Price: $10.00
Page 2
Orders, parts, phone assistance .....................................................................(970) 667-7382
Email orders............................................................................................... [email protected]
Email technical support ......................................................................... [email protected]
Web site .......................................................................................................
710 Grove Ct.
Loveland, CO 80537
During your first ninety (90) days of ownership, DZ Company will replace or repair free of charge—as soon as practical—any parts which are defective, either in materials or workmanship. You can obtain parts directly from
DZ Company by writing us, emailing us or telephoning us. And we’ll pay shipping charges to get those parts to you—anywhere in the world.
We warrant that during the first ninety (90) days of ownership, our products, when correctly assembled, calibrated, adjusted and used in accordance with our printed instructions, will meet published specifications.
You will receive free consultation (except for the cost of your long distance phone call) on any problem you may encounter in the assembly or use of your DZKit product. Just drop us a line, email us, give us a call, or visit our website and click on “Support”. That will give you access to free on-line support and a discussion group. Sorry, we cannot accept collect calls.
Our warranty, both expressed and implied, does not cover damage caused by the use of corrosive solder, defective tools, incorrect assembly, misuse, fire, customer-made modifications, floods or acts of God, nor does it include reimbursement for customer assembly or setup time. The warranty covers only DZKit products and is not extended to non-DZ allied equipment or components used in conjunction with our products or uses of our products for purposes other than as advertised.
If you are ever dissatisfied with our service—warranty or otherwise– or our products, please write or email the president, Brian Wood, W0DZ, and he will make certain your problems receive prompt, personal attention.
Assembly and Operation
Of the
HT-7 40M AM Handie-Talkie
Copyright © 2009
The DZ Company, LLC
All rights reserved
3-24-09 HT-7
Page 3
Introduction ...................................... 4
Available Accessories....................... 5
General Assembly/Safety Notes ....... 6
Parts List ........................................ 12
Step-by-step Assembly ................... 14
Chassis Integration ......................... 19
Adjustments and Tests .................... 22
Final Assembly............................... 23
Using Your HT-7 ............................ 27
Theory of Operation ....................... 28
Specifications ................................. 34
Schematics ..................................... 35
Troubleshooting.............................. 39
Component Locator........................ 40
Notes .............................................. 41
Page 4
In the early days of amateur ra ‐ dio, and continuing well into the
1960’s, amplitude modulation (AM) was the mode of choice for phone communications.
Its wide band ‐ width (6kHz) and rich sound made ham radio sound like broadcast stations.
Eventually, with crowded bands and a desire for smaller rigs, AM gave way to single ‐ sideband (SSB) operation.
Radios had more sensi ‐ tivity on SSB than with AM, so worldwide contacts became easier.
AM was relegated to “calling fre ‐ quencies” ‐ just single frequen ‐ cies in the large amateur phone bands where AM aficionados could still enjoy the fun of those old ‐ style QSOs, which were typically long ‐ winded, since VOX was not used and switching over from transmit to receive took longer.
Now you can enjoy the fun of AM without spending an arm and a leg with your new HT ‐ 7 Handie ‐ Talkie.
Not only can you use it as a walkie ‐ talkie, with limited range, but you can, with an ap ‐ propriate outside antenna, talk to the “big guns” on the 40M AM calling frequency of 7.290MHz.
Since the output power of the HT ‐
7 is just 2 Watts, you may want to add an amplifier, but when band conditions are good, and the sunspot cycle cooperates, you will be amazed at how far 2 Watts will carry!
Thanks for trusting in DZKit to provide not only unique elec ‐ tronic products, but to give you hours of building fun too.
Page 5
HTA ‐ 3 Tuner.
This is the
“Ducker I/L” made by Miracle
Antenna of Canada.
Adds about
30dB of gain to your HT!
HTA ‐ 2 57” Extendable Whip.
Also made by Miracle Antenna of Canada.
Use with or with ‐ out the HTA ‐ 2 tuner.
HTA ‐ 1 Battery Pack.
Includes built ‐ in overcharge, overdischarge, overdrain, short ‐ circuit and reversed polarity protection.
oz (370g).
Dimensions: 2.6" (66mm) x 2.1" (53mm) x
1.7" (43mm).
Must be recharged using Lithium Ion charger only.
Not for use with NiCd or NiMH chargers.
Can be charged in use by connec ‐ tion of a 12VDC power supply, or go to
to order an inexpensive charger made for this battery.
Page 6
General Assembly Notes
As you tighten a screw, it is very important that you do not strip the threads.
All screws should fasten smoothly without resistance.
If a screw appears to be hard to fasten, something else is probably wrong—a cable could be in the way, you are trying to use the wrong size screw or something else is wrong.
Instead, inspect the assembly care ‐ fully and try to see why you are having difficulty.
Abbre ‐ viations: PH = panhead.
FH = flathead.
M/S = machine screw.
All references to left and right, front and back are with the chassis in an orien ‐ tation such that the speaker faces you and the text reads correctly from left to right.
Each circuit part has its own component number (R1, L4, Q3, etc.).
R1 on one assembly will not be the same as R1 on a different assembly, so be sure you are looking at the right set of parts when com ‐ paring part numbers with the printed parts list.
Check off each part at the beginning of each section to make sure all the parts are there.
If you find any missing, give us a call or email us and we will rush a replacement to you.
Most electronic kits that are returned for service have poor soldering jobs.
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with proper solder ‐ ing technique.
And do not, under ANY circumstances, use corrosive (“acid ‐ core”) sol ‐ der!
That will void your war ‐ ranty and render your kit in ‐ operative.
Also be sure to avoid the use of products that may be called solder but are really glue.
Soldering should only be done in an area with good ventilation and with a properly heated soldering iron.
Capacitors are identified by their type — disk, polysty ‐ rene, polypropylene, electro ‐ lytic, trimmer, etc.) and ca ‐ pacitance values are in microfarads (uF) or pico ‐
Farads (pF, often pronounced
Polarized types have the positive pin marked on the silkscreen and also have a square pad.
Inductors are represented ei ‐ ther by their inductance in nanoHenries (nH), microHen ‐ ries (uH), milliHenries (mH) or by the number of turns in the coil if you are doing the winding.
