Power Acoustik Gothic Series OV2-300, OV2-400, OV2-520, OV2-820, OV2-1200, OV2-1600, OV4-600, OV4-800 Car Audio Amplifier Owner's manual
Below you will find brief information for Gothic Series OV2-300, Gothic Series OV2-400, Gothic Series OV2-520, Gothic Series OV2-820, Gothic Series OV2-1200, Gothic Series OV2-1600, Gothic Series OV4-600, Gothic Series OV4-800. These amplifiers offer high-performance sound reinforcement for mobile audio equipment. Features include thermal, short, and overload protection; selectable crossovers; bass boost; and adjustable input sensitivity. They are designed for versatile speaker configurations and can be integrated with other audio processors.
Power zus; Owner’s manual GoThyje Serres OV2-300 / OV2-400 / OV2-520 / OV2-820 OV2-1200 / OV2-1600 / OV4-600 / OV4-800 ce INTRODUCTION : | Amplifier provide high-performance sound reinforcement for you mobile audio equipment. It’s versatility enables compatibility with optional Equalizers, Frequency Dividing Network Crossovers, and other audio processors in a customized system. The Multi-Mode bridging capabilities allow flexibility in hosting several different speaker configurations. To achieve optimum performance. it is highly recommended that you read this Owners Manual defore beginning installation, FEATURES * THERMAL / SHORT / OVER LOAD PROTECTION * PEARL SILVER FINISH * 2 OHM STEREO / 4 ORM MONO * PW.M MOSFET POWER SUPPLY * POWER & DISTRESS INDICATOR * SELECTABLE X-OVER HPF / FULL / LPF * 18 dB. BASS BOOST WITH SWITCH SUB (45H2) e VARIABLE HI-PASS AND LOW PASS (40Hz~250hz) * GOLD PLATED TERMINAL STRIPS / RCA JACKS * HEAVY DUTY HEAT SINK e ADJUSTABLE INPUT SENSITIVITY * SOFT DELAYED REMOTE TURN-ON ° LOW LEVEL INPUTS * PHANTOM CHANNEL FOR POWERING CENTER SPEAKER OR SUBWOOFER WARNING High powered audio systems п а vehicle are capable of generating “Live Concert” high levels of sound pressure, Continued exposure io excessively high volume sound levels may cause hearing loss or damage. Also, operation of a mater vehicle while listening to audio equipment at nigh volume levels may impair your ability to hear external sounds such as; horns, warning signals, or emergency vehicles, thus constituting to a potential traffic hazard. In the interest of safety, Consumer Electronics recommenas listening at lower vilume levels while driving. PLANNING YOUR SYSTEM Before beginning he installation, consider tne following: a. If you plan to expand your system by adc ag other components somrtime in the future, ensure adequate space is left, ond cooling requiremenis are met. o. Should you use high or low inputs? Your Amplifier has been designed to accept either High-Level (speaker outputs from your TOCdIO) or Low-Level (Pre-Amp outputs from your radio) signal source. If your radio/source is equipped with Pre-Amp outputs, it is possible to utilize them to drive the Amplifier and connecting (Amplifien to the 2 rear speakers. Then, use the builf-in power of your radio to drive the 2 front speakers. NOTE: DISTORTION LEVEL IS CONSIDERABLY LOWER FROM PRE-AMP (LOW LEVEL) OUTPUTS. THAN SPEAKER (HIGH LEVEL) CUTPUTS. С. Are your components matched? The peak power rating of your speakers must be equal or greater than the Amplifier’s. They also must be 2-8 Ohms limpedance (This information os normally printed on the speaker magnet). а. Consider both the length of your leads, and routing when determining the mounting location, Pre-Amp input Jacks requir a length of high auality shielded male fo male RCA patch cord. MOUNTING YOUR AMPLIFIER [ne mounting position of your Amplifier will have a great effect on its ability fo dissipate the heat generated during normal operation. If has ample heat sink for heat dissipation, and also designed with a thermal shut-down (for heat protection) circuit, making air to be directed over the cooling fins will improve heat dissipation dramatically. DO NOT enclose the amplifier in a small box of cover it so that alr cannot flow around fins. Temperatures in car trunks have been measured as high