HP 5315 A, B Universal Counter Operating and Service Manual
Below you will find brief information for Universal Counter 5315A, Universal Counter 5315B. The HP 5315A and 5315B are universal counters, measuring signals over a range from 0.1 Hz to 100 MHz. Two independent input channels provide time interval measurements. Each input channel has an attenuator (X1, X20), trigger slope selector, trigger level and sensitivity control, and AC-DC coupling. A switchable low-pass filter on Channel A and three-state trigger lights are also provided.
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eo ~ < LA — en 1 a т OPERATING General Information Installation Operation and Programming Performance Tests Adjustments Replaceable Parts Manual Changes Service SERVICE 100 MHz Universal Counter Rots FINE yo BY EXPONENT CHANNEL LAO EXFONENT MANUAL HEWLETT PACKARD 4d/VSLES dH Printed SEPT 1986 HEWLETT PACKARD 1986 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 5301 STEVENS CRK. BLVD., SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95051-7299 г | Counter 2538A niversa 5315A/B OLDER INSTRUMENTS OPERATING AND SERVICE MANUAL SERIAL PREFIX This manual applies to instruments with Serial Prefix 2538A For Serial Prefixes 2536A and below, refer to Section VII for unless accompanied by a Manual Change Sheet. 00 N = = | К. = S 5 8 © => = > Ss q — > o N с a 23 Oo 1 © =~ O LY © = co if © p= © Be u pr © Е e E Lo y as =F = _ =. ZZ ох i o но CNT Ce 5 rr y fr E e 00 = E a ; 2 ee Cu CS я e > , О) ed - i а i 7 orm Hi я a 7 Sr srg) Model 5315A/B Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page | GENERAL INFORMATION LL... 120 ea a aa ae ae aa ee aa a a a a aa na aa aa sa ue 6 1-1 1-1. Introduction ........2202 see ses sa scan nee nana ana ane n nana a 1-1 1-5. Description ...........e..eneocorcccocoresccrececiaeceneanca.. 1-1 1-9. Specifications ............eceoeeccocorccocosrereceaeo remera. 1-1 1-11. Options ............eec.eerrevocccrocrrececaciren e ecneaaeaaa 1-5 1-13. Safety Considerations ............com_reesoooesccccoerccreroeao. 1-5 1-15. Instrument Identification .............ee.essrorccc000 1-5 1-17. Accessories ...........e.eeseeorerceorccorerciecocorece 0 eee. 1-6 1-19. Recommended Test Equipment ...............e0e00esocccocaas 1-6 2-1. . Introduction ..............e.eocoececs00crararerarcececoa 0.00... 2-1 2-3. Unpacking and Inspection 2-5. Preparation for Use ...............eweeeocccesssroorrorecaaaeo 2-1 2-6. Power Requirements .. 2-8. Line Voltage Selection . 2-1 2-16. Power Cable ................e.ece0ccrioorreareerere eee 23 2-18. — Орегайпв Епугоптет ................................... 2-3 2-22. Storage and Shipment ...................................... 2-4 2-23. Environment .................eecorecerererecaacererecaeas 2-4 2-26. Packaging ........ñoerereorrceocrrrerorecarecrereeceece.e. 2-4 2-29. Field Installation of Options . 2-31. Part Numbers for Ordering Option Kits .................... 2-5 2-33. Installation of TCXO ОрЧоп 001 ........................... 2-6 2-35. Installation of Battery Pack and Charger Option 002 ......... 2-6 2-37. Installation of C Channel Option 003 ...................... 2-7 2-41. Installation of Oven Oscillator Option 004 (5315A) .......... 2-9 2-43. Installation of Oven Oscillator Option 004 (5315B) .......... 2-10 » + Г] “ “ * * + № ml TA » * * “ * + к — . . . + . + + . = . + - + + - + + . - . . - * + + - + + . + + > . + - + Ni OPERATION .......eeeorcocosorororacocrerecacecacrencoacrecoeoro 3-1 3-1. Introduction ...........eoeescecooocircerreren.orenrecaereaa: 3-4 3-3. Operating Characteristics | 3-1 3-6. Modes of Operation ..................eeeceococorecacoreer0s | 3-1 3-8. FREQÁA 2Ñecocooroecorccroraroeceororocaceororroaoraooaneo 3-1 3-10. РЕК А ...e.e.e..eeeeeceriirerec eco e e eee eee. 3-2 — 3-12. T.l. A>B 2nnnooroccorecrooconereoreracocecroarearoacareoooo 3-2 3-14. T.l. АМС А-В . 3-17. T.I. DELAY .... 3-19. RATIO A/B titties ee eee eee RRR à 3-3 3-21. A BY B (Gated Totalize) 3-23. A ARMED BY B oii ei et str eee 0 3-4 3-27. FREQ C (Option 003) . 3-29. TOT STOP/START ...Ñ............e_ec0dacarecrarererercercorer 3-6 3-31. CHECK LL... eee ee aa ae aa aa a a aa aa a aa a a ua na sa nan sance 3-6 3-33. Display Check 1.22 eee eee iii, 3-7 3-35. Front and Rear Panel Features and Controls .................. 3-7 3-37. Function Selection Controls ..................00000c00m0rc000: 3-7 3-42. Signal Conditioning Controls ...................ceecccocccco 3-8 * + . + - - . . » . - + + . > * * = * + + * + + - - + . . “ = = = . . Ц INSTALLATION outta eects ieee eevee 2-1 > N y Ww y > Y o Model 5315A/B Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section Title ‚ Раде 3-45. Trigger Level/Sensitivity Controls .................. Lena sa 00 0 3-8 3-47. Display ..........eesreecooroeceren. PO enn. 3-14 3-49. Operating Instructions ................. ee ea ee ae a aa 00000 3-14 3-51, Operator’s Check .................. ae sea c sac» RAS 3-14 3-52. Power-Up Self Check .................... PS 3-15 3-55. Error Messages ............. eue RE RS 3-15 3-58. Measurement Procedures ......... a ea 8 a 8 0 a ea 00 00000000 3-17 3-60. Frequency, Period, and Ratio Measurements VRR RK 3-17 3-61. Time Interval Measurements .........00000000000 00 A 3-18 3-62. Options .......ceeoeererecererrrrocacarercoreree recon ece e 3-18 3-64. Temperature Compensated Time Base OPTION 001 ......... 3-18 3-66. Battery and Charger OPTION 002 ........ enana. eee 3-18 3-68. C Channel OPTION 003 ...........e...e.. eee ana canne 3-18 3-70. Oven Contained Time Base OPTION 004 ............. FR 3-18 3-73. Offset/Normalizer OPTION 006 ........... PS 3-19 3-75. Operator’s Maintenance ......... PE eee 3-19 3-78. Power/Warm Up ......... e urorcocarorercanea. PT me... 3-20 IV PERFORMANCE TESTS .......eenesrecorcccvóorreecrocorro rare rece mes 4-1 | 4-1. Introduction ..........eeeoc.. eee eee a era aa an 0000 4-1 4-4. Operational Verification ............... PO FP nee 4-1 4-6. Performance Tests .....,......... cea RAS Cree 4-1 4-8. Equipment Required ................... PS 4-1 4-10. Тез! Кесог@ .................. enarioooreceor recen. Lana» 4-1 NV ADJUSTMENTS ...... ae ee ee a 0 ae 80 00e 0e ae eee a 0 0000 1000000000 5-1 5-1. Introduction ........ee...ee.e—. Cees eerie 5-1 5-4, Equipment Required .............e—..o. eee PO 5-1 5-6. Factory Selected Components noorcorcorerorresoaarera rene. 5-1 5-8. Adjustment Locations ...........ereoersccverccos RARE 5-1 5-10. Adjustment Procedures ................ ete eae 5-2 5-11. 5315A Voltage Selector .............. erie 5-2 5-13. Power Supply Adjustments ....... eases crema 5-4 5-15. Input Offset Adjustments ......... La a nas ane 0 PE 5-4 5-17. Standard Oscillator Adjustment ..........e..ee.eeocorcorves 5-6 5-19. Option 001 Oscillator Adjustment (TCXO) ........eee.cen.—. 5-6 5-23. Option 004 Oven Contained Oscillator | Adjustment (5315A/B) .......ecconececroroecaoo RARE 5-9 5-25. Option 002 Battery Charger Adjustment RE e... sas au 00 5-9 5-27. Option 003 1 GHz Channel C Adjustment .................. 5-12 Vi REPLACEABLE PARTS ....e..ereocoocsccrccarerarocorerrernerecare, 6-1 6-1. Introduction ..........e..e.e.. Ceres eee 6-1 6-3. Abbreviations .......eoreeesccrvorceroosoreorerre vere recen. 6-1 6-5. Replaceable Parts .........eeeeeocsesrrrooorrercócocee. e... 6-1 6-9. Ordering Information .......... e... ieee 6-1 6-12. Direct Mail Order System ............ e... eee FR 0 ce 6-3 6-15. Special Parts Replacement Considerations ...........eeeeee... 6-3 IV Model 5315A/B Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section Title | © Page Vil MANUAL CHANGES ..........eeereereveceroea eee 7-1 7-1. Introduction ...............e eee erie 7-1 7-3. Manual Changes ..........eeeeeeosoriceerorocornecoccr a ee 7-1 VII SERVICE LL... cc sance PT AT PS 8-1 8-1. 1018 To Te [Tot To oR RERRRR ER ERKRRR KK K KR R RR RK 8-1 8-3. Theory of Operation ................. PA 8-1 8-5. Troubleshooting .........oi iii iii 8-1 8-8. Recommended Test Equipment (Lea ea ss 00e RARE 8-1 8-10. Schematic Diagram Notes ................. tree 8-1 8-12. Reference Designations .........eeeeeeorecoro ee sea 000 0 8-1 — 8-14. Identification Markings on Printed Circuit Boards .......... — 8-3 8-17. Safety Considerations ..........e.eeercorecacoo rere 00000 8-3 8-21. Safety Symbols... ee 8-4 8-23. Service Aids 1000er eee AA .. 8-4 8-24. Pozidriv Screwdrivers ............. Crete eters 8-4 8-26. Service Aids on Printed Circuit Boards .................... 8-4 8-28. Assembly Identification ...................... EE 0 0 8-5 8-30. Theory of Operation .......... EEK EG nee... cee — 8-5 8-31. Introduction ........ SR PET PEE 0 00 - 8-5 8-33. Overall Block Theory ............ ene ree. 8-7 8-38. Assembly Circuit Theory ................ Vase aa ea een 000 8-7 8-40. ~~ A1 Motherboard ................. ieee 8-7 8-52. A2 Display Assembly ............ Chere een. 8-9 8-54. A3 Input Assembly ......... A A SA 8-9 8-58, A4 Amplifier Assembly ............ A eee eee 8-9 3 8-62. A8 Power Module ........... oii 8-10 3 8-64. A13 Standard Oscillator .......... PS .. 8-10 . 8-66. Options Theory (Options 001, 002, 003 and 004) :............ 8-10 8-67, Ab Battery Charger Assembly Option 002 .................. 8-10 | 8-75. Battery Operation with Oven Oscillator (Option 004) ..... .. 8-12 8-77. Battery Annunciators ........eecoeeooccorrerececrocoreccccoro 8-13 8-85. A7 TCXO Option 001 ........... es een, 8-14 8-87. A9 C Channel Option 003 ......... a eciroeccorrocarrecece 8-14 8-95. A14 and A15 Oven Contained Reference Oscillator Options ..........r.eeeeeescococreorocc0 eee. 8-16 8-101. Troubleshooting Test Procedures .......................... 8-16 8-104. Test Procedure 1, Power Supply .........eereesvcdococcon. 8-16 8-106. Test Procedure 2, Microcomputer, Display, and Data Bus ... 8-17 8-108. Test Procedure 3, Reference Oscillator .................... 8-18 8-111. Test Procedure 4, Input Amplifiers .............eee.eoccoo. 8-18 8-113. Test Procedure 5, Front Panel Switches .................... 8-20 8-115. Test Procedure 6, Multiple Register Counter (MRC) ........ 8-20 8-117. Test Procedure 7, Battery Pack (Option 002) ............... 8-20 8-123. Test Procedure 8, C Channel (Option 003) ...... AA 0 0 8-24 e Model 5315A/B List of Tables 8-2. 8-3. 8-4. LIST OF TABLES Title Page 5315A/B Specifications .........oeeeeereocoscorercone, Cerrar 1-2 Accessories Supplied .............——e.eeo. Chretien 1-6 Accessories Available ......... i ii eee 1-6 Recommended Test Equipment .........eoorrenecosoroocerrererece, 1-6 Option Parts for Field Installation ......... eorcorrarrerecioen ee .. 2-5 Display Check ..........eemeesecoroo. aveo. ВНИИ ... 3-7 Operational Verification ....... eevee, e ecoocoonerecorarco 4-2 In-Cabinet Performance Test ..... eee Necococacareonooo 4-7 Adjustments ieee MS PA PAS 5-2 Factory Selected Components ............ PA PA ieee 5-2 Reference Designations and Abbreviations a e enecorecocereoren. 6-2 Replaceable Parts ......0.0.00000000000 00000040 RER EEK REEL 6-5 Option 001 Replaceable Parts .............. PS 6-15 Option 002 Replaceable Parts ...............e.eeorcosrcororerreeve. 6-16 Option 003 Replaceable Parts ............oo_eeeecccccsccorereorecer. 6-18 5315A Option 004 Replaceable Parts ............e.ceoreesscerceroee. 6-20 5315B Option 004 Replaceable Parts ........... aa ea ee ee 00 000000 0 6-21 Manufacturers Code List ............. Le ee ea ee ae ae ae a ea 0e neue 00000 6-22 Manual Backdating .............. La a aa a aa anse ua ue Las sas a aa ana ne 7-1 Manual Changes by Series Number .........20200000 00000 ana ss sa nue 06 7-1 A6 Adjustments (Series 1812 through 2032) ..............ee.cooneear. 