Diodes are marked with a band on the cathode end.
The PC boards have a bar silk ‐ screened across one side of the component outline and a square pad which identifies the cathode.
Page 7
ICs have a notch, beveled side and/or a dot representing the side containing pin 1.
When you hold an IC with the notch pointing up or the beveled side to your left, pin 1 is in the upper left corner.
The silkscreened outlines on the board all have notches and pin
1 also has a square pad.
It is CRITICAL that you mount po ‐
larized parts correctly!
Double check your work to be sure that all such parts match the photos.
IC — pin 1 (through hole part)
Electrolytic caps—negative terminal
Most kit builders find it helpful to sepa ‐ rate the parts into categories for quick identification.
Muffin tins and egg car ‐ tons serve this purpose admirably.
Page 8
The steps involved in building a kit are listed below.
Be sure to fol ‐ low them and you will have a lot of fun building, aligning, testing and using your kit.
Do a parts inventory .
Check off each part in the parts list to be sure you are not missing anything.
Our method of bagging parts is different from all other kit vendors and will make the task much faster and less error prone.
But despite our valiant efforts, mis ‐ takes can happen.
If you are missing any parts, call or email us and we’ll rush replacements to you immediately.
Do not remove parts from the bags until called for, to avoid mixing parts up.
Pay attention to soldering techniques .
Keep your soldering iron clean by using a wet sponge, use appropriate heat and maintain heat long enough to make good solder joints.
Solder problems are the number one cause of problems when building electronic products (not just kits!), so try extra hard to do it right.
Take your time !
We know you want to get it done and start using it, but doing it wrong will only delay that moment.
Before you start, set up a ventilated, static ‐ free work area with enough room to build the kit.
Prepare parts bins and get the tools you will need
(needle ‐ nose pliers, wire ‐ cutter, wire stripper, Phillips head screw drivers, wrenches, soldering iron, solder, insulated tool, awl or other sharp ‐ ended tool, scissors, magnifying glass, etc.) If you’re tired, take a break.
Enjoy building your kit!
Make sure that you are loading the part that’s called for in the right holes.
Once loaded, it can be hard to find a misloaded part.
Be especially careful to load polarized parts (ICs, transistors, diodes, electrolytic capacitors) the right direction.
If you are not sure about any step, call, write or email us!
Once you’ve done a step, put a checkmark inside the parentheses.
After you have assembled a circuit board, take a moment (just one) to marvel at your handiwork, then spend a few more minutes critiqu ‐ ing it!
Check for solder bridges, unsoldered or insufficiently sol ‐ dered connections, solder blobs (especially on insulated magnet wire used on toroids), loose screws and electronic parts, reversed polarized components, etc.
Sometimes it helps to have a friend check your work.
Page 9
Safety First!
Your safety is of utmost importance to us.
Please read this informa ‐ tion before you get started, and remember these rules as you continue building and testing your kit.
Always have a healthy respect for electricity.
Use a power supply with overcurrent foldback or crowbar protection so that in case of high currents the supply will shut down.
Set the output current only as high as necessary for a given step.
When measuring voltages inside electronic equipment, it is gener ‐ ally a good idea to use only one hand, wear rubber ‐ soled shoes and avoid areas with standing water.
However, remember that slightly humid environments can prevent static electricity that could damage the electronic parts!
Use a humidifier in dry climates.
Do not work on powered electronics by yourself if at all possible.
Have a parent, spouse or friend nearby.
If you must work alone, keep a telephone handy in the event you run into problems.
Soldering irons are hot.
They can burn your skin and cause damage to workbenches and carpets.
We recommend you use one with an auto ‐ matic shutoff in case you forget to turn it off when you are done.
Do not work on electronic projects when you are tired.
We know you want to finish it, but accidents are more likely when you are tired.
Take breaks!
Be careful!
Use proper ventilation in your work area.
Solder contains tin and lead (or tin and silver), and solder fumes should not be allowed to
“hover” near your work.
Open a door or window, use a fan, and be cognizant of the potential dangers.
When clipping leads, use eye protection and/or be sure to direct the flying leads down into a nearby trash can.
As you gain experi ‐ ence clipping component leads, you will learn how to clip them so that they fall harmlessly away from the board.
Be careful not to cut yourself when handling sharp objects such as connectors and sheet metal.
Keep some tissues, bandages and antibi ‐ otic ointment nearby in the event of an injury.
This may sound obvious, but do not insert any parts in any portion of your body.
Use common sense in dealing with unfamiliar things.
If you don’t understand something, call us or ask a friend for help.
Page 10
Poor soldering accounts for almost 90% of all kit building problems.
The photographs below show examples of the most common types of bad solder connections and a good one.
If you locate any of these bad sol ‐ der connections in your kit, correct them as described.
Study this section carefully before you start building your kit.
Solder blob.
In this example, solder flowed onto a lead, but the heat was not maintained long enough for it to flow onto the circuit board pad.
Solution: re ‐ heat the connection, touching the iron to both the component lead and the pad at the same time.
Use a good quality, variable tem ‐ perature soldering iron with a conical, narrow tip, and set the temperature to 750 degrees F.
Use thin, non ‐ corrosive, rosin core solder to assemble your kit.
Keep the sponge damp and wipe the tip on the sponge after each solder step.
Solder bridge .
Solder that stretches from one trace or pad to another creates a short cir ‐ cuit.
Solution: Hold the board upside down and reheat the area.
The excess solder will flow down the soldering iron.
Another so ‐ lution is to use a “solder sucker” or solder wick to remove excess solder.
Solder suckers work well one or two times on a given connection.
If used too much, they can pull pads and traces off of PC boards.
A good solder connection looks like this.
Solder flows evenly onto both the part and the PC board or chassis component.
It is shiny and even, not lumpy and dull.
The component lies flat on the board.
Leads that are prop ‐ erly soldered can not be moved in the hole.
You can find bad solder connections by measuring the re ‐ sistance, using an ohmmeter, be ‐ tween the component’s lead (where it attaches to the body of the part) and the other end of the trace.
If it reads infinity (or very high) the connection is open.
Page 11
Many of the components in your kit can be damaged by exposure to static electricity.