ds 175'F(B0’c) in the summer fime. since the thermal shut-down point for the Amplifier Is 185’F(85’c) it is easy to see that И must be mounted for maximum cooling capability. To achieve maximum advantage of convection als flow In an enclosed trunk, mount the amplifier in a vertical position, on a vertical surface. Cooling requirements are considerably relaxed when mounting inside "ne passenger compariment since the driver will not aften allow temperatures to reach a crifical point. Floor mounting under the seat is usually satisfactory as long as there Is at least 1 inch(2cm) above the Amplifier’s fins for ventilation. a. Select о suitable location that is convenient for mounting, is accessible for wiring, and has ample room for air circulation and cooling. о. Use the amplifier as a template to mark the Mounting holes. Remove the Amplifier and drill 4 noles. use extreme caution, inspect underneath surface before drilling. с. Secure the Amplifier using the screws provided. -3- WIRING CONNECTIONS | | A. CONNECTING THE POWER (Fig. 1) CAUTION: AS A PRECAUTION. IT IS ADVISABLE TO DISCONNECT "НЕ VEHICLE’S BATTERY BEFORE MAKING CONNECTON TO THE +12 VOLTS SUPPLY WIRING. 4/8 GAUGEChicker if planning for additional Amplifiers) wire is recommended both the power and ground wires. 12 Gauge, for Ме remote ture-on wire. Both types are available at most Mobile Audio Dealers or Installation Shops. (1) GROUND: To Vehicle Chassis To avoid unwanted ignition noise caused by ground loops, if is essential that the Amplifier be grounded to a clean, bare, metal surface of the vehicles chassis. NOTE: GROUND WIRE SHOULD NOT BE EXTENDED MORE THAN 3 FT.(1 METER). (2) +12Volt(Fused) Constant Power: To Battery (+) Due to the power requirements of the Amplifier, this connection should be made directly to the positive (+) terminal of battery. For safety measure, install an in-line Fuse Holder (not included) as close to the battery positive (+) terminal as possible with an ampere rating: not to exceed total value of fuses in Amp. OV2-300:15A /OV2-400:25A/OV2-520:40A/OV2-820:25Ax2/OV2-1200:30Ax2 OV2-1600:25AX3 OV4-600:40A/ OV4-800:25Ax2 (3) Remote Turn-One Input : To Power Antenna output of Car Stereo This Amplifier is turned “ON“remotely when the vehicle's stereo is turned “ON”, NOTE: IF YOUR RADIO DOES NOT HAVE +12 VOLT OUTPUT LEAD WHEN THE RADIO IS TURNED ON, THE “REM” TERMINAL ON THE AMPLIFIER CAN BE CONNECTED TO VEHICLE’S ACCESSORY CIRCUIT THAT 1$ LIVE WHEN THE KEY IS TON” OV2-300/ OV2-400/ OV2-520/ OV2-820 OV2-1200/OV2-1600/ OV4-600/ OV4-800 Remote Tum-ON 5 connected № Road 's power antenna lead of a twlichable + 13V -4- В. VARIABLE LOW-PASS FILTER (40Hz-250H2) For use as a dedicated subwoofer channel. set filter switch to “LPF”. Adjust variable crossover frequency with control as desired. The amplifier inout circuit filters out everything above 40..... 250Hz (dependent on the adjustment of the frequency control), so only the deepest bass notes are amplified. С. VARIABLE HIGH-PASS FILTER (40Hz-250H2) For use as a dedicated mid high rangd channel, set filter switch to “HPF”. The input circuit filters out all frequencies below 40Hz....250Hz. D. BASS BOOST By using the bass boost function the deepest bass notes at 45Hz are emphasized, E. CONNECTING HIGH LEVEL INPUTS (Fig.2) NOTE: DO NOT CONNECT THESE HIGH LEVEL INPUT WIRES It YOU ARE USING THE LOW LEVEL INPUT RCA JACKS. CAUTION NOTE THAT ONLY POSITIVE (+) WIRES ARE USED. DO NOT CONNECT SPEAKER NEGATIVES OV2-300/ OV2-400/ OV2-520/ OV2-820/ OV2-1200/ OV2-1600 CHASSIS GROUND-Blor К LEHE L CH(—)- White Ba MAEINPUT - Ki wirur ee ow on + 4 ste Ц Powerfcoustik RCHIN-Gor | 8 CH(-)-Groy/Mock OV4-600/ OV4-800 CHASSIS GROUND-Black 1 CH(-)-Wilte / Black 3 CH(-)-GREEN/Black 1 CHi+)-White | 3 CH(+)-GREEN O Kl unin — rar o — eer — NT SF aa uo e Pie pea = = LEE ны ii ) © LR © м © ma ==” an. y Pm u | En ) ©... ps us Lati PA = ee ea 2 CH(+)-GRAY 4 CHt+)-VIOLET | 2CH(-)-Groy/Black | | 4 CH(-)-VIOLET/Black Fig 2 -5- F. CONNECTING LOW LEVEL INPUTS (RCA Jacks) NOTE: DO NOT USE IN CONJUNCTION WITH HIGH LEVEL INPUT WIRES. Wire routing is CRITICAL for NOISE FREE PERFORMANCE. Observe the following: 1. Always use high quality RCA type shielded cables. 