Oxford Instruments Cryogenic Water Pump User Manual
Below you will find brief information for Cryogenic Water Pump. The Cryogenic Water Pump is a vacuum pump that is used to remove water vapor from a vacuum chamber. It is often used in sputtering, electron beam evaporation, accelerator beam lines and many aerospace and coating applications.
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
Cryogenic Water Pump
Oxford Instruments
Austin, Inc.
Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01 / November 2013 / Original Instructions
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Cryogenic Water Pump Original Instructions
User Manual
Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
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Cryogenic Water Pump Original Instructions
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Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
1 Preface
1.1 About Oxford Instruments Austin
1.2 Other Services from Oxford Instruments Austin, Inc
1.3 About this Manual
1.4 Compatibility
2 Safety Warnings
2.1 Safety Warnings
2.1.1 Standards for the Use of Warnings and Cautions
2.1.2 Warnings Applicable to All Aspects of the Operation of Cryogenic Water Pump
2.1.3 Operator Instructions
3 Introduction
3.1 General Information about the Cryogenic Water Pump Cryopump
3.1.1 Cryogenic Water Pump Features
3.2 Specifications
3.3 Ordering Information
3.3.1 Standard Equipment and Accessories
3.3.2 Optional Accessories and Replacement Parts
4 Installation
4.1 Safety Warnings
4.2 Inspect Equipment before Installing
4.3 Tools Needed for Installation
4.4 Installing & Operating a Cryogenic Water Pump
5 Troubleshooting
5.1 Troubleshooting
4-1 Connection Diagram
3-1 Cryogenic Water Pump Physical Characteristics
3-2 Cryogenic Water Pump Ordering Information
3-3 Optional Accessories and Replacement Parts
6-1 Troubleshooting Procedures
Issue 01 ©2013 Oxford Instruments Austin, Inc.. All rights reserved.
Cryogenic Water Pump Original Instructions
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Cryogenic Water Pump
Revision History
1.0 December 2013 Initial Release
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01 ©2013 Oxford Instruments Austin, Inc.. All rights reserved.
Cryogenic Water Pump Original Instructions
User Manual
Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
Preface 1
1.1 About Oxford Instruments Austin
Oxford Instruments Austin, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oxford Instruments, specializes in the manufacture and repair of cryogenic vacuum pumps, cryocoolers (refrigerators) and helium compressors for semiconductor, optical coating, linear accelerators, medical equipment, and R&D applications.
You can find just what you need from our range of products and support services.
• New equipment - cryopumps, such as the cryogenic water pumps described in this manual, compressors, cryocoolers, and cryopump controllers.
• Comprehensive range of accessories for the installation of whole systems and a complete range of spare parts to repair cryopumps and compressors.
1.2 Other Services from Oxford Instruments Austin
Oxford Instruments Austin, Inc. offers a broad range of additional services:
• Repair and refurbishment services - Whatever brand of cryo-components you have, we offer fully warranted refurbishment, often with off-the-shelf availability.
• Exchanges - We offer our own quality products, as well as most makes of cryopumps and helium compressors, which are refurbished and fully warranted.
• Technical Support - Our support engineers will help determine if your cryopump system is operating correctly so that you can get your system back to optimum efficiency as soon as possible.
To contact Oxford Instruments Austin, Inc. Technical Support:
Email: [email protected]
• Telephone: 1-512-441-6893 or Toll Free: 1-800-404-1055
• Installation - On-site installation services are available to guarantee performance and save you time.
• Training - We offer on-site training to help you and your staff to know more about your cryopump and compressor systems. Our training will give you confidence and the ability to maintain a highest possible uptime for your system.
1.3 About this Manual
The purpose of this manual is to provide our customers using the
Cryogenic Water Pump with information needed to safely and efficiently operate the cryogenic water pump when operating as part of a cryogenic refrigeration system. Such a system is often comprised of the following equipment:
• Helium compressor unit such as the Model 600 compressor from Oxford Instruments Austin
• Coldhead/cryopump/cryogenic water pump
• Connecting helium lines
This manual describes the design, operation and maintenance of a cryogenic water pump unit.
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Cryogenic Water Pump Original Instructions
User Manual
Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
1.4 Compatibility
The Cryogenic Water Pumps described in this manual are designed for use with Oxford Instruments Austin,
Inc. helium compressors (M125, M400, M600, and M700 etc.).
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Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
Safety Warnings 2
2.1 Safety Warnings
2.1.1 Standards for the Use of Warnings and Cautions
Warnings are noted when there is a possibility of injury or death to persons operating the equipment or performing specific tasks or procedures noted in this manual. Cautions are noted when there is a possibility of damage to equipment if the caution is ignored.
2.1.2 Warnings Applicable to All Aspects of the Operation of Cryogenic Water Pump
If a Cryogenic Water Pump has been used to pump any toxic or dangerous materials, such information must be listed on shipping container and associated paperwork before the equipment is returned to Oxford Instruments Austin, Inc. for service.
