Hewlett-Packard 75000 Series C E1410A multimeter Service Manual
The HP 75000 Series C E1410A is a 6 1/2-digit multimeter designed for use with a VXI mainframe and is compatible with the HP E1405A/B Command Module. This manual covers installation, operating procedures, verification tests, adjustments, replaceable parts, and troubleshooting techniques for the device.
HP 75000 SERIES C 6 1/2-Digit Multimeter HP E1410A E EE Service Manual u Serial Numbers Attached to the backplane connector of the instrument is a serial number plate. The serial number is in the form: 0000A00000. The first four digits and the letter are the serial number prefix. The last five digits are the suffix. The prefix is the same for identical instruments; it changes only when a configuration change is made to the instrument. The suffix, however, is assigned sequentially and is different for each instrument. This manual applies directly to instruments with serial numbers prefixed with 3002A. Г HEWLETT PACKARD Copyright © Hewlett-Packard Company, 1991 Ne Manual Part Number: E1410-90010 Printed: July 1991 Edition 1 Microfiche Part Number: E1410-99010 Printed in USA. E071 CERTIFICATION Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment from the factory. Hewlett-Packard further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standards), to the extent allowed by that organization's calibration facility, and to the calibration facilities of other International Standards Organization members. WARRANTY This Hewlett-Packard product is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of three years from date of shipment. Duration and conditions of warranty for t м годы! may be superseded when the product is integrated into (becomes a part of) other HP products. During the warranty period, Hewiett-Pac Company will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to be defective, For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facility designated by Hewlett-Packard (HP). Buyer shall prepay shipping charges to HP and HP shall pay shipping charges to return the product to Buyer. However, Buyer shall pay ail shipping charges, duties, and taxes for products returned to HP from another country. HP warrants that its software and firmware designated by HP for use with a product will execute its programming instructions when properly installed on that product. HP does not warrant that the operation of the product, or software, or firmware will be uninterrupted or error free. LIMITATION OF WARRANTY The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from im r or inadequate maintenance by Buyer, Buyer-supplied products or interfacing, unauthonzed modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance. The design and implementation of any circuit on this product is the sole responsibility of the Buyer. HP does not warrant the Buyer's circuitry or malfunctions of HP products that result from the Buyer's circuitry. In addition, HP does not warrant any damage that occurs as a result of the Buyer's circuit or any defects that result from Buyer-supplied products. NO OTHER WARRANTY 1S EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. HP SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES THE REMEDIES PROVIDED HEREIN ARE BUYER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES. HP SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY. NOTICE The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. HEWLETT-PACKARD (HP) MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MA INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. HP shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material. This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, uced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard Company. HP assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is not furnished by HP. Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (PX) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. Hewlett-Packard Company; 3000 Hanover Street; Palo Alto, California 94304 Herstellerbescheinigung Manufacturers Declaration Hiermit wird bescheinigt, dass dieses Geriit/System HP 1410A in This is to certify that the equipment HP E1410A meets the radio Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen von Postverfigung frequency interference requirements of Directive FTZ 1046/84. 1046/84 funkentstôrt ist. Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das The German Bundespost has been notified that this equipment Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerâtes/Systems angezeigt und die was put into circulation and has been granted the right to check Berechtigung zur Uberprfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Be- the product type for compliance with these requirements. stimmungen eingeräumt. Additional Information for Test and Messurement Equipment: Zusatzinformation für Mess- und Tesigerite: If test and measurement equipment is operated with unscreened Werden Mess- und Testgerite mit ungeschirmten Kabeln cables and/or used for measurements on open set-ups, the user has und/oder in offenen Messaufbauten verwendet, so ist vom 10 assure that under operating conditions the Radio Interference Betreiber sicherzustelien, dass die Funk-Entstórbestimmungen Limits are still met at the border of the user's premises. unter Betricbsbedingungen an seiner Grundstiicksgrenze ein- gehalten werden. Printing History The Printing History shown below lists all Editions and Updates of this manual and the printing date(s). The first printin of the manual is Edition {Ene Edition number increments by 1 whenever the manual is revised. Updates, which are issued between Editions, contain Pe placement pages to correct the current Edition of the manual. Updates are numbered sequentially starting with Update 1. When a new ition is created, it contains alt the Update information for the previous Edition. Each new Edition or Update also includes a revised copy of this printing history page. Many product updates or revisions do not require manual changes and, conversely, manual corrections may be done without accompanying product changes. Therefore, do not expect a one-to-one correspondence between product updates and manual updates. Edition 1 (Part Number E1410-90010) ..................—eeerconcorveoo July 1991 Trademark Information Safety Symbols Instruction manual symbol affixed to ~~ Alternating current (AC). /N prod uct. Indicates ¿na the user must refer to the manual for specific Waming — - or Caution information to avoid personal === Direct current (DC). injury or damage to the product. A Indicates hazardous voitages. _| Indicates the field wiring terminal that must be connected to carth ground before Calls attention to a procedure, practice, or operating the equipment —protects WARNING condition that couid cause bodily injury or against electrical in case of fault. death. Frame or chassis ground terminal —typi- Calls attention 10 a procedure, practice, or ” on LL cally connects to the equipment's metal CAUTION condition that could possibly cause frame. damage to equipment or permanent loss of data. WARNINGS The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this product. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of ihe product, Hewlett-Packard Company assumes no liability for the customer's failure to comply with these requirements. Ground the equipment: For Safety Class 1 equipment (equipment having a protective earth terminal), an uninterruptible safety earth ground must be provided from the mains power source to the product input wiring terminals or supplied power cable. DO NOT operate the product in an explosive atmosphere or in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. For continued protection against fire, replace the line fuse(s) only with fuse(s) of the same voltage and current rating and type. DO NOT use repaired fuses or short-circuited fuscholders. Keep away from live circuits: Operating personnel must not remove equipment covers or shields, Procedures involving the removal of covers or shields are for use by scrvice-trained personnel only. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the equipment switched off. To avoid dangerous electrical shock, DO NOT perform procedures involving cover or shield removal unless you are qualified to do so. DO NOT operate damaged equipment: Whenever it is possible that the Safety protection features built into this product have been impaired, either through physical damage, excessive moisture, or any other reason, REMOVE POWER and do not use the product until safe operation can be verified by service-trained personnel. If necessary, return the product to a Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office for service and repair 10 ensure that safety features are maintained. DO NOT service or adjust alone: Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present. DO NOT substitute paris or modify equipment: Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the product. Return the product to a Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained. HP 75000 Series C Service Documentation — a " —_—_—_—_—_—m— АОАООЛОНОАНОООДОННДНННН АОН Suggested Sequence to Use Manuals Installation and Getting Started Guide Instrument Applications Using the Command Module Plug-in Module Mainframe Command Module User's Manuals User's Manual User's Manual Repairing the Repairing the Mainframe Command Module Plug-in Module Mainframe Command Module Service Manuals Service Manual Service Manual E14104 SEO Manual Descriptions Installation and Getting Started Guide. Contains step-by-step instructions for all aspects of plug-in module and mainframe installation. This guide also contains introductory programming information and examples. HP E1405A Command Module User's Guide. Contains programming information for the Command Module, and general programming information for instruments installed in the mainframe. HP E1400B Mainframe User's Manual. Contains installation information to prepare the mainframe for use and shows how to install plug-in modules. Plug-In Module User's Manuals. Contain plug-in module programming and configuration information. Each manual contains programming examples and a complete SCPI command reference for the plug-in module. HP E1400B Mainframe Service Manual. Contains service information for the mainframe, including information for ordering replaceable parts and exchanging assemblies. | Plug-In Module Service Manuals. Contain plug-in module service information. Each manual contains information for exchanging the module and/or ordering replaceable parts. Depending on the module, information and procedures for functional verification, operation verification, performance verification, adjustment, preventive maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair are also provided. What's in this Manual Manual Overview This manual shows how to service the HP E1410A 6 1/2-Digit Multimeter. Consult the HP E14104 User’s Manual for additional information on installing, configuring, and operating the multimeter. Consult the appropriate user’s manuals for information on configuring and operating the mainframe and command module. Manual Content о Chap SE Tite: i SS coment DEA A 1 General Provides a basic description, and lists available options and Information accessories. Also lists the test equipment required for service. 2 Installation Procedures for installation, initial inspection, and shipping. 3 Operating Procedures to operate the multimeter, perform scheduled preventive instructions maintenance, and perform the operator's check. 4 Verification Functional verification, operation verification, and performance Tests verification tests. 5 Adjustments Procedures for adjusting the multimeter to within its rated specifications. 6 Replaceable Lists part numbers for user-replaceable parts in the multimeter. Parts Provides information on ordering spare parts and module/assembly exchange. 7 Manual information to adapt this manual to instruments whose serial numbers Changes are lower than those listed on the title page. 8 Service Procedures to aid in fault isolation and repair of the multimeter. A Calculating Shows how multimeter accuracy is calculated. Multimeter Accuracy Contents Chapter 1 - General Information Introduction ......202220 00044 4 1 4 a 4 a 0 eee ee eee. 1-1 Safety Considerations ......o.oeoccxcmoacedoreroroÑrooeareoeo 1-1 Multimeter Description .....ño_.omxerorecosearrormareoedao 1-3 Recommended Test Equipment .........ñ.re._.e0esanoaoareeroo 1-4 Chapter 2 - Installation Introduction ......e..o.r_oeccocoroeacadorrooaooavrac no 2-1 Initial Inspection .......ñi.o rrocorovacdderoaooooave ccoo, 2-1 Preparation for Use .......eo._eo.eorxerorereodooxarocaooceoroo 2-1 Environment ......e.eeomosecoarerro voorerdrooaracoarareo 2-2 Shipping the Multimeter . . .............. c.f tienen. 2-2 Chapter 3 - Operating Instructions | Introduction ........oo .—ee_exoe0edcxoercdarirvordodnredeacero 3-1 Multimeter Operation .......eerereorrenrooccooeesooveedndeo 3-1 Preventive Maintenance ........oéooeameoordrroocaoooromeao 3-1 Operators Check ..........o.oeeoexcedorernaooraao roo neo 3-3 Chapter 4 - Verification Tests Introduction. RR RR RR RR 4-1 Functional Verification .. RR RR RR RR Ra 4 0 0 4 0 0 a 0 0 0 4-4 Performance Verification . .............. 0. ii 0 0 1 1 0 00 4-5 Test 4-1: DC Voltage Test Procedure . ..................... 4-5 Test 4-2: AC Voltage Test Procedure ........cooÑrereooaoo o. 4-9 Test 4-3: 2-Wire Ohms Test Procedure ..................... 