- Industrial & lab equipment
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- Dwyer
- Series MSP
- Instruction manual
- 2 Pages
Dwyer Series MSP Instruction Manual
Dwyer Series MSP is a single channel analog I/O module that allows most any analog sensor or actuator to be used with any model of PLC (even a PLC without analog capability). It supports one (1) analog signal-tvpe and provides one (1) interface channel with the PLC. The MSP family provides models which provide an analog INPUT to a PLC while other models supply an analog OUTPUT from a PLC. Communication between MSP unit and PLC is vía patented “single-wire” communication protocol. Supplied with each MSP unit are input and/or output PLC drivers pre-written for the more popular models of major PLC manufacturers.
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FACTORY CONFIGURATION Zach MSP-C-OUT unit is configured and calibrated at the factory for the input signal range and volt- age output range printed by the factory on the MSP unit's side-label. This unit may be interfaced with any programmable logic controller (PLC). The MSP-C-OUT unit has TWO output current ranges the unit is capable of accommodating (0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA). Unit re-configuration requires SensorPulse’s SignalFlex™ Configurator Utility. This MSP unit may be reconfigured by a user at any time via their personal computer (PC) or handheld personal computer (HPC) by installing SensorPulse Corps Windows®/PC or Windows®/ CE HPC based SignalFlex™ Configurator Utility. interfacing the MSP unit to the computers RS- 232C comm port with an MSF Configuration Cable (sold separately). and changing the unit's input configuration settings. OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION The MSP family of single channel analog 1/0 mod- ules permits most any analog sensor or actuator (de- pending upon MSP model tvpe) to be used with any model of PLC (even a PLC without analog capability). Each MSP model (input or output) supports one (1) analog signal-tvpe and provides one (1) interface channel with the PLC. The MSP family provides mod- els which provide an analog INPUT to a PLC while other models supply an analog OUTPUT froma PLC. Communication between MSP unit and PLC is vía patented “single-wire” communication protocol. Supplied with cach MSP unit are input and/or out- put PLC drivers pre-written for the more popular models of major PLC manufacturers. These driv- ers. written utilizing the programming software of their respective PLC manufacturer, are supplied on diskette and mas be cut and pasted into PLC memory. MSP models may be purchased with a factory pre- set configuration for plug-n-play application or avail- able unconfigured so user may configure the unit to meet their unique need. All MSP models may be con- hgured/reconfigured by a user at anytime through use of an optional SignalFlex™ Configuration Package. Analog world output signal via MSP unitinter faced to PLC - A small ladder logic program loaded into the PLC is used to generate patented single wire digi- tal data transmission between PLC and MSP unit. A numerical value representing the desired analog out- put signal value (control variable) is placed into a PLC working register of your choice by PLC program. This value 15 transmitted serially (one bit at-a-time) at 24 VDC signal levels to the MSP unit via the PLC's my .. = Ey í ki i Чет Tar T rnd dW КЕ UM {1 discreet МО port. At the MSP unit that received value is scaled and/or lincarized as required and the result used to generate an appropriate analog sig- nal type at the specific value level (determined by the value from the PLC). This analog signal value is applied to the analog actuator wired to the MSP unit's output. REQUIREMENTS Mandatory: * PLC withone (1) +24VDC discrete output * THHN. MTW or other stranded interface wire to interface MSP unit with PLC 1/0) = 15 -32YDC, 30máÁ external supply voltage * PLC Driver Software (supplied with unit) = Personal or Handheld computer with Win- dows®/PC or Windows®/CE - to input PLC driver to PLC * PLC 10 Personal/Handheld computer commu- nication interface cable Optional: * SignalFlex"* Configuration Package (Pari No. MSF-CC-AI) Package consists of SignalFlex"M Configurator Utilitv and MSF Configuration Cable INSTALLATION PLC Driver: |. Insert MSP Soltwarc” diskette into desired drive ol personal or handheld personal computer. 