When pumping any toxic, corrosive, or flammable gases, a vent pipe must be connected to the cryopump relief valve and vented to a safe location.
Do not install a hot filament vacuum gauge on the cryopump side of the hi-vac gate valve as this could be a source of ignition.
Helium gas can cause rapid asphyxiation and death if released in a confined area.
Use a pressure reducing regulator when withdrawing helium gas from a high pressure cylinder
Detaching the helium flex lines with the compressor load (coldhead, cryopump, etc.) at low temperature can cause the pressure rise in the system beyond the permissible level therefore creating a safety hazard.
2.1.3 Operator Instructions
Follow standard Cryogenic Water Pump operating procedures as described in this manual. If after reading this manual, you still have questions regarding the safe operation of the equipment, please contact Oxford
Instruments Austin, Inc. Technical Support using the contact information found in Chapter 1, Section 1.2
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Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
Introduction 3
3.1 General Information about the Cryogenic Water Pump
Oxford Instruments Austin, Inc. provides both custom and industry standard cryogenic solutions at highly competitive prices. Cryogenic vacuum pumps providing clean, oil-free high vacuum with high pumping speeds are the pump of choice for sputtering, electron beam evaporation, accelerator beam lines and many aerospace and coating applications. Cryogenic Water Pump are available in various standard inlet flange configurations -ANSI, ISO, CF and complete UHV, with temperature sensors either in diode or hydrogenvapor-bulb (HVB) configurations.
3.1.1 Cryogenic Water Pump Features
Cryogenic water pumps, as seen in Figure 3-1 , are typically used in the following applications:
• Sputtering tools
• Ion implanters
• R & D bell-jar systems
• Surface analysis
• Accelerators
• Beam lines
• Any vacuum system or process where water vapor could cause degradation in system vacuum level and/or product qualities
The pump-down time to achieve proper base vacuum level in a vacuum chamber is a critical cost element in a production environment. This is especially true for a large vacuum chamber which will require significant amount of pumping time to reach its desired base vacuum before production can begin. At 10E-3 torr or better vacuum level, about 97% of the residual particles in the chamber are water vapors. Using cryogenic water pumps would therefore significantly reduce the overall vacuum pump down time and improve the productivity of the process equipment. It is also a cost-effective way of upgrading existing vacuum chambers that are equipped with turbo-molecular pumps (TMPs) or diffusion pumps (DPs).
Cryogenic water pumps can generally be configured in three different ways to maximize their effects. Each configuration has its own distinct advantages and in the case of upgrading a vacuum chamber, they may be selected based on characteristics of the chamber and its existing TMP/DP pumping system designs. The followings are brief descriptions of these three configurations.
1. In-Situ Configuration
In this configuration, the cryo-panel or the so-called sail of a cryogenic water pump is located inside the vacuum chamber, while the coldhead and its drive motor are mounted on a vacuum chamber port. Figs. 1a and 1b present two variants of such a configuration. The picture on the cover of this manual shows an insitu cryogenic water pump without its sail.
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Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
Figs. 1a & 1b Cryogenic water pump mounted in-situ on a vacuum chamber.
The main advantage of this configuration is that the sail of the pump can be custom designed to fit the geometry inside the chamber, with largest achievable cryo-pumping surface area (hence highest achievable water pumping speed). However, this configuration does need sufficient clearance within the chamber and access to the inside of the chamber for maintenance, etc.
When using this configuration to upgrade a chamber that has installed TMP or DP pumping system, it has no impact on the pumping speeds of other process gases if the pump is mounted on its own port.
2. In-line Configuration
When a chamber has no spare port to mount a cryogenic water pump independently, the in-line configuration can be used to take advantage of the benefit of a cryogenic water pump without significant change to the existing chamber equipment design and setup. In this configuration, a cryogenic water pump is inserted in between the existing TMP or DP and the mounting port, as shown in Fig. 2. The cylindrical cryo-panel of the pump is situated inside the pump vessel that connects the inlet of the TMP or DP to the vacuum chamber port, and does not protrude into the chamber itself.
The addition of the cryogenic water pump in front of the existing TMP or DP will somewhat impact the pumping speed of the later. The change can be described as:
1 /
S eff
1 /
S ini
1 /
C wp
S ini
being the TMP or DP pumping speed of a particular gas at the mounting port without the cryogenic water pump, and
C wp
being the water pump conductance of the same gas.
S eff
is then the effective TMP or
DP pumping speed of this particular gas with the in-line cryogenic water pump installed. Generally, this could result in reduction of the TMP or DP pumping speed.
