BoConcept Volani 2200 Storage Assembly Instructions
Volanı Design by BoConcept Samlevejledning - Assembly Instructions - Montageanleitung - Instructions d'assemblage - Instrucciones de montaje 2200 38,4x205,1x38,4 cm /C\ max. 50 kg Attention max. 30kg max. 10kg max. 10kg max. 50kg max. 7Okg Korpus — Korpus — Carcase — Carcasse Col. 1 .0, оо o о. , 20 2. x2 b o . o o Verktaj — Werkzeuge — Tools — Outils Col. 2 Te; © ww —— 6 EE D K X 8 LX 6 МХ 11 N Xx 9 1972290002 970000819 1978004550 1979100000 4,2x13,5mm 60° 4,5x50mm 28x40mm 943602200 — 28.01.14/1 | 1978004516 4,5x16mm su 970000820 5mm x2 o o Beslag — Beschlage — Fittings — Set de montage col. 1 E АХ 24 B X 24 СХ 26 D X 10 E X 2 FX 2 СХ 1 НХ 8 J X 8 1972000009 1972000014 1979110830 970000599 walnut 1972020007 1978606054 1979300004 1972290008 1972290007 970001383 matt white 15x23mm M6x55mm 4mm (Com R X 4 970000821 nickel 970000827 black D9,8/5 M4 S X 4 970000822 M4x16mm 1/9 2/9 943602200 — 28.01.14/1 | Attention Hifi 3/9 943602200 — 28.01.14/1 | 4/9 943602200 — 28.01.14/1 | ONS oa Caution! Vorsicht! Attention! Voorzichtig! 943602200 — 28.01.14/1 | Attention! == —, o Volani 5/9 DK: Ver opmerksom pd vegforholdene, se eksempler. See example. D: Sei auf die Wandverhdltnisse aufmerksam. Siehe Beispiel. US: Pay attention to the wall conditions. E: Por favor tener en cuenta las condiciones de las paredes, ver ejemplo. F: Faites attention au standard du mur, voir les exemples. NL: Let op de kwaliteit van de muur, zie voorbeelden. Attention! <b). ELY. MART < Tt da parede. Veja exemplo. без dic 1 do as con FELT£ Nn == == P: Tome atenc AE | JP: OR 6/9 943602200 — 28.01.14/1 | Attention! Е | 4,5x16mm 4,5x50mm Attention! xXmm ® 250mm 791mm 760mm 250mm ® ® ® ® 943602200 — 28.01.14/1 | 7/9 tool M4x16mm | | @> LR KT SAS LL 8/9 943602200 — 28.01.14/1 | CL и АА DK Ved reklamation oplyses folgende: D Im Reklamationsfall, bitte folgendes erläutern: US In case of claims, please state the following: F En cas de reclamation, veuillez indiquer: NL Bij service volgene mededelen E En caso de reclamacion, indicar lo siguiente: P No caso de reclamacúo, por favor indique o seguinte: M ^ 5АЗЕОЯЕСвИЕСКЬ. UFOREBMSE<K HEL. 943602200 — 28.01.14/1 | Example! Korpus - Korpus - Carcase — Carcasse Beslag — Fittings — Beschläge — Set de Montage FF aus C= 1972000014 1972000004 1979110850 CD aun) ag HX2 JX 8 1970120000 1978504022 1978204210 9/9 ">

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