2. Access the drive containing the diskette, 3. Double click-on the “install. bat” icon. All dis- kette programs will be unpacked and installed within a dircctory/lolder labeled “sp” at the root of your PC/HPC. 4. Remove MSP Software” diskette from computer RING in ENCLOSURE 1 ALS == E RANIA ENCLOSURE et WE Р GREEN LED CABLE BORT RED LED - TERMINAL = SET SCREW TIA SHAF-ON TAB "bc, us sed = SHAF-ON TAR AA Ca Ca FT EET > e pa ar a ¡e ra TST 9 SensorPulse qi, - q 7 q e 7) 2 GEN ye TT Lh Connect personal or handheld personal com- puter to PLC programming (comm) port 6. Select appropriate PLC driver from within “sp” folder on PC/HPC and copy it to vour PLCs pro- eram. Then within the PLCs program change the newly installed drivers "default addresses” to desired real-time addresses Hardware: | Mount MSP unit on standard TS32 or TS35 DIN ral 2 See wiring diagram on reverse side. Connect external 13 to 32VDC power source to MSP unit: Positive (+) to MSP terminal +VDC Negative (-) to MSP terminal -VDC 3. Connect output analog device to MSP unit: Current (+) to MSP terminal 1 OUT+ Current (-) to MSP terminal COM 4. Connect MSP unit to desired PLC Output point: PLC Output Point to MSP terminal PLC OUTPUT 5, If PLC has “Sinkine Outputs” install | Kg} between MSP terminals PLC OUTPUT and CONFIGURATION CHANGE An MSP°s configuration can only be changed through use of a personal computer running our Windows® based SignalFlex™ Configurator Utility and a special configuration communication cable to interface the MSP unit and personal computer together, (Sec Requirements - on reverse side for purchasing information.) Instructions on how to accomplish configuration change are included with Windows®hased SignalFlex™ Configuration Package and not covered here. ADIVISION OF TOTAL CONTROL PRODUCTS. INC || Alien] 151032VDC —— Power Source - + | foe = ah NL E I [3 5 PLC Out = ONE (1) у, sup == DISCRETE = PLC | Г : OUTPUT | e POINT a =x ни | La e Te т CURRENT OUTPUT SIGNAL CURRENT SIGNAL COMMON The MSP unit communication port is a SOURCING input. This protocol will allow interface to discrete output channels on PLCs that are either SOURCING outputs or SINKING outputs VDC -15 — ?4voC Ta voc + |g * POWER IS COMMON POWER SUPPLY PLC 14 COM Ve TO REST MSP UNIT OF OUTPUTS ALE PLC OUTPUT CARD OUTPUT AUN "SOURCING OUTPUT" Data transmission beweem MSP unit and SOURCING outputs will be inverted as it is read into the PLC. The PLC driver ladder logic must invert the discrete signal again in order 10 read the data voc + LÉ + 24VDC GHD IS COMMON POWER voc - = SUPPLY a 1Kr PLC COM out TO REST +— OF OUTPUTS Кл MSP UNIT PLE PLC QUTPUT CARD OUTPUT BN *SINKING OUTPUT" MSP-C-OUT Wiring Diagram FACTORY CONFIGURATION SETTINGS PLC Interface; Type: DELTA Protocol Scan Time: 10 mil-Seconds Full Word Bir-Count: 16 DELTA Word Bit-Count: 4 DELTA Refresh: 16 PLC Timine: MSP-x-IN MSP-x-OUT ID Pulse Width: 12 3 DATA Pulse Width: 3 3 General: Watch-Dog Timer: OFF Filter Frequency: 60HZ DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Two LEDs one RED and one GREEN are located on the front face of the MSPs enclosure and pro- vide user with visual indication as to unit opera- tion, LED FUNCTIONALITY LED's have three operational states: Steady ON Steady OFF Blinking Condition: GREEN = BLINKING RED = Steady OFF Meaning: Unit is processing data Condition: GREEN = Steady ON RED = Steady ON Unit is off-line with PLC due to - 1) Unit is uploading information from onboard memory 2) Unit is downloading information Meaning: to onboard memory 3) No configuration data is available in onboard memory Condition: GREEN = BLINKING RED = BLINKING Unit is processing data but data 15 out- side Of configured range Meaning: All other combinations