- Industrial & lab equipment
- Measuring, testing & control
- Rohde&Schwarz
- CMT 802.2020.52
- Operating manual
- 30 Pages
ROHDE&SCHWARZ CMT 802.2020.52, CMT 802.2020.54 Radiocommunication Tester Operating manual
The CMT 802.2020.52, CMT 802.2020.54 is a radio communication tester with a wide range of functions for analyzing and testing radio transmitters and receivers. You can use the CMT to measure RF power, frequency, modulation, distortion, and other parameters. The CMT also includes a built-in RF generator for testing receivers and a comprehensive set of measurement functions for audio signals.
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ROHDE&SCHWARZ Measuring instruments and Systems Division Operating manual RADIOCOMMUNICATION TESTER CMT 802.2020.52 802.2020.54 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Manuals required for the various intrument types. | Instrument type without oscilloscope with oscilloscope Manual CMT model .52 CMT model .54 | RADIOCOMMUNICATION TESTER CMT, models .52/.54 CMT model .52 CMT model .54 | RADIOCOMMUNICATION TESTER CMT, models .52/.54 + with option with option _ СМТ Вто CMT.S10 SSB/AF ANALYSIS CMT-B10 CMT model .53 CMT model .55 | RADIOCOMMUNICATION TESTER CMT, models .52/.54 + 2-GHZ EXTENSION CMT model .56 CMT model .58 | RADIOCOMMUNICATION TESTER CMT, models .52/.54 + CELLULAR RADIO SIMULATOR, NETWORK C CMT 60 CMT 62 RADIOCOMMUNICATION TESTER CMT, models .52/.54 + CELLULAR RADIO SIMULATOR R2000 CMT 64 CMT 66 RADIOCOMMUNICATION TESTER CMT, models .52/.54 + CELLULAR RADIO SIMULATOR NMT 450/900 | CMT 70 CMT 72 RADIOCOMMUNICATION TESTER CMT, models .52/.54 + CELLULAR RADIO SIMULATOR AMPS/TACS CMT 82 CMT 84 RADIOCOMMUNICATION TESTER CMT, models .52/.54 + CELLULAR RADIO SIMULATOR NETWORK C CELLULAR RADIO SIMULATOR R2000 CELLULAR RADIO SIMULATOR NMT450/900 CELLULAR RADIO SIMULATOR AMPS/TACS Contents of CMT Manual Operating manual 1. Data Sheet 2. Preparations and Operation 3. Maintenance Service manual Volume 1 4. Service Manual for Complete Instrument 5. Service Instruction for Modules Power Pack 00 000000.0000000000000000000 Digital Unit > ет ее еее ее ФФ ФФ 808 Analog 0 1 1 о о ос ооооовоовововевевовввевово 1st Modulation Generator Module ...... RF Oscillator Module including ..... Reference Oscillator (OCXO) CMT-B1 1 Output Stage . ® 8 8 0 05 OO 0&8 OO 8 OO OO Ss sO Oe Attenuation Set Module ....soeosocsccooco Volume 2 5. Service Instruction for Modules Oscilloscope Module e068 8 000000080 0s eo Display/Keyboard Module ..... Adjacent-channel Power Meter CMT-B6 .. 2nd AF Synthesizer CMT-B7 000000000000 IEC Bus/Control Interface CM-B4 ...... Autorun Control/Printer Interf. CM-B5 RF Millivoltmeter CM-B8 0.000000000000 Duplex Modulation Meter CM-B9 DTMF Decoder CM-B11 000000000: 00.0, 06,:0, 0,08 Transfer Memory Module CM-21 Ф Фе + Ф wm tE Order No. 802.2814.02 802.4517.02 802.8435.02 802.5713.02 802.8835.02 803.8916.02 802.7616.02 802.4223.02 803. 1111.00 802.3662.00 803. 7810.02 803.2618.02 803. 3914.02 803.3314.02 803.6813.02 803.5317.02 803. 4610.02 803.7510.02 Index JA UN PUNA CWO 4 OA WN -— ..... | Table of Contents 1 Data Sheet 2 Preparations and Operation ....ooseocoocsocsooocooo | Switching-On ee 0 OB BOS SE OEE SS POE NE TES SOE 89,20. 06,28 8 ." .. Mains Operation . _» | 9 2 0 OO OO OPO OE OES E SEE EP SOO SE ото TS . . Battery Operat ion . * 6 & 0 © 5 0 0 8S OOO SPE TO OE OO SO EDS . . .a. N NN ® . e — — — . a N) — Explanation of the Controls .....seoecocooocoooooooo Front panel 6e 6 & & 9 ¢ OF OO OO 6 OO SE a 6998 ec... ве Rear Panel в ее © т ев от ет 5 6 8 ® & $ Y & 4 0 0 OO 8 PE ESS ee PE ee ее V NN a . . NNN . . №) => Manual Operation ....oeseoeoccscscoccocoococooocoaooaoooo General Operating Notes ....oooceocoscoococooooooooooo ‚1 Switch-on Status, Permanent Memory and Master Reset ...qoscecscscsocococscorvoooooasorsceÑoonoroooo Transmitter Test / Receiver Test ................ General Syntax Rules for Entries ...eococsoocoooo Variation of Setting Values ....oocscocccocccooooooo Representation of the Measured Values/ Setting Values in the Displays ....ooecsocscoccooccoo NV N NN N NN . . e e е ее WW WW Ww WW e . e à Фе — ml —_— amd mb о ее e. e New Connection Between CMT and Device Under Test .... Frequencies....sscescccocoosccscocooacaocoeoaocoaoooaoo RF Meter 0000000. 0.0.0. 0.0. 00.0. 00000000 Operating Frequency in the Transmitter Test Mode Operating Frequency in the Receiver Test Mode ... Operation Without Duplex Modulation Meter (Option CM-B9) 000000000000 0000 0000000000600000000 AF Meter EEE AF Generator Settings 0000000000000000 00000000000 CODE/DECODE 00000000 00000000000000000000 000000008 Selection of a Particular Code ...ceeeccecceccccocoes CODE Transmission ....seescsssccooccocooosaacorooreo CODE Reception ....eceeosorcorooocoocoacococooooooo Automatic Repeat ....ooscocossscococcooscorcooaocoÑooo Frequency Tables of the Fixed Tone-sequence Standards ...eosessrocoocoocecccoccosoooooooooooooe Programming the User Codes USER 0 to USER 2 ..... Measurements on Transceivers with | Acknowledgement Call 00 00 000000000000 000000000008 ` . e. e © > WN — e * e e + .» e. e Ww Ww ww ww ww ww “WW WWW . т +. © WW U U LI WWW WW WW “WWW WWW N e 0 e + ве ео e e e e o N N VV NNNNNN NV NVNNNN . =) EEE . © Ww Ww a » . e 1 a UI > 3 IN -—a ann AAA A = my a. Page N N N . . a N — — 2.47 2.51 2.51 2.51 2.52 2.53 2.54 2.55 2.58 2.59 2.60 2.63 2.68 2.69 2.69 2.74 RF Power / RF Level RF Power Measurements RF Synthesizer Output Level ....oocsscccascoconoo Probe Measurements Adjacent-Channel Power Measurements (ACP) ..... Selective RF Millivoltmeter General Information .cceccecceccccececcccsccccses Calibration through Entry of Currently Applied POwer 0000000000 000000000000 00000000000 Calibration through Reference Measurement Using the RF Power Meter 000000000 0000000000000 Calibration Sources Error Handling 0000000000000 000000000000 0000000 Application Hint: Measurement of Forward and Reflected POWEY 000000000000 000000000000 0000000 o> > > > > > ES > UT UT UI Ul a UN — . . Ww N) — Www Ww WWWwwwwww N NN N NV NN NNNNN > > e . e nun . e. $ O UT > Demodulation/Modulation ....essccccssccoococooo Modulation Selection Modulation Meter 0000000000000 000. 0000000200000 Transmitter Distortion Filter Weighting of the Demodulated Signal .... Modulation of the RF Test Generator Calibration of the Modulation Sensitivity of the External Input 00000000000 0000000000 0000000 ~J] NUT W N — 2.75 2.75 2.76 2.77 2.78 2.79 2.79 2.80 2.81 2.82 2.82 2.83 2.84 2.84 2.86 2.87 2.87 2.88 2.91 Modulation Sensitivity ec... Modulation Generator Level / AF Voltmeter ..... AF Generator Level AF Voltmeter 000000000 0000 0000000000 00000000008 Receiver Distortion Depth (SINAD/DIST) Signal-to-Noise MeasurementS 000000000 000000000 Filter Weighting of the AF Signal 0000000000000 Averaging of Noisy Signals at AF VOLTM Input and Demodulator Input 0000000000000 0 00000000008 NNNNNNN N ND NN NV NNN Www ww www Ww Ww ww ww ww ON ON ON ONO ON UT VI UI UI UT UT UT UN ON UT > QU N — Numeric Keypad + Special Functions . Numeric Keypad .„... .. г оо ооооововововововевовове AVAR „оо ооооосовооввовввеововвввовововевевввовевевовео RANGE HOLD „о о со ооооовоооввововевоввовевоввсвовое @ DISPL SELECT 000000000000 0000000000 000000 0000 ANALOG SELECT 0000000000000 000 00000000000000000 STORE/RECALL 000000000 0000000000000 000000000000 Storing Complete Instrument Settings ......... Storing RF Fregquencies 00000000000000000 0000000 Squelch Measurement 00 0000000000000 Bandwidth Measurement ..0.0000000000 0000000000000 Quieting Measurement 000000000000 0000000000 0000 Aborting Search Routines 0.0.000000000000000000 2 Selftest . . N). — 2 № К) №) Ю) К) К) Ю Ю юЮ Ю К) Ю К) о . . . + . . . . . . © ® . . . (с) Www www www wwwwwyWwow . ® . ® a a Bb 8 8 . . e . . . . . * . . . * . . a . . . . 2 —- O 0 YOU WN > NV — © 2.92 2.92 2.93 2.94 2.95 2.96 2.96 2.97 2.97 2.99 2.101 2.104 2.105 2.106 2.108 2.108 2.109 ^^ № К N al —Á — ей o 1 1 1 — .