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Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
Fig. 2 In-line “series” connection of a cryogenic water pump used in conjunction with a turbo or diffusion
3. Appendage Configuration
Fig. 3 illustrates a so-called Appendage configuration of a cryogenic water pump. For a vacuum chamber that has extra ports available, this configuration will allow adding significant water vapor pumping capability to the chamber without interfering with the existing vacuum equipment setup and performance.
Fig. 3 Appendage configuration of a cryogenic water pump on a vacuum chamber.
This configuration does not affect the pumping speed of the existing TMPs or DPs.
Oxford Instruments Austin designs and manufactures cryogenic water pumps of all three configurations, at sizes of 4", 6”, 8”, 10” and 16", and with different type of flanges (CF, ISO, ANSI, etc.). Oxford Instruments
Austin can also design and manufacture custom configuration of cryogenic water pumps. Table 1 lists the water pumping speed and other info of the ASC cryogenic water pump product line.
In addition, Oxford Instruments Austin has an automatic cryogenic water pump controller (Model E1000) that provides highly customer configurable automatic control of the water pumps.
For more detailed information of these products, please contact Oxford Instruments Austin at 1-512-441-
6893 or 1-800-611-8871.
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Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
3.2 Specifications
This section describes the specifications for the Cryogenic Water Pump cryopumps.
Table 3-1 Pumping Speed of Cryogenic Water Pumps
Pump Size 4" 6" 8" 10" 16"
Water Vapor Pumping Speed
, in-line configuration)
*For in-line configuration only.
Note: Cryogenic water pumps can operate safely in any mounting orientation.
Figures 3-1a through 3-1f shows main dimensions of several configurations of Oxford Instrument Austin cryogenic water pump.
Figure 3-1a. Dimensional Drawing of a 6" In-Line Cryogenic Water Pump with Rotatable CF Inlet
Flanges, both Standard and UHV versions (with a Custom RGA Port)
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Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
Figure 3-1b. Dimensional Drawing of an 8" In-Line Cryogenic Water Pump with Rotatable CF Inlet
Flanges, both Standard and UHV versions (with a Custom RGA Port)
Figure 3-1c. Dimensional Drawing of a 4" In-Line Cryogenic Water Pump with Rotatable CF Inlet
Flanges, both Standard and UHV versions
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Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
Figure 3-1e. Dimensional Drawing of a 16" In-Line Cryogenic Water Pump with ISO Inlet Flanges
Figure 3-1f. Dimensional Drawing of a 6" (ISO160) In-Situ Cryogenic Water Pump with ISO Inlet
Flanges (MK-50 Equivalent)
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Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
Figure 3-1g. Dimensional Drawing of a 10" In-Line Cryogenic Water Pump with ISO Inlet Flanges
Figure 3-1h. Dimensional Drawing of a 10" In-Line Cryogenic Water Pump with CF & ISO Inlet Flange
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Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
3.3 Ordering Information
Call 1-512-441-6893 or 1-800-611-8871, or email to [email protected] for ordering of cryogenic water pump and other OI-AUSTIN products.
3.3.1 Standard Equipment and Accessories
Table 3-2 contains the ordering information for the cryogenic water pumps.
Table 3-2. Cryogenic Water Pump Ordering Information
Pump Type
Pump Inlet Flange
Inlet Flange Type
CF (Rotatable) x 2
CF (Rotatable) x 2
6" CF (Rotatable) x 2; Full UHV
8" CF (Rotatable) x 2
Part number
8" CF (Rotatable) x 2; Full UHV 92-00400-000
6" (ISO160)* ISO 92-00008-000
In-Line 10"
CF (Rotatable) & ISO
In-Line 10"
Accessories/Replacement Parts
ISO x 2
ISO x 2
*CTI MK-50 water pump equivalent
3.3.2 Optional Accessories and Replacement Parts
The customer can order the optional accessories and replacement parts listed in Table 3-3.
Table 3-3. Optional Accessories and Replacement Parts
Part Number
E1000 Remote Temperature Controller (Controller Only)
Kit, E1000 Remote Temperature Controller (10ft Compressor Input Cable)
Kit, E1000 Remote Temperature Controller (15ft Compressor Input Cable)
Kit, E1000 Remote Temperature Controller (20ft Compressor Input Cable)
Cable, Diode, Dual Pump, 10ft
Cable, Diode, Dual Pump, 20ft
Cable, Diode, Dual Pump, 25ft
Coldhead Drive Unit Power Cable (10 ft.)
Helium Line, 0.5"ID, 10ft
Single Pump Installation Kit 10251
Custom length cables/helium lines are available, please contact Oxford Instruments Austin at 1-512-441-6893 or 1-800-
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Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
Installation & Operation 4
4.1 Safety Warnings
Review the safety warnings found in Chapter 2 before starting any installation activities.
4.2 Inspect Equipment before Installing
Remove the cryopump from the box and inspect for any damage during shipping. Notify the shipping company and Oxford Instruments Austin immediately if any damage was found. Take photographs of the damages when possible.