4-14 Test 4-4: 4-Wire Ohms Test Procedure ..................... 4-19 Test 45: Frequency Test Procedure . ...................... 4-24 Operation Verification ......200 2220044 44 4 4 40 0 2 0 0 0 0 a a aa 6 4-26 Performance Test Record . .............. iin. 4-27 Chapter 5 - Adjustments Introduction .......er.ooroaxeredareaodanoronoaaoao nee rn a 5-1 DC Voltage Adjustment Procedure . . . ............0. 4 0 8 0 0 4 a 4 5-5 AC Voltage Adjustment Procedure . . ................c........ 5-10 2-Wire Ohms Adjustment Procedure . ........................ 5-13 4-Wire Ohms Adjustment Procedure . ........................ 5-19 Frequency Adjustment Procedure . . . ..................vo... 5-25 Chapter 6 - Replaceable Parts Introduction . . . . . citi iii ee ee eee eee 6-1 Replaceable Parts List .......eWe.ñóoocreroooeoavvrrr wear oreo 6-1 Chapter 7 - Manual Changes Introduction .......oceomexcosoooroecaroovoracednaoreroo 7-1 Chapter 8 - Service Introduction ......ooorecsreorrocoonrac_eordvrrorerocoao 8-1 Troubleshooting Techniques ......x.eocoesorocraoomoooaoreañoeo 8-2 Repair/Maintenance Guidelines : 2122000000 00080100 2100 00 8-5 Appendix A - Calculating Multimeter Accuracy Introduction . . . ..... titi it eter ees eee ae A-1 Multimeter AccuracyCalculations ........... cctv 0 + A-1 1 General Information Introduction This manual contains information required to test, adjust, troubleshoot, and repair the HP E1410A C-Size VXI Digital Multimeter. See the HP E1410A User's Manual for additional information. Figure 1-1 shows the HP E1410A multimeter. E1410A F_1.1 Figure 1-1. HP E1410A Multimeter Safety This product is a Safety Class I instrument that is provided with a Consideration S Protective earth terminal when installed in the mainframe. The mainframe, multimeter, and all related documentation should be reviewed for familiarization with safety markings and instructions before operation Or service. Refer to the WARNINGS page (page iii) in this manual for a summary of safety information. Safety information for preventive maintenance, testing, adjusting, and service follows and is also found throughout this manual. General Information 1-1 Warnings and Cautions WARNING This section contains WARNINGS which must be followed for your protection and CAUTIONS which must be followed to avoid damage to the equipment when performing instrument maintenance or repair. SERVICE-TRAINED PERSONNEL ONLY. The information in this manual is for service-trained personnel who are familiar with electronic circuitry and are aware of the hazards involved. To avoid personal injury or damage to the instrument, do not perform procedures in this manual or do any servicing unless you are qualified to do so. CHECK MAINFRAME POWER SETTINGS. Before applying power, verify that the mainframe setting matches the line voltage and that the correct fuse is installed. An uninterruptible satety earth ground must be provided from the main power source to the mainframe input wiring terminals, power cord, or supplied power cord set. GROUNDING REQUIREMENTS. Interruption of the protective (grounding) conductor (inside or outside the mainframe) or disconnecting the protective earth terminal will cause a potential shock hazard that could result in personal injury. (Grounding one conductor of a two-conductor outlet is not sufficient protection.) IMPAIRED PROTECTION. Whenever it is likely that instrument protection has been impaired, the mainframe must be made inoperative and be secured against any unintended operation. USING AUTOTRANSFORMERS. If the mainframe is to be energized via an autotransformer (for voltage reduction) make sure the common terminal is connected to neutral (that is, the grounded side of the main’s supply). CAPACITOR VOLTAGES. Capacitors inside the mainframe may remain charged even when the mainframe has been disconnected from its source of supply. 1-2 General Information и WARNING CAUTION Multimeter Description Multimeter Specifications Multimeter Serial Numbers Multimeter Options USE PROPER FUSES. For continued protection against fire hazard, replace the line fuses only with fuses of the same current rating and type (such as normal blow, time delay, etc.). Do not use repaired fuses or short-circuited fuseholders. Static electricity is a major cause of component failure. To prevent damage to the electrical components in the multimeter, observe anti-static techniques whenever working on the multimeter. The HP E1410A multimeter is a VXIbus C-size, message based instrument. The multimeter can operate in a C-size VXIbus mainframe using an HP E1405A/B Command Module. Multimeter specifications are listed in Appendix A of the HP E1410A User's Manual. These specifications are the performance standards or limits against which the instrument may be tested. Multimeters covered by this manual are identified by a serial number prefix listed on the title page. Hewlett-Packard uses a two part serial number in the form XXXXAYYYYY, where XXXX is the serial prefix, A is the country of origin (A=USA) and Y Y Y Y Y is the serial suffix. The senal number prefix identifies a series of identical instruments. The serial number suffix is assigned sequentially to each instrument. If the serial number prefix of your instrument is greater than the one listed on the title page, a Manual Update (as required) will explain how to adapt this manual to your instrument. If the serial number prefix of your instrument is lower than the one listed on the title page, information contained in Chapter 7 (Manual Changes) will explain how to adapt this manual to your instrument. There are no electrical or mechanical options available for the HP E1410A multimeter. However, you can order Option 1BN which provides a MIL-STD-45662A Calibration Certificate, or Option 1BP which provides the Calibration Certificate and measurement data. Contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office for information on Options 1BN and 1BP. General Information 1-3 Recommended Table 1-1 lists the test equipment recommended for testing, adjusting, i and servicing the multimeter. Essential requirements for each piece o Test Eq u ipment test equipment are described in the Requirements column. Table 1-1. Recommended Test Equipment Instrument |... Requiemems | = Recommended | Use* Controller, HP-IB HP-18 compatibility as defined by ¡EEE HP 9000 Series 300 A,O,F, Standard 488-1978 and the identical P.T ANSI Standard MC1.1: SH1, AH1, T2, TEO, L2, LEO, SRO, RLO, PPO, DCO, DTO, and C1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Mainframe Compatible with multimeter E1400B/T A,O,F, PT Slot 0 Command VXI C-size w/HPIB HP E1405A/B A,O,F, Module P,T AC Standard Frequency Range: 20 Hz to 1 MHz Datron 4708 with AQ, Voltage Range: 30 mV rms to 300 Y rms | Option 20 PT DC Standard Voltage Range: -3 Y to +300 V Datron 4708 with AO, Resistance Standard | Values: 10 Q to 10 MQ Datron 4708 with AJO, Option 30 PT Frequency Standard | Frequency Range: 20 Hzto 1 MHz HP 3325A/B (with AO, 50 Q termination) PT Digital Multimeter** Resistance Range: 10 Q to 10 MQ HP 3458A AQP Digital Multimeter General Purpose HP 3478A T * F = Functional Verification, O = Operation Verification Tests, P = Performance Verification Tests, A = Adjustments, T = Troubleshooting ** Transfer standard for resistance measurements to meet MIL-STD 45662A requirements. 1-4 General Information 2 Installation Introduction This chapter provides information for installing the HP E1410A multimeter, including: e initial inspection e preparation for use e environment e shipping Inspection WARNING Inspect the shipping container for damage. If the shipping container or cushioning material is damaged, keep the container until the shipment contents have been checked and the instrument has been checked mechanically and electrically. See Chapter 4 for procedures to check electrical performance. To avoid possible hazardous electrical shock, do not perform electrical tests if there are signs of shipping damage to any portion of the outer enclosure (covers, panels, etc.). If the contents are incomplete, if there is mechanical damage or defect, or if the instrument does not pass the electrical performance tests, notify your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office. If the shipping container is damaged or the cushioning material shows signs of stress, notify the carrier as well as Hewlett-Packard, and keep the shipping materials for the carrier’s inspection. Preparation See Chapter 2 of the HP El4104 User's Manual to prepare the HP E1410A multimeter for use. See the appropriate mainframe user's manual to prepare your mainframe. If your mainframe is not manufactured by Hewlett-Packard, consult the manufacturer for a list of available manuals. installation 2-1 Environment Shippin the Multimeter The recommended operating environment for the HP E1410A multimeter is: Temperature 0°C to +55°C Humidity ........... <65% relative (0°C to +40°C) For storage and shipment, the recommended environment is: Temperature 40°C to +75°C Humidity ........... <65% relative (0°C to +40°C) If you need to return the HP E1410A multimeter to Hewlett-Packard, first remove any adapters or connectors before packaging the instrument for shipment. When you return the instrument to Hewlett-Packard, attach a tag to the instrument identifying the owner and indicating the service or repair required. In any correspondence, refer to the instrument by model number and full serial number. When shipping the instrument, we recommend using containers and materials identical to those used in factory packaging, which are available through Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Offices. Mark the shipping container "FRAGILE" to assure careful handling. If you use other (commercially available) shipping materials, place the instrument in an anti-static bag, then wrap the instrument in heavy paper or plastic. Use a strong shipping container. A double-wall carton of 2.4 MPa (350 psi) test material is adequate. Use enough shock-absorbing material (75 to 100 mm layer; 3 to 4 inches) around all sides of the instrument to provide a firm cushion and prevent movement in the container. Protect the front panel with cardboard. Seal the shipping container securely and mark the container "FRAGILE" to assure careful handling. 2-2 Instaliation 3 Operating Instructions Introduction This chapter provides operating information for the HP E1410A multimeter, including: e Multimeter operation e Preventive maintenance e Operator's check (self-test) Multimeter See the HP E1410A User’s Manual for multimeter operation, including: Operation e Getting started e Configuring the multimeter e Using the multimeter e Understanding the multimeter e Multimeter command reference e Multimeter specifications e Multimeter error messages Preventive Preventive maintenance for the HP E1410A multimeter consists of i periodically cleaning the front panel of the multimeter and then Maintenance performing the Operator’s Check (*TST? command). You should clean the front panel yearly, or more often if the multimeter is used in a very dusty or humid area. Disassembling the multimeter to clean the inside of the module is not recommended. However, if the multimeter is taken apart (e.g., for repair), the printed circuit assemblies (PCAs) can be blown off with an airgun. See Table 3-1 for recommended cleaning equipment and supplies. Table 3-1. Recommended Cleaning Equipment ©. Description fe | Recommended Use: = Airgun (grounded nozzte) Remove dust from printed circuit boards Mid soap solution Clean faceplate panel Lint-free cloth Clean faceplate panel Operating Instructions 3-1 Warnings and Cautions WARNING To eliminate possible electrical shock, disconnect AC power from the mainframe and disconnect all inputs to the muitimeter before removing the multimeter from the mainframe. CAUTION The multimeter printed circuit assemblies (PCAs) contain static-sensitive devices that can be damaged when handling. Use static control devices (wrist straps, static mats, etc.) when handling the instrument. See Chapter 8 for electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions. Do not use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the multimeter PCAs, as these assemblies have static-sensitive devices that can be damaged by a vacuum cleaner. Cleaning Use the following procedure to clean the multimeter. Procedure 1. Disassemble the multimeter. See Chapter 8 for assembly and disassembly instructions. 2. Using an airgun with a grounded nozzle, remove dust from the Al and A2 PCA surfaces. Reassemble the multimeter. 4. Clean the HP E1410A multimeter faceplate panel with a mild soap solution and a lint-free cloth. м МОТЕ Disassembling the multimeter exposes the assemblies to possible ESD damage and is usually unnecessary. Unless you have a good reason to disassemble the multimeter, skip steps 1 through 3 above. 3-2 Operating Instructions Operators Check Self-Test Procedure NOTE Example: Self-Test The Operator’s Check for the HP E1410A multimeter consists of sending the self-test (*TST?) command and checking the response. The operator's check can be used at any time to verify that the multimeter 1s connected properly and is responding to the self-test command. As required, see the command module user’s manual for information on address selection. See the HP E14104 User's Manual for information on multimeter SCPI commands. 1. Verify that the multimeter is properly installed in the mainframe and that the mainframe has passed its power-on test. No input signals should be present at the multimeter inputs. 