Cytech CP9000 Comfort II Quick Installation Manual
Cytech CP9000 Comfort II is an advanced security system controller that offers reliable protection for homes and businesses. With built-in alarm, tamper, and trouble monitoring features, it ensures a secure environment. The Comfort II also provides flexible configuration options, allowing you to customize zones, outputs, and event notifications to meet your specific security needs. Additionally, it enables remote access and control via compatible keypads and door stations, enhancing convenience and peace of mind.
Comfort II Quick Installation Guide
This manual provides brief instructions for installing and connecting the CP9000 Comfort
Controller. Please download the supplementary Installation Manual and programming guides from
Please read this Quick Installation and Supplementary Installation manuals before installing
Introduction to the Comfort PCB
Please refer to the Hookup Diagram on the Lid of the Comfort Enclosure
Comfort PCB
LED Indicators
D1 (Red) LED - If Steady, system is armed. If Flashing, system is in Alert or Alarm state.
D2 Green) LED - If Steady, system is disarmed. If Flashing, system is in Trouble State.
Disarmed, Normal
Disarmed, Trouble
Armed, Normal
Armed, Trouble
Alarm, Armed
Alert/Alarm, Trouble
Alarm, Disarmed
U1 Fault, No Power, or UCM Programming cable is connected
U4 File System Mismatch
Connections - Analog Section (Right Half)
AC (JP51) - Connected to Transformer secondary 14VAC (NOT Mains Voltage)
BATT (JP52) - Connected to 12V 7AH Sealed Lead-Acid Battery via supplied Battery cable.
TEL IN (MJ51) - Connection to Telephone Line
TEL OUT (MJ52) - Connection to House phones.
KP MIC/VOICE (JP53) - connection to Keypads MIC/VOICE
DP MIC/VOICE (JP54) - connection to Door Stations MIC/VOICE
GSM (J54) - connection to UCM/GSM Module audio signals.
RGR (J57) - Ringer Board RGR05 mounting
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Comfort II Quick Installation Guide
Connections - Digital Section (Left Half)
X10 (MJ1) - RJ11 socket for connection to X10 Interface.
DO NOT connect a telephone line to this socket
TAMP/COM (JP1 ) - Connection to Tamper of Panel and Siren/Bell box. Short the terminal block with wire if tamper Input is not used. If open this will cause a Tamper Alarm.
Z1/COM/Z2 (JP3) - Zones 1, 2 Centre Common (3 position terminal block)
Z3/COM/Z4 (JP4 ) - Zones 3, 4 Centre Common (3 position terminal block)
Z5/COM/Z6 (JP5) - Zones 5, 6 Centre Common (3 position terminal block)
Z7/COM/Z8 (JP6) - Zones 7, 8 Centre Common (3 position terminal block)
S12V/COM/12V (JP7) - 12V Unswitched and Switched Supply (3 position terminal block).
Connect Detectors and Smoke/heat sensors supply to 12V/COM. S12V can be programmed to tun off and on.
KA/KB (JP8) - RS485 connection to keypads, UCMs and other modules (2 position terminal block). Use WA485 4 way cable and J6 for short distances.
SRN+/SRN- (JP9) - Siren/Bell Connection (12V), SRN- terminal is the negative trigger,
SRN+ is fixed 12V.
STR/12VF/SPK (JP10) - Speaker and Strobe Connection for Speaker and 12V Strobe Light.
Centre pin is at fixed 12V. STR and SPK go to 0V when triggered (negative trigger)
OP1/12V/OP2 (JP11) - Output 1, 2, centre 12V common (3 position terminal block)
OP3/12V/OP4 (JP12) - Output 3, 4, centre 12V common (3 position terminal block)
OP5/12V/OP6 JP13) - Output 5, 6, centre 12V common (3 position terminal block)
OP7/12V/OP8 (JP14) - Output 7, 8 centre 12V common (3 position terminal block)
LEM (J5) - LEM Connector for 10 way ribbon cable.
OP (J12, J13) for OP01 Output driver plug-in module.
RS485 (J6) - 4 way connector for RS485 modules eg UCM, SEM, RIO for short distance only using 4 way cable (WA485)
Shunts/Settings - Digital Section (Left Half)
SRNTMP (J4) - Leave this Shunted
JZ1 - JZ8 3x8 way header (EOL Shunts) - Insert shunt in the position nearest the terminals for the corresponding Zone 1 to 8 if no EOL resistor is used for the zone. Insert a shunt in the position away from the terminal block if Double EOL resistors: 2K2 connected in series and 4K7 is connected across the contact.