indicate the unit 15 not operating correctiy, Warning: This unitis protected against abnormally high voltages, Inital power-up requires a minimum of 15Vde, any voltage less than this will cause damage to the unit. Caution: The torque specification for tightening the wire terminal set screws is 2.0 in/lb. Any torque greater than this will cause damage to the unit. SPECIFICATIONS Input Power: 15-32Vde Isulation: 2 way 1500Y peak Over Voltage: 240VRMS continuous Update Speed: 0.1 10 0,5 seconds (PLC dependant) Operating Temp: -40 to +75% Storage Temp.: 4010 +85°C Mounting: 32 and 353mm DIN Ral & G Rail Dimensions: 73mm HX 122mm WX 60mm D (2.957 X 0.4857 X 2.57). 24 modules can be installed per linear foot of DIN Rail Diagnostics LEDs: Active and alarm indications Maximum Wire Size: 14 AWG Torque for wiring to terminal set screws: 2.0 in/lb Max. Output Signal Type: Current or Voltage Output Range: Current 4 10 20mA 0 to 20mA Accuracy: 20.05% Input: Serial Pulses from PLC Output Point TRADE SECRETS AÑO PROPRIETARY NOTIGE - This document and me somware described du ACTES Musa Lom ad ae copyrighbéd wi all rights reserved Lindos the copy rigited bw this document and the driver sofuart suppied by SensorPulso Com. may not ba copied, metolé dr part. without he wilan consent of SensorPulze Comp, except in the normal use of fhe software or to make à backup copy. The sama propriskany others, whaihes or not sd gran, or Icanod io angie parson Linder the time. copying indudes translatng to another Language or format. Mi roles ried Ea Де, уч made for Sano Pulse Comp in developing ies product and drivers lor apphcablé programable boge contollers has aftempled to offéf dé most curend, coreci and ceary axpressed miormation posstie Nonatheless, emo canocrur. Except as enyveisy sel bath above SersorPuise Con does rot perd dax driver sofware is free bom bugil. offors of DIE OO HTW WARRANTY - Llanutaciuror (SensorPulsa Corp | amants that ils product. under noimal use and specied ¿za 15 bios from detecta and poor wormanehe foi à pois à Bele MERA Fomita dale of svpment ron Me Senso Pulses lactony SergorPulse mass nd 0 samanbes of representations express or impleed wiveitier ol medchantabedy sutafehty Ol Desi fora portae Praia DO Sanson use quality products wile dessgnod, nd ano manudachured efi hght foléranice peo bcabons Amy ailempi №0 repair of offirwase modiiy Sanso Pull products will resulta "e Lerranaton ol ай waranty benefits. Although Sensor Pula muy choose fo repara produci palm under warmacty, il will not atlempl to rapyir products hat aré Deyono He aamanty parce Evaluation and repair costa ol progiuci Exyona Ep wii? andy pora ei Ney oe reapiicoment coria As such Soto Pulté supporís Bh pobkcy of "msl By replacement” RETURMING MATERIAL TO THE MANUFACTURER = Should of become nocestany lo mtu army matonal Lo Má manufactura [SensorPulse Com. |, 8 Return Authonzabon (FLA) number musi fus! bo obtained Tolophone SonsorPuise ai 600-447-5500 or 506-730-6000 or Fax 5908-23 6060 Lo request an RAS. De preparedio (1) Identify he maternal to be relumod (modo! 51 con Ordo (7) Dela la mason for Thé return, (3) Descrbe ba nest gap” dspectabone Hom SensorPulss (4) Provide a Purchase Order, il a rplacemen (5 requested pro la ie recep of ho return -- exa allas bxalieend Mai duo rotura covenad under wamarnty Whes returung maternal lo Santos Pulse. ha RÁN must ba induded on af stippariy documents Sad prominentiy displayed on the puizdo of the shipping contains - Bes will reduce youl Tum around rms LIMITATION OF LIABILITY = Buyer and'é end users sols remedy shal be He repuer or mplacemon! of He debaectres product wah amy damages metod 10 Be puichase pace of tha product In no even shall manufactured haves ary habebty bof Be diac indreci Suecia. conte Quentui of nen damage mcludorg Dui noi krrihed 10 logs. of prolly, dia of procuckon of Tow another clam for damages whether based of dasmed m confract, waranty, negbgonce, inci kabdiy indemndcabon o (Снт COPYRIGHT NOTICE — Tin document ano ho accompury driver software debettels| are Copyright 1985 - 1997 by