LANDA PHW3 11024D, 30024A, 30024B, PHW4 22024A, 22024B, 22024C, 22024F, 22024G, 22024H, 30024A, 30024B, 30024C, 30024F, 30024G, 30024H, 30024G, 30024H, 30024A, 30024B, 30024C, 30024F, 30024G, 30024H, 30024A, 30024B, 30024C, 30024F, 30024G Service manual
The PHW3 11024D, PHW4 22024A, PHW4 22024B, PHW4 22024C, PHW4 22024F, PHW4 22024G, PHW4 22024H, PHW4 30024A, PHW4 30024B, PHW4 30024C, PHW4 30024F, PHW4 30024G, PHW4 30024H, PHW5 30024B, PHW5 30024C, PHW3 11024D, PHW4 30024A, PHW4 30024B, PHW4 30024C, PHW4 30024F, PHW4 30024G, PHW4 30024H, PHW5 30024B, PHW5 30024C is a powerful pressure washer designed to clean a variety of surfaces. It is equipped with a variety of features that make it easy to use and maintain. It comes with a variety of nozzles that can be used to clean different types of surfaces.
PHW SERVICE MANUAL ■ PHW3-11024D 1.109-078.0 ■ PHW4-22024A PHW4-22024B PHW4-22024C PHW4-22024F ■ PHW5-30024B 1.109-091.0 PHW4-22024G PHW5-30024C 1.109-092.0 PHW4-22024H 1.109-079.0 ■ PHW4-30024A 1.109-085.0 1.109-080.0 PHW4-30024B 1.109-086.0 1.109-081.0 PHW4-30024C 1.109-087.0 1.109-082.0 PHW4-30024F 1.109-088.0 1.109-083.0 PHW4-30024G 1.109-089.0 1.109-084.0 PHW4-30024H 1.109-090.0 AD RLO OVE ITIO N IGN ER POW NER BUR P PUM 6.0 7-58 8.91 o Use o — fueg IONde el e liqui LOSdon roci olina s gas EXP s. No dir do. DE área en itido aña ajan SGO No trab ser ucto n perm. GO. Utili est RIE bles este — nue des prod el a sea ama FUE ON e liqui pas llam infl DE uina OSIflammr de . Ne la que . dos GOla mág XPLune rise FEU is OF ION RIESndo D’Eoù vapo DEtand K cua QUEroits pas UE RIS LOSonlyflame fueln. itEXPrateopen /deratio RIS end Ne s. RISQ y Use Opere is perm aux enceope sprads. h — whe torc not liqui Do perm ammdéss en TES or Do infl ter est E. n IEN das r ted. ableFIRwhe ajou hine che CALs aisla OF flamm mac S Tou K fuel is ICIE áreaa. S — es des RIS add hine las ERFte la lanzUDEisolé not mac g. y es. SUPmenllo CHA ies the ratin solagati ES partet lanc ope LA RY— del les FAC ent lets CON dos INJU ES SURlem pisto VE las OF FAC K seu née con MUEa RIS SURSE only poig SE teng HOT CAUUseping RE-ns. A gun Sos ET mai CAN NS.d gripy TOL— TOL x PIS N BURigne spra of PIS deu LA SIÓ des s d. E ir à PREos. areawan Ten O AS. — man GNE and ÓN SON POI LA SSE ACIPER GUNK. POU ETRS A nce AY BAC A TE PENERA alca SPRKS both IENdirija DESEV a del KIC with CALe ni s. Holdds. SGOES fuer A han toqu ona RIE ION ase AGU . No pers LES téng uilla DE — s . A Manboq GA N otra RES a ON de CAR SIOa OR RY SSIle jet OF agu SSUs. K ON DESA PRE del BLEbuse PRE er S. RIS CTI INJU S dirig ALT flujo DE des INJEERESON el QUEloin SOUpas es. r SEVPER r Ne onn RISteni UDE — pers TO p clea Se CHA TIEdes Keenozzle. EAUSOR of RGE not LA u vers HOTCHADo ct . d’ea DIS ID. dire ons FLUh or e E: als touchargat pers US mic oil) . R che e, discam ned VE e olin stre clea NE osiv gas g — r corr ner, bein IONothe t thin ace UT and pain surf CAucts (i.e. the age prod ents ucts dam rine solv prod will chlo ing ate and ch, tain sph con unit Blea id m pho ucts • the Liquodiu prod ucts • prodharm Tri-s oniaed • will Amm-basals • Acid mic • che se The N IN G NT ME 1. ION l. . MP de uel l’eau arei D’E ette rir l’app Man pe. DE ouv à le gach et sion pom e. la nt MO u uel la ser eme. d'ea pres de la lanc Man er e pres te ile eur. le ntivation laiss pris hau t de pe et brûl d’hu atteutilis u et pom r le t, voir bou t à une au er eurr la che Lire au la pom boya nive avan er le de let. allum rgen le brûlrête r rela Reli er er le buse 7.0 eur pisto , dete er d'ar pou la 2. Reli fi t 7-58 ferm 3. Véri rer mot née r l’eau du olet 8.91 le l, avan 4. Insé ir poig uffe er arei re pist rse. del 5. Part la cha liqueur. ER r app usa 6. de l’apppropnée érat ter llave OP Pou r s de la 7. Pou l'Op arrê l’eau poig la r DE ante abra 8. de idir r . S n y Pou n ión. 9. refro ssesion NE raciójardi Pre e pres ba. pres CIO de Opea de alta a. bom y logr or. ual de la UC llo mad Man ual guer ra la lanzde gati TR que el lar Manle man gue a ite el el con LTS a sulte INS Lea el ecte man uilla ace abra ue circuel SU la boq l de iend con . Abra ba, 1. Con , purg la RE y haga enc te, nive bom ba. 2. agua ecte a, rgen G ador te, Con que el la bom agu 3. Colo ise a NIN quem rgenla dete g. el dete ar ntar el 4. Rev iend EA ue del apag ión. 5. Enc ión.cale ar ón. usin CL a re and 6. pres aplicraci apag s de la pres UC Para guer ar ST befo hine 7. Para Ope inar, TR man ante BE fully mac . 8. de term la fria relev R to INS Al hine care rely para FO 9. aguaagua lo d. el secu ING Manualen hose to mac TS gatil d e of wan AT EN gard r’s wan hos ual. end ER rato dard RG grip on. sure to and h ing TE OP Ope stanon. on, ch r's Man d off pres zle l. ch r turnve DE swit rato er l. Flus noz leve Rea nect re y er swit . relie oil coo 1. Con wate high p turn y gun burn Ope burn r is r befoto 2. turn ure spra , see , turn Sec ure pum spra turn t, watey gun wate r, 3. Sec ck t uniter n hine l E 4. Che startrigg wate rgen unticlea spra t 5. To dete n mac ger US run 6. and hea ly dow to withTrig p To app t off. 7. To shu pum t lines ch 8. To rgen 9. allow p swit . dete pum sure pres AC NS TIO W eur érat l’Op PR AR N / AV SE TIS ER CIO AU EC ION IPO EQU RAC E NTE S. OPE . ESTAME ADO R UAL RSESOL IFIC TEU MAN USA DO CAL EL DE USA S ERAARORE LEA ESSER L’OP APP DES RAD ANT E DE CET PAR DEB OPE UEL N.ISE TIO ES. POR UCE MAN UTILLIFI OF E LE LISA RED K D E UTI QUA TO RISREAS LIR NT T ETRS THE RY OR’ AVADOI EUR INJURAT EIL RAT OPE UALLLY NG. OPE MANEFU USI E S ipo. HIN CARORE D OJO equ LIBEF MAC este USE LOS TE ue QUA re THIS BEBY URI ASE ope lorsq . TO Y SEC S TEJ se ORS ONL DE TEE PRO NDO FIEDRAT ES POR l. CUA ucOPE ETT E arei RY app prod da. LUNT ETR el cua INJU cet IVE OF DESVEN rez ade . Use K ECTAND T ón ope DOI s RIS ROTAR MUS IXIAilaci n dan vous —P WE NGwhe ASFvent ser EYE THIRN DE de Utili E. CLOWO g this SGO area YXI BE ratin . . RIEen un — SPH ope hine N o adto D’A aéré mac CIÓtact ciobien QUE roit OCUcon nec e ON. RISend OF IATI un con roci la CTR K well en s las No ecteicio. un lo. ELE RIS HYX in . todasue conserv DE hufe ASP onlyd area enc a del s. Desdar Use ilate — terre SGO el tenga de RIE ecte. Manarrib trico s IONà la vent y Conado s s eléc anteCUT être mise ent us. N. ecu secaente tricaTRO doiv endles per TIO nes pone elécLEC avec es ls OF comient D’Epris les fi suspsur Coufaire K OCU to d corr QUEdes s étrel’eau es.t de RIS CTRt only nde à Tou et de triqu ELEnec grouall RIS er ent. élec e avan Con erly p dry nd. Relilem us secseter ls fi Kee s triqu proj propet. tion grou y seu ntenais s etélec outl nec the awa maijam ante n con off y l No pos tation. poand p spratrica com entaratio comect Kee elec l’alimrépa and onnl . from g une Disc ING wirints. trica ! . re VICIO. nen elec befo ION E SER VIC TION fromply . NT SER ARA sup icing REP TE BEFOR DAR serv / AT PLYES DE E UNE N FAIR DE CIO L SUPANT NT EN ICACTRICA AVA ! AT CTRELEIQUE ELE M NTE CTR FRO RIE ELE CT CORTION LA NNE E NTA CO ECT IME DIS CONR L’AL DES PLE COU 98.917-588.0 I LO ! NG NI AR W 89172090-1 LIS T E D ® For technical assistance or the dealer nearest you, consult our web page at 8.917-209.0 PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION LOW OPERATING PRESSURE Faulty pressure gauge Test with 2nd gauge. If bad, install new gauge. Insufficient water supply Use larger garden hose; clean water filter at inlet. Clean screen inside float tank. Old, worn or incorrect nozzle Match nozzle number to machine and/or replace with new nozzle. Belt slippage Tighten or replace; use correct belt. Plumbing or hose leak Check plumbing system for leaks. Retape leaks with Teflon tape. Faulty or misadjusted unloader valve Adjust unloader for proper pressure. Install repair kit when needed. Test PSI with unloader removed, taking pressure directly off the pump. Worn packing in pump Install new packing kit. Fouled or dirty inlet or discharge valves in pump Clean inlet and discharge valves. Worn inlet or discharge valves Replace with valve kit. Obstruction in spray nozzle Remove obstruction. Low power supply Check voltage of building and compare with requirements. Obtain a different power source. PRESSURE WASHER Troubleshooting Guide TROUBLESHOOTING Detergent metering valve left open Close and/or replace metering valve. sucking air, or faulty metering valve BURNER WILL NOT LIGHT Little or no fuel Fill tank with fuel. Improper fuel or water in fuel Drain fuel tank and fill with proper fuel. Plugged fuel filter Replace as needed. Misadjusted burner air bands Readjust air bands for clean burn. Little or no fuel pressure from fuel pump Increase fuel pressure to specifications and/or replace fuel pump. Faulty burner transformer Test transformer for proper arc between contacts. Replace as needed. Disconnected or short in electrical wiring All wire contacts should be clean and tight. No breaks in wire. Burner motor thermal protector tripped If tripped, check voltage, connections and extensions for cause. Check fuel pump shaft rotation for binding causing motor to overheat. Flex-Coupling slipping on fuel pump shaft or burner motor shaft Replace if needed. ON-OFF switch defective Check burner switch for continuity. 