VANK AVY £ Varispeed-520B INSTRUCTIONS STATIC DC ADJUSTABLE SPEED DRIVES TYPE CDMR-L5 FOR NON-REVERSING DRIVES TYPE CDMR-D5 FOR REVERSING DRIVES Upon receipt of the product and prior to initial operation, read these instructions thoroughly, and retain for future reference. YASKAWA MANUAL NO. TOE-C715-3F The Varispeed-520B is a medium capacity Leonard Drive thyristor conversion unit designed for use with high class variable speed drives. This manual explains basic correct operating procedures for the Varispeed-520B. For operations other than those covered here, refer to separate instruction manuals for guid- ance. Read this manual thoroughly before operation, and always follow correct operation proce- dures. Keep this manual in a safe place with easy reference for maintenance, inspection and other problems. 0. es id a 678-128 TYPE CDMR-L5. | 678-5151 460 V, 200A General Precautions - Some drawings in this manual are shown with the protective cover or shields removed, in order to describe detail with more clarity. Make sure all covers and shields are replaced before operating this product. . Any illustrations, photographs; or examples used in this manual are provided as examples only and may not apply to all products to which this manual is applicable. * This manulal may be modified when necessary because of improvement of the product, modification, or changes in specifications. Such modifications are denoted by a revised manual No. - Contact your YASKAWA representative listed on the back of this manual to order a new manual whenever this manual is damaged or lost. Please provide the document number listed on the front cover of this manual when ordering. + Contact your YASKAWA representative listed on the back of this manual to order new nameplates whenever a nameplate becomes worn or damaged. + YASKAWA is not responsible for any inodification of the product made by the user, since that will void your guarantee. NOTES FOR SAFE OPERATION. Read this manual thoroughly before use of Varispeed-520B. In this manual, NOTES F OR SAFE OPERATION are classified as “WARNING” and “CAUTION”. AX WARNING Ax CAUTION : Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result-in death or serious injury to person- nel, - Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avodied, may result in minor or: moderate injury to personnel and damage to equipment. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. Even items described in| /\ CAUTION | may result in a vital accident in some situations. In either case, follow these inportant notes. INSTALLATION Л, CAUTION product catalog and manuals. - The installation environment must meet the environmental conditions given in the Failure to observe this caution may result in electric shock, fire, or faulty operation. * Install products correctly according to the instructions. Improper installation may result in accidents or malfunctions. * Lift the VS-520B by the base. Otherwise, the main unit may be dropped, causing damage to the unit. WIRING /\ WARNING * Wiring must be performed by qualified personnel. - Mistakes in wiring can cause electric shock or a fire. Л, CAUTION * Main circuit external terminals use bar type connections. Cover live connections when being installed. Failure to observe this caution may result in electric shock. TEST OPERATION А WARNING * Do not touch terminals under current conditions. There is danger of electric shock. . Never touch the thyristor cooling fin during or immediately after operation. Failure to observe this warning can result in a burn, personal injury, or electric shock. /\ CAUTION + The bottom part of the Varispeed-520B is equipped with a cooling fan. Never touch the fan during operation. Failure to observe this caution can result in personal injury. MAINTENANCE /\ CAUTION * Do not disassemble or assemble the VS-520B other than as described in this manual. Electric shock or faulty operation may occur. - Turn off the power during parts replacement. Failure to observe this caution may result in electric shock or faulty operation. « Be sure the model, rating and specifications match when replacing parts. Replace- ment should be carried out within the time specified for each part. Failure to observe this caution can result in burnout or faulty operation. DISPOSAL /\ CAUTION When disposing of this unit, handle as general industrial waste. CONTENTS NOTES FOR SAFE OPERATION RATINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. wt esc ene вв ево о ооо ооо ово вовюное 2 WIRING cccccccccccscscccieccccccccscccectecscsesscecsccsssceessecicuccees 6 TEST OPERATION <srceecccsccceccsccsccccccsscceeccsessscescccuseees 6 ADJUSTMENT ---..... note ebecccceeesccccenscescccessceseescceeeccsenes 10 MAINTENANCE ---- ное нео ооо ооо оо во оо sonne nnassunnnnnnnnne 15 SPARE PARTS cccccrccecececcececscvcecccsceccscscecasssseceseseves 21 DIAGRAMS --.---- ++ оао оо ево nennen ernennen nn nennen 22 APPENDIX — cccceccscccucccccsccccepecccccssccesceses sense 26. IMPORTANT NOTICE * Never make dielectric voltage test because of electronic packaged unit. - If insulation resistance test is required; make it with special care, refer | to the page 5. - Do not remove or insert front panel of the unit and fuse cover while power is applied to the equipment. * Do not tamper with check terminals and switches on front panel while in operation. RATINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS RATINGS (Refer to Tables 1 and 2.) Table 1 VS-520B Type CDMR-L5 Non-Reversing Drives Power Supply Cooling | Nominal Rated Nominal Rated Code No. Method | Voltage V Current” A (Dwg. No.) 3 Phase = 230 80 EPJ00422X 200 EPJ00423X им 6 255 V Fan 230 300 EPJ00425X 20/60 Hz 500 EPJ00427X 80 EPJ00446X 200 EPJ00424X hae an 0/60 He. Fan #90 800 EP J00429X 900 EPJ00430X 1500 EPJ00431X 1650 EPJ00444X Table 2 VS-520B Type CDMR-D5 Reversing Drives Power Supply Cooling | Nominal Rated Nominal Rated Code No. | | Method | Voltage У Current* A (Dwg. No.) — 230 80 EPJ00432X ee 200 EPJ00433X 50/60 Hz Fan 230 300 EPJ00435X 200 EPJ00437X 80 EPJ00447X 200 EPJ00434X aan 500} EP Tooas5x "50/60 Be Fan 160 800 EPJ00439X 900 EPJ00440X 1500 EPJ00441X 1650 EPJ00443X * The nominal rated currents are defined as class A described in JEC 188 (JEC---Standard of Japanese Electrotechnical Committee). For various rated currents according to duty class, see "Appendix" Asymmetrical inverse-parallel thyristor convertors and available upon request for rated currents 800A or above. - For antiparallel connected reversing drive with circulating-current control and reversing drive with contactors, refer to separate instructions. TYPE DESIGNATION OF VS-520B CDMR-LJ5, V, T° О: Reversing drives Nominal rated volta ge Nominal rated current | Non-reversing drives BLOCK DIAGRAMS CVS-520B drives include @ Control Board and В Thyristor Module, see Figs. 1 and 2. Modul: OCR EXT UVR EXT RESET RESET N i ' р $] É THYRISTOR MAIN POWER ° ? COOLING SUPPLY THYRISTOR ¡ LOW VOLTAGE eae 1 4 230/460 У COOLING ı SIGNAL ОС. OL SIGNAL FAN POWER ® CONT BD; suprLy: | | | ® THYR MDL 27 | ——, OCR OPN CHK] 17 [st ммм FAULT IND q INPUT INTERNAL cooumel 52 tI, RESET FAN 9 1 PT и г? O= ra ¿el eb- N N TRANS ] | | NTROL ] POWER SUPPLY R,S,T | 200/20 V DE | FAULT FUSE | 200 - 20V # “4 | oc [ | or BLOWING A |surce 50/60 Hz u ABSORBER зим t <_< р ‘ A pa ACCT CURRENT FEEDBACK * р 4 IHR rn = ТЕВ +3 V/100% | GATE BLOCK A de: LT Fée HV SEL GATE He 34 CURRENT ___ | | {oe REFERENCE > | +1- И Lath PAPA mn | SIGNAL -3 V/100% _ /| + 50 > а LIM PS SURGE ABSORBER HR CURRENT CONTROL CUR LIM PS BIAS _ 29. L 39 _ P _ . AN. | ¿ GATE PULSE AN ELIMINATION №----------- 4 COUNTER ELECTROMOTIVE N DC MOTOR FORCE COMPENSATION -3V/100% * Arm fuse for rated currents 800 A or above Fig. 1 Type CDMR-L5 Single Converter OCR EXT UVR EXT RESET RESET N ı THYRISTOR. THYRISTOR $ COOLING MAIN POWER SUPPLY -— COOLING > FAN POWER — CT РАМ POWER + Low VOLTAGE ! TEA ' SUPPLY SIGNAL OC: ol SIGNAL SUPPLY f f 230/460 У ® CONT BD io. a FO 1. tof ot | ® THYR MDL | a | в OPN CHK|!6 | sı ммм | | oy FAULT IND | INPUT», [INT RESET 52 ; » Pr 7 — es | : EOS, H SURGE | } ? Î ABSORBER TRANS Vf i À FAN CLG FUSE! CONTROL 200/20 V FAULT FAN BLO ; POWER SUPPLY HA] WING HH UV oc OL 200 -.220 У RS 7 | | 50/60 Hz , ’ 8-X р +12V | J . ore | + > ACCT Ti CURRENT FEEDBACK | ! | ТЕВ +3 V/100% [42-45 НУ SEL GATE BLOCK | FORWARD GATE SIGNAL | CURRENT ____|29 I Fr — _ REFERENCE > = HE ES -3V/100% _ 130 Fin НЕЕ = | na FORWARD + FWD CURRENT D CUR CONTROL | +1_ 14 + LIM rn Ho 27 + 1 > вы 1 REVERSE | | Le CURRENT {sr — | e— REFERENCE - al 4 HE | PS BIAS GATE Е +3 V/100% 36 Al | SIGNAL = REVERSE CURRENT CONTROL 147 | REV PULSE LIM CONTROL SURGE ABSORBER | = 40 __ JN N ! | br ooo ÓN ne --- 4 COUNTER ELECTROMOTIVE GATE PULSE - FORCE COMPENSATION ELIMINATION DC MOTOR Construction of VS-520B units corresponding with their control methods and nominal ratings are shown in Figs. 3 to 5. . Parts list is given in Table 12. Fig. 2 Type CDMR-D5 