— ord wd CO 1 1 2.3.10 — А А о . e + Ww w ww * . . . . * — — ей . . . . al . — . +. *. e. e e e. e s e —b — — à 8 * . e e e O U1 UI UI UT UT > > > bf > Ww Www . “ . Ls . ® . . . ® vb mb cmd ad ed > . . . ° WwW Www ww Www ww (VS Ww Www O © © © © © => И <» И <» И «» В <») © © OOO COO O N V NNNN DV NN NN N N V NN VD N NN . = 2.112 2.112 SPEC Function General Instrument Functions Control Functions for the Option Autorun Control (A...SPEC) Control Functions for the Option IEC Bus CM-B4 (B...SPEC) Control Functions for Frequency Counter and CODE (DECODE) (C...SPEC) Control Functions to Call Calibration Routines and the Self-test (D...SPEC) 2.125 Display of the Options Fitted .....0.0.0000000000 2.127 0000 00000000000000000000002.,.116.1 2.119 2.120 Oscilloscope ® & 8 O. 5% OO 0S GO OE GEO EO OSS TEP ESE OE OE SE 2.128 Autorun Control » ® 5 & & 8 6 0 a 086 HBOS EG SG "SS OSG OES SO e 2.130 Control Modes of the CMT with Autorun Control ® & & 6 0 0 © 0 0 O° O00 SE OPO OE SOE OEE EOS SOOO SEEDS 2.130 Memory Allocation and Configuration of a Control Program ® 6 6 6 & 5 6&8 OO BS OO OO DO SEO OB OO OSD 2.131 Generating a Control Program ................. 2.132 Program Call/Program Termination ............. 2.132 Storing the Commands ....ecsecsccscccocooccoocoooo 2.132 Selection of Program Lines/ Checking the Commands .o.0.0..0.0000000000000000000 2.133 Insertion of Commands 2.134 Deletion of Commands and Command Blocks ...... 2.134 Representation of the Commands in the a Display 000000000000000000000000000000000000 2.135 Program Example ...essccococescosocsoceocococoooo 2.136 Special Functions in Conjunction with Autorun Control Measurement Tolerances STOP Function 000000000000 0000000000 0000000008 Conditional Program Continuation .0......0000.000 2.139 Programming of Messages ................... 2.140 Repetition of Program BlOCKS ...............…. 2.144 2.137 2.137 Execution of a Control Program ...eseorecccsooo 2.145 Starting a Program 0000000000000 00000000000000 2.146 Program Interrupt 2.145 End of Program 2.145 Special Features During Program Run .......... 2.146 Deletion of Programs/ Initialization of Autorun Control 2.147 List of Commands of Autorun Control .......... 2.148 2.138.1 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 2.5.6 2.5.7 2.5.8 Printing of Test Logs / Program Listings ..... 2.150 Facilities and Control of Printer Function 2.150 Program Listings 0, 09, 000 000 0 0 00 6B 6 sO es OO Oe INE 2.152 Test Logs 2.152 Error Handling 6 E 9 6 © & © SOHO PHOS OH SO OS OOS ee ODES SOD 2.159 Printer Interface Operation of Transfer Memory 0000000000000 0008 Size of Transfer Memory Space Initialization of Transfer Memory ...esscccocoo Copying a Program from the CMT to the Transfer Memory ® ее еее ее еее Фе + # ® ®@ © © # # еее da 0 048 Copying a Program from the Transfer Memory to the CMT ® 85 & & & 6 E | | OOO OO OO SS HOES SSE DEES OEE EDS Appending a Transfer Memory Program to a CMT Program + 6 & 8 & #+ 8+ ее ё P&S BH BBS" ELE ®@ ®* + # © | + её 5998 Deletion of a Transfer Memory Program ......so.o Display Directory of Transfer Memory ...e.eoon.o Control Instructions (Brief Summary) IEC-bus Control Introduction General Commmand Entry Entry of Numbers 007, 0 6 5 0 #9 O&O Oe BOO OO Oe OPE DENSE 4 Device-specific IEC-bus Commands Special Features of the CMT in Remote Mode . Readout of Decoded Selective Call via IEC Bus / Autorun Control ....scsoscoccocococo PK HOLD Function via IEC Bus and Autorun Control Automatic Background Calibration of the CMT Waiting Times and Transient of the CMT in IEC-bus Programs 000000000000 000000000000 IEC-bus Commands of the CMT 0000000000 00000008 Examples for IEC-bus Operation ....escccoccooo Device-independent Commands 000000000000 000008 Service Request and Status Registers ......... 2.159 2.160 2.160 2.160 2.161 2.163 2.164 2.165 2.166 2.167 2.170 2.170 2.173 2.175 2.175 2.178 2.186 2.189 2.190 2.193.1 2.193.1 2.193.2 2. 193.3 2. 193.4 Installation of Options т еее ФФ + 5 ¢ 5 60 0S SSO Sse 0 © 2.194 IEC Bus and/or Autorun Control (CM-B4/CM-B5) OCXO Reference Oscillator (CMT-B1) Adjacent-channel Power Meter (CMT-B6) 2nd AF Synthesizer (CMT-B7) RF Millivoltmeter (CM-B8) Duplex Modulation Meter (CM-B9) DTMF Decoder (CM-B11) + + 9 & 9% ет ет ее + т ФФ ® 4 * + > ae Cord Hora an oi!0o! 11 tna Ф о ocacoo oa о arc o т о о о ее т 6 | # те еее ее . 