NAMCO BANDAI Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition Arcade Game Operation Manual
Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition is a game machine that is designed to provide hours of entertainment. The machine features a 55” LCD monitor and a variety of games. The machine is also equipped with a coin box and a service door. The machine can be easily relocated and transported.
To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 DEADSTORM PIRATES SPECIAL EDITION OPERATION MANUAL The actual product may differ slightly from the illustrations in this manual. To ensure safe operation of the game machine, be sure to read this Operation Manual before use. Keep this Operation Manual in a safe place for quick access whenever needed. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 Important Read PRECAUTIONS and INSTALLATION Sections before operating game FCC Notice Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operating in a commercial environment. This equipment uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. Copyright 2014 NAMCO AMERICA INC. - All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced by any mechanical photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use, without permission from NAMCO AMERICA INC. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 INTRODUCTION Thank you for purchasing the “DEAD STORM PIRATES SPECIAL EDITION” game machine (hereafter referred to as the “machine”). This operation manual describes: How to install, operate, relocate, transport, maintain and discard of the machine safely and properly How to operate the machine correctly and make full use of its features How to ensure safety of players and bystanders Inquiries regarding this machine and its repair For further information about the machine and its repair, contact your distributor. The software included in the machine is protected by copyright laws. The software must not game machine. Violators of copyright laws may be subject to criminal penalties. Do not use the storage media containing software in any other game machine; otherwise, machine malfunctions may result. This machine uses the following licenses. This software uses fonts produced by Fontworks Inc. Fontworks, and font names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fontworks Inc. PolycomR G.722.1 Annex C audio coding technology To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 INTRODUCTION This machine uses MXML. MXML is used under the MIT License. MXML License Copyright (c) 2003 Matthew Riek Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software tion, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE Regarding the licenses and trademarks pertaining to SYS357 (Rack Assy) and SYS369 (Rack Assy), see The names of systems and products that are used in the game machine or mentioned in this operation manual but are not described in the above URL are generally trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – Be sure to read these instructions to ensure safety – Instructions to the owner z If you entrust another party to perform installation, operation, relocation, transportation, maintenance or discarding of the machine, instruct the concerned party to read and observe all the instructions and precautions in this operation manual regarding the particular action to be taken. 1-1 Magnitudes of risk On the labels attached to the machine and in this operation manual, precautions UHJDUGLQJ VDIHW\ DQG SURSHUW\ GDPDJH DUH FODVVL¿HG DV VKRZQ EHORZ LQ DFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHPDJQLWXGHRIWKHSDUWLFXODUULVN : Failure to avoid the indicated risk may result in death or serious injury. : Failure to avoid the indicated risk may result in minor injury or property damage. 1RWHVUHODWHGWRPDFKLQHIXQFWLRQVEXWQRWWRVDIHW\DUHPDUNHGZLWKWKHIROORZLQJ indication. : Note related to product function or protection. 'HÀQLWLRQRIWKHWHUP´WHFKQLFLDQµ 7KLV RSHUDWLRQ PDQXDO LV ZULWWHQ IRU DUFDGH SHUVRQQHO +RZHYHU WKH VHFWLRQV marked “To be conducted by a technician only” in the table of contents are ZULWWHQIRUWHFKQLFLDQV7KHVHWDVNVVKRXOGEHFRQGXFWHGE\WHFKQLFLDQVRQO\ Technician: A person engaged in machine design, manufacture, inspection or maintenance service for a manufacturer of amusement HTXLSPHQWRUDSHUVRQZKRKDVWHFKQLFDONQRZOHGJHUHODWHGWR electricity, electronics or mechanical engineering at a level equal to or higher than that of a technical high school graduate and is engaged routinely in the maintenance and management (including repair) of amusement machines. 1 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1-3 Top-priority safety precautions z 6KRXOGDQ\DEQRUPDOLW\RFFXUWXUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFKLPPHGLDWHO\WRVWRSRSHUDWLQJWKHPDFKLQH7KHQXQSOXJWKHSRZHUFRUGSOXJIURPWKH$&RXWOHW2SHUDWLQJ WKHPDFKLQHZLWKRXWFRUUHFWLQJDEQRUPDOLWLHVFDQUHVXOWLQDÀUHRUDFFLGHQW z 6RPH PRQLWRU VHFWLRQV UHPDLQ KRW RU FKDUJHG ZLWK KLJK YROWDJH HYHQ DIWHU WKH SRZHU VZLWFK LV WXUQHG RII 'R QRW WRXFK WKH PRQLWRU XQQHFHVVDULO\ LQ RUGHU WR DYRLGHOHFWULFVKRFNDQGEXUQV z 'XVWDFFXPXODWHGRQWKHSRZHUFRUGSOXJPD\FDXVHDÀUH&KHFNWKHSRZHUFRUG SOXJUHJXODUO\DQGUHPRYHGXVW z ,QVHUWWKHSRZHUFRUGSOXJÀUPO\LQWRWKH$&RXWOHW3RRUFRQWDFWPD\FDXVHRYHUKHDWLQJWKDWFDQOHDGWRDÀUHRUEXUQV z $GDPDJHGSRZHUFRUGFDQFDXVHDÀUHHOHFWULFVKRFNRUHOHFWULFDOOHDNDJH2EVHUYHWKHIROORZLQJFDXWLRQV .HHSWKHSRZHUFRUGDZD\IURPKHDWLQJGHYLFHV Do not twist the power cord. Do not bend the power cord forcibly. Do not alter the power cord. Do not bundle the power cord. 'RQRWSXOOWKHSRZHUFRUG$OZD\VXQSOXJE\KROGLQJWKHSRZHUFRUGSOXJ DQGDYRLGSXOOLQJWKHSRZHUFRUG Do not place anything on the power cord. 'RQRWJHWWKHSRZHUFRUGFDXJKWE\WKHPDFKLQHRWKHUHTXLSPHQWRUZDOO 'RQRWGRDQ\WKLQJHOVHWKDWPLJKWGDPDJHWKHSRZHUFRUG z Do not wet the power cord or power cord plug with water. Water can cause an electric shock or electrical leakage. z Do not touch the power cord plug with a wet hand. Doing so can result in an electric shock. z 7KHPDFKLQH·VUDWHGSRZHUVXSSO\YROWDJHDQGPD[LPXPFRQVXPSWLRQFXUUHQWDUH 9$&DQG$UHVSHFWLYHO\7RSUHYHQWÀUHDQGHOHFWULFVKRFNEHVXUHWRXVH LQWHULRUZLULQJWKDWFRQIRUPVWRWKHVHSRZHUVXSSO\VSHFLÀFDWLRQV z 2SHUDWHWKHPDFKLQHZLWKDSRZHUVXSSO\YROWDJHLQWKHUDQJHRIWR9$& 2SHUDWLQJ WKH PDFKLQH ZLWK D VXSSO\ YROWDJH RXWVLGH WKH VSHFLILHG UDQJH PD\ FDXVH D ÀUH RU HOHFWULF VKRFN 7R HQVXUH WKDW WKH PDFKLQH RSHUDWHV LQ RSWLPXP FRQGLWLRQPDLQWDLQWKHSRZHUVXSSO\DW9$& z 7RHQVXUHVDIHRSHUDWLRQRIWKHPDFKLQHEHVXUHWRFRQGXFWWKHSUHVHUYLFHFKHFN VHH3´3UHVHUYLFHFKHFNµDQGPDLQWHQDQFHVHH3´%0DLQWHQDQFHµ GHVFULEHGLQWKLVPDQXDO)DLOXUHWRFRQGXFWWKHSUHVHUYLFHFKHFNRUPDLQWHQDQFH FDQUHVXOWLQDQXQH[SHFWHGDFFLGHQW z 8VH FRQVXPDEOHV DQG VHUYLFH SDUWV LQFOXGLQJ IDVWHQHUV VSHFLÀHG E\ RXU FRPSDQ\7RRUGHUSDUWVFRQWDFW\RXUGLVWULEXWRU z 'RQRWFRQYHUWWKHPDFKLQHZLWKRXWSHUPLVVLRQ'RQRWSHUIRUPDQ\ZRUNWKDWLV QRWGHVFULEHGLQWKLVRSHUDWLRQPDQXDO8QDXWKRUL]HGFRQYHUVLRQRIWKHPDFKLQH PD\FUHDWHXQIRUHVHHQKD]DUGV z :KHQWUDQVIHUULQJWKHRZQHUVKLSRIWKHPDFKLQHEHVXUHWRSURYLGHWKLVRSHUDWLRQ PDQXDOWRJHWKHUZLWKWKHJDPHPDFKLQH 2 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 'HVFULSWLRQRIZDUQLQJODEHOVDWWDFKHGWRWKHPDFKLQH z 7KHZDUQLQJODEHOVGHVFULEHLPSRUWDQWVDIHW\SUHFDXWLRQV%HVXUHWRREVHUYHWKH following: 7RHQVXUHWKDWWKHZDUQLQJODEHOVDWWDFKHGWRWKHPDFKLQHDUHHDVLO\OHJLEOH LQVWDOO WKH PDFKLQH DW DQ DSSURSULDWH ORFDWLRQ ZLWK DPSOH LOOXPLQDWLRQ DQG NHHSWKHODEHOVFOHDQDWDOOWLPHV$OVRPDNHVXUHWKDWWKHODEHOVDUHQRWKLGGHQEHKLQGDQRWKHUJDPHPDFKLQHRURWKHUREMHFWV 'RQRWUHPRYHRUDOWHUWKHZDUQLQJODEHOV ,IWKHZDUQLQJODEHOVEHFRPHH[FHVVLYHO\GLUW\RUGDPDJHGUHSODFHWKHPZLWK QHZODEHOV7RRUGHUZDUQLQJODEHOVFRQWDFW\RXUGLVWULEXWRU Back side 3 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Front side 4 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - Be sure to read these instructions to ensure safety - .......................... 1 1-1 Magnitudes of risk .......................................................................................................................................... 1 'H¿QLWLRQRIWKHWHUP³WHFKQLFLDQ´................................................................................................................... 1 7RSSULRULW\VDIHW\SUHFDXWLRQV........................................................................................................................ 2 'HVFULSWLRQRIZDUQLQJODEHOVDWWDFKHGWRWKHPDFKLQH .................................................................................. 3 2. SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 8 3. CHECKING THE PACKAGE CONTENTS .............................................................................................. 9 4. OVERALL CONSTRUCTION (Names of Parts)....................................................................................11 5. INSTALLATION AND CARRY-IN PASSAGE CONDITIONS................................................................. 13 ,QVWDOODWLRQFRQGLWLRQV ................................................................................................................................... 13 /RFDWLRQVWRDYRLG................................................................................................................................ 13 3OD\]RQHIRULQVWDOOHGPDFKLQH........................................................................................................... 14 5HTXLUHGGLPHQVLRQVRIFDUU\LQSDVVDJHVXFKDVGRRUVDQGFRUULGRUV..................................................... 15 6. MOVING AND TRANSPORTING .......................................................................................................... 16 0RYLQJRQWKHÀRRU..................................................................................................................................... 16 6-2 Transportation............................................................................................................................................... 17 7. OPERATION .......................................................................................................................................... 18 3HRSOHZKRVKRXOGQ WSOD\ ............................................................................................................................ 18 6DIHW\SUHFDXWLRQVWREHREVHUYHGE\SOD\HUV.............................................................................................. 19 3UHVHUYLFHFKHFN ......................................................................................................................................... 20 6DIHW\FKHFNEHIRUHSRZHU21 ......................................................................................................... 20 2SHUDWLRQFKHFNDIWHUSRZHU21....................................................................................................... 21 +RZWRSOD\................................................................................................................................................... 22 %DVLFUXOHV .................................................................................................................................... 22 2SHUDWLQJPHWKRG ......................................................................................................................... 22 ([SODQDWLRQRIWKHJDPHV\VWHP................................................................................................... 22 6WDUWEXWWRQ ................................................................................................................................... 23 ([SODQDWLRQRIWKHSRZHUVZLWFKDQGDGMXVWPHQWVZLWFKHV........................................................................... 24 3RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQWKHVZLWFK ................................................................................. 24 $GMXVWPHQWVZLWFKHV............................................................................................................................ 25 7HVWPRGH ..................................................................................................................................................... 26 'HVFULSWLRQRIWKHPHQXVFUHHQ0(18............................................................................................. 26 *DPHIHHVHWWLQJ&2,1237,216.................................................................................................... 27 *DPHGHWDLOVHWWLQJ*$0(237,216............................................................................................... 28 5 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 CONTENTS 6ZLWFKVHQVRUWHVW,27(67 ............................................................................................................. 29 ,23&%&+(&. ........................................................................................................................... 30 6:,7&+7(67.............................................................................................................................. 31 *817(67.................................................................................................................................... 32 *81&$/,%5$7,21 ..................................................................................................................... 33 67((5,1*7(67 ......................................................................................................................... 34 2873877(67 ............................................................................................................................. 35 0RQLWRUDGMXVWPHQW021,7257(67................................................................................................ 36 *$00$$'-867.......................................................................................................................... 37 6RXQGDGMXVWPHQW6281'7(67 ..................................................................................................... 38 *DPHGDWDGLVSOD\LQLWLDOL]DWLRQ%22..((3,1* ............................................................................. 39 ,QLWLDOL]DWLRQDQGRWKHUV27+(56...................................................................................................... 40 +''&+(&.................................................................................................................................. 41 %$&.830(025<,1,7,$/,=( .................................................................................................. 42 &/2&.6(77,1*......................................................................................................................... 