RESET button (SW1) - Resets Comfort without affecting any programming settings
SPK (VR1) trimmer - adjusts volume of the speaker on SPK/COM output (not BELL)
Shunts/Settings - Analog Section (Right Half)
KPSIR (J56) 2 way header - Volume setting for Siren sounds on Keypads. Shunt for louder siren volume. This does not affect the BELL volume or the volume of the siren on the SPK output or the Door station.
J52, J53 - factory settings for echo cancellation tuning. Do not change. Default is J52
Shunted, J53 shunt across pins 2 and 3.
KPMIC (VR51) trimmer - determines microphone signal level from the Keypads. This affects keypad recording level and Intercom level. Normally set at center. Clockwise to increase microphone signal level
DPMIC (VR53) trimmer - determines microphone signal level from the Door Stations. This affects Door Station recording level and Intercom level. Normally set at center. Clockwise to increase microphone signal level
ECHO (VR52) trimmer - factory adjusted for Echo cancellation. DO NOT adjust
BATT (SW52) - Press to connect backup battery if connected without the AC voltage at
AC14V turned on. If the AC voltage is off and a backup battery is connected, the battery voltage is not applied to the system until the BATT switch is pressed. Use a non-conducting tool, eg a pen to press this as it is not easily accessible
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Comfort II Quick Installation Guide
Location and Mounting of Panel
The system should be mounted in a dry area, with access to an AC Mains power source and incoming telephone line.
Mount the enclosure securely to a brick wall using Number 8 - 25 mm long screws to the 3 mounting holes as shown in the diagram above. Do not switch on or connect the backup battery until all other wiring is complete. Take precautions against damage by static discharge by using an antistatic wrist strap tied to a suitable earth poin t
For Australia and New Zealand, the transformer is in the form of an approved 3 pin plug pack .
The plug pack should be connected to a socket with a protective earthing connection.
Warning Notice (Australia/New Zealand Installations)
This equipment must only be installed and maintained by qualified Service Personnel. Connect the Protective Earth (Plug Pack) before the telephone line cord. Disconnect the telephone line cord before the protective Earth (Plug Pack). The protective Earth wire should be connected to the earth stud on the metal case.
For Europe: The mains transformer is supplied in the enclosure. The mains installation should be carried out by a qualified electrician in accordance with Electrical Wiring Regulations (BS
7671). The mains cable should be connected to the supplied 3 pin terminal strip. Use a mains flexible cord with conductor diameter minimum 0.75 square millimeters. The transformer secondary output is connected to the AC 14(JP51) terminals.
Do not share the transformer secondary with any other equipment. Do not connect the transformer until all other wiring is completed.
Backup Battery (JP2)
Connect a 12V 7 AH sealed lead-acid battery to the BATT (JP2) terminals using the supplied
Battery Cable. This will give more than 24 hours of standby power to the system if 200 mA or less of auxiliary current is used. Do not connect the battery until all wiring is completed.
The system may not operate correctly without a backup battery.
Cable Routing / Requirements
The minimum cable type to be used for detection devices, siren or sounders should be 6-core alarm cable (7/0.2mm). This has a resistance of approximately 8 ohms per 100 meters.
Shielded Twisted pair (STP) CAT 5 cables are recommended for Keypads and Door Stations.
Each cable runs from the panel separately, in a star or home-run configuration. Use of untwisted/unshielded cables may cause noise interference to be heard on the Keypad/Door station.
Where spare conductors are available in multicore cable runs, they should be used to double-up the 12V power supply cables to the each control station to reduce circuit resistance and further improve current performance.
Ensure that all RS485 communication lines and detection circuit cables are kept away from mains supply cables.
Speaker and Strobe (JP10)
Connect a 12V strobe to the 12VF and STR- outputs if needed. Observe the polarity. For US
Installations use a UL approved strobe, eg Wheelock LS1-12-VFR. In the event of an alarm, the strobe is turned on until the system is disarmed. The Strobe and speaker terminals have a combined current limit of 1 A, protected by a resettable fuse (F3)
The backup battery must be connected for the Siren to work properly.
An 8 ohm 5W (minimum) speaker may be connected to the SPK- and 12VF terminals. Polarity is not important for a speaker.
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Comfort II Quick Installation Guide
Use UL Listed strobe
(Wheelock LSI-12-
VSR or equivalent)
12V Strobe
Speaker (8 ohm) 5W
Speaker and Strobe connection
The speaker may be used as an internal siren, but is not meant to be the primary audible alarm indicating device.