Double Converter TYPE CDMR-L5, 230/460V, 80-500A Control Board Provides with Hinge and Thyristor Module Has Semi-Plug in Construction, UNIT CHASSIS THYRISTOR 200/220 V THYRISTOR FUSES MODULE T CHANGEOVER SWITCH (M10 NUT) TT CONTROL CONTROL CIRCUIT TRANSFORMER FUSE CHECK Blowing of Fuse Can e Checked with METER _ Front Cover Opened) ee EXTERNAL TERMINALS - CHECK _. “FRONT METER Ра THYRISTOR MODULE MTG BUS (STACK SEMI-PLUG IN MTD) M10 BOLTS "+ THYRISTOR COOLING FAN UNIT (OPTL) CHK. TERM - SURGE ABSORBER PROTECTING FUSES SURGE ABSORBERS PANEL SETSCREWS CONTROL BOARD (NON- REV) COVER SET SCREWS | FUSE IN DIC ING _ COVER FUSE COVER Fig. 3 Single Converter Unit SET SCREWS TYPE CDMR-D5, 230/460V, 80-500A Control Board Provides with Hinge and Thyristor Module Has Semi-Plug in Construction. THYRISTOR MODULE MTG BUS (STACK SEMI-PLUG IN y MTD M10 BOLTS UNIT CHASSIS 200/220 VC У CONTROL CHANGEOVER SWITCH THYRISTOR FUSES (M10 NUT) THYRISTOR MODULE — CONTROL CIRCUIT FUSE CONTROL (Blowing of Fuse Can TRANS FORMER Be Checked with Front Cover Opened) EXTERNAL TERMINAL CHECK METER CHECK METER aw THYRISTOR COOLING FAN UNIT (OPTL) SURGE ABSORBERS CHK SURGE ABSORBER TERM — PROTECTING FUSES PANEL SET SCREWS CONTROL BOARD (REV) COVER SET . SCREWS vat FUSE BLOWING INDICATOR FUSE COVER FUSE COVER : SET SCREWS Fig. 4 Double Converter Unit CONTROL CIRCUIT FUSE (Blowing of Fuse Can Be Checked with Front Cover Opened) TYPE CDMR-D5, 460V, 800-900 A Control Board Provides with Hinge and Thyristor Module Has Semi-Plug in Construction. MODULE T CONTROL _— CONTROL POWER CHECK À SUPPLY CHANGEOVER SWITCH CONT BD UNIT CHASSIS THYRISTOR EXTERNAL TERMINALS Sh we SURGE ABSORBER | CHECK FRONT METER THYRISTOR MODULE COVER MTG BU (STACK SEMI-PLUG IN MTD) 10 BOLTS CHK *~ THYRISTOR COOLING T FAN UNIT (OPTL) THYRISTOR FUSES SURGE ABSORBER FUSE BLOWING PROTECTING FUSES INDICATOR PANEL SET SCREWS COVER SET SCREWS FUSE . FUSE COVER SET SCREWS COVER Fig. 5 Double Converter Unit THYRISTOR MODULE MAIN CIRCUIT W INPUT TERMINALS DC OUTPUT 678-5155 TERMINAL Fig. 7 Main Circuit Input Terminals. and DC Output Terminals Shortcircuited Fig. 6 Converter Unit with Front Cover Opened CAUTION — When any of the VS-520B components is required with insulation resistance tests, follow the procedures below. DO NOT APPILY WITHSTAND VOLTAGE TESTS TO ANY OF THE COMPONENTS * Open the front cover by loosening the two cover set screws. See Fig. 6. ‹ AMBIENT CONDITIONS > Install VS-520B units where the following condi- tions are satisfied. - With all the gate wires on the thyristor module (screwed terminals with G-K indications) dis- connected, and the gate leads and the cathode leads shorted, wrap the exposed parts with in- * Ambient temperature: between -10 and +40°C * Absence of corrosive liquid or gas in the sulating tapes to separate the main circuit from neighborhood the control circuit. DO NOT APPLY INSULA- ‚ Altitude: 1000 m max above sea level TION RESISTANCE TESTS TO THE CONTROL | CIRCUIT, . ° The.atmosphere contains no excessive dust or *. Short circuit all the main circuit terminals on iron powder the thyristor module with clips. Now, no vol- ‚tage difference can be measured across the main AC input terminals (U, V, W) and the DC output terminals (P, N). See Fig. 7. There is no harmful vibration The frequency of inspection will depend on the atmospheres in which it is located. If adverse environment, it is better to inspect the unit too frequently to keep the reliability. In performing inspections, refer to Table 10, Measure the resistance between the main circuit and the ground with a 500 V megger. The normal resistance is 2 MQ min. WIRING VS -520B is in general used as a component in a system of industrial plant. Wiring, therefore, should be made in accordance with the interconnec- tion diagram for entire system. TEST OPERATION PREPARATION Before applying power to the VS-520B. * Disconnect all the connectors for. the pulse amplifier power supply on the thyristor module, Fig. 17.on page 16. (The gate circuit is opened.) * Disconnect the leads between DC outgoing ter- minals (P. N) and motor terminals. See Fig. 10. Note: If the above precautions are not observed, there is a danger of the VS-520B conduct- ing abnormally large current during tests due to the phase difference between the main AC supply and the control power supply, or to defects in the pulse ampli- fier power supply. Checks Before Applying Power * With connections around VS-520B Use special care when checking the wiring and the impedance of the main circuit (terminals U, V, W), optional field magnetic circuit and the feedback circuit. * Inside the VS-520B cabinet Check external wiring terminals for loose con- nections, the thyristor module for correct mounting, and all components for dust deposits. Applying Power Measure the main circuit and control circuit sup- ply voltages on the input side of the VS-520B, The voltages between lines shall be within the values shown below. Main circuit voltage: 170 to 255 V for 200 V class, 340 to 510 V for 400 V class Control circuit voltage: 170 to 220 V at 50 Hz, 187 to 242 V at 60 Hz FAULT INDICATOR LAMPS OC, OL, UV Turn the 200/220 V changeover switch to match the measured voltage of the control circuit. For 210 V or more, turn the switch to "220 V" and. CHECK TERMINALS Checks With Power Applied 1, Measure the supply voltage again. 2. When the main circuit and the control circuit are connected to different power supplys, com- pare the phase relationship between the two supplys with a synchroscope. (The VS-520B operates properly regardless of the phase rota- tion direction.) After applying power to the VS-520B, carefully check for any abnormal odor, smoke, spark, noise, etc. 3. Direction of air flow of thyristor cooling fan For units equipped with a thyristor cooling fan, check the fan for proper operation and. for air flow direction. (Norinally, air must flow up- ward.) On the indication plate on the front of the fan of a VS-520B above 1500 A in rated current, an arrow mark (¢) indicating the air flow direction is printed. 4. Operation of under-voltage relay As soon as power is applied to the control cir- cuit, the "ПУ" lamp on the front cover lights. Depress the RESET button (black) and see that the lamp goes out. For VS-520B with a self reset circuit, the re- set operation is not required. 5. Overcurrent (OC) and overload (OL) relays Check the OC and OL relays as follows. : Turn the potentiometer OC CHK fully clock- wise. - Depress the CHK button (red) and see that the OC and OL lamps light. | - Turn the potentiometer OC CHK to the 0 posi- tion and depress the RESET button to extin- guish the OC and OL lamps. When the voltage of CHK 10 (Non-reversible type) and CHK 14 (Reversible type) is 0 V, the check circuit is positively open. ОУ TERMINALS FOR EXTERNAL INSTRUMENTS CHECK METER RANGE SELECT SWITCH PHASE SHIFTER CHECK INPUT SELECT SWITCH (UNLOCK BY PULLING) OVERCURRENT CHECK INPUT BUTTON (RED) et et for the voltage less than 210 V, turn to "200 V." Where the main and control circuits share the same power supply, follow the measured voltage WARNING: Inadvertent shorting of terminals results in serious damage. RESET BUTTON (BLACK) of the main circuit. The applied voltage of the 400 V class should be one half of the measured voltage. Apply power to the VS-520B only when all the above conditions are satisfied. RHEOSTATS (ADJUST WITH DRIVER) MEASURING CLIP 8 Front Panel Arrangement Fig. Measurements are possible with external instru- ments, utilizing the check terminals. Use an instrument with an internal impedance of 50 kf min. 0 V and the appropriate check terminal. Connect it between the terminal marked Check Control Signals Make the checks given in Tables 3 and 4 using the checkers installed on the front cover. For pre- cautions in using the checkers, refer to Fig. 9. Table 3 CDMR-L5 (Non-reversing Type) For the start interlock circuit, refer to Table 9. Check items Check Meter indicated Remarks terminal range voltage a CHK6 CHK6...+12 V Stabilized power supply CHK7 45 V CHK7...-12 V. — Non-stabilized power supply | CHK8 45 V CHK8...+27 V _ (+20% -fluctuation) CHK9 CHK9...-24 У Current controller input CHK1 15 V -3 to -7.5 У To be set within this range (I LIM) Current feedback CHK2 3 V оу 3 V at 100% current | Start interlock circuit locked -1 V* (Connection between terminals (7 and @8) removed) Current controller output CHK3 15 V ох Start interlock circuit released, current reference: OV +8 V Start interlock circuit released, | current reference: increase Phase shifter check input CHK4 15 V -4 to +9 V Adjustable with potentiometer PS CHK Phase shifter input CHK5 15 V -1.5 to -9 V * — OC check input CHK10 15 V +2.5 to +12 У Adjustable with potentiometer OC CHK Table 4 CDMR-D5 (Reversing Type) Check Meter Indicated Check items Remarks terminal | range voltage q; CHK 10 CHK10..+12 У Stabilized power supply CHK11 45 V CHK11..-12 V — Non-stabilized power supply CHK 13 45 V CHK13..