42 6RIWZDUHXSGDWH 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MANUAL FOR THE TECHNICIAN – To be conducted by a technician only – ............................... 48 8A. Assembly and Setup - To be conducted by a technician only - ..................................................... 48 $ $VVHPEO\7REHFRQGXFWHGE\DWHFKQLFLDQRQO\.................................................................................... 48 $$VVHPEOLQJ0RQLWRU$VV\DQG&RQWURO$VV\....................................................................................... 48 $$VVHPEOLQJ6HDW$VV\ ....................................................................................................................... 50 $$VVHPEOLQJ5RRI$VV\ ....................................................................................................................... 52 $$VVHPEOLQJ0DUTXHH$VV\................................................................................................................ 52 $$VVHPEOLQJ6LGHERG\/DQG6LGHERG\5 ...................................................................................... 55 $$GMXVWLQJOHYHODGMXVWHUV .................................................................................................................... 55 $&RQQHFWLQJWKHSRZHUFRUGDQGJURXQGOHDG.................................................................................... 56 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – ................................................................. 57 % ,QVSHFWLRQDQGPDLQWHQDQFH......................................................................................................................... 57 %,QVSHFWLRQLWHPV................................................................................................................................. 57 % 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ ............................................................................................................................................ 58 %*HQHUDO.............................................................................................................................................. 59 %0RQLWRU$VV\ ..................................................................................................................................... 60 %*XQ$VV\ ........................................................................................................................................... 61 %:KHHO$VV\........................................................................................................................................ 61 %6HDW$VV\........................................................................................................................................... 61 %0DUTXHH$VV\.................................................................................................................................... 61 % (UURUGLVSOD\IRUWKHWHFKQLFLDQ................................................................................................................... 62 % 5HPRYLQJDQGLQVWDOOLQJ$VV\VDQGSDUWV ..................................................................................................... 63 %0RQLWRU$VV\ ...................................................................................................................................... 63 5HSODFLQJWKH5DFN$VV\ .............................................................................................................. 63 6 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 CONTENTS ...................................................................................................... 65 .............................................................................................. 66 ........................................................................................................... 67 ...................................................................................................................................... 70 ...................................................................................................... 70 .............................................................................................. 71 ........................................................................................................................................... 72 .......................................................................................... 72 ..............................................................................................74 .............................................................................................77 ............................................................................................................ 79 ................................................................................................... 80 ..................................................... 81 ........................................................................................................... 83 ...................................................................................................... 86 ........................................................................................................ 88 ........................................................................................................................................ 89 ...................................................................................... 89 ......................................................................................... 90 ...................................................................................................................... 92 .................................................................................................................................... 93 ................................................................................................... 93 ............................................................................................................................... 95 ................................................................ 95 ........................................................................................... 97 .................................................................................................... 98 9. DISCARDING THE MACHINE............................................................................................................... 99 10. PARTS LISTS ...................................................................................................................................... 100 10-1 Monitor Assy............................................................................................................................................. 100 ............................................................................................................................................. 102 10-3 Seat Assy ................................................................................................................................................. 104 10-4 Gun Assy .................................................................................................................................................. 106 ............................................................................................................................................... 108 .................................................................................................................................... 109 .......................................................................................................................................... 110 10-8 Roof Assy ................................................................................................................................................. 110 10-9 Marquee Assy............................................................................................................................................111 ................................................................................................................................................111 11. WIRING DIAGRAMS ............................................................................................................................112 7 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 2. SPECIFICATIONS Rated power supply Maximum power consumption Maximum current consumption Coin box capacity Display device Dimensions 1 As installed 120 ± 5 VAC (60 Hz) / 230V ± 5 VAC (50 Hz) 600 W 5 A (120 VAC) / 2.5 A (230 VAC) Approx. 3,000 coins LCD monitor (55” screen) 70”(W) x 98” (D) x 89” (H) 89" (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 70" 2 When divided Monitor Assy Control Assy Seat Assy Marquee Assy Roof Assy (7) Weight 1 As installed 2 When divided Monitor Assy Control Assy Seat Assy Marquee Assy Roof Assy 8 98" 56” (W) x 27” (D) x 72” (H) 56” (W) x 32” (D) x 72” (H) 70” (W) x 40” (D) x 72” (H) 54” (W) x 12” (D) x 23” (H) 56” (W) x 22” (D) x 5” (H) Approx. 990 lbs. Approx. 352 lbs. Approx. 331 lbs. Approx. 243 lbs. Approx. 36 lbs. Approx. 27 lbs. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 3. CHECKING THE PACKAGE CONTENTS The product packages shipped from the factory contain the following components and parts. z Make sure that all the items shown below are contained in the product packages. z If any item is missing, contact your distributor. Dimensions and contained items for the product packages Packaging 1: 60” (W) x 31” (D) x 75” (H) ・Monitor Assy Packaging 2: 60” (W) x 39” (D) x 75” (H) ・Control Assy ・Box 1 (Marquee Assy) Packaging 3: 74” (W) x 51” (D) x 77” (H) ・Seat Assy ・Box 2 ( Roof Assy(1), CS bottom joint bracket(2), MC bottom joint bracket(2), MC side joint bracket(2), Top joint bracket(2), Screws ) Control Assy Seat Assy Box 1 Box 2 Roof Assy 9 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 3. CHECKING THE PACKAGE CONTENTS Accessory list 10 No. Name Qty. 1 Operation Manual (this manual) 2 Maintenance key 4 3 Cash box key 2 4 Coin door key 2 6 Torx wrench M5, T25 1 7 Torx wrench M6, T27 1 8 Power Cord Op er at io n Ma nu al 1 1 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 4. OVERALL CONSTRUCTION (Names of Parts) General view (front side) Seat Assy Roof Assy Marquee Assy Monitor Assy Control Assy General view (rear side) Air vent holes Maintenace panel B Monitor Assy Rack Assy Maintenace panel B Cord box Assy(Power switch) 11 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 4. OVERALL CONSTRUCTION (Names of Parts) Monitor and Control Assys Speaker LCD monitor Triggers 1P Start button 2P Start button Gun Assy Service door (service plate) Wheel Assy Coin box door Maintenance door 12 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 5. INSTALLATION AND CARRY-IN PASSAGE CONDITIONS ,QVWDOOWKHPDFKLQHDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVDQGSURFHGXUHVVSHFLÀHGLQWKLV z RSHUDWLRQPDQXDO)DLOXUHWRIROORZWKHVSHFLÀHGSURFHGXUHVPD\UHVXOWLQDÀUH HOHFWULFVKRFNLQMXU\RUPDFKLQHPDOIXQFWLRQV ,QVHUWWKHSRZHUFRUGSOXJÀUPO\LQWRWKH$&RXWOHW3RRUFRQWDFWPD\FDXVHRYHUz KHDWLQJWKDWFDQOHDGWRDÀUHRUEXUQV %HVXUHWRFRQQHFWWKHJURXQGOHDG,IWKHJURXQGOHDGLVQRWFRQQHFWHGHOHFWULF z shock can result in case of electrical leakage. (See P. 56 “8A-1-7 Connecting the power cord and ground lead.”) ,QVWDOOWKHPDFKLQHVHFXUHO\E\XVLQJWKHOHYHODGMXVWHUV8QVWDEOHPDFKLQHLQVWDOz ODWLRQFDQUHVXOWLQDQDFFLGHQWRULQMXU\6HH3´$$GMXVWLQJOHYHODGMXVWers.”) 5-1 Installation conditions 'RQRWSODFHLWHPVQHDUWKHYHQWKROHVRQWKHUHDUSDQHORIWKH0RQLWRU$VV\RIWKH z JDPHPDFKLQHRUEORFNWKHPZLWKDZDOO,IWKRVHRSHQLQJVDUHEORFNHGWKHLQVLGH RIWKHPDFKLQHEHFRPHVH[WUHPHO\KRWDQGÀUHRUPDOIXQFWLRQPD\UHVXOW /RFDWLRQVWRDYRLG 7KHPDFKLQHLVGHVLJQHGIRULQGRRUXVH1HYHULQVWDOOWKHPDFKLQHRXWGRRUVRUDW z DQ\RIWKHIROORZLQJSODFHV Place in direct sunlight 3ODFHH[SRVHGWRUDLQRUZDWHUOHDNDJH Damp place 'XVW\SODFH &ORVHWRKHDWLQJGHYLFHV Hot place ([WUHPHO\FROGSODFH 3ODFHZKHUHGHZFRQGHQVDWLRQPD\RFFXUGXHWRWHPSHUDWXUHGLIIHUHQFHV 3ODFHZKHUHWKHPDFKLQHPD\EHFRPHDQREVWUXFWLRQLQHPHUJHQFLHVVXFK DVQHDUHPHUJHQF\H[LWRUSODFHZKHUHÀUHH[WLQJXLVKHURUVLPLODUHTXLSPHQW is installed 8QVWDEOHSODFHRUORFDWLRQZKHUHYLEUDWLRQVDUHSURGXFHG 13 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 5. INSTALLATION AND CARRY-IN PASSAGE CONDITIONS 3OD\]RQHIRULQVWDOOHGPDFKLQH z 3URYLGH D VSDFH RI DW OHDVW · µ EHWZHHQ WKH UHDU VLGH RI WKH PDFKLQH and the wall or other machine in order to turn the power switch ON/OFF DQGRSHQWKH0DLQWHQDQFHSDQHO 7KHYHQWKROHVRQWKHUHDUVLGHRIWKHPDFKLQHPXVWQRWEHEORFNHG z 7KHGLVWDQFHIURPWKHÁRRUWRWKHFHLOLQJPXVWEHDWOHDVW·µ z 9’ 2” or more 1’ 8” or more 1’ 8” or more Aisle 14 11’ 6” or more 3’ 3” or more 1’ 8” or more 1’ 8” or more Maintenance zone To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 5. INSTALLATION AND CARRY-IN PASSAGE CONDITIONS 5HTXLUHGGLPHQVLRQVRIFDUU\LQSDVVDJHVXFKDVGRRUV and corridors) The machine is divided into separate components at the factory before shipping. The dimensions of main components are as follows: z Monitor Assy 56” (W) x 27” (D) x 72” (H) Weight: 540 lbs. z Control Assy 56” (W) x 32” (D) x 72”(H) Weight: 485 lbs. z Seat Assy 70” (W) x 40” (D) x 72”(H) Weight: 232 lbs. 15 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 6. MOVING AND TRANSPORTING Do not leave the machine on a slope. If the machine is left on a slope, it may tip z over and cause an unexpected accident. 0RYLQJRQWKHÁRRU z Carefully transport the machine in order to prevent damage to the machine. Do not apply excessive force to plastic parts since they can beak easily. z Even when moving the machine for a short distance, be sure to raise the z OHYHODGMXVWHUVDOOWKHZD\6HH3´$$GMXVWLQJOHYHODGMXVWHUVµ Be sure to turn off the power switch before moving the machine. z Carefully handle power cord. (See P 56 “8A-1-7 Connecting the power z FRUGDQGJURXQGOHDGµ 16 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 6. MOVING AND TRANSPORTING 6-2 Transportation 0DQXDOWUDQVSRUWDWLRQFDUU\LQJRQVWDLUVHWF When carrying the machine manually, be sure to divide the machine into the Monitor z Assy, Control Assys, Seat Assy, Marquee Assy and Roof Assy and raise all the level DGMXVWHUVDOOWKHZD\6HH3´$$VVHPEO\µ $Q DWWHPSW WR FDUU\ WKH PDFKLQH PDQXDOO\ RYHU VWDLUV HWF ZLWKRXW GLYLGLQJ WKH machine as described above can result in an unexpected accident. When carrying the machine manually, make sure that the following number of perz sons are available. An attempt to carry the machine with fewer persons can result in an accident or injury. 