Pyramid PB460, PB560, PB660 Owner's Manual
Below you will find brief information for Amplifier PB360, PB460, PB560, PB660. This manual provides essential information for the Pyramid AMERICA SERIES II High Speed Power Amplifiers. It details the features, functions, and connections, including high and low-level inputs along with speaker connections and power supply details. It also covers amplifier bridging capabilities and troubleshooting.
PYRAMID AMERICA OWNER’S MANUAL PB360.PB460 PB560.PB660 INTRODUCTION Thank you for purchasing the Pyramid AMERICA SERIES II High Speed Power Ampliter The AMPLIFIER has been designed using the latest electronic technology available. The AMPLIFIER is with engineered features allowing you to produce high quality stereo reproduction in mobile applications. This innovative system has been designed A 12 volts DO negative ground power supply. Easy installation with mounting Hardware is provided. IC | | =a wa WERK о DD MN | 1.High level input 5. Bass boost control 9. Protection LED indicator ë.Low level input 6. Low pass control 10. Power supply terminals 3. Input level control f High pass control 11. Power fuse 4. Fully adjustable highäow 8 Power on LED indicator 12. Speaker output terminals Pass Crossover INTRODUCTION The PB660. PB860. P1460 utilizes 8 MOSFETS 2 TRANSFORMER inits design te produce enough voltage to supply the main amplifier and a huge considerable amount of reserve voltage for peak "high demand" situations. Saget mo ao" 5 ! : . ты wt u Dee _ Biel po 5 E ARE HER] lA 5 4} © 1.High level input 5. Bass boost control 9. Protection LED indicator ¿Low level input 6. Low pass control 10. Power supply terminals s.Input level control г. High pass control 11. Power fuse 4 Fully adjustable highiow 8, Power on LED indicator 12. Speaker output terminals pass CrOSSOVEr FUNCTIONS 1.HIGH LEVEL INPUT (LOW IMPEDANCE} : If your car stereo does not have RCA output jacks, you can connect the speaker output from the stereo system to the ampliher. 2. LOW LEVEL INPUT (HIGH IMPEDANCE) This unit is provided with gold plated RCA при! jacks for High Impedance input. Couple the RCA input with the car stereo output using ROA type connec- tar cables. 3.LEVEL CONTROL Adjusting the control will match the output of the stereo to the amplifier. Turn 1 the control clockwise for more volume and counter-clockwise for less volume if there 15 distortion when the votume of stereo is turned up, turn ihe control dere. 4. FULL/LPF/HPF CROSSOVER SWITCH For use with normal full range systems, this selector should be set to the FULL position. this AMPLIFIER is being utilized to power а CROSSOVER system, this selector should be set to either the HPF(AI PASS FILTER) or 1 LPFILOU PASS FILTER) position to enable the built-in electronic crossover. 5.BASS BOOST CONTROL The Bass-Boost dial increases the bass signal to the speaker, 6. LOW PASS CONTROL The LPF 40Hz/3450Hz lets you adjust thé crossover frequency fram 40Hz to 350Hz, this control is useful only for subwooters and not you main speakers. 7. HIGH PASS CONTROL The HPF S8Hz/f? SKHz lets you adjust the crossover frequency from SOHz te 2 SKHz. lets you set the tweeter speakers. 3.POWER ON LED Lights up when the remote on system is energized. FUNCTIONS 9. PROTECTION LED The protection circuitry will disable the amplifier if it senses an input overload, speaker shart circuit of extreme high temperature conditions. When the protec- tion circuit 18 in operation the LED indicater on the unit will light indicating that the amplifier has gone into a self preservation mode. At this time please check Your system to see what is causing the protection circuit to fire, The amplifier can be reset by turning the remote power off and then on again. If the system shuts down because of a thermal overload condition. allow the amplifier to cool down before restarting. If the amplifier shutdown because of an Input overload or speaker short circuit please be sure to correct these conditions before restarting the amplifier. 