SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics CLINCHER CLE5500-15B, CLE5500-15C Tong, UHT BUC5500-01, UHT BUCDT5500, UHT BUC6250, LOCKJAW BUCD5500, BUC6250 & -02 Backup, BUC 5511, BUC T5508, BUC 6260, BUCD 5600 Hanger Technical manual
Below you will find brief product information for CLE5500 15B, CLE5500 15C, BUC5500 01, BUCD5500, BUCDT5500, BUC6250, BUC6250 02, BUC5511, BUCD5600, BUCT5508, BUC6260. The SUPERIOR CLINCHER® UHT Tong and Backup system is an “open-throat” design which can handle tubulars as small as 2 1/16 inches to as large as 5 1/2 inches in diameter. This system features two (2) jaws in the tong and three (3) jaws in the backup which encircle the pipe. Wrap around jaws and dies, combined with our low friction jaw technology, constant radial load cam system and compensating jaw design provide exceptional gripping capabilities with reduced pipe deformation, stress and marking. Using our non-marking aluminum die system or GRIT FACE™ dies in the UHT Tong and Backup will now allow stainless steel corrosion resistant alloys (CRA) to be run as quickly and easily as a traditional tong runs conventional steel tubulars.
TECHNICAL MANUAL 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT TONG AND 5 1/2" UHT BACKUP, 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ D RILL PIPE BACKUP 6 1/4" UHT BACKUP OR COVERS TONG MODELS CLE5500-15B / CLE5500-15C BACKUP MODELS BUC5500-01 / BUCD5500 / BUCDT5500 / BUC6250 & -02 HANGER ASSEMBLIES BUC5511 / BUCD5600 / BUCT5508 / BUC6260 Published 01/2002 4225 Highway 90, East Broussard, Louisiana 70518 Phone: (337) 837-8847 Fax: (337) 837-8839 TECHNICAL MANUAL 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT TONG AND 5 1/2" UHT BACKUP, 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ D RILL PIPE BACKUP 6 1/4" UHT BACKUP OR COVERS TONG MODELS CLE5500-15B/ CLE5500-15C BACKUP MODELS BUC5500-01 / BUCD5500 / BUCDT5500 / BUC6250 & -02 HANGER ASSEMBLIES BUC5511 / BUCD5600 / BUCT5508 / BUC6260 Published 01/2002 4225 Highway 90, East Broussard, Louisiana 70518 Phone: (337) 837-8847 Fax: (337) 837-8839 ©Copyright, 2001, SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is the property of SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. It is supplied as reference information to users of our products. This document is considered confidential and is not to be disclosed, copied or reproduced, transmitted, transcribed in any form or stored in any type of system without the express written consent of SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. CLINCHER®, CHROMEMASTER™, LOCKJAW™, HYTOPS™, Drillmaster, GRIT FACE™ & Low-Friction are trademarks of SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. The products described in this manual are covered by U.S. and foreign Patents and/or pending Patent Applications. This manual is not a controlled document and is subject to revision without notice. To receive updates and insure you have access to the latest information concerning the 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and Backup, we request you complete this form and return the lower half to SUPERIOR Manufacturing and Hydraulics by mail or facsimile. Access to our manuals can also be acquired through our web site Select the tab ‘CLINCHER® Products’, select the equipment from the list to get Specs page, select the tab ‘Download Manual’. Name: Company: Address: Address: City: Postal Code: Telephone: State: Country: Fax: Tong Model No.: Backup Model No.: Assembly Date: Serial No.: Serial No.: 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and Backup Technical Manual Registration Form Name: Return To: Company: SUPERIOR Mfg. & Hyd. 4225 Hwy. 90 East Broussard, LA 70518 USA Address: Address: City: Postal Code: Telephone: Country: Fax: Tong Model No.: Serial No.: Backup Model No.: Serial No.: Assembly Date: Telephone: 337-837-8847 Facsimile: 337-837-8839 Web Site: TABLE OF CONTENTS Hazard Warnings Description, Features, & Specifications Jaws, Adapters, & Die Information Assembly Instructions Operational Instructions Maintenance Instructions & Trouble Shooting Spare Parts Recommendations Accessories and Options UHT TONG Illustrations UHT BACKUP & Mounting Kit Illustrations LOCKJAW™ DP BACKUP & Mounting Kit Illustrations Lift Cylinder Illustration Load Cell and Torque Gauge Motor Service Manuals Valve Technical Data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT TONG and 5 1/2" UHT BACKUP REVISION TABLE Section Page Date Description 4 7A 7B 9 3-6 1 - 26 1 - 20 1-4, 6, 8, 9, & 14 01/02 01/02 01/02 01/02 10 1, 2, & 4 01/02 Removed assembly instructions for earlier model tools (previous generations). Removed Parts List’s for earlier model tools & renumbered pages. Removed Parts List’s for earlier model tools & renumbered pages. Removed parts referencing earlier model tools; Removed illustrations for previous generations: Dumbell Rollers 1st, 2nd, & 3rd, Shifting Gear 1st, Top & Bottom Cage Plates f/Models CLE5500-13 & -15, Bottom View w/Hanger BUC5511, Tong Doors 1st, 2nd, & 3rd; Renumbered pages. Removed parts referencing earlier model tools; Removed illustrations for previous generations: Top View f/BUC5500, Backup Cylinder 1st, Plumbing 1st Sh 1 & 2, Valve Bank 1st, Hyd. Schematic 1st; Renumbered pages. 2 3 9 11 3, 5, 6 11 - 12 23 1 04/02 04/02 04/02 04/02 Corrected & clarified Specs and Dimensional Dwgs. Added Jaw Range Chart for Dovetail and Splined Jaws. Revised Dwg. 5 1/2" UHT Tong Jaw Assembly Revised Dwg. Lift Cyl. Assy. LCR100-B N/A 05/03 Added Tong Model CLE5500-15C, Backup Model BUC6250 & Hanger BUC6260 2 Cover & Title Pg. 3 - 10 05/03 3 4 7 7A 3 1 1 1 - 34 05/03 05/03 05/03 05/03 7B 1, 19 - 24 05/03 7C 1, 5 - 8 05/03 9 1, 3, 4, 8A, 8B, 13, 14A, 20, 21, & 22A 1, 8, 13, 16, 18-22 05/03 Revised Weight Spec for LOCKJAW™ DP Backup. Added Specs & Dimens. Illustration f/ 5 1/2" UHT Tong w/ 6 1/4" UHT Backup Added Die Nomenclature for BUC6250 UHT Backup Corrected typo on chart title from LOCKJAW™ Tong to UHT Tong. Revised Spare Parts List Added Parts List’s CLE5500-15C, 55001-03 & KITBOLT-04C, & renumbered pages. Revised Parts List’s CLE5500-15B, 45091, SLV1000-01, KITBOLT-04 Added Parts List’s BUC6250, BUC6204, BUC7632 & KITFIT-02. Revised Parts List’s KITFIT-15A & KITFIT-15C. Added Parts List’s MK6250, BUC6260 & BUC6270. Revised Parts List’s BUCD5600 & BUC5570-01 Added Illustrations Sealed Idler Bearing PN 1905, Installation for PN 1905, Motor Assy. (sht 2) & Hanger Bracket Assy. 55001-03. Revised Illustrations Top View (sht 1 & 2), Shifting Gear Assy., Brake Band Assy., & Side Handle Assy. 12 3-8 11/03 2 3 5, 7, 9 0, 9-16 03/04 03/04 4 9 4 10 03/04 03/04 7B 7C 9 13-15 4 1, 5-6, 11-13, 17, 24-25 12/04 12/04 12/04 10 7-9, 12, 15-16 1 12/04 10 12 05/03 12/04 Added Illustrations BUC6250 6 1/4" UHT Backup, BUC6204 Cylinder Assy., BUC7632 Center Jaw Assy., & MK6250 6 1/4" Mounting Kit. Revised Illustrations Valve Bank Assy., 5 1/2" LJ DP Backup Top View w/o Top Plate, Outside Door Assy. f/BUCD5500, & 5 1/2" LJ DP Backup Mounting Kit Assy. Replaced Totco Manual with Superior Compression Torque System. Revised Spec charts. Added Dovetail Straight Tooth & Diamond Tooth Die information. Replaced charts Max. & Min. Adapter Gripping Diameter for BUDT55-XXXX DT Die Adapters for BUCD5500 & BUCD55XHT, with chart for 5 1/2" XHT Tong and chart for 5 1/2" LJ Backup for Drill Pipe. Tong has 3/8" min. undersized, LJ Backup for Drill Pipe has 1/4" min. undersized. Replaced Tech Update Rev.5.0 with Rev.6.0. Corrected assembly instruction 15. Revised illustration Secondary Gear Assembly. Revised Parts List BUCD5500. Revised Parts List BUC5570. Revised Gear Housing Top View including High Gear Idler Assy. Removed pg. 12, High Gear Idler (was same as Gear Housing Top View). Revised Gear Train illustration, Encoder Assy., Shifting Gear Assembly, Bottom View, Low Friction Jaw Assy., & Dovetail Jaw Assy. Revised illustrations Mounting Kit Assy. MK5500, Valve Bank Assy., Basic Hydraulic Schematic, LJ DP Backup Assy w/o Top Plate, Inside Door Assy., & Outside Door Assy. Revised Torque Gauge Part Numbers, Torque Rating & Handle Length. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/04 Page 0 - 1 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT TONG and 5 1/2" UHT BACKUP REVISION TABLE Section Page Date Description Cover, Title Pg. 3 3 Cover Title Pg. 13-16 11 08/05 Removed ISO Emblems. 08/05 7A 1-2, 29-30 08/05 08/05 Revised P/N’s for Splined Jaws 5 1/2 x 2 1/16 x 3 1/2 fine tooth steel dies from CLJ5501 to CLE5500 & GRIT FACE™ dies BB5601 to BB5800. Revised size range for CJ-55B from 3 3/4" to 3 1/2" - 5 1/2". Added Parts List CJ-LF-55B. Revised Parts List 45091. Moved CJDT55-02875 to page 30.1. Added size range for CJ-LF-55A. Added Illustration CJ-LF-55B. Revised Illustrations Shifting Gear Assy. 2nd Gen. & LF Jaw Assy. CJ-LF-55A. Renumbered page on Illustration 5 1/2" UHT Dovetail Jaw Assy. Added Denison Dump Valve Illustration behind Tech. docs for PN 58058. 14 14, 30.1 1, 25 13, 24 26 9 Cover Title Pg. 3 Cover Title Pg. 7-10 06/07 Added Backup BUCDT5500. 06/07 7A-7C 9 10 all 4 & 24 1, 8, 12-16.2, 18.1 06/07 06/07 06/07 14 11-12 06/07 Corrected Doors on Die Adapter illustration for BUCD5500. Corrected Dovetail Die Chart, length of dies from 5" to 3 7/8". Removed all Parts Lists. Revised illustrations Top View sht2 and LF Jaw Assy. CJ-LF-55A. Added illustrations BUCDT5500 Assy. & w/o Top Plate, MKBUCT5500. Revised illustrations Valve Bank Assy., LJ DP Backup Assy. w/o Plate, Top View w/o Top Plate, Cylinder Assy. BUCD5524, Inside Door Assy. BUCD5536, Outside Door Assy. BUCD5535. Added Dump Valve Electrical Connector Assembly. 3 9 9 26 12/07 12/07 Revised Tong Dovetail Die Chart. Revised illustration Dovetail Jaw Assembly. 3 6 10 1, 3, 9-10 17 37-42 02/08 Added sizes 2 3/8" thru 5 1/4" using dovetail die adapters BUDT55-XXXX. Revised 5 1/2" uses BUCX55005500. Rev. LJ DP Backup DT Adapter/Die Chart. Added Hyd. Sch. w/Manifold. Revised illustrations BUC5500-01 Top View, Basic Hyd. Sch., Backup Dovetail Die Adapter. Added tech. info. for Valves PN 17-B3P0-002 & 17-B3P0-004. 9 10 14 08/05 02/08 02/08 SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 02/08 Page 0 - 2 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and Backup HAZARD WARNING Nomenclature used in this manual: WARNING concerns an operating procedure or practice that, if not strictly observed, can result in injury to personnel or loss of life Caution concerns an operating procedure or practice that, if not strictly observed, can result in damage to or destruction of equipment Note concerns an operating procedure or practice that needs highlighting CLINCHER® UHT Tongs and Backups are manufactured to provide a means of making up or breaking out high torque tubular connections. They utilize high pressure hydraulic fluid power which can cause the tong to move suddenly and with great force if the tong is not properly rigged up and operated. CLINCHER® Tongs and Backups contain rotating and reciprocating parts which can severely or fatally injure personnel who are operating, repairing, or near this equipment during its operation. WARNING: Tongs and Backups are not to be operated by untrained personnel or personnel with diminished physical or mental capacity. No work of any type, including changing of dies, is to be carried out while the tong and backup are connected to any hydraulic power unit. CLINCHER® UHT Tongs and Backups are heavy tools. They should be suspended from a secure, high strength 7/8" IWRC minimum diameter wire cable with a 31 ton minimum breaking strength. The wire rope should be hung as close to the center of the wellbore as possible, without interfering with drilling equipment operation, to allow the tong to be readily swung into the working position. Vertical position control should be achieved by means of a CLINCHER® hydraulically operated lift cylinder/spring hanger. WARNING: Users must insure the entire suspension system including cables, rig mounting points, lift cylinders, tong lifting brackets/bridles, winches, pulleys, counter weights, etc., are capable of handling the static weight of the tong and backup plus any loads which could be transferred to it during the makeup or breakout process PLUS any shock loads which may be seen during operation. This system must readily allow downward movement equal to a minimum of the thread makeup distance to avoid overloading the suspension system and/or damage to equipment. A 1" IWRC minimum diameter wire cable with a 51.7 ton minimum breaking strength or better, should be attached at a 90 degree angle to the tong and at the same level to insure proper readout of torque indicator. A SNUBBING LINE should always be attached even when an integral backup is in use to provide additional safety in the event of a backup slippage. WARNING: Users must provide a means of safely controlling the tong and backup movements in all directions when it is in use. Failure to account for its size, weight, movement and the amount of torque developed could result in personnel injury or death. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 1 - 1 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and Backup HAZARD WARNING CLINCHER® Tongs and Backups utilize high pressure hydraulic fluids. Portions of the tong and backup, control valves, hydraulic lines and cylinders may contain high pressure fluid even when the power unit is de-energized and the fluid supply hoses are disconnected. During normal operation the temperature of the hydraulic fluids as well as hoses, piping, valves, etc., can rise to a level which can cause burns. WARNING: Personal protective gear including safety glasses, face shields, protective gloves and protective clothing must be worn to guard against the hazards of high pressure fluids. Tight fitting clothing is required to prevent entanglement in rotating components. These tools should be serviced by thoroughly trained and qualified hydraulic technicians using procedures to safely insure hydraulic pressure is bled from these circuits. The CLINCHER® UHT Tong is equipped with a door interlock system which prevents tong rotation whenever the door is open. This system is to be tested before each mobilization and at every shift change. Should this system be determined to be inoperative, the tong is to be removed from service and tagged as in-operative until repairs are made. CAUTION: Operating the tong with the door in the open position could result in severe damage to the equipment and will void all manufacturer warranties. WARNING: Operating the tong with the door open by means of a defective or bypassed door interlock system exposes the operator and nearby personnel to potentially fatal hazards. No attempt should be made to operate the CLINCHER® UHT Tong and Backup for any purpose other than which it is intended. This system is capable of generating very large clamping forces and torsional loads which, if improperly applied or controlled, could result in damage to the tubular, to the tong and backup, or could possibly result in injury or death of personnel. Do not attempt to operate the unit without correct dies and the proper size tubular being in the tong and backup. See Section 3 for more information concerning the selection and use of dies. CAUTION: Operating this equipment without the correct size, type, and orientation of dies can result in damage to the equipment or tubulars being handled. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 1 - 2 CROSS GENERAL INFORMATION HYDRAULIC PRODUCT SAFETY HYDRAULIC PRODUCT SAFETY WARNING: Valve lever (spool) may "stick" (not center) under certain conditions allowing the hydraulic equipment to continue to operate and could cause serious injury, death or equipment failure. VALVE SAFETY: Read and follow instructions carefully. Failure to observe instructions and guidelines may cause serious injury, death or equipment failure. A sticking valve (spool bind) may be caused by one or more of the following factors: DIRTY OIL: Oil must be filtered to a minimum of 25 microns. Filters should be changed regularly spin-on types after 50 hours of initial use and then after every two hundred fifty hours of use. Use of a condition indicator is recommended. Consult your tractor or implement owner=s manual for filtration and changing recommendations for internal systems. OIL REQUIREMENTS: Premium quality anti-wear type oil with a viscosity between 100 and 200 SSU at operating temperatures. Certain synthetic oils may cause spool seals to swell and the valve to stick. If in doubt, call CROSS Engineering. IMPROPER HOOK UP OR MOUNTING: Always use the proper size fittings. Hook up "in" & "out" as noted on the valve body. Do not overtorque pipe fittings. Mounting surfaces should be flat and care should be used when tightening mounting bolts. Over-tightened bolts can cause spool bind and casting breakage. When hooking a valve in series, always use a power beyond sleeve. Consult your tractor or implement manual to make sure you have the proper quick disconnect line connected to the inlet of the remote valve. MISAPPLICATION: Always use the proper valve for the job. CONVERTA, CD, CS or CA valves should never be used for metered heavy load lifting - loaders or similar applications. Use an open center valve for open center applications and a closed center valve for closed applications. If in doubt, check with your tractor dealer. Contact CROSS if the valve allows the hydraulic equipment to creep excessively. MAINTENANCE: Make sure all bolts are tightened and torqued to the recommended specification. Bent or broken parts should not be used. Replace immediately. Always use exact replacements. Always protect valve spool from paint overspray. Faulty quick disconnects can cause high back pressures and sticking spools. Check quick disconnects periodically to make sure they are functioning properly. If valve spool does not center or appears to stick, do not use! PUMPS & MOTORS SAFETY: A relief or bypass in your hydraulic system is necessary to prevent pump from breakage due to overpressurization. Use correct fittings and proper oil as noted in the technical service manual packed with each unit. Change oil as recommended by your implement or tractor manufacturer. CYLINDER SAFETY: Check clevis clearances before, during and after extending the cylinder and before using the cylinder under pressure to avoid possible injury, or bent or broken rods caused by binding. Never operatea cylinder above recommended pressures. Never use a cylinder as a safety device when trans-porting equipment. PINHOLE LEAKS: If you observe a pinhole leak, discontinue use of the component. If oil has penetrated your skin or contacted your eye, seek medical attention immediately! Page 1 - 3 Page 1 - 4 DESCRIPTION and APPLICATION The CLINCHER® UHT Tong and Backup system is an “open-throat” design which can handle tubulars as small as 2 1/16 inches to as large as 5 1/2 inches in diameter. This system features two (2) jaws in the tong and three (3) jaws in the backup which encircle the pipe. Wrap around jaws and dies, combined with our low friction jaw technology, constant radial load cam system and compensating jaw design provide exceptional gripping capabilities with reduced pipe deformation, stress and marking. Using our non-marking aluminum die system or GRIT FACE™ dies in the UHT Tong and Backup will now allow stainless steel corrosion resistant alloys (CRA) to be run as quickly and easily as a traditional tong runs conventional steel tubulars. Notable Features and Benefits Low Friction Jaws increases cam angle efficiency to allow use of aluminum dies Splined Die System aligns the die with the tubular and more evenly distributes radial load, essentially wrapping the die around the tube reduces pipe stress, deformation and minimizes marking Constant Cam Angle insures an adequate radial load is available regardless of relative rotation to enhance performance on undersized pipe Die Retention Method provides an enhanced method of preventing equipment damage and die loss if the pipe is inadvertently moved while the tong or backup are still gripping the pipe In addition to these unique features listed above, the CLINCHER® UHT Tong and Backup System is also equipped with numerous standard features including: Door Interlock prevents tong ring gear rotation whenever the tong door is open but allows control and operation of backup and lift cylinder at all times Encoder Adapter accepts customer’s turns encoder to signal to a torque/turn computer Pressure Control Valve adjustable pressure control valves allow the customer to limit the amount of pressure applied and torque developed Tong Handles with Closed Covers protects operators hands The features described above are covered by US and foreign patents or pending US and foreign patents. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 2 - 1 DESCRIPTION and APPLICATION TONG APPLICATION After completing the make-up or break-out cycle, the jaws are opened by reversing the tong motor to drive the ring gear and cam surfaces in the opposite direction until the reversing pin contacts the ring gear shoulder. Springs are used to return the jaws to their fully open position. BACKUP APPLICATION The CLINCHER® UHT Backup’s front jaws are hydraulic cylinders. During a jaw closing cycle, the front jaws advance and clamp the pipe against the fixed rear jaw. Once locked on the pipe, pressure is locked in the backup cylinder by a load holding valve. When opening, the front jaws retract to allow the pipe to be removed. The CLINCHER® UHT LOCKJAW™ Backup has an “open throat” design with three jaws that encircle the pipe. The front jaws are operated by cam surfaces on the rear jaw cylinder. During a jaw closing cycle, the front jaws swing in and interlock as the rear die approaches the pipe. Once locked on the pipe, pressure is locked in the backup cylinder by a load holding valve. When opening the backup jaws, the cylinder operation is reversed to retract the rear die and unlock the jaws. Springs move the front jaws to their fully open position. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 2 - 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 2.375 2.875 4.000 4.500 5.000 Page 2 - 3 5.500 TONG AND BACKUP RATING CHARTS.123 3,000 psi supply pressure 2,500 psi supply pressure pipe dia (inches) 3.500 when dressed with fine tooth wrap-around steel dies CLINCHER® CLE5500-15B UHT Tong and BUC5500 Backup performance Technical Manual CLE5500 & BUC5500 Rev. 12/01 system torque rating thousands of ft lbs SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 2 - 4 SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Torque Maximum Operation Pressure RPM @ 35 GPM/133 LPM: Manual Gearbox Max Allowable Flow Rate: 40 GPM/151 LPM (Using Standard A-20 Valve Package) Max Allowable Flow Rate: 60 GPM/227 LPM (Using Optional A-35 Valve Package) High Low Handle Length 5 1/2" UHT Tong Handle Length 5 1/2" UHT Backup Overall Length 5 1/2" UHT Tong & 5 1/2" UHT Backup Overall Width w/ Handles Overall Width w/o Handles / UHT Tong & 5 1/2" UHT Backup Overall Height w/ 5 1/2" UHT Backup & Load Cell Bracket Overall Height w/ 5 1/2" UHT Backup & Lifting Bracket Weight Tong (approximate) Weight 5 1/2" UHT Backup (approximate) Bottom Hanger (approximate) Tong Legs (approximate) Combined Weight Tong w/ 5 1/2" UHT Backup w/ Hanger & Legs (approximate) Tong Jaw Options 1 Backup Jaw Size Gripping Range for Dovetail Tong Jaws (under nominal jaw or adapter sizes) 25,000 ft.lbs./33,895 Nm 3,000 psi/207 Bar 45 8 32 1/2"/82.6 cm 31"/78.7 cm 53 1/8"/134.9 cm 35 1/2"/90.2 cm 31 3/4"/80.6 cm 62 1/4" / 158.1 cm 65" / 165.1 cm 1,775 lbs./ 805.1 kg 800 lbs./ 362.9 kg 225 lbs. / 102.1 kg 50 lbs. / 22.7 kg 2,850 lbs./ 1,292.7 kg 2 1/16" thru 3 1/2" LF 3 1/2" thru 5" 3 1/2" thru 5 1/2" 2 1/16" thru 5 1/2" 3/8" / 1.5 cm undersize Operates using Steel Tooth Wrap Around Dies, GRIT FACE™ Wrap Around Dies and Aluminum Wrap Around Dies Standard Equipment: - Door Interlock - Self Adjusting Brake Optional Equipment: - Two Speed Hydraulic Motor - 3 Point Lifting Bridle - Hydraulic Cage Plate Brake System - Electronic Solenoid Dump Valve - Handles Tong & Backup - Hydraulic Intensifier for Backup - Shipping Stand, or Skid - Varying Outlets for Torque Turns Computer Sending Units SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 03/04 Page 2 - 5 53 1/8" OVERALL ASSEMBLY LENGTH 49 7/8" OVERALL TONG ASSEMBLY LENGTH 32 1/2" OVERALL TONG HANDLE LENGTH X 31" OVERALL BACKUP HANDLE LENGTH 46 7/8" OVERALL BACKUP ASSEMBLY LENGTH 5 1/2" UHT TONG & BACKUP DIMENSIONS Page 2 - 6 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 1 04/19/02 DATE LOG # REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ CLE5500\Dimensions UHT rev1.wpg SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Torque Maximum Operation Pressure RPM @ 35 GPM/133 LPM: Manual Gearbox Max Allowable Flow Rate: 40 GPM/151 LPM (Using Standard A-20 Valve Package) Max Allowable Flow Rate: 60 GPM/227 LPM (Using Optional A-35 Valve Package) High Low Handle Length 5 1/2" UHT Tong Handle Length 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DP Backup Overall Length 5 1/2" UHT Tong & 5 1/2" LJ DP Backup Overall Width w/ Handles Overall Width w/o Handles / UHT Tong & LJ DP Backup Overall Height w/ LJ DP Backup & Load Cell Bracket Overall Height w/ LJ DP Backup & Lifting Bracket Weight Tong (approximate) Weight 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DP Backup (approximate) Bottom Hanger (approximate) Tong Legs (approximate) Combined Weight Tong w/ 5 1/2" LJ DP Backup w/ Hanger & Legs (approximate) Tong Jaw Options 1 Backup Jaw Size Gripping Range for Dovetail Tong Jaws (under nominal jaw or adapter sizes) Gripping Range for LOCKJAW™ DP Backup dressed with Dovetail Adapters 25,000 ft.lbs./33,895 Nm 3,000 psi/207 Bar 45 8 32 1/2"/82.6 cm 28"/71.1 cm 50"/127 cm 35 1/2"/90.2 cm 30 1/2"/77.5 cm 62 1/4" / 158.1 cm 65" / 165.1 cm 1,775 lbs./ 805.1 kg 875 lbs./ 398.0 kg 225 lbs. / 102.1 kg 50 lbs. / 22.7 kg 2,925 lbs./ 1,326.8 kg 2 1/16" thru 3 1/2" LF 3 1/2" thru 5" 3 1/2" thru 5 1/2" 2 1/16" thru 5 1/2" 3/8" / 1.5 cm undersize 1/4" / 0.6 cm undersize Operates using Steel Tooth Wrap Around Dies, GRIT FACE™ Wrap Around Dies and Aluminum Wrap Around Dies Standard Equipment: - Door Interlock - Self Adjusting Brake Optional Equipment: - Two Speed Hydraulic Motor - 3 Point Lifting Bridle - Hydraulic Cage Plate Brake System - Electronic Solenoid Dump Valve - Handles Tong & Backup - Hydraulic Intensifier for Backup - Shipping Stand, or Skid - Varying Outlets for Torque Turns Computer Sending Units SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 03/04 Page 2 - 7 49 15/16" OVERALL TONG ASSEMBLY LENGTH 32 1/2" OVERALL TONG HANDLE LENGTH 28" OVERALL BACKUP HANDLE LENGTH X 37 15/16" OVERALL BACKUP ASSEMBLY LENGTH 5 1/2" UHT TONG & LOCKJAW™ DRILL PIPE BACKUP DIMENSIONS Page 2 - 8 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 1 04/19/02 DATE LOG # REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ CLE5500\Dimensions LJ DP rev1.wpg SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Torque Maximum Operation Pressure RPM @ 35 GPM/133 LPM: Manual Gearbox Max Allowable Flow Rate: 40 GPM/151 LPM (Using Standard A-20 Valve Package) Max Allowable Flow Rate: 60 GPM/227 LPM (Using Optional A-35 Valve Package) High Low Handle Length 5 1/2" UHT Tong Handle Length 6 1/4" UHT Backup Overall Length 5 1/2" UHT Tong & 6 1/4" UHT Backup Overall Width w/ Handles Overall Width w/o Handles / UHT Tong & 6 1/4" UHT Backup Overall Height w/ 6 1/4" UHT Backup & Load Cell Bracket Overall Height w/ 6 1/4" UHT Backup & Lifting Bracket Weight Tong (approximate) Weight 6 1/4" UHT Backup (approximate) Bottom Hanger (approximate) Tong Legs (approximate) Combined Weight Tong w/ 6 1/4" UHT Backup w/ Hanger & Legs (approximate) Tong Jaw Options 1 Backup Jaw Size Gripping Range for Dovetail Tong Jaws (under nominal jaw or adapter sizes) 25,000 ft.lbs./33,895 Nm 3,000 psi/207 Bar 45 8 32 1/2"/82.6 cm 28"/71.1 cm 49 7/8"/126.7 cm 35 1/2"/90.2 cm 31 3/4"/80.6 cm 62 1/4" / 158.1 cm 65" / 165.1 cm 1,775 lbs./ 805.1 kg 665 lbs./ 301.6 kg 237 lbs. / 107.5 kg 74 lbs. / 33.6 kg 2,750 lbs./ 1,247.4 kg 2 1/16" thru 3 1/2" LF 3 1/2" thru 5" 3 1/2" thru 5 1/2" 2 1/16" thru 6 1/4" 3/8" / 1.5 cm undersize Operates using Steel Tooth Wrap Around Dies, GRIT FACE™ Wrap Around Dies and Aluminum Wrap Around Dies Standard Equipment: - Door Interlock - Self Adjusting Brake Optional Equipment: - Two Speed Hydraulic Motor - 3 Point Lifting Bridle - Hydraulic Cage Plate Brake System - Electronic Solenoid Dump Valve - Handles Tong & Backup - Hydraulic Intensifier for Backup - Shipping Stand, or Skid - Varying Outlets for Torque Turns Computer Sending Units SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 03/04 Page 2 - 9 49 7/8" OVERALL TONG/ASSEMBLY LENGTH 32 1/2" OVERALL TONG HANDLE LENGTH 44 7/16" X 28" OVERALL BACKUP HANDLE LENGTH 46 7/8" OVERALL BACKUP LENGTH 5 1/2" UHT TONG & 6 1/4" UHT BACKUP DIMENSIONS 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 2 -10 05/09/03 DATE LOG # REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ BUC6250\Dimensions.wpg CLINCHER® DIES Many CLINCHER® Tongs and Backups utilize jaws and/or adapters which accept Dovetail Inserts (AKA Pencil Dies or Strip Dies) to effectively grip tubulars. Jaw systems and jaw adapters are also available which accommodate Wrap-Around Fine Tooth Steel Dies, GRIT FACE™ Dies and Aluminum Dies. The appropriate jaws, die adapters and dies required for a specific tubular OD are also described in this section of the manual. 15 TYP . 15 TYP . T T OA Thickness Width L L OA W W STRAIGHT TOOTH DIAMOND TOOTH Note: Diamond Tooth Dies are used when a more aggressive bite is required. Thickness Width 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 OAL P/N Straight Tooth P/N Diamond Tooth 3 1/2 3 7/8 4 1/2 3 1/2 3 7/8 4 1/2 ¹ DTI4052 DTI4002 DTI4030 DTI4051 DTI4001 ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 03/04 Page 3 - 0 OAL 17/32 5/8 3 1/2 17/32 5/8 3 7/8 17/32 5/8 4 1/2 5/8 5/8 3 1/2 5/8 5/8 3 7/8 5/8 5/8 4 1/2 11/16 5/8 3 7/8 11/16 5/8 4 1/2 3/8 1 3 7/8 3/8 1 1/4 3 7/8 3/8 1 1/4 5 7/16 1 1/4 3 7/8 7/16 1 1/4 5 1/2 1 1/4 3 7/8 1/2 1 1/4 5 9/16 1 1/4 3 7/8 9/16 1 1/4 5 5/8 1 1/4 3 7/8 5/8 1 1/4 5 11/16 1 1/4 3 7/8 11/16 1 1/4 5 3/4 1 1/4 3 7/8 3/4 1 1/4 5 3/4 1 1/4 5 7/8 13/16 1 1/4 3 7/8 13/16 1 1/4 5 7/8 1 1/4 3 7/8 7/8 1 1/4 5 1 1 1/4 3 7/8 1 1 1/4 5 ¹ Available upon request. P/N Straight Tooth P/N Diamond Tooth DTI4031 DTI4053 DTI4003 DTI4032 DTI4054 DTI4004 DTI4055 DTI4005 DTI1505 DTI1614 DTI1610 DTI1612 DTI1617 DTI1601 DTI1602 DTI1622 DTI1623 DTI1632 DTI1633 DTI1642 DTI1646 DTI1651 DTI1693 DTI1662 DTI1661 DTI1664 DTI1671 DTI1673 DTI1691 DTI1697 ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ DTI1612D DTI1617D DTI1601D DTI1602D DTI1622D DTI1623D DTI1632D ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ DTI1662D ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ Page 3 - 00 CLINCHER® WRAP AROUND DIES CLINCHER® Wrap Around Dies are available in three types: Fine Toothed Steel Dies: for low to ultra high torque applications on carbon steel tubulars including tubing, casing, and drill pipe Smooth Faced Aluminum Dies: for low to moderate torque applications on fiberglass and corrosion resistant alloy (stainless steel) tubulars GRIT FACE™ Dies: for low to high torque applications on fiberglass and corrosion resistant alloy (stainless steel) tubulars where the use of steel dies is prohibited as well as on carbon steel tubulars where reduced marking is desired CLINCHER® Dies are designed to match the OD of the tubing, casing, coupling, or accessory being made up or broken out. Each die is stamped on the top or side to identify its size. Using Fine Toothed Steel Dies which are slightly larger than the tubular is acceptable provided the difference in diameters is less than 3/32" (0.093"). Aluminum and GRIT FACE™ Dies should be matched with the specific tubular diameters required. Note: The use of improperly sized dies can result in reduced torque capacity, increased pipe marking, and reduced die life. CAUTION: Do not attempt to grip tubular diameters which are larger than the dies being used. Failure to observe this precaution can result in damage to the tubular or tong jaws. In emergencies where correct die sizes are unavailable, some operators have successfully used two different sizes of dies to accommodate unusual, nonstandard diameters. CLINCHER® Wrap Around Dies are manufactured in specific diameters to match standard tubing and casing diameters, API coupling diameters, selected work string connection diameters and certain commonly used premium connection coupling diameters. CLINCHER® Wrap Around Dies should not be used on tubulars which are larger than the nominal die size. Steel Toothed Dies can be used on tubulars which are no smaller than 3/32" (0.093") less than the nominal die size. Aluminum and GRIT FACE™ Dies should be matched with the specific tubular diameters required. Note: Fine Toothed Steel Dies are normally stocked in our Broussard, Louisiana facility. A partial listing of commonly manufactured sizes is shown below. Aluminum and GRIT FACE™ Dies are normally made to order although a limited range of sizes and small quantities may be available from stock. Contact SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics for information concerning availability of stock and special die sizes. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 3 - 1 CLINCHER® WRAP AROUND DIES DIE Nomenclature for CLE5500 UHT Tong and BUC5500 UHT Backup CLE5500-xxxx BUC5500-xxxx BUCX5500-xxxx Fine Toothed Steel dies for jaws (2 reqd per tong) Fine Toothed Steel dies for jaws (3 reqd per backup) Coarse Tooth Steel dies for jaws (3 reqd per backup) CLEA5500-xxxx CLFA5500-xxxx BUCA5501-xxxx Aluminum dies for jaws (2 reqd per tong) Aluminum dies for Low Friction jaws (2 reqd per tong) Aluminum dies for jaws (3 reqd per backup) BB5800-xxxx BB5700-xxxx BBT5700-xxxx GRIT FACE™ dies for jaws (2 reqd per tong) GRIT FACE™ dies for jaws (3 reqd per backup) GRIT FACE™ dies w/teeth for jaws (2 reqd per tong, 3 reqd per backup) ORDERING EXAMPLE: fine toothed steel dies are needed to run 2 7/8" OD tubing Qty. two (2) CLE5500-2875 dies for jaws Qty. three (3) BUC5500-2875 dies for jaws (replace xxxx with size required in inches) CLE5500-xxxx: Fine Toothed steel dies for UHT Tong 2.062 2.375 2.875 3.000 3.062 3.125 3.250 3.375 3.437 3.500 3.625 3.688 3.750 3.875 4.000 4.125 4.250 4.375 4.500 4.562 4.625 4.687 4.750 4.812 4.875 4.900 5.000 BUC5500-xxxx: Fine Toothed steel dies for UHT Backup 1.750 2.062 2.375 2.697 2.700 2.875 3.000 3.062 3.125 3.220 3.230 3.250 3.375 3.437 3.500 3.625 3.668 3.687 3.750 3.830 3.875 4.000 4.053 4.125 4.250 4.312 4.375 4.500 4.562 4.625 4.687 4.750 4.812 4.875 4.900 5.000 5.125 5.250 5.500 5.563 BUCX5500-xxxx 5.500 Coarse Tooth steel dies for UHT Backup CLEA5500-xxxx: Aluminum dies for UHT Tong 2.375 2.875 3.500 3.951 4.000 4.025 4.053 4.069 4.500 5.000 5.500 CLFA5500-xxxx: Aluminum dies for UHT Tong Low Friction Jaws 2.063 2.375 2.875 3.250 3.297 3.500 3.910 4.000 4.053 4.200 4.250 4.313 4.500 5.000 5.500 SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 3 - 2 CLINCHER® WRAP AROUND DIES BUCA5500-xxxx: Aluminum dies for UHT Backup 2.375 2.875 3.125 3.230 3.250 3.295 3.297 3.327 3.354 3.397 3.500 3.668 3.700 3.750 3.875 3.878 3.910 3.950 4.000 4.025 4.053 4.060 4.069 4.100 4.125 4.200 4.250 4.313 4.450 4.500 4.625 4.950 5.000 5.125 5.500 5.550 BB5800-xxxx: GRIT FACE™ dies for UHT Tong 2.062 2.375 2.875 3.125 3.375 3.500 4.000 4.125 4.250 4.500 4.625 4.750 5.000 BB5700-xxxx: GRIT FACE™ dies for UHT Backup 2.375 2.875 3.125 3.250 3.375 3.500 3.625 3.687 3.878 3.900 4.000 4.053 4.125 4.450 4.500 4.750 4.950 5.000 5.500 BBT5700-xxxx: GRIT FACE™ dies w/teeth for UHT Tong and Backup 3.500 4.000 4.125 4.250 4.500 DIE Nomenclature for BUC6250 UHT Backup BUC7625-xxxx BUCA7625-xxxx BB7625-xxxx Fine Toothed Steel dies for jaws (3 reqd per backup) Aluminum dies for jaws (3 reqd per backup) GRIT FACE™ dies for jaws (3 reqd per backup) BUC7625-xxxx: Fine Toothed steel dies for UHT Backup 2.375 2.600 2.700 2.707 2.875 3.000 3.062 3.125 3.500 3.625 3.668 3.750 3.862 3.875 3.886 3.900 4.125 4.250 4.375 4.500 4.530 4.625 4.750 4.892 5.125 5.150 5.215 5.250 5.290 5.313 5.470 5.500 5.750 5.780 5.826 5.875 6.000 6.035 6.050 6.051 BUCA7625-xxxx: Aluminum dies for UHT Backup 1.900 2.250 2.375 2.400 2.679 2.707 2.735 2.776 3.240 3.300 3.327 3.375 3.400 3.500 3.523 3.590 4.069 4.138 4.200 4.250 4.313 4.460 4.500 4.600 5.150 5.350 5.500 5.550 5.563 5.577 5.590 5.650 6.000 6.025 6.050 6.051 6.075 6.100 6.125 6.135 6.250 3.230 3.910 4.900 5.530 6.075 3.240 3.941 4.921 5.563 6.100 3.250 4.000 4.935 5.570 6.125 3.375 4.025 4.961 5.587 6.150 3.400 4.053 5.000 5.620 6.250 2.875 3.875 4.620 5.653 6.150 2.910 3.900 4.862 5.700 6.153 3.125 3.950 4.968 5.750 6.156 3.130 4.000 5.000 5.890 6.170 3.230 4.053 5.012 5.960 6.200 BB7625-xxxx: GRIT FACE™ dies for UHT Backup 2.375 2.875 3.250 3.500 3.878 3.900 4.000 4.053 4.250 4.500 4.750 4.901 4.950 5.000 5.200 5.500 5.563 5.577 5.736 5.890 6.000 6.045 6.050 6.051 6.075 6.079 6.100 6.150 6.180 6.240 6.248 Contact SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics for information concerning availability of stock and special die sizes. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 05/03 Page 3 - 3 SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 05/03 Page 3 - 4 BUCD5500 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ BACKUP FOR DRILL PIPE The BUCD5500 LOCKJAW™ Backup is a dual purpose tool intended for use on drill pipe and OCTG tubular goods. This operational flexibility is achieved through a combination of a “long stroke” rear clamping cylinder, compensating front jaws and dovetail die adapters or wrap around dies. When used in the drill pipe mode with pipe larger than 5 1/4" OD up to 5 1/2" OD, wrap around dies must be used. The maximum dovetail die adapter can be as large as 5 1/4" in diameter. When used with dovetail die adapters and strip dies, the BUCD5500 can be used on tool joints which are as much as 1/4" smaller than the nominal size of the dovetail die adapter. The dovetail die adapters have been specially modified to insure adequate clearance exists between the die adapter in the clamping cylinder and the die adapter in the front jaws even when the “long stroke” capability of the clamping cylinder is extended to clamp on undersized pipe. The compensating front jaws are spring loaded and capable of moving to insure proper contact with undersized tool joints when dovetail die adapters are used. Note: Wrap around dies are not intended for use with undersized tubulars. The dovetail die adapters used with the BUCD5500 LOCKJAW™ Backup for Drill Pipe can be readily identified by their part number: BUDT55-XXXX where XXXX equals the nominal size For example, if XXXX is 0500 this adapter is set up for 5.00" OD tool joints. The splines used to hold the dovetail die adapter in the jaw is the same diameter as the splines used on BUC5500 CLINCHER® 5 1/2" UHT Backups and Dies. However, the dovetail die adapters used with the BUCD5500 LOCKJAW™ Backup for Drill Pipe have 15 teeth on their OD compared to the 17 teeth on the OD of the BUC5500 UHT dies. DIE INSTALLATION PROCEDURES (REFER TO ILLUSTRATION) The “long stroke” cylinder in this tool must not be fully extended when changing dies to avoid interference with dies in the compensating front jaws. The following procedures are recommended for changing dies. Slowly close BUCD5500 LOCKJAW™ until jaws are fully latched but do not allow rear clamping cylinder to extend out anymore than is required to remove the top die retaining clip. Shut off power unit, bleed off all trapped pressures and disconnect supply and return hoses. WARNING: Failure to shut off power unit, bleed off trapped pressure and disconnect supply and return hoses may expose personnel to moving parts which will cause serious injury or death. CAUTION: Fully closing the LOCKJAW™ Backup without correct sized dies and tubulars in place will result in equipment damage. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 3 - 5 BUCD5500 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ BACKUP FOR DRILL PIPE When installing BUDT55-XXXX dovetail die adapters and BUC5500-XXXX wrap around dies it is critical the dies or die adapters used in the front compensating jaws be installed so that their front edge is flush with the edge of the compensating jaw closest to the “LOCKJAW™ door hooks”. The back edge of the dovetail die adapter will line up with the edge of the compensating jaw furthest away from the “LOCKJAW™ door hooks”. When wrap around dies are installed, the back edge of the die will extend beyond the edge of the compensating jaw which is furthest away from the “LOCKJAW™ door hooks”. The difference between these two die systems is the clearance required when the dovetail die adapter is used with undersized tool joints. Remove upper clip bolts, upper clip and die from rear clamping jaw. Install appropriate wrap around die or dovetail die adapter. Rear die should be centered in rear jaw. Reinstall upper clip and clip bolts. Lubricate clip bolts with Never-Seez or equivalent. Tighten bolts securely to approximately 38 ft lbs. Remove upper clip bolts, upper clips and dies from compensating front jaws. Install appropriate wrap around die or dovetail die adapter. Reinstall upper clips and clip bolts. Lubricate clip bolts with Never-Seez or equivalent. Tighten bolts securely to approximately 38 ft lbs. Reconnect supply and return hoses. Restart power unit. Fully open backup and tubular with OD compatible with dies. Close backup and clamp on pipe. Visually confirm door is fully closed and locked and that all dies are gripping uniformly. DIES, DIE RETAINERS AND DIE RETAINER CLIPS The BUCD5500 LOCKJAW™ Backup for Drill Pipe is a versatile tool which can be used on drill pipe and OCTG tubular goods. It accepts dovetail die adapters (BUDT55-XXXX 2 3/8" thru 5 1/4") (BUCX55005500 5 1/2") described above, wrap around fine tooth steel dies (BUC5500-XXXX), wrap around GRIT FACE™ dies (BB5700-XXXX) or wrap around aluminum dies (BUCA5500XXXX). Special consideration must be given to insure the proper clips are used to insure proper die retention. The difference between the clips is the minor diameter and the thickness of the retaining lip. The BUCD5514 has an inner radius of 2.865" and a lip thickness of 0.200". The BUCD5531 has an inner radius of 2.780" and a lip thickness of 0.285". Die or Die Adapter Series wrap around dies 5 1/2" to 5" all wrap around dies smaller than 5" dovetail die adapters 5 1/4" dovetail die adapters 5 1/4 " to 4 3/4" all dovetail die adapters smaller than 4 3/4" Lower Clip Part Number BUCD5514 BUCD5514 or BUCD5531 Upper Clip Part Number BUCD5514 BUCD5514 or BUCD5531 BUCD5514 BUCD5514 or BUCD5531 BUCD5514 BUCD5531 BUCD5514 or BUCD5531 BUCD5514 or BUCD5531 SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 02/08 Page 3 - 6 P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\BUCD5500 Die Adapter Illustration rev1.wpg 05/18/07 Rear die is centered in rear clamping jaw Both edges of die adapters are to be nearly flush with front compensating jaws BUCD5500 CLINCHER® 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ Backup dressed with dovetail die adapters and strip dies for 4 3/4" drillpipe X This edge is not flush LOCKJAW™ 28 Rear die is centered in rear clamping jaw. Note position of rear jaw. Clip is slightly beyond plate. Additional cylinder extension will result in rear die contacting front dies and possible equipment damage. These edges are to be nearly flush BUCD5500 CLINCHER® 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ Backup dressed with wrap around dies for 2 7/8" tubing THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 3 - 8 Gripping range, jaws, adapters and dovetail die inserts for CLINCHER® 5 1/2 UHT Tong CJDT55-03125 55190-03125 55014-01 55013-01 CJDT55-03375 55190-03375 55014-01 55013-01 CJDT55-03500 55190-03500 55014-01 55013-01 CJDT55-03625 55190-03625 55014-01 55013-01 CJDT55-03750 55190-03750 55014-01 55013-01 CJDT55-04000 55190-04000 55014-01 55013-01 CJDT55-0xxxx 55190-0xxxx 55014-01 55013-01 CJDT55-04250 55190-04250 55014-01 55013-01 CJDT55-04500 55190-04500 55014-01 55013-01 CJDT55-04750 55190-04750 55014-01 55013-01 CJDT55-04875 55190-04875 55014-01 55013-01 CJDT55-05000 55190-05000 55014-01 55013-01 CJDT55-0xxxx 55190-0xxxx 55014-01 55013-01 CJDT55-05500 55190-05500 55014-01 55013-01 5 1/2 x 3 1/8 5 1/2 x 3 3/8 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 5 1/2 x 3 5/8 5 1/2 x 3 3/4 5 1/2 x 4 5 1/2 x 4 1/8 5 1/2 x 4 1/4 5 1/2 x 4 1/2 5 1/2 x 4 3/4 5 1/2 x 4 7/8 5 1/2 x 5 5 1/2 x 5 1/4 5 1/2 x 5 1/2 5.500 5.250 5.000 4.875 4.750 4.500 4.250 4.125 4.000 3.750 3.625 3.500 3.375 3.125 2.875 4.500 4.125 4.250 3.875 4.000 3.625 3.875 3.500 3.750 3.375 3.500 3.125 3.250 2.875 3.125 2.750 3.000 2.625 2.750 2.375 2.625 2.250 2.500 2.125 2.375 2.000 2.125 1.750 1.875 1.500 P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Spreadsheets\CLE5500 CLE5500XHT Jaw Ranges.xls CLE5500 DT UHT Jaw REPLACEMENT DOVETAIL INSERTS for JAWS AND DIE ADAPTERS CLINCHER® part number for 1 1/4" wide x 3 7/8" long straight toothed dovetail die inserts used in dovetail jaws (4 pcs required per jaw or 8 pcs required per jaw set and dovetail die adapters (4 pcs) REPLACEMENT DOVETAIL INSERTS for JAWS AND DIE ADAPTERS CLINCHER® part number for 1 1/4" wide x 3 7/8" long diamond toothed dovetail die inserts used in dovetail jaws (4 pcs required per jaw or 8 pcs required per jaw set and dovetail die adapters (4 pcs) DTI1671 upon request upon request 4.750 4.375 4.500 4.125 4.250 3.875 4.125 3.750 4.000 3.625 3.750 3.375 3.500 3.125 3.375 3.000 3.250 2.875 3.000 2.625 2.875 2.500 2.750 2.375 2.625 2.250 2.375 2.000 2.125 1.750 DTI1691 Note: XXXXX indicates this size has not been designed at this time, but is available upon request. CJDT55-02875 55190-02875 55014-01 55013-01 5 1/2 x 2 7/8 Page 3 - 9 upon request DTI1661 4.875 4.500 4.625 4.250 4.375 4.000 4.250 3.875 4.125 3.750 3.875 3.500 3.625 3.250 3.500 3.125 3.375 3.000 3.125 2.750 3.000 2.625 2.875 2.500 2.750 2.375 2.500 2.125 2.250 1.875 upon request DTI1651 5.000 4.625 4.750 4.375 4.500 4.125 4.375 4.000 4.250 3.875 4.000 3.625 3.750 3.375 3.625 3.250 3.500 3.125 3.250 2.875 3.125 2.750 3.000 2.625 2.875 2.500 2.625 2.250 2.375 2.000 upon request DTI1642 5.125 4.750 4.875 4.500 4.625 4.250 4.500 4.125 4.375 4.000 4.125 3.750 3.875 3.500 3.750 3.375 3.625 3.250 3.375 3.000 3.250 2.875 3.125 2.750 3.000 2.625 2.750 2.375 2.500 2.125 DTI1622 DTI1622D DTI1632D 5.375 5.000 5.125 4.750 4.875 4.500 4.750 4.375 4.625 4.250 4.375 4.000 4.125 3.750 4.000 3.625 3.875 3.500 3.625 3.250 3.500 3.125 3.375 3.000 3.250 2.875 3.000 2.625 2.750 2.375 DTI1632 5.250 4.875 5.000 4.625 4.750 4.375 4.625 4.250 4.500 4.125 4.250 3.875 4.000 3.625 3.875 3.500 3.750 3.375 3.500 3.125 3.375 3.000 3.250 2.875 3.125 2.750 2.875 2.500 2.625 2.250 3.500 3.125 3.625 3.250 3.750 3.375 3.875 3.500 4.125 3.750 4.250 3.875 4.375 4.000 4.625 4.250 4.875 4.500 5.000 4.625 5.125 4.750 5.375 5.000 5.625 5.250 3.375 3.000 3.500 3.125 3.625 3.250 3.750 3.375 4.000 3.625 4.125 3.750 4.250 3.875 4.500 4.125 4.750 4.375 4.875 4.500 5.000 4.625 5.250 4.875 5.500 5.125 DTI1601D DTI1612D DTI1612 3.250 2.875 3.125 2.750 DTI1601 3.000 2.625 2.875 2.500 Dovetail tong jaw and dovetail backup adapter diametrical gripping range (OD in inches) when dressed with1 1/4" wide 3 7/8" Tong Jaw dovetail tong tong jaw tong jaw nominal Nominal Dovetail long dovetail strip dies with thickness of: Tong Jaw and Assembly Part jaw part roller part pin part dovetail jaw Number number Dovetail Die number number & adapter Adapter Size size 1 0.875 0.8125 0.75 0.6875 0.625 0.5625 0.4375 0.5 oversized two pcs reqd two pcs two pcs undersized undersized undersized undersized undersized undersized undersized STANDARD assembly (use this size per set reqd per reqd per (use this size (use this size (use this size consists of two for set set for for for jaws c/w pins, emergencies emergencies emergencies emergencies rollers, dovetail only) only) only) only) dies and die retainers 5 1/2 x 2 3/8 CJDT55-02375 55190-02375 55014-01 55013-01 2.375 1.375 1.625 1.750 1.875 2.000 2.125 2.250 2.500 2.375 1.000 1.250 1.375 1.500 1.625 1.750 1.875 2.000 2.125 maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition <<dovetail die thickness <<pipe application 12/10/07 BUDT55-03125 BUDT55-03375 BUDT55-03500 BUDT55-04000 BUDT55-04125 BUDT55-04250 BUDT55-04500 BUDT55-04750 BUDT55-04875 BUDT55-05000 BUDT55-05250 BUCX55005500 5 1/2 x 3 1/8 5 1/2 x 3 3/8 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 5 1/2 x 4 5 1/2 x 4 1/8 5 1/2 x 4 1/4 5 1/2 x 4 1/2 5 1/2 x 4 3/4 5 1/2 x 4 7/8 5 1/2 x 5 5 1/2 x 5 1/4 5 1/2 x 5 1/2 5.500 5.250 5.000 4.875 4.750 4.500 4.250 4.125 4.000 3.500 3.375 3.125 2.875 4.500 4.250 4.250 4.000 4.000 3.750 3.875 3.625 3.750 3.500 3.500 3.250 3.250 3.000 3.125 2.875 3.000 2.750 2.500 2.250 2.375 2.125 2.125 1.875 4.750 4.500 4.500 4.250 4.250 4.000 4.125 3.875 4.000 3.750 3.750 3.500 3.500 3.250 3.375 3.125 3.250 3.000 2.750 2.500 2.625 2.375 2.375 2.125 4.875 4.625 4.625 4.375 4.375 4.125 4.250 4.000 4.125 3.875 3.875 3.625 3.625 3.375 3.500 3.250 3.375 3.125 2.875 2.625 2.750 2.500 2.500 2.250 5.000 4.750 4.750 4.500 4.500 4.250 4.375 4.125 4.250 4.000 4.000 3.750 3.750 3.500 3.625 3.375 3.500 3.250 3.000 2.750 2.875 2.625 2.625 2.375 1 0.875 0.8125 0.75 undersized undersized undersized undersized (use this size (use this size (use this size for for for emergencies emergencies emergencies only) only) only) 1.875 2.125 2.250 2.375 1.625 1.875 2.000 2.125 upon request DTI1691 P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Spreadsheets\CLE5500 CLE5500XHT Jaw Ranges.xls DT Adapters BUCD5500 BUCD55XHT REPLACEMENT DOVETAIL INSERTS for JAWS AND DIE ADAPTERS - CLINCHER® part number for 1 1/4" wide x 3 7/8" long diamond toothed dovetail die inserts used in dovetail jaws (4 pcs required per jaw or 8 pcs required per jaw set and dovetail die adapters (4 pcs) REPLACEMENT DOVETAIL INSERTS for JAWS AND DIE ADAPTERS - CLINCHER® part number for 1 1/4" wide x 3 7/8" long straight toothed dovetail die inserts used in dovetail jaws (4 pcs required per jaw or 8 pcs required per jaw set and dovetail die adapters (4 pcs) upon request DTI1671 upon request DTI1661 upon request DTI1642 5.125 4.875 4.875 4.625 4.625 4.375 4.500 4.250 4.375 4.125 4.125 3.875 3.875 3.625 3.750 3.500 3.625 3.375 3.125 2.875 3.000 2.750 2.750 2.500 2.500 2.250 0.6875 undersized Page 3 - 10 upon request DTI1651 Note: XXXXX indicates this size has not been designed at this time, but is available upon request. BUDT55-02875 5 1/2 x 2 7/8 3 dovetail die adapters required to dress backup DTI1632D DTI1632 5.250 5.000 5.000 4.750 4.750 4.500 4.625 4.375 4.500 4.250 4.250 4.000 4.000 3.750 3.875 3.625 3.750 3.500 3.250 3.000 3.125 2.875 2.875 2.625 2.625 2.375 0.625 undersized DTI1622D DTI1622 5.375 5.125 5.125 4.875 4.875 4.625 4.750 4.500 4.625 4.375 4.375 4.125 4.125 3.875 4.000 3.750 3.875 3.625 3.375 3.125 3.250 3.000 3.000 2.750 2.750 2.500 0.5625 undersized 3.500 3.250 3.625 3.375 4.125 3.875 4.250 4.000 4.375 4.125 4.625 4.375 4.875 4.625 5.000 4.750 5.125 4.875 5.375 5.125 5.625 5.375 3.375 3.125 3.500 3.250 4.000 3.750 4.125 3.875 4.250 4.000 4.500 4.250 4.750 4.500 4.875 4.625 5.000 4.750 5.250 5.000 5.500 5.250 DTI1601D DTI1601 DTI1612D DTI1612 3.250 3.000 3.125 2.875 2.875 2.625 0.4375 oversized (use this size for emergencies only) 3.000 2.750 0.5 STANDARD Dovetail tong jaw and dovetail backup adapter diametrical gripping range (OD in inches) when dressed with1 1/4" wide 3 7/8" long dovetail strip dies with thickness of: maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition maximum pipe OD for die & jaw minimum undersized condition <<dovetail die thickness <<pipe application Gripping range, adapters and dovetail die inserts for CLINCHER® 5 1/2 LOCKJAW™ Backup for Drillpipe Nominal Dovetail backup dovetail nominal Tong Jaw and die adapter part dovetail jaw Dovetail Die number & adapter Adapter Size size 01/18/08 splined jaw part number splined jaw roller part number splined jaw pin part number top clip part number for tong jaws CJ-LF-55A 5 1/2 x 2 1/16 - 3 1/2 55137 55140 55136 55014-01 55135 55013-01 55017 51027-T 55015-S1 51027-B CLE5500-nnnnn CLJ5501-nnnnn BB5800-nnnnn BB5601-nnnnn BB5800-nnnnn GRIT FACE™ dies for tong BB5700-nnnnn BB5700-nnnnn BUC5500-nnnnn BUC5500-nnnnn BUCA5500-nnnnn BUCA5500-nnnnn non-marking aluminum dies for backup BUCA5500-nnnnn S:\Apps\Equip Manuals\Spreadsheets\CLE5500 CLE5500XHT Jaw Ranges.xls CLE5500 Splined Jaw Ranges Page 3 - 11 Note: CLINCHER® wraparound dies are machined to specific casing, tubing, coupling or accessory diameter. Additional dies must be orderd to match specific coupling diameters associated with accessories or special clearance premium tubular connections. -nnnnn indicates size designated by replacing "nnnnn" sequence with size required (in inches) to three decimal places; i.e., 4.500 for 4 1/2" OD casing. GRIT FACE™ dies for backup BB5700-nnnnn fine tooth steel dies for backup BUC5500-nnnnn Wrap Around Dies for BUC5500 5 1/2 UHT Backup and BUCD5500 5 1/2 LOCKJAW™ DP Backup for tubing and casing * Note: For maximum performance 2 1/16" thru 3 1/2" we recommend CJ-LF-55A. -nnnnn indicates size designated by replacing "nnnnn" sequence with size required (in inches) to three decimal places; i.e., 4.500 for 4 1/2" OD casing. CJ-55B CLE5500-nnnnn fine tooth steel dies for tong 08/17/2005 CLFA5500-nnnnn N/A N/A non-marking aluminum dies for tong bottom clip available wraparound die series (two dies are required to dress part number tong jaws and three dies are required to dress backup for a total of for tong jaws five dies per tool - excludes any dies required for couplings) assembly two pcs reqd two pcs two pcs reqd four pcs reqd four pcs reqd per set per set per set consists of two per set reqd per set jaws c/w pins, rollers, clips and clip bolts CJ-55A 55015 55014-01 55013-01 55017 55015-S1 Splined Jaw Assembly Number 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 - 5 1/2 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 - 5 * Nominal tong jaw size Splined jaws and splined wraparound dies for CLINCHER® 5 1/2 UHT Tong for tubing and casing Page 3 - 12 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Fastener Lubrication and Make Up Torque Requirements Most bolts, nuts and other threaded components are to be lubricated with Never-Seez or equivalent before assembly. Certain fasteners are to be assembled using permanent or removable Loctite as indicated in the assembly instructions and drawings. All tapered pipe threads are to be treated with a Teflon based pipe dope to assist in makeup and prevent leakage. CAUTION: Do not use Teflon tape. Improper application of Teflon tape can cause joint failures. Teflon tape can release large particles which can plug small passages in hydraulic equipment. All standard fasteners used in CLINCHER® products are to be GRADE 8 or better. DO NOT SUBSTITUTE lesser grades of fasteners. All fasteners are to be made up to the torque charted below. Failure to properly assemble these fasteners can result in their loss, product malfunction and ultimately result in situations where personnel can be exposed to dangerous situations. Size 1/4 - 20 NC 3/8 - 16 Set Screws 3/8 - 16 NC 1/2- 13 NC 5/8 - 11 NC 3/4 - 16 NF 3/4 - 10 NC 7/8 - 9 NC 1 - 12 NF 1 - 8 NC 1 1/4 - 12 NF 1 3/8 - 12 NF 1 1/2 - 12 NF UHT TONG and BACKUP FASTENERS Application door switch mounting bolts, tong clip bolts Torque 14 ft lbs bearing caps, door switch adj. sleeve *1 housing cover, backup side plates, tong & backup clip bolts top secondary bearing cap, brake bands, cage plate key, ring gear key, motor mounts, backup cyl. wedges, leg bolts tong plates, bearing caps, idler shaft bolts, backup cyl. gland bolts cam follower nuts LJ DP backup plates & doors, hanger bolts cage plate bolts dumbell roller UHT backup backing bolt backup bulkhead connector dumbell roller 1st Generation idler shaft 38 ft lbs 93 ft lbs 180 ft lbs 52 ft lbs 317 ft lbs 473 ft lbs *2 100 ft lbs 100 ft lbs *2 1,200 ft lbs *1 Bearing Caps: Coat with removable Loctite, tighten until screw contacts bearing, back off 1 turn. Door Switch Adj. Sleeve: Coat with removable Loctite, tighten by hand until snug. *2 Tighten until all slack is removed, but dumbell roller is still free to rotate by hand. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 05/03 Page 4 - 1 LUBRICATION STANDARDS Bearings and gears must be lubricated to minimize friction, cool, exclude foreign matter and prevent corrosion. CLINCHER® recommends using Texaco Marfak MP 2 or equivalent for all grease zerts, roller bearings and bushings. Gears located within the clutch housing or between the tong plates are to be heavily lubricated using PLUSCO 855 or equivalent. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 4 - 2 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS TONG ASSEMBLY This section pertains to the physical assembly of the CLINCHER® CLE5500 UHT Tong. Section 9 illustrates the individual sub assemblies in more detail. The purpose of this section is to guide the technician in the order of assembly as we would accomplish in the manufacturing process at our plant. Use this section as a guide to help you familiarize yourself with the component parts of the CLE5500. We have included drawings on the following pages to aid in the assembly. The drawings are laid out in the order in which you would assemble/disassemble the unit. Order of Assembly: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Locate suitable working height. Approximately 6" above your waist. Tong Assembly Stands are available from Superior Manufacturing & Hydraulic, Inc. which are custom made for tong service work. Install Bottom Tong Plate PN 55043, on Assembly Stand. Bolt CLE5500 UHT Tong Mid Body PN 55044 to Bottom Tong Plate PN 55043 with (22) 5/8"-11 x 1 1/2" HHCS PN 1157, (4) 5/8"-11 x 2 1/4" HHCS PN 201 (for Side Handles), (26) 5/8" Lockwashers PN 1151, and (3) 5/8"-11 x 1" SHCS PN 1153. Press Bearing PN 1903 into Bottom Secondary Bearing Cap PN 55041. Install (2) 3/8"-16 x 1/2" Set Screws PN 1029 (use removable Loctite), and 3/4" NPT Flush Plug PN 1610. Install Bottom Secondary Bearing Cap Assembly onto Bottom Tong Plate PN 55043 using (4) 5/8"-11 x 1 3/4" HHCS PN 1158 with (4) 5/8" Lockwasher PN 1151. Press Bearing PN 1902 into Bottom Pinion Bearing Cap PN 55036. Install (2) 3/8"-16 x 1/2" Set Screws PN 1029 (use removable Loctite), and 1/8" NPT Flush Plug PN 1607. Install Bottom Pinion Bearing Cap Assembly onto Bottom Tong Plate PN 55043 using (4) 5/8"-11 x 1 1/4" HHCS PN 1156 with (4) 5/8" Lockwasher PN 1151. Dumbell Roller Assembly (4th Generation): a) Install (2) 1/8" NPT Zert PN 1001 on Dumbell Roller Shaft PN 76025-A. b) Install 1"-12 Low Profile Nylock Nut PN 1213 onto Dumbell Roller Shaft PN 76025-A. c) Press (2) Bushing PN 55191 into each end of Dumbell Roller PN 55025-B. d) Fit Spacer PN 55027-D into Dumbell Roller PN 55025-B. e) Install (2) Spacer PN 55192 into Dumbell Roller Assembly, one on each end. f) Make up 1"-12 LP Nylock Nut PN 1213 on other end of each Dumbell Shaft. Idler Gear without Micro-Cam Assembly (PN 55049): a) Press Bearing PN 1905 into Idler Gear PN 55049. b) Install (2) Snap Rings PN 1926 in Idler Gear PN 55049. c) Press Idler Gear Assembly onto Idler Shaft PN 55050. d) Install External Snap Ring PN 1946 on Idler Shaft PN 55050. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 01/02 Page 4 - 3 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. e) Install Idler Gear and Shaft Assembly onto Bottom Tong Plate PN 55043 using (3) 5/8"-11 x 2" HHCS PN 1160 with (3) 5/8" Lockwasher PN 1151. Bolt Idler Shaft PN 55050 using 1 1/2"12 Jam Nut PN 1222 with 1 1/2" Lockwasher PN 1223. f) Install 1/8" NPT Zert PN 1001 at end of Idler Shaft PN 55050. Install Ring Gear PN 55057-02 into Tong Body making sure teeth in Idler Gear PN 55049 align with teeth in Ring Gear. Install (10) Dumbell Roller Assemblies around Ring Gear PN 55057-02 making sure holes in Dumbell Roller Assemblies match up to holes in Bottom Tong Plate PN 55043. Hint: Temporarily install Dumbell Roller Shafts thru Dumbell Roller Assembly and Bottom Tong Plate to control position. Pinion Gear Assembly: a) Press Pinion Gear PN 55038-01 into Bearing PN 1902 which was previously installed in Bottom Pinion Bearing Cap PN 55036 that is bolted to Bottom Tong Plate PN 55043. b) Install Low Pinion Gear PN 55047 onto Pinion Gear PN 55038-01. c) Install Bearing PN 1902 onto Pinion Gear PN 55038-01 and add Pinion Bearing Bushing PN 55047-1. Install Secondary Input Gear PN 55048 into Bearing PN 1903, which was previously installed into Bottom Secondary Bearing Cap PN 55041. Install Top Tong Plate PN 55063 onto Mid Body PN 55044 using (17) 5/8"-11 x 1 3/4" HHCS PN 1158, (4) 5/8"-11 x 2 1/4" HHCS PN 201 (for Side Handles), (21) 5/8" Lockwashers PN 1151, (5) 5/8"-11 x 1 3/4" SHCS PN 1154 with (5) 5/8" Hi Collar Lockwasher PN 1152, and (3) 5/8"-11 x 1" SHCS PN 1153. Press Bearing PN 1900 into Top Bearing Retainer PN 55066. Install Top Bearing Retainer Assembly onto Secondary Input Gear PN 55048, then Top Tong Plate using (3) 5/8"-11 x 1 1/4" HHCS PN 1156 with (3) 5/8" Lockwasher PN 1151, and (1) 5/8"-11 x 1 1/4" SHCS PN 256 with (1) 5/8" Hi Collar Lockwasher PN 1152. Insert Dumbell Roller Shafts PN 76025-A with 1"-12 Low Profile Nylock Nut PN 1213 through Bottom Tong Plate PN 55043, through Dumbell Roller Assemblies, and finally through Top Tong Plate PN 55063. After installing Dumbell Roller Shafts through Top Tong Plate, fasten with 1"-12 Low Profile Nylock Nut PN 1213. WARNING: Insure Thrust Washers are correctly positioned. High Gear Idler Assembly: a) Press (2) Bearing PN 1909 into High Gear Idler PN 55123. b) Install Snap Ring PN 1949 into High Gear Idler PN 55123. c) Install High Gear Idler Assembly onto High Gear Idler Shaft PN 55124 which is welded to Top Plate. d) Install External Snap Ring PN 1950 onto High Gear Idler Shaft PN 55124. Install High Gear PN 55119, High Gear Retainer PN 55122-01, and Ext. Snap Ring PN 1950 on Pinion Gear PN 55038-01. Install Low Gear Housing Cover PN 14006 onto Low Gear Housing PN 14005 (welded to Top Plate) using (10) 3/8"-16 x 1 1/4" HHCS PN 1048 with (10) 3/8" Lockwasher PN 1027. Note: When Gear Housing is not welded to Top Plate, install Housing Cover using (8) 3/8"-16 x 5" HHCS PN 1051 with (8) 3/8" Lockwasher PN 1027 and (2) 3/8"-16 x 4" SHCS PN 243. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 03/04 Page 4 - 4 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 20. Secondary Bearing Cap Assembly: a) Press Bearing PN 1901 into Top Secondary Bearing Cap PN 55143. b) Install (4) 3/8"-16 x 1/2" Set Screw PN 1029 (use removable Loctite) into Top Secondary Bearing Cap PN 55143. Note: When Encoder is not mounted, install 1" NPT Flush Plug PN 1611 on Bearing Cap PN 55143. For optional Encoder mounting, see figure of Secondary Gear with Encoder. 21. Drive Gear/Detent Assembly: Install Drive Gear PN 55084 over Motor Shaft PN 55086-A. Install Steel Ball PN A20-X53-10 and Detent Spring PN A20-A1327135 into Drive Gear PN 55084. Apply permanent Loctite to 3/8"-16 x 1/4" Set Screw PN 1028. Install Set Screw in Drive Gear PN 55084, tighten Set Screw until good detent action is achieved. Proper adjustment is confirmed when resistance is encountered when shifting gear across detent groove on shaft. 22. Install Polypack Seal PN 12501437 into Seal Retainer PN 55088. Install Seal Retainer Assembly and Motor Spacer PN 55085 onto Motor Shaft PN 55086-A. Install Motor PN 45078 with Motor Shaft Assembly in Shifting Box Weldment PN 55076-S1 using (4) 1/2"-13 x 1 1/4" HHCS PN 1111 and (4) 1/2" Lockwasher PN 1103. 23. Shifting Gear Assembly: Install Split Self-Lubricating Flange Bearing PN 45106 onto Shifter Shaft PN 45143. Install Drive Gear PN 55084 and Motor Shaft Bearing Spacer PN 55121 in Shifting Box PN 55076-S1 with Shifter Shaft Assembly and Shifting Yoke Assembly PN 45072. Install Self-Lubricating Flange Bearing PN 45092 onto Shifter Shaft Assembly using 3/8" Flatwasher, 3/8" Lockwasher PN 1027, and 3/8"-16 x 3/4" HHCS PN 1046. Install Handle Ball PN 55071 onto Straight Yoke Handle PN 45142 using 3/8"-16 x 1 1/4" Set Screw PN 1040. Install Handle Assembly onto Shifter Shaft Assembly using 3/8" Flatwasher, 3/8" Lockwasher PN 1027, and 3/8"-16 x 3/4" HHCS PN 1046. 24 Install A-20 Valve Sections with plumbing on Motor PN 45078. 25. Cage Plate Assemblies: a) Install (15) Cam Follower PN SSCF162500 in Top Cage Plate PN 55011 with (15) 1/4" Drive Zert PN 1257, (15) 3/4"-16 Jam Nut PN 1170, and (15) 3/4" Lockwasher PN 1171. b) Install (15) Cam Follower PN SSCF162500 in Bottom Cage Plate PN 55056 with (15) 1/4" Drive Zert PN 1257, (15) 3/4"-16 Jam Nut PN 1170, and (15) 3/4" Lockwasher PN 1171. c) Fit Top Cage Plate Cam Followers into Ring Gear groove. Use crane to raise Bottom Cage Plate and fit Bottom Cage Plate Cam Followers into Ring Gear groove. Fasten Cage Plates together using (6) 7/8"-9 x 7" HHCS PN 1250 with 7/8" Heavy Split Lockwasher PN 1224. 26. Door Assembly and Door Installation: (4th Generation) a) Install (2) 1/8" NPT Zert PN 1001 in Door Shaft PN 55022-A, one on each end. b) Install 1"-12 Low Profile Nylock Nut PN 1213 on Door Shaft PN 55022-A. c) Press Bearing PN 1910 into Door Plates (Door Weldment PN 55113-01). d) Mount Tong Door onto Tong. e) Install Tong Door Bushing PN 55125 onto Door Shaft Assembly. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 01/02 Page 4 - 5 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS f) Install Door Shaft Assembly through Bottom Door Plate, Bottom Tong Plate, Dumbell Roller Assembly, Top Tong Plate, and Top Door Plate. g) Install additional Tong Door Bushing PN 55125 onto Door Shaft Assembly. h) Install 1"-12 Low Profile Nylock Nut PN 1213 on Door Shaft PN 55022-A. i) Install Door Switch Adjustment Sleeve PN 76131 onto top of Door. Note: Collar is cut with weld bevel and is to be welded to top of Tong Door. j) Install (2) 3/8"-16 x 1/2" Set Screws PN 1029 (use removable Loctite) on Door Switch Adjustment Sleeve PN 76131. 27. Door Switch Assembly: a) Install (1) 1/4" Street Ell PN 1449 in Door Switch PN SLV1000-01. b) Install (1) 1/4" MNPT x 1/4" MJIC 90 Degree PN 1576. c) Install (1) 1/4" MNPT x 1/4" MJIC 90 Degree PN 1576 into “tank” port of Door Switch PN SLV1000-01. d) Mount Door Switch PN SLV1000-01 on Door Switch Base PN 76128 with (4) 1/4"-20 x 2 1/4" Bolt PN 110, and (4) 1/4"-20 Nylock Nut PN 212. e) Mount Assembly to (2) Door Switch Base Mount PN 45067-S7 (Base Mounts should be welded to Top Tong Plate) with (2) 3/8"-16 x 1" Bolt PN 1047 and (2) 3/8" Lockwasher PN 1027. 28. Door Switch Adjustment Instructions: a) Loosen 3/8"-16 x 1/2" Set Screws PN 1029 to align recess in Door Switch Adjustment Sleeve PN 76131 with Roller on Door Switch PN SLV1000-01. Tighten Set Screws PN 1029. b) Loosen 1/4"-20 Nylock Nuts PN 212 and slide Door Switch PN SLV1000-01 forward until fully seated in recess in Door Switch Adjustment Sleeve PN 76131. Tighten Nylock Nuts PN 212. c) Connect Tong to Power Unit and actuate motor while in low gear. Verify Ring Gear stops rotating when Tong Door is opened. 29. Brake Band Assembly and Installation: (3rd Generation) a) Install Brake Band Assembly PN 55061A onto Top Tong Plate using 1/2"-13 x 2" HHCS PN 1112-A, inserting through Brake Band Lug Weldment PN 55126 and Gusset welded to Brake Band Ring, with 1/2"-13 Nylock Nut PN 1087. b) Install Brake Band Assembly PN 55061A onto Bottom Tong Plate using 1/2"-13 x 2" HHCS PN 1112-A, inserting through Brake Band Lug Weldment PN 55126 and Gusset welded to Brake Band Ring, with 1/2"-13 Nylock Nut PN 1087. Note: Bottom Brake Band Lug Assembly includes 1/8" NPT Zert PN 1001 with 1"-12 Low Profile Nylock Nut PN 1213. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 01/02 Page 4 - 6 OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS SUSPENSION A) Tong should be hung by a 7/8" IWRC minimum O.D. wire cable with a 31 ton minimum breaking strength. It should be hung as close to the center of the drill rotary without interfering with operation of drill string and lifting equipment. It is recommended the operator make use of the CLINCHER® Lift Cylinder. The CLINCHER® Lift Cylinder incorporates a hydraulic cylinder and manual lift spring. The hydraulic cylinder portion is used to assist in the raising and lowering of the tong and backup while the spring allows for movement during make-up and break-out. WARNING: The suspension system must allow the tong to easily move down a distance equivalent to the thread make-up length. If significant resistance is encountered the suspension system may be subject to load which could cause its failure, damage equipment, or expose personnel to severe or fatal hazards. B) Assure that tong is suspended in level manner. Both tong and the backup must be level at the point they contact the tubular. Using adjustment screws and slots in rigid hanger assembly, adjust tong so that it hangs level on horizontal axis and is parallel to tubular on vertical axis. C) Make certain that floor space is adequate to maneuver tong on and off pipe. The space must be clear of obstructions to allow safe and unrestricted operation. D) Attach 1" IWRC minimum wire cable with a 51.7 ton minimum breaking strength or better, as a tong back up line at 90 degree angle to tong and at same level to insure proper readout of torque indicator. You should always have snubbing line attached. Use of a integral hydraulic backup is safer than manual backup, but operators should maintain additional safety of snubbing line to prevent injury in case of hydraulic failure or the failure of operator to have backup properly applied to tubular. This equipment generates extreme torque and should be used with caution. Jaw and Die Installation A) Be sure all power to unit is off and power unit itself is shut down. B) Determine O.D. of tubular to be made-up or broken-out. Use proper dies to bite O.D. of tubular and insert as follows: Remove sliding head jaws (2) from cage plate pockets. Insert one jaw with proper dies into pocket assuring the jaw roller pin faces upward. Repeat procedure for other side. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 5 - 1 OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS Hydraulic Lines A) Be sure all power to unit is off and power unit itself is shut down. B) Always inspect hoses prior to installation for abrasions, kinks, and other visible damage. C) Install hydraulic supply hose and hydraulic return hose between tong and hydraulic power unit. Be advised that the standard installation on CLINCHER® tong calls for 1" Hydraulic Supply hose and 1-1/4" Hydraulic Return hose. The differing hoses eliminates the possibility attaching the wrong hose to the wrong outlet while at the same time reducing back pressure in your hydraulic system. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 5 - 2 OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS Tong Operation A. Insure proper dies are installed. Connect hydraulic hoses, verify reservoir is full of hydraulic fluid and insure suction valve is open. B. Open bypass valve to hydraulic system, then check to make sure all hose connections are secure and hydraulic system is free of leaks. C. Be certain door is completely closed before operation to insure safe operation. The CLINCHER® CLE5500 UHT is equipped with a door switch, which prevents operation of the tong when door is even partially open. D. Use power unit to start up procedure as outlined in your owners manual supplied by the manufacturer. E. In the event hoses are not tightened securely, possible failures to hydraulic system can occur. 1) If pressure supply hoses are restricted or flow is blocked, pressure will increase in the hydraulic power unit, resulting in increased RPM in the power unit. 2) If return line hoses are restricted or flow is blocked, pressure will increase in the hydraulic power unit and the hydraulic system to the tong itself, resulting in the tong motor increasing to maximum pressure and possible motor seal failure. F. After completion of A through E restart the power unit and allow engine to idle for approximately 10 minutes. Slowly close bypass valve to allow circulation of hydraulic oil through tong and hoses. Place shifting lever into low and rotate several times. Repeat in reverse. If correct jaw-die combination is installed, the unit is now ready to run pipe. G. Adjust height of tong to proper height, using the control valve located all the way to the right of rear valve bank assembly. H. Stand in the normal operators position, insert the locking pin into the rear cage plate hole (on operators side). This pin allows ring gear to rotate clockwise (make-up) and engage the cam to close jaws on pipe. I. Swing tong and backup onto tubing, making sure to align tubing on rear jaw of backup. Close backup jaws by pushing middle control lever forward. The design of the CLINCHER® Integral Backup centers pipe in the backup and tong. Close tong door. J. Rotate ring gear clockwise by pushing motor control lever on the front valve bank assembly forward until jaws lock on pipe and continue to rotate until desired amount or torque is applied. K. After correct amount of torque specific to that connection has been applied, release tong jaws by pulling back on motor control lever until jaws release and throat in cage plate is aligned with door opening. Open door. L. Release backup by pulling back on right control lever on rear valve bank assembly until backup jaws are completely retracted. M. High and low gear is adjusted by use of shifting lever PN 45060, located to the left side of the shifting housing. With the lever in the upwards position the tong is in high gear. With the shifting lever in the downward position, the tong is in low gear. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 5 - 5 SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 5 - 6 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS CLINCHER® recommends that owners of CLINCHER® Hydraulic Power Tongs, Backups, CHROMEMASTER™s and accessories adapt a regularly scheduled maintenance program. Implementation of this type of program offers several benefits. First you increase the life of your equipment, secondly, you may find a problem before it escalates to a costly repair or down time on the job, and most importantly, prevent injury to operating personnel. A major inspection (described at the end of this section) should be carried out if equipment is suspected to have been damaged during transit or is to be mobilized to a remote location where maintenance operations are difficult to carry out. Routine Maintenance Cleaning - Upon return from each and every job: A) Pre-wash unit to remove majority of dirt and grease build up as to allow removal of dies, and inspection of overall condition of unit. B) Remove and inspect dies from tong and backup. Note any missing or damaged die retainers, and or die retainer bolts. C) Remove side jaws from tong and inspect side jaw for missing or broken parts, damaged splines, broken ears (locking hooks on front portion of side jaws.) D) Clean and inspect side jaws, jaw pins, jaw rollers for damage or excessive wear (cracks, breakage, and uneven wear patterns). Reassemble jaw sections replacing any damaged parts. Lubricate pins, and rollers and reinstall in tong. E) Clean and inspect backup operating cylinder. Insure sline area is free from damage and any rust or dirt is removed. Replace any missing or damaged die retainer clips and die retainer bolts. F) Inspect all hoses for wear, replace as necessary. G) Inspect hanger assembly to assure all parts are returned and in operating condition. (i.e. H-Plates, spring, leg springs, leg spring caps and pins.) H) Replace jaw, pins and rollers in tong. I) Lubricate tong’s cam followers (upper and lower), dumbell roller shafts (upper and lower zerts), door shaft, idler gear shafts (2), pinion gear, and secondary gear assemblies (Pinion gear and secondary gear assemblies are installed with sealed bearings. There is no provisions to grease these bearings. However, if replaced by non-sealed bearings, the 1/8" N.P.T. flush plugs should be replaced with zerts PN 1001 and both gear assemblies should be added to the regular lubrication schedule.), low gear housing, and shift housing (2 zerts each), and re-pack tong body cavity. Lubricate zerts in backup plates and pins. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 6 - 1 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS J) Install dies of a size needed for testing purposes, and attach hydraulic power unit to tong. Before energizing power unit make certain no one is working on tong or backup and all tools and parts are removed from the tong and backup. K) Insert test mandrel of the exact same size as the dies which are installed in the tong and backup. Caution: Testing the function of the backup without the proper size dies installed and/or without the proper sized mandrel in place, you risk serious damage to the backup cylinder. L) After power unit has reached operating R.P.M. and temperature, operate the backup control valve and close backup around test mandrel using sufficient flow and pressure to clamp mandrel and maintain pressure to backup. (Recommended operating pressure of 2,500 psi) Backup pressure gauge should match system operating pressure. After release of control valve you may experience a slight drop in backup pressure (up to 300 psi) this is normal. If backup pressure drops more than 300 psi within 2 minutes, you may be experiencing a hydraulic leak. M) While maintaining pressure on backup visually inspect hoses, stainless steel lines, fittings, etc., for seepage of hydraulic fluid. Repair or replace parts causing leaks. If you see no visible external leaks and your backup is still losing pressure, there may be an internal leak in the operating cylinder or load holding valve allowing fluid to bypass the piston. It is recommended that the backup be returned to the manufacturer for repair. N) If at this time your backup is functioning correctly, open and close unit several time to insure consistent operation. O) With the proper dies installed in the tong and backup, and test mandrel locked in the backup, place reversing pin into the make-up position, set tong into low gear and operate tong through several cycles of locking, biting and torquing to required torque. Change reversing pin to breakout position and repeat. Repeat same procedure in high gear. Note: Torque developed in high gear is considerably less than torque developed in low gear. P) Test door interlock system by opening door slightly with tong rotating. (Remove test mandrel for this procedure.) The tongs rotation should stop. If tong rotation fails to stop, close door, cease rotation, deactivate power unit, and inspect door interlock switch for damage. Insure that adjustment collar is oriented to allow wheel of door switch to fit into recess on collar. Warning: If door switch system is not functioning properly tong must not be used. Q) Reinspect tong and backup hydraulic system for leaks. R) If at this time the unit is functioning as intended, replace all covers and grease splines in tong and backup (side jaws and back jaws), tape or grease spools on control valves (to prevent paint from adhering to polished spool surface), prime and paint unit for storage. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 6 - 2 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Recommended Lubrication Schedule Performed After Completion Of Each Job Hydraulic Tong a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Cam followers: upper and lower (all) Dumbell roller shafts: upper and lower (all) Door shaft Idler shafts (2) Low gear housing (2 zerts) Shift housing (2 zerts) Re-pack tong cavity Pinion and secondary gear shafts (if sealed bearings have been replaced by non-sealed bearings) Jaw rollers and pins: Remove jaw pins and rollers, clean and lubricate with gear grease Inspect hydraulic fluid for foreign material and contaminant. Filter or replace. Your must filter or replace entire system including power unit tank and lines along with tong to insure all contaminants are removed. Annual Major Maintenance Inspection and repair Routine preventative maintenance will significantly extend the operating life of your equipment, reduce operating cost and avoid downtime. CLINCHER® recommends a program of frequent routine inspection, and if equipment is suspected to have been damaged during transit or is to be mobilized to a remote location where maintenance operations are difficult to carry out, perform the following: A) Visually inspect components on power tong or backup which could possibly have been damaged either during operation or transit. i.e. Damage to hanger assembly, hydraulic backup, mounting legs, or hydraulic valve assembly. B) Check test date. Ensure that a load test and inspection was carried out within the last 9 months. C) Check ring gear. Check for any signs of damage or wear. D) Remove motor and valve assembly from the tong body. E) Check motor seal. Apply hydraulic power, run motor and visually check motor seal for any signs of leakage. F) Check drive gear, high and low pinion gears. Check for excessive sign of wear on motor gear. G) Check condition of control valve spools. Activate valves and check for any sign of wear, pitting, or scoring of the chrome surface of spools. If spool is damaged in any way, the complete section must be changed out. Spools are not interchangeable. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 6 - 3 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS H) Check gear selector and shaft. Visually inspect the shifting shaft for alignment and straightness. I) Check Hi/Low Gear assembly. Visually inspect high and low clutch and gears for any sign of chipped, broken, or worn teeth. J) Check dumbell rollers, shafts and bushings. Check for excess movement on either bearings, bushings, shafts or dumbells. K) Check idler gears and center pinion shaft gears and bearings. Check that there are no signs of worn, chipped, or broken teeth on idler and center pinion shaft gears. L) Check door bearings. Visually check excess movement on bearings at door assembly. If excess movement is found door must be removed making careful note of bearing washers positions for reassembly. M) Check door switch system. Visually check that door switch valve has sufficient strength to hold door in closed position. If this is not the case, then repairs are required. N) Check door safety device. Functionally check tong door safety switch. Engage low gear, open tong door and push rotor control lever forward as if to rotate rotor. If safety device is operational then the rotor will not rotate. O) Check lifting hanger test date. Check lifting hanger for damage. Ensure that a load test and inspection was carried out within the last 9 months. P) Check condition of all hydraulic hoses and fittings. Visually inspect all hydraulic hoses fitted to the tong and in the backup for any signs of leaks, cuts, or wear. Q) Reinstall all parts which were removed for inspection and/or damage. Connect to hydraulic power supply and function test operation of tong in high, low, forward, and reverse. Torque test utilizing appropriate dies and test mandrel. Test operation of lift cylinder. R) Inspect power unit system according to manufactures specifications. S) Lubricate tong and backup according to maintenance schedule preceding this section. T) Paint, remembering to mask off surfaces not intending to paint with grease or masking tape. U) Complete dated inspection report giving details of all duties performed along with complete list of items replaced. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 6 - 4 DU! BEARING DRY WEAR PROCESS 1. 2. 3. 1. Running-in completed. Low wear rate starts when up to 10% of the bronze is exposed. 2. Typical surface appearance when DU! bearing approaches its half life with 40% to 50% of the bronze exposed. 3. Bronze is beginning to smear near the end of DU’s useful life as a dry bearing. Over 75% of the bronze is visible at the surface. For additional information about DU bearings, please contact Garlock Bearings Inc, 700 Mid Atlantic Parkway, Thorofare, New Jersey 08086. (609) 848-3200 FAX: (609) 848-5115 Page 6 - 4.1 Form 9818 5/93 Page 6 - 4.2 TROUBLESHOOTING HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Hydraulic Pump Making Excessive Noise: Problem Solution A) Restricted or clogged intake line Clean line, check for contamination. B) Contaminated fluid Flush system, change fluid. C) Restricted vent Clean or replace air vent. D) Air in fluid Check for leaks and be certain fluid suction in tank is well below hydraulic fluid in reservoir. E) Damaged or worn parts Repair or replace damaged parts, check fluid for contamination. F) Excessive RPM Check PTO, gears, and recommended speed to assure proper pump is installed for operation. G) Increased friction Make sure pump has been assembled using correct torque values. H) Damaged or worn relief valve. Replace relief valve. I) Damaged or worn check valve. Replace check valve. J) Restricted discharge Check to make sure relief valve is set to proper pressure. K) Valve system restricted Inspect and repair or replace defective parts, check system for contamination. Excessive Wear to Hydraulic Components: Problem Solution A) Fluid contamination Flush fluid system, replace with new fluid. B) Components misaligned Inspect and realign. C) High operating pressures Gauge and set to proper pressure. D) Exhausted fluid (depletion of additives) Flush fluid system, replace with new fluid. E) Air in fluid Check for leaks, and be certain fluid suction in tank is well below hydraulic fluid in reservoir. F) Shortened bearing life Check alignment, insure proper lubrication to non-sealed bearings. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 6 - 5 TROUBLESHOOTING HYDRAULIC TONG SYSTEM Slow Tong Speed: Problem Solution A) Restricted supply line Clear supply line and check intake on reservoir. B) Low fluid level Add fluid to proper volume. C) Air leak Locate and repair leak. D) Pump speed insufficient Assure proper pump speed for application. E) Damaged or worn equipment Isolate pump and check pressure to determine whether motor or pump is defective. Repair or replace defective part. F) Pump not primed Check fluid viscosity and restrictions of intake line. Replace fluid if inadequate for operating temperature. G) Low or no flow from supply line Check to assure couplings are securely fastened. H) Hydraulic bypass valve malfunction Inspect. Adjust unloading pressure. Replace or repair as necessary. Insufficient Torque: Problem Solution A) Door switch malfunctioning Check to make sure door is completely closed. Inspect door switch and dump valve. Replace or repair door switch and/or dump valve. B) Relief valve malfunctioning Relief set too low, broken valve spring, contamination or defective seals. C) Damaged or worn pump parts Inspect, repair, or replace. D) Slow pump speed Assure proper pump speed for application. E) Improper system fluid Check fluid viscosity and replace fluid if inadequate for operating temperature. F) Directional control valve set improperly Check relief and directional control valve. Neutral should return slightly to reservoir. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 6 - 6 TROUBLESHOOTING HYDRAULIC TONG SYSTEM Insufficient Torque: Problem Solution G) Damage tong motor Inspect, repair, or replace. H) Restriction of supply line, excessive back pressure Check to assure couplings are securely fastened. I) Defective gauge or load cell Inspect, repair, or replace. Assure unit has been calibrated to proper arm length. NOTE: When using CLINCHER® integral backup system, it is the length of backup arm, NOT the tong arm length. Difficulty Shifting Gears: Problem Solution A) Broken key in shifting yoke Inspect and replace key stock in shifting yoke. B) Worn or damaged shifting yoke pins Inspect and replace broken or worn pins. C) Insufficient lubrication Pump grease into both zerts located on shift housing. D) Detent ball bearing spring set too tight Inspect and relieve pressure by adjusting set screw on shifting gear PN 55084. Failure to Grip Tubulars: Problem Solution A) Jaws move out from neutral, but fail to penetrate pipe. Tong not perpendicular. Inspect die size and replace with correct dies for pipe. Wrong size dies for tubulars. Assure suspension of tong is perpendicular to tubulars. Adjust hanger as necessary. B) Jaws fail to move out of neutral. Brake band not tight enough, faulty cam followers, rust debris or damage to jaws. Inspect for excessive wear on brake band. Inspect and replace defective cam followers. Remove rust and debris from jaws, and jaw pockets. Inspect jaw rollers and pins for wear, flats, and lubrication. Repair, replace, and lubricate as needed. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 6 - 7 TROUBLESHOOTING HYDRAULIC TONG SYSTEM Failure to Grip Tubulars: Problem Solution C) Tong will not release from tubular. Brake band not tight enough, defective cam followers in cage plate, insufficient lubrication to jaw pin and roller. Inspect for excessive wear on brake band. Inspect and replace defective cam followers. Remove rust and debris from jaws, and jaw pockets. Inspect jaw rollers and pins for wear, flats, and lubrication. Repair, replace, and lubricate as needed. D) Tong motor runs but ring gear does not rotate. Broken gears or defective shift in hydraulic tongs system. Inspect and replace defective gears. Inspect and repair or replace defective shifting parts. E) Tong binds under light load. Worn or damaged cam followers, dumbell roller bearing, or idler bearing. Inspect and replace defective parts. F) Ring gear rotates while control lever is in neutral. Replace control valve. G) Shift will not stay in set position. Lost detent ball or spring. Replace detent ball and spring. H) Hydraulic fluid leaking from motor. Damaged or worn motor shaft seal. Replace motor shaft seal. HYDRAULIC BACKUP SYSTEM Failure to hold tubulars: Problem Solution A) Incorrect die for size tubular Check pipe OD and match die size to pipe OD. B) Dies have material compacted in tooth area; worn teeth. Clean dies with wire brush and inspect. Replace with new dies if necessary. C) Power unit pressure set incorrectly Inspect relief valve on power unit to make sure enough system pressure is being delivered to backup. D) Counter balance valve not holding pressure Remove side plates on backup. Bench test and replace the defective counter balance valve. E) Internal leakage in backup cylinder Disconnect lines and bench test cylinder. Repair or replace as necessary. F) Jaws will not retract. Counter balance valve is stuck. Replace counter balance valve. G) External leakage of cylinder Repair or replace cylinder. H) Control valve set to neutral, but jaws extend. Inspect control valve for damage and/or incorrect spool. Repair or replace as necessary. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 6 - 8 SECTION 7 5 1/2" UHT TONG & BACKUP PARTS LISTS RECOMMENDED TONG SPARE PARTS LIST Part Number Quantity Description 12501437 55013-01 55135 55014-01 55136 1001 SLV1000-01 45072 55061-A CM5573 BUCD5514 BUCD5533 CM7656-01 VA20-MRV-1 1 2 2 2 2 8 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 Seal for Rineer Motor Standard Jaw Pins (Heavy Duty) Low Friction Jaw Pins Standard Jaw Rollers (Heavy Duty) Low Friction Jaw Rollers 1/8 NPT Zerts Door Switch Assembly Shifting Yokes Brake Band Assy. Die Clip (5 1/2" UHT Backup) Die Clip (5 1/2" DP Backup) Die Clip (5 1/2" DP Backup) Die Clip (6 1/4" UHT Backup) A-20 Relief Cartridge SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 05/03 Page 7 - 1 SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 05/03 Page 7 - 2 ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS Several different accessory items are available for the CLINCHER® Tong and Backup to allow them to be customized to provide a system most appropriate for the inducer’s application. CLE5500 Tong Accessories Compression Load Cell and Torque Gauge directly measures applied torque Tension Load Cell and Torque Gauge directly measures applied torque Solenoid Operated Module for Dump Valve allows computer to limit torque applied Adapter for Turns Proximity Switch allows computer to sense rotation 3 Point Lifting Bridle alternative lifting system Lift Cylinder with Integral Spring Hanger controls vertical position TSP-80 Tong Speed Control allows slow speed rotation with full torque 2 Speed Motors Alternate Motor Displacements BUC5500 and BUCD5500 Backup Accessories Backup Handles simplifies manipulation Shipping Skids and Cages simplify handling, transport and help guard against damage SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 8 - 1 SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 8 - 2 SECTION 9 UHT TONG ILLUSTRATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS TOP VIEW (Sheet 1) ......................................................................................................... TOP VIEW (Sheet 2) ......................................................................................................... GEAR HOUSING TOP VIEW / HIGH GEAR IDLER ASSEMBLY.............................. GEAR TRAIN ................................................................................................................... DUMBELL ROLLER ASSEMBLY (4th Generation, CLE5500-15B) ............................. IDLER GEAR ASSEMBLY.............................................................................................. SEALED IDLER BEARING PN 1905.............................................................................. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR PN 1905......................................................... PINION GEAR ASSEMBLY............................................................................................ SECONDARY GEAR ASSEMBLY ................................................................................. SECONDARY GEAR ASSEMBLY WITH ENCODER.................................................. SHIFTING GEAR ASSEMBLY (2nd Generation, Tongs Mfg. 11/2000 and after).......... MOTOR ASSEMBLY....................................................................................................... MOTOR ASSEMBLY (Sht 2) ........................................................................................... 1.625" SEVERE SERVICE CAM FOLLOWER SSCF162500 (CLE5500-15B) ............. TOP CAGE PLATE (CLE5500-15B) ................................................................................ BOTTOM VIEW (Sheet 2) (CLE5500-15B) ..................................................................... TONG DOOR ASSEMBLY (4th Generation, CLE5500-15B).......................................... DOOR SWITCH ASSEMBLY.......................................................................................... BRAKE BAND ASSEMBLY (Assembly No. 55061A)..................................................... SIDE HANDLE ASSEMBLY ........................................................................................... HANGER BRACKET ASSEMBLY (Assembly No. 55001)(1st Generation) ................... HANGER BRACKET ASSEMBLY (Assembly No. 55001-03) ....................................... 5 1/2" UHT TONG JAW ASSEMBLY (Assembly No. CJ-55A & CJ-55B) ..................... 5 1/2" UHT TONG LF JAW ASSEMBLY 2 1/16" - 3 1/2" (Assembly No. CJ-LF-55A). 5 1/2" UHT TONG LF JAW ASSEMBLY 2 3/8" - 5 1/2" (Assembly No. CJ-LF-55B)... 5 1/2" UHT TONG DOVETAIL JAW ASSEMBLY........................................................ SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 08/05 Page 9 - 1 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 9 - 8A 9 - 8B 9-9 9 - 10 9 - 11 9 - 13 9 - 14 9 - 14A 9 - 15 9 - 16 9 - 17 9 - 18 9 - 19 9 - 20 9 - 21 9 - 22 9 - 22A 9 - 23 9 - 24 9 - 25 9 - 26 SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 08/05 Page 9 - 2 1ST GENERATION 2 PIECE BRAKE BAND ASSEMBLY P/N: 55061 2ND GENERATION 1 PIECE BRAKE BAND ASSEMBLY P/N: 55061A DOOR SWITCH ASSEMBLY P/N: SLV1000-01 5/8"-11 x 1" SHCS P/N: 1153 (3) REQD. TONG DOOR ASSEMBLY 5/8"-11 x 1 3/4" HHCS P/N: 1158 (17) REQD. 5/8" LOCKWASHER P/N 1151 (21) REQD. ON TOP PLATE BOLT, CHAIN & LOCKING PIN ASSY. P/N: 55007 BRAKE BAND LUG ASSEMBLY P/N: 55126 WITH 1"-12 LP NYLOCK NUT P/N: 1213 SIDE HANDLE ASSEMBLY P/N: 55141 (2) REQD. INCLUDES: 5/8"-11 x 2 1/4" HHCS P/N: 201 (4) REQD. FOR EA. HANDLE TOP VIEW 3/4" NPT FLUSH PLUG P/N: 1610 1/2"-13 x 1 1/4" HHCS P/N: 1111 WITH 1/2" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1103 (4) REQD. OF EA. ÷ 3/8"-16 x 1 1/4" HHCS P/N: 1048 WITH 3/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1027 (10) REQD. OF EACH TOP SECONDARY BEARING CAP P/N: 55143 SEE SECONDARY GEAR ASSEMBLY 5/8"-11 x 1 3/4" SHCS P/N: 1154 WITH 5/8" HI-COLLAR LOCKWASHER P/N: 1152 (5) REQD. ON TOP PLATE INSIDE HOUSING, BELOW COVER THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. LOG # 05/09/03 DATE CLE5500-15B\Top View Sh1 rev1.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ 1 REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 MOTOR P/N: 45078 WITH MOTOR SHAFT & MOTOR SPACER P/N: 55086-A P/N: 55085 SHIFT ASSEMBLY P/N: 45091 SEE SHIFTING GEAR ASSEMBLY SHIFTING BOX WELDMENT P/N: 55076 LOW GEAR HOUSING COVER P/N: 14006 1/8" NPT ZERT P/N: 1001 (2) REQD. 3/8"-16 x 5" HHCS P/N: 1051 WITH 3/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1027 (8) REQD. OF EACH 3/8"-16 x 4" SHCS P/N: 243 (2) REQD. WHEN HOUSING IS NOT WELDED TO TOP PLATE USE: ÷ WHEN HOUSING IS WELDED TO TOP PLATE 3/4" NPT FLUSH PLUG P/N: 1610 TOP TONG PLATE P/N: 55063 DUMBELL SHAFT P/N: 76025-A (9) REQD. SEE DUMBELL ROLLER ASSEMBLY CAGE PLATE KEY P/N: 55055 WITH 1/2"-13 x 1 1/2" SHCS P/N: 1106-A LOCATED UNDERNEATH TOP CAGE PLATE BOTTOM CAGE PLATE P/N: 55056-01 RING GEAR P/N: 55057-02 TOP VIEW TONG JAW (2) REQD. SEE JAW ASSEMBLY THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. LOG # 05/31/07 DATE CLE5500-15B\Top View Sh2 rev2.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ 2 REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 DRIVE GEAR P/N: 55084 MFG. STARTING 05/21/01: P/N: 55084-01 MFG. STARTING 06/12/02: P/N: 55084-02 SEE SHIFTING GEAR ASSEMBLY PRIMARY INPUT GEAR P/N: 55070 SEE SECONDARY GEAR ASSEMBLY HIGH GEAR P/N: 55119 SEE PINION GEAR ASSEMBLY BEARING P/N: 1902 SEE PINION GEAR ASSEMBLY INTERNAL SNAP RING P/N: 1949 EXTERNAL SNAP RING P/N: 1950 AND (2) BEARINGS P/N: 1909 HIGH GEAR IDLER P/N: 55123 LOCATION FOR TOP BEARING RETAINER P/N: 55066 SEE SECONDARY GEAR ASSEMBLY GEAR HOUSING TOP VIEW NOTE: DRAWING SHOWN WITHOUT UPPER LOW PINION GEAR & DRIVE GEAR MOTOR SHAFT & INTERNAL SNAP RING BEARING P/N: 1948 P/N: 1901 SEE SHIFT ASSEMBLY HIGH GEAR IDLER SHAFT P/N: 55124 (W elded to Top Tong Plate) TOP BEARING RETAINER P/N: 55066 SEE SECONDARY GEAR ASSEMBLY HIGH GEAR IDLER P/N: 55123 EXT. SNAP RING P/N: 1950 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM,WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. NOTE: DRAWING SHOWN WITHOUT LOW GEAR HOUSING MOTOR SHAFT BEARING P/N: 1901 INT. SNAP RING P/N: 1948 1 09/21/04 LOG # DATE REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ CLE5500\Gear Housing rev1.wpg 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 BEARING P/N: 1902 PINION GEAR ASSEMBLY BEARING P/N: 1909 (2) REQD. INT. SNAP RING P/N: 1949 PINION GEAR P/N: 55038-01 SEE PINION GEAR ASSEMBLY THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM,WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. LOG # 09/21/04 DATE REF: S:\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ CLE5500-15B\Gear Train rev1.wpg 1 REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 SECONDARY INPUT GEAR P/N: 55048 SEE SECONDARY GEAR ASSEMBLY LOW PINION GEAR P/N: 55047 SEE PINION GEAR ASSEMBLY IDLER GEAR W/O MICRO CAM P/N: 55049 SEE IDLER GEAR ASSEMBLY (2) REQD. 5 1/2" UHT TONG GEAR TRAIN RING GEAR P/N: 55057-02 DUMBELL ROLLER P/N: 55025-B (12) REQD. SEE DUMBELL ROLLER ASSEMBLY MID BODY P/N: 55044 NOTE: DRAWING SHOWN WITHOUT LOW PINION GEAR 1/8" NPT ZERT P/N: 1001 1"-12 LOW PROFILE NYLOCK NUT P/N: 1213 ALUMA BRONZE BUSHING P/N: 55191 SPACER P/N: 55192 SPACER P/N: 55027-D DUMBELL ROLLER P/N: 55025-B SPACER P/N: 55192 ALUMA BRONZE BUSHING P/N: 55191 DUMBELL SHAFT P/N: 76025-A OPTIONAL S/S SHAFT P/N: 2062 1"-12 LOW PROFILE NYLOCK NUT P/N: 1213 1/8" NPT ZERT P/N: 1001 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 DUMBELL ROLLER ASSEMBLY 4TH GENERATION Model CLE5500-15B THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 9 - 7 11/07/01 LOG # DATE REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ CLE5500\Dumbell Roller 4th.wpg EARLIER TOOLS ONLY, W E NO LONGER USE COVER PLATE & SPACER. EXTERNAL SNAP RING P/N: 1946 IDLER BEARING COVER PLATE P/N: 55153 INTERNAL SNAP RING P/N: 1926 COVER SPACER P/N: 55154 BEARING SHIELD P/N: 73027 NO LONGER NEEDED BEARING P/N: 1905 EARLIER TOOLS W ERE EQUIPPED W ITH A SEALED BEARING P/N 1905 W HICH WAS REPLACED WITH A HEAVY DUTY BEARING P/N 1905 W HICH REQUIRED THE USE OF 2 EXTERNAL SHIELDS P/N 73027. THIS BEARING NOW HAS 2 INTERNAL SHIELDS, SO P/N 73027 IS NO LONGER NEEDED. IDLER GEAR W /O MICRO-CAM P/N: 55049 OR W / MICRO-CAM P/N: 55045 EARLIER TOOLS ONLY USED 1 OF EACH. BEARING SHIELD P/N: 73027 NO LONGER NEEDED INTERNAL SNAP RING P/N: 1926 IDLER SHAFT P/N: 55050 BOTTOM TONG PLATE P/N: 55043 1 1/2" LOCKW ASHER P/N: 1223 5/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1151 (3) REQD. 5/8"-11 x 2" HHCS P/N: 1160 (3) REQD. 1 1/2"-12 NUT P/N: 1222 1/8" NPT ZERT P/N: 1001 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 IDLER GEAR ASSEMBLY Page 9 - 8 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 11/07/01 DATE LOG # REV. # S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ CLE5500\Idler Gear.wpg REF: CLINCHER® CLINCHER® EARLIER TOOLS ONLY, W E NO LONGER USE THIS NYLOCK NUT, RETAINER & PINION GEAR. EXTERNAL SNAP RING N5100-100 P/N: 1950 HIGH GEAR RETAINER P/N: 55122-01 1/2" NYLOCK NUT P/N: 270-A HIGH GEAR RETAINER P/N: 55122 HIGH GEAR P/N: 55119 BEARING P/N: 1902 PINION BEARING BUSHING P/N: 55047-1 LOW PINION GEAR P/N: 55047 PINION GEAR P/N: 55038 PINION GEAR P/N: 55038-01 EARLIER TOOLS ONLY BEARING P/N: 1902 BOTTOM PINION BEARING CAP P/N: 55036 1/8" NPT FLUSH PLUG P/N: 1607 5/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1151 (4) REQD. 3/8"-16 x 1/2" SET SCREW P/N: 1029 (2) REQD. (Use Removable Loctite) 5/8"-11 x 1 1/4" HHCS P/N: 1156 (4) REQD. 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 PINION GEAR ASSEMBLY THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 9 - 9 11/07/01 LOG # DATE REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ CLE5500\Pinion Gear.wpg 3/8"-16 x 1/2" SET SCREW P/N: 1029 (4) REQD. (Use Removable Loctite) 1" NPT FLUSH PLUG P/N: 1611 1/2"-13 x 1" HHCS P/N: 1110 (3) REQD. Note: Flush Plug used when Encoder is not mounted. For Encoder mounting, see Figure of Secondary Gear w/Encoder. TOP SECONDARY BEARING CAP P/N: 55143 1/2" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1103 (3) REQD. BEARING P/N: 1901 LOW GEAR HOUSING COVER P/N: 14006 PRIMARY INPUT GEAR P/N: 55070 SPACER P/N: 55131 BEARING P/N: 1900 5/8"-11 x 1 1/4" HHCS P/N: 1156 (3) REQD. 5/8"-11 x 1 1/4" SHCS P/N: 256 (1) REQD. 5/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1151 (3) REQD. 5/8" HI COLLAR LOCKWASHER P/N: 1152 (1) REQD. TOP BEARING RETAINER P/N: 55066 TOP TONG PLATE P/N: 55063 SECONDARY INPUT GEAR P/N: 55048 BEARING P/N: 1903 BOTTOM RETAINER BEARING CAP P/N: 55041 BOTTOM TONG PLATE P/N: 55043 5/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1151 (4) REQD. 5/8"-11 x 1 3/4" HHCS P/N: 1158 (4) REQD. SECONDARY GEAR ASSEMBLY 3/8"-16 x 1/2" SET SCREW P/N: 1029 (2) REQD. (Use Removable Loctite) 3/4" NPT FLUSH PLUG P/N: 1610 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 9 - 10 1 03/03/04 DATE LOG # REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ CLE5500\Secondary Gear rev1.wpg ENCODER & MOUNTING SCREWS (Supplied by Customer) • 3/8" #6-32 MACHINE SCREW P/N: 1276 (4) REQD. • MFG. STARTING 04/07/04: 1/2" #6-32 MACHINE SCREW P/N: 1276-B (4) REQD. FOR SHIPMENT W ITHOUT ENCODER: • COVER PLATE P/N: 40034 • ENCODER MOUNTING PLATE P/N: 51075 • ENCODER MALE COUPLING P/N: 55144 • USE #10-32 x 1/4" SET SCREW P/N: 1034 • 3/8"-16 x 1" SHCS P/N: 1041 (2) REQD. MFG. STARTING 11/21/02: • 3/8"-16 x 3/4" SHCS P/N: 1040-A (2) REQD. • ENCODER COUPLING MOUNT P/N: 51031 • 1/2"-13 NUT P/N: 1101 TOP SECONDARY BEARING CAP P/N: 55143 1/2"-13 x 1" HHCS P/N: 1110 1/2" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1103 (3) REQD. OF EACH LOW GEAR HOUSING COVER 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 ENCODER ASSEMBL Y ENCODER ASSEMBLY NO. 55142 • THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 9 - 11 2 12/09/04 DATE LOG # REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ CLE5500\Encoder rev2.wpg THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY. Page 9 - 12 1/8" NPT ZERT P/N: 1001 (2) REQD. • •SELF-LUBRICATING FLANGE BEARING P/N: 45092 SHIFTING BOX WELDMENT P/N: 55076 • •HANDLE BALL P/N: 55071 • •3/8"-16 x 1" SET SCREW P/N: 1030 • •SHIFTING YOKE WELDMENT P/N: 45072 • •SHIFTER SHAFT P/N: 45143 • •STRAIGHT YOKE HANDLE P/N: 45142 • •COMPONENTS OF SHIFT ASSEMBLY P/N: 45091 • •SPLIT SELF-LUBRICATING FLANGE BEARING P/N: 45106 (2) REQD. MOTOR SPACER P/N: 55085 • •3/8"-16 x 3/4" HHCS P/N: 1046 • •3/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1027 • •3/8" FLAT WASHER P/N: 1025 (2) REQD. OF EACH SPRING PLUNGER P/N: 1311 (2) REQD. EARLIER MODELS USED: 1/4" STEEL BALL P/N: A20-X53-10 DRIVE GEAR P/N: 55084-02 DETENT SPRING P/N: A20-A1327135 MOTOR SHAFT BEARING SPACER P/N: 55121-01 3/8"-16 x 1/4" SET SCREW P/N: 1028 (Apply Permanent Loctite) INT. SNAP RING P/N: 1948 BEARING P/N: 1901 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 SHIFTING GEAR ASSEMBLY 2nd GENERATION Model CLE5500-15B, Mfg. 11/2000 & After Page 9 - 13 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 3 REV. # LOG # 08/17/05 DATE REF: S:\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ CLE5500\Shifting Gear 2nd rev3.wpg MOTOR SHAFT P/N: 55086-A • SNAP RING P/N: 0150111 SEAL RETAINER P/N: 55088 POLYPACK P/N: 12501437 • O-RING P/N: 2-150 • MOTOR SHAFT BEARING P/N: 0150710 • SNAP RING P/N: 1945 RINEER GA-15 MOTOR P/N: 45078 • COMPONENTS OF MOTOR 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 MOTOR ASSEMBLY THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 9 - 14 12/26/01 DATE LOG # REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ CLE5500-15B\Motor.wpg POLYPACK P/N: 12501437 MOTOR SHAFT O-RING P/N: 2-150 SEAL RETAINER P/N: 55088 SNAP RING P/N: 0150111 MOTOR SHAFT BEARING P/N: 0150710 SNAP RING P/N: 1945 W/ OUT WIPER RING 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 MOTOR ASSEMBLY FOR CLARITY PURPOSE ONLY NOT TO SCALE THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 9 - 14A 04/29/03 2 LOG # DATE REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ Motor\Motor CLE5500+ sht2 rev2.wpg Page 9 - 14B 1/4" DRIVE ZERT P/N: 1257 3/4" JAM NUT P/N: 1170 For Reference Only Not Part of Assembly 3/4" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1171 For Reference Only Not Part of Assembly STUD P/N: SSCF162510 BUSHING P/N: SSCF162530 RACE P/N: SSCF162520 FOR TONG MODEL CLE5500-15B 1.625" SEVERE SERVICE CAM FOLLOWER ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY NO. SSCF162500 Page 9 - 15 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 11/12/01 DATE LOG # REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ CLE5500\SSCF162500.wpg BOLT, CHAIN & LOCKING PIN ASSY. P/N: 55007 MODEL CLE5500-15B TOP CAGE PLATE ASSEMBLY NOTE: ILLUSTRATION SHOWN WITHOUT TONG DOOR & DOOR SAFETY SWITCH. 5/8"-11 x 1" SHCS P/N: 1153 (3) REQD. TOP TONG PLATE P/N: 55063 1/8" NPT ZERT P/N: 1001 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. BRAKE BAND LUG ASSEMBLY P/N: 55126 WITH 1"-12 LOW PROFILE NYLOCK NUT & P/N: 1213 UPPER CAGE PLATE P/N: 55011-01 LOG # 11/13/01 DATE REF: S:\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ CLE5500\Cage Plate Top-15B.wpg REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 SEVERE SERVICE CAM FOLLOWER ASSEMBLY (SEE ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION) P/N: SSCF162500 WITH 3/4" LOCKWASHER 3/4"-16 JAM NUT P/N: 1171 P/N: 1170 (15) REQD. OF EACH 7/8"-9 x 7" HHCS P/N: 1250 WITH 7/8" HEAVY SPLIT LOCKWASHER P/N: 1224 (6) REQD. OF EACH MODEL CLE5500-15B BOTTOM VIEW BRAKE BAND LUG ASSEMBLY P/N: 55126 WITH 1/8" NPT ZERT & 1"-12 LOW PROFILE NYLOCK NUT P/N: 1001 P/N: 1213 BOTTOM CAGE PLATE P/N: 55056-01 5/8"-11 x 1" SHCS P/N: 1153 (3) REQD. 5/8"-11 x 1 3/4" HHCS P/N: 1158 • (22) REQD. WITH 5/8" LOCKW ASHER P/N: 1151 (26) REQD. ON BOTTOM PLATE W/O HANGER • Qty. may change if Hanger is supplied. See Hanger Assembly on Mounting Kit Illustration for Bolt Size & Qty. SIDE HANDLE ASSEMBLY P/N: 55141 (2) REQD. INCLUDES: 5/8"-11 x 2 1/4" HHCS P/N: 201 (4) REQD. FOR EA. HANDLE THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTYOF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM,WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 1ST GENERATION 2 PIECE BRAKE BAND ASSEMBLY P/N: 55061 2ND GENERATION 1 PIECE BRAKE BAND ASSEMBLY P/N: 55061A LOG # 09/22/04 DATE CLE5500\Bottom View-15B rev1.wpg REF: S:\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ 1 REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 5/8"-11 x 2" HHCS P/N: 1160 5/8" LOCKW ASHER P/N: 1151 (3) REQD. PER IDLER SHAFT BOTTOM TONG PLATE P/N: 55043 BOTTOM SECONDARY BEARING CAP P/N: 55041 SEE SECONDARY GEAR ASSEMBLY BOTTOM PINION BEARING CAP P/N: 55036 SEE PINION GEAR ASSEMBLY IDLER SHAFT P/N: 55050 SEE IDLER GEAR ASSEMBLY SEVERE SERVICE CAM FOLLOWER ASSEMBLY (SEE ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION) P/N: SSCF162500 WITH 3/4" LOCKW ASHER 3/4"-16 JAM NUT P/N: 1171 P/N: 1170 (15) REQD. OF EACH 1/8" NPT 90° ZERT P/N: 1002 1"-12 LOW PROFILE NYLOCK NUT P/N: 1213 DOOR SHAFT P/N: 55022-A OPTIONAL S/S SHAFT P/N: 2061 3/8"-16 x 1/2" SET SCREW P/N: 1029 (2) REQD. (Use Removable Loctite) DOOR WELDMENT P/N: 55113-01 DOOR SWITCH ADJUSTMENT SLEEVE P/N: 76131 ALUMA BRONZE BUSHING P/N: 55191 SPACER P/N: 55192 TONG DOOR BUSHING P/N: 55125 BEARING P/N: 1910 SPACER P/N: 55027-D DUMBELL ROLLER P/N: 55025-B BEARING P/N: 1910 SPACER P/N: 55192 TONG DOOR BUSHING P/N: 55125 1"-12 LOW PROFILE NYLOCK NUT P/N: 1213 ALUMA BRONZE BUSHING P/N: 55191 1/8" NPT ZERT P/N: 1001 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 TONG DOOR ASSEMBLY 4th GENERATION Model CLE5500-15B THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 9 - 18 12/07/01 DATE LOG # REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ CLE5500\Door 4th.wpg 1/4"-20 NYLOCK NUT P/N: 212 (4) REQD. SELF LUBRICATED VALVE (DOOR SWITCH ASSEMBLY) P/N: SLV1000-01 3/8"-16 x 1" HHCS P/N: 1047 (2) REQD. 3/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1027 (2) REQD. (W elded to Door Switch Base) DOOR SWITCH BASE ASSEMBLY P/N: 76128 1/4"-20 x 2 1/4" HHCS P/N: 110 (4) REQD. DOOR SWITCH BASE MOUNT P/N: 45067-S7 (2) REQD. (W elded to Top Tong Plate) DOOR SWITCH ASSEMBLY 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 9 -19 06/22/00 DATE LOG # REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ Door Switch Assy.wpg ASSEMBLY NUMBER 55061A BRAKE BAND ASSEMBLY BRAKE BAND RING P/N: 55061-S1 BRAKE BAND EYELET P/N: 45063-S1 (WELDED TO RING) 7/16"-14 x 2 1/4" HHCS MOD. P/N: 55107 7/16"-14 NUT P/N: 1080 BRAKE BAND LUG W ELDMENT P/N: 55126 BRAKE BAND GUSSET P/N: 55061-S3 (WELDED TO RING) THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. BRAKE BAND MATERIAL (90-10) 1/4" x 1 1/2" HD P/N: 1660 ATTACHED w/ 7-6 BRASS RIVETS LOG # 05/06/03 DATE REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ CLE5500\Brake