+27 У —_ (+20% fluctuation) CHK 12 CHK12..-24 V Forward current controller CHK1 15 V -3to0-7.5 V Input signals are negative input To be set within this range Backward current CHK2 15V | -3to-7.5 V Input signals are positive controller input Current feedback CHK3 3 V оу 3 V at 100% current | Start interlock circuit locked -1 V* (Connection between terminals @ and @) removed) Current controller output CHK4 15 V ох. Start interlock circuit released, current reference: OV +8 V Start interlock circuit released, current reference: up Phase shifter check input CHK5 15 V -4 to -9 V Adjustable with potentiometer PS CHK Phase shifter input CHK6 15 V -1.5to-9V — OV With current on Zero current detection CHK7 15 V +9 V Zero current 0 V During backward run Forward pulse amp. power CHK8 45 V ‚supply +25 V During forward run оу During forward run Backward pulse amp. CHK9 45 V power вирр-у +25 У During backward run * When the current controller gives proportional control, negative voltage corresponding to the gain appears. CHECK METER (CLASS 2.5 DC VOLT- METER, +15 V) METER RANGE SELECT SWITCH When the measured voltage exceeds the 9 V, switch to the next range. (The pointer does not move above the 9 V line.) ОУ TERMINALS FOR EXTERNAL INSTR UMENTS CHECK TERMINALS They are shown with Y marks on the connection diagrams on page 22-25, Confirm that the fault indicator lamps are off. Switch to RUN. Fig. 9 Cautions in Using Checkers NO-LOAD VOLTAGE OUTPUT TEST When the control circuit is confirmed ready for operation, perform a no-load voltage output test ‚аз follows, using the phase shifter input selector switch PS CHK. With this test, the operation of the phase shifter and the tested, Before Applying Power l. To re-establish the initial condition, recon- nect all the connectors on the thyristor module POWER If abnormal ripple waveform is observed, check the gate pulse waveform between the terminals G-K to determine whether the phase shifter or the thyristor is defective. THYRISTOR COOLING FIN CHECK TERMINALS (CHI - CH5) POWER BOARD E THYRISTOR GATE POWER ss WIRING (G - K) AMPLIFIER iR SOURCE ci CONNECTORS | (1 - 9) mul 678- 5166 Rated Current 500 A or less CHECK TERMINALS (CHI, CH2) THYRISTOR GATE WIRING previously disconnected in preparation for the AMPLIFIER (G - K) control circuit checks. (See Fig. 10.) SOURCE CONNECTORS | TOR 2. Keep the DC outgoing terminals P and N open. (1-9 FIN 3. Connect a synchroscope to the DC outgoing terminals P, N on the thyristor module to con- firm unit output voltage. The check terminal numbers to be selected for connection for measurement differ by models. For correct terminals, refer to the connection diagrams on Figures 30 to 33. > Set the phase shifter test input select switch PS CHK on the front panel to the TEST posi- tion. (In order to prevent inadvertent tripping, the switch is provided with a locking mecha- nism. Set the switch lever-to the TEST side, first, slightly pull the lever.) 5. Turn the potentiometer PS CHK (for CDMR- D5, CHK IN) fully counterclockwise. Applying Power Confirm that the gate pulse suppression circuit (39-15 for CDMR-L5, 40-19 for CDMR-D5) is opened. 1. Confirm that a negative voltage carrying uni- formly spaced ripples appears as output. 2. Confirm that the output voltage gradually goes positive as the potentiometer PS CHK is turn- ed clockwise. 3. With CDMR-D5 (reversing), change the current reference from negative to positive, and con- firm that the same waveform is observed with both the forward and backward converters. POWER BOARD 678-5197 Rated Current 800 A or more Fig. 10 Thyristor Module Type NPSB-X NO-LOAD TEST OPERATION The VS-520B power converter is designed for use in speed control, voltage control, and current control systems. Here, its use in speed control systems is mainly described. The VS-520B includes the current minor loop. The major loops are designed upon request, and standard B2 modules will comprise them. In a no-load test operation, observe the following precautions. * The motor should be disconnected from the driven machine for the test in order to prevent an accident. - When there is no means for disconnecting the machine from the motor, fully confirm that the machine can be driven without any danger. If the machine does not permit reverse drive, measures should be taken to eliminate all possi- bility of driving the machine in the reverse direction. | Before Applying Power . Close the main circuit that has been left open. - Confirm that the motor and the driven machine are in a condition permitting operation. . Where a DC tachometer generator is used, make a previous no-load test operation of the speed control circuit with the loop open, before start- ing actual no-load operations. (In this case, make preparations for measuring the detection voltage of the DC tachometer generator with a: multimeter. ) No-Load Operation (For the system with DC TG) Where an AC tachometer generator is used, per- form a no-load test operation by following the pro- cedures described on page 9. meter generator is used, perform a previous check before the no-load test by the following pro- cedures below to check the direction of rotation of the motor and the speed feedback polarity. 1. Set I LIM (with CDMR-D5, I LIM F and I LIM R) to the 0 setting.. . When no abnormality is found on the motor and driven machine, turn on the power supply switch. | . Raise the speed reference voltage slightly. . After making sure that the motor is ina posi- tion at which its starting time is exactly ob- servable, turn I LIM slightly clockwise (with CDMR-D5, turn I LIM Е in response to a for- ward run command). . When the motor starts, turn I LIM fully counter-clockwise to the 0 graduation. During this process, confirm the rotating direction of the motor. | | . Slowly turn I LIM clockwise again, and quickly check the polarity of the feedback signal when the motor started to run. Turn I LIM back to the 0 setting. . After confirming the motor rotating direction and the feedback polarity as above, turn off the power supply switch, and rewire to make sure that negative feedback signals are gene- rated. . Reset the speed reference voltage at zero. 9. 10. Set the I LIM at the nominal value, Table 7. Raise the speed reference voltage gradually. Where a DC tacho- 12. Closely adjust the relationship between the speed reference voltage and the motor speed by adjusting the tachometer generator feed- back, referring to the elementary diagram of the system. 13. Change the speed reference voltage widely with sudden changes to confirm that the control system does not cause hunting. In this case, confirm also that all the control signals are approximately at the levels shown in Tables 5 and 6. 14. Turn off the power supply switch. No-Load Operation (For the system with AC TG) After confirming the following conditions, operate the: motor without load. : No abnormality is found on the motor and driven machine. - The potentiometer I LIM is set at the specified position, and the speed reference signal of the system is 0 V. 1. Turn on main and control circuit switches. 2. Make the VS-520B drive system ready for Operation. 3. Raise the speed reference voltage gradually. 4. When no defect is present in the motor and VS-520B, increase the speed reference voltage to the maximum value. 9. Closely adjust the relationship between the speed reference voltage and the motor speed by adjusting the tachometer generator feed- back, referring to the elementar y diagram of the system. 6. Change the speed reference voltage widely with sudden changes to confirm that the control sys- tem does not cause hunting. In this case, con- firm also that all the control signals are ap- proximately at the levels shown in-Tables 5 and 6. 7. Turn off the power supply switch. Table 5 Indicated Voltage (CDMR-L5) tt Check items neck Sarat Voltage Remarks Current feedback | CHK2 3 V 0 to +3 Y Varies with no-load current.- +3 V at 100% load current. Varies with motor speed. +4 V or so * at 100% speed. Current controller output О to +5 V CHK3 | 15V Table 6 Indicated Voltage (CDMR-L5) If the motor does not start when 1 LIM is turned clockwise to some extent, or if the motor starts with excessive noise, set I LIM back to 0, turn off the power supply switch, and check the motor again. 11, When no defect is present in the motor and VS- 520B, increase the speed reference voltage to the maximum value. Ch | Check | "METER Forward and eck items terminal SCALE" Reverse Runs Indicated voltage Current feedback CHK3 3V. 9 to +3 V - Current controller с Converter Inverter HK4 15V output 0 to Me V O to +3 V * Where current is only proportionally controlled (with counter emf compensation), the voltage becomes nearly 0 at 100% speed. t Where current is integrally controlled, the voltage becomes nearly 0 at 100% speed when the counter emf compensation function is utilized. LOAD TEST ADJUSTMENT Perform test operations in accordance with the All the adjustments described in this section have separate operation manual. been made by our technical service engineers. 