7-5 5315A-A1 Assembly Replaceable Parts ........... ee aa aa en ana 000000 0 7-9 5315B-A1 Assembly Replaceable Parts ........00.000000000 0e see 0000000 7-11 5315A-A6 Assembly Replaceable Parts .........e.oreeorcorocorororee. 7-13 Assembly Identification .................. treater area 8-5 Battery-Pack Operation .......eeeererevcooscsoooorecoe. RAA 8-10 Battery-Pack Troubleshooting ............eeeeerroroervereorcocecen. 8-21 Battery State-of-Charge ........ño_ecorrecorsocrcrereo. PS 8-23 (uta Si. DTD ña Pr В A Е UN a 7 A un В a - pe E su 3 a = D it Figure 1-1. 2-1. 2-3. 3-1. 3-2. 3-4. 3-5. 3-6. 3-7. 3-8. 3-9. 3-10. 3-11. 3-12. 3-13. Model 5315A/B List of Figures LIST OF FIGURES Page Models 5315A and 53158 Universal Counters ...........e.eeeeesecooo 1-0 5315A Line Voltage Selection Label .............. teeta, 2-1 5315B Line Voltage Selection Card. ..........ñ....eoeooesecoreroreneco 2-2 Power Cable HP Part Numbers versus Mains Plugs Available ........ . 23 T.l. Average Dead Time ........... PU Severgorcarercarearecacre, 3-2 Timing of Time Interval Delay Mode .................... PAS 3-3 Timing of Totalize A by B Mode ............coooncecocscecedoarereo, 3-4 A ARMED BYB ........ ee aa da aa nana a 3-5 Trigger Level/Sensitivity Controls ...........e..eere.eeondcaoececaeeo 3-8 5315A/B Front End Block Diagram .........eoeereicoccococeacaereoo 3-9 Front Panel Features ............... tetra. eee 3-10 Rear Panel Features ..........eoereeorcorcccacocarecroon ene onneooo 3-13 Operator's Check .................... PS J 3-16 AC Coupled Measurements ...........oeoeccoreccaredocaceanrecreno 3-17 DC Coupled Measurements ..........ee.eorcoccooosooodocoreredero, 3-17 Details of Input Connector J1 and Fuse Mounting ................ v.. 3-19 Frequency A/Period A Measurements .............................. 3-21 Time Interval Measurement ................ ere 000 PAS 3-22 Time Interval Delay Measurement ........................ eee. 3-23 ~ Time interval Average A—-B .............eoreccrocococaorececaeecccao 3-24 Ratio A/B Measurements ......... ese. RAS RER esate 3-25 A BY B Measurements .........oeeeeeeóorooreccaceo! ee sa es a 000006 — 3-26 FREQ A Armed by B Measurements ..... etree etree ea 3-27 Totalize Measurement .................. Crete eater ana, 3-28 Frequency C Measurement (Option 003) ............er_eoocorcoredo 3-29 “ Channel C Frequency Response and Sensitivity Test Setup ............ 4-15 5315A Adjustment Component Locations ...........eeereoncocceroooo 5-3 5315B Adjustment Component Locations ..................... ena 5-5 Reference Oscillator Adjustment Locations (Standard and Option 001) ..............eeeeeesvecveo 5-7 Reference Oscillator Adjustment Locations (Option 004) ............. 5-8 Option 002 Battery Charger Adjustment Locations .................. 5-10 Option 003 Channel C Adjustment Locations .............eweovccoo 5-14 Model 5315A Mechanical Parts Layout ................eeceerccccco. 6-23 Model 5315B Mechanical Parts Layout ...............c_eeocococccceccc.o 6-24 Option 002, КесПагвеаЫе ВаЧегу .................................. 6-25 Option 003 «Li i er ee ee a 6-26 Option 004 eee ee ee eee ooo. 6-27 Adjustment Component Locator A1 (A1 Assembly Series 1812 through 1928) ................000r000recer e. 7-3 A1S1 Switch Assembly (A1 Assembly Series 1928) ............_.r.e..e.. 7-3 Option 002 Battery Charger Adjustment Locations (A6 Assembly Series 1812 through 2032) ..............e.ee00serevecer e. 7-5 A1/A2/A5/A7/A8 Motherboard/Display Schematic Diagram ........... 7-15 A6 Battery Charger Schematic Diagram .............................. 7-17 5315A A1 Motherboard/Power Supply Component Locator ............ 7-18 vil Model 5315A/B List of Figures LIST OF FIGURES — Figure — Page 8-1. - Schematic Diagram Notes .......... aa aa ee aa au eue ea 01000000 8-2 8-2. Overall Block Diagram ............….….…….……………e RS 8-6 8-3. - - Battery-Pack (Option 002) Block Diagram eno. ene. eee eccanao. 8-11 8-4. - Option 003 1 GHz C Channel Block Diagram eee PAS 8-14 8-5. A3/A4 Input Assembly Waveforms ............. cco KE EN 8-19 8-6. Troubleshooting Block Diagram ..........eeoe.econorreorcorrecacene. 8-25 8-7. Тор Internal Model 5315A ........... e... euariorerarroarerarcerecnes 8-26 8-8. Top Internal Model 5315B ........ AS RARES 8-27 8-9. 5315A A1 Motherboard/Power Supply Component Locator EP 8-28 8-10. A2 Display Assembly Component Locator .................. ......... 8-29 8-11. A7 TCXO Assembly Component Locator ........ eococrrrorerececan e. — 8-30 8-12. A13 Standard Reference Oscillator Component Locator .............. 8-30 8-13. A14 Oven Reference Oscillator Assembly (5315A Option 004) Component Locator ............... . 8-30 8-14. 5315A-A1/A2/A5/A7/A13/A14 Motherboard/Display _ - | В Schematic Diagram .............eoé0mecce. PU . 8-31 8-15. 53158 A1 Motherboard Component Locator ........................ 8-32 8-16. 5315B A1/A2/A5/A7/A8/A13/A15 Motherboard/Display - | Schematic Diagram ........... 000 ian, PA 8-33 8-17. A3 Input Component Locator ............iecereccricorererereenee 8-34 8-18. A4 Input Assembly Component Locator ...........010000000000000000 8-35 8-19. A3/A4 Input Switch/Amplifier Schematic Diagram ................ ... 8-35 8-20. A6 Battery Charger Component Locator ........... PA 8-36 | 8-21. A6 Battery Charger Schematic Diagram .................... SRR ... 8-37 8-22. A9C Channel Component Locator ..............eeerrecireecerrece. 8-38 8-23. Option 003 A9 C Channel Waveforms -.......:....ese.. Cee ... 8-39 — 8-24. A9 C Channel Schematic Diagram ....... SS ... 8-39 UL viii ENCISO A ea ue e es Model 5315A/B Safety Considerations SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS GENERAL This product and related documentation must be reviewed for familiarization with safety markings and instructions before operation. | | This product is a Safety Class | instrument (provided with ¢ a protective earth terminal). BEFORE APPLYING POWER CL Verify that the product is set to match the available. line voltage and the correct fuse is installed. Refer to Section Il, Installation. | SAFETY EARTH GROUND | An uninterruptible safety earth ground must be provided from the mains power source to the product input wiring terminals or supplied power cable. | SAFETY SYMBOLS | — Instruction manual symbol; the The WARNING sign denotes a /N product will be marked with this [ WARNING с) hazard. It calls attention to a symbol when it is necessary forthe procedure, practice, or the like, user to refer to the instruction which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, manual. — could result in personal injury. Do not proceed | - “beyond a WARNING sign until the indicated con- h Indicates hazardous voltages. ditions are fully understood and met. yan The CAUTION sign denotes a Indicates terminal is connected | CAUTION : ! ‘hazard. It calls attention to an [77 OF „|. to ro apparent. such mE —— operating procedure, practice, or 's no app en TOS “the like, which, if not correctly performed or о | a “adhered to, could result in damage to or destruc- DA Alternating current. tion of partorall of the product. Do not proceed y | В beyond a CAUTION sign until the indicated con- | I ~~ ditions are fully understood and met. = Direct current. SAFETY INFORMATION | WARNING | Any interruption of the protective grounding conductor (inside or outside the instrument) or discon- necting the protective earth terminal will cause a potential shock hazard that could result in personal injury. (Grounding one conductor of a two conductor outlet is not sufficient protection.) Whenever it is likely that the protection has been impaired, the instrument must be made inoperative | and be secured against any unintended operation. If this instrument is to be energized via an autotransformer (for voltage reduction) make sure the common terminal is connected to the earthed pole terminal (neutral) of the power source. Instructions for adjustments while covers are removed and for servicing are for use by service-trained personnel only. To avoid dangerous electric shock, do not perform such adjustments or servicing unless qualified to do so. For continued protection against fire, replace the line fuse(s) only with 250V fuse(s) of the same current rating and type (for example, normal blow, time delay). Do not use repaired fuses or short circuited | fuseholders. | | 5315B Power Cord Part No. 8120-1378 2 Model 5315A/B General Information | [ 1-0 Figure 1-1. Models 5315A and 5315B Universal Counters я В г. ЧН Ч Foi cr Un FRERES REGA ar Model 5315A/B General Information SECTION I GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1. INTRODUCTION 1-2. This manual provides information about installation, operation; testing, adjustments, and servicing the Hewlett-Packard Model 5315A and 5315B Universal Counters, shown in Figure 1-1. 1-3. The 5315B is functionally identical to the 5315A. The major difference is that the 5315B is designed for rack mounting or stacking and features a metal cabinet to minimize electro- magnetic interference. (The 5315A has a high-strength plastic cabinet.) | | 1-4. This manual has eight sections, each covering a particular topic for using and servicing the 5315A and 5315B. The topics by section number are: Section Topic | General Information | Installation HI Operation ) IV Performance Tests V Adjustments VI - Replaceable Parts VI! Manual Changes VIII Service 1-5. DESCRIPTION 1-6. The HP 5315A and 5315B are universal counters, measuring signals over a range from0.1 Hz to 100 MHz. The 5315A and 53158 measure frequency, period, time interval, time interval average, time interval holdoff (delay), and ratio. A totalize function with manual or external gating is also provided. All measurements except totalize are displayed in scientific notation with up to eight digits of resolution. | 1-7. Two independent input channels provide time interval measurements. Each input chan- nel has an attenuator (X1, X20), trigger slope selector, trigger level and sensitivity control, and AC-DC coupling. A switchable low-pass filter on Channel A and three-state trigger lights are also provided. | | | | 1-8. Option 003, 1 GHz third or “C” input channel for the 5315A/B, provides frequency measurements from 50 MHz to 1 GHz. The input sensitivity is 15 mV for frequencies between 50 and 650 MHz, and 75 mV for frequencies between 650 MHz and 1 GHz. The C Channel is a 50-ohm input with a dynamic input range of 1V rms. The input is prescaled by 10 to achieve a 1 GHz frequency range. Complete specifications for the Option 003 are listed in Table 1-1. 1-9. SPECIFICATIONS 1-10. The instrument specifications are listed in Table 1-1. These specifications are the perfor- mance standards or limits against which the instrument may be tested. 1-1 Model 5315A/B General Information Table 1-1. 