Hewlett-Packard 3400A RMS Voltmeter Operating and Service Manual
The Hewlett-Packard 3400A is a versatile RMS Voltmeter designed to measure the actual root-means-square (RMS) value of AC voltages between 100 microvolts and 300 volts. Its frequency range spans from 10 Hz to 10 MHz, making it suitable for a variety of applications. The 3400A boasts a crest factor rating of 10:1, allowing it to accurately measure nonsinusoidal waveforms with high crest factors. Additionally, it offers a DC output proportional to the front panel meter reading, enabling its use as an RMS AC-to-DC converter.
OPERATING AND SERVICE MANUAL \ , - - E | | 1 ° MEE EE NE | : pe TE Ш | о | | HEWLETT | | ВЕ РАСКАВО . SEE pl he INE ie REA res В or TER lu] г eh e LI ETA Fh PRE EE pe @ HEWLETT PACKARD | OPERATING AND SERVICE MANUAL MODEL 3400A RMS VOLTMETER SERIAL NUMBERS This manual applies directly to instruments with a serial number prefix of 2225. WARNING 13 x 13 ‚но = ото - To help minimize the possibility of electrical fire or shock hazards, do not expose this instrument to rain or excessive moisture. = [i x ЕЛЕ = че SE que ar == нии ы a Pe ed Еле -F! THA us ma Ser HE 7 EEE Manual Part Number 03400-90012 Microfiche Part Number 03400-90062 O Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1965 P.O. Box 301, Loveland, Colorado 80537 U.S.A. ‚| 8 | Printed: January 1983 Г, pa A Te y ; EL IE En e 3, i ory pe PE Ra bran le | a : FREI TA TES eue ER At herd SR A т x I Pa y d Pr dR ME Ta y 1 y 5 MTY Ч A = E A ie Ea io SAT NTE Dm SINE A Ae pA rR RET ll =" Y о Гу HEWLETT PACKARD . CERTIFICATION Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment from the Jactory. Hewlett-Packard further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the United States Na- tional Bureau of Standards, to the extent allowed by the Bureau’s calibration facility, and to the calibration facilities of other International Standards Organization members. ’ | WARRANTY This Hewlett-Packard product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment [,except that in the case of certain components listed in Section I of this manual, the warranty shall be for the specified period] . During the warranty period, Hewlett-Packard Company will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to be defective, For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facility designated by -hp-. Buyer shall prepay shipping charges to -hp- and -hp- shall pay shipping charges to return the product to Buyer. However, Buyer shall pay all shipping charges, duties, and taxes for products returned to -hp- from another country. Hewlett-Packard warrants that its software and firmware designated by -hp- for use with an instrument will execute its programming instructions when properly installed on that instrument. Hewlett-Packard does not warrant that the operation of the instrument, or software, or firmware will be uninterrupted or error free. LIMITATION OF WARRANTY The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by Buyer, Buyer-supplied software or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance. NC OTHER WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED CR IMPLIED. HEWLETT-PACKARD SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. | EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES THE REMEDIES PROVIDED HEREIN ARE BUYER’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES. HEWLETT- "PACKARD SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSE- QUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY. ASSISTANCE Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements are available + Jor Hewlett-Packard products. For any assistance, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office. Addresses are provided at the back of this manual. 10/1/79 Eto MAA dec ale ap TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1. Introduction...........ee.e.e.0euaen. 1-1 1-3. Description and Purpose............. 1-1 1-8. Specifications.......................1-l1 1-10. Instrument and Manual Identification. ‚1-1 1-12, Equipment Supplied...... ..000040400 4 11-1 1-14, Accessory Equipment Available.......1-3 Section Page II. INSTALLATION 2-1. Imtroduction................. oo. ‚2-1 2-3. Initial Inspection.......... Bene 2-1 2-5. Power Requirements................. 2-1 2-8. Installation............. a | 2-10. Combining Case (-hp- Models 1051A or 1052A). ri ee 2-1 2-12. Adapter Frame (-hp- Part No. 5060-0797)... ........ecomeorecacin 2-2 2-14. Repackaging for Shipment............2-2 Section Page III. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3-1. Introduction.......... Cee „3-1 3-3. Controls and Indicators............. ‚3-1 3-5. Turn on Procedure..................3-1 3-7.‘ Operating Instruction................ 3-1 3-9. Applications............. 3-2 3-11. RMS Value of AC Signals with DC COMpoNnNeNt. ‚.. 3-2 3-13. КМ® Сшттеп!.................... ‚.3-2 3-15. RMS AC-to-DC Converter. Chee 3-2 Section Page IV. THEORY OF OPERATION 4-1, Introduction.............. recrar El 4-3. General Description........... ee... 4-1 4-11. Detailed Description. . 210440 4=2 4-12. Input Attenuator Assembly Al 2.120 4-2 4-15. Impedance Converter Assembly A2...4-3 4-19. Second Attenuator Assembly A3.....4-3 4-22. Video Amplifier Assembly A4........4-3 4-27. Chopper Op Amp Assembly A6 and Thermocouple Pair (Part of A4)....4-4 4-36. Power Supply Assembly A7.......... 4-5 4-39. Regulator Operation................4-5 4-41. +75 Volt Supply............... veo 4-5 4-43, — 17,5 Volt Supply...... Cees 4-5 4-45. —6.3 Volt Supply......... TE 4-5 Section Page Y. > MAINTENANCE 5-1. Introduction................... ‚....5-1 5-3. Test Equipment........ Ceres 5-1 5-5. Performance Checks. ................ 5-1 5-7. Accuracy, Linearity, and DC Output Check............. Cee ree 0 0 5-1 3-9. Frequency Response Check. .... en... в 5-10. Input Impedance Check............. 5-5 5-11. Resistance Check............. cer. ..5-5 5-12. Capacitance Check................. 5-5 5-13. Crest Factor Check............. 5-6 5-14. Output Noise Check................57 5-15. Adjustment and Calibration Procedures......... Cree 5-7 5-17. Mechanical Meter Zero......... 5-7 5-19. Power Supply Checks........... col 5-8 3-21. Low Frequency Calibration.......... 5-8 5-22. Amplifier Offset Adjustment. .... cee 9-8 5-23. Amplifier Gain Adjustment.......... 5-8 5-24. 1/10 Scale Adjustment.......... ...3-8 5-25. 1 Volt Adjustment. ..........ee...... 3-9 3-26. High Frequency Calibration.......... 5-9 5-27. Ampiifier Gain Adjustment..........5-9 5-28. Input Attenuator Adjustment....... 5-10 5-29. Second Attenuator Adjustment......5-11 5-30. Troubleshooting Procedures......... 5-11 5-35. Checking Thermocouples TC410 and TC402......... VS ..3-12 5-38. Thermocouple Replacement.........3-14 5-40. Servicing Etched Circuit Boards...... 5-15 5-43. A6 Assembly (03400-66512) Retrofit Procedure..... EE 5-16 Section Page VI. CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS 6-1. Introduction......... Ce eae 6-1 6-3. Schematic Diagrams............ 2... 6-1 6-6. Parts Location Diagrams............. 6-1 Section Page VII. REPLACEABLE PARTS 7-1. Introduction............... Cea 7-1 7-4. Ordering Information............. .. 7-1 7-6. Non-Listed Parts. ................... 7-1 APPENDIX SATA LIST OF TABLES : Table Page | 1-1. Model 3400A Specifications............ - 1-2. Equipment Supplied......................1-3 1-3. Accessory Equipment Available............1-3 T ko 5-1. Required Test Equipment.................5-2 | 5-2. Accuracy, Linearity, and DC Outpu | Check Data.........e..ecxecrcrorrorea.e. 3-3. Frequency Response Check, 54. Power Supply Checks...... 5-5. Front Panel Symptoms..... 5-6 5-7 Lh La La - * - " " a " = " " » - - - . Troubleshooting Procedure. . . Factory Selected Components. . Lh Lh ta о о- 7-1. List of Abbreviations.....................7-2 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page | 1-1. 3400 RMS Voltmeter. ....................1=2 3-1. Model 3400A Controls and Indicators......3-3 4-1. В10сК Рлавтащ...........................4-2 | 5-1. Accuracy, Linearity, and DC Output Test | Setup... 12e La La a aa aa a aa a a eee ae 5-3 2. Frequency Response Test Setup............5-4 3. Input Impedance Test Setup...............53- -4. Crest Factor Test Setup...................5 5. Troubleshooting Tree....................5- 6. Input to Demodulator...................5 i. Input Attenuator Ai, Impedance Converter A2, and Second Attenuator A3 Schematic and Parts Location DiIagrar......eoeereoreveroraarooo..0:3/64 6-2. Video Amplifier A4, Schematic and | Parts Location Diagram.............6-5/6-6 6-3. Chopper Amplifier A6 and Thermocouple Pair (Part of A4) Schematic and Parts Location Diagram..................6-7/6-8 6-4. Power Supply A7, Schematic and Parts Location Diagram.................6-9/6-10 7-1. Modular Cabinet. ..............ovvvn....7-3 7-2. Code List of Manufacturers... .............7-2 A-1. Chopper Amplifier Aé and Thermocouple Pair (Part of A4) Schematic and Parts Location Diagram. ....................A-1 Sess pe A LE ee qu J a E [я E Fal 3 H e y e и earn I Tb HAS IM na НЫ НС О ЧЫ PoE me EEE da EEE oe с NO Al e A Fr De НЫ e ED, 5; de, ma НЕА e РАН : 3 CO Pera A Hebel meri FA у ны м = id i A Pi Tarento Maa à a Tati ER me de HH AAA y Ti : PE dos A pa È rete IA A ki Ú HEWLETT PACKARD SAFETY SUMMARY The following genaral safety precautions must he observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to comply with these pracautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates — safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Hawlett-Packard Company assumes no liability for the customer's faiiure to comply with these requiremants. This is a Safety Class 1 instrument. GROUND THE INSTRUMENT To minimize shock hazard, the instrument chassis and cabinet must be connected to an elec- trical ground. The instrument is equipped with a three-conductor ac power cable. The power cable must either be plugged into an approved three-contact electrical outlet or used with a three-contact to two-contact adapter with the grounding wire (green) firmly connected to an electrical ground (safety ground) at the power outlet. The power jack and mating plug of the power cable meet International Electrotechnical Commission {{IEC) safety standards. DG NOT OPERATE IN AN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard. KEEP AWAY FROM LIVE CIRCUITS Operating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Component replacement and internal adjustments must be made by qualified maintenance personnel. Do not replace components with power cable connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cable removed. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching them. DO NOT SERVICE OR ADJUST ALONE Do not attempt internal service or adjustment uniess another person, capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present. DO NOT SUBSTITUTE PARTS OR MODIFY INSTRUMENT Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute parts or per- form any unauthorized modification to the instrument. Return the instrument to a Hewlett- Packard Sales and Service Office for service and repair to ensure that safety features are main- tained. DANGEROUS PROCEDURE WARNINGS Warnings, such as the example below, precede potentially dangerous procedures throughout this manual. Instructions contained in the warnings must be followed. WARNING Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are present in this instrument. Use ex- "treme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting. Mu dar RE pu pins ap Ne in x MET Par D a, Lot я OR EN NUE ER pe rte = ou ee = TLE Fg li. he Es TNA ak a de ne ene К es farm эн — rr we ci a a i FTE re Г Ч Ex 2 IL de EE e Ro EE | SAFETY SYMBOLS : General Definitions of Safety Symbols Used On Equipment or In Manuals. E Instruction manual symbol: the product will be marked with this в symbol when it is necessary for the user to refer to the instruction manual in order to protect against damage to the instrument. Indicates dangerous voltage (terminals fed from the interior by voltage exceeding 1000 volts must be so marked). Protective conductor terminal. For protection against electrical shock in case of a fault. Used with field wiring terminals to in- dicate the terminal which must be connected to ground before operating equipment. | "E © Low-noise or noiseless, clean ground (earth) terminal. Used for a | À signal common, as well as providing protection against electrical = shock in case of a fault. A terminal marked with this symbol must be connected to ground in the manner described in the installation (operating) manual, and before operating the equipment. Frame or chassis terminal. A connection to the frame (chassis) of 77 OR | the equipment which normally includes all exposed metal struc- tures. No Alternating current (power line). Direct current (power line). q Alternating or direct current (power line). The WARNING sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a pro- cedure, practice, condition or the like, which, if not correctiy per- Ce formed or adhered to, could result in injúry or death to personnel. | Fas О , ME DE e The CAUTION sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an a > operating procedure, practice, condition or the like, which,if not PCAUTION E correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or destruction of part or all of the product. NOTE: The NOTE sign denotes important information. If calls attention "to procedure, practice, condition or the like, which is essential to highlight. pa rate LAY Е Dm E a (Ero Тя ны Foraker ENTE SECTION | GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1. INTRODUCTION 1-2. This section contains general information about the Model 3400A RMS Voltmeter (Figure 1-1). Included are: description of instrument, purpose, instrument identification, equipment supplied and accessory equipment available. Also included is a table of instru- ment specifications. 1-3, DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE 14. The Model 3400A RMS Voltmeter measures the actual root-means-square (RMS) value of ac voltages between 100 microvolts and 300 volts. Frequency range is from 10 Hz to 10 MHz. Full scale measurements of nonsinusoidal waveforms with crest factors (ratio of peak voltage to rms voltage) of 10 can be made. 1-5. Ac voltages are measured with a specified full-scale accuracy of +1% from 50 Hz to 1 MHz, +2% from 1 MHz to 2 MHz, + 3% from 2 MHz to 3 MHz, and + 5% from 10 Hz to 50 Hz and 3 MHz to 10 MHz. A single front panel control selects one of 12 voltage or decibel ranges. 1-6. The Model 3400A crest factor rating is 10:1 which enables full scale readings for pulses which have a 1% duty cycle. At 1/10th of fuii scale, pulse trains with 0.01% duty cycle (100:1 crest factor) can be accurately measured. 1-7, The Model 3400A provides a dc output which is proportional to the front panel meter reading. By using this voltage to drive auxiliary equipment, the Model 3400A functions as an rms ac-to-dc converter. 1-8. SPECIFICATIONS 1-9. Table 1-1 contains the specifications for the Model 3400A. 1-10. INSTRUMENT AND MANUAL IDENTIFICATION I-11. Hewlett-Packard uses a two-section serial number. If the first section (serial prefix) of the serial number on your instrument does not agree with those on the title page of this manual, change sheets supplied with the manual will define the differences between your in- strument and the Model 3400A described in this manual. Some serial numbers may have a letter separating the two sections of the number. This letter indicates the country in which the instrument was manufactured. 1:12. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED 1-13. The equipment supplied with each Model 3400A is listed and described in Table 1-2. 1-1 E a EEE Th MEC | ham Bk padi ендНтй r SRR CE Tra 5 = + Усе гой НЕ та EP E pA Ne ha qe FEA ETA rar pa x r м Se : a ar 5 | ii Far, ; 1 Mal, id pee 2; x =, "a - = y 3 + Ч as Ty т TEE rk Spa lora Pueyo НЕ rt Ir wud fin, | General Information Model 3400A Table 1-1. Model 3400A Specifications | : VOLTAGE RANGE: 1 mV to 300 V full scale, 12 ranges. CREST FACTOR: (ratio of peak-to-rms amplitude of input | signal}: 10:1 at full scale {except where limited by maximum | DB RANGE: -72 to +52 dBm (0 dBm = 1 mW in 6009). input}, inversely proportional to meter deflection (e.g., 20:1 at half-scale, 100:1 at tenth-scale). FREQUENCY RANGE: 10 Hz to 10 MHz. IMPUT IMPEDANCE 0.001 Y to 0.3 Y range; 10 MQ shunted : RESPONSE: Responds te rms value (heating value) of input by <50 pF: 1.0 V to 300 V range; 10 MQ shunted by < 20 signal. pF. AC-coupled input. | METER ACCURACY:* from 1/10 scale to full scale is % of AC OVERLOAD: 30dB above full scale or 800 V peak, | Full Scale (20°C to 30°C)** whichever is less, on each range. leo 10Hz 50Hz 1MHZ 2MHz 3MHz 10MHz MAXIMUM DC INPUT: 600 V on any range. | [5% | +1% | +2% | +3% | +5%] y RESPONSE TIME: For a step function, < 5 seconds to respond AC-to-DC CONVERTER ACCURACY: % of Full Scale (20°C to to final value. 30°C}* ' POWER: 115 or 230 V + 10%, 48 10 440 Hz. approximately Doa 10Hz 50Hz 1 MHz 2MHz 3MHz 10MHz 7 watts. Do 145% | 0.75% |+2% | 143% | +5% | Do WEIGHT: Net 7 1/4 lbs, (3, 3kg); shipping 10 tbs. (5kg). Е OUTPUT: Negative 1 V dc into open circuit for full-scale deflection, proportional to meter deflection; 1mA maximum; OVERALL DIMENSIONS: 6 1/2” high; 8 1/8” wide: 11 nominal source impedance 10004. 11/16’ deep. | QUTPUT NOISE: < 1 mV RMS. STORAGE TEMPERATURE: — 10°C to +60°C. o | | * The 3400A may show a zero offset with no voltage applied to the input terminals. | | ** Temperature Coefficient: =.15%/°C over range of 0°C to 20°C and 30°C to 55°C. [ "A | a ta o 5 E | fu | = o 16 a i | | = “pedis a | . WY EEE au Г | cut ue dana _ ' E e bio: ae 1 Sena is i DO i TOES Ea ES : A dr E PAT jua LD SET ro я de ; ki 3 © eh т а Коту i ah ae Der grrr oy ВЕ 3 ; |. . DE Figure 1-1. 3400 AMS Voltmeter E с п at LAN Ц Model 3400A General Information 1-14. ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE 1-15. The accessory equipment available is listed in Table 1-3. For further information con- tact your local -hp- Sales and Service Office. Table 1-2, Equipment Supplied Identification Number Quantity Description 10110B | 1 Adapter {BNC to dua! banana jack] 8120-1348 1 Power Cord 03400-90011 1 Operating and Service Manual Table 1-3. Accessory Equipment Available Identification Number Description 10503A Cable (Male BNC to male BNC, 483 inches) 11001A Cable {Male BNC to duai ba- nana plug, 45 inches) 110024 Test Lead (dual banana plug to alligator clips, 60 inches) 110034 Test Lead (dual banana plug to probe and alligator clip, 60 in.) 456A Current Probe 1-3/1-4 ba e Tue EA E To rR EE ih Ta E AM a | Ei ; E [tag A м MT Le ein ADE TO EME US Ny AE y | TA ауа TT ren NN 4 y H É Tae 1; SHO Ck fie] HE pe CT PACA LAO 12 y TE de A PAE E kE ed by zu a Era bea 3 1 gh A ES EE MAS TAT A A A At MO SECTION Ii INSTALLATION 2-1. INTRODUCTION 2-2. This section contains information and instructions necessary for installation and ship- ping of the -np- Model 3400A RMS Voltmeter. Included are initial inspection procedures, power requirements, installation information, and instructions for repackaging for ship- ment. 2-3. INITIAL INSPECTION 2-4. The -hp- Model 3400A RMS Voltmeter received a careful mechanical and electrical in- spection before shipment. As soon as the Model 3400A is received, verify that the contents are intact and as ordered. Although the instrument should be free of mars and scratches and in perfect electrical condition, it should be inspected for any physical damage which may have been incurred in transit. Also test the electrical performance of the instrument using the procedures given in paragraph 5-5. If any physical damage or electrical deficiency is found, refer to the warranty on the inside front cover of this manual. Should shipping of the instru- ment become necessary, refer to paragraph 2-14 for repackaging and shipping instructions. 