10.POWER SUPPLY À. +12 To connect +12 DC power supply wire from the terminal of battery. BE, GROUND То connect the ground wire from the chassis of the automobile. ©. REMOTE To connect the control wire which provides remote turn on and off of the ampli- fier Бу the radlo/cassette player. (Usually The Auto Antenna Lead) 11.POWER FUSE The power fuse protects both this amplifier and the automobile electrical system from short circuit conditions. 12 SPEAKER TERMINALS. The speaker terminals are 14K Gold Platea for high conductivity and minimum impedance loss. The terminals are facing upwards fer easy wiring in tight situa- tons. Be sure fo strip just enough insulation off your speaker wires that will fit under the screw plate to help ensure against speaker wire short circuits. 13.TRI-MODE BRIDGING CAPABILTY.(PB660.PB4660.PB1460) The Amplifier can be bridged inte the following systems. A. three channel Mode. @ridge Channels 4 & 4 into one high power channel for subwooter application while leaving channels 1 & 2 in the stereo mode for satel- ite components. В. Two Channel Mode. Bridge channels 1 & 2 into one high powered channel. Bridge channels 3 & 4 into a second high powered channel. Be sure to utilize speaker which can handle at rated power on the bridged channels. 14.MUTE TURN ON CIRCUIT The Amplifier features an antithump delay circuit. This circuit eliminates irritat- Ing thump noise some times experienced with cheaper amplifiers when they are turned on. 5 ELECTRICAL & AUDIO CONNECTIONS A. STEREO INPUT CONNECTION 1. Low Level input ee г. ~~ J 0, = ¿== fo, = Ld ¡A if a feo Ss os" tana er Lon... | oo — — — RT | nn ae I ee 7 ps A = fon ‘Ine My nn pr — | pa, BE A os PPT AE ICA | и ur; +. Leaf Рош | Cars | Such | | 16 Right lap af aaa Stain ! 2. High Level Input — = = ‘Ov A AMERICA rn! | L:-ı]| Gar Stereo System NOTE: THE ABOVE TYPES OF INPUT MUST BE USED INDEPENDENTLY. DO NOT CONNECT MORE TRAN ONE INPUT AT THE SAME TIME. ELECTRICAL & AUDIO CONNECTION . =, pe 1 — Om, 1m = m = B. MONO INPUT CONNECTION 1. Low Level Input Tr Lef Inau: min = Am Tn Fight Input) Gur Siete System a 1 1m- 9 0 "E Та Another Amplifier 2. High Level input : imi — je A» hAER E Ta Ancipor ATA the Е. | ° A -— | Ga Stores Syston NOTE: THE ABOVE TYPES OF INPUT MUST BE USED INDEPENDENTLY. DO NOT CONNECT MORE THAN ONE INPUT AT THE SAME TIME. ELECTRICAL & AUDIO CONNECTIONS C. SPEAKER CONNECTIONS You do not need ta make any adjustment for the input connection of Amplifier before you connect the speaker output. 1. Stereo Output Mode Connect the speaker output terminals to tne corresponding speaker. nt N Js 10) "I т = . _ Richl Teak о a Left Speaser ELECTRICAL & AUDIO CONNECTIONS 2. Mono Output Mode You may want to bridge the Amplifier to a mono output amplifier. Use high quality speaker which are capable of handling the high power output. Speuker ELECTRICAL & AUDIO CONNECTIONS D.POWER CONNECTION 1. Connect the В +124 pole of power supply directly to the battery (+) position terminal. 2. Connect the GND pole of power supply directly to ihe (-) negative ground battery terminal or car chassis. 3. To make a good grounding and prevent motor boating noise problem con- nect another 12 gauge minimum wire from the [-}negative battery terminal to chassis of stereo unit. 4 Connect the Remote pole to external switch for positive 12% ON/OFF, This may be connected to the recerer power antenna lead. р ESA — Rg | | IES KE Alu ; | alles . a En IN; gene à _ | R | is pm — ; ar ИЕ AE RICA A — DO 124 + In] | Rerota Control 124 + IM A | Г ee - | | | Vehicles Bah Pgacir Car Stare Syslurn oreund ee Ш. 1 — | 17 | a ! 