5315A/B Specifications* INPUT CHARACTERISTICS: (Channel A and Channel В) Range: DC coupled, 0 to 100 MHz. AC coupled, 30 Hz to 100 MHz. Sensitivity: 10 mY rms sine wave to 10 MHz. 25 mV rms sine wave to 100 MHz. 75 mV peak-to-peak pulse at minimum pulse width of 5 ns. Sensitivity can be varied continuously up to 500 mV rms NOMINAL by adjusting SENSITIVITY control. In SENSITIVITY mode, trigger level is automatically set to OV NOMINAL. Dynamic Range: 30 mV to 5V peak-to-peak, 0 to 10 MHz, 75 mV to 5V peak-to-peak, 10 to 100 MHz. Signal Operating Range: +2.5V DC to -2.5V DC. Coupling: AC or DC, switchable. Filter: Low pass, switchable in or out of Channel A. 3 dB point of NOMINALLY 100 kHz. Impedance: 1 MO NOMINAL shunted by less than 40 pr. Attenuator: X1 or X20 NOMINAL, Trigger Level: Variable between +2.5V DC and -2.5V DC. Slope: Independent selection of + or - slope. Common Input: All specifications are the same for Common A except the following: Sensitivity: 20 mV rms to 10 MHz, 50 mV rms to 100 MHz, 150 mV peak-to-peak. Dynamic Range: 60 mV-5V peak-to-peak 0-10 MHz, 150 mV-5V peak-to-peak 10-100 MHz. Impedance: 500 kQ) (Nom) shunted by less than 70 pF. Damage Level: AC&DC X 1. DC to 2.4 kHz 250V (DC + AC rms) 2.4 kHz to 100 kHz 6 X 105V rms Hz/FREQ >100 kHz 6V rms AC&DC X 20: DC to 28 kHz 500V (DC + AC peak) 28 kHz to 100 kHz 1X 107V rms Hz/FREQ >100 kHz 100V rms FREQUENCY (Channel A) Range: 0.1 Hz to 100 (burst or cw). NOTE Between 0.1 Hz and 0.14:Hz, the resolu- . tion is one millihertz, LSD Displayed: 10 Hz to 1 nHz depending upon gate:time and input signal. At least 7 digits displayed per second of gate time. **Resolution: та Е rigger Error + 1501 + 1.4 X Gate Time + LSDT, 210 MHz. X FREQ, FREQ <10 MHz. Accuracy: +Resolution + (time base error) X FREQ. **Best Case Resolution for 1 Second Gate 100 Hz 1 kHz 10kHz | 100 kHz | 1MHz | 10 MHz | 100 MHz 50 mV rms | +.0004 Hz. +.00048 Hz | 0.0014 Hz | £0.01 Hz +0.1 Hz +1 Hz | #10 Hz [100 mV rms| +.0002 Hz | +.00029 Hz | +0.0012 Hz | 40.01 Hz +0.1 Hz- | +1 Hz | +10 Hz 500 mV rms +-00005 Hz | .00014 Hz | 20.0011 Hz [ £0.01 Hz { +0.1 Hz | +1 Hz. | +10 Hz Vrms | +.00003 Hz| +.00012 Hz | +0.0010 Hz | 0.01 Hz-| +0.1 Hz | +1Hz | +10 Hz This chart shows best case frequency reduction versus input sinewave rms amplitude. This is best case because noise from the signal source is assumed to be zero; the trigger error is produced only by the counter's noise (i.e., 120 AV rms). PERIOD Range: 10 ns to 105 s. LSD Displayed: 100 ns to 1 fs depending upon gate “time and'input signal. At least 7 digits displayed per second of gate time. Resolution: + 150+ + 1.4 х — Tiger Error y PER PER > 100 ms. Gate Time + LSD¥, PER < 100 ns. Accuracy: + Resolution + (time base error) X PER. TIME INTERVAL Range: 100 ns to 105 s, LSD Displayed: 100 ns. Resolution: + LSD + Start Trigger Error + Stop Trigger Error. Accuracy: + Resolution + (time base error) X TI. TIME INTERVAL AVERAGE Range: 0 ns to 105 s. LSD Displayed: 100 ns to 10 ps depending upon gate time and input signal. See table in Definitions section. Resolution: Start Trigger Error + Stop Trigger Error JN x VNT Accuracy: + Resolution + (time base error) X TI + 4 ns. + LSD + Number of intervals averaged (N): N= Gate Time X FREQ. Minimum Dead Time (stop to start): 200 ns, TIME INTERVAL DELAY (Holdoff) Front panel gate time knob inserts a variable delay of NOMINALLY 500 us to 20 ms between START (Channel A) and enabling of STOP (Channel B). Electrical inputs during delay time are ignored. Delay time may be digitally measured by simultaneously pressing T.l. Averaging, T.l. Delay, and blue key. Other specifications of T.I. Delay are identical to Time Interval. RATIO Range: 0.1 Hz to 100 MHz, both channels, LSD: 2.5 X Period A X Ratio. (rounded to nearest decade) Gate Time | | Resolution: B Trigger Error . + + - — X . +150 © — Cate Time Ratio Accuracy: Same as resolution. Highest frequency input is connected to Channel À to achieve specified accuracy. TOTALIZE Manual: Range: 0 to 100 MHz. | A Gated by B: Totalizes input A between two events of B. Instrument must be reset to make new measurement. Gate opens on A slope, closes on B slope. Range: 0 to 100 MHz. Resolution: + 1 count. Accuracy: £1 count * B Trigger Error X Frequency A. *Specifications describe the instrument's warranted performance. Supplemental characteristics are intended to provide information useful in applications of the instrument by giving TYPICAL or NOMINAL, but nonwarranted performance parameters. Definition of terms is provided at the end of the specification section. For a more detailed explanation, see HP Application Note 200-4 “Understanding Frequency Counter Specifications”. 1-2 ST Eu SSE ey 0e eN So Me a 1 2 Si EE uo ro ЛЕ МЛС НОМ НЙЕНОИЕНЕ Model 5315A/B General Information Table 1-1. 5315A/B Specifications (Continued) — TIME BASE Frequency: 10 MHz. | Aging Rate: <3 parts in 107/mo. Temperature: = +5 parts in 106, 0 to 50°C. | Line Voltage: < +1 part in 107 for +10% variation. GENERAL Check: Counts internal 10 MHz reference frequency over gate time range NOMINALLY 500 us to 20 ms. Error Light: LED warning light activated if logic error is found during instrument turn-on self-check. Display: 8-digit amber LED display, with engineering units annunciator. Overflow: Only frequency and totalize measurements will overflow. In case of overflow, eight least significant digits will be displayed and amber front panel overflow LED will be actuated. All other measurements which would theoretically cause a display of more than 8 digits will result in the display of the 8 most significant digits. | Gate Time: Continuously variable, NOMINALLY from 60 ms to 10 s or 1 period of the input, whichever __ is-longer. Sample Rate: Up to 5 readings per second NOMINAL ex- cept in time interval mode, where it is continuously variable NOMINALLY from 4 readings per second to 1 reading every 10 seconds via Gate Time control. Operating Temperature: 0° to 50°C. 220, or 240V (+5%, -10%) 48-66 Hz; 15 VA maximum. Weight: Net, 2.2 kg (4 Ibs. 12 0z.); Shipping, 4.1 kg (9 Ibs.). Dimensions: 238 mm W Xx 98 Н X 276. mm D (938 X 37/8 X 1074 in.). - OPTIONS Option 001: Temperature Compensated Time Base (TCXO) Frequency: 10 MHZz. Aging Rate: <1 part in 107/mo. frequency is used. Line Voltage: <1 part in 108 for +10% variation. Option 002: Battery (5315A only) Type: Rechargeable lead-acid (sealed). Capacity: TYPICALLY 4 hours of continuous opera- tion at 25°C, Recharging Time: TYPICALLY 16 hours to 98% of full charge, instrument nonoperating. Charging circuitry included with Option. Batteries not charged during instrument operation. Low Voltage Indicator: Instrument turns itself off automatically when low battery conditions exists. Discharge LED flashes slowly when this happens. Discharge LED is on whenever battery is supply- ing power to instrument. Charge LED indicates state of charge of battery during charging only and is on whenever battery is charged to 95% NOMINAL of capacity. Charge LED flashes when 90% NOMINAL of charge taken out is replaced. Charge LED is off if charge is less than 70% NOMINAL of capacity. Line Failure Protection: Instrument automatically switches to battery in case of line failure. Weight: Option 002 adds 1.4 kg (3 lbs.) to weight of instrument. Option 003: C Channel Input Characteristics: Sensitivity: Impedance: 500 NOMINAL (VSWR, <2.5:1 TYPICAL) Power Requirements: Internally switch selectable 100, 120, Frequency: Option 004 (for 5315A): High Stability Time Base (Oven Oscillator) Temperature: +1 part in 108, 0° to 40°C ref to 25°C if offset 5315B: Rack and stack metal case with rear panel, switchable WARRANTY ALL COMPONENTS IN OPTION 002, EXCEPT THE BATTERY, ARE WARRANTED FOR ONE FULL YEAR. BATTERY BT-1, (HP PART NO. ‚ 1400-0253) 15 МОТ WARRANTED. | Range: 50 to 1000 MHz, prescaled by 10. 15 mV rms sine wave (-23.5 dBm) to 650 MHz, 75 mV rms sine wave (-9.5 dBm) to 1000 MHz. Sensitivity can be decreased continuously by up to 20 dB NOMINAL, 50 to 500 MHz and 10 dB NOMINAL, 500 to 1000 MHz by adjusting sensitivity control. Trigger level is fixed at OV NOMINAL. Dynamic Range: 15 mV to 1V rms (36 dB), 50 to 650 MHz. 75 mV to 1V rms (20 dB), 650 to 1000 MHz, Signal Operating Range: +5 Vdc to -5 Vdc. Coupling: AC. Damage Level: +8V (DC + AC peak), fuse protected. Fuse located in BNC connector. Range: 50 to 1000 MHz (burst or cw). LSD Displayed: 100 Hz to 1 Hz depending upon gate time. At least 7 digits per second of gate time. LSD, Resolution and Accuracy: Same formulas as for Frequency A except “Gate Time” term becomes “(Gate Time)/10”. Frequency: 10 MHz, Aging Rate: <3 parts in 10-8/mo. (after 30 days continuous operation. AC power applied, in OFF or ON position). Temperature: £1 part in 10-7, 0° to 50°C. Line Voltage: <1 part in 10-8 for +10% variation. Option 004 (for 5315B): High Stability Time Base (Oven Oscillator) Frequency: 10 MHz. Aging Rate: <3 parts in 10-8/mo after 30 days continuous operation. Temperature: +2 parts in 10-8, 0° to 50°C. Line Voltage: <1 part in 10-9 for 10% variation. AC power line module. Specifications same as 5315A except as follows: Rack Mount Kit: 5061-0072 recommended. Oscillator Output: 10 MHz, 50 mV p- р into 500 load on rear panel. External Frequency Standard Input: 10 MHz, 1V rms into 5008 on rear panel. Requires internal selection. Dimensions: 212 mm W X 81 mm H X 345 mm D (838 X 31 X 1334 in.). Weight: Net, 3.2 kg (7 lbs. 2 0z.); Shipping, 4.5 kg (10 Ibs.). 1-3 Model 5315A/B General Information Table 1-1. 5315A/B Specifications (Continued) DEFINITIONS | Time Interval Average LSD Resolution: Smallest discernible change of 1to 25 intervals ............... Cee 0 100 ns measurement result due to a minimum change in 25 to 2500 intervals ..... I {1 J oT the input. 2500 to 250,000 ........ PERS ne... Ins Accuracy: Deviation from the actual value as fixed by 250,000 to 25,000,000 intervals ........... ... 100 ps universally accepted standards of frequency and time. >25,000,000 intervals ..... OS rece... 10 ps rea nt Digit (LSD) Displayed: Time Interval Average is a statistical process. LSD displayed is calculated for 1 standard deviation (о) 2.5 X 10-7 - “confidence level. Cate Time X FREQ, FREQ <10 MHz. 25 | Trigger Error: | Gate Time FREQ 210 MHz. V/(120 X 10-62 + en? seconds rms (Input slew rate at trigger point) | Period: | ; where en is the rms noise voltage of the input for a 2.5 X 10-7 х РЕВ PER >100 ns. 100 MHz bandwidth. Gate Time ’ | a. 2.5 | ~~ NOTES: | | | Gate Time PER2, PER <100 ns. | TDue to arithmetic truncation, quantization error will be +1 or +2 counts of the LSD as follows: All above calculations should be rounded to nearest LSD | decade (i.e., 0.5 Hz will become 10 Hz and 0.4 ns will + 2 counts of LSD if FREQ or PER <1X 107 FREQ <10 MHz. be 0.1 ns). LSD … 1/(Gate Time) FREQ or PER FREQ +1 count of LSD for all other cases. + 2 counts of LSD if FREQ >10 MHz. 1-4 Model 5315A/B General Information 1-11. OPTIONS 1-12. The options available for the 5315A/B are listed below. Specifications for the options are | given in Table 1-1 and full descriptions begin with paragraph 3-62. If an option is included in the . initial order, it will be installed at the factory and will be ready for operation upon receipt. Options 002 and 006 are available as retrofit kits for field installation. For field installation of Options 001, 002,003, and 004, refer to the appropriate installation instructions in Section Il. The Option 006 retrofit kit contains installation instructions. Option Description 001 Temperature Compensated Time Base TCXO* 002 Battery and Charger (for Model 5315A only) 003 C Channel 1 GHz Input 004 High Stability Time Base — Oven-Contained Oscillator* 006 Offset/Normalizer (Used with Model 5315B only) EI ies A E *Only one of either Option 001 or 004 can be installed. NOTE For Model 5315A (only), one of the following options must be included with each order. Option 100: 90-105 VAC; 48-66 Hz Option 120: 108-126 VAC; 48-66 Hz ‘Option 220: 198-231 VAC; 48-66 Hz Option 240: 216-252 VAC; 48-66 Hz Jue я E: 1-13. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS 1-14. The 5315A/5315B Universal Counters are Safety Class | instruments, designed according to international safety standards. This operating and service manual contains information, cau- tions, and warnings which must be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and keep the instrument in safe condition. 