3 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a Troubleshooting Guide PRESSURE WASHER TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION BURNER WILL NOT LIGHT (continued) Heavy sooting on coil and burner can cause interruption of air flow and shorting of electrodes Clean as required. Improper electrode setting Clean and set according to diagram in Operator's Manual. Fuel not reaching combustion chamber Check fuel pump for proper flow. Check solenoid flow switch on machines with spray gun control for proper on-off fuel flow control. Clogged burner nozzle Replace. Water not flowing through flow switch Open spray gun to allow water to flow. Flow switch malfunction Remove reed and test for continuity. Replace if needed. Fuel solenoid malfunction Replace if needed. Improper fuel or water in fuel Drain tank and replace contaminated fuel. Improper air adjustment Readjust air bands on burner assembly. Low fuel pressure Adjust higher. Air leaks in fuel lines Check fuel lines for leaks or air bubbles. Tighten or replace as needed. Plugged or dirty burner nozzle Replace. Faulty burner nozzle spray pattern Replace nozzle. Heavy accumulation of soot on coils and burner assembly Remove coils and burner assembly. Clean thoroughly. Misaligned electrode Realign electrodes. Obstruction in smoke stack Check for insulation blockage or other foreign objects. Improper fuel or water in fuel Drain fuel tank and replace with proper fuel. Low fuel pressure Increase fuel pressure. Weak fuel pump Check fuel pump pressure. Replace pump if needed. Fuel filter partially clogged Replace if needed. Soot build-up on coils Clean coils with soot remover. Lime build-up in coils Clean inside of coils with coil clean. Improper burner nozzle See tank assembly parts list for correct nozzle. UNIT SMOKES LOW WATER TEMPERATURE 4 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION WATER TEMPERATURE TOO HOT Incoming water to machine warm or hot Lower incoming water temperature. Fuel pump pressure too high Readjust fuel pressure. Fuel pump defective Replace fuel pump. Detergent line sucking air Tighten all clamps. Check detergent line for holes. Defective high limit switch Replace. Incorrect fuel nozzle size See exploded view parts list for proper size. Insufficient water supplied Check GPM to machine. Restricted water flow Check nozzle for obstruction and proper size. Insufficient voltage Use heavier drop cord and check voltage at receptacle. Check name plate for amperage draw. Plugged nozzle Remove and clean nozzle. Turn on water pump and flush lines, replace nozzle. Wrong spray nozzle See serial plate for minimum nozzle size. Automatic overload switch tripped Allow motor to cool - switch will automatically reset. Motor wet Allow to dry. Short in electrical wiring Wire contacts should be clean and tight. No breaks in wires. Coil liming up causing excessive pressure See section on Preventative Maintenance. Water pump low or out of oil causing the pump to bind up Fill to correct level. Spray nozzle plugged Remove nozzle and clean out obstruction. Mis-adjusted or defective relief valve Adjust or replace as needed. Scale or dirt plugging inside of coils See "Preventative Maintenance Cleaning of Coils." Air leak Tighten all clamps. Check detergent lines for holes. Detergent metering valve packing not tight or packing worn Tighten nut. Replace valve or packing. Filter screen on detergent suction hose plugged Clean or replace. Dried up detergent plugging metering valve or injector Clean and flush. Restrictor in float tank missing Install restricter. High viscosity of detergent Dilute detergent to specifications. Read detergent label. PUMP MOTOR STOPS AFTER A FEW MINUTES OF OPERATION OR STARTS SLOW RELIEF VALVE LEAKS OR SPRAYS OUT WATER DETERGENT NOT DRAWING PRESSURE WASHER Troubleshooting Guide TROUBLESHOOTING 5 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a Troubleshooting Guide PRESSURE WASHER TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION MACHINE WILL NOT DRAW UP DETERGENT Clamps holding detergent lines are loose Tighten clamps. Hole in detergent line(s) Repair hole. Strainer basket plugged Remove and clean. Overload protector tripped Push reset button. Fuel pump seized Replace fuel pump. Burner fan loose or misaligned Position correctly and tighten set screw. Defective control switch Replace switch. Loose wire Check and replace or tighten wiring. Defective burner motor Replace motor. EXCESSIVE VIBRATION IN DELIVERY LINE Irregular functioning of check valves, metering valves Check and replace if necessary. TEMPERATURE RELIEF VALVE LEAKS WATER (pump protector) Spray gun in OFF position with machine operating for an extended period of time Open spray gun to cool circulating water. Relief valve defective Replace valve. Particle next to poppet Remove internal parts and clean. Fuel pump pressure too high Readjust fuel pressure. Pressure switch defective Check for proper operation, replace if necessary. Fuel solenoid defective Replace fuel solenoid. Pump sucking air Check water supply and possibility of air seepage. Valves sticking Check and clean or replace if necessary. Unloader valve seat faulty Check and replace if necessary. Nozzle incorrectly sized See serial plate for minimum nozzle size. Worn piston packing Check and replace if necessary. Air in suction line Check water supply and connections on suction line. Broken or weak inlet or discharge valve springs Check and replace if necessary. Excessive temperature of liquid Reduce to below 60° C (140° F). Foreign matter in valves Check and clean if necessary. Worn bearings Check and replace if necessary. BURNER MOTOR WILL NOT RUN BURNER STAYS ON WHEN SPRAY GUN IS IN OFF POSITION PUMP RUNNING NORMALLY BUT PRESSURE LOW PUMP NOISY 6 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION PRESENCE OF WATER IN OIL Oil seal worn Check and replace if necessary. High humidity in air Check and change oil twice as often. Piston packing worn Check and replace if necessary. Piston packing worn Check and replace if necessary. O.R. plunger retainer worn Check and replace if necessary. Cracked ceramics Check and replace if necessary. Oil seal worn Check and replace if necessary. Cracked manifold Check and replace if necessary. WON'T START Faulty timer By-pass timer by joining wires 15 & 16 on timer together. If it starts, replace timer. WON'T TIMEOUT Faulty reed switch Check for continuity. Replace if necessary. Faulty relay or base Check relay cube or relay base for proper continuity. Replace if necessary. WATER DRIPPING FROM UNDER PUMP OIL DRIPPING PRESSURE WASHER Troubleshooting Guide TROUBLESHOOTING 7 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a Troubleshooting Guide PRESSURE WASHER TROUBLESHOOTING - UNLOADER PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION SYSTEM WILL NOT COME UP TO FULL DESIGNATED PRESSURE Spray nozzle worn or nozzle orifice is too large in relation to pump flow rate Adjusted improperly See serial plate for correct nozzle size. Bypass valve (within unloader) is obstructed or leaking Remove and clean bypass cartridge or replace. Flow rate of pump inadequate Assure designated flow rate of pump is adequate in relation to spray nozzle size. Pressure adjustment too tight Call technical support. Restricted bypass line Bypass line should be 1/2" inside diameter (I.D.), 12" long and of low pressure flexible hose. Flow rate higher than 8 gpm Unloader flow rate is 7.8 gpm maximum. External leak on unloader or in downstream fittings Inspect all high pressure lines (including spray gun and hose) for any signs of leakage and repair as necessary. Inspect and replace as necessary. PRESSURE SPIKES IN DISCHARGE LINE DURING BYPASS MODE UNLOADER CYCLES WHILE IN BYPASS MODE Discharge valve (within the unloader) damaged, obstructed or worn Weep gun is being used Readjust unloader with pressure gauge. The unloader is not designed for use with a weep gun. 8 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a PRESSURE WASHER FLOAT TANK ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW 16 ur ate OI pér PL l’O EM l de u. eil. D’ l’ea par nue rir l’ap te DE Ma het le ouv n à pe. MO et gac ent au ssio pomce. r la l em . d'e pre de la lan sse nue ntiv ion e te la pre r. Ma atte sat pris hau uile t de et leu le ser utili d’h r pe brû lais bou Lire nt à une au au r le , voi r et pom r 1. ava ier le boynive e au la pom t. me ent leu la che N le Rel ier de ole brû er rela IO 2. Rel i er la busteur pist u, allu erg le det er d'arrêt r 3. Vér érer mo e l’ea AC . pou 87.0 4. Ins tir le gné r er du rse ferm nt t 7-5 eil, ava tole 5. Par la poi uffeliqu r. usa e del 8.91 par pre pis de llav r chaapp teu 6. de e es a la l’ap pro r Pou éra gné ant abr ter u S 7. Pou l'Op y poi . 8. de r arrêir l’ea ción in NE la sión era jard Pou oid r IO pre Op de 9. refr sse n. ba. re CC alta Pre ssio l de era log . l de bom y pre RU dor nua nua ngu illo era ma la ma ST Ma Ma a ite de gat el e le ngu IN que el e a el el ma uilla ace Lea ect con ular S da sult abr 1. Con a. e la boq l de LT gue a circa el ien con ba, 2. agu ect e la nive SU enc e, , pur hag Abr bom Con oqu el a, ent dor e, y ba. NS la RE 3. Col ise g. erg ma agu ent da IO r bom 4. Rev ien . NG que usin la nta el det CT el deterg NI 5. Enc sión . gar . ore e and gue del apa sión RU 6. pre a cale icarción EA bef chin lly Par a aplera , apa era de pre ST CL efu to ma 7. Par Op inar ngu es la IN e. ST G l car e 8. de term la ma ant var ly chin BE rele fria hos IN nua Al a a a ure ma d. R 9. agu agu par AT s Ma den e to wan FO d sec el illo of tor’ rd gar ER hos gat wan TS l. era nda end re OP to grip EN nua ssu d Op t sta on. on. zle l. on, RG tch s Maoff andsh ing Rea nec er h prenoz leve tch. TE swi tor' 1. Con wat hig ay Flu turn swi era ner l. 2. turn ure spr p oil DE gun ner Op bur coo ore relieve bur is bef to Sec ure pum t, turnay 3. Sec ck uni spr turn , seee, turn er er gun wat wat ent 4. Che start ger er, ay chin il n trig t wat erg 5. To ma unt clea spr E 6. and hea ly det n run ger US To app t dowp to s with Trig 7. To shu line off. 8. To w pum ent tch 9. allo erg swi det p re. pum ssu pre ER DE 14 OP 13 11 15 SERVICE MANUAL 10 9 12 19 Bypass Hose From Pump To Pump Inlet 1 8 7 2 18 6 5 5 4 4 3 89172090-3 17 PHW4-30024A FLOAT TANK ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 8.750-163.0 2 8.917-705.0 3 4 5 ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION Tank, Water Float PHW_091 10 8.749-328.0 Float Valve, 1/2" Kerick PVC1 Label, Landa Logo 1 11 8.718-612.0 Stud, 1/4-20 Brass w/Groove 8.706-797.0 Nipple, 1/2" Hex 1 9.802-163.0 Filter, 1/2" MPT, PA1 12 8.706-984.0 Adapter, 1/2" FPT x 1/2" MPT, Brass 1 8.725-987.0 Adapter, 3/4" JIC x 1/2" FPT 1 13 8.917-613.0 Cover, Float Tank PHW_091 6 9.802-152.0 Swivel, 3/4" SAE Fem, Push-on1 14 8.917-587.0 Label, Operating PHW_091 15 8.718-976.0 Washer, 1/4 Retainer 7 16 9.802-746.0 Thumb Screw, 1/4"-20 x 1/2" 1 17 8.706-865.0 Plug, 1/4" NPT Countersunk 1 1 9.802-261.0 Hose, 3/4" Push-on, /ft QTY 44" 8 9.802-146.0 Swivel, 1/2" MP x 3/4" GHF w/Strainer 1 18 9.800-020.0 Label, Cold Water Inlet 9 Ball, Float, Black Plastic 1 19 9.802-252.0 Hose, 1/4" Braided 8.706-512.0 26 QTY 1 1 44" 9 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a SERVICE MANUAL PRESSURE WASHER FRAME ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW 5 See Valve Assembly Page for Detail 11 21 9 8 9 8 8 2 9 11 4 8 8 3 1 22 8 rateur OI MPL de l’Opé el l’eau. reil. ED’E Manu tte l’appae. ouvrir à MOD nt le et on pomp gache r la la el d'eau pressi iveme de la lance. tion. r. Manu r prisehaute de et presse attent le utilisa d’huile brûleu laisse bout Lire à une voir boyau pompe r le r et pomp 1. avant er le niveau au la t. la ent, le Relier de brûleu ter relach ION 2. Relier er la buse r pistole allume r r le 3. Véri moteu e l’eau,du deterg . d'arrê pour RAC 587.0 4. Insére le er ferme et del uer 5. Partirla poigné reil, avant 8.917OPE de usarse chauff pistol llave 6. de appliq ateur.r l’appa la ée propre DE Pour antesabra 7. Pourl'Opér y l’eau poign arrête n. 8. de ción NES ir la Pour jardin er presió CIO Operade a. 9. refroid on. de era alta Press logre al al de bomby pressi RUC ador. mangu uera a la Manu de gatillo Manu le el INST quem el la el te r el lte mang Lea aceite con la da 1. Conec circula te la boquilde a, abra el consu ULTS 2. agua. purgue nivel ue encien haga S . Abra Conec el la bomb ente, dor, y RES 3. Coloq agua, ente, G 4. Revise ndan. ar deterg TION using. quema r la bomba 5. Encie r el and e el deterg n. ANIN RUC 6. presió calent ción. del apaga before ne apagu lly era de presió Para aplica CLE T 7. Para Opera ar, INST carefu to machi ne. r la antes mangu 8. de termin ly al hose la fria releva BES ING Al machi 9. aguaagua para to wand. secure FOR RAT tor’s Manu garden el S rd hose gatillo wand endof re al. to Opera grip ENT standa on. Manu on. pressu ct on, g and Read nozzle ERG off Flush level. Connewater turnin r switchtor's r switch e high oil DET turn cool. e spray relieve turn gun.burne Operaburne is before Secur pump to 3. Secur unit,r sprayturn see turn gun water ne, water ent, 4. Check start triggewater, 5. To untilclean spray r deterg machi 6. and heat run USE To apply down to with Trigge 7. To shut pump linesoff. 8. To ent 9. allow switch re. deterg pump pressu OPE 8 1. 2. 7 10 20 12 6 13 19 17 16 18 14 18 15 18 17 89172090-6 10 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a DESCRIPTION ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 8.917-589.0 Weldment, Side, E-Box, PHW_091 12 9.802-810.0 Washer, 5/8" 4 13 9.803-111.0 Lever, Brake 1 2 8.917-592.0 Angle, Front, PHW_091 14 9.802-997.0 Linkage, Brake 1 3 8.917-724.0 Angle, Back Upper, PHW_091 15 9.802-996.0 Bracket, Brake 1 4 Valve Assy, Detergent 16 9.802-705.0 Bolt, Carriage, 1/4" x 1" 4 17 9.802-773.0 Nut, 1/4 ESNA 4 18 9.802-802.0 Washer, 1/4" SAE 16 19 9.804-608.0 Cap, Vinyl, Yellow 1 20 8.917-226.0 Assy, Float, PHW, 09 1 21 8.900-825.0 Label, Detergent, Control 1 22 8.917-587.0 Label, Operating, PHW 1 8.917-734.0 QTY 1 5 8.917-591.0 Weldment, Side, Fuel, PHW_091 6 9.802-782.0 Collar, 5/8" Bore Shaft 3010 4 7 8.711-907.0 Wheel & Tire, 6.5" Steel Rim, 12.5" Tire 4 8 Screw, 1/4" x 1/2" Whiz Loc 9 9 9.802-767.0 Screw, 3/8" x 3/4" NC, Whiz Loc Flange 6 10 8.917-590.0 Weldment, Base, PHW_091 11 8.718-674.0 Bolt, 3/8"-16 x 2-1/4" Flange 8.750-246.0 QTY SERVICE MANUAL ITEM PART NO. PRESSURE WASHER FRAME ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST 6 11 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a HIG PRESSURE WASHER ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW H PR ES SU RE S 16 10 SERVICE MANUAL 1 13 9 7,17 18 17 15 8 14 2 6 4 5 10 9 3 12 11 89172090-12 12 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a DESCRIPTION 1 