SINGER 211W 155 sewing machine SERVICE MANUAL
The SINGER 211W 155 is a single-needle, lock stitch sewing machine with alternating pressers. It's designed for heavy-duty work like automobile work, tents, tarpaulins, furniture upholstery, leather coats, work gloves, and more. The machine boasts a belt-driven, rotary sewing hook on a vertical axis and a compound feeding mechanism with a needle feed and a drop feed, both adjustable for stitches up to 3 1/2 inches per inch.
SINGER 211W155 Nw SERVICE MANUAL FOR SINGER 211W155 machine Single Needle High Speed Lock Stitch THE SINGER COMPANY *A Trademark of THE SINGER COMPANY Printes in U DESCRIZTION Machine 211W155 is a single =eedle, lock stitch, compound fee: -achine with alternating pressers Zor autcmobile work, tents, tar- zaulins, furniture upholstery, leather coats, work gloves, etc. It has a bel:-driven, rotary sewing hook on a verticalaxis. The compound feeding mechanism consists of a needle feed and = drop feed which are simultaneousi7 adjustable for stitches up to 3 1/2 to the inch. An adjustable lifting eccentric makes 1s possible to instantl set the alternating pressers to the minimum amount of lift require for the work to be sewn. The machine has a safety clutch which prevents damage to the sewing hook or interference with its timing in case of accidental strain. The needle bar stroke is 1-5/16 inches and the maximum presser par lift is 1/2 inch. The pulley ends of the arm shaft and hook criving shaft are mounted on ball earings. 7 ~ — SPEZD The maximum speed recommended for this machine is 3500 R.P.M. per minute, depending on the material being stitched and thickness of the seams to be crossed. It is advisable to run a new machine slower than the maximum speed for the first few minutes to allow time for the oil to reach the moving parts. The Machine Pulley turns over toward the operator. NEEDLES Needles for Machine 211W155 are Catalog 3355 (135x17) and are made in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23 and 24. The size of the needle to ke used should be determined by the size of the thread which must pass freely through the eye of +he needle. If rough or uneven thread is used, cr if it passes with difficulty through the eye ci the needle, the successful use of the machine will be interzared with. CAUTION After setting up, do not start -he machine, not even to test the speed, until = has been thorcughly oiled, as instructed below. TO OIL THE MACHINE To insure easy running and prevent unnecessary wear of the parts which are in movable contact, the machine requires oiling, and when in continuous use, it should be oiled at least twice each day. A new machine should be oiled more frequently when 1t is in continuous use on long runs. Use "TYPE G" OIL sold by Singer Sewing Mzchine Company. FILL THREAD LUBRICATOR - RESERVOIR WITH — SINGER” NV Ш THREAD LUBRICANT SATURATE WICK àli : ON TYPE E | WHEN MACHINE IS RUNNING Л ———] TR — OFF (CHECK TWICE DAILY) — WHEN MACHINE iS IDLE | FOR LUBRICATING PAD Reservoir in Arm MORE THREAD LUBRICANT Lubricating Machine =ead HOOK LUBRICATION Oil should be placed in the oil well (P) to lubricate the upper hook bearing and the mechanical opener mechanism. The small green felt pad (Q) on the side of the bobbin case should be kept wet with oil to lubricate the hook race. When this pad is wet it appears nearly black, and when it appears light green == indicates that it is dry. When a machine is new, oil should be applied to this felt pad each time a bobbin is replaced. Hook Lubrication TO SET THE KNEE LIFTER TO THE INSERT Turn the insert table over with the underside up, then arvroximately 7 inches from the right edge of the insert, fasten ne auxiliary base plate A to the 1nsert, then fasten the rock shaft bracket B tc the auxiliary base plate. Slide the rock shaft bracket C, with the extension arm, on to the iong shaft; next fasten the rock shaft support 5racket D to the insert. Slide the knee plate arm bracket E on the end of the short shaft and tighten the lock screw; next insert knee lifter arm F in bracket E and tighten the lock screw. Place the knee lifter arm bracket G, on the arm F and tighten lock screw. To adjust the extension arm in the bracket C, loosen the top lock screw and move arm forward or backward until the lift- ing chain moves freely through the hole in the insert. = THREADING NEEDLE Threading Tension Assembly BEHIND BOBBIN REMOVAL OIL PAD Upper Threading Complete - LIFT OUT BOBBIN WINDING THE BOBBIN TENSION CONTROL / 1. PLACE BOBBIN ON SPINDLE AS FAR AS IT WILL GO OIL LOOSEN TO ADJUST FOR EVEN WINDING 2. WIND THREAD AROUND BOBBIN NOTE-TIGHTEN FOR MORE THREAD ON BOBBIN: Regulate to stop winder when bobbin is wound 1/16 inch short of bobbin rim 3. PRESS DOWN TO PUSH PULLE AGAINST BELT, ~ THEN START MACHINE BOBBIN REF_ACEMENT 1. PLACE BOBBIN ON CENTER STUD DIRECTION OF THREAD AROUND BOBBIN THREADING BOBBIN CASE DRAW THREAD TO PULL THREAD BACK OF PROJECTION INTO SLOT DRAW THREAD UP TWO INCHES TO SET THE NEEDLE Turn the machine pulley over Toward you until the needle bar moves up to its highest point; locsen the set screw in the needle bar and put the needle up into the bar as far as it will go, with its long groove toward the left, the eye of the needle being dir- ectly in line with the machine bed, then tighten the set screw. TO REGULATE THE TENSIONS The tension on the needle threzd is regulated zy the thumb nut (R,Fig. 18) at the front of the tension discs on the front of the machine. To increase the tension, turn this thumb nut over to the right. To decrease the tension, turn this thump nut over to the left. The tension on the bottom thread is regulated zy means of the screw nearest the center of the tensicn spring on the outside of the bobbin case. To increase the tension, turn this screw over to the right. To decrease the tension, turn this screw over to the left. STITCH LENGTH REGULATION l. Stop machine. 2. Depress button shown 3. Turn machine pulley toward you slowly — until button drops (clicks). 4. Turn machine pulley until desired stitch length is opposite marx on arm 5. Release button. Stitch Length Indicator Never depress the button while the machine is running. LS ых Make certain that plunger 1s - se disengaged before starting BUTTON machine. | Stitch Lenzth Button Regulator THREAD CONTROLLER The function of the thread controller spring is to hold back the slack of the needle thread until point of needle reaches the goods in its descent, as without this controlling action of the spring, the slack thread (especially silk) will sometimes De penetrated by point of needle as needle is descending. To change the thread controller stop for more controller aczion on the thread, loosen set Scrzw Z, and turn thread control- ler spring stop T, to the right; fcr less action, turn thread controller spring stop T to the Тейт, after which securely tighten set screw 4. Tt may be found advisable to Increase tension cI spring for coarse thread, or to lessen it Zor fine thread. To increase tension of thread controller on thread, loosen tension stud set screw Y, located nearly under tension stud, and turn tension stud A2 slightly to the left. To decrease tension tun it to the right. Re-tighten szud set screw Y. Adjustment of Threa: Controller TO SET NEEDLE BAR See that needle is up in the holder as far as it will go. There are two lines across the needle bar about two inches above the lower end. When needle bar is at its lowest position, the upper mark should be just visible zt end of needle par frame. In case needle bar is not correctly set, loosen needle bar ccnnecting stud pinch screw M and ctlace needle bar in correct posi- tion as directed above, then re-ticaten screw M TO SET A NEEDLE BAR HICH HAS NO MARK Regulate the stitch length as Instructed so that there 1S no ceding motion, then set needle bar so that when iT rises 3/32 inch from its lowest position and zoint of sewing hook is at center of needle, eye of needle wil be about 1/16 inch below point of hook. RELATIVE POSITIONS OF NEEDLE SAR AND PRESSER ZAR The distance between the needle bar and presser bar (after regulating stitch length so that there is no feed movement) should be 21/64 inch as shown below. If the distance between needle bar and presser bar is more or less than 21/04 inch, loosen needle bar frame shaft clamp screw N2. Wiile this screw is loose needle bar frame can be moved forward or backward, as may be required. | — |= | N2 \ To Adjust Needl2 Rock Frame © TO CHANGE AND REGULATE THE AMOUNT OF LIFT Or THE ALTERNATING 2XRESSERS The height of lift of the pressers is adjustable by moving the link to either of the two holes in the lifting rock shaft crank at the back of the machine. The maximum lift is secured with the link in the bottom hole. The amount of lift should be regula- ted according to the thickness of the material being sewn. The feet should lift just high enough to clear the material. The regulation of the amount c£ lift is controlled by an ad- justable eccentric. To regulate, Zurn the machine pulley until the feed presser is down, loosen the two lock screws and two clamp ing screws in the eccentric, hold screwdriver in the notch of the adjusting disc and, while the ccrewdriver is in the notch, turn machine pulley, clockwise for more 1lift or counterclockwise for less lift. = em ее — ‚ р) CAUTION: When desired lift is attained, secursly tighten the two clamping screws and their locking screws. As a rule, the vibrating and lifting pressers should lift an equal height, but some grades of worx may require that they lift an unequal height. To change the relative Lift of the presser foot, loosen the screw in the lifting rock