0RQLWRU$VV\ DSSUR[OEV SHUVRQVRUPRUH &RQWURO$VV\ DSSUR[OEV SHUVRQVRUPRUH 6HDW$VV\ DSSUR[OEV SHUVRQVRUPRUH 0DUTXHH$VV\ DSSUR[OEV SHUVRQVRUPRUH 5RRI$VV\ DSSUR[OEV SHUVRQVRUPRUH Monitor Assy Control Assy Marquee Assy Roof Assy Seat Assy z Do not apply impact to the machine when lowering the machine from a step. 17 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION z Some monitor sections remain hot or charged with high voltage even after the power switch is turned off. Do not touch the monitor unnecessarily in order to avoid electric shock and burns. z 'XVWDFFXPXODWHGRQWKHSRZHUFRUGSOXJPD\FDXVHDÀUH&KHFNWKHSRZHUFRUG plug regularly and remove dust. z ,QVHUWWKHSRZHUFRUGSOXJÀUPO\LQWRWKH$&RXWOHW3RRUFRQWDFWPD\FDXVHRYHUKHDWLQJWKDWFDQOHDGWRDÀUHRUEXUQV z Be sure to check that the machine has been installed according to the instructions DQG SURFHGXUHV VSHFLÀHG LQ WKLV RSHUDWLRQ PDQXDO VHH 3 ´ ,167$//$7,21 $1'&$55<,13$66$*(&21',7,216µEHIRUHRSHUDWLQJWKHPDFKLQH,IWKHPDFKLQHLVQRWLQVWDOOHGSURSHUO\ÀUHHOHFWULFVKRFNLQMXU\RUHTXLSPHQWPDOIXQFWLRQ can occur. z The warning labels describe important safety precautions. Be sure to observe the following: To ensure that the warning labels attached to the machine are easily legible, install the machine at an appropriate location with ample illumination and keep the labels clean at all times. Also, make sure that the labels are not hidGHQEHKLQGDQRWKHUJDPHPDFKLQHRURWKHUREMHFWV Do not remove or alter the warning labels. If the warning labels become excessively dirty or damaged, replace them with new labels. To order warning labels, contact your distributor. z To ensure safe operation of the machine, be sure to conduct the pre-service check VHH3´3UHVHUYLFHFKHFNµDQGPDLQWHQDQFHVHH3´%0DLQWHQDQFHµ described in this manual. Failure to conduct the pre-service check or maintenance can result in an unexpected accident. 7-1 People who shouldn’t play To ensure safety of players and prevent accidents, do not allow the following peoz ple to play the game machine. 18 3HRSOHZKRDUHVLFNRUUHFRYHULQJIURPLQMXU\ 3HRSOHZLWKKHDUWFRQGLWLRQV 3HRSOHLQSRRUSK\VLFDOFRQGLWLRQ 3HRSOHXQGHUWKHLQÁXHQFHRIDOFRKRO 3UHJQDQWZRPHQ 3HRSOHZKRGRQRWREVHUYHWKHZDUQLQJVLQGLFDWHGRQWKHPDFKLQH To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION 6DIHW\SUHFDXWLRQVWREHREVHUYHGE\SOD\HUV If a player becomes sick due to light stimulation or game images, have the person z stop playing the game immediately and let him/her rest. In rare cases, stimulation by lights or video images can cause convulsion or a loss z of consciousness. If this happens, advise the player to consult a doctor as soon DVSRVVLEOH:KHQSUHVFKRROFKLOGUHQSOD\UHTXHVWWKHLUSDUHQWVRUJXDUGLDQVWR keep an eye on the children. 19 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION 3UHVHUYLFHFKHFN Check the following items before commencing operation. If any problem is found, take corrective measures by referring to “8B-2 Troubleshooting” on page 58. 6DIHW\FKHFNEHIRUHSRZHU21 z 7R SUHYHQW DFFLGHQWV DQG LQMXU\ EH VXUH WR FRQGXFW WKH SUHVHUYLFH FKHFN GHVFULEHG LQ ´ 6DIHW\ FKHFN EHIRUH SRZHU 21µ RQ SDJH EHIRUH commencing operation. z 7RSUHYHQWDFFLGHQWVDQGLQMXU\EHVXUHWRFKHFNWKDWWKHPDFKLQHLVQRWLQVWDOOHG LQDSODFHGHVFULEHGLQ´/RFDWLRQVWRDYRLGµRQSDJHEHIRUHFRPPHQFLQJ operation. z Operating the machine with damaged, broken or deteriorated parts, or with LQFRUUHFWO\LQVWDOOHGSDUWVFDQFDXVHLQMXU\WRSOD\HUVRUSHRSOHQHDUWKHPDFKLQH If an abnormality is found, replace defective parts immediately. To order parts, contact your distributor. (1) Are all warning indications in place? (See P. 3 “1-4 Description of warning labels attached to the machine.”) (2) Are the warning indications legible? (See P. 3 “1-4 Description of warning labels attached to the machine.”) (3) Are all level adjusters adjusted properly? (See P. 55 “8A-1-6 Adjusting level adjusters.”) (4) Is the specified play zone provided? (See P. 14 “5-1-2 Play zone of installed machine.”) (5) Are the power cord and communication cable routed so that they will not cause players or other customers to trip? (6) Are the power cord securely connected to the AC outlet and the power input socket on the machine? (See P. 56 “8A-1-7 Connecting the power cord and ground lead.”) (7) Is the power cord plug free of dust? (See P. 56 “8A-1-7 Connecting the power cord and ground lead.”) Check the following items after turning on the power switch. If an abnormality is found, turn off the power switch immediately to stop operating the machine. Then, unplug the power cord from the AC outlet and contact your distributor. (8) Is any part of the power cord or plug abnormally hot? (9) Does touching the machine give an electric shock? (10) Is there a burning smell, abnormal noise or vibration? (11) Are there any other signs of abnormality or malfunction? To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION 2SHUDWLRQFKHFNDIWHUSRZHU21 Check the following items in the Test mode. (See P. 25 “7-5-2 Adjustment switches.”) &KHFNWKHODPSVIRUSURSHURSHUDWLRQ'RWKHÀXRUHVFHQWODPSVDQG6WDUWEXWWRQV light?) (See P. 29 “7-6-4 Switch/sensor test (I/O TEST).”) (2) Check the Start buttons for proper operation. (See P. 29 “7-6-4 Switch/sensor test (I/O TEST).”) (3) Check the wheel for proper operation. (See P. 29 “7-6-4 Switch/sensor test (I/O TEST).”) (4) Check the guns for proper operation. (See P. 29 “7-6-4 Switch/sensor test (I/O TEST).”) (5) Check the displayed image. (Does the monitor show images properly?) (See P. 36 “7-6-5 Monitor adjustment (MONITOR TEST).”) (6) Check the sound. (Is sound produced by each speaker?) (See P. 38 “7-6-6 Sound adjustment (SOUND TEST).”) To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION 7-4 How to play %DVLFUXOHV 1. Players shoot approaching enemy pirates and monsters. 2. The player’s life level decreases when the player is struck by a sword or bitten. If the player fails to turn the wheel as instructed when it is necessary to do so, the life level also decreases. When the life level decreases to 0, the game ends. 3. When a circular target mark appears on an enemy’s body or on the weapon thrown by an enemy, shoot and destroy it. 4. There are two types of target marks: normal target marks and gold target marks. A JROGWDUJHWPDUNDSSHDUVRQDVWURQJDQGSRZHUIXOHQHP\ZKRLVGLI¿FXOWWRGHVWUR\ Use “united shots” to destroy a strong and powerful enemy. (See P. 22 “7-4 (3) Explanation of the game system.”) 5. When two persons are playing the game, the rating of the combination play of the two players is displayed on the result screen. The combination play rating becomes higher when the players use united shots effectively to destroy enemies and operate the wheel skillfully to evade danger. 2SHUDWLQJPHWKRG 1. Shooting the golden gun — Pull the trigger on the gun-shaped controller (Gun Assy) to shoot. When the trigger is held, the gun shoots consecutively. 2. Shooting the cannon — When the weapon changes to a cannon, pull the trigger to shoot the cannon. To shoot the cannon continuously, it is necessary to pull the trigger after each shot, unlike the golden gun. Also, there will be a time delay between shots. 3. Turning the wheel — It is necessary to turn the wheel to navigate the ship or dodge the enemy’s attack in some situations during the game. Turn the wheel according to the instructions displayed on the screen to evade danger. ([SODQDWLRQRIWKHJDPHV\VWHP 1. United shot By aligning the gunsights of the two guns on a target, players can launch a united shot that is more powerful than an ordinary shot. When shooting united shots, the gunsight on the screen becomes larger and the color of the shots and the shooting sound also change. Use united shots to destroy enemies with a gold target mark. Other enemies can also be destroyed more easily when united shots are used. 3RZHUXSVKRW When a player shoots a green gem placed on a ship or in pirates’ hide-out, the gun of the player who shot the gem increases in power and is able to destroy many enemies with each shot. 5HGFDVN The red casks placed on a ship or in pirates’ hide-out explode when shot. By shooting a red cask near enemies, the cask explodes and destroys the enemies nearby. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION 4. Treasure box When a player shoots a treasure box on a ship or in pirates’ hide-out, the player gains additional scores. 6HOHFWLRQRIWUHDVXUHER[ In the event indicated ´TREASURE HUNT,µ a player selects one from two or three treasure boxes shown on the screen and shoots it. If the shot treasure box contains an item, the player’s life level increases. &RQWLQXLW\URXOHWWH When two persons are playing the game, if one person plays the Continuity game, the other player’s life level also increases. The amount of life level increase is determined by the roulette that appears in the Continuity game. The roulette stops after a certain time, but it can be stopped by pressing the Start button. 6WDUWEXWWRQ 1. The game starts on the side on which the Start button is pressed. When the left-side Start button is pressed, the player plays the game as Eric (red). When the right-side Start button is pressed, the player plays the game as Leah (blue). 2. A player can join the game anytime during the game. 3. When a message, ´Press the Start button to skip,µ appears during a demo scene between game scenes, pressing the Start button skips the demo scene. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION ([SODQDWLRQRIWKHSRZHUVZLWFKDQGDGMXVWPHQWVZLWFKHV 3RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQWKHVZLWFK Turn on the power switch on the machine. Back side of Monitor Assy ON OFF Power switch z Be sure to complete the installation and setup of the machine before turning on the power switch. :KHQ WXUQLQJ WKH SRZHU VZLWFK RQ RU RII ZDLW DW OHDVW VHFRQGV z between switch operations. Do not repeat turning the power switch on and off unnecessarily. Repeated on/off operations can cause damage to the data in the backup memory. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION $GMXVWPHQWVZLWFKHV Open the service door to gain access to the adjustment switches. Service switch Test switch Enter switch Select switch Service door D6HUYLFHVZLWFK Press this switch to increase the credit count without activating the coin counter. E6HOHFWVZLWFK ,QWKH7HVWPRGHÀLSWKLVVZLWFKXSRUGRZQWRVHOHFWDQLWHPRUVHWWLQJQXPHULFYDOXH F7HVWVZLWFK Set this switch to ON to activate the Test mode. The Test mode is used to test the monitor and others. (See P. 26 “7-6 Test mode.”) G(QWHUVZLWFK After selecting an item or setting (numeric value) with the Select switch, press this switch to enter or execute the selection. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION 7-6 Test mode 'HVFULSWLRQRIWKHPHQXVFUHHQ0(18 Unlock the service door and set the Test switch to ON. (See P. 25 ´7-5-2 Adjustment switches.µ) The Menu screen appears on the monitor. MENU GAME OPTIONS Setting of game fee and others Refer to Section 7-6-2. Setting of game details Refer to Section 7-6-3. I/O TEST Testing of switches, sensors, etc. Refer to Section 7-6-4. COIN OPTIONS MONITOR TEST SOUND TEST Adjustment of monitor BOOKKEEPING Bookkeeping data Refer to Section 7-6-7. Testing of PCB, initialization of Refer to Section 7-6-8. memory, etc. Software update (Not used under normal conditions) Refer to Section 7-6-9. OTHERS SOFTWARE UPDATE The internal battery01 is dead. SELECT SW:CHOOSE Refer to Section 7-6-5. Adjustment of sound level, etc. Refer to Section 7-6-6. (a) ENTER SW:ENTER 0HQXVFUHHQ Item Description (a) This error message appears when the internal battery of the Rack Assy runs out. (The number shown immediately after ´batteryµ may be ´02µ in some cases.) When this message appears, turn off the power switch and wait for about 10 minutes. Then, turn on the power switch again. If an error message, ´BACKUP MEMORY ERROR,µ appears during the startup, set the Test switch to ON to activate the Test mode and initialize the backup memory (see P 40 ´7-6-8 (4) BACKUP MEMORY INITIALIZE.µ). If the same error is generated after the power switch is turned off and on again, the internal battery may be low in capacity or defective. Flip the Select switch up or down to select an item. The selected item is indicated by blinking. * When ´EXIT” is displayed on the screen, selecting ´EXITµ and entering the selection returns the display to the previous screen. Press the Enter switch to enter the selection. When the selection is entered, the screen shows the applicable setting items. After all adjustments are completed, set the Test switch to OFF. The display returns to the game screen. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION *DPHIHHVHWWLQJ&2,1237,216 This screen is used to set the game fee and others. Select ´COIN OPTIONSµ in the Menu screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 26 ´7-6-1 Description of the menu screen (MENU).µ) The Coin Options screen appears on the monitor. COIN OPTIONS [DEFAULT IN GREEN] GAME COST CONTINUE COST 2 COIN(S) 1 CREDIT 1 COIN(S) 1 CREDIT (a) (b) FREE PLAY OFF (c) EXIT SELECT SW:CHOOSE ENTER SW:ENTER &RLQ2SWLRQVVFUHHQ Item Description Default setting (a) GAME COST Set the number of coins required to play the game. 1 to 19 coins 2 (b) CONTINUE COST Set the number of coins required to play Continuity game. 1 coin to the value entered in GAME COST The value set in CONTINUE COST cannot be larger than the value set in GAME COST. If the value in GAME COST is reduced to a value lower than the value in CONTINUE COST, the value in CONTINUE COST is automatically changed to the same value set in GAME COST. 1 (c) FREE PLAY ON (Free play available) OFF(Free play unavailable) OFF Flip the Select switch up or down to select an item. The selected item is indicated by blinking. Press the Enter switch to enter the selection. After the selection is entered, change the setting using the Select switch. After the setting has been changed, press the Enter switch to return to the item selection screen. To return to the Menu screen, select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION *DPHGHWDLOVHWWLQJ*$0(237,216 This screen is used to set game details. Select ´GAME OPTIONSµ in the Menu screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 26 ´7-6-1 Description of the menu screen (MENU).