Please read this page to familiarize yourself with the causes of and solutions to this problem.
When the climate is dry, you can generate thousands of volts sim ‐ ply by walking across a carpet.
When you then touch a metal ob ‐ ject you can feel the effects of this as you draw a spark!
That same spark, often too small to see or feel, can destroy sensi ‐ tive electronic components.
MUST take precautions when work ‐ ing with electronics to prevent damage.
The best solution is to outfit your workbench with anti ‐ static devices — floormats, grounded soldering irons, and workmats with grounded wriststraps.
If these are not practical for you, the very least you should do is to discharge yourself to ground after you sit down and before you touch any electronic items, by touching a grounded object such as the corner of a wall.
In a dry environment, simply standing up after sitting in a non ‐ grounded chair can also charge you with electricity.
If you stand up to stretch, for ex ‐ ample, be sure to re ‐ ground your ‐ self before getting back to work.
Don’t wear insulated sole shoes and avoid Nylon, wool or other static ‐ producing material in your clothing.
If your work area floor is car ‐ peted, spray fabric softener on it using a hand spray bottle.
Fabric softener is conductive and will bleed away carpet static for a few hours.
Don’t use a plastic table unless
you have a grounded workmat on it.
Use a metal table if possi ‐ ble.
Cats are notorious for inducing static into your work area.
Don’t allow them anywhere near your workbench!
All electronic components are susceptible to static, but semi ‐ conductors and assembled boards containing semiconductors are the most prone to damage.
These in ‐ clude diodes (including light ‐ emitting diodes [LEDs]), transis ‐ tors and integrated circuits
You are a walking lightning bolt!
Be careful!
Page 12
Item Ref
HT-7-2 Board Parts
Description Qty
1 2
5 J3 BNC Jack, right angle, PCB-mount
10 S1 4 pole double throw momentary switch 1
11 T1 T36-1 1
12 T2, FT37-43 2
13 J4 2-pin right-angle MTA connector 1
14 U2 LM380 audio amplifier IC 1
17 Screw—4-40 x 3/8” PH Phillips M/S Plastic
19 #6 Nylon washer
20 TO-220 Heatsink
21 TO-220 insulator with adhesive backing
22 Partially loaded HT-7-2 board
Red 26# magnet wire
Green 26# magnet wire
Bare wire
RG-178B/U coaxial cable
10 11
16 17 18
Page 13
Chassis Parts
Item Description Qty
1 HT-7-1, -3 mic preamp/mixer boards (assembled)
2 Bottom chassis
3 Top chassis
4 End chassis
5 DC power jack - 5.5x2.5mm chassis mount
6 DC power plug
7 Hex key, .05”
8 PN41 switch button, gray 1
9 Speaker 1
1 10 S/N sticker
11 Snap rivet
12 Screw - 6-32 x 1/4" FH Phillips M/S Black
13 Screw - 6-32 x 3/8” PH Phillips M/S
14 Nut - 6-32 KEPS
15 Nut - 6-32 hex
16 #6 Solder lug
17 #6 Nylon washer
18 Angle bracket
19 Knob 1
20 2-pin female connector with 2” red/black wires 1 6
Heat shrink tubing 4”
Insulated hookup wire, white, black, 24AWG 12”
Insulated hookup wire, red, orange, 24AWG
RG-178B/U coaxial cable
8 9 10
11 12
18 19
14 15
Page 14
Refer to Pictorial 1 for the fol ‐ lowing steps.
( ) Load and solder the two mono minijacks, J1 and J2, where shown.
Be sure they lie flat against the board.
Be careful not to damage the plastic bodies with the soldering iron.
Note that two of the tabs extending into the holes in the board are plastic, so do not apply solder to these.
( ) Load and solder RV1, the vol ‐ ume control.
Be sure that it lies flat against the board.
( ) Load and solder the BNC con ‐ nector.
Be sure it lies flat against the board.
( ) Load and solder the 2 ‐ pin right ‐ angle connector at J4.
This connector mounts to the bottom of the board and ex ‐ tends out into the opening.
( ) Load and solder D3, the large
1N5404 rectifier.
Insert the side with a band (the cath ‐ ode) into the square pad with the part oriented vertically.
Bend the anode lead down and into the other hole.
Solder both leads and clip excess lead length.
( ) Load and solder RV2, the 10K trimpot.
Clip excess lead length.
( ) Load and solder T1, the 6 ‐ pin
DIP transformer.
The pin marked with a dot must go into the square pad.
( ) Load and solder the seven crystals, Y1 ‐ Y7.
Be sure they lie flat against the board.
It does not matter which side the lettering goes on, but most builders prefer to line them up so that the text reads the same on all crys ‐ tals.
Clip excess lead lengths after soldering.
( ) Insert 3” of bare wire into the holes just below the “Y1” and “Y7” text to the right of the crystals.
Place it so that you can solder it to the top of all the crystals.
Sol ‐ der the two ends, then solder it to the top of each crys ‐ tal.
Do not use any more heat than necessary.
( ) Load and solder the 330 uF electrolytic capacitor (C12).
Be sure the black stripe is on the side with the round pad.
The longer lead is the positive lead, and it goes in the hole with the square pad
(also marked with a “+” on the silkscreen).
( ) Load and solder the 470uF ca ‐
Pictorial 1.
Component placement on HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 Board
Page 15
Page 16 pacitor (C6) in the same man ‐ ner as the previous capaci ‐ tor.
( ) Load and solder the 10uF/25V electrolytic (C2) in the same manner as the previous two capacitors.
This capacitor has a smaller radius.
( ) Load and solder the 22uF non ‐ polarized capacitor (C26).
The orientation of this ca ‐ pacitor does not matter even though one lead is longer.
( ) Load and solder U2, the 14 ‐ pin dual ‐ inline package (DIP)
Be sure that pin 1 is placed in the square pad.
The notch on the end of the part is closest to the edge of the board.
( ) Load and solder Q2, the tran ‐ sistor with the metal can.
It can only be inserted one di ‐ rection, but make sure the tab lines up with the marking on the silkscreen.
Make sure this transistor lies flat against the board.