4.3 Tools Needed for Installation
The Installation Kit for is offered as an optional accessory that can be ordered from Oxford Instruments
Austin. Refer to Chapter 3, Section 3.3
for the part number and ordering information.
4.4 Installing the Cryogenic Water Pump Cryopump
Follow these steps to install a cryogenic water pump:
1. Clean all sealing surfaces, install inlet flange gasket(s) or o-ring(s). Before installing an o-ring, lightly apply a thin film of vacuum grease to it.
2. To mount the cryogenic water pump -
For an appendage or in-line cryogenic water pump, mount and secure the pump to the chamber gate valve;
For an in-line cryogenic water pump, mount the original TMP/DP/CP to the other flange of the pump;
For an in-situ cryogenic water pump, mount and secure the pump to a chamber port (no gate valve).
3. For an in-situ cryogenic water pump, install the sail to the coldhead from the chamber side.
4. Remove dust plugs from any Aeroquip self sealing couplings and inspect gasket seals.
5. Connect helium flexible lines in the following order -
Use one helium flex line to connect the “Return” ports on both the cryogenic water pump and the compressor;
Use another flex line to connect the “Supply” ports on both the cryogenic water pump and the compressor.
6. Check gas pressure gauge per compressor specifications. Charge or discharge compressor if necessary.
7. Connect cold-head drive cable from compressor to the pump drive unit.
8. Connect diode cable(s) between the pump diode connector(s) and a temperature monitor/controller (such as an E1000 controller) if applicable.
9. Connect main power cable per compressor specifications.
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Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
Figure 4.1
shows a typical installation diagram when making connections.
Figure 4-1. A Typical Cryogenic Water Pump (In-Line Configuration) Connection Diagram
4.5 Cryogenic Water Pump Operations
To start a cryogenic water pump operation:
1. For an in-line or appendage cryogenic water pump, make sure the chamber gate valve is closed.
2. Turn on the mechanical roughing pump and rough to 10E-3 torr or better pressure level within the pump vessel.
3. For an in-situ cryogenic water pump that has its sail located inside the vacuum chamber, make sure the chamber pressure reaches 10E-3 torr or better.
3. Turn on the compressor that runs the cryogenic water pump and start the cool down process.
4. When the pump is operating properly, it usually takes about 15~30 minutes to reach between 104K to
5. Make sure the pressure level within the pump vessel reaches at least the crossover of the vacuum chamber before opening the gate valve.
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Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
To stop a cryogenic water pump operation:
1. For an in-line or appendage cryogenic water pump that is separated from the main vacuum chamber through a gate valve, close the gate valve
2. Turn off the compressor that runs the cryogenic water pump.
3. The pump will then be warmed up to ambient temperature.
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Cryogenic Water Pump
Issue 01
/ November 2013 / Cryogenic Water Pump
Troubleshooting 5
5.1 Troubleshooting
Table 5-1 describes some problems that users might encounter while operating a cryogenic water pump and provides solutions to those problems.
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures
Temperature of cryogenic water pump does not reach required operating temperature
Pump fails to cool down to the required operating temperature or takes too long to reach temperature.
Possible Cause
The sail is loose, thereby preventing good thermal contact with its cold station on the cold head.
Excessive thermal load.
Decrease in water pump cold head performance.
Incorrect helium supply pressure.
Vacuum leak in vacuum system or cryogenic water pump.
Compressor problem.
Corrective Action
Warm the waterpump to ambient temperature, and retighten the sail to about
15 to 20 in-pounds.
Reduce the thermal radiation load by (1) shielding the pump or (2) lowering the temperature of the radiating surface.
If the helium pressure gauge reads well above or below the normal operating pressure, release or add helium gas as described in the compressor manual.
Warm up and then re-cool down the water pump. If the temperature remains high, the problem may be within the cold head.
Contact Oxford Instruments Austin.
Add or release helium gas as described in the compressor manual. a. Check vacuum system for leaks. b. Check cryogenic water pump for leaks.
Contact Oxford Instruments Austin.
Contact Oxford Instruments Austin.
Cryogenic water pump has intermittent noise during operation, a ratcheting or thumping sound.
Helium contamination.
Call 1-512-441-9258 or 1-800-404-1055, or email to [email protected] for Technical Support of any
Oxford Instruments Austin products.
Issue 01 ©2013 Oxford Instruments Austin, Inc.. All rights reserved.
Cryogenic Water Pump Original Instructions

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Key features
- High pumping speed
- Clean, oil-free high vacuum
- Various standard inlet flange configurations
- Temperature sensors in diode or hydrogen-vapor-bulb configurations
- Can be configured in three different ways
- Available in various standard inlet flange configurations
- Temperature sensors in diode or hydrogen-vapor-bulb configurations