µ) The Game Options screen appears on the monitor. Parameters in default setting are indicated in green. GAME OPTIONS [DEFAULT IN GREEN] DIFFICULTY LASER SIGHT HI-SCORE INITIALIZE C(MEDIUM) ON (a) (b) (c) EXIT SELECT SW:CHOOSE ENTER SW:ENTER *DPH2SWLRQVVFUHHQ Item Default setting Description (a) DIFFICULTY 6HWWKHJDPHGLI¿FXOW\OHYHO A (VERY EASY) B (EASY) C (MEDIUM) D (HARD) E (VERY HARD) (b) LASER SIGHT Shows a line from the gun to the crosshair aim to assist player. ON (c) HI-SCORE INITIALIZE Initializes the stored high score data. When this item is selected and entered, the screen displays a message, ´HI-SCORE INITIALIZE?,µ and prompts for the input of ´YESµ or ´NO.µ NO: Returns to the item selection screen without initializing the high score data. YES: Initializes the high score data. — C (MEDIUM) Flip the Select switch up or down to select an item. The selected item is indicated by blinking. Press the Enter switch to enter the selection. After the selection is entered, change the setting using the Select switch. After the setting has been changed, press the Enter switch to return to the item selection screen. To return to the Menu screen, select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION 6ZLWFKVHQVRUWHVW,27(67 This screen is used to test the switches and others. Select ´I/O TESTµ in the Menu screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 26 “7-6-1 Description of the menu screen (MENU).”) The I/O Test screen appears on the monitor. I/O TEST (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) I/O PCB CHECK SWITCH TEST GUN TEST STEERING TEST OUTPUT TEST EXIT SELECT SW:CHOOSE ENTER SW:ENTER I/O Test screen Item Description (a) I/O PCB CHECK Checks the I/O PC Board. (b) SWITCH TEST Executes the switch input test. (c) GUN TEST Executes the Gun Assy test, initializes the Gun Assys. (d) STEERING TEST Executes the wheel test. (e) OUTPUT TEST Executes the illuminated button test and Gun Assy vibration test. Flip the Select switch up or down to select an item. The selected item is indicated by blinking. Press the Enter switch to enter the selection. When the selection is entered, the screen shows the details of the selected item. To return to the Menu screen, select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION ,23&%&+(&. 7KLVVFUHHQLVXVHGWRFRQ¿UPWKHFRQGLWLRQRIWKH86,23&%RDUG I/O PCB CHECK I/O PCB : Connect OK (a) NBGI.;USIO01;VerX.XX;JPN,Mulitipurpose with PPG EXIT SELECT SW : CHOOSE ENTER SW : ENTER ,23&%&KHFNVFUHHQ Item (a) I/P PCB Description Displays “CONNECT OK” when the PC Board is normal. To return to the I/O Test screen, select “EXIT” and press the Enter button. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION 6:,7&+7(67 This screen is used to test the switches. Select “SWITCH TEST” in the I/O Test screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 29 “7-6-4 Switch/sensor test (I/O TEST).”) The Switch Test screen appears on the monitor. SWITCH TEST [ON:RED] COIN SERVICE TEST UP SELECT DOWN SELECT ENTER 1P GUN TRIGGER LEFT 1P GUN TRIGGER RIGHT 1P START 2P GUN TRIGGER LEFT 2P GUN TRIGGER RIGHT 2P START 0 OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f ) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) UP SELECT+ENTER SW:EXIT Switch Test screen Item Description (a) COIN The counter increments by 1 each time the coin switch receives input. When the counter value exceeds 255, it returns to 0. The coin counter also operates. (b) SERVICE Shows “ON” while the Service switch is pressed. (In the Test mode, pressing the switch does not add any credit.) (c) TEST Shows “ON” when the Test switch is set to ON. (Since the Test mode screen is being displayed, this indication always shows “ON.”) (d) UP SELECT Shows “ON” while the Select switch is in the raised position (e) DOWN SELECT Shows “ON” when the Select switch is the lowered position. (f) ENTER Shows “ON” while the Enter switch is pressed. (g) 1P GUN TRIGGER LEFT Shows “ON” while the Trigger button (left) on the 1P-side Gun Assy is pressed. (h) 1P GUN TRIGGER RIGHT Shows “ON” while the Trigger button (right) on the 1P-side Gun Assy is pressed. (i) 1P START Shows “ON” while the 1P-side Start button is pressed. (j) 2P GUN TRIGGER LEFT Shows “ON” while the Trigger button (left) on the 2P-side Gun Assy is pressed. (k) 2P GUN TRIGGER RIGHT Shows “ON” while the Trigger button (right) on the 2P-side Gun Assy is pressed. (l) 2P START Shows “ON” while the 2P-side Start button is pressed. Press each switch and check for proper operation. To return to the I/O Test screen, hold the Select switch in the raised position and press the Enter switch. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION *817(67 This screen is used to test and initialize the gunsights of the Gun Assys and test the operation of the gun vibration units. z $IWHUPDLQWDLQLQJRUUHSODFLQJD*XQ$VV\RU86,23&%RDUGEHVXUHWR FRQGXFWWKHFDOLEUDWLRQGHVFULEHGLQ´*81&$/,%5$7,21µRQSDJH Select “GUN TEST” in the I/O Test screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 29 “7-6-4 Switch/sensor test (I/O TEST).”) The Gun Test screen appears on the monitor. GUN TEST 1P START 2P START (a) (b) OFF OFF (1) (2) 1P X: FFFF Y: 0000 2P X: 0000 Y: FFFF (3) (4) 1 PULL GUN TRIGGER TO ACTION SERVICE SW:CALIBRATION ENTER SW:ENTER *XQ7HVWVFUHHQ Item Description (a) 1P START Shows the status of the Start button on the 1P-side Gun Assy. *2 (b) 2P START Shows the status of the Start button on the 2P-side Gun Assy. *2 (1) 1P X-coordinate, Y-coordinate Shows the X and Y coordinates of the crosshair aim of the 1P-side gun. (2) 2P X-coordinate, Y-coordinate Shows the X and Y coordinates of the crosshair aim of the 2P-side gun. (3) Gun crosshairs (red) Shows the crosshair aim of the 1P-side Gun Assy on the screen. (4) Gun crosshairs (blue) Shows the crosshair aim of the 2P-side Gun Assy on the screen. *1 The vibration unit operates when the trigger on a Gun Assy is pulled. *2 The Start button lights when it is pressed. Loosen the wing bolt, move the service switch cover to a side, and press the Service switch to display the calibration setting screen. (See P. 33 “7-6-4 (4) GUN CALIBRATION.”) To return to the I/O Test screen, press the Enter switch. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION *81&$/,%5$7,21 This screen is used to calibrate the Gun Assys. Press the Service switch while the Gun Test screen is displayed. (See P. 32 “7-6-4 (3) GUN TEST.”) The Gun Calibration screen appears on the monitor. GUN CALIBRATION (1) (2) 1P X: AAAA Y: 6666 2P X: 6666 Y: AAAA (3) (4) 1P: SHOOT THE LEFT END 2P: SHOOT THE LEFT END (a) ENTER SW:EXIT *XQ&DOLEUDWLRQVFUHHQ Item Description (1) Gun crosshairs (red) Shows the location of the crosshairs of the 1P-side Gun Assy (after completion of adjustment). (2) Gun crosshairs (blue) Shows the location of the crosshairs of the 2P-side Gun Assy (after completion of adjustment). (3) 1P X-coordinate, Y-coordinate Shows the X and Y coordinates of the crosshairs of the 1P-side gun. (4) 2P X-coordinate, Y-coordinate Shows the X and Y coordinates of the crosshairs of the 2P-side gun. (a) Displays the procedure for calibrating the gun Gun calibration can be performed by moving and operating each Gun Assy on the 1P and 2P sides as shown below. (1) [SHOOT THE LEFT END] Move the gun all the way to the left and press the Trigger button once. (2) [SHOOT THE RIGHT EDGE] Move the gun all the way to the right and press the Trigger button once. (3) [SHOOT THE TOP] Move the gun all the way to the top and press the Trigger button once. (4) [SHOOT THE BOTTOM] Move the gun all the way to the bottom and press the Trigger button once. (5) [FINISHED] The calibration has been completed. The adjustment data is saved and the crosshairs appear on the screen. Move the gun being calibrated all the way to the left and press the Trigger button once. The left limit position of the crosshairs is set. In the same manner, press the Trigger button each time after moving the gun all the way to the right, to the top and then to the bottom. To return to the Gun Test screen, press the Enter switch. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION 67((5,1*7(67 This screen is used to test the sensor for detecting the wheel rotation. Select “STEERING TEST” in the I/O Test screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 29 “7-6-4 Switch/sensor test (I/O TEST).”) The Steering Test screen appears on the monitor. STEERING TEST (2) STEERING 01 (2) LEFT OK RIGHT OK (3) (4) EXIT ENTER SW:EXIT Steering Test screen Item Description (1) Wheel counter Displays the wheel count. (2) Wheel bar The bar graph shows the wheel movement detected by the sensor. (3) Wheel sensitivity stability measurement Displays “OK” when the wheel sensor is normal. (4) Wheel rotation speed measurement 7KHZKHHOWXUQLQJVSHHGLVLQGLFDWHGE\WKHQXPEHURI³Ŷ´PDUNV Turn the wheel to the left and then to the right to make sure that “OK” is displayed each time. To return to the I/O Test screen, press the Enter switch. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION 2873877(67 This screen is used to conduct output tests. Select “OUTPUT TEST” in the I/O Test screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 29 “7-6-4 Switch/sensor test (I/O TEST).”) The Output Test screen appears on the monitor. OUTPUT TEST 1P START LED 1P VIBRATION 2P START LED 2P VIBRATION (a) (b) (c) (d) OFF OFF OFF OFF EXIT SELECT SW:CHOOSE ENTER SW:ENTER Output Test screen Item Description (a) 1P START LED When this item is set to “ON,” the 1P-side Start button lights. (b) 1P VIBRATION When this item is set to “ON,” the vibration unit of the 1P-side Gun Assy vibrates. (c) 2P START LED When this item is set to “ON,” the 2P-side Start button lights. (d) 2P VIBRATION When this item is set to “ON,” the vibration unit of the 2P-side Gun Assy vibrates. Using the Select switch, select an item, and then press the Enter switch to enter the selection. The selected item is indicated by blinking. Using the Select switch, select ON or OFF, and then press the Enter switch to enter the selection. The selected item operates. To return to the I/O Test screen, select “EXIT” using the Select switch, and press the Enter switch. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION 0RQLWRUDGMXVWPHQW021,7257(67 This screen is used to adjust the monitor. Select “MONITOR TEST” in the Menu screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 26 “7-6-1 Description of the menu screen (MENU).”) The Monitor Test screen appears on the monitor. MONITOR TEST (a) (b) (c) (d) GRADATION PATTERN CROSSHATCH PATTERN FULL WHITE GAMMA ADJUST EXIT SELECT SW : CHOOSE ENTER SW : ENTER 0RQLWRU7HVWVFUHHQ Item Description (a) GRADATION PATTERN Displays a 16-step gradation pattern. (b) CROSSHATCH PATTERN Displays a crosshatch pattern. (c) FULL WHITE Displays all-white screen. (d) GAMMA ADJUST Displays the gamma adjustment screen. (See P. 37 “7-6-5 (1) GAMMA ADJUST.”) Flip the Select switch up or down and select an item to be changed. Press the Enter switch to display the test screen for the selected item. To return to the Monitor Test screen, press the Enter switch again. To return to the I/O Test screen, select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION *$00$$'-867 This screen is used to adjust the gamma values (color). Select “GAMMA ADJUST” in the Monitor Test screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 35 “7-6-5 Monitor adjustment (MONITOR TEST).”) The Gamma Adjust screen appears on the monitor. GAMMA ADUST [DEFAULT IN GREEN] R G B 1.00 0.93 9.99 (a) (b) (c) DEFAULT SAVE & EXIT EXIT SELECT SW : CHOOSE ENTER SW : ENTER *DPPD$GMXVWVFUHHQ Item Description (a) Gamma values Change the gamma value for each of R, G and B. Each value can be adjusted in a range of 0.00 to 1.00 in intervals of 0.01. (The value increments or decrements by 0.1 when the Select switch is kept in the raised or lowered position.) (b) DEFAULT Returns all gamma values to 1.00 (default setting). (c) SAVE & EXIT Saves the settings and returns to the Monitor Test screen. Flip the Select switch up or down to select an item. The selected item is indicated by blinking. Press the Enter switch to enter the selected item. Selecting and entering the item ERUFUHÀHFWVWKHVHWWLQJVGLVSOD\HGRQWKHVFUHHQ3URFHHGWR when (a) is selected. Proceed to when (b) is selected. When (c) is selected, the display returns to the Monitor Test screen.) Using the Select switch, adjust the gamma value. After changing the gamma values, press the Enter switch for selection of another item. To return to the Monitor Test screen, select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION This screen is used to set the sound level and left/right output levels, and to check the sound level (stereo check). Select “SOUND TEST” in the Menu screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 26 “7-6-1 Description of the menu screen (MENU).”) The Sound Test screen appears on the monitor. SOUND TEST [DEFAULT IN GREEN] VOLUME SURROUND GAME ATTRACT BGM & SE VOICE SOUND MODE BALANCE (0 15) (0 15) 100% 100% 2.1 CH -3dB MESSAGE GAME LEFT OUTPUT LEVEL 11 11 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f ) (g) EXIT SELECT SW:CHOOSE SERVICE SW: SPEAKER TEST ENTER SW:ENTER Sound Test screen Item Description Default setting (a) VOLUME GAME Set the general sound level in the game mode. 0 (no sound) to 15 (max.) 11 (b) VOLUME ATTRACT Set the general sound level in the Attract mode. 0 (no sound) to 15 (max.) 11 (c) BGM & SE Set the sound output level of the background music and sound effects. 0 (no sound) to 100% (max.), 10% steps 100% (d) VOICE Set the sound output level of the characters’ voices. 0 (no sound) to 100% (max.), 10% steps 100% (e) SOUND MODE 5.1 CH/2.1 CH/2 CH (This setting is not changed under normal conditions 2.1 CH FIX (5.1 ch) (f) SURROUND BALANCE (2.1 ch) (g) MESSAGE Indicates the location of the speaker that is currently producing sound and its sound level setting. * When the Service switch is pressed, the speakers start producing sound in the following order. When the Service switch is pressed with “VOLUME ATTRACT” selected, the speakers produce sound at the level set in “VOLUME ATTRACT.” If the Service switch is pressed when “VOLUME ATTRACT” is not selected, the speakers produce sound at the level set in “VOLUME GAME.” Flip the Select switch up or down and select an item to be changed. Press the Enter switch to enter the selection. After entering the selection, change the setting using the Select switch. To return to the Menu screen, select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION *DPHGDWDGLVSOD\LQLWLDOL]DWLRQ%22..