2. Always use the shortest lenght possible, If the cable is too long, make ап “5” type loop (not a coiled loop) in the center of the cable to take up any excess. 3. Never cut the shielded cable and re-splice it. 4, Never route any Amplifier input cables near or parallel to speaker outputs, high energy ignition wires, or near computer controlled ignition circuit units Computer units may be found behind or under the dash panel in late model cars). POWER INDICATOR LED This METER LAMP will illuminate when the amplifier is turned “ОМ”, If it fails to illuminate, check the power connections to the Amplifier and fuses. PROTECTION CIRCUIT Should the Amplifier be “SHORT CIRCUITED” overloaded or overheated, the protect circuit will “SHUT-DOWN” the Amplifier. CAUTION THIS AMPLIFIER IS DESIGNED TO OPERATE WITH A MINIMUMLOAD IMPEDANCE OF 2 OHMS IN STEREO, OR 4 OHMS IN MONO BRIDGED, MULTI-MODE) CONFIGURATION. SUBJECTING TO IMPEDANCE"S LOWER THAN RECOMMENDED, MAY CONSTITUTE TO POTENTIAL DAMAGE TO THE MOSFET POWER SUPPLY. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS ON SECTION. “WIRING CONNECTIONS” FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. INPUT SENSITIVITY (LEVEL) CONTROL (Fig.3) — In order to achieve maximum signal-to -noise performance, this control adjusts the signal level from your Car Stereo/Source, to match the Amplifier’s sensitivity. №15 NOT a volume control. To adjust, proceed as follows: a. Sef INPUT LEVEL Control at mid-point. b. Listen for audible distortion as you increase the Car Stereo VOLUME control. If none is heard, turn the adjustment level control toward to “MAX” in stages, until fhe onset of audible distortion is heard, then decrease to “MIN” level prior to the immediate point of audible distortion. с. If distortion is immediately heard, turn control fo “MIN” until fhe sound is clear, NOTE: NOT PERFORMING ABOVE ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE AND/OR SIMPLY SETTING THIS CONTROL AT OR NEAR “MAX” POSITION, MAY INDUCE ELECTRICAL AUDIO NOISE INTO THE SYSTEM. OV2-300/ OV2-400/ OV2-520/ OV2-820/ OV2-1200/ OV2-1600 he rm — o : PowerEcoustik Sensitivity Control OV4-600/ OVA-800 LOIS ura — rr — vor — OE ate phe pis pai SL AA u; ss in Pm]. © a © Fa ws dp pei deg EA = u m S) en cL ina — lo ва © ta -@ pa ae pu rm nie ale aa e EE ——— OT —— i —— AA ii Power ZÆcoustik Sensitivihy Control CONNECTING THE SPEAKERS OV2-300/ OV2-400/ OV2-520/ OV2-820/ OV2-1200/ OV2-1600 (A) STEREO MODE POWER INPUT SPEAKER obrrur © Л + Il - 2 ng LEFT CHANNEL и ОНТ CHANNEL 2.4 Qian 2-4 Ohm (В) MONO MODE CoA Î ols = CE POWER INPUT speanen OUTPUT © N SUB WOFEN -8- (C) TRI MODE TRI MODE OPEATIONAL OUTPUT allows a Crossover (Subwoofer) to be operated in MONO mode while the main speakera are playing in Stereo, Leave the Crossover (Subwoofer switch on “Full” position. Use a 100 Volt, non-polor capacitor for a high pass crossover and a wire coil (inductor) to block high frequencies from the Crossover (Subwoofer) as shown in the figure below. Capacitor and inductor values as written in the below determine the crossover frequencies. The front and rear channels of this amplifier get this capability. Only the rear left and right channels are shown below, IBDLCTOA LOW PAGS FILTER ÂPE Ald ER OÍ RIGHT CHANNEL +4 Ohm Regn PALS TG COMPONENT VALUES FOR 6dB PASSIVE CROSSOVER FREQUENCY | INDUCTOR | CAPACITOR | 80 Hz 7.5 mH 470 uF | 100 Hz 6.5 MH 330 UF | 120 Hz 5.5 mH 330 = 150 Hz AmH 220 uF | «Du Model: OV4-600 /OV4-800 (A) 4 CHANNEL MODE O O Fuse = IN FF г — © — Ken m + 10H - + 3CH - + жен - 1 = DEE did vil E © POWER INPUT reat OUTPUT < € -Л | м | | | © 5% ji (| 2.4 one m DE A ,5$, (B) 3 CHANNEL MODE — Sao li MONO, 5 3) Г. = + ttn = + ICH = <РЕАНЕЙ OUTPUT (< E д BHIDGE |“ | d Ohm = ! rt U (C) 2 CHANNEL MODE Sib O = ГЕ мне. =! var © Es AN + sie 2 +нн- + CH +ach- a > Ale E © POWER INPUT | N SPEAITER