2-5. POWER REQUIREMENTS 2-6. The Model 3400A can be operated from any ac source of 115- or 230- volts (+ 10%), at 48 to 440 cycles. With the instrument disconnected from the ac power source, move the slide switch (located on the rear panel) until the desired line voltage value appears. The ac line fuse is a 0.25 amp, fast blow type for 115- or 230-volt operation. Power dissipation is ap- proximately 7 watts. 2-7. The Model 3400A is equipped with a three-prong power cord. To protect operating per- sonnel, it is necessary to preserve the grounding feature of this plug when using a two con- tact ac outlet. Use a three-prong to two-prong adapter and connect the green pigtail lead on the adapter to ground. 2-8. INSTALLATION 2-9. The Model 3400A is a submodular unit suitable for bench top use. However, when used in combination with other submodular units it can be bench and/or rack mounted. The -hp- combining case and adapter frame are designed for this purpose. 2-10. Combining Case {-hp- Models 1051A ог 1052А) 2-11. The combining case is a full-module unit which accepts various combinations of sub- modular units. Being a full-module unit, it can be bench or rack mounted and is analogous to any full-module instrument. ÿ EA у ne Ц E y I fi, Piel E ) > i i A e а, à x enr i = cle в: i ; Lap ST RE vibe Tn A y y fe Ir “irk RETR tai bo EU A de De ote qe e AL re ar fe EE eee rc ua a тн ; BEE RARE CE RE TEE AE PE va PESO md: a о НН Dee sa a Es Mh NE ae ER var a . 4 ; 5 ae + : E iF li À Installation Model 3400A ' 2-12. Adapter Frame (-hp- Part No. 5060-0797} 2-13. The adapter frame is a rack frame that accepts any combination of submodular units. | It can be rack mounted only. For additional information, address inquiries to your -hp-Sales and Service Office. 2-14. REPACKAGING FOR SHIPMENT 2-15, The following paragraphs contain a general guide for repackaging for shipment. Refer to paragraph 2-16 if the original container is to be used; 2-17 if it is not. If you have any questions, contact your local -hp- Sales and Service Office. 4 NOTE If the instrument is to be shipped to Hewlett-Packard for service Ш or repair, attach a tag to the instrument identifying the owner and о indicate the service or repair to be accomplished: include the | model number and full serial number of the instrument. In any | | correspondence, identify the instrument by model number, serial В | number, and serial number prefix. EN | 2-16. If original container is to be used, proceed as follows: a. Place instrument in original container if available. If original container is not available, | one can be purchased from your nearest -hp- Sales and Service Office. b. Ensure that the container is well sealed with strong tape or metal bands. | 2-17. If original container is not to be used, proceed as follows: ly a. Wrap instrument in heavy paper or plastic before placing in an inner container. b. Use packing material around all sides of instrument and protect panel face with card- | board strips. ¢. Place instrument and inner container in a heavy carton or wooden box and seal with | strong tape or metal bands. d. Mark shipping container with “DELICATE INSTRUMENT,” “FRAGILE,” etc. SECTION IH OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3-1. INTRODUCTION 3-2. This section consists of instructions and information necessary for the operation of the -hp- Model 3400A RMS Voltmeter. This section contains identification of controls and in- dicators, turri-on procedures, and operating instructions. Also included 1s a discussion of the applications for the Model 32004. 3-3. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS 3-4. Each operating control, connector, and indicator located on the Model 3400A is iden- LE) rd L ITA tified and described in Figure 3-1. The description of each component is keyed to an illustra- tion of that component which is included within the figure. 3-5. TURN ON PROCEDURE 3-6. To turn on the Model 3400A, proceed as follows: a. Set 115/230 switch (7, Figure 3-1) to correct position for input line voltage. b. Apply ac voltage to Model 3400A by plugging power cord into input power jack (8) ac receptacle. c. Operate power switch (4) to ON; ensure that LINE indicator (3) lights. NOTE Allow five minutes for the Model 3400A to warm up and stabilize before making a reading. 3-7. OPERATING INSTRUCTION *CAUTION y | Do not measure signal above 80 volts with 10 to 1 crest factor. Otherwise, the maximum input rating (800 volts peak) will be ex- ceeded. When measuring signals up to 80 volts RMS with a 10 to 1 crest factor, use the BNC to dual banana Jack, accessory 101 104, supplied with the instrument, or other input test leads and connec- tions that will withstand the maximum input af 800 volts peak. 3-8. To operate the Model 3400A as an rms voltmeter proceed as follows: a. Attach test lead to INPUT connector (6, Figure 3-1). (See Table 1-3 for a list of test leads available.) e E re a Tae ry ent rT Hi} es rca RT Ae 3 т To ER Se Tl E AN E net i TE e er Rn Tr i Spt a tem Te у г Ah An a a i Ea ik 1 frre) ume, rk ло e ; se Tun EE | Ca Cea ay e Ш ma aL Ena A МТ CRATER nn En Operating Instructions b. Set RANGE switch (5) to 300 VOLTS position. É | ÉCAUTION When measuring an ac signal superimposed on a DC level, always set the range switch to the 300 volt position. A high voltage tran- sient due to the application of a DC voltage will damage the input circuitry. c. Connect test lead to point to be measured. 4 ; BE fee d. Rotate RANGE switch counterclockwise until meter (1) indicates on upper two thirds fea of scale. 3-9. APPLICATIONS a O | 3-10. The Model 3400A can be used in conjunction with other test instruments to measure the rms value of ac signal with a de component, measure rms current and act as an rms ac-to- de converter. For additional information on special applications, contact your -hp- Sales and Service Office. | 3-11. RMS Value Df AC Signals With DC Component x 3-12. Since the 3400A is an ac device it will measure only the rms value of the ac component. | | If it is necessary to include the rms value of the de component when measuring a signal use - an -hp- Model 3468A Digital Multimeter to measure the de component. Substitute the | reading from the Model 3468A and Model 3400A in the following formula: The ac signal (up | to 800V peak) may be superimposed on a dc level of up to 600 Y. | | O ms = Cpe + e E 3-13. RMS Current | 3-14. To measure rms current, use an -hp- Model 456A AC Current Probe. This probe clips in around the current conductor and provides an output voltage that is proportional to the cur- 3 ES rent being measured. Using this method, rms currents of one milliampere to one ampere can y be measured. | 3-15. RMS AC-To-DC Converter | 3-16. Since the Model 3400A is provided with a dc output (10, Figure 3-1) which is propor- | tional to the meter deflection, it can be used as a linear rms ac to dc converter. The dc output | can be used to drive an -hp- Model 3468A Digital Multimeter for high resolution за measurements and/or an -hp- Model 680 Strip Chart Recorder, External loading does not р affect the meter accuracy so that both the meter and dc output can be used simultaneously. A plug for DC OUT jack may be purchased under -hp- Part No. 1251-0067. PUY FETC TEA Model 3400A Operating Instructions E Direct reading meter: de meter which indicates rms 115/230-voit switch: two-position slide switch which voitage levei of input signal. © sets instrument to operate from either a 115- or 230-voit ac source. | Mechanica! zero adjustment: screwdriver adjustment for zero of direct reading meter. input power jack: three-prong jack which enables ap- plication of line voltage to instruments power supply cir- LINE ON pilot lamp: neon lamp which indicates when cuits. ; power is applied to instrument and power switch is ON. © 115V/230V .25A FUSE: 0,25 ampere fuse which Power switch: two-position toggle switch which applies provides protection against line voitage surges. 115- or 230-volts ac to instrument. DC OUT jack: telephone-type jack which provides RANGE switch: 12-position rotary switch which selects negative 1-volt dc out at full scale deflection, output is various attenuation ranges available within Model 3400A. proportional to meter deflection. Output impedance is 1000 ohms, INPUT cannector: BNC jack which enables application of input signal to instruments measuring circuits. A telephone plug for the DC OUT jack may be purchased under -hp- Part No. 1251-0067, Figure 3-1. Model 3400A Controls and Indicators ETE hs Ú ГО va reir) by de Y рн i d a E J fière о be rnd a AAS Ll era QU, ee AE A Sy Ds o Nu e ENST A AV GENE CE EEE EE RS med TA я SECTION IV | THEORY OF OPERATION 4-1. INTRODUCTION 4-2. This section contains the theory of operation of the Model 3400A RMS Voltmeter. In- cluded is a general and detailed description of the theory of operation. 43. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 4-4. The operation circuitry of the Mode! 3400A consists of two attenuators, an impedance converter, a video amplifier, a chopper op amp, a thermocouple pair, and a direct reading + HIETCT, 4-5. A signal being measured with the Model 3400A is applied to input attenuator Al through the INPUT jack, located on the Model 3400A front panel. The input attenuator has an input impedance of over 10 megohms and provides two ranges of attenuation. The out- put of the input attenuator is applied to impedance converter A2. The impedance converter is a non-inverting unity voltage gain amplifier. It presents a high impedance to the input signal and provides a low impedance output to drive the second attenuator A3. The second attenuator provides 6 ranges in a 1, 3, 10 sequence. The two attenuators are switched to pro- vide 12 ranges of attenuation. 4-6. The output of the second attenuator is amplified by video amplifier A4. The video amplifier is a wideband, five stage amplifier. The overall gain of the video amplifier is con- trolled by an ac feedback loop. The ac output of the amplifier is applied to TC401; one of the thermocouples of the thermocouple pair. | 4-7. The de output of TC401 is applied to the chopper op amp (U601) which modulates the voltage. The resultant modulated signal is then amplified and, after the amplification, the signal is demodulated back to de volts. This voltage is the output of the chopper op amp. Tne value of the voltage is proportional to the de input voltage. 4-8. The output of the chopper op amp is applied to a filter and also to TC402, the second thermocouple of the thermocouple pair. The output of the filter is applied to an output amp (A4) which is used to drive the meter (М1). 4-9. The thermocouple pair TC401 and TC402 acts as a summing point for the ac output of the video amplifier (A4) and the dc output of the chopper op amp. The difference in the heating effect of these voltages is the dc input to the chopper op amp. This difference input 1s amplified and is fed to TC402 and also, after going through the output amplifier (U602), to the meter (MI), This voltage represents the rms value of the ac signal applied to the 3400A’s INPUT jack. By using two “matched” thermocouples and measuring the dif- ference, the output of the chopper op amp will be linear. Using two thermocouples also pro- vides temperature stability. о Theory of Operation Model 3400A —_——,——— a —— | la © aa aaa 0 | - e „7 ‚ , # A 1 и” и” INP 2 TC40 | | INPUT | IMPEDANCE SECOND VIDES + ATTEN —— CONVERTER —— ATTEN AMPLIF ER - Al A2 АЗ A4 E. AC FEEDBACK | NE TC402 |, — — — DC 7 i + | | "De OUT , _ PE | В | у | | pl FR j | | | MI NI FILTER a. P/0 A6 — | НЕ - NIE à Hy Figure 4-1. Block Diagram . En o E В 4-10. The dc voltage driving meter M1 is also available at the DC OUT jack, located at the E rear of the Model 3400A. NE Pdo : ВЫ 4-11. DETAILED DESCRIPTION El 4-12. Input Attenuator Assembly A1 | | 4-13. The input attenuator assembly is a capacitive-compensated attenuator which provides | | two ranges of attenuation for the 12 positions of the RANGE switch. See input attenuator | | schematic diagram illustrated on Figure 6-1. | | 4-14. When the RANGE switch is positioned to one of the six most sensitive ranges (.001 to ET .3 VOLTS), the attenuator output voltage is equal to the input voltage. When the RANGE oa | switch is positioned to one of six highest ranges (1 to 300 YOLTS), the input signal is at- tenuated 60 dB (1000: 1 voltage division) by the resistive voltage divider consisting of R101, a R103, and R104. Trimmer C102 is adjusted at 100 kHz, and R104 is adjusted at 400 Hz to | provide constant attenuation over the input frequency range. Model 3400A Theory of Operation 4-15. Impedance Converter Assembly A2 4-16. The impedance converter assembly utilizes a nuvistor tube cathode follower circuit to match the high output impedance of the put attenuator to the low input impedance of the second attenuator. The cathode follower circuit preserves the phase relationship of the input and output signals while maintaining a gain of unity. See impedance converter assembly schematic diagram illustrated on Figure 6-1. 4-17. The ac signal input to the impedance converter is RC coupled to the grid of cathode follower V201 through C201 and R203. The output signal is developed by Q201 which acts Pie. TN as a variable resistance in the cathode circuit of V201. The bootstrap feedback from the E cathode of V201 to R203 increases the effective resistance of R203 to the input signal. This | prevents R203 from loading the input signal and preserves the high input impedance of the Model 3400A. The gain compensating feedback from the plate of V201 to the base of Q201 compensates for any varying gain in V201 due to age or replacement. 4-18. Breakdown diode CR201 controls the grid bias voltage on V201 thereby establishing the operating point of this stage. CR202 and R211 across the base-emitter junction of Q201 protects Q20! in the event of a failure in the +75 volt power supply. Regulated dc is sup- plied to V201 filaments to avoid inducing ac hum in the signal path. This also prevents the gain of V201 changing with line voltage variations. 4-19. Second Attenuator Assembly A3 4-20. The second attenuator is a resistive divider which attenuates the ac input signal while maintaining a low impedance ouiput for the following amplification stages. See second at- tenuator assembly schematic diagram illustrated in Figure 6-1. 4-21. The ac input signal is applied to a precision resistance voltage divider consisting of R302 through R312. These resistors are arranged to give six ranges of attenuation at 10 dB per range. The six ranges of the second attenuator combined with the two ranges of the input attenuator make up the 12 ranges of attenuation (0.001 to 300V). Trimmer capacitor C303 (10MHZz 0.3V ADJ) provides an adjustment for frequency response at the higher frequen- cies. 4-22. Video Amplifier Assembly A4 4-23. The video amplifier functions to provide constant gain to the ac signal being measured over the entire frequency range of Model 3400A. See video amplifier assembly schematic diagram illustrated on Figure 6-2. 4-24. The ac input signal from the second attenuator is coupled through C402 to the base of input amplifier Q401. Q401, a class A amplifier, amplifies and inverts the signal which is then direct coupled to the base of bootstrap amplfier Q402. The output, taken from Q402 emitter is applied to the base of Q403 and fed back to the top of R406 as a bootstrap feed- vack. This positive ac feedback increases the effective ac resistance of R406 a dh e Te lowing a greater portion of the signal to be felt at the base of Q402. In this manner, the effective ac gain of Q401 is increased for the midband frequencies without disturbing the static operating voltages of Q401. Ш Theory of Operation Model 3400A 3 4-25. Driver amplifier Q403 further amplifies the ac signal and the output at Q403 collector | is fed to the base circuit emitter follower Q404. The feedback path from the collector of | Q403 to the base of Q402 through C405 (10 MHz ADJ) prevents spurious oscillations at high xX input frequencies. A dc feedback loop exists from the emitter circuit of Q403, to the base of | | Q401 through R425. This feedback stabilizes the Q401 bias voltage. Emitter follower Q404 | acts as a driver for the output amplifier consisting of Q405 and Q406; a complimentary pair operating as a push-pull amplifier. The video amplifier output is taken from the collectors of the output amplifiers and applied to thermocouples TC401. A gain stabilizing feedback is developed in the emitter circuits of the output amplifiers. This negative feedback is applied to the emitter of input amplifier Q401 and establishes the overall gain of the video amplifier. E. 4-26. Trimmer capacitor C405 is adjusted at 10 MHz for frequency response of the video as amplifier. Diodes CR402 and CR406 are protection diodes which prevent voltage surges a from damaging transistors in the video amplifier. CR401, CR407, and CR408 are qe temperature compensating diodes to maintain the zero signal balance condition in the out- co put amplifier over the operating temperature range. CR403, a breakdown diode, establishes | the operating potentials for the output amplifier. 4.27. Chopper Op Amp Assembly AS And Thermocouple Pair (Fart Gf Ad) 4-28. The chopper op amp and thermocouple pair form a servo loop which functions to position the direct reading meter M1 to the rms value of the ac input signal. The chopper op amp and thermocouple pair schematic diagram is illustrated in Figure 6-3. | | 4-29. The video amplifier output signal is applied to the heater of thermocouple TC40i. Wor This ac voltage causes a dc voltage to be generated in the resistive portion of TC401 which is va pi ote FR ane Me Nn = EP ét A proportional to the heating effect (rms value) of the ac input. The dc voltage is applied to the a = fi chopper op amp. | ; and output ainp (U602). The chopper op amp is a high gain low drift op amp and is used e o modulate the applied dc voltage, amplify the voltage, and then demodulate the voltage | | back to de (the output voltage of the amplifier). The output of the amplifier is the ac stabilizing ' and summing feedback for thermocouple TC402, and is also applied to the filter. The ac stabilizing feedback (using R614, R615, and C605) is used to prevent the circuitry from oscillating. ny 4-30. The chopper op amp assembly consists of a chopper op amp {U601), filter, oscillator, | | 4-31. The oscillator consisting of Q601, Q602, and associated circuitry, is used to reduce the | noise of the chopper op amp. It operates at a frequency of approximately 2K Hz. | | 4-32. The output from the chopper op amp (summing feedback) is applied to the heating a element of thermocouple TC402. The dc voltage developed in the resistive portion of TC402 is effectively subtracted from the voltage developed by TC401. The input signal to the chop- | | Ш per op amp then becomes the difference in the dc outputs of the two thermocouples. When ВЕ the difference between the two thermocouples becomes zero, the dc output from the chop- per op amp will be equal to the ac from the video amplifier. | | g 4-33. The filter, consisting of R617, R618, R619, C607 and C608, is used to further reduce ВЫ the noise on the output of the chopper op amp. This is to make the meter reading quiet. | | | | | 4-34. The output of the filter is connected to the output amp (U602). The purpose of the | : E amplifier is to drive the meter (M1) and to provide a low impedance output for the rear D.C. RIE OUT connector. The output impedance of the amplifier is approximately 1 ohm. Since there Model 3400A Theory of Operation are two 499 ohm resistors (R624 and R631) between the amplifier output and the rear ter- minal, the output impedance at the terminal is approximately 1000 ohms. 4-35, Other circuits, consisting of C611, R629, and R630, are used to speed up the step response of the 3400A. 4-36. Power Supply Assembly A7 4-37. The power supply assembly provides dc operating voltages for the tube and transistors used in the Model 3400A. See power supply assembly schematic diagram illustrated on Figure 6-4. , 4-38. Either 115 or 230 volts ac is connected to the primary of power transformer T1 through fuse F1 and the POWER switch S1. Switch S2 (slide switch on rear panel) connects T1 primary windings in series for 230-volt operation or in parallel for 115-volt operation. Neon lamp DSI lights to indicate LINE power ON when ac power is applied and S1 is closed. 4-33. Regulator Operation 4-40. The series regulator acts as a dynamic variable resistor in series with the power supply output. A control amplifier senses changes in the output voltage by comparing the output with a fixed reference voltage. The control amplifier then supplies any output voltage changes to the driver transistor, which in turn changes the resistance of the series regulator to oppose the change in output voltage. Diodes CR704, CR713 and CR706 across the base emitter junction of the series regulator provide overload current protection. 4-41. +75 Volt Supply 4-42. The +75 volt supply consists of a full-wave rectifier (CR701 and CR702) whose out- put is filtered by CIA and CIB and regulated by series regulator Q1. The +75 volt supply provides regulated +75 volts which is used as the plate supply voltage for V201. Voltage variation from the output is felt at Q702 base circuit through C704, R715, and R716. The C703 and R709 network provides phase correction for power supply stability. The regulation circuitry is in the negative leg of the + 75 volt supply, and uses the -17.5 volt supply as a reference. 4-43, —17.5 Volt Supply 4-44. The regulated — 17.5 volt supply consists of a full-wave rectifier (CR711, and CR712) whose output 1s filtered by C706 and C707 and regulated by Q2. Breakdown diode CR715 provides reference voltage at the base of Q704. Regulation operation is the same described in Paragraph 4-40. 4-45, —6.3 Volt Supply 4-46, The regulated — 6.3 volt supply consists of a full-wave rectifier (CR716 and CR717) whose output is filtered by C2 and regulated by Q3. Emitter follower Q705 is connected to the — 17.5 voit supply which provides a reference for the — 6.3 volt supply. Series regulator Q3 acts as a dynamic variable resistor in series with the output to oppose changes in output voltage. 4-5/4-6 I | ИН, pp he | ||: | I i 1 | | Poo . | | La | | = Ar | WARNING À LE | В Maintenance described herein is performed with power supplied to | | | | | the instrument, and protective covers removed. Such maintenance ST should be performed only by service-trained personnel who are | ЕН aware of the hazards involved (for example, fire and electrical es | | shock). Where maintenance can be performed without power ap- Es | | a plied, the power should be removed. gil [EA В НИ SECTION V MAINTENANCE 5-1. INTRODUCTION 5-2. This section contains the information necessary for maintenance of the Model 340CA RMS Voltmeter. Included are performance checks, adjustment and calibration procedures, and troubleshooting procedures. 5-3. TEST EQUIPMENT 5-4. The test equipment required for the maintenance of the Model 3400A is listed in Table 5-1. If the recommended model is not available, use any substitute that meets the required characteristics. 5.5. PERFORMANCE CHECKS 5-6. The Performance Checks are in-cabinet tests that compare the Model 3400A with its given specifications. These checks may be used for incoming inspection, periodic maintenance, and for specification checks after a repair. A Performance Check Test Card is provided at the end of this section for recording the performance of the instrument during the Performance Checks. The card may be removed from the manual and used as a perma- nent record of the incoming inspection or of a routine performance check. If the instrument fails to meet any of its specifications, perform the Adjustment and Calibration Procedures outlined in Paragraph 3-15. NOTE Allow a 30-minute warmup period before making performance checks. During the performance checks, periodically vary the Model 3400A line voltage = 10% with a power line transformer to assure that the instrument operaies correctly at various ac line voltages. 5.7. Accuracy, Linearity, And DC Output Check 5-8. The accuracy, linearity, and dc output test set-up is illustrated in Figure 5-1. A Meter Calibrator Fluke Model 760A and a Digital Multimeter -hp- Model 3468A are required for this test. a. Connect test setup illustrated in Figure 5-1. b. Set Model 3400A RANGE switch to 0.001 position. c. Adjust the Meter Calibrator for a 0.001V 400Hz ac volts output; set the Digital Multimeter to measure 1Y de. : EEE TE T: Е сы, [E ir EATS =F = hE EER at TA LÉ Maintenance Model 3400A d. If Model 3400A does not indicate within values listed under “meter reading” in Table 5-2, perform low frequency calibration procedure, Paragraph 5-21. Record 3400A readings. e. DC output as indicated on the Digital Multimeter should be within values listed under “3400A DC output”? in Table 5-2. f. Continue to check accuracy, linearity, and de output using Table 3-2. Table 5-1. Required Test Equipment Instrument Type Required Characteristics Use Recommended Model DC Digital Accuracy: +0.1% full scale Voltage Performance Checks -hp- Model! 34684 Multimeter Range: 10mV to 100V Adjustment and Calibration | Meter Voltage Range: TmV to 300 Y rms Performance Checks Fiuke Model 760A Calibrator Frequency: 400 Hz Adjustment and Calibration Troubleshooting Oscillator Frequency Range: 10 Hz to 10 MHz Performance Checks -np- Model 652A Test Qutput: 1 mY te 3 Y Adiustment and Calibration Oscillator ‚| Frequency Response: 0.25% Troubleshooting {expand scale) Oscilloscope Sensitivity: .005V/em Troubleshooting -Hp- Model 1740A Bandwidth: de to 20 MHz Pulse Generator Pulse Width: variable to 1 Ousec Pulse Amp: + 10 volts peak, variable Pulse Rate: 250 to 1000 pps Performance Checks -hp- Model 214B -hp- Mode! 5381A Frequency Range: 250 to 1000 Hz Performance Checks Counter Accuracy: + 1 count Time Interval: Tusec Peak Voltage Range: 0.5 Y to 300 V Performance Checks -hp- Model 410C Voltmeter Responding Accuracy: + 3% full scale Voltrneter | Average Voltage Range: 0.007 to 300 V Adjustment and Calibration -hp- Mode! 400E/EL Responding Accuracy: 1% {ый scale Troubleshooting Voltmeter Voltmeter Power Supply Output Voltage: S V de Output Current: 5 mA Troubleshooting ъ -hp- Model 621 4A RMS Respond- ing Voltmeter Range: 1 m V full scale Performance Checks -hp- Model 3400A PMS Voltmeter Resistor 200 k9, metal film, % W 1% Performance Checks -hp- Part No. 0757-0782 Resistor 489 k2, metal film, 4“ W 1% Troubleshooting -hp- Part No. 0757-0327 Resistor 1k ©, Carbon, Y W 10% Troubleshooting -hp- Part No. 0684-1021 50 Q Feedthru Resistor: fixed comp 509 +5% % W Performance Checks -hp- Model 11048B 509 Termination Feedthru BNC-T-Adapter Performance Checks Adjustment and Calibration -hp- Part No. 1250-0072 Adapter 410C to Dual Banana Performance Checks -hp- Model 11018A Extender Board 15 pin programmable Troubleshooting -hp- Part No. 6038 tn y AL fy ae les th я] — "14 Barly ey Model 3400A a 0000090 Maintenance Table 5-2. Accuracy, Linearity, and DC Gutput Check Data . Voltmeter 34004 3400A Meter 3400A DC Calibrator Voitage Reading : Output Output (V] Range (V) М К М Use 83:72 0.001 0.001 0.000990 to 0.00101 0.992 to 1.008 “1365 0.003 0.003 0.00297 to 0.00303 0.942 to 0.957 Фес Уд Вона 0.01 0.01 0.00990 to 0.0101 0.992 to 1.008 “> Sex vp peer {| 0.03 0.03 0.0297 to 0.0303 0.942 to 0.957 Yaitagoes 0.1 0.1 0.0990 to 0.101 0.992 to 1.008 0.3 0.3 0.297 to 0.303 0.942 to 0.957 1.0 1.0 0.990 to 1.01 0.992 to 1.008 0.9 1.0 0.89 to 0.91 0.892'to 0.908 0.8 , 1,0 0.79 to 0.81 0.792 to 0.808 0.7 1.0 0.69 to 0.71 0.692 to 0.708 ,Ç 0.6 1.0 0.59 to 0.61 0.592 to 0.608 # 0.5 1.0 0.49 to 0,51 0.492 to 0.508 0.4 1.0 0.39 to 0.41 0.392 10 0.408 0.3 1.0 0.29 to 0.31 0.292 to 0.308 0.2 1.0 0.19 to 0.21 | 0.192 to 0.208 0.1 1.0 0.090 to 0.11 0.092 to 0.108 3.0 3.0 2.97 to 3.02 0,942 to 0.957 10.0 10.0 9.90 to 10.10 0.992 to 1.008 30.0 30.0 29.7 to 30.3 0.942 to 0.957 100.0 100.0 99.0 to 101.0 0.992 to 1.008 300.0 300.0 297.0 to 303.0 0.942 to 0.957 FLUKE 7804 METER CALIBRATOR HP 3400A RMS YOLTMETER DIGITAL MULTIMETER LE hp34684 e e ) | o: . | O m `: ia TO DE OUT JACK ON REAR pd] a AE и TP Figure 5-1. Accuracy, Linearity, and DC Output Test Setup ка Во аттыб rs. dg: EA abr AUS 45e E Co Em gi me п, hear 2h N . e MSIE La Ÿ par Te raie Lorie ran МЕН e a 1 Ta ых re. x. PU Maintenance Model 3400A | 5-3. Frequency Response Check eel, agp E ECON ory |. В NOTE Eo ; Connect 50 Q feedthru termination directly to 3400A INPUT to - eliminate loss in output cable at high frequency. o a. Connect test setup illustrated in Figure 5-2. : | b. Set Model 3400A. RANGE switch and Test Oscillator output attenuator to 1 volt posi- e tion. | SEN c. Set Test Oscillator for 400 Hz output and adjust output amplitude for the reading ob- ao tained in Paragraph 5-8 step d on the Model 34004. Mo d. Switch the Test Oscillator monitor switch to expand mode and set a convenient o reference level, e. Adjust test oscillator output frequency to values listed under “frequency” in Table а …. 5-3; adjust oscillator output voltage to maintain reference level set in step d. If Model 3400A ER does not indicate within values under “*meter reading’’ in Table 5-3, perform high frequency calibration procedures, Paragraph 5-25. hp3400A | TEST OSCILLATOR RMS VOLTMETER | p652A . A AS AS © 9 9 © ® O © = © фе ? 500 FEED-THRU ul TERMINATION 3400A-B- 1480 LK hp NO48B | : 4 CHE Ars Figure 5-2. Frequency Response Test Setup Table 5-3. Frequency Response Check i ; Frequency Meter Reading 15 Hz 0.85 to 1.05 ane 45 Hz 0.95 to 1.05 un 100 Hz 0.99 to 1.01 1 900 kHz 0.99 to 1.01 | 1.2 MHz 0.98 to 1.02 1 1.8 MHz 0.98 to 1.02 | o | 2.2 MHz 0.97 to 1.03 Net 2.8 MHz 0.97 ta 1.03 SIE | | 3.2 MHz 0.95 to 1.05 | | | 9.8 MHz 0.95 to 1.05 | Model 3400A 5-10. Input Impedance Check 5-11. Resistance Check a. Connect the Test Oscillator, 50 ohm feedthru and -hp- Model 3400A to position A in Figure 5-3. | b. Set 3400A to 1 volt range and Test Oscillator to 400 Hz. ¢. Adjust Test Oscillator output for 1 volt indication on Model 3400A. d. Connect Model 3400A to position B, as shown in Figure 5-3. The 3400A meter reading now should change less than or equal to .02 volts (2 minor divisions). 2 minor divisions cor- responds to an input impedance of 10 megohms. hp 34008 TEST OSCILLATOR RMS VOLTMETER hp esca — Q Q © Э ® ® О = @ ое | SON FEED-THRU TERMINATION hpl19488 A ai 3490A-B-145| Ka 200kn | hp 0757-0782 | pa ee me! В Figure 5-3. Input impedance Test Setup 5-12. Capacitance Check a. Connect Test Oscillator, 50 ohm feedthru and Model 3400A to position B in Figure 5-3. Insert the resistor lead directly into the BNC connector on the 3400A as an adapter adds capacitances to the measurement. b. Set 3400A to 0.001 volt range and Test Oscillator to 400 Hz. c. Adjust Test Oscillator output for full scale indication on Model 3400A. Switch the Test Oscillator Switch to Expand mode and set a convenient reference level. d. Change Test Oscillator frequency to 16 kHz, maintaining the reference level set in step с. The Model 3400A reading should be greater than 0.707mV. This corresponds to an input shunt capacity of less than 50 pF. €. Set Model 3400A Range switch to 1 Y position and repeat step c. f. Change Test Oscillator frequency to 40 kHz, maintaining the reference level set in step c. The Model 3400A reading should be greater than .707V. This corresponds to an input shunt capacity of less than 20 pF. Maintenance 5-5 , LS TES Le Fe TAC at AT г PUTER Sa oo ‚ per fin dE a mm — € a T 3 T iE ee “14 TR Joie A * Le A оне Ра Al. mien E = | ind eos =m at Se E . = Batir pie ze HT ругани М as de то АН Cy => Maintenance Model 3400A 5-13. Crest Factor Check a. Connect test setup as illustrated in Figure 5-4. b. Set Model 3400A Range switch to 1 volt position. c. Adjust Pulse Generator for pulse output with the following characteristics: Pulse Rate - 990 pps as indicated on electronic counter. Pulse Width - 10 psec as indicated on electronic counter in time internal mode. Pulse Amplitude - 7.07 volts as indicated on Model 410C. NOTE The 410C responds to the positive peak above the average of the input waveform. Since the Model 410C is calibrated to read the rms value of a sine wave a correction factor is reguired to measure pulse amplitude. The correction factor under these conditions is: —— E = нет, +. T, see waveform т 2 E_ = "7 7 => р T, + T, Eps Epp (1-0) Esp | Ann or _ Ta 1 + — T2 лос NZ E ioc = 7-07V ELECTRONIC PULSE GENERATOR hp3400A VOLTMETER hp2148 RMS VOLTMETER hpaloc ELECTRONIC COUNTER hp5381A 09099 ocococ co000a 665008 0 © On oO O O O a ео = Do a = TATA =-G- 1432 fp ae ae 7 hp1250-0072 Figure 5-4. Crest Factor Test Setup т y ra Ira ds ESE. E e Model 3400A Maintenance This corresponds to a crest factor of 10 where: т = == 1 Ета = Epp VDI1-D) where D = T, + To, E EpTEppíl-D) rms Epp _ a TN = = = = = ЕО — PT —— To —— d. The Model 3400A should indicate 1 volt, +4% (includes the +3% accuracy of 4100). o. Mera e. Adjust pulse generator pulse rate to 250 Pps as indicated on electronic counter. This corresponds to a crest factor of 20. f. Model 3400A should indicate 0.5 volt, 4% (includes the +3% accuracy of 410С.) SETAE a NA rar 5-14. Output Noise Check a. Connect 50 ohm feedthru to 3400A INPUT. т т b. Connect another RMS Voltmeter to DC output. | == ra = Lal en OS C. Set -hp- Model 3400A to 0.001 volt range. | d. The reading on the RMS Y oitmeter should not exceed 1 mV. 5-15. ADJUSTMENT AND CALIBRATION PROCEDURES 5-16. The following is a complete adjustment and calibration procedure for the Model | ee 3400A. These procedures should be conducted only if it has previously been established by a Bu Performance Checks, Paragraph 5-5 to 5-14, that the Model 3400A is out of adjustment. In- as discriminate adjustment of the internal controls to refine settings may actually cause more difficulty. If the procedures outlined do not rectify any maladjustments that may exist, and you have carefully rechecked your connections and settings, refer to Paragraph 5-29, Troubleshooting Procedures for possible cause and recommended corrective action. 4 Tp h x a mn 5-17. Mechanical Meter Zero 5-18. The mechanical meter zero screw is located on the instrument front panel. If the meter pointer does not indicate zero when the instrument power has been off for at least one minute, mechanically zero the meter foliowing the procedure outlined below, TARA o eee E a. Turn instrument power off; disconnect input signal and any cable connected to J2 (DC OUT) at rear of instrument and allow one minute for meter pointer to stabilize, inl ‚ Maintenance Model 3400A b. Rotate zero adjust CW until pointer is to left of zero, moving up scale. Continue until pointer is at zero. If pointer overshoots zero, repeat operation. c. When the pointer is exactly at zero, rotate the adjusting screw slightly counterclockwise to remove tension on pointer suspension. If the meter pointer moves to the left during this adjustment, repeat steps b and c. 5-19. Power Supply Checks 5-20. Power supply voltage and ac ripple tolerances are listed in Table 5-4. Test points are also. indicated in this table. When making ripple voltage measurements, it may be desirable to use a battery powered A.C. Voltmeter (H-P 403B) to avoid any undesirable ground loop currents. 5-21. Low Frequency Calibration 5-22, Amplifier Offset Adjustment a. Perform the following adjustment only for Revision C À6 assemblies. The adjustment is not required for Revision A assemblies. b. Remove the 3400A’s top cover. Cc. Refer to the Chopper Amplifier component locator (see Page 6.7/ 6-8) and connect TP5 to TP1 (on the A6 assembly). d. Connect a DC Voltmeter between TP6 and TP1. e. Adjust A6R629 (on the A6 assembly) for a # 2mV de reading on the de voltmeter. 5-23. Amplifier Gain Adjustment a. Connect test setup illustrated in Figure 5-1. b. Set Model 3400A RANGE switch to 0.01 volt position. c. Adjust the Meter Calibrator for a 0.01V 400Hz ac volts output; set the Digital Multimeter to measure 1V dc. d. Remove the 3400A’s top cover; adjust A6R627 (on the A6 assembly) for 1.0V as in- dicated on the Digital Multimeter. e. Adjust R6 (FULL-SCALE ADJUST) for Model 3400A full-scale meter indication. 5-24. 1/10 Scale Adjustment [о a. Connect test setup illustrated in Figure 5-1; omit the DC Voltmeter. b. Set Model 3400A RANGE switch to 0.1 volt position and adjust Voltmeter Calibrator for 0.01 volt mms, 400 Hz output. \ и SIRI can tn merle Um la я aa role A CT Tn pe iE ES O Th H я Tea ; No a ER NA CE A ELL a ty nen + se A LEE EE A Lot sot 1 A] = J Whe ' = ; ; e .. e oa Maintenance NOTE . . А табы Le Py pete ña ETE eZ 20 al RT A a Ena SIM asma Dos tive O Tee: ted. This is normal and the 34004" Лот 1/10 scale to full scale. heno! ге’ Wir D E ar ъ Jully accurate C. Adjust the 1/10 scale adjust (A6R626, located on the A6 assembly) until the meter of the 3400A reads exactly 1/10 scale (0.1V). Table 5-4, Power Supply Checks Test Equipment Regulation Power And DC Voitage (Vary Line Voitage Retwsen Ripple Supply Check Point Specifications 103.5 and 126.5 vac) Specifications — 17.5 Vdc | Connect Digital — 16.8 10 18.2 Мас | +0.5 volt from nominal 400|V rms or Multimeter, Os- reading at 115 Vac line. 1.1 mY p-p cilloscope be- tween violet lead on video amplifier (A4) | board and chassis ground. Tas 3 TES SET Nu mn Shae 7 ro ap +75 Vde Connect Digital 70.0 to 78.0 Vdc + | voit from nominal 400|V rms or Multimeter, Os- reading at 115 Vac line, 1.1 mV p-p cilloscope be- tween red/wht/ À blue on video 5 amplifier A4 and chassis ground. - 6.3 Vdc Connect Digital - 5.9 to —6.5 Vdc + 0.1 voit from nominal. | 750 |V rms or í Multimeter, Os- reading at 115 Vac line, |. 2.0 mV p-p i cilloscope be- Ё tween Q3 emit- ; À ter (grey lead) : | and chassis | : | se ground, 44. fa | 9-25. 