The speaker gives 2 levels of sound volume: For alarms, the full volume is produced. For trouble and information tones, as when arming, a lower, adjustable level of sound is produced. This volume may be adjusted by trimmer VR1 near the SPK terminals.
Siren (JP9)
SRN+ Siren (+) output has constant 12 volts to be connected to the Siren box
SRN Siren (-) output is normally floating, but pulled to ground to activate siren.
The Tamper terminals of the Siren/Bellbox can be connected in series with the Case tamper switches. Alternately the Siren/Bellbox tamper terminals can be connected to a spare zone input on Comfort which is programmed as a Tamper Zone Type.
Lid Tamper
Bottom Tamper
(If installed)
Comfort PCB
Tamper In
Tamp Return
External Siren/Bell
Siren Connections
If the siren/bellbox sounds softly as soon as it is connected connect a pull-up resistor
(1K-ohm) placing between the SRN+and the SRN- ’terminal. If you wish to work on the siren/bellbox connections or open the control panel, you can prevent the system from causing a tamper alarm by entering Engineer Test Mode via Eng. Menu 8,6, 1 for on. Upon deselecting this option 8,6 ,0 for Off, the system will enter Security Check Mode and will report any faults through the keypad. Tamper Alarm means the Panel Tamper or Bellbox Tamper switch or
Connections are open or incorrect.
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Comfort II Quick Installation Guide
Telephone Connections
Connect the incoming telephone line to the TEL IN Terminal Block. Connect the telephone wires going to the house phone(s) to the TEL OUT Terminal Block. The system will work with any tone-dialling telephone.
Telephones, facsimile machines and other telecommunications equipment may be connected to the Telephone OUT socket.
Do not connect any other equipment between the incoming telephone line and the control panel. Also, do not connect any other telephone equipment including fax machines and PABX in parallel with the control panel. Violating the above rules may prevent the control panel from seizing the telephone line to dial out during an alarm condition.
ADSL Connection
An ADSL modem on the same telephone line as Comfort should be connected before Comfort on the TEL IN connection as shown in the figure
Telephone Line
To phones
ADSL Modem
Single Line Telephone Connection with ADSL
A micro filter must be connected between the ADSL modem and Comfort. Comfort is connected to the “Telephone” end of the micro filter. It will not necessary to use micro filters for the other telephones in the house. The telephones should be connected to Comfort TEL OUT, and NOT to the ADSL modem. This will ensure that Comfort can still dial to the programmed telephones in case of an alarm
For Installations where the ADSL Modem needs to be connected after Comfort, eg to a telephone point in the premises, the APB01 module as (ADSL/Protection Board) is available see figure below
Telephone Line To phones
ADSL Modem
ADSL connected to TEL OUT using APB01
The APB01 module plugs directly into TEL IN and TEL OUT and provides another set of terminal blocks to connect the telephone line and telephone out wires. The APB allows broadband signals to bypass Comfort to the ADSL modem, at the same time helping to protect the equipment on the TEL OUT side, including the ADSL Modem and other telephone devices because it has the telephone protection circuitry built in.
Parallel Phone Connections
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Comfort II Quick Installation Guide
Equipment should not be connected in parallel to the TEL IN connector except for an ADSL modem.
Connection to Keyphone and PABX systems
A key telephone system may be to the TEL OUT socket. To access the system with a key telephone, press the button which selects the incoming line to which the system is connected, and press *, sign-in code and # in the usual way. The system cannot be connected as an extension of a key telephone system. Remote telephone access can be achieved by dialing into the exchange line to which the system is connected.
A PABX may be connected to the TEL OUT socket. A telephone may be connected in parallel to the PABX, to be used for local system access. Remote telephone access can be achieved by dialing into the exchange line to which the system is connected. See Figure 2.8 for connection
With this method of connection, the extension phone will not be able to access the system if the CO line for Comfort is in use. Also, for remote access, the user must dial the actual number and not the hunting line to ensure that Comfort can receive the call.
CO 1
Key Phone
Control Phone
Connection before PABX/Keyphone System
Connection to extension of PABX
It is also possible to connect the system as an (analogue) extension of a PABX, for non-monitored systems. A normal telephone may be connected to the TEL OUT socket for system access and for use as a normal extension phone. In this connection method, Comfort can take messages from any of the incoming CO lines if the extension is programmed to ring on all incoming calls. Other extension phones can access the system by dialing the extension to which Comfort is connected.