1. Couple the driven machine to the motor. (A final setting list shall be submitted. ) When the control board i is s replaced, check the potentiometers with Е in Table 7 (non- reversing type) or Table 8 (reversing type). 2. After confirming that no abnormality is found on the driven machine, and that the speed set- ting is 0, turn on the power supply switch. 3. Carefully observing the conditions of the load machine, gradually raise the speed reference ADJUSTMENT ITEMS voltage, and confirm that the motor and the load machine rotate correctly. There are the following two control boards, one for non-reversing operation and the other for reversing operation. | Control board for CDMR-L5 (non-reversing type): JPDC-C020 Control board for CDMR-D5 (reversing type): JPDC-C021 Table 7 Potentiometer Adjustment on Control Board JPDC-C020 (non-reversing type) Refer to Fig. 9 for approx. mtg. locations. Adjustn t . ce . usen Code Function or name Adjustment _Specification method ; = ¿Cue DN Na Aa av о DIME Cu “(O Limit val ¡e increases += 3V/10 ae ERSTE = ea ads es UO paar eee ae 100 LOR aes BG rents ae a OFF SET ADJ Ena Control ‘offset Adjusted before shipping _ad justment_ PE py a SS Re a De } gh ESS. Be ote ER % pa | RR Ne ve as у tee LFB + CS renee : CRE | E = Biinere : Е та E -а LOTUS 1 € x in : ae ee = 5 cas ER $. rent. controller. Le ee es > = Ka == PS ace jain ajusten A à SCG An incre La BERS g SE eS Kan Independent from centred - + voltage ( » voltage (- a to EE у) Mo E Be a qe т EME Cor a y cs < on: N Ze ES ся E TRIER a re EEE E ОВ rege Fone Po yee LUE EM SOSE Re be Ys ae CE С OG APN increases. 0: : hee |. padjustments ss: en LA ae YE BEER IE ES x ae IS ARANA o = = EI = tenti AS «Phase, shift a me Co Potentiometer BS: ;B eh a Bt eae Ss м " a EN E Palos he a “Ki osition | a E eee Bee % OS oe ee g re TIME: . ine) u REN rt rs y y Overcurrent relay test OC CHK input O Input increases Variable over 2.5 to 12 V . : 4,7 ; ; Phase lag angle adjustment Standard: 4 ‘Ka Gate pulse difference adjusted : 1PSR-6PSR : Correction of phase un: o . Replacing of PS filter : within +2%el before shipment resistors difference . Ä m) (by solderi Gate pulse width nor te nulse Gate pulse width adjusted to y sordering adjustment gare P 40 to 60°el before shipment the pins) width unge Е Es (Standard: SE КЯ Se a 040.807 STE A Be el 5 RER E lo Value a aa a [Set range 108 ОИК | 0119,80 of ene ae ee isn ard: BE AE et y cs E та ER Soe IR Replacing Sn т ес m bil : + Rn capacitor On polarised те oa que re (by soldering - : oe Stender pd: QO EZ mea ER the pins) na ne ‚ор и 110 19, 100;aec р eS eee ES One IE an 10 ace): > Nu en er El ce oe [Short circula «whet-u using à ort PS ee + E sE р Ve р о а Е ward eho Е pro | Short:cike: Has pas - RR ut [or 11 vireuiting ae Е tio tio па бог таков Е Standa nd; En na ; Bro- + = ‘Ope enfor\p Erz ee : az SS © ei oa Jumper = de [cont trol 3 2h oe : = Ben a = pen a EEE а А. a Bins US E LA re le ре en, ac’ AB Pita Hea $9U ET eS Le oe ER ER ре cifi E A Jone one bee Vee m Selector | | switch (not on Cu . 200V: 210V max.. | - [Turn the knob according to board) 15\ 200/220 У selection 220V: Less than 210V control power supply voltage. See Fig. 3. * When control! board is replaced, set to approx. dial positions. 10 15 35 1 2 — — 13 4 1817 — — 110 98— — 21 fo} ELLI | [le] 19/ 2) SCO а BOT TE = 201 H | 9..--9 & © > coo o or & о: .. @ per GS D-..:.9 999 O@ MS orc uve E] 10€ Bu ® ® Bor OL TIME-D @— oc cux CHI® 06% OL% OL TIME / co PS CHK | im POFES F Ди KIPP = OC CHK LJ 29] | (7RH) = 1—6PSR bum pl 88 Da Lim to re C cri PSCHK = 09-7] S BIAS , alle = СЕ? 4R Fig. 11 24 a oe PPI IF GAIN Type JPDC-C020 | eee Ñ A (D—PS BIAS OFF SET ADJ 69 — 74R TLIMR 1 AA A LADO: CEMF C 1CC 2CC / OPP ван) По 1R GAIN La 120R 1 LIM 3] (Jorr2 CEMF IFB D - P2 CH17 © ZERO CURR DET”| O [Jove I GAIN 1FB (7) —106в ILIM A-E | 41 m J ESE] a 198R E] na 421 5] ef TI dd En 18 | 37 38 — — 4950 34— —5051 52 53 — — 59 60 Check Points for PCB Replacement (17 Points) Table 8 Potentiometer Adjustment on Control Board JPDC-C021 (reversing type) Refer to Fig. 10 for approx. mtg. locations. Adjustment : | ae method Function or name Adjustment Specification un Е : : 100%, le Current control offset ieee ore shipping adjustment (paint-locked) a 3 een x TRIGA ¡INS 4 ie on O Q ret x re Tindependent from control - + PS CHK Phase shifter test t input “voltage и >. voltage (-4 to 2 +9V) ERE: eer ae I 25 : me Be Co Snsation | Sg a MEE Sore EN. Engatio: Potentiometer | Ble ONE aie i en a u 7 Overcu A TE En BERN sn es QUE Deal N Overcurrent relay test . Variable over +2. 5 to +12 V OC CHK input O. pa ‘псгеазев ‘independent of control 109 to 114R | Phase lag angle adjustment |Standard: 1.5 kN Gate pulse difference adjusted of PS filter (Lag: +3°el/k 2) within +2°el before shipment 115 to 120R Gate pulse width Standard: 22 ki Gate pulse width adjusted to Replacing adjustment {Change width +2°el ко) 40 to Sorel welore shipment resistors ge ее € trippi 25 Standard: ES Wa Ae : “value вене ne o (Setirange. 210% UV: SE (by soldering TE ee BR EEE A POS a a EOS Coben: 22 % the pins) и и : =; na alo at RL 4 (Settings eh ex 112 eo а 300, K ce На НЕ . (Hy sie Fsis.width:;2 Replacing т Mi ntc a old ADS: capacitors fy ith 10 [eee y capacitor os (by soldering the pins) SE > wer es oe eh, eer Short-circ uit jumpers 200/220V. Selector switch (not on board) Gee Figs. 4 and 5 ni RUE er | nt :€ current limit à ~circ cuit E Pee Hliselections 5 cuit te “3: a yes Current ¢ controller prop her CEE cuitefor e en Ee т 2%] control selection << Monel Contd Be REN Current: controller” EP fF ee Se hr ae Oe оперой selection 5 Sa leder nen МЕРЕ: £ CEME compensation: fe re Eee Pai ia "control: q ida ae : = — : — =" = ne “Stan ee se TA BEN ‚Shortseirgun’for = E rere FN А e alcontrol o? eee Made Ae omp Sensation. RE ER Curren nt: feedback ee | сотрейваной for: pareve EE Pe Res à ‘int EN nes re es hort ele a и о DA + | Open according: tos: Be: At AGS es ER see ifications ie SE PPR ce nn de we BEER oe E E Cos a ; a ri AIG le % eh RE TSO he Deck м ES Es = a = = |. > ES ñ os Ces: ¿200/2201 OVE y SITE oo o o ee : “res Heure a = he me, * When control board is replaced, set to approx. dial positions. Fig. 12 Type JPDC-C021 Check Points for PCB Replacement (30 Points) 11 ADJUSTMENT METHOD Where detail of adjustments in Tables 7 and 8 is necessary, refer to the followings. Overcurrent Relay These set values are determined as to give com- plete protective coodination on the basis of system design data and the relay is factory set. If the set values are subject to change, consideration must be given to the load conditions and thyristor ratings. 1. Overcurrent Setting (Instantaneous trip value) ‘Setting range: Full CCW turn: 100%, Full CW turn: 400% (+3 V/100%) Normally, in practice, the overcurrent trip value is set around 1.25 times the current limit value (I LIM), to prevent malfunctional operation by current ripples, etc. ‘Setting method: (in preparation, turn the OC% knob fully clockwise) i. Depress the OC CHK button (red) on the front cover. (The check input voltage is retained. ) ii. Measure the terminal voltage at CHK 10 (for non-reversing type) or CHK 14 (for reversing type), and adjust the potentiometer OC CHK until the measured voltage reaches pick up voltage specified in the customer require- ment (6 V for 200%) iii. Turn carefully the potentiometer counter- clockwise, or release OC CHK button to open the check circuit. The OC indicator lamp goes out. iv. Turn the OC CHK fully counter=clockwise, or release OC CHK button to open the check circuit. The OC indicator lamp goes out. 2. Overload Level (Overload current trip value) and OL TIME (trip time) -Setting range: OL %: Full CCW turn: 100%, full CW turn: 300% OL TIME: Shortening by CCW turn, lengthening by CW turn. For operation characteristics, refer to Fig. 13. «Setting method: To set the overload protection relay to suit the required specifications, pro- eeed as follows. - Guide to overload protection setting When the overload detection level, max. per- . missible overload level, and the time between detection and tripping are respectively to be set at 150%, 200%, and 20 sec: Max. permissible overload (K) = 200%. Overload detection level (Ko) = 150% Then, K - Ko = 200% - 150% = 50% In Fig. 13, for an overload of 50% and a trip delay time of 20 sec, OL TIME scale reading of '3'" is given (rough setting). Fine setting is made as follows: i. li. iii. iv. vi, vii. Turn on the main and control-circuit switches. To measure CH 3 voltage, remove the front cover. (Turn off the power supply switch.) Note) When checking the operation only, the front cover need not be removed. With the main and control power supplied, set the OL% so that the CH 3 voltage reaches a level corresponding to 150% load (-3 V x 1.5 = -4.5 У) Depress the OC CHK button, and set the OC CHK potentiometer