( ) Insert all 12” of the red magnet wire into an FT37 ‐ 43 toroid core, leaving 2” out ‐ side.
Wrap the wire nine times around the core, pull ‐ ing tightly on each turn.
Re ‐ member that each time you pass a wire through the cen ‐ ter of the core counts as one turn.
Spread the turns out evenly, covering about 2/3 of the toroid.
Cut the excess lead off, leaving 2” outside so that the two leads have the same length.
Save the re ‐ maining wire for use with T3.
Wrap the 3 ‐ turn secondary us ‐ ing green magnet wire around the toroid, overlapping the primary as shown in Detail 1.
Detail 1.
T2 winding
( ) Place T2 flat against the board and insert the primary
(red) leads into the holes marked 1 and 2.
Insert the green wires into the holes marked 3 and 4.
Pull the wires tight from the bottom of the board so that the tor ‐ oid lies as flat as possible.
Cut the excess lead length
4 ‐ 40 x 1/4” panhead machine screw heatsink
Page 17
4 ‐ 40 x 3/8” spacer
Thermalsil heatsink and
insulator (apply sticky side to
remove material covering the
Pictorial 2.
Q3 preparation
Thermalsil is a trademark of Aavid Thermalloy, Inc.
Detail 2.
Coaxial cable preparation
Page 18 off, then remove the whole part from the board and tin the leads, removing the enamel from the wire.
( ) Re ‐ insert T2 into the board and solder all four wires in their respective holes.
( ) Load and solder 4 ‐ pole double throw momentary switch S1.
Make sure it lies flat against the board.
Do not at ‐ tach the plastic button to the end at this time.
( ) Wind toroid T3 in the same manner as T2, but use only three turns of red magnet wire for the primary and five turns of green wire for the secondary.
Prepare its leads as with T2, and then solder it in place on the BOTTOM of the board, allowing 1/16” clearance between the toroid and the board.
The red pri ‐ mary leads go into the holes marked T3 ‐ 1 and T3 ‐ 2 and the green secondary leads go into holes marked T3 ‐ 3 and T3 ‐ 4.
The center of the toroid should be placed directly over the center hole.
( ) Prepare RF power transistor
Q3 as shown in Pictorial 2.
( ) Insert Q3 into its holes from the top side of the board and line up the spacer with its hole.
Solder the three leads of a
‐ 40 washer and
transistor x
screw placed the
the and board
and plastic a as
attach board
Nylon toroid shown in
using panhead
Detail 3.
Q3 installation
( ) Cut two lengths of RG ‐ 178B/U coaxial cable to 3.5”.
Refer to Detail 3 for preparation of all coaxial cable assem ‐ blies.
( ) Solder the center conductors of one piece of prepared co ‐ axial cable between pads la ‐ beled ‘A’ and connect the shields to ‘GND’.
Load this cable on the bottom of the board.
( ) Repeat the previous step, us ‐ ing pads ‘B’ and ‘GND’.
Page 19
STEP-BY-STEP ASSEMBLY - Chassis Integration
Refer to Pictorial 3 for the fol ‐ lowing steps.
Cut the stranded colored wires to the lengths shown below, strip the leads to 1/8”, tin them and solder them as follows to the top of the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board:
( ) SPKR+ 5” [ White] (strip/tin the loose end to 1/4”)
( ) SPKR– 5” [ Black ] (strip/tin the loose end to 1/4”)
( ) Twist the white and black speaker wires together, about
2 turns per inch.
( ) DCin+ 2” [ White ] (strip/tin the loose end to 1/4”)
( ) DCIn– 2” [ Black ] (strip/tin the loose end to 1/4”)
( ) Twist the white and black
DCin wires together, about 2 turns per inch.
Solder the white wire to the center pin of the DC power jack.
Solder the black wire to the side pin on the DC power jack.
Re ‐ move the nut and washer from the jack and save them.
( ) Sandwich the speaker between the electret mic board and the preamp/mixer board (HT ‐ 7 ‐
1) using two 6 ‐ 32 x 3/8” screws, two #6 Nylon washers
(between the speaker and the
HT ‐ 7 ‐ 1 board), one 6 ‐ 32 KEPS nut, one hex nut and one #6 solder lug.
The solder lug must be positioned facing the speaker on the same side as the speaker’s terminals.
Be very careful not to damage the trimpots when tightening the nuts.
See detail 4.
Note: the screws will be removed after testing, when the speaker and mic boards are permanently installed in the chassis.
hex nut
KEPS nut
Position mic board on other side of speaker
Detail 4.
HT ‐ 7 ‐ 1 mounting
Solder these wires to the bottom of the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board:
( ) Mic 5 1/2” [ White ]
( ) Amp 5 1/2” [ Orange ]
( ) Mic Pwr 5 1/2” [ Red ] Note:
Rev A boards have two other parts attached to this pad.
Be careful not to dislodge them.
( ) Strip and tin the center con ‐ ductor to 1/8” and the braid to 1/2” on each end of the 8”
RG ‐ 178B/U coaxial cable.
Sol ‐ der the center conductor to
“RF in” and the braid to
See Detail 2.
( ) Cut a 2” length of black stranded wire, strip the ends to 1/4” and tin the ends.
Solder one end to the solder lug.
Attach the other end around the lug on the speaker marked with a “ ‐ ” but do not solder it.
( ) Find the twisted white/black wires going to SPKR+/ ‐ on the
HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board and solder the white wire to the + terminal on the speaker.
Attach the black wire to the ‐ terminal and solder the two black wires on this terminal.
( ) Solder the three loose wires to the bottom of the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 1 board as follows:
( ) White: Mic (Be careful not to dislodge the magnet wire that connects this pad to the electret board)
( ) Orange: Amp
( ) Red: Pwr
( ) Slide heat shrink tubing over the RG ‐ 178B/U coaxial cable.
Solder the center conductor to “RF” on the bottom side of the board.
Solder the loose bare wire that is attached to
Page 20 the crystal to the braid, then cut the bare wire near the point where it attaches to the crystal.
Slide the tubing over the braid and ap ‐ ply heat until it shrinks over the connection.
Re ‐ solder the bare wire to the crystal.
( ) Rotate the volume control counterclockwise until it clicks (off).