((3,1* This screen is used to display various game data. Select “BOOKKEEPING” in the Menu screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 26 “7-6-1 Description of the menu screen (MENU).”) The Bookkeeping screen appears on the monitor. To change the page, select “NEXT” or “PREVIOUS” using the Select switch, and then press the Enter switch. Select “BOOKKEEPING INITIALIZE” and press the Enter switch. The screen shows “YES” and “NO.” Select “YES” and press the Enter switch to clear data to default. * Data can also be initialized by using “BACKUP MEMORY INITIALIZE” (see P. 40 “7-6-8. Initialization and others (OTHERS)”) in the Others screen. To return to the Menu screen, select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION ,QLWLDOL]DWLRQDQGRWKHUV27+(56 This screen is used to initialize bookkeeping data (BOOKKEEPING) and others. Select “OTHERS” in the Menu screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 26 “7-6-1 Description of the menu screen (MENU).”) The Others screen appears on the monitor. OTHERS [DEFAULT IN GREEN] ROM DSP100-2-NA-MPR0-BXX CLOCK 01/01/2010 FRI 08:11:24 S/N 76C0D0-9XXXXX SYSTEM SW Ver. 250.XXX CABINET TYPE SD LANGUAGE ENG ATTRACT CUT OFF RATING OFF HDD CHECK CLOCK SETTING BACKUP MEMORY INITIALIZE EXIT SELECT SW:CHOOSE (1) (2) (3) (4) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f ) ENTER SW:ENTER Others screen Item Description (1) ROM Shows the version of the program on the hard disk. (2) CLOCK Shows the internal clock time. (3) S/N Shows the software serial No. (Indicates “NO USB KEY” if the USB dongle is not installed.) (4) SYSTEM SW Shows the system software version. (a) LANGUAGE Shows the language setting. (“JPN” (Japanese)) (b) ATTRACT CUT This is used to set whether to display the Attract demo scenes. (c) RATING This is used to set the color of damage display (OFF: Red, ON: Green). (d) HDD CHECK This is used for checking the hard disk. (See P. 41 “7-6-8 (3) HDD CHECK.”) (e) CLOCK SETTING This is used to set the internal clock. (See. P. 42 “7-6-8 (3) CLOCK SETTING.”) (f) BACKUP MEMORY INITIALIZE This is used to initialize the backup memory. (YES: Initialize, NO: Abort) (See P. 42 “ 7-6-8 (2) BACK UP MEMORY INITIALIZE.”) Flip the Select switch up or down and select an item to be changed. Press the Enter switch to enter the selection. When (a), (b), (c) and (f) is selected, change the setting using the Select switch. When (d) is selected, the screen displays the information of the selected item. To return to the Menu screen, select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION This screen displays the HDD check result. Select HDD CHECK in the Others screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 40 7-6-8 Initialization and others (OTHERS). ) The HDD Check screen appears on the monitor. HDD CHECK MEDIA OK! (a) ENTER SW:EXIT Item (a) MEDIA OK! Description The installed hard disk is normal. If the above screen is not displayed, the hard disk or Rack Assy (SYS369) may be defective. Contact your distributor. To return to the Others screen, press the Enter switch. 41 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION %$&.830(025<,1,7,$/,=( This screen is used to initialize the backup memory. Select ´BACK UP MEMORY INITIALIZEµ in the Others screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 40 ´7-6-8 Initialization and others (OTHERS).µ) Using the Select switch, select an item. The selected item is indicated by blinking. Press the Enter switch to enter the selection. When ´BACK UP MEMORY INITIALIZEµ is selected and entered, the screen displays ´BACK UP MEMORY INITIALIZEµ and prompts for the input of ´YESµ or ´NO.µ Selecting ´YESµ starts the initialization process. When the initialization is ¿QLVKHGGDWDLQWKHPHPRU\UHWXUQWRGHIDXOW Select ´BACK UP MEMORY INITIALIZE.µ BACK UP MEMORY INITIALIZE? NO YES Select ´YES.µ BACK UP MEMORY INITIALIZE OK To return to the Menu screen, select ´EXITµ and press the Enter switch. &/2&.6(77,1* This screen is used to set the internal clock. Select ´CLOCK SETTINGµ in the Others screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 40 ´7-6-8 Initialization and others (OTHERS).µ) The Clock Setting screen appears on the monitor. CLOCK SETTING CLOCK YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE '04/01/2010 THU 19:28:56 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 10 +2000 04 01 19 03 (f ) SET EXIT SELECT SW:CHOOSE &ORFN6HWWLQJVFUHHQ ENTER SW:ENTER To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION Item Description (a) YEAR Setting of the year (00 to 99) (b) MONTH Setting of the month (01 to 12) (c) DAY Setting of the day (01 to 31) (d) HOUR Setting of the hour (00 to 23) (e) MINUTE Setting of the minute (00 to 59) (f) SET Enter the clock settings. The values (1) through (e) are set in the internal clock. Using the Select switch, select an item. The selected item is indicated by blinking. Press the Enter switch to enter the selection. After selecting an item, change the setting using the Select switch. After changing the setting, press the Enter switch for selection of another item. After changing the items (a) through (e), select ´SETµ and press the Enter switch to enter the settings in the internal clock. The clock starts from the set date/time at 00 second. Select ´EXITµ and press the Enter switch to return to the Menu screen. Set the Test switch to OFF to return to the game screen, and then check to make sure that the clock displays the correct date/time. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION 7-6-9 Software update This screen is used to update the software (not used under normal conditions). Select ´SOFTWARE UPDATEµ in the Menu screen and press the Enter switch. (See P. 26 ´7-6-1 Description of the menu screen (MENU).µ) The Software Update screen appears on the monitor SOFTWARE UPDATE UPDATE EXIT SELECT SW:CHOOSE ENTER SW:ENTER Software Update screen To return to the Menu screen, select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch. 44 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION (UURUGLVSOD\IRUWKHDUFDGHRSHUDWRU z The following shows items to be checked by the arcade operator. z If the same error indication remains after the appropriate countermeasure has been taken, set the Test switch to ON and then to OFF to cancel the error indication. Error indication &DXVH Remedy BATTERY02 ERROR The Rack Assy PCB is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. NOT CONNECT I/O-PCB The USIO PC Board or its harness is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. The USIO PC Board is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. The data in the backup memory is damaged. Initialize the backup memory. (See P. 64 ´7-7-10 Initialization and others (OTHERS).µ FIRMWARE ERROR The USIO PC Board is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. MEMORY ERROR The USIO PC Board is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. SYSTEM ERROR 01 The Rack Assy PCB is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. SYSTEM ERROR 02 The Rack Assy PCB or hard disk is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. SYSTEM ERROR 03 The Rack Assy PCB or hard disk is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. SYSTEM ERROR 04 The Rack Assy PCB or hard disk is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. The USB dongle is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. A wrong USB dongle is installed. Request a technician to correct the problem. The USB dongle is not installed. Request a technician to correct the problem. The USB dongle is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. The Rack Assy PCB is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. COIN ERROR1 The coin selector or its harness is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. COIN ERROR2 The Service switch or its harness is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. This error is indicated during a game play activated with the Service switch. It is normal if the error is displayed during a game play activated with the Service switch. The Service switch or its harness is defective. Request a technician to correct the problem. BACKUP MEMORY ERROR USB-KEY ERROR(INVALID KEY) USB-KEY ERROR(NO KEY) USB-KEY ERROR(IO ERROR) SERVICE PLAY (indicated at the Credit display location) To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION Error indication ERROR 55 46 &DXVH Remedy The data in the machine is damaged. Contact your distributor. USB dongle of a different machine unit is installed. Request a technician to correct the problem. To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 7. OPERATION *XQ$VV\DGMXVWPHQWLQLWLDOL]DWLRQDIWHUSDUWVUHSODFHPHQW z %H VXUH WR LQLWLDOL]H WKH *XQ$VV\V DIWHU UHSODFLQJ WKH 5DFN$VV\ 6<6 86,2 3& %RDUG RU *XQ$VV\ RU DIWHU LQLWLDOL]LQJ WKH EDFNXS GDWD,IWKH*XQ$VV\VDUHQRWLQLWLDOL]HGWKHJDPHPDFKLQHZLOOQRWRSerate properly. z $IWHULQLWLDOL]LQJWKH*XQ$VV\VPDNHVXUHWKDWWKHJXQVRSHUDWHSURSHUO\E\FRQGXFWLQJWKHVZLWFKWHVWVHH3´*817(67µ ,QLWLDOL]LQJWKHYROXPHVLQWKH*XQ$VV\V Initialize (calibration) the Gun Assys by referring to “7-6-4 (4) GUN CALIBRATION” on page 33. 47 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8. MANUAL FOR THE TECHNICIAN – To be conducted by a technician only – NOTE!: GAME MUST BE ASSEMBLED IN IT'S FINAL PLAYZONE. 8A. Assembly and Setup – To be conducted by a technician only – 8A-1 Assembly – To be conducted by a technician only – 8A-1-1 Assembling Monitor Assy and Control Assy Remove the four Torx bolts (M5 x 30) and remove a wood panel from Control Assy. This panel is used for shipping only. A wood panel for shipping Torx bolts (M5 x 30) Control Assy Connect Monitor Assy with Control Assy. Install MC Bottom Joint Brackets using two Torx bolts (M6 x 30) into the Monitor Assy bottom on the left and right sides. Monitor Assy Torx bolts (M6 x 30) 48 MC Bottom Joint Bracket To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8A. MANUAL FOR THE TECHNICIAN – To be conducted by a technician only – Connect each of the 3 connectors and install USB cable into USIO PC Board. Then install MC Bottom Joint Bracket using two Torx bolts (M6 x 30) into Control Assy. Be careful not to pinch the connectors or cables. Connector MC Bottom Joint Bracket Monitor Assy Control Assy USB Cable Connectors To install USB cable, using the provided maintenance key, unlock the rack door, remove the two Torx bolts (M5 x 25), and then remove the Maintenance door. Control Assy Provided maintenance key Torx bolts (M5 x 25) Maintenance door Install USB cable into USIO PCB. USIO PCB Gun Drive PCB USB cable 49 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8A. MANUAL FOR THE TECHNICIAN – To be conducted by a technician only – Using four Torx bolts (M5 x 30), connect Top Joint Bracket with Control Assy. Then, install MC Side Joint bracket using 8 Trox bolts (M5 x 10) on each side. Monitor Assy Control Assy Top Joint Bracket Torx bolt (M5 x 30) MC Side Joint Bracket Torx bolt (M5 x 10) 8A-1-2 Assembling Seat Assy Connect both of the two connectors. Control Assy Seat Assy Connectors 50 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8A. MANUAL FOR THE TECHNICIAN – To be conducted by a technician only – Connect Seat Assy with Control Assy. Be careful not to pinch the connectors and Floor mat. Install CS Botom Joint Bracket using Torx bolts(M6 x 30) on each side. Floor mat CS Bottom Joint Bracket Torx bolts (M6 x 30) Install Floor Mat Bracket using Four Torx bolts (M5 x 25). Floor Mat Bracket Torx bolts (M5 x 25) 51 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8A. MANUAL FOR THE TECHNICIAN – To be conducted by a technician only – 8A-1-3 Assembling Roof Assy Install Roof Assy using 8 Torx bolts (M5 x 30). Control Assy Roof Assy Seat Assy Torx Bolts(M5 x 30) 8A-1-4 Assembling Marquee Assy For the installation of the Marquee Assy, two persons should hold both ends of the Marquee Assy and engage it with the hooks on the Seat Assy. Marquee Assy Seat Assy Hook 52 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8A. MANUAL FOR THE TECHNICIAN – To be conducted by a technician only – Install the Marquee Assy securely using three Torx bolts (M5 x 60). Marquee Assy Torx bolts (M5 x 60) Seat Assy Loosen the bottom Torx bolt (M5 x 15) and remove the top Torx bolt, and dismount the cover plate. Torx bolt (M5 x 15) Connetor Cover Torx bolt (M5 x 15) (Loosen) Seat Assy 53 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8A. MANUAL FOR THE TECHNICIAN – To be conducted by a technician only – Connect the one connector. Connector Install the Connector cover that was removed in step removal sequence in reverse. by following the Insert the flag into the hole at the top of the Marquee Assy and install one Phillips pan-head screw (M4 x 10). Flag Marquee Assy Phillips pan-head screw (M4 x 10) 54 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8A. MANUAL FOR THE TECHNICIAN – To be conducted by a technician only – 8A-1-5 Assembling Side body(L) and Side body(R) Install the Side body (L) and Side body (R) using five Torx bolts (M 5 x 25) on each side. Grab handle Side body (R) Torx bolt (M5 x 25) 8A-1-6 Adjusting level adjusters Lower the level adjusters until the casters are lifted about 0.2" from the floor, then turn the lock nuts all the way to lock the level adjusters. Lock nut Lock nut Caster Approx. 5 mm Level adjuster 55 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8A. MANUAL FOR THE TECHNICIAN – To be conducted by a technician only – 8A-1-7 Connecting the power cord and ground lead z Connect the ground lead using one of the following methods. If the machine is not grounded properly, electric shock can occur in case of electrical leakage. Insert the connector of the power cord to the power input section located on the lower rear side of the Monitor Assy. Back side of Monitor Assy ON OFF Power switch Insert the power cord plug into an AC outlet. 3P AC socket Power cord plug 56 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury, always turn off the power switch before conducting maintenance (troubleshooting, repair, etc.). z Some monitor sections remain hot or charged with high voltage even after the power switch is turned off. Do not touch the monitor unnecessarily in order to prevent electric shock and burns. 8B-1 Inspection and maintenance z Conduct maintenance periodically. Failure to conduct periodic maintenance may result in unexpected accidents. 