2.194 2.194 2.194 2.195 2.195 2.195 2.196 Testing the Fitted Options ....socoescocoooccco 2.196 Table of Contents Page 3 Maintenance .........……ws00 000000000000 0 su 0000 3.1 3,1 Measuring Instruments and Aids Required ........ 3.1 3.2 Testing the Rated Specifications ....... ........ 3.5 3.2.1 Display, Keyboard and Spin Wheel ............... 3.5 3.2.2 Reference Frequency ...... nsc 0 000000000000 3.5 3.2.3 Frequency Setting and Accuracy ....... esococroro 3.6 3.2.4 Setting Errors and Frequency Response of the КР Output LEVEL 0000000000000 0000. 00008 .......... 3.7 3.2.5 RE Divider ..esescscooooooo 00000 00000000000 ..... 3.8 3.2.6 Fine Level Setting .....e.”o 0.000000 000000 3.9 3.2.7 Harmonics Ratio ...ooooeoosrsocooocosoecoooooccoro 3.10 3.2.8 Non-harmonics Ratio 000000000000 00000000 0000008 3.11 3.2.9 Spurious FM .e.ceooococoaoco, . 000.0. 0.0.0000 00000 3.12 3.2.10 Spurious AM ......... e ncorocooreacseooococaoaro e ono 3.13 3.2.11 FM Modulation 00000000000 000008 . 00 000 0.00 3.14 Internal FM 00000000000. 0 00 000000000008 3.14 RF Frequency Response of the Modulation Deviation ....s.oscooo ........ e ococorooo ........ 3.14 AF Frequency Response of the Modulation Deviation ...eococscscscccccocooooroococoooooooo.. 3.15 FM Errors ....... escocoo e orcoocsacancaos ........ 3.16 FM Distortion ....eoeecoseccoccccoo .............. 3.17 External FM ..... e sccccocooocoaoo e occccoocoocooos 3.18 External Modulation with Standard Level ....... 3.18 External Modulation with Calibration .......... 3.19 Multitone Modulation ...ccececceces .e........... 3.20 3.2.12 AM Modulation ....... ...... . 000000000000 00 ..... 3.22 Internal AM .ñwewooeccoccssocrsosoococorcococoaoooee 3.22 Frequency Response of the Modulation Depth .... 3.22 AM Error ...essosceoocsoocooooooo 000000000000 .... 3.23 AM Distortion 00000000000000000 0000000000 .e...[.. 3.24 External АМ ......... e ssotrecoaoncacocaracanoacaneo 3.25 Calibration with Multitone Modulation ......... 3.25 3.2.13 Phase Modulation 000000000000000000000000000008 3.26 3.2.14 Response Threshold of the Automatic Receiver/Transmitter Setting ....oeocce.oococcooo 3.27 3.2.15 Modulation Generator „............ 000000000008 3.28 Frequency Setting and Accuracy ...ooocescooccoeco 3.28 Distortion of the Modulation Generator ........ 3.29 Output Voltage of the Modulation Generator .... 3.30 Frequency Response of the Modulation Generator 3.30 Frequency Setting and Accuracy of the 2nd AF Synthesizer (Option CMT-B7) ............ 3.31 3.2.16 AF Voltmeter 00000000000 00000000 00000000 ....... 3.32 AF Frequency Response 000000000000 00.000000 00000 3.32 Measuring Accuracy Depending on the Input Level 3.32 Frequency Response of the CCITT Filter ........ 3.33 3.2.17 Distortion Meter 0000000000000 0000000000 ....... 3.35 Inherent Distortion ....eooesccccccocoroococoos 3.36 Display Accuracy of the Distortion Meter ...... 3.36 3.2.18 SINAD Meter 00.0000 ....... .e......... 3. 3 7 3.2.19 AF Counter ............ e oscoacoarcarearccaoosao ooo 3.38 3.2.20 3.2.21 3.2.22 3.2.23 3.2.24 3.2.25 3.2.25. 4 3.2.26 3.2.27 3.2.28 3.2.29 3.2.30 3.2.31 3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.5 ® % т e >» & 8 SV Y SHE т «| SO) kt E © # # % © E # © © PT 2 E "ECO RF Counter Counter Sensitivity at Connector RF IN/OUT 77 Counter Sensitivity at Connector INPUT2 79 Counter Accuracy ФФ те e 6 т | т E т $ + E E E E SS « ES SO E |! Exa Sd E =2Erx"- 66€ >= EDN VSWR of the Frequency Deviation Meter 300-Hz Highpass Filter Residual FM of the Deviation Meter Phase Deviation Meter Modulation Depth Meter Residual Modulation of the AM Meter Oscilloscope (CMT Model 54, Frequency Response at Connector EXT Measurement Dynamic Range at Input EXT Oscilloscope Time Base Representation of Internal Signals DTMF Decoder (Option CM-B11) Adjacent-channel Power Meter (Option CMT-B6) RF Millivoltmeter (Option CM-B8) Autorun Control/Printer