The programmed telephone numbers for dialing out must include the access digit usually “9” or
“0” to obtain an outside line.
Tamper Input (JP1)
A tamper switch may be connected to the TAMPER input (2 pin Terminal J4). If not used, short the J4 terminal block with a wire. This terminal may be connected to an external tamper switch of a bell box as well as to the tamper switch of the control panel enclosure as in the figure below. The tamper switches may be connected in series as shown below. The Alarm type activated when the circuit is broken is Tamper (Alarm type 11).
2K7 resistor required for UL installations
Tamper Input connection
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Comfort II Quick Installation Guide
Alternatively, any zone may be programmed as a Tamper zone type.
Zone Input Terminals Z1-Z8 (JP3 - JP6)
For US installations, all wiring shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code
ANSI/NFPA 70-1990.
Each zone may be wired as Normally Closed (NC) or Normally Open (NO). Any unused zones should be programmed as Zone Type 0 with the zone inputs left open and corresponding zone header (JZ1 to JZ8) with a shunt (shorting link) in the position closer to the terminal blocks for
No End Of Line resistor
Normally Open and Normally Closed contacts cannot be connected to the same zone.
Circuits without EOL Resistor
Wire zones according to Figure 2.9 for Normally Closed Contacts and Figure 2.10 for Normally
Open Contacts.
The corresponding 3-pin header for the zone, JZ1 to JZ8 (for zone Z1 to Z8) should have a shunt (shorting link) inserted nearest the terminal block (2 to 3) when no EOL
Resistor is used In this configuration, the system does not differentiate between contact open and open circuit wiring (tamper) condition, or contact closed and short-circuit wiring (fault) condition. The Zone Settings in the Engineer menu determine if the contact is Normally Closed
(N.C.) or Normally Open (N.O.). N.O. and N.C contacts cannot be connected on a single zone.
To provide a global tamper protection for these types of zone configuration, assign one zone as a ‘tamper’ zone type 20 and connect all zone wiring tampers in series connected to this tamper zone.
Normally Closed Contacts without EOL Resistor
Circuits with 2 EOL Resistors
Wire zones according to the figure below for N.O and N.C contacts. The Zone Settings in the
Engineer menu determine if the contact is Normally Closed (N.C.) or Normally Open (N.O).
4.7 K shunt pins away from terminal
Zone 1
Zone 2
Tamper 2.2 K
Alarm Contact with 2 EOL Resistors.
The corresponding header for the zone, JZ1 to JZ8 (for zone Z1 to Z8) should have a shunt (shorting link) inserted in the top position.
The 2 EOL resistors should be connected at the contact and not at the control panel. With 2 EOL resistors connected in this way, the system is able to distinguish open and closed contacts from open circuit and short circuit wiring for supervision of the zone contacts. Any short or open circuit fault will trigger a Zone Trouble Alarm which can be reported to the programmed phone
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Comfort II Quick Installation Guide numbers. The table below shows the expected values of circuit resistance for open and close conditions.
Note that 2K7 resistor value have been replaced by 2K2.
Measured Zone Resistance (Ohms)
2 K 2
7 K 4
4-wire Smoke Detectors
Smoke Detectors are connected as Normally Open (NO) or Normally Closed (N.C) zones with 2
EOL resistors. Follow the wiring diagram in Figure 2.12. The 4700 ohm resistor should be connected in parallel with the last contact. The 2700 ohm resistor should be connected in series with the detector in order to be able to distinguish a ground fault (short-circuit) condition from a contact closed condition. The corresponding Header JZ1 to JZ8 should have a shunt inserted in the position away from the terminal block (1-2). Smoke and Heat Detector zones are programmed as Fire Zone Types. A Pulsed On/off siren pattern indicating Fire Evacuation is produced when this zone type is activated (by default). If the zone wiring is cut or open-circuit or shorted, a Zone Trouble alarm is generated.
Header JZ1-8
Shunt in 1-2 position (away from terminals)
Zone COM Zone S12V COM 12V
2700 ohm
End of Line Relay
4700 ohm
4 Wire Smoke Detectors
2-wire Smoke Detectors
Two-wire smoke detectors cannot be used with Comfort.
Connection of Multiple Detectors to a zone
The system has the unique ability to announce the type of the activated zone during Security
Check (during arming), alarm history, alarm tracking, and event log. So if more than one detector is connected to a zone input, it should ideally be of the same type and in the same location, for example, magnetic contacts for several windows in the same room.