2. Execute the multimeter self-test using the *TST? command. 3. A"0" returned means no self-test failure, while any other number returned means a failure was detected. See Chapter 8 for troubleshooting information. If an incorrect address is used, the multimeter will not respond. Verify proper address selection before troubleshooting. This example performs a multimeter self-test. Any number other than 0 returned indicates a test failure. See Chapter 8 for self-test error codes. 10 OUTPUT 70903;"*TST?" Send the self-test command 20 ENTER 70903;A Read self-test result 30 PRINTA Display the result 40 END Operating Instructions 3-3 4 Verification Tests Introduction WARNING Test Conditions/ Procedures Line Frequency Reference The three levels of test procedures described in this chapter are used to verify that the HP E1410A multimeter: e is fully functional (Functional Verification) e meets all testable specifications (Performance Verification) e meets selected testable specifications (Operation Verification) Do not perform any of the following verification tests unless you are a qualified, service-trained technician and have read the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS in Chapter 1. For valid tests, the multimeter must have a one hour warm-up with all input signals removed, and the multimeter auto-zero must be ON. An autocalibration should be performed within 24 hours of Performance Verification. For best test accuracy, the ambient temperature of the test area should be between 18°C and 28°C and stable to within #1°C. See Table 1-1, Recommended Test Equipment, for test equipment requirements. Teflon cable or other high impedance, low dielectric absorption cable is recommended for all measurements. You should complete the Performance Verification tests at one year intervals. For heavy use or severe operating environments, perform the tests more often. For effective normal mode rejection (NMR), the multimeter’s line frequency reference should be set to the power line frequency (50, 60, or 400 Hz). The line frequency reference is set to 60 Hz at the factory. The setting is stored in non-volatile memory, and is not affected by cycling power or sending the *RST command. To change the setting, use the CAL:LFR <frequency> command (CAL:LFR 50, for example). See the HP E1410A User's Manual for more information. ® Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company. Verification Tests 4-1 Connecting the Guard Terminal NOTE Performance Test Record The guard terminal of the multimeter should be connected to divert common mode currents away from the measurement. Some experimenting may be required to find the best guarding method for any particular test setup. Two guarding methods are described below. For further information, see Application Note 123, Floating Measurements and Guarding (HP publication number 5952-2153). Connect guard terminal to multimeter chassis. This connection (see Figure 4-1) gives injected currents in the guard terminal a direct path to ground. However, if the source and instrument grounds are not at exactly the same voltage, a common mode current will be generated that will be coupled into the measurement. This current can be diverted using the method described below, or eliminated by making sure that the two grounds are equal. Connect guard terminal to source ground. With this connection (see Figure 4-2), common mode currents due to unequal source and instrument grounds are diverted away from the test leads. Injected currents in the guard terminal are also given a path to ground. This method is recommended for most of the adjustments and Performance Verification tests in this manual. For offset measurements, connect the guard terminal directly to the multimeter chassis as described above. To simplify the illustrations in this manual, the guard terminal connection will not be explicitly shown. It is not advisable, however, to leave the guard terminal open. Table 4-1, at the end of this chapter, provides space to enter the results of each Performance Verification test and to compare the results with the upper and lower limits for the test. You can make a copy of this form, if desired. The value in the "Measurement Uncertainty” column of Table 4-1 is derived from the specifications of the source used for the test, and represents the expected accuracy of the source. The value in the "Test Accuracy Ratio (TAR)" column of Table 4-1 is the ratio of multimeter accuracy to measurement uncertainty. 4-2 Verification Tests E1410A ~~ MULTIMETER £1405A/8 COMMAND MODULE CONNECT TO QUTER PORTION OF BNC CONNECTOR £1400 B/T MAINFRAME E1410A F_4_1 Figure 4-1. Guard Connected to Multimeter Chassis E1410A < МОСТМЕТЕК DATRON 4708 MULTIFUNCTION STANDARD E14054/B COMMAND MODULE LOCAL GUARD £1400 B/T LOCAL SENSE MAINFRAME E1410A F_4_2 Figure 4-2. Guard Connected to Source Ground Verification Tests 4-3 Verification Test Examples NOTE Functional Verification Test Self-Test Procedure NOTE Example: Self-Test Each verification test procedure includes an example program that performs the test. All example programs assume a multimeter address of 70903, and are written for an HP 9000 Series 200/300 computer running HP BASIC. If necessary, refer to the HP El405A Command Module User's Manual (or applicable command module manual) for information on address selection. The procedure in this section is used to quickly verify that the HP E1410A is functioning. This test should be performed anytime the user wants to verify that the HP E1410A is connected properly and is responding to basic commands. This test verifies that the multimeter is communicating with the command module, external controller, and/or external terminal by performing a multimeter self-test. 1. Verify that the muitimeter and command module are properly installed in the mainframe. No signals should be present at the multimeter inputs. 2. Execute the multimeter self-test using the *TST? command. 3. A"0" returned means no failure, while any other value returned means a failure was detected. See Chapter 8 for troubleshooting information and self-test error codes. If an incorrect address is used, the multimeter will not respond. Verify proper address selection before troubleshooting. This example performs a multimeter self-test. Any number other than 0 returned indicates a test failure. See Chapter 8 for self-test error codes. 10 OUTPUT 70903;"*TST?" Send the self-test command 20 ENTER 70903;A Read the test result 30 PRINT A Display the result 40 END 4-4 Verification Tests Performance Verification The procedures in this section are used to test the electrical performance of the multimeter using the specifications in Appendix A of the HP El410A User's Manual as the performance standards. These tests are suitable for incoming inspection, troubleshooting, and preventive maintenance. Test 4-1: DC Voltage Test Procedure DC Voltage Offset Test The purpose of this test is to verify DC voltage accuracy on all five ranges with inputs at 0 V and at full-scale. Linearity will also be verified at the 3 V range. 1. Connect a low thermal short (copper wire) across the front panel HI and LO input terminals as shown in Figure 4-3. E1410% F_4_3 E14104 F-46 Figure 4-3. DC Voltage Offset Test Setup 2. Set up the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset HP E1410A *RST e Configure for DC voltage ........... CONF: VOLT:DC e NPLC to 10 . VOLT:NPLC 10 Set the HP E1410A to the 300 V range using the following command: e Set range VOLT:RANG 300 Verification Tests 4-5 Example: DCV Offset Test Perform the measurement using the READ? command. A Verify that the result is within specified limits and record the result. Repeat steps 3 through 5 using the following ranges: 30 V, 3 Y, 300 mV, and 30 mV. This example performs a DCV test for a zero volt input. 882388868865 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 OPTION BASE 1 DIM Range(5) DATA 300,30,3,.3,.03 READ Range(*) OUTPUT 70903;**RST" Reset multimeter OUTPUT 70903;"CONF:VOLT:DC" Configure for DCV OUTPUT 70903;"VOLT:NPLC 10" Set to 10 NPLC FORI=1TO5 OUTPUT 70903;"VOLT:RANG ";Range(l) Set multimeter range OUTPUT 70903;"READ?" Perform measurement ENTER 70903;Reading PRINT "Range = ";Range(l);"Volts" PRINT “Reading = "Reading uu DISP "Press 'Continue' when ready" PAUSE NEXT | DISP END 46 Verification Tests DC Voltage 1. Gain Test E1400 BAT MAINFRAME Connect the DC Standard across the HP E1410A front panel HI and LO input terminals as shown in Figure 4-4. ET4IDA F_4.d El 4104 FAS Figure 4-4. DC Voltage Gain Test Setup 2, Set up the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset HP E1410A *RST e Configure for DC voltage ........... CONF:VOLT:DC e NPLC to 10 VOLT:NPLC 10 Set the DC Standard output to 30 mV. Set the HP E1410A to the 30 mV range using the following command: e Set range VOLT:RANG .03 Perform the measurement using the READ? command. Verify that the result is within specified limits and record the result. Verification Tests 4-7 Example: DCV Gain Test 7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 using the following ranges and inputs: i Et410ARange $ | DCStandard Output 30 mV 30 mV 300 mV 300 mV 3V 3V 3V 2V 3V 1V 3V -1V 3V 2V 3V -3V 30 V 30 V 300 V 300 V This example performs a DCV test for applied inputs. © 8 3888833 210 220 OPTION BASE 1 DIM Range(10),Voltage(10) DATA .03,.3,3,3,3,3,3,3,30,300 READ Range(*) DATA .03,.3,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,30,300 READ Voltage(*) OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" QUTPUT 70903;"CONF:VOLT:DC" QUTPUT 70903; VOLT:NPLC 10" РОВ 1- 1 ТО 10 DISP "Set DC Standard to “;Voltage(l);"Voits" PAUSE OUTPUT 70903;"VOLT:RANG ";Range(l) QUTPUT 70903;"READ?" ENTER 70903;Reading PRINT "Range = ";Range(l);"Voits" PRINT "Reading = "Reading DISP "Press 'Continue' when ready" PAUSE NEXT | DISP END Reset multimeter Configure for DCV Set 10 10 NPLC Set multimeter range Perform measurement 4-8 Verification Tests № Test 4-2: AC Voltage Test Procedure The purpose of this test is to verify AC voltage accuracy at all five ranges with inputs at full-scale and 10% of fuil-scale. Frequency response is also tested at the 300 mV and 3 V ranges. AC Voltage 1. Connect the AC Standard across the HP E1410A front panel HI Gain Test and LO input terminals as shown in Figure 4-5. E1400 8/7 МАНЕ РАМЕ Figure 4-5. AC Voltage Test Setup 2. Set up the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset HP E1410A . *RST e Configure for AC voltage ............ CONF:VOLT:AC e NPLC to 10 VOLT:NPLC 10 e Select AC fast mode .... BAND:DET 400 3. Set the AC Standard controls as follows: e Output 30 mV ® Frequency ..... meoncaonocnonoere LKHZ 4. Set the HP E1410A to the 30 mV range using the following command: e Set range VOLT:RANG .03 Verification Tests 4-9 5. Perform the measurement using the READ? command. 6. Verify that the result is within specified limits and record the result. 7. Repeatsteps 3 through 6 using the following ranges and inputs: = AC Standard Output | 30 mV 1 kHz 300 mV 1 kHz 1V 1 kHz DV 1 kHz 3V 1 kHz 30 V 1 kHZ 300 V 30 V 1 kHz 30 V 3V 1 kHz зу 300 mV 1 kHz 300 mV 30 mV 1 kHz Example: ACV This example performs an ACV test for gain. Gain Test 10 OPTION BASE 1 20 DIM Range(11),Voltage(11) 30 DATA .03,.3,3,3,3,30,300,300,30,3,.3 40 READ Range(*) 50 DATA .03,.3,1,2,3,30,300,30,3,.3,.03 60 READ Voltage(*) 70 OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" Reset multimeter 80 OUTPUT 70903;"CONF:VOLT.AC" Configure for ACV 90 OUTPUT 70903;"VOLT:NPLC 10" Set to 10 NPLC 100 OUTPUT 70903;"BAND:DET 400" Select Fast mode 110 FORI=1TO 11 120 DISP “Set AC Standard to ";Voltage(I);'Volts" 130 PAUSE 140 OUTPUT 70903;"VOLT:RANG ";Range(l) Set multimeter range 150 OUTPUT 70903;"READ?" Perform measurement 4-10 Verification Tests AC Voltage Frequency Response Test 160 170 180 190 210 220 230 ENTER 70903;Reading PRINT “Range = ";Range(l);"Volts" PRINT "Reading = ";Reading DISP "Press ‘Continue’ when ready" — PAUSE DISP NEXT | END Connect the AC Standard across the HP E1410A front panel HI and LO input terminals as shown in Figure 4-5. Set up the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset HP E1410A *RST e Configure for AC voltage ............ CONF:VOLT:AC e NPLC to 10 VOLT:NPLC 10 e Select AC fast mode BAND:DET 400 Set the AC Standard controls as follows: e Output 30 mV e Frequency 1 MHz Set the HP E1410A to the 300 mV range using the following command: | e Set range VOLT:RANG .3 Perform the measurement using the READ? command. Verify that the result is within specified limits and record the result. Verification Tests 4-11 7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 using the ranges and inputs in the following table. When indicated, set the E1410A AC bandwidth to slow mode using the command: BAND:DET 20. Гай - Voltage Frequency 300 mV Fast 30 mV 1 MHz 300 mV Fast 30 mV 300 kHz 300 mV Fast 30 mV 100 kHz 300 mV Fast 30 mV 20 kHz 300 mV Fast 30 mV 6.5 kHz 300 mV Fast 30 mV 400 Hz 300 mV Fast 300 mV 1 MHZ 300 mv Fast 300 mV 300 kHz 300 mV Fast 300 mV 100 kHz 300 mv Fast 300 mv 20 kHz 300 mV Fast 300 mV 6.5 kHz 300 mV Fast 300 mV 400 Hz 3V Fast 300 mV 1 MHz 3V Fast 300 mV 300 kHz 3V Fast 300 mV 100 kHz 3v Fast 300 mV 20 kHz 3V Fast 300 mV 6.5 kHz 3V Fast 300 mV 400 Hz 3V Fast 3V 1 MHz 3V Fast 3V 300 kHz 3V Fast 3V 100 kHz 3V Fast 3V 20 kHz 3V Fast 3V 6.5 kHz 3V Fast 3V 400 Hz 3V Slow 3V 100 Hz 3V Siow 3V 45 Hz 3V Slow 3v 20 Hz 300 mV Slow 300 mV 100 Hz 300 mv Slow 300 mv 45 Hz 300 mV Siow 300 mV 20 Hz 4-12 Verification Tests A Example: ACV Frequency Response Test This example performs an ACV test for frequency response. OPTION BASE 1 DIM Range(30),Voltage(30),Freg(30) DATA .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,3,3,3,3,3,3 DATA 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,.3,.3,.3 READ Range(*) DATA .03,.03,.03,.03,.03,.03,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3 DATA 3,3,3,3,3,3.3.3,3,.3..3,.3 READ Voltage(*) DATA 1.E6,3.E5,1.E5,2.E4,6.5E3,400,1.E6,3.E5,1.E5,2.E4,6.5E3,400 100 DATA 1.E6,3.E5,1.E5,2.E4,6.5E3,400,1.E6,3.E5,1.E5,2.E4,6.5E3,400 110 DATA 100,45,20,100,45,20 120 READ Freq(*) 980858558886 130 OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" Reset multimeter 140 OUTPUT 70903;"CONF:VOLT:AC" Configure for ACV 150 OUTPUT 70903;"VOLT:NPLC 10" Set to 10 NPLC 160 FOR 1=1 TO 30 170 DISP "Set AC Standard to ":Voltage(l):"Volts,":Freq(!);"Hz" 180 PAUSE 190 IF Freq(l) < 400 THEN 200 OUTPUT 70903;"BAND:DET 20* Select slow mode 210 ELSE 220 QUTPUT 70903;"BAND:DET 400" Select fast mode 230 ENDIF 240 OUTPUT 70903;'VOLT:RANG ";Range(l) Set multimeter range 250 OUTPUT 70903; "READ?" Perform measurement 260 ENTER 70903;Reading 270 PRINT "Range = ";Range(l);"Volts" 280 PRINT "Reading = ";Reading 290 DISP "Press ‘Continue’ when ready" 300 PAUSE 310 DISP 320 NEXT! 330 DISP 340 END Verification Tests 4-13 Test 4-3: 2-Wire Ohms Test Procedure The purpose of this test is to verify 2-wire ohms accuracy on all ranges for shorted inputs and applied inputs. 2-Wire Ohms 1. Connect a low thermal short (copper wire) across the HP E1410A Offset Test front panel HI and LO input terminals as shown in Figure 4-6. E14054/H COMMAND MODULE E1400 B/T MAINFRAME Вы E14104 F_4.3 E14104 F..4.6 Figure 4-6. 2-Wire Ohms Offset Test Setup 2. Setup the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset HP E1410A *RST e Configure for 2-wire ohms ...................... CONF:RES e NPLC to 10 RES:NPLC 10 e Offset compensation ON ............... RES:OCOM ON e Trigger Delay to .5 sec TRIG:DEL .5 3. Set the HP E1410A to the 30 Q range using the following command: e Set range RES:RANG 30 4. Perform the measurement using the READ? command. 5. Verify that the result is within specified limits and record the result. 6. Repeatsteps 3 through 5 using the following ranges: 300 22, 3 kg, 30 kQ, 300 kQ, 3 MQ, and 30 MQ. 4-14 Verification Tests Example: 2-Wire Onms Offset Test This example performs a 2-wire ohms test for a shorted input. 586268888865 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 OPTION BASE 1 DIM Range(7) DATA 30,300,3000,3.E4,3.E5,3.E6,3.E7 READ Range(*) OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" Reset multimeter OUTPUT 70903;"CONF:RES" Configure for 2-wire ohms OUTPUT 70903;"RES:NPLC 10" Set to 10 NPLC OUTPUT 70903;"RES:OCOM ON" Offset compensation ON OUTPUT 70903;'TRIG:DEL .5" Set trigger delay to .5 sec FOR1=1T07 OUTPUT 70903;"RES:RANG ";Range(l) Set multimeter range OUTPUT 70903;"READ?" Perform measurement ENTER 70903;Reading PRINT "Range = ";Range(l);"Ohms" PRINT "Reading = ";Reading DISP "Press 'Continue' when ready" PAUSE DISP NEXT | END Verification Tests 4-15 2-Wire Ohms Gain Test NOTE The following procedure can be performed without using a transfer standard DMM if desired. 1. Setup the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset HP E1410A *RST e Configure for 2-wire ohms .......e...e..m...o..s CONF:RES e NPLC to 10 RES:NPLC 10 e Offset compensation ON ............... RES:OCOM ON e Trigger Delay to .5 sec TRIG:DEL .5 2. Set the Resistance Standard output to 10 Q (nominal). Measure the output of the Resistance Standard with the Transfer Standard DMM as shown in Figure 4-7 (optional). The Transfer Standard settings (offset compensation, auto-zero, etc.) and guarding should be identical to those used for the HP E1410A. The Transfer Standard measurement should be taken at the ends of the test leads, as shown in Figure 4-7, so that the resistance of the test leads and the internal resistances of the source are included in the measurement. Disconnect the Transfer Standard. Connect the Resistance Standard across the HP E1410A front panel HI and LO input terminals as indicated by the dotted lines in Figure 4-7. Set the HP E1410A to the 30 Q range using the following command: .. RES:RANG 30 e Set range 6. Perform the measurement using the READ? command. 7. Verify that the result is within specified limits and record the result. 8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 using the following ranges and inputs: SN E1410A Range “| “Resistance Standard Output 30 Q 10 Q 300 Q 100 Q 3 kQ 1 ко 30 ко 10 ke 300 key 100 ke? 3 MQ 1 MQ 30 MQ 10 MQ 4-16 Verification Tests LO MULTIMETER DATRON 4708 MULTIFUNCTION STANDARD LOCAL GUARD LOCAL SENSE E1405A/8B COMMAND MODULE E1410 MULTIMETER > E1400 B/T NN MAINFRAME E1410A F_4_7 Figure 4-7. 2-Wire Ohms Gain Test Setup Verification Tests 4-17 Example: 2-Wire Ohms Gain Test This example performs a 2-wire ohms test for applied inputs. 68382385885 180 190 OPTION BASE 1 DIM Range(7) DATA 30,300,3000,3.E4,3.E5,3.E6,3.E7 READ Range(*) OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" Reset multimeter OUTPUT 70903;"CONF:RES" Configure for 2-wire ohms OUTPUT 70903;"RES:NPLC 10" Set to 10 NPLC OUTPUT 70903;"RES:OCOM ON" Offset compensation ON OUTPUT 70903;'TRIG:DEL .5" Set trigger delay to .5 sec FORI=1TO7 DISP "Set Resistance Standard to ";Range(i}/3;"Ohms" PAUSE QUTPUT 70903;"RES:RANG “;Range(l) Set multimeter range OUTPUT 70903;"READ?" Perform measurement ENTER 70903;Reading PRINT "Range = ";:Range(l);"Ohms" PRINT "Reading = “Reading NEXT | DISP END 4-18 Verification Tests Test 4-4: 4-Wire Ohms Test Procedure The purpose of this test is to verify 4-wire ohms accuracy on all ranges for shorted inputs and applied inputs. 4-Wire Ohms 1. Short the E1410A front panel terminals as shown in Figure 4-8. Offset Test | 2. Setup the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset HP E1410A *RST ¢ Configure for 4-wire ohms ................... CONF:FRES e NPLC to 10 RES:NPLC 10 e Offset compensation ON ............... RES: OCOM ON e Trigger Delay to .5 sec TRIG:DEL .5 E1405A\B COMMAND MODULE ET4104 F_4.4 Figure 4-8. 4-Wire Ohms Offset Test Setup 3. Set the HP E1410A to the 30 Q range using the following command: e Set range RES:RANG 30 4. Perform the measurement using the READ? command. 5. Verify that the result is within specified limits and record the result. 6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 using the following ranges: 300 Q, 3 kQ, 30 kQ, 300 kQ, 3 MQ, and 30 MQ. Verification Tests 4-19 Example: 4-Wire Ohms Offset Test This example performs a 4-wire ohms test for a shorted input. 8838886886 170 180 190 OPTION BASE 1 DIM Range(7) DATA 30,300,3000,3.E4,3.E5,3.E6,3.E7 READ Range(*) OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" Reset multimeter OUTPUT 70903;"CONF:FRES" Configure for 4-wire ohms OUTPUT 70903;"RES:NPLC 10" Setto 10 NPLC OUTPUT 70903;"RES:OCOM ON" Offset compensation ON OUTPUT 70903;'TRIG:DEL .5" Set trigger delay 10 .5 sec FORI=1TO7 OUTPUT 70903;"RES:RANG ";Range(l) Set multimeter range OUTPUT 70903;"READ?" Perform measurement ENTER 70903;Reading PRINT "Range = ";Range(l);"Ohms" PRINT "Reading = ";Reading DISP "Press 'Continue’ when ready” PAUSE DISP NEXT | END 4-20 Verification Tests 4-Wire Ohms Gain Test The following procedure can be performed without using a transfer standard DMM if desired. 1. Set up the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset HP E1410A *RST e Configure for 4-wire ohms ................... CONF:FRES e NPLC to 10 RES:NPLC 10 e Offset compensation ON ............... RES:OCOM ON e Trigger Delay to .5 sec TRIG:DEL .5 2. Set the Resistance Standard output to 10 Q (nominal). 3. Measure the output of the Resistance Standard with the Transfer Standard DMM as shown in Figure 4-9(a) (optional). The Transfer Standard settings (offset compensation, auto-zero, etc.) and guarding should be identical to those used for the HP E1410A. 4. Disconnect the Transfer Standard. Using the same test leads, connect the Resistance Standard to the HP E1410A front panel input terminals as shown in Figure 4-9(b). 5. Set the HP E1410A to the 30 Q range using the following command: e Set range RES:RANG 30 6. Perform the measurement using the READ? command. 7. Verify that the result is within specified limits and record the result. 8. Repeatsteps 2 through 7 using the following ranges and inputs: 5 ET410A Range "| Resistance Standard Output °^ 30 Q 109 300 © 100 © З Ко 1kQ 30 kQ 10 ko 300 ko 100 ka 3 MQ 1 MQ 30 MQ 10 MQ Verification Tests 4-21 DATRON 4708 MULTIFUNCTION STANDARD 3458A MULTIMETER LOCAL GUARD REMOTE SENSE HI LO E1410A F_4_9A (a) „” E1410A „” MULTIMETER DATRON 4708 E14054/B CONMAND NODULE LOCAL GUARD ren 8/7 REMOTE SENSE A; > Se ET410A F_4_96 (b) Figure 4-9. 4-Wire Ohms Test Setup 4-22 Verification Tests o Example: 4-Wire Ohms Gain Test This example performs a 4-wire ohms test for applied inputs. 8338238883 100 wll — © 170 180 190 OPTION BASE 1 DIM Range(7) DATA 30,300,3000,3.E4,3.E5,3.E6,3.E7 READ Range(*) QUTPUT 70903;"*RST” | Reset multimeter OUTPUT 70903;"CONF.FRES" Configure for 4-wire ohms OUTPUT 70803;"RES:NPLC 10" Set to 10 NPLC OUTPUT 70903;"RES:OCOM ON" Offset compensation ON OUTPUT 70903; TRIG:DEL .5" Set trigger delay to .5 sec FOR 1= 1707 DISP "Set Resistance Standard to “;Range(l)/3;"Ohms" PAUSE OUTPUT 70903;"RES:RANG ";Range(l) Set multimeter range OUTPUT 70903;"READ?" Perform measurement ENTER 70903; Reading PRINT “Range = ";Range(l);"Ohms" PRINT "Reading = "Reading NEXT | DISP END Verification Tests 4-23 Test 4-5: Frequency Test Procedure The purpose of this test is to verify frequency accuracy at 20 Hz and 1 MHz 1. Connect the Frequency Standard across the HP E1410A front panel HI and LO terminals as shown in Figure 4-10. E1400 BT Alar Figure 4-10. Frequency Test Setup 2. Set up the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset HP E1410A *RST e Configure for frequency ...................... CONF:FREQ 3. Set the Frequency Standard controls as follows: e Output 1V e Frequency 20 Hz 4. Perform the measurement using the READ? command. 5. Verify that the result is within specified limits and record the result. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the Frequency Standard set to 1 MHz. 4-24 Verification Tests Example: Frequency Accuracy Test This example performs a frequency test. PRINT "Reading = ";Reading DISP "Set Frequency Standard to 1 V, 1 MHz sinewave" PAUSE 100 QUTPUT 70903;"READ?" Perform measurement 110 ENTER 70903;Reading 120 PRINT "Reading = "¡Reading 130 END 10 OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" Reset multimeter 20 OUTPUT 70903;"CONF-FREQ" Configure for frequency 30 DISP "Set Frequency Standard to 1 V, 20 Hz sinewave" 40 PAUSE 50 OUTPUT 70903;"READ?" Perform measurement 60 ENTER 70903:Reading 70 80 90 Verification Tests 4-25 Operation Verification Tests The procedures in this section are used when only a subset of the Performance Verification procedures is required. These tests are designed to provide a moderate level of confidence that the instrument is meeting specifications. Operation Verification is performed by completing the following portions of the Performance Verification tests: | DMMRange | DMMinput © DC Voits Offset Test 30 V short 3V short 300 mV short Gain Test 300 mV 300 mV ЗУ ЗУ 30 Y 30 V AC Volts Gain Test 300 mV 300 mV, 1 kHz ЗУ 3V, 1 kHz 30 V 30 V, 1 kHz Frequency Response Test 3V 300 mV, 20 kHz 3V 3V, 20 kHz ЗУ 3 Y, 100 Hz 3V 3 V, 20 Hz 2-Wire Ohms Offset Test 3 kQ short 30 kQ short 300 kQ2 short Gain Test 3 kQ 1 kQ 30 kQ2 10 kQ 300 kQ 100 k£2 4-Wire Ohms Offset Test 3 kQ short 30 kQ short 300 k£2 short Gain Test 3 kQ 1 kQ 30 kQ 10 kQ 300 kQ 100 kQ Frequency Auto 1 V, 20 Hz Auto 1V, 1 MHz 4-26 Verification Tests Performance Test Record NOTE Multimeter Accuracy Measurement Uncertainty Test Accuracy Ratio (TAR) Table 4-1, Performance Test Record for the HP E14104 Multimeter, is a form you can copy and use to record performance verification test results for the multimeter. Pages 3, 4, and 5 of Table 4-1 show multimeter accuracy, measurement uncertainty, and test accuracy ratio (TAR) values. The accuracy, measurement uncertainty, and TAR values shown in Table 4-1 are valid ONLY for the specific test conditions, test equipment, and assumptions described. If you use different test equipment or change the test conditions, you will need to compute the specific values for your test Setup. Accuracy is defined for DC voltage, AC voltage, 2-wire ohms, 4-wire ohms, and frequency measurements using the 1-year specifications in Appendix A of the HP El4104 User's Manual. In Tabie 4-1, the "High Limit" and "Low Limit" columns represent the multimeter accuracy for the specified test conditions. For the performance verification tests in this manual, measurement uncertainties are calculated assuming an HP 3325A/B as the source for frequency measurements, and a Datron 4708 as the source for all other measurements. For 2-wire and 4-wire ohms measurements, an HP 3458A multimeter is used as a transfer standard. In other words, the Datron 4708 output should be measured by the HP 3458A (in 4-wire mode) before being measured by the HP E1410A. The measurement uncertainty then becomes equivalent to the accuracy of the HP 3458A. Measurement uncertainties in Table 4-1 are based on 90-day accuracy specifications for the Datron 4708 and the HP 3458A, and 1-year accuracy specifications for the HP 3325A/B. In Table 4-1, the "Test Accuracy Ratio (TAR)" is calculated from (high limit - expected measurement)/measurement uncertainty. "N/A" means measurement uncertainty and TAR do not apply to the measurement. For the specified conditions and test equipment, all measurements have TAR's that are greater than 4:1. Verification Tests 4-27 Table 4-1. Performance Test Record for the HP E1410A Multimeter (Page 1 of 5) Test Facility: Name Address City/State Phone Model Serial No. Options Firmware Rev. Special Notes: Report No. Date Customer Tested by Ambient temperature °C Relative humidity % Line frequency Hz (nominal) 4-28 Verification Tests Table 4-1. Performance Test Record for the HP E1410A Multimeter (Page 2 of 5) Model Report No. Date Test Equipment Used: Description Model No. Trace No. Cal Due Date ak » © wa N о ÿ E Y NM — o = == > = «ый © 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Verification Tests 4-29 Table 4-1. Performance Test Record for the HP E1410A Multimeter (Page 3 of 5) | Model Report No. Date 1-year Specifications Test Test DMM No. input Range Meas Uncert Test Acc Ratio 4-1 < о оо SB 22 no B 88 ewww 8.88 1.999943 ‚999968 -1.000032 «2.000057 -3.000082 29.9986 299.9828 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A zz >> WOMNNNNDND th oh md ed md md wd eh wh wb "AC Voltage Gain Test (1 kHz) (ValuesinVag) © Een AA 4-2 В ом с 8 Sun 03 2. 