Interface (Option CM-B5) Memory Function . Printer Function Relay Functions ....e.seococoo Battery Transfer Memory (Accessory CM-21) Memory Function Battery & + 6 & 4 & +6 % & 6 #6 4 % 9 ее вече + +. «+ «+ # & ® # 85 @ O ф «4 © «# vss 08 0 e & . © 5 8 & » ее © ® # @ HO #@ ® 4 ®@ + + © OP 4 es Pe ese OC" asa © + | e @ A o? _ so e 2 2 2 € 9 E 6 0 5" 6 BB Se OB POPS Se LSE SEWN IEC Bus (Option CM-B4) Listener Function Talker Function Relay Functions Performance Test Report Maintenance Electrical Maintenance Mechanical Maintenance Storage Page 3.39 3.39 3.40 3.41 3.42 3.43 3.44 3.45 3.46 3.46 3.47 3.47 3.48 3.48 3.49 3.50 3.50 3.51 3.52 3.54 3.56 3.56 3.58 3.58 3.59 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.62 & ROHDE&SCHWARZ EC Certificate of Conformity Certificate No.: 9502175 This is to certify that: Equipment type Order No. Designation CMT52 0802.2020.52 Radiocommunication Tester CMT54 0802.2020.54 " complies with the provisions of the Directive of the Council of the European Union on the approximation of the laws of the Member States - relating to electrical equipment for use within defined voltage limits (73/23/EEC revised by 93/68/EEC) - relating to electromagnetic compatibility (89/336/EEC revised by 91/263/EEC, 92/31/EEC) Conformity is proven by compliance with the following standards: EN61010-1 : 1991 EN50081-1 : 1992 EN50082-1 : 1992 Affixing the EC conformity mark as from 1995 ROHDE & SCHWARZ GmbH & Co. KG Mühldorfstr. 15, D-81671 München Munich, 30.11.95 Central Quality Management FS-QZ / Becker 2 Preparations and Operation The values specified in this section are not guaranteed; only the technical data on the data sheet are binding. A Section 2.1 "Switching-On" must be referred to before applying an operating voltage. 2.1 Switching—On The radio test assembly CMT can be powered from the mains or from a battery. The instrument is immediately set to standby mode when an opera- ting voltage is apolied. This has the advantage that the frequen- cy accuracy and constancy of the reference crystal is unaffected by frequent switching on and off. The CMT is switched on and off by pressing the STANDBY key. 2.1.1 Mains Operation Before connecting the power supply, ensure that the in- A strument is set to the correct operating voltage and that the correct fuse is fitted. To change the value: set in the factory, set the re- quired voltage on selector 117 and replace the mains fuse 118. The CMT can be connected to any power supply with a protective earth and a voltage of 100 V, 120 V, 220 V oder 240 V (rated va- lue +10 %) at 50 to 440 Hz. The power consumption is approx. 100 VA in the basic design. | Fuses required: 100 V/120 V T4 220 V/240 V T2 Certain parts of the instrument are in operation even A in standby mode (temperature-controlled oscillator, op- tion CMT-B1). Complete shut-down is obtained by isola- ting from the power supply. Battery Operation Battery mode is automatically selected if a voltage >11 V (with simultaneous AC supply operation >24 V) is applied to terminals 100. The permissible voltage range is 11 to 30 V with a maximum cur- rent consumption of 16 A. The battery input is protected against incorrect polarity and has a 16 A slow-blow fuse. | A The CMT draws a small residual current from the battery even in standby mode (required for the reference crystal). In order to prevent battery discharge over a longer period, it is recommendable to disconnect the CMT from the battery. 2.2 Explanation of the Controls 2.2.1 Front Panel | (See Figs. 2-1 to 2-9 in the Appendix) The front panel is divided into fields of different colours to facilitate operation of the instrument. The individual controls are described below in accordance with this division. In addition to an item number, an unequivocal label is assigned to each control. Item Label Designation and function Fig. 2-1 Frequency field: RF > To set and measure all used FREQUENCY frequencies. AF | > Alphanumeric display for various applications (code, alternative dis- play, instrument messages). 