.1 DISPLAY PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SCHEMATIC ! 8 f 7 .... [ ._ -__ .L REVISIONS . ,..,,_. ut VROTOTVPE REIIE.A_E _i PILOT REL PER. E,CD_ _Bg°)_ _B77-11,/7.qZ.I JK..,D A!HJ al I__ll_ SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPORTAND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VE NTI LATO R % 9 - 24 Figure 9.5: Power Supply Printed Circuit Board Illustration (P/N 50390) I Figure 9.5 POWER SUPPLY PRINTED (P/N 50390) I CIRCUIT BOARD ILLUSTRATION FUSE 9 - 25 _li_ SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPORTAND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VE NTI LATOR 9 - 26 Figure 9.5.1 8 POWER SUPPLY PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SCHEMATIC I 7 6 z I _ i 4 3 2 3YM _2 X| A I, 1 REVISIONS OESC_mTIO_ PROTOTYPE RELEA6E FILET ,_ELE_SE PEP- Er-OCt ED t)_O PROD REL PER ECD# I 0 D SII70 "_/_7_ DD D _Xl F_TDTYPE RELEASE I Ii_t/:_l_"_ IP,_fllilr SECTION 9.0: SCHEMATICS TRANSPORT AND ILLUSTRATED PARTS VE NTI LATO R Figure 9.6 MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY (SECTIONAL VIEW) 9 - 28 D.,,a-IIIW GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS TRANSPORT VE NTI LATO R amp ....................................................................................................Ampere BPM ...............................................................................Breaths Per Minute C ..................................................................................................Compliance °C .................................................................................. Degrees Centigrade CAL ...............................................................................................Calibrated CCW ................................................................................ Counterclockwise CW ................................................................................................. Clockwise CIRC .................................................................................................... cm ................................................................................................ cmH20 ......................................................... cmH20/LPS .......... Centimeter Centimeter of Water Pressure CMV ................................................... CPAP ............................................. Controlled Continuous Circuit Centimeter of Water Pressure Per Liter Per Second Mechanical Ventilation Positive Airway Pressure CTRL .................................................................................................. D/A ................................................................................... DISS ............................................................ Central Digital to Analog Diameter Index Safety System DVM ................................................................................ Digital Volt Meter ETO ....................................................................................... Ethylene °F .................................................................................... Degrees FIO 2.................................. of Inspired Fractional Concentration Fahrenheit H .......................................................................................................... I:E ........................................... Inspiratory Hertz Internal Time to Expiratory Diameter Time Ratio (I) ................................................................................................................ IMV ................................................... kg ............................................. kg/cm2 Intermittent Mandatory :...................................................... ................................................ Kilograms Oxygen Height Hz .......................................................................................................... I.D ..................................................................................... Oxide ON Ventilation Kilogram Per Square Centimeter G-7 JMItt'llillr TRANSPORT VE NTI I_ATO GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS R L ............................................................................................................... Liter It) .......................................................................................................... Pound LED ............................................................................. Diode Light Emitting LPM .................................................................................. Liters Per Minute mA ................................................................................................... MAP ........................................................................ Milliamp Mean Airway Pressure ml ...................................................................................................... Milliliter mm ................................................................................................. millimeter msec ............................................................................................ Millisecond mV .................................................................................................... MiUivolt (O) ............................................................................................................ O.D ................................................................................... OFF Outside Diameter 0 2....................................................................................................... Paw ..................................................................................... PEEP ...................................................... Positive PIP ...................................................................... P/N Airway Pressure Peak Inspiratory Pressure PSI .......................................................................... SIMV ....................... Synchronized Pounds Pounds Intermittent Part Number Per Square Inch Per Square Inch Gauge Mandatory Ventilation t ............................................................................................................... TCPL ......................................................... Time Cycled, VAC .................................................................... Pressure Volts Alternating VDC ............................................................................. Time Limited Current Volts Direct Current Vt ............................................................................................. W ......................................................................................................... G-2 Pressure End Expiratory .......................................................................................... PSIG .......................................................... Oxygen Tidal Volume Weight
Key Features
- time or volume cycled ventilator
- variety of ventilation modes
- compact, durable exterior and lightweight design
- self-powered using its own internal, rechargeable battery
- 115/230 VAC switch selectable AC power supply
- 12 VDC power cable for connection to external 11-130VDC power sources
- variety of gas sources, including compressed gas cylinders
- medical grade air compressors
- on-board aircraft gas sources
- blended gas mixtures from a gas blender