8B-1-1 Inspection items Check the following inspection items regularly. (1) Inspection of level adjusters 0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHPDFKLQHLVLQVWDOOHGVWDEO\6HH3³$$GMXVWLQJOHYHO adjusters.”) (2) Inspection of power cord plug 0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHSRZHUFRUGLVFRQQHFWHG¿UPO\WRWKHFRUGER[VHFWLRQRIWKH PDFKLQHDQGWKH$&RXWOHW ,IWKHFRQQHFWRUVHFWLRQVDUHGXVW\FOHDQWKHP &KHFNWKHSRZHUFRUGIRUFUDFNVDQGGLUW\VKHDWK,IWKHUHLVDQ\DEQRUPDOLW\LQ WKHSRZHUFRUGUHSODFHLWZLWKDQHZFRUG (3) Inspection of fasteners for tightness &KHFNWKHIROORZLQJVFUHZVDQGEROWVIRUWLJKWQHVV,IDQ\RIWKHPDUHORRVHWLJKWHQ ¿UPO\ *XQ$VV\UHWDLQLQJEROWV6HH3³%5HSODFLQJDQGLQVWDOOLQJWKH*XQ $VV\´ :KHHOUHWDLQLQJEROWV6HH3³%5HPRYLQJDQGLQVWDOOLQJWKH:KHHO $VV\´ 0DUTXHH$VV\UHWDLQLQJEROWV6HH3³$$VVHPEOLQJWKH0DUTXHH$VV\´ 2WKHUV 57 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 8B-2 Troubleshooting To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. If the generated problem symptom does not apply to any of the descriptions in Sections 8B-2-1 through 8B-2-6 or if the corrective action taken does not result in an improvement, turn off the power switch immediately to stop the machine operation, then contact your distributor. Operating the machine without correcting problems can result in an unexpected accident. In the event a machine malfunctions, check to make sure that all connectors are connected securely. If there is a problem in the Rack Assy (SYS369), Bass Amp PC Board, USIO PC Board or Gun Drive PC Board, the faulty parts must be repaired by our company. Never use a tester to conduct a continuity test. Internal voltage of a tester can damage ICs. When sending parts for repair, pack them carefully. When sending the Rack Assy (SYS369), Bass Amp PC Board, USIO PC Board or Gun Drive PC Board, cover it completely with sponge or bubble wrap and place it in a corrugated cardboard box to protect it against external impact. 58 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 8B-2-1 General Before conducting troubleshooting, make sure that all connectors are Symptom The machine does not start up. Main cause The Rack Assy (SYS369) connector is disconnected. Remedy Page Connect the connector securely. The Rack Assy (SYS369) is defective. — Disconnect large power consuming The machine operation is unstable, or malfunctions. The power supply voltage is outside the range of 115 to 125 (225 to 235) VAC. — power supply voltage. The machine turns off in the middle of operation. The circuit protector was activated and turned off the power switch. * The circuit protector is designed to cut off the power supply when Turn on the power switch again. If the circuit protector is activated — 59 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 8B-2-2 Monitor Assy Symptom Main cause Remedy Page The sound level is set very low. There is no sound from the speakers. The Rack Assy (SYS369) connector is disconnected. Connect the connector securely. The Bass Amp PC Board is defective. The Rack Assy (SYS369) is defective. — The connector is disconnected. The monitor does not display images. The monitor displays a The monitor is defective. The Rack Assy (SYS369) is defective. The Rack Assy (SYS369) generated a startup error. — on the power switch again. Disconnect large power consuming malfunction occurs. The power supply voltage is outside the range of 115 to 125 (225 to 235) VAC. — power supply voltage. 60 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 8B-2-3 Gun Assy Symptom Main cause Page Initialize the potentiometer. initialized. The gun does not function. Remedy The connector is disconnected. Connect the connector securely. The potentiometer is installed incorrectly. Install the potentiometer correctly. The potentiometer is defective. The trigger does not function. The connector is disconnected. Connect the connector securely. The microswitch in the gun is defective. The connector is disconnected. Connect the connector securely. function. defective. 8B-2-4 Wheel Assy Symptom The wheel does not function. Main cause The connector is disconnected. Remedy Page Connect the connector securely. The photosensor (for wheel) is defective. 8B-2-5 Seat Assy Symptom Main cause Remedy Page The sound level is set very low. There is no sound from the speakers. The Rack Assy (SYS369) connector is disconnected. Connect the connector securely. The Bass Amp PC Board is defective. The Rack Assy (SYS369) is defective. — 8B-2-6 Marquee Assy Symptom Main cause The connector is disconnected. not light. out. Remedy Page Connect the connector securely. 61 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 8B-3 Error display (for the technician) z If the error indication remains after the appropriate countermeasure has been taken, set the Test switch to ON and then to OFF to cancel the error indication. Displayed error indication %$77(5<(5525 127&211(&7,23&% %$&.830(025< (5525 Remedy Page 5HSODFHWKH5DFN$VV\ 3DJH 7KH86,23&%RDUGLVGHIHFWLYH 5HSODFHWKH86,23&%RDUG 3DJH 7KH86%FDEOHLVGLVFRQQHFWHG &RQQHFWWKH86%FDEOHVHFXUHO\ 3DJH 3DJH 7KH86,23&%RDUGLVGHIHFWLYH 5HSODFHWKH86,23&%RDUG 3DJH 7KHGDWDLQWKHEDFNXSPHPRU\LV ,QLWLDOL]HWKHEDFNXSPHPRU\ damaged. 3DJH ),50:$5((5525 7KH86,23&%RDUGLVGHIHFWLYH 5HSODFHWKH86,23&%RDUG 3DJH 0(025<(5525 7KH86,23&%RDUGLVGHIHFWLYH 5HSODFHWKH86,23&%RDUG 3DJH 6<67(0(5525 7KH5DFN$VV\3&%LVGHIHFWLYH 5HSODFHWKH5DFN$VV\ 3DJH 6<67(0(5525 7KH5DFN$VV\3&%RUKDUGGLVN is defective. 5HSODFHWKH5DFN$VV\ 3DJH 6<67(0(5525 7KH5DFN$VV\3&%RUKDUGGLVN is defective. 5HSODFHWKH5DFN$VV\ 3DJH 6<67(0(5525 7KH5DFN$VV\3&%RUKDUGGLVN is defective. 5HSODFHWKH5DFN$VV\ 3DJH 86%.(< (5525,19$/,'.(< $ZURQJ86%GRQJOHLVLQVWDOOHG ,QVWDOOWKH86%GRQJOHIRU'HDG 6WRUP3LUDWHV 3DJH 86%.(<(552512 .(< 7KH86%GRQJOHLVQRWLQVWDOOHG ,QVWDOOWKH86%GRQJOHIRU'HDG 6WRUP3LUDWHV 3DJH 7KH86%GRQJOHLVGHIHFWLYH 5HSODFHWKH86%GRQJOH 3DJH 7KH5DFN$VV\LVGHIHFWLYH 5HSODFHWKH5DFN$VV\ 3DJH The coin mech is defective. 5HSODFHWKHFRLQPHFK — The coin selector harness is defective. &RQWDFW\RXUGLVWULEXWRU — 7KH6HUYLFHVZLWFKRULWVKDUQHVV is defective. &RQWDFW\RXUGLVWULEXWRU — This error is indicated during a game play activated with the 6HUYLFHVZLWFK It is normal if the error is displayed during a game play activated with WKH6HUYLFHVZLWFK — 7KH6HUYLFHVZLWFKRULWVKDUQHVV is defective. &RQWDFW\RXUGLVWULEXWRU — 86%GRQJOHRIDGLIIHUHQWJDPH machine unit is installed Turn off the power switch. 5HSODFHWKHFXUUHQWO\LQVWDOOHG 86%GRQJOHZLWKWKHRQHWKDWZDV mounted on the machine when the machine was initially started IRUJDPHSOD\WKHQWXUQRQWKH power switch. 86%.(<(5525,2 (5525 &2,1(5525 &2,1(5525 6(59,&(3/$< (indicated at the Credit display location) (5525 62 Cause 7KH5DFN$VV\3&%LVGHIHFWLYH 3DJH To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 8B-4 Removing and installing Assys and parts 8B-4-1 Front Assy (1) Replacing the Rack Assy z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. z The PC board can be easily damaged by static electricity. If the PC board is handled by a person charged with static electricity, parts mounted on the PC board can become damaged. Before touching the PC board, be sure to discharge static electricity from your body by touching grounded metal. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH3³3RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 8VLQJWKHSURYLGHGPDLQWHQDQFHNH\XQORFNWKHUDFNGRRUUHPRYHWKHWZR7RU[ EROWV0[DQGWKHQUHPRYHWKH0DLQWHQDQFHGRRU Maintenance doo Provided maintenance key Control Assy Torx bolts (M5 x 25) 5HPRYHWKHFRUGFOLSDQGGLVFRQQHFWWKHIRXUFRQQHFWRUVDQGRQHSRZHUFRUG Power cord Connectors Rack Assy Cord clip Inside the Monitor Assy 63 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 5HPRYHWKHWZR3KLOOLSVKH[DJRQKHDGEROWVZLWKÀDWDQGVSULQJZDVKHUV0[ DQGUHPRYHWKHUDFNEDVH Rack Assy Rack board Phillips hexagon-head bolts (with flat and spring washers) (M5 x 45) /RRVHQ WKH WKUHH FRXQWHUVXQN ZDVKHU QXWV 0 LQ WKH EDFN UHPRYH WKH WKUHH FRXQWHUVXQNZDVKHUQXWV0LQWKHIURQWDQGWKHQUHPRYHWKH5DFN$VV\ USB Assy Countersunk washer nuts (M6) (loosen) USB dongle Countersunk washer nuts (M6) (remove) 5HPRYHWKH86%GRQJOHDQGUHSODFHWKH5DFN$VV\ 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH z During the installation, check the direction of each connector and insert WKHFRQQHFWRUVÀUPO\XQWLOWKH\ORFNVHFXUHO\LQWRSODFH z During the installation, be careful not to pinch the connectors or harnesses. z After the replacement, be sure to perform initialization. (See P. 47 “7-8 Gun Assy adjustment (initialization) after parts replacement.”) 64 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – (2) Replacing the power supplies To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. The PC board can be easily damaged by static electricity. If the PC board is handled by a person charged with static electricity, parts mounted on the PC board can become damaged. Before touching the PC board, be sure to discharge static electricity from your body by touching grounded metal. the switch.”) Maintenance panel B Back side of Monitor Assy Torx bolts (M5 x 25) Torx bolts (M5 x 25)(loosen) Phillips pan-head screws (M4 x 15) Power supply (12V) Terminals Power supply (5V/12V) Phillips pan-head screws (M4 x 15) 65 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – (3) Replacing the Bass Amp PC Board To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. The PC board can be easily damaged by static electricity. If the PC board is handled by a person charged with static electricity, parts mounted on the PC board can become damaged. Before touching the PC board, be sure to discharge static electricity from your body by touching grounded metal. the switch.”) supply.”) Disconnect the four connectors. Connectors Bass Amp PCB Phillips pan-head screws (M3 x 10) 66 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – (4) Replacing the LCD monitor To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. Some sections on the LCD monitor remain hot or charged with high voltage even after the power switch is turned off. In order to prevent burns, conduct the de- The LCD monitor weighs approximately 88 lbs.. It should be removed by two or more persons in a large work area to prevent accidents. The PC board can be easily damaged by static electricity. If the PC board is handled by a person charged with static electricity, parts mounted on the PC board can become damaged. Before touching the PC board, be sure to discharge static electricity from your body by touching grounded metal. the switch.”) Torx bolts (M5 x 25) Monitor Cover Torx bolts (M5 x 25) 67 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – Torx bolts (M5 x 25) Back side of Monitor Assy Power cord Connector Maintenance panel A LCD monitor (back side) Torx bolts (M5 x 25) (loosen) Phillips hexagon-head bolts (M6 x 25) (loosen) LCD monitor Phillips hexagon-head bolts (M6 x 25) LCD monitor Place the removed LCD monitor on bubble wrap or similar material to prevent scratching the monitor surface. 68 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 5HPRYHWKHIRXU3KLOOLSVSDQKHDGVFUHZVZLWKÀDWDQGVSULQJZDVKHUV0[ IURPHDFKRIWKHWRSDQGERWWRPVLGHVDQGUHPRYHWKH/&'WRSEUDFNHWDQG /&'ERWWRPEUDFNHW Phillips pan-head screw (with flat and spring washers) (M4 x 10) LCD top bracket( with the key holes) LCD monitor LCD bottom bracket Phillips pan-head screw (with flat and spring washers) (M4 x 10) 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH %HVXUHWRLQVWDOOWKH/&'WRSEUDFNHWDQG/&'ERWWRPEUDFNHWLQWKHFRUUHFW SRVLWLRQV 7KH /&' ERWWRP EUDFNHW PXVW EH LQVWDOOHG LQ WKH VLGH ZKHUH WKH FRQQHFWRU WHUPLQDO LV$QG WKH /&' PRQLWRU VKRXOG EH PRXQWHG VR WKDW WKH FRQQHFWRUWHUPLQDORIWKHEDFNVLGHLVLQGRZQZDUGGLUHFWLRQ 69 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 8B-4-2 Control Assy (1) Replacing the USIO PC Board z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. z The PC board can be easily damaged by static electricity. If the PC board is handled by a person charged with static electricity, parts mounted on the PC board can become damaged. Before touching the PC board, be sure to discharge static electricity from your body by touching a grounded metal. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 5HPRYHWKH0DLQWHQDQFHGRRU6HH3$$VVHPEOLQJ0RQLWRU$VV\DQG &RQWURO$VV\´ 'LVFRQQHFWWKHWKUHHFRQQHFWRUVDQGRQH86%FRQQHFWRU Connectors Phillips pan-head screws (M3 x 10) USIO PC Board USB connector Control Assy (Front side) 5HPRYHWKH¿YH3KLOOLSVSDQKHDGVFUHZV0[DQGUHSODFHWKH86,23& %RDUG 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH z After the replacement, be sure to perform initialization. (See P. 47 “7-8 Gun Assy adjustment (initialization) after parts replacement.”) 70 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – (2) Replacing the Gun Drive PC Board z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. z The PC board can be easily damaged by static electricity. If the PC board is handled by a person charged with static electricity, parts mounted on the PC board can become damaged. Before touching the PC board, be sure to discharge static electricity from your body by touching a grounded metal. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 5HPRYHWKH0DLQWHQDQFHGRRU6HH3$$VVHPEOLQJ0RQLWRU$VV\DQG &RQWURO$VV\´ Disconnect the three connectors. Gun Drive PC Board Phillips pan-head screws (M3 x 10) Connectors Control Assy (Front side) 5HPRYHWKHIRXU3KLOOLSVSDQKHDGVFUHZV0[DQGUHSODFHWKH*XQ'ULYH 3&%RDUG 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH 71 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 8B-4-3 Gun Assy (1) Replacing and installing the Gun Assy z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 5HPRYHIRXU7RU[EROWV0[DQGUHPRYHWKH&RQWUROFRYHU Control Assy Torx bolts (M5 x 25) Control cover Disconnect the connector and the ground terminal. Connector 72 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 5HPRYHWKHIRXU7RU[EROWV0[RIWKHXSSHUVXUIDFHDQGWKHIRXU)ODQJH VRFNHWEROWV0[RIWKHVLGH7KHQUHSODFHWKH*XQ$VV\ Gun Assy Torx bolts (M6 x 30) Flange socket bolts (M6 x 15) 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH z During the installation, check the direction of each connector and insert WKHFRQQHFWRUVÀUPO\XQWLOWKH\ORFNVHFXUHO\LQWRSODFH z During the installation, be careful not to pinch the connectors or harnesses. z After the replacement, be sure to perform initialization. (See P. 47 “7-8 Gun Assy adjustment (initialization) after parts replacement.”) 