7 _! — — Fr = es fre | if Vee ST — Г в | ME 21H I | E — —— и — г. и и | — | 5 я Е ЕВ | e/a 8 FT BE u -.173 т т Cm =. , ANSEHEN, ое — Dé; 174 IN Reme Cariral 12%_1 1H о — | и | — —, Ч — ' = che alter | Слабые Car Stereo System u reune 10 ELECTRICAL & AUDIO CONNECTIONS A. STEREO INPUT CONNECTION + NOTE: Do not use both low and high level inputs simultaneously! RCA ТУРЕ TERMINAL This amplifier is provided with gotd plated RCA terminals for LOW LEVEL INPUT to match radios and equalizers with line level output.{Fig. 14) Fyou STEREO has only RIGHT ang LEFT outputs then you must use а Y-adaptor connecting the stereo to the amolifier as indicated. (Fig. 18) WHEN YOU WANT TO BRIDGE THE AMPLIFIER PLEASE COMPLET THE FOLLOWING STEFS. 1, H your STEREO only use RIGHT and LEFT sutputs, slease wire as (Fig. 24) 2. your STEREO has four channel outputs please wire as (Fig. 2B}. NOTE: Do not use both low and high level inputs srmultaneously! @ TRE Sn E a A eA A l'a ran Lew les ©” dE Et e ‘ayaa бару. aie ur High Level Input Leads Е : : = High | evel Input Leads Car Slarct Syste (6 Hadio Unit speaker Qu г 7 al Ma Racks Uni: speaseı Cluiput Fou: Channel Lire Ouipul; (Fig. 1A) 11 ELECTRICAL & AUDIO CONNECTIONS Nee = | u nie : ue ee о L 10600 High | evel lapin Leacs Au ry! ; = Hig i Level pot Lewd — Ta Пай а Uni sppaser Ob lu!) A A lo Hadia Line speaker Cutou:) Y-Adaptor Car Stereo System ‘han Channel Line caput) Y-Acgapıor (Fig. 18) ee SUS an OC À FI" — Eur CCC CCE IM "l= HIM LE — ILE - - Le OT MR a Lu sy “a Care . . Br ГГ и "pr . вв 1] г 1 © rn ol НЕ | evel lapa Lean High Level рые ав — — ma Asd a Loi: speaxer Эф) = A [Ta Раса Linn speaker Culo: Y-Adaptor = 5 Gar Green System | [Tao Cranach Lise Outpt | Y Acapior (Fig. ZA} 12 ELECTRICAL & AUDIO CONNECTIONS Е: VES A p | A Mn. = ги ner > — al Eu db a = A abs © He IL ‚Sb TT ns Te QUE AL Oe | a . . à = . AT р = le . = er | E rm | LE uN Hir; L a Inpul Less igh Level [npel Leds I Level Input Leet (Tn а Url Sucskeor (taut [| oa Atrea System Ta Ard a boiz pus er On tpt) (Four Channel [ré Cuiput | (Fig. 2B) B. SPEAKER CONNECTIONS You do not need to make any adjustment far the input connection of Amplifier before you connect the speaker output. 1. 4 Channel Output Mode Connect the speaker output terminals to the corresponding speaker (Fig, 34) = + I Tl ‘a Al г FE CHA, gt N = GI Lull ne 113.084 Н.А: Gui ae Spuakir Speaker {Fig. ЗА} 13 ELECTRICAL & AUDIO CONNECTIONS mee Sie ann LES A Dro ie a FE Há ea ——— lela NE rc) | | = cm Es 1|.. | [E _ | й i — = ee ва A — AO ___ | | _ CH.4 Right À CH. Lall CHal at CHE Right 9 Speaker Speaker Speaker Speukor 2. Z Channel Output Mode You may want to bridge the Amplifier tc a 2 CHANNEL output amplifier. use high quality speakers which are capable of handiing the high power output. In this mode onty the 1-2СН and 3-4C HR speaker will be activated, (Fig. 368) (Bale | BEBE | — - i Emo L) ee _ om a cHachs SB Bowens SPBELAST Speaker (Fig. 3B) 14 ELECTRICAL & AUDIO CONNECTIONS La DA E AMERICA сноса ER ЕЕ Speaker PUG 2k BT C.2 CHANNEL STEREO OUTPUT COMBINED WITH MONO SUBWOOFER OUTPUT MODE {a) SUBWOOFER Connect the speaker to the 3-4 0H speaker terminal. {Hi 2-CHANNEL STEREO The RIGHT signal output from Z-RIGHT speaker terminal. The LEFT signal cutout from 1-LEFT soeaker terminal. eat mc —_ o_o “Ty pi A El a — se Г: | Y — + E Ц Рин т — ОНЛ Lat СЛЕЗ Н.Я Ca Richt Spaaker SPBAser Speaker 15 ELECTRICAL & AUDIO CONNECTIONS a ee = LIT Lil LH... LH .1 LH. Aight Spuakear Speaker Speaker D, POWER CONNECTION 1. Connect the В +12\ pole of power supply directly to the battery (+)posHtion terminal. 2. Connect the GND pole of power supply directly to the (-) negative ground Battery terminal or car chassis. 