88 SB wwunuB ‚02990079 ‚2992479 ‚996479 1.994479 2.992479 29.92479 299.0679 29.7699 2.97879 297879 0297879 4-30 Verification Tests Table 4-1. Performance Test Record for the HP E1410A Multimeter (Page 4 of 5) Model Report No. Date 1-year Specifications Test Test Test DMM Low Measured High Meas Test Acc No. Input Freg Range Limit Reading Limit Uncert Ratio “AC Voltage Frequency Response Test (Values i \ Мас): 4-2 .03 1 MHZ 3 ‚020193 ‚039807 ‚00018 >10:1 (Cont.) 03 300 kHz 3 ‚0279699 ‚0320301 ‚000057 >10:1 03 100 kHz 3 ‚0295338 ‚0304662 ‚000028 > 10:1 ‚03 20 kHz 3 ‚0297879 ‚0302121 ‚000017 > 10:1 03 6.5 kHz 3 ‚0297879 ‚0302121 ‚0000124 > 10:1 03 400 Hz 3 ‚0297879 ‚0302121 ‚0000124 > 10:1 ‚28 1 MHz 3 244168 ‚315832 ‚00079 > 10:1 3 300 kHz 3 ‚2888169 ‚3111831 ‚00018 >10:1 3 100 kHz 3 ‚2975898 3024102 ‚000053 > 10:1 3 20 kHz 3 2992479 ‚3007521 000025 >10:1 3 6.5 kHz 3 2992479 ‚3007521 ‚000025 > 10:1 3 400 Hz 3 2992479 3007521 ‚000025 > 10:1 3 1 MHz 3 20193 „39807 ‚00082 > 10:1 3 300 kHz 3 ‚279699 ‚320301 ‚00018 > 10:1 3 100 kHz 3 ‚295338 ‚304662 ‚900053 > 10:1 3 20 kHz 3 297879 „302121 ‚000025 > 10:1 3 6.5 kHz 3 ‚297879 ‚302121 .000025 >10:1 3 400 Hz 3 ‚297879 302121 ‚000025 >10:1 2.8 1 MHz 3 2.44168 3.15832 ‚0079 >10:1 3 300 kHz 3 2.888169 3.111831 ‚0018 >10:1 3 100 kHz 3 2.975898 3.024102 ‚00053 > 10:1 3 20 kHz 3 2.992479 3.007521 00025 >10:1 3 6.5 kHz 3 2.992479 3.007521 00025 >10:1 3 400 Hz 3 2.992479 3.007521 00025 >10:1 3 100 Hz 3 2.992779 3.007221 ‚00038 >10:1 3 45 Hz 3 2.990379 3.009621 ‚00038 >10:1 3 20 Hz 3 2.979879 3.020121 ‚00060 >10:1 3 100 Hz 3 2992779 ‚3007221 ‚000038 > 10:1 3 45 Hz 3 2990379 ‚3009621 ‚000038 > 10:1 3 20 Hz 3 ‚2979879 3020121 ‚000060 >10:1 Verification Tests 4-31 Table 4-1. Performance Test Record for the HP E1410A Multimeter (Page 5 of 5) | Model Report NO. Date | 1-year Specifications Test Test DMM No. Input Range re a Te le a 43 N/A 3000 - 207 207 N/A N/A . ‘ N/A 300000 -1 1 N/A N/A 3000000 -14.2 14.2 N/A N/A 30000000 830.2 830.2 N/A N/A < ос © © N Ч 5 10 30 9.79585 10.20415 ‚0002 >10:1 100 300 99.791 100.209 0015 >10:1 1000 3000 999.743 1000.257 .0085 >10:1. 10000 30000 9999.23 10000.77 ‚085 9:1 100000 300000 99994 100006 85 7:1 1000000 3000000 999920.8 1000079 14 6:1 10000000 30000000 9995170 10004830 600 8:1 4Wira Ohms Test (Valuesinohms) TT pee 4-4 о о ос ео 10 30 100 300 1000 3000 10000 30000 100000 300000 1000000 3000000 10000000 30000000 5 оо мым © anh wb —_ — ie Frequency Test (Valuesin Hz) oo ane 4-5 20 Auto 19.99 20.01 ‚0000036 > 10:1 1000000 Auto 999900 1000100 18 >10:1 4-32 Verification Tests 5 Adjustments Introduction WARNING NOTE Adjustment Conditions/ Procedures Calibration Number (CAL:NUMB?) This chapter contains procedures for adjusting the HP E1410A multimeter. For best performance, the instrument should be adjusted after repair. All adjustments are performed electrically, so manual adjustment of the multimeter is not necessary. Do not perform any of the following adjustments unless you are a qualified, service-trained technician, and have read the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS in Chapter 1. Adjustment procedures should be performed in the order shown in this manual. For valid adjustments, the HP E1410A multimeter must have at least a 60 minute warm-up. For best accuracy, the temperature of the area where adjustments are made should be between 18°C and 28°C and stable to within +1%C. Consult Chapter 4 for information on setting the line frequency reference and connecting the guard terminal. See Table 1-1, Recommended Test Equipment, for test equipment requirements. The CAL:NUMB? command provides you with a method of monitoring the number of adjustments performed. The instrument will respond to the CAL:NUMB? command by returning the number of calibration RAM entries completed since factory initialization. The calibration number increments for each adjustment point. The adjustment procedure described in this chapter will increase the calibration number by 45. Note that the autocal commands (CAL:INT? and *CAL?) do not affect the calibration number. Adjustments 5-1 Calibration Calibration security must be disabled before the multimeter will accept NOTE Security any adjustment. The following command disables calibration security: CAL:SEC OFF, <security code>. The security code is set to 1410" at the factory. Calibration security is enabled by cycling power or by sending either of the following commands: e CAL:SEC ON, <security code > e *RST The security code is optional for the CAL:SEC ON command. Overriding Calibration security can also be disabled by shorting R202 to ground on Calibration assembly Al (see Figure 5-1). Calibration will remain unsecured as long Secu rity as the jumper is present. Since it is not advisable to disassemble the multimeter, the jumper should usually only be used if the security code is not known. See Chapter 8 for disassembly/reassembly instructions. JUMPER MAÉ ; Figure 5-1. Overriding Calibration Security - [3 к Li E1410A F_5_1 5-2 Adjustments Checking Calibration Security State Example Changing the Security Code Example The current state of calibration security can be found by using the CAL:SEC? command. A '1’ is returned if calibration security is enabled, and a 0’ is returned if calibration security is disabled. This example checks calibration security status. 10 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL.SEC?" Query cal security state 20 ENTER 70903;A 30 PRINT À 40 END The security code can be changed with the following procedure. The code must be a signed 32-bit integer, that is, between -2147483648 and +2147483647. 1. Disable calibration security: CAL:SEC OFF, <security code> where <security code> = current value. 2. Set security code to new value: CAL:SEC:CODE <security code> where <security code> = new value. 3. Enable calibration security: CAL:SEC ON, <security code> The following example changes the security code from *1410' to 0141’. 10 OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" 20 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:SEC OFF, 1410" Disable cal security 30 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:SEC:CODE 0141" Change code to 0141 40 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:SEC ON,0141" Enable cal security 50 END Adjustments 5-3 Protected User Data (*PUD) Example The E1410A has a 63 byte Protected User Data (PUD) storage location that allows the user to store up to 63 characters of information pertaining to this instrument. To read the information, send the command: *PUD?. To load new information, disable the calibration security feature as described above. Then send the command: *PUD <block>, where <block> is the information to be stored. Since the E1410A does not know how many bytes of information to expect, it must be told when to terminate. In HP BASIC, this can be accomplished by either of the following methods: Precede the data with ‘#0’ and follow the data with END’. For example: OUTPUT 70903;"*PUD #0LAST CAL 11/19/90 AT 25degC", END Precede the data by '#NL', where L is the number of characters (including spaces) to be sent, and N is the number of digits in L. For example: OUTPUT 70903;"*PUD #227LAST CAL 11/19/90 AT 25degC" The following example writes a string to Protected User Data (PUD) storage. The PUD contents are read before and after the string is sent. 10 DIM A$[100],B$[100] 20 OUTPUT 70903; *RST" 30 OUTPUT 70903; *PUD?" Read current PUD contents 40 ENTER 70903;AS 50 PRINTAS 60 ! 70 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:SEC OFF, 1410" Disable security 80 OUTPUT 70903;"*PUD #227LAST CAL 11/19/90 AT 25degC" 90 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL-SEC ON,1410" Enable security 100 ! 110 OUTPUT 70903:"*PUD?" | Read new PUD contents 120 ENTER 70903;B$ 130 PRINT B$ 140 END 5-4 Adjustments DC Voltage This procedure sets the DC voltage offset and gain calibration constants i for each range. The adjustments should be performed in the order Adjustment given, with offset adjustments starting at the high range and gain Procedure adjustments starting at the low range. Calibration values sent to the multimeter should meet the following conditions: e For offset adjustments, the calibration value must be less than +/- 0.0033% of full-scale. For example, at the 3 V range, the value sent must be less than +/- 99 uV. For a good low thermal short, the value should be 0. e For gain adjustments, the calibration value should be no less than 1/3 of full-scale and no greater than 101% of full-scale. For best results, set the calibration value to full-scale. DC Voltage Offset 1. Connect a low thermal short across the HI and LO terminals of the Adjustment E1410A (Figure 5-2). £14104 „” MULTIMETER E1405A/B E1400 8/7 MAINFRAME > ~ > ^^ AN E1410 £43 Figure 5-2. DC Voltage Offset Adjustment Setup 2. Set up the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset the multimeter *RST e Set the function … FUNC:VOLT:DC Adjustments 5-5 NOTE Prepare the HP E1410A for calibration: e Set the range VOLT:RANG 300 e Enable cal ............. CAL:SEC OFF, <security code > e Send input value CAL:VALUE O Check to see if the last command has been completed using the *OPC? command. Read the result; a 1 indicates that the operation has been completed. Perform the adjustment by sending the CAL? command and reading the result. e Á zero indicates that the adjustment was accepted. e À non-zero result indicates that an error has occurred. Send the SYST:ERR? command and read the result. See Chapter 5 of the HP El410A User's Manual for details. | The CAL? command may take 30 seconds or more to execute for some ranges. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for the following ranges: 30V,3V, 300 mV, and 30 mY. 5-6 Adjustments DC Voltage Gain 1. Connect the DC Standard output across the HI and LO terminals Adjustment of the E1410A as shown in Figure 5-3. DATRON 4708 MULTIFUNCTION STANDARD E14054/8 COMMAND MODULE E1400 B/T LOCAL CUARD MAINFRAME LOCAL SENSE 4 ETA Is F_4 5 Figure 5-3. DC Voltage Gain Adjustment Setup 2. Set up the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset the multimeter *RST e Set the function FUNC:VOLT:DC 3. Set the DC Standard output to 30 mV, 4, Prepare the HP E1410A for calibration: e Set the range VOLT:RANGE .03 e Enable cal ............. CAL:SEC OFF, <security code > e Send input value .... CAL: VALUE <input voltage > 5. Check to see if the last command has been completed using the *OPC? command. Read the result; a 1 indicates that the operation has been completed. Adjustments 5-7 NOTE NOTE Example: DC Voltage Adjustments 6. Perform the adjustment by sending the CAL? command and reading the result. e A zero indicates that the adjustment was accepted. e A non-zero result indicates that an error has occurred. Send the SYST:ERR? command and read the result. See Chapter 5 of the HP El410A User's Manual for details. The CAL? command may take 30 seconds or more to execute for some ranges. 7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for the ranges and inputs given below. - O EMIARange | DC Standard Output | 30 mV 30 mV 300 mV 300 mV 3V 3V 3V -3V 30 V 30 V 300 V 300 V The -3 V adjustment sets the calibration constant for A/D conversion. For this step, the input must be EXACTLY equal and opposite to the preceding input. To ensure this condition, reverse the leads going into the HI and LO terminals of the E1410A, rather than setting the source to the negative voltage. This example performs DCV offset and gain adjustments on all ranges. Change the values in line 60 if you are using different input voltages. OPTION BASE 1 DIM Range(11),Cal_input(11) DIM Message$[256] DATA 300,30,3,.3,.03,.03,.3,3,3,30,300 READ Range(*) DATA 0,0,0,0,0,.03,.3,3,-3,30,300 READ Cal _input(*) OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" Reset multimeter OUTPUT 70903;"FUNC:VOLT:DC" Set to DCV 100 DISP "Connect iow thermal short to E1410A terminals" 8 8383888853 5-8 Adjustments 110 PAUSE 120 FOR1=1 TO 11 130 IFI=6 THEN 140 = DISP "Set DC Standard to";Cal_input(l);"Voits" 150 PAUSE 160 ENDIF 170 OUTPUT 70903;"VOLT:RANG “;Range(l) Set multimeter range 180 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:SEC OFF,1410" Enable calibration 190 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:VALUE ";Cal_input(I) Enter input value 200 OUTPUT 70903; *OPC?" Wait for operation complete 210 ENTER 70903;A 220 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL?" | Perform adjustment 230 ENTER 70903;Cal result 240 !F Cal resuit=0 THEN 250 PRINT "Calibration successful on";Range(l);"Voit range." 