1 Volt Adjustment si a. Connect test setup illustrated in Figure 5-1; omit the DC Voltmeter. : 1 1 , ¥ | b. Set Model 3400A RANGE switch to 1 volt position. Mi a ue JT és ua Ta EET ¢. Adjust voltmeter calibrator for 1.0 volt rms, 400 Hz output. d. Remove right side cover (INPUT side) and adjust R104 (1 Y ADJUST) for Model 3400A full-scale meter indication. To "лов кр nn m == 9-26. High Frequency Calibration | > x 5.27. Amplifier Gain Adjustment NOTE The Test Oscillator used in this procedure should be calibrated at the end of its output cable. Maintenance a. Connect test setup illustrated in Figure 5-2, b. Set Mode! 3400A RANGE switch and Test Oscillator output attenuator to 0.001V position. | c. Adjust Test Oscillator output frequency for 400 Hz; output voltage for 90% of full scale as indicated on Model 3400A meter. d. Switch the Test oscillator monitor switch to expand mode and set a convenient reference level. e. Change Test Oscillator frequency to 10 MHz. Adjust Test Oscillator output voltage to maintain reference level set in step d. f. Adjust C405 (10 MHz ADJUST) on A4 board for 90% full scale as indicated on the Model 3400A meter. Replace right side cover; readjust C405 if meter reading varies after replacing the cover. g. Vary oscillator between 3 and 10 MHz; maintaining reference level set in step d. If the Model 3400A meter reading varies below 85% or above 95% of full scale, repeat step f until optimum response is obtained between 3 and 10 MHz. 5-28. Input Attenuator Adjustment NOTE The Test Oscillator used in this procedure should be calibrated at the end of its output cable. яя a. Connect test setup illustrated in Figure 5-2. b. Set Model 3400A RANGE switch and Test Oscillator output attenuator to 1 volt position. c. Adjust Test Oscillator output frequency for 400 Hz, output voltage for 90% full scale as indicated on Model 3400A meter. d. Switch the Test Oscillator monitor switch to expand mode and set a convenient reference level. e. Change Test Oscillator frequency to 100 kHz; adjust Test Oscillator output voltage to maintain reference level set in step d. f. Remove Model 3400A bottom cover. Adjust C102 (1V, 100 KC ADJ ) for 90% full scale as indicated on Model 3400A meter. g. Vary oscillator between 100 kHz and 10 MHz; maintain test oscillator output voltage to reference level set in step d. If Model 3400A meter reading varies more than = 1% to | MHz, +2% from 1 MHz to 2 MHz, +3% from 2 MHz to 3 MHz, or +5% from 3 MHz to 10 MHz, readjust C102 until optimum response is obtained. ОТОС АРЕН Model 3400A Model 3400A - Maintenance 5-23. Second Attenuator Adjustment NOTE The Test Oscillator used in this procedure should be calibrated at the end of its output cable. a. Connect test setup illustrated in Figure 5-2. b. Set Model 3400A RANGE switch and Test Oscillator output attenuator to a 0.3 volt position. : c. Adjust Test Oscillator output frequency for 400 Hz: output voltage for 90% full scale as indicated on Model 3400A meter. d. Switch the Test Oscillator monitor switch to expand mode and set a convenient reference level. e. Change Test Oscillator output frequency to 3 MHz; adjust output voltage to maintain reference level set in step d. f. Adjust C303 (10 MC .3V ADJ) for 90% full scale as indicated on Model 3400A meter. g. Vary Test Oscillator between 3 MHz and 10 MHz; maintain test osciliator output voltage to reference level set in step d. If Model 3400A meter reading varies below 85% or above 95% of full scale, repeat steps e and f until optimum response is obtained between 3 and 10 MHz. 5:30. TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES 3-31, This section contains procedures designed to assist in the isolation of malfunctions. These operations should be undertaken only after it has been established that the difficulty cannot be eliminated by the Adjustment and Calibration Procedures, Paragraph 5-15. An investigation should also be made to ensure that the trouble is not a result of conditions ex- ternal to the Model 3400A. | 5-32. Conduct a visual check of the Model 3400A for possible burned or loose components, loose connections, or any other condition which might suggest a source of trouble. 5-33. Table 5-5 contains a summary of known problems by front panel symptoms. 5-34. Table 5-6 contains procedures which may be used as a guide in isolating malfunctions. The checks outlined in Table 5-6 are not designed to measure all circuit parameters, rather only to localize the malfunction. Therefore, it is quite possible that additional measurements will be required to completely isolate the problem. Amplifier gain and biasing may vary slightly from instrument to instrument; therefore, it should not be necessary to precisely duplicate waveforms or values described. NOTE „” Do not use an extender board on the Chopper Amplifier Board (A6). FR EE, = ht ane a 2. 7! = Е в FET Bd MFA 1 IL NE ara " + sn A Ta = ет НН A VIE HET ARAL a а) mb Li pears rd ps Vm iA Rs en TE, * SEPA ad ali la ЫТ Ня, A . Ds Maintenance Model 3400A 3-12 Table 5-5, Front Panel Symptoms Symptoms Possible Causes Reading far out of tolerance, meter pegged | Check for a defective oscillator on the AB out. assembly. Excessive offset {> 8%) with input ABRB26 and/or C405 misadjusted. shorted. 400Hz calibration low and frequency 0401 or 0402 shorted. response falls off above 50KHz. Switching transients exceeds 5% of full Check collector voltage of 0201 {should scale with shorted input, not exceed 9.0V) [Instrument has been overloaded. Check Q201, 0401, 0402, and TC401. See paragraph 5-34 for details on TC401. Meter jitter. Noisy chopper op amp (U601). Full-scale difference from range to range. Check resistors in second attenuator. Meter pegs full scale. Check thermocouples. See paragraph: 5-34 for details. Overshoot, undershoot, or sluggish replace thermocouples. See paragraph response on meter. 5-37. Meter moves rapidly from zero to full-scale | Check ac feedback on the A6 assembly and back. {R614, C6065, and R615). 5-35. Checking Thermecouples TC401 and TC402 5-36. The following procedure will allow you to check the thermocouples for proper opera- tion in the -hp- Model 3400A RMS Voltmeter. NOTE This check will not yield any information concerning thermocou- ple operation for either sluggish or overshoot-undershoot response on 34004 meter. If a 3400A has the above symptoms replace ther- mocouples. 5-37. To perform these checks, supply SmA of current to the heaters of the thermocouples. This can be accomplished by connecting a 1K ohm resistor (-hp- Part Number: 0684-1021) in series with the output of a 5V dc power supply. Then connect the supply to the heater of thermocouple and measure the output voltage of the thermocouple with the Digital Multimeter. If the thermocouple fails any of the following tests, replace it using the pro- cedure in paragraph 5-37. Do the following: à. Turn the 3400A off and remove the A6 assembly. NOTE See Figure 6-3 for component locations. b. Set the multimeter to the ohms function. Connect the test leads between ground and the junction of C413 and C415 on the A4 assembly (this checks the resistance of the heater a in TC401). Make sure the reading on the multimeter is between 76.5 ohms and 103.5 ohms. If the reading is not within limits, replace the matched set of thermocouples (-hp- Part Number: 0853-0003). с. Remove the multimeter and, in place of the multimeter, connect the 5V dc power sup- ply between ground and the junction of C413 and C415. Turn the power supply on. Set the multimeter to the dc volts function and connect it as follows: Negative (low) input to pin 11 on the A6 socket. Positive (high) input to pin 13 on the A6 socket. The multimeter should display between +6.5mV and +9mV. Note the reading on the multimeter. If the reading is not within limits, replace the thermocouple pair. If the reading is within the test limits, remove the multimeter and set it to the ohms function. Then discon- 1ect the power supply and turn it off. © © O © © —() se O— (7 FAILS (18) © — © 19 (23 ® @ — © © 25 Figure 5-5. Troubleshooting Tree Table 5-6. Troubleshooting Procedure Check © © © © © © © Procedure Set the 3400A to the 1V range. Apply 1V, 400Hz ac signal to the input terminals. Measure the signal at junction of C413 and 415. The reading should be be- tween 240mV and 280mV RMS. Measure the signal between TP2 and TP1 on the A6 assembly. The signal! should look like the one in Figure 5-6. Troubleshoot and repair oscillator circuitry. Turn the 3400A off and place the A6 board on an ex- tender board. Unsolder and lift one end of R616 from the board (the de feedback is now disconnected). Set the instrument to the 1V range and apply a 1V, 400Hz RMS ac signal to the input terminals. Using a Digital Multimeter (like the 3468A), measure the voltage between TF3 and TP1 on the AS assembly. The voltage should be approx- imately 2mY to 2.5mY ac. Check for a defective TC401. TC401 may also be discon- nected from the output of the video amplifier via capacitors C4132 and C415. Turn the instrument off and replace and resolder R616 on the AB board. Make sure the 3400A is still on the 1V range and the 1V, 400Hz signal is still applied. Turn the instrument on and measure the voltage between TP4 and TP1 on the AS board. The voltage should ap- proximately be — 4V de. If the voltage is positive, check for a shorted CR6GS. !f the voltage is negative but other than —4Y, U60?2 or TC401 may be defective. Check the voitage between TF5 and TP1 and make sure it is —.19V. Troubleshoot the fitter circuitry consisting of R817 through R619, and C606 through C808. Check the voltage between TP6 and TP1 and make sure it is approximately —1V. Action PASSES: Proceed to (2) FAILS: Proceed to © PASSES: Proceed to (1) FAILS: Proceed to (3) PASSES: Proceed to FAILS: Proceed to (5) PASSES: Proceed to (1) FAILS: Proceed to © PASSES: Proceed to FAILS: Proceed to O PASSES: Proceed to (2) FAILS: Proceed to (11) ® ©: © © © © @ © ое ее Procedura Check for a defective USOZ. The A6 assembly is probably working correctly. Make sure the meter assembly M1 and associated circuitry are good. Measure the ac signal at the output of impedance con- verter A2 (negative side of C205). The reading should be approximately .26mV RMS. Measure the ac signal at the input of the video amplifier A4 (positive side of C402). The reading should be approximately .95mV RMS. Measure the ac signal at the base of 0404. The read- ing should be approximately 155mY RMS. Measure the ac signal at the negative side C427. The reading should be approximately 32mV RMS, Check for a defective C413 and C415. Check for defective 0404, 0405, (406 and associated circuitry. Also check the thermocouples (see paragraph 5-34). Measure the ac signal at the emitter of 0402. Reading should be 1.85mV RMS. Check 0401 and 0402 circuitry. Check Q403 circuitry. Check second attenuator circuitry A3. Measure the ac signal at the input to impedance con- verter, pin 7 on A2 board. The reading should be approximately TmY RMS. Check the impedance converter or power supply. See Table 5-4 for specifications on power supply. Check the input attenuator circuitry. Action PASSES: Proceed to © FAILS: Proceed to (17) PASSES: Proceed to © FAILS Proceed to @ PASSES: Proceed to FAILS: Proceed to PASSES: Proceed to an FAILS: Proceed to PASSES: Proceed to (1) FAILS: Proceed to (71) PASSES: Proceed to FAILS: Proceed to ® 5-13 Maintenance Model 3400A 6, 7, v_ — ME ju Figure 5-5. Input to Demodulator d. Connect the multimeter between the silver colored wire on R4 (CAL pot on chassis) and pin 14 on the A6 socket (this step checks the heater of TC402). Make sure the reading is between 76.5 ohms and 103.5 ohms. e. Remove the multimeter and, in place of the multimerer, connect the 5V dc power sup- ply between the silver wire and pin 14 on the A6 socket (see previous step). Turn the power supply on. Set the multimeter to the dc volts function and connect it to pin 11 and pin 13 on the A6 socket (see step c). Make sure the displayed reading on the multimeter is negative and within 1mY of the reading noted in step c. f. Disconnect the power supply and the multimeter from the 3400A. Set the multimeter to the ohms function and connect it between pin 11 and pin 14 of the A6 socket (this checks for thermocouples shorted to ground through the cover). Make sure the displayed reading on the multimeter is >200K ohms. If below 200K ohms, look for ground short. 5-38. Thermocouple Replacement CAUTION Exercise extreme care when removing or replacing the amplifier printed circuit board assembly and when shaping the thermocou- ple leads. 5-39. Should a thermocouple be defective, it is necessary to replace both as a matched pair (see Section VII, Table of Replaceable Parts) for part number. To replace thermocouples, perform the following steps: a. Turn instrument power off and remove right side (INPUT side) and top covers. b. Remove the four lead connection to the À4 amplifier board. 1. Black coaxial cable (two leads) 2. Violet lead 3. White lead/blue lead. 5-14 Model 3400A Maintenance c. Remove the three mounting screws on the amplifier board. d. Gently pull bottom of board out at the same time relieving stress on thermocouple cable until the board will drop down and the top will clear main frame. Carefully fold board down to expose the four nuts holding the thermocouple shield. e. Remove four shield nuts; lift shield off. Remove thermocouples, noting orientation. f. Leads on new thermocouples must be shaped before inserting into PC board. During the shaping process, hold leads between bending point and glass with long-nose pliers. g. Place the red dots on the thermocouples face down on the Ad Video Amplifier Board. If one of the thermocouples has an additional colored dot place it in the TC402 position. h. Carefully insert new thermocouple leads and solder. 1. Reverse steps e, d, ¢, b. Note: the violet lead goes to the lower of the two top connec- tors on the A4 board. J. After thermocouple replacements perform a complete adjustment and calibration pro- cedure as outlined in Paragraph 5-15. + 5-40. SERVICING ETCHED CIRCUIT BOARDS 3-41. The -hp- Model 3400A has five etched circuit boards. Use caution when removing them | to avoid damaging mounted components. The assembly and -hp- Part No. are silk screened Е on the interior of the circuit board to identify it. Refer to Section VII for parts replacement and -hp- part number information. E LA a т A a a "аллей a 5-42. The etched circuit boards are plated-through type. The electrical connection between | sides of the board is made by a layer of metal plated through the component holes. When is working on these boards, observe the following general rules: y a. Use a low-heat (25 to 50 watts) small-tip soldering iron and a small diameter rosin core 5 solder. | A a LL AE aa Table 5-7. Factory Selected Components Value 1 Designator Function Low Normal High 5 3 C205 Adjust low frequency (10 Hz) response. _ 100uF — | à (selected) ; | C302 Adjust high frequency (10 MHz) of Second Attenuator 5 pF 12 pF 15 pF | on 0.001 V and 1 V ranges. i C304 | Adjust high frequency (3 MHz to 10 MHz) of Second — 24 pF 39 pF à Attenuator on 0.3 V and 300 V ranges. C305 Adjust high frequency (10 MHz) of Second Attenuator — 5 pF 12 pF on 0.07 V and 10 Y ranges. C427 See NOTE on schematic. — 200 uF — (selected) R419 | Adjust voltage at collector of Q406 (with no signat in- 270 300 _ put} to 1.5V to 2.5V de. | Maintenance Model 3400A b. Circuit components can be removed by replacing the soldering iron on the component Pe lead on either side of the board and pulling upon lead. If a component is obviously dam- Fo URES aged, clip leads as close to component as possible and then remove. Excess heat can cause de scie ВЕ the circuit and board to separate or cause damage to the component. Ва | | LS c. Component lead hole should be cleaned before inserting new lead. Co | d. To replace components, shape new leads and insert them in holes. Reheat with iron | and add solder as required to insure a good electrical connection. emite e, Clean excess flux from the connection and adjoining area. 5-43. A6 ASSEMBLY (03400-66512) RETROFIT PROCEDURE pe 5-44. The following procedure can be used to retrofit older 3400A’s which have the old AS Assembly (-hp- Part Number: 03400-66508) with the presently available A6 Assembly (-hp- Part Number: 03400-66512). To do the procedure, obtain a manual which has the schematic BE (in Figure 6-3) for the old A6 Assembly (Part Number 03400-66508). A manual with -hp- | I fe Part Number 03400-90008 and below is a good choice. Do the following: a. Turn the 3400A off and disconnect it from the ac power source. | i | | | b. Refer to Figure 6-3 (of old A6 Assembly schematic) and remove КЗ, R8, R9 and R10. | | These parts and the part in the next step are located next to the connector of the A6 Assembly, | | | |. ¢. Refer to Figure 6-3. Connect and solder both legs of R4 together or connect pin 10 of the A6 Assembly to the CLR line of the thermocouple TC402. d. Refer to Figure 6-4 (A10 Assembly schematic; Power Supply) and remove CR719, C711, | C712, CR718, R701, R702, R712, R713, and Q706. | |! | | e. Remove the old A6 Assembly (03400-66508) and replace it with the new A6 Assembly AULA (03400-66512). | NE f. Connect the 3400A to the ac power source and turn it on. After the recommended | | | warmup, calibrate the instrument using the calibration procedure in paragraph 5-15. g. After calibration, the 3400A may display an offset with OV inputs. This is normal and | Hi the 3400A will-be fuily accurate from 1/10 scale to full scale. SLE EET Ei frm Ta a e а, e И PERFORMANCE CHECK TEST CARD Hewlett-Packard Model 3400A RMS Voltmeter Tests performed by Serial No. Description Check Accuracy, Linearity and DC Output; Calibrator 3400A Meter DC Output Range Reading Output 0.001 0.001 0.000990 0.00101 0.892 1.008 .0.003 0.003 0.00297 0.00303 0.842 0.857 0.01 0.01 0.00920 0.0101 0.992 1,008 0.03 0.03 0.0297 0.0303 0.942 0.957 0.1 0.1 0.0890 0.101 0.992 1.008 0.3 0.3 0.297 0.303 0.d42 _ 0.957 1.0 1.0 0.990 1.01 0.992 1.008 0.9 1.0 0.50 0.91 0.892 0.808 0.8 1.0 0.79 0.81 0.792 0.808 0.7 1.0 0.69 0.71 0.692 0.708 0.6 1.0 0.59 0.61 0.592 0.608 0.5 1.0 0.49 0.51 0.492 0.508 0.4 1.0 0.39 0.41 0.382 0.408 0.3 1.0 0.29 0.31 0.292 0.308 0.2 1.0 0.19 0.21 0.192 0.208 0.1 1.0 0.090 0.11 0.092 0.108 3.0 3.0 2.97 3.03 0.942 0.957 19.0 10.0 3.30 19.10 0.992 1.008 30.0 30.0 29.7 30.3 0.942 0.957 100.0 100.0 993.0 101.0 0.992. — 1.008 ‘ 300.0 300.0 297.0 303.0 0.942 0.957 Frequency Response Check: Frequency Meter Reading 15 Hz 0.95 1.05 45 Hz 0.86 1.05 100 Hz 093 _ .— 1.01 900 kHz 0.39 1.01 1.2 MHz 0.98 1.02 1.8 MHz 0.98 1.02 2.2 MHz 0.97 1.03 2.8 MHz 0.97 1.03 3.2 MHz 0.95 1.05 9.8 MHz 0.95 1.05 Input impedance Check: Resistance TO MO or greater | Capacitance BO pF or less 0.001 Y to 0,3 Y 20 pF or less 1 V to 300 V . Crest Factor Check: 10:1 full scale | 20:1 half scale Cutput Noise Check: 1 mY RMS or less dE e ETA TEA Cad af en ere Ay HALA es Ah ея aE ae sima MA o Нор счет SECTION Vi CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS 6-1. INTRODUCTION 6-2. This section contains the circuit diagrams necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Model 3400A RMS Voltmeter. Included are schematic and parts location diagrams. 6-3. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS | 6-4. The schematic diagrams depict the circuits contained within each assembly of the 3400A as well as assembly interconnection. Main signal paths and significant feedback path are identified. 6-5. The schematic diagrams are arranged in ascending order of assembly reference designa- tion. 6-6. PARTS LOCATION DIAGRAMS 6-7. The parts location diagrams show the physical location of parts within an assembly. Parts are identified by reference designation. A parts location diagram is included for each assembly which does not have adequate silk screening of reference designations. 6-8. The parts location diagrams are located on the same figure as the schematic of the assembly. 3 = = = , e a A 7 ar --- ——]—] a na = База ro 04 in Mena ERIE i a Ш EY bl : AO o | GENERAL SCHEMATIC NOTES . i. COMPLETE REFERENCE DESIGNATIONS ARE SHOWN. : 9. COMPONENT VALUES ARE SHOWN AS FOLLOWS UNLESS OTHER- Е WISE NOTED. a RESISTANCE IN OHMS CAPACITANCE IN MICROFARADS E ; 3. L DENOTES POWER LINE GROUND (VOLTMETER CHASSIS | ). o | = — { 4 |} | [ Y DENOTES CIRCUIT GROUND; ON PRINTED CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY. DENOTES ASSEMBLY, | | | 18 DENQTES MAIN SIGNAL PATH. | —eQa——aBo— em DENOTES AC FEEDBACK PATH. alo NE | | | DENOTES DC FEEDBACK PATH. i | Л | — — — — — — —— DENOTES SHIELD, tal 5. [ — ]DENOTES FRONT PANEL MARKING. FACTORY. SEE TABLE 5-7. Sl НОЕ МД - "777771 DENOTES REAR PANEL MARKING. | | | BEY #8 DENOTES SCREWDRIVER ADJUST. 1 | | | 6. PS DENOTES COMPONENTS NOT MOUNTED ON | 7. X AVERAGE VALUE SHOWN, OPTIMUM VALUE SELECTED AT Ц | | | | 8. —< ¢— DENOTES SECOND APPEARANCE OF A CONNECTOR PIN. | | IE FE Han | col | РТИ" | Ш | || ЦЕ E SE - ANS ie | | Я | 1, НИТ |! e. ji ка EIEN S ПНВ, hi ET | И TEE 10 HELE que pile | Ht 1 "| 5 a FTE CATE So de ERE я Fi En LAT La à A 3 EE i AA LE Hr a ge a ARES ean io = ue НО КО Но TE i A MA wl, e = flo y a y 4 so a A E a RO ees i tl i ie es RE Hi ARE ENT fr I b pape Ted. x : RET ddr En DATE FEN Ч Jr pie PEU NOTES 1. ALL DC AND AC VOLTAGE LEVELS SHOWN IN RED ARE WITH 1 MV - INPUT (FULL SCALE DEFLECTION). A TOLERANCE OF +10% SHOULD BE ALLOWED FOR VARIATIONS FROM INSTRUMENT TO INSTRUMENT. 