9.802-339.0 9.802-336.0 8.751-004.0 8.751-009.0 9.802-337.0 9.802-330.0 8.725-973.0 8.750-999.0 8.751-010.0 8.726-137.0 8.750-998.0 8.751-015.0 Motor, 2 HP 120V 3450 RPM 56C (3-11024D) 1 Motor, 6.2 HP 230V 1PH 1725 RPM (4-22024A) 1 Motor, 6.2 HP 208/230/460V 3PH 1750 RPM (4-22024B,C) 1 Motor, 5 HP 575V 3PH 1800 RPM (4-22024F) 1 Motor, 6.2 HP 200V 1PH 1725 RPM (4-22024G) 1 Motor, 6.2 HP 200V 3PH 1750 RPM (4-22024H) 1 Motor, 8.2 HP 230V 1PH 1740 RPM (4-30024A) 1 Motor, 8.2 HP 230/460V 3PH 1770 RPM (4-30024B,C)1 Motor, 8.2 HP 575V 3PH 1800 RPM (4-30024F)1 Motor, 8.2 HP 208V 1PH 1740 RPM (4-30024G)1 Motor, 8.2 HP 208V 3PH 1760 RPM, EE (4-30024H)1 Motor, 10 HP 230/460V 3PH 1800 RPM (5-30024B,C)1 QTY ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 8 9.802-778.0 9.802-781.0 Nut, 5/16" Whiz Loc Flange (3-11024D) 4 Nut, 3/8" NC Whiz Loc, Flange (4-2, 4-3, 5-3) 4 2 9.804-029.0 9.802-375.0 8.715-592.0 9.802-388.0 Pulley, AK 64H (3-11024D) 1 Pulley, 2AK 84H (4-22024A,B,C,F,G,H)1 Pulley, 2BK 80H (4-30024A,B,C,F,G,H)1 Pulley, 2BK 67H (5-30024B,C)1 3 8.715-522.0 8.715-545.0 9.804-047.0 9.802-382.0 9.802-383.0 Pulley, Bore, AK 27 x 5/8 (3-11024D) 1 Pulley, 2AK 41H (4-22024A,B,C,G,H)1 Pulley, 2AK 34H (4-22024F) 1 Pulley, 2BK 34H (4-30024A,B,C,F,G,H)1 Pulley, 2BK 36H (5-30024B, C)1 4 9.802-402.0 9.802-403.0 Bushing, H x 24mm (3-11024D)1 Bushing, H x 25mm (4-22024A,B,C,F,G,H; 4-30024A, B,C,F,G,H; 5-30024B, C)1 5 9.802-400.0 9.802-401.0 Bushing, H x 1-1/8 (4-22024A, B, C,F,G,H) 1 Bushing, H x 1-3/8 (4-30024A,B, C,F,G,H; 5-30024B,C) 1 6 9.802-408.0 9.802-410.0 9.802-417.0 9.802-415.0 Belt, AX36 (3-11024D) 1 Belt, AX38 (All 4-2200) 2 Belt, BX38 (4-30024A,B,C,F,G,H)2 Belt, BX35 (5-30024B,C)2 7 8.726-099.0 Washer, Reducing, 1" x 1/2" (4-30024B,C,H; 5-30024B,C) QTY 9 9.802-807.0 Washer, 3/8", SAE, Flat Zinc 3 10 9.802-814.0 Washer, 3/8" Lock, Split Ring 3 11 9.803-551.0 9.802-767.0 Screw, 5/16" x 3/4", Whiz Loc, Flange (3-11024D) 4 Screw, 3/8" x 3/4" Whiz Loc, Flange (4-2, 4-3, 5-3) 4 12 Bolt, 3/8" x 5-1/2", NC HH Tap 1 9.802-735.0 13 8.719-047.0 Washer, Nylon, .281 ID x 1, OD x .25 Thk 14 9.802-448.0 9.802-448.0 Conduit, 1/2" Flex, per ft. (4-22024A,B,C,F,G,H; 4-30024B,C,F,H; 5-30024B,C)13" Conduit 1/2" Flex (2-11024D, 4-30024A,G) 24" 15 9.802-517.0 Connector, 1/2" 90° 1 16 8.725-549.0 Bolt, 3/8" x 7-1/2", HH 2 2 17 9.803-834.0 Washer, Reducing, 3/4" x 1/2" 3-11024D; 4-22024B,C,F,G,H; 4-30024A,F,G) 1 18 8.716-579.0 Bushing, 3/4" x 1/2", RB312 (079.0 only) SERVICE MANUAL ITEM PART NO. PRESSURE WASHER ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST 1 2 13 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a SERVICE MANUAL PRESSURE WASHER ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW 41 15 49 29 Junction Box To Pressure Switch 42 31 To Flow Switch 42 43 To Junction Box Service Cord To Burner 48 46 Power Transformer 4-22024C, F 4-30024C, F, 5-30024C 30 43 To Power Transformer 6 14 44 14 7 47 8 To Pump Motor 14 45 14 3 14 5 36 14 35 13 4 13 35 HI G H PR SU ES RE S 13 33 ND OU GR 14 11 (2") 13 1 2 10 50 12 (7") 89172090-8 14 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a 9 13 10 50 32 PRESSURE WASHER CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW 28 28 23 27 25 SERVICE MANUAL 26 21 24 53 53 22 15 18 20 15 AD LO ER OV ITIO N IGN WE PO R 15 ER RN BU MP PU 53 .0 586 17- 8.9 19 40 HI GH PR ES SU RE S 52 51 38 ND OU 51 52 15 37 39 W A I RN ON / AV CI AU EC PR O ION AC UIPE ERTE EQNTDO. S OPES . 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A isoces SUamen y r lan soll gatilloES CHpaties et LA de AC t les ts N s RF en tole do SU lem pis E CO las seuignée EV MU a con po SE ng A ste . T REins TOL So PIS — T LEux ma O LA ESIÓN PIS de EE ir à . PRnos. AS IGN Ten ma O ON PO — LA USSE AIÓN RS C TR A PE PO ce NE S EA PE RAalcan NT DE VE l O SEra de LIE dirija SGNES fue CA ni . s na RIESIO ase UAtoque rso LE nténgilla. DEAGNo pe as S. Maboqu GA —otr A RE a N AR ION de ua SU SC ES SIOjet l ag ES DETA PR le de BL es. ES er AL ujo DE sbus PR de US dirig E el QU loin SO s . pa es E RIStenir AUD Nersonn Se CH —s pe U RTIE EA SO s de LAau ver d’e ls E: ica ) US em oil R ch e, d. VE ive solin ne os ga NE rr c lea — co er, ing N er nn be IO oth thi ce UT and. paint rfa CAucts (i.e su nts the prod lve ucts m age ine so pr od l da lor ng ate d wil h,chntaini ph ac os it an un Bleuid com ph ucts • ts Liq diu prod uc rm the • od ha -so nia pr d l Tri mo • se wil Am ba ls id- ica • Ac • chem e es 17 98.917-588.0 GR Th NIN R WA 16 34 37 15 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a PRESSURE WASHER SERVICE MANUAL ELECTRICAL & CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 8.724-269.0 8.724-280.0 8.724-275.0 8.724-269.0 8.724-269.0 8.724-280.0 8.724-275.0 8.724-283.0 8.724-275.0 8.724-269.0 8.724-269.0 8.724-283.0 8.724-275.0 8.724-280.0 8.724-269.0 Contactor, DP C25DNY152TL, 25 Amp (3-11024D)1 Contactor, DP C25DNY154TL, 40 Amp (4-22024A)1 Contactor, DP C25DNY153TL, 30 Amp (4-22024B)1 Contactor, DP C25DNY152TL, 25 Amp (4-22024C)1 Contactor, DP C25DNY152TL, 25 Amp (4-22024F)1 Contactor, DP C25DNY154TL, 40 Amp (4-22024G)1 Contactor, DP C25DNY153TL, 30 Amp (4-22024H)1 Contactor, DP C25DNY155TL, 50 Amp (4-30024A)1 Contactor, DP C25DNY153TL, 30 Amp (4-30024B)1 Contactor, DP C25DNY152TL, 25 Amp (4-30024C)1 Contactor, DP C25DNY152TL, 25 Amp (4-30024F)1 Contactor, DP C25DNY155TL, 50 Amp (4-30024G)1 Contactor, D, C25DNY153TL 30 Amp (4-30024H)1 Contactor, DP C25DNY154TL, 40 Amp (5-30024B)1 Contactor, DP C25DNY152TL, 25 Amp (5-30024C)1 2 8.724-306.0 8.724-304.0 8.724-312.0 8.724-312.0 8.724-306.0 8.724-304.0 8.724-306.0 8.724-306.0 8.724-312.0 8.724-312.0 8.724-306.0 8.724-306.0 QTY ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 2 8.724-305.0 2 8.724-312.0 Overload, XTOB032CC1DP, 24.0 - 32.0 (5-30024B)1 Overload, XTOB016CC1DP, 10.0 - 16.0 (5-30024C) Not used on 3-11024D 1 3 9.802-553.0 8.716-883.0 8.716-884.0 Transformer, 120/240V-24V, .050KVA (3-1100D, 4-2200A, B; 4-3000A, B; 5-3000B)1 Transformer, 208/230/460-24/115V .050KVA (4-2200C,G,H; 4-3000C,G,H; 5-3000C) 1 Transformer, 575V-24V, .100KVA (4-2200F, 4-3000F) 1 4 8.716-199.0 QTY Fuse, Fnm-6.25 1 5 9.803-663.0 Fuse, KTK-R2 (Amp) 600V Midget Fuse 2 6 8.750-104.0 8.750-248.0 Transformer, 230/460-120V .5 VA (4-22024C; 4-30024C; 5-30024C) 1 Transformer, 575V-120V, .5 VA, (4-22024F; 4-300224F)1 7 8.716-086.0 Relay, 24V DPST NO 8 2 9.802-517.0 Connector, 1/2" L/t, 90°, Black 2 9 8.749-977.0 Bar, Jumper, Phoenix FBS 2-5GY8 10 8.749-980.0 Terminal Block, End Cap, Phoenix 2 Din Rail, 35mm 2" Din Rail, 35mm 7" Screw, 10/32" x 1/2" BHSOC Blk 11 Nut, 10/32" Keps 19 Screw, 1/4" x 1/2" NC, Whiz Loc Blk Cad 13 11 9.802-457.0 Overload, XTOB040DC1DP, 12 9.802-457.0 24.0 - 40.0 (4-22024A)1 13 9.802-759.0 Overload, XTOB024CC1DP, 16.0 - 24.0 (4-22024B)1 Overload, XTOB016CC1DP, 14 9.802-695.0 10.0 - 16.0 (4-22024C)1 15 8.750-246.0 Overload, XTOB016CC1DP, 10.0 - 16.0 (4-22024F)1 16 8.750-164.0 Overload, XTOB040DC1DP, 24.0 - 40.0 (4-22024G)1 17 8.917-588.0 Overload, XTOB0, 18 8.917-589.0 16.0.0 - 24.0 (4-22024H)1 19 8.917-404.0 Overload, XTOB040DC1DP, 24.0 - 40.0 (4-30024A)1 20 8.917-586.0 Overload, XTOB040DCIDP, 21 8.750-097.0 24.0 - 40.0 (4-30024B)1 22 8.712-190.0 Overload, XTOB016CC1DP, 23 8.718-779.0 10.0 - 16.0 (4-30024C)1 Overload, XTOB016CC1DP, 10.0 - 16.0 (4-30024F)1 24 8.750-095.0 Overload, XTOB040DC1DP, 24.0 - 40.0 (4-30024G)1 25 8.750-251.0 Overload, XTOB040DC1DP, 24.0 - 40.0 (4-30024H)1 8.751-445.0 Cover, Electric Box PHW_091 Label, Warning PHW_091 Panel, Side E-box, PHW_091 Panel, Control PHW1 Label, Control Panel, PHW_091 Knob, Thermostat 120C/248F 1 Bezel, Plastic, Thermostat 1 Screw, 4mm x 6 mm, Pan Head 2 Thermostat, 120C/240F, 2 Meter Capillary 1 Light, Indicator, Led, Amber, 28V Plug, .312 (3-11024D only) 1 26 8.750-250.0 Light, Indicator, Led, Green, 28V2 27 Hour Meter 9.802-283.0 16 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a 1 DESCRIPTION 28 8.716-037.0 Switch, Rocker, 10A/250V- 15A/125V, 24VLT2 29 8.917-706.0 