Band Assy rev1.wpg REV. # 1 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 51111-S1 51111-S1 73017-S1 73017-S1 73017-S1 73017-S1 73095-S1 73095-S1 51111 58086 55141 59067 76133 73017 (2) 73095 (1) 74095 5 1/2 STANDARD 5 1/2 LOCKJAW 5 1/2 UHT & XHT 5 1/2 XHT01 7 5/8 STANDARD 7 5/8 DRILL PIPE -35 7 5/8 LOCKJAW 7 5/8 & 8 5/8 DRILL PIPE -60 & -03 SEE CHART FOR ASSEMBLY NUMBER SIDE HANDLE ASSEMBLY HANDLE COVER SEE CHART FOR P/N HHCS BOLT SEE CHART FOR P/N (4) REQD. PER ASSY. 41111-S1 45121 51111-S2 201 59067-S1 55200 14035 14035-01 14035-02 73017-S2 55141-S2 73017-S2 73095-S2 73095-S2 LOG # 08/15/02 DATE ILL1087 Side Hdle Assy rev5.wpg REF: S:\Equip Manuals-Dwgs\ 5 REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 5/8"-11 x 2 1/4" 5/8"-11 x 2 1/4" 5/8"-11 x 2 1/4" 5/8"-11 x 2 1/4" 5/8"-11 x 2 1/4" 5/8"-11 x 2 1/4" 3/8"-16 x 2 1/4" 3/8"-16 x 2 1/4" 3/8"-16 x 2 1/4" THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMA TION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPROD UCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS W RITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. HANDLE SPACER 3/4" SCH.40 PIPE SEE CHART FOR P/N SIDE HANDLE PLATE SEE CHART FOR P/N (2) REQD. PER ASSEMBLY 201 201 201 201 201 143 143 143 HHCS BOLT SIZE PART NO. 55200 55141-S2 45119 45121 SIDE HANDLE PLATE PART NO. 51111-S2 41111-S2 HANDLE SPACER HANDLE COVER PIPE PART NO. PLATE PART NO. 41111 ASSEMBLY NUMBER 4 1/2 STANDARD TONG 3/4"-10 x 1 3/4" HHCS P/N: 1173 (2) REQD. 3/4"-10 NYLOCK NUT P/N: 1167 (2) REQD. ASSEMBLY NO. 55001 HANGER BRACKET ASSEMBLY • UPPER PADEYE BAR P/N: 45001-S3A (2) REQD. • UPPER PADEYE TAB P/N: 45001-S3B (4) REQD. 3/4" THREADED PIPE CAP P/N: 1613 (2) REQD. • COMPONENTSWELDED TOGETHER THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM,WITHOUT THE EXPRESSWRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. LOG # 11/14/01 DATE REF: S:\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ CLE5500\Hanger 55001.wpg REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 3/4"-10 x 3" HHCS P/N: 1176 (2) REQD. • HANGER BRACKET UPRIGHT P/N: 55163 (2) REQD. • BATMAN HANDLE P/N: 45001-S1 Page 9 - 22B (2) Required (Right & Left Jaw are reversible and interchangeable) 3 1/2" thru 5" UHT Assembly Number CJ-55A 3 1/2" thru 5 1/2" UHT Assembly Number CJ-55B Note: For Maximum Performance 2 1/16" thru 3 1/2" We Recommend CJ-LF-55A 5 1/2" UHT TONG JAW ASSEMBLY 5 1/2" UHT TONG JAW 2 1/16" thru 5" P/N: 55015 OR 5 1/2" UHT TONG JAW 3 1/2" thru 5 1/2" P/N: 55140 JAW ROLLER HEAVY DUTY P/N: 55014-01 JAW PIN HEAVY DUTY P/N: 55013-01 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. CJ-55A 2 1/16" thru 5" BOTTOM JAW CLIP P/N: 55015-S1 OR CJ-55B 3 1/2" thru 5 1/2" BOTTOM JAW CLIP P/N: 51027-B CJ-55A 2 1/16" thru 5" TOP JAW CLIP P/N: 55017 OR CJ-55B 3 1/2" thru 5 1/2" TOP JAW CLIP P/N: 51027-T 3/8"-16 x 3" SHCS P/N: 1044 JAW 55015 2 1/16" thru 5" 1/4"-20 x 4 1/2" SHCS P/N: 1021 OR JAW 55140 3 1/2" thru 5 1/2" 1/4"-20 x 4 1/4" SHCS P/N: 1020 (2) REQD. PER JAW LOG # 04/16/02 DATE CLE5500\Jaw Assy rev1.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ 1 REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 LOW FRICTION JAW PIN P/N: 55135 (2) Required (Right & Left Jaw are reversible and interchangeable) 2 1/16" thru 3 1/2" UHT LF Assembly Number CJ-LF-55A 5 1/2" UHT TONG LOW FRICTION JAW ASSEMBLY 5 1/2" UHT TONG JAW LOW FRICTION 2 1/16" thru 3 1/2" P/N: 55137 JAW ROLLER (LOW FRICTION) P/N: 55136 FOR ROLLER P/N 55136 USE: GARLOCK BUSHING P/N: 22DU24 (2) REQD. PER ROLLER (PRESSED INTO ROLLER) CAUTION! When using Low Friction Jaws, tong torque should be limited to 50% of maximum torque rating. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. LOG # 11/01/05 DATE CLE5500\Jaw Assy LF rev3.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ 3 REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 FOR USE WITH: CLE5500XXXX FINE TOOTH STEEL DIES TO 3 1/2" CLFA5500XXXX ALUMINUM DIES TO 5" BOTTOM JAW CLIP P/N: 55015-S1 TOP JAW CLIP P/N: 55017 3/8"-16 x 3" SHCS P/N: 1044 1/4"-20 x 4 3/4" SHCS P/N: 1023 (2) REQD. PER JAW HEAVY DUTY JAW PIN P/N: 55013-01 (2) Required (Right & Left Jaw are reversible and interchangeable) 2 3/8" thru 5 1/2" UHT LF Assembly Number CJ-LF-55B 5 1/2" UHT TONG LOW FRICTION JAW ASSEMBLY 5 1/2" UHT TONG JAW LOW FRICTION 2 3/8" thru 5 1/2" P/N: 55140 JAW ROLLER (LOW FRICTION) P/N: 55199 FOR ROLLER P/N 55199 USE: GARLOCK BUSHING P/N: 24DU20 (2) REQD. PER ROLLER (PRESSED INTO ROLLER) CAUTION! When using Low Friction Jaws, tong torque should be limited to 50% of maximum torque rating. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. LOG # 04/14/05 DATE REF: P:\\ManualsEquip Manuals\Dwgs\ CLE5500\Jaw Assy CJ-LF-55B.wpg REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 FOR USE WITH: CLJ5501XXXX FINE TOOTH STEEL DIES CLJA5501XXXX ALUMINUM DIES BB5601XXXX GRIT FACE™ DIES BOTTOM JAW CLIP P/N: 51027-B TOP JAW CLIP P/N: 51027- T 3/8"-16 x 3" SHCS P/N: 1044 1/4"-20 x 4 1/4" SHCS P/N: 1020 (2) REQD. PER JAW Size Dovetail Jaw Part Number Jaw Set Assembly Number 2 3/8" 2 CJDT55-02375 Size Jaw Set Assembly Number Dovetail Jaw Part Number 55190-02375 4" CJDT55-04000 55190-04000 55190-04125 2 7/8" CJDT55-02875 55190-02875 3 1/8" CJDT55-03125 55190-03125 4 1/8" 2 CJDT55-04125 4 1/4" 1 CJDT55-04250 3 3/8" CJDT55-03375 55190-03375 4 1/2" CJDT55-04500 55190-04500 CJDT55-03500 3 5/8" 2 CJDT55-03625 3 3/4" 2 CJDT55-03750 55190-03500 4 3/4" CJDT55-04750 55190-04750 55190-03625 4 7/8" 1 CJDT55-04875 55190-04875 3 1/2" 55190-03750 5" CJDT55-05000 55190-05000 5 1/2" CJDT55-05500 55190-05500 Item Qty. Part Number Description 1 2 SEE CHART DOVETAIL JAW 2 2 55013-01 JAW PIN HEAVY DUTY 3 2 55014-01 JAW ROLLER HEAVY DUTY 4 4 DTI1601 1/2 x 1 1/4 x 3 7/8 DT INSERT 5 2 148 3/8"-16 x 4" HHCS 6 4 1027 7 4 1061 1 55190-04250 3/8" LOCK WASHER 3/8"-16 x 3/4" BUTTON HD CS 5 7 6 2 4 1 3 2 MANUFACTURING BEGINNING 01/2001 JAW GEOMETRY WAS CHANGED. BOTTOM SCREWS & LOCK WASHERS NO LONGER USED. 2 12/07/07 Added note regarding manuf. beginning 01/2001. Revised to show right & left jaws. Added Jaw Sizes 2 3/8", 3 5/8", 3 3/4" & 4 1/8". 09/24/04 Change PN of BH Cap Screw 134 to 1027. Added Jaw Sizes 4 1/4" & 4 7/8". Replaced DT Strip Die list with PN DTI1601 (2) supplied per jaw. Rev. Date Description 1 5 1/2" UHT TONG DOVETAIL JAW ASSEMBLY (Right & Left Jaw are reversible and interchangeable) Page 9 - 35 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 2 REV. # LOG # 12/07/07 DATE REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ CLE5500\Jaw Dovetail rev2.wpg SECTION 10 UHT & DP BACKUP ILLUSTRATIONS & MOUNTING KIT ILLUSTRATIONS BUC5500-01 / 5 1/2" UHT BACKUP TOP VIEW........................................................... 10 - 3 5 1/2" UHT BACKUP TOP VIEW WITHOUT TOP PLATE .......................................... 10 - 4 5 1/2" UHT BACKUP BOTTOM VIEW .......................................................................... 10 - 5 BUC5523 / CYLINDER ASSEMBLY (2nd Generation)................................................... 10 - 6 5 1/2" UHT BACKUP MOUNTING KIT (Assembly No. MK5500) ....................................... 10 - 7 VALVE BANK ASSEMBLY............................................................................................ 10 - 8 HYDRAULIC SCHEMATIC ............................................................................................ 10 - 9 HYDRAULIC SCHEMATIC W/ MANIFOLD – MFG. BEGINNING 02/2007.............. 10 - 10 BUCD5500 / 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DP BACKUP ASSEMBLY .................................... 10 - 11 BUCD5500 / 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DP BACKUP ASSEMBLY W/O TOP PLATE...... 10 - 12 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DP BACKUP TOP VIEW W/O TOP PLATE.............................. 10 - 13 BUCD5524 / CYLINDER ASSEMBLY ........................................................................... 10 - 14 BUCD5536 / INSIDE DOOR ASSEMBLY...................................................................... 10 - 15 BUCD5535 / OUTSIDE DOOR ASSEMBLY.................................................................. 10 - 16 BUCDT5500 / 5 1/2" LJ DP TENSION STYLE BACKUP ASSEMBLY ....................... 10 - 16.1 BUCDT5500 / 5 1/2" LJ DP TENSION STYLE BACKUP ASSY. W/O TOP PLATE... 10 - 16.2 DOVETAIL DIE ADAPTER............................................................................................. 10 - 17 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DP BACKUP MOUNTING KIT (Assembly No. MK5550)................. 10 - 18 5 1/2" LJ DP TENSION STYLE BACKUP MOUNTING KIT (Assy. No. MKBUCT5550) ... 10 18.1 BUC6250 / 6 1/4" BACKUP ASSEMBLY ....................................................................... 10 - 19 BUC6204 / CYLINDER ASSEMBLY.............................................................................. 10 - 20 BUC7632 / CENTER JAW ASSEMBLY ......................................................................... 10 - 21 6 1/4" UHT BACKUP MOUNTING KIT (Assembly No. MK6250) ....................................... 10 - 22 BUC6250-02 6 1/4” H Y D R A U L I C S C H E M A T I C (Assembly No. BUC7699-S1) 10 - 23 SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 02/08 Page 10 - 1 SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 02/08 Page 10 - 2 MFG. BEGINNING 02/2006: RT. SIDE COVER WELDM. P/N: BUC5504-01-R 1/4" NPT COUPLING P/N: 1374 (Welded to Top Plate) 1/2" NPT BULKHEAD CONNECTOR P/N: BUCST7623 WITH 1 1/4"-12 JAM NUT P/N: 1219 (2) REQD. OF EACH 1/4" STREET EL P/N: 1449 LOG # 02/08/08 DATE BUC5500\Top View -01 rev1.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ 1 REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 HANGER WELDMENT P/N: BUC5508 DETAILS - SEE FIGURE HANGER ASSEMBLY ON MOUNTING KIT ILLUSTRATION MFG. BEGINNING 05/2007 NOT SHOWN: BACKUP MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY P/N: BUC7699 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. GAUGE PROTECTOR P/N: BUC4031-S1 WITH (2) 3/8"-16 x 3/4" SHCS P/N: 1040-A GAUGE PROTECTOR TAB P/N: BUC4031-S2 (2) REQD. GAUGE 0-3000 P/N: 1650 MFG. BEG. 06/2006 GAUGE 0-3000 P/N: BAC-3M25RCFF 3/8"-16 x 1 1/4" SHCS P/N: 1042 TONG LEG P/N: BUC5514 (2) REQD. DETAILS - SEE FIGURE TONG LEG ASSEMBLY ON MOUNTING KIT ILLUSTRATION BUC5500-01 / 5 1/2" UHT BACKUP TOP VIEW BACKING BOLT P/N: BUC5556 (4) REQD. 1/8" NPT ZERT P/N: 1001 WITH ZERT PROTECTOR (Welded to Top Plate) P/N: CLEBU9602S10 (4) REQD. OF EACH 3/8"-16 x 3/4" HHCS SLOTTED SELF THR. P/N: 1308 (12) REQD. OF EA. BACKUP BODY WELDMENT P/N: BUC5501-01 SIDE COVER WELDMENT P/N: BUC5504-01 (2) REQD. MFG. BEGINNING 02/2006: LEFT SIDE COVER WELDM. P/N: BUC5504-01-L DIE CLIP P/N: CM5573 CENTER JAW P/N: BUC5519 INCLUDES: (A) CENTER JAW W/CLIPS WELDMENT P/N: BUC5519-S1 INCLUDES: CENTER JAW ASSEMBLY P/N: BUC5519-01 5 1/2" UHT BACKUP TOP VIEW WITHOUT TOP PLATE BACKUP CYLINDER ASSEMBLY P/N: BUC5523 (2) REQD. SEE CYLINDER ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION LOG # 12/26/01 DATE REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ BUC5500-01\Top View wo Plate.wpg REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 (C) 3/8"-16 x 3/4" SHCS P/N: 1040-A (2) REQD. PER CLIP THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. (B) DIE CLIP P/N: CM5573 HALO P/N: BUC4509 WITH 1/2"-13 x 1" HHCS & 1/2" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1110 P/N: 1103 1" NUT P/N: 1210 (4) REQD. (Welded to Bottom Plate) 1/8" NPT ZERT P/N: 1001 WITH ZERT PROTECTOR (Welded to Bottom Plate) P/N: CLEBU9602S10 (4) REQD. OF EACH BACKUP LEG P/N: BUC4502-S11 (3) REQD. (Welded to Bottom Plate) 5 1/2" UHT BACKUP BOTTOM VIEW THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. LOG # 11/20/01 DATE REF: S:\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ BUC5500\Bottom View.wpg REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 1 -- 4 7 8 9 • 8-231 CM5573 CM5573 1005-A 1040-A 1008-B 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 4 17 2 18 1 • Descri ptio n 1/4"-20 x 1/4" Set Screw 3/8"-16 x 3/4" SHCS 3/16" x 1/2" Roll Pin Die Clip (Bottom) (Welded to Item 1) Die Clip (Top) Backup Ring Polypack 2 5/8" x 2 7/8" x 1/8" Polypack 5" x 5 1/2" x 1/4" Gland 5/8"-11 x 1 1/4" SHCS ----- Rod Wiper Polypack 4 1/2" x 5" x 1/4" Wearband Rod Backing Plate Weldment Polypack 4 3/4" x 5 1/2" x 3/8" Piston Cylinder Housing Weldment 15 14 17 For Item 14 Only 18 1 2 2nd GENERATION ASSEMBLY NO. BUC5523 5 1/2" U HT BACKU P CYLINDER ASSEMBLY 12502625 12 1 • 25005000 11 1 BUC5528 256 ----- 959-41 25004500 W47500625 BUC5526 37504750 BUC5525 BUC5565 P/N SEAL KIT NO. ASAP2226 BILL OF MATERIALS • 10 1 1 6 • 1 1 4 5 2 1 3 2 • • 1 1 Item Qty. • 12 13 4 11 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 3 10 6 9 16 7 4 REV. # LOG # 11/20/01 DATE REF: S:\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ BUC5500\Cylinder 2nd.wpg 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 5 SEE VALVE BANK ASSEMBLY NOT SHOWN: 6" VALVE ANGLE SUPPORT P/N: 73002-S3 (Welded to Hanger Plate) 3/8"-16 x 3 3/4" HHCS P/N: 1072 3/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 134 OR 1027 (3) REQD. OF EACH 5/8” x 3” HHCS P/N: 204 5/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1151 (8) REQD. OF EACH 1/2"-13 NUT P/N: 1101 1/2" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1103 HANGER WELDMENT P/N: BUC5508 1/2"-13 x 5" HHCS P/N: X2-79 LEG SOCKET P/N: 55043-S1 (Welded to Bottom Tong Plate) LEG WELDMENT P/N: BUC5514 TOP SPRING CAP WELDMENT P/N: BUCS5571 H-PLATE SPRING P/N: BUC4511 LEG SPRING P/N: BUC5515 BOTTOM SPRING CAP WELDMENT P/N: BUC4516-B SPRING RETAINER PLATE WELDMENT P/N: BUC5512 (2) REQD. NOT SHOWN HALO (LOADCELL BRACKET) P/N: BUC4509 SPRING RETAINER PIN P/N: BUC4516-P HANGER ASSEMBLY (INCLUDES ASSEMBLY NO. BUC5511 LEG ASSEMBLY (INCLUDES ASSEMBLY NO. BUC5570 ) ) 5 1/2" UHT BACKUP MOUNTING KIT ASSEMBLY 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. ASSEMBLY NO. MK5500 Page 10 - 7 1 REV. # LOG # 5/08/09 DATE 1 3 1 1 1 55201 1 VA35-AA440 DVG35-HMRV 4 VA35-DA4 VA35-MA4 VA35-TR55 A35-V1526K-8 X2-40 3 X2-45 1103 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8A 9 3 14213 VA35-MOD 1 CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY - MODIFIED VA20-WDA3 BEFORE 04/15/04 WORK SECTION AFTER 04/15/04 INLET VALVE W/O RELIEF RELIEF CARTRIDGE WORK SECTION WORK SECTION OUTLET SECTION A20 8" HANDLE HHCS 3/8"-16 x 3 3/4" (COMPONENT OF KIT P/N: 4 BANK) LOCKWASHER 3/8" (COMPONENT OF KIT P/N: 4 BANK) Description VALVE BANK ASSEMBLY CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY - MODIFIED VA35-WDA4 BEFORE 04/15/04 WORK SECTION AFTER 04/15/04 INLET VALVE W/O RELIEF RELIEF CARTRIDGE WORK SECTION WORK SECTION OUTLET SECTION A35 8" HANDLE HHCS 1/2"-13 x 4 1/4" 3 HHCS 1/2"-13 x 4 1/2" LOCKWASHER 1/2" Description A35 VALVE BANK ASSEMBLY 2 OR 1 1 Item # Qty. Part Number VA20-AA440 VA20-MRV-1 VA20-DA3 VA20-MA3 VA20-TR44 A20-V1526K-8 1072 134 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 VA20-MOD 2 OR 1 1 Part Number Item # Qty. A20 VALVE BANK ASSEMBLY 9 1 8 2 7 7 TONG 3 4 4 9 1 VA20 5 6 VA35 8 OR 8A 3 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. LOG # 08/19/05 DATE Valves\Valve Bank 4 rev4.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ 4 REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 08/19/05 Item 3 - Chg.PN from A35-MRV-1 to DVG35-HMRV; ECN#05-0064. 12/13/04 Item 8 - Chg. Length from 5" to 4 1/4", PN from X2-79 to X2-40. Item 8A - Added Part. Item 9 - Chg. Qty. from 2 to 3. 2 10/21/04 Item 1 - Added VA20-MOD & VA35-MOD for Production after 04/15/04. 1 06/10/02 Item 8 & 9 - Added Part. Rev. Date Description 4 3 7 BACKUP LIFT CYLINDER UHT TONG UHT BACKUP SPECIAL NOTE: IF VALVE SECTION “COMMERCIAL SHEARING” DA-53 IS TO BE SUBSTITUTED, CYLINDER SPOOL MUST BE USED. 1" SUPPLY QUICK DISCONNECT PILOT OPR. CK. VALVE (SUN) CKEBLBNBCCS A-20 / A-35 DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE W/ DA SECTION A-20 / A-35 DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE W/ SA SECTION MANUFACTURE STARTING 12/29/03: REPLACED W/ DA SECTION IF LOAD HOLDING VALVE IS NOT USED, 1 PORT IS PLUGGED LIFT CYLINDER COMMERCIAL A-20 / A-35 DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY WITH 4 BANKS (DA, SA, WDA, & MA) AND RELIEF VALVE CARTRIDGE AFTER 12/29/03 WITH 4 BANKS (DA, DA, WDA, & MA) AND RELIEF VALVE CARTRIDGE A-20 DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE MODIFIED W/ WDA SECTION PERMANENTLY SHIFTED BEFORE 04/15/04 P/N: 55201 AFTER 04/15/04 P/N: VA20-MOD AFTER 05/2006 LOGIC VALVE ASSY. P/N: 86049 OR A-35 DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE MODIFIED W/ WDA SECTION PERMANENTLY SHIFTED BEFORE 04/15/04 P/N: 14213 AFTER 04/15/04 P/N: VA35-MOD AFTER 05/2006 LOGIC VALVE ASSY. P/N: 86049 PILOT OPERATED DUMP VALVE W/ OPTIONAL SOLENOID ACTUATOR (SHOWN IN DUMP POSITION) VA20 Valves use P/N: 58058 VA20 Valves use P/N: 58058-S VA35 Valves use P/N: 2070 145 PSI CHECK VALVE DOOR SWITCH (NORMALLY CLOSED) CAM VALVE (SHOWN IN DOOR OPEN POSITION) P/N: SLV1000-01 1 1/4" TONG MOTOR RINEER GA15 SERIES 21 CUBIC INCHES DISPLACEMENT RETURN QUICK DISCONNECT A-20 / A-35 DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE W/ MA SECTION BASIC HYDRAULIC SCHEMATIC UHT TONG UHT BACKUP NOTE: NUMEROUS FITTINGS, HOSES, & NIPPLES ARE NOT ILLUSTRATED IN THIS SCHEMATIC 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 10 - 9 4 REV. # LOG # 02/07/08 DATE REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ BUC5500\Hyd Sch rev4.wpg UHT TONG UHT BACKUP SPECIAL NOTE: IF VALVE SECTION “COMMERCIAL SHEARING” DA-53 IS TO BE SUBSTITUTED, CYLINDER SPOOL MUST BE USED. 1" SUPPLY QUICK DISCONNECT STD. MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY P/N: BUC7699 STD. MANIFOLD BODY P/N: BUC7699-S1 FLOW DIVIDER / COMBINER VALVE P/N: 17-B3P0-002 P.O. CHECK VALVE P/N: 17-B3P0-004 A-20 / A-35 DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE W/ DA SECTION P GAUGE P/N: BAC-3M25RCFF A-20 / A-35 DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE W/ DA SECTION IF LOAD HOLDING VALVE IS NOT USED, 1 PORT IS PLUGGED LIFT CYLINDER COMMERCIAL A-20 / A-35 DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY WITH 4 BANKS (DA, DA, LOGIC, & MA) AND RELIEF VALVE CARTRIDGE PILOT OPERATED DUMP VALVE W/ OPTIONAL SOLENOID ACTUATOR (SHOWN IN DUMP POSITION) VA20 Valves use P/N: 58058 VA20 Valves use P/N: 58058-S VA35 Valves use P/N: 2070 145 PSI CHECK VALVE DOOR SWITCH (NORMALLY CLOSED) CAM VALVE (SHOWN IN DOOR OPEN POSITION) P/N: SLV1000-01 LOGIC VALVE ASSY. P/N: 86049 1 1/4" TONG MOTOR RINEER GA15 SERIES 21 CUBIC INCHES DISPLACEMENT RETURN QUICK DISCONNECT A-20 / A-35 DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE W/ MA SECTION BASIC HYDRAULIC SCHEMATIC UHT TONG & UHT BACKUP 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 MANUFACTURE BEGINNING 02/2007 NOTE: NUMEROUS FITTINGS, HOSES, & NIPPLES ARE NOT ILLUSTRATED IN THIS SCHEMATIC THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 10 - 10 REV. # LOG # 02/07/08 DATE REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ BUC5500\HS wManifold.wpg 3/4"-10 x 8 1/2" HHCS P/N: 1184-A WITH 3/4" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1171 (2) REQD. OF EACH THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. LOG # 11/27/01 DATE BUCD5500\Assembly.