2. ALL AC VOLTAGES ARE UNDERLINED. ALL DC VOLTAGES HAVE A POLARITY INDICATION. ! | R306 R305 C305 R304 TO TAN FROM BLK TO ; C402 C4 L Pre + idl PEL MONTE L'Est teil Cr ME aC GY TO A2-8 R303 R302 | 1 BLU TO A2-2 ji (308 530 BLU TO GRN FROM | A2- RIO! 3400A=A= DIT : вы? C303 R310 C304 | e + АЗ! R307 * (hp PART NO. 03400-63401) } (BOARD ONLY) R309 R308 TO C402 PE лем FAL CEE [Г TT о = — —] | | AZ | IMPEDANCE CONVERTER ASSEMBLY (03400-66502) RED 5 A7-18 | +7 << i | | $8209 | a Ce < ' A a =; — o à Pi RE SE | CATHODE SECOND ATTENUATOR ASSEMBLY | e | - | cave. FOLLOWER (03400-83401) o RT | AT I | INPUT ATTENUATOR | Caos - | ra << | | Al! | AsseMeLY (03400-66501) | Sn ROSS ; | | | ~s8v [ + ' 2 R207 | с10! | P/O 8301 c2ol 2202 30.1K | | ol - +5.57 470 4 f — ; GRN 7 J 1 me a tt Came, e Wi V201 1 | . o + 75167 | ! pe 9 +8.4v 190 2. BLU 1 | * | R202 $ 203 my 7 „Эёту | R303 $ R802 8, 2V WA | ! | I R204 < AIN 277.48 24026 T [OK > COMPENSATION | I d - i i : R307 <R306 | | | | | > FEEDBACK ı | „8307. SRO 4 . | ААА, | | BOOTSTRAP ] d ‚5 CRZOI = ACI 1 #309 <R308 ; RE o IU | | | ! | 7.3V FEEDBACK 277.48 $410.26 CELDA EA TS J ; свгог She A | E Ш | Lo 75050 8 : 189.72 $410.26 ad REE IU 102 ASSEMBLY y 9800 | sr AAA DRA , Y y e - en . | EE 0 | 5 | | = impec ' с207 |. < 213 Non VE Dn : 100-7. 73266 R312 < em sd | 2500 | +5 510% __c304” a р 200 "u | | |2 РЕ y IV ADJ | сое. = | == | 8-50P 3 | v201 .. | ev bg 1 L IOMC 3 | 12 10 | : Le eee A GY a z ' SHIELD = \ | GY || Sani Lo EE Es o a ma Co 34004-D-14358 SHIELD ` REGULATED ; FILAMENT VOLTAGE FROM Q3 “то св ce | ceo? : — CR202— | —R211— R03— Rr 4 e | — $ TO R212 QB с e | BLU AT-10 INFOT E roe £203 | 2 ELU A3R302 © JACK | | 3 GY 03 EMITTER | a L J \ 4 Gr c2{L) N o > —R203— 8 5 RED A7-I8 - / e oe re T |e205 | © | c204 lo Rz0%2 | 7 BLU 530! ‘ te a ; «т 8 GY A3RIO5 (4) | 5 ” © C20} Ш: с102 x 5 © | a . ® —R09— | — R204— | = > то 15530 E © | 2 —п206— —R201— —CR2OI— A] m , Al , (hp PART NO. 03400-86501) A? - 3 | (hp PART NO. 03400-66502) | a Figure 6-1. Input Attenuator Al, Impedance Converter A2, o and Second Attenuator A3 Schematic and Parts Location Diagram ..: | 6-3/6-4. - NOTES 1. ALL DC AND AC VOLTAGE LEVELS SHOWN IN RED ARE WITH 1 MV INPUT (FULL SCALE DEFLECTION). A TOLERANCE OF 210% SHOULD BE ALLOWED FOR VARIATIONS FROM INSTRUMENT TO INSTRUMENT. 2. ALL AC VOLTAGES ARE UNDERLINED, ALL DC VOLTAGES HAVE A POLARITY INDICATION, : 3. AC VOLTAGE LEVELS AT Q405 AND Q406 MUST BE OBSERVED WITH 1¢:1 DIVIDER PROBE. 4. IF C427 IS REPLACED, IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO SELECT THE VALUE OF C427 FOR PROPER FREQUENCY RESPONSE. THIS IS DUE | TO CAPACITOR TOLERANCE. — 17.5 Y WHT-RED-9LU +75V ue y HE —n433— Y —R4I7T— —C410~ —CRA0T— —Rajo + _ ; | | | —CR4OI— —0R408— —C621—— 3 —H420— “o $1 2 = | В = m a R497 | | ° 2406 Е | | qu | 5 | Gc E a hr | a Же д C407 | —— R435 TS sy o | |} | =! 1 0 | BE © | 5 | а | | = Ba C413 El cars | 38 5 can 8 E 38 | { №8 + x | > 0 1 & E E | | o | | ‘1 | | | i = © 2 9404 LE ' + = B A A I Pod 1 | 8 —R401/— а ER + E u nos = _ — —C424— o c408— 2 й | + E | y q | ] 1 1 A E D : E pe — С с B | q q = A © & x 7 TC401 TC402 un te ' ha, —Cal4— | 4 un an c402 £ | Е. А © ~R409— —R425— | ¡E + BLE - a a ; || © —п404— ~~ > „ T Es + = gr a 0 . REDY Y +7 Y 1 "fi 4 —R426— — 7 Le J 5 1) E Mer : 1: I 3 pri AMPLIFIER INPUT SHOPPER INPUT 4 a CABLE ASSEMBLY CABLE ASSEMBLY Pu 03400-61502 À 03400-6180] E | (hp PART NO. 03400-66503) : Ye ; EOS | 5 . E fic E TAs ms МОЕ m i VE Te 2 AA AE Ts a fac Ea o Cr Pe А в a ares EA E A т Ue rs Le As ha лы с О E VIDEO AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY (03400-66503) nia ro me e me Y AENA ITA Pra TA m A SEA | SEE NOT, | ~17.5V ES R407 =i17.5V 300 , R417 —13.5v 6800 ту P-P Ra o Da —17.5V NA 5335 can O т BOOTSTRAP | ; dE F5 | RAE cal FEEDBACK Tr - MU] Е © —13.8V TO —/9, о Зы : E.V - — CR408 CR40! a De | ri , + _ 3 5 | 8406 |7. БУ | : — 0405 À 3 | | R310 | — | 5 C410 2mvP—p | —8.7V | à ICMHz ADJ 300 РЕ 3 HIGH FREQ д сё25 ! | | STABILIZING c408 16088 R428 | г т FEEDBACK c405 R423 RSS 45 x КН „аб ту +57 PF 1 205.0mv LL Зы — o —8.655V 4 ; с402 Y > -1897 | -8.8V E AC INPUT ~ 500 „72V "К | —18V C426 RA o FROM ——— ее | = 0401 = G402 | 0404 IOOPF a 03 SECOND ATTENUATOR (A3) | + | cas) I 3 TV R405 —8.9V —ativ ёту Р-Р BLK 25m 1505 /- 85V & , 29.2ти SOBRE -в.ву | $ R409 ¿ TLegia | | CR403/ y) —Ca20 7.57 | 10 ISOPF C422 avi 05 В фа! 0406 R402% 12 PE 3K 22 24'S 230 —2,7v 70 d | | 10K S | | —3.2v ce Pa i A} + ) - Y I . .. i R404 4 . В lo «вот ‘ ve R434 SB AT | R420 Эту Р-Р 2K CEE | ' NO e R431 6407 6600 ca | CR402 33 360 e, ВЕ | | | | с406: + | SA i ; 100 R416 q E | + $510 | | +75V „СПУ } — —o—l—V-tas—a— ~1.08V | Ce | cal BIAS OK R433 E | | 1007+ STABILIZING 245K SEE NOTE 4 | | $ FEEDBACK 2429* с ad ; - | FSV 30% 250 | ой ill pr”. J za —ÁÉd[ o di ml? A ml rr aii, lhe aii — Fr a N pi J i | . - — Tar Ta a a RE TE м ho Ta Ч a aa ll { | A7- 1g —WHT-RED-BLU 4 +75v GAIN Rae | a a bo C303 STABILIZING | 7 FEEDBACK | | | | VID re — RADA ETS ITIL Te } A7-10 e 17.5V 51K ; \ 3 ASSEMBLY | N | | MOUNTIN eo В и SCREW . "a Laa lata, Eta nt mom A , en - a | = O ' i 1400A-D=1934 - 2 Er = e À, не Cy > —GZOY— © —2294— o l w <r sn o Hm od wo Ww > Fu od a | T29Y —1 ©-—029H— — - + —0193— Г} 1253 —6093- —- —619H— С —8093— 7 —4097— CJ —8TS9H— LC --9099— 1 = 4 —¿19H- _gpgyy. T'ES 4 a. —ETIYH— ST 9H = --- en —829Y— s5 — y T94— —S093— 57 e=s a O = Mm t om ——p09)— 9 a pen 1 а. o —£09)-— = = -209YI- —809ÿ— -——2099-—- —809U— él ue D—-Z094— -TO9HI- —909H— o _rogw— ()-sogu— —TIT9U- —T09H— —209Н- wi . o о с) } — - CHOPPER OP AMP ASSEMBLY (03400-66512) R610 | 1 rst 2K 3 32K + CR601 6.2V R508 22.1K E EA ————— НЕ es po —]]——]—— тн === o_—];————![——]—]];]];o[]z——]]——]]]]]]]] AAA - MA "TT 2 AA 8 USO! 10 i * 13 7,14 -6.2Y sie PUR Mp "E ——— — ЧН ЧН ен кн сн еж що | a <a: — | Г ТР! 4 | < a i 7 | , = ASSEMBLY MOUNTING to | SEREW | 7 +75 V FROM A7-18 ' (AC STABILZING FEEDBACK P/0 Aa [VIDEO AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY (03400-66503) ] i FROM VIDED AMPLIFIER (A4C413,A4C415) NOTE For Revision A boards schematic and component locator, go to the backdatifg section {Appendix A) of the manual, ua ETA E | - R615 1210 r R27 11K [SUMMING FEEDBACK) EAA Loy Lo . + . — D on 3400-6-3 Figure 6-3. Chopper Amplifier A6 and Thermouple Pair (Part of A4) Schematic and Parts Location Diagram 6-7/6-8 - ето ет TA © O | Mm — © o E ET! © oO as S 8 8 8 | | 8 8 0 © © © O 5 O |] тай | | о ео Е т ПЕ E m | | Crd XRF SR ol=- = EE SEEERETEEERTN EEE ISTIGOCO TORA PE a 0704 Kel a q Salley "a -=EN,52-2apor$ So EESNEEROROCNS Se обоев ЕВЕ 5 5 PT TT 1 1 TS 0 O | ! 2 3400-6-4С А7 REY. Aj {-hp- Part Number 03400-66510) | : a — " <— = — — —— —<7|к. — T— Ts ES ан —]F———l—————] -— — = —-— = = ——# — = —"" E = АТ | POWER SUPPLY ASSEMOLY (03400-66513) | | ль q 1 | ЗОО 7 ey To 3 | Г CRYO ‚© a5 NN NOTE | > e520" NV <a < +7 +—e-——187>—— +75V | R cat св \ R704< сто | EL c7o2 S 3400's h i 40 40 365k $ 022 10 ome s have capacitors C3A and C3B con- | | + \ | nected across the ac line, as shown below. if any L N — NENE capacitor is defective, remove the defective | SS NS "20%3 SERIES REG” R708 capacitor but do NOT replace it with a good one. | > X . | 2 24 | | CR702 Ш —17,5\ N — EV ! | N 1 Cd CRTOS 1 | ss, S x A ‘ | — TV ; | CRTOZ & 6704 +7 0703 10 | „OSB <RTIG | | 16 R7I5¢ {825K | || <RTO9 47 ! > ad у | DRIVER q \ -.G6Y ато! — = * ' L й 47005 < 19K Q702 | WHT/BRN/ y ' 2 A717 GRY ad | 2 8.87K I . L | |3 a | DN y Lo | SERIES REG a ros “es rs | —Z2Ee BV "= - Ho | | T Т + >35 q vw Т 510 — 17.5 с C708 Lr сто? C710 4 100 BLK /YEL | 2 ++ cR720 Y + | | «Вт?! 26800 NU 14 BLX [RED {1 DRIVER | | | 1 9705 —18.0V CRTIZY. a | сто C709 CR7IS 3400A-0-14363 {8) DENOTES SHORT LEAD | | ‘ 56 T+ © "av (L} DENOTES LONG LEAD | CR706 3 | | | L R7IS< o per — e | I eros | CONTROL Y a f c7os AMPL ? a OT 9704 R720 . | 1 CR7I4 560 1 o | TTS | | SERIES REG 03 | | AD 1 Ey —6.3V o! 4 ——— 5.5 La | Св? EMITTER ann} FOLLOWER 1 STOS i A Figure 6-4. Power Supply A7 Schematic and Parts Location 6-9/6-10 SECTION VII REPLACEABLE PARTS 7-1. INTRODUCTION 7-2. This section contains information for ordering replacement parts. Table 7-1 lists parts in aiphameric order of their reference designators and indicates the description, -hp--part number for each part, together with any applicable notes, and provides the following: a. Total quantity used in the instrument (TQ column). The total quantity of a part is given the first time the part number appears. DRE ищете д У o. Description of the part. (See list of abbreviations below.) ¢. Typical manufacturer of the part in a five digit code. апач Lo y LAI d. Manufacturers part number. . 7-3. Miscellaneous parts are listed at the end of Table 7-1. 1-4. ORDERING INFORMATION | TAN ra ma, ae 7-5. To obtain replacement parts, address order or inquiry to your local Hewlett-Packard Field Office. Identify parts by their Hewlett-Packard part numbers. Include instrument model and serial numbers. = ric Ta Sr gr 1-6. NON-LISTED PARTS — 3 7-7. To obtain a part that is not listed, include: | a. Instrument model number. b. Instrument serial number. ¢. Description of the part. | d. Function and location of the part. Replaceable Parts Table 7-1. List of Abbreviations Model 34004 iF FE RL АЙ ae ra a a a a eee ee pen ue» aaa a BU TAF Briar rare aaa ra 1 BMPerelal AU... ri ees a rt 144111 190 CL s sa au es a 1 a 54544000. Sapacitor +] 4 eau a ea 4 ERA 1 14 011 11 Een 1 + 4 COEAMIE [= ER «+. COafficiens = 1 pa KR RK KK aa EOMMEN COMMIP nna on La à + COMPOSICIÓN COMM paa pana aaa „ка. FOnnaëtion dep ....... FERTIG r+ oo daposiced OPT... 1 double-pole double-throve ОРУТ. кака славна MOUbIE-pôlé single-throw BÍMEL. aa xararei ar raróa ae. EaEtroyue BASED «boa cn ranean ee AICA тей + + foradis] FET. .anmrrarerrrraa a ad effect слоги ог fd, ada anvran read rae kde HA xad GAT, rada near « +. gallium arsenide GHE LL Le 1180000 1... .gigahertz = 1049 hertz GE viana 2444 410 Hera) Ga. Le aa pes eee sa ea 000» aa 1 + Get - nera. LR 41416444 40 0 0 0 ЭРО НЫЙ Hooves Las #4 40544 4 4 5 4» - Не 6 Hg...... 14 1 444 44 a bdr rae mercury e DSPAMbly Baraanursanrererinnaernmena daras MOTO ВТ лаки како канн нон iran rea. . Datery Corn issn auarera a. Capecior СВ rara nnaneneA. " + + « dlode or thyrigror | 1 ss een un 0 tear aan. Delay lino aaa. Hana diranredan cren. amp E...... . 4424404 4 4 4 +0 > ANSE electronio part FLas4 eau au eau ee ue 51140000 610005 50 PURE ABBREVIATIONS HE. в звала жалко оков here loyclelst par second] MPO, 222144000400 0 0 04. Pégative positive zero lzoro tomporature coefficient) акула ниве Ye var rar Asides diametar AS. reraca e, ..Manesecondis) » 10-93 seconds impg ......... LA 4844408054 + 1 - » (Apreghbtéd MSP, 12024000 0 5 0» 5 notaeparately replaceable ed e... errata anaes. Incandescent % ÉNE 2.224040 ra + = » IMéulationted! 1 1 a 11 a ea ea nn 5. 2 4 ОРТ 5] OBE. Lisanne sa Order Бу description Klara ran o klehmish = 1043 éhms Ona + Outside dinmatar. .......... KHZ, oer eens 2 .kllohertz = 10+ 3 hare: Bower rcnnnnnian Ceara paq A inductor PE я . « picoampera(s) kr, 112220 araan Ea drama liar taper PE... eee ea a ee sea na a seen e 0 printsd. circuit lg....... Cerrar ees lagarithmic roper - ‘picofaradis) 10-12 torada BIW. oven ine meee peak inversa voltage MA... Milllamperalsi = 103 amperas CT 0. dear. aereas ara a part of MHZ. 2200 00000 =. magaherts = 10% 5 hart SOL LL ee ea a ee ea aa ar 0 :. . + Positions! Lan 504002 0 we, megohmis) = 10+5 chms Mi... A POS tyrEna ENEE TD. aaa 0 ea 0 ee 1 0 0 4 0 0 Metal film DÔT. +11 64 44 0 ue 4 08 au 61 0 0 + + POtantiomater POE Lau ea a arar a MENViSCIuNar BU LL 2 46440 44 64444 0541 4 4 + 1 POAK-tO-pask PAS. ana nani ever 2 millisecond PP: area ara a arar Paris per million MG LL a 2 64 1 10 0e a ea ee 0 5444 105 1 MIBURTLING PRA: aaa a a precision (température coefficient, ТАМ aaa rima millivoltis) = 103 volts long term; stability andfar tolerance} BÉ: iia Lans 24 4 ++ + à « Aileroforsc{at BE EE +. e Micrastcondías) Aucsrrareerrarererrzareonros.:. ESStOr A eavedsiarenrre.. ,Microvoltisi = 108 volts |. PAGES Las ea us eau pese un rhodlurn TG Lu RE ea FOOEMCAN-square , [[- ER aaa MOLI MA. ve nar Jnanpamparaist w 10.5 amperes | 122400 Chane reassess TiGrmally closed Berna. ada nn 210 4 0 + 1 Selenium Ме ......... Cerra area aa ea MEGA MÉCE LL LL 12 ua eau eee ru 0 640 0 1 0 0 0. SOCtiON(S! NG. ........ Parasia «normally open By tv rada 0 4 ra wa ue 0 14 4508 54 0 4» 0» FiiCON DESIGNATORS Ph uv buss smear rnb anne rary. titan a. ........ aria Lau 4 4 805 + 0 transistor HR Lana uses ne Part 2 644204 510 0 =» MEBtET QCA LL. 2e ar u aura +4 0541 0 en transistar-diode + ER +2 +4 4 +1. » integrated circuit Fini 1144401 eu au ee 44 0541 à + « lasistar(pack] A RAA AAA .. MER ВТ euadaiiredarea a aaredarear ea Hermisto [A во,ь aran FERENra dun. relay Danvrarernrdnrerrdorederdneian. NTE | PA AR + Inductor Tandsrasnorranrerrancannna. transformer RA naceeenvadrana a reremómea ve Par TE. 10540000 50e a 4 0500 0 0 4 0 0» Tarim el board MP. sitar ries rmachaniza! part | | PS Kenn thermocouple Pou it ibaa teas aura aaa DINO TP Rapindopanoano nannnarneneaDZ. IMST polat & aaa. Hada rErararianr asar: Miedo SPDT... vata eae. EiNgle-polo double-throw SPST. aaa aa 1 Singla-polo simgle-throw Terra daniadanmnerarmec aaa 1 TaNtalum amerrepeniosema , tamperatura coefficiont TIO... aaa aaa Htemium dioxide TO. cre ter ab bran barre aera LOO {1 TT TERA Lara 0 0 ee 44000 6445060044 4 0 trimmer TÉTH ara aaa: Transistor Wo AA amanda na М5] VAGO a alternating currant working veltage MAP pe pam rk a a a a a a 1 a a 1 eu 11 0 m1 0 variable VEGA ua direct curant working voltage w..... eee ree a watts) Wi ee ee ees wich WIV. aras ramas working inverse voltage WH. ae ee aaa Ca witha WW LL 1 ea 24 0 RAP EEE Wire WELL + EA TTS average valun shown {part may be omitied) "ae +41 = y «MO Standard type number assigned selected or spacial type (A) Dupont de Nemours Te. eee Cedar + terminal strip U........ 44444 6644001440 0 0 + ATIOTOCIFEUÉE Mann vacuum tuba, naan bulb, photocell, ato, WwW... 144411041460 44005 1 51 0. Cable MH... Led ea 41 414808 4450444044 + + SOÉKOE EDS 44000 441440055000 0 0 0 0. АРАД ОР MF 14 4 4 64 ee A RU 144 1 pe 1 2 es eu» fuzaholdar Y anarrareoerepegromoeemomoeneameo » CPystal East ae ea eae 1 pau ee a ae se a a am = network Table 7-2. Code List of Manufacturers Mir, No. Manufacturer Name Address 00494 01127 02111 04713 13606 24546 27014 28480 3L585 56289 72136 72982 91637 91802 Addressograph Multigraph Corp. Allen-Bradiey Co Spectrol Electronics Corp Motorola Semiconductor Products Sprague Elect Co Semiconductor Div Corning Glass Works (Bradford) National Semiconductor Corp Hewlett-Packard Co Corporate Hg RCA Corp Solid State Div Sprague Electric Co Electro Motive Corp Erie Technological Products inc Dale Electronics Inc Industrial Devices Inc Somervilie, NJ Cleveland, OH 44117 Milwaukee, WI 53204 City of Ind, CA 91745 Phoenix, AZ 85008 Concord, NH 03301 Bradford, Pa 16701 Santa Clara, CA 95051 Palo Alto, CA 94304 North Adams, MA 01247 Florence, SC 06226 Erie, PA 16512 Columbus, NE 68601 Edgewater, NJ 07020 ETA E s an E ня | eg EUR der ilot Ca la E Te 1) 1 Sel i Ne rl ae ea a is e С rhe ner Model 3400A Replaceable Parts ———— N 34G0A-RO Index «hp- No, Description Quantity Part No. 1 1 Front Panel 1 03400-00204 2 Meter Trim % module 1 5020-6852 — E 3 Side Cover 6 x 11 sm 2 4000-8565 ils 4 Frame Assembly 2 5060-0703 5 Top Cover {with handle) 1 03400-64103 6 Rear Panel 1 03400-00215 e 7 Bottom Cover 5 x 11 sm 1 5000-8571 i 8 | Foot Assembly % module 2 5060-0727 | 9 Spacer % module 1 5020-6852 Е 19 Hinge - 2 4050-0700 11 Tilt Stand % module 1 1490-0031 Figure 7-1. Modular Cabinet ; MT "> A | | | | | | | || 1 ils | LT | Aba | a | | tio ' | | Table 7-3. Replaceable Parts Ч Pd | i = | Reference HP Part |c o: Mfr Mir Part Number dal | : - ol Oty Description Code r Par | ; | Designation Number До - . t . E | 03400-66801 MATO 33400-66501 | 0 1 ASSEMBLY-INPUT ATTENUATOR BOARD 20480 y NE а 03400-646502 | 1 1 ASSEMBLY-IMPEDANCE CONVERTER BOARD 29480 03400-66502 E a3 13400-63401 | 3 1 | ASSEMBLY-SECOND ATTENUATOR 28489 03400-63401 E | A4 23400-66503 | 2 1 ASSEMBLY-AMPLIFIER BOARD 28480 03400-66503 à AS 03400-66512 | 3 1 | ASSEMBLY-CHOPPER OP AMP 25480 | 13400-66512 1H € : a” 03400-66513 | 4 + | ASSEMELY-POWER SUPPLY BOARD 28480 | 03400-56513 ВЕ | | 1 0180-0152 5 4 CAPACITOR-FXD 40LF+30-10% 200UDC AL 25480 1180-0152 said | |; ca ‘0180-0148 9 1 CAPACITOR-FXD B90UF+100-10% 194DC Al. 28480 0190-0148 Qu | ‘ a В СА 0160-0379 & 1 CAPACITOR-FDTHRU 4775PF 10% S00V MICA 72082 633-010 1861 47759 АНИ . at - - 2 0170-0022 Til - 1 CAPATITOR-FXD ‚АЛЫЕ +-20% 6S00VDC POLYE 20480 И, Sea 000s a 1 CAPACITOR=V YRMR-PSTN ,7-3PF ZS0V 26480 0132-0003 ill | C103 0154-0058 7 1 CAPACITOR-FXD 2.2P7 +-,25PF &00VDBC CER 20480 0150-0088 il . | £201 0150-2671 5 1 CAPACITOR-FXD .1UF +-5% BOVDC POLYE 28489 0160-2671 ЧН e с202 0190-0031 6 1 CAPACITUR-FXD ZPF +-5% SQQUDC TI DIAX 29480 0150-0031 tht | - -10; Вэ 3002076013002 | т. - 4 2 CAPACITOR-FXD 200UF+75-10% 3VDC AL, 562 De Cada 180-0086 7 3 CAPACITOR-FXD 10UF+50-10% 19%0UDC AL 56289 30D105F150DDZ a | caose 0180-0039 | 7 2 | CAPACITOR-FXD 100UF+75-10% 12VDC AL $269 | 3001076012002 MALE Y cans 0140-0201 4 2 CAPACITOR-FXD 12PF +-5% SOQUDC MICA 72136 DMISCIZ20T0500WVICR Ни Ho c207 0180-0061 | 5 1 | CAPACITOR-FXD 100UF+75-10% 16VDC AL 56269 | 5051076016067 1 1 NII i A | 150-0024 7 1 CAPACITOR-FXD ,02u7 +80-20% 100VDC CER 20480 0150-0024 | o CD 02070887 1 1 CAPACITOR-FXD Í2PF=-102 SROVDE MICA 28400 0160-0987 | Gulf | C303 0121-0039 3 i CAPACITOR-V TRMR-CER 8-Z0PF 3S0V PNL-MTG | 72982 | 597-062 Et-%0 UNNE | 304% 0180-0787 > 2 CAPACITOR-FXD. 12PF +-9% SODUDC MICA 28480 1160-0987 I CHISX 0160-9987 2 CAPACITOR-FXD 12PF +-5% SUOVDC MICA 20480 0160-0987 | : | | . - al - CAPACITOR-FXD SONUF+75-10%7 3UDC AL Sé289 30D507GI03DFZ a pre 100-0269 ; î CAPACITOR-FXD ,1UF +-20% SASUDC CER 28480 0160-0269 UM | cana 6140-0201 1 CAPACITOR-FXD 12PF +-5% SQOGUDC MICA 72136 DMISCIZOJOSOCUVILCR | i | £405 2130-0018 7 1 CAPACTTOR-V TRHR-CER 1.5-7PF 350V PC-MTG 20480 0130-0018 Hi - 54267 | 150D107X0010R7 $ 180- 1 CAPACITOR-FXD 1090UF+-207 18VDC TA 5428 5 7 HE pe 060-0060 2 CAPACITOR-FXD 200UF+75-10% 3VDC AL 56289 3002076003002 Ш C408 0160-0127 2 2 CAPACITOR-FYD 1UF +-20% 25VDC EER 28480 5160-0127 CHE 2410 0140-0225 |? 