Detector 3
Detector 2
Detector 1
4K7 = Yellow,
Violet, Red
2K7 = Red,
Violet, Red
Multiple Contacts on one zone with EOL Resistors
3 2 1
Double EOL
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Comfort II Quick Installation Guide
Some shock detectors can latch their LED on following an alarm for identification. To make the
Do not mix Fire Detectors with Burglary Detectors under the same zone
Negative Applied Detectors
Certain types of detector such as outside PIR’s and photocells provide an open-collector output as a trigger rather than a relay output. This type of signal can be connected directly into a zone terminal providing it is a negative signal in one state and ‘floating’ in the other state. If the signal goes negative when detecting, use a normally-open zone type such as Normally-open switch. This is suitable for light sensors or external non-alarming detectors which may be used as monitors to drive Responses for lighting and CCTV applications.
Current Sensor Module
Use CSM03-CT current Tranformer and CSM03-PCB Current Sensor Pcb to monitor AC current for appliances and lights. Refer to the CSM03 manual at
Output Terminals OP1 - OP8 (JP11-JP14)
Each of the 8 outputs may be connected to infrared LEDs, indicator LEDs or external relays.
Each output is an open-collector transistor output (pull to ground) capable of supplying 200 mA, but total current from these outputs together with the switched (S12V) and unswitched auxiliary power (12V) terminals should not exceed 500 mA, and protected by a resettable fuse (F2). If higher current is required, an external supply may be used instead of the 12V terminals.
Connection to Relays
Connect 12V relays to outputs according to the figure below Relays should be connected between the 12V terminal and the output terminal. They should be located near to the enclosure. The RLY01 has 4 x 12V relays which can be used for this purpose.
Output Connection to a Relay
Two Way Light switching
Use TWS01 or TWS02 Lighting Control Module to connect to 2 way Lighting switches, see the
TWS manual
Connection to Infrared LEDs
There are 3 types of IR transmitter modules which can be connected to the outputs; IRM01 for longer distances (up to 8 meters range), IR01W or IR03W for short range transmissions (up to
1 meter range) The manuals for IR transmitters can be downloaded from
12V Auxiliary Supply Outputs (12V and S12V)
12V and GND supply 12V to devices which require power e.g.. motion detectors. The S12V terminal provides 12V to external devices which require resetting when activated, e.g.. smoke detectors.
Comfort can be programmed to turn off S12V when needed, either when the system is disarmed or when the system is being armed. Latched Smoke detectors and Shock detectors need to be reset when the system is being armed.
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Total continuous current from these and the Output 12V terminals should not exceed 1 A. These terminals are current limited by resettable fuses.
Do not connect PIRs set as 24 hour zones to the S12V supply.
Local Expansion Module
LEM01, LEM02 or LEM03 is connected using the 10 way ribbon cable to the LEM connector
(J5).Refer to the LEM Installation Manual which can be downloaded from
Modules on the Comfort RS485 Bus
Slave Expansion Modules(SEP01)
Slave Expansion Modules allow expansion beyond 16 Inputs and Outputs. Connect Slaves to
CP9000 using the supplied 4 way white cable or by CAT5 cable to terminal blocks (12V, COM,
KA, KB) for longer distances. Set Each Slave to a unique ID (from 1 to 3) via the ID shunts.
Each SEP01 should have their own transfomer and battery. Refer to the SEM Manual which can be downloaded from
Keypad (KP04/KP05/KP06/KT03) and Door Stations (DP03/DM02)
Up to 8 keypads and 3 Door Stations can be installed in a system. Connect Keypads to CP9000 using by CAT5 cable to terminal blocks (12V, COM, KA, KB, MIC, Voice). Set each keypad/door station to a unique ID (from 1 to 8 for keypad or 1 to 3 for door station) via the ID shunts.
Refer to the relevant Installation Manuals which can be downloaded from
UCM (Universal Communications Module)
There are many types of UCMs which allow Comfort to be connected by USB or Ethernet for programming, or to other systems like Cbus, KNX or RS232/RS485 to 3rd party systems. Up to
8 UCMs can be installed. Connect UCMs to CP9000 using the supplied white 4 way cable or by
CAT5 cable to terminal blocks (12V, COM, KA, KB) for longer distances. Set Each UCM to a unique ID (from 1 to 8) via the SW7 ID shunts.The UCM Manuals can be downloaded from
Remote Input/Output (RIO) Modules
Up to 15 RIOs with 8 digital Inputs and 8 digital Outputs can be installed in a system to provide non-alarm inputs and outputs. Connect RIOs to CP9000 using the supplied white 4 way cable or by CAT5 cable to terminal blocks (12V, COM, KA, KB) for longer distances. Set Each RIO to a unique ID (from 1 to 15) via the ID shunts.