1 Frequency display: 10-digit, for display of measured or set RF values. ln a display: 14-digit, alphanumeric display for measured or set AF frequencies and selective call; additional display for instrument messages or for measured/setting values from other fields. Key acknowledgement: lu Appears above each key as long as the respective function is switched on. Item Label Designation and function | > Red LED (transmitter test) Green LED (receiver test) The functions labelled in red are assigned to the keys if the red LED lights up. The functions labelled in green are assigned to the keys if the green LED lights up. Functions labelled in black are valid for transmitter and receiver tests. lu COUNT £ Le f COUNT Е: (transmitter test) Switch on built-in RF counter, Output in the frequency display. Following each frequency count in transmitter test mode, the operating frequency is automatically set to the corresponding value. SET Е ВХ: (receiver test) Set output frequency of RF test trans- mitter to fixed value. Output in the frequency display. lo £ SET SET £ TX: (transmitter test) Transmitter test operating frequency set to fixed values. Output in the frequency display. Af: (receiver test) Setting of channel spacing (important with ACP measurement). Output in the a display. Item Label Designation and function Is DECODE L CODE DECODE: (transmitter test) Switch on tone sequence evaluation circuit. The contents of a received data message are output in the a display. | CODE: (receiver test) Transmit data message to device under test. The contents of the transmitted message are output in the a display. loo DEMOD + BEAT Г AF EXT DEMOD- BEAT: (transmitter test) The demodulated AF is measured if this key is pressed once ("DEMOD" is output in front of the measured value in the a display as an identification). The BEAT measurement (counting of difference between operating and input frequencies of the CMT) can be called by pressing the key again, provided function SET £ TX is active ("BEAT" and measured value in the a display). Switch off BEAT function by pressing the same key again or by pressing a key in the modulation field (Fig. 2-3). AF EXT: (receiver test) Measure frequency at input AF VOLTM. 84. Output in the a display. lo AF INT AF INT 1: (transmitter/ receiver test) Set modulation generator frequency 1. Output in the a display. Item Label Designation and function 10 AF INT AF INT 2: (transmitter/ Г receiver test) 2 Set modulation generator frequency 2 (only with option CMT-B7 fitted). Output in the a display. Item Label Designation and function RE POWER RE LEVEL RF level field: For setting and measurement of used RF levels such as: + RF output level of test generator + RF output power of transceiver + Results of RF millivoltmeter + Adjacent-channel power ratio (option CMT-B6) RF level display: 3 1/2-digit, for display of RF level in W, dBm, V and dByV. Analog display Quasi-analog output of the RF level display of measured values (see Section for deviations). POWER Vo POWER: (transmitter test) Call RF power measurement. Output in the RF level display. Vo SYNTH.: (receiver test) This key can be used to adjust the output level of the RF generator in the CMT. Output in the RF level display. The analog display indicates the levels at which the RF attenuation set switches (with short interruption in output signal). | Item Label Designation and function ACP +6 dB ACP: (transmitter test) Call adjacent-channel power measurement. The ratio of the interfering noise in the upper or lower and 1st or 2nd adjacent channels is measured (option CMT-B6). The selective RF millivoltmeter is switched on via | 0 || АСР |. Output in the RF level display. Vo SYNTH. +6 dB: (receiver test) The level of the RF generator is in- creased by 6 dB when this Key is pressed. The original value is set again by pressing the key again. Key selection indicated by bar. Vo OFF Vo OFF Vg OFF: The RF synthesizer can be switched off using this key in both the transmitter and receiver tests. Key selection indicated by bar. PROBE 1 PROBE PROBE: Call