2 CAPACITOR-FXD S00PF +-1% 300VDC MICA 72136 DMISFIDLFOZACUVIC e 411 0160-0224 2 1 CAPACTTOR-FXD 10U8+75-19% 16VDC AL 56289 3061060016802 15, [ASE _ N HIT 180-0039 7 CAPACITOR-FXD 100UF+75-10% 12VDC AL 56289 3001076012004 Il Cats 0180-0142 3 a | CAPACITOR-FXD 20UF+100-18% 25VDC AL SPOL | 28480 1180-0142 lg aia 0140-0176 3 1 CAPACITOR-FXD 150PF +-5% SN0VDC MICA 72136 DMISF151703004V1CR 1 C415 5180-0142 | 3 CAPACITOR-FXD ZOUF+100-10% 25VDC Al. SPOL | 28480 0180-0142 pe C420 0150-1096 3 1 CAPACITOR-FXD ,05UF +80-20% 100UDC CER 29480 1150-0096 | - - ‘72 SF01FOZAQUUIC m0225 CAPARITOR-FXD 309PF +-1% ZGOVDC MICA 72136 DHISFZ | an 0160-0127 3 CAPACITOR-FXD 1UF +-20% BEUDC CER 25480 0160-0127 £424 0160-0128 | 3 1 CAPACITOR=FXD 2.2U7 +-207 SOVDC CER 20480 0160-0125 ОЕ C425 0140-0176 9 2 CAPACTTOR-FXD 100PF +-2% 300UDE MICA 72136 DH1SF1DIGNZOOWV1CK | Gags 9140-0176 9 CAPACITOR-FXD 100PF +-2% 300UBC MICA 72136 DM15F101G0Z00UVICR EH i Hl : 90-2428 2 1 CAPACITOR»FXD 250UF+75-10% 25UDC AL 56299 50002576025 ЕР? i | Seal 080-0022 0 1 CAPACITOR-FXD 10U5+50-10% SOVDC AL 25480 | 0180-2022 il 5502 0160-0194 3 1 CAPACITOR-EXD .N1SUF +10% Z0DVDC POLYE 20480 0160-0174 ll C603 0160-0165 1 2 | CAPACITOR-FXD ,1UF +-10% Z00UDC POLYE 20400 0460-0158 Я | Cela 0160-0168 1 CAPACITOR-EXD ,1UF +-10% 200VDC POLYE 28480 160-0168 EEN = 5 2 li _ CAPACITOR=FXD 1.5UF+—10% ZUVDC TA 54289 | 150D155X9020A2 | cédé 180-0473 2 1 CAPACITDR-FXD ,4BUF+-10% 350DC TA 56209 150D&BAXT 135A Hl C&07 0190-1749 4 CAPACITOR-FXD 1,5UF+-107 20UDC TA 56299 1501D155X9 URDAZ HL C608 0190-0376 5 4 CAPACITOR-FXD (47UF»-10% BSUDC TA 56289 150D474X9035A2 | C&09 0181-1735 2 1 CAPACITOR=FXD .22UF+-10% 55900 TA 54289 150D224X? 0ISAL Fa ce10 0180-0197 |8 1 | CAPACITOR-FXD 2.2U8+-107 B0UDC TA 56289 | 150D225X9020A2 A C&12 1190-0672 | 8 1 CAPACITOR-FXD 220UF+50-10% 35VDC AL 00494 ISUESLEZO ВИ 5701 0170-0024 9 1 EAPACITOR-FXD .022UF +-20% 200VDC POLYE 28480 0170-0024 Ш 0702 0180-0089 (7 CAPACITOR-FXD 10UF+50=10% 1500DC AL 54269 | 30D106F150DD2 Us 0703 1160-0166 7 1 CAPACITOR-FXD ,069UF +-10% 2Q0VDC POLYE 20480 0160-0166 | 5 - 7 CAPACITOR-FXD 10U6+50-10% 190UDC AL 56289 300106F150DD2 | 0705 00012 3 1 CAPACITOR»FXD ,1UF +=20% 1KVDC CER 56289 | COZ3Al02I10IME%S | 6706 0180-0050 2 2 | CAPACITOR-FXD AQUF+75-10% SOVDC AL 56287 | 30D40AG0SADDA | 6707 0180-0030 2 CAPACITOR-FXD 40UF+75-10% SOVDC AL 26287 3004040050002 Ч Cros 0482-0145 в à | CAPACITOR-FXD SOUF+100-10% 25VDC AL SPOL | 28480 0100-0105 Ц 0709 0180-0105 B CAPACITOR-FXD SOUF-100-1n% 25UDC AL SPOL | 28480 0180-0105 c710 0: 80-0198 8 1 CAPACITOR=FXD 100UP+-20% CQUDC TA 56299 150D107X002952 "I t A -0045 B 1 DIODE-2NR 7,320 2% DO-35 PR=, 44 28480 1912-0045 ll Chapa 1901-0025 2 e | DIODE-GEN PRP {00% 200MA DO-7 28490 1901-0025 a CR4D1 1901-0025 2 PIODE-GEN PRP 100Y 2DHMA DO-7 28480 1901-0025 $ CRADZ 1901-0040 1 2 | DIODE-SUITCHINC 30V SOMA 2NS DO-35 28480 1901-0040 НЕ СЕ 405 1902-0040 3 1 DIODE-ZNR 14V 5% 2840 Pl ; |" See introduction to this section for ordering information *Indicates factory selected value mal ful = FE Table 7-3. Replaceable Parts (Cont'd) Reference HP Part |c Q Descrinti Mfr | : . escription Mfr Part Number Designation Number |p| “tY Р Code R408 - 1901-9025 2 DIDDE-GEN PRP 100V 200MA DO.7 20480 1501-0025 CR407 1710-0016 2 2 DIODE-GE 60V &40MA 1US DO-7 28480 1712-0015 CR408 1710-0015 0 DIODE-GE 60V 6MMA 1US DO-7 25480 1715-0016 СНЫ: 1902-0777 3 a DIODE-ZNR 1N825 6,20 5% DO-7 Pda, 44 04713 1N8a5 CRé02 1702-0777 3 DIODE-ZNR 1NB25 6,2v 5% DD-7 PRh=, 440 04713 18625 CR&DZ 1701-0518 8 1 DIODE-5M SIG SCHOTTKY 294090 1901-0516 СЯ 0% 1901-0428 5 2 DIODEPUR RECT 4000 7509MA DO..20 28480 1701-0026 CR702 1501-0028 $ DIODE-PUR RECT 400V 750Ma DO-29 25482 1991-0028 CR703 1981-0025 2 DIODE-GEN PRP 1004 200МА 00-7 28480 1781-0025 CR704 1901-0701 1 2 DIODE-STABISTUR 12V 10MA 28490 1901-0751 CR705 1901-0025 2 DIDDE-GEN PRP 1004 200M& DQ+7 28489 1701-8025 CR70& 1901-0701 1 DIODE=STABISTOR 120 10MA 20400 1701-0701 CR711 1701-0026 2 2 DIDDE-PWR RECT 200V 750MA DO-29 28480 1901-0025 CR712 1701-0024 3 DIODE-PWR RECT 200V 750MA 50-29 28480 1901-0026 CR?13 1701-0025 2 DIODE-GEN PRP 100V 280МА DD-7 28480 1781-0075 CR714 1701-0025 2 DIODE-GEN PRP 100V 200Ma DO.7 28480 1501-0025 CR715 1902-3223 0 1 DIDDE-ZNR 17,40 2% DO-35 PD=,4U 28420 1902-3223 CR716 1901-0945 5 2 DIODE-PWR RECT 100V 750MA DO-29 261480 1901-0045 CR717 1901-0045 & DIDDE-PWR RECT 100V 750HA DO-25 25480 1501-0045 CR720 1901-0025 2 DINDE-GEN PRP 1008 200MA DO-7 28480 1701-0025 DS! 1451-0546 7 1 LIGHT-IND UNMT-TL ,4-DIA SLDR-LUG-TERM 71802 2910821 Fi 2110-0004 1 1 FUSE 25a 250V NTD 1.23%.25 UL 28480 2110-0004 Jt 1259-0118 3 i CONNECTOR-RF BNC FEM SGL-MOLE-FR SO -COHM 26480 1259-0118 Ja 1251-0205 1 1 CONNECTOR-TEL JACK 2-CKT ‚25-SHK-DEA 28480 1251-0205 33 1251-2357 B 1 CONNECTOR-AC PUR HP-9 MALE FLG=MTG 25480 1251-2357 T4 1251-0208 4 1 CONNECTOR-P EDGE 22-CONT/ROU 1-ROU 28480 1251-02108 15 121-0194 7 1 CONNECTOR-PC EDGE 15-CONT/ROW 1-04 28400 1251-0174 M1 1120-1320 4 1 METER- 3Hä 28480 1120-0320 M1 1120-0308 8 1 METER-DB SCALE (OPT, 001 ONLY) 28480 1120-0308 Qi 1953-0053 5 1 TRANSYSTUR PNP STI TO-3 PB=150W FT=3iHZ 28480 1953-0163 e Ra 1953-0705 8 1 TRANSISTOR PNP 2N587s SI TO-% PD=150y D4713 2NT 875 ha 95 1853-0311 6 1 TRANSISTOR PNP 2M3792 ST TOw3 Ppmisgu 04713 213792 E a 1854-0215 1 2 TRANSISTOR NPN SI PD=3S0My FTHINIMHZ 04713 2837104 ET 401 1853-0288 è 4 TRANSISTOR PNP SY To-18 PD=380HU 28480 1853-0288 e . CE ap Rane 1953-0288 6 TRANSISTOR PNP SI TO-18 PheZa0My 29490 1953-0298 «. mii R403 1853-0288 5 TRANSISTOR PNP SI TO-18 Phe360MU 26480. 1653-0208 i 9494 1854-0354 9 2 TRANSISTOR NPN SI TO-52 PREZSOMY 20480 1854-0254 hi 405 1853-0268 E TRANSISTOR PNP ST TO-18 PD=34& 0M 268480 1854-0208 a 404 1954-0354 9 TRANSISTOR NPN SI TO-52 PO=I60MU 20480 1954-0354 Eo 2601 1854-5224 4 2 TRANSISTOR NPN 284384 SI To-19 PR=500MY * 13606 284384 | 6602 1854-0926 4 TRANSISTOR NPN 2N4384 ST YO-18 PD=520HU 13606 2N4IB4 A701 1853-0046 B 2 TRANSISTOR PNP SI TO=92 PD=625My 28480 1953-0066 Q702 1953-0656 a TRANSISTOR PNP SI TO-92 PD=625MM 20481 1853-0056 0713 1553-0086 2 2 TRANSISTOR PNP SI PD=31QMu FT=40MHZ 27014 2NS 087 0704 1853-0084 2 TRANSISTOR PNP 5% PD=310M4W FT=40 MHZ 27014 NERY 0705 1854-0215 1 TRANSISTOR NEN ST PDEZ%0My FT=350MHZ 14713 NIP 04 R1 0687-3331 2 1 RESISTOR 33K 10% ,54 CC Te=0.745 01121 EB33351 Ræ 0487-2211 5 1 RESISTOR 220 10% ,5W CC TC=0+529 91121 EB2211 RS 0812-0048 7 1 RESISTOR 80 3% 754 PU Te=0+-20 91527 RS1/2-T9-80R-H Ré 2100-0721 в 1 RÉSISTOR-TRMR 30 20% WW SIDE-ADI 1-TRN "28480 2100-0721 Riot 0699-41 29 0 1 RESISTOR 10M ‚25% 1W F TC=0+-58 25480 1498-4128 R103 0675-6204 7 1 RESISTOR 9.9K 1% 1250 F TC=D+—109 24545 Ca--1/0-T0=9901-F R104 2100-0554 = 1 RESISTOR-TRMR S00 10% C TOP-aADT 1-TRN 28480 2100-0554 R201 0483-3935 4 1 RESISTOR 39K 5% 284 FC TC=-400/+50[ 01121 C33935 R#02 0683-4715 0 1 RESISTOR 470 52 .25W ЕС TC=-490/+600 01121 CB4715 R203 0693-3355 2 1 RESIBTOR 3.3M 5% .254 Fe Te=-900/4110 01121 CRI355 1 R204 0483-1035 1 3 RESISTOR 10K 5% (25 FC TE=-400/+700 01121 CH1035 R205 0683-8225 5 1 RESISTOR 8,2K 5% .25W FC TÜ=-400/+700 01121 CREZES : №206 0693-8215 3 1 RESISTOR 620 5% ,25w FC Te=-400/+606 01121 TE ; R207 0757-0843 g 1 RESISTOR 30.1K =5% . © - 28489 0757-0848 ; R208 0883-2715 & 1 RESISTOR 270 5% ‚абы ЕС Te=-400/+691 01121 Cé2715 ! R209 0683-1015 7 RESISTOR 100 5% .25W FO Te=-400/+590 01121 251015 R@11 0483-2705 8 3 RESISTOR 2.7K 5% 254 FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB2725 R212 0727-0136 5 1 RESISTOR 5.03k 1% .54 CF TC=0-509 28480 0727-0136 R213 0727-0126 3 1 RESISTOR 3.266K 1% ‚SW CF TCs0-500 91437 DLS1/2-3R64R-~F R301 0757-0715 9 1 RESISTOR 150 1% .254 F TC=0+-100 24544 C5-1/4~TDw=157 «F RADO 0695-4119 ? 5 RESISTOR 410,25 ‚1% ,95y F TCs0+100 25490 0478-4119 R303 0598-4118 в 4 RESISTOR 277,48 ,1% .25W F TC=H+150 28480 0698-4116 R304 0678-4117 9 RESISTOR 410,26 ‚1% ‚254 Е TC=0+100 25480 0698-4119 RI05 0658-4118 8 RESISTOR 277.48 ‚1% ‚REM F TE=0+109 28480 0498-4118 | №306 0678-4119 9 RESISTOR 410.26 ‚1% ,254 F TC=0+100 28469 0658-4119 See introduction to this section for ordering information *Indicates factory selected value 1-5 a |' il "A | | I. Ш i iy |! во mt | "li i | 1 J ДИ i | “fi |! . | Ts | ! il | il ! I 1. i : Io, ' 1! ! F | | Table 7-3. Replaceable Parts (Cont'd) 1 yi . | ho . : | с * - Mfr I: Reference HP Part °[ aty Description Cod Mfr Part Number | Designation | Number ode | : | : - R307 0678-4118 |@ RESISTOR 277,48 ,1% .254 F TCe0+100 29480 0698-4118 НО |, R308 1698-4117 | 9 RESISTOR 410.26 1% ,25W F TC=0+100 - 28480 0698-4119 34 R309 0698-4118 | в RESISTOR 277.48 1% ,25U F TC=0+100 28480 0498-4118 | 2310 0698-4117 | 9 RESISTOR 410.26 ,1% ,254 F TE=0+100 25480 9692-4119 1 R311 0678-4117 (7 4 | RESISTOR 189.72 .1% ,25W F TC=0+100 25467 0698-4117 ИЕ | f R312 0663-5115 16 RESISTOR 510 5% ,25W FC TC=-400/+600 91121 cnSi1I5 wn Do RADA bsez-3025 | 3 1 | RESISTOR 3K 5% .25W FC TCa-400/+700 81121 ERNEST Hi R402 0683-1035 | 1 RESISTOR 10K 5% ,294 FE TCm-490/+709 91121 CR1035 MO R403: 0683-2405 1 2 | RESISTOR 24 5% .25W FC TC=—400/+500 01121 CER4 15 TET. || Ralax 0757-0346 |2 2 | RESISTOR 10 1% ,1294 F TC=q+-109 24545 | C4-1/B-T0=10R0-F 1 ra ДИ | il RAUS 0683-1515 |2 1 RESISTOR 150 5% ,254 FC TC=-400/+600 | 01121 св1515 Lo |! ! Rad 0683-3925 |2 1 | RESISTOR 3.9K 5% ,25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB3925 | R407 0727-0065 |? 1 RESISTOR 300 1X ‚SW CF TO=0-500 28460 1727-0065 ! 1 R408 9683-1025 | 9 2 | RESISTOR 1K Sz 254 FC ŸC=-400/+600 01121 св1025 ill Rad? 0683-1005 | 5 1 RESISTOR 10 5% .25W FC TC=—400/+580 01121 CB1 075 | fi Il : al Rato 0683-1025 |? RESISTOR 1K 5% ,254 FC TC=-400/+609 01121 CH 02% qu | R416 0683-5115 (6 RESISTOR 510 5% .25W FC TO=~400/+5600 01121 CES115 Sy R417 0683-6825 | 7 3 | RESISTOR 6.8k 5% .254 FC Te=-400/+700 91121 CB4825 Fa R41B D6B3-1825 |7 1 RESISTOR 1,8K 92 .254 FC TC=-400/+700 01121 | CE182S i R417 0683-3315 | 4 1 { RESISTOR 330 5% .25W FC TO=-400/+600 91121 CB3315 MU | i | R420 bé03-5825 | 7 RESISTOR &.BK 5% ,25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CRSB25 i R423 0403-3325 ¡6 1 | RESISTOR 3.3K 5% .2%W FC TCw—400/+700 01181 CR3525 | | R424 063-5135 (E 1 RESISTOR 51K 5% ,254 FE TC=-400/+800 01121 CBS135 |! | R425 0683-1035 | 1 RESISTOR 10K 5% ,254 FC TCm-400/+7010 01121 681035 | | R426 0757-0346 | 2 RESISTOR 10 1% 1254 F TC=0+—100 24546 | Ca-1/8-=T0-10R0-F | “EE || | ' R428 0683-4305 | a 2 1 RESISTOR 4% 52 .25U FC TC=-400/+500 91121 CRAZOS, HR] 4 RATE: 0757-0345 |: 1 | RESISTOR 302 1% 1254 F TC=0+-109 24546 | Da=1/0-T0-302R-F Ji | R431 0683-2355 |B 2 | RESISTOR 33K S% ,25W FC TC==-400/+800 01121 Ch3335 hi | Cb Razz 0683-4305 | 4 RESISTOR 43 5% ‚25W FÜ TC=-400/+506 01121 са4505 | | ' : | Ras 0678-3217 |6 1 | RESISTOR 24.%K 1% .25W F TC=0+=100 24546 | CS-1/4-TO-2492~F "| \ | RAZA 0757-0739: | 7 2 | RESISTOR 2K 1% .25W F TC=0+-100 24546 C5+1/4-T0-2091—F il R435 0757-0737 17 RESISTOR 2 1% ,254 F TC=0+-100 24546 | CEm1/4-TO-2001-F |! R601 0678-4524 9 1 RESISTOR 174K 1% .1254 F TC=0+-100 24546 C4-1/8-T0-1743.F | Ré02 0678-3475 |6 2 | RESISTOR 40,2k 17 ,1254 F TC=0+-100 24546 | C4-1/B-T0=4022-F я RED 0698-4475 | 4 1 RESISTOR 14K 1% ,125W F TC=0+-100 24546 [awl /8=T 41402 ~F CUE ко 8678-4514 | 8 1 { RESISTOR 105K 1% ,1254 F TC=0+=100 24546 | C4-1/8-T0-1053-F De, R60T 0787-0949 |6 1 RESISTOR 206 1% ,1254 F TC=9+-100 24546 C4—1/8-TD-#002"F fi RADO 0656-2449 | & 1 1 RESISTOR 26,7% 12 ,125W F TC=0+-100 24544 | Ca-1/6-T0-2872-F i R&D7 0678-3499 | & RESISTOR 40,2 1% 1254 F TC=0+-10D 24846 | C4-1/0-T0-9022-F i Ré08 0787-0450 [9 2 | RESISTUR 22.1K 1% ,195M F TC=0+-100 24946 | C4-1/0-T0-0215<F REO 0757-0450 |? RESISTOR 22,1K 1% ‚1254 F T&=0+-196 24546 C4-1/8-T0-2817-F | 8610 0683-2025 |1 2 | RESISTOR 2K 5% ,25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 сВ2025 Ч R&11 9583-2025 | 1 RESISTOR 2K 5%..254 FC Te=-400/+700 01121 | ÉR2025 | R&612 0757-0467 | 8 1 | RESISTOR 121K 1% .125W F T0=0+~100 | 24546 | ‘C4-1/6-T0-1213-F il R513 0757-0438 | 3 1 RESISTOR 5,11K 1% 1254 F TC=0+-100 24546 C4-1/8e70-5111-—F a Ré14 0698-7332 | 4 2 | RESISTOR 1M 12 .125W F TC=0+=100 28480 | 0698-7332 || REIS 0757-0276 | 7 1 | RESISTOR 61.9 1% .1254 F TC=0+—100 24546 | CA-1/8-T0-6192-F Me R&16 0757-0274 |S 1 | "RESISTOR 1.21K 1% .12%4 E TC=0+=100 24546 | Ca-1/8-TO-1211-F NE R&17 0698-4511 5 1 RESISTOR В6.5К 1X ‚1254 F TCHB+-100 24546 Ca—1/8-T0-8662-—5 | 618 0698-3149 | 3 1 | RESISTOR 259K 1% ‚125W F TC=0+-100 24546 | Ca=1/8-T0-2553=F ' R619 0698-4488 |S 1 | RESISTOR 26.7K 1% ,1254 F. TC=0+-100 24546 | Ca-1/8-T0-0672-F ll R621 1698-4483 | 0 1 | RESISTOR 18.7K 1% .1250 F TC=0+-100 24546 | C4=1/0-T0=-1872-F В R621 0757-0442 9 1 | RESISTOR 10K 1%.125W F TCwm0+—100 24546 Ca /8-T0-1002-F li . R622 678-3450 9 1 RESISTOR 42.2K 1% ,125W F TC=8+-100 24546 C4-1/8-T0-4222-F | R624 0598-3123 15 2 | RESISTOR 49% 1% .125W F TC=fl+=10D 24546 C4--1/8-T0-499R-F H R625 0698-7332 | & 1 | RESYSTOR 1M 1% ,125W F TC=0+-100 24546 | Ch-1/8-TO0-1004-F | | Ré26 2100-3163 | 8 1 RESISTOR-TRMR 1M 20% C SIDÉ-ADS 17-TRN 02111 43P105 if R&27 2100-3154 | 7 1 | RESISTOR-TRMR 1K 102 © SYDE-ADI 17-TAN 92111 | -AZPIOS | Ll REZO 0698-7332 | 4 RESISTOR 1M 1% .125W F TC=0+—100 20181 1698-7322 Do REZ29 2100-3355 | © 1 | RESISTOR-TRMR 100K 10% - 28480 2100-3355 il | RE31 0699-4125 5 RESISTOR 439 1% .125W F TC=0+-100 24546 | C4—1/8-TO-439R-F 1 | R704 | 0757-0745 ? 1 RESISTOR 36.5 1% (254 F TC=0+-100 24546 CS=1/4-T0-3652-F a R705 0683-2635 | 3 1 | RESISTOR 20K 9% .254 FC TÉ=-400/+800 91121 CH2035 i | R708 0683-2405 | 1 RESISTOR 24 5% ,254 FC TC=-400/+500 01121 Св24 15 | в219 0683-0335 | 2 1 | RESISTOR 3.3 9% 254 FC TC=-400/+500 91121 CB3365 | | R710 n583-4725 | 2 2 | RESISTOR 4,7K 5% ,25W FC TC=—400/+700 01121 СвА7 25 | | ; R711 0687-1831 |3 1 | RESISTOR 19K 10% ,54 CC TO=04765 01121 EXLSA1 i | | R715 0683-4705 |8 1 | RÉSYSTOR 47 5% ,2SW FC TC=—400/+580 51121 084715 - HI R71b 6727-0188 |? 1 | RESISTOR 39.95 .52 .54 Cf TC=0-500 $1437 | DCS1/2-38951-D ri | R717 0898-3135 16 1 | RESISTOR 8,87K.14.5 LF. TCc0-50. 20480 0608-8135 li | R718 0683-3333 | 9 RESISTOR 33K S% ,258 FC TC=-400/+800 01121 CR3335 | R720 0683-5415 | 3 1 1 RESISTOR Sel S% ‚25W FC TCS-400/+6D0 01121 CPS 615 {| R721 0693-6825 | 7 RESISTOR &.BK 5% ‚25W FO TC=-400/+700 01121 CB6025 | RAS 0683-2725 | 8 RESISTOR 2,7k 5% .25U FC TC=-400/+700 | 01421 CBR7RS R723 0684-1601 | 3 1 | RESISTOR 10 102 ,254 FC TC=-400/+5919 91121 CS1051 Y №724 0685-4725 |2 RESISTOR 4.7K 5% ‚254 FC TC=-400/4700 01121 084725 i | | | I : i | | | bl See introduction to this section for ordering information el + т *Indicates factory selected value e A “À ; ep er a Sa 5 Table 7-3. Replaceable Parts (Cont'd) TNT Pr in a Reference HP Part |c Q . Mir . ; : t Description Mfr Part Number Designation Number D y Р Code R720 | 0698-4477 [2 1 | RESISTOR 10,5 1% 1254 F тс=0+-100 24546 | C4-1/8-T0-1052.F R731 - 9757-0200 |; 1 | RESISTOR 5,52 1% '195y e TC=0+-109 24546 | Ca-1/8-T 0.5621. R732 0493-2725 |g RESISTOR 2.7K 5% 250 Fc TC=-400/+700 01121 | Crñves 8: 3101-0036: | q 1 | SWITGH-TGL BASIC GPST ZA 250 VAC/DC 28480 | 5101-0036 se 3101-1234 |: 1 | SUITCH-SL DEST STD 1.8A 250VAC SLDRSLUG 28400 | 3101-1234 $307 3100-0358 | в 3 | SUITCH-ROTARY 1.250 STRUT CTR SPCR; 12 28480 | 3100-0358 T1 9100-4248 9 i TRANSFORMER-POWER (SEE NOTE BELOW) 28480 9100-4248 TC401 0853-0003 | a 2 [ THERMOCDUPLE-PR, 28480 1853-0003 TC402 0853-0003 | a THERMOCOLPLE-PR | 26480 | 5553-0003 U601 1826-0968 | a 1 | IC-OPÉRATIONAL AMPLIFIER 25480 | 1826-0965 W602 1626-0318 | g 1 IC-OPERATIDNAL AMPLIFIER 26450 | 1826-0310 Va01 1921-0017 | 4 1 | TUBE-ELECTRON 7584 TRIGDE 3.505 | 7586 ut 8120-1348 [5 1 | CABLE ASSY 15AuG 3-CNDCT BLK-IKT 28480 | 8120-1347 “F1 1400-01084 1 1 FUSEHOLDER-EXTa POST 154 290 V UL 28440 1400-0084 XVan 1200-0086 19 1] SOCKET~TUBE S-CONT ES-45 DIF -SiDR 25480 | 1200-0086 1200-0044 | 5 2 | SOCKET-XSTR 2-CONT TO. 25480 | 1200-5044 MISCELLANEOUS 0370-0077 | 4 1 | KNOB SHRTD BAR:ELK :FOR « 2S0SHPT: 6290 20480 | 0370-0077 0346-0580 | 3 1 | INSULATOR-XSTR 28480 0340-0530 1520-0602 |5 2 | PLATE-MOUNTING FOR TWIST LOCK TYPE САР 28480 | 1520-0002 1520-0003 | g 1 | PLATE-MOUNTING FOR TuIsT Lock TYPE Cap 28480 | 1520-0003 03400-01202 | а } | - CLAMP-CAPACITOR' MOUNTING 28480 | 93400-01202 03400-01204 | 4 1 | BRACKET-CROLND 28480 | (3400-01204 03400-51601 | 1 1 | CABLE ASSEMBLY-AMPLICIER INPUT 28480 | 03400-61601 03400-61500 | 2 ; | CABLE ASSEMBLY-CHOPPER INPUT 29480 | 03400-21502 03400-61603 | 3 * | CABLE ASSEMBLY-INPUT ATTENUATOR 28480 | 03400-61603 03400-69501 | 4 1 | SHOCK MOUNT IMPEDANCE CONVERTER 28480 | ‘03400-69501 1200-0044 || $ SOCKET-XSTR Z-CONT T9-3 28460 | 1290-0048 NOTE: SOME NETRUMENTS HAYE POWER TRANSFORMERS Ста) WITH -HF- PART] NUMBER 9100-7448. REFLACE WITH NEW PART NUMBER, + ' \ RE Sel О PES "y TA See introduction to this section for ordering information *Indicates faciory selected value E EE CE AE ar, LA LA en в Ва $ e 4 pr +1 Ds EAS В © ow „= 252 7 oh EA Ov U ar + = 2 5 = <= + Ra "y U =: q eg #8 —8294— —2294— 4 о > о ® о Е сы = 5 5 Cn + 8 wo a = dF gE TO > CES ma - = oc 4 ut © = Q 8 м vu INE —0294-- —T29H— 0 da 39. AN —0T9J-- DI 2978 Bo er [zz] 6090 с 3 0 Е РЕ E Ryo —6I9Y— I => a Li . 5 No —8093— DZ] Oa 2 rt ZN — < © За? 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ТРЕ 6.2V | + +1 | y (21 Mi RS RS -5.2V / | | | | S y 80 30 — az у y Ny | [ CW ] d R621 | 1K | 14 TP1 y e | 2 &— | | mes 4 ASSEMBLY 4 | MOUNTING | | | SCREW | | о Y NV | 4 10 точная ны не к = == == ==. 1 +75\ | 7 FROM A7-18 | PIEIITINIIIOIIZIIIIIICIE! X $ (AC STABILZING FEEDBACK) | (SUMMING FEEDBACK] L | B/0 A4 |VIDEC AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY a PTT ZO A4 [VIDES ANELIES Ш FROM VIDEO AMPLIFIER (A4C413,A4C415) ———]] —————l —] — 3400-A=1 Figure A-1, Chopper Amplifier A6 and Thermoucouple Pair (Part of Ad) Schematic and Parts Location Diagram A-1 —+ ee { Product Line Sales/ Support Key Key Product Lina A Analytical CM Components C Computer Systams Sales only CH Computer Systems Hardware Sales and Services Computer Systems Software Sales and Services Electronte Instruments & Measurement Systems Medical Products Medical Products Primary SRO Medical Products Secondary SRO Parsonal Computation Products Sales only for spacific product line Support only for spacific product ¡ne z "7555" IMPORTANT: These symbols designate general product line capability, They do not Insure salas or support availability for alt products within a lite, at all locations. Contact your local sales office for information regarding locations where HP support is available for specific products. HP distributors are printed in italics. ANGOLA Melbourne, Victoria Office Telecira Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd. Empresa Técnica de Eguipamentos 321.41 Joseph Street Eléctricos, S.A.RL. BLACKBURN, Victoria 3130 E. Barbosa Rodrigues, 4 1-1 OT, Tel: 89-6351 Caixa Postal! 6487 Telex: 31-024 LUANDA Cable: HEWPARD Meiboume Те! 355 15,355 16 A,CH,CM.CS E MSP EMP Perth, Western Australia Office ARGENTINA , Hewlelt-Packard Australia Ltd. Hewlett-Packard Argentina 3.A, 261 String Highway Avenida Santa Fe 2035 CLAREMONT, W.A. 6010 Martinez 1640 BUENOS AIRES Tel: 383-2188 Tel: 798-5735, 792-1293 Telex: 93859 Telex: 17595 BIONAR Cable: HEWPARD Perth AECHES,P LE Biotron S.A.c.hMe.! cyanay, New South Wales e o oor Zz 1, 8 Piso Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd. , 17-23 Talavera Road Tel: 30-4846, 30-1851 Р.О. Вох 208 Telex: 17595 BIONAR NORTH RYDE, N.S.W. 2113 M Tel: 887-1611 Fale 5.4. LC. Eleclronica Telex: 21561 venezuela 1326 Cable: HEWPARD Sydney 1095 BUENOS AIRES A,CH,CM,CS,E,MS,P Tel: 37-9020, 37-9026/9 Telex: 9234 FATEN AR AUSTRIA p Hewlett-Packard Ges.m.b.h. Grottenhoisiasse 54 AUSTRALIA Yerkaufsburo Graz Adelaida, South Australia roe aL Office ve Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd. Ma 153 Greenhill Road PARKSIDE, 5.4, 5063 Hewlett-Packard Ges.m.b.h. Tel: 272-5911 Stangihofweg 5 Telex: 82536 A-4020 LINZ Cable: HEWPARD Adelaide Tel: 0732 51565 A*CHOM EMSP | CH Brisbane, Queensland Hewlett-Packard Ges.m.b.h. Lieblgasse 1 Gfilce P.0. Box 72 Hewlett-Packard Australia Lid. . | cor Tel: (0222) 23-65-11-0 Teachers Union Building . Telex: 134425 HEPA A 495-499 Boundary Street A CH CM CS ENS P SPRING HILL, Queensland 4000 NU ET Tal: 229-1544 BAHRAIN Telex: 42133 Green Salon Cable: HEWPARD Brisbane PO Box 557 A,CH,CM,E,M,P BAHRAIN Canberra, Australia Capital Tee a Territory Office ur * Hewieit-Packard Australia Ltd, . 121 Wolongong Street Wael Pharmacy FYSHWICK, A.C.T. 2609 P.O. Box 643 Tel: BO 4244 BAHRAIN Telex: 62650 Tel: 256123 Cable: HEWPARD Canberra Telex: 6550 WAEL GJ CHOMEP M SALES & SUPPORT OFFICES Arranged alphabetically by country BELGIUM Hewlett-Packard Belgium S.A/MN.V, Bivd de la Woluwe, 100 Woluwedal B-1200 BRUSSELS Tel: (02) 762-32-00 Telex: 23-484 paloben bru A CHCM,CS,E,MP,P BRAZIL Hewlett-Packard do Frasil ie.C. Lida. Alameda Rio Negro, 750 ALPHAVILLE 06400 Barueri SP Tel: 421-1311 Telex: 017 33872 HPBR-ER Cable: HEWPACK Sao Paulo A,CH,CM,CS,E,MS Hewlett-Packard do Brasil {.e,C, Ltda. Avenida Epitacio Pessoa, 4664 22471 RIO DE JANEIRO-RJ Tel: 286-0237 Telex: 02-21905 HPBR-BR Cable: HEWPACK Rio de Janeiro A,CH CM.E,MS,P* CANADA Alberta Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 210, 7220 Fisher Street S.E. CALGARY, Alberta T2H 248 Tel: (403) 253-2713 ACHCM,E" MS,P* Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Lid. 11620A-168th Street EDMONTON, Atberla TSM 379 Tel: {403) 452-3670 A,CHCM.CS,E,.ME,P" British Columbia Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Lid. 10681 Shellbridge Way RICHMOND, British Columbia VEX 2W7 Tel: (604) 270-2277 Telex: 610-922-5059 A CH CM.CS,E” MS,P" Manitoba Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 380-550 Century Sireal WINNIPEG, Manitoba ASH OYT Tel: 204) 785-8701 ACHOMEMS PY New Brunswick Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd, 37 Sheadiac Road MCNCTON, New Brunswick E28 2v0 Tel: (506) 855-2841 С т" Nova Scotia Hewletl-Packard (Canada) Lig. Р.