Wlmt, Box, Elec Junc., PHW-091 30 8.716-598.0 Strain Relief, .18-.31 (.51 Hole) 2 31 Strain Relief, 1" 1 32 8.749-976.0 Terminal Block, Feed-Through, Phoenix 14 33 9.800-040.0 Label, Ground 1 34 8.917-765.0 Panel, Access 1 35 8.718-730.0 Screw, 10/32 x 2-1/2 2 36 9.802-103.0 Bushing, 3/4" Snap-in 1 37 8.726-103.0 Screw, 1/4" x 5/8" Whiz Loc 4 38 9.802-073.0 Weatherstrip, 1/8" x 1/2" x 75' 39 8.725-550.0 Gasket 1 40 8.725-551.0 Gasket 1 9.802-522.0 QTY 40" 41 9.802-775.0 Nut, 1/4-20 Whiz Loc (4-22024C,F; 4-30024C,F; 5-30024C) 3 42 8.716-547.0 Connector, 1/2" LT (4-22024C,F; 4-30024C,F; 5-30024C) 1 43 9.802-448.0 Conduit, 1/2" Flex, per ft. (4-22024C,F; 4-30024C,F; 5-30024C) 12" 44 8.715-999.0 Wire, Black, 10 Ga., per in. 38" (3-11024D), 38" 1 (4-30024A,G), 38" 2 (4-30024B,C,F,H; 4-30024B,C,F,H; 5-30024B,C) 38" 3 45 8.715-976.0 Wire, White, 10 Ga., per in. (3-11024D) 38" 46 Wire, Green, 10 Ga., per in. 42" 47 8.725-950.0 Wire, MTW 8 Ga Green (4-30024A,G) 42" 48 8.716-002.0 Wire, MTW 8 Ga, Black, 38" (4-30024A,G) 49 9.802-105.0 Plug, 7/8" Hole (3-11024D; 4-22024A,B,G,H; 4-30024A B,G,H; 5-30024B) 1 50 9.804-595.0 End Bracket, Entrelec 2 51 9.802-770.0 Screw, 1/4" x 1" BH SOC 2 52 9.802-803.0 Washer, 1/4" Flat, SAE, Blk 2 53 9.802-775.0 Nut, 1/4" Flange 2 8.725-953.0 SERVICE MANUAL ITEM PART NO. PRESSURE WASHER ELECTRICAL & CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST 2 17 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a PRESSURE WASHER COMBUSTION ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW 44 2 37 12 11 44 1 37 12 37 12 5 SERVICE MANUAL 42 (35") 3 39 4 37 8 6 7 10 9 12 13 23 12 37 41 45 14 40 15 21 19 To Ground Discharge To Unloader Valve 14 20 38 22 17 30 27 28 43 29 25 37 36 34 To Fuel 35 Tank 38 33 32 24 34 15 35 To Fuel Tank 16 26 18 18 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a 89172090-2 31 ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 8.912-192.0 Wrap, Top, Stainless Steel 2 9.800-006.0 3 8.917-448.0 4 9.802-069.0 QTY ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 30 9.802-259.0 Hose, 1/2" Push-on QTY Label, Hot/Caliente w/Arrows 1 31 8.706-827.0 Elbow, 1/4" Street 1 Handle, PHW 09, Black 1 32 8.706-777.0 Nipple, 1/4" Close 1 23" Grip, 1", Handle (Waffle) 2 5 9.802-902.0 Insul/Blanket-Die Cut 28" x 24" x 1" Thk 33 8.706-958.0 Hose Barb, 1/4" Barb x 1/4" MPT, 90° 1 1 34 6.390-126.0 Clamp, Hose, .46-, .54 St 2 6 9.802-894.0 Insulation, Burner Head, w/Hole 35 9.802-254.0 Hose, 1/4" Push-on, 28" 1 7 9.802-896.0 Insulation, Blanket-No Foil, 24" x 57" 1 8 8.912-239.0 Coil, Landa, Dura, Sch 80 w/Alumzd Stl Wrap 9 8.916-486.0 2 Hose Barb, 1/4" Barb x 1/4" MPT, Brass 1 37 9.802-781.0 Nut, 3/8" NC, Whiz Loc Flange 11 1 Bottom Wrap, Weldment, Wrinkle Black 38 9.802-797.0 Screw, SS #10 x 1/2" Hex Head, Tek 8 1 39 Bracket, Handle Support 2 10 9.802-883.0 Insulation, Front Head, No Hole 1 11 8.917-729.0 Bracket, Wand Holder 2 12 9.802-807.0 Washer, 3/8", SAE, Flat Zinc 8 13 9.802-727.0 Bolt, 3/8" x 1-3/4", Tap 2 14 8.933-009.0 Gasket, Burner Plate 2 15 9.803-132.0 Retainer Plate, Insulation PHW/VNG2 16 9.802-015.0 Nipple, 1/2" x 4" Zinc Sch 80 MPT1 17 9.802-241.0 Hose, 3/8" x 25", 2 Wire, Pres Loop 1 18 Elbow, 1/2 JIC x 1/2 Fem 90° 1 9.802-043.0 19 9.802-014.0 Nipple, Pipe 1/2" x 3" Zinc Sch 80 MPT1 20 8.706-141.0 Coupling, 1/2" Forged Steel, Pipe 1 21 9.802-170.0 Nipple, 3/8" QC x 3/8" FPT, Steel 1 22 8.725-553.0 Nipple, 3/8" x 8" Sch 80 Galvanized 1 23 8.716-547.0 Connector, 1/2" L/T, Straight, Black 1 24 8.709-158.0 Filter, Landa, Fuel/Oil/H20 Separator (Mdl140) 1 25 9.149-003.0 Manifold Coil Outlet Discharge 1 26 8.706-248.0 Plug, 3/8" Allen Countersunk 27 8.725-944.0 Rupture Disk, 8000 PSI1 28 9.184-030.0 Spacer, Rupture Disc 29 8.707-019.0 1 1 Push-on, 1/2" Barb x 3/8" MPT1 40 8.918-914.0 8.920-646.0 9.802-584.0 8.750-167.0 9.802-577.0 8.717-366.0 8.918-917.0 8.920-647.0 8.717-273.0 8.750-179.0 8.717-273.0 8.717-366.0 8.918-916.0 8.717-273.0 Burner Assy, Surefire 120V (1.109-078.0) Burner Assy, Surefire "M/L", 120V (1.109-092.0) s Fuel Nozzle 1.35 x 80A Burner Assy, Beckett, 230V 1 PH (1.109-079.0, 080.0, 083.0, 084.0, 085.0, 086.0, 089.0, 090.0, 091.0) s Fuel Nozzle 2.25 x 90B (All except 091.0) s Fuel Nozzle 2.50 x 90B (091.0) Burner Assy, Surefire 230V (1.109-079.0, 080.0, 083.0, 084.0, 085.0, 086.0, 089.0, 090.0) Burner Assy, Surefire "M/L", 230V (1.109-091.0) s Fuel Nozzle 2.00 x 90B Burner Assy, Beckett, 120V (1.109-081.0, 082.0, 087.0, 088.0, 092.0) s Fuel Nozzle 2.00 x 90B (All except 092.0) s Fuel Nozzle 2.50 x 90B (092.0) Burner Assy, Surefire, 120V (1.109-081.0, 082.0, 087.0, 088.0) s Fuel Nozzle 2.00 x 90B 41 9.802-448.0 Conduit, 1/2" Flex, per ft. 48" 42 9.802-071.0 Trim, 750B2 x 1/16 Black 35" 43 9.196-012.0 Screw, 10/24 x 1/4" 1 44 8.750-435.0 Cap, Black Vinyl 4 45 9.801-265.0 Label, Landa Surefire 1 SERVICE MANUAL 36 8.706-941.0 8.919-836.0 PRESSURE WASHER COMBUSTION ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s Not Shown 19 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a 15 7 (21 in.) 7 (25 in.) 14 19 20 13 SERVICE MANUAL PRESSURE WASHER CHASSIS ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW 21 11 7 (11 in.) To Fuel Pump Bypass To Fuel Filter 10 9 5 4 2 8 2 18 2 16 2 2 1 2 RE SSU HIGH PRE S 2 21 7 (18 in.) 2 17 12 89172090-9 22 23 3 6 5 3 Models 4-30024A, G 20 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 8.917-728.0 Support, Fuel Tank 2 QTY 1 DESCRIPTION GFCI, 120v 20A, 36' 12-3 Cord (3-11024D)1 s Disconnect, Fem Fully Ins. 250 Yellow (3-11024D) 2 s Terminal, Ring Tongue, Yellow (3-11024D) 1 GFCI, 240V 1PH 30A, 36' 10-3 Cord (4-22024A,G)1 s Disconnect, Fem Fully Ins. 250 Yellow 4-22024A,G)2 s Terminal, Ring Tongue, Yellow (4-22024A,G)1 GFCI, 240V 1PH 40A, 36' 8-3 Cord (4-30024A,G)1 s Terminal, Ring Tongue, Red (4-30024A,G)1 s Ferrule, Insulated, 8 Ga (4-30024A,G)2 Cord, Serv, SEO 10/4, Ft. Coleman (4-22024B,C,F,H) 15 ft (4-30024B,C,F,H) 15 ft (5-30024B,C) 15 ft s Disconnect, Fem Fully Ins. 250 Yellow (4-22024B,C,F,H; 4-30024B,C,F,H; 5-30024B,C)3 s Terminal, Ring Tongue, Yellow (4-22024B,C,F,H; 4-30024B,C,F,H; 5-30024B,C)1 QTY 7 9.802-071.0 Trim, 750 B2 x 1/16 Black per in. 8 8.706-958.0 Hose Barb, 1/4" Barb x 1/4" MPT, 90° 9 6.390-126.0 Clamp, Hose, .46-, .54 ST4 10 9.802-254.0 Hose, 1/4" Push-on, 28" 11 8.750-162.0 Tank, Fuel PHW_091 12 9.802-518.0 9.802-522.0 9.803-278.0 Strain Relief, 3/4" (4-2200A,B,C,G,H,F; 4-3000B,C,H,F; 5-3000B,C) 1 Strain Relief, 1" (4-3000A, G) 1 Strain Relief, 3/4" (3-1100D) 1 17 9.802-431.0 9.804-071.0 8.716-376.0 9.802-430.0 9.804-071.0 8.716-376.0 9.802-434.0 8,716-368.0 8.750-060.0 9.802-437.0 9.804-071.0 8.716-376.0 13 Cap, Fuel Tank 1 18 8.706-865.0 Plug, 1/4" Brass 1 1 19 8.932-960.0 Label, Diesel 1 8.750-246.0 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2" Whiz Loc 8 3 8.917-593.0 8.917-726.0 Panel, Rear, PHW_09 (3-11024D; 4-22024A,B,C, F,G,H); 4-30024B,C,F,H; 5-30024B,C) 1 Panel, Rear, PHW_09 w/Hole (4-30024A,G) 1 4 Panel, Front, PHW_091 8.917-594.0 5 8.726-103.0 Screw, 1/4" x 5/8" NC, Whiz Loc Blk Cad 12 6 Label, Clear Lexan 1 9.800-034.0 9.802-089.0 75" 2 2 14 9.803-604.0 Sleeve, Fuel Level Gauge 15 8.750-115.0 Gauge, Fuel Level PHW_091 16 9.800-021.0 Label, Warning, Hot Water 1 20 8.932-965.0 Label, Warning Exposed Pulleys1 21 9.802-064.0 Grommet, Rubber 6 22 8.932-969.0 Label, Service Cord 1 23 8.932-968.0 Label, Intended Outdoor Use 1 SERVICE MANUAL ITEM PART NO. PRESSURE WASHER CHASSIS ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST s Not Shown 21 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a PRESSURE WASHER VALVE ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW 4 2 6 8 SERVICE MANUAL 1 10 3 9 4 7 11 VE ALE T VENTNT ENETEERRGE D T RG DE DE E T A E D VU E DE AL AP L V UP SO 5 To Pump Inlet 89172090-10 VALVE ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Valve, Flow Control 8.707-317.0 QTY 1 2 8.706-958.0 Hose Barb, 1/4" Barb x 1/4" MPT, 90° 3 8.706-941.0 Hose Barb, 1/4" Barb x 1/4" MPT, Brass 4 