OUTPUT С E fl BRIDGE z E BAIDSE éOhm | FT к -10- (D) 6 CHANNEL MODE INGUETGA LA PAGS CI CABECITOA TT HICK DES ALTAR Ian a NE И O ES L nr [= ruse TR Rn смо чи зн - эн | Sa = STRUCT Cc uu POWER INPUT IPEAKER OUTPUT sch — “ee | Г mice PAR ALTER . о | 20H fi | 4.9 Onn = LEFT + WCCFER 1 Il в От = COMPONENT VALUES FOR 6d8 PASSIVE CROSSOVER FREQUENCY INDUCTOR | CAPACITOR 80 Hz 7.5 MH 470 uF 100 Hz 6.5 MH 330 UF 120 Hz 5.5 MH 330 UF 150 Hz à mH 220 UF -11- TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE | | SYMPTOMS CHECK POINTS CURE In fhe power Check fuses in amplifier. NO SOUND METER LAMP Be sure Turn-on lead is connected iuminated? Check signal leads. Check gain control, Check Tuner/Deck volume level. Clean contacts on fuse holders. Is the Diagnosic Check for speaker short or LED illuminated? amplifier overheating. AMP NOT No power to power wire Repair power wire or connections. SWITCHING ON No power to remote wire with receiver on Check connections to radio. Fuse broken Check fuse NO SOUND Check Speaker Leads Inspect for short circuit or an IN ONE open connection. CHANNEL Check Audio Leads Reverse Left and Right RCA inputs to determine if if is occurring before the amp. AMP Check speaker load Be sure proper speaker load TURNING OFF impedance impedance recommendations MEDIUM/HISH are observed, VOLUME (If you use an onmmeter to check speaker resistance, please remember that DC resistance ana AC impedance may not be the same.) PROTECTION Temperature shutdown Tum radio down LAMP ON Speaker wires short circuit Separate speaker wires and insulate -12- : WARNING | Investigate the layour of you automobile thoroughly before drilling or cutting any holes. Take care when you work near the thanks, lines, or hydraulic lines, and electrical wiring, Don't mount this system so that the wire connections ate unprotected are subjectto pinching or damage from nearby objects. The + 12V DC power wire must be fused at the battery positive terminal connection. Before making or breaking Dower connections at this ststem power ferminals, disconnect the +12 V wire at the battery end. Confirm your radio/cassette player and/or other equip is turned off while connecting the input jacks and speaker terminals. If you need to replace the power fuse, replace it only with a fuse identical to that supplied with the system. Using a fuse of different type or rating may result in damage to this system which isn’t covered by the warranty. -13- "FDILON LNOHLIM JONVHD OL 1903F9N5 JUV SNOILY9111934$S ONY SI4N IV 13 gvexseiixsoe | sezxsetıxvı | зехзеихее | svzxsziixs's [SZ TXT LL XSZ | мэм GX HX м Uosueuuig | Z X WOE EX WST vor VS | VS | osn4 suyo 001 SWUO OO | $40001 SUUO 001 SWUO 001 2167 UBIH eounpedu| SuyO MOL | SWUO OL SUYO MOL suyO OL SUYO OL | 18487 MOT indu! ALT'0 AL-ZO AL-ZO AL-2'0 ALTO эбуюз AJAHSUSS эст ру _ ZHOSZ-ZHOP ZHOSZ-2HOr ZHOSZ-2HOP ZHOSZ-ZH0P | ZHOSZ-ZHOV 141 | ZHOS2-2HOP ZHOSZ-ZHOP ZHOGZ-ZHOP | zuosezHor | zmaszzmor | 2 ddH | ZHMOZ-2H0Z 2H08-2HO7 2HA0Z-2H07 ZHMOZ-2HOZ ZHAOZ-2H0Z | 8POL + esuodsey Ácuenbaly | apss< [| gpss< gpss< 3255< | apss< UONDIDASS [SUUDYD | | gp Ló< EZ gP/6< gpl6< — PL6< OJD?) 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Key features
- High-performance sound reinforcement
- Thermal/Short/Overload protection
- Selectable X-over (HPF/Full/LPF)
- 18dB Bass Boost
- Variable Hi-Pass and Low-Pass Filters
- Multiple Bridging Modes
Frequently asked questions
The amplifier accepts both high-level (speaker outputs from your radio) and low-level (pre-amp outputs from your radio) signal sources.
Proper mounting is crucial for heat dissipation. Mounting vertically on a vertical surface in an enclosed trunk is best. Inside the passenger compartment, allow at least 1 inch (2cm) above the fins for ventilation.
The protection lamp indicates a short circuit, overload, or overheating. Turn the radio down and investigate the cause.
Start at the midpoint, increase volume, and adjust the input level control until you hear distortion, then decrease slightly until the sound is clear.