О, Box 931 300 Windmill Road DARTMOUTH, Nova Scotia B2Y 376 Tel: (902) 469-7820 Telex: 01931470 . CHOMCSE* MSP" Ontario Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd, £52 Newbold Street LONDON, Ontario NSE 255 Tel: (519) 586-9181 A,CH,CM,E* MSP" Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Lid. 6877 Goreway Drive MISSISSAUGA, Ontario L4Y 1M8a Tel: (416) 678-8430 Telex: 06383644 A,CH,CMCS,E,MP,P Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 2670 Queensview Dr. OTTAWA, Ontario K2B 8K 1 Tel: (513) 820-6483 A,CHCM,CS,E* MS,P* Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 220 Yorkland Blvd., Unit #11 WILLOWDALE, Ontario M2J 185 Tel: (416) 499-9333 CH Quabac Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 17500 South Service Road Trans-Canada Highway KIRKLAND, Quebec HOJ 2M5 Tel: (514) 697-4232 Telex: 05821521 A,CH CM,CS,E,MP,F" Hewlelt-Packard (Canada) Ltd. Les Galeries du Vallon 2323 Du Versont Nord STE. FOY, Quebec G1N 4C2 Tel: (418) 687-4570 CH CHILE Jorge Caicagni y Cia, Liga. Arturo Burhie 065 Casilla 16475 SANTIAGO 9 Tel 222-0222 — Telex: Public Soolh 0001 ACMEM Olympia (Chite) Lida. Av. Rodrigo de Araya 1045 Casita 256-lf SANTIAGO 21 Tel: 2-25-50-44 Telex: 340 892 OL YMP CK Cable: Olympiachile Santiagochile CHOSP CHINA, People's Rapublic of China Hewlett-Packard Rep, Office P.0. Box 418 ТА Lane 2, Luchang SI, Befwei Rd, Xvanwu District BENING Tel: 53-1947, 33-7426 Telex: 22601 CTSHP CN Cable: 1920 ACHOM OS EP COLOMBIA instrumentación H. A. Langeback & Kier S.A. Carrera 7 No. 48-75 Apariado Aereo 6207 BOGOTA, 1 D.E. Tel 287-8877 Telex: 44400 INST CO Cable: AARIS Bogola ACMEMP COSTA RICA Cientifica Costarricense S.A. Avenida 2, Calle 5 San Pedro de Montes de Oca Apartado 10159 SAN JOSE Tel: 24-38-20, 24-08-19 Telex: 2367 GAL GUR CM EM CYPRUS Teterexa Lig. FO. Box 4809 140 Stassinos Avenue NICOSIA Tel: 52638 Telex: 28594 Levidocy EMP El © CZECHOSLOVAKIA Hewletl-Packard Obchadni Zastupiteisivi y CSSA Post, schranka 27 CS-118 01 PRAHA 011 Tel: 56-296 Telex: 121353 HC DENMARK Hewlelt-Packard A/S Datavej 52 0%K-3450 Birkerod Tel: (02) 31-66-40 Telex: 37409 hpas dk A,CH,CM,CS,E M3 P Hewletl-Packard A/S Navervei 1 DK-8600 SILKEBORG Tel: (06) 32-71-66 Telex: 37409 hpas dk CH,CM,E ECUADOR CYEDE Cia, Ltda. - Avenida Eloy Alfaro 1749 Casilla 6423 CC! QUITO Tel: 450-975, 243-052 Telex: 2548 CYEDE ED ACMEF Hospilalar 8.A. Robles 625 Casilla 3590 CUITO Tel: 545-250, 545-122 Telex: 2485 HOSPTL ED Cable: HOSFITALAR-Ouio M EGYPT International Engineering Associales 24 Hussein Hegazi Street Kasr-el-Aini CAIRO Tel: 23-823 Telex: 93830 CHOSEM informatic For Systems 22 Yalaat Harb Street САТО Те! 759006 Telex: 93938 FRANK UN CHOS,P Egyptian International Office for Foreign Trade Я 5 - 1 5 =a; > = pis я E; rai e ea rote = г 35 x; SAT = fr : “A т y с ar = Dt A : ah Me НЙ SE TA AT ET EEE AL ETE Ar de ce LEY E ri Li [ес Ta To e aid = i E == ЕТ = x y г. 7 = ¥en a a E ed i mh AENA Fi р a На ЛЕН Ernie ; e EE rid Lie 3 т Ca = =: Zo x Er a = Tn Er Cs TT 2 Ms Al E MEN ER e AO i ix Fag Read ps a E tr I AE re LE A E PRA CA eN A Abc SE SHERRIE SRE а Fr = Arg a Я. TT FT TAA of = TES E AA { = Sa Bboy ERGY IFE a pro he COURT. Do т E = т ET ae CRs TIE св dE At da AE Aza dre Ad ааа pone be EE Rp EAE ; a E o dates. biien LA + Lia Ad rabia río. A Er a, wd Seni don do tl a a oie E E m4 Eh pre) atl re oe AR ЕДЕ те 12 hard Ra El vea == di EE pe ERE EL e DE RNA Jey ed О teach A Er an FT E ue A TE PEE Lr TURTLE ct Rar oe CRETE done E Ge rE see ev EsTe CSE ar THEA AA Tr Ta A a ret EN rr ER a К EA CN EE P.0.Box 2558 CAIRO Tel: 984935 te) Telex: 93337 EGPOR A P ven EL SALVADOR E. IPESA de El Salvador S.A, | pap СВ 25 Avenida Norte 1216 ce SAN SALVADOR bad Tel: 26-6858, 26-6868 ai Telex: Public Booth 20107 Hi ACHCMCS,EP e FINLAND RE » Hewielt-Packard Oy PENE ; Revoniulentie 7 I SF-02100 ESPOO 19 ee Tel: (90) 455-0211 Re Telex: 121563 hewpa sf Je aie A,CH.CM.CS,E MSP Tr Hewlett-Packard Oy Aatoksenkaiv 10-C : SF-40720-72 JYVASKYLA i Tel: (941) 216318 Ss ; Hewlett-Packard Qy o Kainuuntie 1-C E SF-80140-14 OUEU ; | no Tel: (981) 338785 CH e E т La al A dica Ro A ur i a e L | © SALES & SUPPORT OFFICES Arranged alphabetically by. country FRANCE Hewlett-Packard France Zl. Mercure В Rue Berthelot F-13763 Les Miles Cedex AIX-EN-PROVENCE Tel: (42) 59-41-02 Telex: 410770F A CHCM,E MS,P" Hewlett-Packard France Bolte Postale No. 503 F-25026 BESANCON 28 Rue de la Republique F-25000 BESANCON Tel: (81) 83-16-22 CH,M Hewlett-Packard France Bureau de Yente de Lyon Chemin des Mouilles Boite Poslale 162 F-69130 ECULLY Cédex Tel: (78) 33-81-25 Telex: 3106176 A,CH,CMCS,E,MP Hewlett-Packard France Immeuble France Evry Tour Lorraine Boulevard de France F-91035 EVRY Cédex Tel: (60) 77-96-59 Telex: 6923157 CME Hewlett-Packard France Sth Avenue Raymond Chanas F-38320 EYSENS Tel: (76) 25-81-41 Telex: 380424 HP GRENOS EYBE CH CM Hewlett-Packard France Centre d'Affaire Paris-Nord Bâtiment Ampère 5 étage Rue de la Commune de Paris Boite Posiale 300 F-93153 LE BLANC MESHIL Tel: {01} 865-44-52 Telex: 2110327 CH CM,CS,E, MS Hewlel-Packard France Le Montesquieu Avenue du President JF Kennedy F-33700 MERIGNAC Tel: (56) 34-00-84 Telex: 550105F CH CMEMS Hewlett-Packard France 32 Rue Lothatre F-57000 METZ Tel: {87) 65-53-50 CH,CM Hewlett-Packard France 1 Bis Rue Julien Videment F-44200 NANTES Tel; 40-88-33-38 CH - Hewlett-Packard France Zone Industrielle de Courlaboëuf Avenue des Tropiques F-91247 Les Ulis Cédex ORSAY Tel: (6) 907-78-25 Telex: SO004BF A,CH.CM,CS,E, MP,P Hewielt-Packard France Paris Porte-Meilloi 13, 15 25 Bld. De L'Amirai Bruix F-75782 PARIS Cédex 15 Те! (01) 502-12-20 Telex: 613663F CHOCMMS FP Hewlett-Packard France 2 Allee de ia Bourgonette F-35100 RENNES Tel; (99) 51-42-44 Telex; 7409126 CH,CM,E,MS,?" Hewlett-Packard France 98 Avenue de Bretagne F-75100 AQUEN Tek (35) 63-57-66 CH**,CS Hewlett-Packard France 4 Rue Thomas Mann Bolle Poslale 56 F-67200 STRASBOURG Tel: (88) 28-56-46 Telex: BOD141F CH,CM,E,MS,P" Hewlett-Packard France 20 Chemin de la Cépière F-31081 TOULOUSE Cédex Tel: (61) 40-11-12 Telex: 531639F ACHCM CS EP” Hewlett-Packard France Immeubie Péricenlre Rue Yan Gogh F-59650 VILLENEUYE D'ASG Tel: (20) 91-41-25 Telex; 150124F CH OM, E MSP" GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC Hewlett-Packard GmbH Technisches BUro Berlin Keithstrasse 2-4 D-1000 BERLIN 30 Tei: (030) 24-90-86 Telex: 018 3405 hpbin d ACHCMEM#EPX Hewlett-Packard GmbH Technisches Büro Böblingen Herrenberger Strasse 110 0-7030 BOBLINGEN Tel: (07031) 667-1 Telex: bbn or ACH .CM.CS.E MPP Hewlett-Packard Gmbh Technisches BUro Dusseldorf Emanuel-Leutze-Strasse 1 0-4000 DLSSELBORF Tel: (0211) 5971-1 Telex: 085/86 533 hpdd d ACRCMCSEMSP Hewlett-Packard GmbH Vertriebszentrale Frankfurt Berner Sirasse 117 Postfach 560 140 0-5000 FRANKFURT 56 Tel: (0614) 50-04-1 Telex: 04 13249 hpfim d ACHCM CS EMPP Hewlett-Packard GmbH Technisches BUro Hamburg Kapstadtring 5 0-2000 HAMBURG EO Tel: (040) 63804-1 Telex: 021 53 032 hphh d A.CH,CM,CS,E,.MS,P Hewlett-Packard GmbH Technisches BUro Hannover Am Grossmarkt 6 D-3000 HANNOVER 91 Tel: (0511) 46-50-01 Telex: 092 3259 ALHEMEMS,P Hewlett-Packard GmbH Technisches Büre Mannheim Rosslauer Weg 2-4 D-6800 MANNHEIM Tel: (06211 70050 Telex; 0462105 ALE PARA ly Pa Ел я = tn (Na 8 1e A cf Hewlett-Packard GmbH Technisches Blro Neu Ulm Messerschmittsirasse 7 0-7910 NEU ULM Tel; 0731-70241 Telex: 0712816 HP ULM-D AGE" Hewlett-Packard GmbH Technisches Büro Nürnberg Neumeyerstrasse 90 D-8500 NURNEERG Tel: (0911) 52 20 83-87 Telex: 0623 880 CH,CM,E,MS,P Hewlett-Packard GmbH Technisches Büro München Eschensirasse 5 D-3028 TAUFKIRCHEN Tel: (089) 6117-1 Telex: 0524985 A,CH.CMEMSP GREAT BRITAIN Hewlett-Packard Lid, Trafalgar House Navigation Road ALTRINCHAM Chesire WA14 INU Tel: (061) 828-6422 Telex: 568068 ACHCSEM Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Oakfield House, Qakfield Grove Clifton BRISTOL BS8 28N, Avon Tel: (027) 38606 Telex: 444302 CH,CM,M,P Hewlett-Packard Lid. 14 Wesley Street CASTLEFORD Yorkshire WF10 1AE Tel; (0977) 550016 Telex: 5557355 > CH Hewlett-Packard Ltd, (Pinewood) Nine Mile Ride EASTHAMPSTEAD Wokingham Berkshire, 3RG 11 3LL Tel: 3446 3100 Telex: 34-88-05 CHCSE Hewlett-Packard Ltd, Fourier House 257-263 High Street LONDON COLNEY Herts., AL2 1HA, St. Albans Tel: (0727) 24400 Telex: +-8952716 CHCSE Hewlett-Packard Lid Tradax House, St, Mary's Walk MAIDENHEAD Berkshire, SLE, 18T Tel: (0628) 39151 CH,CS.EP Hewlett-Packard Lid, Quadrangle 106-118 Slalion Road REDHILL, Surrey Tel: (0737) 68655 Telex: 947234 CH,CS.E Hewlett-Packard Lid. Westminsler House 190 Stratiord Road SHIRLEY, Solihull West Midlands 890 3BJ Tel: (021) 7458800 Telex: 339105 CH Hewlell-Packard Lid. West End House 41 High Street, West End SOUTHAMPTON Hampshire S03 300 Tel: (703) 886767 Telex: 477138 CH Hewlett-Packard Lid. King Street Lane WINNERSH, Wokingham Berkshire RG11 5AR Tel: (0734) 784774 Telex: 847178 ACHEM GREECE Kostas Karaynnis S.A, & Omirou Sires! ATHENS 133 Fal: 32-30-5303, 32-37-0971 Telex: 27 53 62 RKAR GA A,CHEM,CS,EMP PLAISIO S.A. E, Gerardos 24 Elournara Sireel ATHENS fret: 36- 11-160 Telex: 21 9492 F GUATEMALA ¡PESA Avenida Reforma 3-48, Zona 9 GUATEMALA Tel: 316627, 314786 Telex: 4192 TELTRO GU ACHCMCS,EMP HONG KONG Hewlett-Packard Hong Kong, Ltd, G.P.O. Box 795 ° 5th Floor, Sun Hung Kal Centre 30 Harbour Road HONG KONG Tel: 5-8323211 Telex: 66678 HEWPA HX Cable: HF ASIA LTD Hong Kong E.CHCS,P CET Ltd. 1402 Tung Way Mansion 189-203 Hennessy Rd. Wanchia, HONG KONG Tel: 5-729375 Telex: 85148 CET HX CM Schmidt & Co. (Hong Kong) Lid, Wing On Centre, 28h Foor Connaught Road, ©. HONG KONG Tel: 5-455644 Telex: 74756 SCHMX HX AM ICELAND Elding Trading Company Inc. Hamamvofi-Tryggvagolu P.O. Box 695 1S-REYKJAVIK Tel: 1-58-20, 1-63-03 M INDIA Bue Siar Ltd. Sabri Complex if Floor 24 Resigency RO. BANGALORE 560 025 Tel: 55660 Telex: 0845-430 Cable: BLUESTAR ACHCM CSE Blue Star Lid. Band Box House Prabhadevi BOMBAY 400 025 Те! 422-2101 Telex: 011-3751. Cable: BLUESTAR AM Blue Star Lid. Sahas 4 14/2 Vir Savarkar Marg Prabhadevi BOMBAY 400 025 Те! 422-6155 Telex: 011-4083 Cable: FROSTELUE A CHCM,CS,EM Blue Star Lid, Kalyan, 19 Vishwas Colony Afkapuri, BORODA, 390 005 Tel: 65235 Cable: BLUE STAR A Blue Star Lid, 7 Hare Street CALCUTTA 700 001 Tef 12-01-31 Telex: 021-7655 Cable: BLUESTAR AM Blue Star Lid 133 Kodambakkam High Road MADRAS 500 034 Tel: 82097 Telex: 041-379 Cable: BLUESTAR AM Bite Star Lid. Bhandarl House, 7thv8ih Fivors 91 Nehru Place МЕЖ РЕНН 170 024 Tel 682547 Telex: 031-2463 Cable: BLUESTAR A CHCMCS,EM Blue Star Lid. 15/16: Wellesley fd. PUNE 411 011 Те! 22775 Cable: BLUE STAR A Blue Star Ltd. 22-47/1108 Bolarum RE, SECUNDERABAD 500 003 Tel: 72057 Telex: 0155-459 Cable: BLUEFROST AE Blue Star Lid. T.C. 7/603 Poornima Maruthankuzhi TRIVANDRUM 895 013 Tel: 65799 Telex: 0884-259 Cable: BLUESTAR Е INDONESIA BERCA indonesia P.T. P.0.Box 486/KT. J. Abdui Muis 62 JAKARTA Те! 373008 Telex: 46748 BERSAL 14 Cable: BERSAL JAKARTA F INDONESIA (Con't.) BERCA Indonesia PT, Wisma Anlara Bidg., 17ih floor JAKARTA A GS EM BERCA Indonesia PT. P.O. Box 174/SEY. À Kulei No. 1” SURABA YA fel: 68172 Telex: 31146 BERSAL SB Cable: BERSAL-SURABAYA ASEMP IRAQ Hewlett-Packard Trading S.A. Mansoor City 9B/3/7 BAGHDAD Те! 551-49-73 Telex: 212-455 HEPAIRAQ IK CH,CS IRELAND Hewieti-Packard Ireland Ltd, Kestrel House Clanwilliam Court Lower Mount Street DUBLIN 2, Eire Tel: (1) 60 85 00 Telex; 30439 A,CH.CM,CS,E MP Cardiac Services Lig. Kilmore Road Анапе DUBLIN 5, Eire Tel: (01) 351820 Telex: 30435 M ISRAEL an À Electronics Engineering Division y Motorola Israel Lid. 16 Kremenetski Sireel P.Q. Box 25018 TEL-AVIV 57899 Tel: 3-338973 Telex: 33569 Moti i, Cable: BASTEL Tel-Aviv ACHCMECSEMP ITALY Hewlett-Packard Haliana S.p.A. Traversa 980 Giufo Petrone, 19 70124 BARI Tel: (080) 41-07-44 rl Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A. Via Marlin Luther King, 38/111 40722 BOLOGNA —- Tel: (051) 402394 Telex: 511630 CH,CM,E,MS Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A. Via Principe Nicola 436/06 1-95126 CATANIA Tel: (095) 37-10-87 Telex: 970297 Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A. Via G. Di Vittorio 9 20063 CÉRNUSCO SUL NAYIGLIO Tel: (2) 903691 Telex: 334632 ACH CM,CS,E,MP,P Hewlett-Packard lafiana S.p.A. Via Nuova san Rocco A Capodimonte, 62/A I-80131 NAPLES Tel: (081) 7413544 Telex: 710698 A,CH,CM,E Hewlett-Packard llailana S.p.A, Viale E. Modugno 33 1-16156 GENOYA PEGLI Tel: (070) 68-37-07 4 1 Hewlett-Packard ltañana S.D.À. Via Turazza 14 135100 PADOVA Tel: (049) 664888 Telex: 430315 A,CH,CM.E MS Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.À. Viale C. Pavese 340 I-00144 ROMA Tel: (06) 54831 Telex: 6105144 A CH,CM,CS.E MS,P* Hewieit-Packard Hlaliana S.p.A, Corso Svizzera, 184 10149 TORING + Tel: (011) 74 4044 Telex: 221079 CH CME JAPAN Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Inoue Building - 1-21-8, Asahi-cho ATSUGH Kanagawa 243 Tel: (0462) 28-0451 M,C E Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Lid. Sannomiya Dai-ichi Seimei Bldg. 69 Kyo-machi, Chuo-ku KOBE, 650 Tel: (078) 392-4791 CE Yokogawa-Hewletl-Packard Lid. Kumagaya Asahi Yasoji Bldg 4F 3-4 Chome Tsukuba KUMAGAYA, Saitama 260 Tel: {0485) 24-6563 CH,CM,E Yokogawa-Hewlet!-Fackard Ltd. Asahi Shinbun Daj-ichi Bidg., 2F 4-7 Hanabata-cho KUMAMOTO-SHI,860 Tel: (0963) 54-7311 С Yokogawa-Hewleti-Packard Lid. Shin Kyoto Center Bldg. 5F 614 Siokoji-cho Nishiiruhigashi, Karasurria Sickof-dori, Shimogyo-ku KYOTO 600 Те! 075-343-092 CH,E Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Mito Mitsui Building 1-4-73, San-no-maru MITO, Ibaragi 310 Tel: (0292) 25-7470 Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Lid. Sumitomo Seimei Nagoya Bldg. 11-2 Shimo-sasajima-cho Nakamura-ku NAGOYA, Aichi 450 - Tel: (052) 571-5171 CH,CM,ES,E,MS Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd, Chuo Bidg., 41h Floor 5-4-20 Nishinakajima Yodogawa-ku CSAKA, 532 Tel: (06) 304-502 1 Telex: YHPOSA 523-3624 ACH.CM,CS,E Mp B+ Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Lid, 27-15, 1-chome Yabe SAGAMIHARA-SHI PREF, 229 Tel: 427-591311 Telex: 8912 CH жа ‚E* LS SALES & SUPPORT OFFICES Arranged alphabetically by country Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Lid, Shinjuku Dakichi Seimei 6F 2-7-1, Nishi Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku, TOKYD 160 Tel: 03-348-4611-5 CHE Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Lid, 3-29-21 Takaido-Higash] Suginami-ku TOKYO 168 Tel: (03) 331-6111 Telex: 232-2024 YHPTOK A,CH,CM,CS,E MP P+ Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Lid, Yasudaseime! Yokohama Nishiguchi Bldg. 3-304 Tsuruya-cho Kanagawa-ku YOKOHAMA, Kanagawa, 221 Tel: (045) 312-1252 CH,CM,E JORDAN Motasher Cousins Company P.O. Box 1387 AMMAN Tel: 24007, 39907 Telex: 27456 SABCO JO CHEMP KENYA ADCOM Lid, inc. City House, Wabera Street Р.О Вох 30635 NAIROEI Te: 331955 Telex: 22839 EM KOREA Samsung Electronics Computer Division 76-8617 Yeoksam-Dong Kangnam-Ku CRO. Box 2775 SEQUL Tel 555-7555, 555-5447 Telex: K27364 SAMSAN ACHOMCSEMP KUWAIT Al-Khalidya Trading a Contracting P.O. Box 830 Sata KUWAIT Tel: 42.4810, 41-1728 Telex: 2481 Areeq ki CHEM Fhoto £ Cine Equipment £.0. Box 270 Safa KUWAIT Tel: 42.2846, 42-3501 Telex: 2247 Matin F LEBANON E.M. Doimadiian Achrafieh F0. Box 165.167 BEIRUT : Tel 290293 MP LUXEMBOURG Hewielt-Packard Belgium S.A/N.V. Blvd de la Woiuwe, 100 Woluwedai B-1200 BRUSSELS Tel: {02} 762-32-00 , Telex: 23-494 paloben bru A,CH,CM,CS,E,MP,P 7 MALAYSIA Hewlett-Packard Sales (Malaysia) Sdn, Bhd. 1st Ficor, Bangunan British American Jalan Semantan, Damansara Heights KUALA LUMPUR 23-03 Tel: 943022 Telex: MA31011 ACHEMP* EI TT Eu CT A EE Protel Engineering Lot 319, Satok Road Р.О Вох 1917 Kuching, SARAWAK Tel: 53544 Telex: MA 70904 PROMAL Cable: PROTELENG AEM MALTA Philp Toledo Ltd. Nalabite Rel, MRIEHEL Tel: 447 47. 455 68 Telex: MW. 549 2 MEXICO Hewlell-Packard Mexicana, S.A, de CY, Av. Periferico Sur No. 6501 Tepepan, Xochimilco 18020 MEXICO CITY Tel: (905) 678-4600 Telex: 017-74.507 A,CH,CS,E MSP | Hewlett-Packard Mexicana, S.A. de CY, Rio Yolga 600 Colonia del Valle MONTERREY, N.L. Tel: 78-42-93, 78-42.40, 78-42-41 Telex: 038-410 CH ECISA Taine 229 10 Pisa Polanco D.F. CP 11570 Tel: (905) 250-5397 M MOROCCO Doibeau 817 rue Karaich CASABLANCA Tel: 304 1-82, 5068-38 Telex: 23051, 22992 E Gerep Z rue d'Agadir Boile Postale 156 CASABLANCA Tel: 272083, 272095 Telex: 23 739 F NETHERLANDS Hewlett-Packard Nederland B.Y, Van Heuven Goedhartisan 121 NL 1181KK ANSTELVEEN Р.О. Вох 667 NL 1180 AR AMSTELVEEN Tel: (20) 47-20-21 Telex: 13 216 A,CH,CM,CS,E MP P Hewlett-Packard Nederland BY. Bongerd 2 NL 2906VK CAPPELLE, A/D ljessel P.O. Box 41 NL2900-AA CAPELLE, lisse! Tel: (10) 51-64-44 Telex: 21261 HEPAC NL ACHCMCS . Koning en Hariman Elecirotechnick BV Koperwerf 30 "2544 En den Haag The NE THERLANDS Tel 070-270 101 Telex: 31528 CM E LT PENN rer carn ETA eN A ta EE Tor a - . NEW ZEALAND Hewlett-Packard N.Z.) Ltd, 159 Manukau Road P.O. Box 26-189 Epsom, AUCKLAND Tel: 687-159 Cable: HEWPACK Auckland CHCM,E,P* Hewlett-Packard (N.Z.) Ltd, 4-12 Cruickshank Street Kilbimie, WELLINGTON 3 Р.О. Вох 9443 Courtenay Place, WELLINGTON 3 Tel: 877-199 Cable: HEWPACK Wellington CH,CM,E,P Northrop Instruments & Systems Lid. 369 Khyber Pass Road P.O. Box 8602 AUCKLAND Tel: 794-091 Telex: 80605 AM Northrop instruments & Systems Lid, 178 Mandeville St, P.C. Box 8388 CHRISTCHURCH Tel: 486-926 Telex: 4203 AM Northrop instruments & Systems Lid Slurdes House 85-87 Ghuznee Sireel P.O. Box 2406 WELLINGTON Те! 850.091 Telex: NZ 3380 AM NORTHERN IRELAND Cardiac Services Company 95A Finaghy Road South BELFAST BT 10 0BY Tel: (0232) 625-566 Telex: 747626 M NORWAY Hewlett-Packard Norge A/S Folke Bemadollesvei 50 P.O, Box 3558 N-5033 FYLLINGSDALEN (BERGEN) Tel: (05) 16-55-40 Telex: 16621 hpnas n CH,CM.E Hewlett-Packard Norge A/S Oesterndalen 18 P.O. Box 34 N-1345 OESTER°AS Tel: (02) 17-11-80 Telex: 16821 honas n A" CM,E,MS,P OMAN Khimi! Ramgas PO. Box 19 MUSCAY Tel 72.02.17, 72.22.06 Telex: 3289 BROKER MB MUSCAT P : PAKISTAN . . Mushko & Company Lid, 1-8, Street 43 Secor F-8/1 ISLAMABAD Tel 26875 Cable: FEMUS Rawapino FA Clare riadas Г La OT Lf 3 e A | "a VE Cia Ta тя БОТ edt - re a Tri 29 CU eo, Cena + Ma a НЫ Ard Hip) НДР Deas SEE SALES & SUPPORT OFFICES Arranged alphabetically by country ti 6 © mA вая rr rl ene с re a dr ато таже ey EE ET ET AEMP* Telex: 345 0514 Tel: 53-7955, 53-7956, 53-7957 Skalholtsgatan ©, Kista ing LiA Trading Co. | PAKISTAN (Con’t.) PUERTO RICO SOUTH AFRICA Hewleti-Packard Sverige AB Hewlett-Packard Far Easi Lid. : Mushio & Company Lid. Hewlett-Packard Puerto Rico Hewlett-Packard South Africa (Piy.) — Yastra Vintergatan 9 Taiwan Branch | Cosman Chambers Р.О. Box 4407 Ltd. S$-70344 OREBRO 5th Floor | Abdullah Haroon Road CAROLINA, Puerto Rico 00630 P.0. Box 120 Tel: (19) 10-48-80 a 20% Tun Hwa North Road KARACHI 0302 Calle 272 Edificio 203 Howard Place Telex: (854) 10721 (via SPANGA TAIPEI Tel: 511027, 512927 Urb, Country Club Pine Park Center, Forest Drive, office) Tel:(02) 751-0404 | Telex: 2894 MUSKO EX RIO PIEDRAS, Puerto Rico 00924 Pinelands CH,CM Cable:HEWPACK Taipei | Cable: COOPERATOR Karachi Tel: (809) 762-7255 CAPE PROVINCE 7450 Hewlett-Packard (Schweiz) AG A,CH,CM,CSE MP | PANAMA Electrónico Balboa, S.A. - Cafe Samuel Lewis, Ed. Alfa Apartado 4829 PANAMA 5 Те! 64-2700 Telex: 3438 ELECTRON PG ACMEMP Foto internacional, S.A. Colon Free Zone, Aparlado 2068 COLON 3 Tel: 45-2333 Telex: 379 8626, IMPORT PG Г PERU Cla Electro Médica S.A, Los Flamencos 145, San isidro Casilla 1030 LIMA + Те! 41-4325, 41-3708 Telax: Pub. Booth 25306 ACMEMP PHICIPPINES The Online Advanced Systems Corporation Rico House, Ámorsolo Cor. Herrera Sireet Legaspi Village, Makati EO. Box 1510 Metro MANILA Tel: 85-35-81, 85-34-81, 85-32-21 Telex: 3274 ONLINE A CHOS EM Electronic Specialists and Proponents inc. 890-8 Epifanio de los Santos Avenue Cubao, QUEZON CITY PO. Box 2643 Manila fel: 98-96-81, 96-96-82, 98-96-93 Telex: 40018, 42000 ITT GLOBE MACKAY BOOTH P POLAND Виго Informasji Technicznej Hewlett-Packard U! Slawki 2 &P FLO0-950 WARSZAWA Tel: 39-59-62, 39-67-43 Telex: 812453 hepa pf PORTUGAL Telectra-Empresa Técnica de Equipmentos Eléctricos S.a.r.l flua Rodrigo da Fonseca 103 Р.