RF level measurement with milli- voltmeter (option CM-B8). Output in the RF level display. Item Label Designation and function DEMODULATION MODULATION Modulation field: The transmitter modulation analysis (transmitter test, DEMOD function) and the test generator modulation setting (receiver test, MOD function) are com- bined here. The CMT mode determines the unit displayed in this field, where $ stands for AM, kHz or Hz for FM and rad for ФМ. Modulation display: 3 1/2-digit, for display of the modula- tion depth in %, kHz, Hz or rad, | or the modulation distortion in % (dB). Analog display Quasi-analog output of the results in the modulation display (see Section for deviations). 23 MAX PK Ce INT 1 MAX PK: (transmitter test) Call modulation measurement. The maximum value is output in the modulation display. By entering a unit, the test set modulation (AM, FM, ?М) is determined in both the transmitter and receiver tests. Output in the modulation display. INT 1: (receiver test) The modulation depth of the RF gene- rator can be displayed and modified via the built-in first AF generator using this key. Additional entry of a unit determines the test set modulation (AM, FM, ?M) both in the transmitter and receiver tests. Output in the modulation display. Item Label Designation and function 24 + 1/2 - POLARITY SELECT: (transmitter test) LJ Call modulation measurement. INT 2 The positive or negative peak can be specifically evaluated by pressing the key (several times if necessary), or the mean peak modulation can be evaluated. Sequence: Г” + + +/2 + - > + Ап entered unit is ignored since this is only determined by MAX PK or INT 1. Output in the modulation display. INT 2: (receiver test) The modulation of the test generator can be displayed and modified via the second AF generator (option CMT-B7) using this key. Two-tone modulation is only possible with INT 1, i.e. the unit and thus the type of modulation is determined by INT |. Output in the modulation display. Item Label Designation and function PK HOLD L EXT PK HOLD: (transmitter test) This function is used to detect the maximum of short modulation peaks and can be switched on and off using this key. Key selection indicated by bar. EXT: (receiver test) This key can be used to modulate the test generator with a signal applied to the MOD EXT jack. AM + FM/ MM is possible in addition to two-tone and double modulation. The type of modulation is determined for INT 1 and INT 2 by the unit of INT 1 and MAX PK respectively, for EXT by the entered unit. Output in the modulation display. DIST OFF DIST: | (transmitter test) Measurement of the transmitter modulation distortion is called using the DIST key. The display is in % or dB (selectable via unit). Output in the modulation display. MOD OFF: (receiver test) Used to switch off the test transmitter modulation. Key selection indicated by bar. Item Label Designation and function 27 HP HP: (transmitter test) [| A 300 Hz highpass filter is connected 1 Vrms in series with the demodulators using this key (e.g. to suppress pilot tones). Key selection indicated by bar. 1 Vrms: (receiver test) After pressing this key, the displayed EXT modulation corresponds to a reference level of Vymg at connector > MOD EXT 82. Key selection indicated by bar. 28 | CCITT CCITT TX: (transmitter test) Г} A weighting filter to CCITT guidelines EXT CAL is switched into the demodulation branch using this key. Interaction with the CCITT RX function results. Key selection indicated by bar. EXT CAL: (receiver test) The AF voltage at input MOD EXT is measured by pressing the key EXT CAL and an internal calibration is carried out if it is different from the reference level 1 VrMms. Key selection indicated by bar. Item Label Designation and function MODULATION GEN AF VOLTMETER AF level field: The analysis of the AF signal applied to connector AF VOLTM and the setting of the modulation generator level at connector MOD GEN are combined here. AF level display: 3 1/2-digit, for output of modulation generator output level or AF input level / SINAD / DIST / S/N. Analog display: Quasi-analog representation of the results in the AF level display (see Section for deviations). Vo A LEVEL Vo MOD GEN: (transmitter test) Adjustment and display of output level at connector MOD GEN. If the 2nd modulation generator option is fitted, a double tone can be generated at connector MOD GEN using a SPEC function. Output in the AF level display. AF-LEVEL: (receiver test) Call AF level measurement at connector AF VOLTM. Output in the AF level display. Item Label Designation and function +20 dB L | SINAD-DIST Vo MOD +20 dB: (transmitter test) The level at connector MOD GEN can be increased by a factor of 10. The factor is cancelled by pressing the key again. Key selection indicated by bar. SINAD-DIST: (receiver test) In order to measure the receiver SINAD value with a defined test generator level, it is sufficient to simply press the SINAD-DIST key once. The receiver distortion is displayed if this key is pressed again. If a number is entered before the SINAD-DIST key is pressed (unit dB), the test generator output level is changed untii the SINAD result reaches the set value. If the unit for the numeric input is %, the DIST measurement is called instead of the SINAD measurement. Output in the AF level display. S/N S/N: (receiver test) The signal-to-noise ratio is called. If a number is entered before the S/N key is pressed (unit dB), the test generator output level is changed until the S/N result reaches the set value. Output in the AF level display. Item Label Designation and function 35 Vo OFF Vo OFF: (transmitter/ Г) receiver test) Vo OFF Switch-off of modulation generator. Key selection indicated by bar. 36 CCITT RX: (receiver test) CCITT A weighting filter to CCITT guidelines located before the AF voltmeter is switched on or off using this key. The function alternates with the CCIFF TX function. Key selection indicated by bar. Item Label Designation and function Numeric field: Numeric keypad to enter any numbers (up to 25 digits). Numbers 0 to 9 for all inputs Minus sign: (A number is always positive if the minus sign is not entered) Input of tone sequences: * With code DTMF E With all other codes Decimal point: Input of tone sequences: + With code DTMF F With all other codes MHZ mV % L A Dimension key: Frequency MHz Level mv Modulation % (АМ) Distortion % Code A kHz НУ М [] B Dimension key: Frequency kHz Level uv Modulation kHz (FM) Power W Code B
Key Features
- RF power measurement
- Frequency measurement
- Modulation analysis
- Distortion measurement
- Built-in RF generator
- Audio signal analysis
- Adjacent channel power measurement
- Selective RF millivoltmeter
- Autorun control
- IEC bus control
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the purpose of the CMT 802.2020.52, CMT 802.2020.54?
The CMT is a radio communication tester used for analyzing and testing radio transmitters and receivers.
What are some of the key features of the CMT?
The CMT includes RF power measurement, frequency measurement, modulation analysis, distortion measurement, a built-in RF generator, audio signal analysis, and more.
How do I switch on the CMT?
Press the STANDBY key to switch the CMT on or off.
What are the different operating modes of the CMT?
The CMT can be operated in either transmitter test mode or receiver test mode. The mode is selected by pressing the respective key on the front panel.
What is the difference between the CMT 802.2020.52 and CMT 802.2020.54?
The CMT 802.2020.54 includes a built-in oscilloscope.
How do I use the CMT to measure RF power?
Press the POWER key in transmitter test mode to measure the RF power. The measured value will be displayed in the RF level display.
How do I use the CMT to measure frequency?
Press the COUNT key in transmitter test mode to measure the frequency. The measured value will be displayed in the frequency display.
How do I use the CMT to analyze modulation?
Press the MAX PK key in transmitter test mode to analyze the modulation. The measured values will be displayed in the modulation display.