Clamp, Hose, .46-, .54 ST2 6.390-126.0 1 1 ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY 5 9.802-252.0 Hose, 1/4" x 1/2", Braided Vinyl 1 ft 6 9.802-251.0 Tube 1/4" x 1/2", Clear Vinyl /ft 7 8.900-825.0 Label, Detergent Control Valve 1 8 8.719-011.0 Washer, 5/8" Star 1 9 9.802-810.0 Washer, 5/8" Flat, SAE Zinc 1 10 Bushing, Snap 1 Strainer, 1/4 Brass w/Check Valve 1 9.802-104.0 11 8.707-058.0 22 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a 6 ft PRESSURE WASHER EXPLODED VIEW - HOSE & GUN ASSEMBLY 2 SERVICE MANUAL 4 3 5 89172090-4 1 HOSE & GUN ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 8.916-740.0 8.917-057.0 Hose, 3/8" x 50', 1W 1 Hose Assy., 3/8" x 50' ,1W, TS, SO,SW, CP (Replacement Only)1 2 Coupler, 3/8" Female, Brass 9.802-166.0 3 8.751-234.0 1 Gun, Landa, L1050, 5000 PSI, 10.4 GPM1 4 8.711-293.0 Wand, VP Znc 1/4" AL 344 w/Cplr w/Soap Nozzle 5 8.712-357.0 8.712-358.0 8.712-359.0 8.712-360.0 QTY 1 Nozzle, SAQCMEG 0005.5, Red, (3-11024D; 4-22024A,B,C,G,H: 5-30024B,C) 1 Nozzle, SAQCMEG 1505.5, Yellow, (3-11024D; 4-22024A,B,C,G,H: 5-30024B,C) 1 Nozzle, SAQCMEG 2505.5, Green, (3-11024D; 4-22024A,B,C,G,H: 5-30024B,C) 1 Nozzle, SAQCMEG 4005.5, White, (3-11024D; 4-22024A,B,C,G,H: 5-30024B,C) 1 ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5 8.712-349.0 8.712-350.0 8.712-351.0 8.712-352.0 8.712-345.0 8.712-346.0 8.712-347.0 8.712-348.0 Nozzle, SAQCMEG 0004.5, Red, (4-30024A,B,C,F,G,H; 4-22024F)1 Nozzle, SAQCMEG 1504.5, Yellow, (4-30024A,B,C,F,G,H; 4-22024F)1 Nozzle, SAQCMEG 2504.5, Green, (4-30024A,B,C,F,G,H; 4-22024F)1 Nozzle, SAQCMEG 4004.5, White, (4-30024A,B,C,F,G,H; 4-22024F)1 Nozzle, SAQCMEG, 0004 Red (4-30024F) 1 Nozzle, SAQCMEG, 1504 Yellow, (4-30024F) 1 Nozzle, SAQCMEG, 2504 Green (4-30024F) 1 Nozzle, SAQCMEG, 4004 White (4-30024F) 1 QTY 23 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a 7 Pump Assy 8.917-606.0 (3-1100) 16 23 24 27 Bypass Hose to Float Tank 6 3 To Coil Inlet 14 2 9 SERVICE MANUAL PRESSURE WASHER PUMP ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LIST 12 15 1 25 8 26 10 22 21 5 11 HIG H PR ES SU 17 RE S 13 To Water Float Tank 14 4 19 20 18 89172090-13 ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 8.904-857.0 QTY ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION Pump, Landa LD3030R.1, 3@3000, 1650 RPM (3-1100) 1 14 9.802-151.0 Swivel, 1/2" JIC Fem, Push-on 2 9.802-362.0 Unloader, PA 8@3650, VB8 w/Switch (N/C) 15 9.802-048.0 Swivel, 1/2" JIC FPT, 3/8" MPT 1 1 16 6.390-126.0 Clamp 3 8.933-006.0 Switch, Flow MV60 1 4 8.917-387.0 Mount, Pump Rail Weldment 1 17 9.802-123.0 Tee, 1/2" w/ (1) Hole, Tap 1/8"-27NPT1 5 8.706-984.0 Adapter, 1/2" FPT x 1/2" MPT 1 6 8.753-391.0 Elbow 1/2" JIC x 3/8" MPT w/1/8"1 18 9.802-741.0 Bolt, 8mm x 16mm Hex Head (3-1100) 19 Washer, 5/16", SAE, Flat Zinc 4 7 9.802-039.0 Elbow, 1/2" JIC x 3/8", 90° 1 8 8.706-820.0 Elbow, 1/2" 1 9 8.706-168.0 8.718-980.0 QTY 2 1 4 20 9.802-813.0 Washer, 5/16", Lock, Split Ring Elbow, 3/8" MPT 90°1 21 Hose, 3/4" Push-on, /ft 44" 10 8.706-940.0 Hose Barb, 1/4" Barb x 1/8" MPT1 22 9.802-152.0 Swivel, 3/4" SAE Fem, Push-on 1 11 Hose, 1/2" Push-on 23 9.802-259.0 12 9.802-037.0 13 9.802-128.0 Nipple, 1/2 JIC x 3/8 FPT, Steel 18" 1 Nipple, 1/2" JIC x 1/2" MPT Pipe1 9.802-261.0 9.802-241.0 4 Hose, 3/8" X 25", 2 Wire 1 24 8.706-955.0 Hose Barb, 1/4" Barb x 1/8 MPT 90° 1 25 9.802-111.0 Nipple, Modified 1 26 8.706-902.0 Nipple, 3/4 JIC x 1/2 MPT 1 27 9.802-252.0 Hose, 1/4" Braided 24 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a 44" PRESSURE WASHER PUMP ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LIST 7 Pump Assy 8.917-607.0 (4-2200, 4-3000, 5-3000) 16 24 25 Bypass Hose to Float Tank 23 6 3 To Coil Inlet 14 2 9 12 15 8 22 10 SERVICE MANUAL 1 21 5 11 HIG H PR ES SU RE S 17 To Water Float Tank 13 14 4 19 20 18 89172090-5 ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 8.904-874.0 Pump, Landa LT5030R.1, (4-2200, 4-3000, 5-3000) ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 14 9.802-151.0 Swivel, 1/2" JIC Fem, Push-on 2 2 9.802-362.0 Unloader, PA 8@3650, VB8 w/Switch (N/C) 1 15 9.802-048.0 Swivel, 1/2" JIC FPT, 3/8" MPT 1 3 4 8.933-006.0 Switch, Flow MV60 1 16 Clamp 1 8.917-387.0 Mount, Pump Rail Weldment 1 5 8.706-984.0 Adapter, 1/2" FPT x 1/2" MPT 17 9.802-123.0 Tee, 1/2" w/ (1) Hole, Tap 1/8"-27NPT1 1 6 8.753-391.0 Elbow 1/2" JIC x 3/8" MPT w/1/8"1 18 9.802-744.0 Bolt, 10mm x 20mm, HH Zinc (4-2200, 4-3000, 5-3000) 4 19 Washer, 3/8", SAE, Flat Zinc 4 7 Elbow, 1/2" JIC x 3/8", 90° 20 8.718-961.0 Washer, M10, Lock, Split Ring 4 21 Hose, 3/4" Push-on, /ft 9.802-039.0 QTY 1 8 9.802-132.0 Elbow, 3/4" JIC x 1/2" MPT, 90° 9 8.706-168.0 Elbow, 3/8" MPT 90°1 10 8.706-940.0 Hose Barb, 1/4" Barb x 1/8" MPT1 11 9.802-259.0 Hose, 1/2" Push-on 12 9.802-037.0 13 9.802-128.0 1 6.390-126.0 9.802-807.0 9.802-261.0 QTY 44" 22 9.802-152.0 Swivel, 3/4" SAE Fem, Push-on1 23 Hose, 3/8" X 25", 2 Wire 1 Nipple, 1/2 JIC x 3/8 FPT, Steel1 24 8.706-955.0 Hose Barb, 1/4" Barb x 1/8 MPT 90° 1 Nipple, 1/2" JIC x 1/2" MPT Pipe1 25 Hose, 1/4" Braided 18" 9.802-241.0 9.802-252.0 44" 25 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a 8.725-947.0 120V (PHW3-11024D) 17 18 12 23 SERVICE MANUAL PRESSURE WASHER BECKETT BURNER ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW 11 16 14 20 19 22 21 13 4 9 8 2 10 7 89172090-14 5 6 15 1 3 BECKETT BURNER ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 9.802-562.0 9.802-666.0 Fuel Pump w/24V Solenoid Strainer Kit w/Gasket QTY 1 1 14 9.802-662.0 Gasket Kit, Ignitor 1 15 9.802-671.0 Burner Housing 1 2 9.802-639.0 Solenoid Coil, 24V 1 16 9.802-692.0 Gun Assembly Complete 1 3 9.802-643.0 Cordset 1 17 9.802-653.0 Burner Gasket 2 4 9.802-646.0 Fuel Solenoid Stem 1 18 9.802-656.0 Air Cone, F12 1 5 9.802-654.0 Air Shutter 1 19 9.802-667.0 Connector Tube, Assy, 8" 1 6 9.802-662.0 Air Band 1 20 9.802-670.0 Electrode Kit 1 7 9.802-650.0 Air Guide 1 21 8.750-491.0 Escutcheon Plate 1 8 9.802-649.0 Blower Wheel 1 22 * Escutcheon Plate Screw 1 9 9.802-648.0 Fan Coupling 1 23 8.700-698.0 Gaskets 2 10 9.802-642.0 Motor, 120V 1 11 9.802-647.0 Ignitor Assy, Complete, 120V 1 12 9.802-665.0 Ignitor Only, 120V 1 13 9.802-657.0 Spline Nut 1 * Shown for Reference Only 26 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a QTY PRESSURE WASHER BECKETT BURNER ASSEMBLY EXPLODED VIEW 8.750-167.0 (PHW4-22024A, B, G, H; PHW4-30024A, B, G, H; PHW5-30024B) 8.750-179.0 (PHW4-22024C, F; PHW4-30024C, F; PHW5-30024C) 17 18 SERVICE MANUAL 20 11 16 19 7 12 14 13 4 10 9 2 5 8 89172090-15 15 6 1 3 BECKETT BURNER ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 9.802-562.0 9.802-666.0 Fuel Pump w/24V Solenoid Strainer Kit w/Gasket QTY 1 1 12 9.802-670.0 Electrode Kit 1 13 8.750--491.0 Escutcheon Plate 1 2 9.802-639.0 Solenoid Coil, 24V 1 3 9.802-643.0 Cordset 1 14 * Escutcheon Plate Screw 1 4 9.802-639.0 Coil Fuel Solenoid 12/24V 1 15 8.717-939.0 Burner Housing 1 5 8.750-489.0 Air Shutter 1 16 8.750-493.0 Gun Assembly Complete 1 6 8.750-490.0 Air Band 1 17 9.802-651.0 Burner Gasket 2 7 9.802-657.0 Spline Nut 1 18 9.802-634.0 Air Cone, F22 1 8 9.803-057.0 Blower Wheel 1 19 9.802-667.0 Connector Tube, Assy, 8" 1 9 9.803-058.0 Fan Coupling 1 20 8.700-698.0 Gaskets 1 10 9.803-056.0 9.804-054.0 Motor, 120V, Cap Start Motor, 230V 1/4 HP 1 1 21 8.700-698.0 Gaskets 1 11 9.803-055.0 Transformer, 230V 1 QTY * Shown for Reference Only 27 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a For best performance specify genuine LANDA Surefire replacement parts SERVICE MANUAL PRESSURE WASHER LANDA SUREFIRE "S" BURNER REPLACEMENT PARTS 28 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a Part # 8.919-050.0 8.751-160.0 8.700-758.0 8.700-759.0 8.700-760.0 8.753-000.0 8.750-762.0 8.750-763.0 8.750-764.0 8.750-765.0 8.750-783.0 8.750-541.0 8.750-517.0 8.750-518.0 8.751-074.0 8.750-543.0 8.751-073.0 8.750-520.0 8.751-072.0 8.750-547.0 8.750-545.0 8.749-000.0 8.752-034.0 8.752-035.0 8.750-539.0 8.750-526.0 8.750-525.0 Varies 8.750-778.0 