260 ELSE 270 REPEAT 280 OUTPUT 70903;"SYST:ERR?" 290 ENTER 70903;Code,Message$ 300 PRINT Code, Message$ 310 UNTIL Code=0 320 OUTPUT 70903;"CLS" 330 ENDIF 340 DISP "Press Continue’ when ready" 350 PAUSE 360 DISP 370 NEXT I 380 END Adjustments 5-9 AC Voltage This procedure sets the AC voltage gain calibration constants for each i range, as well as the common offset calibration constant. The aol ustment adjustments should be performed in the order given. The 3 V range roced ure must be done first, because the offset calibration constant for all AC voltage ranges is calculated at the 3 V range. Calibration values sent to the multimeter should meet the following conditions: e For gain adjustments, the calibration value should be between 80% of full-scale and 108.3% of full-scale. For best results, set the calibration value to full-scale. e The source frequency should be 1 kHz +/- 100 Hz. e CAL:INT? AC or CAL:INT? ALL should be performed within 1 hour of any AC voltage adjustments. AC Voltage Gain 1. Connect the AC Standard output across the HI and LO terminals Adjustment of the E1410A as shown in Figure 5-4. 2. Setup the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset the multimeter *RST e Set the function .. FUNC:VOLT:AC ET4104 _- ~~ MULTIMETER DATRON 4708 A MULTIFUNCTION E1405A/8 STANDARD COMMAND MODULE E1400 B/T MAINFRAME AI | \ Figure 5-4. AC Voltage Adjustment Setup 5-10 Adjustments NOTE 3. Set the AC Standard output to 3 V. 4. Prepare the HP E1410A for calibration: e Set the range VOLT:RANG 3 e Enable cal .............. CAL:SEC OFF, <security code > e Send input value ..... CAL: VALUE <input voltage > 5. Check to see if the last command has been completed using the *OPC? command. Read the result; a 1 indicates that the operation has been completed. 6. Perform the adjustment by sending the CAL? command and reading the result. e A zero indicates that the adjustment was accepted. e A non-zero result indicates that an error has occurred. Send the SYST:ERR? command and read the result. See Chapter 5 of the HP El410A User's Manual for details. The CAL? command may take 30 seconds or more to execute for some ranges. 7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for the ranges and inputs given below. 3V 3V 1 kHz 30 mV 30 mV 1 kHz 300 mV 300 mV 1 kHz 30 V 30 V 1 kHz 300 V 300 V 1 kHz Adjustments 5-11 Example: AC Voltage Adjustments This example performs ACV adjustments on all ranges. Change the values in line 60 if you are using different input voltages. ak © OPTION BASE 1 DIM Range(5),Cal_input(5) DIM Message$[256] DATA 3,.03,.3,30,300 READ Range(") DATA 3,.03,.3,30,300 READ Cal_input(*) OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" Reset multimeter OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:INT? AC" Perform AC autocal 100 ENTER 70903;Acal_resuit 110 IF Acal result< >0 THEN 120 DPRINT "Autocal error: "¡Acal result 130 END IF 140 OUTPUT 70903;"FUNC.VOLT:AC" Set to ACV function 150 FORI=1TOS 160 DISP "Set AC Standard to";Cal_input(l);"Voits" 170 PAUSE 180 DISP 190 OUTPUT 70903;'VOLT:RANG ";Range(l) Set multimeter range 200 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:SEC OFF,1410" Enable calibration 210 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:VALUE “Cal _input(l) Enter input value 6 8202888688 220 OUTPUT 70903;"*OPC?" Wait for operation complete 230 ENTER 70903;A 240 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL?" Perform adjustment 250 ENTER 70903;Cal_result 260 IF Cal result=0 THEN 270 PRINT "Calibration successful on";Range(l);"Volt range." 280 ELSE 200 REPEAT 300 OUTPUT 70903;"SYST:ERR?" 310 ENTER 70903;Code,Message$ 320 PRINT Code,Message$ 330 UNTIL Code=0 340 OUTPUT 70903;"*CLS" 350 ENDIF 360 DISP "Press 'Continue' when ready" 370 PAUSE 390 NEXT I 400 END 5-12 Adjustments 2-Wire Ohms This procedure sets the 2-wire ohms offset and gain calibration i constants for each range. The adjustments should be performed in the Adjustment order given, with offset adjustments starting at the high range and gain Procedure adjustments starting at the low range. Calibration values sent to the multimeter should meet the following conditions: e For offset adjustments, the calibration value must be less than +/- 0.0033% of full-scale. For example, at the 3 kQ range, the value sent should be less than +/- 99 mQ. For a good low thermal short, the value should be 0. e For gain adjustments, the calibration value should be between 1/3 of fuli-scale and full-scale. If full-scale inputs are used, make sure that the total resistance (including lead resistance and internal source resistances) does not exceed 101% of full-scale. e CAL:INT? RES or CAL:INT? ALL should be performed within 1 hour of any resistance adjustments. 2-Wire Ohms 1. Connect a low thermal short across the HI and LO terminals of the Offset Adjustment E1410A (Figure 5-5). £14054/B Figure 5-5. 2-Wire Ohms Offset Adjustment Setup Adjustments 5-13 NOTE Set up the HP E1410A as follows: o Reset the multimeter *RST e Set the function menea. FUNC:RES e Disable offset compensation ........ RES:OCOM OFF e Set trigger delay TRIG:DEL 5 Prepare the HP E1410A for adjustment: e Set the range to 30 MQ .................. RES:RANG 3E7 e Enable cal ............ CAL:SEC OFF, <security code > e Send input value CAL: VALUE 0 Check to see if the last command has been completed using the *OPC? command. Read the result; a 1 indicates that the operation has been completed. Perform the adjustment by sending the CAL? command and reading the result. ® A zero indicates that the adjustment was accepted. e A non-zero result indicates that an error has occurred. Send the SYST:ERR? command and read the result. See Chapter 5 of the HP El410A User's Manual for details. The CAL? command may take 30 seconds or more to execute for some ranges. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the following ranges: 3 MQ, 300 kQ, 30 kQ, 3 kQ, 300 Q, 30 Q. 5-14 Adjustments 2-Wire Ohms Gain Adjustment NOTE This procedure can be performed without using a transfer standard DMM, if desired. 1. Set up the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset the multimeter *RST e Set the function FUNC:RES e Enable offset compensation .......... . RES. OCOM ON e Set trigger delay TRIG:DEL .5 2. Set the Resistance Standard output to 10 9 (nominal). Measure the output of the Resistance Standard with the Transfer Standard DMM as shown in Figure 5-6 (optional). The Transfer Standard settings (offset compensation, auto-zero, etc.) and guarding should be identical to those used for the HP E1410A. The Transfer Standard measurement should be taken at the ends of the test leads, as shown in Figure 5-6, so that the resistance of the test leads and the internal resistances of the source are included in the measurement. Disconnect the transfer standard. Connect the Resistance Standard output across the HI and LO terminals of the E1410A as indicated by the dotted lines in Figure 5-6. Prepare the HP E1410A for adjustment: e Set the range to 30 Q RES:RANG 30 e Enabie cal ............. CAL:SEC OFF, <security code > e Send input value .......... CAL:VALUE <resistance > Check to see if the last command has been completed using the *OPC? command. Read the result; a 1 indicates that the operation 1s completed. Perform the adjustment by sending the CAL? command and reading the result. e Á zero indicates that the adjustment was accepted. e A non-zero result indicates that an error has occurred. Send the SYST:ERR? command and read the result. See Chapter 5 of the HP El410A User's Manual for details. Adjustments 5-15 DATRON 4708 MULTIFUNCTION STANDARD BANGER LOCAL GUARD , нем LOCAL SENSE Tu & Oto -g YD N DO + nu ión Н Lo E14054/8 COMMAND 34584 MULTIMETER E 1410 MULTIMETER £1410A F_4 7 Figure 5-6. 2-Wire Ohms Gain Adjustment Setup 5-16 Adjustments NOTE Example: 2-Wire Ohms Adjustments The CAL? command may take 30 seconds or more to execute for some ranges. 8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for the ranges and inputs given below. соб E'at0ARange | Resistance Standard Output 30 Q 109 300 Q 100 Q 3 kQ 1 kQ 30 kQ 10 kQ 300 kQ 100 kQ 3 MQ 1 MQ 30 MQ 10 MQ 9. Perform a CAL:INT? RES or a CAL:INT? ALL immediately after the 30 MQ range adjustment in order to automatically adjust the 300 MQ and 3 GQ ranges. This example performs 2-wire ohms offset and gain adjustments on all ranges. Change the values in line 80 if you are using different input resistances. 5883888883 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 OPTION BASE 1 DIM Range(14),Cal_input(t4) DIM Message$[256] DATA 3.E7,3.E6,3.E5,3.E4,3.E3,300,30 DATA 30,300,3.E3,3.E4,3.E5,3.E6,3.E7 READ Range(*) DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 DATA 10,100,1.E3,1.E4,1 E5,1.E6,1.E7 READ Cal_input(*) OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:INT? ALL" ENTER 70903;Acal_result IF Acal_result< >0 THEN PRINT "Autocal error: ";¡Acal result END IF OUTPUT 70903;"FUNC:RES" Select 2-wire ohms OUTPUT 70903;"TRIG:DEL .5" Set trigger delay to .5 sec DISP "Connect two-wire low thermal short to E1410A terminais" PAUSE DISP Reset multimeter Perform autocal Adjustments 5-17 210 FORI=1TO 14 220 i1FI=8THEN 230 OUTPUT 70903;"RES:0OCOM ON" Tum offset comp ON 240 — DISP "Set Resistance Standard to“;Cal_input(l);"Ohms" 250 PAUSE 260 DISP 270 ENDIF 280 OQUTPUT 70903;"RES:RANG ";Range(l) Set multimeter range 290 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:SEC OFF,1410" Enable calibration 300 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:VALUE ";Cal input(l) Enter input value 310 OUTPUT 70903;"*OPC?" Wait for operation complete 320 ENTER 70903;A 330 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL?" Perform adjustment 340 ¿ENTER 70903:Cal result 350 IF Cal_resuit=0 THEN 360 PRINT “Calibration successful on";Range(l);"Ohm range." 370 ELSE 380 REPEAT 390 OUTPUT 70903;"SYST:ERR?" 400 ENTER 70903;Code,Message$ 410 PRINT Code, Message$ 420 UNTIL Code=0 430 QUTPUT 70903;*CLS” 440 ENDIF 450 DISP "Press 'Continue' when ready" 460 PAUSE 470 DISP 480 NEXT! 490 DISP "Disconnect source from E1410A terminals, press 'Continue™ 500 PAUSE 510 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:INT? ALL" Adjust extended ranges 520 ENTER 70903;Acal_resuit 530 IF Acal_result< >0 THEN 540 PRINT "Autocal error: "¡Acal_resuit 550 ENDIF 560 DISP 570 END 5-18 Adjustments 4-Wire Ohms This procedure sets the 4-wire ohms offset and gain calibration i constants for each range. The adjustments should be performed in the Adjustment order given, with offset adjustments starting at the high range and gain Procedure adjustments starting at the low range. Calibration values sent to the multimeter should meet the following conditions: e For offset adjustments, the calibration value must be less than +/- 0.0033% of full-scale. For example, at the 3 k@ range, the value sent must be less than +/- 99 mQ. For a good low thermal short, the value should be 0. e For gain adjustments, the calibration value should be no less than 1/3 of full-scale and no greater than 101% of full-scale. eo A CAL:INT? RES or CAL:INT? ALL should be performed within 1 hour of any resistance adjustments. 4-Wire Ohms 1. Connect a 4-wire low thermal short across the terminals of the Offset Adjustment E1410A as shown in Figure 5-7. E1410A 7 MULTIMETER E1405A\B COMMAND MODULE E1400 B/T MAINFRAME В E14104 F_4_8 Figure 5-7. 4-Wire Ohms Offset Adjustment Setup Adjustments 5-19 NOTE Set up the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset the multimeter *RST e Set the function FUNC:FRES e Disable offset compensation ....... RES:OCOM OFF e Set trigger delay TRIG:DEL .5 Prepare the HP E1410A for adjustment: e Set the range to 30 MO? ................. . RES:RANG 3E7 e Enable cal .............. CAL:SEC OFF, <security code > e Send input value .......... CAL: VALUE <resistance > Check to see if the last command has been completed using the *OPC? command. Read the result; a 1 indicates that the operation is completed. Perform the adjustment by sending the CAL? command and reading the result. e À zero indicates that the adjustment was accepted. eo A non-zero result indicates that an error has occurred. Send the SYST:ERR? command and read the result. See Chapter 5 of the HP E1410A User's Manual for details. The CAL? command may take 30 seconds or more to execute for some ranges. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for the following ranges: 3 MQ, 300 kQ, 30kQ, 3kQ, 300 2, 30 Q. 5-20 Adjustments 4-Wire Ohms This procedure can be performed without using a transfer standard Gain Adjustment DMM, if desired. NOTE 1. Set up the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset the multimeter *RST e Set the function FUNC:FRES e Enable offset compensation .......... RES: OCOM ON e Set trigger delay TRIG:DEL 5 Set the Resistance Standard output to 10 Q (nominal). Measure the output of the Resistance Standard with the Transfer Standard DMM as shown in Figure 5-8(a) (optional). The Transfer Standard settings (offset compensation, auto-zero, etc.) and guarding should be identical to those used for the HP E1410A. Disconnect the Transfer Standard. Using the same test leads, connect the Resistance Standard output to the terminals of the E1410A as shown in Figure 5-8(b). Prepare the HP E1410A for adjustment: e Set the range to 30 Q RES:RANG 30 e Enable cal ............. CAL:SEC OFF, <security code > e Send input value ........... CAL: VALUE <resistance > Check to see if the last command has been completed using the *OPC? command. Read the result; a 1 indicates that the operation has been completed. Perform the adjustment by sending the CAL? command and reading the result. e À zero indicates that the adjustment was accepted. ® А non-zero result indicates that an error has occurred. Send the SYST:ERR? command and read the result. See Chapter 5 of the HP El410A User's Manual for details. The CAL? command may take 30 seconds or more to execute for some ranges. Adjustments 5-21 3458A MULTIMETER DATRON 4708 MULTIFUNCTION STANDARD HI LO LOCAL GUARD TAGE REMOTE SENSE А QO Ni I и = | Jo ) ET4104 7 MUJETIMÉTER SA MOQULE L Yo + у a г A ‘с не E y % £1400 B/T — Г I NA A | y na“ / 7% ~ SN x E1410A F_4_ SA (b) 7 Elana F.4.98 Figure 5-8. 4-Wire Ohms Gain Adjustment Setup 5-22 Adjustments Example: 4-Wire Ohms Adjustments 8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for the ranges and inputs given below. NN El410A Range +: + |. Resistance Standard Output 30 Q 10 Q 300 Q 100 9 3 kQ 1 kQ 30 k&2 10 kQ 300 kQ 100 kQ 3 MQ 1 MQ 30 MQ 10 MQ This example performs 4-wire ohms offset and gain adjustments on all ranges. Change the values in line 80 if you are using different input resistances. 10 OPTION BASE 1 20 DIM Range(14),Cal_input(14) 30 DIM Messages[256] 40 DATA 3.E7,3.E6,3.E5,3.E4,3.E3,300,30 50 DATA 30,300,3.E3,3.E4,3.E5,3.E6,3.E7 60 READ Range(*) 70 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 80 DATA 10,100,1.E3,1.E4,1.E5,1.E6,1.E7 90 READ Cal _input(*) 100 OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" Reset multimeter 120 OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:INT? ALL" Perform autocal 130 ENTER 70903;Acal_result 140 IF Acal result< >0 THEN 150 PRINT "Autocal error: ";Acal_resuit 160 END IF 170 OUTPUT 70903;"FUNC:FRES" Select 4-wire ohms 180 OUTPUT 70903;"TRIG:DEL .5" Set trigger delay to .5 sec 190 DISP "Connect a 4-wire low thermal short to E1410A terminals" 200 PAUSE 210 DISP 220 FORI=1TO 14 230 IFI=8THEN 240 OUTPUT 70903;"RES:OCOM ON" Turn offset comp ON 250 DISP "Set Resistance Standard to";Cal_input(l);"Ohms" 260 PAUSE 270 DISP 280 ENDIF Adjustments 5-23 410 OUTPUT 70903;"RES:RANG ";Range(l) Set multimeter range OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:SEC OFF,1410" — Enable calibration OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:VALUE “Cal _input(l) Enter input value OUTPUT 70903;"*OPC?" Wait for operation complete ENTER 70903;A OUTPUT 70903;"CAL?" Perform adjustment ENTER 70903;Cal_result IF Cal_resuit=0 THEN PRINT “Calibration successful on";Range(l);"Ohm range." ELSE REPEAT OUTPUT 70903;"SYST:ERR?" ENTER 70903;Code Message$ PRINT Code, Message$ UNTIL Code=0 OUTPUT 70903;"*CLS" END IF DISP "Press 'Continue’ when ready” PAUSE NEXT | END 5-24 Adjustments Frequency This procedure sets the frequency calibration constant for the Adjustment multimeter. Procedure For best results, keep the following guidelines in mind: e The calibration value must be between 900 Hz and 1 MHz. e The source voltage should be between 80% of full-scale and full-scale. Any voltage range may be used, but the 3 V range produces the best results. e CAL:INT? AC or CAL:1NT? ALL must be performed within 1 hour of any Frequency adjustments. Frequency Gain 1. Connect the Frequency Standard output across the Hl and LO Adjustment terminals of the E1410A as shown in Figure 5-9. ou no SS vou ~~ (Hh р Г #7 HP 3325A la Y | i SX / Ay we E1400 B/T 4 > MAINFRAME | a e м! [ . N || AD 3 | o 1 MX & <= e NO ~ < Wr d a ~ ь e > conn x / - / É1410A F_4_10 Figure 5-9. Frequency Counter Adjustment Setup 2. Set the Frequency Standard as follows: e Set the voltage 3 V sinewave e Set the frequency 1 kHz Adjustments 5-25 NOTE NOTE Other input frequencies and voltages may be used, as long as they meet the requirements listed at the beginning of this section. 3. Set up the HP E1410A as follows: e Reset the multimeter *RST e Set the function FUNC:FREQ 4. Prepare the HP E1410A for adjustment using the following commands: e Set the range to 3 V ..... VOLT:RANGE 3 e Enable cal ............ .. CAL:SEC OFF, <security code> e Send input value ........... CAL:VALUE <freguency> 5. Check to see if the last command has been completed using the *OPC? command. Read the result; a 1 indicates that the operation has been completed. 6. Perform the adjustment by sending the CAL? command and reading the result. e À zero indicates that the adjustment was accepted. ® А non-zero result indicates that an error has occurred. Send the SYST:ERR? command and read the result. See Chapter 5 of the HP El410A User's Manual for details. The CAL? command may take 30 seconds or more to execute for some ranges. 5-26 Adjustments — Example: Frequency This example adjusts the multimeter’s frequency counter. Change the Adjustment value in line 140 if you are using a different input frequency. 8828686865 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 210 220 230 240 260 270 280 DIM Message$[256] OUTPUT 70903;"*RST" Reset multimeter OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:INT? AC" Perform AC autocal ENTER 70903;Acal_result IF Acal_result< >0 THEN PRINT "Autocal error: “;Acal_resuit END IF DISP "Connect 3 V rms, 1 kHz sinewave to E1410A terminals" PAUSE DISP | OUTPUT 70903;"FUNC:FREQ" Select frequency function OUTPUT 70903;"VOLT:RANG 3" Set multimeter range OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:SEC OFF,1410" Enable calibration OUTPUT 70903;"CAL:VALUE 1000" Enter input frequency OUTPUT 70903;"*OPC?" Wait for operation complete ENTER 70903;A QUTPUT 70903;"CAL?" Perform adjustment ENTER 70903;Cal result IF Cal result =0 THEN PRINT "Calibration successful" ELSE REPEAT OUTPUT 70903;"SYST:ERR?" ENTER 70903;Code,Message$ PRINT Code ,Message$ UNTIL Code =0 QUTPUT 70903;"*CLS" END IF END Adjustments 5-27 6 Replaceable Parts Introduction This chapter contains information for ordering replaceable parts for the HP E1410A multimeter. Exchange Table 6-1 lists assemblies that may be replaced on an exchange basis Assemblies (EXCHANGE ASSEMBLIES). Exchange, factory-repaired and tested assemblies are available only on a trade-in basis. Defective assemblies must be returned for credit. Assemblies required for spare parts stock must be ordered by the new assembly part number. Contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office for details. Ordering To order a part listed in Table 6-1, specify the Hewlett-Packard part Information number and the quantity required. Send the order to your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office. Re plac eable Table 6-1 lists the replaceable parts for the HP E1410A multimeter. Parts List See Figure 6-1 for locations of parts listed in Table 6-1. Table 6-1. HP E1410A Replaceable Parts Reference” | HP Pat “| ay | Description Mir Mir Part Number Designator | Number | | —. — “Cow | Re EXCHANGE ASSEMBLIES E1410-66201 MULTIMETER MODULE (NEW) 28480 | E1410-66201 E1410-69201 MULTIMETER MODULE (EXCHANGE) 28480 | E1410-69201 At E1410-66501 PC ASSY-DIGITAL [a] 28480 | E1410-66501 АЗР101 2110-0698 FUSE-SUBMINIATURE 2.5A 125V NTD AX 75915 | R25102.5T1 A1F102 2110-0698 FUSE-SUBMINIATURE 2.5A 125V NTD AX 75915 R25102.5T1 A1J100 1251-4756 CONN-POST TYPE .100-PIN-SPCG 12-CONT 00779 | 872276 A1J100A 1258-0141 JUMPER-REMOVABLE 18873 | 65474-004 A1J1008 1258-0141 JUMPER-REMOVABLE 18873 | 65474-004 A1J100C 1258-0141 JUMPER-REMOVABLE 18873 | 65474-004 Replaceable Parts 6-1 ‘Reference* | HPPat | Qy } “Description. | Mire] MIrPat Number - A1J101 1251-4756 1 CONN-POST TYPE .100-PIN-SPCG 12-CONT 00779 | 872276 A1J101A 1258-0141 3 | JUMPER-REMOVABLE 18873 | 65474-004 A1J101B 1258-0141 JUMPER-REMOVABLE 18873 | 65474-004 A1J101C 1258-0141 JUMPER-REMOVABLE 18873 | 85474004 A1J400 1252-3664 1 CONN-POST TYPE .100-PIN-SPCG 4-CONT 76381 CHE-1004-U01A10-KKE A1J411 1252-1874 1 CONN-POST TYPE .100-PIN-SPCG 3-CONT 27264 | 705-55-0072 A1P1 1252-1596 1 | CONN-POST TYPE 2,54-PIN-SPCG 96-CONT 06776 | DIN-SSCPC-SRETR А1Р2 1251-7892 1 CONN-POST TYPE 2.54-PIN-SPCG 64-CONT 18873 | 75882-364 A1W701 44702-61603 1 CABLE-RBN 10 PIN,65MM LONG 28480 | 44702-61603 A2 E1410-68502 1 PC ASSY-ANALOG fa] 28480 | E1410-66502 A2J801 1252-1920 1 CONN-POST TYPE .100-PIN-SPCG 10-CONT 76381 3654-5002 А2Р501 1251-5394 1 CONN-POST TYPE .100-PIN-SPCG 4-CONT 27264 | 22-10-2041 A3 03456-66525 1 NATL REF ASSY 28480 | 03456-66525 MECHANICAL PARTS CBL1 E1410-61601 1 CBL ASSY 2 WIRE 28480 E1410-61601 НОМ 3050-0593 5 WASHER-SPR CRVD 3/8 iN .379-IN-1D 28480 3050-0593 HDWZ 3050-0593 WASHER-SPR CRVD 3/8 IN .379-IN-ID 28480 | 3050-0593 HDW3 3050-0593 WASHER-SPR CRVD 3/8 iN .379-IN-ID 28480 | 3050-0593 HOW4 3050-0593 WASHER-SPR CRVD 3/8 IN .379-IN-ID 28480 | 3050-0593 HOWS 3050-0593 WASHER-SPR CRVD 3/8 IN .379-IN-ID 28480 3050-0593 HOWS 2950-0144 5 NUT-3/8-32-THD .188-IN-THK .5-A/F 26385 | 913-891 HOW? 2950-0144 NUT~3/8-32-THD .188-IN-THK .5-A/F 26365 | 913-891 HOWS 2950-0144 NUT-3/8-32-THD .188-IN-THK .5-A/F 26365 | 913-891 HOWS 2950-0144 NUT-3/8-32-THD .188-IN-THK .5-A/F 26365 | 913-891 HDW10 2950-0144 NUT~3/8-32-THD .188-IN-THK .5-A/F 26365 | 913-891 HDW11 2950-0030 2 NUT-HX-DBL-CHAM 3/8-32-THD .094-IN-THK 73734 | 9003 HDW12 2950-0030 NUT-HX-DBL-CHAM 3/8-32-THD .094-IN-THK 73734 9003 J1 1510-0111 4 BINDING POST SGL SGL-TUR JGK RED 28480 1510-0111 J2 1510-0111 BINDING POST SGL SGL-TUR JGK RED 28480 | 1510-0111 J3 1510-0111 BINDING POST SGL SGL-TUR JGK RED 28480 | 1510-0111 Já 1510-0111 BINDING POST SGL SGL-TUR JGK RED 28480 | 1510-0111 JS 1510-0091 1 BINDING POST SGL SGL-TUR JGK RED 28480 1510-0091 J10 1250-0118 2 CONNECTOR-RF 50-OHM 24931 28JR128-1 J11 1250-0118 CONNECTOR-RF 50-OHM 24931 28JR128-1 MP1 E1400-84105 1 EXT HNDL KIT-BTM 28480 | E1400-84105 MP2 E1400-84106 1 EXT HNDL KIT-TOP 28480 | E1400-84106 PNL1 E1410-00201 1 FRONT PANEL 28480 | E1410-00201 SCRIS 0515-0368 2 SCREW- X 12MM-LG -HD 28480 | 0515-0368 SCR16 0515-0368 SCREW- X 12MM-LG -HD 28480 0515-0368 SCR21 0515-1135 5 SCREW- X 25MM-LG -HD 28480 0515-1135 SCR44 0515-1135 SCREW- X 25MM-LG -HD 28480 | 0515-1135 SCR45 0515-1135 SCREW- X 25MM-LG -HD 28480 | 0515-1135 SCR46 0515-1135 SCREW- X 25MM-LG -HD 28480 0515-1135 SCRa7 0515-1135 SCREW- X 25MM-LG -HD 28480 0515-1135 6-2 Replaceable Parts Reference": E ; - Designator +. SCR48 SCR49 SHD1 SHD2 SHD3 SHD4 SHD6 W1 We ws wa WS E1410-00601 E1410-00602 £1410-00603 E1410-00604 E 1410-00606 £1410-61602 E1410-61602 E1410-61602 E1410-61602 E1410-61602 2 | DESCRIPTION SCR PHM2.5X11TX DESCRIPTION SCR PHM2.5X11TX 1 SHLD-TOP 1 SHIELD-BOTTOM 1 SHLD-FLEX,GUARD 1 SHIELD-FLEX LO 1 SHIELD-FLEX 5 | WIREKIT WIRE KIT WIRE KIT WIRE KIT WIRE KIT 0515-1968 0515-1968 E1410-00601 E1410-00602 £1410-00603 E1410-00604 E1410-00606 Е1410-61602 Е1410-61602 E1410-61602 E1410-61602 Е1410-61602 НЕВЕ SS * See Table 6-2 for Reference Designator definitions ** See Table 6-3 for Code List of Manufacturers {a} Repair limited to replacement of parts listed - see Introduction for ordering information Table 6-2. HP E1410A Reference Designators UN HPEIIOA REFERENCE DESIGNATORS > electrical connector (plug) panel hardware Jun _ electrical connector (jack) … Misc. mechanical part ....SCFEW ………. Shield .cable, wire Table 6-3. HP E1410A Code List of Manufacturers - MIrCode | | = | ‘Address 2 2) 00000 00779 18873 24931 26365 27264 28480 73734 75915 76381 Any satisfactory supplier AMP inc DuPont E | De Nemours & Co Specialty Connector Co Gries/Dynacast Co Molex inc Hewlett-Packard Company Federal Screw Products Co Littelfuse Inc 3M Co Harrisburg, PA 17111 Wilmington, DE 19801 Franklin, IN 46131 New Rochelle, NY 10802 Lisle, IL 60532 Palo Alto, CA 94304 Chicago, IL 60618 Des Plaines, IL 60016 St. Paul, MN 55144 Replaceable Parts 6-3 |. Mitr Part Number SCR15 SCR16 Et410A F_6_1 Figure 6-1. HP E1410A Replaceable Parts 6-4 Replaceable Parts 7 Manual Changes Introduction This chapter contains information to adapt this manual to instruments for which the content does not directly apply. Since this manual applies directly to instruments with serial numbers listed on the title page, change information is not required. See Multimeter Serial Numbers in Chapter 1 for HP E1410A multimeter serial number information. Manual Changes 7-1 8 Service ET A ОООАОО Е АОЕАОНЕААЕННИЯ Introduction WARNING Equipment Required Service Aids This chapter contains information for servicing the HP E1410A multimeter, including troubleshooting guidelines and repair/ maintenance guidelines. Do not perform any of the service procedures shown unless you are a qualified, service-trained technician, and have read the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS in Chapter 1. Equipment required for multimeter troubleshooting is listed in Table 1-1, Recommended Test Equipment. Any equipment that satisfies the requirements listed in the table may be substituted. To avoid damage to the screw head slots, use Torx drivers as specified in the instructions. The Torx drivers needed are T8 and T10 (HP part numbers 8710-1673 and 8710-1284, respectively). Service aids on printed circuit boards include pin numbers, some reference designations, and assembiy part numbers. See Chapter 6 for descriptions and locations of HP E1410A replaceable parts. Service notes, manual updates, and service literature for the HP E1410A multimeter may be available through Hewlett-Packard. For information, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office. Service 8-1 Trou bleshooting There are two main steps in troubleshooting an HP E1410A multimeter Techniq ues problem: (1) identifying the problem, and (2) isolating the cause to a user-replaceable component. Identifying Multimeter problems can be divided into four general categories: the Problem e Self-test errors e Operator errors eo Catastrophic failures e Performance out of specification Self-Test Errors An error number is returned when the multimeter self-test fails. If a self-test error occurs, cycle power and repeat the self-test. If the error repeats, see "Testing Assemblies” to troubleshoot the multimeter. Self-test error codes are listed in the following table. All tests passed 0 1 Inguard UART failure 2 Inguard CPU failure 4 Inguard link failure 8 integrator convergence falure 16 Front end zero measurement error 32 Gain test error 128 AC amplifier's DC offset test failure 256 AC flatness check failure 512 Ohms precharge failure 4096 Calibration RAM checksum failure 8192 Autocalibration RAM checksum failure 16384 ROM checksum failure If error code 8192 is returned, the following procedure may clear the error: 1. Perform a complete autocalibration (CAL:INT? ALL or *CAL) 2. Perform a self-test (TEST:ALL? or *TST?) and verify that the error is no longer present. 