( ) If you will be operating the
HT ‐ 7 from an internal bat ‐ tery, attach the battery wires to the provided 2 ‐ pin cable (CA1), which consists of a red and black wire crimped to an orange 2 ‐ pin
Amp MTA connector.
Strip the ends of the wires and those of the battery to about 1/4” each.
Place heat shrink tub ‐ ing over the insulated por ‐ tion of the battery wires, then twist the wire ends to ‐ gether (red to red, black to black) and solder them.
Then slide the heat shrink tubing over the soldered connections and heat them with a heat gun or soldering iron until the tubing shrinks over the con ‐ nections.
Plug the connector onto J4 on the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board.
Important: The HTA ‐ 1 battery is protected internally from over ‐ voltage and overcharge condi ‐ tions.
If you are using some other battery pack, be sure it can handle direct connection to a power supply.
Page 21
Pictorial 3.
Chassis Wiring
( ) Position the boards away from each other to avoid short circuits during testing.
( ) If you will be operating the
HT ‐ 7 from an external DC power supply, plug it into the connector on top of the unit using a 5.5mm
(center pin positive).
One such connector with a lock ring is provided in the kit.
Set the voltage to +11.1VDC.
If you have a current limit control, set it to 1A.
( ) Connect a 50 ohm dummy load or an antenna to the BNC jack.
( ) Rotate the power switch/ volume control to the middle of its range.
Page 22
STEP-BY-STEP ASSEMBLY - Tests and Adjustments
( ) Carefully measure the volt ‐ ages below to be sure that you have wired everything correctly.
These assume a battery or supply voltage of
and can vary about
Refer to page 39 for help if your measurements are substantially different.
( ) Adjust RV2 on the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board to give a reasonable sound to the audio without feedback or excessive noise.
If the gain is too high, you may start picking up short ‐ wave stations or strong local
AM broadcast band stations.
If it is too low, the range of your HT may be limited.
( ) Press the PTT switch while monitoring your signal on a receiver tuned to 7.290MHz
Adjust RV1 and RV2 on the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 1 board for the best sound.
( ) Press the PTT switch and ad ‐ just trimmer capacitor C10 so that the signal amplitude peaks and audio sounds good when the receiver is set for exactly 7.290MHz.
HT-7-2 R/T D3
Important: When
HT-7-2 R/T 3.1 measuring volt ‐
HT-7-2 R/T Q1 2.4 ages in transmit mode (PTT switch
HT-7-2 R/T Q1 6.8
HT-7-2 R/T U3 pin 1 6.1 to 7.2* pushed in), keep
HT-7-2 R U3 pin 2 6.6 transmissions
HT-7-2 T U3 pin 2 8.0 short and/or
HT-7-2 R/T U3 pin 4 5.5 connect a 50 ohm
HT-7-2 R/T U3 pin 8 11.1 dummy load or an
U1 pin 3
U1 pin 7
8.8 antenna to the
BNC jack to
HT-7-2 R
U4 pin 8
Q2 base
Q2 emitter
2.3 avoid damage to the output tran ‐ sistor.
HT-7-2 T Q2 collector 9.0
Q3 base
Q3 emitter
Q3 collector
See page 40 for a component lo ‐ cator.
HT-7-1 T U1 pin 2 5.55
U1 pin 3
U1 pin 8
Blue measure ‐ ments are on the
HT ‐ 7 ‐ 1 board!
HT-7-1 T U3 pin 1 11.10
U3 pin 2
U3 pin 3
5.00 HT-7-1 T U2 pin 8
* Voltage is set by RV2 on the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board
Page 23
Refer to Photos 1 and 2 for the following steps.
( ) Turn the volume control to the off position.
( ) Disconnect the battery or ex ‐ ternal power supply.
( ) Remove the two 6 ‐ 32 x 3/8” screws, Nylon washers and
KEPS nuts holding the mic boards to the speaker.
( ) Remove and save the locknuts from the BNC connector and volume control pot, leaving the washers and/or lockwash ‐ ers in place.
Hold the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board with the silkscreened text facing you and the four connectors pointed up.
Insert the speaker as far as it will go into the opening in the
HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board with the termi ‐ nals facing to the right and the speaker cone facing you.
( ) Insert the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board into the top chassis.
As you do so, place the electret mic board (HT ‐ 7 ‐ 3) onto the two bottom speaker mounting studs and push down until the mi ‐ crophone locks into the open ‐ ing.
Then press the speaker onto all four mounting studs.
Be careful not to tear the speaker cone on the studs as you position it.
( ) Attach the speaker to the in ‐ side of the top chassis using two 6 ‐ 32 KEPS nuts on the two threaded studs closest to the top.
Photo 1.
Final assembly Photo 2.
Final assembly
Page 24
( ) Attach the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board to the top chassis using two hex nuts, one on the on/off/ volume control and one on the
BNC connector.
Be careful not to scratch the chassis.
Dress the wires neatly and position them away from the heat sink.
( ) Insert the DC power jack into the top chassis opening la ‐ beled 10 ‐ 12VDC IN.
Attach the washer and nut on the outside and tighten the nut, being careful not to scratch the chassis.
( ) Place a 1/16” Nylon washer over the two remaining longer studs.
( ) Place the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 1 board onto the studs.
( ) Place the solder lug that is connected to the speaker over the stud so that the lug faces inward.
( ) Tighten the assembly using a
6 ‐ 32 hex nut on the side with the solder lug and a 6 ‐ 32
KEPS nut on the other side.
Be very careful when tighten ‐ ing these nuts not to damage the blue trimpots.
Use needle nose pliers and make very slight turns until the nuts are tight.
( ) Attach two 6 ‐ 32 angle brack ‐ ets to the top using two 6 ‐ 32
KEPS nuts.
Align the side with the non ‐ threaded opening with the mounting studs.
Ex ‐ ert pressure with one finger to keep the brackets from turning as they are tight ‐ ened.
Sand or file the paint off around the stud if neces ‐ sary to help keep the bracket from turning.
( ) Bend the speaker leads in so they do not protrude beyond the side of the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 1 board.
( ) Connect the battery (if pre ‐ sent) to the 2 ‐ pin connector
It will be necessary to flex the board slightly in order to get the connector on.