8.751-342.0 8.750-779.0 8.750-782.0 8.750-780.0 8.750-781.0 8.919-114.0 8.919-115.0 8.919-116.0 8.751-165.0 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5a 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 BURNER HOUSING ASSEMBLY AIR GUIDE FUEL PUMP, SUNTEC A2VA-3106 12-24V SOL FUEL PUMP, SUNTEC A2VA-3106 120V SOL FUEL PUMP, SUNTEC A2VA-3106 230V SOL FUEL PUMP, DANFOSS 071N1298 COIL, SOLENOID DANFOSS 230V COIL, SOLENOID DANFOSS 115V COIL, SOLENOID DANFOSS 12-24V CABLE, SOLENOID COIL, DANFOSS MOUNTING KIT, FLANGE/HUB, DANFOSS AIR BAND MOTOR, 1/6 HP 115V 60Hz MOTOR, 1/6 HP 230V 60Hz MOTOR, 1/7 HP 12VDC AMETEK COUPLING, FLEX, 1/2" x 5/16" COUPLING, FLEX, 5/16" x 5/16" FAN, 4.53" X 2.42", 1/2" BORE, F115-62S FAN, 4.53" x 2.42" x .313 BORE, F115-625 CONNECTOR, 37 DEG FLARE X 1/8" NPT, LONG CONNECTOR, 37 DEG FLARE X 1/8" NPT FUEL LINE ASSEMBLY FLANGE, KNA BURNER, 1" TUBE FLANGE, KNA BURNER, 3" TUBE GASKET, FLANGE GUN, ELECTRODE / NOZZLE, 3" GUN, ELECTRODE / NOZZLE, 1" NOZZLE, FUEL ELECTRODE, IGNITION, AC ELECTRODE, IGNITION, DC CONE, AIR F4 CONE, AIR F6 CONE, AIR F12 CONE, AIR F22 IGNITOR, BURNER 120V IGNITOR, BURNER 230V IGNITOR, BURNER 12VDC PLUG, HOLE 0.875 PLASTIC Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Qty 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 46 46 46 46 46 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 53 53 54 Item # 8.750-830.0 8.751-134.0 8.918-454.0 8.750-542.0 8.750-116.0 8.750-817.0 8.750-818.0 8.750-819.0 8.750-820.0 8.750-784.0 8.750-785.0 8.733-001.0 8.718-762.0 8.752-137.0 8.718-810.0 8.750-770.0 8.750-816.0 8.750-768.0 8.750-771.0 — 9.801-268.0 — 9.807-339.0 9.807-340.0 9.807-341.0 9.807-342.0 9.807-343.0 9.807-344.0 9.801-274.0 8.919-105.0 8.716-451.0 9.802-510.0 9.807-348.0 9.807-345.0 9.807-346.0 9.807-347.0 8.751-354.0 Part # PLUG, HOLE 0.285 PLASTIC PLUG, 1/8" NPT x HEX SHOULDER GASKET, JUNCTION BOX COVER, JUNCTION BOX BLOCK, TERMINAL, 5 POLE LIGHT, INDICATOR, GREEN 14V LIGHT, INDICATOR, GREEN 28V LIGHT, INDICATOR, GREEN 125V LIGHT, INDICATOR, GREEN 250V SITE GLASS RING, PUSH ON INTERNAL, 1305-112 SCREW, 8 x 1/4" HI LOW THREAD CUT, PPH SCREW, 8-32 X 1/2", M PH RDH PL WASHER, COPPER SCREW, 10/32 x 1/2", WHIZ LOC FLANGE SCREW, 10/32 x 5/8", WHIZ LOC FLANGE SCREW, 10/32 X 1/4" GROUNDING SCREW, 1/4-20 x 1", WHIZ LOC FLANGE SCREW, 1/4-20 X 1/2", PHIL FHMS LABEL, BRAND NAME LABEL, DISCONNECT POWER SUPPLY LABEL, SERIAL PLATE LABEL, WIRING DIAGRAM, BURNER 115V-115V LABEL, WIRING DIAGRAM, BURNER 230V-230V LABEL, WIRING DIAGRAM, BURNER 230V-115V LABEL, WIRING DIAGRAM, BURNER 115V-24V LABEL, WIRING DIAGRAM, BURNER 230V-24V LABEL, WIRING DIAGRAM, BURNER 12VDC LABEL, BURNER LIGHTS PLATE, TERMINAL BLOCK NUMBERS TERMINAL, JUMPER SPADE CABLE, TIE, 4" BLACK LABEL, CLEAR MYLAR LABEL, IGNITER 120V LABEL, IGNITER 230V LABEL, IGNITOR 12VDC GASKET, BURNER TUBE Description SERVICE MANUAL Item # 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 6 3 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Qty For best performance specify genuine LANDA Surefire replacement parts PRESSURE WASHER LANDA SUREFIRE "S" BURNER REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST 29 For best performance specify genuine KNA replacement parts 8.920-646.0 8.920-647.0 SERVICE MANUAL PRESSURE WASHER KNA BURNER “M/L” REPLACEMENT PARTS 30 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a Part # 8.752-865.0 8.700-758.0 8.700-759.0 8.700-760.0 8.752-923.0 8.752-924.0 8.752-925.0 8.753-030.0 8.752-919.0 8.752-930.0 8.752-931.0 8.752-933.0 8.752-932.0 8.753-054.0 8.753-061.0 8.753-062.0 8.752-928.0 8.752-929.0 8.752-920.0 8.750-547.0 8.752-934.0 8.753-055.0 8.752-034.0 8.752-035.0 8.750-539.0 8.750-526.0 8.750-525.0 Varies 8.750-778.0 8.751-342.0 8.750-781.0 8.752-935.0 8.919-114.0 8.919-115.0 8.919-116.0 8.706-745.0 8.751-134.0 8.752-922.0 8.920-654.0 8.750-116.0 8.750-817.0 8.753-257.0 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 13 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 30 BLOCK, TERMINAL, 5 POLE LIGHT, INDICATOR, GREEN 14V LIGHT, INDICATOR, CLEAR 28V COVER, JUNCTION BOX ML FUEL PUMP, SUNTEC A2VA-3106 120V SOL FUEL PUMP, SUNTEC A2VA-3106 230V SOL FUEL PUMP, SUNTEC A2YA-7916 SOLENOID VALVE, SUNTEC R642NL, 115V SOLENOID VALVE, SUNTEC R753NL, 220V SOLENOID VALVE, SUNTEC R261NL, 12/24V AIR BAND M/L MOTOR, 1/4 HP 115V W/CAP NIDEC MOTOR, 1/4 HP 230V W/CAP NIDEC MOTOR, 1/5 HP 13.5VDC AMETEK N1CPM-156 MOTOR, 1/7 HP 115V EMERSON K41 MOTOR, 1/7 HP 230V EMERSON K41 COUPLING, FLEX, 1/2" x 5/16" x 3-7/8" L COUPLING, FLEX, 5/16" x 5/16" x 3-7/8" L FAN, 6.25 x 4.25 x .50 BORE FAN, 6.25 x 4.25 x .313 BORE ELBOW, 37 DEG FLARE X 1/8" NPT 90 DEG CONNECTOR, 37 DEG FLARE X 1/8" NPT, LONG FUEL LINE ASSEMBLY, M FUEL LINE ASSEMBLY, L FLANGE 1" TUBE ASSY, BURNER FLANGE 3" TUBE ASSY, BURNER GASKET, FLANGE GUN, ELECTRODE / NOZZLE, 3" GUN, ELECTRODE / NOZZLE, 1" FUEL NOZZLE ELECTRODE, IGNITION AC ELECTRODE, IGNITION DC CONE, AIR F22 CONE, AIR F310 IGNITOR, BURNER 120V IGNITOR, BURNER 230V IGNITOR, BURNER 12VDC PLUG, HOLE 0.812 PLASTIC PLUG, 1/8" NPT X HEX SHOULDER GASKET, JUNCTION BOX ML FUEL PUMP, SUNTEC A2VA-3106 12-24V SOL Description BURNER HOUSING ASSEMBLY-M/L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Qty 1 60 60 61 60 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 53 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 30 Item # 30 9.802-641.0 8.700-794.0 9.804-072.0 9.802-640.0 8.750-784.0 8.750-785.0 8.733-001.0 8.718-762.0 8.752-137.0 8.718-810.0 8.750-770.0 8.750-816.0 9.802-756.0 8.750-771.0 9.802-750.0 9.801-268.0 9.807-339.0 9.807-340.0 9.807-341.0 9.807-342.0 9.807-343.0 9.807-344.0 9.807-551.0 9.807-552.0 9.801-273.0 8.919-105.0 8.716-451.0 9.802-510.0 9.807-348.0 9.807-345.0 9.807-346.0 9.807-347.0 8.751-354.0 8.753-100.0 8.753-101.0 8.920-656.0 8.753-036.0 8.921-214.0 8.753-259.0 Part # 8.753-258.0 1 1 2 4 1 9 3 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1` 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COIL, OIL VALVE 120V, W/O CORDSET COIL, OIL VALVE 230V W/O CORDSET COIL, OIL VLAVE 12/24V W/O CORDSET CONDUIT, WIRE COVER 1 Qty 1 SITE GLASS RING, PUSH ON INTERNAL SCREW, 8 x 1/4" HI LOW THREAD CUT SCREW, 8-32 X 1/2", M PH RDH PL WASHER, FUEL NOZZLE, COPPER SCREW, 10/32 X 1/2" WHIZ LOC FLANGE SCREW, 10/32 x 5/8", WHIZ LOC FLANGE SCREW, 10/32 X 1/4" GROUNDING SCREW, 5/16" x 1", WHIZ LOC FLANGE SCREW, 1/4-20 X 1/2", PHIL FHMS SCREW, 8-32 X 1/2 M TPG PH PNH, BLACK LABEL, BRAND NAME LABEL, DISCONNECT POWER SUPPLY LABEL, SERIAL PLATE LABEL, WIRING DIAGRAM, BURNER 115V-115V LABEL, WIRING DIAGRAM, BURNER 230V-230V LABEL, WIRING DIAGRAM, BURNER 230V-115V LABEL, WIRING DIAGRAM, BURNER 115V-24V LABEL, WIRING DIAGRAM, BURNER 230V-24V LABEL, WIRING DIAGRAM, BURNER 12VDC LABEL, WIRING, BURNER 115V PRIMARY LABEL, WIRING, BURNER 230V PRIMARY LABEL, BURNER LIGHTS PLATE, TERMINAL BLOCK NUMBERS TERMINAL, JUMPER SPADE CABLE, TIE, 4" BLACK LABEL, CLEAR MYLAR, 1.125 x 4.50 LABEL, IGNITER 120V LABEL, IGNITER 230V LABEL, IGNITER 12VDC GASKET, BURNER TUBE PRIMARY CONTROL, HONEYWELL R7284U CAD CELL FLAME DETECTOR, C554A JUNCTION BOX, KNA BURNER ML GASKET, IGNITER BRACKET, FLAME SENSOR LIGHT, INDICATOR, BLUE 250V Description LIGHT, INDICATOR, AMBER 125V SERVICE MANUAL Item # 1 For best performance specify genuine KNA replacement parts PRESSURE WASHER KNA BURNER “M/L” REPLACEMENT PARTS 31 9.802-362.0 PA 8@3650 11 37 10 12 SERVICE MANUAL PRESSURE WASHER VB8 UNLOADER W/SWITCH EXPLODED VIEW 34 9 23 13 8 22 14 13 21 7 20 39 19 38 18 6 17 2 4 3 5 16 2 1 15 36 25 35 34 30 32 27 31 26 40 30 27 28 89172090-7 29 32 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a ITEM# PART # DESCRIPTION QTY ITEM# PART # DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Delivery Coupl., 3/8F BSP Brass 1 2 * O-ring 1.78 x 18.77 Mm Ni 85 2 3 Spring, 0.7 x 9 x 20 MM SST.1 24 Valve Regulating Insert, Brass 4 Shutter Pin, Brass 1 25 U-bolt, SST.1 5 * O-ring, 3 x 6 mm 1 26 Housing, PR5 PA Black Housing-BB8, 3/8 M BSP C/Sunk, Brass 1 7 * O-ring, 2.62 x 7.6 mm Ni 85 1 8 Piston, M6 Brass 1 9 * O-ring, 1 x 4 Mm Ni 85 1 10 * O-ring, 1.78 x 15.6 mm Ni 85 1 11 Special Nut, M6 Brass 1 12 * Seat,10 mm + O-ring, 1.78 nm NBR 85+Shutt. 