BAKER Factory F6K 6-Speed Kicker kit Installation Instructions

The BAKER Factory F6K is a 6-speed motorcycle transmission kit. This kit features a 6061 T-6 aluminum billet bearing door, side cover, hardened gears, and a straight stainless steel kick arm. The kit is designed for 2007-2009 Softails, FLT/FLH, and 2006 Dyna models. The kit requires installation of a cam-based ignition and carburetor retrofit for fuel injected models.

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BAKER Factory F6K Installation Instructions | Manualzz




Key features

  • 6061 T-6 Aluminum Billet Bearing Door
  • 6061 T-6 Aluminum Billet Side Cover
  • Hardened 8620 Kicker Gears
  • Straight Stainless steel kick arm
  • Modern Clutch Actuation

Frequently asked questions

The BAKER Factory F6K is designed for 2007-2009 Softails, FLT/FLH, and 2006 Dyna models.

No, the BAKER Factory F6K will not clear stock exhaust systems because the transmission door and kicker are extended.

Twin Cam models require installation of a cam-based ignition.

Fuel injected models require a carburetor retrofit.
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