1-15. INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION 1-16. Hewlett-Packard instruments have 2-section, 10-character serial numbers (0000A00000), usually on the rear panel. The four-digit serial prefix identifies instrument changes. If the serial prefix of your instrument differs from that listed on the title page of this manual, there are differences between this manual and your instrument. Instruments having higher serial pre- fixes are covered with a “Manual Changes” sheet included with this manual. If the change sheet is missing, contact the nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office listed at the back of this manual. Instruments having a lower serial prefix number than that listed on the title page are covered in Section VII. co CABLE UDS (EDS DILATADA 1-5 Model 5315A/B General Information 1-17. ACCESSORIES 1-18. Table 1-2 lists accessory equipment supplied and Table 1-3 lists accessories available. Table 1-2. Accessories Supplied | HP Part Number 8120-1378 Description | Detachable Power Cord, 229 cm (7% feet) Table 1-3. Accessories Available ) | HP Part Number 5061-0072 Description | Rack Mount Kit (5315B Only) 1-19. RECOMMENDED TEST EQUIPMENT 1-20. The test equipment listed in Table 1-4 is recommended for use during performance tests, adjustments, and troubleshooting. Substitute test equipment may be used if it meets the critical specifications listed in the table. | Table 1-4. Recommended Test Equipment Instrument Critical Specifications | Recommended Use a Model Oscilloscope 100 MHz Bandwidth HP 1740A AT Synthesizer/Function 0.1—10 MHz, 5—120 mVrms HP 3325A P,A,T Generator Sine and Square wave output Signal Generator 10—100 MHz, 5—100 mVrms. HP 8654A - P Synthesized Generator 50—1000 MHz, +1 to -14 dBm HP 8660C/86602A Р DC Voltmeter 20V Range, 0.05V Resolution HP 3465A AT + 500) Feedthrough BNC Type a PAT (2 required) | | В | Tee Connector BNC Type 1250-0781 АЛ Power Splitter 50 MHz—1 GHz; HP 11667A P Calibrated Output o | Cables (3) 4BNC 500 — 111706 AT Power Meter/Sensor 50 MHz—1 GHz; HP 436A/8481A Р В В -9to =24 dBm ET 0 | 10 dB Attenuator | В | НР 8491А Po | Adapter, Coaxial Type N (male)-to- _ | ‚ 1250-0780. P | (2 required) BNC (female) А Adapter, Coaxial Type N (male)-to- 1250-0082 P BNC (male) | a *P = Performance Tests, A = Adjustments, T = Troubleshooting 1-6 Es E e ds pi ron : Emm en onto ma Ry КА Nu E ne ES To E su = Ts E Res = Model 5315A/B Operation SECTION III OPERATION 3-1. INTRODUCTION 3-2. This section provides operating information for the 5315A/B Universal Counter. Descrip- tions of all front panel controls, connectors, and indicators as well as an operator's check, oper- ating instructions, and operator's maintenance are provided. 3-3. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS 3-4. The 5315A/B is a 100 MHz and 100 ns full universal counter, capable of Frequency, Period, Time Interval, Ratio, and Totalize type measurements. To maximize resolution, the 5315A/B uses a reciprocal counting technique for frequencies below 10 MHz, automatically switching to conventional frequency counting for frequencies above 10 MHz. The gate time is continuously adjustable from 50 ms to 10 s, on the front panel. The internal microcomputer performs the calculations, and automatically compensates for the arbitrary gate time. The display is given in scientific notation (i.e., exponents of blank, £3, £6, or 9). The input amplifiers are optimized for both time interval and frequency measurements. 3-5. When the optional third input channel is installed, the (“C”) frequency range of the counter is extended to 1 GHz. The input sensitivity can be decreased, continuously, up to 20 dB nominally (in the range of 50 to 500 MHz) and 10 dB nominally (in the range of 500 to 1000 MHz). 3-6. MODES OF OPERATION 3-7. The 5315A/B provides ten modes of operation and two check functions. The resolution and accuracy for each mode except A Armed by B is provided in Table 7-1. The modes of operation are described in the following paragraphs: FREQ A (Frequency A) PER A (Period A) T.l. A—B [Time Interval A (start)-to-B (stop)] T.l. AVG. A—B (Time Interval Average A-to-B) T.I. DELAY (Holdoff) RATIO A/B (Ratio A-to-B) A BY B (Gated Totalize) A-Armed-By-B Mode FREQ C (Option 003) TOT (Manual Totalize) CHECK - Display Check 3-8. FREQ A (Frequency A Mode) 3-9. Frequency measurements are made by connecting a signal (up to 100 MHz) to INPUT A, and pressing the FREQ A key (with the Blue shift key out). Select the appropriate input signal conditioning and adjust the LEVEL/SENS control (with TRIGGER LEVEL/SENSITIVITY key to TRIGGER LEVEL) to optimum trigger point. The optimum trigger point may be determined by centering the LEVEL/SENS control within the triggering range, indicated by the flashing trigger light. The GATE TIME control determines the resolution of the measurement, and may be displayed by pressing the GATE TIME function key and Blue shift key. The gate time range when FREQ A is pressed is 60 ms to 10 s, typical. However a gate time range of 500 us to 30 ms is available by pressing T.l. DELAY and TOT STOP/START simultaneously. When the Blue Shift key is OUT, the 5315A/B will be in FREQ A. When the Blue Shift key is IN, the 5315A/B will be in PER A. PER A is discussed in the following paragraph. 3-1 Model 5315A/B Operation 3-10. PER A (Period A Mode) 3-11. The Period A mode allows single period measurements to be made with periods of 100,000 seconds (28 minutes) to 10.0 nanoseconds into INPUT A. Select the appropriate input signal ‘conditioning and Trigger Level/Sensitivity. 3-12. T.l. A—B [Time Interval A (start)-to-B (stop)] Mode 3-13. T.l. A—B measures the time interval between a START signal at INPUT A and a STOP signal at INPUT B. If both the START and STOP signals are derived from the same signal, connect the signal to INPUT A and set the SEP/COM A key to the COM A position (IN). Separate slope and Level/Sensitivity controls for each channel allow variable triggering on either positive or negative going slope. A single-shot time interval measurement may be made over a range of 100 nanoseconds up to 8 digits and 100,000 seconds after 9 digits. 3-14. T.I AVG A—B (Time Interval Average A-to-B) Mode 3-15. The T.l. Average mode provides greater resolution of time interval measurements than single-shot T.I. mode. In the T.I. AVG mode, the gate time control varies the number of events of time intervals averaged (approximately GATE TIME X REP RATE). The resolution of the measurement is improved by the y/N, where N is the number of time intervals averaged. A limited range of negative 1.1. measurements (i.e., B triggers before A) are possible in T.l. AVG mode. A a ART E de e 3-16. Inthe T.l. AVG mode, there must be at least 200 ns dead time. Dead time occurs between the preceding time interval stop event and the current time interval start event, as shown in Figure 3-1. This means that in T.I. AVG mode, the repetition rate must be less than 5 MHz. BT Ta. e ET e DUNCAN ОЯТ E START STOP START STOP | I I I | 1 ! 3 ТИ. MEASURED a A — SLOPE EDI B + SLOPE | >" DEAD TIME >200 ns Figure 3-1. T.!. Average Dead Time 3-2 Model 5315A/B Operation 3-17. T.l. DELAY (Holdoff) Mode 3-18. The T.l. DELAY mode of operation is similar to T.l. А-В, Бы! with the following additional control: The front panel GATE TIME control inserts a variable delay (from 500 us nominal to >20 ms between. the START (INPUT A) event and the enabling of the STOP (INPUT B) event. Potential STOP events are ignored during the specified delay or holdoff. The amount of delay . time may be continuously measured and displayed by simultaneously pressing the T.I. A—B, T.L. DELAY, and Blue shift keys. Figure 3-2 illustrates the T.I. DELAY function. a [A OE a . STOP = DESIRED T.!. MEASUREMENT - > e- ACTUAL T.I MEAS — | pyme an НОНО НОНО ОНО НИоо COD E O Ea TES Ke ] | | | | | | 2 rose = 0 Ps нае im ES STANDARD T.I. А->В START STOP . La DESIRED T.l. MEASUREMENT ео Y Y ACTUAL T.I. MEAS - HOLDOFF > | | et | | | | | ТИ. DELAY Figure 3-2. Timing of Time Interval Delay Mode Se E E ms ve un o o Sh = pe Ke ee a to o en su pts E Su Tue Ne Ros a Lo я fe see tee prete Te es À A ROS Tu = = 2 pe Te к =. #8 BER NE en E 5 3-19. RATIO A/B 3-20. The RATIO A/B mode of operation measures and displays the frequency ratio of signals on INPUT A to signals on INPUT B. The GATE TIME control determines the resolution by selecting the number of cycles of the INPUT B signal over which the ratio A/B is measured. Increasing the gate time (towards MAX) or increasing the frequency of INPUT B results in an increased reso- lution of the measurement. Frequencies up to 100 MHz on both channels are allowed. 3-3 Model 5315A/B Operation 3-21. A BY B (Gated Totalize) 3-22. A BY B (A gated by B) is a totalize mode of operation (see Figure 3-3), in which events on INPUT A (up to 100 MHz) are counted for a duration determined by INPUT B. The gate is “OPENED” on the slope of Input B selected by the Channel A Slope switch,and “CLOSED” on the slope of Input B selected by the Channel B Slope switch. This allows any one of four discrete gate durations from a given signal on Input B. The Channel A slope switch also determines which slope of the events signal is counted on INPUT A. A BY B is a single-shot mode of operation. The RESET button must be pressed to clear the display and allow the initiation of a new measurement. GATE BEGINS ON THE | | GATE ENDS ON THE SLOPE SLOPE SELECTED BY | SELECTED BY SLOPE B |«——— GATE OPENED ———p SLOPE A _/~ SLOPEB 7 POSITIVE TRANSITIONS COUNTED ] | WHEN SLOPE A IS AT _# | | (3 EVENTS COUNTED) SLOPEA 7 | SLOPE B ~ | INPUT B | SLOPE A x SLOPE BF NEGATIVE TRANSITIONS COUNTED WHEN SLOPE A IS ATX ————— (4 EVENTS COUNTED) SLOPE A x |stoPE Ba | INPUT A 1 | | | Figure 3-3. Timing of Totalize A by B Mode 3-23. A-ARMED-BY-B Mode 3-24. The 5315 has a measurement function, frequency-A-Armed-By-B, Averaged, for frequency averaging. Called “A ARMED BY B”, this function allows the 5315 to average together multiple frequency measurements. To do this, a sampling signal synchronized with and of pulse width less than. the signal bursts must be applied to the Channel B input. This signal performs two functions: one, it tells the 5315 when to count the incoming bursts and when to ignore the dead time between bursts; and two, it opens the 5315 gate. The measurement interval is set from the front panels and its length determines the number of bursts to be averaged. Figure 3-4 shows an example of function A-Armed-By-B. In this example, 1 MHz bursts, 10 us wide, at a 10 kHz repetition rate are applied to Channel A input. A sampling signal of equal repetition rate and shorter pulse width is applied to Channel B. This sampling signal must be synchronized with the Channel A frequency burst signal. When the first burst occurs, the sampling signal at Channel B opens the gate, and tells the 5315 to begin counting the events at Channel A. When the sampling signal disappears, the 5315 stops counting the events at Channel A. If the gate is still open and another burst occurs, the 5315 will add these “new” events to the previous events counted. This will continue until the measurement interval runs out. On the next sampling pulse, after the gate closes, the 5315 will compute the average frequency of the signal during the burst (in this example 1 MHz). A final sampling pulse must occur after the measurement interval ends to terminate the measurement. The events that occurred during this final pulse are not averaged in the displayed amount. Model 5315A/B Operation CHANNEL B CHANNEL A , SIGNAL THIS PULSE REQUIRED TO TERMINATE MEASUREMENT | SAMPLING D SIGNAL measurement | | INTERVAL SELECTED INTERVAL— \ , HAS ENDED | SIGNAL PARAMETERS: 1 MHz, 10 us Wide, 10 kHz Rate Figure 3-4. A ARMED BY B 3-25. The length of the measurement interval and signal repetition rate determine how many bursts will be averaged. Faster burst repetition rates allow shorter measurement intervals for a given number of averages. The main limit is that no more than 100 million “events” can be counted (either input signal cycles or time base counts). In the case of Figure 3-4, each burst contains 10 “events”, with 10 thousand occurring in 1 second for 100 thousand “events” per second. Since 100 million events is the limit, the 5315 could average for 1000 seconds before the events counter would overflow. And, since the measurement interval determines the number of averages, a 1000-second measurement interval would be necessary before the events count or time base count would overflow. This, of course, is longer than that obtainable from the 5315 (maximum measurement interval of about 10 seconds). A specific case where the 5315 would overflow would be a 50 MHz signal pulsed for 200 ns at a 2 MHz rate. In this case 10 “events” occur during each burst, with 2 million bursts per second, or 20 million “events” in 1-second. So, the 5315 would overflow in 5 seconds, thus the gate time must be less than 5 seconds, and 10 million bursts would be averaged. If the 100 million events limit is exceeded the displayed answer will be inaccurate. 