so that the CHK 10 (CHK 14) voltage corresponds to 200% load (+6 V) Depress the RESET button (black), and confirm turning off the OL indicator lamp. Depress the CHK button, and measure the time until the OL indicator lamp lights, with a stopwatch or your watch. Measure several times and adjust with the OL TIME until the trip delay time becomes 20 sec. After measurement, turn the OC CHK knob fully counter-clockwise to positively open the OC CHK circuit. Y 10]. Pe A A == 3 6 OL TIME TEL CALIBRATION = ~ =] 10 | 50 100 OVERLOAD (К - Ko} (%) Fig. 13 Overload-trip Time Characteristics PS BIAS (Phase Shifter Bias) Adjustment This adjustment is for determining the trip refer- ence point for the phase shifter. -Setting range: Full CCW turn: 150° el, full CW turn: 80° el at 50/60 Hz -Standard setting: For current controller proportional control: With the current reference voltage 0, turn PS BIAS clockwise, until the main circuit current starts to flow. The position immediately before the current start is the set value. For current controller integral control: With the current refererice voltage 0, adjust it until the gate pulse position becomes 150° el. (To prevent ‘motor rotation at creep speed under controller temp. drift.) CEMF C (Counter Electromotive Force Compensation) Adjustment In the current loop, counter electromotive force acts as a disturbance. In order to obtain optimum performance, a compensating electromotive force has to be biased on the phase shifter, depending on the control mode. 1. For proportionally controlled current controller ‚The optimum value is determined from the value of motor acceleration current (current limit value) as observed on a synchroscope. (The condition described in''No-loadOperation" on page 9 is desirable.) 1. First, turn the CEMF C fully countér- clockwise. ii. Turn the CEMF C clockwise until the acceleration current comes to show a curve as shown in Fig. 14 on the syhchro- scope screen. SYNCHROSCOPE SCREEN ADJUST THE SWEEP SPEED ADAPTED TO THE MOTOR ACCELERATION TIME TO BRING THE CURVES TOA CONVENIENT POSITION. MOTOR ACCELERATION CURRENT Fig. 14 Adjustment of CEMF C 2. For integrally controlled current controller Do not make any compensation when the motor is driven in one direction only. For a motor driven in both directions, the dead time in reversing the driving direction is short- ened by the compensation to the time as in the case: of proportinal current control. Make adjustments as follows. i. Turn the CEMF С fully counter-clockwise to run the motor at the highest speed. ii. Observe the voltage at CHK 4. Ш. Observe the voltage at CH 16, for forward motor rotation, or at CH 17, for backward motor rotation, and turn the CEMF C knob gradually clockwise until the observed voltage becomes equal to the voltage measured in procedure ii. above, refer to Figs. 9 and 10. O LIM (Lead restriction of angle of delay) | Adjustment The control lag angle («a angle) should be prevent- ed from leading excessively to eliminate misfiring or the loss of gate pulses. This angle lead is fur- ther limited in reversing control by the inverter voltage (to be determined by the KIPP pulse posi- tion). Standard setting: Reversing control: 30° el Non-reversing control: 20° el KIPP (Lag restriction of angle of delay) Adjustment Where the motor is driven only in one direction, this adjustment need not be required. However, where the motor is driven in both directions, if the phase control angle lags excessively in the inverter function range, commutation failure and other serious accidents may be caused. The set- ting value is determined during the system design, with consideration of the following items. ‘Voltage lowering at the power supply and the rated motor voltage. ‘Commutation overlapping angle : Thyristor turn-off time ‘Gate pulse unbalance angle (Standard setting: 150°el ) 13 14 OFFS Е, OFFS В (Offset adjustment for reversing type) Adjustment To adjust the offset, including the offset of exter- 2. Reverse drive adjustment nal circuits, proceed as follows. 1. Forward drive adjustment (release the start interlock) ‘Connect a 10 kQ resistor across the 107R by clipping. -Turn the current reference to a negative vol- tage. Then the output of the reversing logic circuit will be kept on positive hold regard- less of the current reference value. ‘Insert a 10 К resistor in the space for 106R and connect it across 106R by clipping. Change the current reference to a positive voltage vaule. The circuit is held on the reverse side. ‘Turn the current reference to 0 V, and adjust the OFFS R (8RH) until the voltage at CHK 4 becomes 0. . Ве sure to disconnect the 10 kN resistor after adjustment. "Change the current reference to 0 V, and. turn the potentiometer OFFS F (7RH) until the voltage at CHK 4 becomes 0. EXTERNAL ADDED SEQUENCE CIRCUITS - Be sure to disconnect the 10 КО resistor after adjustment. Check the functions by referring to the submitted drawings. Table 9 Function of External Sequence Circuit For wiring, use only twisted wires, less than 5 m in length. Terminals Non- Functions Reversible Cautions reversible JPDC-C020 | JPDC-C021 Interlock circuit (Start interlock) | 65 To be connected to the system to make the control circuit operative only when the start conditions are satisfied. When the VS-520B alone is to be tested, short the terminals shown at the left. Gate pulse elimination (Elimination of the pulses while the main circuit is- open) When these terminals are shorted, gate pulses are eliminated. External trip | © © | circuit (Ext. | J | Y gate block) Or OP When these terminals are Shorted, an ext. gate block is applied. (Delay time: 2 ms max.) Reset circ uit OC (Cleaning falut When this circuit is not used, short-circuit these terminals. for display) memory) UV -24 V power supply (Ext. A ес Separate power supply for dis- power source play during control power fault Reset circuit (Elimination of fault memory) Reset by short-circuiting these terminals +24 V power Supply (Ext. +AV +AV power source © o for display) Separate power supply for dis- play during control power fault SURGE ABSORBER FUSE MAINTENANCE PERIODIC INSPECTION Make careful inspection at regular intervals, at least once a month, by referring to Table 10. Table 10 Check List for Periodic Inspection Points to be checked Corrective action Remarks Cooling fan . Undue noise Check for foreign Guide for replacement intervals (Optional) - Abnormal vibration matter and remove For rated currents from 200 to 900 A if any. Every 30000 hours . For rated currents 1500 A and 1650 A Replacement of motor bearings every 20000 hours Air filter - Dust clogging If half of effective - Washing every 3 to 6 months (Optional) area is choked with (depending upon operating conditions) dust, washina . Replace with new filter, when washed solution of detergent. about ten times. High speed ‚ Set values Replace with new one To provide positive operation at relay (OC, OL) (Operate on front cover) . Trip values if it does not operate correctly. emergency. Others Dirts and dust accumulated Hand tools left in the equipment Bolts or nuts not loosened * Clean by means of suction type device. - Dust and dirts on thyristors and cool- ing fins deteriorate heat dissipation, and increase insulation resistance, Fig. 14. - Special locking means are provided for nuts to fix thyristors and busbars. Surge absorber fuse (Check on front cover) . White-blown indica- tor Replace in reference "Replacing surge absorber fuse on page 17. - Long term operation with blown-fuse may injure thyristors. Thyristor fuse (Check.on front cover) White rod indicator Refer to Table 11. Type CDMR-L5 Fig. THYRISTOR FUSE 1-3 FU 678-5171 Blowing Indication | Thyristor fuse: With the fuse blown, stick inside fuse appears. Surge absorber fuse: With the fuse blown, white point appears. THYRISTOR MODULE THYRISTOR DRAW OUT DIRECTION FRONT COVER FUSE 1-6 FU SURGE ABSORBER THYRISTOR F USE COOLING = FINS - 0 678-518 FAN COOLING AREA Type CDMR-D5 15 Fuse Locations DC OUTGOING BUS POWER BOARD AC POWER INCOMING BUS TYPE CDMR-D5, 800 to 900 A Fig. 16 Ventilating System Viewed from Bottom of the Unit 15 16 PARTS REPLACEMENT "CAUTION" It is essential that the apparatus be isolated and proved dead. Prior to fault parts replacement, be sure to remove possible causes, Replacing Thyristors To replace thyristors, dismount the thyristor module and place it on the work bench. Screw wrenches for M8, M10, and M12, and a socket wrench for M10 are required. 1. Unscrew the panel lock screws and Swing open the front panel. (Figs. 3 to 5) 2. Remove the connector for the PS power supply as shown in Fig. 17. | (If the connector is not readily removable, lift up the board slightly with a screw driver, tak- ing care not to damage the board.) 