73 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – (2) Replacing the volume (for left-right) z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 5HPRYHWKH*XQ$VV\6HH3%5HSODFLQJDQGLQVWDOOLQJWKH*XQ $VV\´ 5HPRYHWKHIRXU)ODQJHVRFNHWEROWV0;DQGUHPRYHWKH*XQEDVHER[ Flange socket bolts(M6 x15) Gun base box /RRVHQWKHFRUGFOLSDQGGLVFRQQHFWWKHFRQQHFWRU7KHQUHPRYHWKHWZR3KLOOLSV SDQKHDG VFUHZV ZLWK IODW DQG VSULQJ ZDVKHUV 0 [ DQG UHPRYH WKH SRWHQWLRPHWHUEUDFNHW Gun Assy Phillips pan-head screw (with flat and spring washers) (M4 x 15) 74 Connector Volume bracket To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – /RRVHQWKHGRXEOHSRLQWVFUHZ0[DQGUHPRYHWKHSRWHQWLRPHWHUJHDU :KHQLQVWDOOLQJWKHSRWHQWLRPHWHUJHDUDOLJQWKHEODFNGRWRQWKHSRWHQWLRPHWHU gear with the terminal connected with the red harness of the potentiometer. Potentiometer Potentiometer Double-point screw (M4 x 6) 3 2 1 Black dot Brown Red Orange Potentiometer gear 5HPRYHWKHKH[DJRQQXWVSULQJZDVKHUDQGÀDWZDVKHUDQGWKHQUHPRYHWKH SRWHQWLRPHWHUIURPWKHSRWHQWLRPHWHUEUDFNHW 3URWUXVLRQ 3RWHQWLRPHWHU )ODWZDVKHU 6SULQJZDVKHU 3RWHQWLRPHWHUEUDFNHW +H[DJRQQXW 'RQRWRYHUWLJKWH 5HSODFHWKHSRWHQWLRPHWHU z The potentiometer (for up-down) is the same in external appearance. Before replacing, check the harness colors. 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH 75 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – z Do not let the harness get caught between the gears. * Do not let the harness get caught between the gears. z :KHQLQVWDOOLQJWKHSRWHQWLRPHWHUDOLJQWKHÁDWVHFWLRQRQWKHSRWHQWLometer shaft with the position of the double-point screw. Flat section on Potentiometer shaft Double-point screw z After the replacement, be sure to perform initialization. (See P. 47 “7-8 Gun Assy adjustment (initialization) after parts replacement.”) 76 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – (3) Replacing the potentiometer (for up-down) z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 5HPRYHWKHVZLWFKEH]HO6HH3³%5HSODFLQJWKHLOOXPLQDWHGVZLWFK /('ODPSLQWKH6WDUWEXWWRQ´ and .) 5HPRYHWKHQLQHEXWWRQKHDGEROWV0[DQGUHPRYHWKHJXQFRYHU Gun cover Button-head bolts (M4 x 10 Button-head bolts (M4 x 10) 'LVFRQQHFWWKHFRQQHFWRUDQGUHPRYHWKHRQHGRXEOHSRLQWVFUHZ0[DQG WKHQUHPRYHWKHSRWHQWLRPHWHUWRJHWKHUZLWKWKHSRWHQWLRPHWHUEUDFNHW Double-point screw (M4 x 8) Connector Potentiometer Potentiometer bracket Protrusion Hole 77 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – Potentiometer 3 2 1 Green Blue Purple top. The potentiometer (for left-right) is the same in external appearance. Before replacing, check the harness colors. ometer shaft with the position of the double-point screw. - Flat section on Potentiometer shaft Double-point screw After the replacement, be sure to perform initialization. (See P. 47 “7-8 Gun Assy adjustment (initialization) after parts replacement.”) 78 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – (4) Replacing the microswitch z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 5HPRYH WKH WZR 3KLOOLSV SDQKHDG VFUHZV ZLWK IODW ZDVKHU 0 [ WZR FDSQXWV0DQGRQH3KLOOLSVSDQKHDGVFUHZZLWKÀDWZDVKHU0[DQG UHPRYHWKHOHYHUJULS$ Phillips pan-head screw (with flat washer) (M4 x 6) Lever grip B Lever grip A Cap nuts (M4) Phillips pan-head screws (with flat washer) (M4 x 20) z Be careful not to lose the button cover that is attached to the upper section of the lever grip. 5HPRYHWKHWZRVSHFLDO3KLOOLSVSDQKHDGVFUHZV0[ %XWWRQFRYHr %HFDUHIXOQRWWRGURS WKHEXWWRQFRYHUZKHQ dismounting the lever grip. Trigger spring Trigger 6SHFLDO3KLOOLSV SDQKHDGVFUHZV 0[ 0LFURVZLWFK Connector 79 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 'LVFRQQHFWWKHFRQQHFWRUDQGWKHQUHPRYHDQGUHSODFHWKHPLFURVZLWFK z During the installation, check the direction of each connector and insert WKHFRQQHFWRUVÀUPO\XQWLOWKH\ORFNVHFXUHO\LQWRSODFH z During the installation, be careful not to pinch the connectors or harnesses. 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH z After the replacement, be sure to check switch operation in the Test mode. (See P. 31 “7-6-4 (2) SWITCH TEST.”) (5) Replacing the trigger and spring z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 'LVDVVHPEOHWKHOHYHUJULS6HH3$5HSODFLQJWKHPLFURVZLWFK´ and .) ,IWKHWULJJHURUVSULQJLVGHIHFWLYHUHSODFHLW z Install the spring as shown in the diagram, and make sure that the spring rests securely on the trigger and lever grip B. Spring Position the spring against these sections. Trigger Lever grip B 7R LQVWDOO IROORZ WKH UHPRYDO VHTXHQFH LQ UHYHUVH 6HH 3 $ 5HSODFLQJWKHPLFURVZLWFK´ and .) 80 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – (6) Replacing the illuminated switch/LED lamp in the Start button z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 5HPRYHWKHIRXUEXWWRQKHDGEROWV0[DQGUHPRYHWKHVZLWFKEH]HO Button-head bolt (M4 x 10) Switch bezel Connector Disconnect the connector. 7XUQWKHLOOXPLQDWHGVZLWFKDQGUHPRYHLWIURPWKHVZLWFKEH]HO Illuminated switch 81 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 5HPRYHWKH/('ODPSIURPWKHLOOXPLQDWHGVZLWFKDQGUHSODFHWKHGHIHFWLYHSDUW 1RWH WKDW WKH /(' ODPS KDV SRODULWLHV %H VXUH WR FKHFN WKH SRODULWLHV ZKHQ UHSODFLQJWKH/('ODPS LED lamp Illuminated switch 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH z After the replacement, be sure to check switch operation in the Test mode. (See P. 31 “7-6-4 (2) SWITCH TEST” and P. 35 “7-6-4 (6) OUTPUT TEST.”) 82 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – (7) Replacing the vibration unit z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 5HPRYHWKH6WDUWEXWWRQDQGVZLWFKEH]HO6HH3³%5HSODFLQJWKH LOOXPLQDWHGVZLWFK/('ODPSLQWKH6WDUWEXWWRQ´ and .) 5HPRYH WKH JXQ FRYHU 6HH 3 % 5HSODFLQJ WKH YROXPH IRU XS down)” .) 5HPRYHWKHFRUGFOLSDQGGLVFRQQHFWWKHFRQQHFWRU Phillips pan-head screws (with flat and spring washers) (M4 x 8) * Note the bolt length. Vibration unit Cord clip Connector Phillips pan-head screws (with flat and spring washers) (M4 x 12) * Note the bolt length. 5HPRYHWKHWZR3KLOOLSVSDQKHDGVFUHZVZLWKÀDWDQGVSULQJZDVKHUV0[ DQGWZR3KLOOLSVSDQKHDGVFUHZVZLWKÀDWDQGVSULQJZDVKHUV0[DQG WKHQUHPRYHWKHYLEUDWLRQXQLW 83 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 5HPRYHWKHWZR3KLOOLSVSDQKHDGVFUHZVZLWKÀDWDQGVSULQJZDVKHUV0[ DQGUHPRYHWKHVWRSSHUEUDFNHW Phillips pan-head screw (with flat and spring washers) (M4 x 12) Stopper bracket /RRVHQ WKH WZR GRXEOHSRLQW VFUHZV 0 [ XVLQJ DQ$OOHQ ZUHQFK DQG remove the crank. Crank Double-point screws (M5 x 10) Phillips pan-head screw (with flat and spring washers) (M4 x 8) Vibration unit Disconnect the connector. 5HPRYHWKHWKUHH3KLOOLSVSDQKHDGVFUHZVZLWKÀDWDQGVSULQJZDVKHUV0[ DQGUHPRYHWKHYLEUDWLRQXQLW 5HSODFHWKHYLEUDWLRQXQLW 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH 84 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – z :KHQLQVWDOOLQJWKHYLEUDWLRQXQLWDOLJQWKHÁDWVHFWLRQVORFDWLRQVRQ the vibration unit shaft with the positions of the double-point screws. Flat section on Potentiometer shaft Double-point screw z During the installation, be careful not to pinch the connectors or harnesses. z After the replacement, be sure to check the vibration unit for proper operation in the Test mode. (See P. 35 “7-6-4 (6) OUTPUT TEST.”) 85 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – (8) Replacing the gun harness 3d z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 5HPRYHWKH*XQ$VV\6HH3%5HSODFLQJDQGLQVWDOOLQJWKH*XQ $VV\´ 'LVFRQQHFWWKHWZRFRQQHFWRUVDQGRQH*URXQGWHUPLQDO Ground terminal Connectors 5HPRYHWKH*XQFRYHU6HH3³%5HSODFLQJWKHYLEUDWLRQXQLW´ and .) 5HPRYHWKHIRXU3KLOOLSVSDQKHDGVFUHZVZLWKÀDWDQGVSULQJZDVKHUV0[ DQGUHPRYHWKHVZLWFKEDVH Switch base Phillips pan-head screw (with flat and spring washers) (M4 x 12) Ground terminal 86 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – Disconnect the three connectors of the gun harness 3d and remove the four cord FOLSV5HPRYHWKH3KLOOLSVSDQKHDGVFUHZ0[DQGRQHFRUGFOLS When bundling and securing the wires, attach the cord clip at the location shown in the diagram. Phillips pan-head screw (with flat and spring washers) (M4 x 12) Illuminated switch Cord clip Cord clip Connectors Connectors Gun harness 3d Cord clip Cord clip 3XOORXWWKHJXQKDUQHVVG Gun harness 3d 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH 87 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – (9) Replacing the gun harness 5 z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 5HPRYH WKH JXQ FRYHU 6HH 3 % 5HSODFLQJ WKH YROXPH IRU XS down)” .) 'LVFRQQHFW WKH WZR FRQQHFWRUV DQG GHWDFK WKH FRUG FOLS DQG WKHQ UHPRYH WKH JXQKDUQHVV Cord clip Gun harness 5 Connectors 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH 88 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 8B-4-4 Wheel Assy (1) Removing and installing the Wheel Assy z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 5HPRYHWKHVL[7RU[EROWV0[DQGUHPRYHWKHZKHHOFRYHU Torx bolt (M5 x 12) Wheel cover Torx bolt (M5 x 12) 'LVFRQQHFWWKHFRQQHFWRUDQGUHPRYHWKHIRXUÀDQJHVRFNHWEROWV0[DQG UHPRYHWKH:KHHO$VV\ :KHQ UHPRYLQJ WKH ÀDQJHVRFNHW EROWV 0 [ VXSSRUW WKH ZKHHO VHFWLRQ VLQFHWKH:KHHO$VV\FDQORVHEDODQFHGXHWRWKHZHLJKWRIWKHZKHHO Flange-socket bolt (M8 x 12) Wheel Assy Connector 89 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH z During the installation, check the direction of each connector and insert WKHFRQQHFWRUVÀUPO\XQWLOWKH\ORFNVHFXUHO\LQWRSODFH z During the installation, be careful not to pinch the connectors or harnesses. (2) Replacing the photosensor (for wheel) z To protect the service staff and other people from electric shock, accident and injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 5HPRYH WKH ZKHHO FRYHU 6HH 3 ³% 5HPRYLQJ DQG LQVWDOOLQJ WKH :KHHO$VV\´ .) 5HPRYHWKHWZRFDSVFUHZV00[DQGUHPRYHWKHSKRWRVHQVRUEUDFNHW Cap screw (M) (M4 x 10) Photosensor bracket Disconnect the connector. 90 Connector To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 5HPRYHWKHRQH3KLOOLSVSDQKHDGVFUHZ0[DQGUHPRYHDQGUHSODFHWKH photosensor. Photosensor bracket Phillips pan-head screw (M3 x 6) Photosensor 7HPSRUDULO\LQVWDOOWKHSKRWRVHQVRUEUDFNHWXVLQJWZRFDSVFUHZV00[ SRVLWLRQWKHVOLWVLQUHODWLRQWRWKHSKRWRVHQVRUDVVKRZQLQWKHGLDJUDPEHORZ DQG WKHQ WLJKWHQ WKH FDS VFUHZV VHFXUHO\$IWHU WLJKWHQLQJ WKH FDS VFUHZV WXUQ WKHZKHHODQGPDNHVXUHWKDWWKHVOLWERDUGGRHVQRWFRQWDFWWKHSKRWRVHQVRU Turn the wheel and confirm that the slit board does not contact the photosensor. Photosensor Cap screws (M) (M4 x 6) (tighten securely) Photosensor Slit board Photosensor bracket Slits must remain within this range. z During the installation, check the direction of each connector and insert WKHFRQQHFWRUVÀUPO\XQWLOWKH\ORFNVHFXUHO\LQWRSODFH z During the installation, be careful not to pinch the connectors or harnesses. z After the replacement, be sure to check the wheel for proper operation in the Test mode. (See P. 34 “7-6-4 (5) STEERING TEST.”) 91 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – (3) Replacing the wheel 5HPRYHWKHIRXU7RU[EROWV0[DQGUHPRYHWKHZKHHO Torx bolt (M5 x 12) Wheel 5HSODFHWKHZKHHO 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH 92 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 8B-4-5 Marquee Assy To protect the service staff from injury and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the machine, always turn off the power switch before conducting the described task. step ladder or platform to stand on. Performing the task in an position can result in injury or machine damage. the switch.”) Torx bolts (M5 x 12) Torx bolts (M5 x 12) Sign cover Torx bolts (M5 x 12) Torx bolts (M5 x 12) 93 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 'LVFRQQHFWWKHFRQQHFWRUIURPHDFKÀXRUHVFHQWODPSDQGUHSODFHWKHÀXRUHVFHQW ODPSV: Fluorescent lamps 7RLQVWDOOIROORZWKHUHPRYDOVHTXHQFHLQUHYHUVH 94 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 8B-5 LCD monitor adjustment z To adjust the LCD monitor, the power switch must be turned on. To avoid electric shock, do not touch the connector of the monitor adjustment switches. z The LCD monitor is adjusted to optimum condition at the factory. Therefore, it does not normally require adjustment. 8B-5-1 Removing and installing the monitor adjustment switches The monitor adjustment switches are located on the rear side of the monitor. To make DGMXVWPHQWV LW LV QHFHVVDU\ WR SXOO RXW WKH PRQLWRU DGMXVWPHQW VZLWFKHV WR D SRVLWLRQ where you can operate the switches while viewing the displayed image. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFK6HH33RZHUVZLWFKORFDWLRQDQGWXUQLQJRQ the switch.”) 5HPRYH WKH 0RQLWRU FRYHU DQG 0DLQWHQDQFH FRYHU$ 6HH 3 ³% 5HSODFLQJWKH/&'PRQLWRU´ 5HPRYH WKH WZR 3KLOOLSV WUXVV VFUHZV 0 [ DQG UHPRYH WKH PRQLWRU adjustment switches. Monitor adjustment switches Phillips truss screw (M3 x 6) Back side of monitor 95 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 5XQWKHPRQLWRUDGMXVWPHQWVZLWFKHVWKURXJKWKHFXWRXWVHFWLRQDWWKHERWWRPRI the monitor toward the front of the machine. LCD monitor Monitor adjustment switches 7XUQ RQ WKH SRZHU VZLWFK DQG DGMXVW WKH /&' PRQLWRU 6HH 3 ³% $GMXVWLQJ WKH /&' PRQLWRU LPDJH TXDOLW\´ DQG 3 ³%$GMXVWLQJ WKH /&' monitor settings.”) OSD Key D&+±EXWWRQ E&+EXWWRQ F92/±EXWWRQ G92/EXWWRQ H0HQXEXWWRQ I6RXUFHEXWWRQ J/(' K3RZHUVZLWFK Function (normal screen) 'LVDEOHG 'LVDEOHG 'LVDEOHG 'LVDEOHG 'LVSOD\VWKH26'VFUHHQ*2. 6ZLWFKHVVLJQDOVEHWZHHQ 9*$DQG'9,1RWXVHG %OXH3RZHU21 2UDQJH3RZHU2)) 7XUQVWKHPRQLWRU212)) (Not used) Function (OSD screen)*2 6HOHFWDQLWHP 'LVDEOHG (QWHUDQLWHP 'LVDEOHG (QGVWKH26'VFUHHQ*2. 6ZLWFKHVVLJQDOVEHWZHHQ 9*$DQG'9,1RWXVHG %OXH3RZHU21 2UDQJH3RZHU2)) 7XUQVWKHPRQLWRU212)) (Not used) Function (adjustment screen*3) 'LVDEOHG 'LVDEOHG Change the numeric setting. Change the numeric setting. 5HWXUQVWRWKHSUHYLRXVLWHP 6ZLWFKHVVLJQDOVEHWZHHQ 9*$DQG'9,1RWXVHG %OXH3RZHU21 2UDQJH3RZHU2)) 7XUQVWKHPRQLWRU212)) (Not used) 7KHPDFKLQHLVVHWIRU'9,VLJQDOV,IWKHEXWWRQLVSUHVVHGDFFLGHQWDOO\DQGQRLPDJH LVGLVSOD\HGRQWKHPRQLWRUSUHVVWKHEXWWRQDJDLQWRUHWXUQWRWKHSUHYLRXVFRQGLWLRQ 7KH26'VFUHHQUHIHUVWRWKHVFUHHQWKDWLVXVHGWRHQWHULPDJHTXDOLW\VHWWLQJVDQG RWKHUV6HH3³%$GMXVWLQJWKH/&'PRQLWRULPDJHTXDOLW\´DQG3% ³$GMXVWLQJWKH/&'PRQLWRUVHWWLQJV´ 6FUHHQWKDWGLVSOD\VHQODUJHGDGMXVWPHQWEDUVRURWKHULWHPV $IWHU WKH DGMXVWPHQW WXUQ RII WKH SRZHU VZLWFK DQG UHLQVWDOO WKH PRQLWRU in reverse. DGMXVWPHQWVZLWFKHVE\IROORZLQJVWHSV to 96 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 8B-5-2 Adjusting the LCD monitor image quality 0RYHWKHPRQLWRUDGMXVWPHQWVZLWFKHVWRDSRVLWLRQZKHUH\RXFDQRSHUDWHWKH VZLWFKHV ZKLOH YLHZLQJ WKH GLVSOD\HG LPDJH 6HH 3 ³% 5HPRYLQJ DQG installing the monitor adjustment switches.”) 7XUQ RQ WKH SRZHU VZLWFK RI WKH PDFKLQH FDELQHW ,I WKH SRZHU VZLWFK RI WKH /&'PRQLWRULVLQWKH2))SRVLWLRQWXUQLWRQ6HH3³%5HPRYLQJDQG installing the monitor adjustment switches” .) 