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 3/16" x 1 1/2" COTTER PIN P/N: 1005 (4) REQD. FOR TOP PLATE DUBBLER’S ONLY 3/4"-10 x 2 1/4" HHCS P/N: 1174 3/4" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1171 (8) REQD. OF EACH TYP. TOP & BOTTOM PLATE GAUGE P/N: BAC-3M25RCFF GAUGE PROTECTOR P/N: BUCS5505-S1 (Welded to Top Plate) 3/4" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1171 3/4" COARSE NUT P/N: 1176-A (4) REQD. OF EACH (For Bottom Plate) 3/4"-10 x 9 1/2" HHCS P/N: 1256 (4) REQD. (For Top Plate) 1/8" NPT ZERT P/N: 1001 (2) REQD. FOR TOP PLATE OR 1/8" NPT FLUSH PLUG P/N: 1607 (2) REQD. FOR BOTTOM PLATE 1 1/4"-12 JAM NUT P/N: 1219 FOR BULKHEAD CONNECTOR P/N: BUCST7623 (2) REQD. OF EACH 1/2"-13 x 1" HHCS P/N: 1110 1/2" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1103 (For Loadcell) 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DRILL PIPE BACKUP ASSEMBLY NO. BUCD5500 3/4" FLUSH PLUG P/N: 1610 (2) REQD. 1/8" NPT ZERT P/N: 1001 (2) REQD. DUBBLER P/N: BUCD5520 (2) Welded to Top Plate (2) Welded to Bottom Plate GARLOCK BUSHING 24DU24 P/N: 72025 (4) REQD. Pressed into Top & Bottom Plate under Dubbler’s 3/4"-10 x 1 3/4" HHCS P/N: 1173 3/4" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1171 (8) REQD. OF EACH TYP. TOP & BOTTOM PLATE 1/8" NPT ZERT P/N: 1001 (2) REQD. TOP PLATE (2) REQD. BOTTOM PLATE ZERT PROTECTOR P/N: CLEBU9602-S10 (2) Welded to Top Plate (2) Welded to Bottom Plate 1/8" NPT ZERT P/N: 1001 (2) REQD. SIDE PLATE P/N: BUCD5522 MFG. AFTER 09/19/02: SIDE PLATE WELDMENT P/N: BUCD5522-01 (2) REQD. CYLINDER ASSEMBLY P/N: BUCD5524 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DRILL PIPE BACKUP OUTSIDE DOOR ASSEMBLY INSIDE DOOR ASSEMBLY CYLINDER GUIDE P/N: BUCD5503 TYP. TOP & BOTTOM NOT SHOWN: INSIDE DOOR WEDGE P/N: BUCD5506 LOG # 03/15/07 DATE BUCD5500\Assy woPlate rev2.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ 2 REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 3/8"-16 x 3/4" HHCS P/N: 1046 3/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1027 (20) REQD. EA. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. OUTSIDE DOOR WEDGE P/N: BUCD5505 SPACER P/N: BUCD5510 (8) REQD. LOAD CELL TAIL WELDMENT P/N: BUCD5521 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DRILL PIPE BACKUP TOP VIEW WITHOUT TOP PLATE LOG # 03/15/07 DATE BUCD5500\Top View woPlate rev2.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ 2 REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 ACCESSORY COMPONENT OF HANGER ASSEMBLY HALO (LOAD CELL BRACKET) P/N: BUC4509-08 3/8"-16 x 3/4" HHCS P/N: 1046 3/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1027 (2) REQD. OF EACH DOOR SWITCH BASE P/N: 59106 NOT SHOWN: THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. SELF LUBRICATED VALVE (N.C.) ORIG. SPOOL WITH VENT P/N: SLV1000-04 1/4"-20 x 2 1/4" HHCS P/N: 110 1/4" NYLOCK NUT P/N: 212 (4) REQD. OF EACH 1/4"-20 x 1/4" SET SCREW P/N: 1008-B POLYPACK P/N: 37504750 PISTON P/N: BUC5525 GLAND P/N: BUC5528 POLYPACK P/N: 25004500 ASSEMBLY NO. BUCD5524 SEAL KIT P/N: ASAP2226 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 1/2"-13 x 1 1/2" SHCS P/N: 1106-A (2) REQD. OUTSIDE DOOR WEDGE P/N: BUCD5505 DIE CLIP P/N: BUCD5514 (2) REQD. REAR JAW CYLINDER HOUSING P/N: BUCD5507 INSIDE DOOR WEDGE P/N: BUCD5506 3/8"-16 x 3/4" SHCS P/N: 1040-A (4) REQD. GLAND P/N: BUC5528 5/8"-11 x 1 3/4" SHCS P/N: 1154 (4) REQD. (Use Removable Loctite) 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DRILL PIPE BACKUP CYLINDER ASSEMBLY 1/2"-13 x 1 3/4" SHCS P/N: 1107 (2) REQD. 3/16" x 1/2" ROLL PIN P/N: 1005-A (4) REQD. ROD & BACKING PLATE WELDMENT P/N: BUCD5504 LOG # 03/16/07 DATE BUCD5500\BUCD5524 Cyl rev1.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ 1 REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 POLYPACK P/N: 12502625 BACKUP RING P/N: 8-231 POLYPACK P/N: 25005000 WEARBAND P/N: W47500625 WIPER P/N: 959-41 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 INSIDE DOOR ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY NO. BUCD5536 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 10 - 15 REV. # LOG # 03/19/07 DATE REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ BUCDT5500\BUCD5536 Door I.wpg 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 OUTSIDE DOOR ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY NO. BUCD5535 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 10 - 16 REV. # LOG # 03/16/07 DATE REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ BUCDT5500\BUCD5535 Door O.wpg 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.1 1.2 12 1.4 1.5 11 31 32 6 5 10 19 22 23 24 18 29 30 16 17 6 18 22 23 24 16 17 BOTTOM VIEW 19 18 13 20 2 1 26 27 25 3 22 23 24 16 21 ASSEMBLY NO. BUCDT5500 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DRILL PIPE BACKUP FISHTAIL ASSEMBLY NO. BUCDT5501 1.3 4 9 28 16 21 4 110 4 212 35 36 LOG # 03/16/07 DATE BUCDT5500\Assembly.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 1/4"-20 x 2 1/4" HHCS 1/4" NYLOCK NUT NOT SHOWN IN THIS ILLUSTRATION NOT A COMPONENT OF BUCDT5500 DOOR SWITCH BASE N.C. CAM VALVE ASSEMBLY THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 1 59106 1 SLV1000-04 33 34 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DRILL PIPE BACKUP TOP VIEW WITHOUT TOP PLATE 3/8"-16 x 3/4" HHCS P/N: 1046 3/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1027 (2) REQD. OF EACH LOG # 03/21/07 DATE BUCDT5500\Top View woPlate.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 DOOR SWITCH BASE P/N: 59106 NOT SHOWN: THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 1/4"-20 x 2 1/4" HHCS P/N: 110 1/4" NYLOCK NUT P/N: 212 (4) REQD. OF EACH SELF LUBRICATED VALVE (N.C.) ORIG. SPOOL WITH VENT P/N: SLV1000-04 1 1/4" x 3 7/8" DOVETAIL STRIP DIES DTI1601 - 1/2" Thick DTI1601D - 1/2" Thick Diamond DTI1622 - 9/16" Thick DTI1632 - 5/8" Thick DTI1642 - 11/16" Thick DTI1661 - 13/16" Thick DTI1662 - 1 1/4" Thick DOVETAIL DIE ADAPTERS P/N: BUDT55-02375 2 3/8" P/N: BUDT55-02875 2 7/8" P/N: BUDT55-03125 3 1/8" P/N: BUDT55-03375 3 3/8" P/N: BUDT55-03500 3 1/2" P/N: BUDT55-03625 3 5/8" P/N: BUDT55-03750 3 3/4" P/N: BUDT55-03875 3 7/8" P/N: BUDT55-04000 4" P/N: BUDT55-04125 P/N: BUDT55-04250 P/N: BUDT55-04500 P/N: BUDT55-04750 P/N: BUDT55-04875 P/N: BUDT55-05000 P/N: BUDT55-05125 P/N: BUDT55-05250 P/N: BUCX55005500 4 1/8" 4 1/4" 4 1/2" 4 3/4" 4 7/8" 5" 5 1/8" 5 1/4" 5 1/2" 3/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 134 (4) REQD. 3/8"-16 x 3/4" BUTTON HEAD CSX P/N: 1061 (4) REQD. 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DRILL PIPE BACKUP DOVETAIL DIE ADAPTER 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 10 - 17 1 REV. # LOG # 01/18/08 DATE REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ BUCD5500\Die Adapter DT rev1.wpg 5/8"-11 x 3" HHCS P/N: 204 5/8" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1151 (7) REQD. OF EACH 1/2"-13 NUT P/N: 1101 1/2" LOCKWASHER P/N: 1103 HANGER WELDMENT P/N: BUCD5608 1/2"-13 x 5" HHCS P/N: X2-79 LEG SOCKET P/N: 55043-S1 (Welded to Bottom Tong Plate) LEG WELDMENT P/N: BUC5614 TOP SPRING CAP WELDMENT P/N: 59065 LEG SPRING P/N: BUC4515 H-PLATE SPRING P/N: 14208 BOTTOM SPRING CAP WELDMENT P/N: BUC4516-B SPRING RETAINER PLATE WELDMENT P/N: BUC5512-01 (2) REQD. NOT SHOWN HALO (LOADCELL BRACKET) P/N: BUC4509-08 SPRING RETAINER PIN P/N: BUC4516-P HANGER ASSEMBLY (INCLUDES ASSEMBLY NO. BUCD5600 ) LEG ASSEMBLY (INCLUDES ) ASSEMBLY NO. BUC5570-01 5 1/2" LOCKJAW™ DP BACKUP MOUNTING KIT ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY NO. MK5550 Page 10 - 18 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 2 REV. # LOG # 04/29/03 DATE REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ BUCD5500\Mounting Kit rev2.wpg 1 159 1 292 7 8 1 7 8 4 DRILL F/ 1/8" COTTER PIN 1/2" FROM END 2 1101 6 BUCT5510 BUCT5511 BUCT5513 SMH1501-U 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 2 2 2 BUCT7638 1/2" COUPLING LINK ASSEMBLY NO. MKBUCT5500 6 2 1 1 5 3 4 2 Part Name TOP SPRING CAP WELDMENT BOTTOM SPRING CAP WELDMENT COMPRESSION SPRING 1/2"-13 NYLOCK NUT 1/2"-13 x 4 1/2" HHCS TONG LEG WELDMENT Item # Qty. Part Number Part Name 1 1 BUCT7637 1/2" CHAIN 6 LINKS BUCT7635 5 Item # Qty. Part Number 1 1 BUCT5502 2 1 BUCT5503 3 1 BUCT5507 4 3 1087 5 3 X2-45 6 1 BUCT5514 BUCT5501 TENSION STYLE BACKUP MOUNTING KIT ASSEMBLY 2 3 DRILL F/ 1/8" COTTER PIN AFTER INSTALLING 6 7/16"-14 x 2 1/4" HHCS 7/16"-14 NYLOCK NUT 1/2"-13 NUT REAR SPRING CHAIN RETAINER REAR SPRING CHAIN 1/2 x 6 TURNBUCKLE - JAW END COMPRESSION SPRING Item # Qty. Part Number Part Name 1 1 BUCT5509 REAR SPRING SUPPORT BUCT5512 3 1 1 2 2 1 BUCT5508 BUCT5512 BUCM4017 BUCT7635 5 LOG # 11/08/05 DATE BUCT6250\Mounting Kit.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 4 2 TENSION STYLE HANGER REAR SPRING HANGER ASSEMBLY LOADCELL CENTER PIN BREAK OUT CHAIN ASSEMBLY THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 2 3 4 5 Item # Qty. Part Number Part Name 1 2 BUCT5501 TONG LEG ASSEMBLY MKBUCT5500 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 10 - 18.2 Qty. 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 8 1 2 12 1 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SIDE VIEW BOTTOM VIEW 2 6 9 5 TOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEW 13 12 3 4 1 8 11 10 04/29/03 DATE LOG # REV. # REF: S:\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ BUC6250\Assembly.wpg 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 BACKUP LEG P/N: BUC4502-S11 (3) WELDED BOTTOM PLATE 7 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM,WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 3 ZERT PROTECTOR P/N: CLEBU9602-S10 (4) WELDED TOP PLATE (4) WELDED BOTTOM PLATE 1"-8 HEX NUT P/N: 1210 (4) WELDED BOTTOM PLATE Description LOAD CELL BRACKET BACKING BOLT BACKUP BODY WELDMENT FRONT/SIDE COVER #1 CYLINDER ASSEMBLY FRONT/SIDE COVER #2 CENTER JAW ASSEMBLY BULKHEAD CONNECTOR 1/8" NPT ZERT 1/2"-13 x 1" HHCS 1 1/4"-12 JAM NUT 3/8"-16 x 3/4" HHCS SLOTTED SELF THR. GAUGE 6 1/4" UHT BACKUP BUC4509-08 BUC5556 BUC6201 BUC6202 BUC6204 BUC6207 BUC7632 BUCST7623 1001 1110 1219 1308 BAC-3M25RCFF Part Number 3 1 ACCEPTS DIES: BUC7625XXXX BUCA7625XXXX BB7625XXXX 2 6 ASSEMBLY NO. BUC6204 CYLINDER ASSEMBLY DRILL & INSTALL AFTER ASSEMBLY 9 5 7 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 1 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • WEARBAND P/N:W47500625 • POLYPACK 4 1/2" x 5 x 1/4" P/N: 25004500 • RODWIPER 4 1/2" P/N: 959-41 • Qty. Item THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTYOF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM,WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. • POLYPACK 5" x 5 1/2" x 1/4" P/N: 25005000 • BACKUP RING P/N: 8-231 LOG # 04/30/03 DATE REF: S:\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ BUC6250\Cylinder.wpg REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 • POLYPACK 4 3/4" x 5 1/2" x 3/8" P/N: 37504750 (2) REQD. Description PISTON GLAND RODWELDMENT CYLINDER HOUSING 3/8"-16 x 3/4" SHCS 5/8"-11 x 1 1/4" SHCS DIE RETAINER CLIP SEAL KIT 1/8" x 1 1/4" ROLL PIN • POLYPACK 2 5/8" x 2 7/8" x 1/8" P/N: 12502625 Part Number BUC5525 BUC5528 BUC6205 BUC6206 1040-A 256 CM7656-01 ASAP2226 1011-B ACCEPTS DIES: BUC7625XXXX BUCA7625XXXX BB7625XXXX 3 2 5 1 ASSEMBLY NO. BUC7632 CENTER JAW ASSEMBLY 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 Item 1 2 4 1 1 Qty. SECTION A-A A LOG # 04/30/03 DATE REF: S:\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ BUC6250\Center Jaw.wpg REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 Description CENTER JAW DIE RETAINER CLIP 3/8"-16 x 3/4" SHCS 3/8"-16 x 1 1/2" HHCS 3/8" LOCKWASHER THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM,WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. A Part Number BUC7619-02 CM7656-01 1040-A 1049 1027 Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Part Number 5 4 1 3 2 ASSEMBLY NO. BUC6270 (2) REQD. LEG ASSEMBLY 7 8 Description BOTTOM SPRING CAP TOP SPRING CAP LEG SPRING TONG LEG WELDMENT SPRING RETAINER PIN 1/2"-13 x 5" HHCS 1/2" LOCKWASHER 1/2"-13 HEX NUT ASSEMBLY NO. MK6250 6 1/4" UHT BACKUP MOUNTING KIT ASSEMBLY BUC4516-B 59065 BUC5515 BUC6271 BUC4516-P X2-79 1103 1101 1 2 1 7 7 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 1 Description HANGER WELDMENT H-PLATE WELDMENT LEG SPRING 5/8" LOCKWASHER 5/8"-11 x 3" HHCS LOG # 04/30/03 DATE REF: S:\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ BUC6250\Mounting Kit.wpg REV. # 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 ASSEMBLY NO. BUC6260 HANGER ASSEMBLY Part Number BUCD5608 BUC6210 BUC4515 1151 204 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM,WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. 2 3 2 Qty. Item THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTYOF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM,WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. LOG # 04/30/03 DATE 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 REV. # Page 10 - 23 1 1 1 1 1 i 5 6 7 8 9 E 1/2" x 120" HOSE ASSY. MNPT x FJIC SWVL 1/2" HALF COLLAR 1/2" FLUSH PLUG W/ 1/8" ORIFICE 1"-12 SLOTTED HEX NUT POLYPACK 2 1/8" x 2 1/2" x 3/16" WEARBAND 18702125 ---------- LCR109 1466 LCR107-A 1380 1657 1209 LCR119 QUICK DISCONNECT 1/2" FEMALE SNAPTITE GLAND 24 1 LCR113 1430 CR14938 23 1 2-214 O RING 1"ID, 1 1/4"OD, 1/8"W 1008-A SEAL NP CR14938 1/4" x 1 1/2" ROLL PIN 18 17 DETAIL “A” SCALE: 3X 19 22 D 13 24 16 ASSEMBLY 70" E: F: SPRING HOUSING END CAP P/N: LC101-S3 G: 5 5/16" 21" 40 1/4" D: 5" 1 1/4" B: C: 3 1/2" x 3/4" A: DIMENSIONAL DATA 3 5 DETAIL “B” SCALE: 3X 4 LOG # 04/19/02 DATE LCR\LCR100-B rev1.wpg REF: P:\Manuals\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ REV. # 1 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 34.94 in. STROKE 21 1.50 in. 2.50 in. 3,000 psi ROD O.D. CYLINDER I.D. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE INTERNAL PRESSURE 909 psi 2.854 lbs. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LOAD (SPRING FULLY COMPRESSED) PRESSURE REQUIRED TO LIFT MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LOAD 5.510 in. MAXIMUM SPRING TRAVEL (PRELOAD TO SOLID) SPECIFICATIONS - B B COMPRESSION ROD WELDMENT P/N: LC102 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. SPRING P/N: SMH1501-B SPRING HOUSING P/N: LC101-S1 LIFT CYLINDER F SEE DETAIL “B” C CYLINDER END CAP P/N: LCR105-S1 (Welded to Spring Housing) ASSEMBLY NUMBER LCR100-B 2-226 O RING 2"ID, 2 1/4"OD, 1/8"W 20 1 18701500-375 POLYPACK 1 1/2" x 1 7/8" x 3/8" 1947 2-336 INTERNAL SNAP RING (N-1300-225) i 21 1 i 22 1 7 O RING 2 7/8"ID, 3 1/4"OD, 3/16"W 19 1 i 16 1 i 17 1 i 18 1 ---------1015 15 2 1/4"-20 x 3/8" SET SCREW 14 --- ---------- GLAND CAP 6 20 8 W25000500 LCR106 LCR112 LCR105 P/N 3 13 1 1 23 12 --- ---------- 3/8" STREET EL W/ORIFICE 1 i 4 PISTON 11 1 1 3 CYLINDER ROD WELDMENT HYD/AIR CYLINDER BARREL 3/8" MNPT x 1/2" MJIC ADAPTER 1 2 BILL OF MATERIALS Description 9 2 15 SEE DETAIL “A” 10 10 1 1 1 Item Qty. i SEAL KIT P/N: ASAP100 B 13 11 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 11 - 2 CLINCHER® LOAD CELL AND TORQUE GAUGE ASSEMBLIES The CLINCHER® Tong and Backup are available in versions which accommodate compression load cells or tension style load cells. All information contained in this Technical Manual refers to products which utilize compression load cells. Contact SUPERIOR for information concerning products using tension load cells. Part Number Torque Rating Handle Length Loadcell Type Loadcell Manufacturer Loadcell Part Number Torque Gauge Mfr. Torque Gauge Size Gauge Mount Hose Length Assembly Documentation SM25-31-C for BUC5500 SM25-28-C for BUCD5500 & BUC6250 25,000 ft lbs 31 inches for BUC5500 28 inches for BUCD5500 & BUC6250 Compression SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS CLC200 TOTCO or equivalent 6" “L” Bracket 6 ft. Calibration Certificate CLINCHER® Load cells and Torque Gauges are produced by several manufacturers. The information provided by MD TOTCO or Acadiana Oilfield Instruments may not be applicable to all torque gauges or load cells. This reference information is provided with the permission of MD TOTCO and Acadiana Oilfield Instruments. SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/04 Page 12 - 1 5/16"-18 x 1 1/4" SHCS Use Never-Seez Hand Tight PISTON RETAINER RING LOAD CELL SIZE DIAPHRAGM P/N DIAPHRAGM P/N: SEE CHART 6.44 SQ.IN. CLC203 8.0 SQ.IN. CLC205 12.0 SQ.IN. CLC206 16.1 SQ.IN. CLC207 25.0 SQ.IN. CLC208 HOUSING 1/4" NPT FLUSH PLUG Use Teflon Sealant 5/16"-18 x 1 1/4" SHCS Use Never-Seez Torque to 200 in.lbs. (8) REQD. ON HOUSING 4225 HWY. 90 EAST BROUSSARD, LA 70518 (318) 837-8847 COMPRESSION LOAD CELL THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS AND IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE USED, DISCLOSED, COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING & HYDRAULICS. Page 12 - 2 1 REV. # LOG # 07/03/02 DATE REF: S:\Equip Manuals\Dwgs\ Load Cell Comp rev1.wpg CLINCHER® LOAD CELL AND TORQUE GAUGE ASSEMBLIES To request copy of Compression Torque System Technical Manual, please contact: Superior Manufacturing & Hydraulics 4225 Hwy. 90 East Broussard, LA 70518 Phone: 337-837-8847 Fax: 337-837-8839 SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 11/03 Page 12 - 3 Page 12 - 4 SECTION 13 MOTOR SERVICE MANUALS To request copy of Rineer Motor Service Manuals, please contact: Superior Manufacturing & Hydraulics 4225 Hwy. 90 East Broussard, LA 70518 Phone: 337-837-8847 Fax: 337-837-8839 SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 13 - 1 Page 13 - 2 SECTION 14 VALVE TECHNICAL DATA To request copy of Valve Technical Data, please contact: Superior Manufacturing & Hydraulics 4225 Hwy. 90 East Broussard, LA 70518 Phone: 337-837-8847 Fax: 337-837-8839 SUPERIOR Manufacturing & Hydraulics, Inc. 5 1/2" CLINCHER® UHT Tong and 5 1/2" UHT Backup Revision: 12/01 Page 14 - 1 Page 14 - 2 ">

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Key features
- Open-throat design
- Low friction jaws
- Splined die system
- Constant cam angle
- Die retention method
- Door interlock
- Encoder adapter
- Pressure control valve
- Handles with closed covers