3-26. A ARMED BY B has two modes (two different measurement interval ranges) and is not labeled on the front panel. For a measurement interval range of 500 us-30 ms, press T.I. DELAY and RATIO A/B together. The measurement interval may be displayed by selecting the GATE TIME mode for the LONG interval or by pressing T.I. A—~B, T.l. DELAY, and Blue Shift key simultaneously for the SHORT interval. For a measurement interval range of 60 ms to 10 seconds, press FREQ A and TOT STOP together. The Channel A Trigger Slope is set by the front panel Channel A Slope switch. The sampling signal enable slope (begin counting) is determined by the Blue Shift key. In the OUT position the counting will be enabled on the sampling signal positive slope. In the IN position, the counting will be enabled on the sampling signal negative slope. The gate will also be opened on the same slope as determined by the Blue Shift key. The disable slope is determined by the Channel B front panel slope switch. The measurementinterval is controlled, as normal, by the front panel GATE TIME control. The gate will close once the selected time has passed. There is no problem if the gate should close in the middle of counting a burst. The following limits do exist in this mode: 1. 200 ns minimum dead time between bursts. 2. 100 ns minimum burst width. 3. The enable slope can only be negative when using the short measurement interval (500 us-30 ms). Resolution increases with the square root of the number of samples averaged, N. Resolution — (10-7) X (INPUT FREQ) — Hz (Sampling Signal Width) X (\/N) N = Measurement Interval Gate signal repetition rate 3-5 Model 5315A/B Operation From Figure 3-4, the sampling signal is 10 us wide at a 10 kHz repetition rate with a measurement interval of 1-second. With a single-shot measurement: 100 X 10-9 « 1X 106 resolution = = 104 or 10 kHz resolution 10 X 10-6 A | but with average N = 10000 (1 second measurement interval): -9 106 100X109 y 10 _ 400 Hz (100 times better) 10 X 10-6 \/ 10000 resolution = Accuracy: The actual measurement interval is shorter than the correct value by about 1 nanosecond. With short sample pulse widths and large N values the displayed answer will not be perfectly accurate: 10-9 Ultimate accuracy = measurement interval X (Input FREQ) a ds manes = i: ERE Tony ae le ИСОС: 5 Л E Tu E O uz IE E UN E ÓN E ua CS EEE AE Ray > With a 10 us sample pulse width, accuracy can be as good as 100 Hz if enough events are averaged. 3-27. FREQ C (Frequency C Mode, Option 003) 5 3-28. To make a frequency measurement on a CW signal in the range of 50 MHz to 1 GHz, select FREQ C function and connect the signal to INPUT C. NOTE | the amplitude of the signal exceeds the 1V rms dynamic range, the measurement may be incorrect, © UNED IE Set the GATE TIME control to MIN (but not hold). Set the SENS C control to MIN. Slowly move the SENS C control in a clockwise direction (toward MAX) until the counter begins to gate. This represents the optimum trigger sensitivity. To increase the displayed resolution, move the GATE TIME control toward MAX. Pressing either slope switch will reset the counter. NOTE The Trigger Lights for INPUT A and INPUT B are inoperative and extinguished when functions FREQ C or GATE TIME are selected. This is normal. However, pressing either Channel A or B Slope switches will reset the counter. 3-29, TOT STOP/START ( Totalize Start- -Stop Mode) 3-30. Totalize STOP/START is a manually gated, totalize mode of operation. Pressing the | blue shift key (IN position) opens the main gate, allowing INPUT A events to be counted. Pressing the shift key again (OUT position) closes the gate, stopping the count. The count is continuously dis- played, and cumulative from gate cycle to gate cycle. The RESET button clears the counter and resets the display to zero. 3-31. CHECK (Mode) 3-32. The Check mode applies 10 MHz from the internal (or external for 5315B) reference oscillator to the MRC. It is used to verify the basic operation of the counter, GATE light and GATE TIME control. Model 5315A/B Operation 3-33. Display Check (Mode) 3-34. The Display Check mode is unlabeled; it cycles the display through a routine that exercises all digits and most annunciators. With the POWER switch to ON, and all function switches to the “OUT” position, a rolling display, corresponding to Table 3-1, will result. Table 3-1. Display Check All Displays OVFL | ERROR | — | GATE | dp1 | dp2 | dp3 3-35. FRONT AND REAR PANEL FEATURES AND CONTROLS 3-36. The following paragraphs describe the features and controls of the function selection, signal conditioning, and display sections of the front panel. Front and rear panel controls are individually located and described in Figures 3-7 and 3-8). NOTE Except RESET all front panel key switches “latch” in and stay when pushed. A second push releases latched keys. The six keys between RESET and the blue “shift” key are interconnected so that pushing one will release another latched key. 3-37. FUNCTION SELECTION CONTROLS 3-38. The function (mode) selection section of the front panel contains the POWER (Stby/On), ‘Reset keys, Function Mode keys group (within the border outline), and Gate Time/Delay control. 3-39. The POWER key sets the 5315A/B either to ON or STBY (Standby). In the ON position (in) power is supplied to entire instrument. In the STBY position (OUT) unregulated DC is supplied only to battery-pack charging circuits (Option 002). The RESET key clears and updates the display for continuous measurement modes, and resets the counter in totalize modes. 3-40. Each of the keys within the outlined function group can select one of two functions: With the blue shift key in the “OUT” position, the other six keys select the function labeled above (i.e., FREQ A, T.l. A—B, etc.). With the shift key in the “IN” position, the keys select the function labeled in blue below (i.e., PER A, T.l. AVG A—B, etc.). Model 5315A/B Operation 3-41. The GATE TIME/DELAY control determines the amount of gate time per measurement, and itis continuously adjustable over a range of 50 ms to 10 seconds. The selected gate time may be displayed by pressing the GATE TIME function key, and the blue shift key. In the T.I. DELAY mode of operation the control determines the amount of time the Start Channel is held off or “delayed” (see paragraph 3-17). The amount of “delay” may be displayed by pressing the T.I. A—B, T.I. DELAY, and blue shift key simultaneously. In the T.I. A-B mode of operation, the GATE TIME/DELAY control determines the sample rate. E 3 5 - = x | : | : 3-42. SIGNAL CONDITIONING CONTROLS 3-43. A full complement of signal conditioning controls are provided for each channel (A and B) input (see Figure 3-6). These controls allow the selection of Attenuation (X1, X20), Slope (positive or negative) and input coupling (AC or DC). The SEP/COM A switch allows the selection of separate Channel A and B inputs in the SEP position. The COM A position disconnects the Chan- nel B Input BNC, and connects both Channel A and Channel B input amplifiers to the Chan- nel A input. 3-44. A low pass filter for Channel A input is provided. With the FILTER NORM key “in” frequencies above 100 kHz are effectively attenuated. With the FILTER NORM key “out” there is no filtering. ВЕ | 3-45. TRIGGER LEVEL/SENSITIVITY CONTROLS 3-46. The Trigger Level/Sensitivity controls provided for each channel operate as follows: With the TRIGGER LEVEL/SENSITIVITY key “out”, the LEVEL/SENS control adjusts the trigger level (Over a range of +2.5 volts DC in ATTN X1, or +50 volt DC in ATTN X20). With the TRIGGER LEVEL/ SENSITIVITY key “in”, the LEVEL/SENS control adjusts the input sensitivity from MAX (10 mV up to 10 MHz, 25 mV up to 100 MHz) with control fully clockwise to MIN (greater than 500 mV) with control fully counterclockwise (see Figure 3-5) | | +2.5V TRIGGER Trigger Level adjustable 4 = т over + 2.5 volts with — —2.5V LEVEL sensitivity constant _ t MAX SENSITIVITY MAX- + 9 ~ 10 mV -2.5V A sem sme mee A EmAL dey em Eee ke, HE et ee der wan mr ly fli SE EE ным. = о о — A ; | MIN > 500 mV MAX © ; ‘Sensitivity adjustable from | Я — — А d--—- —А---- d-— AH ~ 10 mV to > 500 mV —x10mv $ J - Lo ts is a UTA, with Trigger Level constant at O volts 7e PRESSE > Lat Tr“ ——— — x rem —]]H;T—] —— —] ———l;——]]o;——o—]——]o—]— awn erm mmm пит отт Figure 3-5. Trigger Level/Sensitivity Controls Model 5315A/B Operation 1H9NI U3JDDIUL H3IJITdWNV DIAHA HOIH 138440 141HS 13431 HOLVHVdINOD WO9/d35 g H314171dNAV озна МОТ ALIAILISNIS НОП | 43995141 " 43141TdWY Odd HOIH | 135340 L3IHS T3A3 HOLVHVANOO Lo L ir \ TANNVHD 90/0V NHON/H31T13 + v Ya1411dAV 0984 MOT ALIAILISNAS TINNVHI > oa/ov Figure 3-6. 5315A/B Front End Block Diagram ee Da ee Pere CONOS О PU uE Sa e 3-9 Model 5315A/B Operation КК 34 © POWER BE STBY RESET A DEL AYN VAC с 5315A UNIVERSAL COUNKER LA BATTERY = DISCHG FILTER NORM SEP FREQ TI TI RATIO FREQ PER TI AVG CHECK A GATE A A-B BY B TIME / / ATTN = ue eue ere | | E » 100kHz COMA X20 C0000 e S ; у / STBY/ON. Supplies power to entire counter in the ON position. Supplies power: to the Battery-Pack (Option 002) in the STBY (Standby) position, and to Option 004 for crystal oven power. RESET. Clears and updates display in continuous measurement modes, resets counter to zero in totalize modes. FREQ A. Selects Frequency modes of operation (with SHIFT key out), for signals on In- put A. | . PER A . Selects Period mode of operation (with SHIFT key in), for signal on Input A. NOTE This switch, when depressed (IN), maintains oven in standby mode. The switch only operates this way with the battery (Option 002) and oven reference oscillator (Option 004) installed. T.I. A—B. Selects Time Interval mode of operation (with SHIFT key out) measuring time differences from Start signal on INPUT A to Stop signal on INPUT B (when in SEP). TI. AVG A—B. Selects Time Interval Average mode of operation (with SHIFT key in), measuring time difference from Start signal on INPUT A to Stop signal on INPUT B (when in SEP). T.I. DELAY. Selects Time Interval mode of operation (with SHIFT key out), measuring time differences from Start signal on INPUT A to Stop signal on INPUT B (when in SEP), with the triggering of the Stop signal DELAYED (held off) for a period of time deter- mined by GATE TIME DELAY control. CHECK . Applies 10 MHz from reference oscillator to MRC (with SHIFT key in), to verify operation of MRC, display and GATE TIME control, microcomputer, etc. RATIO A/B. Selects Ratio mode of operation (with SHIFT key out), measuring the ratio of the signal frequency at INPUT A to the signal frequency at INPUT B. A BY B. Selects a “gated” totalize mode of operation (with SHIFT key in), in which the signal frequency of INPUT A is totalized for a gate duration determined by the signal on INPUT B. FREQ C. Enables the Frequency C INPUT (Option 003) module (with the SHIFT key out). GATE TIME. Continuously measures and displays the gate time determined by the GATE TIME control (with SHIFT key in). 