Refer to Pictorial 4.
( ) Align the hole in the metal end piece with the hole in the top cover.
Insert the plastic snap rivet into both holes until the rivet head is flush with the metal.
( ) Insert the assembled top into the bottom chassis, compress ‐ ing the PTT switch as you do so and allowing it to pop through the opening in the side.
Secure the top to the bottom using four 6 ‐ 32 x 1/4” black flathead machine screws.
Page 25
( ) Push the PTT switch button onto the switch until it locks into place.
If the but ‐ ton sticks, the board is too high; check to make sure the lockwashers on the BNC con ‐ nector and the washer on the volume control pot are on the inside of the chassis.
( ) Attach the knob to the volume control shaft, aligning the white line on the knob with the “Off” label.
Tighten the set screws using the pro ‐ vided .05” Allen wrench.
( ) Affix the serial number sticker wherever desired.
This completes assembly of your
HT ‐ 7 handie ‐ talkie.
Pictorial 4.
Final assembly
Page 26
Page 27
Connect your HT ‐ 7 to an antenna, either the HTA ‐ 2 optional whip antenna (with or without the HTA ‐
3 antenna tuner) or an external
40M antenna such as an Alpha ‐
Delta DX ‐ 40.
Always transmit into either an antenna or a 50 ohm dummy load.
The output transistor can be damaged by transmitting into a poorly matched antenna or an open circuit.
Connect an SWR ‐ meter such as the DZKit HM ‐ 17 be ‐ tween the transmitter and the an ‐ tenna to make sure your antenna is properly tuned.
This can be a help even using the HTA ‐ 2 and
HTA ‐ 3, so that you can see the effect of different tuner set ‐ tings and antenna lengths.
Keep transmissions short to avoid overheating the output transis ‐ tor.
If you are using an outside an ‐ tenna, you may need an adapter to connect the normal PL ‐ 259 coaxial connector to the BNC connector on the HT ‐ 7.
These are commonly available at Radio Shack and other electronics stores.
If you are using the HTA ‐ 1 inter ‐ nal battery pack, make sure it is fully charged before using the radio.
It can be charged outside of the HT by using an inexpensive
Lithium Ion charger, or you can charge it inside the HT ‐ 7 by con ‐ necting a power supply set to 12V with a current limit of 4A to the power jack on the top of the HT ‐
Internal protection circuitry inside the battery pack will pro ‐ tect it from many improper volt ‐ age and current conditions.
An external power supply can be used to power the HT ‐ 7 for home use even while the battery pack is installed, keeping it charged and ready to go for portable use.
If you want to use an external microphone instead of using the internal electret, plug it into the jack on the top of the unit labeled “Mic”.
This shorting style jack will disconnect the internal electret and remove DC voltage from the line.
Any micro ‐ phone can be used except ones re ‐ quiring voltage sources
The HT ‐ 7 will oper ‐ ate fine with high or low imped ‐ ance mics.
Connect a monaural headphone to the headphone jack if desired.
Stereo headphones can be used too.
Operation of your HT ‐ 7 is very straightforward.
Turn it on and adjust the volume to a comfort ‐ able level.
Listen first, and if the frequency is clear, press the
PTT button on the side of the unit and talk.
Be sure to iden ‐ tify yourself using your call letters, even if merely talking to a fellow ham who’s also using an HT ‐ 7.
Page 28
Refer to the schematics on pages 35 ‐ 38.
Transmitter operation
When the PTT switch, S1, is in the transmit position, supply power is routed to the transmit ‐ ter circuits and not to the re ‐ ceiver circuits (HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board, sheet 2 of schematics; 11.1V
‐ >
Built ‐ in electret mic M1 receives power from the 5V regulator U3 and is then fed to the main board where it is routed to the exter ‐ nal microphone input via a short ‐ ing connector so that if no ex ‐ ternal microphone is plugged in, the internal electret microphone remains connected to the ampli ‐ fier.
The microphone preamp, U1, is an audio amplifier whose gain is controlled via RV2.
The input impedance is set to 50K ohms (the parallel combination of R3 and
R4, which also set the bias on the positive op ‐ amp input to one ‐ half of the supply.
This is nec ‐ essary since the op ‐ amp operates with only a single positive sup ‐ ply.
Capacitor C14 keeps the DC gain at one, via R5, while the AC gain can be set between 3 and in ‐ finity (1 + 100K/RV2).
The output of U1 is coupled via
C4 and resistor R6 to Gilbert cell double balanced mixer U2, which mixes the audio with RF from the 7.290MHz
local oscilla ‐ tor consisting of Q1, Y1 and re ‐ lated parts.
The balance is upset by pot RV1, which allows the car ‐ rier to pass through the mixer along with the double sideband signal.
The output of the mixer is fed to the main board.
On the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board, the AM sig ‐ nal is fed into PTT switch S1 at
W9 (Sheet 2 of the schematic for the HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2).
When the PTT switch is pushed, the signal is routed to FIN (Filter Input) on Sheet 1.
Q1 amplifies the signal to over ‐ come the loss of the following crystal filter.
The filter has an
1800 ohm input impedance, so this transistor also serves to match this impedance.
The crystal fil ‐ ter is a 6kHz wide crystal lat ‐ tice filter, which rejects all harmonics and unwanted mixing products from the AM signal.
The output of the filter, FOUT, is fed into variable gain RF am ‐ plifier U3, an Analog Devices
The gain of this RF ampli ‐ fier can be set from –10 to +40dB by changing the DC voltage on pin
1 to between 6.1V
and 7.2V.
This is done by pot RV2.
In transmit mode, diode D5 and resistor R38 change the voltage on pin 2 to
8V, which keeps the gain of the
AD603 at minimum, since no addi ‐ tional gain is needed in the transmit chain.
Page 29
The output of this part, AOUT, is routed to the transmit amplifiers by PTT switch S1.
The transmit signal is amplified from about 20mW to about 200mW by transistor Q2.
Resistors R24 and
R25 bias the base of this tran ‐ sistor to 3.0V, which puts the emitter at 2.3V.