3. Loosen the mounting and connecting nuts for the thyristors (Fig. 18) and remove the thy- ristor modules as shown in Fig. 19, 678-5183 Fig. 17 Connectors for Pulse Amplifier *Loosen the nuts only slightly. (M8, M10, M12) MOUNTING PLUG 678-5164 Fig. 18 Semi-plug-in Stack 4. Unscrew the clamp nuts with a socket wrench. (See Fig. 20.) TYPE CDMR-L5, 300 A Handle with care so as not од. г. ’ 10 damage components. 678-5173 Weight: 80 - 500A modules: 12 kg max. 800 - 1650 A modules: 8 kg max. Fig. 19 Dismounting Thyristor Modules SOCKET WRENCH. CLAMP NUT SPRING (M10) POWER BOARD SIDE The thyristor type and polarity are engraved on this side. Type: iTH-A (Anode of thyristor 1TH) THYRISTOR The thyristor type and polarity are engraved on this side. Type 1TH K (Cathode of thyristor 1TH) THYRISTOR CLAMP NUT 678-5207 (M10) (b) Rated Currents 800 A or Above Fig. 20 Thyristors and Fin THERMAL JOINT COMPOUND FIN LOCATE PIN CATHODE (RED LEAD) THYRISTOR LOCATE HOLE GATE (WHITE LEAD) (4 MM CRIMP TERMINAL) Fig. 21 View After the Removal of Thyristor 5. Remove the thyristor Clean the joint surfaces between the thyristors and the fins, and apply thermal joint compound thinly on both surfaces. (See Fig. 21.) 6. Replacing thyristors should be obtained from our agents. When two thyristors are to be connected in parallel for nominal currents 1500 A and 1650 A, the two must have a comparable forward vol- tage drop value. 7. Confirm the polarity of the thyristors, and align the locating pin on the fin and the locating hole on the thyristor. (Refer to Figs. 20 and 21.) 8. With the spring and the fin held parallel, tighten the clamp nuts with fingers as hard as possible. Tighten the nuts three times alternately with a socket wrench, 1/4 turn at a time. 9. Insert the thyristor module and the connectors in their respective original positions, and firmly tighten the mounting nuts. NOTE For thyristors with rated current of 900A and 1650A, renewal parts are changed from type 800P 15H, 800A, 1500V (SCR 000166, made by NEC) to type SF 500 U27, 500A, 1600V (SCR 000229, made by TOSHIBA). The new type will be interchangeable with conventional types. If type 800P 15H in which two thyristors are to be connected in parallel is changed to type SF 500 U27, replace the thyristors at the same time. This applies to the thyristor types listed below. Rated, Code | Nominal Nominal Code No Type Voltage Current у NON-REVERSING DRIVES 460V 1650 A EPJ00444x REVERSING 1650/1650 A | EPJ00445X: DRIVES 460V 1650/ 900 À | EPJ00443x Note: Where two elements per thyristor are used, the thyristor should be replaced at the same time. Replacing Fuses, Control Board, and Surge Absorber REPLACING THYRISTOR FUSE When the fuse blows, indicating rod comes out. Unscrew the two M10 mounting screws, and two terminals for blown fuse detection. REPLACING SURGE ABSORBER FUSE, REPLACING CONTROL CIRCUIT FUSE When the fuse blows, the white indicator comes out. Replace only the fuse element. 2, 1 678-5151 REPLACING CONTROL BOARD - Disconnect all the wires connected to the control board by unscrewing their screw terminals. - Remove the control board by unscrewing its six mounting screws. REPLACING SURGE ABSORBER Unscrew the two mounting screws and disconnect two wires to dismount the Surge absorber. Fig. 22 Parts Replacement Replacing the Fan Unit UNIT Remove it by unscrewing the two mounting screws. 678-5203 MTG HOLE a” Non-reversing (CDMR-L5): 4 mm pan head screws Reversing (CDMR-DS): | FAN UNIT EXT. TERMINALS 5 mm bolts Fig. 23 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Table 11 contains information which will be helpful in most problems of VS-520B. Table 11 Troubleshooting of VS-520B Symptom Checking Points Possible Cause Diagnostics What to do OC lamp lights Control board Too low set of OC% Raising of the set value. Refer to ''Adjustment Method" OC CHK circuit being closed Turn the OC CHK fully counter-clockwise. Too high set of I LIM Lowing of the set value. Refer to the Table 7. Control power supply Drop of control power supply voltage Refer to 3 UV lamp lights. Outgoing circuit Layer short-circuit of the motor winding Grounding of the motor branch circuit Open the main outgoing ter- minals of VS-502B and drive it individually. If VS-520B runs success- fully, the motor faults or connection between VS- 520B and the motor is poor. Remedy of the motor Reconnect the leads be- tween VS-520B and the motor Power board Poor characteristics Refer to "Troubleshooting" Replacement of the thy- ristor module Thyristor Detrioration Refer to ''Troubleshooting" Replacement of the thy- ristor OL lamp lights Control board Too low set of OL% Raising of the set value Refer to "Adjustment method" Longer starting time Too high load inertia Correct to rated load. Motor, driven machine Lock of the motor ora driven machine Dismantling and check Refer to an instruction on motor or driven machine. Overload Check of motor capacity Correct to rated load. UV lamp lights Control power supply Under voltage, no voltage, or extreme voltage fluctua- tion Check of voltages between phases. Refer to the Table 4 Potential transformer for control power Breaking of a coil or layer short circuit Check of the coil impedance Replacement of the trans- former supply Poor connection Wiring check Rewiring [4] Thyristor fuse blows Outgoing circuit Layer short-circuit of the motor winding Grounding fault Open the main outgoing terminals of VS-520B and drive it individually. If VS-520B runs success- fully, the motor faluts or connection between VS-520B and the motor is poor. Remedy of the motor Fixing of the fault part Thyristor Deterioration Refer to "Troubleshooting! Replacement of the thy- ristor module Main power supply Phase failure Blowing of fuse or poor connection Fuse replacement or rewiring Power failure Measurement of terminal voltage at feeder Call "Power company" Control board Too high set of OC % Lowing of the set value Refer to "Adjustment Method" Fault of OCR Operation check, refer to "Adjustment Method" Replacement of the control board Poor PS control Refer to Troubleshooting" 18 Table 11 Troubleshooting of VS-520B (Continued) Symptom Checking Points Possible Cuase Diagnostics What to do [5] Blowing of the surge absorber fuse Main power supply Excessive surge on the main circuit (ex. lighting surge) Check lightening strike Replacement of the fuse Transmission of switching surge generated at a power transformer primary Call "Power Company Motor does not start Ext. control circuit Incomplete starting interlock Check start inter- Refer to Table 9. | Abnormal | lock. Control board Too low set value of "I LIM" of PS input} Refer to Tables Correction (I LIM Е, I LIM В) voltage 7 and 8. ne Refer to Replacement of the Fault of the control board. "Troubleshooting''| control board Ext. control circuit Reference contact for gate Check gate pulse Refer to "Diagnostics". pulse elimination circuit PS input elimination circuit does not close. voltage is | normal. Refer to Control board Fault of PS (Tables "Diagnostics" Replacement of the Fault of F/R change-over 5 and 6) control board. circuit Refer to Table 10 | Motor does not rotate at rated speed (low or Supply voltages Beyond the values given on the Table 3 Control board Uncorrect set of I LIM (I LIM Е, I LIM В) Refer to Tables 9 and 10. Correction high). : Uncorrect set of I FB Uncorrect set of CEMFC (for proportional control by a current amplifier) Control board Too high set of. IF GAIN Refer to Tables 9 and 10. Correction Motor rotates with unstable speed. (IF GAIN, IR GAIN) Distortion of output current waveforms Observe waveforms by means of a synchroscope connecting across the outgoing terminals P and N. (Refer to Fig.24) Refer to "Diagnostics" Fault of F/R change-over circuit Refer to Table 10. Correction Current reference High ripple content Measure waveforms by means of a synchroscope (terminal 3 for type CDMR-L5, terminal 21 for type CDMR-D5) Insert filting circuit. AT HIGH SPEED (a = (a) Voltage Waveforms PEA ANANANNNA (AA TA YA ‘AA A AR ARS! 90%el) 30°el} 173-254 AT CONTINUOUS CURRENT (b) Current Waveforms Fig. 24 Output Voltage and Current Waveforms 19 DIAGNOSTICS When VS-520B shows any of abnormalities, dis- connect the power supply switch and make the following checks to determine the cause. Prior to the checks, perform the operations on "Ргер- aration". 1. Check control signals, see tables 3 or 4. 2. Check of PS output Observe voltage waveforms by connecting a synchroscope to the following terminals on the control board. The waveforms can be changed by controlling the current reference or control of the rheostat PS CHK with turning the change- over switch PS CHK to TEST. When these waveforms are exactly alike in shapes as the waveforms shown in Fig. 25, PS output is deemed sufficient. - Terminals to connect the synchroscope Control board type JPDC-C020 ... - (49) Control board type JPDC-C021... - - Waveforms _Shift_ Shift SUPPLY VOLTACE 360° el TO PULSE AMP Fig. 25 PS. Output Waveforms * If abnormal waveforms are observed, replace the control board with new one, refer to Fig. 22. 