3-10 Figure 3-7. Front Panel Features EXPONENT, =. SENSITIVITY BATTERY ¿ DISCHG = CHG FILTER NOR POWER FREQ TI TI RATIO FREQ ASTBY RESET A А — В OIM) A/B - С | | i ! A \ a Ti AVG CHECK A GÂTE А — В УВ TIME A NOTE The trigger lights are disabled and extinguished when either FREQ C or GATE TIME is selected. O TOT, STOP/START. Selects Totalize mode of operation, manually controlled by the SHIFT key. With the SHIFT key in, totalizing of signal freguency on INPUT A starts. With the SHIFT key out, totalized accumulation stops and holds. RESET must be pressed to zero the display. | © SHIFT. Used in conjunction with six dual purpose function keys (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) to select the function labeled above or below the key. With the SHIFT key out, func- tions labeled above the keys are enabled. With the SHIFT key in, functions labeled below the keys are enabled. O GATE TIME/DELAY. For FREQUENCY, PERIOD, RATIO AND T.I. AVERAGE modes, provides continuously variable measurement time from, nominally, 50 ms to 10 s (mini- mum = 1 period of the input signal). For T.I. mode, varies the time between measure- ments. For T.I. DELAY mode, provides continuously variable delay time between START and STOP enable. HOLD. Single measurement with minimum gate time. Requires pushing RESET key to initiate new measurement. 0.0 AC/DC. Selects AC or DC coupling for corresponding input signal except in the COM A mode. In the COM A mode, Channel A determines coupling. Model 5315A/B Operation | 3) О ООО IO] 5315A UNIVERSAL \COUNXER / TER. TTY TT NN | АТТМ | ü | . EZ - ~ @.@ INPUT A, B. Input BNC’s for channels A and B. Ф.Ф ATTN, X1/X20. Selects attenuation of signal on corresponding input channels. X1 position connects input signal directly to input amplifiers; X20 position attenuates input signal by a factor of 20 (nominal). © FILTER, NORM/100 kHz. Inserts a low pass filter configuration into the INPUT A channel, attenuating frequencies above 100 kHz. O SEP/COM A. Input amplifier control, selects independent operation of Inputs A and Bin SEP (separate) position. In COM A (Common A) position, the signal at Input A is also applied to Input B, with the B input BNC disconnected from input circuitry. Input B coupling is the same as Input A. Figure 3-7. Front Panel Features (Continued) 3-11 Model 5315A/B Operation POWER © e © © © 00000 60600 00 A STBY RESET A—B A/B La — a | EXPONENT\ BATTERY “. DISCHG : CHG TI RATIO FREQ TI AVG CHECK A—B B START 0.0 SLOPE. Selects triggering on either positive f or negative À slope of the corresponding input channel. LEVEL/SENS, When in TRIGGER LEVEL, controls the voltage at which CHANNEL A input will trigger, variable over +2.5 volt X ATTN setting. When in SENSITIVITY, varies the sensitivity from MAX (=10 mV) up to 500 mV. In FREQ C, controls the input sensitivity for INPUT C from MAX (=15 mV up to 650 MHz, 75 mV up to 1 GHz) up to MIN (20 dB NOMINAL). ` LEVEL/SENS, When in TRIGGER LEVEL, controls the voltage at which CHANNEL B input will trigger, variable over +2.5 volt X ATTN setting. When in SENSITIVITY, varies the sensitivity from MAX (=10 mV) up to 500 mV. TRIGGER LEVEL/SENSITIVITY, Sets the function of corresponding LEVEL/ SENS control to either Trigger Level or Sensitivity mode. In TRIGGER LEVEL mode, sensitivity is preset to maximum. In SENSITIVITY mode, trigger level is preset to 0 volts. TRIGGER LIGHT. 3-state trigger lights; blinks when channel is triggering; OFF when input signal is below trigger level setting; ON when input signal is above trigger level setting. GATE. Gate light (when ON), indicates the counter’s main gate is open and a measure- ment is in progress. Hz. Hz (Hertz) annunciator, indicates displayed data is in frequency domain, in units of Hertz. — s. s (seconds) annunciator, indicates displayed data is in time domain, in units of seconds. EXPONENT. Displays the value of the exponent of the measurement. Measurements are displayed in engineering notation, with exponents of blank (8), +3, +6, +9. EXPONENT SIGN. Indicates the polarity of the displayed exponent; ON (-) if negative, OFF if positive. DISPLAY. Eight-digit red LED display. OVEL. OVFL (Overflow) annunciator, indicates that one or more of the most significant digits are not displayed. ERROR. Lights and remains lit when an error is detected during power-up. DISCHG. Indicates instrument or reference oscillator oven is under battery operation; flashes when charge level is critically low and counter is disabled. CHGD. Indicates the operating status of the charging circuits on Option 002. Figure 3-7. Front Panel Features (Continued) ZE E Eo TAN FTE Kl Model 5315A/B Operation REFERENCE __°° “ OUTPUT/INPUT В oo INPUT ONLY WHEN Co “INTERNAL. SWITCH SN a SET TO "EXT" ce В A € CA NTION o MAXIMUM INPUT 10. VRMS\ o E PACKARD MADE [Ly MENO AC power input module permits operation from 100, 120, 220, or 240 volts AC. The number visible in the window indicates nominal line voltage to which instrument must be connect- ed (see Figure 2-2). Protective grounding conductor connects to the instrument through this module. | | WARNING | ANY INTERRUPTION OF THE PROTECTIVE (GROUNDING) CONDUC- TOR INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE INSTRUMENT OR DISCONNECTING OF THE PROTECTIVE EARTH TERMINAL IS LIKELY TO MAKE THE INSTRUMENT DANGEROUS. (See Section Il.) REFERENCE OUTPUT/INPUT jack (8). Allows 5315B (only) to be operated with an exter- nal frequency standard of 10 MHz with drive of 1 volt rms across 5000, when INT/EXT switch A153 (located on A1 Motherboard) is in the EXT position. With A1S3 in INT, the internal 10 MHz standard operates the counter, and is output for external use through J8. Figure 3-8. 5315B Rear Panel Features 3-13 Model 5315A/B Operation 3-47. DISPLAY 3-48. The 5315A/B counter display has nine, seven-bar LED’s, providing eight digits of resolution and a one-digit exponent. All measurements are displayed in scientific notation (i.e., exponents of blank, £3, +6, or +9) with automatic decimal point location. Annunciators for indicating the measurement units Hz, for Hertz, and s, for seconds are provided. The OVFL annunciator indicates that the left-most significant digits have overflowed the displayed. The GATE annunciator indicates the counter has been triggered and a measurement is in progress. ~ The ERROR annunciator indicates a failure during power-up self-check. Battery annunciators DISCHG and CHG (on Models 5315A only) are active only when Option 002 is installed. 3-49. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS | WARNING | BEFORE THE INSTRUMENT IS SWITCHED ON, ALL PROTECTIVE EARTH TERMINALS, EXTENSION CORDS, AUTOTRANS- FORMERS, AND DEVICES CONNECTED TO IT SHOULD BE CONNECTED TO A PROTECTIVE EARTH GROUNDED SOCKET. ANY INTERRUPTION OF THE PROTECTIVE EARTH GROUND- ING WILL CAUSE A POTENTIAL SHOCK HAZARD THAT COULD RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY. [WARNING } ONLY FUSES WITH THE REQUIRED RATED CURRENT AND SPECIFIED TYPE SHOULD BE USED. DO NOT USE REPAIRED FUSES OR SHORT CIRCUITED FUSE-HOLDERS. TO DO SO COULD CAUSE A SHOCK OR FIRE HAZARD. | CAUTION } Before the instrument is turned on, it must be set to the voltage of the power source, or damage to the instrument could result. 3-50. OPERATOR’S CHECKS 3-51. A procedure for verifying the basic operation of the 5315A/B is provided in Figure 3-9. This check utilizes the instrument self-calibration cycle and visual verification of front panel controls by front panel indicators. No additional equipment is required. NOTE This check is not intended to verify the accuracy or performance - specifications of the instrument. 3-14 A e e О ЗН Nas NT — initiated. This is approximately a 2-second cycle, indicated by the following display: ET nipona o Ach EZ Model 5315A/B Operation 3-52. POWER-UP SELF CHECK 3-53. When the 5315A/B is turned on, a power-up reset and self-check cycle is automatically HZ s EXPONENT В BATTERY DISCHG CHG 3-54. During this cycle, the microcomputer performs a check sum of the internal program in ROM and a bit pattern written into RAM. Additionally, a partial check of the MRC and 1/0 ports is performed. Any failure during the cycle will producea numbered error message, momentarily displayed, and will latch the ERROR annunciator ON. Refer to Error Messages, paragraph 3-55. NOTE During the power-up self-check routine the ERROR state is undefined. Therefore, the ERROR annunciator may or may not be lit. 3-55. ERROR MESSAGES 3-56. Failures during the power-up self-check routine will result in a (momentary) display of a numbered error message. In addition, the ERROR annunciator will light and remain lit until the error is cleared and the instrument restarted. There are three numbered Error Messages: ERROR MESSAGE A ETE Possible Failure in Microcomputer VE Possible Failure in 1/0 Ports E3 ii Possible Failure in MRC or No Oscillator Signal 3-57. If the ERROR annunciator is lit, verify the error number (1,2, or 3) by repeating the power- up self-check, and refer to Section VIII, Troubleshooting. Power-up self-check is initiated when the POWER switch is changed from STBY to ON. 3-15 Model 5315A/B Operation POWER FREQ TI TI RATIO FREQ ASTBY RESET A—+B A/B 34 25 EXPONENT BATTERY DISCHG CHG INPUT A A —B B TIME a Y Ti AVG CHECK A 10 CAUTION Before switching on the instrument, ensure that the power transformer primary is matched to the available line voltage, the correct fuse is in- stalled and the safety precautions are taken. Refer to Power Require- ments, Line Voltage Selection, Power Cables, and associated warnings and cautions in Section II of this manual. Press FREQ A/ PER A switch O. and adjust LEVEL/ SENS controls © O fully cow. Set all other switches to the OUT position. Adjust GATE TIME control © to minimum. Set POWER switch oO to the ON position and observe the power-up self-check. Verify all seg- ments of the display; decimal point after MSD; and the OVFL, Hz, 5, and GATE annunciators light momentarily, followed by a display of #08. The ERROR annunciator may or may not light. Verify both trigger lights are lit. NOTE When the instrument is first turned on, the microcomputer performs a self-check. If, during power-up self-check, an error is detected, a numbered error message will flash momentarily and the Error annunci- ator O will light and remain lit. Verify the error number by repeating power-up self-check and refer to paragraph 3-59 Error Messages. Verify Display Check routine by placing all function select switches in the OUT position. This may be accomplished by pressing any gray multi-function switch partially in, thereby releasing the function switch that is locked in. Observe the cycling of the display from all zero’s to all one’s, two's, three’s . . . . etc, to all blank. Refer to paragraph 3-33. NOTE The Display Check routine is an unlabeled function, used to verify the operation, digits and most annunciators within the Display assembly. 