The emitter re ‐ sistors R28 and R29 cause about
45mA of collector current to flow
Because of lim ‐ iting resistor R27, the collector voltage is 11.1V—(.045*47) =
R26 and C32 provide a lot of negative feedback to keep the part from oscillating and to lower the input impedance.
Nor ‐ mally, the input impedance of Q2 would be the parallel combination of its bias resistors (R24 and
R25) in parallel with
4.7*beta=470 ohms (the emitter resistor times the transistor’s beta of about 100).
Thus, the in ‐ put impedance would be about 285 ohms.
Feedback networks tend to lower the actual impedance.
AD603 has more than enough drive capability to handle this de ‐ crease in load impedance.
Q2’s AC gain is the load imped ‐ ance seen by the collector (as reflected by transformer T2), di ‐ vided by the 4.7
ohm emitter re ‐ sistance.
RFC1 and C33 assure that the top side of T2 is at AC ground.
T2 has a 9:3 turns ratio, which causes an impedance step down to the next stage.
2SC2166 final amplifier has a very low input impedance of about five ohms due to the grounded emitter configuration and the feedback network.
That five ohms is reflected back to the collec ‐ tor by a factor of the square of the turns ratio, or 9, yielding a collector impedance of about 45 ohms.
The gain of this stage is thus 45/4.7, or almost 10.
A voltage gain of 10 is equivalent to a power gain of 20dB
In reality, the tran ‐ sistor operates at its maximum possible gain of about 11dB.
This means that a base input signal of
600mVp ‐ p results in a collector swing of about 6Vp ‐ p.
The 2SC2166C final operates in much the same manner as the pre ‐ vious stage except that its out ‐ put is fed to the antenna via a low pass filter with 50 ohms in ‐ put/output impedance.
The output transformer has a 3:5 turns ra ‐ tio, so the 50 ohm filter load is reflected back as an 18 ohm col ‐ lector impedance.
With the col ‐ lector current resting at about
386mA (.58V/1.5
ohm), about
772mAp ‐ p (386mApk, 273mArms) is available before saturating the transistor and causing distor ‐ tion.
With a collector impedance
Page 30 of 18 ohms, and remembering that power is P = I 2 * R, the carrier power is thus 0.273* 0.273
* 18 =
The voltage that must be developed to support this current is given by P = E * I, or 1.34
E * 0.273, and thus E = 4.9Vrms, or 14Vp ‐ p, well within the volt ‐ age available (twice the supply or 22.2Vp
‐ p).
This 14Vp ‐ p is then transformed by T3 to 23Vp ‐ p driv ‐ ing the 50 ohm filter load, or
Ignoring the small power loss in the transformer, the available power is 8.2
2 /50 =
Assuming Q3 has a gain of about 10, a 14Vp ‐ p output re ‐ quires a 1.4Vp
‐ p input.
That sig ‐ nal comes from the 2N5109 output stage, which was, as you recall, generating a 6Vp ‐ p signal.
Trans ‐ former T2 stepped it down by a factor of 3 to produce the needed
‐ p or more.
Note — because of variations in transistor beta, your voltages may vary from this example by as much as 50%.
Total power in an AM signal with
100% modulation is 1.5
times the carrier power, so a carrier power of 1.34W
translates to a total AM power of 2W.
Note that it took about 4W of DC power to create this (Vce * Ic = (11 ‐ .58)*0.386), resulting in an efficiency for this class A amplifier of 50%.
The output low pass filter is a
7 ‐ element Elliptical filter with a cutoff frequency of 8MHz.
This frequency was chosen to get as close to 7.29MHz
as possible so as to eliminate harmonics while allowing for component tolerances so that the inductors and capaci ‐ tors do not have to be adjusted.
Receiver operation
When the PTT switch, S1, is in the receive position, supply power is routed to the receiver circuits and not to the transmit ‐ ter circuits (HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board, sheet
2 of schematics; 11.1V
‐ > RXV).
The antenna, after passing through the same low pass filter as the transmitter, is fed through a high pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 6 MHz.
This keeps local AM broadcast and many shortwave broadcast stations from causing interference.
The result ‐ ing 6 ‐ 8MHz signal is then fed to
FIN, the same signal path taken by the transmitter.
In this case,
Q1 serves as not only an imped ‐ ance matching circuit but also as a preamp.
The output of Q1 is then fed into the 6kHz crystal filter which passes only the 6kHz range of frequencies centered at
The output, FOUT, is fed via PTT switch S1 to the re ‐ ceiver circuits starting at RX
(HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board, sheet 3).
U1 and U4 form a full ‐ wave AM de ‐ tector.
Most AM detectors are simple half ‐ wave diode detectors.
This circuit was first proposed
Page 31 by Rob Schenck, W2CU, on an online AM forum.
From Rob’s description:
“This circuit is a variation of the classic "Precision Half Wave
Rectifier" as described in many op ‐ amp application notes as shown below [in Figure 1]:
Figure 1.
Half wave AM detector
“Its operation is based upon ba ‐ sic principles of operational am ‐ plifier circuits.
An ideal op ‐ amp has extremely high input imped ‐ ance, extremely low output imped ‐ ance, and extremely high gain.
Note the operative word
The non inverting input (+) of the op ‐ amp is con ‐ nected to ground.
Feedback is provided by the two paths R2+D1 and D2.
The op ‐ amp will drive its output pin to a voltage such that the inverting input ( ‐ ) is at ground voltage.
There will be a slight variation (a few mil ‐ livolts) from 0 volts as a result of what is known as input offset voltage, a property of real op ‐ amps.
The inverting input is of ‐ ten called the summing junction, as the sum of the currents in that node will be zero.
Since virtually no current flows into the inverting input ( ‐ ) of the op ‐ amp itself, any current coming in through the input resistor R1 will be met by an equal and oppo ‐ site current coming through ei ‐ ther of the two paths of R2+D1 or
“The I.F.
input signal will pro ‐ duce an input current of:
Iin = Vin/R1
“During the negative half of the input AC waveform, the op ‐ amp output will drive positive such that the current through R2+D1 will be equal and opposite the input current, or:
Iin = Vin/R1 = ‐ ID1 = ‐ IR2
“The voltage developed across R2, and hence the output voltage as the left side of R2 is at ground potential, will be:
V = Vout = ‐ IR2 * R2 = ‐ Vin/R1 *
“By setting R1 = R2, the output voltage will be:
Vout = Vin
“Similarly, the positive going input cycle produces a feedback current through D2.