1 13 * Back-up Ring, Opn. 11.5 x 15.9 x 1.2 mm 2 14 * O-ring 2.65 x 10.77 mm 1 15 Spring Rest Pin, Brass 1 16 * O-ring, 2.62 x 5.23 mm Ni 85 1 17 Piston Holder, Brass 1 18 Set Screw, Din914m 4 x 4 Mm1 19 Ring Nut, M22 x 1 Brass 20 Washer, 9 x 15 x 1, 5 mm SST.1 21 Spring, 3.2 X15.4 x 33 mm 1 Spring Guiding Ring 1 23 Ball, 1/4" SST.1 1 2 27 8.750-169.0 Microswitch and Cable 1 28 1 O-ring, 2.62 x 28.25 mm 29 S/TAPP. Screw, Din7981 2.5 x 12mm Nick. Pl.2 30 Lid, PR5 PA Black 1 31 O-ring, 2.62 x 6.02 mm 1 32 Locknut For Cable Gland, PA Black 1 33 O-ring, 1.78 x 3.68 Mm 1 34 Washer, 4 x 8 x 0.8 mm SST.1 35 Spring, 1.1 x 8 x 20 mm SST.1 36 Micro-Switch Piston, Brass 1 37 Valve Regulating Knob, PA Black (1) 1 38 Washer, 30.5 x 42 x 2 mm 1 39 Ring Nut , M30 Brass (1) 1 40 8.750-168.0 Switch Kit * 8.7501680 Repair Kit-VB8 SERVICE MANUAL 6 22 PRESSURE WASHER VB8 VALVE EXPLODED VIEW PARTS LIST 1 1 1 33 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a 8.725-169.0 LD 3025R.1 8.904-857.0 LD 3030R.1 8.904-856.0 LD 4020R.1 SERVICE MANUAL PRESSURE WASHER LD.1 SERIES PUMP EXPLODED VIEW TORQUE SPECS Item # Ft.-lbs 14 65 17 18 25 7.6 34 7 44 13 LD.1 SERIES PUMP EXPLODED VIEW PARTS LIST ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 34 QTY ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY 1 9.803-938.0 Crankcase 1 11* 9.803-947.0 O-Ring Ø1.78 x 15.54 6 2* See Kits Plunger Oil Seal 3 12* See Kits Valve Assembly 6 3* See Kits O-Ring Ø1.78 x 28.30 3 13* 9.803-948.0 O-Ring Ø2.62 x 18.77 6 4* See Kits Pressure Ring 15mm (3030) 3 14 9.803-949.0 Valve Plug 6 See Kits Pressure Ring 18mm (4020, 3025) 3 15 9.803-950.0 Copper Washer 1/4 1 16 9.803-951.0 Brass Plug G1/4 1 5* See Kits U-Seal, 15mm (3030) 3 17 9.803-952.0 Manifold Stud Bolt 8 See Kits U-Seal, 18mm (4020, 3025) 3 18 9.802-884.0 Washer 8 6* See Kits Intermediate Ring 15mm (3030) 3 19 9.803-198.0 Copper Washer 3/8 1 See Kits Intermediate 18mm (4020, 3025) 20 9.802-925.0 Brass Plug 3/8 2 3 25 9.802-939.0 Screw 12 7* Intermed. Ring 15mm (3030) 3 26 9.803-953.0 Bearing Cover 2 27 9.803-954.0 Bearing Seal 1 9.802-914.0 Snap Ring 1 See Kits See Kits Intermed. Ring 18mm (4020, 3025) 3 28 8 Brass Plug 1/2" 1 29 9.803-955.0 Ball Bearing 2 9.803-956.0 Crankshaft 1 9.802-926.0 9 9.803-199.0 Copper Washer 1/2" 1 30 10 9.803-946.0 Manifold Housing 1 31 9.803-167.0 Crankshaft Key 1 32 9.803-957.0 Oil Dipstick 1 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY 33 8.933-010.0 Crankshaft Seal 1 34* See Kits Plunger Nut 3 Copper Spacer 3 36* See Kits Plunger, 15mm (3030) 3 See Kits Plunger, 18mm (4020, 3025) 3 37* See Kits Copper Spacer 3 38* See Kits O-Ring Ø1.78 x 5.28 3 39* See Kits Teflon Ring 3 40* See Kits Plunger Rod 3 41 9.803-965.0 Connecting Rod Pin 3 42 9.803-966.0 Connecting Rod 3 43 9.803-218.0 Spring Washer 6 44 8.933-020.0 Connecting Rod Screw 6 45 9.803-202.0 Sight Glass 1 46 9.803-197.0 Gasket 1 47 9.803-968.0 Crankcase Cover 1 48 9.803-969.0 O-Ring Ø2.62 x 107.62 1 SERVICE MANUAL 35* See Kits PRESSURE WASHER LD.1 SERIES PUMP EXPLODED VIEW PARTS LIST (CONT) * Available in kit (See below) REPAIR KIT NUMBER 8.725-354.0 8.725-356.0 8.725-355.0 8.725-357.0 9.803-934.0 9.803-935.0 9.803-936.0 9.803-937.0 Plunger Seal 15mm LD-3030 Plunger Seal 18mm LD-3025 LD-4020 Complete Seal Packing, 15mm LD-3030 Complete Seal Packing, 18mm LD-3025 LD-4020 Plunger 15mm LD-3030 Plunger 18mm LD-3025 LD4020 Complete Valve Plunger Oil Seals ITEM NUMBERS INCLUDED 3, 5, 7 3, 5, 7 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 11, 12, 13 2 NUMBER OF CYLINDERS KIT WILL SERVICE 3 3 1 1 1 1 6 3 KIT DESCRIPTION 35 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a 8.904-869.0 8.904-870.0 8.904-871.0 8.904-872.0 8.904-874.0 8.904-879.0 8.904-881.0 8.904-883.0 LT4035.1 Right LT4035.1 Left LT4040.1 Right LT4040.1 Left LT5030.1 Right LT5030.1 Left LT6035.1 Right LT6035.1 Left SERVICE MANUAL PRESSURE WASHER LT.1 SERIES PUMP EXPLODED VIEW TORQUE SPECS Item # Ft.-Lbs. 17 75 18 45 27 18 37 10 48 30 53 7.6 LT.1 SERIES PUMP EXPLODED VIEW PARTS LIST ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY 1 9.803-163.0 Crankcase 1 19 9.802-890.0 Washer 8 2 9.803-195.0 Plunger Guide 3 20 9.803-198.0 Copper Washer 3/8" 1 3* See Kit Plunger Oil Seal 3 21 9.802-925.0 Brass Plug 3/8"1 4* See Kit O-Ring Ø1.78 x 31. 47 3 26 9.802-884.0 Washer 5* See Kit "Pressure Ring, Brass 3 27 9.802-944.0 Hexagonal Screw8 6* See Kit "U" Seal Low Pressure 3 28 9.803-182.0 Closed Bearing Housing1 7* See Kit Intermediate Ring, Brass 3 29 9.803-186.0 O-Ring Ø2.62 x 71.12 2 8* See Kit Support Ring, Teflon Bronze3 30 9.803-160.0 Roller Bearing, Tapered 2 9 * See Kit "U" Seal High Pressure3 10* See Kit Support Ring 3 11 9.802-926.0 Brass Plug, 1/2" 1 31 9.803-148.0 9.803-149.0 Crankshaft (GT4040.1, 5030.1, 6035.1) 1 Crankshaft (GT 4035.1) 12 9.803-199.0 Copper Washer 1/2" 1 32 9.803-167.0 Crankshaft Key 1 13 9.802-933.0 Manifold Head 1 33 9.802-923.0 Oil Dip Stick 1 14* See Kit O-Ring Ø2.62 x 17.13 6 34 9.803-139.0 Crankshaft Seal 1 15* See Kit Valve Assembly 6 35 9.803-177.0 Shim 2 16* See Kit O-Ring Ø2.62 x 20.29 6 36 9.803-181.0 Bearing Housing 1 17 9.802-928.0 Valve Plug 6 37* See Kit Plunger Bolt 3 18 9.802-943.0 Manifold Stud Bolt 8 38* See Kit Copper Spacer 3 36 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a 8 ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY See Kit O-Ring Ø1.78 x10.82 3 40* See Kit Teflon Ring 3 41* See Kit Plunger 3 42* See Kit Copper Spacer 3 43 9.803-143.0 Plunger Rod 3 44 9.803-157.0 Connecting Rod 3 45 9.802-912.0 Snap Ring 6 46 9.802-915.0 Connecting Rod Pin 3 47 9.802-889.0 Spring Washer 6 48 9.802-937.0 Connecting Rod Screw 6 49 9.803-194.0 O-Ring Ø2.62 x 152.07 1 50 9.803-166.0 Crankcase Cover 1 51 9.803-197.0 Gasket, G3/8 1 52 9.803-202.0 Sight Glass G3/4 1 53 9.802-939.0 Cover Screw 5 SERVICE MANUAL 39* * Part available in kit PRESSURE WASHER LT.1 SERIES PUMP PARTS LIST (CONT) (See below) REPAIR KIT NUMBER KIT DESCRIPTION 8.916-488.0 8.916-487.0 8.916-322.0 8.916-323.0 9.802-607.0 9.802-611.0 Plunger "U" Seal 20mm LT-4040.1, LT-6035.1 LT-4035.1 Plunger "U" Seal 22mm LT-5030.1 "U" Seal Packing Assy 20mm LT-4040.1 LT-6035.1 LT-4035.1 "U" Seal Packing Assy 22mm LT-5030.1 Plunger 20mm LT-4040.1 LT-6035.1 LT-4035.1 Plunger 22mm LT-5030.1 ITEM NUMBERS INCLUDED 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 NUMBER OF CYLINDERS KIT WILL SERVICE 3 3 1 1 1 1 9.802-603.0 9.802-606.0 Complete Valve (all pumps) Plunger Oil Seals (all pumps) ITEM NUMBERS INCLUDED 14, 15, 16 3 NUMBER OF CYLINDERS KIT WILL SERVICE 6 3 REPAIR KIT NUMBER KIT DESCRIPTION 37 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW Service Manual • Rev. 3/13a PRESSURE WASHER Wiring Diagram 38 WIRING DIAGRAM — 120V 1PH 50/60 HZ 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW • Rev. 3/13a 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW • Rev. 3/13a PRESSURE WASHER Wiring Diagram WIRING DIAGRAM — 460/575V 3PH 39 PRESSURE WASHER Wiring Diagram 40 WIRING DIAGRAM — 208/230V 1PH 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW • Rev. 3/13a 8.917-209.0 • LANDA PHW • Rev. 3/13a PRESSURE WASHER Wiring Diagram WIRING DIAGRAM — 208/230V 3PH 41 Form #8.917-209.0 PHW Service Manual • Revised 3/13a • Printed in U.S.A. ">
Key features
- High pressure cleaning
- Variety of nozzles
- Easy to use and maintain
- Powerful engine
- Convenient carrying handle
- Reliable operation
Frequently asked questions
The pressure rating of the machine is listed on the machine's serial plate. Use the correct nozzle for the machine and/or replace with a new nozzle.
Always refer to the Operator's Manual.
Fill tank with the proper type of fuel as indicated on the machine.
Adjust unloader for proper pressure. Install repair kit when needed. Test PSI with unloader removed, taking pressure directly off the pump.