3UHVVWKH0HQXEXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH26'VFUHHQ Picture (1) Picture Mode Contrast Brightness Saturation Hue Sharpness Color Temperature Auto Contrast Custom 50 50 50 50 10 Warm off (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f ) (g) (h) Adjustment bars Picture screen Item 3LFWXUH D3LFWXUH0RGH E&RQWUDVW F%ULJKWQHVV G6DWXUDWLRQ (e) Hue I6KDUSQHVV (g) Color Temperature K$XWR&RQWUDVW Function Default setting $GMXVWPHQWRILPDJHTXDOLW\ ,PDJHTXDOLW\PRGH>&XVWRP@ Custom $GMXVWPHQWRIFRQWUDVW>WR@ $GMXVWPHQWRIEULJKWQHVV>WR@ &RORUVDWXUDWLRQDGMXVWPHQW>WR@ $GMXVWPHQWRIKXH>WR@ $GMXVWPHQWRIFRORUVKDUSQHVV>WR@ 6HWWLQJRIFRORUWHPSHUDWXUH>&XVWRP&RRO6WDQGDUG:DUP@ :DUP $XWRPDWLFDGMXVWPHQWRIFRQWUDVW>2II2Q@ off 3UHVVWKH92/EXWWRQDQGVHOHFW³3LFWXUH´ 3UHVV WKH &+± RU &+ EXWWRQ WR VHOHFW DQ LWHP WR EH DGMXVWHG DQG SUHVV WKH 92/EXWWRQ 3UHVVWKH92/±RU92/EXWWRQWRFKDQJHWKHVHWWLQJ * The displayed settings are active. $IWHUWKHDGMXVWPHQWSUHVVWKH0HQXEXWWRQWRFORVH26'VFUHHQ 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFKRIWKHPDFKLQHFDELQHW 5HLQVWDOOWKHPRQLWRUDGMXVWPHQWVZLWFKHVWRWKHRULJLQDOSRVLWLRQ6HH3³% 5HPRYLQJDQGLQVWDOOLQJWKHPRQLWRUDGMXVWPHQWVZLWFKHV´ 97 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 8B. Maintenance – To be conducted by a technician only – 8B-5-3 Adjusting the LCD monitor settings 0RYHWKHPRQLWRUDGMXVWPHQWVZLWFKHVWRDSRVLWLRQZKHUH\RXFDQRSHUDWHWKH VZLWFKHV ZKLOH YLHZLQJ WKH GLVSOD\HG LPDJH 6HH 3 ³% 5HPRYLQJ DQG installing the monitor adjustment switches.”) 7XUQ RQ WKH SRZHU VZLWFK RI WKH PDFKLQH FDELQHW ,I WKH SRZHU VZLWFK RI WKH /&'PRQLWRULVLQWKH2))SRVLWLRQWXUQLWRQ6HH3³%5HPRYLQJDQG installing the monitor adjustment switches” .) 3UHVVWKH0HQXEXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH26'VFUHHQ Setup (1) Language Scale Sleep Timer Back Light Memory Recall English 16:9 off 5 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Setup screen Item 6HWXS D/DQJXDJH E6FDOH F6OHHS7LPHU G%DFN/LJKW H0HPRU\5HFDOO Function 6HWWLQJVFUHHQ 6HWWLQJRIODQJXDJH>&KLQHVH-DSDQHVH(QJOLVK)UHQFK 'XWFK*HUPDQ,WDOLDQ@ 6HWWLQJRIDVSHFWUDWLR>@ 6HWWLQJRIVOHHSWLPHUPLQ>2II@ $GMXVWPHQWRIEDFNOLJKWEULJKWQHVV>WR@ 5HWXUQVWRGHIDXOW Default setting (QJOLVK 2II —— 3UHVV WKH &+± RU &+ EXWWRQ DQG VHOHFW ³6HWXS´ DQG WKHQ SUHVV WKH 92/ EXWWRQ 3UHVV WKH &+± RU &+ EXWWRQ WR VHOHFW DQ LWHP WR EH DGMXVWHG DQG SUHVV WKH 92/EXWWRQ 3UHVVWKH92/±RU92/EXWWRQWRFKDQJHWKHVHWWLQJ * The displayed settings are active. $IWHUWKHDGMXVWPHQWSUHVVWKH0HQXEXWWRQWRFORVH26'VFUHHQ 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUVZLWFKRIWKHPDFKLQHFDELQHW 5HLQVWDOOWKHPRQLWRUDGMXVWPHQWVZLWFKHVWRWKHRULJLQDOSRVLWLRQ6HH3³% 5HPRYLQJDQGLQVWDOOLQJWKHPRQLWRUDGMXVWPHQWVZLWFKHV´ 98 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 9. DISCARDING THE MACHINE z The machine must be collected, transported and discarded in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. z When entrusting a third party to collect, transport and discard of the machine, be sure to select specialist companies. z The following component contains specially controlled industrial waste which must be collected, transported and discarded in a special manner in accordance with the law. When discarding this component, please contact your distributor. 55-inch LCD monitor (See P. 67 “8B-4-1 (4) Replacing the LCD monitor.”) * In some cases, local ordinances also stipulate special methods of collecting, transporting and discarding specially controlled industrial waste. 99 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 10. PARTS LISTS 10-1 Monitor Assy 22 1 10 2 6 49 55-inch LCD 30 31 22 3 21 20 19 15 7 14 13 11 16 23 6 29 28 4 5 26 9 27 10 8 100 25 24 12 17 18 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 10. PARTS LISTS No. Name Qty. Type and rating Part No. 1 Monitor cabinet 1 D P 6 3 -1 3 1 6 5 -0 0 2 Maintenance panel A 1 D P 6 3 -1 3 1 6 6 -0 0 3 Maintenance panel B 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 5 4 -0 0 4 Monitor cover 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 5 5 -0 0 5 Monitor panel 1 D P 9 5 -1 3 1 6 9 -0 0 6 Speaker cover 2 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 6 1 -0 0 7 Top joint bracket 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 6 2 -0 0 8 MC bottom joint bracket 2 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 6 4 -0 0 9 MC side joint bracket 2 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 6 3 -0 0 10 Rack board 1 D P 6 3 -1 3 1 6 7 -0 0 11 PS board 1 D P 6 3 -1 3 1 6 7 -0 1 12 V G 5 0 -1 3 1 4 6 -0 0 HDMI-DVI conversion cable 1 13 R a c k & P S b o a rd b ra c k e t 2 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 6 5 -0 0 14 SW power supply unit, 5V/12 V 1 V G 8 8 -1 3 1 9 7 -0 0 15 SW power supply unit, 12V 1 V G 8 8 -1 0 0 6 4 -0 0 16 Bass AMP PC board 1 17 System 369 1 --------- 18 Round vibration-insulating rubber 6 R M 9 6 -1 2 6 0 2 -0 0 19 Adjuster bracket 4 V G 1 0 -1 3 1 6 4 -0 0 20 Adjuster 4 V G 2 0 -0 4 9 3 8 -0 1 21 Caster 4 V G 2 4 -0 0 7 8 3 -0 0 22 Fan motor 2 V G 5 5 -0 7 8 2 7 -0 0 23 S peaker 1 V G 5 4 -0 3 2 1 0 -0 0 24 AV c a b le 1 V G 5 0 -1 3 1 4 7 -0 0 25 U S B c a b le 1 V G 5 0 -0 6 8 0 0 -0 1 26 Decal Cabinet Right Pirates SE 1 DP240-13638-01 27 Decal Cabinet Left Pirates SE 1 DP240-13638-00 28 M o n ito r p a n e l T B b r a c k e t 2 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 5 7 -0 0 29 M o n ito r p a n e l L R b r a c k e t 2 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 5 8 -0 0 30 L C D To p b ra c k e t 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 5 9 -0 0 31 L C D B o tto m b ra c k e t 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 6 0 -0 0 101 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 10. PARTS LISTS 10-2 Control Assy 18 15 16 1 12 6 5 3 2 7 8 9 11 10 17 4 X 13 102 14 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 10. PARTS LISTS No. Name Qty. Type and rating Part No. 1 Control cabinet 1 D P 6 3 -1 3 1 6 5 -0 1 2 Maintenance door 2 D P 6 3 -1 3 1 6 6 -0 1 3 Coin lock 2 V G 2 6 -1 3 1 9 8 -0 0 4 USIO mount board 1 D P 6 3 -1 3 1 6 7 -0 2 5 Control cover 2 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 6 6 -0 0 6 Gun mount bracket 4 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 6 7 -0 0 7 Coin door 1 V G 8 3 -1 0 6 3 5 -0 0 8 Adjuster Bracket 4 V G 1 0 -1 3 1 6 4 -0 0 9 Adjuster Bolt 4 V G 2 0 -0 4 9 3 8 -0 1 10 Caster 4 V G 2 4 -0 0 7 8 3 -0 0 11 Floor mat 1 D P 9 6 -1 3 1 6 8 -0 0 12 Wheel cover 1 13 U S IO P C b o a rd 1 D P 9 0 -1 3 0 2 6 -0 0 ----- 14 G u n D r iv e P C b o a r d 1 ----- 15 Decal Cabinet Left Pirates SE 1 DP240-13638-00 16 Decal Cabinet Right Pirates SE 1 DP240-13638-01 17 C jo in t s u p p o r t b r a c k e t 2 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 6 8 -0 0 18 To p jo in t b ra c k e t 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 6 2 -0 0 103 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 10. PARTS LISTS 10-3 Seat Assy 8 10 13 14 9 16 21 17 19 18 15 12 28 27 26 11 5 6 1 7 20 2 25 4 104 3 24 23 22 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 10. PARTS LISTS No. Name Qty. Type and rating Part No. 1 Seat cabinet 1 D P 6 3 -1 3 1 6 5 -0 2 2 Floor mat bracket 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 7 0 -0 0 3 Woofer cover 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 7 3 -0 0 4 Woofer speaker 1 V G 5 4 -11 5 9 0 -0 0 5 Window pillar L 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 7 7 -0 0 6 Window pillar R 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 7 8 -0 0 7 Window mount base 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 7 4 -0 0 8 Window top bracket 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 7 5 -0 0 9 Window bottom bracket 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 7 6 -0 0 10 Window panel 1 D P 9 5 -1 3 1 6 9 -0 1 11 Connector cover 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 7 9 -0 0 12 Seat bottom cover 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 7 2 -0 0 13 Decal Seat Left Pirates SE 1 DP240-13637-00 14 Decal Seat Right Pirates SE 1 DP240-13637-01 15 Rear body 1 D P 9 0 -1 3 0 3 6 -0 0 16 Rear body center mount bracket 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 8 0 -0 0 17 Rear body side mount bracket 2 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 8 1 -0 0 18 Side body L 1 D P 9 0 -1 3 0 2 7 -0 0 19 Side body R 1 D P 9 0 -1 3 0 2 7 -0 1 20 Side body mount bracket 2 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 8 2 -0 0 21 Cover Treasure Pirates SE 1 DP90-13029-01 22 Adjuster bracket 1 V G 1 0 -1 3 1 6 4 -0 0 23 Adjuster bolt 1 V G 2 0 -0 4 9 3 8 -0 1 24 Caster 1 V G 2 4 -0 0 7 8 3 -0 0 25 S jo in t s u p p o r t b r a c k e t 2 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 7 1 -0 0 26 To p jo in t b ra c k e t 1 D P 1 0 -1 3 0 6 2 -0 0 27 C a u tio n D e c a l, D O N O T S T E P 1 V G 4 0 -0 6 7 6 5 -0 0 28 Caution Decal, TIP OVER HAZARD 1 VG40-13003-00 105 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 10. PARTS LISTS 10-4 Gun Assy 39 44 32 33 29 31 36 43 34 30 33 31 37 36 35 13 40 43 4 5 34 37 26 35 11 28 10 27 7 20 6 2 42 26 8 22 21 9 18 28 3 12 24 1 42 41 24 17 19 23 14 16 106 25 15 45 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 10. PARTS LISTS No. Name 1 Neck SD 2 Core shaft 3 Frame cover (2) 4 Frame cover (1) 5 Switch base 6 Grip 7 Stopper shaft 8 Stopper rubber (1) 9 Motor frame 10 Stopper frame 11 Slide bracket 12 Undercover 13 Potentiometer bracket (for up-down) 14 Pipe end 15 Gear 16 Stopper rubber (2) 17 Potentiometer bracket (for left-right) 18 Spacer 19 Key 20 Crank 21 Slider 22 Stopper rubber 23 Gear 24 Flange bushing 25 Gun base box 26 Rhomboidal pillow 27 Miniature bearing 28 Slide rail 29 Gun cover 30 Grip cover 31 Button cover Hole blind 32 Switch bezel 33 Lever grip A 34 Lever grip B 35 Trigger button 36 Trigger spring 37 Trigger spacer 38 42 Start button Button sticker Potentiometer (for up-down) Potentiometer (for left-right) Vibration unit 43 Microswitch 44 Illuminated button switch 39 40 41 Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 Type and rating LFF-3220 KFL001 MF148ZZ AR2-60 (ball: 2 x 10 pieces) SN-07170 SN-07171 SN-07177 EWSV7CF20E13 EWSUGBF20E13 RSR20/10-CAB0-BNG D3M-01L1-3 OBSAX-C45UMW1FLW3 Part No. DP10-13086-00 DP10-13094-00 DP10-13105-00 DP10-13104-00 DP10-13103-00 DP10-13110-00 DP11-13109-00 DP96-13095-00 DP10-13108-00 DP10-13106-00 DP10-13107-00 DP90-13025-00 DP10-13102-00 DP11-13099-00 DP59-13047-00 DP96-13101-00 DP10-13111-00 DP96-13096-00 DP11-13098-00 DP11-13174-00 DP59-13175-00 DP96-13176-00 DP59-13097-00 DP59-13048-00 DP10-13069-00 DP59-13177-00 DP59-13178-00 DP05-13179-00 DP90-13031-00 DP90-13024-00 DP90-13180-00 DP90-13181-00 DP90-13182-00 DP90-13183-00 DP90-13184-00 DP22-13049-00 DP90-13185-00 DP95-13186-00 DP40-13192-00 VG75-03824-00 VG75-07050-00 DP36-13043-00 VG53-13092-00 VG80-13093-00 107 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 10. PARTS LISTS 10-5 Wheel Assy 2 1 8 5 3 No. 108 Name Qty. Type and rating 4 6 7 Part No. 1 Wheel base 1 DP10-13112-00 2 Wheel shaft 1 DP11-13113-00 3 Pillow unit (diameter: 25 mm) 1 BPP5 VG59-13115-00 4 Pillow unit (diameter: 20 mm) 1 BPP4 VG59-13116-00 5 Darin 1 DP90-13170-00 6 Slit board 1 DP10-13171-00 7 Photosensor 1 8 Sensor bracket 1 KI1138-AALF DP79-13170-00 DP10-13114-00 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 10. PARTS LISTS 10-6 Service Plate Assy 9 1 7 6 5 8 2 3 4 4 No. Name Qty. Type and rating Part No. 1 Service plate 1 VG10-04881-00 2 Slide switch 1 VG53-12702-00 3 Toggle switch 1 VG53-12703-00 4 Mini btn, Start, Red ctr galag 2 VG53-09641-00 5 Label, Service panel "Test" 1 VG44-02702-00 6 Label, Service panel "Service" 1 VG44-02702-01 7 Label, Service panel "Enter" 1 VG44-02702-11 8 Label, Service panel "Select" 1 VG44-02702-07 9 Coin meter, 5V W/Harness 1 VG83-09347-00 10 Mini btn, Start, Grn ctr galag 1 VG53-09641-01 109 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 10. PARTS LISTS 10-7 Cord Box Assy 2 1 3 5 ON 4 OFF No. Name Qty. 1 A.C. Plate, detach cord 1 2 Panel mount fuse holder 1 3 Label, ON-OFF 1 4 Switch, Rocker, Dpst 1 5 Filter, EMI, 10A, Panel mount 1 Type and rating Part No. VG10-09494-00 VG78-12950-00 VG44-03224-00 VG53-04683-00 VG78-12947-00 10-8 Roof Assy 3 1 3 2 2 No. 110 Name Qty. 1 Roof 1 2 Decal Roof Pirates SE 2 3 Top Bracket 2 Type and rating Part No. DP63-13165-03 DP240-13636-00 DP10-13087-00 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 10. PARTS LISTS 10-9 Marquee Assy 4 1 2 3 5 No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name Qty. Marquee box Marquee Pirates SE Flag pole Flag Fluorescent lamp Type and rating Part No. DP10-13052-00 DP290-13640-00 DP10-13053-00 DP90-13021-00 VG57-02029-00 Type and rating Part No. DP245-13639-00 ----DP10-13083-00 1 1 1 1 2 10-10 Other parts 1 No. 1 2 3 2 Name Manual - Pirates SE Power cord CS bottom joint bracket 3 Qty. 1 1 2 111 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 11. WIRING DIAGRAMS System369-11E Assy 1/3 112 2/3 WIRING DIAGRAM of Control Assy for US 11. WIRING DIAGRAMS 113 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 WIRING DIAGRAM of Control Assy for Europe 11. WIRING DIAGRAMS 3/3 114 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +561.391.7200 First Edition Published in March 2014 Part No. DP245-13639-00 Rev 0. March 2014 Specifications of the machine and contents of this operation manual are subject to change without prior notice due to product improvements. ">
Key Features
- 55” LCD monitor
- Variety of games
- Coin box
- Service door
- Relocatable and transportable
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the rated power supply for the Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition?
The rated power supply is 120 ± 5 VAC (60 Hz) / 230V ± 5 VAC (50 Hz).
What is the maximum power consumption of the Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition?
The maximum power consumption is 600 W.
What is the maximum current consumption of the Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition?
The maximum current consumption is 5 A (120 VAC) / 2.5 A (230 VAC).
What is the display device used in the Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition?
The display device is an LCD monitor with a 55” screen.
What are the dimensions of the Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition when it is installed?
The dimensions of the Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition when it is installed are 70”(W) x 98” (D) x 89” (H).