3-16 Figure 3-9. Operator’s Check Ete EZ E A nh a Eres EE uu A Model 5315A/B Operation 3-58. MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES 3-59. Figures 3-13 through 3-27 show general operating procedures with the HP Model 5315A/B Universal Counter in typical measurement setups. Description numbers match the locator illustrations. The following paragraphs provide recommended operating guidelines to assist in making the most accurate measurement possible. 3-60. Frequency, Period, and Ratio Measurements 1. For cw sine wave or symmetrical waveforms (triangle, square, etc.) use AC coupling and the sensitivity mode. 2. For asymmetrical waveforms (pulse trains, TTL, ECL signals, ramps, etc.) use a combina- tion of DC coupling, Trigger Level, and fixed attenuator. AC coupling these types of sig- nals tends to distort them slightly, due to the charging of the capacitor. More important, the position of the signal on the zero preset trigger level is determined by the average DC level of the input. Depending on the pulse width and duty cycle, this DC average may be low enough to allow the base line noise to trigger the counter, producing extra counts (see Figure 3-10.) DC coupling fixes the DC level of the input signal, which allows the adjustable Trigger Level to be positioned at the optimum point. Set the Trigger Level control to the approximate center of the triggering range indicated by the trigger light (see Figure 3-11). — I HYSTERESIS BAND — — 2. Bic dia gb Ai JB ай ВА ла ай д. a 1 VV VTT TEE TNT EVE EVE TT A/A } HYSTERESIS BAND Figure 3-11. DC Coupled Measurements 3. When input loading is a problem (i.e., 1 MQ load or cable capacitance) or when a more convenient method of probing is desirable, use a 10:1 Scope Probe. A probe is recom- mended for all logic applications. 4. For sine wave measurements 100 kHz and below, always use the low pass filter, selectable on the front panel. Normally the input signal is integrated over the entire 100 MHz bandwidth. Use of the filter effectively removes noise and harmonics (above 100 kHz) that may affect the correct measurement. | WARNING | WHEN MEASURING POWER LINE FREQUENCIES, BE EX- TREMELY CAREFUL AND ALWAYS USE A STEP-DOWN ISOLA- TION TRANSFORMER (WITH ABOUT 10V OUTPUT). THE COUNTER'S PANEL IS TYPICALLY AT SIGNAL GROUND, SO NEVER TRY TO MEASURE THE 50 OR 60 Hz LINE WITHOUT AN ISOLATION TRANSFORMER. 5. Be very careful with input levels at higher frequencies (greater than 5 MHz). The counter front end can withstand only 6 volts rms at these frequencies. 3-17 Model 5315A/B Operation 3-18 3-61. Time Interval Measurements 1. To ensure waveform fidelity during T.I. measurements, always use DC coupling. 2. Measurements of pulse width, and time between pulses, are more conveniently made in the COM A (common) position. 3. Measuring extremely fast rise times is not recommended because of the difficulty of setting precise trigger levels. | 4. T.I. Average measurements of synchronous frequencies (any 10 MHz, or harmonic of, with stability similar or better than the internal clock) are not recommended because of a possible lock-up condition. 5. In general, use the GATE TIME control to vary the amount of resolution displayed. This control does not affect accuracy. It basically trades off longer measurement time for more resolution. 3-62. OPTIONS 3-63. The operating characteristics of the 5315A/B are affected by the addition of any of the options described in the following paragraphs. Only one time base (Option 001 or 004) can be used in an instrument. The time base option replaces the standard time base. 3-64. Temperature Compensated Time Base OPTION 001 3-65. Option 001 provides a temperature-compensated-crystal-oscillator (TCXO) providing higher accuracy than the Standard Time base. The TCXO is a 10 MHz oscillator, capable of making minor frequency corrections to compensate for offsets due to temperature variations. 3-66. Battery and Charger OPTION 002 3-67. Option 002 provides for battery operation of HP Model 5315A. The option includes the battery, and circuitry required for recharging. The operation of the battery charger circuitry is monitored by front panel BATTERY indicators. See paragraph 8-79 for a complete description’ of battery operation and indicators. This option is available for Model 5315A only. 3-68. C Channel OPTION 003 3-69. Option 003 extends the frequency counting range of the 5315A/B from 100 MHz (in Channel A to 1 GHz (in Channel C). The input sensitivity and gate time are adjustable by front panel controls. See Table 1-1 for complete specifications of Option 003. 3-70. Oven Contained Time Base OPTION 004 3-71. Option 004 is an oven stabilized oscillator for the 5315A/B which results in greater measurement accuracy. The oven oscillator generates a higher stability 10 MHz signal over the full operating temperature range than achieved by a standard or Option 001 time base. 3-72. The 5315A Option 004 consumes less power than the 5315B Option 004 and is compatible with battery operation. The 53158 Option 004, however, offers the greatest accuracy. Option 004 is available only for HP Models 5315A/B having serial numbers prefixed 2120A and above. Model 5315A/B Operation 3-73. Offset/Normalizer OPTION 006 3-74. Option 006 allows the operator to mathematically manipulate the 5315B display. Option 006 is described in its own installation and service manual, HP Part Number 05315-90011. This option is available for Model 5315B only. 3-75. OPERATOR’S MAINTENANCE 3-76. The only maintenance the operator should normally perform is the replacement of the primary power fuse on a standard 5315B. This fuse is located within the Line Module Assembly. For instructions on changing the fuse, refer to Section ll, Line Voltage Selection. ia iA Sar Saal a al al wr Чай О > < — O 2 Midis Ao Aci Also Mc A ES Make sure that only fuses with the required rated current and of the slow-blow type are used for replacement. The use of re- paired fuses and the short-circuiting of fuse-holders must be avoided. | 3-77. When Option 003 C Channel is installed, the operator may be required to replace the input BNC fuse. This is a 1/8A fuse (HP Part No. 2110-0301) which is located within the INPUT C BNC connector (see Figure 3-12. for details). To replace the fuse, disconnect the power cord, unscrew the special BNC barrel (P/N 05305-60205) and, with needle-nose pliers, remove and replace the fuse. Reinstall the BNC barrel, and tighten using a BNC cable connector. Be careful not to overtighten. HEX NUT 05305-20104 SPECIAL LOCKWASHER 05305-60205 2190-0124 PANEL = Ea men | | hs | Е MINI-CONNECTOR PANEL 05305-60206 TEFLON INSULATOR 05305-20105 Figure 3-12. Details of Input Connector J1 and Fuse Mounting 3-19 3-20 Model 5315A/B Operation 3-78. POWER/WARM UP 3-79. The HP Model 5315A/B requires a power source of 100, 120, 220, or 240V AC, +5%, -10%, 48 to 66 Hz single phase. The selection of line voltage and input power fuse is described in Section II, paragraph 2-5, Preparation for Use. 3-80. The 5315A/B has a two-position power switch, STBY and ON. For 5315A models with Option 002, it is important that the instrument remain connected to the power source in the STBY mode when not in use. This supplies power to the battery charging circuitry. | WARNING | POWER IS ALWAYS PRESENT AT THE STBY/ON (LINE) SWITCH AND TRANSFORMER, AND UNREGULATED DC IS PRESENT WHENEVER THE LINE CORD ISATTACHED. UNPLUGGING THE POWER CORD IS NECESSARY TO REMOVE ALL POWER FROM THE INSTRUMENT. 3-81. The Option 004 time base oven is supplied power whenever line (Mains) power is connected to the instrument. For a 5315A with both Options 002 and 004 installed, the oven receives standby power from the battery when the FREQ A/PER A switch is depressed. Model 5315A/B Operation {)] 5315A UNIVERSAL COUNTER EXPONENT BATTERY DISCHG CHG FILTER NORM POWER FREQ TI TE RATIO | ЖЖ ОТВУ ВЕЗЕТ! А AB GEN) A/B - он INPUT B A ER TI AVG CHECK A A A-B BY B NOTE For specifications concerning bandwidth, accuracy, and amplitude on input signals, refer to Table 1-1. . 1. Set POWER switch @ to the ON position. 2. Set SEP/COM A switch (Y) to SEP position. 3. Connect the input signal to INPUT A jack O. 4. Press FREQ A/PER A switch O. and set the Blue SHIFT key © in the out position for FREQ A, or the in position for Period A. 5. Set AC/DC O , ATTN O and Slope O switches to appropriate positions. 6. Set GATE TIME control O to min. 7. Set TRIGGER LEVEL/ SENSITIVITY switch O to SENSITIVITY position, and LEVEL/ SENS control fully cew. This sets the trigger level at 9 volts (nominaily) and sensitivity to minimum. 8. Adjust the LEVEL/SENS control O in a clockwise direction until a stable reading is obtained. 9. Adjust the GATE TIME control O for desired resolution. The gate time may be displayed by pressing the GATE TIME switch €) and the Blue SHIFT key O Figure 3-13. Frequency A/Period A Measurements 3-21 Model 5315A/B Operation | () | 5315A UNIVERSAL COUNTER BE. SENSITIVITY | FILTER NORM POWER FREQ TI TI RATIO FREQ TOT A.STBY RESET А -+ В А/В © STOP ГА [3 . | P PER TIAVG CHECK A GATE Tor A ~8 BY B IME START SAR ZE E a HH ЕН МОТЕ For specifications concerning bandwidth, accuracy, and amplitude on input signals, refer to Table 1-1. ПИ 1. Set POWER switch QY to the ON position. 2. Set GATE TIME control O to min. 3. If the Start and Stop signals are from separate sources, connect the Start signal to INPUT A jack © , the Stop signal to INPUT B jack O. and set the SEP/COM A switch O to SEP position. If the Start and Stop signals are from a common source, connect to INPUT A jack © and set the SEP/COM A switch @) to COM A position. 4. Press Т.!. A—B switch oO and ensure the Blue SHIFT key © is in the out position, to select time interval function. 5. Set AC/DC O © , ATTN O O. and Slope © O switches to desired positions. NOTE When the SEP/COM A switch is set to COM A, only the CHANNEL A AC/DC switch O is effective. However, all Attenuator, Slope, and LEVEL/ SENS controls are effective. 6. Set TRIGGER LEVEL/SENSITIVITY switches Q) to TRIGGER LEVEL position. This sets the sensitivity to maximum (typically <10 mV for frequencies <10 MHz) and allows variable selection of trigger levels. 7. Adjust the LEVEL/SENS controls O O for optimum triggering, usually the middle of the range over which the trigger light flashes. 8. Adjust the GATE TIME control O for the desired sample rate, variable nominally from 50 ms to 10 s. The selected gate time may be displayed by pressing the GATE TIME switch O and the Blue SHIFT key © NOTE The first measurement is not displayed until the gate time delay is up. For slow sample rates, use HOLD and the RESET switch. Figure 3-14. Time Interval Measurement 3-22 Model 5315A/B Operation POWER FREQ TI Ti RATIO FREQ TOT € ASTBY RESET A—-8 GENE A/B с STOP A. САТЕ TOT TIME START NOTE For specifications concerning bandwidth, accuracy, and amplitude on input signals, refer to Table 1-1. 1. Set POWER switch O: the ON position. 2. If the Start and Stop signals are from separate sources, connect the Start signal to INPUT A jack O. the Stop signal to INPUT B jack Q and set the SEP/COM A switch O to SEP position. If the Start and Stop signals are from a common source, connect to INPUT A jack © and set the SEP/COM A switch O to COM A position. 3. Press T.I. DELAY switch O and ensure the Blue SHIFT key © is in the out position, to select time interval function. 4, Set AC/DC O O. ATTN O O. and Slope © & switches to desired positions. NOTE When the SEP/COM A switch is set to COM A, only Channel A AC/DC switch O is effective. However, all ATTENUATOR, SLOPE, and LEVEL/SENS controls are effective. 5. Set TRIGGER LEVEL/ SENSITIVITY switches 69 €) to TRIGGER LEVEL position. This sets the sensitivity to maximum (typically <10 mV) and allows variable selection of trigger levels. 