3. Check of the thyristor gate pulse Observe pulse waveforms by a synchroscope connecting across gate and cathode. * Thyristor gate and cathode terminals co... Fig. 10 - Gate pulse waveforms ..... Fig. 26 If abnormal! gate pulse waveforms are observed, the power board is deemed fault. Replace with new one. 4. Check output voltage waveforms by performing the test given in "No-load Operation". As the result of test, a faulty part is distinguished the thyristor from phase shifter. 5. Check of thyristors * Check by a synchroscope ... (On-load test) The test is carried-out to find a faulty thy- ristor by checking of voltage waveforms across the terminals A and K. See Fig. 25, ’ Check by a tester Remove the thyristor, refer to "Replacing thyristors." Make a conduction check as shown in Figs. 28 and 29. 6. If no defect is found, check also interconnec- tion wiring or external control circuits. WAVEFORM OF CONTROL POWER SUPPLY Term. No. Type JPDC-C020 7 - 12 Type JPDC-C021 1-6 GATE PULSE (a = 150°) (20 kHz CARR WAVE MTHD) WIDTH = 40 to 60° el 179-187 WAVEFORM OF CONTROL || POWER SUPPLY A |: |/ \ PULSE pe \ E GATE PULSE a { 2V-5V (а = 30°) When thyristor turns on NERVAREE ГГ 1 76-150 Fig. 26 Gate Pulse Waveforms AT LOW SPEED (a = 90°) AT HIGH SPEED (а = 30°) ' YU anal... SERRE LAER... Fig. 27 Thyristor Voltage Waveforms across Terminals A-K TESTER IF TESTER READING IS ZERO ON EITHER ONE OF TWO MEASUREMENTS. THYRISTOR MODULE IS DEFECTIVE. Fig. 28 Testing Module by Connecting Tester across A and K TESTER TESTER IF TESTER READING IS ZERO OR ® ON EITHER ONE OF TWO MEASUREMENTS. THYRISTOR MODULE IS DEFECTIVE. Fig. 29 Testing Module by Applying Tester across G and K SPARE PARTS Table 12 lists the recommended spare parts for one VS-520B. Keep always minimum insur- ance spare parts on hand to protect the units against costlydowntime. When ordering spare parts, specify complete nameplate rating and description (type, code no., etc.) of the parts wanted, and quantity desired. Address to the nearest Yaskawa representative office. Table 12-1 Spore Parts and Minimum Insurance Quontity for One VS-520B (CDMR-L5, Non-Reversing Drive) Thyr Conv Unit Thyristors (Maker) Thyristor Fuses* rues ee uses . Type Type Code Type, Rat > 2 > Rating Pode 5 Type, Rating &| Rating [E] Rating |5 EPJ00422X BOA SF100127, 100 A, 800 V 2 CS5F-200, 200A, 500 V Rated | EPJOO423X SCROO0145 (Toshiba) Fu000609 , Voltage 200A 230V | EPJO0425x SF250127, 250A, 800V ) CS5F.350, 350 A, 500 V } 300А SCRO00147 (Toshiba) Fu000612 EPJO0427X SF400127, 400A, BOOV > CS5F-500, 500A, 500 V 3| = 500 A SCROO0149 (Toshiba) Fu000615 3 < EPJ00446X e = ÓN 80A SF100U27, 100A, 1600 Y > CSSF-200, 200A, 500V 5 2 >| 7 EPJ00424X SCROOO146 (Toshiba) Fu 000609 31 58 < 200A Se 25 , om EPJOO426X SF250 U27, 250A, 1600 V ) CS5F.350, 350A, 500 V 3 № sg 300A SCROOO!48 (Toshiba) Fu000612 © 28 O +» Rated | EPI00428X С$5 Е. 500, 500 A, 500 V „| “ > Voltage 500А SF400U27, 400A, 1600 V , Fu 000615 3 460 Y | EPJ00429X SCROO0150 (Toshiba) CSS Е. 600, 600 A, 500V 3 < BOOA Fu000616 EPJO0430X SF500U27, 500A, 1600 V > CS5F-800, 800 A, 500V 3 900A SCRO00 229 (Toshiba) Fu 000687 EPJ00431 X SF400U27, 400A, 1600 V a CS5F-600, 600 A, 500 V 7 Zo 1500А SCRO00150 (Toshiba) Fu000616 Bl, EPJ00444 x SF500 U27, 500A, 1600 V р CS5F-800, 800A, 500 V ARE 1650 SCROOO229 (Toshiba) Fu 000687 <о 2 Note) Fuse maker: Fuji Electric Table 12-2 Spare Ports and Minimum Insurance Quantity for One VS-520B (CDMR-DS, Reversing Drive) Thyr. Conv. Unit Thyristors (Maker) Thyristor Fuses een Res T Type Code Type, Rating ES Type, Rating 2 Rating 2 Rating ES Rating Code 9 Code 9 Code |9 Code EPJ00432x 80A SF100127, 100A, 800 V A CS5F.200, 200A, 500 v 4 Rated EPJ00433X SCRO00145 (Toshiba) Fu 000609 Voltage 200A < 230V | £P100435x SF250127, 250A, 800V 4 CS5F-350, 350A 500V alo 300A SCROOO147 (Toshiba) Fu 000612 2 < ЕР} 00437Х SF400127, 400A, 800 v 4 CS5F-450, 450 A, 500 V al < = 500A SCRO00149 {Toshiba} Fu 000614 om > > = EPJ00447X eo = < 80A SFIOOU27, 100A, 1600 V 4 CS5F-200, 200 A, 500V „| S® 23 13 EPJ)00434 xX SCROOO1] 46 (Toshiba) Fu 000609 = 2 S 200A © о o < ™ щш EP)00436X SF250U27, 250A, 1600 V 4 CS5F-350, 350A, 500 V 4 o 300A SCRO00148 (Toshiba) Fu 000612 № ЕР. 00438 Х CSS Е. 450, 450A, 500 V 4 ¿ SODA SF400U27, 400A, 1600 V 4 Fui00061 4 Rated EP100439X SCRO0O1 50 (Toshiba) CSS Е. 600, 600 A, 500V 4 Voltage 800 A FW0O0616 < 460 Y | ЕР;00440Х SF500U27, 500А, 1600 V a CS5F-800, 800A, 500 V al 2 900A SCR000229 (Toshiba) Fu.000687 = EPJ 00441 X SF400 U27, 400A, 1600 V 8 CSS Е. 600, 600 A, 500V al So < 500 A SCROOO150 (Toshiba) Fu 000616 .2 lol 8 o = EPJ00445X SF500U27, 500 A, 1600 V 8 CS5F-800, 800A, 500 V al 38 23 |4 1650А SCRO00229 (Toshiba) Fu 000687 a. о m © EPJ00442X SF400U27, 400 A, 1600 V 6 CS5F. 600, 600A, 500 V el 3 8 1500 /800A SCROOO! 50 (Toshiba) Fu 000616 < № © 2 EPJ00443X SF500U27, 500 À, 1600 V 6 СР5 Е. 800. 800A, 500 V 6 оз Note} Fuse maker: Fuji Electric DIAGRAMS У 00S-08 A 097/055 Aug BuisidAdy-UON GI-AWa) addy wnsBoig Алоциэше|3 зипэл5 jouyuoy OE ‘514 10I5[S9Y YA 22 NL yIPpIm esmd jo zuauzsnfpy : Up L-69%% НЫ UT | Lo o | 20951594 YA LP | HOLON Od NOILVNINITA 3S1INd ZLVD #7! eouertassIp эВ ие aseyd jo zuamjsnfpy :USd9-1 + N > d > ] | | ST) 68 ? _ 0209-IAdf AdAL GUVOE TOULNOD P N YNZ. 0145 yd Aétt+ ZHHOZ | - _ - _ YOLVTTIOSO ' 220 220 N AUS | _"23"0 ZHO о auvoa sna ÓN 1 0722‘ EHOS razo OF A $—. 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PAHO WALIIHS ISVHA "ost [WIT 2 | ; Ones ПОЕТ Se we & [ray _ [azi- WIT I TVNHALXa 7, 2] от | AWAD | | < CE > o» a soe MHS] $. лет+ D %001/ $ — РТ — TU n nn — pp >. a MST an re Ta 1 0029[] SP, «ssl pi 2.08 09 440 | sr © 20029 ue Emasa a HO | _| ПА dla A+ => ESA N, u | у GE T woe cu „7“ \, A] SAH) AZ = a > ro USE AZI- or SaLVH4dO AN NT — Ze - - Pa AN af} 08-0 NAHM Nado | | ' - | DS AUSAAL 05 р o 181 Terz SE A | хуи NIVO [29,408 | 1272 A ==. ----< - оо ++ otto + LNdLNO LOVLNOD AN | 2 ‘ > U pt e M2 MEL wm ro 2 m3 N = 5 ARS ~8"P Y А+ [uv] dal $ exo | me 4 | YAN 429 200€. 001 yee (%001/AE+) CHHI® one ВЫ + ET — р ` | AN | А Я у — + 1 Y = MS Moe 4 ‘ «3 ie HOO TUALNI 122+ LX 82 > Noe | о сна L210, 12-2 02 an LUVLS : AZI— 1 5 AI —{pà + + RS 7’ в | 10 ie | MHD 90 | YET 4 89 e ЗАМ. 70 2H) 9570 MS SU 59 = MS NOE er | 89 | + at? 89 - Y AZI+ OS Ot XHO Adi AGI | 89 | Or < 14 7 TP pet | 9 y MEI 00% 001 ' 001 1001 20 Er a nt | S ТН di E 1 LA | 6 $ 19534 | a | lev leo ler lo» _ HOLIMS YIAOIDNVHO Ус Ja | | IDNVY VALIN _ |? | Lu) 81 9€ HH aa) | - m = - ario 193H9 Lasau AN LASIU DO aImı 50 %001/At+ TUNYUILXA тумнатхя NULLE gg чт TVNYILX3 23 У 00S-08 Л 097/055 S9ALI BuIsiBAdY ¢q-yWwdd eddy wosBoig Алюциеше|3 $ип2л5 |юцио5 гс ‘6 40351594 UN ZZ YIPiA asınd jo yuauysn[py :WOZI-SIT +» eo 40351594 UN G'L ! NOILVNIWITS Я57Па ALVO [22 23U3.9331p э[8 ие oseyd jo zuauysn{py :YpIL-601 + l pm —— = - _ _ _ A < - sh - | for jor ¢ | 1209-9Gdf чаду ачуоя TOULNOD = ALZ+ 2НУ 02 | ayvog | aquvod umd Wii! voLvTTIOSO ı |? чямоа 7. AO! |6 ' 6 В LAA pHs FE — LA] 18 7$ HES 7%) ¿| Y] | Мо >) La |1 FIle - [ng о. NE 8 SHI |9 - 99 H.LE > j S | 7] | e — fi? u 4 H * Sal |9 HE Io J nd | 9 ' Г] bo 4 | ; . ИЕ — na me Hg ERA: 17319 09-68 Г. Le ЧИ ЗЧ [у 2 HLT a HLGIM asTnd | 7 4 I | > ai , ok a | A) a6ti a | | % НТ „На (2 № 3 . TT (fa и ley À Le uw ur UY, Va Kay WIR TS d 2 ° t EL | | | — _ À + Sigg ALè+ HAN uve! Je | Hot af 1 TOS rt | tO An [я | El € — er Ы dvd) it | ja UNHLZ ) ИНЕТ) loe NH | PH) £H9 TINAION ATNAGOW £HD rH : -——_ HOLSIVAHL | | HOLSTHAHL - PTS | HAMOd: ve | UNZE УВЕ | 6/05 D'AV =— а avis) onaz'T HNZZ UNZI 205 -НГ * Г 0035 | + 0 ONAZ a Л 1 TOO. aa + LA Aovadaa4 | SEE 5 _ au wf |» —® | INIYENO Г” e € pl | 0 #41 (adoos | a № k Tp cnn we ew ee ee ee ee nn nn J 7S IS _ MI al п | LTO Wa NV VT VE, TA {it NI S | - т men _ 2H09/0S ATdans чамоа > St o LIND NV ONTTOOS A022/002 "TOULNOD OV NOILO4LIA ONIMOTE ASNA VHOLSIVAHL — длаап$ WIMOd OV NIVN 24 У 00S-08 A 097/055 S9A11Q BuUIS19AIY CG-AWaD SdA] шоабо Алоиэше|3 $1215 [044U07) $6 Big NI Sd A - - - - | 1209-Oddf AdAL ачуоя TOHLNOO | TOULNOD ЛЯН/НОЯ HOA SLINIUII 91907 suc 028 %S 0 р — jm a oT LHHD M00€ O Zo gr Ud |. JOOT/AE— 4 1 AS yor MEL 8£ f TW | md De ST ATádas NH J Id SWS чямоа SIH) | MOE MOE Le a) NOILVSNAANOOD YAIIITENV 129 i MST NIVO a9u0oa asına РЕ 4 U JALLOWOULDFII uva о + u un YALNNOO 449 SH + “sol ¿IHO | NOE MOE oe | AZ9 z duo. | Ando + 1160 $ > ed ‘AWAD 5 AGT ЛЬ 2 DHOL dvd Pr Уно O— AZI + > O ME = — oT a +. À 62+ L 4201 in sa] №01 3 Udo es MST MST | LE | 324105 - - - 6 Yala TINV P02 09 FTTH) yor o №0 1229 À ox 102 SI Lo Moe _ сн т. 9€ : asa <) eS ato = MST ME WI ZU) a Ae? ТЕ; WIT I ..