Any non lin ‐ ear voltages developed across the
Page 32 diodes is not relevant as the output is derived from the feed ‐ back resistor only.
“A full wave detector was desired for a 50 kHz IF application so that the ripple frequency out of the detector would be 100 kHz, and more easily filtered.
In the full wave detector version of the circuit, a second feedback resis ‐ tor is added to the D2 diode path to produce a voltage of the other half of the input waveform.
A virtual ground at +6 Volts was created with R814/R815/C812, so that the circuit could operate from a single supply.
Again, any nonlinear voltages developed across the diodes are not rele ‐ vant.
The two rectified half waves are combined in the next two op ‐ amp stages.
The two out ‐ puts of the rectifier on R811 and
R813, are connected directly to the non ‐ inverting inputs of the op ‐ amp stages so that there will be minimal loading to these out ‐ puts.
U6A provides a gain of two to the signal voltage on R813.
U6B provides a gain of two to the voltage on R811, and inverts and adds the output of U6A.
The re ‐ sult is a full wave rectified signal at the output of U6B.
Sim ‐ ple low pass filtering will re ‐ move the carrier energy which is at twice the ripple frequency.”
Figure 2.
Full ‐ wave detector described by K2CU
Page 33
The HT ‐ 7 ‐ 2 board schematic, sheet
3 (page 36), shows how we have implemented Rob’s design.
While his design was meant for 50kHz RF signals, today it is possible to use very high bandwidth op ‐ amps to implement a full ‐ wave detector directly at the operating fre ‐ quency.
The op ‐ amps chosen for this are the Analog Devices
AD8045, with a 1GHz gain ‐ bandwidth product (GBW), and the
AD826, a dual op ‐ amp with a GBW of 50MHz.
The AD8045 needs a high GBW be ‐ cause it is used with a gain of
11 (the 470 ohm feedback divided by the 47 ohm input resistor, plus 1), so at 7MHz, almost 80MHz of GBW is needed.
This gain as ‐ sures that the diodes have enough signal to overcome their 300mV DC voltage drop.
Both op ‐ amps are powered from a single supply, so they are biased at half the supply by R35 and
C2 assures that the positive input to the AD8045 is at AC ground.
R8 assures that there is feedback around the op ‐ amp in the region where neither D1 nor D2 are conducting, keeping it from operating in an undefined gain state.
Its value is high so as not to affect the gain when the diodes are conducting.
Recall that an AM signal contains the carrier as well as the audio information.
Demodulation pro ‐ duces a signal that must be fil ‐ tered to remove the carrier, leaving only the audio.
R10 and
C52 are used for this purpose.
R7 provides a DC load for the AD826.
C50 couples the audio to the au ‐ dio amplifier consisting of U2 and surrounding parts.
RV1 is the volume control, which also has the on/off switch integrated with it.
Audio amplifiers require a great deal of current to handle instan ‐ taneous voice peaks.
For this reason, a large 330uF electro ‐ lytic capacitor is placed across the supply leads.
Although the entire transceiver draws only about 400mA on transmit and 10mA on receive, the supply must be able to handle current spikes as high as 1A!
If the supply can’t handle that much current, the au ‐ dio will sound “fuzzy” as distor ‐ tion is introduced into the out ‐ put.
C6 couples the amplified audio to the speaker.
Since the speaker load is 8 ohms, a large value ca ‐ pacitor is required so that its impedance is less than 1 ohm at audio frequencies of 300 ‐ 3000Hz.
Diode D3 protects against re ‐ versed polarity.
Page 34
Frequency: 7.290MHz, Amplitude modulation
Bandwidth: 6kHz
Output Power: approx.
2 Watts
Transmitter Spurious Output: < ‐ 45dB
Transmitter IMD: < ‐ 20dB
Receive Sensitivity: 1uV
Power requirements: 10 ‐ 12VDC, 50mA receive (average), 500mA transmit
Page 35
Page 36
Page 37
Page 38
Page 39
Before calling or emailing us for service or help, please check the following things.
Problems with kits are almost al ‐ ways related to soldering.
Check every connection carefully to make sure the parts and wires are fully soldered and the right wires are in the right holes.
Before starting any troubleshoot ‐ ing procedure, try to narrow the problem down to a specific area— is it transmit ‐ related?
Receive ‐ related?
Is it a power sup ‐ ply problem?
Check to make sure that all parts and wires have been properly clipped so that no leads or wires are shorting each other or the chassis.
Look carefully for shorted traces or pins.
Make sure that the power source
(battery or external supply) is actually providing 10 ‐ 12VDC.
Check all electrolytic capacitors to make sure they are inserted with the polarity band on the correct pin.
Reversed electro ‐ lytic capacitors can draw exces ‐ sive current, and they can even smoke!
Verify all voltages using the chart on page 22.
A review of the theory of opera ‐ tion may also help you determine where to look for problems.
If after going through these steps you still cannot resolve the problem, email us at sup ‐ [email protected]
or call us at 970 ‐
667 ‐ 7382, Monday ‐ Friday, 8AM to
No receive audio No power
Can't measure 11.1V
Receiving AM broadcasts
Weak (or no) transmit signal
Volume control pot
Speaker wiring
Headphone jack
U2 reversed
RV1, PTT switch
D3 reversed
U3 pin 1 on HT-7-2 board out of range
T2 and/or T3 reversed
Incorrect wiring from HT-7-1 to HT-
7-2 board
Check battery connections or external power supply
Check solder connections to RV1
Check for reversed black/white wires
Replace headphone jack
Remove and replace U2
Check soldering
Remove and reinstall D3
Adjust RV2 so that voltage is 5.5 to
Check T2 and T3 wiring, solder connections
Verify wire colors as shown on page 21
Page 40
Page 41
Use this page to keep track of modifications, purchase information, service, or anything you like.
Page 42
Page 43
Page 44
UNIQUE electronic equipment in kit form

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