3. Cycle power and perform the self-test again to verify that non-volatile memory is working. 8-2 Service Testing Assemblies NOTE Operator Errors Apparent failures may result from operator errors. See Appendix B - Error Messages in the HP El410A User's Manual for information on operator errors, Catastrophic Failure If a catastrophic failure occurs, see "Testing Assemblies” to troubleshoot the multimeter. Performance Out of Specification If the multimeter performance is out of specification limits, use the adjustment procedures in Chapter 5 to correct the problem. If the condition repeats, see "Testing Assemblies” to troubleshoot the multimeter. You can use the tests and checks in Table 8-1 to isolate the problem to a user-replaceable part. See Figure 6-1 for locations of user-replaceable parts. If the problem cannot be traced to a user-replaceable part listed in Table 6-1, return the multimeter to Hewlett-Packard for exchange. Table 8-1. HP E1410A Tests/Checks ВЕ © Test/Check ob Check: Во Heat Damage Discolored PC boards Damaged insulation Evidence of arcing Switch/Jumper IRQ Level setting Settings LADDR setting Frame Cable contact damage Panel binding posts Panel BNC connectors PCAs Fuse continuity Connector contacts IC contact/connections Service 8-3 Checking for Heat Damage Inspect the multimeter for signs of abnormal internally generated heat such as discolored printed circuit boards or components, damaged insulation, or evidence of arcing. If there is damage, do not operate the multimeter until you have corrected the problem. Switches/ Jumpers Verify that the logical address setting is set correctly (factory set at 24). Verify that the interrupt priority jumpers are set correctly (factory set at level 1). See the HP El4104 User's Manual for information. Multimeter Frame To test the multimeter frame, see Table 8-1 for guidelines to check binding posts, BNC connectors, and cables. If you need to remove and/or replace the binding posts or BNC connectors, see the appropriate section in this chapter. A1/A2 PCAs To check the Al and A2 PCAs, remove mainframe power and remove the multimeter from the mainframe. Then, disassemble the multimeter (see "Disassembly/Reassembly” for instructions). See Table 8-1 for guidelines to isolate the problem to a user-replaceable part. 8-4 Service Repair/ Maintenance Guidelines ESD Precautions Disassembly/ Reassembly CAUTION This section provides guidelines for repairing and maintaining the HP E1410A multimeter, including: e ESD precautions e Disassembly/Reassembly e Removing binding posts e Removing BNC connectors e Soldering printed circuit boards e Post-repair safety checks Electrostatic discharge (ESD) may damage MOS, CMOS, and other static sensitive devices in the HP E1410A multimeter. This damage can range from slight parameter degradation to catastrophic failure. When handling multimeter assemblies, follow these guidelines to avoid damaging multimeter components: e Always use a static-free work station with a pad of conductive rubber or similar material when handling multimeter components. e After you remove an assembly from the multimeter, place the assembly on a conductive surface to guard against ESD damage. Do not stack assemblies. Perform the following steps to disassemble and reassemble the multimeter. Refer to Figure 8-1 as necessary. It is especially important to use anti-static procedures during the following procedure. Disassembly 1. Place the module on its right side and remove the front panel handles by removing the T8 torx screw next to each handle. Be careful not to lose the spacers when you remove the screws. 2. Place the module on its left side and remove the five T10 torx screws on the right panel. 3. Loosen the T10 torx screw on the front panel, but do not remove it. 4. Separate the two assemblies far enough to disconnect the cables that run between them (connector J411 and cable W701). Service 8-5 Reassembly 1. Tuck the flexible shields under the cables that run to the front panel. 2. Lower the left panel onto the right panel until they are close enough to reattach the cables that were removed earlier. 3. Align P501 with J400. 4. Press down firmly on the left panel until the two assemblies snap together. 5. Place the module on its left side and replace the T10 torx screws that were removed from the right panel earlier. 6. Reattach the handles. 7. Tighten the front panel T10 torx screw. ’ Sa a | A Ц W701 Y» = © «> \ J400 N p501 2 “(BEHIND ENCLOSURE) E1410A F_8_1 Figure 8-1. Disassembiy/Reassembiy of HP E1410A 8-6 Service Removing Use the following steps to remove the HP E1410A faceplate binding Binding Posts posts. » ны Unsolder the wire. Remove the 3/8-32 nut and spring washer. Remove the binding post. Reverse the order to reinstall the binding post. 38-32 NUT WIRE SPRING WASHER BINDING POST F1410A F_8_2 Figure 8-2. Removal of Binding Posts Service 8-7 Removing Use the following steps to remove the HP E1410A faceplate BNC BNC Connectors connectors. Unsolder the wire. Remove the 3/8-32 nut on the inside of the front panel. Remove the BNC connector. Reverse the order to reinstall the connector. 1. 2, 3. 4. > BNC Co) CONNECTOR À CABLE > ASSEMBLY их 3/8-32 NUT E1410A F_8_3 Figure 8-3. Removal of BNC Connectors 8-8 Service Soldering Printed Circuit Boards Post-Repair Safety Checks The etched circuit boards in the multimeter have plated-through holes that allow a solder path to both sides of the insulating material. Soldering can be done from either side of the board with equaily good results. When soldering to any circuit board, keep in mind the followng guidelines. e Do not use a sharp metal object such as an awl or twist drill, since sharp objects may damage the plated-through conductor. e Avoid unnecessary component unsoldering and soldering. Excessive replacement can result in damage to the circuit board and/or adjacent components. e Do not use a high power soldering iron on etched circuit boards, as excessive heat may lift a conductor or damage the board. e Use a suction device or wooden toothpick to remove solder from component mounting holes. When using a suction device, be sure the equipment is properly grounded to prevent electrostatic discharge from damaging CMOS devices. After making repairs to the HP E1410A multimeter, inspect the multimeter for any signs of abnormal internally generated heat, such as discolored printed circuit boards or components, damaged insulation, or evidence of arcing. Determine and correct the cause of the condition. Then run the self-test (* TST? command) to verify that the multimeter is functional. Service 8-9 A Calculating Multimeter Accuracy Introduction NOTE Multimeter Accuracy Definition Multimeter Accurac Calculations This appendix shows how multimeter accuracy is calculated for the HP E1410A multimeter. See Table 4-1, "Performance Test Record for the HP E1410A Multimeter" for 1-year specification values of multimeter accuracy, measurement uncertainty, and test accuracy ratios (TARs). Multimeter accuracy, measurement uncertainty, and test accuracy ratios in Table 4-1 are valid ONLY for the specified test conditions and assumptions described in this manual Multimeter accuracy is the expected accuracy of the measurement considering ONLY the multimeter. The "Low Limit" entry in Table 4-1 is the lower (-) value of multimeter accuracy, while the "High Limit" entry is the upper (+) value of multimeter accuracy. For the HP E1410A muitimeter performance verification tests, multimeter accuracy is defined for DC voltage, AC voltage, 2-wire ohms, 4-wire ohms, and frequency measurements using the 1-year specifications in Appendix A of the HP E1410A4 User's Manual. The assumed test conditions are: e One hour warm-up e Aperture = 167 msec (60 Hz) or 200 msec (50 Hz) e Autozero ON e Temperature within + 5°C of calibration temperature and between 18°C and 28°C. Calculating Multimeter Accuracy A-1 DC Voltage From Appendix A of the HP E1410A4 User's Manual, DC voltage 1-year Accuracy accuracy = +(% of reading + volts). The accuracy equations for the Equations ranges and apertures used in the performance verification tests are: ‚ Асошасу + (% of f reading + Vos). 0.0045% + 3.9uV 0.0035% + 4.0 uV ЗУ 0.0025% + 7.0 uV 30 V 0.0040% + 200 uV 0.0055% + 700 uV Example: Calculate DC Voltage Accuracy For a 3.0 V input to the multimeter, using the 3 V range and 167/200 msec aperture, multimeter accuracy (1-year) = +(.0025% reading + 7.0 uV) = +(.000025 x 3.0 + 7.0 x 107) = +82 «У. Thus, for a 3.0 V input the High Limit in Table 4-1 = 3.000082 Volts and the Low Limit = 2.999918 Volts. AC Voltage Accuracy Equations From Appendix A of the HP E1410A4 User's Manual, AC voltage 1-year accuracy (AC-coupled) = +(% of reading + % of range). The accuracy equations for the ranges, frequencies and apertures used in the performance verification tests are: Frequency | Accuracy [£(% ot reading‘ 5 a | + %ofrange)] о 30 mV 400 Hz - 20 kHz 0.20% + 0.1307% .3Y to 20 Hz - 45 Hz 30 V 45 Hz - 100 Hz 400 Hz - 20 kHz 0.62% + 0.0507% 0.27% + 0.0507% 0.20% + 0.0507% 20 kHz - 100 kHz 100 kHz - 300 kHz 300 kHz - 1 MHz 0.72% + 0.0834% 3.39% + 0.3377% 10.41% + 2.228% 400 Hz - 20 kHz 0.26% + 0.0507% A-2 Calculating Multimeter Accuracy 4-Wire Ohms Accuracy Equations 2-Wire Ohms Accuracy Frequency Accuracy Example: Calculate AC Voltage Accuracy For a 3.0 V input to the multimeter, using the 3 V range, 1 kHz frequency, and 167/200 msec aperture, multimeter accuracy (1-year) = +(0.20% reading + 0.0507% range) = +(.0020 x 3.0 + 0.000507 x 3.0) = +0.007521 Volts. Thus, for 2 3.0 V input the High Limit in Table 4-1 = 3.007521 Volts and the Low Limit = 2.992479 Volts. From Appendix A of the HP E1410A User's Manual, 4-wire ohms 1-year accuracy = +(% of reading + Ohms). The accuracy equations for the ranges and apertures used in the performance verification tests are: “| Accuracy [+(% of reading + 30 Q 0.0075% + 3.4 mQ 300 Q 0.0055% + 3.5 MQ 3 k§2 0.0050% + 7 mQ 30 К° 0.0050% + 70 mQ 300 kQ 0.0050% + 800 mQ 3 MQ 0.0065% + 14 Q 30 Мо 0.0400% + 830 © Example: Calculate 4-Wire Ohms Accuracy For a 1 kQ input to the multimeter, using the 3 kQ range and 167/200 msec aperture, multimeter accuracy (1-year) = +(.0050% reading + 7mQ) = £(.000050 x 1000 + 7 x 107) = +0.057 Q. Thus, fora 1 kQ input the High Limit in Table 4-1 = 1000.057 Q and the Low Limit = 999.943 Q. For 2-wire ohms calculations, simply add £200 mQ to all 4-wire specifications. For the previous example, the 2-wire ohms accuracy would be +(0.057 Q + 200 m9), or = 0.257 Q. For frequency measurements in the 10 Hz - 400 Hz range, multimeter accuracy = +(0.05% of reading). For measurements in the 400 Hz - 1.5 MHz range, multimeter accuracy = +(0.01% of reading). For example, at 1 MHz, multimeter accuracy = +(0.0001 x 1.0 x 10%) = + 100 Hz Calculating Multimeter Accuracy A-3 ">

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Key features
- 6 1/2-digit resolution
- VXIbus C-size instrument
- Message-based operation
- Compatible with HP E1405A/B Command Module
- Includes a self-test function
- Provides comprehensive documentation for service
- Detailed specifications and performance verification tests
- Troubleshooting techniques and repair guides
Frequently asked questions
The serial number is in the format: 0000A00000. The first four digits and the letter are the serial number prefix. The last five digits are the suffix.
The recommended operating environment is 0°C to +55°C and <65% relative humidity (0°C to +40°C). For storage and shipment, the recommended environment is -40°C to +75°C and <65% relative humidity (0°C to +40°C).
To perform a self-test, send the *TST? command. A "0" response indicates no failure, while any other number indicates a failure. See Chapter 8 for troubleshooting information and self-test error codes.
The multimeter should undergo three levels of verification tests: Functional Verification, Performance Verification, and Operation Verification. Functional Verification ensures basic functionality, Performance Verification verifies compliance with specifications, and Operation Verification tests selected specifications.
See Chapter 5 for the detailed DC Voltage Adjustment Procedure.