3. To make a good grounding and prevent motor bastng noise problem соп- nect another 12 gauge minimum were from the (-+ regative battery terminal ta chassis of stereo unit, 4 Connect the ‘Remote pole to external switch for positive 12% ON/OFF, This may be connected to the receiver power antenna =ad. 1 se ‚3 — un + DE 12" |. ru] Lo: Remc:e Cartral IT HIN y RE | = A volles Battery wher Cir Blermo Systerr | Srourd | 16 INSTALLATION DE им! | 4 у IF = | velicie's Battery Ghageis Car olereo Syalatı Giro NC The Amplifier comes complete witn all mounting hardware, While the Ampiifier can be mounted in any convenient locatian in your vehicle, please remember that this Is а high power unit which generates high electrical energy and heat. Therefore be sure to install the unit in a place with sufficient airflow. a minimum of dust and no moisture Alow enough space around the cooling fins to permil reasonable airflow and coohng. Choose a suitable location te mount the amplifier so that it is protected from vibration Check clearance all around the amplifier be sure to leave enough room for wiring. secure the amplifier tightly Do not leave an unmounted amplifier in your car trunk or deck as It can be a driving hazard should you be forced to make a short stop. 17 TESTING AND SPECIFICATIONS 18 ‚ After all the connections have been made, turn en your =leseo and listen for the amplifier to turn on. If there are any unusual noises from Ihe speakers then turn the system off and recheck al! wiring. . Alter you have connected your radio or requalizer to the amplifier, you may ad- just the gain contrat to match the output level of your radio. {A} Set the volume control on you radio to #73 position. (8) Adjust the gain control for an average lstening level. {С} Turn the radio volume all the way down and listen for background naiss. (Di Start your мене and listen for electrical poise. {E} Making fine adjustments to the sensitivity can raduce background noise and Some engine nose. (Fi CAUTION: Never turn the sensitivity Gp any farther than you need to get clear sound at 2/3 volume. (Gi THIS adjustment only needs 40 be made once, TESTING AND SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS 1.Gutput Power @ 14.4 VDC. 1КНЕ.......... is AMS power Bd ohms RMSpower@2 ohms MAX power Output PE350: YOW x2 PB360: 100 x2 28.360: 2004 Хе 264150: ODM x? PR460: 150W Хе PB460, IDO AZ PB560: 140W xe PRS60: 2OOW xe PBS60: 4004 X2 PESSC: SOW x4 PE660: 130 x4 PR660: 250 x4 2.Bridged Mode: PB360= 400W x1 PB460 = 600 X 1 РВ = ВОСЛАГ 47 PB560= SOC X2 cr 2504 X2 and SOOW X 3. Frequency RESPOMSE...... ce rra 10-30,000 Hzf 13 db} 4 Input Impédance. аня rra rr rr rro ‚UK Ohms (Low Level) 100 Ghms (High Level} S Input Sensitivity... ii cesses seen renee eee: 250 m¥ (Low Level) 2.5¥ (High Level} 6.Power Supply Voltage... DE 14.4V Negative Ground (10.5-16V} 7.Matching Speaker Impedance.... eee Stereo Mode: 2-4 Ohms Bridged Mode:4-8 Omhs 8 Maximum Current Drew... PBS60=154 PRBE60=20A4 PB460=154 PB660 =30A 4. Dimensions......... aa ‚28360 =260%58X 143mm(WAHAL} PB460 =260xX58:x210mm(WXHXL] PB560 S260X58xX250mm(WXHAL; PRET =260 X98 X350mm(YAHAL ) 10.Net Weight... PB360 200Kgs PB560 3.20 Kgs PB460 2.64 Каз PB660 4.42 Kgs www.pyramidcaraudio,com ">

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Key features
- High-speed power amplifier
- MOSFET design
- High and Low level inputs
- Bass boost control
- Low and high pass filters
- Protection circuitry
- Tri-mode bridging capability
- Mute turn-on circuit
Frequently asked questions
Check your system for input overload, speaker short circuit, or high temperature conditions. Correct the issue and then reset by turning the remote power off and on again.
The LPF allows you to adjust the crossover frequency from 40Hz to 350Hz, and is useful for subwoofers.
If your car stereo has RCA output jacks, use the low-level input. Otherwise, use the high-level input and connect the speaker outputs from the stereo to the amplifier.
The PB660 can be bridged into three-channel or two-channel modes.