6. Adjust the LEVEL/SENS controls о O for optimum triggering (i.e., the middle of the range over which the trigger light flashes). 7. Adjust the GATE TIME/DELAY control O , for the desired holdoff, (variable nominally from 500 us to 20 ms) between the Start on Channel A and the enabling of Stop on Channel B. Inputs during the delay time are ignored. The selected delay time may be displayed by pressing T.l. A-B@. T.l. DELAY © and Blue SHIFT key @ to their in positions. Figure 3-15. Time Interval Delay Measurement 3-23 Model 5315A/B Operation | 5315A UNIVERSAL COUNTER CNN EST TANTE EE) EVELASENS TRIGGER LEVEY/ SENS EXPONENT | + M 2 E. SENSITIVITY ns © = x dx ATEN FILTER ATTN ALAC Xt NORM SEP xi x do 100k Hz COM A US POWER TI RATIO FREQ TOT $ ASTBY RESET AE CHEN A/B с STOP A PER TI/AVG CHECK G A —B me START € AN Seen EA 2/5 E EA pm NOTE For specifications concerning bandwidth, accuracy, and amplitude on input signals, refer to Table 7-1. 1. Set POWER switch o to the ON position. NOTE There must be at least 200 ns between the Stop pulse and the next Start pulse. When measuring the time interval between the same polarity slope of two pulses from a single source, the PER A mode should be used. 2. If the Start and Stop signals are from separate sources, connect the Start signal to INPUT A jack O. the Stop signal to INPUT B jack O and set the SEP/COM A switch O to SEP position. If the Start and Stop signals are from a common source, connect to INPUT A jack © and set the SEP/COM A switch O to COM A position. 3. Press T.l. А-В switch), and the BlueSHIFT key © © select time interval average function. 4. Set AC/DC (11) © , ATIN O O , and Slope O O switches to desired positions. NOTE When the SEP/COM A switch is set to COM A, only the Channel A AC/DC switch O is effective. However, all ATTENUATOR, SLOPE, and LEVEL/SENS controls are effective. 5. Set TRIGGER LEVEL/SENSITIVITY switches © O to TRIGGER LEVEL position. This sets the sensitivity to maximum (<10 mV) and allows variable selection of trigger levels. 6. Adjust the LEVELSENS controls O O for optimum triggering (i.e., the middle of the range over which the trigger light flashes). 7. Adjust the GATE TIME control O for the desired resolution. The selected gate time may be displayed by setting the GATE TIME switch O and the Blue SHIFT key Or the “in” position. NOTE The T.I. Average A—B mode of operation will measure time intervals from 105 seconds down to 9 ns, with up to 1 ns resolution. A display of up to “-” 1 or 2 ns, indicating a negative time interval is possible (i.e., Channel B event occurred before Channel A event). Figure 3-16. Time Interval Average A—B 3-24 Model 5315A/B Operation Li ta ere (| 5315A UNIVERSAL COUNTER SHANNEUR EXPONENT BATTERY DISCHG CHG FILTER NCR POWER TI TI RATIO FREQ TOT ASTBY RESET A—.B A/B с STOP PER TI AVG CHECK / A TE TOT A А -+ В: BY B IME START 7 é Logon o e ent rat | pitan LEE err in ein At dee A A PE NOTE For specifications concerning bandwidth, accuracy, and amplitude on input signals, refer to Table 1-1. 1. Set POWER switch oO to the ON position. 2. Set SEP/COM A switch (Y) to SEP position. 3. Connect the input signals to INPUT A © and INPUT O). Connecting the higher frequency signal to INPUT A and lower frequency signal to INPUT B ensures that the counter meets its ratio accuracy specifications. Also, the ratio will always be greater than one. 4, Select RATIO A/B O and ensure the Blue SHIFT key O is in the out position. i 5. Set AC/DC O @ лтт O O , and Slope O O switches to desired positions. 6. Set TRIGGER LEVEL/SENSITIVITY switches Q) €) to SENSITIVITY position and LEVEL/SENS controls O @ fully ccw. This sets the trigger level at @ volts (nominally) and sensitivity to minimum (>500 mV). 7. Adjust each LEVEL/SENS control O O in a clockwise direction slightly beyond the point the corresponding trigger light flashes. If signals are less than 250 mV rms, the SENS controls may be fully cw. 8. Adjust the GATE TIME control O for desired resolution. The selected gate time, variable nominally from 50 ms to 10 s, may be displayed by pressing the GATE TIME witchQ andthe Blue SHIFT key Ed Figure 3-17. Ratio A/B Measurements 3-25 Model 5315A/B Operation UNIVERSAL COUNTER BATTERY DISCHG EXPONENT CHG POWER ESTBY RESET TI Ti RATIO FREQ . А-В А/В T| AVG CHECK A+B BY B A GATE TIME START Ё 11e FILTER NORM CESE NOTE For specifications concerning bandwidth, accuracy, and amplitude on input signals, refer to Table 1-1. Set POWER switch (Y) to the ON position. Set SEP/COM A switch (Y) to SEP position. Connect the signal, either sine wave or pulses, to be totalized to INPUT A jack © and the gate control signal to INPUT B jack O NOTE This mode will totalize inputs on Channel A for the time between two events on Channel B. The Gate will open on the A Slope setting and close on the B Slope setting. Reset is required to make a new measurement. Press A BY B switch © and the Blue SHIFT key © to select the totalize A BY B function. Set AC/DC O O , ATTN © O and Slope 00 switches to desired positions. Set TRIGGER LEVEL/ SENSITIVITYswitches () @) to SENSITIVITYposition and LEVEL/ SENS fully ccw. This sets the trigger level at 8 volts (nominally) and sensitivity to minimum (500 mV). Adjust each LEVEL/ SENS 90 in a clockwise direction slightly beyond the point the corre- sponding trigger light flashes. If signals are less than 250 mV rms, the LEVEL/ SENScontrols may be fully cw. This function operates in a Single Shot mode. The RESET key must be pressed to initiate a new measurement. 3-26 Figure 3-18. A BY B Measurements Model 5315A/B Operation 5315A UNIVERSAL COUNTER EXPONENT : 7 8. SENSITIVITY BATTERY DISCHG CHG FILTER NORM = ère N POWER FREQ. TI Ti RATIO FREQ TOT $ |} ASTBY RESET] A A+B CHE) A/B с STOP La т - us = 100kHz CO ER TIJAVG CHECK [a GATE oT A Ау» В В TIME START a 1. Set POWER switch J) to the ON position. 2. Set SEP/COM A switch {) to SEP position. 3. Connect the frequency burst signal to be averaged to INPUT A jack O and the sampling signal to INPUT B jack O . The sampling signal must be synchronized with, and of pulse width less than the burst. NOTE This mode will average together multiple frequency bursts and display the average frequency of the signal within the burst. Due to the complexity of this function it is recommended that the user thoroughly read paragraph 3-23 before attempting to use this function. 4. Press T.l. DELAY, CHECK switch QQ) and RATIO A/B, A BY B switch Q) together fora gate time of 500 us-30 ms or FREQ A, PER A switch @§J) and TOT STOP, TOT START switch O for a gate time of 60 ms-10 s. 5. Set AC/DC O © ‚ ATTN O O to the desired positions. 6. Set the Blue Shift key O or the desired sampling/measurement interval enable slope: OUT for a positive enable slope, IN for a negative enable slope (negative slope only using SHORT measurement interval). 7. Set the A Channel SLOPE switch O to the desired trigger slope. Set the B Channel SLOPE switch O for the desired disable slope. 8. Set the TRIGGER/SENSITIVITY switches @) E) to SENSITIVITY position and LEVEL/SENS controls O O fully ccw. This sets the trigger level at 0 volts (nominally) and sensi- tivity to minimum (500 mV). 9. Adjust each LEVEL/SENS O O in a clockwise direction slightly beyond the point the corresponding trigger light flashes. If the signals are less than 250 mV, the LEVEL/SENS controls may be fully cw. Figure 3-19. FREQ A Armed by B Measurements Model 5315A/B Operation POWER FREQ TI TI RATIO FREO ASTBY RESET A+B A/B 5315A UNIVERSAL COUNTER EXPONENT BATTERY DISCHG CHG NOTE For specifications concerning bandwidth, accuracy, and amplitude on input signals, refer to Table 1-1. Set POWER switch o to the ON position. Set SEP/COM A switch @B to SEP position. Connect the signal to be totalized to INPUT A jack © . NOTE | This mode will totalize inputs on Channel A for the period of time manually selected on front panel switches. Press TOT switch © and ensure the Blue SHIFT key O: in the out position. Set AC/DC O , ATTN O and Slope O switches to desired positions. Set TRIGGER LEVEL/SENSITIVITY switch €) to SENSITIVITY position and LEVEL/SENS O) fully ccw. This sets the trigger level at 8 volts (nominally) and sensitivity to minimum (500 mV). Adjust the LEVEL/SENS control O in a clockwise direction slightly beyond the point the Channel A trigger light O flashes. | Press RESET oO to clear display. Press Blue SHIFT key On to START totalize measurement, and press again (out position) to STOP totalize. Repeat this procedure to accumulate count, press RESET Ot clear display and enable a new measurement. 3-28 Figure 3-20. Totalize Measurement IO NAAA Es Model 5315A/B Operation POWER ASTBY RESET Set POWER switch o to ON position. EXPONENT BATTERY DISCHG FREQ TI A A—-B BY B TIME START А-В НЮ) A/B C STOP A PER TI AVG CHECK A "e TOT TIME TI RATIO FREQ TOT + a Mo Д INPUT INPUT INPUT 2 A с B MAX Л A A = 1MO son NS mo L À + МОТЕ For specifications concerning bandwidth, accuracy, and amplitude on input signals, refer to Table 1-1. Set GATE TIME control €) to MIN. Select FREQ C and be sure that the blue SHIFT key is in the OUT position. A AM a Se. Milicias NEP), Ч | CAUTION Jude Mic as dde Al us de N NS р ЗЧ Mi Mid. Be sure that the Input C signal does not exceed 1 V rms into 50 ohms. Connect the input signal to INPUT C jack O. NOTE The INPUT Connector is a special fused BNC. The in-line fuse within the connector is accessible from the front panel. Refer to the Operator's Maintenance section, paragraph 3-77, for replacement of fuse. Set SENS C control O to min. Slowly rotate the control in a cw direction until the GATE just turns on. light Adjust the GATE TIME control O for the desired resolution. The actual gate time may be displayed by pressing the GATE TIME function switch O and the Blue SHIFT key O. Moving the GATE TIME control O fully ccw into detent will HOLD the measurement display. in HOLD, single-shot measurements with minimum gate time can be made by pressing the RESET key. NOTE The onlv controls active in FREQ C function mode are GATE TIME O, RESET O. and SENS C O . However, pressing either Channel A or B ) scope switches will reset the counter. All other controls have no effect. Figure 3-21. Frequency C Measurement (Option 003) 3-29
Key Features
- Measures signals from 0.1 Hz to 100 MHz
- Two input channels for time interval measurements
- Frequency, Period, Time Interval, Ratio, and Totalize measurements
- Continuous gate time adjustment
- Reciprocal counting technique for frequencies below 10 MHz
- Automatic switching to conventional frequency counting for frequencies above 10 MHz
- Optional 1 GHz third input channel
- AC-DC coupling on both channels
- Switchable low-pass filter on Channel A
- Three-state trigger lights
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the frequency range of the HP 5315A/B?
The HP 5315A/B measures signals over a range from 0.1 Hz to 100 MHz.
What types of measurements can the HP 5315A/B make?
The HP 5315A/B can measure frequency, period, time interval, ratio, and totalize.
What is the gate time range of the HP 5315A/B?
The gate time is continuously adjustable from 50 ms to 10 s.
What is the difference between the 5315A and the 5315B?
The 5315B is functionally identical to the 5315A. The major difference is that the 5315B is designed for rack mounting or stacking and features a metal cabinet to minimize electromagnetic interference. (The 5315A has a high-strength plastic cabinet.)
What options are available for the HP 5315A/B?
The options available for the 5315A/B are: Temperature Compensated Time Base (TCXO), Battery and Charger (for Model 5315A only), C Channel 1 GHz Input, High Stability Time Base - Oven-Contained Oscillator.