— 1 и Е op Adit } |xzexos [vez |] 7 11, LES 440 OT UWE | TVNYILXA mp Y oon ‚ [5951] «08 .091 PHD sd] XV VD ee "md | [os [ate LA || ddl} . i Zr O ФНО МУЗ oa] © Ae (wart ве, 9MHO do 8THO Ate Moot” Y.LY _ Azi~ SALVYaAdO AN MST » AUTRES 50 2 И - | NAHM NAdO YA 22 «(FOOL уш| | 1 2001 - no: to A DIE | „Do ze) [pe /ac— unatno| | 128 Jays CAN Lead] ares 2 ASI ASI N | fies LOWLNOS An} "|" 2 . A | an Ar Yan 429 Nez O - MOE + - ТН ушс-1 АИ ВЕ AS == | | У [#6] WI Si AZI+ AvNuaıxa | 645 AN [4$ 440 ATAZI Ave+ 1ХЯ | 129 EHI A! MOE 3 xi - —r | <H-S = AZ9 MOS y | AT | nal AST Ir D miro Lndino a | NIVO i LOV.LNOI JO O [NTVO al] ALY te: x TY O 449 --+--- ы _ y MA >; MIO TUALNI ) 001 > | > 90 LUVLS 6 DZ == ı LEL ен HA] | АЕ Я у % OOT/AE ASI o y Zt | Не mS 0/2 "SE € [El eel 021 91] st Ir JONVUY vara — -/ — — - 1-72 _ 4 _ u + o = + _ + _ a tec) Les | © o LISIY AN IV TVNAALXA NUILXA IVNYALXS 25 APPENDIX RATED CURRENT SELECTION FOR STANDARD o> Table 13 Current Selection Ambient temperature: -10 to 45°C 5 —— > afl DA Nominal Rated u ay: Ke N № Voltage Rated Current” (A) a 4 Sr FE 104 AT SE AD ete Power (V) < 14 A IS der ri Nate Supply Nominal Rated E : af nn Current Ao A Bo B,C D O 3 я + = (A) 4 dE a 230V 804 80 80 60 55 | 42 5 , \ Pp 0.334 У; : mo Phase 230V 200A 200 | 200 | 177 | 159 | 120 O : ona | 0.1424 0.934 | 0.284 50/60 Hz 230V 300A 300 | 300 | 285 | 252 | 192 A 0.085A 0.165A 230V 500A 500 500 | 480 | 360 | 255 ОА 460V 80А 80 80 60 55 | 42 460 2004 200 200 | 177 | 159 | 120 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 460V 300A 300 | 300 | 285 | 252 | 192 CT SECONDARY CURRENT (A) ee, 460V 500A 500 500 | 480 | 360 | 255 50/60 Hz 460V 800A 800 800 | 645 | 555 | 400 Fig. 33 Jumper Wire Selection 460V 900A 900 900 | 780 | 720 | 500 460V 1500A 1500 | 1500 | 1190 | 1030 | 740 460V 1650A 1650 | 1650 | 1440 | 1330 | 925 * Complying with JEC-188 (ЛЕС: Standard of Japanese Electro- technical Committee) Ao: A: Bo: B: C: D: 100% Continuous 100% Continuous 100% Continuous 100% Continuous 100% Continuous 100% Continuous + (150% 60sec load) + (125% 2hr or 200% 10sec load) + (125% 2hr or 200% 60sec load) + (150% 2hr or 200% 60sec load) + (150% 2hr or 300% 60sec load) CURRENT FEEDBACK CHARACTERISTICS 3V /100% la AC PWR SPLY len "20 1 | | | (PICK UP JUMPER|, lg lc lo le 4144 ı her VOLTAGE)3| | ¡7rp WIRE | | | + | г O [00 DT keer T MAX 68 [les (68 []68 [)150 | —H _ Akt | Pa ! 51 у CT PRI: 1 TURN Ratings of | CT CT VS-520B Primary Secondary | Drive Method (A) Current(A) | Current(A) 80 80 0.2 200 200 0.2 Non-reversing/ 300 - 500 500 0.2 reversing 800, 900 1000 0.2 1500, 1650 1500 0.2 Non-reversing 1500, 1650 1000 0.2x2 Reversing Fig. 34 Current Feedback Circuits and CT Ratings PARTS LIST Table 14-1 Parts List for Type CDMR-L5 Thyr. Fuses(2) Thyristor Module $ (3) Cont. Ва. | Fan Unit Conv. Unit Thyr. Fuses Q'ty Cont. Ckt. Surge Absorb Abeorb Type, Rating Thyristors Pwr Bd. (Code) (Code) (Code, rating) Fuses Fuse Code (Type, rating) (Type, code) EPJOO422X > BOAT С55Е- 200 2 |NPSB-X, 230V, 2004| SFI0OL 27 x EPJ00423 x 200A, 500V + ЕТ) 00089Х I Pes {Maker Toshiba) a 200A Y a 800 V, 100 À 6 Pcs! JPDC-PO21 E а ETX00117X 3 . O | SF2501 27 $ | EPJ00425x |CS5F- 350 | SR NPSB X, 230V, 300A | poker Toshiba) 1 Pcs EUX00104x $] 300A] 350A, 500V 9 N = ETJOOO91X 1Pcs leggy. 250A 6 Pcs + A La] - = | EPJO0427x |CS5F. 500 < “ “ NPSB- X, 230V, SODA | morena) A 500A] 500A, 500V , > . ETJ00093X 1Pcs |300\, 400A 6Pcs A о о — ЕР00446Х = a : | SF100U27 — 80А |СсёЕ. 200 < $ NPSB-X, 460V, 200A | Maker Toshiba) x EPJ00424 x | 200A, 500Y - 3 ETJO0090X 1Pes o © $ 2 1600 V, 100 A 6 Pes о 200А 3 | ma JPDC - PO22 O © D < A, ETX00118X о | o _ Y SF250U 27 QU L FP100426X cran о = 5 y NPSB-X, 460V, 300A! (Maker Toshiba) 1 Pes = D | EUX00104X > , < S © Е ETJ 00092 X 1 Pes 1600\, 250A 6 Pes o | m WO $ | ЕР/00428Х |CS5F. 500 > © > |NPSB-X, 460V, 500A o 500A| 500A, 500V < S 8 ETJO0094X 1 Pes SF400U27 E Q и “ (Maker Toshiba) = | EPJOOA2YX |CSSF. 600 = NPSB: X, 460V, 800A | 1400 V, 400 A 6 Pos > 800A] 600A, 500V ETJO0095X 6Pecs JPDC - PO23 Е 6 ETX00119X EUX00108X & | ЕР/00430Х |С55Е. 800 NPSB- X, 460V, 900A} 9) 500U27 6 Pes iba 900A] 800A, 500V ETJO0096X 6Pes| |gogy, 500A EPJ00431 X [CSSF- 600 < § $ | NPSB-X,460V,1500A| SF400U27 1500A| 600A. 500v D a — uw ETJOO106X 3Pcs| (Maker Toshiba) у д & a ETJOOIO7X 3 Pes |1600V, 400A 12 Pes] JPDC. P030 12 3 va ETX00128X = EUX00102X EPJO0444X ICS5F- 800 № 2 NPSB- X, 460V, 1650A SF500U 27 6 Pes 1650AÍ 8004. SOOV © > > ETJOOII2X 3 Pcs (Maker Toshiba) ’ < S ETJOOII3X 3 Pcs 1600 V, 500A Note) 1 JPDC.C020 (ETC 00330x: 1 Pes 2 Fuse Maker: Fuji Electric JPDC-C022 ‘ETC 00337X) 1 Pes 3 Surge Absorb. Maker: Matsushita Electric g Table 14-2 Parts List for Type CDMR-D5 Thyr. Fuses(?) | Thyristor Module : Surge(3) | Fan Unit Conv. Unit Thyr. Fuses Cont. Ckt. [Surge Absorb] A T Rati Thyristors Pwr Bd. Cont. Bd. (Code, rating) | (Type, rating) Qty Fuses uses psorb Poe me (Type, rating) (Type, code) (Code) EPJO0432X = SOAICSSF- 200 a [NPSB-D,230V, 200A SFIOOL 27 © lepjoos33x | 200A, 500V _ & | ETI00098X 2Pes| (Maker Toshiba) | ч + 800V, 100А 12 Pes 8, 200A Sy JPDC - PO26 E n wos ETX00122X 3 | ersooaasx |CSSF- 350 Par: S © |NPSB.D, 230V, 300A} 56250127 2 Pcs = 300A] 350A, 500v Lon 5 > ETJOOIOOX 2Pes laggy 2808 m EUX00107X 2 © u w 2 - Е | EPJ00437x [CSSF- 450 = < à S| NPSB-D, 230V, SODA ane s00L27 a . em A. EPJ00447 x №. р — < — am EPJ00434x | 2004, S00V| | y . ETI00099X 2 Pes} Kooy 1004 12 Pes зо 200А 2 > 0 JPDC - PO27 о © < o © _ A ETX00123X a = EPJ00436X |CS5F- 350 a co + |NPSB-D, 460V, 300A SF250U 27 2 P su № oO | (Maker Toshiba) cs EUX00107X u N s ’ 5 | EPIO0438x |CS5F- 450 < 2 2 |NPSB-D, 460V, 500A 2 500А| 450A, 500V в 2 ETJOOIO3X 2 Pes SF400U27 u > (Maker Toshiba) & | EPJO0439X |CSSF- 600 NPSB- D, 460V, 800A |1600V, 400А. 12 Pes w x 800A| 600A, 500V 2 ETJOOIOAX 6 Pes JPDC - PO28 > = a 500027 ETX00124X EUX00108X yal E EPJ00440% |[CS5F- 800 8 NPSB- D, 460V, oma (Maker Toshiba) 6 Pes Е 900A| 800A, 500V ETJOOIOSX 6 Pcs 1600 Y, 500A < | wy x 8 wn EPJ00441 X | CS5F- 600 : a à £ [NPSB-D, 460V, 800A (Mane renee) + e] 1500A| 600A, 500V 2 A 5” ETJOOIOAX 12 Pest OV 400A 24 Pes| РОС. Р028 й 12 > 2 = @ ETX00124X = EUX00102X Pcs y) 2 Я о $55001 27 12 Pes EPJ00445 x |CSSF- 800 2 № < > |NPSB-D, 460V, 900A| (Maker Toshiba) 1650A|800A, 500V 2 e 8 ETJOOIOSX 12Pcs| 690 v, 5004 Note) 1 JPDC-CO21 {ЕТС 00331Х) 1 Pes 2 Fuse Maker: Fuji Electric JPDC-C022 (ETC00337X) 1 Pcs 3 Surge Absorber Maker: Matsushita Electric 27 Varispeed-520B INSTRUCTIONS TOKYO OFFICE New Pier Takeshiba South Tower, 1-16-1, Kaigan, Minatoku, Tokyo 105-0022 Japan Phone 81-3-5402-4511 Fax 81-3-5402-4580 YASKAWA ELECTRIC AMERICA, INC. Chicago-Corporate Headquarters 2942 MacArthur Bivd. Northbrook, IL 60062-2028, U.S.A. Phone 1-847-291-2340 Fax 1-847-498-2430 Chicago-Technical Center 3160 MacArthur Blvd. Northbrook, IL 60062-1917, U.S.A. Phone 1-847-291-0411 Fax 1-847-291-1018 MOTOMAN INC. HEADQUARTERS 805 Liberty Lane West Carrollton, OH 45449, U.S.A. Phone 1-937-847-6200 Fax 1-937-847-6277 YASKAWA ELETRICO DO BRASIL COMERCIO LTDA. Avenida Fagundes Filho, 620 Bairro Saude-Sao Páulo-SP, Brazil CEP: 04304-000 Phone 55-11-5071-2552 Fax 55-11-5581-8795 YASKAWA ELECTRIC EUROPE GmbH Am Kronberger Hang 2, 65824 Schwalbach, Germany Phone 49-6196-569-300 Fax 49-6196-888-301 Motoman Robotics AB Box 504 S38525 Torsas, Sweden Phone 46-486-48800 Fax 46-486-41410 Motoman Robotec GmbH Kammerfeldstraße 1, 85391 Allershausen, Germany Phone 49-8166-900 Fax 49-8166-9039 YASKAWA ELECTRIC UK LTD. 1 Hunt Hill Orchardton Woods Cumbemauld, G68 9LF, United Kingdom Phone 44-1236-735000 Fax 44-1236-458182 YASKAWA ELECTRIC KOREA CORPORATION Paik Nam Bldg. 901 188-3, 1-Ga Euljiro, Joong-Gu Seoul, Korea Phone 82-2-776-7844 Fax 82-2-753-2639 YASKAWA ELECTRIC (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. 151 Lorong Chuan, #04-01, New Tech Park Singapore 556741, Singapore Phone 65-282-3003 Fax 65-289-3003 YATEC ENGINEERING CORPORATION Shen Hsiang Tang Sung Chiang Building 10F 146 Sung Chiang Road, Taipei, Taiwan Phone 886-2-2563-0010 Fax 886-2-2567-4677 BEIJING OFFICE Room No. 301 Office Building of Beijing International Club, 21 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Beijing 100020, China Phone 86-10-6532-1850 Fax 86-10-6532-1851 SHANGHAI OFFICE 27 Hui He Road Shanghai 200437 China Phone 86-21-6553-6600 Fax 86-21-6531-4242 YASKAWA JASON (HK) COMPANY LIMITED Am. 2909-10, Hong Kong Plaza, 186-191 Connaught Road West, Hong Kong Phone 852-2803-2385 Fax 852-2547-5773 TAIPEI OFFICE Shen Hsiang Tang Sung Chiang Building 10F 146 Sung Chiang Road, Taipei, Taiwan Phone 886-2-2563-0010 Fax 886-2-2567-4677 SHANGHAI YASKAWA-TONGJI M & E CO., LTD. 27 Hui He Road Shanghai China 200437 Phone 86-21-6531-4242 Fax 86-21-6553-6060 BEIJING YASKAWA BEIKE AUTOMATION ENGINEERING CO., LTD. 30 Xue Yuan Road, Haidian, Beijing P.R. China- Post Code: 100083 Phone 86-10-6233-2782 Fax 86-10-6232-1536 SHOUGANG MOTOMAN ROBOT CO., LTD. 7, Yongchang-North Street, Beijing Economic Technological Investment & Development Area, Beijing 100076, P.R. China Phone 86-10-6788-0551 Fax 86-10-6788-2878 YASKAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION YASKAWA Specifications are subject to change without notice for ongoing product modifications and improvements. MANUAL NO. TOE-C715-3F © Printed in Japan March 1998 80-2 0.1Z <> 678-5178,678-5151 ">

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