SonsorPuise Com AR nght reserved The software deserted in decurnanl d Has as ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - Somormues MSC MSP ESP OPEN PO and SKI vo Me regritared tradomurka of SensoPulse Cop Padont No 5416 430. Window and Windows'CE HPC aro regidoad indomora of hicrosof Corp Citer products arc trademark à ol Ewin respective tadóormar hold: FC C STATEMENT — This tas E bear Moure lo Oomph with Bar Jared, ble a Class E detal cmo pursuant lo par 15 ol he FCC Rules Those ims ang dessgned io prac masonabló protection aguamal harmiul nferforence M à rosdontal mstallation Tres equpment génerales зов ЭС con radiata radio Mequenoy energy axl. E Usain accordance yy hainalucions, TC ! Бога However, there is сала i nod articular installabon 1 this equ h 3 помоч пря, which Can be sc rio a ea he users UNT ci the aer enca by one or mora of ies folkcasrig messums (1) Resorlanıt or nakıcabe tha recening antenna (2) Increase the Separabion between the equpmeni and recesver, (3) Connect der equipment intó an cual ona orciud dffarence from that lo wfuch Me modas is connocied (4) Consul ha deslor of an dpoñoncod radoTV lechnician tor help INSTALLATION AND SAFETY GUIDANCE NOTES Environment - SonsorPulss Com products ara d q hab and safe an Bar specified emáronmeni However the following guidelines musi ba folicwad ETRE E AC ERB Product had lor the industral Emmronioent (35 EN S0081-7 and SOÑE. 2) unlass others se inked Operation in any dfher emaronment is nol quarniesd and nl the nak of Bw Lise The Les es required lo supeross high energy transiénta. such as those caused by lightning stnkes, unbess Bh product is specfiod for such purposes Hon-césrsires lon PER EPS Products ae ird pred | Qu cab sulla enclosurá uriess othoraise specified. T E te ony bo qualdied | during ] Open chassis products fr usa above S0V should ony be accessible by he removal of a cover using a hey or too sui SLAC | р gil always La serra E e kb fr a A 4, dar г ji я Enya surta And à Ju я jrndechion dede Product EMC Performance - IDSPOFUGAIOS O\ HERE DECOR aient thr scopes of the EMC dinate wall mos a delanmicad by Iva paríicular heats isk in the EMC standards Products may temporaity ba affected by the appbcaton of soma slechiomagnabc datutances tad will retum lo published spocibcabon freafer Individual product dels on neque Directives - Saensofulss Com. products am foi! a ET Te a Larger peca ol equepment or systu and arg not accessdtla by he operator or ha que! of system under normal use They de no! contain oem ha Mach Directive and do not fail within the scope of either Ihe Wéachirsey Dinpctrvs or es Low Volare Directre unless other staisd The responsibility lor thé hal equépment or system has with fhe belch of that equipment of system. 1k he duty ol Me system designar oninstalatior: rie lo ensure thal ou products ane used in accordance with our instruchons and thai cument salety wiring and otf relevant regulations ang followed CE © &® E <> For order entry, application, or customer service assistance, call toll-free 800-447-5900 SensorPulse Corp. a division of Total Control Products Inc. 117 Eastman Street South Easton, MA 02375 Phone: 800-447-5900/508-230-9000 Fax: 508-230-9090 IS 11-7000-10 Rev. 909 All Prices and Specifications subject to change without notice ml — INEA ADIVISION or TOTAL CONTROL! ACUC INC ——
Key Features
- Permits most any analog sensor or actuator to be used with any model of PLC
- Supports one (1) analog signal-type and provides one (1) interface channel with the PLC
- Communication between MSP unit and PLC is vía patented “single-wire” communication protocol
- Supplied with each MSP unit are input and/or output PLC drivers pre-written for the more popular models of major PLC manufacturers
- Can be reconfigured by a user at any time via their personal computer (PC) or handheld personal computer (HPC) by installing SensorPulse Corps Windows®/PC or Windows®/CE HPC based SignalFlex™ Configurator Utility
- Has TWO output current ranges the unit is capable of accommodating (0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA)