Quickie Life Rev.2.0 wheelchair User manual

Below you will find brief information for wheelchair Life Rev.2.0. The Life Rev.2.0 wheelchair is a lightweight and maneuverable wheelchair that is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. It has a variety of features that make it easy to use, including adjustable footrests, a variety of backrest options, and a wide range of accessories that can be added to meet individual needs.

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Quickie Life Rev.2.0 User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Lightweight and maneuverable
  • Adjustable footrests
  • Variety of backrest options
  • Wide range of accessories
  • ISO 9001 certified

Frequently asked questions

The maximum weight limit (includes the user and any weight of accessories fitted to the wheelchair) is marked on the serial number label, which is affixed to the crossbar or stabiliser bar below the seat.

The expected life of the wheelchair is 5 years.

Unless otherwise advised, the torque for M6 screws is 7 Nm.
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