О. Вох 2531 P-LISBON 7 Tel: (19) 68-60-72 Telex: 12598 CHOSEP Mundinter intercambio Mundial! de Comércio Bar! P.O. Box 2761 Avenida Antonio Augusto de Aguiar 28 P-LISBON Tel: (19) 53-21-31, 53-21-37 Telex: 15697 munter р M ACH,CS QATAR ‘Nasser Trading & Contracting PU, Box 1563 DOHA Tel: 22170 Telex: 4439 NASSER M Computearbia Р.О. Box 2570 DOHA Tel: 329515 Telex: 4806 CHPARB Р ROMANIA Hewlett-Packard Reprezentanta Boulevard Nicolae Balcescy 16 BUCURESTI Tel: 130725 Telex: 10440 SALUD! ARABIA Modern Electronic Estabiishmen! P.O, Box 193 AL-KHOBAR Те! 964-4678 Telax: 670136 Cable: ELECTA AL-KHOBAR CHCSEMP Modern Electronic Éstablishment Р.О. Вох 1228, Baghdadiah Street JEDDAN Tel: 642-0229 Telex: 401035 Cable: ELECTA JEDDAH CHOSEMP Modern Electronic Establishment PO. Box 2728 RIYADH Tel: 491-97 15, 491-5307 Telex: 200756 CHOS EMP SCOTLAND Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Royal Bank Buildings Swan Street BRECHIN, Angus, Scotland Tel: (03562) 3101-2 CH,CM Hewlett-Packard Ltd. SOUTH QUEENSFERRY West Lothian, EH30 SGT GB-Scotland Tel: (031) 3311188 Telex: 72682 ACHCM CS EM SINGAPORE Hewlett-Packard Singapore (Piy.) Lid. Р.О. Вох 58 Alexandra Fost Office SINGAPORE, 9115 6th Floor, Inchcape House 450-452 Alexandra Road SINGAPORE 0511 Tel: 631788 Telex: HPSGSO RS 34209 Cable: HEWPACK, Singapore ACHCS EMS,P , Dynamar international Lid. —. Unit 05-11 Block 6 Kolam Ayer Industrial Estate SINGAPORE 1234 Tel: 747-6188 Telax: $26283 CM Telex: 57-20006 A.CH,CME,.MS,P Hewlett-Packard South Africa (Pty.) Ц Р.О. Вох 37099 Overport DURBAN 4067 Tel: 28-4178, 28-4179, 28-4110 Telex: 6-22954 CH,CM Hewlett-Packard Soulh Africa (Pty.) P.O. Box 33345 Glenstantia 0010 TRANSVAAL 1st Floor East Constantia Park Ridge Shopping Centre Consiantia Park PRETORIA Tel: 982043 Telex: 32163 CHE Hewlett-Packard South Africa (Pty.) Lt Private Bag Wendywood SANDTON 2144 Tel: 802-5111, 802-5125 Telex: 4-20877 Cable: HEMPACK Johannesburg A,CH,CM,CS,E,MS,P SPAIN Hewlelt-Packard Española S.A. c/Entenza, 321 E-BARCELONA 29 Tel: (3) 322-24-51, 321-73-54 Telex: 52603 hobee A,CH,CM,CS,E,MS,P Hewlett-Packard Española S.A. c/San Vicente 5/N Edificio Albia 11,7 8 E-SILBAQ 1 Tel: {4) 23-8308, (4) 23-8206 ACH.CM EMS Hewlett-Packard Española 6,A. Calle Jerez 3 E-MADRID 16 Tel: (1) 458-2600 Telex: 23515 пре ACME Hewlett-Packard Española S.A. c/o Costa Brava 13 Colonia Mirasierra E-MADRID 34 Tel: (1) 734-8061, (1) 734-1162 Hewiell-Packard Española S.A. Av Ramán y Cajal 1-9 Edificio Sevilla 1, E-SEVILLA 5 Tel: 64-44-54, 64-44-58 Telex: 72083 A,CM CE, MSP Hewlelt-Packard Española S.A. C/Ramon Gordillo, 1 (Entlo.3} E-VALENCIA 10 Tel: 361-1354, 351-1358 CH,CM,P SWEDEN Hewlett-Packard Sverige AB Sunnanvagen 14K 5-22226 LUND Tel: (046) 13-69-75 =] Telex: (854) 10721 (vía SPANGA office; CH,CM Box 19 S-16393 SPANGA Tel: (08) 750-2000 Telex: 854-10721 A,CH,CM,CS.E MSP Hewlett-Packard Sverige AB Frólalisgatan 30. 5-42 132 VASTRA-FROLUNDA Tel: (031) 49-09-50 . Telex: (854) 10721 {via SPANGA office) CHCMEP SWITZERLAND Hewlett-Packard (Schweiz) AG Clarastrasse 12 Cn-4058 BASLE Tel (61) 33-59-20 ACM Hewlelt-Packard (Schweiz) AG Bahnhoheweg 44 3018 BERN Tel: (031) 56-24-22 CH, CM Hewlett-Packard (Schweiz) AG 47 Avenue Blanc CH-1202 GENEVA Tek (022) 32-48-00 CH,CM,CS Hewlett-Packard (Schweiz) AG 29 Chernin Château Bloc CH-1219 LE LIGNON-Geneva Tel: (022) 96-03-22 Telex: 27333 hpag ch Cable: HEWPACKAG Geneva ACME MSP Hewlett-Packard (Schweiz) AG Allmend 2 CH-8967 WIDEN Tel: (57) 50-111 Telex: 59933 hpag ch Cable: HPAG CH ACHEMCS,E,ME,P SYRIA Genera! Electronic Inc. Nuri Basha-Ahnal Ebn Kays Gireel P.0. Box 5781 DAMASCUS Tel 33-24-87 Telex: 11215 ITIKAL Cable: ELECTROSOR DAMASCUS E Middle East Electronics Place Azmé Boite Postale 2008 DAMASCUS Те! 334592 Telex: 11304 SATACO SY MF TAIWAN Hewlett-Packard Far Cast Lid. Kaohsiung Office 2/F 68-2, Chung Cheng 3rd Road KAOHSIUNG Tel: 241-2318, 261-3253 CHGS Hewlett-Packard Far East Lid. Taichung Cffice #33, Cheng Yi Rd. 10th Floor, Room 5 TAICHUNG Tel: (042) 280274 3rd Floor 18, Po-Al Rpad TAIPE! 100 Те! (02) 3111314 Cable: INGLIH TAIPE! A THAILAND Unimesa 30 Palpong Ave., Suriwong BANGKOK 5 Tel 234 091, 234 092 Telex: 84439 Simonco TH Cable: UNIMESA Bangkok A CEM Bangkok Business Equipment Ltd. 5/5-6 Dejo Road BANGKOK Tol: 234-8670, 234-8671 Telex: 87669-BEQUIPT TH Cable: BUSIGUIPT Bangkok P TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Caribbean Telecoms Ltd. SO/A Jerningham Avenue Р.С. Вох 732 PORT-OF-5PAIN Tel: 62-44213, 62-442 14 Telex: 235,272 HUGCD WG ACMEMP TUNISIA Tunisie Electronique 31 Avenue de la Liberte TUNIS Tel 280-144 EP Corema 7 ter. Av, de Carthage TUNIS Tel: 253-821 Telex: 12319 CABAM TN M TURKEY Teknim Company Lid, fran Caddesi No. 7 Kavakiidere, ANKARA Tel: 275800 Telex: 42155 E EMA, Medina Eldem Sokak No.4 1/6 Yuksel Caddesi ANKARA Tel 175 622 MP UNITED ARAS EMIRATES Tus EAU Emitac Lid. : 5 Ps P.£. Вох 1641 SHARJAH Tel: 354121, 354123 Telex: 68136 Emitac Sh CHOSEMP UNITED KINGDOM see: GREAT BRITAIN NORTHERN IRELAND SCOTLAND TENE "A haa ta AA wl veh © TH UNITED STATES Alabama Hewlett-Packard Co. 700 Century Park South Suite 128 BIRMINGHAM, AL 35226 Tel: {205) 822-5802 CH,MP - Hewlett-Packard Co. Р.О. Вох 4207 8290 Whiteshurg Drive, 5.E. HUNTSVILLE, AL 35802 Tel: (205) 881-4591 CH,CM,CS EM" Alaska Hewlett-Packard Co. 1577 "C” Street Plaza, Suite 252 ANCHORAGE, AK 50501 Tel: (307) 276-5709 CH" Arizona Hewlett-Packard Co, 2336 East Magnolia Streel PHOENIX, AZ 85034 Tel: (602) 273-8990 A,CR CM, CS EMS Hewlett-Packard Co. 2424 Easi Aragon Road TUCSON, AZ 65706 Tel:-(502) 839-4531 CHE ME" Arkansas Hewlett-Packard Co. P.0. Box 5646 Brady Stalion LITTLE ROCK, AR 72215 111 N. Filmore LITTLE ROCK, AR 72205 Tel: (501) 664-8773, 376-1844 M5 California Hewlett-Packard Co, 9% South Hi} Or. BRISBANE, CA 94005 Tel: (415) 330-2500 CH,CS Hewlett-Packard Co. 7621 Canoga Avenue CANOGA PARK, CA 91304 Tei (213) 702-8300 ACHCS EP Hewlett-Packard Co. 1579 W. Shaw Avenue FRESNO, CA 93711 Tel: (209) 221-6321 MS Hewlett-Packard Co, 1430 East Orangethorpe FULLERTON, CA 92631 Tel: (714) 870-1000 CH,CM,CS,E,MP Hewlett-Packard Co. 5400 W. Rosecrans Boulevard LAWNDALE, CA 90260 P.0. Box 92105 LOS ANGELES, CA 90009 Tel: (213) 970-7500 CH,CM,CS MP Hewlett-Packard Co, 3339 Lankershim Blvd. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91604 Tel: (213) 877-1282 Regional Headquarters Hewlett-Packard Co. 3200 Hilview Avenue PALO ALTO, CA 94304 Tel: (415) 857-8000 CH,CS,E Hewlett-Packard Co. 646 W, North Market Boulevard SACRAMENTO, CA 95834 Те! (916) 929-7222 A” CH,CS EMS Hewieti-Packard Co. 8606 Aero Drive P.O. Box 23333 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 Fel: (714) 279-3200 CH, CM,CS,E,MP Hewlett-Packard Co. P.O. Box 4230 Fullerton, CA 92631 363 Brookholiow Drive + SANTA ANA, CA 92705 Tel: {714) 641-0977 A,CH CM,CS,MP Hewlett-Packard Co. Suite A 5553 Hollister SANTA BARBARA, CA 93111 Tel (805) 984-5390 Hewlett-Packard Co. 3003 Scott Boulevard SANTA CLARA, CA 95050 Tel: (408) 988-7000 A,CH.CM,CS,E. MP Colorado Hewlelt-Packard Co. 24 Invemess Place, East ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 Tel: (303) 771-3455 A,CH,CM,C3 EMS Connecticut Hewlett-Packard Co. 47 Barnes industrial Road South P.0. Box 5007 WALLINGFORD, CT 06492 Те! (203) 255-7801 A,CH,CM,CS EMS Florida Hewlett-Packard Co. Р.О. Вох 24210 2901 N.W. 62nd Street FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 32307 Tel: (305) 973-2600 CH,CS,E, MP Hewlett-Packard Co. 4080 Woodcock Drive, #132 Brownett Building JACKSONVILLE, FL 37207 Tel: (904) 398-0653 CE MS Hewlett-Packard Co, Р.О. Вох 13910 8177 Lake Elienor Drive ORLANDO, FL 32809 Tel: (305) 859-2000 A,CH.CM,CS EMS Hewlett-Packard Co, 6425 N. Pensacola Bivd. Suite 4, Building 1 PENSACOLA, FL 32505 Tel: (904) 476-8422 AMS Hewlett-Packard Co, 5750 North Hoover, Suite 123 TAMPA, FL 33514. Tel: (813) 872-0900 A",CH,CM.CS,E* Mt Georgia Hewlett-Packard Co, P.O. Box 195005 ATLANTA, GA 30348 2000 South Park Place ATLANTA, GA 30339 Tel: (404) 955-1500 Telex: 810-766-4890 A,CH,CM,CS.E MP эт SALES & SUPPORT OFFICES Arranged alphabetically by country Hewlell-Packard Co. Executive Park Suite 306 AUGUSTA, GA 30907 Те! (404) 736-0592 MS Hewlett-Packard Co, P.O. Box 2103 WARNER ROBINS, GA 31099 1172 N. Davis Drive WARNER ROBINS, GA 310923 Tel: (912) 923-8831 E Hawaii Hewlett-Packard Co. Kawaiahao Plaza, Suite 190 567 South King Street HONOLULU, KI 96813 Tel: (808) 526-1555 ACHE MS idaho Hewlett-Packard Co. 250 8. Beechwood 1st Floor, JUB Engineering Sidg, BOISE, ID 83702 Tel: (208) 376-8000 CHM* Hinois Hewlett-Packard Co. 211 Prospeet Road, Suite C BLOOMINGTON, IL 61701 Tel: (309) 5863-0383 CH,M5"* Hewlett-Packard Co, 1100 31st Street DOWNERS GROVE, IL 60515 Tel: (312) 960-5760 CH,CS Hewlett-Packard Co. 5201 Tolview Drive ROLLING MEADOWS, IL 60008 Tek (312) 255-9800 ACH,CM,CS EMP Indiana Hewlett-Packard Co. P.0. Box 50807 7301 No. Shadeland Avenue INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46250 Tet: (317) 842-1000 A CH,CM,CS,E,MS iowa Hewlett-Packard Co. 1776 22nd Street, Suite 1 WEST DES MOINES, lA 50265 Tel: (515) 224-1435 CH,MS*" Hewlett-Packard Co. 2415 Heinz Road JOWA CITY, ¡A 52240 Tel: (319) 351-1020, 366-5477 CRE * MS Kansas Hewlett-Packard Co. 1644 5. Rack Road WICHITA, KA 67207 Tel: (316) 684-8491 CH Kentucky Hewlett-Packard Co, . 10170 Linn Station Road Suite 525 LOVISVILLE, KY 40223 Tel: (502) 426-0100 A CHCS MS Louisiana Hewlett-Packard Do. P.O, Box 1445 KENNER, LA T0062 160 James Drive East DESTAHAN, LA 70047 Tel: (504) 4687-4100 A,CH,CS,E MS Maryland Hewlett-Packard Co, 7121 Standard Drive HANOVER, MD 21076 Tei: (801) 736-7709 A,CH,CM,CS E MS Hewlett-Packard Co. 2 Choke Cherry Road ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 Tel: (301) 948-6370 Telex: 710-828-5685 A.CH CM CS,E MP Massachusetts Hewlett-Packard Co. 32 Hartwell Avenue LEXINGTON, MA 02173 Tel: (517) 861-9980 ACH,CM,CS5,E,MP Michigan Hewlett-Packard Ca, 23855 Research Drive FARMINGTON HILLS, MI 48024 Tel: (313) 476-6400 A,CH.CM, CSE MP Hewlett-Packard Co. 4326 Cascade Road $.E, GRAND RAPIDS, M! 40506 Tel: (616) 957-1970 CHCS MS Minnasota Hewlett-Packard Co. 2025 W. Larpenteur Ave. ST. PAUL, MN 55113 Tel: (612) 644-1100 A,CH,EM,CS,E, MP Mississippi Hewlett-Packard Co. P.O. Box 5028 1875 Lakeland Drive JACKSON, MS 39215 Tel: (601) 982-9363 MS Missouri Hewlett-Packard Co, 11131 Colorado Avenue KANSAS CITY, MO 64137 Tel: (816) 763-8000 Telex: 910-771-2087 A,CH,CM,CS,E MS Hewlett-Packard Co. 1024 Executive Parkway ST. LOUIS, MO 63141 Tel: (314) 878-0200 A,CH,CS,E,MP Nebraska Hewlelt-Packard 7101 Mercy Road Suite 107, IBX Building OMAHA, NE 68106 Tel: {402) 392-0948 Nevada Hewlett-Packard Co. Suite 0-130 S030 Paradise Blvd. LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 Tel: (702) 738-8610 Ms + Naw Jersey Hewlett-Packard Co. Crystal Brook Professional Building Route 35 EATONTOWN, NJ 07724 Tel: (201) 542-1384 ACE Pr Hewletl-Packard Co. W120 Century Road PARAMUS, NJ 07652 Tel: {201) 265-5000 A,CH,CM,CS EMP Hewlett-Packard Co. 60 New England Av, West PISCATAWAY, NJ 08854 Tel: (201) 981-1189 A,CH.CM,CS,E Naw Mexico Hewlett-Packard Co. P.O, Box 11634 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87112 11300 Lomas Blvd. NE. ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87123 Tel: (505) 292-1330 Telex: 810-989-1185 CH,CS,E MS New York Hewlet!-Packard Co. 5 Computer Drive South ALBANY, NY 12205 Tel: (518) 458-1550 Telex: 710-444-4691 ACHEMS Hewlett-Packard Co. P.0. Box 297 9600 Main Street CLARENCE, NY 14031 Tel: (716) 759-8521 Telex: 710-523-1893 CH Hewlett-Packard Co. 200 Cross Keys Office FAIRPORT, NY 14450 Tel: (716) 223-9950 Telex: 510-253-0092 CH CM,CS E,MS Hewlell-Packard Co. 7641 Henry Clay Blvd, LIVERPOOL, NY 13088 Tel: (315) 451-1820 A,CH,CM E MS Hewlett-Packard Co. No. 1 Pennsylvania Plaza 55th Floor 34th Street & Sth Avenue NEW YORK, NY 10119 Tel: (212) 971-0800 CH,CS.E*.M* Hewlett-Packard Co. 3 Crossways Park West WOODEURY, NY 11797 Tel: (516) 921-0300 Telex: 510-221-2183 ACH CM CS,E,MS North Carolina Hewlett-Packard Co, 4915 Water's Edge Drive Suite 180 RALEIGH, NC 27506 Tel: (919) 851-3021 Hewlett-Packard Co. P.0. Box 26500 5605 Roanne Way GREENSBORO, NC 27450 Tel: (919) 852-1800 A,CH,CM,CS.EMS Ohio Hewlett-Packard Co. 9920 Carver Road CINCINNATI, OH 45242 Tel: (513) 891-0870 CH,CS,MS Hewletl-Packard Co, 16500 Sprague Road CLEYELANO, OH 44130 Tel; (216) 243-7300 Telex: 810-423-9430 A,CH,CM CS E MS Hewlett-Packard Co. 962 Crupper Ave, COLUMBIS, OH 43229 Tel: (614) 436-1041 CH,6M,CS,E" RECETA aid A rua or Ta RE Ewe = E hinata Ps Ч НЕ Tin I Ces Hewlett-Packard Co. P.O. Box 280 330 Progress Rd, DAYTON, OH 45449 Tel: (513) 859-8202 ACHCME*, MS Oklahoma Hewlett-Packard Co. Р.О. Box 32008 Oklahoma City, 0K 73123 1503 W. Gore Blva., Suite #2 LAWTON, OK 73505, Tel, (405) 249-4248 с Hewlett-Packard Co. Р.О. Вох 32008 . OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73123 304 N. Meridian Avenue, Suite A OKLAHGMA CITY, OK 73107 Tel: (405) 946-3499 A* CHE" MS Hewlett-Packard Co. Suite 121 9920 E. 42nd Street TULSA, OK 74165 Tel: (918) 665-3300 A * CH.CS.M* Oregon Hewlett-Packard Co. 1500 Valley River Drive Suite 330 EUGENE, OR 97401 Tel (503) 683-8075 Hewiati-Packard Co. 9255 8. W: Pioneer Court WILSONVILLE, OR 57070 Tel: (503) 682-8000 A.CH,CS,E" MS Pennsylvania Hewlett-Packard Co. 1021.8th Avenue King of Prussia Industrial Park KING OF SRUSSIA, PA 19406 Tel: (215) 285-7000 Telex: 510-660-2670 A,CH,CM,CS,E.MP Hewiett-Packard Co. 111 Zeta Drive PITTSBURGH, PA 15238 Tel: (412) 782-0400 A,CH,CS EMP South Carolina Hewlett-Packard Co. P.0. Box 21708 Brookside Park, Suite 122 1 Harbison Way COLUMBIA, SC 29210 Tel: (803) 732-0400 CH,E,MS Hewlett-Packard 20, Koger Execufive Center Chesterfiek] Bldg., Suite 124 GREENVILLE, SC 29615 Tet (803) 748-5601 Tannesses Hewlett-Fackerd Co. Р.О, Box 22430 224 Peters Road Suite 102 KNOXVILLE, TN 37922 Tel: (615) 681-2371 A" CH MS Hewlett-Packard Co, 3070 Directors Row MEMPHIS, TN 38131 Tel: (901) 346-8370 ACH MS MA sk TA Ma Hewlett-Packard Co. 230 Great Circle Road Suite 216 NASHVILLE, TN 32228 Tel: (615) 255-1271 MS* = Texas Hewlett-Packard Co. Suite 310W 7800 Shoalcreek Blvd. AUSTIN, TX 78757 Tel: (512) 459-3143 E Hewlett-Packard Co. Suite C-110 4171 North Mesa EL PASO, TX 79902 Tel: (915) 533-3555, 533-4488 CH,E* MS" * Hewlett-Packard Co. 5020 Mark IV Parkway FORT WORTH, TX 75106 Tel: {817) 625-6361 CH,CS* Hewiali-Packard Со, P.O. Box 42816 HOUSTON, TX 77042 10535 Harwin Sireet HOUSTON, TX 77036 Tel: (713) 776-6400 A,CH,CM,CS,E,MP Hewlett-Packard Co. 3309 67th Street Suile 24 LUBBOCK, TX 75413 Tei: (806) 799-4472 M Hewlett-Packard Co, P.O. Box 1270 RICHARDSON, TX 75080 930 Е. Campbell Rd. RICHARDSON, TX 75081 Tel: {244} 231-6101 A,CH,CM,CS EMP Hewlett-Packard Co, Р.О. Вох 32993 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78216 1020 Central Parkway South SAN ANTONIO, TX 78232 Tel: (512) 494-0336 CHCS,E.MS Litah Hewlett-Packard Co, P.0. Box 26626 3530 W. 2100 South SALY LAKE CITY, UT 84119 Tel: (801) 974-1700 A,CH,CS,E,MS Virginia Hewlett-Packard Co, Р.О. Вох 9669 2914 Hungary Spring Road RICHMOND, YA 23228 Tel: (804) 285-3431 ACH, CS,E MS Hewleit-Packard Co, 3106 Peters Creek Road, NW. ROANOKE, VA 24019 Tel: (703) 563-2205 CH,E* Hewlett-Packard Co. 5700 Thurston Avenue Suite i11 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23455 Tel: (804) 460-2471 CHMS Washington Hewlelt-Packard Co, 15815 5.E. 37h Street BELLEYUE, WA 98006 Tel: (206) 643-4000 A,CH,CM,CS,E,MP ТИ "Tard ОН Ta pers Ja A 7] SALES & SUPPORT OFFICES © Arranged alphabetically by country Hewlett-Packard Co. Suite A 708 North Argonne Road SPOKANE, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 922-7000 CHCS West Virginia Hewlett-Packard Co. 4604 MacCorkle Ave, SE. CHARLESTON, WV 25304-4297 Те! (304) 925-0492 AMS : Wisconsin Hewlett-Packard Co, 150 5. Sunny Slope Road BROOKFIELD, Wi 53005 Tel: (414) 784-8800 A,CH,CS,E" MP URUGUAY Pablo Ferrando S.A.C. el Avenida flalia 2877 Casilla de Correo 370 MONTEVIDEO Те! 80-2536 Tefex: Public Booth 801 ACME M Guillermo Kraft del Uruguay S.A, Av, Lib. Brig, Gral, Lavaleja 2083 MONTEVIDEO Tel: 274588, 234808, 208830 Telex: 6245 ACTOUR LY F Ц = 5. 5. Е = Hewlett-Packard Co. Representative Office Pokroveky Bivd. 4/17 KV12 MOSCOW 101000 Tel: 204-2024 Telex: 7825 HEWPACK SU VENEZUELA Hewlett-Packard de Venezuela С.А. Apartado 50933 3A Transversal Los Ruices Norte Edificio Segre CARACAS 1071 Tel; 239-4133 Telex: 25146 HEWPACK A,CH,CS,E,MS,P Colimedio S.A. Apartado 1053 Este 2-Sur 21 No. 148 CARACAS 1010 Tel 5771-35-11 Telex: 21528 M YUGOSLAVIA lskra-Commerce-Represenialion of Hewlett-Packard Sava Centar Delegacia 30 Milentia Popovica 9 11170 BEOGRAD Tel: 638-752 Telex; 12042, 12322 YU SAV CEN Iskra-Commerce-Representation of Hewlett-Packard Koprska 46 6 1000 LJUBLJANA Tel: 321674, 315879 Telex: ZAIRE Computer E indusirial Engineering 25 Avenue de la Justice BP. 10-876 Kinshasha if Z2aire GOMBE Tel: 32063 Telex: 21-457 SGEKIN ZR CHCS ZIMBABWE Field Technical Sales 45 Kelvin Road, Nori Р.В. 3458 SALISBURY Tel: 705 231 \ Telex: 4-122 RH. CEMP If there is no sales office listed for your area, contact one of these headquarters offices. NORTH/CENTRAL AFRICA Hewlett-Packard S.A, 7 Rue du Bois-du-Lan CH-1217 MEYRIN 2, Switzerland Tel: (022) 98-06-51 Telex: 27835 hpse Cable: HEWPACKSA Geneve ASIA Hewlelt-Packard Asia Lid. 6th Floor, Sun Hung Kai Center 30 Harbor Rd, G.P.O, Box 795 HONG KONG Tel: 5-832 3211 Telex: 66678 HEWPA MX Cable: HP ASIA LTD Hong Kong CANADA . Hewielt-Packard (Canada) Ltd, 6877 Goreway Drive MISSISAUGA, Ontario L4y 1M8 Tel: (416) 678-9430 Telex: 510-492-4246 EASTERN EUROPE Hewlett-Packard Ges.m.b.h, Wehlistrasse 29 Р.О.Вох 7 A-1205 VIENNA Tel: (222) 35-16-210 Telex: 135823/135066 NORTHERN EUROPE Hewlett-Packard S.A, Uilensiede 475 NL-1183 AG AMSTELVEEN The Nelherlands Р.О.Вох 999 NL-1180 AZ AMSTELVEEM The Netherfands Tel: 20 437771 OTHER EUROPEAN Hewlett-Packard S.A. 7 Rue du Bois-du-Lan CH-1217 MÉYRIN 2, Switzerland Tel: (022) 98-95-51 Telex: 27835 hpse Cable: HEWPACKSA Geneve {Offices In the World Trade Center} MEDITERRANEAN AND MIDDLE EAST Hewlett-Packard S.A. Mediterranean and Middle East Operations Atrina Centre 32 Kifissias Ave, Amaroussion, ATHENS, Greece Tel: 808-0359 808-0429 Telex: 21-6588 Cable: HEWPACKSA Athens EASTERN USA Hewlett-Packard Co. 4 Choke Cherry Road Reckville, MD 20850 Tel: (301) 258-2000 MIDWESTERN USA Hewlett-Packard Co. 5201 Tollview Drive ROLLING MEADOWS, IL 60008 Tel: (312) 255-3800 SOUTHERN USA Hewlett-Packard Co. Р.О. Вох 105005 450 intersiale № Parkway ATLANTA, GA 30339 Tel: (404) 955-1500 WESTERN USA Hewlett-Packard Co. 3939 Lankersim Blvd, LOS ANGELES, CA 91604 Tel: (213) 877-1282 OTHER INTERNATIONAL AREAS Hewietl-Packard Co, Intercontinental Headquarters 3495 Deer Creek Road PALO ALTO, CA 94304 Tet: (415) 857-1501 Telex: 034-8300 Gable: HEWPACK 14 April 1982 5952-6900 ">

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Key features
- Measures RMS value of AC voltages
- Frequency range: 10 Hz to 10 MHz
- Crest factor rating: 10:1
- Accuracy: ±1% from 50 Hz to 1 MHz
- Provides a DC output
- 12 voltage or decibel ranges
- AC overload protection
- Maximum DC input: 600V
- Response time: <5 seconds
- Output noise: < 1 mV RMS
Frequently asked questions
The frequency range is from 10 Hz to 10 MHz, as stated in the viewed document.
The crest factor rating of the Hewlett-Packard 3400A RMS Voltmeter is 10:1. This rating allows full scale readings for pulses with a 1% duty cycle, as described in the viewed document.
The specified full-scale accuracy is ±1% from 50 Hz to 1 MHz, ±2% from 1 MHz to 2 MHz, ±3% from 2 MHz to 3 MHz, and ±5% from 10 Hz to 50 Hz and 3 MHz to 10 MHz, as stated in the viewed document.
The Hewlett-Packard 3400A provides a DC output which is proportional to the front panel meter reading. This voltage can be used to drive auxiliary equipment, effectively functioning as an RMS AC-to-DC converter, as described in the viewed document.
The Hewlett-Packard 3400A RMS Voltmeter can be operated from any AC source of 115- or 230- volts (+ 10%), at 48 to 440 cycles, according to the viewed document.