shaft, at the back cz the machine anzZ move the vibrating presser bar upward or downward as deszred, then securely tighten the lifting rock shaft screw. TO SET THE SEWING HOOK TO OR FROM THE NEEDLE To prevent the point of the hook from dividing the strands of the thread, it should run as close to the needle (within the scarf) as possible. Turn the machine pulley over toward you until the point of the sewing hook is at the center cI the needle. Icosen the two screws holding the hook saddle uncerneath the bed cz the machine and move the hook saddle to the right or left, as may be required, until the point of the hook is as close to the neecle as possible without striking it, then securely tighten the two screws. The needle guard "B", which is attached to the side of the sewing hook should be sprung until it prevents the needle from striking the hook in case the needle is deflected towards the hook. Sewing Hook Removed from Machine Showing Hook Washer TO RAISE OR LOWER “HI FEED DOG Usually when the feed dog is z= its highest position, it should show a full tcoth above the throat plate. Remove the throat plate; clean the lint and dust from be- e T tween the feed points and replace the throat plate; tip the machine back and turn the machine zulley towards ycu until the feed dog is at its highest position; loosen the screw in the feed 1:fting cam fork on the feed bar and raise or lower the feed dog, as may be required and retighten the screw. Waen raising or lowering the feed dog, be careful that its underside does not drop low enough to strike the sewing hook. TO REMOVE THE SEWING HOOK FROM THE MACHINE Remove the bed slide, throat plate, feed dog and bobbin case gening lever, then tip the machine pack and loosen the two screws in the hub of the hook shaft gear znd lift out the sewing hook. SAFETY CLUTCH The safetv clutch 1s adjustable to suit sewing conditions and protects hook from damage resulting from accidentzl strain. Should any foreign matter clog the hook, this new type safety ciutch will disengage itself and will re-engage oniy after area has been cleared. This safety clutch has been set at the factcry at proper torque setting and must not be disturbed. THE FEED ECCENTRIC Feed eccentric is provided with a gib P2 which can be adjusted to take up any wear or loose motion between feed eccentric and eccentric body. To adjust gib, loosen ско locking screws O2 against gib until all play is eliminated and eccentric Zits snug- iy in slot in eccentric body. Securely tight- an two locking screws QZ. Spring R2 presses against feed eccen- zric cam to prevent it frommving out of position while machine is operating. Collar $2 may be moved to right or left <o change spring pressure. It should ordinarily be set flush with end of hub of eccentric body. TO REPLACE ARM SHAFT CONNECTION BELT Remove needle to avoid damage while machine is out of time. S1:de belt off lower pulley X2. Loosen two SCrews in machine puiley and remove machine pulley ans ball bearing waich comes our with the pulley. Lift belt up =16 draw it around arm shaft through space at M2, normally occuried by ball bearing. Replace belt through ball bearing hole at M2. After placing beit over upper pulley T2, replace machine pulley with ball bear- ing. To remove all end play from chaft, lightly tighten set screws in machine pulley and (holding needle bar crank in place) tap machine pulley into position with palm of hand. Tighten machine pulley set screws firmly. Turn machine pulley over toward you until thread take-up lever is at its highest point. Then turn hook driving shaft until the "B" setting mark at Z2 on safety clutch in pulley X2 is in line with mark Y2 cut into machine zed. Now, without disturbing either arm shaft or hook driving staftg, slip belt over lower pulley. The feed will then be correctly timed with needle. NOTE: Safety clutch in lower belt pulley X2 has been set at factory for correct torgua and must not be disturbed. “a? Feed Eccentric To Replace Arm Shaft Connection Belt ">
Key features
- Single needle, lock stitch
- Alternating pressers
- Belt-driven, rotary sewing hook
- Compound feeding mechanism
- Adjustable stitch length up to 3 1/2 inches per inch
- Adjustable lifting eccentric for presser foot lift
- Safety clutch to prevent damage
- Needle bar stroke of 1-5/16 inches
- Maximum presser foot lift of 1/2 inch
- Ball bearings on the arm shaft and hook driving shaft
Frequently asked questions
This machine is designed for heavy-duty work, including automobile work, tents, tarpaulins, furniture upholstery, leather coats, and work gloves.
The maximum stitch length adjustable on this machine is 3 1/2 inches per inch.
You can adjust the presser foot lift using an adjustable eccentric. To increase the lift, turn the machine pulley clockwise. To decrease the lift, turn the pulley counterclockwise.