Quick Start Power-On Checklist
1 Connect just a keypad before connecting other modules. This ensures that the system is working correctly before adding wiring which may cause problems if incorrectly done.
2 Connect a Keypad using wires KA/KB, 12V/Ground, and Mic/Voice pairs. The KP MIC and
Voice wires are connected to Comfort terminal KP MIC and Voice. Check that the ID jumpers for the Keypad to 1 (default).
3 Connect a wire between the terminals TAMP and COM of the Tamper terminal block to prevent a tamper alarm.
4 Connect an electrical mains cable to the transformer terminal blocks. Connect the mains cable to a mains plug. In some countries connection must be to a fused spur (unswitched socket).
5 Connect the telephone line to TEL IN terminal block. If the telephone line is not available, expect a “Phone Trouble” alarm at the keypad.
6 Leave the EOL shunts set to NO EOL resistors, ie shunt towards the terminal blocks. Do not connect any zone, speaker , siren or battery to the panel yet.
7 Turn on the mains power. The keypad should beep briefly. Observe the red and green LEDs on the PCB during the self-testing cycle. Both LEDs should turn on when power is first
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Comfort II Quick Installation Guide applied. After a second, the red led should turn off, then the green LED which should blink off and on again. After a few seconds, the keypad should say “Security Off”
8 The Green LED on the Comfort board should be on steady, and may start blinking if there is a phone trouble. The RED led should be off indicating the system is not armed.
9 Enter 1234# on the keypad. The Voice menu will be announced. This shows that the
Comfort panel and keypad is working. Press F to exit from the menu. There may be a
“Phone Trouble” announcement and beeps if the telephone line is not connected.
10 Press the Night Mode button on the keypad. You should hear the announcement “Front
Door” due to Zone 1 preprogrammed as the front door being open. Short the zone 1 with a wire to close it to arm the system. Alternatively, press # on the keypad to Force arm the system with the zone remaining open. The system should announce Night Mode. Enter the user code 1234# on the keypad to disarm it. You have now armed and disarmed the system for the first time.
11 You can now start to connect other keypads, door station and modules and security wiring, taking care to set a unique ID on each module.
12 Switch off Comfort before installing the Local Expansion Module LEM01 connected by the flat cable
13 Terminate all zone wiring into the respective Zone Terminal Blocks on the Main board or
Local Expansion Module (LEM) and label accordingly. Connect detector 12V supplies to the auxiliary 12V output terminal block.
14 Check all zone jumpers are in the double EOL (1-2 away from terminal blocks) or no EOL positions (2-3 closer to the terminal blocks) depending on the requirements.
15 Connect the Door Station if required to the 12V/COM, KA/KB (shared with keypads) and DP
Mic and Voice terminals. Note the Door stations have a separate Voice and Mic terminal on
16 Connect a local telephone to the TEL OUT terminal. Test the local phone operation by lifting the handset or press Handsfree button, press within 6 seconds, then 1234 and the # key.
You should hear the Voice Menu. Press some keys to go into various menus to verify that the local phone access is working. If you cannot get into the Voice Menu, see the
“Troubleshooting” Section.
17 The system is ready for programming, Connect the UCM/USB or UCM/ETH02 used for programming via the 4 way cable to the white RS485 4 pin header on Comfort.
Programming cable should NOT be connected.
The UCM red (D9) and green (D10)
LEDs on the UCM should both be blinking rapidly, showing that there is communication with Comfort.
18 To program using Comfigurator software, refer to “Programming with Comfigurator”. For programming by Engineer Menu using keypad or telephone refer to “Engineer Menu
Programming” Programming using Comfigurator is highly recommended except for very simple configurations.
Remember to set Date and Time.
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Comfort II Quick Installation Guide
Document Revision History
3.3.1 - 10 Aug 2013 Updated
3.3.0 - 29 November 2012 - Initial Release
Important Note
The printed manual may not always be the most current version. Please check and download the latest version from
web site:
Email: [email protected]
Title: Comfort II Quick Installation Guide
Filename quickinst.lwp
Version: 3.3.1
Copyright Cytech Technology Pte Ltd.
RCB 199506853M
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